LATEST JEWS! BY DLIGNETIC TELEGRAM, W i LUSIVELY FOR THE FRANKLIN REPOSITORY. Ds the Ohio and Atlontielelegrnph Line.--Offices at Shryock.',l Book Store and Ft. it. Depot. Dr. S. fla w in the Senate—Officer% Elect ed—The Democrats Seek. 19 Obstruct Business. Epeciul Dispatch to The 'Franklin - Repository. ,HARRIsBuRG, March .1. - Dr. St. Clair, the new Union - Senator from Indiana, appeared in his seat last night andwas qualified. senator Johnston immediately thereafter ask edleave to read a bill ,providing for taking the vote of the soldiers at the next election. The DeMberatic Senators objected, and the whole IS voted agninst the bill. The Union Senators voted . 11 Ztt in at the elec tion of a Speaker, and Mr.. - Penny-retains the Hon. Geo. W. Ifammersly - was elected clerk, and all the Union candidates for the sub _Ordinate places—the Democrats not voting. ,: Senator Lowrey moved that the Senate be opened with prayer hereafter, and the 16 Dem oeruts voted solid agains! it! THE CONFESSIONS AND. EXPERIENCE OF AN Ilivetui.7-Published fur the benefit, and as a warn ing and A. CAUTION TO YOUNG MEN who suff4 from,Nervous Debility, Premature Deems of Manhood, 14c., supplying at the same time THE MEANS' OF SELF CURE, by one whn'has cured himself after being put to great expense and injury through medical humbug and quaekery. By enclosing a post:-paid addressed envelope, sin tle c,opics maybe had of the author. ICATIIANIEL MAYFAIR."Ksq.. ,Bedford. Kings Co, N. Y. !r0 D,YBP4PTICS Gibe strict attention ~ to the o lines, Assuage your over norvoturtuinds, GRIN hvtatit by using what you eee Attached to this smooth poetry. REMARK:: Orj•iit - iiie the cares so idlentriade Of ford Dyspepsia's awfal raid: _ , The fact is patent to mall, - • Bence why with rashes will they call, Enraptured with our " Bitter wine"' Reflect and call, or drop aline, Or send a friend 'ere''tie tco late; l'hAv clip Odd oat and go right strait - To No. US Market street. Gen. Depot of N.UNKEL'S Bitter Wine of lnin For sale in Chainbersburg, by d. S NIXON. P YOU wish to impart vigor and clearness to - he voice, relieve hoarseness Ate.. go at once to Mil cr & lienshcy's Drug Store' and get a box of 11 vart's Bronchial Troches, the only effectual rem* in the market. K mar 2 Coucms4iqb COLDS.—Thoit- who are suf fering from Coughs, Colda, BoarsAless,SoreThioat should try "Brou'n'e Bronchi . Trochee," a Ample remedy which has relieved thousands, and which is in almost every ease effectual. REPORT OF THE MARKETS Chtunbersb . • CRAM( Flour—White $7 00 Flour—Red 6 50 -Wheat—White. 1 60 Wheat Iced 150 'Rye ' 125 corn ' ' 1 1)0 1 Oa* ' - 75 Clo . r Seed ' '7 50 ' Timothy 5eed..,........ 800 Flax Seed 2i Potatoes—Mercer,- Petatoes—PizikEyes ERSBURG, March 1,1864 [BY TI.F.GRAPH.I Philadelphia 'fftyrktts. Piinanxtrini, March 1.1864 Flour very dull and sales, are only in small lots a', s6:it'6 25 for superfine $6 500:7 forextra. Si 25(4'9 fi r extra family Sind fancy. Nothing d ing in Rye Flour or Corn Meal. There IS more demand for Wheat. Prices are firmer. Sales of 4000 bushel of red at $I 60 and of white at $1 75(EJ1 90. Rye is scarce. Corn iinprore( d 6000 bushels of yellow sold at $.l 12E7;1 14 and whi ed 10. hats are lower. Sales of 5000 bushels of Penna. at W 2.85 cts. • ' . ( Baltimore Cattle Markets.. • BALTIMORE, Feb. Z. Only 500 head of Beef Cattle were received at the Seale.. The principal purchasers were Baltimore butchers. and prices showed a wide range, rules being,mnde at .11-1 riClB qi 100 lbs. gross for common to strictly prime Breves, a slight advance in the better descriptions. Hogs—Receipts about met the demand, but better prices were obtained. inferior to prime live Hogs eomnoinding Slit 75 to SU, au improvement of X. 4 lb. on nil grades. Sheep—There were only- a few good Sheep at market the hulk . of the offerings being very inferior. Sales ranged from 414 . to 8% - c, ns to quality. zebu abbertiormnito. {'lo-PARTNERSHIP.—Having associa-4': ted'with me. this day, February 9th 1864, in the! mercantile b isines.i L. B. KINDLINE, the business' firm i hereafter will be conducted under the nn of WIL LIAM WALLACE & CO. Having had a liberal patronage. heretofore, I solicit the same for the new firm. _[mar:2-tf] WILLIAM WALLACE. irudersigu od has associated with himself, on the lit roan", 1864, JOHN B. STUART, in the Grocers. business. under the name and style of SHAFER & STUART. Thankful for the patronage heretofore extended to the establishment, he hopes by a strict attention to business to merit for the new firm a 'continuance of public favor. 'mart JACOB SHAVER. pUBLIC SALE OF M 0-t NT AiN LAND.