The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, February 24, 1864, Image 1

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We have the official statement of the quota
of troops of this county under the various
calla;: together with all ;the statistics necess
*ry to exhibit the ex At Position of each sub.:
district on the official reerds on the lstdaj
arfianuary last. TI4 total numbei subject
try draft in this county, according to the en-.
reltnent, was 4720; and the entire quota of ,
the county, under the two calls for' 800,000
and 500,000 men; is 1079. From this are toe
be deducted the' number' held in the draft—
that is all who paid .coMmutation, furnished
,substitutes or served in person—and all en
listments of volunteers.L. The number to be
credited is the fruits of the draft is 825; and
307 volunteers are credited , on the official
reeords at Washington'up to the Ist ofFeb
ruary—making a total credit of 492,• and
leaving to'be, furnished 601 We sub-•
joizi the. table showing how each district
~btands: •
...?, 1 .
.... ~. -*, 4 : * o = 1 ''• _ 'el !t= 1 ~... ? .
tZ,I ; 6 -,-,.= •-• .c.
' ..
* Toienship. - " a :-..: I 'P,,:.:, , -' -",- t? 1-'4
`: - ...g.1 7 , -, ,,,..
z .
2:, iY.:i. - • ft.•• i
, t• •
41 AAntrim --------.... 433'. ' - 3?' 361 IT - 53 "46
41%;Orceneastie 80r0'.."
, -- -1-0. 4.) 14, :45 59
42 Chrtmh'r, N. Ward 82. 161 40 56 28-
43'- -Chareb'g, S. Ward ac +2 671 7; 29 36 31
41 Pan sett 257' 591 16: 16 .43
4.1 ~Green.. 320 731 16! 'l6 57
46 Guilford , '287 .66 281
47 ' 'llaniiithn 145, 2 331 7j --7 -20
48 Lctterkenny 2201 50i _ 13'' - 13 37
49 Largan 126 29, 11, 11 18
50 Metal" . • 140 32 71 7 -25
51 Montgomery. 358' -82! ". 28 3 31 51
. ,
51'4 3fercersburg Baru' 116. i L l Ti 10; 13 M 4
_2 Peters - - :171i - 60; 17J -1 18 `4:.t
53 , quiney ' 3041 70: 271 2 29 41
4 bt. Thomas ....... .... 1811 42; .131' 11 29 13
55 Southampton 1981 45' 161 16 M.
56 Warren 78) 181, 51 3 8 10
=,7 Washington 2811 611, N ' 20 44
5712 Waynesboro' Bore' 159 30' 13, 9 10 20 ,
„ 4720'1079: 325 . 1671 492 601
The'credits entered to the Ist inst. are
doubtless very imperfect': There were many
more than 167 , men enlisted in this , county
iurinq the rnonth 'of January ; but the rolls
'were not, returned in most cases, and the
piloper credits could not *therefore be made.
This will all be right in time; but there is
another feature now palpably manifest in
the matter of credits, that threatens to wrong'
this county most materially. The 167 en
listments credited to the county were all
Made at home, as can be seen readily laY . ' a
giiince at the lociliti / es credited; but in the
meantime hundreds .)f• veterans from' this
comity have re-enlisted, and what has be-
come of them ? 'The rolls are' in most cases,
- returned to the authorities at Washington ;
and this county cridetitlyiy not credited with
- o mingle veteran citti/",441 i the field This is
- a wrong That should not be imposed upon
this county. It-has been desolated by war—
its fields laid waste and-every species of per
ishable property has been effected More or
less by the tread of armies. With no sur
plus population . pmy time,--use have nosy
more tit - 14 one-fifth:Of our able-bodied- men
in the service, an ,
legacies of war, d
usual amount of la
- harvest. Obviously unjust as it would bite?
' :My section •of the, State to•' deny. credit far
v . ‘eteran enlistments in the field, it would fall
with peculiar hardship upon Franklin county.
Nor is it in any sense a justification that en
_stnieitts have been made erroneously and
ca'yfusion would result from the Correction
of ; the rolls. Prov Oat Marshal General Fry
h 4 Written to Capt.:Foster; of Pittsburgh,
that "no change can be made in them with
'out producing confusion and errors,' The
veterans have _already received government
botinty and enlisted by virtue of it." It, is
true ib a t . the veterans enliSted in the field
uPon a contract with the government to
receive $402 botinty—such,is the bond ; but
!Twat they be 7 denied the -benefit -. of local
bounties proffered by their friends at home,
merely because it would mar the eircupiloeu r
tins of red tape in the- office of the Provost
• Marshal. General ? And must distiictsto
which such veterans belong,. be denied r• s tt
credit for them, and be compelled to furnish,
an excess of men, because mustering officers
have blundered and it would produce ..,con-
fusion and errors" to correct them? Bear
min mind that.when veterans are not credited
‘•tq their profiei loca Iles, it is nn error of the
otiker or officers ra- 'lig out the rolls, and it
ig a most grievous error in some. Cases and
a though it might confuse the sunetily of
preaeribed regulations a little, still it could
not produce error approaching the magnitude
of the ernr that denies bounties to veterans
and just credits to districts.
