LATEST 1tE11S! By MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH, LUSIYELY FOR THE FRANKLIN REPOSITORY. _ by the - Ohio and Atlantic Telegrallff Line.—LOffices a t shrsoek's Dock Store and It. It. Lopkg. phflade!pitia Markets. PIIILADELPIIT A. Feb. 16,1'i .rl-1. The Ftonr market continues dull and ,only 2400 bbls. sold at $6 74 for extra and $7 sogs zio for extra - family. Sales of 100 bbls. Itye Flour at $6 25. — Corn meal nothing doing. . - --, Wheat market dull; 3500 bush. sold at $1 6.5 for icdl. $1 850'1 95 for white.' Rye commands $1 M. _Corn is in better demand ; IX6O bush. of yetw sold 11©1 12. Oats dull at 86.*87c. --Provisions are held firmly. Melts pork S. whiskey. dull and nominal at 00491 ets. per gallon. Philadelphia Stoeic 31arket. PH/LADELpntA, Feb. 16, 1864. Stock market heavy. Penna. ftvei 94K Reading Railroad 62 lA. Morris Crinal 69. Litilg Island 45. Gold 1:60%. txchange on New York, 'VW. , Bsltti more t lllarketet.., BALTIMORE, Fob. 16,136,1. „, • Ffour dull,. Howard g.treet $7 00. Wheat firm;' •Keutacky white-$1 95. Coffee steady at3 3 Vi(23-114 Whiskey dull.; Ohio offered at gl per Halton. BY TUESDAY'S NAILS. t ,Get. Mefde Wtth the Army. WisOmorom, Feb. 15, 1861. . -Maj. 'Gen. eade and Staff left for the fron i t, on Monday to dasame einnnmnd of the Army of the l'otomae. - The ( War Mississippi. CINCINNATI, 18411. A despatch frpm Nashville .to. - the Gazette: gives official neoN that Gen. Sherman entered Jackson, Miss., on the sth. The enemy offered bat little re sistaneii. -Thr Vallandighiln Case. • Asuiscgo3.:, Feb. 15, ISG-1. In the Supremo Court of the United States to-da the application for a writ of certiorari in the V landighe.m ease was refused, oh the ground of a • ofiuriediotion. Stocks and Securities., PRYLADELPHIA, Ffi 16.1864. • Stocks nenerally have advaneed./Pive-twenties sold at $' 06%; Seven-thirties at $1 0014; Penna. Railroad at' $B2 50; SGold $l6O. There :is a heavy foreign deniand , for g‘vernment bonds.: CHAMBERSBURQ COIifiIERCIAI. COLLEGE. —This Institution is permanentlylc7ted in tisel Borough of Chambersburg, Franklin, Count itenniv. Tho great demand fur cOnspelent and responsible acsountants throughout the land. snake it necessary - the facilities tor• acquiring. a practical Business Ed ge/thin: With this view, the undersigned hjte open ed 'the above Institution, thereby giving the Young den' And toilers of the country, an opportunity of preparing themselves for Honorable and Prefitable i positions in life• -Each department is under the charge of an experienced and competent instructor. ,Tho course Of Instruction is • Thorough and Practical. Students are hinght to origin.; ate and conduct all the Books and Forts pertaining actual business; tips bringiag Theory into practice, and thereby. enabling them to realize and piactice the reps tir Routine of the Counting Room. The course of In errs:Letitia includes Doti We Entry Boi3k-keeping in all its most approved forts, Commetziab 'Calculations, Mer e.thtile Law, Practical an•i ,Ornsunental l'ennmauship, - !Fe. Stu lents can enter at any time, • as there are no vaeations to Interrupt the; regular exercises: Time reetiredlo complete the course is filon 8 to 11.1 weeks.— legymen's Sonacan enter the School at Ralf the regu lar rates. Remember 848 pays all expenses for a full iOnrse,hoarding included. Night Session ,from,7 'to So'. 'eloCk. Send fora Circular.' • A. M. TRIBNER, "••• jou 13-3 m - President. A Great Mistake, a Great Mistake, a Great 111Ntake. There are a great many people Rho are in the habit of taking pills. v.lea erroneously - iliink that the pills or - medicines taken uhloh product, the most violent discharges tram the bowels, and-cause exprtSive pain, straining and 'WI eiem, ale I be . bc,t piltilo take. This is a 'gloat Mistake. The griping, sirninhig, teuesmos, is the result of the impure and inert qualifies of the eine that are (tarried to the lower boweis.'and there in duce irritation, cong,e.tion'and inflamation. betide fol lOw's straining, piles, and frequent falSe pals to the water closet•. :* Avoid al. each pile, and take 'Midway's Regulating Ping , Price 2f cents per box., Sold by 311 l• ler A !lewd, cy. - CoNsumrTivEs.—Cousumptive Sufrorers • will tecelve'a valuable preccriptlon fur the cure of Can. gumption, Asthma. Bronchitia, and all Thnoat and Lung atfectiLus, (free of Charge.) by sending their addreta to Rey. E. A. witsos, Kings Co., 2Gthv Toth.. Jan 20-6 t C0LGATi . 54.02 , 1.1:17 SOAP.—This celebrated. TOILET SOAP, is such universal demand, le 'lade from the choicest materiels, is mild and tinmetient in its na tare. fragrantly sccoted, and ex.freMely bpr,7lictai in its action upon the skin. For sale by- all Dinggista and Pettey (feed. Dealer.. jack 27-Iy. MERCHANTS and others are invited to read Card of Reuel! & Bou I ke, Mannfact titers of Wall Papers; Winddw Cul rain, Papers, &c., &E.., 4th A Market Streets, Phibutelphln—in I his issue. 1 his is a tellable Brut, an 1 ao-thy of public patronage, REPORT OF THE MARKETS [ PRODUCE MA RXET. coultEciEn CILIMB&RSBURG. iP.iff 14,1864. WASHED WOOL ..... 60 18 UNw‘suED W00L,...... 40 - 9 CLOVER' SEED 825 9 TIMOTHY SEED' .3 69 4f06 FLAX SEED,. 