-6 1!!!! Valley. and Edgewood. to Dolingtod.l734toile. ~ andbuck. sis times a week. Leave , Bristol daily. ; except SdridAat, a 11 a in; arrive :it Dolington• by 4 P In. Leave Dolington Daily, except , Sunday, at 7 a in; arrive - at - Bristol by 11 a in. From DnylestOwn, byiVarrington, and Dor aliam, to Willow Grove 11 miles and back, RiX . a week. Leave Doylestown. daily. except Sunday, i at 7 a in; arrive at Willow Grove by 9 a m. Leave -. Willow Grove daily, except Sunday at o-p m; ar rive at DoylestoWn by S p 2229. From Doylestown, by Buckingham. Pine- ' ville, WrightbtOwii; Newtown. Attleboro'. Dulmes villa. and Newportville, to DriAo.l. miles? and back, three' times a weekto ewtown, and sixtimes . a weekreeiduc. Leave Doylestown Tuesday.:Thurs 'day, and Saturday at 5 a tn: arrive at Newtown by 7% a m. Leave Newtown Monday: Wednesday. and Friday at 2!4P : arrirt . at. Doylestown by d p m. LeayeNewtown daily, except Sunday. at ; a ; arrive-at Bristol by it.) Leaveßristol dal- IY..except.S.buday, ut 113.4 n in; arrive at Newtown by 2,14, p . ::230 from boylistown. by Mechanicsville, Carversville:ll miles and hack, threw times a week. ' Leave Doylestown Monday, Wednesdn,,,,andS at• : urday at arrive at U.trvorsville oy y p. Leave CratversvillsOlonday. Wednesday. and Sat : .nrilay all p, Pl . : arrive at Doyleitown by 3p. 5231 Froni_Doyieitowu by Cron Keys. Dyerb town, Bakaborough, and Uardenvillel, to. Fein , Pleasunr, - .9 :tail ',wilt three times a Wouk..— Leave Doylestown Tnesday, Thursday. and Satnr dap at 3 arrive at Point PI ea.iint by 5 p: in Leave Point Pleasant Tuesday. Thursday,ancl Sat ' urday at 1U a. in; arrive tit Doylbslown by 12 in. . From Doylestown, by_Danborough..pluin Ottsville, suaksville, hint nerAville, and Durifam, to Itiegelsville, 24 mile and back, six times a week. Leave Doylestewi except Sunday. at 12 tn.„_or on arrival o Cars fromPailadelphiit: arrive at itiegelscille by. p. m. Leave Megawatt! daily, except Sunday, a t p. arrive - at 13uelcsville by 3p. m. Lode , tuck:wine d Iy, except. Sunday, at 4a. m ; arriy. at Doylestown by 7.,e, 2233 Fronk..Quakertown, miles and ba:k, three thae, a week. Leave Qua. kertown TusrlaY, Thursday. nod Saturday at p tu arrive 41,t Trutubaurerille by sp. Tu. Lear. Trumbauraville Tuesday, Thursday, and - Saturda: at 7 aim: arrive at I,),u4keriown by S a. DI. 2.A' , Frotu Quakertown by li , :ehlanAtOwn - ;Pleas Ant 4ulley. Springtown, and Durham. to Riegel:, vile, 19 miles and hack. three times a week. Lear, u akeito wn Tuesday. Thursday, and Saturday a, Its it. in; arrive at itierrelswille by 4p. iu Lear. kiegelsvilleMenday, Wednesday, and Friday at m; arrive at Quakertown by np. in. Proposal:‘ t...) omit Durham deerea„sing distance 2 miles, are In• __• _ , 2235 Frnn Lermi Mills', by. Ivy Mills, Concord ;rifle, Calmld's F&,rd. Foirville../I,amorton, Keane squore. Avondale, Chatham, West Grove, Jenners. . vide, NBW,Lundon, Elk Crow, and Elk Dale, to Ox ford, 33 miles and beck. tw.c.e daily, except '-tiuntlaY by, railroud,and I.)y a schedule satisfactory to Lb , Department.. 223 d From Glenn Riddle, by Lima, to Rowell 5 tulles and hack szx times a week. Bidder Will promise a sehedtile-tO connect with railroad and be satisfactory to the me:tutasters at termini . offices. , .223 J From Glenn Riddla. to Village Green. miles and - back, six times a week Bidders wil propose a schedule to couaett wit i h railroad. an. be satisfactory to Bac postmastars at the termiwt, offices. 2238 - From ,Chester to. Leipersville, 2 mites and buck; six thitea a week. Bidders will praPose - at ...A . 0, 1 1e of departures and or ( ivals satisfactory patyFunraters lit terminal offiees, From Media to Marale ' 4 miles and hark, M three times a week. Leave elliaTucarlaY, Tb ars day„ and Saturday at 1 p. nn ; arrive at Manila by f: p. m. Leave Mamie Tuesday, Thursday, and Sat- , urday at 9 a. m : arrive at Media by 10 a. m.' 2210 From Westchester. by Goshenville and Sugartown. to Paoli. 10 wiles and ;back. once week. Leave Westcuestar Tuesday at 9a, m ; ar rive at Paoli by 12 ta, • L-ave Paoli Tuesday at 2 P ' ra: arrive at Wma Cnestet by 5 p. 2241 Pram 'West Chester. by Marsballton, Em brerilie. llnianville. Doe Run, Gam Tree. Coeh.: ransvilha Russleville, and itaycevilloato Oxford, tLi miles and- ba•k alive times a we,'k " I:cave - WC:O Chaster Taesda.,. Tlinfailie. and Saturday at 9 a. in; orris e at Oland by 4, p. Mt. Leave Oifora .:Mouday, Vi ..e1.1;,. aid Friday at 2 p. na ; arrive at We.d Clisatar , aaia Fr eu o„,en;', a rt,ee n . byGuthriezarille.lran dYWine Manor. Rockville, Roney Brookßeartown. awl Blue Ball. to New :Holland, 223 i miles and back. awes , time, a weal:. Leave Lowaingtown Tuesday. Thurislav, and Sraurlay after arrival of cant from.Philadelisliia—say at 10 a. m ; arrive at Now--Holland by :; p. in. Limes New Rutland Monday: Wednesday. and . rid*. at 6 a. in: arrive • at Downingtown in 'line to °untied, with - dell for. Philadelphia--..ay by 10 a. tai 2243 From Pa.enixville, by Kiinberton. Chester Springs. West V Meant. -East Nantmeal. Morgan town, Churehtown. Goo Iviae, Blue Ball. New Rol . lansl a ßareville. Leacoek. and Brinkleys Bridge, tofaaneaater.. 45 miles and back, three tames a week, with three maditional•ltips per Weak to Cl rater Springs froui let Aril* to lst October.- - - .j a mave Pheenixville Tuesday. Thursday, and Satur day at .10 a. in: arrive at Lancaster by 10p, m.— . Leave Lancaster. Mon.lay„ Wednesday, and-Friday • 11 1 5 a. in: arrive at Ph , eruxville by SP. in. Leave sh,eniaville Monday,'Wedneaday. and Friday at Ifl a . in: arrive at Chester Springs by 1114 a. In. Leave Chaster Springs Tneadgy, Thursday, and , Saturday at.lo a. in ; arrive at ithconixvillo by 113 i a. 2214 From Blue Rock, by Saint Mary's, Saint *..) Peter's. Pughtown. and Vin Cent," to Phcenix.ville, Y 19 miles and back twice a weak. Leave Blue-Beck; , Monday mend Friday at a a. nta - arrive at Phiettix villa by 12 to. Leave Plutaixville Tuesdaa'-and Saturday at-9 a. in: arrive at. Blue Rock by :3 p. m. . 2215- .1?rom Street road, by Thornburg, to Dit • worthtawn.a.miias and brink six times a week.- - • LeriVe Street road daily, .cept-Sunday, at 10 a. ni; • arrivo at Dillworthtown by 11 a. in. Leave Dill - worth town d a ily, except Sunday, at 9 in; arrive. -at Strut road - by 10 a. in. • • 2246. From Ilamorton to - Parken3ville. 3 miles and baelt. three times a week. Leave Ilamorton Tuesday, Thuraday, and Saturday at 11 a. in; arrive' -at Parkersvillo `l2 in. away° Parkersvilla Tuasslay. Thursday. and Saturday at 1234 2 ' p, m‘.• llamorton by IX. P. in. - Proposals for six .times a, week service are invited. 2247 - From Coatsville, by Ercilclown and McWii - .liam.stawn, to Morton rill% 8% miles and back six times a week. Leave Coatsville daily. except Sun- I - daY, at m: arrive it Mot tonville by 12 in.- - --Leave Mortonville daily except Sunday, at 7.,q. a. - In; arrive at Coatsvillo by_9',a; a. m. • 2248 ',From Parkesburgh by Black no ne , to s o d s _ buryville. 7 miles and back, three times a week. Lea-•c Parkesburgh Tuesday, Thursday, mid sat : lardaa' at 10% a. IT1; arrive at Sadshuryville hy 12 . Le ac a r s a dsburyville Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday' at Ip. m; arrive at Parkesburgh y p.m. ; 2219 From Parkesburgh toCoebransville.a , mileg and back three times a week. Leave Parkeshurgh TuesrlaY. , 'XisursdnY. and Saturday at 11 a.-m arrive • at ,Coctiransville by 12 in. Leave Coehransville Tuesday. Thursday, and Saturday at 8- a. Da ; ar- ' rive at Parkesburgh bar 9 a.m. 2250 Frain Penningtonville, by Steelvillo and •. - Cnlliararaa to Oetararo. 101-6 miles and back, three 1. times is wbok. Leave Penningtonville Tuesday, Thursday. and Saturday at Ip. pri arrive at Octo - rata by ZIA p. in. Leave Octoraro Tuesday. - Thurs-, . day, and Saturday at 4.',1 - • P. m; arrive at Penaing -. tonvillb by 6'/a p. m. t 251 From Pen tringtonville, „Pablli,Kirkwood Colerain,and-,Oak Shade, -to-F9l - House. 20 miles and back, twice a week, Leave 'Renniagtativille Wednesday and Saturday In 11- a. ;, arrive at - Fulton House by 5 p, m.