attOnegs Lt Eau. ~..-.....-....3_,... 4.-............,.....-_-_ , ...... i ER. CO OK. ATTQUN EY AT ' I AAV ' , : Chhakhereharc, P. - 4', - , Oaire in Mre. Bard's Buildings, actly opposite the ti•sert itguso:l i - I XaYilati . had official connecto-m with the provost um.. Shat'sellize. he otters his genie's 1 0 Trutt ed men in the 11 1 7th Congreisiatud Dist ric t. claiming exemption . front. Military service under the ism - , or for physical causes. and Ames from hssexpericuce and atria attention to hosratess, to s t tisfy tit >4B intr . list ing him with their .0 4e ,.' p ers .ms Porn :thread cant-receive advice and l o ne pleireesei prep cre Iby correApondence: Iteteree, , can be, had to tile D , ird of d.aroltment of the 16th District. Hon. A. K. NlcClure. lion. James :sill. Chambershurz. std Hon. MI ilel'ltersen, -o, !r k 3 , s .ouse of Reprosete tittivt st, ~.. , jail 27. ENNE 1)Y, & NILL.—Law Part nallersioed hove associated thenr se re, in the practice °filo: Law in the several court. , of Prank.itt County. Oftfi.e on Market Street, in the room heretofore occupied bs C. 13. Kennedy. T. B. KENN EDY. 17. J.N.1.L!.. tine 17, 'l'.3 A rTORNEY AT atANV.--'— WM -4.0N RP:ILLY, Attorney at Lam—lnce on Mar. 'let c•••fornvarlY Oerupieil by Reilly k Sh. rp, clu•ecMV *VP elite t Court H .111HC. 'ham ber,,b urg, Tt. An legal businees entrugted to htin will t ram - a prompt attention lfuwillpracticeinadjoini;rgL'l.untiee. June 1.7..'63. STIMII Wilt( JnnNs.arts.4.lct. ' STIDIBAUGH: & STEWART, , At tornryx at Law. C, utiberehurg. Paz, give their Attention t the ProctieenniwirrProfenmi-nl. Johti St«..w.trt agent f t pr.hating Bounty Metier. ronsions, anti- an enrage,. of P•iy. tWor" Unice in the room i ?cur:pied by tb.m.Wll , 4 , ti BAH), on markeixt..ohpoAite the t.,ourt House. Jun 17.63 G• W. S. STENGEII , Atto r- I :at Low. Chananeburg. Pa. Collection- Pruppriy. atteaded t,. W: :Reimer" nktrkl, At.or. ivy and aget - tt rir prochring :`en4ions. Bounty Money and Arrent of Pay. -Odice in Franklin Building% :Id door from tikgtirneT. June 17, S. EVERETT. Attorney (It Lair. •Of in Mrs Bart's dwelling; directly "Kee lite the 0 'lift !tome, t:lntiilii,•riantrg, Pi. Will pct •,e. la thogoveral 'i.,urts, of Feiliklin and Fulton CountiT, ..l: legal basiness,eiyiruited to his care will recci‘e Isroiript attention. ' - June 17. 1163. T • . lISI'DO WE L L Sitl R.P.E. Afton/ e`..ti c •at Lqta.Criitintier.itnirtr. Pit. ilnit-e in !I.rx.l:iii,Ppi IPAifirigs.iiirently ,ippesit r rite Court ittinAn. • Junrl7.l'il:3: i . , .. CI O. St;ILIIAAfEit Attorney at ?X. LC,, , . ChAr:lte:.4 - qhueg. Pet. '.ofriee—Mnin Street, 34 ore Queen-in the rein fortntirly occupied lly S. it ei .11 1 - iir. East. , • _ Juntil7,llB63. riIEOIIGE EY:gER & E. .T: VIC .1311ANE.,.411 , 7rncyslat Low, hive rentove,l to the' vsunt AVAin ' , tree, one tb;orSonth,crf,EysterekStore. Joao 1 7, 63. S. CLARK, Attorney at Law•, hits rerin,,vea 11401'5c° it few doers Hart of lain formor Itnrit ion. MI Market .treet (zionth-side.) . .inn017,'63. • (1 - '' --UV IN .I)TT X (:2.1 N, Attroiley.ig A,_/ Law. °like ou Market •Sireet, iu LiAtygr'e Row, :opposite the Court Ileum:. June 17.'63. FLETCIIER, Attorney at Law, I AChnnibeneburg. Pa., Office on 'East Market acreer, Dte Ipipposite the C , urt House. June VI, '63. LE Y. K. .11.'CL LIRE ; Attorney a,t'l 13_ Law. Chaiulier.burz, Pa. Office in Um Fran/,.{in I,!.'pusifory Bnillings. . - June 17,'83. WAT SON ROW E, Attotliey at .Lqw l: reenca,l le. Pa ; Ceep 30, ~~~z~icai. 'TREAT I) lei C V E kfi KU:VICEDS 0.1.' IRON. ktle cute of Wile& Sib:l tellS. I iENEtt.k.l. DEDIMIY. I\- r Andantes, DiStlisES or Tug Nshrbta STaTE; CoS *Li eirMiv, Actratr or iILE STOII.ICIt, and fur all cases relairing a Tonic This Wide - , i telmles the m &} ar• ' reeablit and efficient Iron We posse; S: eittatenf3lP. s eMetiCOXide com bined. With the invst ttuer4etie of Vegetable Tunic., Yellow Yerusi , ni [tart , — 'lsle rltect in Many cases of (1, Itii!ty; less of appetite .utd general prostration, or ua +III tient tialt ii limn, emeidued v, Atli Oly vAltiable Nerve Tunic IC most happy - . It :pigments the appetatt. raiges the palm), t tkes inescuisr tlabbinesa, removes -tilt.. italor - of debility ,and gi rem a Ilurid vigor to the cuunte. satte.e. want sotnething i to strengthen you ? Do you want a pool appetite? De you tobnddu.Nyour con titution Dy-ryon want to feel ? Du you want to get rid of nervousness? Doyou Icaut ,energy ? ' .Do Yon wltt to nivel) wait. 1) "sou bei,k aitd vtgorous frelingt y•;u ch,trY- KUNKEL'S kil.T Etat \VINE OF IRON -I:hia truly va:uc. 'le C. mic,lt bsch 10 thoroughly tem :mg itllclAsse; toe ,:outrunuity .t hut it is now ;leen,. 'Oll indisfing.ll,ls as a Tonic ut.Alicino. It costs t I fturillos the "l)1•)o1. giv oi tow: to Lim itornAcll,, renovates rtP9 syste.n. audltrulntgs life. now only ask a trial thlev4lnable 4a. TEST 1I.1.N1.11,!.-II.trrPtIntrg. Feb 20, 1563. A KlINFt.q. o:ll,trgiAt.:—D.tar f Sir : I have great t pt_•aeurein Olt i lying to the complete success of )oiir flittor Wine of Iron in my ease. I have been afflicted for it number Of years with v.ealiness. general debility skid giddlne , s. so much so that I have been confined to bt4for the,greater part ,d my time and have had attal t d Wee u 1 our hest pliyai:ians.,but received but ; irttin nftvgit. L h 1.1 'ley tired of ever regaining My he , tlthf nit; h..aring. 01 y iuriuestintabietemedy, Ifx:r- • *A2 %Trig or InoS. I 4leterminell to.try its virtue. abd hl , ppy stst le It 11:1s resititbd in a cdntpfete cure. I 'ant inorerobu;t and ow than I have I, en fur many 4r ~NhICIT Dieting I attribute solely to tour flitter 11'ino of Iron. I hay no-hesitation in recommending it I I to othcirs. ;Intl) Le happy to,boar pt,rsolviltestimonv. You ry. truly. IT ARNAN FRISCEI. Ill,lo.