2 60 12 IParczb Ito R UseABBol , EArais ...... 50 •.; 50,D81E9 A.PPLES 1-- 0 ° . • nISTY.R XJARD TALLOW . SOAP Deco,: %Ms-- BAcoNSIDtS SOUP UCANS..:.. ( 2 11fAMBERSP URG FLOUR All G 114 I MARKET CORRECTED AT,CHAMBERsituItd s mlLts •,•Es oe 50 ..... 1 C.O ...... 150 125 1 PO *lout -White:. flour—Reel • Wheat—White Wheat-rEed,.. r.-e ....... Girn !kits. POTATO ?MARKET. Mercer, New Plak-*7.ea Levuabbertioemento. WANTED. -100 bushels SMALL ONIONS. We will pay $3 per bushel for tlitai, if L IF good order. [ feb 17 ] t MILLER & HUSHES'. .AKE NOTIGE.-All persons are here by warned not to trnst in, wife, Charlotte raee. sal will not paylv debts of her Contracting. fe bl7.3te , , - , .. JOHN DRACE. . NOTICE.—The following named pgrponst. , ,ve filed petition! for ',teener'. in the 's Office, to be preseutpd to the Court at the next taint. OP Tuesday, the Stb ally of BlareVSB64, to wit : WrGiaittOeurrash, Hotel, Funkstotib, ;„ void %-itsmillor, „Roxbriry, ebiklersan Robedsdu," concord, tab ri W. G. IidITCLISL Cie tit • PAO Mind r LECTURE.—Rev. J: B. will deliver alocture on Thursday Methodist Church. for the benefit f the ciety. Subject—Battle of Gettysburg.. TOBACCO AND EG.. , -1. assortment of Chewin,T, mid B:nokin re, just received and for ea)e - nt • ROY WS G TTEROSENE LANTER.,. Kerosene Ft kr.r i l rie 01. 110Yll IMES sTICLES. Suter k 3.lEa°tches.—stnAr of &be. Indigo. Starch. Shoo Blacking Silver Sand. kr., far Sale at BOYD'S Cheap Grocery. frel, , N 'ELECTION - will he held at A the Public !louse of Henry Iroke tt ln W Monday. Monday. Connells burg. on day. the ith of Much. next, 1 o'cltick, P. M.. for FIVE 'MANAGERS of ' ' the Charersburg and Bedford Turnpike Rend Company. to Rel e for the ensu ing year. ffebl7-3tl T. E. KENNEDY, Prep t. B. - A. 4. IN , G - A P pl - , s , i , Dried Peache,R. - Dried A Iples. 1 .M• ' • , • Soup Beanw, G ' I .0n ions,, / always on hand at BOYD'S Cheap °mew Store. LOUR, 11ONNE - ---/ . Corn Meal - Rice. :: lkicon., Cidar . Vi agar, -• • - • Bean". - Pep er anc,„ . Potatoes, d, Pickles; at BOYD'S grocery Stot- I n t, ,, A. N p uri EL t . A PA - Int nc , t 4 7 413. " --LIQWEIj I Bo s R 6 fu . :i ma e l . D T E P t ß nrerg b A: . . WALL PAPP,R.44 WINDOW CLTHTAIN PAPE (or. 4th & Market Streets, Philth N.B. A fine stock of LINEN SLIADES con feb 1i 3mos. B ROOMS,. / Bros eq. Buckets, . _ . . Soap lloqlcq nn ety StorA :yell.and erery article- email, (,`ltt. BOYD'S, opposite taRDVI OTOGRAPH. • PAL, OEOROE B. AYERS regpertfaily ' fa prepared to do EVERY DRSCRIPT , ItAPHlCcotorallo and KE•TOUCILL i \ K. Photographs containing defects in pm. ea, and irkinries from dampueas or . expc oily remedied. Persons having Daguerreotypes, &c.. FRIENDS, can have them copied, and Restored, suitable for framing. Apply at S. S. Shry,ek'a Bookstore, CI feb 17-tf PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ES TATE.—By virtue of an order cf thiii2rhhans' Court of Franklin county, Pa , the undersign I. Guardian of Elizabeth Lowe and Alice Lowe, will offer at Publi• Sale. on th.- premises, en Saturday. the sth I day of March. 186.1, the Mowing described‘ Real Ettlate. to mit : An 'undivided portion or interest, beingthe ime-ti vth of the FARM. or Tract of Land, situate partly in Peters town ship, and partly in Monte: Imery ovriship. hounded by hands of Adam Hoke, lands of heirs oili.Tohn Br-adley. lauds of heirs aid. R. Myers, land of COrnellus Louder -laingb, lands of -he irs of Win. Stenger and other.. eon itaining 300 Acres more or less. with a two story DWE !LING II01:78E. part Stone and part Wood, and a Log 'Barn ihtreon erected. Sale to eninnienc at I o'clock, P. M.. oc said day. when the terms Will be made by JAMES D. SCOTT. felt 17-3 t • Guardian at aforesaid. VAAHLY GROCE Rl l STORE. Et C. - ROM - having - purchased the Grocery Store of mine 144 - calf. on M•in street, opposite Grave's Hotel. akes this meth -011 of int;rming-.the patron.; of the house, an' the public generally, that he is opening a v rigid assol talent of FRESH'GROCE whiclitte is prepared to offer at the low l est Cash prices. His stock consists of ' SUGARS, COFFEES AN? TEAS °fall grades, rim the highest to the loVvest price•.• SUGAR CURED HAMS, N 0.1,2 and 3 M./WHEREIN. f ' • RROWN AND WHIT! . SYRUPS Al ;FRUIT, SPICES such as Omugels and Lemons, Bunch ,Raisons. Prunes. Currants Citron.- Fi Tomato Catsup'. Chocolate, Mace. Hinge; earoni. Mustard, Ac 4 dc., and every arth ip a Grocery &two. T IST QF LETTERS rciaining in LA the, Posfeffice at Chambershurr,. ' 01.16. ISS.I. f 31 Angie John S ba DlHeigh Santh A. , sour S , lmuel el lt Bruker John II I Harmony litraWm I s rock John F Balmer Mrs ElizalHopkins John - S puffer Daniel ". ltaidner Frederick Irons - Miss Liza ter. James K. P Iliatter,Mim Marx Ives H. A. ,S rely Sol ! ,suou Bowman Miss ItryiJackson Mary E.'S yder Strait Brake Mrs. Anna Jones Thomas H. ;Sellers henry Barker Lorenzo 'Jackson John A 'Shafer John tie ... Bradford NI earge ',Kenny William Ilnlth Mrs Hald'y Beal Joshua W. Kite John , S epard Eli., .11 Champion Wm. , Kline Daniel • '3 itzele Daniel ' Clowner Isaac iKozer Miss 3lary'Slnith Christian 2 Cook Mrs Mery Elhe Ford Hls ISmithllrs Maggie Chamberlin MissA Lauver June 2 SheelyAbrabani II Cnnsm I ns Jesse Lightner Charles' SA Id John (I, Dulahaum John lheatnan Mrs Mary iS.ak - e John ' Darby & Son !Little Jesse 2 - ;Smith Miss Mary I Elliott Francis Lintun James IS evenson Ceorge Further Christ iaulllcNlellon Lt. E IS ,Ileuberger John Freintoyer John Moro Mrs Jane 'Turner Susan Forman Mrs Lou'rt Martin Jacob lilt:triter Winfield Fisthi Is Lac !Neatly Daniel l and Nliehrel Friedley Benjantin;Nickles Mrs Catli.ll 'bile Miss NI aryC Flory Joh tl F 'Prim Mrs Eliza. IN " l ite R o sS Punk rapt J3l , Peters &Co I Whitson Rntli Horn John Perkins Miss II 2 'Web Jacob . Iletiiphile.Tohn • Reader William Enck Mrs Susan Persons calling for the shove Letttets. will please say that they have - been ad t vortised. J. . DEAL P. M. • ITILFORAVYWNS - 1-0P BOUN TY FUND.