43 eiotin4. IMMI TSGEUPPhErSI 'WEST ,STYLES. ' LARGEET nocK—en EAPESi PRICE. •The undersigned tan Rasura the Public, and defies sue rossfcil contradiction, that his recent purchases in the Eastern cities enables linn to-offer lne °Nile largest and tabatattractlyeathek - - • . ; • , '•• C LC/THIN G iFtir'fße Flit and Winter &cum of .1.883-1 to be ronn nnjrsinillnr establishment in this section. Every va = COATS; PANTS - AND VESTS, .3.4.41 e in the very Vest style an d rt,t tbe lowes t es GENTLE'IIEN'A FURNISIIING GOODS, fneli as Shirts, Drawers. Collars. eraviits. Neck Ties 3i kerrchictsAc., &c. -Special attention to called- ti thi Department.- - CUSTOMERS' ORDERS I weald invite an emuninatien of my Stock of Fine rCIathe,KBMOIiTIPT9 .Vestino,lcc., which I inannfacturt ',Upon special orders. ' SPECIAL' NOTICE. I would beg to say that My (foods are manufacttrret under my own supervision and by the very best - work -tnen. - My preoent steel:is the most extensive I bare ye,t bad in store and I respectfully 'Ask - my frieids and tfR •Pablic to give me n call before purchasing elsewhere. . • Bementbeo the old Stand. .1; 'IIOSKINSON, Franklin Hotel Building, Corner of 'the Thamonil and West Market Street. . Cbambersbnrg,Fa. ELLIOTT, CLOTHIER, Sou ti. - • wets Cotner of the DIAMOND. next door to the itik,.ONAMBERSBEIIG, has just returned from thr Orty with a large stock of superior mid seasonabl, lio , tris, sit!, as C LOT FIS. CASED' Elt ES. SATINETTS JP A Ns. CO R DS, ,t c.. for Coats And VELVETS,SATINS. titSBILLES.and other Vestl ngs. Also--a very flat selection of BEA DY-31ADE CLOTIIING, which he: (trrepated to sell at the very lowest mark. t prices. CLittTOMER'WORK.—As bepiariloys a fi rst-vate cut. ter, he is prepared to make up all kinds - of i.4srments „Ibr ‘lerr and Boys. to order,in• the best styles. Stale. faction will be guaranteed. A lergemsortment Of GENTLEKEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, such es Dr. - ewere. Collars, IrandkerchlCfs. Sns• 4e4liere,Crivpet' Bags... Umbrellas, 6:c., Ice.. always on 'tand, Give him scan and :lave money. [June • W.' SCOTT, GENTLEMEN' H • PEMNISITINO STORE. and SHIRT MANUP. UMI.Y, No. 33.4 Chestnut Strectt. Four doors below : 41 Chfinentat." Philadelphia. 'Particularattention git to ordered Shirts. A perfect ftt guaranteed. Persons at a distance can order by the following Shirt Measures • Sire nrinind the Neck:: " Chest under the Arms: " •' " Walla • " U. Wrist.. tangtbiotArtni , (bont)frotncentre of back ty middle of hand : Zengthpf Bosom at Side: • , " Shirt:: R C.. WALBOIN•& WHDLES ur, AN - f READY RADE LINEN RETAIL AND DRE-S.ITOCK NIANUTADTORY, . Icn. ';) ot 7 North Sixth. Street, Philadelphia. Bilk.Merinonnd Cotton UnderSbirta and Drawera,CrA- Scarfe,Olovee,liandkerchiefi..&c. Shirt e; WraPPerg and DreseStocka made to order by measuremetk, and larafrAotrd to give malefaction:, • R Ordore ntiq bel eft with S. S. SweTout,Ohamberaburg. sep.23 - , „ Nv _e, ST ON & BROTHER, AIERCIIANT TAILORS, N 0.900 Areli Street. Philadelphia. Pa. laa ring recelyeli &liberal share of patronage from Chant. bersburg-and vicinity, we are encouraged to ask for Vlore. Tho - eseellence,of our goods and our work, and the care we take to give entire sat isfact ion lea sufficient guarantee that we value our reputation. _ tico'gl.l,Mly WISTON & BROTAEIt., - *Ms. ANDRETII'S AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS AND SEED WAREHOUSE, 21 and 23 South Sketh strert, Philadelphia. DAVID f;A:rebßera & Sox, Proprietors of }Doomed:tie, which cootains near four hundred acres. in high tilth, fevoted in the production of GARDEN SEEDS, are note pripirred tosupplyCon ivy Merchants, Druggists and all others'who deal Wei...de. wttti Large or small guan. Litt 31', by the pound or b ash el, and,also in papers, made readystor retailing. .e • The Establishment represented by David Landreth & tiow,haAboonfoundednearlr%of it century. The wideepread popularity, and ate demand,lncreas. ingfeoul year to year, for , • L ANDRETH'S WARRENTRD ' • OAR:DEN ,SEEDS 1 / 2 „ ev id eme of tite high valuc entertained fcr them by . the public. Landreth's Garden Seeds are not only favorably.re ' Nsiva throughout the, U 'don. but are shipped to many ttreitn ports. Indeed, it maybe - stated with national widothat they come intoactire competition w Eng Hob Seed on:British Son. -` David Landreth &.Soninviie all who are not already ' perchasers of their Gaylen Seeds. 