The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, March 02, 1864, Image 2

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At the fobt of 'the hill, near th p Old yeil
In a quiet, shadAiCet,
Just peeping through, half hid frozsMew ;
Stands a little moss-gioWn cote
. •••
And Straying through, at the opmrdocw,
The sunbeams play upon the stinderitilimr.
The caws chair; all - Patched with care,
Is,placed by the old Ifearthitbne; •
Willi wad - king grace, in the old flre.:Plac.o. - •
— "Vie bilergreens are strewn,
And VictUres hang on the whitened wall
And the old clock ticks hi the cottage hall.
~More lovely still, on the Window sill.
The ‘ deW-eyed 'flower rest.- '
'' , Arhile midst the leaves, en the moss-grown caves,
Martin builds her nest,
f 4124 all daylong the summer breeze
4 Tawhispering love to the bending trees.
• Over the deer, all covered o'er
With a sack of dark green braise.
Lays a musket old, whose worth is told
• In the events of other days; --
And the powder flask, and the hunter's horn,
Hive; hung heside it for many a morn.
for_yoar&tiave fled, with a noiseless tread,
' Likelairy dreams away, • -
And left in their flight, all shorn of his might,
, .A father — old and gray;
'Aid the 'soft wind plays with hirienow-irbite hair
As the old man slzopa heals easy chair.
In'at' the doer, orl the sanded floor,
Light, fairy footsteps glide,.
And a maiden fair, with flaxen hair,
,Kneels by the old man's side—
An old yak wrecked by the angry storm,
'While the iyry clings to its trembling form
•' A writer-in Blackwood paints the following
picture of the desolation that surrounds and
enshrouds the once mightly Babylonian em
pire • .
_•ln the distance high above the plain, loom
ed a great 2 - totintl.of earth., On both sides of,
its lay.whatlooked like long parallel ranges
-pf hills: These - lines are pronounced to be
the remain of those canals that onceconduct
'ad the waters of the Euphrates over the
%.length and breadth of the ancient Babylo
enia.- What mighty canals must they have
?beep, that still showed under the roll of
Centuries such substantial traces !nd not so
..4nueh as a drop of water; , no, not even a drop
',of heaven's pearly dew, 4 where
:once -ships must have These
Mighty banks that 'care d• every
..'uorner of the ancient hi] lv mere
(*Nies% sightless mounds
• _ .
14 , 10- morning' mint,
I,earth,_ever han_ gs over th,
."ever shadow them, temperit m' , the rays of a
:fierce, daily returning sun. The end of her
that " dwelleth upon many waters" has been
brought only too surely. The awful prophe
c.-eies had been fulfilled, and desolation, in all
its nakedness, in all its dreariness, ii;ilS around
us. After riding some two hours we arrived
;at the foot of the great mound that we had
..-peen in the morning. .We dismounted and
even scrambled to the top, for we had even
- arrived at the ruins of Babylon ; and this
great mound of earth that we were on was
the grave of the golden city.
I believe from the summit, raised- BQUIC
' '.kundred feet above the plain, the walls of
-the ancient city may be traced. ' But a hot
' wind driving burning sand, end' the impal
pable dust of ages into the pores of our skins,
: made every effort to open an eye so terribly
';.gainful, that we gave upthe idea in destatr
of either tracing walls, or indeed of looking
about us.anuch an 'where.
Iciemernber B Ig, away-to the'west, lines
, i .. of willow, and a flyer thread winding away
' , Jute distance; and carer, soine'unsightly bare
mounds, looking as if 'volcanic tire had been
•at W ork underneath the smooth su'rface of
":, the lain, and had thrown these mounds up
in t e spirit of pure Mischief.
: - T e silver thread was our fniitglimpse of the
~pat is of the Euphrates, and the mounds all
I that remained of the'enca beautiful hanging
I gardens of Babylon; 'at least so the conjecture
of men of research has accounted for them.
.'But so 'completely have the prophecies been
- -flifillled—so completely has the "name and
tlie 'remnant been cut off" of all pertaining
'to The once mighty city, that even the great
:which we were stAnding only by
eonjectrtre'supposed to be the ruin of some
.'great building- or royal palace that , stood
within the walls--possibly the palace of
-,l3emiramis. -
We desCended from the great mound, and
'in tide for those lesser mounds which are
iupPosed to be the site of the hanging gardens
- of isTitocris and Semiramis..,
In one spot—
the only thing we saw in!the shape of a build
ing in a state of ruin—was a mass of vitrified
brickwork, piercing the old soil and debris of
.;centuries, angle upWards. The brick _were
;Square, of large size and beautiful Make ; the
Angle of some, clear and sharp, as if the brick
'had but left the kiln yesterday, instead of
• nearly twice two thousand years ago. Turn
ing into a little hollow way between the
.mounds, we came suddenly upon the colossal
:-stone lion. Time with his leaden hand had
'knocked away all . the sharp angles of the
. ..statue. The features of the lion are com
pletely obliterated, as are also those of the
.Iroatrate form that lies so helpless, so utterly
-And wholly human, beneath the upraised paw
of the king of beasts.
The group presents itself te the eye, owing
.!to the wear of old Time, much in the appear
innee of those vast blocks of Carrara marble
which the bold chisel of MieliaclAngelo struck
-Into, and thon, at the point that the shapeless
„marble had begun to assume the . merest
"abozio” of the great sculptor's, idea, the
block was suddenly abandoned an left as a
` . viinaer and 'a puzzle - to future ages, so does
this group of tim lion and the man now hear
ilitruttlinished,unwroughtappearance; but you
; •
,cannot look at ins mament, and not instantly
avow the majesty and grandeur of the idea
that once lay there so mightily embodied.