—Tha following statement exhibit. the nu bunts received frdm the several Sc 001. District. of 'Guilford township to pay bounties to v unteers, and the disbursements of the Paine,. W(Amountd received by A. K. Vtlmuc., Trea•nrer of fund: . . . I Mr. Bitner, Keonedylr - district.; I 8100 00 Mr. Sillenberger, Webster's district - [ 580 00 Mr. Sollenherger. White Rock district I 40 00 Mr. Bender and others, Marion illstricti , 466 50 Mr. Palmer, Leconipton district 500.00 Mr. Ileagy , Cedar Grove district I - ' 503 09 ' Mr. Dimell, Stoufferetown district I , ' 4345 00 Mr..3cClure.,, • do' • . ' do 200 00 Mr. Small, Falling Spring district ' 397 00 .31i. Ileintzelman. Fair View district.. 4 155 00 "Mr. Maxwell, Iturkholders's district ; 214 00 Mr. Stouffer, Willow Glove district ....4,.... ..... ... 292 00 Mr. Witherspoon, Bethel district - 1, : 85 00 Mr. Lehman, Lehman's district 410 . 00 Mr. Sowers. Shady Grove listrict.... - 103 25 Mr. Crawford. Reef e. 's district - 34 , 50 Mr. Snyder, New Franklin district - 1 354 50 Mr. Keller, Shady Grove district 44 00 Mr.Boley. Leshers district '• 1 ' 141 00 \'r. Foley, 'do do -.- - i r 15 00 Mr. Daley, do do 10840 Mr 'Sowers. abedy Greve district 1 35 00 Mr Miller. Bethel district " 1• ' - 221 00 I 4. Allison Eyster 50 00 -,. 1 $3,764 75 1 The following, disbnrsements were fintle of said fund John Herron... ...._sloo 00 ISatnuel Aimee 10000 John N. Ha.singer... 100 00 Daniel Stoner 100 00 Thomas Hughes - 100 001 George Shiiffer 100 00 William linrlen 100 00 Henry mob. 100 00 David Ilatielgh 100 00 T. Tolbert 100 00 John Kati - 100 00 Jerome W01t1ci11...... 100 00 Nap. B. Herron - 100 00 Isaac Warner ....... ....100 00 William Harmony-. 100 00 31. J. Waller 100 00 Jam es Bonet ..... ...-.' 100 001 F. Yeager' 100 00 Howard He11er........ 100 00 Robert D. Kinser.-- 100 00 Jacob Jones 100 00 Samuel Dine-. ...... .- 100 00 Amos Heiner 100 00 James Cooney 100 00 , Charles Jones 100 00 Michael Douse 100 00 Jobn H. Kohler 100 00 C. 11. Camp r 100 00 Samuel Kuser 100 00 James Carbaugh 100 00 Be rte Lynch . 100 00 James Clinton 100 00 George Koser. 16 00 Alfredßutler. ... _ . ... 10000 William Lightner.... 100 00 James R. Borland-- 100 00 William Leasser 100 00 William Itiggs. ..... -. 100 00 Charles 31. Need 100 00 Samuel Bohn 100 1)0 William Mi11er........ 100 00 George Borns 100 00 Samuel K. Snively... 100 00 Adam Brown 100 00 David 3fehaffey 100 00 B. F. Pitt 100 00 M. 31:Connell 100 00 Charles Bowles 100 00 A. Nunemacker 100 00 Daufef Shiite 100 00 Charles E. Newman,3oo 00 t flies 8r0wn......... 150 00 Jacob Poper 100 11 Printing., 730 John H. Pnnnel 1 ! 00 Telegraphing 3 72 John P. Pfeiffer -00 00 , Samuel Perie- 100 00 • $5.461 0 2 ,/Balance in ands of Treutnrer,slll3 11. SEP ESA i, ... RECRUITS a to itill wanted for Guilford, and the cltizemi are requested to 'utensil themselves , to procure them. $ 130 ,3 011 hit paid fur ev.h man by ' I feb 1,74 to A.K.IIPCLIIRE,Treas. ME 110abbtrt - 6:MUMS. W A DW I LLINt• .110 USE in 'et near the business P art of the talent. at a iir rent.- In q uire at the Count ing Ito at of the ileees • .T Carr. fel, 17 It 13 Eliill WARNER, vening in the relies Aid Vet' 17-It. .. A DMINISTR. TOWSNA , „CI 'Whereas, Lett el aof dmillistratim tto of .14rnai M. Gamble. late of 'anteett toefr ;ed. hate been grantee to the da ribery resiejr., township. , , Ail persons indebted V. tho say Estate. are hereby re qneiteel to nveke immediate pay' ent, and those having c a T . ils or elemandi against the' Es to of said decedent, 'will make known the same Withon delay, to feb 17-fits WILLIA3t. It R.ON, A dm'r. I S. a large Tobacco, and eery Strr:ii , - I! , :3 Grocery ADMIN ISTRA TOR'S OTIOE.