—Dr. S. A. KuNKEL:—Dear Sir: When on my iv a y :Lett nimbler. to loin lily regiment at Yorktown. Tir,,i, e kind enough ,to give saveral bottles of your IL?! tr\tVine of Iron." I found It :post vAltrttdo in tl'IP climate ud - the Peninsula and the i incident t o it. No orepimition of barks exceed it lit value. i believe that it s nseivould tirevent much rxvirt. and • erlaiuly prove a glte'kt value tufteeare. Yaltmreipectfull v. II P. 1117 N , ' l'fßtl) Regiment/ P. P.M. Pr.pared and ,01 , 1 Wl o.a:tie:Lid lirttait, by Ku3x EL & MM.) . knot hocary's.llB. Market i Strt•e'r. liarrb , burg.Pa J. INI.VON. AgyAit: chambersburg. Pa. 0ct28113-6w egfiarto antr'sfgars. 4/1 ICE.N'I'S PEW:PO . IIND TAX kJ ON TOBACCO. The gwcriiment is about :to puc a tux of Picts. per pound on T. &acct.. _ --. You can,. save-50 per rent by Yon can save 50 per ce it by . ' Buyi.or your Toil:is:co at J.l) JACOB'S Buy ing your Tobacc-- at .T. 11 .TA 1141'8 , Buying your Tobacco at...T. TT...JACOB'S. • \ Primo Navy Tobacco n7sto 80 rte, ' - Prime Cavendish Tobacco at SO eta to tki . - .., Prime Plmander Tobacco. at 75 to 90cts. Prime Congi ae e Tobacco at 60 to 80 cis. ' Prime Twist Tobacco at 7.5 to of eil. - , J-A COWS" F.Plie Old Virginia Sweet Cavendish - JACOB'S soils Old Virginia plain Cavendish. .. - JACOB'S sere Oki Virginia Twist, , JACOB'S. sells Old Virginia Smoking Tobacco. - JACOBS' Michigan Fine Cut Cheating Tobacco - . Cannot be Equaled, -- Cannot be Equaled."' iJACOBS' Cig ors are soPet kir to all 1 - JACOBS' Cigars are superior to nil, 1 Re sells his own manufacturing. - Pipes. Pipes, Meerschnam Pipes, Brier Pipet'. Box' Pipes, Mahogany Pipes, Apple Pipes. Cherry Pipes, India Robber Pipes, Clay Pipes and other,Pipes. , Pipe in and get your Pipes, Cigars and Tobacco tt J. 1 JACOB'S, Main steel, Cbambersburg. Jan 27-Iy.. .."VgiW TOBACCO AND ' SEGAR ~;1 STORE.—To the Citizens of Chanibeivburg aild scinitif : The undersightst.having been compelled ti 1e Virginia on account of his Union eentiments t hes f O, vit Mine among yob toestehlishn bit:sine:as, hopingf - om h ng asxperiencedand by close attention. lie wilt me sithe generous support. ill'. stock will consist of e best brands el TOBACCO ona.EGARS whichhe win • a ellas cheapascanbi hadanywherein towti. Don't for illbe,place sign of the little Virginia nigget.,"opposith the Irratilin Hotel .next door to Shryock'es Book Store, Vonthseest corner of t he Diamond. I Jattel7 4863, ' , . C .1"1.1117811. . MARRY OF TIIE POTOMAi i;i:iir order all their TobaCeo. Cigars, Pipcs, ,i nu j: D. JACOB':-. They know Jacobs sells the heft. 'gild cheapest. Jan 27-Iy. , cU ST _R ECEIVED A FRESH ' Supply of "diehigna Fine Ciit Chewing TobereU, at Jan 27-Iy. J,D,JACOIiS . . TOBACCO AND SEG-ARS, a laike assortment of Chewing and SmolcingTobaceo,ilid a, ;yet , rseelsed and at . .., . BOYD'S Grocers SOre. . , . . ; A IC NL T 2.\_ L ST.A.TEIERNT OF . . -1 . TITS FINANCES, RECEIPTS AND EXPENDI -1 tlice.ti OF FRANKLIN COUNTY, from th4lith day of 3anortry,lBG3. to tie 7th day of Jarinc.ry, 4561, Loth duly tucluitive. ; I • , RECEIPTS. : GED. J.IIALSLEY. TilikAttkUßEß, i DR. To Cash on hand at Last selirtont•nt't $5.624 :12 T )! .. unotint Of OntstAti - ding Taxes for 1802: ..... .. 4,750 65 To anwant of („nodal, State and Militia 'Dubs levied for it-dZ— Tonna - tont of Antrim township 4 11 525 OS " ' Chaniltersloirtr 10.1011 112 Fatittett township...-. 1 2.572 ill . 4., Green township 17.063 $6 ; _!' 1 . 'Gat-Vora township. : ... - . ,0.852 g 0 ' - " 6 reen.l ast le 8iiiii..... 1 11.413 het , o Hamilton township... 3.t.A5 P ~ L etterkenny township .4 44 '62 •" 1 ~ turgan township 1.457 13 ' ° " Metal township ;-: 2.2 , 2 12 „ Nlereersborg introl ..... 1402 0 . 4 ' " slontgotnery townthil, „7 .0 ,y 7 .00 Peters township— ...... '.7.016 d ' 1 it . giijiWy tiiW11 , 411P......., t,.45fi it):) .' sonthamptontownThip : 4 7CO 1 22 ' - .4 St Thomas, township_ t 4.1192 i 79 _ • ..... it Wart en township...... 1 7941'20 " Washington , township 1.6.04518); 'Waynesboro' Emo' ..... .1 1,072i56 1 '—•__L-- 91,02 - 7 23 t To Cash on Militia Tax for Iso- , .!.... 8011 00 - - port, .inet loins • 1 17.328 t 72 - '• :per al loan trk ClianzWt-I, 4.115105 1. coultionwellth Co•tts..... , 3610 go .. 2 - . " 1110:Acre' lire ti-m t 31n , 6 . i : , tr.tya ),117 . . " . y id. eowet , •:-,0 61 for .1111 y fee. ' 1 LT , 00 • * . for rounded 'lt. nutty and Relief...-_.... ; • :; cilon , .. " for SPeci.ti ast.essottoit.—. i 085 t• for exonerated Tax ..... ....'.; ' 1115 ' - - I.r funded interest_ ..... 1 lit no .6 for Adams Express Tex_ 1 1:4 57 , ,onS. IL Bard's iltiplicate i 775100 T 0 .4 per rent Colleet 1011 K oil State Tani 156 32 P. All,:ti'llIellt oil Gate Tll.i. 3. 1'4 1' 20 . • i --T- 27 : . 32.7 44 . . .. ' k j - 1 j $194 831 tk7 EXPENDITURES. k (t.Et 4. J. BA LSLEY. TREAr•UIt ER; , 1 ('lt. P.o.i 6;1,441,4 141%41A:6, irea, f am eit: (o ,,,,,t, .... $7,'50 04 . " Itefutpled Taw 72 07 • coußrs. I • i Paid 15 ill etis fees in Contitionwealthi f ' ritiie. ' $1,64 02 - •• 0 ranti..liwors, Tip Stares inclu. : 1 del -1 874 02 i' T. - aver-e :furors •.,.... 1 211 d 2 11, S. Stenger Dist net Attorney' 01 06 •• W .11. Miteherf. Cleik, of Cottrta 613 A-87 i. ' " 1•.12610..-er. court Crier ' • ' 1214 .50 6.. tontid Rritralt, Sheriff's fetes iti r- , Commonwealth c it:et. 1 147 42 .; Samuel Ifraitilt. for exrent my - ' Bench Warrant to Pitlatturs- • . ati 10 ; YAW: .Tobn e;, fur arrests. lr •• Ge". W. Ile.tgy, for hrrests.S:e., • s4lnritel Brandt. Itr emit", .1: c... It. Iloyd. for arrebts t ...... . 