- Leave Fut . tau House Tuesday and Friday at 9a.ta ; arrive at o Tenningtonville by 3 P. m. 2252 From Unionville to London Grove, 4„rnilA . and back three times-a week. -Leave. Unionville Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 4 p. in; arrive' • at Landon Grove by sp. m. Leave London Groves" '.eueaday, Thursday and Saturday at '6 p. in.; ar rive, sit - Unionville by 7 p. m.„ ..253 From 'Avondale, by Chestervillo. Chand ' lersville, Pleasant Hill. Del.. and Mermaid to -r. Stanton, 19% miles and bank, twice. a 'Week Leave Avondale Wednesday and Saturday at 7a. m I arrive nt Stanton by 1 p. in. Leave Stanton Wednesday and Saturday at 2 is, m; arrive at Av- ondale by 8 p. m. 2.14 from Now London. by Kemialesville. , Sttickenvville, andMCClellandsville, Del.. to New ark. 10 miles and back. six times a week. Leave New London daily, except Sunday, at 7 a. m ; ar rive at Newark by 10 a. in. Leave' Newark daily, - except Sunday. at,l2 rh; arrive at New London by 3 p. p. 2235 From Oxford. by Mount Vernon and Color • - nib, to Mechanics's Grove. 12 miles and back twice week. ..Leave Oxford Monday and Friday at 7 a. _ ; arrive at Mechanic's Grove by 11 a. m. Leave • Mechanic's Grove Monday and .Friday at 3 p. ; - arrive at Oxford by 7p. m.- Z2:56 From Oxfordcby Hopewell Cotton Works. - Glen Roy Oak Hill, Goshen, and Wakefield, to Pe t.er's Creeir,lB miles and back, six times a. week.— Leave Oxford daily.'except Sunday, ak2 p. m ; ar rive at Peter's Creek by 8 p. m. Leave Peter's Creek. daily. except Sunday, as ft a. m ; arrive at. Oxford _bY 12, m. 22&7 from Lancaster, by IfeinPfield; Mount' ;Tine, , Columbia, Marrietta, Mavtown. Bainbridge, And Felio,uth to Middletown, 32% miles and back: tiin a week, by railroad, in due -connection with-#o o No. 2201. • 2258 ffom Lancaster, by Lampeter,to Strasburg 9 miles and baok, six times a week. Leave Lances': tordailv,einmpt SuPday, at 4 p. m: arrive at Stras burg by 7 p. • tn. Leave Strasburg daily, except Sunday_,ll , 7 a. nt ; arrive at Lancatder by 10 n. m. .1260' Froth Lancaster, by Fertility and Wheat land•Millsito Strasburg. 0 taile - s and baelv, six times • &Week. Iteaverfrancaster daily, except Sandv.•at 4 ti•m: actit'e tit Strasburg 133 -4 ; Leave Stras burg daily, except Sunday; at 7 a m; arrive at La b - . lister by 9 6 • ZOO Prom' Lancaster, by 'Willow Street, Mart tlnsville. New Providence, and Camargo, to Quor • trine. 16 'miles and back, three times a week.— I.cave LaaCaster T4esday Tbursday and Saturday mt 2%p inc arrive at Quarryvikle by r p in. Leave Thursday and Saturday at 6 j. a pi: arriveal Lancaster by 10 a m.' 261 Froin•Lancaster:by Willow Street. Smith villa, Buck. Chesnut Level; Greene. Peter's Creek. Plensaat Grove, Rock Springs, Md., Conon. ingo_ ,and ,lo Port Deposit.3s miles and back. three times a week. Leave Lancaster Monday, Wednesday and Fridiv_ at 8 asm : arrive at Port Deposit by 5 p tn. Leave ?ort Deposit Tuesday Thursday and Saturday at 8a m ; arrive at Lancas • ter by 51; m.,,L6'3 1 naLancaster. by Millersville and Slack; route} , to Sate liarlior,rll miles and back six times a week. Leave Lancaster daily. except Sunday, ;it 23,;; pm : arrive* Sate Harbor by -14 , 1 1 ta. Leave Safe Harbor daily, - except Sunday, at 7 a m ; arrive at Lancaster byll a ±O3 From Lancaster, by Greenland and South ersharg, to Paradise, miles and back, six times a week. Leave Lancaster daily, except Sunday. at 4 p :a; arrive at Paradise by 7 p tn. Leave Paradise daily; except Sunday, atl a m; arrive at Lancaster f)y 10 a in. . - '2264! From Lancaster. by Landis Valley, Oregon, :Vest End, and Farmersville. to Hi nkleton,l3 miles Ind hack, three times a week. Leave Lanca , tar Uueeday, Thirsday and Saturday at tn arrive it llinkletown by 614 n ID. Leave inkletown. Thursday and Saturday at W g a m;' arrive it La u ca,ter by 103 , ,' a m. fnis From Lancaster. by Neffsville. Litiz4Roths- Millway, Lincoln, Ephrata. ReatnStoWn, 7Zwartzsille, Achmasaitrn,Gougler-vilte, and Cilium. Reading, 30 -miles , and ba dt, six times a week. rith an additional dailY,mail. except Sunday to Litiz. Leave Lancaster daily, except Sffmtay. at 9 ; arrive at Reading by 3,14 p in. Leave Read ing daily, except Sunday, at a in: airiVe at fmnomter by 5 p In. Leave Lancaster daily: except iunday. at 4 P.M: arrive at Litiz by 7 P Leave Litiz daily. except Sunday, at 7.a. In; arrive at Lawaster by 10 a in. a- 2266. From Lancaster, by Ent llemp6eld. to tlartheitn. 11 miles and back, six times a - week.— Leave Lancaster daily. except Sunday.'at 4 p m : irrive at Manlicim by 6 p to. Leave _icily, except Sunday, at 7 a ra : arrive at Laneri,tcr my-9 a In. Proposals to extend to Mount Hope.. nil CA further. are invited. 2267. From: Lancaster. by Sporting Hill, Old to Tnimbaursville iue and 3.ln.ster6enville, to Colebviok, 24 miles nod tack. twice a ;week. • Leave Lancaster Wednesda , Ind Friday„at 6 a m :arrive at Colebrook b)• 11 a m Leave Colebrook Wednesday and Friday at I p m trrive at Lancaster by 6 p m. 2268. FroMStrasbnrg t o Leaman Place. 5 mil ,. •nd back: sixAimes a week, by railroad. " Lem, •ztrasburg daitr, except Sunday, at 9 1 4:a : arrive at Leaman Place by 10 a m.- Leave teamnn Plac hwy. except Sundayi-atIL'A a m; arrive at Stray burn by 19 m. 220. From Gap, by Cains, to Pequea. 7 mile my back, six times a week. .Leave Gap lily, ex ;eat Sunday.'at 11 a m ; arrive at Peouna by 2 p m Leave P quea daily, except Sunday, at 6 a In ; ar rive at Gap bylo a zu. ' 2270. From Gap. by New Milltown, o Inter •ontse. 6 miles and back, three times a Week:- heave (lap Tue - .day, Thursday and Saturday at 1 iin ; arrive at Intercourse by 1 pm. Leave Inter •ourse Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday at 7 a in trrive-at Gap by 9 a in. Proposals to commenet it New Milltown are incited. . 2271. From Christiana, by Smyrna. Hart, May. Quarryville, and Mechanic's -Grove. to Chestnut Lev 1. 19% miles and back. twice a week. Lear 'hristiana Wetln esdayand Satnrdayat 2 P in; am ct , it Che•tnut Level by Sp m, Lea Chestnut Lev el Wednesday and Saturday at 6 a m; -arrive al ';hriQtiana by 12 in. 2272. From Enterprise. by Groff it Store, Bare• cilia, Vogansville, -and ReidenbackV Store, ti. l'erre Hill, 14 miles and back, three theca a week Leave Enterprise Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday ;It 12 m ; arrive ntTerre Hill by 4p m. Leave Terre - ill Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday at 7 a in: mire at Eriternriqe,by n a M.' 2 2 73. FrOm Litiz; by BrunnerviUe, - burl. b .•;shoeneolt, Reinholdsville'and Fritztow A n. to Si k ... )c , tie Spring; 23 miles and back, twice a week. Um . / I,itiz Tuesday and Sattirday at 11% a ni I arrive at 'inking SPring by 5 - '72 Pm: Leave SinkingSarin: 'denday and Friday at 9% a m; arrive at Litiz b) i p tn. . , . :274. From Briekerville. by Ditrlach and Lin min, to Ephratab, 10 miles and back. six: times 3' .veek. 'Leave Brickerrille daily. except Sandal tr'S a-m; urrive at Ephratith by 11 a tn. Leal., , iphratah daily, except Sunday, at 2 p m; arrive a , tlrickerville by 5 p m. -2275, From Manhiem, by White Oak, to Poem Mies and back. twice a week. Leave Manhein ' , VednesdaY and Saturday aT 8 a m ; arrive at Pent by 9 am: Leave Penn Wednesday and Sartird?.. at 11 a la: arrive at Mantteim by, 12 m. - 2276. From Columbia, by Manor and,iirighviiii , to Safe Harbor,ll miles and back, three times week. Leave Columbia Tuesday. Thursday an: , Saturday at 2 P in; arrive at Safe Harbor by 5 ikti, Leave Safe-Harbor Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day at 7 a tit; arrive at Columbia by 10-a m. '- 2277. From - Columbia to Silver Spring. 4 mile.. and Emelt, three times' a weetc. Leave Columbi. Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday at 2 p in; arrive at Silver Spring hy.3 P m. Leave Silver Soria: Tuesday, Thursday - and'Saturday at 12 m : arrive a Columbia by In in. - , ,` ' - 2278. blom-Slife Harbor, by Conestoga, Martiek illle, Mont Nebo. Colemanrille. ILtwlin.ville Bethesda and‘LihertySquare, to Chests nt Level 24 miles and hac k , twice aweek. 'Leave Safe liar tam Monday -and Thursday at 6 a m; arrive - a , Chestnut Level by 11%a in. Leave Chestnut Levi , ' Monday and Thursday at 1 p in; arrive at Safi Harborby !6 1.,;m 2279. Fromltioshen, by Fulton House, to Chest nut Level; 4 miles and back, six times a week.