This dark colossal statue, which may once
' , have stood under the gorgeous roof ofa tem
p e,.and before which thequeenly Semiramis,
proud 'and supremely beautiful, may once
„have -bowed, stands now canopied by the
grandest of canopies certainly—high heaven
never noticed but by the wind that
swaps moaning over it and the jackals that
-yelp around, as they hold high revel over the
' ' boties of some ca 4el who has been good
'enough to die in the vicinity. ; , . •
gossippy correspondent of the Boston
- - *mat, Perley, sends that, paper the fol.
lciwing readable accountOf daily life at the
1, - .lofhite House :
litr. Lincoln is an early riser, luid he thus
•• iiable to devote two • or three hours each
:inoining to-his voluminous private et:Tres-
L..pondence, besides. glancing at a city paper.
l'Alt nine he breakfasts--then walks over to
4hp 'War Office to read such war telegrams
'they ; give him, (occasionally Some are
•'Arithlteld) and' to have a chat with Gen..
t !Irani)* 'on the !military situation, in 'which
'be takea,a,great.intereak -Returnin g t o Abe
White House he goes through with his
in r tc ; O : mpany with a private..
Ai rotary. ''Soinelettera are indorsed- and -
kit to the ilepaittiterit- 7 —bthers are:intrtisted.
kiAlieSecrestry, who ruakei.a - minnte of the.
ridy-Witich he is to. others_ the
President retail* that he may answer theni
himself. Every letter receives attention, and
all which are entitled to a reply receive one
- no. matter how ' they are worded, or how
inelegant the chirography may be.
Tuesdays and 'Fridays are 'Cabinet days,
hut on other -- days visitors - at the White;
House are requeited to wait lathe antecham
bet,an d send in theircards. Somet im es - before
the President has finished resding• his mail,
Louis will have a handful of pasteboard and
from the cards laid before him Mr.' Lincoln
has visitors ushered in giving preference . to
sequaintances. :Three or four hours do they
pour in, in rapid succession, nine out of ten
asking offices, and patiently does the Presi
dent listen to their applications. Care and
anxiety have furrowed his rather homely
features, yet occasionly_he is "reminded of
an anecdote," ?And good_ humored glances
beam from his , clear a•res eyes, while his
ringing laugh shows that b he isnot "used up'
The simple and natural manner in . which
-he delivers his thoughts make him appear to
these:visiting hiblike an. earnest, affectionate
friend. He makes little parade of his legal
science,: and rarely indulges in speculative
'propOsitions, bid states his ideas in plain
Anglo Saxon, illuminated by many , lively
images,. and pleasing allusions, which Seem
to flow as if in obedience to a resistless impulse
'of his nature. Some newspaper admirer at-,
tempts to deny that the President tells stories.
Why it is rarely tifilt, any one is in his
company for fifteen minutes without hearing
a good tale, appropriate t.:l the subject talked
about. - Many a inetaphysical argument does
he demolish b$ 'simply telling an anecdote,
' which exactly ; overturns the - verbal struc
'About four O'clock the President declines
-seeing any snore company, and often ac
companies:his !wife in her carriage, to take a
• drive. He is fond of lierseback.exercise and
when passing the summer at the Soldiers'
Home, used generally to go to and fro in the
The President dines, at sir, and it is rare
that some personal fricnds do not grace the
round dining table,- where he throws off the
cares of office and reminds those who lave
been in KentUcky of the Old school geri tic men
who used to dispense generous hospitality
there. From the, dinner table the party
retire to the ei'inrson drawing-room, where
coffee is served,_ and where the - President
passes the evening, unless some dignitary has
a special inter View, Such, I an informed,
is the almost Unvarying, daily life of President
Lincoln, whose administration will rank next
in importafice to that Of Washington in our
national annals.
n clouds
During the Revolutionary War, when a
corps of the Ameriean army nas encamped
. near the borough of Elizabethtown, New,Jer„-
sey, an officer who by the way, was more of
a devotee of 'Venus than of Mars, paid his ad
dresses to a lady of distinction, whom be was
in the habit of visiting nightly. - On a discov
ery of the repeated absence of the officer. and
f the place where interviews with his Dui
cinea were had, some waggish friends resol
ved to play off a handsomt trick at his .
pense which should deter him front a repeti
tion Of his visits.
• The officer, it appears rode a very small
horse of the pony kind which he left untied
with the bridle runs over his neck-,-near the
door, in order to ride off' without delay, when
the, husiness,Of courting and kissing was over
and the horse always remained, until backed
cy the owner, without attempting to change
'his position. On a eertain dark and gleomy
night, when, th• officer, as usual, gene to pay
his devotions to the object of his dearest
affection and was enjdying the approving.
smiles of the ,lovly fair one, his waggish
4pompanions Went 'privately to the door of the
house where the officer was, took his bridle
:ins saddle from the horse, which they sent
away, placed the bridle on the tail and the
saddle on the back, and the crupper over the
horns of a quiet old cow, who stood peaceful ly
chewing her cud, near the spit. Immediate
ly thereafter they retired some distance from
.the house, and separating, raised the loud cry
of alarm,, that the enemy had landed and were
marching into the village.
Otehero On hearing, this, took counsel from
his fears, and snatching a hasty kiss. he'shot
out of the door with the velocity. of a musket
ball, and mounted into the saddle, with ,hie
back toward the head of the cow, and plung l i
ing his shard spurs keefily, into her sides,
caused her to bawl out with -eices4v6 pain,
and she darted with het best gallopAtowards
the camp. The officer still plying his spurs
with all his wine on board—finding himself
hurrying rapidly backward, inatigre of all
his efforts to advance, and hearing the repeat
bawlings of the tortured beast, imagined
that he was, carried offby magic, and roaring
out most lustily that the devil had gothim—
was thus carried into the very centre of the
camp The'sentinels, hearing the noise
their pieces and fled, and alarm guns ,
were , tired—the drums beat to aims, the'
officers left their quarters and cried 'turn (MO
with all the strength of 'their lungs. The
soldiers startled from their sleep as if a ghost
bid disturbed their dreams, and the whole
body running half naked as 'quick as possi
ble in gallant diAcibitte, prepared to repel the
terrible invader When, lo: the ludicrous
"tight soon presented itself to their eyes, of the
gallant officer mounted on a 'cow, with his
face towards her tail—her
out—her sides gory with the gouging of the
spurs, and he himself almost deprived of rea
son, and tialf petrified with horfor.