—The undersigned,' Administrator and Trustee of,Joim Renfrew, deo'd., will expose to Public sale. sit the House of John Spidel, 1 mile shove. Greenwood, on Scou'edav the 19th dap of .Sfareh,_lK4, at I o'clock. P. IL the following des cribed Lots. situate on the Chambenhurg Turnpike Il.oad, one mile east of Greenwood. near the Rolling Mill of T. Stevens, Enf., THREE LOTS. via: No. 1. Cqntaining 10 Acres and 12,5 Porches. No. 2. Con taintng 10 Acres and 125 Perches. No. 3, Containing 17 Acres and 30 Perches, neat measure. These Lots are well covered with a superior quality of Good Thither. Chestnut and Oak of a else suitable for Rails; Posts. Lumber, Ice, Terns.- One half the purchase money to be 'paid en the lil day of April. 1804, and the talanee on the IA day of April, 1%5, with interest from the Ist day of April 1864. Persons wanting to see the property. before the day of Sale, will call on Henry Szsoonhour, living opposite to the Lots. S. It. BURNS, `march 2-3t* Achn's, and Trustee St' J. Renfrew. a- 1- IST OF LETTERS remaining in the LA Post Office at Chambersburg, March 1, MI. ' Barrett Dr W M Hall Samuel:li' Rider Joseph Herkimer Daniel Hamilton Mug 2 Boating. Maur R Boon Daniel Harlacher Em Snider John Butter Mary Henkel -Sam'l L Rostinburger JEf ,Blank Edvile F Rocker Edwin Roger Mrs Mal Bower Lorentz Hassler J D ‘, Snider John ' Bushbey Akira, Ives M A .- . 1 Smith Vince 'Bach H F Johnson John Staily Clay • Bowman Mrs C Jones Mrs Cath Schnop Lewis Brooks 'Rebecca Johnson D W Sbealey Mathias BeltinCE Rime EII . Snyder Sat Alv Cohen Henri 'Ramis° Daniel Sheetz Mrs M M 'Clark ire E, J Rattner Rachel Stouffer Daniel , CourseY David P Renedy Wm A Smith Mariah Colverson,D. D Langenbeiger D Smith Wilson S Center James Lefever Enoch Skelly - George Delany Cath'n Lyon James G Shirt:. Juniata 2 DnU Abraham- Lehman Leak Smith Mrs Eliza :pitman Cal . Leidich Jacob Spriggs Elias 4A,f t!' Downey John Montgomtry Cpt Smith Mohulcla -11 owning Mrs' Afiller M Ellen Truett William Deal Isaac Miller Rate Townoy John H -.Eberly EM 2 . eKeeverWm Werner Henry 1 Eberly Daniel McCormic John Winstor Cath :U,ker William Minialt-Leanord Wise Addelo .Bichelbergor A McCoy Mary M Young Charles ',Grove Samuel Newman Chas E Young. Reuben . Honk Sam'l 5 Hamlet Miss 3i Tome Mattrias Hunt Sohn - t. • ' ' Persons calling for the above La' •i; tiey that they have. een advertise/ NV :, •,• J. tit rg Itarkete. Butter.3o , "Egg 18 d s. • - . Lar ' 9 Tallow 9 Bacon—llan*. 14. Bacon—Sides 10' Soup'Beans - '2 00 Washed Wool 60 Unwashed Wool • 40 Pared Peaches 300 trupared Peaches... I 50 Dried Apples 2 00 : tters will please • DEAL; P. M. 'ffixtu abbertformtnto. - . P . L E C.T I 0 N. Election of FIVE MANAGERS and "a TREASURER of the Chambersburg Turnpike Road- Company will be held at the Public House of Michael Grove, in the Borough of Chambersburg, on:Mohday, the 13th cloy of March, at 2 o'clock, P. M. march 2-2 t GEO. CHAMBERS, Prcs't. 1011/REMIUM. CHESTER WHITE PIGS. Jr- Progeny of Hogs that have talten State S and UNITED STATES‘'PREAtIUMS: ' Sent h y,Express to all parts of the "United State, Canada, Cuba and South America. in pairs not akil, Address. , N. P. BOYER & CO.. mar 2-3 m) Coatesville; Chester Co„ Penna. PUBLIC SALE.—There will be sold. by Public Sale at the residence of the subscriber, on the Farm of Mr. Jab Cook, about 8 miles South-East of Cbatubersburg, on IfondaV. the , l4th dog of Morrh. 1864, the following Personal Property; viz: FOUR HORSES, 15 head of Cattle, 5 of which are 'Mitch Cows. the balance Young Cat tle . 7 h ea d of Sheep, b young Shotes. 2 Brood Sows wit'h Pig, &e. Also, a large quantity of Farm Im plements; consisting of 2 Broad-Tread Wagons, 1 'Narrow-Tread Wagon, 1 one-horse Wagon. one Spring Rake, - Sm. Also, 1 new GRAIN DRILL, 4 Barshear Plows, 4 Shovel Plows. 2 Harrows, 1 Wind mill, 2 sets Breechbaxubs. 8 gets front Gears. Cow Chains. Fifth Chains; Double Trees, Single Trees. £c. Also. Cornr.bY the Barrel,, Potatoes by the bushel, Applebutter the Crock. And a great many articles not necessary to enumerate. Also. Lard by the pound andabout one Thousand Poilnds Bacon. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, Oti said dwv, when a credit of Nine Months will be given on all sums over Five Dollars. ' PRIMP SUMMER. march 2-2 t F. A. ZkiturAN,' Auctioneer. N E w GOODS The subscribers arc now offering &Urge lot of Linen Duck, Damask Iluckaback, Russia * Diaper And CraSh, Irish Linen, &e. • • 100 doz Pe TA int and ' ' • Sift; Glove, Extra super qtiality Black and. entered Brea Silks, Cloths and Cassinteres, and 13 Bombazines, - and 156' Black anti Volored Delains, Blink Alpaca's, Cocheco, lieliinac and Epragues Prints. 100 doz super Preach Shirt Fronts,' 100 Balmoral•Ekirte, Water Pfoof Cleths, . Brna - sells, Extra sup and. sup Ingrain Carpets, 1, 1'4,13,j, 2, 23 Floor Oilcloths, 200 doz Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, Cocoa and Canton Matting. 