4 R.. KI McelellAn . 4 U. D. DllVigairl..l. 1' T. L. Fletcher. .1. I' ILtrumttn, J. " S Drenn mum and other?_ '87 4 35 PU111.40 - 1 1 11INTIN G. G IL Merklein & Co , 1 0 4 (.0 " George 11. Mengell ~ i - 3 1 , " B. Y. Ilamblmi &Co 'O2 50. " Ntl;!o..t . Stoner. , 1:2,v 00 352 GI; ' ELECTIONS. t r" --- 14 KirlllrY perenne f 6 ,1 - holdin. ”- general' 311(1 i toWnohip cleat In!, '' )•....... 1.12216 NEW BRIDGE A.:s; D BP.lnc; n REPAIRS. " Frantz A: Mill4r.llMitgontery tp ;18 119. " Dm; enee Berger. Hamilton " 12 25 ' " .14,4;4 1 pliGambcr. Lurgan ' " 115 gin " Jam , s Parker, Southampton " 185 61 - 4 " .• 171 75 " Thomas Ponforoy, Lnrgan j " 152 95 .1 R. Angle, Montgomery " 05 110 1 William Berry, Green •' " 17 62 , " Jno, Mille; ( Miro* Lunmn " 15:; 10 ' T. 11. Wood, Roxbury and Back :lree 1 k 't ;86 05 C. T, wi Liy. Lurgiin ' 80 00 '''' T. R.Wood. for new bridg&Built '' in Southampton township 1.550 00 • PRISON. ' " Sang-Brandt,holirtrg prifoners 1,091 97 14 Tomocing prison - 'era to Easteni Penitentiary... 265 15 " Banal Brandt, summon'gjurors 06 75 bringing prison.. ere from Filton county 7 59 " A, J. White, for clothing awl _ blankets 95 13 " P. - Veltman shoes for prisoners 23'23 " Jacob' Sellirs. snperint'll 200 on " Otir, ticking and hoist ors 10 62 L. E. Exeter, Rose and repairs.. 16 40 " Ileery Rinehart, for repairs 6 51 " J bn Illontgornery. Physician.., 40 00 " Oaks A Linn, for stone ...... 22 5/1 . " Huber & Tolbert, for hardware 16 50 • " WunderlicEr - A Ntsul; for c0a1.... 122 87 • Thomas .1. Wright, for docket.. 4 25 Conrad Miller, for shoes 2 SO • B.3liller, for tin ware - -18 27 " John B. Stark. for plastering.. 7-50 ' R. Lauchheirn, for clothing 2 Oil - Byster k Bro., for merchandise -11 52 Yrey b Mong, for crane- •-• 550 , " Myers & Brand, for hardware... 5 04 011,tithritt & Bittinger, for lime., 422 • U. Sonseny, for carpenter work jl2 14 • ;20.31 87 JIISTICES' FEES. • B. Davison, and others, fees. in Com- ME=IIIIIIMM =I 1111 jfinancial., I :1 . IS3 30 I I 364 64 SOLDIERS' ItET.IIT. I. . ' On orders issneti by Board of 1U1ief.....(...... 6,63.1 00 LOANS AND INTEIZE , I7.) :' Bank of Cnainbet {burg. • 4.,1)1 17 " Bnnk,of Chanthersburg 5.005 46 ", Itank_of Olntinberslnar,.l ...!... '7.010'00 Bank of.Chatnl>enburg ' 7.1. 4-05 " Bank - . ilf ChatnbetqbutT„ 1 8.251 to " 11.tnk of Cli.unhersbur••• ` 4.140 00 . " FolontonßraKe - Lis in no ~. interest 011 IllaN'S' ‘'.. 9:4 - ,•6 • t , :j_ 12,141 S 4 SURS'EIiING 2 ~..! i " Enal. Kuhn and Others 17 75 .. CO3I3IISSIO?,iEIiS' OFFICE " John Nitterhouse,Corgniissioner 10 52 .Tutni Downey. Cunnnisgiuner.... /1 gO2 ,J'AR. D.. Scott. Coann,mitiner- . ..... I 937 " liettry.Gontl. Cowanis,ioner i :4 50 . Geo. Fcreman s Sakiry tis herk... f 475 00 G.-o. Forencan, serrieei Pi relief 25 00 , " E../. ilonebrnlie, Salary as' 'lir- f / torney ............ ......i i 0 00 10 IA) " ibinelirahefe ';tritsero E.J. Bon ehra h e for ext ra servicei ... "- Stntionary for office'..i , fl. 57 , • ' - r --- 04.3 5S ROAD DAMAGES. 1 ' - " .10119 Young's heirs 4.5 00 ''John A. Swigfert.., - .-' 80 0.) " Pttei Pirkin. , l. '.1 . 5 04) " S.unojl `..ktyerft y .. ..... , . ~, „4.. 500 " Luanda Burk , 3.1 00 _ . " Ge“rge Chtunizers.. I' l l . ; 00 - " JuhnFh-trpe - ' • 2 PO • • C'hrteilanShirk .1. 000 , " JOIOI :ilahl: 1 0.10.-... - 10 00 - " SIC* 0• K unkel 1:00 ' John Yoltgt 10 0)) " John M'Farlau 8 4 :5 00 - 1!', ft. M'Clay 10 00 " Michael Gunge ' •.. #.5 90 Adam linke Ito 1)0 • , " F. I.,tr , Nsler 45 00 " T. 1.1 lieuneily... 1.0 00 '• A 10- _ 91.? hell 440 90 " Juhn Mille' p.. 0 . • ' - -4.--- 1,233 00 I Q ESTS: Ilarnmau. f.)r quest,son Nadir 8 2'2 9f) P. ilarmuttat and utliers, do 17 611 do .1(.1 , saert du ; 8 37 \ Dqle. mal(ing p'ost f ' ut.rtem e x.tud 115 00 . - 1— .iIOUNTI PAID 1`,..; YOU:N. - TIERS. t. Jobn It . Ev. , rett ahil 0thera....,....i. , ..... COURT IjUUSg. " cleaning Corn t Iluoiie yald.So,. - i5:l Sn Go: company ' i .. - .. -, 120 v:4 " t.o. rep3t rs ili 75 " for brl/ I coil . lit away on ac• , c. , uut of the Rebel hiv.itkni.... 145 ... .. .1,.h0 titeeseer. curare: wood—. 5 + - kt) .. Wunderlich dt Nead. f..,r coal.-1:to 50 -^ metionery for Court I 4 40 fn t , r wood 115 15 ASSESSORS ROAD VIEWS .• rnintry peront.N r.r rood v,eno ' 75 cio Ct./NSTAIILIS' it KS. " Chow. groith, fern in Com. emoi 10 21 ~ 1ti.11., tioyd, ~ ,tet hl tw It. K.ACCIet' "' ' " svs WLITIA TAXES. .. COMM i.A07)11 , 18 nod ( lerk for ' rrrvicre Hi the matter ~t mi litia tox 4-g , 133 00 .. .. Etti n oau g h a Druttan.arnint., - - rent , l'A 00 monweeth Cases - ~ 107 04 MI,SCELLANEOUS.I " S. S. Shryirck, for docket for i t;4')disty Burveyor... ......... . u). = .t bi'li:ctilkti* . 'StptOittLi' - ',f - thii.iii -.•,4:;!.1884.. Paid Emanuel. Kuhn, for. recording , . . drafts ' \ 200 0(1 " K er .2 Co., ledger for Trews urer....". .... .i..' “itenter .E„Co., led'-et f o r Com m :4 iSsioners ..,,....... ........ ........ 800 0 -' " Keine & Co. 'dockets ii ir Reg, ,10 03 isternnd Prothonotary ...... ... 52 50 - " J. B. "51iller, difference ou 4ove trade " Penitentiary draft ' psr; ho "- E. C; Boyd. for revenue stamps 'l2 75 . .4 Constables' returns......— ........ , 96 05 • " D. K. Wunderlich Gee. Jarrett ;" - and U. B. 51artin, Auditors and Clerk 140 00 ' ' " E J. Ilunebrake.and Geo. Soil- - hamer.for anditluit ac - counta ' ! in c minty office. i 50 00 986 313 EXIMVRA.TIONS Of Connty, State. and Milian taxes fir 1562. Alta W-.Skinurr and others 102 3( OUTSTANDING TAXI , ' In the hands of Cunt-et - ors fdr 1861. Aiatitir t,i.u.militp • :132 21 . Chumbersburz. b..•rougli • - 1.428 84 , Fitniiett township •1341 20 Green t,,einship ' 915 44 0 , I Guilford towm.hip ' 174 70 , Greencit,tle na•ough.' , I , 21 2. 