A loud roar of laughter burst froth the
assembled band; at the rider and' his steed ;
the whole Corps gave him three times three
cheers as he bolted into camp.
lie was carried to his quarters in triumph,
there to dream of lovers, 'metamorphoses,
backward rides, sternway advances, and
alarm of invasions, and thereby. garnish his
mind with materials for writing a splendid
treatise oct the novel adventure of a eow ride.
The New York Herald, which{► has always
been the enemy of emancipation and the ar
dent friend of slavery, publishes anelaborate
.articlerdcommending that slavery be abolish
ed by i general convention. This is the
Herald a proposition: , •
"We would, therefore, earnestly call the
attention of Congress to the fact that there is
only one_ way in,which this slavery question
may be decisively and permanently settled by
universal `emancipation;, and that now is the
opportunity for .this great achieviiment?,:-
This way. is pointed out in the Federal Con
stitution, and is simply •an
,amendment •of
that instrumentoleclaring slavery abolished
through out the tinited, States. . It is thus
provided that ithe' l Congress; - whenever two
thirds of both houses shall deem - it necessary,
- shailiroposeamenctments tothisConstitutiem,
eri on the application of the - Lesislatures of
two-thirds of the several States, shall call a
Zip Sranklin Ucpasitort), Il1atc1) 2, 1864,
convention for proposingamendments, which,
id either case, shall be'valid to all ictents and'
fairposeS,:as part:of :this' Constitution, when
ratified by the Ltigishitiares' of three-fourths
of the several State.vor, by conventions in
three-fourths thereof, as:the one or. the other -
mode of 'ratification maybe proposed by Con'
"Here, then, - the • amendment suggested,
passed Jzo-;- a two-thirds vote in each house. of
Congress, and ratifidliby the legislatures or.
• by - convention of three-fourths of the -States
of the Union, will. abolish, slavery at once
and forever thrOit.h out th e length andbreadth
oftheland. Andwhy net?_ The
f jAi
So long as it exiit-nnever tre a tthing here
after except a soure,4 efmiaelaie Wall dm-,
cerned:- Its usefulness to the- South is de
stroyed ; its eVils,'as - 11 fountain of bitter wa
ters, are all that is left of . it. Let Congress
pass the amendment indicated, with areason
able compensation to loyal slave:tolders, and
the ratification of the-States willsoonfollOw.
•An average allowance of three hundred dol
lars for the slaves of loyal -owners. will, we
dare say, cover less than a million of slaves.
We will assume that the constitttionalratifi
cation'means three-fourths of all the- States,
including in the count the rebeliious Statt.s.
This will require three-fourths of thirty-Ave
States, or,ratiflcation of twenty-seven States.
There are twenty-fohr now represented in
Congress, exclusive of Old Virginia. Arkan
sas has returned to the Union as a fve State,
and Louisiana and Tennessee ate following
lose behind. Thus within-a short time we
shall have 'the twenty-seven States required,
every one of which, on the test of ft -popular
convention, will ratify the proposed amend
"Let Congress, then, apply the remedy sug
gested, and before the end of the. year this
vexing and perpleking question of. slavery
may be settled constitutionally,, decisively
and forever . - ' And this is the only. way to
settle it, Nor can there be a shadow or a
doubt that the trian who puts this ball in
motion in Congress will be the commanding
spirit of the Union restored." ,-
In " Cudjo's- Cava'''. war novel by J. T.
Trowbridge, woll known,as a contributor -to
the Atiantic:Monthl,y,We fiiul the following
beautiful paragraph :
How many a beloved "good foi\ nothing"
has gone from our streets and firesides, to
re-appear in the vision of glory ! The selletol
fellowsknow not their comrades: .the mother
knows not her own son.. The stripling.whOs
outgoing end incoming were so familiar to
us—impulsive, fun loving, a little vain, a lit
tle selfish, apt to be cross when, the supper
was not ready, apt to come late and make
you cross when the supper was - ready and
•wfiting—who ever guessed what nobleness
was in him ! ' His sountr called, and he rose
up a patriot.. - Thp fatigue of marches, the
hardships of camp and bivouac, thp hard fare.
the injustice that must be submitted to, Al the
terrible trials of the body's strength and the
soul's patient endurance—these he bore with'
the superb buoyaney.of spirit which den.ues,
the hero. Who was it that caught up, the
colors and rushed forward with them into the
thick of the battle, after the fifth man who
attempted it had been shot down ? Not the
village loafer, who used to go about the
streets dressed so shabbily Yes, the same.
He fell, covered with wounds and glory. The
rusty and seemingly useless instrument we
saw hang so long idle on the walls of society.
none dreamed to be a. trumpet of sonorous
note until the soul:came 'and blew `a blest.
And whatfhas become of that white-gloved,
.perfutried, handsome cousin of Ars, deyoted
to his pleasures, weary even of thos e—to whom life.•with all its luxuries, had become
a bore? Befell en the trenches at Wagner.
' •He had distinguiThed himself by hls daring,
hit , Ozardihood, Lis fiery love of • liberty.,
When the nation's 'alarm beat, his manhood
stood erect; he shook himself; all his past M-
I volitiss were no more than dnsttcahemeneof
this young lion. The war has'deyeloped the
latent heroism In our young men, and taught
us what - is, in humanity, in our fellows, in
ourselves, fluause it has called into action
all this generosity and courage, if for no other
cau.e, let us forgive its cruelty, though the
chair of the beloved one lie vacant, the bed
unslept in, and the handeold that penned the
!otters iii that sacred drawer,,,which cannot
even now be opened without grief." '
It `was night. Jerusalem• slept as quiet
amid her hills as a child upon the breast of
its mother. • The noiseless sentinal st:ood, like
astatute at his post and thephilosopher's lamp
burned dimly in the recess of his chamber.