500 yards Dutch Carpet mar 21 WM. WALLACE & CO 40HICULTURAL CHEMICAL COS •PHEAP FERTILIZERS. PABULETTE. This Fertilizer is composed of niltht soil and the fertilizing elements of urine, combined, chemically and mechanically with other valuable fertilizing • agents and absorbents. It is reduced to a pulverulent condition, ready for immediate use, and without loss of, its highly nitro genous fertilizing properties, Its universal applicability to all crofts and soils. arid its durability and active qualitte , , are well known to be all that agriculturibtS can desire.— $2.5 per Ton. CHEMICAL COMPOST. This Fertilizer is largely composed of animal mat ter. such as meat, bone, fish, leather, hair and wool, together with chemicals, and inorganic fertilizers, „whieb . decomporie theniess, and retain the nitrogen ous elcutants. it 1$ therowaixti - impreanat" , l with urine, and the thinner portions Of night soil. It is a very valuable fertilizer for field crops gen erally, and especially for potatoes,' and garden par . ";:Pops. it excellent qualities, ,strength and cheapness. ,havt made it very popular !With ail who have used it. Price, $25 per Ton. ' f TREE AND FRUIT FERTILIZER., ; It is a highly phosphatic fertilizer, and is partien larly adapted for the cultivation of trees, fruits. lawns and flowers. It will promote n very vigorous and healthy growth of wood and fruit, and- largely increase the quantity and perfect the maturity of the fruit.. For hot-hous6 and household plants and flowers. it will be found an indispensable article to secure their greatest perfection. It will prevent and cure diseased conditions of the peach and grape, and is excellent for grass and lawns. ) . The formula or method of combining its constitu ent fertilizing ingredients have received the highest approval of eminent chemists and scientific agritul turista. Price. 4' 4 50 per 'Ton. PHOSPHATE OF LIME.( .The Agricultural Chemical Company manufacture a Phosphate of Lime in accordance with a new and valuable formula, by which a very superior' article is produced, so as to be afforded u a less price than other manufacturers charge. Praetical tests have, proved that its value, as a fertilizer, is equal to the best Phosphate-of Lime in the market. Price, $45 per TE T RM on. S CASlL—Cartage and Freight to be paid by the Purchaser.- '0 • AGRICULTURAL CIIEMICAW,CO'S WORK'S. AT CAIqAT, WHARF, 0"i" THE OntAvtAttg. Office, 413% Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. R. B. FITTS., General Agent. The Company's Pamphlet Circular, embracing full directions for using the above Fertilizers, sent by mail free. when requested. (march 2-3nr.j TREES! TREES!! 'TREES!!! DfPORTAN'r TO FARMERS AND .rp.urr GROWERS EIRE CHANCES AND INDUqrXEN7B 100,003 Extra large Apple Trees. st;l3 ,. • p to 10feet high. for said on reasonable terms, considering the quality or trees and fruit offered As the custom of planting largi appletrees along the fences of Farms is-beginning to attract the at- I • teotiOa it deserves , the above offers fair oPPottuni- tylin• the purpose firge trees earerany taken etp, planted carefully and attended to for a few years until well established Will be foind to tare a more libetaf retarn thus sit- uated than the trees standing in erowded and ill ut-1 tended orchards. Thits set in thel full sun and free air, 'receiving the regular tillage the field., they will be found to d the crop but slightly by exharudil ether hand, they will cheek• the and in a measure want of; tirely cleared away. Also, some EXTRA LARGE EVERPR SHAM TR for immediate effect. Alliriquirie ke., pv5141419 answered. DAViD Cur mar 24a 200 doz Hosiery, 30 pieces ,ICussia Duck, d manuring of Well, and injure I.n, while on the •a blast of winds e forest so en-, S AND B regarding prices ic= 1=!I d Nareteriek Cdiiwe:-Pa, 7 :litifi c Itiittki4= ltociiitmil ..ttyl, "184. -,, ROD -abbtrtisertent. THE AMERICAN BANK NOTE' PORTER.—eublisheti Scmi-Monthly d $2l Monthly— • q ,The only Bank Note Renorterin the country with Quotations in' POUR CITIES. Subscriptions may commence with any month.— Terms al waya cash in advance. All communications should be addrwato S. E. COHEN. mar 2-3tl :43 South Third Street, Phila. VOTICE OF -LI is hereby given to the heirs and legal represen tations of John Slic'hter, late of Scotland. Green twp., - Fmnklin oounty, deed.,that alarit of inquest has been issued by the, Orphans' Court and planed in my bends for II eieention, to value and appraise the seal Estnte kvf said decedent, and that I have filed Weritteadity the 23(1 of ifurcb. for the •ese ention of the writ aforeiaid, when and ,where ,you may attend if you see proper. mar 21 SAWL BRANDT. Sheriff. NURSERY STOCK OF EVERY VARIETY. 0 T SELLING OFF AT LESS TPA COST. GEY.