— • Leave Goshen daily except Sunday, at 5 r, m: urriv at Chestnut Level by 6 p at. Leave Chestnut Lev. daily, except Sunday, at 4 p m ; arrive at Goshen bs 5 p m. tall). From Oak Hill. by Kirk's Mills, Wright' Dale, and. Lyle's, to Pleasant Grove, 8 miles era back, twice a week. Leave Oak Hill Werinesda -and Saturday tat 4p m arrive at Pleasant Groa • by 6p m. Leave Pleasant Grove Wednesday ane Saturday nt 10 am ; arrive at Oak Hill by 12 in. • 1. From Reading, by Sinking Spring. Wer nersvillc. l Furnace. Wome 3 sdore Stonciaburg, Mi setner's Mills, Richland Station, 31eyen.town Avon, Lebanon., Annville, Palmyra, Derry Chnreb Swatara Station.. and Humelstown. to I larrishan and buck. daily except Sunday, by railroad, an' by a sehedule satisfactory to the Department. 2282. From Readiva,by Beekersville, - Joann.. Furnace, Morgantown, Moe Rock. Lnag, Wallace. liwchland, Lionville. - and West .Whiteland. to West Chester, 41 miles and hack, three tuner week. Leave Reading MondaY. Wednesday all( Friday at 7 a rn ; arrive at West Chester by 7 p m Leave West Chester Tuesday. Thursday and Sat urday at 8 a m; arrive at Reading by -8 p tn. 2283. From Reading by Robeson, ilird , abore' ana thustead's, to Brower. 16 miles and back, twi... week. 'Leave Reading Tuesday and Saturday le a m ;•arrive at Brower by 13 rn. Leave 8r0w... Tuesday and Saturday at 1p m ;_irric o at Readiu: by p ' . 2284. From Reading, by dtonersville,,Brumf eta ville, Earlville, and Greahville, to Boyerstown. is Miles and back, six times a week. Leave Reallin , , daily, except Sunday, at 33 , ,i p in; arrive at Boyer, town by 734 pm. Leave , Boyerstown daily, exeop; Sunday, at data; arrive at Reading by 19.. a m. • 2:285. From Rending, by Alsace. Oley, Lobachs villa. and_Pike TriwnEthip, to Manatawny, 17 and back, twice a week. Leave Rending To e,ablY and Saturday at 236 p in; arrive at Manatawny by 6p m. Leave Manatawny Tuesday and Saturday at 6 a rn': arrive at Reading by 10 a m. 21;6. From Rending, by Leinbaeks, Lower Bern, Bernville. Tulpehoecan. Rah rersburg. Beth el. Cro;skill Mills, and Hamlin, to Frederickdaure. 35 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Reading'Tnesday, Tiatimlayand Saturday lit 113.: a ; arrive at Fredericksburg by 934 p m L ea v e Fredericksburg Monctay, Wednesday and Friday at 53,4 a m ; arrive at Reading by 334 p m. Vii. From Reading by Mehra s Store, Knauer's. Beivrtmnsville. Muddy Creek. Weavers.Miii, an d Blue Ball 'to New Holland, 23,e j miles curl beck. three times a week. Leave Beading MpluirtY. Wednesday and.Fridny at 0 a m: arriv. at Now Holland by 4 p In. Leave New Holland Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday at 3a m; arrive at Reading by 4 p m. '2288. 'From Reading by Adams. Brownsville. and Klopp's Store, to Womelsdorf. 17 mill's land back, once a week. Leave Reading Saturday at 1 p ; arrive at Wornelsdorf by 6 p In. Leave, Womelsdorf Saturday at 7 a m; arrive at Rending by,l2 in. Proposals for twice and three-times-a- Week service are invited. 2289. From Hamburg, by Albany and Father-- 6116.YMa, to Lynnville, 22 miles, and back, once a week. 'Leave Hamburg Wednesday at 12• m: ar rive at' Lynnville by 5 p in. Leave Lynnville Wednesday nt, 6 a m ; arrive at Hamburg by 11 a m 2200. Front Hatabnrgby,Windsor Castle and Vit.- ginsville, to Kutztown, 13 miles and hack, twice ; week. -Leave Hamburg Tuesday and Saturday ta' 12m; arrive at Kutztown by 3 p in; Leave Rutz town Tuesday and Saturday at 4 p - m ; arrive 'a' Hamburg by 7 p m. 2291. From Birdsboro" by Geiger's Mills and Bln. Rock to-Morgantown, 13 miles and hack, thre. times a week. Leave Birdsboro' Tuesday, Thurs day and-Saturday at 11 am: arrive at Morcantowr by 2p m. Leave Morgantown Tuesday, ThursdaY and Saturday at 6a m; arrive at Birdsboro' by am. 2292. From Lee - sport. by. South Evansville, Moll town, Kerby Ville, and Nora. te, Moselern, 12 miles and hank. twicea week. Leave Leesport Tuesday and Saturday at 11 a m ; arrive at Moselem ,by 2 p M. Leave Moselem Tuesday, and Saturday at 3 p tn: arrive at Leesport by 6P m. 2293, From Morgantown. by ,Talbotville. Honey brook, Cambridge and South Hermitage. to Perinea, 16' miles and back, three times. a week. Leave Morgantown Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 3 a : arrive at Perinea by 12 in. Leave Peauea Tuesday*, Thursday and Saturday at 2 p ir“ arrive at Morgantown by 6 p m. 224. From Rebromburg, by Winteraville and Host,' to Stonchharo, 12 milts and back. three times a week. Leave Rehrersburg Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday nal rt. in t arrive at h'touchliurgh by 2 p In. Leave Stoughbargh Tuesday, Thursday '.; 'fZi.igc-if,rf944il- t t1qp...e*15t,,, , , - .. -1 :0TI=F11 1 : 21i 4864.. 4 and Saturday at 3 p m ; arrive at Rehrcrsburg by 6 p nt.. •- - - -From Wintersville, - by Monnt 'Etna, to Meyerstown, 5 , 4 miles and back, twice a week.— ' Leave Winteravillc Tuesday and s.atarday at 7 a : m arrive at Meyeretown by 9 a In. Leave Meyers-, •town.Tue.day and Saturday ut 1. I) arrivu at by 31) In. From 'Kutztown. by DrYvillel, Fredericks villa, antl:Lanclis': Store, to Bechtelsville, 1 6 utitc and Vick,!once a Week. Leave Kutztowa Wedlies day at 7a in arrive at Bechtelsville by 12 m. Leave Bachtelsyille Wellnesday at .1. p ut ; as rive at hut'.- tow, n by :6 p . in, Proposall to commence at Bow . er's Station, in lieu of Kutztown, and cud Len des ' Store, are invited. tai. From Kutztown, byWilnAwille. Tentber 'olfiwille and StineAville, to•Jaeksonvilic, 1; miles and hack, once a:Feek. Leave KicUtown Monday ' and Friday at 1 Tx iii ; arrive at Jacksonville P m. Leave ,Tackspnville.Nfenday and Friday at 7 a . m. arrive at Kittletown bf 12 in.. Proposals to "ma Klinesville, anld ran r:irt Grivaville, are invited. - 2"98, F r o m l Anentown, by EinauF, Macungie, Hensibgersville, Long Swamp, Nlcrtztown, Topton, Bovver's Station,C . .Lyon's Station, Kutztown, town. Pricetowm:Blandon, and Temple, to lleadinA, :is miles acid back, daily except Smlay. rail, end, and by a qchedule hitisfaetory to the Der:trim-lit. 229. 1 . From Alicutowu. by Rack:wine and: Iron vtott, to Neff , 11.4 and back, three 6111 , 2., a v, - e-k. Leave A fientowly M mrl.ty, Wednesday, and Eri.tny at 3p m arrive At Nelr...lw 816 p in. •Leal : e Netrr. Monday, WednesdaY, and Friday at C." a thl : arrive Allentown by p ! 310. From Allentown. 6y Orefield, to Schmm.lt , 4- . rille, 10 miles avid back, to ice a week. Leave Al lentown Monday' and Thur , (lay :o\3 p err' ye at Selineeksville by 8 p in. Leave Sehneeksville. Mon day and Thursday at 8 a in ; arrive at Allentown by 11 a in. 2301." From Allentown, by WennerevilTe, S.tuth AVltite Litzenburg. „Fog,.lsvill-, LenariArillt, iiamborg.. ite per Bern. Shartieville. anti Straustown. horgh: 4d tailed anti baels, three tinn• , tnLVC Allentown Monday, Wednesday and .fri.l.ty . at 7ani • arrive at Ilehrerslatrgh by 9 p m. Lea% Rehrersburgb TurtzlaY. Tbtrr4day and Saturdtry at 7 a 01: arrive at AtlenteWn by u p a. Zrio2 From Allentown, by ICe•co.v - jUle. Trexler . town, Br , initorttville. Mititata and Moaterey. tt Kutztown. 22 miles and back. three a o•:ek: ' ,eava Allentown Monday. W e tl ae .d a.) au a F ri d ay ' pln : arrive at k atzt tby7 p a. Leave utztow - h Monday. Wettinetlay and Friday at G a ,s•n : arrive nt Allentown by 11 a tn. . - . . . • ' 1;.: 103 .FrotA 111acungie. 'by bin . meersville: Spin ter.-town. Tranthaarsville.Tyler's Pert, Franconia unrirnion SuUare, to tiwynedd. :11 mites and back, owe '‘a Ironic. i Leave Macungie F r iday at ti a in mrri, cm \at Gll*l3ead by 4 p ma. Leave Gwynedd zatnrday, at 4 a m: arrive at n•memigie by 2 p- am. 2301 Fl7pLanry's litation. by Ned s., :., , etimmeeks ine, Wei 'am , :alle, Lyon ValleY. If ynemaLsvitle. , Veissenbnm and Eagle point. to Komito is. 20 'miles and baelt, three-times a week. Leave L:11/tY . , 'nation Tuesday, Thursday and Satin:lay alter 'ax dval of the mail from Phi tadelph'a--Qay at 10' a n; arrive ati Ki'tztolvms by.ii!.-i p as. Leave Katz •own mei-0;1Y. -Wednesday and Friday ate a um : irrive at Lamtiv's Station by 4 1, in. 2305 F om Fogelevil e. by TmexiertoWn. Mactm :ie. Shimeryille. Here rd, .Pennsbarg. Red 1101. 1 1,e, Perkiomenville, Zeirle „vine. S?hwenk's Store. Freeland, Fairview Village. and Jelfen•onville. to Norristown, 44 miles and tavk, three times a'week. Leave Fogelsville Inottlay. 