After a careful examination into the:mili
' tat-Si organizations from this county in ser
vice, we, are satisfied that nearly if not quite
fi've hundred veterans have re-enlisted who
zOottid be- credited _to our districts. Three
companies went from here-with the 77th un
der Captains McKesson, S. 31. McDowell,
and• William McDowell;_ .one with the
I lth Cavalry under Captain George Stetzel;•
three.with 'the 107th under Captains Dick,.
, Brand and Thompson ; one ,with the 16th
Cavalry tinder Capt. Kurt; and a fraction
Of a company under .Lieut. lElftrmeay ; one
witlf the 17th under Captain Sullenberger ;
oiifs Battery went into the Ist Pa. Artillery
under Capt.. Campbell ; one company with
the 12th Reserves under Capt. Eystei, and
"ne wkth - the 6th under Captain Dixon;
nearly company want under Lieut. Short)
with the 55th; nearly's company went into
Cot Palmer's body guard under Lieutenant
McDowell; ,the 7th and . Pth Cavalry had
'each large squads front cur county; Lieut.l
Houser took nearly a company to 'colonel!
Campbell in the 57th ; some 50 went from
here rtto Col:Bayard's - Ist Cavalry ; Captain
Ward enlisted nearly, WO here 'for the 11th
Cavalry; Lieut. Wingert enlisted over 200
here for the 2d Art., ands there are doubtleSs
many mitre from this county now in service,l
ofwhom we have no xecolleeticin or record.!
Nearly all these veterans have re:enlisted,'
and .Franklin county has not been credited
with one df them. Why is this?' The in
struetions issued &bre the War'Department
require oilieerg re -enlisting Veterans, to 'enter!'
themt on the nhw rolls as enlisting at the plai
des where the rolls of their original enlist-i
meat locates them ; and had these instruel
tions been obeyed, we, woultr..have reeeivedi
the proper credits, or nearlyzo; but instetic
of entering - theta on the Wills according 'cal
i4tructions, many of our Franklin county
soldiers were entered on thelnew rolls as-en
listing in other;States. "Capttilit:3lcDowelN
Battery, made 'up :almost- ekeltisiVely front
-Franklin•and Erie countics,r%as entered on
tlie rolls as re-enlisting at Ohittfanooka, Teal
in.see; the77fli is doubtless also credited tt
Tennelee;, same of our siXrs months' men ar
credited to ChailesteWn, Virginia, becatt4
they, happened to, reenlist tliCre ; others arf
credited to Beaufort, Northl - Carolina; and
.'where our veterans who have enlisted in th 6
Army' of the Futelnitte have: been credited 14
know hot; but 'certain it
. is they have no!ti
been credited to Franklin jedunty., And yet
those rolls, althotigh violalon-tlf orderi
cannot be'cdrrected,.'says vol. Fry,l3ecausp
it would produce . '" confusion and errors."
This failure to credit veterans properly is
a double wrong. It deprives the brave sol
diers who have bornethe brunt of the war
of local bOunties, and requires their respe
five districts to furnish an excess 'of me 4;
and it cannot be justified byanymere appre
hension that it niight - eonfuse a subefrdinate
department of the government If that (V -
partmenthas a competent head and'a com
petent cleriedforee, it will not confuse-it- .o
correct the blunders'of its own officers; hat
on the, contrary it will reptify:gross eirecrs
and flagrant injustice alike'to Pie soldier and
his district. That these errors credit
sh'ould occur is not 'Sin-prising, for most lot
these veterans re-enlisted' before local 'boup
ties were paid any place, and the credits wire
not deemed important;--but now that they
have become -important to both veterans afid
citizens, that even handed justice th)tt is etier.
due front the government to the ieople, de
mands that the rolls and credits be rectified\
even at the cost of a little cOnflision.
=Cal'. Fry kitows but little Of the intim • to
relations a great and free-pei - Vo snitaiu t 4 a
great government. He is simply a militry,
1 man,.. and considers a military regulation
! more'sacred than any popular right ituay .
' impair; but .he, should learn that the people
are.,not a regular Army, and the syoner tlhi
better. We doubt not. thak T :4, hese credits
,be,lneasureably corrected, **and ill -
when the case is properly preiiinted it . ill
ve the sanction of the authorities at viTtish- .
ington. lf it he done; Franklin county #ill
have a considerable excess_ over her full quo
ta in the service of the government; and Vl'
'Pennsylvania. ever foremost in-the holy sock
of ,maintaining odr Nationality, will st tnd
oft -the records of this fearful btillg7le, as the
lirid;',the truest;'the noblest of all ! I
,Ttit steamship City of Manchester, , - with
fotir days later advices from Europe, ared •
at Now York on Friday last. - The intelligynce
is important: An engagement,..lasting six
hours, hadfaken place between the Dimes
and Germans at Missunde. The Danishout
posts were driven in by the Gerlmans, but the
Danes repulsed their assaults on the pace.