•NEGLEY'S BAY WOOD NURSERY and ROSE GARDEN, EAST LIBERTY, ALLEGHENY CO., PA. . Over FIFTY ACRES nniler-tultivation of the choicest virieties. of everything to be foundin FIRST CLASS ,'); MKS E . Y OF " FRUIT AND-ORNANIEN. TAL TREES, . , Shrubs and 'plants. Olin fine condition and carefully labeled. The ROSE is the speciality iu the floral department: many of its rarest varieties being im ported direct from France. Owing to (len. Ncgley's absencO in the army, we are selling out the concern. and We invite orders large or small, as well from the trade as from private customers,' s , , Ve still retain the former foreman, Mr. Kenny, who has I , •en employed in the establish ment for the years,,eo as to secure perfect ac curacy, and : careful package in filling orders. SEELY A: MELLON. march 2-3 m East Liberty. Allegheny Cn:. Pa 171 LT B C SAL E.--The subscriber, intintling to remove West, will offer at Public Sale. ,at his residence in Chambersburg, corner of Washington and Water streets, on Saturdiiy, the I.:Wt dog it( illoy , ch; WA, the following Personal Prophr ty, to wit:. One new FARM WAGON, 33 tread: spring Wagon • 1 - Rockaway Buggy :1 Sulky t the wood-work 'ofl broad-tread 'Wagon: the wood-work of 3Shovel Plows, 1 fonr-horse Power with Tumb ling Shaft and Band Wheel attachisl, &o. Also, 1 FAMILY' HORSE, 2 Shotes : 1 set of Single Har ness, 1 .RidingSaddle,l Side Saddle, Riding Bridles, pair of Check Lines. Halters and Halter Chains,. &e. Also, 2 GRAIN DRILLS, I pair Ilay Carriers, one pair new Tongue and Stay Chains, &c. Also. 1 Lathe for, drilling "he t 2 Tire Benders ; 1 elegant Screw Plate:l small do., &c. Also, 1 Wheelbar row,.l Log Chain. 1 Ash Hopper, 1 Meat Block and Bench, 1 larg , Stone Sledge, S,tone Hammer, Mat tock, Dig, ing Iron, RakeN,For4,Shorpls, Sze. Also, a lot of Carpenter's Tools. consisting; in part, of-3 Work Benches, Planes. Augurs, Chissels, .Souttres. Saws, Hammers, Hand Saws, Falling Axes, I Foot- Adze, Cross Cnt Saw. 1 first-rate hand-Bering Machine and Bits,Mortising Machine, &o. Also, a lot of Lumber of ,n-ariou,s sizes, plot of sawed Fel lows, a lot of split Wagon-Maker's Stuff. &c. • Also, a general variety of House and Kitchen Furniture, embracing 4 Bedsteads, 1 Crib. 1 Bureaml. Secretary. 1 Corner Cupboard, 4 sets of Chairs, llarge Rocking Chair, 1 small d0.,2 Tables 1 Sink, 1 Clock. 1 Cook Stove and Apparatus. 2 ten-plate Stoves, 1 Parlor Stove, 1 Copper Kettle. 2 new ThermometerChnrns„ 1 Barrel Churn. Queens, Tin and Crockery Ware, Tubs. Barrels, Meat Vessels, and an almost endless variety of articles. Also, Corn and Potatoes by the Bushel, Rye Straw by the bundle, &c. Also, Baeud and Lard by' the pound. Sale to commence at 9 o'clock. on said day, when the terms will be made known by • march 2-2 t DANIEL STROCK. pyRA. INDUCEMENTS. Persons sending $1 may select seeds at Cata logue prices amounting to .$1 10 Persons sending $2 may select seeds at Cata logue prices amounting to 2 25 Persons sendsng may select seeds at Cata logue prices nmounting,to 3 50 Persons sending $4 may select seeds at sCata logne prices amounting to 4 75 Persons sending a. 5 may select seeds at Cata logue prices amounting to. 690 Persons sending $lO may select seeds at Cata logue prices amounting to 13 00 These will be put up together and send to one ad dress, or in seperate packages and mailed to the ad dress of each individual forming a club: as may be desired. In all cases thg postage 'will be prepaid. The same deduction will of course be made to any person ordering. I would again call attention to .iny selection of Asters, in collections. (for a description see page lb.) which I think is the finest ever offered. I sell the collection at $l,OO, yet if selected sepdr lately from the Catalogue it amounts to $1.45. Alpo my German Stocks, Balsams Paredes, Carnation, Pkotee Pinks, Cineraria. and 'Cab:whirl:l. all of which have been received from the mosteule heated growers in England. Scotland and Germany, and are of first quality. If it should be inconven ient for you to make your own selection, by enclos ing the amount you arc desirous of expending, and stating for what purpose the t.ectis arcrequired. yea may rest assured thatl will - make the selections in the most judicious and liberal manner. Persons wanting a larger quantity or wanting to act as agent will please address me. During the past two years, our collections of Plow er Seeds by mail. have been sent to almost every State in the Union, and so far as we have learned. have given universal satisfaction, and it is our earn est endeavor to make these collections not only second to none, but to make them superior to those sent from any other establishment in the country 'N. B. Particular attention should be paid to giv ing The Address,Town, o.artly and Sate'fajtatl.