The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, March 02, 1864, Image 8

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titguldin I- srproltrag.
much to talk about, , andwhen he (or'she) has no
good to say about one, why tiien helms plenty
of bad, and that pleases the reader better than
the good—unless the reader-happen to , :be the
'part}- maligned, and then, oh dear, the whole
. thing is altered, you know.
•Weintend to thlk this week of the most de
:rightfulnew idea on the earth, the very essence
of eleganpe, the quintessence of refinement, in
‘,tu'et the raje. , We mean PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS.
."1- 1 110 a.,vforld of memory floods upon the mind,
if net the heart, 4 the mere mention of the
word. • We wonder whether the maiden when
ebe lookssovek heralbmn filled with' her victims,
lliemother when she sees her children, the youth
when he glances at his stolen portraits of bean
s tiful young ladies; etc., do not bless the man
who first thought of photograph albums. On'
'the other hand we opine that many a one has
mursed the miserable idealist for the same inven
'Non: We' are modest, and don't admire either
-blessing or cursing; but we admitthat so far as
we know the idea IS OURS.'
.., ',Some twelve years since,-we were engaged
New York with a publisher whose leading
_-business was the manufacture of the old flush
:lima albums that were expected to be filled,
with "The-rose-is-red,-the violet's blue, Sugar's
sweet-and-so-are-you "—style of poetry. Our
. If . mployer failed in business, and the of
his bindery, with whom'we were quite intimate,
tbOtight out thelindery, and with-a partner con=
tinned the old business. Soon after, we being
.4m business at NeW York, went to the theatre
•With these two gentlemen. Before the.ctirtain
-rose, one of. them said to us; "business is dull
1 2:with us now, can't ybwthink if something new
that we can get ail' We felt flattered by the
compliment, and pronaised "to think." By the
, time the' first act was over, we exclaimed, "Pisa.'
tograph'alburns."' "FORTY what!" " Photo
igraph albums," was our reply. "What's that ?"
We went into, a long explanation, with a fore
.f.fght that now readers us very conceited on the
"fanbjecto, They took hold of the idea as real me
•chanics can, experimented sometimes success
soinetimes the contrary. Their books
went forih, Were taken to France, came back
improved, they improved, France improved again
on them, and so the struggle went on, until—
. Well, We visited their bindery last week, and
10, the results of four years of hard labor and in
domitable enterprise. Eighty hands at work,
work 'that is (.(v!iiderf.(l the hest in the United
States. We spent-aft "afternef. a, in the bindery,
and tce hope a *deicription of the manufacture
will, not be unacceptable to our readers. The
. white cards on each hoard are printed with the
gilt herders around them, and then punched, 'af
ter which they are pasted on the inside filling;
each board consisting of thr,ee parts. These are
bound together to the required .thickness ; and
the ends cut by a self acting, vibrating cut
,machine, (price $475.) Then the front
'edge is cut by u curved (price $300.) so
,that,the.beyel isia coraplete curve. One half of
. the curve is cut at a time; the middle card be
ing the guide . for the second cat. The books
are -now screwed up in presses to be scraped On
the edges with a: steel knife to make them per
fectly smooth, then rubbed with a preparation
Of red chalk and mirriatio acid, burnished with
,ari,agate,-covereil with the white of an egg, in
the proportiOn of one egg to about two-thirds
of a pint of water; after which gold leaf is float
ed on - while wet; the edges let dry, and last of
41l1•burniilikd with a blood stone. Fifteen pres
ses' are used for this purpose. The - jointing is
done on a machine made expressly for the pur
pose, (east s37s.)—thZt \ process being some
what likethat Of, book. backing. The head bands
and liniliare hove l put On, there being a secret
--. in thin Which'in agreat measure makes the dill
ferenee between si_good and a bad book. The
edges are all papered up to preserve the,gilding
t.-from tarnishing. All the ornamental work on
-the edges is-done by hand by first class artists.
'K. carver in wqod is kept *constantly employed
in-cutting out designs for panrietworli.. By a
~,patent process, dies are
,sunk to press pannels
out of binder's board, thirty per cent cheaper
than. by the old •way. They can get 'up a new
: die in twenty-four hourS, alter 'which the pan.
','nels can be increased•_indefinitely. One of the
:greatest improvements in panne' work consists
in the application of a metal cover that fits the
-leather into the pannels; rubbing-it down more
.perfeetly than by baud. A stamping and gild
,big machine costs about $7OO. The imprOve
''inents in panelling machinery during the last
, •
yitar alone, have cost this establishment. not less
than $5,000. The clasping, blacking up pan- 1.
hell, boxing, etc.`, employs a great number of t
',WOrlimen and women. it is pleasant to ee la
°tier rewarded as it has been in the case of thesei
..,,citorprising men, who socially and as business 1,
men amply deserve all the rewards and emolu
ments that attend success.
, .
. Tour : gossip was in News York, the kuge
uMlstrom that absorbs One man as cotnpletely
're the ocean one drop of water. It is impossi-
ble telhink there, there is ,too much action.
• 114iW the average, of life can-be more than ten I
.y ears we cannot imagine. 0, for a quiet breath ;
a moment's cessation from this infernal noise
- and confusion is one's chief tpought. Broad-,
- way was, if anything ; more crammed than ever ‘!:
ith - soldiers, bands of music, carts, drays,
tages, coaches, barrows and baskets. The ;
- , wily change for the better was the diminution )
• and disappearance of ladies' hoops. :Priced of t
• verything ruled " higher than ever", Ladies'
"' 'lads from $1.50 to $2.25, good calico 56 . cents, o h
Prench chintzes 60 to 75 cents, goodmnslins
40 to 50 cents, ladies' boots from $5 to $lO,
i:ilks, whew butter 50 cents per lb.; eggs 55
vents a piece. The Russ pavement on Broad
way must surely be a failure, for we saw six
horses fall in one day, and they 'don't seem to f,
Crack goes the driver's whip, up
lumps the horse and on goes the stage. We saw
•:c horse get, his foot fastened in ; Some way in
Abe pavement, and tear off his hoof, a horrid
right. -Three dollars and a half a day for boaid
does seem , high to a countrymaa. - A friend of
alne.saw - a gentleman knocked down on Broad
'AS a y by a 'stage; the wheel passing over his 'mail 3
A'jioliCitP.3an picked up his .tanilfhae body, anal,
with his hands swept tip the poor fellow's brains
into his handkerchief, and with a " Poor fellow,
he didn't know what hurt him," carried himiff
with the coolness of one accustomed 'to such
sights. •
When in ..Philadel-phia, we called upon the
Bard of Tower Hall, and got him to write - us a
4pccinien of his poetry for our album.- He
cheerfully complied with our requeit and With
the greatest 'rapidity penned the following
morcean :
".1 - itek and Gill Went up to Phil., ' .