11:,edneSday and Friday I%t fm am: arriye at' NorristoWn by 7p m. Leave Norristown Tuesday, Thursday dud' Sat ardry at 'i . , 1 1 a m: native at Fogelsville by ¶s3 ii - in ' 2306 "From Fogolsville. byl.yon ,l Vall-y. Weisen burg. Sieberlingville, Lynnville, NemnripolL Jack.. .mon‘ ille: West Penis, and North Penn to Tani:ulna: 13 miles and hack. once a week, Leave\Fogelsville Thursday at 5 a m : 'uric eat Tam qua 11. y 5 p ni.— Leave TamnqUa Friday at 5a tug am ri,'‘ e at \ l' °gels; vine by 5 p m, 2.307 FromiFogeisville. by LowhilL Sageesyille; tad East Penn. 'to Lehighton, 1 miles and e kl nee a week: Leave Fogelsville Thursday at a 6; arrive at Lehighton by 12 mu. Leave Lehig,hto 1, ['hominy at 1 p in : arrive at Fog.elssille Ly . 7 p m. 2304 From' Centre Valley, by Lanark:. toy Allemi. 'own, 7 miles; and back, three times a. week. Leave !:'entre Valley Tuezttay. Thursday and Saturday at 'l2 m: arrive at Allentown by 2!,‘; p •m: Leave Al lent dwn TneAay. Thursday and Saturday at 33t; p in : arrive at Centre Valley by 0 p mu. 2.309 From Centre Valley. by Friedensvilre.Seid- rsfille. Bethlehem. and Beektown. to Nazareth. 04 miles and back, three ti 111 I'S a week io Be/We re:a and six times a week .residue. Lease entre Valley Tuesday . Thar,day and Saturday at I! p ; arri‘e at Bethlehem by 4 p tu. Lento Beth ehem, Monday WedneFday and-Friday at 7 a in: .rriNe nt Centre Yallty by a in. Lease Bethle' , ein daily, except SunddY. al 4 am ; arrive at Naza ' :eth by 7 p in. Leare Nazareth 41112., except Sun lac, at 4 m: arrive Ilethlebem by 7 a in. ;' 2310 From I:la.ton'hy South Easton l'reemansbarg . !,anbarh, Bethlehem. Allentown. Allentown Iron roliks. Catakingty. Hollendaztta. Lehi~li V alley. E ilary's Station. seigfried's Bridge, Slatingttm.' lig}, Gap, and Lehighton to Matta Chunk, In milete ; and hack, daily except Sandal:, by r. , ilr;otti..and by eFehedale r4LtiQfactore to the I)e7;art 'bee . _ 2:11 From Easton, by sti - skert , two, lelft•t, and tVinil Gap, to So ylorslium 17 wiles and hat k. three •inte. n week. Leave Eamon Monday: Wednesday and Friday Itt , 2 p : arri , o Saylerhlotrativ 3p tu. I‘ottAtt Sayliu-sbitre Monday. 11' ednesday and Friday at ti am: arliNe at Easton by 12 in. 2:n2 From Fa. ton to Nazareth.7,mites and hack. ix times a u eel.. Leave Easton daily. except Sun lay. at 2p in at rive at Nazareth by 4 p Leave. Nazareth daily, except Sunday, at 10 a nix arri vent Kaston 12 m. 2".1:1 From Easton, by Martin's Creek. Mid lapnVs. 'Richmond, stone Church. and Mount teliel. to DUN City, :3)11)i IP, .111,1 I lick six rim e . week. Lease "Fan-ton ditik, tact iit.: 4 l.loilay. at arrive at F-rry le . wt. Len' r. Perry daily. except ;:iunilaY. at 7 a HI; anise at ~ .aston by 12 m. 241 , 4 Froln Easton, by Tower i , aui on and Stout'. o Hellertown. 16 miles and back. "lice n ivrek.— f,eave Eautinl Thursdar at 7 a : areiy4s at Heller own by 12 tn. Leave Ilidlirtowe Thartilay at I p .11 ; arrive at Easton by 6 p rn. lbairiisal. to cone 'nerve at Stout's. 12 miles distance. cin vita d. 7415 Front Eavt,on. by Ktnisler :pet Elm: Moan ain. to Flirksville. 24 miles mid to:cit.-once h week. beitxo Easton Thursday ot a to :. arioe at 11? , , a tn. Lane lay at Innl : arrive at Easton bv pm. ail .From Martin's Creel( to Feick .nd haek. l ,tiviee 11 week: Leave . :llartin's Creek rue(,lay and Saturday at 4 1, to : arrit,u nt Fiieks ville by p tn, Leave Flick:o Tae)tlav 'and attn-day at 61‘.; p m: arrive at Ztrtin's Creek by p , 5 ;i1.1 From Nazareth. by Moot-e(town. Kleek• P.•tersvilte, Notv . a l'herry , Dau 'elsvillt and Berlinsville. to Statimetnn. 24- tulles tad hack. three titnt , atcr,h. ',vale N.:zareth rues day. Thursday and S.itorda , at ti 11. - th : aritve a. Star ingtOn he 12 m. Leave Slat iti:rtm: Tuesday rh ttr:day and Saturday a 1.12 its ; at rive at Nazareth p m. From Wind Gan. 1.6 Bash 'Kiln Central() \loure).l.lnr. I. miles and hurt:. ;int,. Lc dye Wind 'Gat, Saturday At ti a in:. e at 7:llot:res. ' o wn by Pr,: am. Leave Muar , :oum Saturday at I r•• 1 : arrive 't Wind Gap 1a,v_2 1 ,." p 2:119 Frpm - Freemansbuta.i , ;lltitztown. 2 miles ••nd had: si:c tunes a week. Ifiddel: , will pruon,e a -eked:lle df departure:: and rtfrilais •satisfuetaD,.. to • :ostmasters at terminal 0.11 , ..e : 2. 2-320 From Treemotiqbt.rt To.w , r Saucon, SPringttn r ns Hu rseu le. Bed m nMer, and Dublin, to Doylestown, 37 utiles and bee);, once a week. Leave FreemanAburg SlTedue.elay at d nin arrive at Doylestown by 6 p iti. Leav, DoeleStown Teecdav'tit 6 m: arrive at'Freentansbn re ti! , 4 p in. 2121 FrOm Bethlehem 1)) Slmenet , eil!e, Weaver , - rifle and Tiriderevillr, toPetersN ille, it; miled and back, three times a week. Lear , Bethlehem Mon-, ,may, Wedbe , 4ltiy and Friday :it 10 , 4 arriv , at tier. rillb by 3 p in. Leavy Pct - p-ville Monday, Weible , alay and Friday at G a at ; arrive et' Bethle hem bY 10 a m. 1 '2'.!2'.! From Bethlehem. Le Hanoverrdle, and Bath to Eleeknerseille. 13 Mile. and ba-k: three times a week. Leave Bethlehem Monday. Wed ne.4- day and Friday at 19 n in; arrive nt ekner,eille I ,y p nl,l Leave Kleckner-title Moneinv. Wednes 11,ey and ,Friday at 5 amt arrirr cat Bethlehem by 9 1 M. 23'53 From Lebanon to Shit ff, r.t own. 10 mil ei an d hack, six' times a week. Leave Lebanon daily. ex ...ept.Stualay. at 3 n rti: arrive :11,..Shafferstown by 6 in., Leave Shaterstown except Sunday; at : arrive at Lebanon itv 10!,, a in . 2324 From Lebanon, by .fonest - own and Freder icksburg; to Monroe Foreci 14 miles and back 6 •hnes a week. Leave Lebanon daily, except Sun lay, at 34) m; arrive at Monroe Forge by 7 p [Rave Monroe Forge daily, except Sunday, at 5 a n • arrive at Lebanon by 9 am, i 325 krom Lebanon by Cornwall, to Mount Hope 10 miles and back, BIZ times a week. Leave Leba ion daily except Sunday, at 2p m; arrive at Mount - Hope by 4 p m. - Leave Mount Hope daily, except 4antlay. at 7 a m • arrive at Lebanon by 9 n m. 2326 from Lebanon to Mount Zion, 6 miles and ,ack, three times a week. Leave Lebanon Tues lay, Thursday and , Satunlay pm; arrive at Hount Zion by 3p m. Leave Mount Zion TnesdaY, Thursday and Saturday at M. 5 m ; arrive at Let , mon by,124.5 p m. 2827 From Harrisburg by Sbiremanstovrn. Me chanicsburg, Carlisle, kerrsville, Plainfield, New villa. • Oakville, Shinnenshurg. and 'Scotland, to, Chambersbnrg, 52 miles and back, twice daily ex- ,- cept Sunday, by railroad, and by a schedule satis7 factory to the Department. Z 326 From Harrisburg, by Dauphin. Ellendale Forgo, Elwood, Sylliman z Pine (4rove,-and Summit Station, to Auburn. 59 . miles and back, daily except Sunday. by railroad, and by a schedule sattSfeatory to the Department. v 29 From Harrisburg, by Prepress, Linglestown, Mandn Mill. West Honorer, East Hanover. and Ono to Jonestown, 27 , miles and hack. three tithes week. Leave Harrisburg Mbnday, Wednesday and Friday 'at 10 a m ; arrive at Jonestown bY 5 P m.- Leave Jonestown Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday at 7 a m I arrive at Harrisburg by 4 pm. 2330 From Harrisburg, by Lisburn. to TiewisberrY. 12 - miles and back, once a week. Leave Harrisburg Saturday at 2p m arrive at Lewisberry, by 6 pm. - - - . ~.,. .. . . . . , . .. • • it,Leave lawisberi+ Saturday at S a In ; `arrive at 1 barra, Plymouth. West Nanticx)ke, lintilock Creek. Narrisburg by 12 tn.•_ - - 7 . -• 1 Z-nickshinney, Beach GroveA3eaeh Haven. 13er a - Prole Halifax to Powlli Valley, 3 Mile: , and I wick, Willow Spring. Lime -Ridge,. 31ifflinsville, 4 liaek. ail"' limes. It weak, kidders will propene a E-9.>31- 31061 itasbarg. I;upert. Danville, and Chaim ' tidy:dale to eonnezt with railroad. and be - sati..4fae- ky. id Northrunb.xlanil. t3O 1-10 miles and • back; by toll to, the postn4asten= at tho terminal, xa v „,,,, railroad. twice daily. except Sunday, to Kingston. '..ttt'.:. Filea AltlieJecturg, us Eli,,,,ontavitte. Short I ,' and six times a week midue. and by stthadqlo antis' Mountain. and Lykeiri, to NV Paris)( . ,, 1/I , !.Liini it, yid E factory to the Department. ' 'flew:h... • three 'tiutiei a, week: Leave .inter bury . '..nti:). From Scranton. bY Providence, i Nal' ele'. Monday, Wedn6sday and Friday ;It -3 p in; - arriva l'a.tikville, and . Archbald, ,to Carbondale; 145 ntilea t" IVicollieva by •', pm. Leave- Wk m onistO Tu ea y, rend hack. six time. , a week.. Leave Scranton daily, I•l'hursd a r an d Sapiribly lit ti a nt :- arrive at:Nlitlers- I except Sunday, at -4,34 p tri,_ or 'on arrival of mail yerg by It a Rh P,ropos.da for 4-1:;. times a week i from New York; arrive at Carbondale by 83 p tn. eervice are invited. . I Leave Carbondale daily, except Sunday,' at ti a tn; 2,35,2) Frenx Gratz, by Kliagerstonn, R oug h and i arrive at Scranton b - 10 am. . Ready, and-liepier, to Uppee Mahal - 11311 , 4.0,1 i miles e . 