— Catalogues will b sent to all applicants upon a re ceipt of a three cent gamy(' Address. JONES, mar2-2ra Chatham 4 Corners. Col. en.. N. Y tOURTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT of the AMEBIC-IV LIFE INSURANCE TRUST Co.. ll'Autcnr STREET, SOITTIT-lIMIT COIL Founn. Philadelphia, for the year ending Decem ber nat., 1863. RECEIPTS. • Premiuins received $162,670 2,4 Interest " 38,677 20 Rents ' 2,018 17 $2(X1,385 61 DISBURSEM.ENTS. Life Losses Sr paid anumnting . $82.136 18 Commis:fives, Travelling Agents, aud Ex penses of Agencies - 27,838 22 Bonus Certificates purchased, and Divi dends paid,„ Salaries and „I'ifc4icul Examinations. . . . . Real &lade, Taxes, 1,367 69 Return premiums and Policies bought.: 7,te;6 Printing, Xdyert'g, Stution'y, Stamps, kie. 7,541 66 ASSETS, $lOO.OOO U. S. 5-20 Loan RA Shares Penna.. 'Rail Road Stock $10.(X)0 Wyoming Canal Bonds ... 4 410,000 State of fel:muse° Bonds $lO,OOO Phila. & Erie Rail Road Bonds: 442 Shares Corn Exchange Bank $lO,OOO Pittsburg. Fort Wayne and Chi cago Rail Road Bonds 20 Shares Consolidation Bank 02,000 Alleghany County Bonds *9,0(l0 _Reading Rail Roakflonds • . 107 Shares Farmers Bank of Reading... SB.3oo;City of Pittsburg and other Bonds 142 Shares,Williamsport Water Coinp'y e 53,000 City of Philadelphia Loan - 102 Shares American Life InsuratMe ' , and Trust Cmupans ort gag , Regd. Estate and Groundltenh43o' 9,313 6Q., Loans on Collaterals amply sceured....; .... 159,533 94. Premium notes secured by .. 54,250, Xi:, Cash in hands of Agents secured by Bonds 12,770; 62 Cash on hand and in Banks 33,358 53 8,440 VALVE OF F13T1311,E Calculated to• December Met, 1963_ ..... 31,700,249 65 NET' VALUE OF PJLICIES Or amount necessary to reinsure all out standing risks , - 5158,482 63 Philadelphia, Feb. 1661. The Trustees have this day declared a Dividend of FIFTY PER CENT, - on all premiums received upon Minuet. Poiacuts • during the year „ending December-3120863, and in force at that ,dite, the above amount to be credited to said Policies, and have also ordered the diiidend of 1860 on Policies issued during,that year to _be paid, as Hie 'mutual premiums on.said PoliciesCE arRS. e received. 1 _ -- s: •• OFFI • President—Alexander Whilldin, • I - : Secretary and Treasurer—John S. Wilson. BOARD OF: TRUSTEES.—Alexander whinaiti, J. Edgar Thomson,LGeorge Nugent, lbw. James Pol lock Albert C. Roberts, P. B. Mingle, Samuel Worit, William J. Howard, Hon:•Joseph Allison, Samuel T. Rodino, John Aikman, Charles F. Heim lit.kleaao Haslehurst. - Wm. G. REED, Chambersburg. Pa, is the author ized) .Agent of the American Life iteuranee and Trust Company, and is always preps dto furnish pamphleteer any information wanted, and to take Insurances. OFFICE, in the -.Etposit ry Building. Da. 3. C. Rtunkans, MedicalExami; REFERENCES—Hon. A.R. AfeClur 'Bev. S. 3, Hella. 3, 8. -Nixon, Chamberaburg an Win. M. Marsha Cmhier Hagorstoym Bank. 2 ' , [niarill 2. . Rri ‘ )3 Mibioettinttl; AGRICULTURIL I.lli`LEO NT AXD MACIIINERY,_ We are now prepared to fill orders for •• AGIIICULTURAL ptPLEfTtiTcl - 3-IACIILNER'Y OF ALL KINDS, as well as SMALL TOOTS for the Farm and Gar ? den, such as Spades. Shovels; . Forkes,Rakes, ete.:"{ i• arid Gra,v-11oulis. Se:yther, and 6 s cythe-Stones, and Agricultural hardware :" ' • in general .. . i i We offei; alai), %largo assortment of Our `oi . ninan••• l ufaeture of ' : , i 4inY-CP tiers, alturnF: ', ' ' - : , ~ i •., •, Coffee and Grain Mille, : ' ' ; • . . Sugar Mill, r Grocers' tise.,,z ~ .. . Store rucks of carious patterns, . , Road Scrapers. . , Wfieel-)3arrairs, etc. , . of all kinds;sucil ag Coen Simerphanhato of Lime, . P re Ground Pon-C. ; - Peruvifin Guano and Poudrette IN OUR SEED DEPARTAIENt will be found a complete selection ei6bedkind, Ot vegetable, Flower - • • " and-Grass Seed. 4, • 'and Seed Grain rais.edexnht=ly for the inoat. reliable FOREIGNGROWERS. The Juirernitting personal attention pf the best r•Seedimeii given to their quality, and our cut-tiVm-, ers' mar rely on their freshness and pnrity in all re- mode. {Cc sell in small or large 4uantitic9to'snit purrha'-' sons, and send in small lot by mail to all partS of . tho 'United states. We wit' forward Price-L4ts and Descriptive Circu- tars to all desiring them R. IL ALLEYS CO., 189:111 andl.93 Water 'Street, Yew Yerl The improved with Steel Folding Finger-Bar and two 5 now ready for gale- In convenience and lightness of draft, this is su perior even to the'old Style of Allen , Mower sotlong. and so deserredly, pOnalar It has ‘ litcrally no inane, and nearly' with the n ticeptioii of -DriCe-Wheels and Gears, are made of Steel or Wrought and Maleable Iron. It k thus the sttongt and lightest machine in the ei.tiitivs DTfiTTLT.E • - - • TlV't POR, REif•TORII GRE:Y AND FADED JIAIR AN') To Pis -1'.471.7114:C0L0R., sn ittoe r LCXCCIOC3 PRESSISG FOR TH, HAIR AND HEAT). CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, VD, - Eradicates Dandruff. CLARK'S .RESTORATIV. