Matlibmte, tutygo, re coAciT AND S IDDLERY• H• i 1 1t D W :R „ - SI. tosoriber - 'regpectftilly itlforttis his friends and the Public, that , he continues to i carry on theailovt.' . business at bin oblptand'on "ilatu street, op- p,oelte the penman neforniell eh tt , - - < , :Sp ER 0 , 2, h. travlnif;illarged lites Unsinelis, S2citatrs and (back•, makers will fludin his Store Room agenetal assortment of Goods auttablt in theli several requiremeu ta, such as relic and Country liogskins, l'Utent Leather, , f SaddW.Ti'ees and Glrtlting, VlOTtees,,- 111,111 Plated, Tinned- l and Japanned; Goat /Uhl SCralnir7a St : 'eb and iilirtted Rain Sped, lotr4r than Cotton,' Unmet, . Bits and a tirruper 'Curtin Prairies; itts Bantbiißridle Frontii; Roseates,Swi veld find Ornaments; Iron Platcd:antl Wood Gig limes; I7dICLES-13RASS SILVER AND; .Japannoed, ailetgtosand Patterns; 'Tory and *Alloodeil 3trllagale Rtnge, StatapJUlats, and a variety of other ("roods imitable for the trade. ---- All kinds of Plating, &ne . tvitli neat- Acted n oY 4 '63-t . f f I.A.RDWARE ! S3.IITH' & RICHARDSON 011,Market St,., Philadelphia., 8111TII. I ' CllAl3.sicff &unsex The undersigned would respectfully call the attention 09,11NTR4 - 5440.C1IANTS to their large and weans , - leeted swck of • HARDWARE! likvingnnidemaxial arrang.ernents for Me Stift reaffi. ntfttel ounelvea we caa_olicir inducements to pur aunts that wig failTrerriuntrate the troubloof exam fuineour eto2k. We ask but a trial, to !convince the 'Country Trade, that we are prepared to 'eell low and notommodate. ~ Oar stock of Athrg and. Pocket Cut7ery is nungunTh lame,setected 'glib care. anti inclndirrs a caletYofstylt that cannot but snit all tastes. • We:have eon - Stoutly on hand a large assortmenr of 1 -Buildhr• Ilardirttre. • • Tools,tntiery. - 1 Files, Tool-Foxes. • and Chests, Saddlers," " and Shoemakers Toms, ' !Screws/ Nails, exorything In short. pertaining nfirst class litirdtvare erore. EMI -,Particnlar attention paid tOCountry orders. It is our aim to gecure the confidence ofour cuaturaetu, and t o this and we are particular. in filling orders, to give the best Arid to cheap as tliongli. the cuatudiereu s e bit; lug in person- dive us trial., • kterzer.xer.s.--.7. K. iihryock, Esq., A. fi. McClure, 1.. tlyitter,Chanibergburg. SMITH hc ItICHARDSONt .. '- 611 Market St., Philadelphia. ang. 5,'63-tf EW, HARDWARE STORE. L! B. ETSTER -would respectfully inform his friends, and the pitli‘• generally, that in tonne Lion with his ' EKROSENE OIL LAMP STORE,- he hati comment:A the - II ARDWAHE bueineee. at hie new Store room, one door north'of id. Hutier's Grocery. ind stock consists in the f o llowlng article=„; vie Building Hardware, • • , . • Lionise Furnishing Goods, - . , , Table and Pocket Cutlery, Merin tilCS' Tool:, ,1 ' Nails by thO small or keg, ~ - _ Fanning Cie:lBll6,nel as ' Shores. - - t -... • 6 padie. . , . . • _Forks, • ..I.lM,`Cllnse. Paints. Ronzale. Linseed. Kerosene. and Ltibricirting .firtuips of.tli cMcriptirifloc, .C 114114 !lots fur a:lei - and ker.lorte, Fruit Jars. I)rAt quality, Lc., t. for Sale of EN A..1.4S S IVATSOMS Fire `,Pr',,kif Safes . {July 29;'t5:34.f. IeirARDW A ILL yited to rail , nt 1 er y of gootlsin nut Jut. grot4S which we onl Iron ' 1 Qaile Steil , I I,l , xtis 'Tinges I.4.inns • , Anvils Vices ' lielLars Paints • :Turpoqttne lloei ' Call and examine •feirl far cash. Et 1 Lail ezoiniu4 our r, dc. We ke-p to reiapcsted porn. Cer v e ry,chesp. FllO3l Rasps - . thetalll4s ' IV li'ps Bolte . • S•twa Brushes ll:totes Shovels e our stock. Sped [ert2l 'B3l , BI 10TARD1V.IR E AND €IUTLERY R. w 'KNIGHT k SON, Importera and Deplets in - AMERICAN, ;Mg:lSn AND IEILNIAN HARDWARE, 599 Coin•merce Sti•eet; Between sth and nth and Illarkk and an* ate Phitat(dpitiir,f, - '63-tf 4etairs t ,4Eabina:Matr, `st'r. - zmittpe rSET - WILLIA3I E. MONO FREY ROA . G, V - A.VOERTA KRBS. k n IitaIit:FACTiTRE.R.3 - OF CA.RIICET- WkRE • •CllAvnAllsuolrn PLNITA, ' lllO Ondergigned, re, , peetfolly annorinceeltl theeiti 'zennofChambersburg and surrounding country, UM ' they have 'leased the Cabinet llootrie of Mr, Wm. Ftoer, ec'd, on Maio street tie , tr Wasbington, and bought o ut ' all the bptterial or Mr. Wsr. nzttzr pertaining to the AINVERT - A. laNti. including ht..' two HeurPl, whore they idtetni to give special attention to thie blanch of the - brunnwes. • CO FTSSofCI th.Wnlntit.Cherry,&c..tnadotoorder At the shortest notice - and on nioac reneonabte terms. ' They will ah+o attend to the , laying out of corpse's, which will be done in a satisfactoiy manner. Zniviralg attended in town and country. ',VENETIAN WANDS nmle to erder. ..'-`ll5,- All kinds ofCabinet ware repaired neatly and rtteaply. 'The •priblie are reepectfally referred: Minn. Renumber Wm. Flores old,stvini. 