The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, February 24, 1864, Image 7

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Bashete Tuesday at G a in; *rive 'laPeehadY .
by, 3'9 ni ' -
1432: From Laceyville, by • Spring •lliflo ate.
Rnrinq 11111, West Antrain, and Stevensville, to
'Pike 21 Mileq and blek, twice a week. 'Leave I t az.
}roan e>lay and Saturday at 9 a in: . arrive
at Pip. by 12 in. heave ?lice <stnesday and S a t,..
• nista at 3pnt ; arrive at Laccyville by 6 p in.
2433. Front Towanda. &exding-Stone,
Rummerlield Creek, Lime IEII, CamPtoWn, Stevens
ville, Pike; Rushville, Rush,. arid Fairdale. to
Montrose, :ite miles and back_ stx times a week.—
Lnlve TOWailita creeps. Sunday, at 7 a'' m:
arrive at Mont rose by 7pm. Leave:We:Arose daily,
-cuicept Sunday, at 7a to arrive .at Towanda by 7
• • 2434.. From Touvatula, by North Tow:tad-L/714er.
' 141k1au, and Athens, to W averly. N. Y.„ . ..k) toilet and
• Intek six time , a word:. LOA:ve Toirittida daily. ex
ct Pt SUriday. at 2.15 1' i I active at Waverly by 7 ti
Leave except Sunday, at 13 a
in • arrive at frowalp-Kby 2.30, p m.
Trite Towanda, by Grow, Moan
faM Lake.' Burlington, West Burlington, and Bast
-4roy, to Troy. 29 miles. ;lad back six times a week.
Leave 'formla daily, eNeept Sunday, at 1 P n't;
orrivo at Troy by 6 pm. Leave Troy daily, except
-Sunday, at 7 a en: arrive at Towanda by P.,:
2436. - From ToWanda. by North 'Towanda. Fast
mithfield, Smithileld SuM ta it. Bendy Creek. and
111dg:chary; to Wellsburg. N. - 1 7 .'
2•:1 miles and back,
twice a. week. - Leave Towanda Monday and Friday
a m; arrive at Wellebarg by .3 p in. Leave
Wellsbar•" Tuesday an.l umutirday at-S am; arrive
at Towanda by 3-p to. -
4437. from 'Towanda, by 74 ntrootown, New Al
bany, 'Latblsourgii, ,and ;)ashore, to Laporte. 33
miles and In.ek, tore, lime. a week. Leave Tow:,
auda Tuesday Pi mr-dat,' and Saturday at /2 m; aik
rue at Laporte be 8 p in. Leave Laporte Monday,
W.ctlifesdaY and Pri,kiy at ti a us.: arrive at Towan
da, by 2. ir '
• 24:35. -Front Towada, by_lfornbr - oak and Shel
he-man, to _Wien-, 19 miles and back, three times a
Wok; LAVe. Towanda .Ciii•Ailay, Thursday and
SatmlayAt 9 11:11 1,: arrivii at Athens by 11 a In.—.
Least. 2114 nrUrSday aad. Saturday itt
21, ;,arrlre at fouvan.tu I>v 7 p ra.
24in.. Fesat Tivga Valle , to 'itch-
Acid, 6 mites awl oa.eut. I'. lee a, week. L'eutYe Atli-,
quo I.MeM3y and t.7t-iday ut t , a. In arrive at hitch- .
d uld' by 3.1 a to. Leave I.:Withal , : 'Tuesday aitd
Friday at 12M ; Wahl: at Ata , eas by 2 p in. ,
• 2a4.0. Iron Athens,by East , Smitlideld. - North
.15m itatield, Spring-ad, and Leottard'Hollow. to
Troy,-24 back, twice a week. 'Leave Ath
, •CTI, 1 at 5 n in arrive at
Troy by 12 m. -Leave Aro:: Weluesday and Satur
day at.l p in; arrive at At aims by 8 p in,
2441. - E rom Clutou, Canton,' I,ell o y.
W eat Franklin, Franklin Bale :sod Ni,utroctown, to
Towanda, 22%, mileoand touok. three times a week.
Leave Caema Thar-dav and :•aturilay at
11 a en; arrive ;it p in. Leave 'Vow,
=lda:Monday, s.l cdo es; ty Friday at 1 p ar
rive at Colston by p ui. '
2442. • . a, ny thden , burg. to Liberty.
16 miIN,A and back, • once a u cek. Leave Cautew
23stucday S ;cm; cat Liberty 11.12 in. Leave
1.1 hurtY Sat Ilrda.;; act is m : ateaniOn by 51 , tn.'
2143.- }'rout ii cot 1-iaakll.ll to Gran Hie Summit,
9 miles ba•-k, 011 , 2 , .! II week. L: Ave Nti est Frank
lin Saturday at u a in; :rive at limn...Me Summit
by 12 iii. Lea% .• Granville Sammit 637,1/Nay at lus
:Ft :'arrive at West Franklin b}'P
2144. Roy, iyallia,' , Sullivaa, Gray's
Valley, Mid Maine bur,;, td Mandield, miles and
back, twice a week. ,Le eve Croy Tacsday and Sat
urday atti! z pin: urrirc at.-2,laostield by 7t•': p
Leave Idandield Tuaday and Saturday at ill ii m;
. arrive at'Troy by 2 it in.
2143. Fro Colutabia ,
m Cl-ass Roads, by A nstin-
Edstillville e 'Well- and French's Mills. to:ice
ly's Creek, N. Y. -21 utifte alp! back, marl a week':
Rk,ave Columbia Cross Road- , Mond;4 - at. 12 In; ar-,
rive at Seely's Creek . by S p rut.' Leave Seely's Creek,
Eituiday at 6 a in ; arrive at Columbia Cries Road
b 4 11 a at.
2443. From.',Wysox. fly Meyersburg. Edam. Orj
well: had Le Raysville: to Pike, 2; miles and back,'
-..t.hreetinues a week. blare' WySOX IMeeday, Thurs
day and Salurday at tira ins. arrive at Pike by 4), m.
Lease Monday. Wednesday, and Friday .at 12
um; arrive at Wysox by S Won. •
2447. Front Rotuma by' North Rome, to Sheslie
. Iran, 14 miles and back. cOee a week. Leave Rome
'Fatur - day at a at; arrive itt She - Meuain by'll a un.
Leave Sheslicquin‘SaturdaV at Paa • arrive at Rome
by 3 pm.
2448 From North' Orwell to Baime, 4 unites and
back, three tune. , a Week' LOILVO North Orwell
Tuesday, Thursday and Satiarday l ut 12 in ; arrive
at R<inie by 1 p Lea.l e Rome Tuesday, Thimrs
day and Saturday at lattm • arrive at North Or
2119 From by Stetensrille,Camptown 31er-
Wyalusiae ti) D ushtm:, 2 miles and back, twice .
aweek. Lent e Pike Monday and Friday on am riy,ll
qf mail from Moiltro , e—:•ay at 11 ain arrive at
liuiholam by 7 • pLeal - e >Omni Tuesday and
'B..ktuedby -at 11 aui arrive at Pike by 2p m.
poeals to commence at Wyulusing arc invited.
2151,4Fr0in llay•wiltd, by South Warren West
Warren, and Windhain, to Nichols, N. Y., Mimi:Les
Land batik lyrical/ . Week. Leave - Le Itaysvilli.- Mon=
day-and Friday at 10 aim arrive at Niel - oils k 2 p
In. Leave Ni•mols Ta.msday and &in:inlay at tm• am;
athve at Le itayi,vii le by 1 p
2451 'l , rommeatuptown, by Merrick,
Zauth Dill, Orwell, Poiterville. North Orwell, anti
Cest. Wtualtant,to N. Y., 30 mike:: and
back, thlree times'a Lave Camptekuk Mon
day,. Wimoln.c-..ifiy and Friday at 1, py. ) .; arrive at
Nkhoilinv•xt day,. it 12 Leave - Tues
day, 'fftur:aia.y and Skit:inlay at I'p ali•ice at
outuptown next daym, by 12 mu: -
2412 From Teerytowu,' by New Rm., to iwdds,
bury-, 12 miles and hack, on r a WCCA. Lea@o TVr
rYtOWn y.atural ty at ti am: arrive at liii:ld-dmbrg by.
12 L •:ive L u. l o .l.:bur'g .3,11.1.11kh1y at 4 p 11/";;,iorriVe
stt Terrytowo -
2453 From Or' it: Cri,ek to •Chemang, ~
and harts. e a week.. Lek cc O. eat( m 'reek
Tae,alay :•n 1 Sat.— tr.: a:. t• a : arrive am Citema lb;
iy 10A a in. Leave Chelnuag fues•laY 111011.-•••,' ar
day at 11 rrive at Orcati Creek by 12't
2451 Fr, •` 4 • 1- Campbrillvdle.
°alley and Ca 6ULT.Ir Lthil. 40 titilti and back
, amiee a week. te.:z.v , 2: , ;1.(11:. 21 outlay at 7 a :
. .
rive, at S." f. 1. 1. inn 11”Xt ILLY 11) . ;71 p ja.
.I, , •ar i-Ing lr
1,,,a W ell) ~: ~1.0. at 7, a tit; aivive at - Saunic 4text
~31.i.ii by a p iu. S .
'2.43 I. , inu E:tale-nnere, by Fuilwille, Eidre..l-
vine and S'iaall'vz , t'anida, 3.: miles and unmet, niwe
, a week. Ls'. tv.: -i: i.ile.inwir.l_Fri , iny at ]'L pin ; ar
rive at Shank beg p in. 'Leave tiftunk Eadny at 5
it ; arm - •at ..t.izt;',•: - .ditez e Liy 1•2 Leav•, , t 4 litzult
tiztt•trthry tit 4i nla :'.arrive; Chintatz by .11• a nt.—
/e-ave C4lll.nlSta"."-Q... At l arrive aliSittruk
Ity ti p try. - .
2.45 i Fraia I.ll9 , ibarg. by Cavingbia.
Tian ~litcuellCrc •,t, I:aivrelicevalis, Wadley
town, ti. 1 . .. and 'raw izt entre, to Coriting, mile:
and back. xix time , a week. by railroad, aid by a
•satte i d.ule 6.lti , d'ea•for.v . t.4, the Delia/vitt:Rt.
- - -
• 2457 Front Mar . diel:l. by East ChurlestO n, and
-Charleston. 'to IV eilsletro'. 1/ miles and buck. three
:times a week. LO.LVe 2'lati- field Tuesday, 'Thursday
cad Saturday et p in; ; Arrive at,W el isok,o' by 6
p Leave Wetishoro Tuesday, Thurtday and'
Taturday at 6 a ni ; arrive at Mansfield by P 2 re.
2455 L 'now. Welleburo% by Niles' Valley. Middle
bury Centre: and Crooked Creek, to Tiova,ltl Wiles
and 13ack . ,. six tunes a. c Leave.Welleboro dui
-1y; except Solidny, at p m arrive at T,uga by 5 p
m. Leave l'io,ra daily, exeept Sunday, after the
arrival of the Corning snail--ray at ti A_ uhf; arrive
at Wellsbor,t' by 12 , m,
2164 From Wellsoorn% by Pine Ritn.stditues.
.rke We, Pike, 13fookland, anil,r4v6den, to
cowdersp ,, rt. 1514 toile, and back, twice' wtek..