'to make a trial of therraiianreitthat they Will be found folly equal to reputation: ttulteth's Rural itegillter and Almanac containing. 4atatoguirof Garden Seeds' withlustructions. furnished Awstie. Also--Catalogue of Agticwitural Itnplemente. • DATID LANDRETH & SON, Igoe .21-aria 23Sont h 6 th 3 t.,Ph liadelphia. , agrinaturat. ETZ'S. PLOW , bIANCFACTORY, ‘,Vo'R.Dizia OF WASHINGTON AND SECOND STREETS. . •• t • CHAMBERSBURG,' PA. , ...; , ClUman's Improve retaium Plows and all other Plows now in general e with POLISHED MOULD :BOARDS, both wrong, t•Tron Share and Self-sharp-, suing. Harrows, Hoe Harrows, Cultivators, Plow ' Castings, and Wagon ;Boxes constantly on hand, or made 'at short notiae; - • • Farmers should bear in mind that Plows purchas • ed of me can be repaired at less trouble or expense than those' that are made a great distance from home. ' Call, see and be convinced. He has also purchased the -right to manufacture and sell " Slemmens' Patent Iron Double Shove Plows," which he keeps constantly on hand. • • Blacksmitixing, in all, -its various branches, also carried.on at the above,named place. fob 24-3 m . ABRAHAM METZ.- A -GRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT . 11. MANUFACTURERS.--MT L. ROYER irE BRO., - Sixth St. and Germantown Ayenne, - Philadelphia. • ' '"3slannfacturere of the ' ' -- Tirem tun ;Farm Grist gin, .. •. ' • Horse rowersand Threahets, • ' Circ tiler 83w Sfachines, ... • - Corn Shelters, v . 1. ' - Grain Fans, ' ~ J Cultivators, , • 4— 'Harrows, .._ • - • Plows, ' • ' ri-ildeveryvarfety of approved Agrienlturallmplemehts. bbed for eireutar anraddreee L. BOYER a IMO., it 1 5 .'8 3 43 , . ; - Philadelphia AItLO BLUE. Dealers and Consumers of the above .Celebrated Wash Niue., Will please take notice, that the lasts are altered to ,read - 4 IR Dfil 0 BLIIB, Put up at ALPBED WUSBEItGEIPS Drug Store, No. 233 North Second Street,Philadelphia." The quality of this Blue will be the sane in•eTery rescart i • it is warrenled cola? more water _than twice the Same quantity et Indigo, and to go much further than; any other:Wash Blue in the market. It dimolvei per fectly clear and dues not settle on the clothes" as mbst of the other mekes do. One BOX, dissolved in a half pint • of water, will make as good a Liquid Blades any_ that is made, at onethird thocoet. „ As it le retailed at the same price as the; Imitations ' Ilkagllnferior articles; housekeepers will find it very much „IP their advantage to ask for that tint up at Witanza unto. • , _ , .4111 Blue put up after this - date with' Iltm.ow's - name ,•00, It is an ,Thantlon., • The New Labledoes not require a Stamp. For Sale by Storekeeper generally.' 1561'1-Om.? • ' V 'ADELP LIt I3A C P ANGINOI-i;2lli „Manufacturers of - • • ....WALL PA P-EnB-4: • .. - Ft WINDOW CURTAXN PAPEE, Car. th k 7darket•Streeta s PhtladOphia.. N -B.A.nne emit. of MIEN ORA DES constantly on hand ' feb INSubia. • laiiie:4 ' A OP I I 3 I. • • u.givEonr t ryilli C. HOPKI:IsT & - CO. s INTORTERS&DEALEREOX Otit.l4; 614 ABS • Asri_QlJ AZNAVARA ,-- *4 AP itaittsi Siam!, Pittuansati. • • lifor lbttLeF Tarticalitra apply, to S. ft: stiayobi tastabitriiirall NEI :IrtoteW: U 11:0TE14.