The Danish losi was from one hundred and
fifty to two Hundred. The Prussian loss was
from two hundred r and fifty to: firee I?ttn,
dyed. •
, •
The Auitrians attacked Bistore, one [mile ,
south of Schleswig, on the 3d instant. IThe
Danes held their own. An . attack on{ the
whole Danish lire from Missunde to'tigel
was expected to take place on the itli It
is asserted that:England has offered to guar
antee all that, Austria and Prussia have de
manded of Demark: The Parliament cif En
gland was ?petted on th'e 4th, and the Queen's
speech speaks at 16ngth of the difficulty in
Europe, and also of affairs'in Japan. ! The
kmper 9 r of the French, it is asserted bfr the,
Paris Correspondent of •the' London I .i 'imes,
has resolved to take no part in the Danish
question. In Italy the result of the Parlia
mentary elections were generally- favorable
to the moderate party. '
. . ' •
' For The ,Franklin Repository.
I arrived in Washington the lait aft4noon
of the old year, looked at the play big, arid
found that the evening 'clotted the engao men t
of Davenport, Wallack and Mrs. Farrn. I
got tickets and went early to serre good seats.
11 .1
The theatre was Grover's, artAuferior ibuild,
ing somewhat tawdry in its appurte Armes,
and so small and brilliantly'lighte as to
make all the faces around seem uncomforta
bly near and uncomfortably distinct,.And the
stage so close to us as to' destroy all illusion.
Evidently whatever pleasure was to ti e exci.
ted, would be by the absolute talent W' the
troupe.` The play was 4 . Damon a i d P 7.
thins;" with Davenport as Damon; nllack
as Pythias'and Mrs. Ferran as He
: •
, .
The opening scene was impressive, - bu.t not
at, all exciting. When Damon withstood the
the soldiers; there Was none of that lightning
- power in the eye which renders Forrest so
terrible ill his indignation. *3 the soldiers
pressed upon him, you trembled for his sa e--
ty. Suddenly Pythias, the soldier, appeared
at his side, and hurled hack he hireling.
- There was a stir in the audieno, a hum of
admiration - among the women;';' apparently
Wallack was to be
. the man of', the eveningl
He was painted more than any actor I ever
)before saw, but the brilliant color served only
'to intensify the expression of his eyes, which
Were magnificent; not so intieh light and
Inminods, 'as' lowering and ; . Wrathy, fitted
rather to terrify:tlian to Rahn* Or, charm.
Lt was not till the appeal 14, his betrayed
country, after the scene in., the Senate,.
thittrDavenport manifested hiEi.power. His
body was nerveless, his face desprairidg, his
passiOn profound, pathetic. - hopeless for , a
mernent, then quickened into defiance which
stirred the Iviuse into the 'molt entlin=iastic
and sympathetic - applause, 'Thenceforward,.
- lis the two tragedians were thrown into con
trast you felt that it was to a certain degree.
intellect -against physique. IWallack watts
liand,ente r muscular and seli f onscions ; " the
impression he produced was instantaneous
and Almost startling, but there s , r.a.s no in
crease( awes: Davenport, on tlgk contrary,
seeme - to (I.4te into greatnesS as you watch
him. His voice hickedi'the rich ring of
Wallack, but had more mOdulations,-andlis
face wanted the fascinations cif Wallack, but
possesseidgreatervariety and intensity of ex
pression. . KT) to the last act Wallack's part
was the most pleasing and, exciting. He is
the sacrifice for his ; friend, add, of course, all'
interest centres in him. , .
- The,prison scene where Calanthe and Di
onysius disguised.tempt Pythias to escape is
finely conceived in the drama, and was ren
demi by Walla& with the Most impassioned
power. As Calanthe pointedout to him from
the prison window the white sailed ship
which was to wing him away to liberty and
love; he seemed maddened with thefear that
he mightyield, tore himselfifrom her arms,
and retreated-into, the darknless of his cell,
tempted, as you could see, by the yearning
of his face, but not dishonored. The excite
ment could, not be restrained. For a mo
ment the applause W . as detaching. .Sogenial
was the feeling excited that it was impossi
ble to repress indignation toward Dawon for
his delay. ITT •to that motnent 'the laurels
were Wallack's.
But'the scene changed. Damon has part
ed-from his wife,- who liesl senseless in the
garden, their boy wonder struck at her side.