Wellsbo4 Ittes.ray and Friday at 2 p m :
• arrit e at ; ( 1 ,:-OMIC.17.11 , ,ct next by 6 p tn:,,! Leave
Giortlersport mdaY and Taarsday at 6at us; ar
viva at Weli-tborri' next dnys by I p m.
2460 - From Welistioro', by Cherry Flats, -Covirig
• ton, Sullivan, and ;Sylvania, tat Troy, 30 Miles anti
- back, three times a. week. Leave Wellsbutio' Mon
d ty, es:lay an l Friday at 8 a in , : arrive'at
Troy by p in, Leave Troy Mourialy, Wciluesday
and Friday, at 8 to ; arCire at Weilslstro' bk 7 p in.
2141 Pram TIMM. Uy Bailey ('reek, Rutland,
rind Austint tile, 1 0 .0,1, 1 1, 1 6 in cross Ronds..?.lo miles
and back. three titut.s diweek. Leave
day. 'rhur day :tuyi Sat inday at 11l a in; Arrive at
Columbia t'ro. ,, Rook. , by'i; p in. Leeve qul hia
/toads Tues,lo% "Thursday and Saturday at 4
p : arrive at I'iug.tbyd p
2462 From Tio4tt. by Maple Rbice artd Ram
molars Ct eek. S.!ely',. Creek. 154„. 15 _ntiles curl
• twit., once a _week: Leave Tiotnt.Molfdayi;rt-1 pm:
trrive at Study's Creek by 6 pii. Leatets Seely's
Greek Monday 'zit 6 it ni ; arrive at Tioga 11:y 12M.
2463 Front Itutiattd,'lty Elk Run, to Matnesburg,
miles and back. once a week. Leave:. Rutland
til.turtliv at 10 a m ; arrive at Main esburgliy 12 an.
Leave. Mainesbur t r, Saturday at 1 p m ;_,iarrive at
.11.abtatud by 3 p m.
2.-R4 Front Elkland, by Nelson. Farmington Bill,
Farmington Centre. 'and Keeneyville, to. Malta
bury Centre, 20 miles and back, three times a week.
- Leave Elkland Monday Wednesday and rriday at G
rn .arrive nt Middlebury Centre by 11 a tn. Leave
Middlebury Centre Monday, Wednesday .and Fri
day at:l2 m arrive at Elkland by VD 131 .
, - 2461 From Knoxville,,by Little arsh, Chatbath
Valley,-and Keneyville s lo Middlebury tentre.l3
miles and hank,' once a Week, Leave I;Znoxville
Saturday at ti a In ; arrive at Middlebury Centre
Saturday at 11 a in. - Leave Middlebury Centre
Saturday at 12 in ; arrive at Knoxville P
'2466 From Westfield. by Knoxville, Oceola, In
land. and Nelson, to Lawrenceville, 24 miles abd
back, six times a week to Elliland, and three times
•'• week residue. Leave Westfield dallY, except
B u nd ft y, at 6 a nt; arrive at Elkland by 10'a in.
Leave Miami (laity, except Sunday, at 12 m • ar
rive ,at 671 pm. leave ElklandTues
day, Than/lay:tad Sat/tide yat Z p in; arrive at Law
' reneeville by 4 p in; Leave Lawrenceville Tuesday
/Thumb* , and Saturday at S a, rd ; arrive at Elkland
by 11 0 In
-2467 From Gaines. by Marshfield and Germania,
to Carter qvap, .16 miles and- back, twr,ee a week.
Leave Games Wednesday and Saturday at 7 a m ;
arrive at Carter camp ,by 12' m. Leave Carter
Camp . Wednesday and Saturday , at 1 Pen ; arrive
• St ,Games by m.'• •
24rA Fro,ll. Ulvs-seS, by Turner Creeiensd Bing
ham. to Spring Mills. N. Y., S miles andAntek, once
a week: Leave Ulyases Liesday at 10 ; arrive
- at Spring Mills by 12 in. "Leave Spring :ills
-1410 at /"P m; arrive it Ulysses by 3 P
. . :
2469 . From 'Brookland, by Blysses'!Center and
TlLyssei,,t.o:Genesnot Forks, 12 mites mid ; baek 7 three
times a week. "Drive Byooklend Tueetay, anti
day and Saturday at Sam; arrive at Gemfsee-Forks
a.. 12 nt. Leave 6-I.nesee Forks Tnesday, Thursday
and Saturday at 2 p m ; arrive at Brookland by 6
Pm. '. .
2470' From' Pikt Mills, by Sunderlfitvillc, :Mix
t . wa, and Sabimville, to We4fit Id, 22 1 ,,-; miles arid
oak oucea, week, . Leave Pike:Mills , -;aturday at
0.3, tu ; arrive at 'Cestticld by 12 in. I'..mve West
field - Saturday:at 1 - 1) in ; arrive at Pike'illitle by 7 P
in. . i
2471. Front Cordersport, by •tilalia., Roulette.
Burtville, and Pert Allegheny.
..,o Sanithport, -:.
miles and brick..tvice a week• Leave - 0 - twdersPrnt
Monday and Friday at 6 a in ; :Vast Etnithpo, ef
by 3 p . Leave,Smithnort Tue,, ay and Saturday
et d'a tn: arrive it Cowdersport by 3 p:rif,.. 7
2472 Pun Co s v
denort, by Colesharg, Ellishum.
Germit •e Fork, and Eleven - Mile, to Well'sville, - N.
Y., 3 , 1 miles arl , i bark; six times a week; three
the weekly trip., to be ran by East Hebron and 0--
waYo. , Leave Cowder.port daily, except Sunday,
at 8 a be ; arrive at Wellsville Ity',6 p - at, Leave
Wellsville daily. except Sunday, at 10 a in, or on.
arrival of New York Mail; arrive ht ;Coivdersport
by 8p m. • (. I
2473 From Cowdersport, bY Hebron; Clara,- Mill
port, Sharon Centre, and Shingle !House, to Ceres,
N. 'ir., 20 rails and lack, twice a week. Leav e
Cowderspnrt 'Wednesday and Satitrdny at 7a in :
arrive at Cetc -, by 3 p to. Leave Cere ,, Tuemlay and
Friday at 10 a m ; arrive rd,,Cewderspprt by tip ni.
2474 From Cowdersoort;by Ett•t; Bonier. Ayer',
Hill, Homer, North Wharton, Whartdn. and Filst
Fin k„to Sinimmahoning. 3 , ; miles a ' ndlback, once a
week. Leave Cowderspoit Mond:v.,at 7ri en; ar
rive at Sinnamahoning by 7 p in. Leave Sinnatna
hot ing Tuesda) at 7 a m ; arrive at COvili:rspoi t , t.):
7 p it.
•k u \
',- I
2475 From (7owderspert, by Coleliburg,'Rna Ray
ntomrs i to klys , es. 13 mai and l a
iek. nce,a week.
Leave, ktikdeispert Saturday at 7 a..rn ; arrive at
Ulysses by 12 in Lease Ulysses Saturday at 1 1' in:
arr i ve a t c ow & r eport by ti p in. Prolosabi to coin -
menee. at Colestatry, 7 miles less distarke are invi
ted.. ,
2475 From C owdersport, by Carter'•Carup, Ket
'tie Creek, and 1 laneyville, to Jersdy Shore, 73,miles
and hack. twice a-week to Kettle trlrnek, alai once a
WO A' the rosidar. Leave Cowder+ort Mondayund
Thursday at t arrive at liattle Creek by 7 P
m. Leave Kettle Creek Tuesday and i Friday at W !
ml arrive at CowderAtioet by 7 pin.; Leave Jer
sey Shore Thursday et d ain • !arrive at Kettle
Crea k by Vp in. Leave K ettle:Cre-k Wednesday
at 0 a in . : rric eat. Jersey Shore 10 7'p
2177 Front llartvitle, WillistriM Armin Creek;
nod Glenn, to Cores. X. Y., t.l mibt abtt hack, otter
a deck.' Leave Burtvilb. Saturday at.s it in ; arr:ve
at Ceres by 12 in. Leave Ceres Saturday at 1p m
arrive a? Burtville br 8 p 4
2175 From Sugar Valley, by Roseerans, to Salo
on. 10 miles and back, twice a week. slipplying Car
roll once a weep Hann Sugar Valley. !Leave Sugar
Valley Tuesday and Thitriday at. 7 aim : arrive at
Salona. by 10 a in. Love Salami Tuesday . and
Thursday at 12in: arrive at Sugar Volley by 3p
2470 From Lack Haven, by Fleming.oM,
11 all, Cedar Springs, Salona, Lanni \ittnny,,llah
tersharr,., and Zi in to Bellefonte. 27 Miles and back. •
Six times n week. Leave Lak Haven daily, exem.l
Sunday. at 5 h nit arrive at Bellefonte by IV/. a In.
Leave Belief on - 'edaily, except Sunday, at 4 p to
arrive at Lock haven by 10 p
2450 From L irk Haven, to3slinnl. 3 miles and
hack, 'six' times a week. Leave Lock Haven daily
except Sunday; „it 10 a in ; arrive at l'sland by 11 a
m. Leave Island daily, except Sunday, at Ill: 2 ' a
in; arrive at Look Haven by 12k4 p
2451 From Westport. ' Leidy, 'llarnmersley's
Fork. and Cross Fork, to Kettle Creek. 30 mw, and
back, twice n w:•ek. !Leave Westport Tuesdhy and
Friday at a in ; arrive at Kettle Creek by 7-p in.
Leave Kettle Creek Wednesday and Saturday nt 6 .!4
am: arrive at West tby7 p m. • •
2452 Front Williarnsport. by Cogan Station,
Trout Run. Ifidine. Ralston, Roaring Broneli,
Cantorf„klaa. lranville. Summit; Troy, Columbia
Cross Roads. an I South creek; to Eltuira, N. Y., 77
Miles and back, twice daily. except Sunday by
' railroad, and b 3 a schedule satisfactory to _the De
2453. From Willamsport. by Newberry. Linden.
Antes Fort. Jer:rey _Shore, Nippenose, MeElhattan.
Chatham Rim, Lock Haven, Farrandsville, De
franceville. Hi acr's Run, Youn•rwomanstown, Hen
ovo,,!Sinnama Secotal 'Fork, Pine Street,
Sterling Itau b. Cameron, to „Shippen, mile, and
back; ..xcept Sunday. b'y railimati, and by a
schedule setts actor:: to the Department.
245 I. From Williamsport, by' IS Loyal
sock,Parbo' 's Mills, Hill's (;rote, and
Forl il
sville, to Dushore. 50 miles and back, once a
week. Leave Williamsport Tuesdat aflo ain ; Ar
rive at DUsliore next day by ri p,in. Wive
Monday at 6 p. m : =Arrive at IS illinialvirt day
by oa. tit. Proposals for more frequent service, not
exceeding three times a week, are invited.