-;-=This,. Hotel: is kj situated fin thecenter afMain and Queen Siteets, Heart he Dimmed. in theßorough ofeliarebersburg.N. The undersigned respect - hilly announces to thetravel ing public that this:Hetet bOs hewn remedied. It has been raised td THREE STORIES is height. A tine three story Back Building has beeh added to it, giving , an immense Amount of maim for the accommodation of the public generally. The rooms are large and comfort able. numbering in all, thirty-five. They are all well furni.Med with • GOOD NEW FURNITURE-. TerFons stopping at Pi is Hide] can have either double or single-i COOlll4. with or without tire fn them. The Table it a ways supplied with the BEST IN THE ATAREIT; 1511, will seat over 100 persons., The Bar is filled with the CHOICEST EIQUCIRS. The Stable is two.stories, of the most modern sty le ; anti the hest in the ltorough ofChambensburg. June 17:63. ' 'JOHN FISHER ,Proptietor. rRANK . LIN HOTEL— Tvoit side of te Public Square,Chazihenburg, Pa. - The subscriber would - respectfUlly inform the Travel •ng Comnittnitv that he has leased and taken possessirin , f this flomreedioneHotel. He hopes to make it one al the most desirable places for strangers and others tt ttell That can be found hinny gauntry town. : • t 1S TABLE will at all times be spread with the loi tries and substanfials of the season. ' ' HIS CHAMBERS aro large.wellventilated,and fittei spin modern style. Ills BAP will be well stippliedwith alargeand chele , 'election ofgaa very : best ,Liquors. 1115 STABLE will always be provided with good , rholesomo-provenderfor stock, and attended by carer') +stlers. No pains will by apnred to render entiresatiefaction II his guest; and pledging himself to endedror to pleas. ill. lie soliettp.a liberal share of the public patronngo. dune ' DANIEL TROSTLE. WHITE SWAN HOTEL, Chow bersburg,Pa.—lklieum Gnovz, Proprietor. ' Having purchased this well-known Hotel.(long know is Miller's, and recently as Weist 1r Grove's.) the Propri, ator pledges himself that no pains shall be spared -t sinister to the wants of his guests. The oha racier heretofore sustained by the House as comfortable Home fur the Sojourner, shall not suffer it my hands if a courtant effort to please andaccommodata will sustain it: The proprietor, therefore. solicits continuance of.the liberal patronage, herett.fore extend , ed to the " White Swan." In addition to large Stabling, he has TWO LOTS an. , a pair of ITAY and STOCK SCAM for the aceoinmodatiot of Provers and Butchers June 17.1863 1TM,11.8 COVERLT_ C . OVERLY & HUTCHISON Rave' become the Proprietors of the UNITEII STATES liOTEL,near the Railroad Depot at TIARRiS BURG. Pa. This popular and commodious Hotel ho, been needy refitt ; kl and furnished throughout its par loth and hambers, and is now ready for the reception of guests. • . The travelltheltnblie willfind thernited Stateenotel the inost,convenient. in all particulars. of any Hotel in the State CapitaUon account of its access to the rail• road. being immediately between the two great depots in this city. - plAßßlsurna,Junel7,'63-tf. 3c10v.11-11 INDIAN (AMEN HOTEL, ' :Main i Street, Chambersbarg, Pa. JOAN' W. TAYLOR. Pr4rittr. . Eine accommodat ion 4 and low charges. Stock Yards And Se Oft are connected with the premises for the convenience of Drovers. Also—Exton sive stabling* and yards for Horses and Carriages . June 17, '63. • BIT anti Sanrn Goats. GRBAT BARGAINS FROM .A7EIF . ORK UCTIO.NS AT WALLACE'S, CORNER OF MAIN AND QUEEN STREETS. New style Mosambiques, - • Diana chene Plaid, TM ill ed-Musambiques for travelling dressesl Superior Muslin Delaines in colors, Colored - Lawns and Crape de Pany, „ Black Slik,euperior quality, Superior Lyons Radzemer Silks ,(sublim e quality A large lot of Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, • A large lot of Irish Linen, Jaconer Collars. VOW , 504} Dozens wadies, Misses and sfen's Cotton White Linen and Cotton Duck, Sgperior French Doeskin,' - Superior solid colcrr Pointille Fig Silks. Superior Grey Leonoras, • Superio Grey Poplin• Beat quality Grey Leonoras, Silk Neck Ties and Collars, Ltelieeand Misses' Fillet Mitts; Marseilles Vestings, Super-Ladies%and Mem' Ki d Gloves,. Baudseme Newetyle Prints and Ginghams. C AP, P,E TS-4 Brussels,Velvet.Three-ply(superior fine)andcomme. Carpet, Funr-four ilye-fonr Cocoa and Canton Matting, 6-4 S--410-4 Floor CD Cloths, Superior Bolting Cloths, '• _Bonnet Ribbons; • Balmoral Skirts. '(June SKIRTS ! SKIRTS !!' SKIRTS!!! M. A. JONES • CELEBRATED 14 NE PLUS ULTRA" SKIRT I : ; BOLD ONUS AT - - ll No. 17. NORTH Bth St., FIEILADELPIT,I A' i Shirts.o alllengtbs and any die waist. rnade tooider i and Rattsfftcrion griarrinteed.