2340. Prom Scranton, by flyil ' Park and Provi and back, once a'week. 1,0 a.-e. t;, Zit/. *it 111111:1S' ,11 6 1 dunce. to Dunmore, 7 miles and ack. twelve tintei aln 1 arrive at Upper Maki:Am:7,o by 10. a tn.— Ia Week. Leave Scranton daily, exue:4t Sunday. at , Leave Upper 31ateintanio Saturday at, 1S at ; arrive .111 - tin and 51) in; arrive at Dun awe by 1p m and 7 at tieatz oy ii p la. , ' • 1 p in.. .leave Dunmore den)* :Event Sunday, at 2 2.1.t4 Jirom Port 2 liriton, by I , iey.. Ringgold, Tatn-1 p nr-ainl .s'.!t". pm; arrive at der nton by 4 p in and , .. , • Mina, ilartwSVille, 1t214.-town, ~`,laineVjlpi , C, l la a i s - i Pi,', P Tit. Su, itaPert, Mamas Mira,. .oam - int% abt_toreslntra, I 2,367- Front Pittatan.bry Rat)lama, Falls, and- La a ta t te d al taa - a , anit t a t , West Mißots, ...NOW Uolalllitia. :.Graiige. to Tunkbanock, 24. m Ica and back, twice Wm:am:own, .11 , Mtgontary Station, Muncy Station, a week. Leave Pittaton Monday anti Friday at 9 anti Mancy, to V. titian:al/oat, 119 milas anti-bat k, am:: arrive at Tunkhannock by 4 p nt. Leavc-Tun twitie daily., exdept Sunday, oy railroad, and ti) a harnionk Tutastlity and Saturday at 1 p;a ; arrive at schedule satisfactory to the Department. ' Pittston by 7 p in. 2,:..i5i it•rout • orwhailatrg, by .11clieatasharg an t i , 2368. From Pittston, by Exciter. 'Reelersbura., Keptferavina, to V. Penn, 14 miles and ttak Southßaton. and Eaton. to Tunkhamlock. 22 miles once a track'. Leave Orwigsbara, Saturday at 9 nay` and back, three times avveek. Leave Pittston Tiles, arrive at West Penn by 1 pm. Lative' West Penn- day; Thursday and ,Saturday at 9 a in; active at Satin day at 2Pin : n; rive at Orsvh,tabura• by 0 p in. , Tunkhannoult by a p 'in. Lean ., Tunkliannock' 2536 From Schuylkill Haven. by Cresson, to Tic- 31onday, Nednesday, and Friday at 1 put; arrive moat, 16 miles alithaak, six times a week. Leave- at Pittston by tip in. , Schuylkill Hawn daily, aavapt Sunday, on arrival 2360. From Wyoming, by' Citverton. Retchutn. of the mail from Pinlatlalphia---say at 1.:l m pin a Ornagy, :tad Centre Moreland; to Vcrlion, iii toile:. arrive at m era t imit. by .3Y 2 p in. 'heave Tremont and batik, once a week. Leave Wyoming SattiNlay daily. except Sunday, at , aau ; arrtv-i at- ;Soh ityl- iatat in ; arrive at Vernon fry P.: to Leave Vernon kill Hal en by 1.2 in. ' i i. Saturday- at 2p m ; arrive tit Womin a, by 6p m. '2...',3, - - From Pin:Lay - die, by Port Cariant, Silver ,! 2370.. From Kingston, by Trucksvitle, Hunters- Creek: Middleman. 'ftiscarara, latinvilta, and, Sum- I villa, Lehman, Dallas, .Knuckle, BOWIMITT'S Crack. mit Hill. • to' .Mittlaii tatank, Sc mita-, and back. sis anti ii,nkiliS . Falls. to Tunkbanaock, :ti miles and times a waelti Lau ve Pottavida daily.. excaat San- hack, once a week. Leave Riugston Thursday at day, at 7itln i :Imre , at Martah Ch link by ,; p ut.a- 8:t rat; arrive, at "furikhittmoak by '5 p M. Leave Leave Monett Cimi t kai a tly, e x ce pt, a'fintlay: at 12,in: To nkhannock Friday at 6ain ; arrive 'at Kingston arrive at Pottsville by 8 1 , in. by 3 p in. . 2,,a3,-4 Irtan Penal lila by Miner'sville. LL'wellyn. 2371 From 1W ill by Plainesvilla and Port Branah Dale, alwataia, mid Trattantr, to .intaatti- Blanelmati. to Pitt-4011,-h mile. and back. six times 4,111.15 . mi1e:4 :ulll hard/. III"ltlYe tilnefl a week to :di- sweep,,Laaye Wilkesbarre daily, excerpt Sunday, netsvtile, and ;nix times a week'rtaattue. Loava' at 614 am; arrive at Pittston by 8,1-': a in. Ltatve. Pottsville daily, avaavat Sunday, , after ;this at af -Pittstoa daliY. except Suaday, at 7' p nit arriv c at mail front Pailadalphin - say at I. p in and 7 , p in ; I Wil kesdat ire ,>y 9p iii. 1 arrive at- Minursville by 2p in and Bit in. latav c 1 2172: Fora Wilkaslaarre to White Haven: 18 Minarsv ille 114IY. akt-apt. Stualay, , at Va . : ain and"• wife. aild back, six times a week. Leave Wilkes p la; arrive at Pottsville by .-1 - - , , - ;a:iii and It, p tatrae ta t ily, cxaeot Sunday, Itt a a tii ; arrive at in. Leave , ill inersville daily, - caveat, Stmiltiy. at 2 'White Haven 'oy 12 at:, Laave White Haven daily, 1, in ; all'ire at i l.P.izti,koll by o p id. ;loan - a - Don- except Sunday, at 2p m; arrive a t w iik ea b ar a a by altbam daily, - eacept'Sautlay. at 7 it MI arrive at 18 put. _dinar:a - ilia byl a ut. 0'173 Prom Wil i k b et ic arre, b.?: Chute]) Hill. to Nan a 2:139 Frain Pon:ail:a. by Broad Maintain and tia - alst 9 nil is , three times a week. I.aaye Asillantl. to M mint ,Ca rat el, '..0 miles and hack. sts Wilk.e.shturt.:Xtem..4stb.ity, hack, three mid Saturday at timatiat wank, latavaid'ottsaili • .laity, e x---2pt Sou- I ~.i, ari .,,,, at A ahtmeaka t i . m . 3 , tr , Lcaye \t atm_ (trio., after urrivl„..! or Mail front Pa darbaphia-say at c',t P k a Tut:tal:La. 'fbuivalas 'tad Satut ti" : '''-i II , :a: a rn ta• at :daunt Carniei la 4., p iris Lain c .l riv • at IVlVPaslain . ' ' I - a •aY nt : , .',2 p lu - ; Mount Cann -1 , laily; eXeept Z.111,1,1y. , :it II) ant, , r • ' „..t ... . • .14-Iby; ,-a p in., ' ..2.:,1- 1 .. ki , Ml , rt- eSt I aticoke, by 14ermantown aril " "rev 41 "I - "'tail null' robin';ii "lit" at Potts- Hary - ey's Creek. to Silver Roc:li. - 11 taile's and hileit, vide by ' p in. -_, ' ' . e a v "els Leave West Nanticoke Saturday at a 310.. Prom - Ashland by Rimmist own and Rbarinz nave - - arrive 'i at Silver Rack b l'' a Leave -4 Citt•ek, to Catawnalt, 16 milt:, and back, threw time: ii 4 oe n li. : :4l.lTldn . .y Id .1 in ; tar:iv- Y e at ' W e m a s:a,,;`.i'el,:").l`;:er aN\ eek. Lvityi: Asniand Tutaday, - Tourstlay andm by - 4 „ h i. Satuttlay at ti aLI ; illEttit• at Ciitlivatssa by Ii ti in: .-aa7s. From New Columbus, by Town Hill, Town Leavt• Catawisiat l'aesdaya Tian - -day - and -Satur- tine. and Ilarveysvilla, to Sitickshinny, Ds miles day at lain ; ,arvivu at Aahland lay - 6 p In: nail hack. thrae time a week. Leave'New Colum -2341. t'rouit Trinno•at. by-Bear Mont, to Wicanis- has M alai - Wedwariay, • ial Friday itt filit tu a ar t,io• I .'"• mit , c i n ,n, mm q b i ."'.'l,'; thmt.l.'"-i time ~, week, 3,, c m .i1l c a ‘ i . v -' ta qt -w Sll . l,V'isliitinyTll.;• 10:l a t , t!i ; ~ Leave. Shiekshir ay. ..'remont u4...t.ay t , itusday , an, Saturday at ... P-- Mon Jay. ,t cunvatay and a'rittay at Ipaa ; an-ive in ; arrive at Witamisco by 8P M. Leave I,Viaonisco at New Columbus by 6 p in. Monday, Wednesday aunt Friday at 7 ittilt ; arrive' _ '';76. ' From Cambra. by. Benton, Poikville and at Tremor - oml 1, in. ' C u ltvvilleao La ; b ride, 17 miles and back, once a _"iltal. Front', Tletnant, by,' Donald-aim Begins, week. ' latave Cambra Saturday at 1p m, arrive at • Lowarllithantainto,Satifamento, Grata, Brnysburg, LairdSvilla by 7 p ni. leave Lairdsvido Saturday- Curtin, R illia4 , -er, sit Millersburg, 33 mile's And bacqs, - - at 6 am: waive at Caul bra lay 12 in. mice a weak to G-tits. and . six Unica a week the resia t.„'"377.' ' From Shickshinny, by :Waldenburg, Sweet due. Leave Tremont Tucsday at 7 a in ; arrive at Valley, and Lake, to Lehiztan, ")."