In vain he bids Lueillus bring his horse,
Which the poor. coward hai-alain' .„ AR. -the
truth bursts updii Damon, through the words
of the cowering slave, he?turns livid with
rage, he beats hi's breast, lite implores• the
gods, and, frantic with despair, clutches the,
slave and drags Itim - to the fatal precipice•
The house is breathless with suspense; the
curtin falls a moment ; the' orchestra strikes
up a few notes, ominous and pournful; the
curtain. rises. It is the execution scene; the
moments are spent; Pythias is the . victim.
Calanthe begs - for an instant; they scan the
horizon;_ there is nothing;; still she presses
back the fret stroke; agairi they gaze; there
, is
,cloud ; a sorwthing • increasing; palpa
ble,i distinct; asoundi he: is coming. He
: throws himself 'into 'their midst, gasping,
spent ; the agony lie has suffered stillwork
ing-in his face. He falls ttpOn, , ,Pythiasr neck;
he cannot , speak ; laugh. Oh such 4 Pas
sion of laughter; such 'maddened, such tri-,
umphant peals; • more terrible, more search
ing than tears o' sobs,. No words can dei
-crib° the effect. Womeh sobbed, men Mind
' dered; there had been nothing likelt during
- the evening; it indicated a,tragie s poWer that
lied hardly found Scope 'in this drama, but
which was equal to the most thrilling and
the Most sublime conceptions.
There' hid been little opportunity in the
play, for an actress to display her talenni„we
could only judge df Mrs. Farren, that she had
a: splendid eYe, that she was very graceful,
-and, that'she could be exceedingly tendei.
At the end of the play, the applause
prolonged; determined and over claMorous,
until DuVenport came forward in 'a half iiis
habide, and made a somewhat humorous
speech, his face still' wearing its tragedy ex
There is a something about the mail. both
in his countenance and mannPr, a certain
philosophical air; at once absorbed, abstract
ed, and tragical which seems peculiarly fit
ted for the-character of Hamlet, in which he
is'said to excel.
There wasas an after piece, this evening, a
second rate tragedy, with the usual comple
ment of murder, thunder and lightning per
fectly execrable after fine play we witnessed,
but which gave us an opportunity, of seeing
Wallack in the part of a villain, to whidi all
his talents, his voice, his, expression and his
manner are pre-eminently adapted. We
could only regret that it was not an Ingo or
some other villain worthy of such surpassing
Certainly not the least pleasure of the
evening arose from the perfect unanimity
and kindliness of feeling which seemed to
exist between these two actors , who appeared
before the rzblic as at once friends and rivals.
Gen. Curtis arrived, at Fort Smith, Ark.,
oA the 10th, The Army of the Frontier is to be or-.
ganiseti for offensive operations immediately.
1 ,
i -
Attempt of the Rebels to ite.c a pt are
Newourn—lnteresting Details of the
Movement—The Rebels Repulsed and
Compelled to Retreat—Gear. Palmer
and Peck-More Troops. Needed.
Correspondence of The Frauktiatßeliository.
NEWBEItS, N. C., Pe .-8, 1864.
The recant attempt of the rebels to tat-capture this
city and at theiameritneoccupY the whole of Easteru
North Carolina resulted, in a loss to is of two pieces
of artillery, a gunbodt and several hrindred men-to
the enemy, of a greater number of killed; wounded'
and prisoners and the'-otter defeat of 'their well ttnL.
ceived but badly eteented plans. ' I •
We labor here under all the disadvantages incident
to operations in an trierny's country, and to the rebel
sympathizers and smeavrho are in our lines we Pro
bably'are indebted for the arrangement of the little
surprise party with Which we were favored last week.
Certain it is that on Monday last' ndmerous North
Cakoline. females, resident here,' had large quantities
of food Prepared and their houses set in order, that
they might give thiiir friends a Warm reeeption—aret
I dotibt notthat In the opiniou of the rebels, their
reception was quite ns warm as was tieirable.
At about 3 o'clock on the morning;of the lot Mot:,
the outpost picketet Neese bridge 'as drivin in by
'th,e enemy. This .;htsing a fret - teen oceatince, no
particular notice was-taken of it, until the enemy
was discovered attempting to: cro* the bridge in
force and evidently;dient 'on mischief. C9l. Class en
commanding the opt-posts,' - imModiately ordered his
regiment, the 132 d N. Y, to the support of the pick:-
ets, and the ".Mottitor," a Car built of hea'vy oak
timbers, iron-clad Mid carrying two !rifted mins, was
:also advanced to the front. In a Very short space
of, time, through the instrumentality of the U. S.