To buy n suit of clothing—
They made a call at Tower Hall,
I • • And—
Here he hesitated; but poetic phrenzy flashed •
r Sun his pale blue eye, as he completed the line,
" bought the suit of clothing."
I..We thanked him with tears of gratitude wel •
(.Ibig through our nostrils , and went on our wa) ,
I rejoicing. -
SUDDEN DEATti.-1.4'. John Wallace, IR" ,
Green township, a member of the gallant 77th ''
regiment, returned home with the Franklin
companies, on furlough, on Friday last. He
was not well—having suffered most of the wa)
home, and was quite feeble when he reached
the Station at Scotland. His great anxiety tor
home induced him to walk from the warehouse
to the carriage and he got into it without any !.
assistance. - Soon after he complained of feel- t."
Mg very much prostrated, and leaned his head '!
on the shoulder of his brother, and died in e
few minutes. His brother did not apprehend
his Sanger until he noticed a convulsive tremor
of his limbs, and before ,the presence of , the
arch-destroyer was realized, the young soldier
had yielded his spirit to the God who gave it / 1
He.had faced death hundreds of times in the
field, and•gone through some of the most sail- i
gitinary battles of the west, unharmed; bul , ; '
when, about to meet his friends again the ineX
()rabic summons dame and he died almost with- 7 - !
in sight of kis home. He was a son tit* Mr.
Joseph WallaCe,and an intelligent and active
young man. He at - one tune lived in this place
in the employ' of Chambers, Gehr & Co., For-
Warding Merchants. • He leaves two brothers
in the service-
FROM REBELDO3I.—We have seen a. letter
frOm Mr. Thos. H. M'DoWell, of thie place, one
, • of• our citizen prisoners in Salisbury, \. (1,
FREE Schools and Dernocracy don't seem to :: dated the'l2th ult. icle says. he is quite .well,
work well together down in Yorkeounty.. The I ?aid that all the prisoners are getting along as
untenified defenders of the constitution are well as could be expected. He, has been in- .
earnestly opposed - to negro troops until the; ' formed that the exchange Of several of them
arc compelled to choose between going them-. ; was stopped because tlui rebels would not treat
selves and getting "Unbleached Americans" with Butler; but he says "Butler "is still the
to ge in their places, when they with wonderful ; man for me and for all others of the prisoners
unanimity, adopt the inspiring lines se- Miles ! I'vith whom I have had any Conversation." The
0' Riley ' ' q I weather in Salisbury is quite warm—much like
" I'll let Sambo be murdered in plak
• On every day Of the year."
MILITARY AFFAlRS.—Col.,Wy,nkoop . S . 2oth ;
One of theie disciples of a constitutionatwar :
, Col.'Boyd's 21st, and Col. Higgin's 22d Cavalry
, wrote the following letterlo - a citizen of Ha
regiments are new full—numbering about'l2oo
' gerstosvn, and it has been even to the:public •
. , : men each, and their organizations will be coin=
through the Hagerstown HeAlld : i
. ' pleted this week, and their officers connnWion-
North Caters Township York County Pa ' ' '
Jany the lti--64 ed. All of them are in camp a few miles west
Mr Anderson Deer Sur as a strange I Write To !of town, excepting some comp lilies of - the 224
You To fint out whethr there are any Jahr To which are in West Virginia. 31aj._ Gen'. Stahl,
get Caller& man in your Nabor Hood that ' chief of cavalry in this Department, arrived
could Bee Bought for Soldrs as we want to !.':
Know of any Roddy that Take Them up for , here on Monday, and tooainimediate command.
Salle Pleese Let me Know at What Price we • It is expected that the troops will be moved
Could get them We want 27 man for our Town- ' toward Dixie in a few days. ,
ship I have been Tolle that the Cold Bee Bought _____,___
in your Nabonr hood 1 TILE GAME Law..—The game law fixes a pee-
Roman you
~ ally of $5 upon any person who kills or (lAtroy a
Detect yottLetter i i certain birds out .of season, :is - folldws ?Par-
Seven Vally Post office York County' Pa
Let me Know Amedley ~ , tridges from the first of February to the first of.
~ _
•• September, quails and rabbits from the first of
MURDER.-A young man about 18 years of • February to thb first of October ; woodcocks
age was found dead in a lime-kiln, on the place from the first of February to the fourth of July.
of Mr. Gabby, about threemiles south of Chain- : It is during the time rimed, thaftlle specie& are
bersburg, on Wednesday morning lasi. The • propagated, and to destroy them at Mitt time
• body was found by some boys, -and an oxamin, • tends to theii, total extinction; ' hence, the law
ation clearly showed that he had been brutally • for their protection:
murdered. His throat was cut, and there Were
several stabs in the neck. He bad been seen in r 4
company with anegro, and suspicion attaches
to the negro as the murderer. Both the tour
dered man and the negro were entire strangers
in this neighborhood, and the inquest failed to
indentify the.body of the victim. He was prob. b . ,
ably a deserter who had received bounty. His
remains were interred in the Poor House burial
ground. -; The negro suspected of the murder
went through Greencastle the next day, nna-:
exhibited a considerable amount of money, and
it iF said that he showed a knife with a blond:
blade, which he - explained by saying he had
killed a dog. He donbtless went into Virginia.
The inquest found that the man had been Mut.-
, bored
the negro
THE B oli KTY 4/it:Tems.—The Adjutant '
General has issued instructions to Lieut. Col.