2455. From Williamsport, to Monturesville, 4
miler; and hack, six- times a week. Bidders will pro
pose a sehedule of departures and arrivals-to eon
nectwitb railroad, and be satisfctory to postmasters
at 0 rinitlat mbees.-
24M$. l.rom Cogan Station, by Cogan llonee; to
tt hite Pine. L 5 miles and haels, once a week. Lea N-4. !
C".;a11 tStati,;ll Saturday at 7 a in ;, Arrive ut Whit-
Pine by II am. Leave White Pine Saturday at
a in : Arnie at Cogan Station by 4 p m. 2487. From Trout Run bY Liberty to Illossimm
25 miles and bock. three timer week.
Leave 'Trout Ron 'Tuesday % Thur:day and Sat*.
day at 8 a m ; Arrive außloesburg by in m; _Leave'
.1140s.dirg Menda.y ' WelilleAgY and Friday on ar
rivalof rare frail; l`orning--say at 1.1,i4: a in ; Arrive
ar Trout Ruh by pm.
24e8. From Joreey cihore, by Larry's Creek, Sal-
Mai It bite 'inc, to Legliah Centre, 22
mile , and lo; k. tisk.; a week. Leave Jersey Sh,n l!
Tucednv end Friday at ti a Arrive at Englieh
Centre ,by 12 m.. Leave English 4 entre hie‘day
and t tuutda at 6ala ; Arrive at Jerry Shore I:y_ i
p in.
24`i I. From Jersey Shore, by Phelri - Mille, TOM hS
Run, Waterville; jersey Run. and Mel
ri-, to Well-lioroi6a: 54 miles and buck; twice a
week. Leavt• Jeree , Shore Monday and T ithred
at ti a in; Arrive Welleboroac . h the 11P?:t days
inn. Leave Welleborlinc,ll Tuesdhy and Fridhy.
at 2p m; Arrive at Jenitty Shore next days by 7
2k-41. From Nippeno.e,thy Rauch's Gap and Col
lout t ilk. to Basaross, 111 miles and back, twice a
week. Leave Nipp en and tin day
t 7 a in; Arrive at Bitstipss by 1(1a in. Leave Bas
trost- Wednesday and Saturday atll um ; art h - e at
-NiPPeno....• by 2._p
2491. 'From Muney., by , tr4ess Me, Picture
Rock'.. Tivoli, and Eagrismere, to Laporte. 25 mires
anti back, six . times a week to Ilinzhesville, and
three times a week residue. , Leave Muncy
ext•ept Sunday, on arrival of Southern inail`- - -t-say ut
p. ; arrive at Huglicsville by 5 ,m. • Leave
IlughesAille daily, except Sunday at 11 am: e
at Muno\t-by 12.rny . Lea:e llu jiusriiie Tnesda . Y.
Thi,rsday and Saturday at 8 a in • arrive at Laporte
by 1 p in. Leave Laporte MondZ, ednesday, and--
ri Hay at 6 a in •'
arrive a Itairliesville by,ll m:-
241 1 2. From Munc3t. •by Wolf Rini; Hunterst
Illtra Grove, Eldredville, .I.ampbellsonlle, and Over:
ton, to New Albany, 48 miles and back, onee itweek.
Leave Mangy, Tuesday at 1 u m ; arrive at New Al
bany by 7 pin. Leave .Neov Albany, Mtinda ate a
m; arrive at uncy by 7 1 tn.
2-tP3., Front Tivoli, by Muncy Bottom'and Sone,-
town, to Laporte, 15 miles maul back, place it wee 4..
Leave Tivoli Wednesday a•. 1.2 ni ; arrive at Laporte
by 4p m. Leay.e Laporte Tuesday at 7 a tu . ; arrive
at TIN oli by 11 a In.
` 24:4. From English Cer try, by ,Texas and Nan-
Yoo, to Liberty:l7 miles and hael: once a week.—
ve English Centre Satin day at 6 a in ; arrii car
Liberty by 1.l a in. Leave LibertY6SatUrallY ut 1p nit
arrive. ;,t English Centre 1- y 6 p m,,
2495. From Ltiwiehurg, by 11iift1inburg,Ifartleten,
Woodward, Saronsbutg, Millheim, Penn Hall,
Spring Mills., Centre Hall, Linden Hill. Boalsbure.
' Pine Grove Mills. Rock Spring, Gmsville, Frnnh
tin vine, and Cotentin Fyrge to 'Spruce Creek, 70
mile. and back, six times aweek to Mifflinharg, and
three times a utiek the residue. , Lent e Lewisburg
daily, except Sunday, at 7 p m arr l ve at Mifflin
burg by 9 p in. Leave Mrillinblirg exeePt
, Sunday. at 7 a in arrive at, Lewisburg- by 9a in.—
• Lcatr nitilillbUTP, Monday, Wed - and - Friday
at ni ; arrive at Spruce Creek - tie:kr day by 4 p nL
Leave Spruce Creek. Monday, Wednesday and Fri
day. at R a in; arrive at •Mitlinburg next clay by :1
249(1. From Lewisburg. by Winfield, New Berlin.
Penn's Creek, Middleburg., Beavertown, Beaver
- Stirings. Middle Creek, Cross Grovellall, and Dem
titre. to Lewistown, 58 miles and hack, six times a
week to New Berlin. and three times a week the
residue. Leave Lewisburg daily except Sunday, at
pm ; arrive at New Berlin by 0'42 p in. Leave
New Berlin daily. except ~ , :undaV. at Ra in arrive
at Lewisburg, by 11 am. Leave New Berlin Tues
day, Thursday and Saturday at 7 a m ; arrive at
Lewistown by 6p m. Leave Lewistown Monday,
Wednesday and Friday at 73v,i am; arrive at New
Berlin by 6 p
2107. From Lewisburg by Buffalo Cross lioads,to
Forest Hill. 8 miles and back, three times a week.
Leave ,Lewisburg. Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
after arrival of the Philadelphia mail—say at 7 n in;
arrive at Forest Hill by 9 n Leave Forest 'Hill
Monday. Wednesday and Fr: day at 2 p m; arrive at
Lewisburg by 4 p m.
- 2-408. From Penn's Creek. by TroAelville, to Mid
dle Creek, 16 miles and back, on_celt, week: Leave
Penn's Creek Saturday after arrival of the Lewis
burg mail—say at S a m; arrive at Middle Creek by
I p in. Leave Middle Creek daturday 2p m ; ar
rive at Penn's Creek by 7 p n .
2400. From Selin's Grave ey Eratte' vilie. New
Berlin. and White SpringB, io Dlilllinhurg, 211 railes
and haelt. twice smelt. Leave Selin'sGrove`Tues
day and Saturday at 7 a m; arrive at MifflinburgbY
11 a in. Leave Mifflinburg Tuesday and Saturday
at 1 p in: arrive at Selin's Grove by 5 p T n.
2500. From Selin's Grove. by Kremer, to Middle
burg, 10 miles and back, six times a week. Leave
Selina Grove daily, except Sunday, at 5p tit : arrive
at Middleburg by 8 p in. Leave Middleburg
daily, except Sunday, at 6a m I arrive at Selin's
Grove by P a al.
2501. From port Trevertm, by Herndon and
Treverton, to Shamokin, 21 miles and back, six
times a week. Leave Port Treverten - daily. except
Sunday, et 4 p m ; arrive at Shamokin by 7;4 p
7 tic to tit ' tt_epo - .44ifit; ::,t4t-it-diti_:•_24!_:lB64.
. ,
Leave Shamokin daily; except Sunday, , 6 a• in;
arrive at Port Treverton by 914 am.. ' •
'2512. From Port Triverton:bv Setin'ti Grove, to
Shamokin Dam. l 2 miles andback., i. , c times a week. I
Leave Port Tres erton daily except Stuiday,- at 4 p
m ; arrive at Shamokin Darn by 7 p In. Leave Siva
mokin Dam daily, except Sunday, at ti a in ; arrive
at Port Treverton by 9a, tn. Natt—The excepted ,
'bidder will be allowed fa:amply Selin's :Gnu ‘ e and
Shamohin Dam fram the Northern Central Rail- ,
way. if desired, and if it. would be more satisfactory,'
to the community interested.
2.7 1 11. Fv•Mi Bellfente, by Fillmore, Poiffalet Run.
Half Moon, Centre Lino. and Warrior's Mark to
Tyrme, 32 miles and back, three tunes a week.—
, tear : Bellefonte Monday. Wodnesdav and Friday
at 90 in: arrive at Tyrone by:, pm. Leave Tyrone ,
`Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 9 win : arrive ,
al\Bellufontet by 5 p nt• i I ! , i
27,14. ify on dlellef tnto. be Milcsburg, Fleming. l
! :LAMA FUrnace, M..
a.llO Furnace. 1%1 Matilda, 1
Hannah, and Olivia, ti, Ci room 32 mita.. and back.
six time te NV...A. Leave Bellefonte "tinily, except
! Sunday. :It c h a in : m•rive at, Tyrone bV 1 p in.,—
LeaVt) TYI , II - ii,' daily, except: uuday.,--at a to: act
rivo at Belleibote by 6p m. '!0
2:135. From Bellefonte by Mile , Thurz. Snow Shoe,
Mashanuon and Pine Glkn, to liartioths t 29 miles.
and bn-1,;. three time , a :week. Le3ve l Bellefonte
Mousey, Wednesday nndTriday at !S ups arrive at
1 K arthony 'by 5 p, m. ,Leave, Kagthqms Tue , day:
Thtmday . )ind Saturday at S trou : arrive at Belle
. throe , by a It M. i
2313. Frew' Bellefonte, by Willtert, Mountain '
I , :a 1 , .. Howard afoi Beech ('reek, to LOA' 11:. v,ii.
mile , and back, thr e e fpn,, ; .: a week. leave Belie-
fent , Monday, Wednesday a nil Friday it s a tu : ar
rivti at Lock dla ern by I p in. Leave LOA Bark il
Toettloae. Thursday and Sat'arday at 6'a In : arrive
et Bellefonte by 2:1 tn. Proposals for six-limes-a
-we-It: service are invited. `
'...n` 1 1". Froni Bellefonte I,y llonservigc anti Acri
cell aral Con i t ze , to ph, drove Mills, 16 mile. and
Web, three T 11055 a week.: Leave Belltifonte Mon ;
day. ' Wednesday and lFlida. at 40; la I a rriN e a•
Pine Grove j 3,tille by li a nil Leave Pine GRIN c 1111 ,
Tip...lay. That , ttlav andt .- 7:'. ttorday at.'2 p to ; arrive
at flellefoite by 6 it In. I
2.105. . From 31illhelm, be Pottansburi Tyleisville.`
Lottan Mills tool Stems V allay. to Salona. 27'mile:-
1 told back, once a week. Ilea re Minipill) Ft May at
i Sato : arrive at Solana - by It l• iii. Leave Salotm
, tord:*ot 9 a us: art ire at Millheirol by lip 01„
1, ' 25 1 19. Print Millit.plan by Centre Milk. Modison
i bur; and Rebersbuhr. to Wolf'. Store:ll2 miles and
hatch, three t i Idi .5. :iii:vek. Ikave MiliheimTut.tlay.