/: miles and back, Gratz by tip iii., Leave Gratz Mtiaday- at 7ain ; trice a week to Muhlenburg, and once a week the arrive at Tremont by :', p til, Least Gratz il l iily, ex- rtsid ac. . Leave Sli i cksh la ay Mondaty and Thursday .ccat Snuday, at n a In; arrive ittllilleri a burg by lutai lit 10',4 a at, arrive at Muldenburg by 12 in. Leave am. Leave Miller-burg daily, except Sunday, at Mutilinbarg Monday and Thursday at fl'a", a an, an-- 3% p in 1 arrive at Grata by 8 p in. ,- -rive at Shiekshinny by 10 dm. Leave Mahlen burg 2343. FronGPine Grove, by Sylliman, and `Fried - . Ft ;day a - t., 6 a in, arrive :it Lehman by 12 la. Leave' ensburg, to Schuylkill Haven, 14 miles and back, -Lehr:lan Friday at 1 p in arrive at Muhlenbanm. by. once a week. Leave Pine Grove Saturday at 8 ani ; 7oin ' arrive at Sehtialkill Haven by 12 an. Lcavc Sehttyl- ' ' ' 2378 ' From Nascopeck, by Wapwitllapan; Robbie, ill Hai ea Saiurday at 1 p in ; arris c at Pine Grove ' liV Y $ p nt. • and Dorrance, toaliberta, lu mileattad hack, once a. ; ' h,11.4. Front West:Penn, by' New 3 , lahorting, and wcek. Leave Nescopeck, Saturday At 6a m, arrive at Alberts by la it' Loaye Alberta Saturday at 1 p Hohisville, tiaLehightob, 10 miles and back once a ni, arrive at Zicscopeek by 7 oni. . at Leh lit on bye week\ tk, l,aavt4 3% r-t, P tn. PennPennPennSatuttlay at 11, in; arrive, S - 179. FroM White Haven, b> _Marrison, to FebleY. 51, 1 aaive Lehighton Stifurday at 7 miles and back, six times a , week. Leave White. ka 'in : %rive, at We -t Petimbv- 12 in. . •*145., yin.k Bat neayille to Mahatma. City, 6 miles' Haven dully, except Sunday, at 12 in, arrive at Bch ' and back. ?vitiates a week. Leave llarneavi idly lay by 2pm : an lye at 'White Havea by 11',I a i m. except Stunt-ay, at 10 a in; ail ive at, 3111 , pay' City I Lea veWileyal daily, except Sunday, at 9% a . --ta by la an. lea\e.Mallantty City daily, xecia Sun- 238 Vso. From lota haven by iLakory Run, Al daY. at 2pin ; tirriva at Barnesville Ity 4 p IF. --- - brightsville, Merwinshnrg. li:flora and &oaken:La ' 2140., 1 , row: Sunbury, by Northam b Hand. Chilli- v ilia, to Sayloraburg, 35, wilma and back, once a weak, Leave White Haven Wedutaday at 6 a in,' salt:time. Lewisfairg' Camara:lM, Milt, . Watson , town.. Dewar'. and, Malley to Willitonsparl 40 -arrive :la Saylorsburg by 2 p in. Leave Saylorsburg miles dad bark. twicaaa t iily, i t y ra il roa d. ami d 6,. a Tuestiar id 6 a in, arrive at White Haven bY'2 p its. selicanlesatisfitatory to the Department'. - 2381. From Hazleton. by Jeansville and Auden- 2347. Front , Sunhat-3a \ by Snydertown. Pa-/nos, reid. to Saimaa Statian, ll'utilcs and baek. *ix tines and -Shamokinj, to Blount -Carmel. °S milas and back; IL week. Leave liaaleton daily, est ept Sunday, at 10 t i n Leave • daily except intraday, by railroad. Leave Samba*. thiLlY. oxcart Sunday, at 5.4 an In : arrive at -Mount t raitSu Station (lady, except Suaday, at. 2 p ni, ar- Cannal by 10 ana Leave MO:in a-Curiae! tinily, ex- rive la. Hazleton byl 5 p an. - . 2382. From Hitzletwa, by Sybertsville, Conyng aaat Sunday. at 4.30 p. in ; tirritt. Fatillniry by 7.15 ' - 1 , .. - louts, Sloy ersyille, and Neacopeck. to Berwick.lB p itt. a. From;Saratury, by Klalo t a Graaa al. I itidi-• "tiles nail back, tbrica times a week. Lea's c Ilazie 'towttm 1., D a „ v ill a , 15 t ) to ia a „„d ~ N, ~,,-„,, a - wa , d ... ton Monday, M educsday and Friday at Ila in, ar rive at _Berwickby 6 p la. Leavc Berwick Tuesdiaa, Lrava Su: bury Sattnalay at 6 a in ; \ arrival at Pan v ilia by 12 in. Leave Danville Saturday ; at 1 u m; Thursday and :Satin day at b 3,1:: ant, arrive at Ilazii-- arriv eat Simian yby f p In. i ,- butt by 2 , ,, s pin. _ 2383. m li gni Hazleton to‘Drums. 6 miles and hack. 23(9. From Suabary to Augusta, G ittili , s and haat:, ' twit-a „ wat -ka ladmiwa, will 4 „.„ i ,„ mm. „ a ~ m a t miaihie mti • three times a week. Leave IdaZbiton Tuesday, Thar:May mid Saturday at 4 i,j p las an-ive at Drums deparranis itarlarrtvals satisfactory to 'postal:later' Fit terminal officas. L , t by IP/ pm. Leave Drums 1 uesdity Thursday and m , t 3 '.2:i:i(!. Balli Herndon, by Mahanoyai Rebuck'a, Saturday at 23.; p nit nitrite at ILtzfeton by 414 p in. Greenbrier, Line Mouutain, Upper Mithantang6, 2381. From Sand Cid, by Cliflou and Gonfilsbo and Barry, to Millersville, In miles and back. twit-e° rough, to Stodtlartsville, Iti miks and back. six a waak. LeaVe lieratitatTatonday ;ta d ,Frat.,,,, at, m t, limas a week. Leave Sand Cut daily, exaept Sun- II 111-.-arriie at Air:an:villa by 5 n liam aa a a ac mi nor ,- stay, at 3 p in; arrive at Sttaidartsvillo lay 7 p an. vMe 'rue-day and Sat tit slay at 6 a ar t :advt.: at Meat', 1 ' g " T o St-'l`lArtt`rill-'-' daily, except: uttlar ' llt 7 ' 41 " ; flat, 1 , 15 p la. , • • - arrive at Sand Cut by 11 at in. - 2SI, , Front Uniell,C-Miker. by El; ,-l'inar, and Bear 2-do. From Manama, by illilwaukie, Bald Mount, tiara to Pit x »Ira, 13 alibis had 'batik. that , • t imas, a and Aloosie, to tiark's Green. 13 miles and back. at et:. Leave Unitm Conner 'Tuesdav' t 'Fleur: day, twice: a week. Leaven Ranson-Tuesday and; Satur and - Sat tirdaY at Ipin : arriv cat Pitaino. fly -i p in. day at 8 a in; novice at Cat k's Green by P.: in. a ct i vc p ax j,,,,-, T a i r -d-, 3% la ma t a t y itil d a„:mmimmm day at Lanes; Clarlea Green Tuesday and Saturday at 2 p S a in ; arrive at Union Coruer by 12 in. "r a,: arrive at Ramon' hyak p in. a„:152, F t - am Nin on to Li mea t,, rw , 111,, Ii m il * , ii , rl %3311. Frollf Waveriy by Wallsv - illa, Flectsillo, hack. three t tate, a weak. Leave Milton Tuttkday, East Benton, Tompkinsville, Scott - and Green Gria - t. to Waverly:equal - to 11 utiles and baelt. three times Tbmatlay: and Saturday at lo a in ; arrive at- idrat:- a week. Leave Wiaverly Tue,ilay, Thursday awl statics - ilia by 12 tn. Leave Lime-tont-villa. Ttte-dav, "Titer -day anti Saturday it 7 a tin arrive at Milt:tit 'Sa l t-It'll* . at II u hi.: artiva itt Wits er/Y by 4 p iti• 2.367. From Carbondale. by Waymart and Proton by a a .n. Proposal.: for six tittles - 11- week sail it a invited. , too. to llonasalalc, 16 miles anti baak. rin d " a 2111. Froth ll'a taon town. by Mania - ass - de, to week. Leave Carbondale' daily, except' Sunday, at Tut botville.+3? -j, milas and -hacka stx times a week.' ,at 111 I InTil eat Hone:dale by II a ni. Leave Ilona:- latal a W a t,,,i t t a n a daily, excep t Sunday, at ti m , h i. dale daily, 'except Sunday, at 3 p in, or on an ivabef arrive a t 'En t hat a ill a by It)k 2 a iii. L„,„„ Turbot -New York mail: arrive al Carbondale by 7 p in. vide daily except Sunday. itt 7 a tr.; arrive '-at WistW- 2335. - From- it Chunk, bv Penn Haven, an t own by at-, a in. • Weatherly, BeiVer Meadow. - 'l'reskow stud Auden :l3sf. Froni" Dcwarl, by Sl'fef al'al Alvira, p i reit to .Toinsyille, 23 miles and hack, daily, except Eloi po:t.a;inilas :nal, bayk, six Glues a week to • nittlaya by railroad. leave Mta di a ‘Chillik. daily, s -.i Sl ' ifor, and tivitat a week the residue. Leas' Dewart except Sunday, lit 2 p in: arrive at icansville by 4 dailyakxcepl Sunday - , at, 5 1 . : . p in ; arrive at Slifar p in. Laave Jeansville daily, except Sunday, at 1%. by ii pin. Leave Slifer daily except Sunday, alt ii„; ain : arriVe at Mauch Clank by 11.30 a in. pin ; arrive id .Dewart. by 5 p.m., Least ,tililiT visit. From 'Weatherly tie Rovkport, 5 miles and beak. six times a week., Leave Weatherly daily, ca d-win:l,day araf33aturtlity at 7 a ra ; arrivent Rim-- part by 9 a tn. beane I:lilM , Mart IVeeltie , ,lar and eept Stimiey. at 3pin ; arrive at Rockport by -4 pm. Sit tuiday at t'F.: am : arrive at..Slifei by 11; in: ' , Leave lloaktior't daily, except Sunday, at 9 a rat: at -2355. Front Lo WHSllllllrtttilVille. a miles live at Weatherly by i 0 a nx. 2390. Front Strordsburg. by Marshall's Creek. anti bark, six times at Week. .Leave Danville' daily, ext4-pt Suaday, on arrival of moil from Plidatlel- Coolbaugh's, Shoemaker's, Bushkin, Rant, Mills. 111 Delaware. Ihnanian's Ferry, Milford. anti M Milano ph Ma by rani-bad-say at 3 t, in ; arrive at :Washiagr• tonvi Ile hY 73 , ,d1: Leave Washingtinivilla:daily.ex-!'rile, to Port dervis N. Y., 43 miles and battik, Hiroo cent Sunday, at 1; ip m; arrive at Danville 1,;,.- 3t•: I times a week ta M'ilfard, and six times at week resi p to. - "r, I due. Leave StroudSbura. 'ttiday, Thursday and F, Tas6 Front lihismsburz, by Light Stravt. 6.-anad Saturday on arrivaliof mail by railroad-any tat 2p F villa, Forks, Van Camp. anti Sew Co!anibm , ' taiin: . arrive at Milfoid by 10 p m. Leave Milford Cambria, 18 miles: and back, Dirac times a M onday,Wednosdayt, and Friday at 5 am: - Stroudsburg by 1 p in. Leailford daily. except Leave Illtaansharg Monday. Wednesday and Fri- Sunday. at 8' millet : arrh-e s i t e - rt Jervis by 10 a al, day after arrivid of the Philadelphia mail-sav at Leave Port ..Lervis daily, accept Sunday, on arni 3t,in : arrive at Cambria by S p tn. 