" , ..;,..But a dark night was abroad 'upon the
earth. A mortal darkness involved the na
tions in its unlighted shadoWs. Reason shed
a faint glimering' over the .minds of men;
like the cold and insufficient shining of a
distant star. The immortality of mart's spiT-
Itual nature - was unknown, his relation to
Heaven - undiscovered; and his-future destiny
obscured in a'cloud of nivstcry.
It was at this period that two forms of
etherial mould hovered around the land of
God's chosen people. They seemed like sister
',angels sent to earth on some embassy of love.
The one_ of majesty, stature and well-for
med limb which her snowy drapery hardly
concealed in her erect bearing and steady eye;
exhibited the highest degree of strength and
. confidence. Her right arm-was extended in
an impressive gesture Upwards, where night
'appeared to have placed her darkest pavillion,
while on the left reclined her delicate corn
pan,ion; in form and countenance the contrast
of the other. for slie,was drooping like a flower
when moistened with refreshing dews:and her
bright but trdubled eyes scannedithe air with
ardent but varying- glances. Suddenly a
light like the sun flashed out from the hea
vens; and faith and hope hailed with exulting
songs the ascending star of Bethlehem.
rolled away, and the stranger was seen
in Jerusalem. Ile was a Meek, and unassu
ming man, whosehappineis seemed to consist
in acts of benevolence .to the human4ace.
,There-were deep traces of sorrowon,his- coun
tertanee, though no one kiiew why he grieved,
for' lib lived in the practice of every virtue;
and was loved by all, the good and wise. 'By
and by, it was rutnbred that the stranger
worked miracles that the blind saw,the dumb
spake, the dead reappeared., the ocean moder
ated its .chafing tide ; and the very thunders
articulated, He is 'the Sbn of God. ;Envy
assailed him to death. Mai - 0y and thickly
girded;h9. ascended the hill of Calvary. A
heavy cross. bent him to the earth. But
Faith leaned on his arm, and dipping her
pinion in his Mobil mounted to the skies:.
AT recent dinner in New. York, Gen.
Burnside gave this:following reminiscences:
East Tentle - sseans, 'for instance, when the
Union, armies swept their farms clean of
subsistence, would say, "It's hard ; General,
'to be sure; but thank God, the relates 'did
it t" And daring the siege of -Knoxville,
most Seasonable "arid' large supplies were
constantly fkuited. down to the town, on .the
river past the
,besgsr's,.pickets through the
fogs, frOni a regionaotually patrolled rebel
cayal4. The General:said:l)f the siege of
.onoxyille,ukt tiller 'lil t therevoit:OnoWste
merit in holding it, ; "becauaci vire wefie"ordered
After expinininehovr.the'dtiteition of
liongstreet before tpoxVille . enabled: Grant'
to complete his success at thittaneog;a,... Gen:
Burnside paid a noble tribUte to the
soldiers, whom he called the "real heroes of
the war," fighting where they encounter
twenty bullets for one,that comes ; near rne,
and with no prospect if they fall; better theft'
-a nameless grave.'
Then followed a brief allusion to his policy
in.a.rresting Valltindighatn, of striking at the
leaders, and a curious story of that Copper
head's:arz•est. It was threatened that he
would. be rescuedrso he was ptit in the room
immediately above General Burnside's, in the
hotel, two floorshigher, a`-company Of regulars
qUartered in..thehotel, and a corporal and
seven men in-theroona opposite Vallandig
ham's, haying express orders to do anything
to prevent tile prisoner from leaving that room.
A serenade to Vallandighani was proposed,
but given up when General Burnsideadvised
the proposers that thii - rignhir corporal didn,t
know anything in the world except to obey
orders, and that there was dano . er that he
might think a rescue was intended. and that
Vallandigham might unhappily Meet with
some accident. .
THE rebel journals discuss the prospects of
the war with evident apprehension. The
Richmond Examiner of January 28 has the
"The time hitspassed for 'pffensive, military
,on the part ofthe southern armies.
Beyond recovering' lost portions of terri,
'tory, the true policy now is to risk nothing.
At first, :before Maryland, 'Kentucky and
Missouri werelost,. we - might have gained
much by taking Washington, and penetrating -
'to the centre of the enemy's po,wer. But we
then threw ourselves on the defensive, arlow
ed our soil , to be invaded, consented that our
own supplies should subsist the troops of both
belligerents, and suffered the, extensive belt
between the two hostile thttions, which was
desolated by the- contending forces, to be
taken from: our own territory. Our means
of subsistence have now been too far cabana-
Ced to admit any other than defensivetaeties.
We must stand-behind the wide belt of land
which:war has deliastitted, and -put our enemy
to the 'hazard and the -cost of crossing that
wilderpess of destitutiOn: We May recover
Tennessee and Arkansai; we may carry our
lines to the batiks of the Potomac; we may
prevent the navigation of the Mississippi by
the constalt presence, at certain points, of
movable batteries of artillery.;‘ , but in these,
and in all our milititry enterprises and ope
rations, we must observe the wary tacties of
FabinS, and win the battle by risking noth
Democrat", finds this word utterly "without
sense,!' and asks us to give itS definition. It
strikes us that he should - have first ascertained
the meaning of a-word before he pronounces
so decidedly:on its significance. We' will
try - td give it in dictionary form, as follows:
COPPERHEAD; n. 1. A very poisonous and
malignant snake, who strikes without warn
ing, and whose bite is almost certain death.
2. hi human serpent, who hates those who
stand up for their country against i the deadly
assaults of slaveholding treason, and pierces
them ; with hii„ poisonous fangs whenever he
can and dare.
Eiamples—tbose who hurrah for Jeff.