4,'63-3rn _ ' - FREY & MONO. • • OHEAP CHAIR AND CABINET WARE 1100k8. --The sabi criberi aortas the pub; -liethat he continues 'Alanurnotnre of the various lir ',Melee; of FURNITURE in his line, lit his Shop. on Main Street. three doors South of Haber and-r'olbert's Hard ' '234Toßtoro. He has always on hand, ,or is prepared to ettattufacture upon the shortetit notice, Spring Sent% • Cane pottom and Windsor Chairs, Sofa's, and Flit cirrahles, Bureaus, Dressing and G moron Wardrobes. - Wash Stands, .Boob ,, Cases, liedsteads. TENETIAV • MDINDS cot tp in thnbeat style. , , .Particinlar attention will bo paid n t,M 110 USE P= AND PAPER HANGING, and entire eatisractren iti'everyinnstance ganranteect.' , of nil kinds' in his lino of brislness , 'et:aptly attended to nt roodeinte prices. „. TINDERMAKING.-!-Hitring entr.'hased the 'Hearse Mr. Wet. PLOWS. deed, ho is able to - attend funerals and , ,IpAntiracture Coffins at the shortest uoticomfelothrWal udt tir Cherry. A Layer-out will be In attendance. JOSIAH E. SCHOFIELD. • .M.P.LEMENTS.-7—DpaNrs and Man 4 .L. 4 o,4 n rers . „ of ArrMultnral and other Implements:: tAti reset ri lirge elrtsa 'lf valuable customer by , e.orks • Ital Uta I a,t to FRANKLIN REPOSITORY. • GEM Tinned And Japauned, Coach tiandlezi, LEWIS WAMPLEB., Clinsuberfbli Potato Lifteta, Scythes, etc.,eta • ablie are in ext46.siie 'stork of ti,l,arge stock y of thct, LOokini alaases Ivarnoseas Sprittgs and Axles BoorTi•ees Shoenietker Bit ' Saddlers T,kois "•_t 'Trimmings Coffiti Trimmings (4114 Fqttrit.s Cedar 'Wain Blasting Po"cd ef Shot hnd Lead Pocket Knives A. al 1 robsceinentsi of ' AND & FLACK. bentiotrp. R. W. W. SCHLOSSER, Surgeon Dentist.—The undersigned has removed his Office rum the Mansion House to, the - residence or Mr John Neeti Northwest corner of the Diamond. tnd immedi idly cpposite the Franklin Hotel. Office on the se .n :loot—entrance through the plunge, to. the right a . 1. ii , Le cend the 8 ta,ire. . . . 3r!' , .e 17. BM. W. WSCItIFSE re. .U.KNOVAII4. - Dr. T. K. - REM Dail,- jAptist, has removed his office tram the comer or the Public Sqoare, where he practised so many years. bathe corner of Main and Qneen Streets. abort, Wm. Ileyser's Dtug Store,Chatnbersburg, , Pa..wPe.e he will be.pkmed receive the calls of his friends. • [Jutiel7,lB63:: - Mesita T° Tit K LADIES OF AAtBiIICA. LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS,' LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS, LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS, .. LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS, ' 'THE OREAT FEMALE REiIEDY! TnE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY! . BIIE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY] THE GREAT FEMALE RE3.11.1.!Y! LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS . . LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS - LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS • ARE SETTER - TITAN - PILLS! - ' ARE BETTER TITAN PILLS! ARE BETTER TITAN PILLS • • ARE BETTER THAN PILLS! Lyon's Periodical,Drps Itre TRE'ONLY FLUID PREPARATION" TILE ONLY MID PREPARATION ". TILE ONLY FLUID PREPARATION . TILE ONLY FLUID PREPARATION -ever brought hofore tho public, null as a diuretic and 'ffip.cific irregulaiities,chnil.ngec *her world to pro duce au equal; they are, in *.ha most olistinat. caves, . . RELIABLE. AND SURE TO DO OOOD ! • RELIABLE. AND SURE TO DO ROOD! RELIABLE, AND SURE TO DO GOOD! . , RELIABLE, AND SURE TO DO GOOD' AND (`ANNOT DO HARM, AND CANNOT - 1)0 lIARM, ' • AND CANNOT DO lIARM, AND CANNOT DO lIAR3I, ' . IF THE DIRECTIONS ARE ADHERED TO IF THE DIRECTIONS ARE ADHERED TO IF' THE DIRECTIONS ARE 'ADHERED TO! IF THE DIRECTIONS ARE•ADHERED TO! SAFE AT ALL TIMES! SAFE-AT ALL TIMES! SAgit AT ALL TIMIS I SAFI: 7 AT ALL TIMES! exec.)" ,ichen expressly forbidden 19 the directions NFIVeli are cirappel around each 'rattle, and have the ivrittiiii signature - of Dr. J3.!0. L. LYON upon them NONE' OTItiRS ARE GENUINE! ' . NONE OTHERS ARE GENUINE! ' NONE OTHERS ARE GENUINE NONE °TILERS ARE GENUINE' BEWARE OF - COUNTERFEITS! BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS 1 BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS 1 FEWARE OF COrNTERFEpS They cureallthose Ills to which the female system is subjected with dispatch and a degree - of nbrtaPety which nothi ,, g bat a scientlileally compounded fluid prepara tion could reach. USE NO OTHER ! USE NO OTHER:, USE NO OTHER•! USE NO OTHER,: Forme Drops !dand before the world as the o ne pfu ultra of all remedies, ier the cure of all !!tease! of the kidneys Fvol bladder. Leueoreuh,Prolittetne.and the mild but poolcaTe correction - of all irregularttten. DO NOT BF, IMpoSED ProN!. DO NOT DE IMPOSED UPON DO NOT DE IMPOSED t i pON DO NOT BE InpOSED UPON, v those who hare other preparations, which they de sireio,pahrioff upon the strength of the popularity o' my Drops, and who recommend theirown nostrums. thns opropristingto themselves the cortstant demand for my Periodical a nedin•n for selling something which IS worthless and inefficient- But when the Drug glit'yon apply to ltasnot got:them, eiifin•r mate him bay them f•W you. or else enclose one Dollar to the nen r est general 'wholesale agent, who will return you a bottle by return Express. Yon wilt thus save !ourselves trot ltie and • obtain rt.'