military Telegrapli„the different; garrisons from
Batehelor's Creek to Fort Macon Were aroused and
under anat. A seetios of Angel's Battery under
command of Lieut.:Kirby, was sent! to jits4eli Grove
where Co.'F. 2rl N.C. U. Vols: were stAtioned, anti
another section of - the same battery. supported by,
two eempa,nina of the 17th Mass., was sent out on the
Neuse Road. Jet the meantime ;the enemy had
opened chr i onr foreeant the bridge With artillery and
were advancing in groat numberi along the entire,
line of pickets. The little band of !scarleeftve hund
red- men fought desperately and, for five hotirs suc
cessfully, in defence of the bridge, but at Bb'elock,
finding -the rebels - swanning on l anks, Colone l
Claassen Withdrew i bis corentandi retreatedto:
ward NoW.Eterne, in pursuance of instruction's previ
ously given by Brig. Gen. Palmer, commander of
District of N. C. A train sent - from here had re
moved all the - Quartermaster and !Ordinance stores
front Bachelor's Creek and after•burningliiscamp
there, Col. aClaasseu retreated altmg' the track-tor
several miles fighting continually;j until he discover
ed that, the rebels, with artillery had cut off
treat, Declining however "to give it up so," he
tented off . .to the left of the heart:lad and fought his
way through to the Trent road, thereby -extricating
his command from its perilous position, and bringing
it safely inside the breastworks hero at 3 P. M.
Unfortunately thista movements;Completely isola;
ted Lieut. Kirbes,metion ofurtiliery and tho'N. -C.
Compiny from thottain body. Al messenger sent to
Gen. Palmer to infopet him of thislmishap, Was cap
tared, and Gen. Pickett, Kirby's where
abouts, and - - - he wit inimediately surrounded and
forted to surrender. The' North Carolinians not
being sure' of kind treatment at the htinds of the
rebels, fled to the woods and it is hoped that most of
them escaped.
At 11 A. Id. thq enemy about 5000 strong, with
artillery and cavalttY, annearedbefore the works on
the south side of t i tle Trent River, and immediately
advanced to the attack with theintention 'of iforcing
a passage to the tamed bridge', Which leads into
Ntiw Berne from tae south, --They made a vigorous
assault on the block-house at Bridc'SCreck, but after
a sharp contest of an honrle duration, they were
driven back; by our forces under Col. Amery. Tho
guns of Fort Gaston and the single piece in the block
house were used in this affair with terrible effect.
Thus failed the second movement of Gen: Piekett's
'programme. Thodhird, though Made some thirty-,
six hours behind time, was more successful. This
was an attack on Newport Barracks, a point on the
Railroad twenty-five Miles southlof New Berne, and
the object, the destruction of the track and telegraph
communication between the latterplace and More
head City. The openly' advanced 4000 strong on
Tuesday at noon, and ;rem. proMptly met by about
500 men of the 1 1th Vi. Refit., who after,a gallant
resistanmto overwhelnaingnumbers were-compelled
to retreat to Morehead after spiking their guns and
destroying the barracks. The enemy penetrated to
the railroad and burned the bridges at Newport and
havelock. - The telegraph wirewas not cut until
midnight. Mr. D. C. M'ilaugheY, of the Telegraph
Corps,' rendered valuable, aid 'te Gen. - ,Paltner. by
'keeping constantly ire sight of the enemy andrt
porting his movements. At 3 A. M. on Wednesday
the wire was cut between his initrnment and head
quarters, and 'M . G. eseaPed through the woods to
New Berne. i '
The sevoreest blow, inflicted; was the eapturetf
the gunboat Underwriter, whit h was accomplished
on Monday night by about 250 Sailors who bad come
from Wilmington for that - PurgoSe. They approach
ed the vessel in the fog and after a short struggle
boarded her and captured inttt of the crew, which
numbered about 70 men.: Afttiv escaped by swim-,
ming to Fort Stevenson which immediately com
menced shelling the hoot. One of the'shells, set fire.
to her and the rebels had t r abandon-their
prize, -
The' destruction of the bridges was the last offen
sive movement of ttic enemy'. jtliough they remained
in our immediate front untilVednesday night. At
midnight we were favored with h fare Well serenade
by Ei brass band which PerTorined "Dixie'' - .the
"Bettie Bine Flag" and other seeesh 'airs very
creditably. The band of -the ,2tl Mais. Artillery,
immediately responded with Owl, National airs,
Thus ended the second gran& attempt which the
rebels have made in thepast fear to regain what
they have lost in - North Carolina:. -Their plan of op
erationias near as I can learn was as fellows: Whit
ford's North Carolina Pattallion; composed of infan
try, cavalry and artillery, to the' number. of 2,000
men, mime davit the eastern: side of the Neese river
for the purpose of cantering Fort Andrew and its'
garrison, in case the city should be taken. General
Pickett. (commanding the expedition) with OW
men, to make the gland assault on the defences pro
per ofNewberne. Generalißartori,-withsolo - men.
to cantnre the works on the southerMside of the
Trentriver, and prevent our retreat by the railroad.
:G en , Martin, with 4,000 men, to,captnrethe posts •
'on the line of the railroad and prevent-reinforce
ments reaching — us from Morehead City. ZO marines
to come down the river in small boats, take posses
sion of the first gunboat' they met with, and in the
darkness - surprise and capture the other gunboats:
and with them 'assist in the capture, of- the pity.