• . ' Ladles, 3llsses and Children's Skirts of every SW e an, ! shape. constantly on band. . Ereri Skirt warranted for Sir Months. READ HOW WE DO BUSINESS. I We do not make any cheap skirls I tttb e COMMOII ace er ttition of the term, but we make THR CHEAPEST SKIRTS MADE, bees nse vve make • • t THE BEST AND DEFY COMPETITION We warrant every skirt we sell to be exactly as rep resented. We ntake all wo sell, and knowing, how they I nro mule we guarantee thorn with full confidence. we sell a bad skirt we will exchange it for a new one, ano if they get out of order or break within six mcdtPas, w • wilt repair them free bf. -Charge . We mean to gile our customers full satisfaction.b ui we c.ifinot do en and compete with the low priced aortic* goods. Wedepend entirely upon the superiority of the goods We offer. and the fairness 'of our method of dairy, business. - Orders left - it Sor3•ocn's Book Store. DIRECTIONS FOR MEASUREMENT. Take the ex:fete's° of tbe waist, without any allow once. The exact length required and the size arum the bottom spring. Also if the skirt is to -he large. small. or medium size at the top,and whether a trailAr I plain round skirt. 31. A. JONV.S. Nol7 North Bth St.,Philsdelphia. ' Overthe Wax figure. ring 19-tf ut t r R OOFING ROOF %NG Ready to nail down. , KOOFING m'rre.6irable than Tin, ' • " ROOFING 'at half the cost of Tin. OOPING for ,Steep or Flat Roof. READY R 00• IN Gr FOR. 110USES,i' FOR CHURCHES, FOR FACTORIES, • FOR BARNS FOB ALL BUILDINGS! This Roofing is made of the b enNi est woven fabric OVEN timed for the purpose.—Manufactured 'solely by ouraelrbe and secured by Patent. Pot up in rolls and shipped to all parts of the conuteN. and - usually for sale by hardware mercbanta and builders. It can be applied by any common workman. _ We•also manufactpre. LIQIIFIT GI3TTA, PERCIIA CEMENT, • = POR. REPAIRING LEAKY TIN ROOFS! CHEAPER TITAN OIL PAINT, HEAVIER BODY THAN OIL PAINT. MORE. DURABLE THAN OIL' PAIN, It forms a permahetly adhesive, elastic coating over the whole surface of the tin, tilling up all the smalier ' RUST HOLES, "And oftensiiing the expense of a never roof: . 1:11.1E COMPOUND GIYTTA‘ PERCHA , CEMENT : v . liespecially adapted' to repairing LEAKY! SHINGLE ROOFS, ' ' 0111.41INIES, - EXYZIOXIT3,, 14 (kg., This is a thick, tenacious' compound, applied with a trowel or similar instrument, add does not dry up and crack, as do all other articles need for thismu. 'CIRCULARS AND SAMPLES Of the Rendy•ltooting sent by mail when desired Liberal arrangements mtnle with Agents. • READY' MOVING Ctl.,r 1113.264 Y • 73 Mitilloti 'Ansi Nati leork pry , boN BINDERY. . is: a. FISHER k 00'S • k Bindery le on the Third Story Of the "EttESSEN ER" 'OFFICE BUILDING, *cm ' ;the Diamond, above oekie Book Sthre. Entrance' between the BOok '.Store and. thelnland Telegraphoffire. Old. Books, Peri it lola - , IdneloMewspapere, ke., bre:lndia airy 'Style:— Blank Roan elide to order. Paper riled tosny patent. jab, Ve4. ‘TrtiMiOit tIeVOUqW sOlutlM 24, ;18 arr-aa Sa#tp I GRAND OPENIXG I - 4 - , . PALL AND WIXTBE., GQODsI • . (fare 3 uet returned from fill, East, withi i a largo and varied stock of seasonable Dry Goods. all of which we will dispose of at a sTall advance on oostJ What wei' on many articles is fullas high ns our, retail prices Ladies Clotiv, all colors and shades. ,from *1 54), to $6 l OO. I • MICULEL GROVE DAVID H HaraDD,ON •5 Lah Cloaks just roceivett, rtA O VaTlOUleg • Good Kids, Embroidered, ;75 cents; better quality F 1 DO: Jouvinsp