. lief froin the greatest Female Iteinlator of the• Nine teenthCentuiy. . _ _ _ 0ver25,000 Bottles of this medicine have been sold Within the last six months. and ever); Lady that has used them, butter the nature of the cure 'would furnish OR with her sworn certificate of.their efficacy. It takes but one Dollar to make the and I appeal to those of your sox who are suffering—will yon' wnsto away when a siugle,Dollar will give you instant relief. Preparod solely by Dy.Jno. L, Lyon, Proiticing Phy . Prico $l. per bottle C. G. CLAIM & 00., Wholesale Druggiatc Now Miran, Conn. General Agents for ITnitod States and Canada's. For Sale at Wholesale D. S. DIENES &;CO., New York. GEO. C. GOODWIN &,('.O ;Dolton. JOIINSTON, GALLOWAY &COWDEN, Aoirt 23, ' 6 3-envy-I 7J 23 North six.past.,Pnibt tainting,' Otalillg, if,str. D ARNARD T: FELLOWS, rfousy AND SIGN PAINTER • jp GRAINER, GLAZIER, AND PAPEIR - IA- HANGER, SHOP In t 1 Old Armory Building,. (up stairs,) neP door to "Old Jail;" Pcifcr Fj Fo0:: a Carriage Manufactory, opposite Brcica'sr Hotel, and CORNER OS hi:CONTI AND BIABWSS STL, • Chambeval:irg., Pa. I respectfully take this mutinied of thanking the eat zens of Chambershurg and vicinity for the very liberal patronage 1 have received at their hands for the pest ;year. (my first year in this place.) and flattering lapel f that I have done,and and am still prepare* to do, the very best work in my lin e. I sol*it acontinuance f plot faroro ' - D. T. FELLOWS P. S. I rerpertfully refer fenny o hay patroni—Janies Eyster, lfle.Lenalian. .A. K. McClure. Rev. Mr. Niecolls, Presbyterian clittrZ•h, Dr, pchards.Dr.Fisher, of M. Kieffer it Co,. Gemini] Beni Ifessenger. J.Allisea Eyster, Wm. C. Ekster. and-any ethers for whom I have Aane'iverk—for eharaeter of work done, andes w edition Judie 17,'63 ti. 13HARTNERSIIIP.—Notice is here bs. given that the undersigned have entered into partnership in the Hardware and Cutlerytrusiness at the old stand of 'Ayers & Brant'. where we are - prepOed to furnish everything li our line as Cheap as any ~other house in the county. Special Inducements are offered for Cash as our motto will be quick sales and short profits. JACOB S. BRAND. oct.l,433r—oct 14 GrS'ORGYVLACE4. (`!-RAINS GRAIN I ! GRAIN! ! Iy/A.SUABAUGfri'S BREWERY, „ • , 4ainbeesktV., Pa' The undersigned takes this metiaba of Informing his friends and the public generally, that be has lewd fur a'tertts of yearethe well known Brewery establishment heretofore conducted by Mr. Upton Wailiabangl4 Its will be glad to furnish to his friericht and the old:patrons Of the House with the Iffiest ALE Upon the shortest tice Atid at the lowest prices. • highest Cash price will be paid for 5,06 bus bushels Of BAILEY, delivered at Chambersburg. 10,20,644 Y ALEXANDER' MARTIN. FOR . 111 1 111 T.;--,Tho "mid d will rent the neW TitAltll SITILTdie ertictol on 'Market etreet,liont thb r lst of April , next. ,The 11.001D4 tour on each, story, are , well adapted, either for fitose Rooms or Shops, and will be rented singlyor, otherwise ea most conv enient. r Us : l32o4f] JOIIN B. COOS. I jefkmtkffit bottot,, *leak 20 etrat Lumiset 'kr • G. A. DEITZ. TENCH 11.DOWELL. fEITZ 8.; 'DOWEL ,` ;VILE PA Y THE HtGIIEST•PERT IN CASH FOR - FLOUR, _ JVH AT, RYE, CORY, 04 TS, ' CLOVER SEED, 2131QT.7117 SEED, And all kinds of PRODUCE: - ALL EINTES"'OP " 7 : z SAL T, COAL, .LCILBER,,- CEMEN7, PIASTER, A XD Pon 5A1.13, I - CU B A -1)- I' 0 "it G: A S , - - DEITZ 3fDO KELL'S WAREHOUSE AND COAL YARD, Near the Railroad Depot, ":1 CRAM B P.SBi; I:'G, P A • . AND ' On Nctrtlt Carlisle Stree't, i GIttENCASTLE, PENN'A alms 17,'83 YE - W FIR NI !—COAL !° COAL rUNIBER!' LeYlit.Y.ll!—LKO. ERY.ItT A SOX having purchased the Coal and Lumber Yard of fleorg6 A. Deitz. will c ,ntinuo to ear on the sttne - ttsiness. and trillalways haveon hand a barite anaply of Lumber and Coal. They will be prepared to All all orders at thtf shortest notice. They resocctfully solicit the"patran age of. the fate Ann and the public generally,and nli who may destre Coal and bomber, to giro them a calL feeling assures:that nteons will he spaced to accoM modat e.thone on the :nest reasonablo terms. June 17.'63-tf. LEO. EBERT & SON. 