,This was a "right smart". progratame,'and if every
thing had worked as they exPeeted, the probability
is that a "right smart chance" of Yankees would
soon have been on the road to Richmond from thii
vicinity. That we its not mistaken in their nutn
bera, is proved by thtfact, that prisoners Were taken
from twenty-six different regiments, (14 North Car
olina, 10 Virginia and 2 Gtorgia regiments) to say
nothing of their artillery or of the regiments which
are not represented in onr guard house. That they
were confident-of success we know, because hund
reds of fames' citizens of this place, , accompanied
the rebo army: in the expectation thatthey would
soon be able `o - re4c(ecupy their old -homes. But
alas for their hopes. The attack was to sbe - made
along our whole line at 2.A. ar.. and PickOtt expect- 1
cdto be able to assail Rid - Totten before daYlight.
The gallant resistance atthe.outposts'preventedbis
reaching our frout,until 3 m_ It was too late for
a surprise, and a daylight view of our works con
vinced hinaAhet — ere caught napping, we
would scarcely- e caught at all. Barton was as
sailed and unable to eerily out his part of the plan.
Me44,ija, thirty hours late. Succeeded in destroying the
bridges, but not until they had ceased to bo useful
to us, and though we lost 'a gunboat they failed to
gain anything by our loss. ; Their array has retreat
ed to Kinston, the refugees are
,refugeel still, and
the sympathizers here, to . S•hose eawthe sound. of
the enemy's cannon was as the sweetest music, will
.be speedily weeded out, and sent across the lines.
6iir force here is so small that it wad scarcely possi-
..le to make a sortie during the short seige, and pur
suit Was impracticable. It is to be hoped that "the
poweta that be take warning and leave us no .
'longer with scarcely enough of troope ( to en
our forts, (We owed air safety last week tb the
splendid dispositions made by General ?Palmer, and
the stubborn resistanceof the few Who met the ene
my's advance, With %OW men, rteneral Palmer
would bo pleased to return General Pickett's call.
With 5,000 men in addition to our present force, we
will bo pleased tq have Pickett call again. If we.
are not reinforced. there is
. a possibilitythat I may
Boon have an opportunity ltorcarry letters from the
folks in Chambersbnrg to their friends in Salisbury.
Major Gen. Peck has returned from his leave of
absence and resumed cowman of the District of -
North Carolina.
• Our troops have reoccupied their former positions.
and the. railroad and telegraph lines aro again in
working Order.
' Dr. Thomas St. Clair Elected Senator—*
The Senate .Unlocked—Politleal Mar
- agement °Mae - Democrats—They,Re:
comic& Mr. Penny as the Spenker
Various Occasions—Military Damages
in •the Mouse.
Correipondenee of the Franklin Repository.
The Democratse were confident of thol election of
Mr. Douglas, their candidate for - Senator in the
Armstrong and Indiana district; to fill thevacaney
occasioned by the resignation_of Maj, White. - The
management of the contest was the subject of
Ifeated grave consultations here by such political
leaders as Clymer, Hopkins acid others, and a policy
was resolved upon that promised success. The
'Democratic papers' were instructed to take :the
,position that Mr. Penny was not the Speaker ofthe
Seattle; -that therefore his writ for an. election wes
illegal; that theelection could not besanctioned by
law, and, that the Democrats would not vote at all.
They were instructed also to have the township
leaders indastrieusly tit work to organize the Demo
cratic voters quietly„ so that, while the Union men
would, as they hoped. be thrown of their guard and
lulled by over cotnideneo to' inactivity, they could
, bring out a candidate just on the eve of the eleetidn
and carry him through by surprise. Unfortunately
they had resolved to nominate Gen. McClellan for
the Presidency with Douglas for Senator ; and the
idea of surprising a foe withMeClellan as their lead
er, was au absurdity that note but men with their
howls - , turned
have conceived of. 'But the
"Union men were on the alert all the time, and
knowing thO proclivities of their old enemies to de
ceive..they, fought the contest from the start just es
if they had an open, active foe, and they triumphed.
Dr. - ThomeS St. Clair. of Indiana, was chosen by
over 1100 majority. I have not seen the official vote;
but 'St. Clair's majority -is larger, considering the
vote polled ; thari that received by Senator White
in 1862.
Unfortunately Dr.
.S.t. Clair cannot take his seat
for - some ..days. The 1.&1‘ requires that the return
Judges of the district shall meet on the seventh dar
after the election, so that the certificate cannot be
made out until Friday next. The now Senator will
probably be hereon' Friday higlit. and if theile is a
Session on Saturday, the election of subordinate
"officorawill probably be disposed of.