4 3 2 43 9 ' ,I . ..organ township • - Lett erken,ny township : 5.'9 - 92 ',Metal township . ~... I 925 134 Montgomery town,hip ' 9'...'0 12 31cl eersburg borough • I 228 68 , Peters totvusiti t t [ 126 41 Quincy township" ' 344 21 bt. Thomaa fownsltip ; 538 34 Soutliampt m township ; 119 10 ... i Worren'townslitp ; 118 63 . Wits iington tea 11:41 ii) ' ' 488 82 • i 5;836 04 By Exonerat ions en 'County. State . and Militia tax f •r - i 80;3. ..... .. 1,401 10 •• Abatement atlln%ad tax payers 1,565 19 •• 4 Ori:eitt. collections allowed ; . the County on state tax $39.- 008 tio !Lai) 32 . " Treisurer'scommission onS3O, : • 008 03 at 2 per ct nt, - 1 780 16 n Abatement alloued COMItY on Olt $3.1 667 52 State tax, at 5 per cent. r 1,833 37 ; " Truant' er's onnintbsion on ills- ' - hurf10.c.i.•78,832 62 at 1 per , -- - cent: as allowed by the Co- ' • . ' taisaioners 'and approt„ed by ' the Auditors - „ 788 02 •• Treastuer's commission iiit col- - 'palm: 511,348 74. Ceanty , ' . . ;Tax at I per cent :4240 40 " Tru tsurees-onitni,..don omitted - at last settlement ' - 41 31 Paid Stale Treasurer 34,834 43 41.044 Cr, . Ltaltincf due county 44 S 5 ' \Ve, the undersigi , ett ecnuntiw‘ioner'f; of Frankli n _Co ,' t,thnony of the etirrectness of the foregoing neeouut. 11.:v:, hereunto ~ e t our hanclk, itt the Commis- Nioner& Office, this 7th .1 is of J,tnuary- A. 11, 4.W4 75' 7,7. 15 4 Css 15 • (1 42 s: 87 Jolly . NlTTlittlioUSE, . ' JOHN DAWN Y', Com'rs 1111NRY GOOD, ; GEO. FOREMAN, • ; 1 4;5 41155 We, the undersigned. Auditors of the County of Frank lin. thi hereby eel ttv that we have eZarninen the drafts of the Commissioner+, with the, recl!pts far the sante, upon Geo:J. 11 il-ley„Tedasurer. tw als.t the bills anti :to remits in the e`,ininussioners' Office, upon which said drafts have 1550 Ftsued. front the Otis they of January. 1.1).1063, to Ow iih day of January. A.1).14, itoth days inclusive, and lied a balance in the hands of said Trea,urer of forty-tour dollars and eighty-five con's. itnea., our hands, this Ttlt day of January, A. D. 3.364 IVUNDERLACII,I D.ll. MARTIN. ' }..Anditon. Atteqt : W. - S. A4IIERSON, GEO. FOREITAN,tari AMOCNTS RECEIVED Flio3l COLLECTORS 511C".,3 ru E-,s. Err LENIENT. • - Henry Bahley, Colter tor of Antrim township $66 00 S.ll. Boyd, chambershurg 775 00 ilarrie Finley. .. FannPtt 'townsh p.... 200,00 John z.. Yauket•. "' Goii fa d " .... 95' 00 5.1.1. Shively. . " - - Green 1. '" .... 290 00 3. 11. lianfinam " ' Greetimitle-13ormigh 136 90 William Forbes, " I Letrerktinji r tau wet) 3.56 l 0 Henry Sw.inn'et• • Lnrgarr. ‘• .... :31 43 Ge.,. W. Wolr, •• Mert, , rAurg Born'_: 15 , 1 00 John M'Lluc . .blin'i " ' 111.aitgenier,, tow,ns 12 42 50 Jacob Iluulnian " Peters 1, 1. 114 SS (co, K . nepper. " , Q . itnicy i ' ~ 'Z'3ll no J.,,1,51p.w . . ‘.St. Thornas " ' /75 01.1 .1. W: Pli en icin " - Warren! " . 11S 03 Joeeph P. Punk.. " W.vbington ". lt 000 - - ,BT2 44 feb J.431:-f5 G. Efir./Kf, Treasuler. EXANDI - OF TIIFI 1'O•H.•11OUSN AND HOUSE Of , I.SIPLAOCNIENT OF, Fi:ANKLIN COUNTY, thr the year commencing January sth, A. D. 158.1.3, and ending January 4th. A. D, 1564: TREASURER'S RECEIPTS. Thin:lce in Trezi.urer's bawls at last settlement $2.58 4C, lte,,mved from en. J. 134141ey. County Treasurer, r mtl of Jannary,lSlV 1.070 00'd frum bante for the ntun Eh of Feta= y,lbr3, .570 00 e) du ' . do March, do eou 00 do du do - Apt il, du GM nu du fl, du Jane, do 59100 ... do ' du du " Angina, du 14'11 00 do . do - du _ - September do 600 00 ' do du do Ontober, do .Ids th) "do do , do Ni,vember,do 800 00 do do do Legembot, do 515 00 The followim; burds were received from other_ , eources. via: RtTeivell frotteJmnes Chariton. St elinrd, ftr lard, ' 'butter. turkiesTdrier beef, egg& etc., heldfront tle. f trln 4A3 11 MB need from IV. S:. Everet 1. inoncy-eulltocted from 1%500 (N 3 ' Henry Reilly - 17 50 do Nat ;AI or !looter, tbr ..... . 37'511 du tverhart Barer, for maintaining and boardlng'bon 77 00 do , Joaepli Specie. for nsaintaioiti4 and - boarding. Wife 21 00 do W. S. Everett, payment- collected ou nettr4hoz if property. sold by Ihrecx. 43 - 30 Morv , ,lVoodring, nniiwy placed in Dl.' reilurs' )lands for maintaining, her child 127 igo do W. tiz , d, f ip.,ardith; 21 00 do W..? Everett, mono; collected - on the property of Catharine Needy.. 32Z,0 do J. B. Miller. Sro maintaining and nip porting SN to: Simpson at Penn.'. - lattlat ic II oayit al. liirrisbn rg 100 , 1'9 do • stairt - 1., -, ,ardtag t maintenance, 5162 DaM Tidal yec4ipte &mount or untatandiog drafts of preriou!4 year. sti 6 , 20 Alo't ftdid nut-' oor 11.toprrt4 1,2t0 tO do. 3 ludic° of Ito Peace•. , on ordeni of removal aced ire lief 60 00 do Congtables for kxet•iitltig, oi-derit of re moval anti relief. and' ...... SO 60 , clo for coffins for out -door panpera and inmates of hons.„ 145 60” d other counties for supporting paupers . 1 belongingio Franklin county 6 - 00 do for removing an insane pauper to P.l. , • 1 . Lunatic 11,? - spital ,' 095 do , „for medical attendance to out doOr ' paupers " 40 00 do Penna. Stateun lottio Hospital for - utaintaimitg. kc., ilusUne paupers 150 27' do for relief occiudoned by accident, &C... 24 00t do ' for advertising annual statement.....: 55 00 do fur.ativortising propel,ty of Catharine , Needy. an out-door, pauper., 5 09 —;-.... \ I $1.914 62 ) IN-lIOOR EXPENDITURES &.-EXPENSES OF HOUSE: Ain't paid for wood .1 ' - i• f3ll. 70 do lor coat , 422 40 ' do for beef " 913, 90 , d" for pork - 3.38 60 do for grocto ich ' i - 582 45 do for driAl j q.. 963 10 du - for sho.. d cobbling - , , 143 25 do Our drugs , B4 18 do for tobacco - ' 23 89 do for queensware and crockery 13 78 for fish, - ' 105 dor Sir hardware 121 86 do for repairs to bake oven 3O 00 do 'for tin-wate -' 16 18 do for flour , i • /23 00 do for horse feed_ 176 00 do for corn ' 130 00 do ;or rye.. / . 