- Notice is hereby given that Letters f .I.ltnittis.ra hen de , Ixtuis non tti the Estate f Matthe • 31'K of., late of (Item) townslttiviee'd. have been g , ant to the un dersigned. residing iti said township. , All pervoni kneveitig themselves indelae.l t said tale wilt please" in tke hn tie HUE , ; .1 ri till"Nc haviap.ebtith/will pre•seat them proporly atithe ti , att d fat. settlement to her Attorae,ir. awry R. Om, Dui.. rim beaiburg.i'm Lfeht7l :11A11.4A RET CA NIP. Adm x. HE - -GEM - RESTAURANT.' .N N/The undersigned liaNhngt leased the nboVe Tumuli .estaLlishment. Corner of qtr.pirEntorui and ibirket 0- is 'prepared to furnish' OYSTERS and ALL TIIE 'DELI XAIJES 01 THE' SEASO3 in the most pal itilne kyles. PANIVES SUPPI rLD with fresh shocked Oysters et short entire. Hi. well ventilated vaults, so necessary fur pre serving ALE sweet and clear, is V. 01 stored 'n it hrewings from Ludwig's and Martin's. Give ns a call when you want a glass of prime Suezmer Ale. • fe1.17. '134-tf „ GEO RODGEII6. T 4 PI.IgCTRICITY:—Iiavin(i associa- - teil with thegtent-illecoverer and founder of the new 'mule of applying Electricity - to procticeitt the cit v Philadelphia; th.refire having full power to give in structhin and arantiliplothls in the name of the discov erer. Will 'continence .31niolay, Is6l - . to In. sttuctianil qualify acl its of Atitilents in the tit airy and prectibe of Medical ii;lectriety for the cute of all curable diseases A. salniy of One Thousand Dollars per year guaronteed to a limited number of Students—good loca tions secured for 1 he ;Atte' t hot of Medical men and others are requestel. Let Mete be a lull ChM. The harvetit is truly great and laborers are few. Apply to or address , 'W. B. iiitol‘ elphia tantly on hand OMI=E=2E=eIMI D 1:13LIC SAliE.—The uridersign ed. inrending to relinquish Farming. will otter at Public Salo. on his Farm. pno fottrtli of N milts Smith t f Brown's Mill, ou the roitilitediliisg Iron' Brown's to Greencastle on Mond"y. the 291 h. clay I _February. IS6I, the Fdlowiog Personal Property. viz: FIVE 11 , iIISES. two of which are good 11r n slNlari.s: ;1 fine tw..3 coiling; Colts: S heal id Horned C itt f which ai Mild) our, the remainder Young Cattle; 10 head of Hugs; INV . (' Brood Sow-i. with Pig. S held of Cotswell beep -2 of which are - A Im',l Rand IVagori. (Broad- Tread.)Beil: Bows:Cover :Mil Periling Trough: 1 - one• house Wagon, 1 ))arrow, 1, three-horse W. WI d three-liorsr .Plows, 2 two-luove • Plows, timer Double Shovel ovs,l Revolviins IDy Rake : I:Threshiag v id e ,. and [tors,. power. Plltolling Sortie.. 2 Windmills.l Fodder Cutter.l utting I.lox. I Ire t3utter end It.nigh Lock ; 1 Fifth Chitin. I Log Chain a lot of Caw Cluihei. 2.ets of Front Genre; 3 set* Plow (learn. Coll krs Bridles. lialter.Chnins. Pitch and' Marini e Forks. Also 1 set Blacksmith's Tools. Cloveiseil Cradle, 1 nine:plate Stove and Pipe, It lot of Corn Brixam,ll Barrel Vinegar, and A great nutriyartiries not necessary* to enummte. BITE! Nun PinW. found MEM • nnanrwre thht ON of PIfOTG IGwithINDI% Uwe: blntell 'sure. can be eA- of DECE.S SET) ood Like miles =l= ft.tle to confluence at 9 o'clock, on said day„ wh oa a credit of One, Year will be given on nit sums ever $6. eb 17 3tt (l).llawbecker, Anct..) A. CARBAUOIL I , ` ENB UA,G SPRINGS AND MOUNTAIN LAND AT PUBLIC SALE.-L The undorsig'ned,Arsiguees orDavidGoodyearand Wife. sill! sell at Public Stle, on Sat,terecay the 12th 'lay of March, 1864, on the premise's, the ttllowing Real Estate, situate on the Turnpike, about calf w ty between Cbam bersburg and Gettysburg. in MUMS County, a tract of 750 Acres of land, divided into Lots. as follows: No I—The MANSION TRACT , ontaining 150 Acres, about 50 of which is itrepr O ved[Ltind, well lim al and in a good state of cultivation and, the balance of the tract in well set with aftlntik: Pine] and other timber. The (I It AFFENBURCI HOTEL and SPRINGS. one of the mast healthy and pleasant Summer - Resorts in this part of _healthy State. is upon this tract. The Hotel is a Nnbctant I'll brick building, 62 feet by 30. with a two stor3 lack build-- ing.4s feet by .0, laid off , int rooms for the use of lwarders, Visitors. fir. 4fonn cted with It is a Store Room and Post Office. Also , a huge and convenient BATH lICUSE, with 20 Bed It Sonia attached, extensive Stabling. Blacksmith' Shop, Ice House, Ten-Pin-Alley, Revolving Swing. and all other necessary buildings.— Also. a Tenant Haase anti, a Yioung Orchard of Choice Fruit. . : i - No. 2—Adjoining the aboye. :ton - tains 92 Acres Ittl(t , is well covered with yotiv s g Timber,.' No 10—Contains 201 Acres find is well set \kith young Chestnut rind Rock Oak . •-\! i Also—The undivided on bait of 95 Acre%—adjoining T. Stevens and Stahl's hors\ Well Nntwith yam' t. timber. Persons wishing to stew the premises will call an either of the subsc»bers: Site to caninictice at the Graffenburg Hotel. et lo o'clock, A. M.. on said day. when the conditions will be ifindl- known by _ . JuNil B ( IWNEy• I, Ass)..titts 5A,17.4t . JOHN HARTMAN. . 1 ' ' ... . _ . PITBLIC SAL.--.HWill -!)e sold by Public Sale_st the lesidence of the subscriber in Antrim tem mbip, I nine E•ln of Brown's Mill, and 1 toile South-East of Mark ti. oh Plesda y. the let dos of ,tfarch. 11 , 04. the finial , g Personal Propertv.viz: !head of 110itSES. 2 Coll 5.14 la ad pf cattle-7 of - which in Mitch Cows: 41 bead of SHEEP...I2 heed of Sliotes. 1 Brood Sow. Ae. Abe,. 1, ittiAlY WAGON inew).l,4l. nows. C iver sad Feed Traw two-horse:l broinl•ti earl Plantation W agon.] narrow-t, Plantation Wawa). two-ho rse Wagon. 1 Sliring %Wagon, .2 .. leig , s. 2 Wheelbarrow 5.2 sets Hay Ladder., 1 p air W.ical :adders. 2 sets Bong Itonris.l Jachscren...te. , Al, o, 4 sets of-Front Gears. 2 sets Breech bands. 0 sets Pi 4wiGears, Co. In 1s anti Ili blies. 2 ~,,t . F./ N o e meneeo {Vague and 1 Riding Saddle. Fly Nets; W.tgoth• Plow, Single end •Dolgtie Check I Ines. 4,1 pair 8/weeder , . 