Bomford, Adting Assistant Provost Marshal of
Pennsylvania, that in cases where
. the muster-
in-rolls of veterans re-enlisting in the field are
deficient, in not showing the particular district.l
to which such - men desire to be assigned, the
Provost : 3farshal of the State, at Harrisburg,,,
has full anthorityto prepare duplicate assign
ment rolls, on demand being made bynny body
of .veteran troops so situated,- through* , their
commanding officer. The proper credit will be I
given through the Adjutant General's office, Oft
suchassignment rolls; and no diffieU , lty need be
,apprehended by veterans, as to giving credit to . I
my ward, borough or township, p rovided prom pt
iteps be taken by their commanding officer, ae '
',hove indicated. This , will secure eriftlits•or;:
etirans to several districts in this, county which 1
have not heretofore been counted: - t • .A•
Gas. Prim SWEL passed 'throe Martins
burg on Monday, on his way to.assume com
mand of the Department of West Virginia, and
was greeted with artillery salutes as became
the occasion; whereupon extravagant rumors
became rife of a rebel advance and bloody fight
ing just acrosic the river. Some of our citizens
indulged in the sensation during the whole day,
and made most exciting and vigorous inquiries
of almost everybody whf didn't know anything
nbout it. - Had Gen. Couch's headquarters been
fifty miles off; they would doubtless have tele
graphed }dm to know how mani rebels were at
the river and how soon they would be here; but
as ho was within one minutes' walk, and the in
t:urination would have cost nothing, they didn't
take the trouble. Gen. Lee is just about as'
likely to, invade "Pennsylvania in force now as
he is to make a march to the moon.. .
PIOPP I TY SOLD.—=On Thursday Week
Clkgston sold at - public Hale his Mill proper)
nearNiriiinesborejor the suni of 514,000.
Parchase'r, Mr. Abraham Stouffer.
1. :;114g: frankiiii - ,Utpii;o4ppit 11100,:20.88it
enEnrrED.—The three companies of the 77th,
which re-enlisted in i rent - icsaee and are now
home on furlough, made arrangements • with
Col. Boinford, Provost Marshal General of the
State at Harrisburg. to have their rolls correct
ed, so that they could be credited to the dis
tricts of Franklin county, and' receive local
bounties. They have accordingly been credit
ed to 'bub-districts desiring them, and liave
received, as veterans so well deserve, the boun
ties paid by townships. It' Weald have bee'n
the grossest injustice had such •tropps as Capt.
Battery .and. the 77th been conk , -
pelted to serve without local bounty,while new
recruits were receiving it. -
WHITE'S NEW STORE.-31r. A. J.: White,
Merchant Tailor, has just opened out, in his new'
store on Main Street, next door to his old plaq ,
of business. It is altogether - the finest business
room in Chambersbnrg, and it is finished with a
degree of taste and elegance that is not equal
led we believe by any other store in town : . The'
wholo-bnilding is a credit alike to the enterprise
,)f Mr. White and to the town, and it demorii. ,
4 trates that he understands the true secret of
4 uccess in trade--strictudention ; to business,
And fair dealing With' all his easterners. He is
thoroughly master of his trade, and always keeps
on hands a fine assortment of the best goods.
We commend him to the favor of the public:
FATAL • CASE OF BUIVfING.---013 Monday
week, Mrs. Saner; an aged
. lady residing- in
Licking Creek township ;' Fulton county, 11,1 IS
an severely burned us to cause her„death on the
day following. As near as we can learn, the
particulars are as follows: '3lrs. Sarver, who
vas in her 86th year, and fuat verging into see
and being loft alone fora short time
by her attendant undertook tip fill it stove with
•hips. In doing so, her apron caught and
•ominuiented fire td the remainder of her cloth
;ng, burning her in n Most horrible manlier.
-4he lingered in terrible Fony until the day
following, when death put an end to her stif
ferings. •
eof myself, our May
not generally, aware of the filet thitt the aor
eminent payj4 a bounty of $4OO to all persons
%hi; enlist fOr the regular service. The bounty
to Volnuteer# is $4OO for veterans, and 11?,100 to
new recruits, but for the regular rmy the now
recruit will receive s4oo—thus • will_ gain
$lOO, and he can secure, the local bounty
WE have received- from T: J. Peterson &
tires. the Life, Cainpaigns and Services of .11;eim
McClellan, with portrait. It is a,nentliprinted
pamphlet of. 200 pages, and gives a Tull history
of his campaigns, battles, and his Reports and
corresqudence with the War Department and
Pri.sident relating thereto. Sent post paid on
reeept of 51) eta. •
: REurturriNG.—Recruiting still eoutinues in
our county, but not so rapidly as fortperly.
Most of thn townships still deficient are paying
$2OO bounty, and by another week we confi
dently expect thitt Franklin county will hare at
least a square account with the recruiting tle
partthent. .
'castle Pilot states that ',lle Rev. T. G. Apple,
,of that place,las been ealMd by the' Board of
Visitors of the Mereersburg Theological Semi
! nary to fill the chair of Dr. &hail; Who hqs ob
tained from-Synod a two year's lezi:ve of ethsence
to visit Europe.
• SIIIPPENSBURG 'QUOTA.—The quota to be
furnished by the 'Bormigh.of Bhippensburg in
the last call for men was already filled in the
early part of last week. more grati
is the fact, that a large - majority of the
- quota has been filled with , new men. ;-
Joxx CVLP,Esq,, of Adams county, has been
tipiminted Commissioner of Draft for this dis
trict, in place .of Mr. • M'Phenny,' resigned.
Mr. M. has a good newspaper on heads, and he is
sensible in letting official positiOn.go to others
while he looks after.the; Star 'and Banner.
CALL AccEPTEn.,---We learn that the Rev.
Alfred Buhrman has accepted a unanimous call
given him by the Lutheran congregations cont
posing the Waynesboro' Charge; and will be
come their Pastor after the i first of April next.