'Liquors. IMPORTER - s. OF 'IV"'INES AND LIQI7OPtS. LAM MAN, SALLADE No. 123 SOUTH NINTII _ (DETTEEN VIEBTNUT AL.ND 4.LYC7.) • . , . GER. • - A. SI. SALLADE, J. p„. BITTING. RIVESE, ARDIfAT S: CO'S , _ SUPERIOR COGNAC BRA DT, , RACII BOTTLE SEALED W7TEGItinVSIVAX, WITH TRE INITIALS Or THE FIRM IMPORITD BY LAUMA N, SA LGADii k SUPERIOR OLD MADEIRA irLS - R VINE MERRY, CiARET,.k.ND, TIOCK WINES, AND AN)ASECORTMENT II? PINY. DIIANDS OP' CLu AMPAGNE. OSBORNII /4 CO.'S • 0 PO R TO. vratr FINE AND DELICATE op) PORT WINE. EACH BOTTLE: RULED WITH YELLOW WAS, WITH TIE INITIALS OP T11E,141131. , IMPORTYD TIT LAU)ikt., SALLADF. .te .r r',' , . ' 1 Nu.EtB SOU TLI Nrglil STlCtir. , • . PIM DELPIIIA. _. LLD TrrE WHTfifier, . OLD !WHEAT IVILISICY, _ - WARRANTED. OLD JAM ` UCA tiPIRTTS, , ODERIIOLi t 7. AV DISK EY,- FOUST WHISKEY; WERTV6WHISKEY, LIFFEY'S WHISKEY, . • , A..NP HEADING W 1 1 , 71.:5., • L 1731 A -N, SA Lt. ADE & CO., 128 SOUTH NINTH STREET. nov. I.Sly 431) . Wrians. ,T_OHN MONTGOMERY wild attend pronfotly to all mile in bit I bee. ()tribe Gin a natreet,next door to the - Eagle - Hotel, and nearly opposite thereeidenee of the lion .Geofge Chambers. - Chamberaburg, June 17, 1863. W' B. BROWN,' Electrical Physi e farm, Office in, Franklin Building, Wzu MARKET STSEET,Cdambersbarg, Pa. The above treate all blironic Diseases by means 0. GALVANISM and the different modifications of ELMO- Mara, as discovered and taught by Prof.Bollae. • Nov 4, 6344 • R. J. C. RICHARDS will attend promptly to all calls in We lino. Offloo on Main trOet, no oor to Spangler's 1/pig - Store. tcrb?ri E notraa—From 7 to 9, A.M.; 3.2 to 2 and 6 T.M. • Juni 17,1668. )2 _ BBIDELkAw, WiIOLESALE GROCER A • MICE CO.4.MISSION MERCHANT 110, - 703 MARKET ti dgo. 2 NORTH 7tb ST:, invites the attention of merchants to hislarge and well assoitad stock of Sogard,Syrnps,Teas, and Coiteesaill which will he sold: at lowest mmltet rata. Conntfy buyers and sellers iv illfind it tothair actvantagetogbea him a call. • Price eurreascontalufng rill the 'varieties of tic e ket to be had of S.S f Sayrpez, Cbarabersburg, sept. 23 - STOYE 'EMPORIUM. 31.1/XSTRETT-4 Moore South of-!he Piot/K.4g. w ou ld r e' op'ectfull3-itivite thojittontioli of thopnb= =MI . STOVES. He- lins nee" 'the tweet and, but awrtment of PARLOR. ever offered inlFrnnklin eoeniy consttinbly on hand . of Mt sizes; and the beet ma= i • terial. - • . . The largest assortment. the heaviest iron and' tile • . rhado in the county. made of the best material and in a4orkmanliht ROOFING,' SPOUTING, ".&e made and put *utthe shortest notice. Particn &II and look through our stock and get the prices "Small Phllls;Quick Sales and Godlraluel" tour Doors South of thO Diamond, - Nay.n. -. OUSEKEEP.ERS, READ Gal tagtirr's SunriseAir-±Vglet:t—A New Flat Top oTiii [NO STOVE. The plTtes are very heavy. and the: whole store Is finished in EiSuperihr. manner. I warrant this Stove to be. sarerigr to any Flat-Top Stove now In the market. rind t espestfully Invite'lny friends and the public to coil and egamine this Steve, of which there are several sizes I have also a great variety of other cooKyNn STOVES of every style; PARLOR STOVES, new and heivltiful patterns. together with a heavy st.s•k on STOVES fur (notches, stores, ()Hires, Hotels. &e. .• :MIN 8. LIiDWIO, Wholesale AndlleisllDenler in STO VES, TIN AND COPPER W. 4 RE. te.en nopointed Soio Agent fqr (Intla g.h reit Celehritt ell:Scuttle eAir•TightCookStovcinChxm herehnrg.Px. June 1141563. A T ETTER, 11AMItTON & CO'S °refit Strive and Tin , Ware Store, corner of the iamond.can be seen' the cheapest stock of Goods In.Charnbersburk. They have COOK ING STQV Es for Wood and Coal, ot latestpattel UK and all sizes. at f4ir mires, '. : [June 17.1863. QPOTTING AT SHORT NOLICE',of first intemnterial anti chenp: All ,work warranted. and cheaper than can be bought elsAhere in the County, Call anti see for yourselves, at ETT ER, ITAMILTON & CO'S.- nearly opposite the Bank.; TITTER, HAMILTON & CO. are prepared to put up the beet LIGHTNING RODS 'et ohear.rntes; App:INAVS lIAND. A .I,ARGE assortment of the Tory boot Va. Jiiiattned aq‘l ~erwarth&e„isettllewitt IiTTEFLUA,MTLTON & CO'S. LL WORK WA RRAINT d choup'Pr than can he bouuht ;IFewhece in the county. Comounilace—then buy. at • ETTER. 11.1.31ELTONA COT: • CFR' P. R ALL _OARLO AND, NINO MOOSE (;011C, STOVES. They'ry pretty, good and cheap. ETTIM. HAMILTON k (WS. • A few dooretrout Shryocles Docile 3" tot n Y .~.,~...-...,....~ T llO 'HIE -PUBLIC GENERILLY. citAmBERSUURa YOUNRY.- . - ,• ' e tillderaispott likes this method to intann'the par' that los has taken the FOUNDII.It ROloilk carried nn 'l Wm. :Whey!. with all the PATTERS'S cnnnected ther with. is t.ere he purposes continuing the businee , , and ,! now prep-wed to matie ALL KINDS•OF CASTINGS that ntiv be wanted by the community. Partictilne,a . tendon will be paid to making 'arid kesplng"rmlianite s ty description of PLOWS, CASTINGS, WAGI, , N BOX ES. ke. ' ' , All kinds of Casting made to order. ' t New Plowa. of different patterns, alwayn on hand e s made to order;. - _ • OLD n'PAL taken in trade,: for which the hlghe • price will be given. By devoting himself attentively to bnaineie he hep. • to merit and receke a share of public patronage. - .June 1'4'61 ' - , , - • ABRAHAM METZ. ' PIIILNUELPIII A ELF MARBLE -YARD.