2 sets Butt e_taiti .2 sets Breast' hairs, Log and Fifth Chains, Roligh.Look and Ice Cutter. Halters and Cow Chains. kg. Also, 1 GRAIN DRILL, 1 Patent Hake. 1 31 ANN Y REAPER, 1 Corn Sheller, 1 Grain Bailer. 1 Railing Screen, 1 Grain Fan. 1 Strew - Cutter, 4 Barsbear Plows.-1 Single and 5 Daub], shovel Pk Ars 3 tin rt axes:" Single, Double and Tr [pule Tree., ti rain Cradles and Moe ing '.e,2, thes. Sickles not COM Cutters. Dung. Pitch, II Ly and -,811 'king Forks. Rakes, I hils. $...e. ' Al.o. 300 flittre 14 of CORN, II AY by the Tnn. Cornffidder. n large : hit. 4 heavy twine I Linen Begs. 7 Big Wagon. I Grain SW , . 2 Grind Stones. 1 Di i Rel. 1 Smooth-Bore Gun 2 traps Sleigh 8e115..11 MI Engine, Wier-Cutter, s4tyv 1d,1inu...«. Axes, Hatchets, 1 ; Pince: s, Mani Sz 4Ve4lges. Cron; Qua Saws. SIW4, P ii itnes. Augurs. CIA'W, Bar. Diggi lie; Rar. Sledge. Storm II n oar s , Choppers. Vinegar and Cider Barrels. Machine ,Strap, Sausage (litter. Ofri Iron..he l , Also. 40 Acres of GRAIN IN TILE GROUND, a large lot of Oak Rails and Posts, 100 Mot Used Pasty, a lot of IRA rde. seVernl thousand I hit ,Spokes (in the rough). Oat:lP:din-a, and Wool by th . Cord All ~ Hams. Slionitlers„, Sides, L..rd and ford ‘Stands. Meat Vessel, and many articles not necessary to mention. . S' b. to commence at 5 o'c ock. when attendance and a credit of Niue Months will he given on all Mints ever ii. AN N• MARIA JtEEFEIt. Adtterx . tel4l-7-2t ' - _ j:.sPITIL. Auctioneer. • 7 SEG kn. 'D MOL ASS ES & C • ' nisim;'...sredlens . • Walnut awl !Nutniez.. Ma le usually ud VOLUNTEEIRSA ND CON SCitt PTS —To S'ohlier l m or any othors wishing In in...reaße their income_ there IM 1 u bet ter wny or doing ~o at this time. than [tuna the Pale of our IVittehes. They are , %varrantel as Wepresentrl !' "Particularly yahfable-f, officers in the Army and travelers,"—Pranl, Leslie's. Feb. 21. . " Pfottie.t.be4t an I rile test timepieces ever offered." —..V. V. Illustrated Nang. Jon. U. _. - " - Very Irett% and 11 ran tili' 11 - Itches fnr thl y . Army t r Nary Jo4nuil, Ritn'ernraant Organ ] Anus.. 20., ' ,ifi n e of the ,11.1 st atil,moat reliable 11 mug in heel• . Journal, July 31. Atne TIME 77e rtg n Hunting or Open Face 01 Dely's or, Getitirienn'a Watch t'oinbineil, with Valeta Self-}Fouling liopreveaieut, n meet Pleas lug Niiveny. . ONE 0 6 be prettit St, Most convenient, and decidedly the best and cheapest tinie.piect- for general and relia• o-ide use ever offered. It Gas within it and connected with its machinery. its oan winding attachment, req. Bering- a key entirely titinecessary. The mules of this Watch are composed - Of - two metals, the outer one being fine 10 cared gold. It has the Improved ruby action lever movement, warranted an accurate time• piece: Price. super* engraved, per case of half dozen; , $204. Sample Watches, in neat morocco boxes, $.15. SILVER WATCHES. First Claes Hunting- Tithe. Pieces for accuracy of inevement, beauty of material, and above all, cheapness in price, these watches must insure universal approbation. An imitation so faultless that It can hardly be detected by the mud experienced judges. The material being of two metals, the outer one first quality Sterling Silver, while the inner ore is German Silver, it cannot be re cognized by cutting or heavy engraving, making it, not only in appearance, but in durability, the best resemb lance of SOLID STEti LING .SILVER inexistence. The Sale of these Watcheit in the Army is n source of enormous profit, retailing; as they, very readily do, at $25 and upwards. Many hundred dollars can be made in a single pay day by any, one of ordinary business tact. Itts.AT WHOLESALE ,ONLY! In heavy hunting cases, Nautili - Ill! engraved, white enamel dial, and fancy cut hands in running order, by the half dozen, Sold only by the mile of six! Un receipt of two dollars, as guarantee of good faith, po we will send watches by express to any part of the loyal States, a:ilea - log balance of bill on delivery. This ensures buyers against treed. giving them their watches before payment is required. - Soldiers in the diselyal States must remit CASII VAVCIE, as the- express companies peremptorily , refuse making collections in such dangerous localities. Re. member, Cash in advance front within the tirmy lines in rebel states I We guarantee the safe delivery of all Watches, whether they are Petit by mail or express. HUBBARD BROS , Sots Unmans, feb 17-It 171 Broadway, cor., Cortland St., N.Y. itrie'tft4iiklii Iteposit 11, fre4rurtip 17, 1364. l abbertistmilito. ILLER.& HENSHEt. - . it,IiGGISTS, (s nag ritEmrAvrixo, cFrAitBERNsuRo. pATENTI 3EEDICINES---Always on hand n .4ntpleteetnek of Allttibpopnlar p,ttvui 31 arc - tires - Of the itty - at I t hEtt IiEN $11111":1. A ftr i‘f ti r el i c i a j t \ ;i ll n i s ) t Y Wh WelTheßL-S at is needed - in ev — ery;nnl:l3:;: 1 MILLER et FIESAIIEY'S.. i AVE YOU A COLD? Try a matt mit.,Eirs cmon SYRUP. It at : 'll Get•it :it ttILLFIt'iIt.JIENSIIEVS. I AVE YOU THE ITCH kiet, a i ,ox .4 - TEEREV:3 IT OINTMENT. It is ' a ;e ‘lll4 speedy viirs--at 'MILLER ,& ITOESE AND CATTLE POW DER s Irorse and .'attle Powder is the irio in the market Itis prepared and sold by MIL L kat tt: ENSHEY . • ---4------"---__ ..