Davis in loyal communities; those who pub
lielybuzza forM'C i lellan. but privately, and
an tong their intimate cronies, avow that they
hopqo see Lee's army , Marching up Broad
way? - Jeff receiving an ovation at the
City Hall; those who propose to send em
bas.4s to:Richmond; o4tensibly in quest .of
"peace," ,but•really to encourage the rebels
to hiild out and await the chances, of the
PreSidential election ; those Vtho Curried hou
ses and hunted unoffending negroe4 in our
stre4ts, diversifying the slaughter and maim
ing kif these by, processions to cheer under
the windoWs of General 14 - Clellan. •
NOw don't you see that " Copnerhead " is
one of the mo.t,signiticant words in our lan
guage T—N. Tri&une.
ARTESIUS WARD, in a recent letter, thus
oives his idea of rt -organization: '
" . 1 never attempted to re-organize - my
wife but once. - I shall never attempt it
„ id
again • I'd bin to a public: dinner.' and had
allaw myself' to be betrayed info drinkin'
sever people'.4 healths, and wishin' to make
'em as robus as possible. I continued drinkin'
their healths until my own became affected.
Cmisekens was, I presented myself at'Betsy's
bed4de late at nits, with ticker
concealed about my. person. I had somehow
got'Persesshun'of a horsewhip on my way
home, and rememberin' some cranky,obset
vashirns of Mrs. Ward's in the morning, ' I
snaPt the whip putty lively, and in n • very
loud voice I said, Betsy, you need re-organ
izinjl- I have.come tore-organize! I dreamed
thaj cite that sinnbody.had laid a horsewhip
over me- sev'ril - conseekootive times; and
wiien I Woke up. 1 found she had, 1 haint
drank' much of anythin' since: and if I ever
ha.e/ another re-organizin', job on hand I
shall let it out.
. -,.
IN the fifteen months comprised between
September, 1862,•und December, 1863, sick
and wounded rebel soldiers numbering 293,-
166. were received into - the rebel hospitals in
thes Department of - "Virginia, according. to
the Director's; repOrt. Of these 127, 5 3 0 ,
prirhably belonging to ether States than . the
Old Dominion, were transferred to other
hospitals, while the rest either died in the
Viiginia hospitals or wore discharged; fur
loughed or returnee} to duty. Such an appall
ing list shoe's . how terribly . Vii•ginia has suff
ered in seeking for her, 4.qights" under the
babner of treason,- - and hOw woefully she was
Intaken in thinking that after Virginia
precipitated" into, the arms .of the Cotton
- State fire-eaters peice would follow. Then.
toe, when we add to this physical suffering
the destruction of.proporty. the severance of
faMly ties, the whole ale loss of slaves and
the terrible demoralization caused by the war,
-- pOor Virginia, stands forth a monument of
Misery and , fearful evidence that sooner or
later critne must be folloWed by adequate
punishment. • •
'llipre are two mills which supply our troop
atPuras, 'Tenney ee ; both steam flouring 4
and sawing' inills ' They are under the su
perintendence of Captain W. H. Hill, Eigh
tYriirst Ohio, apr etic miller and driving
business man. In sth a month, during
half of which time only o a mill running,
he has furnished to Capt. carpenter, Com
missary of Subsistence, overloo,ooo pounds
of flour. This h,T...osn''don , too, by grind
ing usually only 7/night, the saw being run
dttring the day. It is a novel sight to go
through these mills. How peifectly at home
are our sturdy seargeints, corporals, and
privates; all covered with dust, and flour, as
they walk abOut the mill on the various du
ties. The ease with :which our troops adapt
th erns elvq . ti: att thing .4,a ; smatter of s ur
-11 eto the natives of Tennessee. Yankee
1y superiot to that which
tub' bedulef#l4o. 4 9pretofore, that they
',uallSrAilmtptlkti44,o continue to run the
milks. e th 4 it Oa' enterprise displaysa
by okir
. 494 miA • tid.ieided impressions ou the
people liffirror:tif 'free labor.
of ZCrabef.
sUMMEIV UNE - TABLE. -Pit Trains Daily
So and from Philadelphia, on and after A1OND:41;
PRIL 2014,1883.
The Pasaaager Trains of the Pen sylvsnla Railroad
Company' will depart (rout arid arrive at Harrisburg and
Philadelphia as follows: • -
THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Ilarilsoffrg
daily at 2.U0 A. and arrivesat West Philadelphia at
6.1 u A. X.
FAST LINE leaves Harrisbargdaily(exceptllcindaT)
, a. x, and arrives at West , hilacelpltia at co.:A
a.m. Passengers tske breakfast at Lu.caster.
'WAY AC, 03 TSIODATION, via '3.1 - outit Joy. leaves
Harrisburg at 7.00 a.m., and arrives at West Philadel
phia Lt 1.:1•25 e.
FAST MALL. TitAtN leaves Harrisburg dally(esee - pt
Sunday) at LO r. y,, and arrives at West Philadelidiia
at 5.00 r.u.
lumbia, leaves Harrisburg at 4,00 P. N., and arrives at
West Philadelphia At 9.30 P. 31...
daily (except Atonday) at 2.00 A. At.; Altoona. 7.15 A. U.,
take bre:Rai:it. and arrivexat Pittsburg at 12.00 floor'.
PHILADELPHIA h'XV-111S TP.AIN leaves 'Tanis
burg dilly at 300 A. X.; Altoona at 8.00 A. x. , take
break Its ,and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.30 P. It.
MAIL TRAIN leav,es Harrisburg at 1.15 I'. U., take
supper; and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.30 A.U.
FAST ,LINE leavas'llarrishurg At 3.50 P. X 4 Altoona
at 8.35 P. X.. and arrives at Pitt:A Uri; nt - 1.00
-Philadelphia at 2.30 P.m., and arrives at Harrisburg at
8.00 P. as:
WAY' ACCOMMODATION TRAIN I en,yes Philadelphia
at 4.00,9. st.. ud arrives nt Harrisburg at 9.40 P.M.
This train runs via Mt. Joy. .
Supt. Middle Div. fititrea R. R.