-Th undersigned respectfully announces to the citiset of Franklin county that be has aliened a Now Marb Yard in the room formerly occupied by Drdlatallece directly opposite 3. S. Nixon's Drug Store, Main Stree in the Borough of Chambersbnri, where he will keep hand or make to order all articles in hie line of tontines each as MOM:MUT% 'TOMBS and HEAD - STONE MANTLES, TABLE k STAND TOE'S, fo.,martufacturt .from the very best Foreign and Domeitic Marble. He respectfaily 1;011018a call front Shoat , who maybes want of any article in the.abore lino. He is confident his ability to satisfy all who tnair be pleased to patron': liim;either he regards his prices, or the qua/q.Y thole: and chasteness of his work. • Jnly,B, '63. , . JOHN A. GROVE. A,Ei A toN to:;' .- O&f‘3IISSION EINACELINT - • :and Thelon . LEATHER, SUMAC. SIIKEP - -AND CALF SKIN, No. 434 North Third Street. Philadelphia. , Leather, Sumac and Skim bought or sold on Comenif elan. Advance! nixed° on Oonslgronente. [doc/Ame FRIENDS of Soldierti in the Se:*;; vice, Mau tflotipitalo t can brutal them .teith 'OBlTo47,three months for 25 teats; etz lt,Mlthei 60 cents, or tor vier for 00. • • ' i - ,,StAbcs ant( Einknare JACOB B. MILLER,- CIiAIIBERSEIT,I3G, lio to ltiA btrgo and svollsoloctott stook Of ~ COPPER, TIN and S4Eir-IRO! WARP, HALL. GO BURNERS and WA511..13011,E-RS- 1 , GOAL tVC*K.Z,TS 4ieb=.l tarmac 6tOck 'of T LN -'lV t 4. It R; manner. 3s he is a PRACTICAL WORZ- MAN, and has-had:many yearA ex- perienee in the business, he feels confident that lie Can give general ' satisfaction lar tatOntiilpai,d to all kindg of '.I.tIENDIIO AND JOBBING. Lizr motto is JACOB B. MILLER. illanufactureo. al pettotim *l4ountv agruries. JOIM 31. POMEROY; • ARIZ Y..A.ND NAVY-AGENCY; t • : 204 SOUTH FOURTH STREET,. PHILADELPHIA. The under:signed, having resigned his position aa pay in:Otter:hi the Ui S Army, has opened at ato'" SOUTII POtiliTll, STREET, an AGEZaC.Y .FOll/ PR.O O U RING - eIINSIONS.. and for theiolleCtion of Onacerts',Soteteds',` indallother Crentaagainat the GovernMent: • ! My long experience as Paymaster, hasigicen nut ; 'aril tWilities fur , becoming thoroughly 4,,equaiiir with : his business in ail its details. On the receipt-y mail, ,1 a statement of case of-cla imants,t •' will f orward, •he necessary Papers fur their signature.. Personal at :entitle will,be"gproa - telleseasea at Niraihingte ti. No chargellllle9S suetessful,-whert N 5 will be` charged tor-collectit g all minas under $BO. and $lO on all sums over hat amount and unders2oo. Largerclaltus taken on ,• ' -pecintareatigeraent. : Vessin Pension Cases as timed by otsv... • I NFORMATION FOR; AND INS'MUCTIONS TO - 'CL4I.IIA-NTS. • 'Ali Soldiers of the present war, who have served two ;ears, rind Soldiers discharged for wounds received in ..Sttle, witheut,reference to time of service, are °nailed - resides their regular pay, to $lOO Bounty. ', In case Soldiersor Seamen are discharged for clis r esility ' .or wounds received while in the service, they are entitled re a Pension according to the disability: • " tI • ease of the death of the Soldier before discharge, -- through disease contracted, or wounds received while in ! iervice, his widow is entitled to reave the $lOO Bohnty, Itesides arrearages of pay and pension during her lifetime or 'NvidotrhiSod, If the Neldier die after discharge,from disease fon t rooted or Wounds received while in service, his widow is entitled te'a pension of N 66 per annum. , 74 _ If no-widow or minor children: the mother of the Sol ,fierer Seainan will receive the Pension, if dependant on him wholly or in part for Support. If deceased Soldier or Seaman leaves no widow, his children-are entitled tithe same benefits as the widow, except when the children. may be over the age of 10 years. If no widow or minor children, the bounty and pay w ill deafen,' to the heirs as follows: , I . First to the Father, second to the Mother, third to the Brothers and Sisters, and then to the next of kin. ' Discharged Soldiers. Whose clothing account was un settled at the time of cliacharge, can recover any balance tine them, if the Company beeks are not destroyed. - To draw this balanee..vvrite to- your Captain fora deacrip• live list, showing Clothing account, and forward it to me with your preliminary statement, giving also the date of vour discharge Soldiers, who served with the nine months' volunteers, taw recover s'2,l bounty And premium, without regard to thrtelSfservice, if they have not already receivedd t. Soldiers who were prisoners in the South, and Soldiers who werealisent on sick furlough, are entitled to corn- Mutation of rations. , In communieating with this office;state the nature o your claim fully, and give the Company and Beg meat to which you or the Soldier for whom you claim belonged, its well as your present Pitst Officeadtiress. -BEFEREIVCES. ills Excellency Amami' G. Omens , Governor of Penn sylvania. lIox„ Mott Gewraole. Harrisburg, Pa. lion. JOSEPH Ones!, Chief Justice of the court of Claims; Washington. - Iles. E. 11: Bactoge, Chief Clerk of Pay Department, , Washington, TON. EDWARD 314PRERSOX, M. C.. Washington. Hex. Jes. P. STERILE; :President Judge, District Court, - Pittsburgh. Hes. A. K. McCinie,Chambersburg, Pa. - 'lloze.Tuomas A. Boort', Vice President Penn*a.ltail Road. t I fox. WILLIAM B. Tuotes, Collector if the Port, Pliikel'a. ,Vox. C. A.WALROLIN, Poet Mager, PhiladaAphia. - Intratt&Co.,Bankers,Philadelphia.