-,---.... %, t.icir ,-- 1 ARDENI SEEDS I—Earl?—Earlyt ork Cabbage Seed nod a foil supply of all kinds,of L pion and Flower Sceds, just received by ' L ; MlLLiit & lIENSifiY: AGONMAKER SHOP FOR It liNT.—The -übscrlber offers Fa - 'rent' n. Wagon i Shop in Sun ffer4own. one mile east ot Clambers- There is af . a large two Storied STONE DWltt ar the 510 fl for rent. This-is one of the hist he conn e. having always had a_good run 4.)f \ (fro 17-tYj N. W. DOSCH.' In rg. L NO tit et 'igh; cnkont. \ Filly want 11.11 ' i t4tir Twasl.6 th 1, trp nrelle.4. W 0.% . k . ori giveflarge c Jam ‘,, ruclvsk a 4inip. and t fel) 17-3 lit . ; 1 KEROM fnhl 14,ortmentot Store. eau be loin ii rEit3[4I•ISTLS . . -1 0ILET t •ARTICL S, ' ; , • • STICKLING'S AMB 1.4 A, COoGAINE. 'IR DYES. POMADES, EXTRA &S-OF ALL KIN S, ! • ! NAIR mtusgEs, COMBS, ' 1 TOOTH nll TOOT of every thing in the Met line, can had at 311 LLFR & Uls SII KY'S. 11.178L1C t+ALE.-- I The IL e.I will sell of • Public Sale, on the killing!, L i : hn entrev,'. deed, near Neer nilford. oh 27. - , e ;;. ;) th they qf fttp- i w r y, 1b64, the following. is o perty,yrdolta T. Renfrew. deed: Five Shares r , bdrg! BANK STOCK, 1 Kidding Saddle and Po flide R hes. Sleign Runners, 1 Carriage- Box. is, 1 Grinlstona, a lot of Tobacco, 12 unfln: ooms, a large WI of uroom corn and Machine for nn icturing Brooms. &c:: Also, 500 Grape Vinelg, Iwo Gull ed Grape Boxes. a 10e0i TOO e, l Table, Lard Press, &q. ; le to coinn.tende at 10 o'clock: on said day, when, due I tend:thee and a reasonable credit will be given. N.„ , feb 17-2 t - S. R. BURN'S. Adner.` A PLOW'S INDIGO BI.UE. Dealer. and Consinners of the abote Cblebrafcci lue, will please tidte notice; that the Labe/sure altortal I. to read , I N DIDO 11LU E, Put up at ALFRED t ItILTBERG I RS Drug Store, No. 233 North Second t' Street. Philatlelphitt." The quality of this Blue will he tbe same ip every respe-t I lit is loves/kW! tOcolor tn•tre water than twise the ; stmt., quantity of Indigo, and to go much further than aty other %Fn.& Bitte in the market. It dissolves per- I f •tly clear end dosd not settle on the clothes-ma trost of t I Ake other makes il . One Box dissolved in a half ;pint ~ , , f water, will utak asTgood Liquid Bhtetis any th tt la ,ale. at one thl rd he cost. lAs it Is retailed at the same price as the Imitation', ! and 'lnferior articles, hunßelteepors will linifit very much i t(t th4ir udvantagelto ask foe that put up-at - WILTHXR- 1 (S.'S.l • 1 , All Blue put np after this date with ilvatow's name o it is - an I mitatiOn. - ' 1 '1 The,New table does not require a Stamp. 'For gale i . 'Storekeepers Onerally. L !Set, 17L5m. ' 'IrHE GR!EAT AMERICAN it TEA COIIIVIY, 51 1 7caseT STREET, NEw VIRH. .:ewe it, oretnivtipn, has created a new era, In the Ins et ,r p :‘ , t i:f .i s;! „ l; e T u s i t e s ,d i * a , y title fr u country. a, d we Aim oar-Teas a I e, select ed by a Professional Tea-tastt:r. never cha4 . o c , er Two Cent. (02Cents) per pound above cost fur orig s ilial packages. f ' We have but One Price to every one for each qtality, rqad that price is always uotrket on each sample pack. e at our stole in retain figures: Ws. issue a Monthly Price List of our Teas, schich;will lie sent nee to all who order, it—we advise cretjy:lea Heller to see ft.' I t'; , mprises a full assortment retorted flir avery hoatltty I the States. Provinces. South Ameri t and the West Indies. In this list each kind if; di.. ilea into Four or gnalities. na4pely : Cargo. igh Cargo, Fine: Finest, that everyone may understane from desei iption :via the prices annexed tout the Coin naay arc deft.' minril to undersell the whole tea irate!' I We guarantee tel sell all our Tats in original package * lint over Tu o Cents per pound above cost, believOn. this to be attractiVe to the many who have heretofor. 1 cetipaling enorniona Profits.' rz. .onrlnedliess is largely done on orders. which we al. it a execute as well andpromptly as though the laiye lialTle hems, If giving true weights and tares. and al way, t s il t 3 o r Ti t i e tll eiT n r 'e l e i v ri ' a r n Y i t a h e! n t' o er u y r d 'r ei e trer .n c l' a i n bl o i r t ;rer e ti:i b t li ela. E) ' irott from the I mummy, and parties doing hmines l' i a ithin Five Tian ee. , 1(500) mites Of New York,can return Tea bought ..f us if they are not cheaper than they cm lliiv el.ev. Isere. and the purchaser is dissatisfied wit li hi liargain, within folirteen rlit:ts (14), and have the moue: ti e ftin.'ed t them. 1 Those who are over Five Hundred' 1 t tiles can have thirty days (30) and the sante privilege, :itended to theniJ . Besides th •Rt. nol• ntnges the Company will pay All :xpenses. both w,s3ys if the Teas are returned. GRF.AT [AMERICAN TEA COMPANY, TIZPONTRES Mai JOADY:118. 