COL. ELIAS S. MOSEL ho mind a battalion
of Cavalry to be united with the 22d under the
command. 9 . f Col. Higgins. He goes in its
Major, and .will do credit to himself, to hiti
command and to the service.
erty in' Greencastle, known as the 41 11011ar
Itoutier" was sold recently ttorDaitel Foreman
and D. Glide for the giurtvf $7,000.
'.I.P•I'. . JQIIS: E. WALKER: Or CO. A. 77th
volunteers, is dt his home in' Waynesboro',
1 where he has oplined a
recruiting office. He is
a'brav3. and competent officer, as has: been
, ..
shown on
_various . .battle-,fields,- and recruits
' etinld join no more creditable organization.
C4.?N. CR`AwkoaD. - ---Gen. S. Vit. -Cra*ford,
the gallant commander of the Pennsylvania Re
serves, arrii•ed at home'
_on Fattlidar, 'and re
mained until this morning. Hels lOoking quite
well tint'still suffers froni t e wound received
at Antietam. 3
• •
PAYER MILL.—We learn that a Company of
the rnortkenterprising Citizens are agitating the
project oi — Putting -up an extensive Paper mill
in - Shippensburg. It *ill,-
,no doubt,, meet
with the hearty coo-operation of the entire,
- -
AmoNG the Union prisiituirs who cecuped
, from Libby Prison, and .were : afterwafds re
captured by the rebels, was Lieut. Col. David
Miles, of the 79th Pa. V014—,-brother of Capt.
Miles ofthis place. i
The Washington correspondent of thejPbila
ilelphiu`,l aquirer giyes the following h6tegting
information respecting the rel;el Julny In
Pely. 25 . *!_
Ofie=of Gen. Lee's orderlies, private Taylor;
of the Fourth Virginia Garailry, came into our
lines yesterday, and arrived here to-day. He
hats been in the rebel army about fifteen months,
and the last three months has been on duty at
Gen. Lee'S Headquarters its orderly to General
Lee, whose. winter quarter, are upon the read
from Ordpge -Court House to Verdiersville f
abdut two miles from the former place. -
Lee lives in a tent without _ any floor in
it, buying refused to have one put iu as' '
were having done. He keeps very Much to
hintself;* never--drinks or swears, atf,is very
p . opular with. the army, who, have implicit reli
ance in the old man. . ' ,
Gen: J. B. Stuart has his headquarters about
two miles from Lee's headquarters, and , on the
road to Robinson's river. His camp on the
side of the mountain, in the woods. His force'
is reduced by casumiltfes, desertion, by, loss of
horses, and icy going home torecruit, until they
have scarcely enough men 'to do camp. duty
with. Job. ,Stuart is very gay, drinks: had
whisky; and giies a great many parties, at which
he entertains a, great many friends from the
army and from the'surniuding country.
Mr. Taylor is a young man, and has relatives
in Ohip. His, chances for knowing the strength
and condition-of the rebel army Were gimod,und!
his story,is credited at the _ War Department,
and he' has been gitentransportation'to Cin
cinnati. He says there are-not now left in the
vicinity - of Orange. Court House,lnlee's entire
command, over- twenty-tive thousafid men, if
there are that many; that the last month Lee
hail been giving furloughs liberally to nil who
•wonld re-enlist, to go home .td,recruit; that
from fifteen, to thirty days are given them. '
-Gen. Lee tells his officers that the Yankees
(will be filling up their armies in.:March and he
»must he ready for them. liesays he with have
'sixty • thousand men, by that time and he can
bold double that number in check. When we
made, our last move wogs the RaPidan, while
Butler, threatened Richmond, they were appris
ed of our movement when it commenced by
Citizens coming in, and whemi our troops crossed
the rivet and surprised their pickets, Gen. Lee
was engaged in sending amen to Richmond by
rail, and told Gen. Ewell that this move on his
front swas only a •feint. •
They have but two corps now,•under Gems.
A. P. Hill and Ewell: Thti latter is full, bat
the limner /ins been depleted to.fiblj.,ongstreof,
Ose whole-eimps is still absent. Their horses
have suffered severely. from the waut of forage,
many 'thousands 'having died, and hmidreds of
men are without shoes or clothing to keep then].
warm, Over two iMndred men-have ticen shot
during the winter for desertion. -
They n` ere captured , frvineto get over to our
line's and at home, not being yvilling,,to return
to the army. 'He says twOsthings, geMerally of
some aheount; have ceased: to have . any value
in the'llebel ann.; they are paper money and
life. Private soldiers have long - ceased to use
money to buyianythhig. Bullet*
,are no more,
and anvthingi wanted is either obtained as a
gift or titan',
,generally the latter.
Many refuse to take their Puy when offered
to,them, alleging that it is worthless, it taking
nearly three months' _pay to buy one 'dollar in
gold. 'The soldiers' families all over the South
have long been objects of. charity, :Ind been
forced to beg or steal to keep life in their Was:
ted frames, rind thii . is tending, More than any
thing else, to demoralize- their army,:and may
retard the return of th6se home' San furlotudi."
, .
sih.E.—The subscriber. ENeen tor of the Estate or
John ;cyder, Weed Hamilton towilehip, Franklin citin•
ty de will ex to Public Omer - ,on the, premises.
Ids Sat urqag. tit 4 htl, - day bf .Match.l§t)-1. at 1 o'clock._ P.
M.; the following valuable Real E.tale!. viz J,2 TRACTS
OF L 'LND t one containing 24 ACRES' and 132' PERCH
ES. all cleared but a little over. en Acre, and iutolerable
order. The improvement. at e• a LOil DWELLING
HOGS Eotud eg Stable, with n Well of never.l,thiling Wa
ter near the door. There is ado a small WWI? ARD of
good Fruit Trees:4 t le located on the Warn Sp r ing road,
in llamistaii-toWnship, nett; gas -Mown, neljoirung Lends of
Lenheme. Pdrker and other,
A,lito, Tract NO. 2, c ottaining, ACRES and
CH ES. , Ilecatad just by Cashtown. on the Warm ,:_apritw
road. Thi. t ract is all TIM II ER LAND.
pes,e.eilin will be glven (el the lit or April ripxt:
HMO I1401111111(.11C0 t I o'clock, P. M..lyben the ti•rned
n 111 - Le nitric known bv • • , • ..
lob . 1i1 . '31. It kFfENSIII•ITIGIIR. EC'S.