The Union Senators will, Ir understand, vote
against going into the election of Speaker until the
cloSe of the session. The Thep are Well convinced that
Mr. Penniis the legal Speaker of the Senate, and
they do not desire a, change. They 'will therefore
refuse to yield to th4asping efforts of the revolu
tionists to get an indirect endorsement of their
wrong by the Senate going into an eleqlon when - it
has a Speaker. Mr:penny is not only recognized as
the Speaker hy the framem of the constitution, who
for four years after itsfadoptiorOid not elect speak
ers at the opening of the session ;but,, IS also
recognized by spores of acts of the revoliationists
themselves. They went forwPaand had the oath.
of office sado?Mistored to them by Mr. • Penny ; they
have voted on' rebably an hundred propositions to
legislate, while if the Senate was not orghnizod they
could -not vote on anything but the question of or
ganization; they have : voted on the proposition to
go into joint conventions; have allowed the vote for
Governor to be counted and', the result officially
dePlared by a convention over which Mr. Penny
presided; hare recognized Gov, Curtin as the legal
Executive of the 'State, although qualified by Mr.
penny as Speaker; have voted on the final passage
of bills vetoed by the GoVernor; have recognized
Mr. Penny's writ for the election of a Senator in
:Place of Maj. White, and exhausted themselves to
elect their candidate; and itis too late for them to
say that Gil . EenatiAs.withent a Speaker. There
will therefore. I ain a..4sureli, be no election; but the
subordinate Offices will bo filicid at once; the com
mittees will lie announced at fin early day, and we
:shall' witness a working Senate from the day the
new Senator appears until the important measures
are disposo of. By Monday next, the work of.leg
illation will begin. Mon. Henry D. Moore will
doubtless be chosen State Treasurer, next week;
the amendments, will'bo speedily adopted. and a bill passed
providlng for a special election in July or August to
vote upon them, •
7he Senate did nothing whatever during th?
week. Most of the Senators paired off and left for
home until Monday-next, and there was often not a
qnorum present. In the House there were several
interesting discussions. Thd passage of a bill an-:
thorizing the construction of kr, railroad from Easton,
to Mauch Chunk caused quite an excitement. Why.
don't pennsylvanid, allow ;railroads to be built
everywhere they are needed, as they do in Now
York ? Charters are often l defeated here novel&
great corporations - to protect. monopolies.
The resolutions of Mr. Belly to impose a test oath
to all claimants for dardiges; gave rise to another
spirited debate on Thursday last. But as the special
committee have incorpOrated an acceptable oath in
the bill, Ipresume that the consideration of thebill
Will not , involve that gueation. It comes 'up on
Wednesday night and fis, the special order. Mr.
Sharpe did not participate in the discussion on
ThnrsdaY last. He .is donthleas reserving himself
for the on the bill. Ille is very able on the
floor ; but is wanting in legislative skill owing to
his inexperience. The incliCations are that the bill
will pass. , HonacE.
Thenews from the South-westis hnportant.
Refugees from Texas reporti a fearful state of Wails
existing there, and the whole country beyond the
Rebel army is a period batUe-Ileld, where engage
ments between deserters and guerillas are frequent,
in which the former are generally ! successful,
VOL no-WHOLE NO. 31645.
Escape of 'Union Prisoners from Bleb.
mond—lnteresting and Daring &dven•
tares—Rebel Deserters—The Dot:merit)!
Lion Bin as Passed.
orrespondence of the Franklin Repository. '
WASHINGSOS CITY', February 1,9,
A. large number of the officers who escaped fom
Libby Prison Dave arrived in the city, and others
are at Yorktown and Fortress Monroe. Their es
cape, and the daring manner in which it wag carried
out, foims a very interesting ; narrntive. They were
- fifty-one days making-a tunnel. Their instruments
were case knives, files, pocket. knives and a chisel.,
Their first tunnel Was aimed for a sewer, - and after
digging for some thirty feet they stopped by a
line of log piles driven in the ground. The logs ,
*ere over a:feel:in diametr t but not large enough
to stop or discourage the men bent in liberation v and
with the same tools .severed the logs, and in n few
days after they struck the sewer, but the filth and
water in it compelled them to seek some other out
let. They accordingly went back and commenced
a new tunnel across Carey street, a street some fifty
feet in width. On this route they had to dig through
a stone wall ever three feet thick, which took them
nineteen days,. After this no serious obstacles came
in their way, and by the 9th of February the tunnel
was complete& Col. Rose, of New York, was the I
leader; and. Col. W. P. Kendrick, Capt. D. J. Jones
and Ligut. Bradford brought up the rear, and as
thoypessed out of tho hole, within a few feet of them_
was a sentinel who cried out, half past two o'clock
and cars Oqr men did not seem to think the
cry exactly correct.' The men went in sniall squads, ,
cif two and three, and in all directions, but the grea
number aimed for Yorktown. The Rebel env- .
airy, scouring tho country to recapture them, often
passed within a few feet of many of thorn without
discovering thein. The nogroes all along the route
were very friendly, and aided them- all in their
Power; giving them food, and informing them of
Rebel pickets. It is believed that nearly all of them
will eventually reach our lines.