40 00 do for oats. ' 1 , 22 75 do for corn br00m5:„...;,. 5 50 do for draft b00k5.....i....: ................ 19 25 do . fur clothing ' 115 29 do ' for stationery -,..,H.1 ' *-- 250 do for blank books. ' , f. -2 50 do fur postage and box rent 250 . do • for glazing - r ' 500 do . I,tor hate " ' 835 =E=l MIS 195 OD : • $4,612 04 .. ' EXPENSES OF FARM. Aral paid for mending - wagons and 'farming utensils .$4O 00 ' do for smlthing - 66 50 . do for labor on farm...., ' 200 5o -do for harvesting--; ... . ... --- ........... -.. ~ 72),.00 do for real tot lime : ' " ' i 140 60 do for changing stock : ' 281 do l'or leather and saddlery 10 '7O MtAMES Ain't paid Dlreitort and milagt.;... do -Attorney and Clerk; I '''` _financial. ,i9N3I 67 OUT-POOR EXPENDITURES I= Sina*tat. • do - Physician. 100 00 do Tre therer -70 00 do Steward ao 00 do - • ' - - ' 1 04 00 do expenses-on Treasurer's • - 70 $9lO IV • `INCIDENT A 1.F.: . • Ain't paid far beepinz, linrsel as Harrisburg du ring the Rebut invinsion.....4 ' 28 60 TVvo,htuolreti meals given td the' 'Rebel+. 2 col ts. 25 Itt‘lichl of corn. 30 eltiCluins.l9l docks and aliont 8 tun of mown gmvis taken by the Rebels (luring Lee's inva sien Julie • , , • - RECAP.I.TITATION. • • Ani l pub] LI . ant-door exp. use , ' 51.9/ 462 do for' 4,912 04 do f firm expenAe.4 {4 - 532 11 do for trilarit* 9lO 79 do for ihcidoubdx Balance, So 144Treasurer'. '8 (1 I) 7 Whole nowhere( Pllt4oor panpere during the year, 78: present nun( er, e 4. , 11 - xi:the Mid ersigne.l. Direeten of the Poor and finest! of Employing:lA of Frooklitt Tonnty. having eVottitieti the foregoing 4atcnent.-10 eerelfc to itv correctness. W. S. HARRIS. SAMUnr, SECRlST,}Directors. Ted : JOHN DOPlttElt, - ) NV; S. E csnErr, Attorney and - Clerk; , We. the Undersigned; Ati dant , of Franklin county. do certify that vve have examine,' the forqming aremmtpf Cimill'S OldWiCki Treasurer ,4 the Direct ors of the Nor, and find iteorreet. and also find a babinco in his hands of one hundred and f,..rty-four dollars and seven cents. . January 4th, A.D. 1864. ' ' • , ' D. If.,WUNDERLICH.I D. D. -MARTIN. - ~.' Auds. • W. S. AMIIERSON, - ~1 . . . P1101:011(11l OF POOR iIOIJBF, FAltll FOR 1851 000 bushels of wheat; 474 bushe s of corn ; 350 blash• els f , f -oats; 12 loads liny ; 2 _o. loads corn fodder: 4.200 heads of cabbage: 2 barrels sour kraut: 7 barrels oleo enutl4rs ; 335 bushels of potatoes; 4,530 lbs.' Pork.; 1,400 lbs. beef; 150•11 h. veal: 6 bat rel.; of cider; 35 bushels of winter appl s; 20 bushels of onions; 18 bushels of bosh.; 30 bushels of tont ttces; I+ , `bitsltels of turnips; 3,040 bushels of lime: • STOCK' ON lIANO AT FETTLF.MENT. 5 head of work horws. , l2ltesd of nt lch cows,l4 head Of stack cattle, 24-best of stoelt•hogs. s‘breeding saws, 700 bushels of whest,7 loads of hay. 12 loads of corn fod der. 2 barrels Ot pickels.l3,6 barrels of sour kraut:, 6.400 lbs. pork.s.ooo4bs. beef. 1.200 tbs. toed, 400 lbs. tallow'. 4 kett its of apple butter, 20 bushels of apples. 2 barrels a vatear, 50 inisheLs rata: 150 bush e's potatoes, 4l ,r4 taish ebr+of clsvorseed. 8 hilt is of beets, b bush&s of onions, 500 heads , of Cabbage • NUMTIEiI OF PAUPER: IN 'THE TNSTITUTION ON , THE isi OP . .TANITA IVY, 18c4. . - • - 4 •42 Whits females 4:—.4 .. ...., 4 ,••• 1 I Colored males , •y• - Colored Fenoles. Total 4.. a'. . : • A yentas oo , "' --- - tL •thselves iftnebta FOB: FEES in the RFOR. 4 lER AND RECORBER'S'OI , I , IOE, will plertge settee the 1,111110 without ttrtber, ~,lice. as nix term of MEN has expired. My - boll:- will biz - at the Register's OtEt present. (..leel6l E. C. BOYD. itzutante; A MIERIUSt LIFE INSLIRACE AND IrtiT COMPANY. • South-east eanterof trainut and iburth Streets, Phila.- dclphia. incorpirutedlso. Charter Perpetual. AUTHORIZED 'COITAL, $500.000 6. - PAID UP CAPITAL, $254000 00 Insures lives dutng t((, natrual life. or for short terms; grants annat ..nd endowments, and makes contracts ofall Mak.. epeililing on the issues of life, Acting ,alsd n Rnt.utors. Trustees and Guardians.— l'Oltme - s of Life Inurance insured at the usual mutual rates of other goot:Coutpanntswith profits to the In- Ell red—lsst nonns,Jannary. 1861. being .43 - per cent. of all preminutk rceived on mutual policies at joint stock rates, 2 penent. less than the above. SIONFORF.EITUFE PLAN. By.which a perm pays for 5. 7, Or 19: Yea! only : when the Policy is pittd m for life. and nothing more }o pac and should heto amide, or wish to discontinue. tioanSr: the Company wllLi , atto it paid-np polf,ey 'in proportion tot anionotot aims io id. ae follows: After payment of the annual prmi : inns (nu pofiy of , - '$1.000) fur ..t4OO 00 I $285 00 - On v ay't of 4 arPre. 30000 I '- ;371 40 • 0 ' I - 85-7 10 ," 8 " Arannalpreinitn fqr $lOOO. . . . •. . • - NON-PRPEITUR.E TEN YEAR RAT - E. Age 20, 4 ." U 50 25 • ' - 34 00 ' “ .So, ' ', " ' 35 40 43 00 64 - 4.0, 47 1/0 ' . "• 45, 53 50 . . ". 50 - 60 30 insnrative lay he eitecteft. giving tunny latrty,,, on the death 01 licenattred. it eertain yearly lueoine 1,3 etndow meta for' lifothus avoidin:z :Iti cent Ingencirai_ of invest ing thkeante and may he iluthle .or treble the yearly interest- - ALEXANDI: WIN T.1.1 , TX, nwident. - SAMI.IIII. Willi% 'Fice-Prexidertt. ~. • .1011:1 S. WLSON, S.crect:i'y and Triazoree. ' - .