Jun e,17, 1993.-tf.
brie 4'ol4:daily to and Iron 1 Italtimore and Weak
ington City. 1 -
Conneciions;made with trains on Pennsylvania Rail
road. toand frOm Pittsburg- and the West. '
TWO TRAINS DULY to and front the North and
West itranch Susquehanna, Elmint,and all of Northern
New York. ' ~
On and 'after Monday, April 20ilz.I8e
Traina tf the Northern Central kaitsea
and depart frozu liarriabnrg and Balt
viz: • '
MAIL TRAIN; leaves Sim bury dolly (except
Sunday) - ' 10.10 A. M.
a& ' leavey Harrisburg ' 1.15 P. M
i .‘• , . arrives at Baltimore-- ......... 6.35 P. X.
EXPRESS TRAIN leaves S. unbniy dolly
(except Sunday) ' 11.0 P. X.
at leaves Harrisburg' (except
' : Monday) ' 2.00 A. 14,
t' • arrives at ,Baltim6re daily,
t ,
(except Monday) 6.15 A. If
Harrisburg 6.30. t. N.
,leaves Haltjulorq daily (ex
.l cupt Sunday) ' 9.15A.M
tf leatlen liarrigburg
arrives at Sunbury 4.05 9 , 31
EXPRESS TRAIN laaveaßaltituore daily... 9.15 P. M
arrives at Harrisburg 3.35 A. 14
i leaves Ilnrrisburg daily (ex.
cept Monday) —TAO A 31
44' arrives at Sunbury • 5.38
ntatimez - e daily (except Sun
day) 2.65 P.M
" arrives at Harrisburg , 7.311 P. n
For fltrther information apply at the Office, In Penn
aylrania Railroad Depot,
J. N. MD ARRY, Gen Sept.
Jnne 17.'63 -tt.
WAR LINE . 11017 T E.—Three
j Trains Daily tcr New York and Philadelphia
.On and after Monday. April 2004. I-853, the Passenger
Trains will leave the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad
Depot, at Harrishurg.for New York and Plilladelpliia,ns
(allot: a, viz:
, •
EXPRRSA LINE leaves Ira rishurg at 2.15 A. N.. on
wrival of the Pennsylvania Rat ad Express Trainfrovu,
the West, arriving in NO. York. at 9.30 A. M.. and Phila
delphib at 3.20 s. M. Arsleepfiig car is attached to Hie_
train through from , Pittsntirg without change.
MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 8.00 A. M.,Arrlypig
le New 8.30 P. M., and Philadelphia e t 1.56'i. X.
FAT LINE Imivae Lblfrit,lnirg nt 2.00 P. M„ arriving.
In New York. at 10:25 P. u.,and Philadelphia at 7.00 P.II.
F.481' LINE leaves New York at. 6.00 A.A., and .I;})ila
leiptilmat 5115 A. m.otrriving at Harrisburg at 1.1.5 P. It
MAIL TRAIN leaves New York at 12.00 noon. and
Philailelphitsat 3.110 1... u., arriving at I.l.krriaburg at 8.20
P. M. .
.I.I.XPRES TRAIN leaves New York nt 7.00 P. 42., ar
riving at Hai risbnr2 at 2.10 .K. , 31. and connecting with
the Pennsylvania Express Train fur Pittsburg. A Veep
lng car is aisu attached to this train.
Conner lions are made at Harrisburg with trains on
the Pennkylvania. Northern Central and Cumberland
Valley, and at Heading for Philadelphia, Potts
lkilsbarre. Allentown, liaston,&c.
Baziinge chocked through. Fare between New York
nod" Harriaburg, $5 13; between Harrisburg and Phila
delphia. .$11:15 In No.l cara,and $3 in N 0.2. _
For tickltsor other information apply to
. • - J. J..CLYDit.
Jnn e tf. General Agent. IlarrisbUrg. •
1862. • • - 1863.
RA IL ROA 1),.%
CHANGE OF HOGRS.—On and after Monday. No.
ember 1 . 7.1562, Pug:gni:4er Traiva will run dally,cts
lallowa.(Snailays excepted): . . .
. ' EISBURG: .. ,
" G ruencastle—
1 '( 1. trice at - 8.17 ' 4.29 j
eltainbettbutg -,f
(Leave at 4 ..!.'... 8.30 12.88.
Loates Shlppeashuta 0.0) 1.28
1 . , IV evi tine ........ -....-...; .......... ... 0.112 2.08
. 1 C4rliale - - 10.10 . 2.42
" % 111tahanitslia*rg = 10 .42 - 3.12
. .
Arrive, nt• ilarriaburg ' ' 1115 3AO
TOWN., •
A. M. P. M.
Lefties llarrlsbar • 6.05 'I
" sleclinnicsbny , • 8.47 2.15
`'' Carlisle.— ' 0:27 2.35
. ", ' Nea - ti11e..... ....
10.02 9:20
`` S.lllpnensbur 10.33 , 4.0
AN cen t• Clininbersburg 11.00 ' 4.30
Leave ChitiOersitearg ' ' 11.10.' 4.40' ,
!.' Greencastle • 11.55' 5.30
Arrive at-Ilarrial?urg - : 12.i.5 ' 6.10
'.ticir I%lnking• close connections at Harrisburg with
trains - for PhilaTirelphin. Now York and' Pittsburg; and
with trains fur all points West. - • ' ' -
-. O.N. LULL, Supt_
It. 11. Ottlee.Chambersburq.Nor.V, 1F1'12., .
RAILROAD.—This great line troverse3 the Noyth
ett. Rod Worthwegt, counties of the city
of Erb). on Lake Erie.
It has been leased by the ,Pennsylvania Rai /road
Ciunpany. and n9..d6r theft , auspices is being rapidly
openedthronghrint its entire length. • -
It IF now in use fur Peoenger and Freight bnviness
ITOIn ITarrisburg to Driftwood, (21 Vork.)(l77miles) on
• a Eastern Division, and from Sheffield. to Erie, (78
miles,)em the Western Division.
?SAIL TRAIN leaves North LIA A. 31.