- .- leMEsDeNtee, President or Union Bank. Philadelphia nuttarr L• FAIRTHOILCE. AEEOTIIieS, RIEGEL, WEISE & ERVIN, Merchants, Immo, EXEEDLER A Co. Merchants, , : Pattaterr,lleutiti& CO, DAVID FAUST & Co., Merchants, IE:C./AMIN S. JANNET. Ja. & CO.. Merchants, Onentes -E. MosoAs A Co., Merchants, lrwoon,WnrtzA Co.,3lereitants, ' JOHN 3f. runitor, N 0.204 South Fourth 3t rect COot:ING STOVES annuli, '63-tt._ PENSION, .BOUNTY AND :WAR CLAIM' AGENCY.—Pensions procured f,r soldiers .1f the present war who are disabled by reason of wounds received. or disease contracted: while in the .ervice - of the United States; and Pensions r sloo Bounty, and Arrears of Pay obtained for widows or heirs of those who hart died or been killed while in service. JOIN R. ORR, Claim Agent, Feb.25,!6a-Iy. Chambeisbnrg.Pa QIIRE/84TR'S BALS.SMIC COUGH 1? SYEbt . .-- I .Fbr toughs, OuWe, Croisp,, Whooping Gough, ,tettima, Bronchitis, - gpilting Biwa, Patii.atui Weakness of the, Biwa, Difficulty of br eathing, cf.n. —This is no new, remedy. It has been used fora num ber of years in Maryland and parts of Pennsylvania, and has wherever known, ,acquired an unprecedented reputation for curing the various diseases for whfelt ft is recommended. It is used by all classes of society, and the universal opinion is that ft is good. This Syrup is purely Vegeta ble Cbmiound, It is pleasant to take, and never does injury'. But,owing to its purifying qualities. must do good under any circumstances. Its effects are . truly wonderful, soothing, calming, and allaying the _most violent coughs; purifying; streeng thing and My igorat ng tho whole system, calming and soothing the nerves, aiding arid facilitating expectoration, and healing the . • DISEASED LUNGS. Thus striking at the root of diseases, and clr ivingit from the system. • CROUP. This disease is announced by difficulty of breathing shrill whistling dr wheezing, hacking cough and threat. cued suffocation, &as It mostly occurs in young chil dren. No child need.die of croup if this Syrup is pro pel ly used and used in time. Mothers having croupy children should watch the &at show of the disease, and always keep this remedy at hand. • • ' For cough after measles this Syrup is most excellent. Experience hasproven that it is equaled by no other preparation. The price of the remedy Is such as to place it Within the reach of all, the poor as well as the rich, and vary person should have it. Every person should have it in the house. It is it true and faithful friend to all who value health and wish to secure themselves against that most terrible disease. consumption'. It will he found the most useful as well as the cheapest family medicine in the world. It hex been used fur the last four years with a success without a parallel'. Price 40 cents per battle ; or three bottles for $l.lO. Freparcoby S. A. FOUTZ & lIRO., ' . Westminster, Md. For sale by MILLER & lIENSITEY, and J. S. NIXON Chamheraburg., aud Storekeepers every-where. VOTITZ'S CELEBRATED HORSE -x • AND CATTLE POWDERS.—These Powders have proved. after a trial of several years, to be. Superior to mire repara t hin of the kited need. The chief snpesierit3 of those Powderslarise from the feet that they are com posed of Medicines that have Laxative, Tonic and Pnri propeetieS.l The Latativ e elected crudities from the stomach and Intestines; the Tonic gives strength te e the system of the Hoe set and the purifying medicines contained In them cleanse the lanai, and lay the form• dation f.r a healthy and vigorous circulation. The use offbeat improves the wind.' strengthens the appetite and gives the florae a Ong, smooth and glossy sk in-.that. itaproviu;; the appearance, vigor and spirit of the noble animal. • e These Powders, are not intended, as most powders are: to bloat the animal, so as to give him 'the appearance 01 befog fat when not redly so—but to remove the disease and promote his general health. These Powders will strengthen the stomach And intes tines, cleanse them from offensive matter and -bring them to a healthy state. They are a prevention of Lung Fever, and a certain remedy for all diseases incident to • the Horse. as Glanders,- Yellow Water, Distemper. Founders, Heaves, Slavering,'Cought. Fevers, Loss of Appetite, and Vital. -Energy, &a: These Pewdera it used two or three times a week, through the winter and s[ , aing, gone horse will never get the Lung Fever, Colir or Botts. A few &lies of these powders will remove the worst Cough en any Horse. , Were owners of Horses to feed a few of these Powders very year they raleht save' the lives of mnny'valnable Horses. MILCH COWS -The properties this Powder possesseS. In Increasing the quantity of milk In Cows, -gives it An importance and value which should place it in the hands of every person keeping , a Cow.