Thur-day and Sa!turtide at 3'p m : arrive at v, , ,0r,
Store by ti p pr. Len v, - 11',.1 r s sto r e T m ...,/lay. glows
day and Si' inlay at ll'a in; at rive at Mil:beim by
pit. :
::,10. From Phil li pseurtz by Morrisrbtle. to Kyler
'oNTll, 9 mil,- and bat k. tare , . litue•-n item s. "Leave
iltinio.ltriz 'fa c-day:T hurqiny and 1 ,5,..: birds y, on
arrival of tha raettern moil.---tay lat t , tem: arrive"
at KVlertown by 61, pm. Leave laylertown Tues. ,
day.'TbuNdav and Nat urdt.y nt (i.' 'p tun arrive at
ph illipshure by lrit m. a
il.. From it tetisvPle by birtbat•ogttilis, Belle
vide. Mtotne, All-mea ilk lino Airydale. to Milt
Creek. '2lt mil es and back. 1 tree times Mweck. Leave
11 toolsville Month s, y eanvpiPy and. !Friday at 2 it
-tn: arrive it Mill Creek heat days by 12 tn. fare
Mill CI mklu e , day. Tlmrsday :; int ;•: , aturday at 21 , ,
p M : active at Beed , ville hays( day , by 11 a In.
2:7,2. Franßeedsvine. to Loele , Mill.. 5 mile
anti load:, tlo ee times a lycek. LetlVs Reed , villc
Monday. Thursday and „Saturday at 11 a m: attrive
at Lock's Mills by 1 pm. Leave Lock's Mill. Mon
dd:. Timralay toil Saturday at S a , in: arrive at
Rced , cille by 10 a ni.
2:d3. From Lew itahw 0 by Rvedsatille. Milroy,
Poll er's Mil P. Cettme Hill. ('enter' 11 till and Plt.'o4' -
allt (lap, to Bellefonte, 211 1 ',Inilesandlarek, six times
a week. Lease Lewistown theily,• exl - teitt Sunday,
alter the uncivil of the II arri , burc: maili-say at 7 1 ::
am: :olive at ,Bellef •nte by 4 p In: I.‘ eve Belle:
fittnte della'. except Sunday, at I" atnit; arrive at
Lewistown by 2 1 , - : p In. ,
2514. From Mifflininu 11, h'. Otikland Milk MeAl
lktersville, Cocolutoset., Richfield, Mt. -Picas - ant
31ills, Freeburg. and - .6.atte. to Kadin' 'rovc,3l miles
and back, three times a'week. La tive Mif.dintown
Ti: Any. Thursday and Saturday a i''' a to ; arrive
at .Selifl'..? Grove by tip in Leave ISelin:s (hove
M e nai : tat. Wednesday anti Friday at 7 a m ..- at rive
at :klitdintown by S p nh
2:474 14 ;r0m Mifiliritown. by Patterson and Wal
nat. to Aearientia. 11 miles, and back, six times a
week. Leave Mifflintown daily, except. :•:untlay, at
211 111 : arrive at Academia by 0 p In . Lea \• c Aca
:Amnia daily. 6 - Xcent Sunday, at 71f• a to ; - arrive at
1-Mittlintown by 10 1 1 a in,
r '251 5 . From - Waterloo.byNrfslii Ile, to Shade Gap.
1:1 miles and back, duce a. week. hens e W a tCrloo
Saturday at S at m : arrive at Shade Ibip - by 12 in.—
lam - ve Shade Gap Saturday at 1p m: artiV It at
'Wvterloo by.s ii in• 1
2,117. From ,New Bloomfield. by - Bah - Me. I.4rier . 's
Paint and Keystone. 16 Fenwiek.'2lntiloAand baek,
anee a Week. Lea,- 'New Bkmmtield Titursdair at
1 1 pw . art ire at 4 2 enwiek by 7 p tn. Leave Fen
wiek Ilmr , day at 7 a m t arrii.'e at New Bloomfield
by 12!_ p tn."
2:45: From Duneannon. by Benvr nue. New Buf
falo..3.l•mt :4011,-1" , Liverpool. M4dtontomm,
Ifal r and Chapman to Part 'fret ..r
-• 'on. :ttpl back. •• a, neeek. Laa..e
'thmeannon daP. - y; o. crt Sumlo s', at pin :' , .arcise
at Part 'Free er,an h) 11 p Learn Pint Teerer
ton drily, exeept at 2 mf- arril, aat ,Ban
cannon by •17 a in. bioderwill
be allowed the mirile-e pf eat plying
'tweet. Irttnanlttloli and P,.rt Tree, LEM) by 1110,eir
• 4erviee firon the Northeru Certtral Kailway it
de , ired. and if would be tar-re sati.taßary to t .
2:4 1 . ram Y''‘vrort• antviati. rkle , ville.
and lte:elntra to kla.elairg..ll , ll:llaNan , l l ,l.ak, three
p Weft . Lea ye No: po; t edn e--
pi. ann Friday :It 21. , j n m at rive :d I‘ ko burs; by
P Pt. Lraro LT Monay, oclao - -day
Frirlqr t; a In: arrive at 7\ wjpl rt by 12,n..
I.'r‘op Novr”rt by Nets Blimmt rid, Elliott.-
lthrg dtal ea P rN. to I.aodt-0.m.... t0;1, , .. and
hack, -ix.tittP, a word.. Lea , -W pet ex
nn arrival of mail fr.!to L tli000rt—
• .f 2p m arrive at I...tpli,bortr 1 1 . v 71. m. Leave
Lan aiihurii fldilv, tt 7 a : active
at Nt wpoit
2,;21. .Ficon I.amlVorrir. by' .Atnie-y Centre.
Arb-r , •oliburg and 131,11 ti, to 'Silv ants - AN - n.ll'
and Intok. qix time, a ti.:•t•Fe: L. .1 - V i` 141 , 11(11 , _
doily, in.., id atter'in • i;val !flail Cow)
nt 7TI ; Ti vi. 6 at IN pW- , : i.riartntown
by it I,nave i•Xl•••lot
ro:11r, :1 am : i,antli•liora, b..: 7 lA, or
in t; me to conneot tt i;11 the mail tin j Newport.
From New ( . .;,•1 ra, - o , ,wri b , 1r01v., , 10.10
and hr eh, titre. , t,ito , •-• week . . Na te Iler
matitown 'll'arrday atal :•:.t.tat , !:ty at 0 a
Iti art ivy -t Concord by 10 a at. 1 Lea Concord
atal Satai,lay tat air Ye
at NOY “1•11111"11(.11 . 11 ht 0 p
Azal- , -.111,. to Sandy 5 t ilrc NMI
A TUeml.l.: , l
aryl Fri‘l..v 7L: p artive tt Sd i rai • 1(i by p
tzatid; ISM 'rt.t4.alaN• la. at p
. „ .„ ,
lit : firrj“. .1n0 , .. , 1 tut- v 0 1 4 p tri;
Ftom MilierQteo.ct be nottlthlt, , ,•%. Mill.. to
Ti•kesiotrit:l: :roct to icO it w.-t.k. Li-avf•
;\l , ll , Tutonn "J'n.•.day - and r -, •!tni•rigliat 3 p
nI I,lioebnrn• by n Tuerday
Sa.t3rdny at. ;?,' 2 n (Uri Millet-AG-AS at
11'4 n tn.
'2.525. Flom rt... by I Sbanhard-town.
flit Hair-. Clear t;prir. , .. York Salrdnir -Inriritts arid
11 , •itilnntairs, tit(l , lly , tburg. mild . - and (lican
time , . a Aver It. Leave Al^idian;i4 , burg. T 1 1 ,1,1 111Y.
Thumb:v ::ad Saturday at 9 a 'in ; 9,rivr at
1 , - Lea re Wn,t
-e v , Friday at 5 a ; arrt\ le at Meelitinie—
burg by 2 , t ,
- b.- I ,l .bitm , :bitrtr,
burn. 1 etri l rn v, and
M u unt TM's. to 1 -, u l:, tOIVS-111,1 , 11( 1-, ti;',(q. n , el,
I ,en Mnehanii , butg ritt ,,, lnv at fi nt : art ive ttt
Yorl; by Vnidt W . P4n ,, day Gam:
a t rive at :kievhicnie=bar:t bv4ti p phi '
Frina rti te.l,y mien. tol 11,niEr ia: Sirrinza.
15 ;nib' , and Wpf`lCl Idniv ,, rlide
Tiie•dav and Fridav at 3 Ti in: at 'nailing
n Lvov , ' Uniting; Sta -bur 'ril.:-41ny
:non I:id:lnv at, 9 a Tr , : arid Crtiti-I.' be 12 m.
Vr(an Whit , {T , ,nyr. 3ti •' l
W:111;rf Motolyi Noi
hire 20 m il e . i ll at ii•te'c, three time. 0 week. Leo Ve.
013161 , 1" , i; , (1.17:, 11'odoc.4cy and Friday •it 11, in ,
,m-il, ~ ot Siiippori.liorc hr 7 e in. Tgr''l'Ve SiIiPPIM , :-
1;1;) a. T0e..1,1 , -.Tharsibir nod Seto 'day at 1 I, Ill; ar
ri, -et (`: , rli , by 7 o toi
- , 29 From Carlide, he l'arlisiciS , o•inv; tiitorrefi ,
(Tao.'Si:crown% V., ,,, and Worm 15..H1-0:p to Lan
di.ltore.. 19 milei: and laytt,...,ix tinter a week, Lea ve
('article daily, except Sllllllay, rt :`, o in : arrive at
LendiBlttt• by 8 o Oh Leave LandisburT., daily,
except Sunday, at a a*ln : arrive atl CA rl isle by 1 pm.
2530. From Kerrsville to Meant Rock. 2 miles
and hack, once a week. -Leave IKerrwillc, Wed
neMay. at 415 p m : arrives at Mennt' Beck by 4.45
pill. Leave Mount Reek Wedncaday at spin ; ar
rive at Kerrsville by 5.30 Pm. 1
25-31.- From Newville, by ilierS ring, to Stenghs
town, 4 miles end hank, twice a week. Leave New
ville Menday.and Thuriday ar 4 p m : arrive at
Stouahstown by.!., p tn. Leave Stoughstou-n Mon
day and Thursday at 1 p m . arrive at Newville by
2 p m.
2532. Froni Shippensburg, by Orrstown, Pleasant
Ball and tipper Strasburg, to Itwibury, 15 miles and
back, twine a week. Leave Shippcnaburg Wednes
day and Saturday at 9am ;,. arrive-at Roxbury by
1p m. Leave Roxbury Wednesday and Saturday
at 2 p m: arrive at Shippensburiby 6p m.
2533.' From Shippensburg, by ;Middle Spring, t o
Newburg. 7 miles and back, six times a, week. Leave
Shippensburg daily, except Sunday, at 414 p m:
arrive at Newburg-by 614 p m.. Leave Newburg
daily, except Sunday, at 12% p . th.; arrive at Ship
pensburg by 23141 in.