• • BOARD OF 1 RUSTLES, , Alexaner 711111 din, - Ij. Edgar Thomnson. - . I,•§,kn.Toroel'Al! ,, ok, • - !Ron-Joe: - Th Allinm. Ainert C. Jilwrts, I.l , »lnet Nom-nutll, Snuu,etT,«lino, It. IT, Eldridgp, rorge t •I.lolin wm.,l MEDICAL EXAMI3:EIIS. • J. F. BIM 31:D.. , 4 1.3; WTO:(: WALKER. 31. D. Tn atteianee at the Company's office dairy, at 12 o'elm,k, 3 WM.G,II3ED. ChamberA,urg. Pa.,ie the authorized Agent of Oa Antetic,an Ininranco and Trust - Com pane, awl+ alw,ty9 preparol to fu r rol•-h patu ',Mete' 'Or any inforation wanted, anti to tilt.- Ingurances. D R . J . ( Itl,OllA EDS, -Italica/ Examiner.. yiErEESCES—Irw.n. A. K. 31celvre. Itec . C ham rsbui Wm. N. MarKh Ca s hier hgerstown . ;bet 21, &-.1 f !t5.144 01 INSIRANCE COMPANY (:)14' 30E1I AMERICA, INCORP6RATED-1;03. PERPEUAL L'T El?. CAPITAL $5llO No OfFte—No. 232 IV ILXGT STREtT, PIIIIADELf`IIIA. ThIS Ck,PRnY itre p rosiwattintr of In surance out Loss or Damage hy FIR I.; on 'Wings! Merchtaise. Furniture, !Le.. thronghont the State Pennsypinia, on LI B TER NP 4 . for -long or short per,odi pr permanently on Buildings. by t deposit Preitihn. ' ?Th e PO.lfe'r PAYMENT of CrAIELS fqr LOSSES during period nearly SEVENTY 1 7 1 , ,A11b that the , Company lola b een tnxistance, entitles them to the confidence of the public. Artio• G. Colllnt Salted W. Jones, j o hls.2llrown, 'Chars Taylor, 'ArninseWhite, Johdt. Neff, ROMP. Wood, 'Willn Welsh, . WilArn Tloa en CHAVES PLAIT, Seem. ARTITITIL G.COPPIN,Pret. ;FA :FEELER, iCentrirL Agent at-Harr-,burg; Pu. • w G. BRED, - Chambersburg, Pa.. is the anihot. 'zed gent of the I nsuran co Company of North Amer.i oi, id is alirhys prepared to gii•er'any information de. &roam' to take Insorances., - . BY.F.R.ENCES—Ch erica II .In,ior.a nd . John IL er, Es. Chambereburg, • - oct 21.'6341 (UR AGENT.-M.; JOTIN GROVE, I of, Chambersharg, is the Genera - Agent of the Fri tin County Mutual Insurance Company. zne 17.'63. WM. McLELLAN. S j EMOVAL.--Frorn 433 bitirket St; ,to the large Iron - Building 513 Market arid 'l4O coerce Streets. .. - . . . - - More Goode than any Frouse in the, United States. ' A. H. FRANCISCUS„ 613 MARKET & 510 CO3DIERCE STS., Jeeps the Laegest. Stock-in . the United States of lake t s,Brooms , Ttilis,,Claurns. , - t askets, Brushes, SlatsMetunires, Clocks. Lookhog-Glnases.,ollCloths and ; Carpets.lirinaow Shades and. Paper. slro Laces. detail, Wait. cat d W4ip...\.-,.......7' . , . , , Aino.-t,auctu :_tattinv, Wadding, . - - Twines, Wicking, hopes in Coils . . and Dozens, Cotton Yarns, 'Cation and Linen Carpet-chain. 'Our Prices will average Lower than aiii other Roust i thiecity. Call and i toe for yourselves. For further particulars Apply. to a. S.SKRYOOK , tia",..reburg. .. 4633 11 216 00 10 00 JOB PRINTING,' in every style docent the office of the FRANKLIN REPOSITORY EMEMI !MI ' 53.144 (4 ASSETS, $1,597,740 50 Ag4T . ll $2OO 60 400 00 seo on James N. Dickson, 8. Morris Wail n 4 John Mason. Goorge 1.. Harrison, Franc's R. Cope, ' kiiiveard R. TrottCr, Eibrard S. Clark?. Cummings, p=IM=IMMISMNNWIRMIII!MMEN= Gracerics, T ;DRA-P T. WILLIAM, OELWICKS WIIO&ESALE ''AXD-RETAIL GROCER,; '1 ; and.Denlor'in nlikinds of Mfirolintldist hm MADE - ANOTHER DRAFT • on PlOulelphirt and New York, for N E WTG 0 0 ri§" ,' • r, and trucceeed In btlngliig to CIIAIIBERSOURG. ; the ' ' - largest issiort thent of blerchandise offered ' .in tide place. An, ,this large Stock or - Az-aces such in vast variety of articles. It Would be linpoesible to amnerate articles and give prices._ Suffice , to sal that , this' varied assortment of -goods embraces a fplUerul complete assortment of GiebentirEs from the common to , . ;',the most tholes, ,f and finest grades knokro: to the market: Choice GI eeu ai4Black Tea's, ChocoiStedirte Syrupy, I® goiTe q s, Vfsh, Pickles, Rice, Cheese, fresh Crackers, dried Bennis, Iproinyi Catsup, d'epper Sauce; Vine- . • gar, dc,, de. :Also a complete' me -' eortmeut • • PIJEK, FRESH, ROUND, AND FNOROUND SPICES, D BAKING ARTICLES. AD spices soh are .carefully :cleaned and groniad on Lie rywn Spice a fall, variety e • Brotml Irots, , Wash Boards, " Cards OM Qucewmiare. StonewarAli Brushes, • Stove Polish, Choice Began; : - • Starch, Fancy Snaps, ' r eonlliloll Soaps, MI Pocket Knives, 'Articles of Hardware, -Lubritating 'Oil, Kerosene Oil, AND 5000 , AILTIOLES: NOT NAMED, all of which will Lo mat . ] at cheap figures WHOLESALE A . N,D ,RETAIL, Call and examine for yourself and be convinced theta GELWICK'S CHEAP _STORE is the piece for bargains. P. liaje also 100 Bottles of domestic ir:mit-cc 'Bice of etricily pure drapolVine lore [necl.6;63] rr E GR,E AT AMERICA INT. TEA compAsy. M BESET STREET, NEw YORE, Flume its organization, has created a new ern in the his tory of selling Face in this cimntry. ALL our Tenet arc selected by aProfe.sah , nal Tea-truster, expressly nod eaclucn ell fir us. and we never charge over Two Canto (I.l2Genre) per pound above coat for orlg- , packages. We have lint One Price to every one tor each unality,l and that price 13 AltrlV3 market on'erteli sample pack-f age at Mir store in plain tignreii. incite a Monthly Price Liar of (Airless, whiCh will be sett nee 0211 who [older th—we advise every Tea Seller to •:ee it. - lt comprises a fall assortment selected for every locality ili the States. Province...l l ollth Anterli: ut and the West In tide lief each *lad 13 di, aided into Four Clnascs or qualities. namely: Cargo: High Cargo, Fine. Finest. that every onetnny undeentand from description and the prises annexed teat the Com panyare Iletrimidea.te uuderAi'l the who's tea trade. We guarantee to sell all our Teas in original oackagel nt not ovel 4 TWo Cents per pound. 