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, • Pievantaita falling off. • • MARK'S RESTORATIVE. ' " Is an unequalled Pressing CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, Is good for Children _ . CLARK'S. RESTORATIVE, Is good fort adiCe CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, i s good old p:mpte CLARK'S RESTORATIVE. - - 1 e • Ia RerfOtli hannleo 25,759 62 10,047 00 :f2LAII.Ii'S I,cgSTORATIVE, • : Ctintainf, no Oil CLARK'S RESTORATIVD, ; , - ,118 not a Dye 2 1 14:4566 71 CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, , • Beituiifios the Hair MARK'S HESTORATIV_Ii 0 , 180 for Whiskers CLARK'S RESTORATIVR, ' • • Kocps the he' t ir in Vs Place. CLARK'S ALSTORATIVE, - . • Cures S'erveuq headache. - CLARK'S. RESTORATIVK i • „ • , : • PrevCnts ErUptione 240,188 70 CLARK'S RESTORATIVE. Etopsiteltink and Burning CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, (4,116 Bead coot CLARK'S RESTORATIV_E perfumed. CLARK'S ' Rte T °/ . 14-I : lV Y'.c on . ' no Sediment CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, • contains no Gum CLARK'S' RESTORATIVE," .Polishes sour Hair CLARK'S RESTORATIVE. • Prepares you for Parties. CLARK'S IqSTORATIVSkre nrss you for Boo ' ARK'S RESTORATIVE,_ Ml l LoAltOsnoo it. RESTORA7I rio L ady will do withontit, CLARK'S 'RESTORATIVE, , • ' Costa but sl, CLARK'S RESTGRATTVE. • • Is Sold by Drugglits and Dealers evtrynk ere. Prism. Der bottle—Oottles,for S. -- : - G. G, MARK & CO., - . Dionurroka. D. S. Earnest CO.; Nair, Yotk, ' mak 2-1.7501tl 01311 01- 4 de nte. MED CLIPPER ':IIQW•ING M:,tCHINE, Dri RESTORA- Rest Ores tho eolor P.romot6 itm Growth Ix • I jleb) alibmigemtnts. if SIO X .de! 11 A: 31 L I X'•' 8 ..L. 7 MOTET bIIG-ANS - • I.,sstn: : - . - M.E L.O'D i.O NS. 1 ._ . . - Deieriptienpamphietsfurnishedgratis at the Doeit 'Stare off , ' k ' S. S. SHRiOCK, AI3ENTi for . Mason & llatelin's- Musical .ristru meats. I . i • ' ' Prices the same as in New.Yerk and Boston, r,as I freight: - , Emar2-til I i M A31,0".N . -1 A -ZI. T-E:rIDI, , - I PACIFIC Areat guano: containing - from , seventy: to eight percent of PHOSPBATE OF LIME, • which has been added , by a chemical Process.a I' pot ctlge of actual Ammonia,s otlL I that it can} ioe v aizra,matiagite4ut.ifstie A or I tuti• other fertilizer. I Paniphlets with copies of Analizers by Dr. Jack -1 son. Mass.. State 4 .ssver, and Dr. Siebb.:., of Bigti rnorlant.l testurionialsTroroseier . ttific Agriculturists showing its value. - Canbe_obtamed from J.F. . BAKER, & CO.. I S'ELL,ING AGENT or S, march 2-Iy. ',7 Wall Street. N PIO (York. I Irtin.P. C tI - VATZO N or' / • , ' ' p ' 1 THSE CRANBERRY is Watch 'inore only arid successful in The C031310X, Dlty SOIL OP PRIVATE OARDENs, 'MARKET GARDENS, OR IN FIELD curaugp, than in the usual clumsy way in bogs and meadows. - - The yitild this season, in my method_ r of culture' was over FOUR HOIDRED BUSHELS PER ACRE. Explicit directions for ettltiVation, with price ,of CRANBERRY PLANTS { AND - ALL OTHER 118411 L AHD ORNAMENTAL TREES,:PLANTS AND SHRUBS, will .3e ; send by =Mg. Plants prepald by B. M. WATBO, ' ' • Old Colony Nurseries, Plymouth. Mass. TREES, AND PLA-ST,S „ OF ALL KINDS, - DICIDUOUS AND ,EVERGREEN, FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL, in all sizes, atloir rates. Puro!taiers should -, send for new - _ PRIcp.LST FOR 1864, BSFOLLE euticitasno Erstramix. darriege paid to Boston, Newport and. Now York. ; . 1 • (- B. M. WATSON, - 01d Colony Nurseries, Plymouth, Mass. —2 , • • L. A , N,T s, 4. 'ND SEEI)S •i prepaid; by mall, N. EA.T • VA.RIETY IiI§TINOW READY. lEI 13. M. WATSON.-- 1 _ Plymouth, gam I G , A.II,DEN fell 1864. • VIRES GARDENERS;. 34RKET GARDENERS i AND OTHERS. PIi,RCIO,II,N - G SEEDS - IN SAULT, OR /AWE QUANTITIES, by !ending iliet a what they require, WILL RECEIVE SAME EY IETURN , 01' MAIL, with tliejowest possible prices annexed for caalu ~ C ADRIAGE PAID TO , BOSTON AND NRIV YORK. Seeds pre-paid by mail. B. M WATSON, Old:Colcmy Nurseries, - Plymouth. Mass =1 nrio .4.!GEN'Ts; AND DEALERS T'RE'ES AND ,SEED, AND Td CLUBS. *tiolosato, , Catalogue, for 1864 IN NOW HEADY. Cairiage of Packages paid to BOSTON, 'NEWPORT AND NEW YORE .13.-M. WATSON, Old Colony Nurseries, •. Plymouth, Man. march ;2..'hn ICUNIK:EL'S CE4EBItitED A•iL. Hitter Wine of Iron. Bitter Wine of Iron. 1. Hitter Wine of iron. ( Bitter Wine of Iron. '- 1 The Great Tonic i• 1 , • • • . 