.1 NEAR FAY ETTErILLFL—the itruler'44igroll
Al,ll at Prtrat. alN,the tato:vitt g ,ile-terital: REAL ES
TATEi to wit:
30 .ACRE'S, O S P - LAND.'
A llnndnrgondfeuceandtJlhhie. with a good Brirk Dwell
lug, a tivicer Riling. well of good, water near the door, a
p.ol IN it andTlarashing Floor', a fine Orchard bearink,
the beat fruit. Alen , , '
A tli N E
.11 : •
of 321 trgoVats. 6 1-1 rgeficachee Kith limes and pool ,
Bark %1111. Roller. Pump and FullingStocks.:all in excel
lent order; Fha whole operating by WAT.ER POWS
Also a good Darkibed, 191 unsurposed in convenieno
and lobar oaring: -
The aboveprdperty will be‘hown toanyp.ersonoW
plication to Jacob. B. Cook of Fayetteville , . or John, el..
Cook of Chiunberaburg , 'Tertna will borene.inable.
June 17;83-tf - , PETER COD-4.
QL r.
UT 3: CO.,
No. ' 737 Market Stree!,
The subscribers ketpconstantly on hand rflarge stock
TICAL PItEPARATIONS and every other article which
appertains to the business, embracing-the moat exten
sive variety; also, PAINTS, OILS and GLASS of every.
All articles purchased from nican be relied on as be.
frig of the most superior quality and At.B3 low prices as
they can bpi had. We can offer such inducements as
will makeit the interest of purchasers to lay in their
supplies from us, and give us their future patronage and
invite all who visit the city, to call at our establishment
All orders addrowied to .is by mail or otherwise will
meet with prompt attention. '
VERY', FOR SALE:—the tin.
deOlgned,tntenda moving tolls West, offers a:
mate, Bale , his- entire stock in the Livery business. hit
Nercersburg, emulating of foriek, Omnibuses, Carriages:
Buggies, Sleighs, Har ne ss, a c . This mono :mes s is
'doing the best trade; in the conirty,. and 'Orem a rare -
chimp to onj one wishing to enrage in the business.— -
For further particulars, apply to or address
feb 34te §OL. DTVELIW3B, mercetshozg,
~L~g~I. 9 D*lt .
ons Interested will please take notice that the fol
lowing acconnianto lrave settled their accounts in the
Re tar's of Franklin county and that the same
will he PTellented to the OrphaljeGonrt for confirmation
on TandclP,. March Bth, 160, at the Court house, in
Chamberaburg: .
No. 31 . , neconntlof David Wilson, ftecntgr
andTrustim under the last will and testament of 3latthew
Patton, isq„ ht e 0 1 R oo ,l ltm ,_ t. w p., as stated by Wm.
Wilson: other of David Wilson. who 8 also deed'
32.! First and nal - act)unt of au Kiser, Cairn%
of eDnniel,Gsynu l deed.
N 0.38. Account of firma Boners oder. nod Rebecca
ibmers, administratrix of Goo. Sou re. deed, who in•hie
life time was unardian of Catharin Susanna Oyler and
Geo.lVin: Oyler, minordren of Geo. Oyler. decd:,• No. 34. Acct of John Cosmos), adnir of M. (Amman.
late of Chataborsburg, decd.-chit
No. 35. First and final acct of Franklin Meson, Exec'r
of tie.. Besure, late of Green tap, dec'd.
/ No . 36. First account of Solomon Divelbias and Simon
tbu'rs of Fred. Divelbiss.
No. 37. First and final occ't of leaac Shocky, fuller of
Jacob filtocky, late of Washington twit.. deed
Eyler. min 'r child of David Eyler, deed ,
- Nu; °B* Acct "fJos. U. Crelis. Guardian of Anna G.
late of Wash.
inuton twit. decd:
No. 39. Act abrabam R.Wenger, Guardian of liar.
tie,. David and John F. Reed.
N 0.40. Account of Oa o. Jacobs, Guardian of liforeis
:E. Eyler. wino, child of David J. Eyler, late of 'Wash.
auto!) twp, deed.. •
No. 41. First and float aicount of Jacob' Soilenberger.
-Guardian of Cope 31cGlissry,
Cleary. dec'd minor child of Jam M
es e:
No. 41. Account of Opo„Jaenlm,
Gnardian of Clarence
A. Eyler. minor child of - David Eyler, late of Washilla ,
ton twit'., deed.
No. 4J. First account nf.facob Sollenberger. reran/inn'of Samuel McCleary. mlnoi eiiild of jamas McCleary,
. •
T .- No. 4. Flist :Ind limit account of Mathew W. Fegan
Adro:e-of George Croft, late of Fannett twp., deed.
N.;. 45. Account of Samna! Garver. nuardian °Moles,
AleXanderr, Martha, darn, Josephine awl Mary E. Wiv.l..
rolinor childten of Jos. Waddell, Into of Green twp
No. 40. That and final account of Isaac Shocky, adm'r
of JacOb Mover. late oPltinihington tarp . deed.
No. 47. Vidal accomit of John Shelly. Onardian of
Nancy Shelly, (now ifee'd)nruler the will of Christian
Sholly. &tamed.
No. 4s. First and Una/ account ofJacol , Krider, miner
of Michael Wagoner. di r'd.
No. 40 Flue - and final nceliiint of John Noma and
Mary Geotum. Exec'r and lixttex of Sarni l,eurga deed.
Yo. SO. Slut +account of Smug M. Linmadin'r of Ejlza
heti, linnet!.
No. Za. First and final account of John Stouffer, (ofJ)
oder of Star) .Nscklaea. -
No '52. Second_ and final account of Wm. Stltzell,
'guardian of Anna Marcia Penninger, formerly Kuhn,
daughter of John Kuhn, deed
rub to HENRY STRICKLI9I., 'Register.