2.W. From - Etter's, by' Yoeumtown, to Newl,er
rytown, 7 miles and back, twice a week. Leave Et
tees- Wednesday and Saturday at 5 n m ; arrive at
Newberrytown 1 - ,,y 61-4 p la. Leave Newberrytown
Wednesday and Saturday at 2% j in ; arrive at Et
ter's by 42 p m.
2515. From York, by.iferlairt and Wrightsville,
to Columbia, 13 miles and back, daily, by railroad,
jn dub connection with the mailtrani on the 'Nor
thern Central Railroad: . .
°W.. From York, by Dover, ROsgville, Wellsville,
an - 6
Dillsburg, to Mechanicsburg.; 30 miles rind back,
once a week. Leave. York Saturday at 6 a ;, ar
rive at Afechaniesbu gby6 p m : Leave han-
. . . ,
iaaiurg Friday'at 6a na arrive A t YOrk by rap m. : a Week. Lama HOpewell daily axi s ept Sunday,. on
;2537. From York, by Dallastown, AtiplaaGrovaa.; arrival of the mail from lintitiEldori-say at 11 aen
arid Cross Roads, to Bramwell Centre, 22 miles and ' arrive at Bedford by 3 p in. Leave Bedford daily,
back; twice a- Reek, Leave York Wednesday and except Sunday, at. la a. m; arrive at Hopewell in.
Saturday at 6a ma arrive at Hopewell Centre by 12 time to connect with the cars fur Huntifigdo ea
in. Leavallupewell Centre Tuesday and Friday at .bylo a ma ' - .
11, m: arrive at York by 7 p m.' -. 2571. From Bloodyatun, by Clearville, Robisata,
2.138. From erase Reads, la - III:ion. Chancefard, villa, Buck Valley, and Warfordsbarg. to Hancaek,
Castle Fin . alai Cedar Grove, to Peach - Bottum. '43 .- Ma., 3a.miles and back, once a week. Leave Bloody
miles atal hulk. Nice a week. LeaviaCrees Roads .Buu Saturday at-7 ain aarrive at Hancock by 511 in.
Wednesday aud ;Saturday at 1 p in: arrive at Peach - Leave Hancock Friday-at 6 a in; arrive at 11100 ly
Bottom by 7 p in. • Leave Peach Bottom Tuesday . Run by li p in.
and - Fridny at 6 a tra arrive at Cross Roads by la in. 2572. Frain Bedford, by Stuakeysville, &halls
-2.539. Praia Wrightsville, by MargarettaFuriume, : burg, Buckstown,Stoyestown, Jenner',6 Cross Ronde,
New Bridgeville, Grahamville. York Furnace, Me- : Laughlintawn a Ligonaer, and Youngstown, to La-
Claala - Fill. and ' Brauutsville. to Slate trobe, 59 Miles and back, six times a week. Leave
( H a ill 's Furr y,,ai:
les and back. twice - a week. Leave' Bedford daily, except Sunday, atal am; arrive at
Wriga a vale and Saturday at 6 a in: arrive .Latrobean time to connect with the mail for Pitts
at Slate Hill lry-a It in. Leave Stare Hill Monday burg-say by 11 p in. Leave Latrobe daily, except
it in: arrive at at rigbteville by 5 p in: Sunday, on arrival-of
- the mail nein Pittsburgaasay
brew:jm. laa Stawnratown. Staaw- - at 10 am: arrive at edford next day by, ti p in.i
ai a
-,- )I i, 51. 1 41 :• - e lr: : 11. 1. a- ' : ;: t i tl i t ' S' ilrove 'amt Constitution, to Bryans- . ' 2573. • From Bedford, by .Saint ,Clairville, aarah,
vale; 20 Palos and back, twice a week. leave East:Freedom. Newry; and Duncanville, to 11 4 0111-
ahrewsbury We , inealay and Saturday at 1P m : Cr- daysburg, 33 iuiles and back, sex times a weak.-
rive at Bryakas ille by 7 p in. Leake Bryansaille Leave Bedford daily, except Sunday, at 6 a in; an-
W van cedaa a ii 6 Saturday at 6a m; arrive at:3brews- ;• rive. at 11 ol lidaysbarg by 4 p 111. Leave Hollida yea
bury by la ut.burg daily, except Sundayaat 10 a‘m; arrive at Bed
-2.541.H From anav e r Junction,l
by Porter's Said- rad. by 8 fain. I s ,
line, aeffersaii Station and Smith's station. to lima i :.:574 - From Bedford, by Cumberland Valley. to
over, 13 miles and back, daily except Sunday, by 1 Citniberland, Md.:-30 miles and back, biX Than.. It
1•11.:C,T0:1(.1e tiny a schedule satisfactory to the De- I week. Leave Bedford. daily, except Sunday, at *it
aura:tent, a iii: a braneh front' Hanover to Litties- is la; arrive at Cumberland by 6 pain. Jame Cum
town. 8 riles and be a k, six times a -week, in due ~. berland daily, except Sautitty, ata 8 a ta; arrive at
eaimeet a:11.
.. . - 1 Bedford by 6 pm. , ,
-.13:2. From Hanover, by New Oxford and Granite ; 2175. From Bedford, by Charlescille, Raiusbarg,
hill, toa lei rysaurg, 17'a mile:a:tad_ back, daily ex- t earl Ohaueyville, to'Elbinaville. 22,Mailes and beak,
~ ePt :'11.1 , i 1 a.....c. 1 ., , ; l'Alroad, and by it schedule satis- ,• twice a week. -Leave Bedford Taasday and Satur
tle WI yto the .I.): , ;,artipent. . . I day at-7 am; arrive at Elbinsaille by 3 p ta. Leave
251::, Irani llanosar. by Abbottatown, to East l' Ellansville Monday and Friday at 7 a in; :lariats at
• Bertha 10 milee. and back, three times a week.- ,Bahia-day 3 p in. ..
14 ave llama er Tuesday, Thursday arid Saturday . 2576. Prom Huntingdon, by I McConnellstown,
at 1',.. p la; arrive at East. Berlin by -lae; p in. Leas e,a,l limes' Creek, Coffae Run, CON:0 Station. 3=TOll,
East 11, r an, Tuesday Thursday and Saturday at 9 a I. Six Mile Run, and Ricitilesburg, to Hopelfell. 31
air al rive at Hanover by 121 n. Proposals to rain- , miles and back, daily. except Sunday, by railroad.
mend. at Nil% Oxford, in lied of Hanover, and fur : and by a schedule satisfactory to,, the -Department,
•-i-x [laic it wait ,ervice are invited. t - r with a branch from Saxton, by Coalmont anti Dad
-2544. Frain Hanover, by 31eSherrytawn, to Saaare , Icy, to Broad TO, 532-190 miles and back, six times
Corm-r, la mites and hack, six times a week to Me- i a weak, in dueConneetioh.
Slara team, mai clime. times a week the residue. i. 2.577. IFronalluntinadon, by_Wilsonia, Donation.
Leave llan,,ver daily, except Sunday. at 1,,p in: ar e 1 Crownover's Mills, taill Cumnuusville, to Ennisaille,
i ;ye at :%ikt-lictry.t.wit by 2 p in.' Leave lileSlieiry- Ms miles and back, twice a week. ' - Leave Banana
aaaa, ea ,.. ea t ,wide), al. 11 a intaarrive at Hanover : don Monday and Friday all pin; arrive at 'Ennis
la .12 in. Leave alcalierrytown Tuesday, Thor; lay ' villa by 7 p in„ Leave larinisaille„ Monday and ni
twit aatitrilay la 2 p in; arriva at &mare Corner by lay at 6,:t in; .arrive at Huntingdon by 12 in. '
41, in. brave i'-itiare Coiner Tuesday, Thursday l 2578. - From Shaver's Creek,' by Cottage. West
am': aatanlay at 4-1, ni.; . :u rive at MeSherrytown by • Barre, Manor Hill, East Barre, Ennisvilleaana Me
a pin. Alevya.Fort, to Greenwood Furnaicia 19.';a miles and
aaa, From .Taeareo n atatiOn to Spriaa Forge. 3aa • linek, three times, a weak: Leave shavers Creek
miles and lack, twice a week. Bidders will propose ' Monday. \Wednesday, and... Friday at 9a in : arrive
a sit:alma t" couneet with railroad, and be eatiefac-
a t Greenwood Furnace ba 3 p m. Leave Greenwood
postmaster-1 tory to thpostmaster-a terminal t teinal offices. - Furnace Tutaday, Thursday. and Saturday- at a a
aa a b i•oin Get shurg. by Fairfield, Fountain in ; arrive aaShaver's Creed by 12 In. .
]).lil', - Waynesbaroa 'Ringgold Md., and Leitersbarg ,'l'9 Frain_ West Barre, by Masseyburg and Mon
t., ilagersrawn. al Miles and fatek r •three tirms ,a roe Fiernace, to Pine Groye Mills, 11 miles andbaca.,
a k. Lenv.! lq-tiyAttryj, Monday, aVednesday and twice a week. Leave West Barre Tuesday and Sa
t eta am; arrive at Hager-town by - ni. urday at 10-a m ; arrive at Pine Grove Mills by
or l
Ltaae II nate stown TatadaY, Thursday and S it ay .ae 13int. -Leave Ping Grove Mills Tuesday and
at h a m : al livii la Cl . ..Wahl:a. by ap to. ' ~ Saturday at 7 a in; arrive at West Barre by 10
- -517. Finn; Gettysbarg, by Ilunterstown. _ Neat ' aim -.
Ciaaa.r. 14 miles and beck, three times a week to ' 2,580. From' Orbisonia, ay Meadow Gap.Maddeuse
flanterstann, amid tale° a week the residue. Laate . ville. Fort Littleton, andlKnobbSaille, to aleComi- 1
Gel mantra Monde y a lV ednesday and Friday at a a • ellsburg, 25 miles and }mak, twice a week. Leave
in: ;mil eat II uuterstawn by 9a4 a in, and at New artasonia Tuesday and Saturday at 8 am; arrive at
alitater Tuesday and Saturday by 11 a tn. Leave Metionnellsburg by 5p na Leave MeCanneashurg
New , a nester al unday and Friday lit 12 in; arrive ,at Ma :day and Friday at 8 din; arrive at Orbisonia,
limit, rstow a by la; p iii. and atGettysburg Mane by 5 p in. ,
day W etimaalav, and Fralaa bs- a p in. 2561. FromOrbisonia, lay Hablesville, New Grena
-25 Ita la am Geaasinirg by aluminasaurg, Armialts- lit,t and Spearsville, to Ray's Hill.'l:3 miles and back:
villa. Bigler. Floral Dale,Bendereville, Liaaille, urea a week. Leave Orbisonia Friday at Sa ma :la
at euallen :tad Tablealookato Gettystarg, camel to ilvp at Ray's Hill .by 6',p in. Leave Raya Bill
Itia, miles' and lank. three times a weak, Lt•ave Tharsday at 6 a m; arrive; at Orbisonia by 4
Gen aehurg Tuesday, Thursday Mid Saturday at 7 a p in. •
- iii ; arra eat Idaville by 12 Tn. Leave rdaville tral2a From BrOad Top,'by Spearsville and' West
Tuesday, Thursday amid Saturday at Ipla ; arrive Dublin, to Harrisonville, a 9 miles and back, once a
at GettrdniN4 by lip -
in. Weak. Leave Broad Top. Wednesday at 11 a ma
2.51 1, „ Frain New Oxfard. by Green Bridge. Damp- arrive at ' llivaisonville leY span ;• Leave 'Barri
ton, Round Hill, York aul palm Salinas ;tad' Mount . eanaille Tuesday at 8 a m; arrive at Broach Top by
Holly Salinas, to - Carliele. 25 miles and back, six ' 21, m, '
times a week. lative. New Oxford daily, esaapt , aai3. From Broad Top, by New Grenada, Dublin
Sunaa3 •at 1 I,m; arrive at. York Sulphur Salinas :kilns, anti Fart Littleton, to Burnt Cabals, 23 miles
lae 4 p in. Leave York, Sulphur Springslitailya cx- loaf back, twice a week. ,Leave Broad lap - Tues
cept Sunan v. at 5 a In; arrive at New Oxford bit it a ' day and Friday-at 11 a nit • arrive at Burnt Cabins
in. "Leave York Sulphur Spring* daily, 'except Sun- ' ay 4 p in. Leave Burnt Cabins. Monday aad Thurs
day, at C , a In: arrivi. at Carlisle by 10 a an. !save ; lay at 10 a in: arrive at 'Broad' Top ba 3p m.