—lte fattening Cattle, ii gi4o3 them an appetite, loosens their hide, and makett them thrive much faster. TIOGS.—In all diseates of Swine, as Conghs,lilcera In the Ludgs and Liver, &c., by putting from half a paper to paper of these Powders in a barrel of swill, the above disease can be cured or .entirely prevented. By using these powders the Hog Cholera can be prevented. Pro. pared by S. A. FOUTZ & BRO., Westminster, Md. " For Sale wholesale and retail, by MILLER .k HEN SHIA, and .1. S. NIXON, Chambersburg, Pa., and store.. lreeperes everywhere. Price 25 cents per 'paper, or five pipem for 81, s . [tlec9`], =IEEE Eul:Ann' MIXTURR—Is a B ala 'and relliddellemedy for the cure of lihnmatiam a thl Nervous Affections, Sprains, limns, Swelling and all disease requiring an external application on Man Oni Horses it will never fall to cure Pole-evil Fistulas old running Sores { or if properly applied. For sprains, bruises, scratches, cracked hoofs, chafes, saddl4 or collar Gall, -cuts or wounds, it IS an Infallible remedl ; Try it, end be ;convinced of its efficacy., - - • , ' RIMUMATISIA. ' • geralm afflicted with this . disease, no matter of ho• .- long standing, can bepromptly and effectually cured 4, using this mixture.' • There is nothing latheworld so sure and so good f. ; t a k e away bad Come andlcure Frost Mesas this preps' ,• atlou. Tait and satisfy yourselVes. Price 25 atoll ) cents *battle; Prepared by ,-•- , • ' ,- • • . •• S. A. Yourz, k P.0.,8 Westminster, it'd. - FOr sale bYIittLIZR k lIENSITEY, and J. S. NIX° ~'-‘ Chambershirs.4* and gtarekeeperativerywhere. - ', . Itlebitat. OZZIE= HELNEOLD'S' GE NITINE PRE PARATIONS.--CWIPOLni D, FLUID EXTRACT DUCH% a Positive snit Specificßemedy foe diseases U. the Eladers Ridneys, Unmet. and Drcpiical This Medicine inerews theliewer of DiVitiOn and ; ex cite the Absorbents into healthy 'saint'', DS 'which -the Watery Cr CILICUIMUS despos.iticus indAd trarlit olll Eels rgenleabl are reduced, as well as Pair. and Xuttaist mallow HELMtOLD'S-EXTRACT' BUGHItJ. For Weakoessesirarisimc front „Excesses, Habits of Did sipatloa, early Indiscretion of Abuse,attended wraith. following syniptoln; • Indisposition to Exertion. • • • • Loss of Poled, Loss of Memory Difficulty of Breathing, Weak.lietves, • - Trembling, 11ert5r,tif Disease, , Wakefelness, Dimmasti or Vision. Pain in tho fleets Universal Lassitude of the Mnseruirir System.. •. Hat Hands, Flushin gof the Body, Dryness otttre'Skin. , Eraptionson the Flub. „ . . Coardcuatite. - • 4* These symptom., If allowed to go on, Nutley this Diem_ eine invariably removes. tioort follow , .; • • •„ p Impotency. ittuity, Epileptic Fad, " In one of which the Patient may expire. Who can say that they are.not frequently folloWedlry firm Diseases." : I ! •'INSANITY AND CciNSDNIt,TIO, Many are aware of the 9tuee °L.P . /fir , , • BUT NOM; WILL CONFESS, - TILE RECORDS OF TBE 1NE14371 BECTLUICS And Nslonao/y Deaths 2ky tbnxuatntion be!tr - ttrniAlo wituese to the Truth of the nese:Von., . . • The anstitution once fffetied with Organic. ;Weakness requires the aid tit Medicine to Strengthen and Invle. orate the *stein.• - EXTRACT BOOM; Oreariahy its*. A Trial will convince the most skeptical, FEMALE.;--FEMALES:-:FEMAtES . In ili4nit'Affections peen/fart() Amatts the 2*ctlistl, Recutr is unequaled 11.7 any other remedy, 'as in ChM raids or Retenteou, Irregularity, Painfulness, , or W presslun of Customary Evnentions,iliceratee or Setts hons state of tho Uterus. Lencherrticea'or . :Sterility, and 14 , It complaints incident to the, 804 whether arising from itoliscretiou Habits of Dissipatitm, oriti the DECLIYII OR 'CIIANCIV, OF LIFE Take no more Ralson. .ktroury, or unpkasatit Ma rina tor. tenjotect.ant and daootibuo diotaeeo. - lIEL3IBOLD'S , EXTRACT DUCHIES AND lIIP3MH ROSE WASH CURES - SECRET DISEASES fn all their Stages. fAttluor no change in :Diet. And ne klrposure It eanseSafragnent (tsetse and givetistrength nate, thereby... Removing Obstructions. Preventing' And Curling Stricturest.f tEe Urethra, allaying Pain main thunation. sofrefluent iu Ufa class of diseases, and ex pelting all Poisonous, Diseuied apd woraout matter'. THOUSANDS r PON THOUHANDB WHO luvz ,nzati Ttot Via. rtus oF Qtutes, and who hare paid' helm/ fees to lie cured In a abort time. hare found they were .deeettrl, and that the' POISON" has, by the use of "port:Urn, (sramdmers," been dried