EXPRESS TRAIN leaves North ' 3.00 A.kf
eataren through wrettootcnetor. both WATS on these
tniins between Philadelphia and Lock ILaven,and-be
tween Baltiniore and Lock Thriven. •
Elegant Sleeping Cars ont he Expresstrain both ways.
For information respecting Passenger — business apply at
the S..R. Corner litho:ad Market streets,Philadelphia.
And for Freight business of the Company's Agents :
8. BtK ingston, Jr..Cor.l3th and Market ts.,Philada.
,J. Nv, Reynolds, Erie. •
• GeneralFreiglttAgent,Philadelphia..
0 enera I Ticket Agee t,Philsdelphia.
JunelY,SSj Oenera)Unnager,Williamsport. -
I,l'o l llo--All posonjJare
hereby "
warned ctilt-tO trust 'my srlf o ; : unarione
e, as I will not totyi.ouy Anbta of her contracting., -
fob 1.743t* ' JOlll , l MAC&
OUR ..iGt . .N . T.-L.MR:
of ChainberabOrg, Jo ;the Gen a 1 Agent of the
Iteieke Company. • -
WM. hicLutijy.
4- VA4l *
I LTG` guliAtOAD:,-WIN
• - IPA 1 1 l kik NOM Et`erl
As $T TONIC IslNSlrOin'the North and North.
-sandlot' Pliitituielphi‘Neir2-rork . Reading, Potts-ISW
Lebanon, Allentown:East - a. &c.. c.
--Trains leave llarrininsrg for Philadelphia, New York;
JAlteading.P tteroille,vd all i utermediatestations,at 8.00
.AT 2.00 `P.m.
:1 ?_ IC York ilaTircris leavca-ILarriabn rg,• at 3.00 aler
pt - Ite.w, York at 10.15 the aurae morning::
Mires -Crain Ilarrishurg t T i New'Yorkss.lst to Philo
dripitlas3.3s and V 230 ,, gagguge checked through= - •
Returning, leave New York at 6 A. 5t.,12 Noon-end
7P. ,r 4- (Pillebnrn Papresti arriv at'llarez, ball; kif
A. LeaVe Pilliadelphis at 8.15 A. M..8'4(13.30 P, rt•
aleaphigcurs lathe Is ins York h'spress I`ra ins thrtintall
to and front Pittsburg 'without elainge.
Passengers by theCatastiain Itailraad leave Tamaqua
at 8.60 a.sti, and 2.15. P. x., tor Philadelphia-New Yorh,
and stiMay Pointe.
T ra i ns leave Pottsville at 0,15 a.14.,aral
Philadelpilla,llarrietharg and
An Accommodation Pussengtr train liaises Reading a 4 l
.1 , , 1141*
6.30 Ar and'returne from Philadelphia at 4.3 u r. x.
eep Alh the above trains run dull', Bendayet es
ted,', . „ •
A 'Sunday train ' l eaves Voltsville
~ A. Y and
Philadelphia at 3.15 P. IL_ •
Commutation, 3131enge,Seasos,snd Exurslorl
at rekiiced rates ti. and from all points. •
81/Itts.Raggngsallowed each Yasseuger. •
G. A. NICCGLIA. Supairitieoden►.'
Dee 16,18834 f.
DR. JOHNSON, the founder of this Celebrated
tustitucion,offere the most certain, 'speedy, and only
effectual remedy in the world for Olects, Strurtnrea.
SeMinal 'Weakness.? %lain the Loins, Coast itntfonotTi)e.
bility,Dupotesce, 'Weakness of the Dm* am. Limbs.
Affections of the- litdneys. Palpitation of the Heart
Dyspepsia, Nervous Diseases' bf. the flee*
ft.rout, Nose or Skin ; and alt those scrims and melan
choly disorders Orisin§frout - the deitrrictire habits o.
Tenth, which destroy hot h body end mina; Thete secret
and solitary practices are inure fatal to , theirvictim
than the song of the Syrens to the mariner Ulyslesw
blighting their most brilliant hopes, or acticipatirdis
rendering marriage ,Au..impossible. ,
Young. ifen ettpecial ly, wit a have become jhe +toff**
.ISolitary Vtco.thut dreadful and deatr4tire•habla
whtrhannuallysweeps to 44 untimely Araye tboaaantip
of young men of the moat exalted tat era and brillinn
ntellect, who might titherwhe bare entranced liattaltig
Senates with the Oa ndere of eloquence, or waked 116
eceacy thel I ring ljre; may call with hill co n ftlenoit•
• -•
:Married pet; °mt. or 3 onng melt contemplating
rialto, bang aware of physical weakneB a.Orgarti c
deformities, ac.,ahunld fmthediately conauft Ltr. Johns
' '
II e wly•places blame] fowler the care of Dr.,7ohnston
may religiously tumid° in hisbonor as a genthantn , ,anal
confidently rely upon- his shill lama physician. -,
Thisdisease Is the penalty moat frequently paid by
Mons who have become the victims of improper India.
fences, Young persons are too - apt to commit excesses
from nut being aware of the dreadful consequences that
may e,.atte. Now, who that , understands the mibleist
will pretend to deny that the power of Procreation iv
het sooner by those falling i nto improper habit than by
the prudent, Besides being deprited of the plea - Surf• of
healthy of spring, the most serious and oestrnetivi
sympathy to mind and body arise. The system become
deninged. the physical and mental powers , weAkened
uersous debility , dyspepsin..palpitation of ttte brawl
Indigestion, a wasting of'the frame, cough, sylnin.oni
of consumption
:Office No. 7 South Frederick Street,
seven doors from. Baltimore street, Emit side, np n u
tbustepti: Be particular in 'observing the nAlne arol
nutubet,or you will mistako the place.
No Jtcreuryor NOuseous Drug,.
Member of the Royal College of surgeons . London. gra
tinete from one of the most eminent 'Collegini,nf the
United 'States. and the greater part of whose life has
been spent in the hospitals of London, Paris, Philadel
ph ia and elsewhere, bee effected some of the must eaten
Wang Mires that were ever known. Many troubled
with ringingiulhe bend and oars when asleep, greet
nervourmess, being alarmed at sudden somatic and bash.
fulness. with frequent blushing, attended sometime*
with derangement of mind, were cured Immediete4.