'The Great Tonic , . ' The Great Tonic The Great Tonic • . ,• cpsia and Indigestion; . Nm.l.lsPepsia'and. Indigestion, For'DyspePiim and•lndigeition, For Dyspepsia and-Indigestion, • • int. Weak Stomachs and General Debility.. Vor Weak-Stomachs and General Debility. • Foe Weak Stomachs and General Debility. . kor Weak Stomachs and Gen al Debility. Reliable and Sure to do Good, Reliable and Sure to do Good, Reliable and Sore to do Good, Reliable and Sure to dd Good, . I i It Costs but little and Purifies the Blood. ' It• Costs Wit, little and Purifies the Blood. It Costs lat,llttle'and Purifies the Blood. Ft Ovtibut *ttle and Purifies the Blood. • - ••- . - • • • Weonly ask a Trial. 4. 01313' ask a Trial. e only ask a Trial. , . 1 , 1 . • , We only ask a Thal. Of this Valuable Tonle. Of this Valuable Took. . Of this ValuableTonle, - -- Of this Valuable Tonic. Orly, 75 Cts. and One Dollar per Battle. - - Only.7s•Cts. and .one Dollar p er Bottle. • . Only 75 Ots. and One Dollar liar Bottle. • - Only 75 Cts. and One Dollar pet... Bottle. ilisaufaetnid solely by S. A. KUHR= k DEW. General Depot, 111111arket St., Harrisburg, Pa. J. - S. I , llXOlq, Agent, Cluunberolurg, Pa. oc2R -6 P 3 . • • • Et MEM k DMINISTRATOR'S. NOTICE. =- ..11L-lice is hereby given that Letters of Admit-lißon on the Estate of Anna W, Wingert, late of Washington township, deceased. have - been muted to the undersigned, residing in WaShingten tap, All persons themselves indebted to said _Estate will,please make immediate payment; and those hp'ng claims will "resent .them properly an th er & o settlement , ' march 2.- AARON C. - WINGERTt Adm i t. - LO F LOWER SEEDS BY MAIL.— Floier Seeds from their compactness and filit weight, can be safely and speedily transported / mail t o a ny part of the country. thereW giving those who live remote from the larger towns: and cities. where they can be procured, nearly an equel chance with those living in them, for procuring,at a moder ate rate, all the choice and rare Mirietici. - "- For- the accomplishment of this purpose; we offer the follow ing co ll ec ti ons , comprising the most beautiful- and showy Annuals, Biennials. and• Perennials, which will be sent by mail free of postaite, to any part of the United States, at thefolloWnig prices • ASTERS. 12 ell. fine var. Tpaff, new ironT-frird • $1 25 24 selected - ...- ....... 250 6 splendid' , ' , peony - perfection 1, 00 ' 6 finest' globe , .''7s 10 beautiful " dwrf. ehrysanthe'm * . 100 It) splendid • " Giant Emperor.- ...... ...... 150 ~..8 splendid. var. Reid ' s new Quilled. 75 'tfiuest var. Double O.:cards/4n SO 12 extra fine var. P}Tansidal Bouquet.. 1 00 "12 superior var. Quilled 1 (10 8 beautiful var. new Ranunculus, How'd.. * - 75 4 very fine var. new Hedgehog.. * ... 40 In addition to these I put up a collection of As ters which I consider to be the finest ever sent. out, it contains 10 packages of mixed colors of the _fol lowing kinds, viz: Trutibut's New "Peorg, Peony Perfection, Giant Emperor; Imbriquo Pozoonit, "German Quilled, Benin:malts, Hedge Hog, field s Improved, La Supurba, and the beautiful' new-Aster Splendens. No one who delights to grow fine Sow ers, should. fail to semi for one of these packages.- - Pnee-$,lOO. RALSAMS. 12 flnest.prize .Balsams $1 00 'GERMAN STOCKS. 12 superb new varieties, ten week large flowering 1 00 8 beautiful new varieties, perpetual - , • large flowering 7$ " 12 select prize, var. _Hollyhocks, Eng _ lish, from Downie, Laird and Laing's , celebrated collection saved from prize '• • flower 1 50 10 Finest, varieties Marigold ) .. 75 .:. 6-Newest • Marvel of Peru.. 40 - 5 Select ' , 25 " Nemohpila - 'l2l)ist.inet r " - Ornamental Gross-- 1.00 12 Gourds— • 1 00 8 Beautiful " Phlox Drunimondii— - 75 Finest ' -" Petunias - 50 GERMAN FLOWER SEEDS, 12 Splendid • . var. Pinks, Carnation • 2 60 " 12 Splendid varieties - .2ink Pieotee - 250 " 8 Distinct Portnlaces 95 " 8 Finest " Sweet Peas...,. 40 •::',' 6 Splendid var. geabiosa large How'd.. 60 6 Extra fine " Snapdragon - 60 " 12 Selected " Salpiglossis • " , 75 " 12-Superb " Wallflower, double—. 75 . 8 Siits4ew " . . .Cocksc i on! Cockscombs... 7s_ " Fiti. " Calliopsis - '45 - " ii 13ele . iied " Cl.iinbuif plants. 50 O 20 " Inc cuing newest- 2al Distinct '' ". Delphinium 75 " ' . 18 FinestFinestl °him:nulls 75 ANTIRRITINTIM MARIS. • • Album, pure. white; 2 feet 10 - Brilliant, crimson and White, ?, feet - ' - 10 Ceryophilloides, magnificently striped, 2 feet.. 10 Defile, rosy carmine and white, 2 feet. - 40 Firefly, orange-scarlet-and white, 2 feet 10 Roildos Feux, brilliant scarlet, 2 feet- 10 -Striped .t Mixed Lt ) ' . (to Downie, Laird and Laingsifinest Prize - 25 .AN AGALLIS, Garibaldi, a most bee utiful vermillion var, ttoW 15 Napoleon EEL maroon, 1 - 2 foot -10 Indica,. blue; fine trailer, from Nepali), Woot. -10 ALONSOA,- Wars.zetvicztbright crirrison,from Chili,l%fe et 10 (Irandiflora, large flowered, bright scarlet; 2ft 10 -BALSAM, - - -- - Finest prize, from I)onie, Laird and Laing, of Scotland - 50 Best English prizi;„ ilovlde 25 O - " Camellia flower ' 25 "" " Rose flowered ' ;1. "'-" " Miniature • ~ 15 - " " Persian pale yellow; sweet scented 1 Good mixed. ~. _. . . ...