up in the system, to break out in an aggravated form, and perhaps after Marrioo. - - UnelismooLo's EXTRACT - Steno for all affeottotti and dieetteesof the-URINARY ORGANS, whether existing in 'IALE or F. from whatever emote migittatips J oel no matter of }IOW LONG STANDING. Difikses ofthesc Organs requires the aid of a DIIIRET IC. lIELMBQLD'FIIiXTRACT RUCHG IS THE GREAT DIURETIC, and I's certain to have the desired effect in al ,Diataza for, which it is Been men ended. Evidence of the most reliable and responsible charm ter Will accompany the medicine. PRICE $l,OO PER 130 ; .CTLE, OR SIX FOR 45,00 Deliv4redfo any Addresedi'ecorely packed frotrioloorra Lion. Symptom do al/ Communications, CURES GUARANTEED! ADVICE GRATIS! Address letters forint - ormiVicti to IL R. 11-ELMBOLD. Chemist. 104 Suuth Youth st., be:. Chestnut, Phila. ITELMEOLD'S Medical Depot. lIELMI3OI.D'S Drugand Chemical Wartbonie,_ - B 4 Broailwity, New Turk,- EMI BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS AND UN - FAIN& PLED DEALERS who endencur to d tenth% "of lheti owd" and "other" artidex an. The. rvutation detained klf - ffehnbeld'h• (Jeanine Prepdfiftions. " r, ESI niefil chn. Sdrnapnrilla. • - a. " Improved Rose Wash. spin HT 1 DRrGOISTS .EVERTIPTIRR'E.: ' 4613 FOR lIELNIROLD'S TAKE NO MlER cutnnt the Ativertilement and Beni/ fur it. AisiD AVOID DIPUSITIONAND EYPOSiIIt;ZI ndv.11,'63-1y 11.0/STET ...STOMACg _A pare and powerful ToniC, corrective and alterniive of wonderful efficacy in diseases STOMACTI, _LITER AND, BOIFEZ.9. Curet Dyspepsia, 'Aver Compiaint, Headache, General Debility, Nervousness, Dhitesalail of -BPiritsa , .Constipation, Colic, intermittent Fe. .--fare, Craws and Swam, apd • , „ all Complaints of either Sex, arida* „ rom Bodily -,Weakpeas ia - hether.loberePt, fa, s falkdYSTEld. OR. PRODUCER BY BPEcruakenszs 11- Nornftra' that in not .wholesome, genial-andreitora ', tive [nits nature enters into the conipositian of ROB iiTETTER'SrSTOMACH BITTERS: This 1 1 ()Pillar. Ts'e ,:paration contains:lo mineral of any kind, no deadly ho. ; tanica I element : no fie& irritant; but it' is ncombi, `illation' of tile extracts of fare halsaini ':harbti and !plants with the purest and mildest of all: tinnily° IstiMulltlts• ' - . It Is well to be forearmed against s disease,and, so _far 4 as the human system can be protected by hurattriralarta against maladiev .v..7-adexedi.y: an unwholesome atmos phere, impure water and other external .causes, MB TETTER'S RITTER'S may be relied on as a safeguard. = fin districts Infested with FEVER ANb has been found infallible as a proventive'end irreilatible is a remedy, and thousands who resort to it underappreheu • slon of An attack, escape the scourge; and , thousanAs 1 who neglect to avail themselves of its protective grub ; ties In tuiv"a“ce, are;mred oya very'brief course of this .1 marvelous ' - niadicine. Fever and Agne patients, after being plied with quinine for months in vain, until fairly aturatad with, that dangenius alkaloid, are not nnfrs 4nently restored to health within afar days by the use of boSTETTER'S BITTERS. . The weak stomach is rapidly invigorated and the ap. petite restored by this agreeable Tonic,and hence works wonders In eases of DISREPSIA. and in lea confirmed tonne of INDIGESTION. doting as a gentle_ and painless apperient,. as well as upon the liver, it aiso . Invariablyrelloses the CONSTIPATION superinduCed by irregrdargketion of the digestlyo and secreifrve organs Personseffeehle habit,i fable to NERVOUS X:ITACES LOWNESS OF SPIRITS and 'PITS OP LANGUOR, , find prompt and permanent rialto from ilia - lilt - telt -The testimony" oh thiis point is most - eondluslis, anh from both sexes • The agony of EMMA( COLIC is immediately amnia god by a tingle dose of -the stimulant, and,hy,occa. lonally resorting to it, the return of the complaint may be prevented. As a General Tonic. MOSTETTLTI'S BITTERS dace effects which Must be experienced or witnessed before theycan bo fullyapprecisted. In cases of CON. STITUTIONAL WEAKNESS, PREMATURE DECAY and DEBILITY and DECREPITUDE arising,from OLD AGE,it exercises the electric influence._ In the cniTa. ascent steges of all diseases it operates ha a delightfni invigorini. When the powers Of nature are reined, k opOratesto - ro-enfo rce and ro-establish them. , ' 4 ' 'Last, but not tesiat c it is VIE - ONLY RAPE SUMO LANT,being mannactured &Ma - sound and innocuous materials, and entirelyfree from the acid clime* pre lent more or len In all the ordinary tonics and stom ach ice of the day. ' No family me;dicine has been so nniversalli,indi may bo"trnly added, deservedly popular with the Intel agent portion of tbO community, tis'UOETETTEIPTI Primared - • • • & ntitrrierfm!. • :- •!' ". - 'PittsbUtt,Tes, gold by all wiggiiti 3 Orocerillin4Btoze,:keet ,veer %Vert?, "sir' COTtI '664, ; Mt,ll itai At little Rtpentie. ti9lnconyonidnce. • t CELORATYIY , II