A is tr DITOR'S NOTICE.--- . —ThO un
dersigned, appoipted by the Orphoute Court of
Fr n aunty'. Perna„ to distribute the bahmze in the
lianderof George W. Brewer, Esq.. Administrator of the
Estate ofJ (Ain Kerr. dec'4l. to and mu mg tho creditors
of said neeesiral, will attend to the duties of his nppuint.
mein et his office, in Chambershurg. on Friday, the 4th
March.lB64. et I o'clock, P.M., when and where all
persohs interested may attend.
fel) 4t ,JER. COOK. Amlitor.
Notice is hereby given that Letters of anminisrrs
lion to tho Estate of I•husiniol Miller, late of Washing
ton township. deceased. h.tve been granted to the under
signed, residing ht :Washington township.
9111, persons knowing themselves- indented to the said
}:state will please make immediate payment : and those
havingelaims will prosent thorn properly authenticated
settlement, JACOB K MILLER.
Notice is tterehi given that Letters of Administra
tion it bn. c. t.a. ot the Estate ofJohn Rudisill, late of
Chaniberstntrg. dec'd. have been granted to the cnder
del signed, residing in Ronthampton toWnehip.
Ali !Persons knowing themselvei indebted to said Es
tate. will please make immediate payment and those
having claims will prevent them properly authenticated
for settlement. [feb lin JOHN CR ESLEtit,
. . Notice is hereby gtven that Letter nor Atiniintstra-.
tem tto tha Estate or Matthew M'Ette, Into. of Greco
township. deed, have been granted to the undersigned,'
residing in said loutish p.
AG persons Indebted to the said Estate are hereby re
quelded to make immediate payment, and those baying
claims or demand against the Estate or said decedent.
williaake know te the same without deltiy. to
jitit27 J. (RAWFORD SPREE, Miner.
.4a, Notice is herelry given that lettere erAdministrn.
st el; co the,Estate,t.f David,lfulnujor. Rite of Washing
ton,township. tiocuta,o4l. Lave been granted to the under
signed; residing in • aid township.
All persons 'wing themselves indebted to said }s.
bate will please make immediate payment; and those
having claims will present them properly nuthent icatrtt
kettlemattt. „ ANN MARIA. Itolt LINO it,
lan 27-at Adm nistrattix.
Wfiereas, Let to•rd of Adrninixtrution on the &Ante
4.1 Jame,' ,t. Gamble. late of Faune•tt township. deceased.
have been granteu to the ettbscrilwr, rellding in ittnnett
All Timone indebted tc the beta t eta te. are hereby re.
- gneited , to mac. Immediate payment. and those having
r n;rus or demands against the Xatate of &lid decedent,
Will make known the s nue without delay. to
feb t7-tlt• WILLIAM lIF.itRON. Adm'r.
Notice is hereby given that Letters of Adminisira-
Me de:lends non to the Estate of .slatthew 31'fiee. late
of Green- township. tlec'd. linve been g antral to the no.
di reigned, residing in said 011(1411p.
All persons k Hoc, ng themselves indebted to said Es
tate will pleme make' immediate payment : and those.
having claims will prkitnt them properly imthe.,tiratetl
foe settlement to her Attorney. Jons Oss.,Esq.. Chant . -
bershurg. SAIMAEET CA3fP. Advent - . -
'IL - IX - ECU/TO rts' _
.4 le hereby given that Letters Teatamentary to the
etnteof Dnvid Zimmerman. irate of Son thatittnint t
deed. have been granted to the undersigned. residing in
lAD persons knowing themselves indebted to said }l4-
WO Will please make burned' tte payment ; and those
bilvdtg claims wilt uresent them property authenticated
fl settlement. JOIIN WENGER,
eh 24: W. 11. In. A IR.
(Yr ICE.—,Where
ae..LettertTestamentarynn thelf ante of 'Margaret
Contpbell. late of Chatabersborg, deceased, bac...been
giabted to the subscriber, resid , ng in Chainbor.burg.
• Alt persona indebted to the said Estate. are hereby
trequested to mob immtyliatopavnient, and those having
eininntor - dern tads againat the tlstato of said- decedent,
known the cam without delay; to
let> SO. 6t - %V. 11 . aMcDoW ELL, rsec'r.
is hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the
;state of Robert Love. late of Fannett townehip.dee'4l,
hve been gtante'to the undersigned. rescuing In Fan
nett township.
' All persons knowing themselves indebted to sald'Es
tate witl pleasS make imtnediate payment; and those
having claims will present thern'properly authenticated
for Nettlement. Dan 27 at.] JAINIKS, STARK. Ex'r.
lEREAS, ' AT. TILE 14. A b' T
- v v TERM attic Court of Common Pleas of Frank=
lin County, the undetatatied was appointed a Commit
tee or Jobn Burkholder, of the Bono' of Chamberab rm.
All persona indebted to the said John Burkholder are
fegneated to make immediate payn ent. and think'', hav
ing claim nr demands anninat the same will make them
known without delay to
.leb 3 CHRISTIAN STOUFFER. (Machinist.)
L LA is hereby given that Letters Testeinentary to the
state of Catharine Rtrenberry, late of Metal township,
deed; here been granted to the undersigned, residing in
Paid - township.
All personskiowing themselves indebted td said Es-
tate will please make immediate payment; and those
having claims will present them properly authenticated
for settlement. [fob3) 308. ROSENBERRY, Ex'r.
NOTICE.—The following named
1 persons hare hied petitions for License, in • the
tiler 's Mei to be presented to the Court at the next
'iterm,on'Tnesday, the Bth day of March, 1884, to wit :--
,Willians Orercash,, - Hotel, rnnketown,
Davia Kitsmitier, ~ Roxbury,
Childersoir Robertson," - Concord, .
fel) 17 • W. 0. MITCIIEL. Clerk.
/Lost, „Stolen ant ~4tragelt.
Tl 4l. STRAY.—Came to the premises
of the ankscriber, In
,Gnilford township, at the -
'raaklin ?dill Farm, sometime in th , , beginning of Da
cember last, TWO HEIFERS. one a Sons, ahOut three
years old, the other a Maley, - Bed and White Spotted,
about three years old. The owner hi - requested to come,
prove property and take theta away.