Carlisle (laity. except Sunday, at 2 p Ili; arrive a: ; 2554. - From Broad Top, by Eaglet oundry. 'Todd,
York Silliditir Salina: by 6 p tn. , assaille, and Calvin, to Mill Creeka2sag miles and
faea. From East Berlin, by Farmer's td , .,
York, IF oak, once a week to Cassville a and three times a
miles anti hack, once a week) Leave East Berth ; seek aesidue. Leate Broad Top- Thursday at 11
Saturday at 7ain ;I arrive at ;York by 19a. a in.- tin ;'arrive at Cassville by 2_p in. Leave Caesville
Leave- 1 ark Saturday at 315 m: arrive at L.m Bea ; rhursday at '', am; arrive at Broad Top by 10 a in.
lin Ily 6 p me. - .... ,- ,ease Cass:rills Monday; Wednesday, and Friday. at
Sal. Falan East Berlin, by Hall. Bermudian are
. 0 a in; arrive at Mill Creek by 2p tn. Leas e' - Mill
Franklin i Dillsburg, 16 mike and bitela one, • 'reek Monday', Wednesday and Friday taa arrival
a week. Leave East Berlin Thursday at 2 pia : ar- . .1 Eastern mail;say at,s p in; arrive at a as:sville
rise itaßilleburg bati, pm. Leave Dillebarg Thurs. . ,y 9 p in. ' , • •
'Li , )ataa in: :nava at- Eriaa Berlin bola in. - . 2,585. From 'Tyrone, by, Olivia, Phillippsburg.
2.5 5 2. fromLittlestown. by Harney, Md., to Ent . \Vest:Decatur, and Willittnis' Grove, to Clearfield,
inittsbara. 14 miles' and back, six times a weak.- • '4 miles and back, six times a week. Leave Tyrone
. Leave Littleaawn gaily, except Sunday, at 1p in ' tails-, except S.unday, on arrival of the mail from
arrive at , laranittelaira by 4 p in. Leave Emmitts- he haat-say at 10 am ; arrive at Clearfield by pin.
lairaalaily, except a aadda ,at a a ra ; araive at Lit- a aeave Clearfield daily, except Sunday, at 7 am;
aleerowa ha II a In. 7 . rris e at Tyrone by saa. pm.'
2.554: From York'SalphurSprings, by:Berm:Mimi. - 2186- From Tyrone, by Smith's Mills, ilagarty'a
Hall nail Millarry, to York. 2.1 miles and luck, one' al Roads. Glen Hope. Ansonville, Marron, and
a sack. Leave I ark Sulphur Spriags Saturday a' a aurd, to New Washington,. 32, 1 4 miles and hack,
1 p iit : .1.-riae at I ark by 7 p m. Leave York ;$a t. ' :twice a week. Leave Tyrone :Monday and Friday
araa. at a a in : arrive at York Sulphur Springs h) a- it 11l am: arrive at New Washington by 9 p me
-12 n.- .. , a l.eave New Washington Tuesday and Saturday at
'2,114.. Prom alatiabersburg, by Marion. Greene:is- a ; a in; arrive at Tyrone by 5 p in. -
tie and State Liiie, to Hagerstown, 31,1., 22 miles • 2587. Front Altoona, by Eldorado, to Hollidays
ana b a ck, (laity except Sunday, by railroad and by .
,burg, 10 mile and back. daily by railroad, and by
a a -l a d :l i e saasalatoryta the Demirtinent. a schedule satisfactory to the Department. .
arai, tat:amber-burg. by' Saint Thomas, 2588. - From Hollidaysburg-, by lankstowa and
Al mint I lama, laielolaMeConnellsburg, Harrlsaii- , Canes Creek, to 'Williamsburg, 12 Iles and back, -
villa, 110
Ray's 1, o :dl Bloody Ran, 'to Bedford, 56 i six times a week. Leave H
, ollidaysbarg daily, ex
mil. surf baek„ sat amps a week. Leave Chain- . (apt Sunday. on the arrival of the wasteru mail
la taaara Ili ila, a xeeptaamday, at 7a in arrive at say at 2 1 4 ram; arrive at Williamsburg by (al; pm.
Ca il aaaby 7 i. in., Laave 'Bedford daily. ' weep[ Leave Williamsburg daily, except Sunday, at 7am;
Smalay. tel 7 a in; arraa at Chambersbura ay 7 : naive at Hollidaysburg by 11 am. •
pta . ' ' 189. From Hollidaysburg, by Spang's Miffs and:
ar - aa. Tram t lainbealeira, by Reefera Store. Up- ! East Sharraibura to Martinsbura, 12 miles and back
a, i Staab:au. Falinetishurg. Patna Cabins, S tad , : I six times a week.' Lease Hollidaysburg dais', ' ex
( ~: t l l I rl,;-,,ir.i. alai-lay-bare; am! Adahwiek Mills ' (apt Sunday, an arrival of the western mail-say at
1 , , Ma uat ritier., s al Miles and back, t 'area tints ai , a p 111; 'arrive at Martinsburg by
p . Leava
ss,:.•l, La. e. Cn
h,,li,ert hm T
uueeday. Thar: lay. I alarti
neburg daily, except Sunday, at 8 a m; arrive
;ilia Sataaats at7a ~ .m: •artiv,e. at Shaile Gila by 7 a 'at Hallidaysbur^ by Ilia ain.l, - -
ni. Leave 2i sine (kip Mandity, Wednesday. anti I 2.5 , M.: From; Williamsburga by YelloW Sawing , .
Fria; at 7 utm: :aria , :it Cliamberstrarg by 7r3 tn. I Water Street: and Alexandria. to Shaver's Creek,
Leave Shale all a atanday. Wednesday, mid la ably: 1.5 miles and hack. :six times: a week, Leave Wit=
at 7 a Pi' ;:irl‘ • at Burin[ Unian by H a 1.1., L , ,ave ! iinmomr, dans, except Sunday, at 4 p.m; arrive :it,
Mount IThilln I . :ll;.tL t v,Yl,,,TSci a y and Saturday at '' samara; Ciaalt bv 8 a in -: Leave -Shaver's Creek
a pin : att ,ve a: atialatai a by 7 n in. - , amity, exeept-Sunday, at 6 p m; arrive at Williams
ass7. Fran Clmalia,burg, la -a Jitekeon Balt anti bura by 10 pan.
tail ney. in Wlyneidan,,, la mites and back, three I a•ita. Frota Williamsburg to Springfield Puma. e,
41111V`. a in- , I:, taws abambarshara, Monday, Vaal- ' 5 miles and hack, three times'a week. Leave Wd
nesai, v. and Fr:day at 2 1, in ~ arrive at Wayne:a:or., ' lim u sburg Tueeday. Thursday and Saturday at 7 a
l: ala a in. ala
.. Waynelairtralonday. Wed nia - I tu ; arrive at aprin afield Furnace by 8 a - in. Lee ye
day awl Friday ;it 7 a u 1 - arrive at Chambersburg Springfield Furnace Tuesday. Thursday and Sat -Ir
by 1 p iii. ' day at aa in ;arrive Williams burr( by 10 a na. i .
ea:a. From Caeen Ca tile, by Shady Grove.' to !. 'aaa2.. - Frani Springfield Furnace to Bruce,_4 miles
Wit , licelmra, a trios a ail Mask, six times a weed;. - . and baak, mice a week. LetiVC Spriuglield Fura ace
Lear: GI col a,a;le 'a:Rs : except-Sunday, at ,5.30 p 1 Saturday ata a m: arrive at Bruce by 10 a ha
le ; tin; vs at Waynesboro by 8 p in. Leave Wayn es- Leave Bruce Saturday at 61,4 aM; arrive at Spring.-
he a . aatia, sweat aualia. , at 5 30 a in; arrive at ' field Furnace ha 7!/. 3. a in. ''
Green taatle la 8 a at. • . , ! 25 m a
93. Froutnaerland. ' Md.. by; Barrallyille,
270. From "al i reeramra, by Upton, to Green ' Wellersaarg, Pa., Berlin Somerset, Lavansville,
i (',r-Its. lo a:ilea:tea lack, six times a week. Leave. :,Bakersaille, Jones' Mills, Donegal, alouut PleaS
aMe aandrura daily:except Sunday, at 5 a in: arrive ant, and Weaver's Old Stand, to Greensburg, 76
at Green Caatle,la 7 a in.' Leave Greta] Castle dai. - Initeal , and back, six tithes a Week. Leave Cum
ly, taeept auoday, at 12 in; arrive at Merocasburg ; perland dully, except Salida*, at 7 a m: arrive at
by a. p al. . - ! Greetisbura, 'text day., by Paiii. 'Laas - e Greensburg
2. - aa. From - al-rasa-aura., by 'Sylvan, to Marrs I daily except Siinday, an arrival of the mail from
oak. Md.. 2( miles and hack, once a week. Leave Pittabiag-asay at II a nre arrive at Cumberland
Mercer-burg l:clay at 1 m : arrive at Sylvan by Ine x relays by 5 RM. '
5 1. In. Leave Sylvan Friday at 8 a in: arrive al -I' 2591. - 1'..T0111 Somerset. by- Sipeeville, Jenner's
al creel-Aura by 12 in. LeavaSalvan Saturday at is:' Cross Raids, Forwardstown. and Bemis Creek,. to
a la: arrive ;it Mt:leak by 12 Rh Leave Hancock : Jobrietown, 30 mile , and baaka air times a. week.-
Sat urtle•- at Ip m: arrive at Satvan by 5p tn. - . I Leas - e Somerset daily, except annalay, at 10 in nr:
Call. ream Fan n ei a aiii g. by Dry Rim, Sarina I arrive at Johnstown by 6 a ln. Leave Johnstown
Run, Do , reslaire, aonlard, WAtarlao. Peru Mills. •daily, avaept Sunday, at 'll am; arrive at.SOiner=
La,t We p'lll,rd, I Ur. , t'Y Groat-, afeenllnelas Mita, j set ay tia.; p tn.