-' . .. . . ... , tai ROSE FLOWERED,SpIendid mixed ,19 Spotted, six.beautiful colors mixed ,... - 10 '' CANNA INDICA. Red, from India, 2 feet :45 Commune, Flegantissima, large, redish yellow, free flowering, from South America, 2 feet.,. 10 Worscewicsii, brilliant red, foliage striped, from Central America, 3 feet ' ; 5 • COCKSCOMB, Finest prize, dwarf habit, large combs, very A showy.% a 10 3facrocephale. Giinuitl., brilliant red, very, large handsome heads. trom As*l ft.. 10 Dwarf; rose, very beautiful 3.1 ft. - ' .10 Yellow. new andfine, -X ft 10 NOV Giant, - very large,brilliant red 1 ft.—. 10 Spicata Roses, a new French sort, 1% ft ' 10 ildixed , 05 White - ' „10 ---- 6ALCEOLARIA HYBRIDA. Splendid relied, saved from a choice collection ,-,t , embracing all the rich and varied colors of ' , this favorite greenhouse flower • 25 Otandiflora, new largo flowered, splendid.-- ,50 New Spotted, saved from a splendid collection -of Prize flowers by an eminent German liar- Ist ; embracing all the rich and brilliant col ors and markingspeculiar to this beautiful • and showy tripe of plants; 1% ft..— .50 Shrubby, mixed varieties, 'collected from a . splendid collection of finest self colored - and spotted sorts. These are half hardy-Peres- ; -. 5 - mabland adapted for. bedding out ni„.the .„. open ground during suanner,blooming abun dantly throughout the scum.. 50 Tlerbeceo!ot, extra choice - 50 . , CTNERARIE, ,_ Fine mixed _______ ,-. , - Z F,xtm Select, from prize flowers only * ' - 50. New Dwarf A-4 ' ... 50 Shrubby Giant,., / 1.00 Downie, Laird a' * Lang, of Scotland, Price 75 The various undermentioned varieties produce fruits of the most singular and grotesque appear ance; and are very desirable as rapid climbers . . CUCUMIS AradtM ' ,10 Flextiosus, Snakeicumber, very handsome., 10 Glossalarifolitur, 25 - seberry7frtuted MeloChito,red-f ed i ~....... '25 PET,PlEalial,_ , Carilio.petalum, deep blue,' profuse bloodier, admirably adaritml es c , iziugs for large beds Oh Elatum, Bee Larkspur 05 Formosum rich blue andel:Lite, the most hand- Some and ornamental of the class making . a grand display the first season, if sown early 10 Omadifforum, dark blue.. 05 Hendersoni; blue and white, very fine 10 Tricolor, new and fine 05 Mature Speetabillls,. • , . 10 Chilensus, best mixed.. Azurum, red spotted - Caruleum, beautiful spotted.. 25 Hybrid-novum. from the beat named varieties 25 • - DIANTHUS CHINENSIS, India or China Pink,. twenty rare, vancties mixed fi ,' fO3 Alba, ~. pl., fine double white '... 10 Alba Striata,double white. red striped fine-- --• 10, Ileddewigi, Heddewig's new Japan Pink, a . , most valuable acquisition from Japan • scarcely one foot high, very bushy and cov ered with a profusion of flowers, which mea sure nearly 'three inches in diameter, with colors cOnsisting of rose, crimson and kid; ' same are delicately marbled, others sel -col- - bred, suitable for the conservatory, bower or 10 1 - i DIA.NTHES ' CHINENSLS _ lied wigs Hybrids, fl., 01,,N ova, new tybrid don le - flowered, raised by hybredizing ",' Diantbuslleddewigi with the double Garden " Pink. It throws up strong dower stalks, -, • about 134 ft. in height the flowiers are both : double and semi-double, of the same size as ,;,- the Heddewigi, the semi-double have the, ' r same rich shades and colors, the doubles pure colors without shades .. ...... ~..- .."..5 • DIANTHUS ' 1 Barb.atus, Sweet William, mixed , 05 ' - lidelvill's Suracular flowered - - ' 10 "' doable talked '' • 10 Oardnerianus, vario us colors 03 NEW- AND CHOI A E LE SF LE lET' XDS lES OF VEQE IT include-in this list only such as are new arid lat noble and not readily obtained. The most of them -I have received from the celebrated English, in of Carter ,k Co., London, and they can be - confidently recommendect ineludann,a few American novelties o --- 1: greig tA/t er tEit'S ' ISEET — ' OSYTH - BEET' :, ' Medium Size, good,sbapel short ton t rich deep blood red color,, fine flavor, decidedly `,.the' best heed in cultivation. I crew this tbi past year and found it fully. equal to the recoup. -, raendation. Per_pkg_ —..,.- 25 HENDERSON'S PINE ••APPLE BEET, compact, short top, roots_ medium • sued and of a deep crimson; good flavor: Par pkg..... -:- 10 LITTLE PIXIE CABBAGE, Very ear small small delicate Savor— - ---- - -- 15 Sling JAPANESE MELON: - - - This is the finest flavored thin-altinneAnduelt melon yet introduced. The seed is !roil _ Japan, No lover. of thee.. fine _fruit .sheold- ' ' fail to try this variety - ' ..: •, 25 • 3. WESLEY JONES, ' 'lntirelf2-2n Chisthata 4 Cornlre; - 0314Cah 'N.Y.. i :;-•,, -,---4-r* -,=.r.--t; And Cannot do Harm And Cannot do Harm And Cannot do Harm And Cannot do Harm MEEMI Debi abbertistments. .4 liE