' feb 24. J. A. Enna.
r P ARENTS of. SOldiersin the Sre";
- vice, or to Hospitals. can Amish them with tthe ,
. OSITOEtY threemonths for 25 cents; el meatus for
50 cents, or one your jor $l.OO.
latat estatt
ABLE MILL PROPEICTY.—By virine i decree"
- ,.,1 the Ciacnit Court for ',Vitshington Comity, pitting an
* Court of Eqrtity, the nitlersigned Trustee will 4ell at
Pubis Sale, in front of the Con t t Root. in 11agendorro,
,lid„ on ntarday the 2'.ki day of Match. 18153. beginning
at 11 o'clock, A. 31,311 that valuableMYLLF/tOPIRTIC.
with about tlftyudne and three quarter acresof goosl
Land, Timber and Cluared, situate on Antietare Creek,
about cam mile helowFnuskstown. in said Cunnty, known ;
an the "Pleasant Grove Mills." of which Benjamin Row
land lately Bled seined. ( Said ,Property - wlll be sold en
tire or In parcels, as folloue:
No. 1.--Contninlng '24 ACRES Or LAND,' iltnete at
the Forks of the said Creek and the Public Road winch
parLICK the .51111." it silt a FOOR-STORT 'GRIST 11111.1,,
running tire pair of French Burns. new - and iu Perfect
order, a tripple geared SAW MILL. capa - ble of searing
IM OD feet of Lumber a day ; -, a CIIOPPINti
two pair of French Burns. in complete order; a twoNstory
DI V 131.1,1NG 11011 SE, Tenant Rouse. Blaeloortitis Shop
stabling and other necessary outdeatses aids In et e k
never-tailing • Sin ing of IVeter thereon: The Watet
Power of said Mill Mull iuffieient. TbePropertYls ta l e
Of tile finest and most desirable In the State, bring of
large capacity. near the Chesapeake tool Ohl., Can t o, m e i
within three miles of the Railroad Isered at Beget - lumen:
. karcel.Dlo,2—Being 3 Sal ALL FIELDS of arable Limo.
atone Land, lying on the Ittist side ut flip Creek 0)4
South of parcel No.l, and the said toad, icontaining .;;ty
Ayres, mort or less.
Parcel NO. 3—Being lc, ACRES OF LAND; More or
lee', lyi ng e n -th e W , 1 5 : side of said Creek, and sonth of,
tubl Road' and petrel No. 1; of raid 15 Acres. nit ut
Acresnre Tinibert4;notl the remaining 3 Acres errs
improved - with two T - ANT IItUsES; C per-Sla end
an Orchard of clod. r Fruit Trees thereon;
The undersigned Will Fell at the 'mine time and pine,',,.
1 ACRE 1111t1 4 PERCII WS of I.A ND, ef Which sahl Rea
jamin died seized lying on the Turoeitce trues
kook:down to Boonsborti, adjoining the lantle of &marl
Emmert, au ~ there.
the prirchaae money to he paid the day of Sale. or on the
ratification MI 0. eof. and the nilan:e in two cyugi halal
merits in one a n d Iwo yenta from the day of sale, the
purehaser or to:metro; err to give his or _their notes wttls
'approved security for the ileterted payments. and hellr'
lug interest front the day of 3.d0: and upon payment id
the ontirepinChlito money the Trnitee will etteinte it
good and Hufficient Deed to the pnrclutler or pnrchamete.
The creditor,' of laid Belli . 4111111 ittlWitlll4. deet.t,' are
hereby notified to tile their chints and vouchers thereof
with Z.:9. Claggett, Esq., Anditoeof this Court, whlain
oue tnentli ; l rent the day of the above sale.
fob .lOLIN S. ROIVLAND, Tiitsteo.
[ -Rep' eitory." Chanibershurg and firmd bill to
this offteof rAleetion.]--linger,tOwit tierald.”
The undersigned. Assignees of Davbettoodyear nnd Wire,
will well at Public Sale, on Sithirdo3l tic 1 2th thi.P' of
March, 16r4, on the promises, the following Heal Estate,
sitn•tte on the Turnpike. nb , ut half w , ybettvfebt Chap'.
bersburg and Gettysburg, in Adams County. a tractor
750 Acres td land, divided into Lots rs m 1 1 0 ,8:
No I—The MANSION TRACT • obtaining 150 Acreat
about 60 of which is improved Land ' well lint •d and In
a Komi state of cultivation and., the tstianc r eed the tract
is well oot with Chestnut. Pine and other timber. tier
healthy and pleasant Slimmer Resorts io.4hin ' , part hi
the State. is upon this tract. The Hotel i.o%antaita at ink
brick building, 02 feet by tto. with a two Moly back 14ti1d
'14.45 feet by laid off into rooms fur the
honraeray ViAltors. &c. Connretol Is a Stole,
ROOM :and Past Office. Also a large and top.venient
BATH HOUSE, with 20 Bed Rooms attached, extensivp
Stabling, - Blacksmith Shop. fee Ifoude. TerePin-Alley.
Revolving Swing, and nil otner necessary
Also. a Tenant House and s Young Orchard of Choke
•Frult. ,
No. Z.—Adjoining the above. tont nine d 2 ACV* and Is
well cos ered with young Timber.
-No 10--Contnini 201 zierei and Is well set with jilting
Cheistnnt nu(' }intik Oak.'