Metay •A tire, l'i , ' , Vilnt View, Spruce Hill, a,eadatiria, ;- eaa, From SomeiSet,-by Stony Creel, West End.
and I ii. l' , 'llill.';. to Fart Royal, raa, miles mai back. ' lira 11 idea, and alann's Choice. to Bedford. 33 . tuiltist
i area lima , a weal,. a ajae 'aminelfshurg Tneeday. • and -hack, three times a week. Leave Somerset
Thin,i,,,, ~,,,d aattialay at 2.301 , 1 , or on arrival a.' ' al miler. Wetineselav and Filday at 7a m aarrive at
Lan I' 1 1 a "" I - l
I. a'
a allalreaura. : arrive Concord. by 6.3 a Bedfora by 6 p in. Valve Bedford Tuesday, Thula
aaa t.iaa 'oeora 'Nudity, Th leaky, and Sat- ' day and Saturday at 7a m: arrive at Somerset by
ut [Lay lit h t III; arrive at laumettsburg by 12 in.- • a a in.
1,, eve rara nal Traaaa y, Thursday, and Saturday 2:7'6. Front Somerset, by Gebharas, New Lexinc-
IT I(itr in iris e ;:t' Port Royal by I P la. ;Leant - l tom Kingwood. Turkey Foot, and Harnedsvillo, to
lan I NoYal M4.atillY• W^.IIW.IIII,Y, anti Frailty at 6 a ' Addison ,''6 miles and back, three times a week. to
rut: nr; a a 314 ( niii•nrd by 4 p Tn. ' Gebbart , g anti ono) a week the residue. Leave
aaaja. Frain Faaatslitira lo Caryie'a rum me. 4 ; 'Somers( , Wednesclay at 8a m; arrive atAddison by
'Pik` I'lal l'aela onee a weak. : Leave Vaanettanire 5 ann. Heave Addison 'Thursday at 8 a in; arrive at
Timrs lac at :3 p ma: arrive at Carriek •Furnime by .1 i Somersat by sit m. Leave Somerset Monday and
a ia. Leave Carrie!: Furnace Tuesday at ial j) in: ' Friday at 5p n; arrive at Gebharra by Va P m.-
arrive er Farmer -burg by .s'•t p in. ' Leave Gebhart's Monday and Friday at 1A p in;
a - aa. From (In, id Cabins. by Fort Liftlaton, Mad.- ' arrive at Somerset by 4p aa .
aan a ilia, Three Springs, a:less-ale, and Paradise r a 597. From Somerset, lasaßenfortP,s Store. Stoyes-,
rarnat (, to t allae 11 an, FM miles and baek, tame a ' than, and Davidsville, to johnstown, 29 miles and
i i 1 1. :, ' ,, 1 i.:1 F 1:
i :c
~,rw i li l it i : ; ll.lTini; ,
;Tr :
tt 1 1v v, , ... , ) ,
t e r. k l
e l :
d '
n t
N r .. i
, i i i t
l i i ie t, ts i v n e ; en I 'aunt back. six Ulnas a week. Leave Somerset daily, ex-
Littleton, ta be mini on Saturdava- eept Sunday, at 7 a la; arrive:. at Johnstown by 3 p
Collaa Rua ba a a In. P Lou',, Cobb, Ran Tafirtriir's.telaaat: l i o n. :
a i r , r e i i N i , s e -e al .fo s h o a n s i t e ogr e n t
b d y air p ,
m ex . cept Sunday, at 7-a
met 6a m: arrive at Burnt Cabins by 6 p in. - '2.598. From Berlin to Tamers Store, Berkley - s,
244 ' F l 'affl'Maeareellsburgto Webster. Mills. 8 •l Meyer's Mills, Summit Mills and Elk Lick, to
miles and hack, twice a week. Leave MaCannelar -;titantsvillei Md., tY, miles and tack, twice a - week.
burg Tuesday and Friday after-arrival of the Chan- I Leave Berlin Monday and Thursday at 10 a In: ar
bersburg mail-say at taa pm; arrive nut Webster's rive at Grantsville by 6 p 'ni. Leave " Grantsville
Mills by Sip m. Leave Webstar'e Mills Tuesday -Tuesday and Friday at 8a m; arrive at Berlin by 4
mad Friday at 1 p in; arrive at Me.Connellsburg by Pin.
3 P In, -
2109. From Berlin, by "Shanksville, Shade Far-
2;565. From Harriainville, by S pe's Mill and War mice, and Scalp Level, to Johnstown, ,37 miles and
fordsburg. to Hancock. Md., 25 milesand back. onto back, once a-week. Leave• Berlin Thursday at Wa
a week. leave Harrisonville Tuesday at 8 a in; In; aarive at Johnstown by 8 p tn. Leave'Johns
arrive at Hancock by 4p m, Leave Hancock Mon- town Friday at 7 am: arrive at Berlin ay B,p in.
day at 10 am; arrive at Harrisonsalle by 6p m. ' 2600. From Connellevillg, by Elm, New Latina ,
2566. From Harrisonville, by West Dublin and ton, Gebhart's,,and Humbertsville, _to Berlin, 38
- Wells' Tannery, to Hopewell', 20 miles and hack, miles and hack, once a vvaek. Leave Connelsville
once tv week. Leave Harrisonville Saturday at 5 a Saturday at 6a Ma arrive at Berlin by 7p m. Ladao
m; arrive let Hopewell by 11 a in. Leave Hope- Berlin Eridaa at ty,a m; arrive at Connelsville by 7
well Saturday at 12 in ; arrive at Harrisonville by p ,TT, ,
6p m. a5Ol. From Uniontown, bv Meallellandtown, to
2567. Froth Harrisonville, by Dublin Mills' and Masontown, 12 miles and back, three times a week.
Ilustontown, to Orbisonia, 30 miles analleack, once - Leave Uniontown Monday, Wednesday a,nti. Frida'
a week, Leave Harrisonville Tuesday at 9 a tnt at 7a m ; zirrive at Masontown by 11 a m. Leave
arrive , ' at Orhisoniaay 6 , p in. Leave' Orbisonia, Masontown Monday, Wednesday and Friday , at 12
Monday at 6a m: &alive at Harrisonville by 3 in: arrive at Uniontown by 4 p_m.
PMe . •i- : 'Mr... ) . From Fratiabodsaby East Liberty_ ' and Uta
2568. From :Warfordsburg, by Sideling Hill. Em' per Middletown. to Uniontown, la miles and back,
maville. and Cherry Groats, to Bloody Ran, 26 miles , twice a week. Leave Flatwoads Wednesday arid
and back, once a week: Leave Warabrdsburg'Frie Saturday at 1p M; arrive at Uniontuivn by 6 p m. -
day at 6a m ; arrive at Bloody Run by 2 p mai Leave Uniontown Wednesday and Saturday At 7 a
Leave Bloody Run Saturday at 6 a tit; arrive a.l m ; arrive at Flatwoods by.l2m.
Warfordeburg by 2p ma -' -- ' I , 2[513. From Brownsville. byaMerritstown and
21369. From Hopewell. by, Yellow Creek, Patton.. New Salem, to Uniontown, 14 miles and back, twice villeand Woodbury, to Martineburga 17 miles and a week. Leave Brownsville Tuesday and Friday at
'back, three times :tweak. - Leave Hopewell Mon ' 1. p in; arrive at Uniontavrti by 5p m. Leave Union
day, Wednesday and Friday at 12 nit arrive at Mara town Taesday and Friday at .7 a in; arrive at
tinsburg by 6 p in. , Leave' Martinsburg Monday' Brownsville by 11 a fad ' ,
Wednesday; anti Friday at 534 alai; arriae at Hope' I XO4. From - Smithakeld, by 'New Geneva - and
• well by 11!.. , a am. • - • ' Greensboro' to Mapletonat, 9 miles and beak. Nat
2570.- From - HorieWell, 'by John's Brabah- ar I times a wee ta Leave Smitlifiield Mondita,Wednea ,
Bloody Run, to Bedford, 20niiles and back, six tim dayind Friday at 1p m ; Fria° at Maplatown by 3
. .
pm: Leaie Altipletowu Monday, -Wedne=sday traP
Friday , at 4.p m - arrive at S.utitiatield by OP la.
0305. Prom Waynesburg, by -Day's, Store. Shall*
son's Store, East Finley; Good Intent, West Finley.
and Dallas, Va., to West- Alexander, Pa.,- 40 milee
and back, twice uweek. Leave Waynesburg Tues
day and Saturday at u_ruz arrive at West Alexan
der by 7 p na. Leave West Alexander Monday and
Friday at 7 a ta : arrive at Waynesburg by 7 p m.
2666. From Waynesburg, by -Rogersville,
town, Dent, Blacksville, \n, and Sprana. Pa., to
\l'ilyues.burg, equal to 21 miles and back-, Once. &-
week. Leave Wayuesharg WedndaY at 4 amt ar
rive at Waynesburg by 7 p m.
• 2307. From Wa.ynesburg, by Moredock's and
lliiteley to Willow Tree, 14 miles and husk, once
wee k. 'Leave 'Waynesburg Wednesday at 12 m;
Isrive at Willow frac by• 4 p m. Leuxo Willow
.' eee weduesdny at 7 a in; arrive at Waynesburg by
/1 a m.
2608. From Waynesburg, by Hunter's Cove, Fins-
Vey's, Windrblge, Rey-arson's. Station, and Rock
Lick, Va., to, ameron, 28 mil and back. twice a
week. Leave Waynesburg Monday and _Friday at
in: arrive at Cameron by 5 p m. • Leave Came
ron.Tuemlay and Saturday. at 8 a m; arrive
Waynesburg by 5 p m. '-
2609. From Wave burg, by Oak Forrest,- White
Cottage, New Fr ort. Milo Va., Sugar Run, Knob
Fork, Pine G al, and Lone Tree, to Middlebounua.
72 miles a back. once a week. Leave Waynes
burg Thursday at 6a ta; arrivoat Knob Fork by 6 p m,
.Leave Knob Fork Friddy at 6am tarrivaat Middle-
bourne by 6 pLeave Middiebourne Saturday aO•6 a in: arrive at Knob Fork by 6 p
_in. Leave Knob
Fork Sunday at 6 a in ; arrive at Milo by 9,..p
Leave Milo Wednesday at 6 a m; arrive.utWaynes
burg by 4 P .m.
2610. From Bite's Landing,• by- Jefferson, to
Waynesburg, 12 miles and back, six tunes a week,
Leave Rice's Landing daily, except Suaday, W at 1 p
at ; arrive at 6,pm.. Leave aynea.
b urg daily, except Sunday, at b ant; attic© (liege
Landing by 11 am. - • • .