Over forty deserters from Lee's army arrived is
this city yesterday. bringing with them their arms
and equipments. They took Ate oath of alle
giance and go North. They 'report, that the Rebel
piefrets are picked men, and WO_ always place two
men on at a time, the one to Watch the other, and
often the men thus chosen agree in sentiment and
- quietly leave the post to take care of itself and make
their way into our lines.
A few days since a scouting party of Some fifty
men wore ambushed by a party of guerillas. and
Major James H. Larrimer, acting Inspector Genera/.
of Gen. Crawford's staff was killed. Two cavalry-_
men were also killed and four wounded. Our men
had to retreat until they received reinforcements.
when the guerillas fled towards Fredericksburg.
after having robbed the dead. I t hree'Rebels were
left delta and several. ounded.
• The Cominittee of Conference on the Enrollment
bill have agreed on the main features of the Senate'
till with amendments and substitutions of a few
'sections of the House bill.
The icommutation is retained at $3OO, and a corn-
ProudSe is made in the effect of the exemption there
by, wiiieh is limited to one year.
ITheiesemption of high, officials in the Senate bill
'is striikon out, leavirig as the only classes exempt
thosementally or physically unfit. and soldiers in
the field or honorably discharged. If the quotd is
not filled in any district by"-one draft another is to
be made till the quota shall be obtained.
- The section authorizing the Secretary of War to
assign drafted persons of religious" scruples against
bearing arms, to duty in the hospitals, or the care
of freedmen, is repOrted, with a proviso confining
such provision to those whose deportment is consis
tent with the conscientious scruples against bearing
311)111. - • -
-Th.v'louse pispiso fOr drafting colored menli re
taineil, with the essential modification that when
the alai° of a loyal master is drafted and mustered
into the service, thereupon such slave shall be free
and the mastr shall be paid the bounty of one hun
dred dollars in place' of its being paid to the master
on his freeing the person. It yras held by the Com
mittee that he must net be a slave km:mm.3ra after
his enlistment, and it ig understood that this is the
disputed point upon which a eentest may be cneet
ed to-morrow.
'The report is signed by Messrs. Wilson (Mass.,)
Nesmith (Oregon) and Grimes (lowa,} on the part of
the Senate: and Messrs. Schenck, (01400 and De
ming (Conn..) of the:House of Reiresentativet,
The house Will - Certainly pass the bill before ad
journment to-day.
The reports - sent 'abroad to several papers and
daily served up as facts for the penple. to wit: that
nearly all the Senators and Members of Congress'
are for Chase, is incorrect. A majority of 'both
Rouses are for Lincoln. The 'documents = that are
now afloat, favoring the Chase party and pointing
'out the faults of the' present administration, will do
more harm to the 'Onion cause thmigood for Chase
or the party getting them up. S. C.
The St. Louis correspondent of the , Chica
so Journal says that the largest and most:formida
ble fleet ever seen on the Mississippi river is nos
being fitted out by Admiral Porter.
An officer inst from Gen. Grant's head
quarters states that all through the country to the
rear of the Union lines a Union offi oer. in his uniform.
can ride unmolested to any portions of Mississippi.
Tennessee and Alabama, halting at farm houses
along the rood for suchrefreshments and shelter as
he may desire.
Gen. Logan penetrated, the State of Maim
ma to Sand Mountain, forty miles east of Huntsville.
and his reception - by the ifrilon people amounted to
a regular ovation. He te:ldgraphs to the Govern
-ment that the people of the mountains will every
where hail the old Flag with Joy that is not capable
of literal translation. ' '
Peace resolutions, which the Richmond
Examiner calls" extraordinary," were offered in the
rebel *flame of Representatives, Fob. T. They pro
pose that representatives of each Government shall
meet atsome place and time not specified, to con
"Piret : Whether they cannot agree upon the
recognition of the ,Confederate States of America.
Second : In the event of such recognition, wheth
er they cannot agree upon the formation of a nets
Government, founded upon the equality and sov
erehmty of the States; but ilthis cannot be done, to
"Third: Whether they Cannot agreectpon treaties.
offensive, defensive. and commercial.' •
Thellichniond correspondent of -the Lon
don Times intimates that Longstreet has fallen in
general estimation. lie writes that. in January of
last year, it was found that Leo could not subsist his
army in hare and ,devosted Northern Virginia„satt
that i,ongstrect, was sent with twenty-five thimsamil
men to occupy Suffolk, and scour all that region .for
corn and pork. The conduct of Longstreet in this
first independent Oommandimited great disappoint
ment at Richmond, and it, was cbsrge&,thatheersa
very slow to go about his work, and slower still in
breaking camp when called tnassist at Chancellonf• -
villa. His affair 'at Knozyille elated-the year with,
another imputed "miscarriage,. whith.haddhe effect
-to do away with much of the glory he earned at fiet
tysbunt and Chickamauga. -