'Leave Cambria vat of mail front New York-say at 2phi ; arrive at ' Manday, 'Wednesday and Friday at 6 a in: arrive at Waal:a-btu a ba 11 11. , M, . Milford by um. --= 2391. From Stsoudsburg, by Shawnee and-Treible '4s7. From Bloomsburg, by Ituaklntra, daise.Y- villa, to liushkill, 14 - miles and back; once a m areek. basil. White, Ilall. and Exthanara to IVashington - • 1 beaye Stroudsburg Thursday at 7 a ta ; arrive at ville, "2, miles and ha k• three tha t-- 'a wet-li. Leave 1 13nShkill by 12 ma 'Leave Bualtkill Thursday- at 1 p Ithamtsburg 'Tilesday, Thursday, and Saturday' after ,lii : arrive la Stroudsburg by 6 p In. arrival of toad frail Philadelphia-say at 3pla ; arrive at Wasbingtonville by 8 pail. Mover' Wash- 202. From Stroutisbia-g. by Itartonsville, to.Tan in nets - villa, 9 miles and bnck, three- times a,vreek, atonailla Tuesday, 'Thursday. :tad Saturday at Leave StroudsburtaTuesday. Thursday and Satur al,: ft m: itirine at Bloontsbartr by 16 , ,,"a M.„ . 41AI at 3 Pnt ; arrive -at Tannersvillo by •s'-(p in. - ,7-458' . Finm Blt e aintshtm, by Mnalansailla, 'Welli versville: Mills ;Ala lola. - Serena, 'Cliasatit tarova, Leave Tanneraville Tuesday', Thursday anti SlitUr d,it.i,* at 9it m : arvive at Stroudsburg by 11%a in.Laird:wit:le, anti Mort-land, to .N 1 am', 34 Milos mad. back, twice a -week. Leave Bitaauseurg -31ontlitY 93V.3. Prato Stroudsburg. by Stormaille, , Anti Thursday after anis - al ,1 phitodfilpbin• Inall-'-- vile, Kellersvillo. Snyderyille, Fennersvil Bossartia le, Brod say at 4pin ; an iVe as Stratio by ; p in. ,0, 1 ,, , ,, S o _ imadsville• Long Vali aY, hi resgoville. Carlton ,hunk, inStem mita Tucalav and Friday at 0a m: arrivo to Mari- beravillea Weiaport and Leltighton.to 11 flitchC cy by 12 . 'Leave Money Tuesday and Friday afal 41 miles and back; three times a week.' Learn pat ; arrive rut Sereno by 7 p -in. m ieava Foredo 'Stroudsburg :Monday. in. Leave Mauch burg.by Iti am. 'lVialne.hunk by st - lay and Friday at 6a p Monday and. Tharsday at 6 it n; arrive at Blooms- m; arrive at Man& C Chunk Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at s'a tn.: - ' p 2_159. From arrive at Stroudsburg by tt ' y In. Bazwiek, by Evansville, Fowlersrille. 2394. FrOM Stroudsburg. by Snydorsville, Kellen- Orangeville, Rohrsburg, Greenwood and Serono.- to Milivill, '''i miles and back, three times a- Week.- vino and Yannersville, to Brodheadsville, 13 miles Leave Berwick Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday and buck, throe times tt week. Lease Stroudsburg, at s'll to ; arrive at Millville by 12 In. . Leave Mill- Tuesday, Thursday and,SaturdaY at 73 p rat arrive 'villa Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 1 p m; at Brodheadsyille by 7 0 in. Leave Brodheadsville . Tateaday, Thursday and Saturday at 7.a m: arrive arrive at Berwick by 8 p M. • Stroudsburg by 11 am. 2360. From Berwick. by Foundiyville, Fishing .at Creek. New- Columbus. Cambra, and Fairmount 2396. From Analomink to Priceburg, 4 miles and Springs, to Red Rock. 21 miles and back, twice at brick, once a week, Leave Analomink Saturday at , week. Leave Berwick 'Wednesday and Saturday at 3pln : arrive at Priceburg ??S'4%n M. Leave Price -5 pm; arrive at Red Rock Monday and "Thursday burg Saturday at 10% am; arrive at Anulomink by - - by 12 m. Leave Red Rock Monday mid Thursday 12 m.- - at la an: arrive tit Berwick by 7p m. • 2396. From Henrysville to Paradise Valley, 3 2361. Front Forks. by Stillwater, Venton, Cole's miles and hack, six times' a week. Bidders will pro- Creek, Central, and D av idson, to Laphrte, 26% miles pose a schedule of departures and arrivals saHsfac and back, twice a week. Leave Arks Monday and tory to poSteMsters at terminal offices. , Friday at 6p m; arrive at Cole's Creek by 9 p na.-- a 239,7. From Oakland Station, by White's Tannery Leave Cole's Creek Monday and' Friday at 2 a p m ; and Canadenis. to COVC:SViIIe, 7 miles and back, three times ataireok. Bidders Will propose a schedule arrive at Forks by 5p M. teave Cole's Creek Tues day and Saturday at 12 m: arrive at Laporte by 6to connect-with railroad, and be satisfactory to Rost p in. 'Leave Laporte WedneBday and Saturday o at Masters. - 6a m ; arrive at Cole's Creek by 12m. , :MS, From Tannersville, by Jackanri Corners and 2362: From .Moscow, by Sterling and Newfound- MerrmsTille to Mildenberger's 18'miles and back. , ' land, to South Sterling 16 miles and brkelC, twice a Once a week. 'Leave Tannersville Friday at 7a m; +reek. Leave Moscow . Tuesday and Friday at 3% arrive at Mildonberger's by 12 rel. Leave lifirdon pm: arrive at South Sterling by 8% p m. Leave berger's Friday at 2p m; arrive at Tannersville b South Sterling Tuesday and FridaY.at 5a m ; arrive 7 tam . ‘at Moscow by 10 am. Z 99. From Bossardsville,lry Saylorsburgh, Ross ' 2363. From Moscow by Slate's Corners and Dale- land, Runkletown, Little Gap. and Aquashicola, to villa, to Spring Brook, 4 7 miles and bael i c i , three times Lehigh Gap, 22X, miles and back, once a week. a week. Leave Moscow Monday. We nesdaY and Leave Bos.sn-rdsville Friday at 8 a in; arrive at. Le- Friday at 3% pm: arrive at Sprang Brooks by 6 p_m. high Gap by 3P m. Leave Lehigh Gap Saturday at Leave Sring.Brank Monday Wednesday and Fri- 6aIA; arnve at Bossardsville by 1 in. day at 7 am; arrive at Moscotaby 10 am. . - 24-W. From' Milford, by Lord's p Valley, Nyces, 2364. tom Scranton, byLaekawanna, Old Forge, and - Pan_pac,toTatlon. 37 miles and back,' once a Pittst o n, .Wyomi n g, Forty Fort e Rini tea, Wilkes- week. Leavy r if ilford Tuesday at 6 a tar; =Eve at 7 nide, Talton by 4 p tn, Lease Taftun Wednesday at 9a in • arrive at Milford by r pm.• • 11401. From Hoa&cdate;be Hallam Orchard.-White mills, Hawley. Field ez.t. 1: alt, to I.e.ALV arraxen, 2,04.; antes mat ,Paul:. :ii, times awe_* to Hawley, mat disco. tams a Keel; ret.itiao. llouesetalclaily, e:ceept I. 4 umley. at 12 m anise at Hanley by p in. Lease JIAWley vX.CCDt - day. at 5 a m-oterhe at Home.tiale by 8 a la . l am " Hawley Tueetlay, Thurzday and :Mtn' day ,at in; arrive at Lackawaxen by 8 p nt. 'Leave Lanka - wasaa miaalay, Vietincsilay avd Friday at 23.- pia arrive at llaisloy.by i p lDr Finui italic:dale; by norliir-entre, Eldred, Damaseim, Hablee and 1'1 , 1:T-rine, E9um wait. :;::16 wiles and' letek, once a week. •uso Ilvaemltue ThurOay at 3a 1n Iltl7Ye at LoArinunk by n p at- Leavu Equiuunk llidav at nam;arrive at Him ew dale by 3p m. ProporaH to and at I.intiMo atainntp ply Pricesille MCC' a week from Equinunk ed. "403. From Ileneslate. by Bethany Tanner's- Falls, to Vold Spriag. miles, and buck, six Mateo a week to Bethany. awl:three times a week. residue. Leave Lione/alote daily, exi:ept Sunday,. at A p arrive at 'Bethany by 4 - p.m. "Leave liethany'daify exeect Stuiany, at U a 3‘l7oll7iTe at ligheethdo t kv . It in. Leave Bethany Trieralay, 'rbar,day and sat_ Imlay at .1 p arrik /1 at (Add hi:rtnA by VI, m„ Leave Cold Spriar. Titer/1:1Y, TbovidaYatal:Satu/dar nt G a in: arrive at Iletbaby by Jain, '444. From Eones:dale. by tly bcrsy, te m ayv i l i c, V miles and back, twree a week. &are Iteneratale Tuesday and Satru day at To m.; arrive at ltileyvillo by 10 am. Leave Ili ToeFritty aridli?aurday at 11 a In: arrive at flonerlale by 2 p ; From lioncrabile. by ilalian Orchard and; Beath Pond, to Nan owlsburr:„.N. 1..12 mil es and back, FIX times a week. Leave lionemluie daily, exeept'Sunday. at GI , : -a in; :arrive at Nortowslatry by py.; am. Leave ZCavrtarAmg daily, except Sou day, at m arrne ut•dom4 , dale by 3p m. 21(Mi. From llerreNtabo, by Cherry Ridge, Middle Valley, Ariel, ltandinten, llrdlirder ville and Maili sauvilte, W Me,eow; LS miler and back„ix timee a week; supply Arid three times a week alternately with Middle Leave ltolvesdale ex cept sanday,ms!..f ain arrive at Moscow by 121 n. Leave Menew dairy. except, Saralay, at 4 pin; ar rive at lienestla to-by 11 part 2107. Frmn lloneAnte, by 1 rompton, Aldenvilla, and Stevenson's Mills; to Plea•aut Alount, 17 "miles and back, six thaw a week. Leave liimeAlisle exqert Sunday. at p in: arrive at Pleasant Mount by O p in. Leave