Also—The un livided one•balf of 9S Acres, adjoining ,
T. &emits and tit:stars heirs, well 6etWitil timber_
Personswishing to view the premiscs will call on
either of the subscribers. Sale to commence at - the
Gratrenbitrg Hotel, at lo o'clock, A. M., on arti4day.
whoa Mut conditions will be merle known by -
JOHN nsivmAN„' "'"gm",
- FOR SA I.E.—The undersigned will sell at Ptivate
TANNETtli,known [lathe C.9erTanneciot Illt
ettwat and water-power. Sa
tor breaking hided, c. The Tannefy has S leerbes.=
rats, 2 limes and water-Tool. and Is capable of . 1 annte
840 henry hides year. There arc two Log Dwelling
flonses,b`arn.Stable and other necessary out build hits
Connected with the Tan fiery. and about fat Acteettletated
.trith good frnit. lie will se-tinny quantity of land With
_khe Tannery. from NU to 700 A cres . 0. et. 600 Acres - nu
: : Timberottal an ample •ttipitly of Chesnut Oak Park tc
run the ,Tnntisry for fltty years. it is situated ata nt
miles gouth-west of klercelsburg.on Licking Creek
Terms made ttiy. Possession will be given this fill'
nettessury-.—Por-fortber addict., the awter klercersburg. Frank lin county, Pa. ' '
any C. >LEM AIN .
PRIVATE SALF..—The undersigned Nips& Thor.
ing to ills West. offers nt Prlvnto Side. n LOT, oltiltOUNI)
in London .containing about ONE Aollil, hn witith is
erected iv two Stvritni WEATIIERBOARDED OWEL.
LINO IIOUSE. a rough cast Tensed liowi,. and Shoji.
Brick Suring Wood House. rzunike Stith6
and all neersistry out buildings. There It n rt variety
of FRUIT TREES on the prima:ie.. Thitt pentierty ifit
well twlrinted for almost any kind of mechanical 1.u51-
Also— 4 , 3 ACRE-lof 80TT4)31 LAND. within of a
mile of LondomnbOut of which it heavy Timbered.
the balance is woll 're: in grass. . ,
.Also-3534 ACRES of SLAT) LAND. Nitrate abonli
tulle from Bridgeport. adjoining. landa
llorner and Jacob Mine:nen. Trans made re:limb:lMo.
For tiArtieulers address DAVID TEinfdt.
jan - 2T flni! - • ' -London. Pit.
ADJotENED SALE.—By virtue
of an order f the Orphans' Goal of First fn
county; the undersigned. Administratrix u itb the wit
Annexed of - f.tbarine Merit:len!, late of Chand;entbmg
deed,- will expose to Public role. hit - the pren4es. nn
Pitirsday the nth day of March, next, the following
Thad Estate,_
A LOT OF GROUND. fronting or German street on the
North, Gatharlhe street on the &Intl!. and bounded by
an Alley on the West. being about 54 foot 'n width. and
258 feet laden:h. This will male a desimble
Porsonti scathing to porch:me, cab obtain more ratio:go
iefortnationby calling upon G. 0. Soilhaincr, Alt/racy
at Lim. Clianiberaburg.
Nile at. 1 o'clock. P. :if., on wail rlity, lire terms
will be nPitlu kriown. 3IAIIGARE'C MFIIKt lily.
feb2l-4t - - Administrat
at Private Sale. 1.300 ACRES OF PATENTED;NP,
situatcvl in St.' 'Tlimmis . townehip. Franklin comity. Pa
on the Public Road leading from Griyer's Tavern to
London, Battles from the tatter place. A bout 1:0 A et-e 6
of this tract ale cleated, the balance cove: ed with Owl..
ring, CHESTNUT and other lIIIIER. whirl.: would
answer for Cord-wood or There is also good ap
pearances of IRON ORE an the pt . Coal hearths
:we leveled on lined . f the Timber latol. - The iniproie
wient tare n LOG HOUSE. Log Darn end 4Tonntitll,4lrt.t.
andla good Apple Orchard. Peach. Cherry rind Pent yea.
Also—A SAWMILL and'OHOPPING 311(1,..111
limning order, with 18 feet of head and fan. Thla
property would afford ti good apportlinity ' n tntaw
money. For terms Applr . to the residina.oo
the premises. ,[fob FR OCEILI.I6; (111.11V.5.T.
ÜBL I C SALE 01 • litA L ES
- TATE.— 11:r virtue of an order Cf the Oi Limns' °nun
of ulna county, Pa, the undersigned. tinardlan "1
Elizabeth d,owe anti Alice Lowe, wi.l otter a t Salo,
on the:premises, on Saturday. the bth day War b,
1864., the following described Meal Esiate, to %Tit An
undivided portion or interest, being the one.sixth .lf toe
FARM, at Tract of Laud, situate partly rn Peters. tett n
ship. and pertly in Montg natty fintrnship, bonni:ed' by
lands of Adam Hoke, binds of irtdrs of John Bradley.
lauds of heirs of.l. B. Myers, land of Cornellin Linder.
bitugli, lands of heirn of Win. Stenger and others, con
taining 300 ACTISS more or less, with a two storySWP.L
LING MOUSE, part Stone and part Wood, and a log
Barn thereon erected.
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. hL. on said dt m givben
the terms will be made by JAMES-1).
1eb17.3t Guardian as alerelaid.
subscriber will sell et Private Sale the-SMALL
Mon which he now resides , sit tmte in Antrim towns
ehip,Franklin County,ahont Mx miles front Greenros
tie, on the Cashtown road, adjoining lands of Runnel
Myersand others. cent sluing about FORTY ACRE--all,
cleared land, in good order and under good fence. There
to a YOUNG 011CITARD of thrifty trees on the place. and
a Well of excellent water. The fraprorernents consist
of a two-story LOU DWELLING HOENE, • • NEW
RANK BARN,torty-two feet long, and well Entitled.
and another necessary out bnildings: Possession %if;
be given on the lot of- A pril, 1,8114. Terrnksrfil:bs mode
known on application to the subseriber residing en tile
premises. foct 21 '63.4f SA 3113 - EL C. KRIDER
The subscriber having determined to remove to the west
drama YrivntoSele thnt well-known Hotel, the "Fill.
ton House," situate in the borougleof AlcConnelitibAnt
Fulton cdttoty. This House is the largest and most rum.
plate Taw' 'louse in the county and has a rite of 'us•
tom unonhalled in the county. , •
He also will et II at Private Sale a Tinceof Thitti-out
Acres of highly Improved land adjoining 411 a borough of
Aleflonnellsburg, all under now and superior fence. and
having thermal erected is, good two-etoryFrainellom•
, and other out tinildiuga. There is an excellent young
Apple Orchard and running Water on the Pre=