51 Verses - St,., New Yosk, fu. If . rll E AR'l', ANT) NAVY JOURNAL ib e gniliothatire organ of filo National Army and 'ivy. the mcdnila through which the oldest and moat ieutlflc ofli set .4 the two services communicate with he public: il flip only complete, thorough Rodman& t o moan' y gazer It* , eve^ published in this country. ' The P roprietor }mold respectfully call the attention • -, the follow lug et tracts from lettere and ftont notices bYt he [west : Fermi AV?' . General Nestle. I hove re' sired (several' 'numbers of the Army and 'act, Jorrnaf, an have noted with satisfact:on the titoyhear am, the premise of usefulness of this , ,n end. It lifflod,n me sincere pitrnenre to add my con iibption t... ; its IllailliellittiCO. -,. Fer7l7l, [ Majnr General Cbuch."• It ',mid :wpm ant the country rep! ires'ench st paper nd I t mid it will;m, e.t-,x ith Inch a PllPCutti net to secure tie-very be--d intent. ni;lits.ty nncl naval.indhe Republi c . work of the -that slvtll be stanilarq—lins "-en needed. Mylbeat wishes ate with all connected vith the enternrisc, Front Jt - ljor GenPral Thomas. TCwill , rd mP mpeli .plewu re to recontnieint the -finny and' Vary .i`ritirnal to officersin my portion of the rm y. mid I tsk , . this °ppm tunity to express my grain _cation that its detiny is in such hands,. ' from Prof. 11..4450pee. University of Permsy/t , ria, its very sari sl .errh 0. intellikence and official in form. ties—its, e:cceitent articles. scientific new, and (yet ractical—its high tone and liberal spirit—are all 'that ould be deeired. ;the form, paper and type are admit , bled and your own military , experience Is ill put your ousnal in sympathy with both officers. and men in our . ervice. Frost the 1% - e w York Times." - . The .Army and hary.Aurnal iaan honor to itself and o the service, both regular and volunteer. It received n advance the approval °teem° of our most distinguish ed navy and military officers, who spoke frbnt their knowledge of thelcharacter and standing of these who. had the matter in hand. It should betaken by , every army officer in the field, and by every officer in the navy as well as by our militia' officers—and our more intelli gent private soldier algo, as well ace the general public,• ;who now take inch a deep interest in all military mat- . item will and its discussion uT the highest value and In. Front-the B pringfielel(Mast.) Republican. We Cart honestly, and heartily recoutmebd it to all who ,terest. wish to keep themselves posted as to the war. Its war Wawa Is full and aCcurate and its editorial discontent intelligent and impartial. It is worth all the other pers put togethirlfor accurate Information about the; war. Frew the - Nero-Haven Pulladfunt. The best authority in military matter. Prfnik the Chicago Tribune. - The best military Journal now publisheid, and anhon lipr to itself and to the service. The Terme ot the paper are FIVE Dallaka- A. TZAR, Payable in advande. Ten edits aslngle copy. It 'snub- • lished Ina largesized quarto sheet, of 16 pages, conven ient for binding ! , and minted in the best manner or -fine book paper. Aldieus the UNITED STATRB ARMY AND NAVY JOURNAL, 192 BitoeDwer, - New Rex." por ,tile by Newngeaters generally. - . W. C. CHURCH', Proprietor. febl7 - No. 192 Broadway, New York. . - j 'f - '0 $1.59' ER MONTH .- O. The above is strong, wurdieited, and unexpeetril testi- TOMS GIANT Sewing Machine Coin- I away> from high authority. ilany other Journals hare cent In saeli county, to solicit order. hn' • spoken almost as stralgly. Among these are the N. T, -11111 e. with gauge, screw-driver and 'ex- I "Nill pay a liberal salary and expenses, I Observer, the Lidepcncient, the Christian littelligegeer, issions. For particulars, terms, kcii,--, - . address T. S. PAGE. Telmle.G., 'the A':IT. Evangelist, the airistian Advocate, the -Fe/h -ien 1 Agent for the United States. i odiat o the Baptist Qhronicle, and indeed lamest the I entire religious and secular press of the country. For SD WICK S. VIM FLUID ANL& I' malty Liund in it Dein; .ER & HEICSIIEF'S [doe ' • UNITED STATE:B abbqttorrients. {OR EVERYBO . DY. [-12 " Agriculture teas most Healthful, the most Useful, the moat „Noble Emplopueutgf Man."—WAsiliNuuN. '-. TLIE AMERICAN 'T.s T, , - A I? A.R3I, p_ARDE.,ti, - AND iICr(SEIIOLD. ' Z . 1 ORANGE JUDD. A.M., „„,,,-;;,„,, ,- ( .St A Year, in Proprieror.=Office - 7,7 1 7,„', — * ..,,' advance. OnQ At *Park. Row. --- '"?-'''' (number 10 cents. sI — GR I 111111111=1 V9L. [NEW YORKM •Jvi. Ist - . 1864 Dr.Tiall'sJuu nal qf Health. Jan. 1884, ei4e : Therein no Journal published, on this or any other " continent, on agricuUure or an*,othe... su'fcct, which gives one-ha/Jas Issue* valuable, practical, and. reliable " inforinationi or one dollar a year, as the A mzelean " AGETCLTIIIIIST, issued 4 Orange Judd, at _'lumber 41 Park Row, New Fork. City." example - The Methodist, of Feb. 6,1885, on) o "The AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST undoubtedly On nde.secondro no other "similar journal, in this country or In the world. A. dollar can hardly be better invested by any family, '• than in securing this journal with its large amount of " rectify praclicai, • usvfid, and reliabte information. Its "Household and Youth's Departments are specially "callable, aside from its Farm and Garden Depart- • meats." 