'above cost, - believing this to be attractive to .the many. who have heietvforl been pa' lug enormous Profit,. • i Ourbuidneas is largely done on i4irde're, which -we ways execute as nen itrel promptly as though the buyetl iveights and tares.and guaranteeing eri 1) thing; our re4nmilbi My enabling 93 to Joan we promise. Every dealer can order his teal ditaiet from the Company: Anil psirtici doing hnsiness Five nun red (fan !Wiese! Now York, can ram* Tea, bought of ns if they are not cheaper than they can bray elsewhere. and the purchri‘er la dissatisfied with lila lairiialn. within fenr6rn days chfi. and have the money Teton ed to them.. 'phone who are ewer Fl%ll Wind:al miles eau have 'thirty day 4 (30) and the same pririlegea dal ended to them. , - , li e mi T l e s tlt ..e 2vilyAtages,tlie Company will pay All Expenies. t,,ttt way 4 are returned: GREAT AMEIIICAN T.EA COMPANT, liitpounas AND JOBBERS. I febr-ltit , vl Vesey St., New Nork.ii 'FAMILY GROCERY STOREI C. BOYD , hnvitar tatreitastul the Cip , cery Stare cfaltomns Metcalf, au M 4n street: apposlto ()rave's Ihdal, takes this meth od Of inttilning the nll patrons at tho house, an 1 tit public generalty. that ho is opening a varied aLsorttneat of FRESH GROCEIt LES, whirli'lle Is prepared to otter at the lowest Cash prteei His stock Omisi4ts et' SUGARS, COFFEFS TAS, pratl ge t eteA, letouthe highek to the lowest prices. SUGAR CURED HA IIS, No.l, 2 n d 111AcK ERE ilt lIROWN AND WIFtTI SUGAR. Rl'lll.ll'fi. AND MOL-0.81.5. ,F }lurk, s—ptc.ts, suel. as Oranges And Lemons. Bunch Raisins, Seedless Raison). Prunes. tumlts ' 'Citron. Eiga Walnnt and ,i Tptnato Catsup. Cbleolitte, Mare. (linger. nitniegs, 51h. elroni, Mustard. &t.. A..., and every article usually fontid in a Grocery :Rom.; . B ROOMS: - - , uratue., 1 ,, Baskets, Soap. . i • `rhre td, .. • . 1 . NeOdles. -), - . . , Honks and F..Y , v.,:ind every article penally fota , rin vi iall: eta Store, at BOYD'S. opponite , GßOVES. j.. I) A-K Ig G - APPLES, lifr .: Dried rename, '.. • Deled'Apples. .I . Soup Deans; - , I i ' Otdoni, ~ . always on hand i ItOYD'S Cheap Grocery Store. •1 - - P Corti Meat • Bice, • Bacon, Cider Vinegar, I Beans, ' . Pepper Sauce, _ - , Potatoes, • Lard, Pickles, A at BOYD'S rocory Stare. ISCLT_IANEOUS, ARTICLES. )1 . -WAter CraAtere, Matches, gtove Polish, Easepce o ttee.! Indlgo;Starch. Shoe Blacking Sitter Eland, de., for Pale at ktoYD's Cheap OroOtry. . . (fob 17', jj" EROSENE LANTERNS, licroseuelAtups, , Kerman% Oil. at feb • BOYD'S Grocery T" un " GEM RESTAURANT." L The dereigned having leased the above popular establiehment.poner of the-Diamond and Market rt., it prepared' to Danish OYSTERS and ALL TUE DELl cams op TEE SEASON in the most palatable styles. FAMILIES StrOmin with frethishocked Oysters at short notice, %le welt ventilated vaults, eo necessary for pro serving ALE sweet and clear, is well stored with 'choice ,hrewings front Liattaig's and 3lartitite. Glee-us a Call mann you want a glass of prime Summer Ale.- , `febl7; '64-tp ' GEO. RODGERS. : e =EI CC - U -A-K kit__ CI TY . - ,-,- 13 US , NESS ' COL LEM . N. E. Owner of Thnth and Chesreittlefl; ~ ' PITLADELPIITA, , : ' minvlt Tau ITANASMIK'N't OZ • . - ' L. , FAIRBANKS; A. for the las't "Ibur years Prineinal and chief btieltieit manager of Bryant A - Stratton's ponnhorcial College. A MiapEL,BusrsEs COLLEGE, 'Conducted on a now system of 4ctualßmi nes!' TrailiMe through the establishment of legitimate Officers. sal Counting-lionse. representing Oifferent dem' reaieritii Trade and Commerce. and n Regular Bank of-Beposnft and Issue, giving the student nil the , advantages ornate. al practice, and qualifying piur t in the shortest possiletti time and most effective manner for the Teflon! duties and employments of business life. The Course of imernetten In the Theo Depart ment ethbaces BooT:-Aysping, Goutl#rptiat Ca/cniutioiss, Edures m! Burpreu Affairs, Pennfanship,'.Coninternial & to! , For ., c f„,,,,sp7rtriince, oft.-; in:the ' - BUSINESS DEP A.RTBENT , -the student enters uponthe Grud4ting Course. atlilals includet a continuation It; the abore studies. with their practical application in their details. li e ' will i s turn Blithe position of Accountant and Proprietor various Dep.irtments lot- linole,tale and R tail Small, Arwarding. Jobbing, and Commission Businr -, Bank Afanufatittring, '.s.Yeamliatine 'finally will hct as flashier. Book-keener and Teller ili,tl4 Bank, in each of which positions his pr. monshnowleds• will be put to the foulest practical test: This Institution offere - to" Yol.4inen, nnmbrons ad 'vantages not possessed by any Other cnnnmerciai'Collegs in the State. It is complete in all its appointments. h isthe only Institution ititho Sate conducted on actual business principles. The course 'of Inistructien is iia anTpaased, and may boilompleted in about one hair the time usually sppnt in other institutisne, in consequent, of an entirely now arrangethent, and the 'adoption' a the new practical system. Diplomas awarded upon the completkln of the aim ! nem*/ Course, which en:hi-aces all except the higher sets of_Bankitig, Manufacturing. Baiireading. etc.. dec2-ly , • Send for a Circular. CHAMBEESBURG'ACADEPEL'" REFITTED AND.REORGANIZIPD. Will commence a new ()natter on 3tondity, February & Large additions have bron made to its already-extent**. apparatus, a full and efficient corps oft metiers has bee. employed and no pales or expense spared b3..render omen one of the first institutions of learning in the country. Particular attention paid to Teachers and yonug wen preparing for College. A Primary Department for little ltoye and Girls, has been_openediri the A cadernytind rr (-Imre+ oflli 8P Perlitos in which the elements - li ending. Writing, Arithrnetic,Geography and Graninar will be thoroughly taught. Tuition, in this d epattrnent. $3 err gtuirter.; Forfurther particalatssend for circular or apply to the P r V cipal. FACULTY. _J. R. Rixxxt, Principal. A.OTERPIELD, A.. IL, Latin andll. English. A. M. T ITJ ataTER‘. CI int mercial Depart in rnt.. Mies 11.11. PERIM% Painiting, Drawing and Prfritfloa Of Primary Department. • ';fIiesSATAII FLORY, Assistant in Primary Department Charnbersburg, Jan 1.1,'63. - Halter§ HAMBB RS BU RG SFAIIN ARY `IL) FOR YOUNG LADIES.