Plea enist Moan ex cept Sunday. at 5%n nt; au n c aI lionordsic b y 3",,, L ; 2405. From utavyley, by Talton, to llauslinion ' ISt miles and Mick, t wiec wet k. Leave Hawley Tues-', day and Saturday and p us; arrive at Ilandintou by p, m, LeaVe...l law tis_toss 't saturslay at 17 a sal- arriv-t: at Ilan ley by 3 p m. 2400. From ltnadiv ton, by I'at.aan,to Waymart, 15 miles wallet:l,, three biota-a tre•clr. Leave Bum- Linton Tuesday, ii bur- day nisi Satin day at ti p arrive at Wittman p in. ',cure -Wristuart 'Monday, Wednerday and Friday at 53-) a m ; arrive,' at Ilainlinton by Y!., pm, - z 4,10. Front GI essit,•liti, by New Milford, Mon trose Depot. Oakley, Bop Lottons, Nicholson. - toryville, 11 , averly, Bailey Clark's Greets. Seistuton. Pumaing's, 3loscow. lentil Cut, Nuglesvisle,NOV idt4llill A slat° asink. Strouddmrr, Ex isciiment Mille, Lela. , ware Water Gam shisciortl. Dill's Ferry, Columbsa, N. J.. Delaware Station, juitlaevidie. (Wait), Fur.' Int e r , Washington and Csinagewater, Its eiv Nunn - tots, 133 mites and hark, daily, except Sunday. by railroad. and by,a schedule satit-taettay to th e Do part Meat. 2411. From Monti-tam Lavvsvill e Cer tre,'Brook dale, Corbettsville. N. Conklin Centre, to Binghamton, 21 miles and Wei., three times a week. Leave Montrose 31orlay, Air crineeduv and briday ut 7a m; arrive at Binghamton by p tn. Leave Binghamton Tuesday, Thisrmlay and Sataid Ur at $ in In: arrive at Montrose by 15.;11 111. 2412. Frew 3lontrese, by laird:lle, Bush, liusit villa; Pike, Le Bay:lA-Me. Unccll, Votne. and My ersburgv to Towanda. 40 miles and buck, three tinter, asveck. Leave Menfrose Monday and Friday at 7a m: arrive at Towanda by 7p m. Leave Towan da Tuesday and Saturday at 7 n to : arrive at Mon trose by 7 1. in. " 2413. From Montrose, by Elk Lake, Auburn Four Corners, Auburn Centre and South üburp, to ,La- - ceyville. 2;:.% miles 11111/ imek, three times a- week.— Leave 31entrose Tuesday, Thursday._ and Entuzday atlo am; arrivo at Laceyville by a prn, Leave Laceyville Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8 - a m ; arrive at 3f orstro:e by 4 p ' 2414. • From Noniron. by Silvia Lake; to Brack any, 12 miles and bank lined-u week. Leave Mon trose Saturday at 6 u in : arrive at Brackney by 11 a in. Leave Butane) . Sittuiday at 12 In : arrive - at Montrose by 5 p us. f.:415. Front Itarlistd. by Gilson. Jackson, Ararat, Thompson, and Starucca, to Susquehanna -Depot. 31 miles and back, three times a -week. with three - additional weekly Clips to-Gibson: Leave Hayford Tuesday, Thantlay and Saturday at 7 a in: • itrziv er at tinsinseliaraise Devot by 4 p us. Leave Susque hanna Depot 3.11-nday Wednesday and Friars). at 7 3 m:, arrive at Burford - by 4 pLearor Burford Tuesday, Thursday and lialut day 'a't 8 p ; arrive at Gibson-by np n. Lance Gih,on Tuesday, Thurs day anti Saturday at 7 p in ; at rive at Barterer by 5 pal. 2116. From Haili , ri, by Montrose - Be*, Mon trose, Forest Lake, Forest Lake Centre, mad Saint Joseph, to Friendsville, Z 1 1.4 miles and back, via times it week, with additional trips Per ncek between Montle,: Depot and 31‘,ntrove, anti supply Forest Lake;Ceistre tot the...return trip only, irs hva of saint Joseph. Leave llarteld daily, --except tinday, at if ant •, 111 . 1ivc at Priendsville by 7 p tn- Leave Friends Ville daily, exeetst htnnday, lit It it arrive at, Earths dby 7 is 111. Leave ;Montrose De 'pot daily except ' s';.;p in: arrive ut .Montrose by p ni. Leave except SundaY, at-13 1 ,.". avs; as rive at Montroe clot Ly 9 a 2417. From Frienrirville, l,y Lithe Jientbvw end ipallithiti. L. eg.o. 21 miles" and; buck, three times uweek. c Friendsville Monday. iVeddesdr.ty and Friday at 8, ain arrive at Owego by S p in. Leave Oweeo lurstlay, Thursday and Saturday lit 9a in ai , rive at Friordsville by 4in. 2418. From lip Lottair, lliaoklyn and ,hart Dimeek, to Dimock,l2 s and bunk.t:ix times a. week, und supply I.!ltin p three times a 'Week tram Um, Bottom. I.eave :Coo Bottom daily. exc. a,t. Sunday. at 6pin ; arrive fit Pinion by J p Leave Dimock rheily, e:0 apt Sunday,. at t a in ; ar rive at 'lop Bottom by 6 a In, 2411 1 . I'l 011 l 1/11110t k .1-y Elk - Lake and Tost 11r.sh. to Bush, ii miles and bred:, twice a I ease lihnock Monday and Friday at 11• a in :I arrive , at Bush by 2 p rn. Leave Rush Monday and Fridmi at 3 p in; arrive at lthe k p ra. -2420. Front Smiler, by Derriek Centre, Talon Dale, Pleasant louse, Rock. Liiko. Preston, rid Lake Como, to StOtlowt -Ration, N: =Y., Si' milt s and bank, Wine av. ci. k. 1 race Smiler Monday 3 a in; arrive at Si orb so :1 Slid ion 4.,y 61, In. Leave Stockport Station Ine:ilay at 8a ni anive Stra ley by 6 p -- 2421. Frain Susenebtinvin Depot: by North Jarltr ram, Jadison, South Gibson, line, benex•. at) Glenwood. 24 rade, and Inu,k,•tuice a week. I.ente Susquehanna Depot W«inciday and Saturday at 7 r imni • arrive at Glenwood. by '2_ , P aye Olen wooil Tuesday antl.l ,- , : iitlaY at ti a in; arrive .at uwt queliunna Depot by ::u ta. 4 2422.. Front Saint :losepb, by Cheeonut, Silver Lake,, Britek ner: and 11 tin ieytim n. F;, to Bins nanitown. le?, miles and bank, three times week,— Leave St. Joseph Monday, W oda esslay'aud Friday at 10 am : arrive at Dimdiamten :; p ni. Leave Binghamton Tuesday, Thuilld amid Saturday at 10 a in : arrive at Si. Joseph by .3 - p an. - 2423. From I‘airda le, by Ito elnirdsville. 3fiihiletown Ccut , ,e, end Jackson ''milky. to Le Raystille, wiles and bad:, ante n week.— Leave Fairdule Ft idny at 11 ft le : arrive at Lellays villa by 3 p In. Leave Lc Bays% ilk Saturday :it 9a ru ; arrive at Fairtiale by 3 p in. 4 . .14.1 Yuan. mahr.oLawk - to EtetoryTiiip, 10 miles and back, i•iv_ times a week. Leave Tunk, hummock daily'except Sunday. at 6 a in: arrive at racturvrille by 0 a in. Leave Fsetoryvilfe 'daily, except Sunday at 5 p to, or on arrival of the mall treat thew Yurk • arrive at Tuukhannotk bs b p re. 2425. From Tunkininnock. I,ernon, Lynn. Sal ingeille , , and 1 iniocit. to .4.lontrt , e. 2:; miles and back, three- times a week. .Leave Tunkhiumet Tialsday. and Saturday at 7 .0" - In : arrive at Monti ti.e by 1 v in I.eave Montrove Monday, Wednesday and h rich,: at e-t a : arrive nt•TEnk hnunock by 12 in. Proposals for three additiera 1 trip per week bets: can Lynn and Springs Mc, lt-J•a• miles) aro invited. 2426. From Tunkliminock, by 'tassel! "111, Star lingville; Braintr , an, Skinner's 'Eddy; Larryville; I VYalosinzt, and Jlcnyall to Caniptovn. 33 ?ultra and hack. six time: a wean. Leave Tunkbarinork. daily. except Sunday, at 7 p at, or on arrival of mail Factoryville ; arrive at Camptow next day by 12 m. Leave Caraptown daily✓A •pt Sun day. at 1234 p : arrive at Tunkhannock next day by 7 n at. or in time for mail for Elketoryville. 2427. From Tunkhannadk. by Mehoopany.Scotts villa, Jenningsville, Golden 'lilt, Sugar Run, Tar rytown, Asylum, Duren, Liberty Corners, and Mac edonia, to Towanda, 50 miller and back, twice a week. Lease Tunkbannock Wednesday and Sat urday at 3 p .. 11-1; arrive at Tovvanda Thursday and Monday by a p in. Leave Towanda Tuesday and Friday at 8 a nt; arrive at Tankhannock neat daYa by 10 ant. - 2428. From La Grange, by Clinton Cornes, to Factoryvillc, 0 miles and back, once a' week. ].ease La Grange Saturday on al-rival of the Tunkbannock mail—say at 1 p in; arrive at Faatoryville by 311 M. Leave Factory-villa Saturday at 4 p m ; arrivantLa Grange hy 6 p in. 2429. From Nicholson, by Glenwood, Lcnoiville, Clifford ! and I)undalf, to Carbondale. 22 mild and back; FIX times a week. Leave Nicholson daily. except Sunday, on arrival of the mail by railroad— say at 5 p in: arrive at Carbondale by 11Pm. lienve Carbondale daily, except Sunday, at 4 a in 4' , arrive at Nicholson by ;a m, - 2431 From Nicholson, by ISereenlle. Nivin, and Springville, to Auburn Four Corners, 16 milmt and back, six times a week. Leave, Nicholson daily, .except Sunday, at pin : arrive nt ,Aubuim_Fotir Corners by 10' p in. Leave Auburn - Fear Corners daily, except 'Sunday, at 8 a in; arrive at Nicholson by 8 a ut. 2431. Front Mehoopany. by Furnara 1111, tank it ton.,Loveltotr, and Bellasylva, to Dushore, milt* and back, ergo a weak. Loav'e Mahoopany litoi day at 6 axe arrive itt Dl:whore by 6 p ta. litave