2611. From Carmiehael'a to _Rice's Landing. Er
wiles and back, six times a week. - Leave Carmich... ,
eel's daily, except Sundt -4., at 7 am; arrive at Rice'a.
Lauding by am. ~..Leave Rice's Landing daily, ex.,- .e„
cep( Sunday, at - a am; awive at Curniichnel's by 10
- .
2612. From Greensboro', .by Mapleton, \Willow
Tree, and Davistown, to Mount Morris, 14trales and
buck, once a week. L'nige Greensboro"
am; arrive at Meant Morris by 10 a m. Leave
Mount Morris Thursday at,l2m; arrive at Greena
boro'. by 4 p - - .
From 3,.iapletown, 7 by Willow Tree and
Whitele, to Newtown, 12 miles and back, once a
week. Leave Maplet own Saturday at 6 are; arrive
at Newtown 10 am. Leave Newtown Saturday at.
12 in; arrive at Mapletown-by 4 p - tn. Proposals for
for more frequent service,' not exceeding three times
a week, are invited.
2614 From Duuniugstifle by Kerr's' Station,
Beck's Mills, Munntown, Bower 11111, Thompson
vile. -Upper Saint Clair, and Mount Lebanon, to
Pittsburg. 1:1?lai miles and back twice week.—
Leave Dunningsi TilFslay anti Friday at 6 am;
arrive at Pittsburg by o p m. Leave Pittsburg
Wednesday end Saturday at 6 a in; arrive at Dotm
niamville by 5 pan. _
:3315 From 11 ashington by Taylorstown,_ Clays
villoSoon Ishwd, Alexander, Valley Grove,
Va., Triadelphia, and Film Grove, to Wheeling, 32',.. 2
miles and kaek, daily, except Sunday, by railroad,
and by a schedule satisfactory to the e.oartment.
2616 From Washington, by Clokley, Dunntugs
1111e,- Ginger llill, -Monongahela City,. Gamble's,
'West Newton, Mandan, mid MeKean's ld Stand,
ty Mount Pleasant. 44 miles and back. three times a ;
week. Leave Washington Monday, Wednesday and '
Friday -at 6 a us ; arrive at West Newton by 3p
Leave_ West Newton Monday, Wednesday and Fri- •
• day at m ; arrive at NVashington.bY p
Leave West Newton Tuesday, Thursday and Satur
day at 83.4. am ; arrive at Mount Pleasant by 12 m. -
Leave Mount Pleasant Tuesday, Thursday and Sat—
urday at 13..1 pin; arrive at West Newton , by 5% p .
. .
. 2617 From Wahaington, by Buffalo, West Mid
dleton, liidepeudeuee, and Fowler's Va., to Wells
burg. 25ai: miles and back, three times a week.—
Lea% e Witabiugton Monday, Wednesday and Fri
day at 2 p in; arrive at West Middleton by 5 p
Leave St eat. Middleton] Monday, Wednesday and
aridity at a a m • arrive at Washington by 11 a in.
Leave West Middleton i Tuasday, Thurday. an , !
iat unite.: at am : arrive at - Wellsburg by 11 am.
heal' , Wellsburg Tataday, Thursday' and Saturday
at I p tit : arrive at West Middleton by t p rn.
iiv From Washioatne„ by Woodrow. Croix
Creek Village. Eldera% Me, and Cherry UHL Va.,
to Steubenville, 0., 30 mile: and back once a week.
Leave Washingttat Thursday at a a an ; arrive at .
Stettbentille by 4 p Leave' Steubenville -Wed
neaday at 6a um arrive at \Washington by 4 p nl. - •
'2.49 From V. tvihinfrtog, by Van Baran, Proaneri
ty, Lindley's Mills, and Ruff Creek, to Waynesburg
23 miles and back throe times a week. Leave
Washington Tuesday,, Thursday and Saturday at --
Va . p. m ; arrive at Waynesburg 1.Y73.e.ip in. Leave
le aynealturg Monday. Wednesday and Friday at 0
m : 4rrive at Washington by 12 m.
265 From Washingem, by Locust Hill, hickory.
Cherry Valley. Burgettatawn, Florence, Frankfort
Spngs, and Kendall. to Hooketown, 3T miles and
back, twice a week.- = Leave Washington Tuesday
and Thursday at 6 ant : -arrive at Ilookaterwn by 0
pm. Leave Hookstown Monday and Wednesday.
at 6 a nu, arrive at. Washington by G p .
2621 rom Washington, by Amity, Ten Mile,
Zolleravalle, -and Clarksville,_to Rice's Landing, 5
miles and back, three times a week. Leave Wash
ington Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday of I_p m;
arrive at Rises s Landing by 9 p in. Leave Rice's
- Monday, Wednesday and Friday at .9 a m;
arrive at Washington by 5 p m, -
:122 From WeatMiddluton,by Patterson's Mill's,
Cross Creek Village. Elderayilla, Burgettstown, mad •
Clinton,. to Seveuty Six. 38 miles end back, once a
week. Leave West Middletown Monday at 1 p In;
arrive at Eatersville by pm. Leave Elderaville
Monday at-8 ain ; arrive at West Middletown by 12
an. Leave Eldersville Tuesday at 6u m: arrive 'at
Seveuty Six by I p in. Leave eventy Six Wednes
day ut.6 a nl, ; arrive at Eldersville,bY 4 Pm-,
2ee. From Sparta, to Prosperity . , 3aintiles'and '
back, three tunes a week. Leave Sparta Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday at 2 p m ,• arrive at Pros
perity, by 3 p in. Leave Prosperity Tuesday, Thins
day and' Saturday on arrival- of the. asbington
mrdl—say at aat ; 'arrive at Sparta by 4 part.
21324 . rum Pittsburg, by Port Perraa, McKeesport,
Eakin, Yobogany, Satan:villa. 'West 'Newton, Ros
traver, Fitz henry, 'Perryopolis, Rad .Stone, East
Liberty, Broad Ford, Connellsville. and Dunbar, to
UnientoirM 73 outer and back, daily, except .Sun
aay, by railroad, and by a achedul satisfactory-to
the Department.
11323 From Pittsburg, by
.Sharpsbur,, bite Aalt.
Helton, Barman-111e, - Houston, Parnassiiring
dale, Taren turn, Burrell: Freeport ShirleY'Sti tion.
Rolston, Kelley's Station, and Luesco, to laitta mg.
43 miles and back' daily except Sunday,by railroad,
and by a schedule satisfactory to the Department.
• 526 From Pittsburg, - by Port Perry, Coal Valley,
Dravoshurg, McKeesport, West Elizabeth. Eliza
beth, Coal Bluff Monongahela City, Lock No. 4,
Webster, Belyernon,-Cookstown, Pikei Run. Browns
ville, Fredericktown, •Millsboro', 'Rice's Landing.
Davidson's Ferry. and New Geneva, to Greensboro' •
85 miles andimalt, daily except Sunday, by steam,
boats during navigation, and twice a week the rens •
due of the year. Leave Pittsburg daily, except
Sunday. at 8a m; arrive . at Gr eenshoro' by 8P m.
Leave Greensboro' daily, except Sunday, at S 5 am;
arrive at Pittsburg by 5 p m.
527 Front ,Pittsburg, by Perrysville, Wexford.
Ogje, Zelienoide, Harmony, Whiteatown, and Pros
ink t„ to Brownington, 50 miles and back, six - times a
week. Leave Pittsburg; daily except Sunday, at 6
a; arrive at Browningtown by 7 m. Leavo
Brownington d illy,''except Sunday, at 5 am; arrive ‘•
at Pittsburg. he 6 p to.
. 52.3 Profit 'Pittsburg, by Aileghany, Duquesne,
Etna, Talley Covey, Bakerstown, Glado Mills ' But
ler, • 'McCandless, Brownington, Slippery Rock,
North Liberty, London, and Balm, to Mercer. 66 •
miles and back, six times a week. Leave Pittsburg '
daily: except Sunday, at n a m:, arrive at Mercer by
10 p in. Leave ,Mereer daily, except Sunday, at 8 a
in : arrive at Pittsburg be 9 p,
2629 From Pittsburg, 'by GreereTree, Woodville,
Moorhead, Ilerriotsville, and Cannonsburg, to
'Washington, 26 miles and back, six times a week..
Leave Pittsburg daily. except Sunday, at. 6 airrt ;- ar
rive at Washington by 1 p in. Leave Washington
daily, except Sunday, at. 7 am; arrive at Pittslatarg
by 3 p m.
ilia From Pittsburg, by Green Tree, Woodville ; Moorhead, Venice, aud, Hickory, to West Middle- .
town, 31 miles and-bite three times wadi. I.eavti
Pittsburg Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
at 6a m arch - b at West Middletown, by 4 p in.—
Laave West :Middletown Monday, IVedneaday, and
Friday at Gam ; arrive at Pittsburg by 4 p vi. Pro
posals to commence at MOorltead, 9 Males less dis
tance, are invited.
2611 - From Pittabarg, by Temperanceville, Brod
head, Remington. Palmerville, Fayette, Shirt-arid,
North Star, Bavington, Florence, Paris, Halliday 's
Cove, Va. and Middle .Ferry. to Steubenville. 41
miles andback, six times a week.
From Jane let to November let.—Leave Pittsburg`
daily except Sunday at 8 am; arrive at Steubenville
by 4 p in. Leave Steubenville daily; except Sun
day, after arrival of tho Wheeling mail—say at 3 p
m: arrive at Pittsburg be H p
Front Noventber let to June let.—Leave - Pittsburg .
daily, except Sunday„at 6 a in; arriva at Steuben
ville by 2 p in. Leave Steubenville.clailY. except: -, Sunday, at 6 a in; arrive at Pittsburg. by 2p m.
"3e.32 From Pittsburg,,by Rich .Valley, Walkar'ay
Mills, Noblestown, Havelock, Caador,Burgettstown.‘., -
Cross Creek Village, and Patterson's Milla„ toindiaa:"
pendence, 35 miles and back, three tinies a week.—•-
Leave Pittsburg Tuesday, .Thursday and Saturday';
at 6a m ; arrive atlndopendence by-6 p .Leavaa".
Independence Monday, Wednesday and Frith* '
at 6 a m.; arrive at Pittsburg by 6 p m... '
533 - From Pittabutir.,4 Carrick, Surgeon's HalL
Gill Hall, Library, Finleyville, Ginger Hill, and
Bentleyville, to Beallsville, 35 miles and back. twicti
a week. Leave- Pittsburg Tuesday and Thursdak ;
at 9 am; arriveat Beallsville by 8p tn. Leave B_*-
allsville Monday and Wednesday at 6 a m;
at Pittsburg be -
a 531. From PittsbUrg, - by - Chartiara,' Ewirt
4 Mills, Beers, 2 l.foore, Clinton, efurdocksellta, - Fran
fort Springs:and Committsburg, to Fmroo7l - Y
39 miles and back, twice a week. Lthavi
VednesdaY and Saterday at a In; attire at ratt2'
view by 6 p Leave Fairview Tianday and rtia
day 6 a m; arrive at Pittsburg by 6 p m.