When the misguided , and imprudent votary of plan
sure finds he has imbibed tl e seeds of this painful die
160 often luippms that nn sehse of
Jihaine, or dread of illscovery, de tcrs _him from applying
to those who from education encl.-respectability can
alone befriondhim,delayingtillthe constitutional aynne
tome of this horrid disease make their•appearance,-ench
as ulcerated bora throat, diseased 'nose. nocturnal Pine
in the head and limbs; dimness of sight, deafneepolobs
'on the shin, bones and arms. blotches on the head, fade.
- avid exteemities, progressing with frightful rapidit,.
till at laitthe palate of the mouth or the hones of , the
nose tail in and the victim of this awful disease becumee
a hortid object of commisserat on, till t h pe
riod to his dreadful sufferings, by seuning him to.•.!that
femme from 'whence no traveller returns." To such,
• therefore, Dr. Johnston pledges himself to pre'serve the
.most nyiolable secrecy ; and from his ‘ , :ctensivc pretties
In the first Hospitals of Europe and A merle', lie can
a ufidentlyrecommend a safe and Speedy curclo•tirs
unfortunate victim of this horrid disen , :e.,
11 I i a melancholy fact chid thousands fall victfme'to
rids horrid disease owing to the unskilfullueisvf Igoe
rst pretenders who by use of tha t deadfui poison, Mee
they. rain the cobstitution,rtnd either send the uhtiirtu•
mite to an untimely grilse, or make the residue of Ip'e„
miserable. .
.J:Ur addressee those yvho have injured them/Olin:a Ivy
private and improper inattigeticee • , •
- These are some of the mad and melancholy Wet - tarty.
-- t i ne ,,,t by early habits of yontb. via: --weakness ttft the -
hack and Limbs; Pains in the dead, Dimness of Sight,
does of Mnscolity Power'. Palpitation of the'ffeairti Dye.
peprin,,,Nr,vons Irritihiiity, Derangornent of Ow Diger.
t i ve Finictione,aenerul Debility, Symptoms ofConsamp .
' •
51frrali,the fearful effects on the ini nil pre zono4 OP
e fitcaded: loss of if einory, confusion of Idens,llPpres
sten of Spirits, 'Emil 'Forebodings, A vertlion- to soci e ty.
Salf-Distnot.LOTE ofSolitutlvAitoidity, Ao., sere cones
of tte evil effects. • • • -
A. M. P.A.
7.00 2.451
7hoasands of persona of all ages can now judge what
lathe cause of their declining health, losing the r airy.
Itseaming.wosh, pale, hose singular lippearitted about
the eyes, cough, and sytuptoma of Comm/31:6m.
Dr. .laq:eon's .Invigpre4rng •Or
- ""
Ilytbis great bud Important remedy. Weritinese`oi
tboOrganele speedily cured. and fntivieur restored.
Thousands cattle most nervous and deniiiimed o q m ,
h ad tnst all hope; have been immo lintely relieved'. ' All
rnuediracuts tuna:Tinge, Physical or Zlierral,Diennali
ficution.Nervonslrritability,Trena,itrip.. 117eakitesi-or
txbanotion ofthe rnoetfearfili kin dopocdfly cared
YOUNG , ' 31E14', ' '
Wholinvelajnred themeelve eby a certain priielle e. in,-
duized in when alune--., a habit fregramtly learned fr, in
ivil 'cmp,' niOne. or at school. the effects aro nightly
folt,=evon when tutleep, and if not mired. ' ten d trt hilt -
liege Impossible, and ¢estrays both mind and. bod,
•Thonid apply immedin , v. ..
What a pitylbat a g man. the hope of tife Cohn ,
try. thedarling able' route. ahonlit be enatched,freut
all proapecta and enjoyntent.ofllfo, by the conxegta nit
of deviatingfromt he path of notate; and Indnigingin a
rert ai 0 ' Secret bald Such persona, before con templet •
lag_ .• •• • ..,.
11;ThRIAGE : -
Flornill reffect that a sound mind- and body ere the
Most It ert'eettry renuisitcs to promote roimnbial hippl
nee% . indeed. without those. thejourney throngli lit.,
ber , »nrsaw.ary 0;0W/we, the pr(1911 et hourly aka
eta to the view; the mind beeome,4 ril u idoNced with Ile.
.pair. anti filled with ..the melanchyly reflection. that
the bappfnetie of another becornaetblightediclth nor
own: • • , , ,
The many thoniande cured at this Inatitnifonin the
inat fi ft een yeare . ; avid the numerous importatit in**,
Operations performed by Dr.J.,. witnessed by the re•
potteriof tbe papercand many Other pelvond. netfeeti
o f which have appeared again andiv•vain before thoptib
ficis a 'meld ent guarantee to the afflicted .
. There are so tunny ignorant •an • Worehtese
quacks advertising thorneelves as Physicians, relining
e ealtiCof tbealrendrifflicted.' Dr. Johnston deems
It necessary to sayto those nantconainted With his iey
citation, that Ms Diplomas hanein hie office
ff?Tsar Noticz—All letters mast be toot para. and
contain a postageatampfor the reoty, or n °amair will
ties e at P0)2;4'6347*-
L, OEOROB BS AYERS reniedthilly Rai:intik : 4 that
by is prepared to do EVERT DESCRIPTION of PROTO-
Photographs containing defect, in portrsilittre, ittth*
aa;atill rrom damptiosi, c.sposure; ban e'les
rfanocilinl.( • • q
Nreona having DagnerTeiiy.ypes,
,ke, of ,DECE
FRIENDS, can have thank copied; and doodtZati 4es
Jtc~toredrenitabinfoT framing...
Apply arKEirinj , iclealkiokitore;Cluishbariburs. •
feb 17-tf
e ical.
oaux, No. 7, SMITE FIVEIVFIRidir