—The Spring SeEBlOlllOll commence tin Tuesday, Feti. 9th, 1894, but, boarders Cas enter at any time. and will be charged accordingly. • large attendance, bothin the primary and academical"- partments, gives evidence °fan interest in the school D.O surpassed in any former period. Miss S. it Curtis, Rorke., tant In the b Igherdepartnient, bears testlinon tat s of bele, eminent fitness to instruct in the higher branches. from ii Seminaryin the West, where she taught for severill year. The primary department inch fete underthe cote of Mri. C. B. loxey, the effects of whose enerten and efficient,/ appear in the flourishing condition of the departniani. Miss Z. O. De Forest is well known as an, able and expe rienced teacher of music. • • TUITION.—From $8 to Slit persessit t of five months Boarding.in9. , TEACHERS FURNISiI ED.—Schrol s 'an d families. need of teachers. can hear of riling ladies well o afifiest. chiefly graduates of the institution. by nddre,ong • Jan 27-tf.) Rev.ILENRY 'REEVES Di mcipal. • ADDLERY I SADDLERY !—Sad dies. Bridles, Harness, Collars,Trunks, Ye ter] 8 goof the. HORSE COLLAR. °JEREHIAII OYSTER respectfully returnsb is thanks t, his patrons for the liberal encouragement received from them heretofore, uml he would invite them,andthe community generally, who may need any - thing in Ids tine, to oiVe bins a coil at him uLD STAND, 'on the East side of Main Street, Chanibersburg, five doors South Huber & Tolbert's Hardware Store. where he 1:60141CM. stoutly on kind every variety of SADDLERY AND HARNESS of hie own Manufacture. and be' is prepared to sell thesame at terms that defy competition. Evert article offered for sale is warranted to be made of the best material and by competent workmen, which will kali fully denton?trnted on an esaminationlbereof. - TRUNKS A - ND .VALISES.—IIe alto ea - 11'60 attention of persons wanting a good, ,neat; cheap tottl substanial Trunk or Valise, to his assortment' Juno 17.'0. . Q k A4DIE AND HARNESS IiFACTORY.—The unclereigrmti Would respect:tiny announce to his friends and the public - generally, that be has taken thei SADDLE AND 11ARNESS8110P„Ad6- nerly carried on by Matthew Gillan,:decrd, on WEST 111.4•RKET B7REET, near the Coneco'cheague Creek, is the Borough : of CLiamberaburg. ahem he minufacturea Sa3dles: Bridle!, and Harness. and has cons tantly,on hard an ex s cellent assortment of Dollars, Whips. Le. • • Ile employs none but the best of Workmen, and sea seructic al) work from ilia boat material. ' TRUNKS ritil VALISES constar3 iy on hand. all of which will be sold ail theapaa the cheapest. A continuance of the foirriet=pe teenage of iha shop /stalest reapectfujiy solicited. r _ June 17, JAMES B. GILLAN WHIPS ! WHIPS 1 AVRIPSI- 7 -- rlLms, SMITITO So - s s 'corner of slain and Washington Streets. Chamberaburg, Pn., manufacture."' of all kinds of WI-1, PS, such as Wagon. Carriage. szmi Wiling Whips of tra‘rions sizes and of superior quality,; which they tan. to Om public, either by Wholesale qr ItetaiLat very moderato prices. LASHES of all lengths kept constantly on bitti.lallti for sale by the dozen, r 6.0 cheap. They afar, manufacture superior fIOkSE CO4- LAttS, to which t hay incite attention. Orders from a distance solicited and- promptly attetiel. ed*:to - Jima TROADGEA . p.S,C9LLARS, TrAL . TERS, and 'a:tn . -think In theiekther line belong . * to the Saddler's busines tb always orill and and made tour. der, and on reasonable terms, at acruplys , s, opposite the Indian Queen Irete4 Mein et. 0111)0N HAS A SUPERIOR lo't of SADDLES, ItARNESS ' BRIDLES} STIR. RIPS, SPURS, 14 ; be will sell cheap. for„cashor g \ , 11. GORDO N—successor - be C. Inzat..t,Gloanos--iiyea —nitomfr and °them. that he leer till at tbk the Indian Queen Hotel., Armin et, D EPAIRINa-DON: notice; on reePonitble,termf a invitee bin friends to coma to AXTALNUT LOGS! FARMER& fl TAKE NOTICE! I—We will ve 12 cts per solid or cubic foot for LA RCA' WALETT COOR of goodwill. ty, delivered at our Mill.. The loge moat mensarti:* inches cir more in diameter. fourteen feet from the stump in whichrase we will 'take the whole,treoup to 10 inches , ,diameter. We will also make SPECIAL CONTRACT* 'for extra,good trees.- These terms aro offered until the , Lit or April next. dee 30.3 m ' - ' RITEPLER4 . CLARK aCO. R :$7 5- Th rf e C tITT SI LVfIiA P N E 'T Sow 3 ni 51. :S ach T ins Conpc OTh : pan , want ati A rixent ineh county, to solicit orders ter their new $l5 Niachine, with gauge, scrow.driver and ez. , trn needles.. 'We Day a liberal salary and expenses :or give largo commissions. For part/0111 n, ms'&4 4 . enclose a' stamp, and address TAG*. T..hido, 01. feb 11-3 en - . Gen't Agent for the United State:l;i AGENTS WANTED' to sell a :hit new iiTANDARD IHdTORY and two near Irro ithRAVINGS. A rare thence to make money. We tree ,Genend Apatite for Pennsylvania fora Publishing House' "in Now York., , BURKHOLDER & CO4 Chamberaburg,a. good JOURNEY: MAN wEATR ; good , wages will be given et ICentral Woollen Factual, near Chombereburg. - feb.l.o.Vf EMBICH k VW. 11TANtED:2-100 bushels - SMALL , ONIONS,: ims3_per 'audio/ for Mop if goodorder. • [feb 171 muss a ILENSICEIL intucatitinale abbing, Marttess, str. Eatanto. El