'sign- F/trHI I -may, the ilil I YOU *ANT IT, YOUR WIFE WANTS IT, YOUR CHILDREN WANT IT; 'ACHE It is- a very large, very beautiful, very PRAPEB,FULLOFGOODTIIINGS. Each num- dos hundreds of useful, reliable articles, hints ltious, On the Inborn of the HOUSEHOLD, the •nd the FARM, with a very interest'ng And •apartment f.r oriLDR.NN and YOUTII. also contailr'hundreds of beautiful and (URI Instruct' pch vo AVING'S, many of them large. Fvery k .n istructiv line of the pri wllO KNOW ABOUT. Each pnges,"betmiifully pi paper, and every yea articlen and itemer:lc' a&c. apation or location, hinp, each worth more thi nearly 100 3 060, enables the that iiipeett.the old price of CIirf.DILEDI want it, because Wags to both pleasa and instruct Pictures, Puzzles, Stories, etc.. whlcl good tuanners,kinduess of heart, and Thousands of parents hare written that is alone worth many times the cost of th, iIaCSE-KEEPERB:, went the Agricuiturist, bow' it department on ilousework, ;which will gi really uSettill. Limitation ; this is not a mere rt -tale recipes, but a thoroughly prepared.seriest about Iti:docriaffairs, which will help to lighten at a, tate Woman's work, aid in securing in door labor-satit mplements, and make one's work; less toilsome, by eiliag the how and ..why. of this and that household •Peratieu. MECHANICS wanithls journal for the general prac leaf information it affords, and if they have a square ud of ground fora Garden, for n Vine, or a - Tree,dt ail l aelp them make the beet possible use of that ground. MERCHANTS - and PROFESSIONAL MEN want it fur the mate reasons as Mectispies. FRUIT•GROWERS want-it-for its great amount of reliable information .about different fruits, their value, mode of culture, preservation, etc. - STOCK-RAISERS want the American Agriculturist for its abundant tufonnation on all.that pertains ter - tbe solection.brOcciiir„ profttable raising, diseases, and mar: keting, , f all kinds of Domeetle Auimale, Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Swine, Poultry, : 'FARMERS want the Agriculturist, for, as its name in dicates, it was Originally started to promote their iut er *este,hongb it has been doubled in also, to embrace thu entirej department of In-dour mil .Outqloor life. No. where else can there be found sh much really useful, conunon aense Intermit - en about all that pertains to the FARM WORK. TH R CALENDAR or the Agricallurist, giCen the first of each month, tells what is to be done in that month on. the Farm, in the Orchard; mut Jnrden. st . c. This is very' valuable, and greatly helps to a systematic arrangement of one's labor. IIUMBUGSdon't want it. Every person who has been humbugged by swindlers, should takelhe Agricu The constant exposures In this journal, of the ltumbugs of the day, have saved Its readers hundreds of thousands of dollars. - • EVERYBODY,'no matter of what occupation, or Placii or residence, will find runeh Interesting and useful Infor mation in tlic Agriadturist.. TRY IT A YEAR., IT WILL PAY EyGLISH AND GERMAN.—The American Agricul turist is published in separate English and German Botliare of the same size, and contain the same matter and engravings, and are furnished at the same price. TRIMS in adrance: One copy one year for $1 Six copies one year torss. Ten or more copies ono year for 80 cents each. N. 8.-. The. paper, is always promptly stopped when the subscription eipires, t ORANGE JUDD, - PUBI.jSII£R . PROPRIETOR, 41 Park Raw, New York City P. B.—Tllll • GREATEST STRAWBERRY, both f tite and quality, o'er yet produced, was brought out la June, by-Seth Borden, Esq l _the noted Inventor-of Pa' ant Leather, Malleable Iron, etc. The plants were a' purclulied by the Propriaor of the American 'Agriculdt rift, and are being multiplied for free distribution amp his subparibite for 1804; ...tiny subscribieadding3cen to hie subscription to cover post of poatago and oil clo will entered on the list of those to receive plants ) mail. fel, 17 SE I rist prcpared by thorough•going. WORKING LIEN •ANI) THEY TALK AND WRITE contains 321arge iktible-quart4 on clear white calenliarbd lame has 8000 to 400 l useful no one, whatever hie or her ad without getting some (The great circulation, isher to Ettil furnish CZ ntaine so many 1. It has good good moral, It the wind 1111221 E IMI wait propoiato. ITNITED STITES MAIL'S. PENNSYLVANIA. . _ Posr OFYIUTZ DRPARTURST, WllNhitiptcm, Noe fiber 10,1863. PROPOSALS will be reeeii.ed at the Contract Of fice of this Department Until 10 of .214ateday. march 31,1864, for ciniveying the inaila of tho United States fOr four years. commencing July 1. /864, and ending Juno 30, 1864. in the State. of Pennsylvania. on the - routes and .bY the schedules of departures and arrivals herein epecifivir iiii ---- umneed by April :5,1164. Bid.der , w in ,ram eaNfulry t4e forn4 anti in - Ntructione annexed; opeeiulty the latter port of ill .truetion 201. From Philadelphia, by General Wayne, Cabinet, West - Haverford.. Radnor, Spread Eagle. Reesville, Pauli, Frazer, West Wh Roland, Downing town, Thorndale Iron- Works„Caln, Coatesville, Par kesburg, Penningtonville. Christiana, Gap, Kin zers, Leaman Place. Dellemont, Paradise, Gordons- - vile, Ixttercourse, Enterprise. Lancaster, Landis ville. Salunga, Mount Joy, glizabethtoww. Middle town. High SpLe, Harrisburg: . Susquehanna. Fen wick, Duncannon. Newport. Millerstown, Timmy sentown, Mexico, Pert Royal, Mitilintorni, Lewis town, Strode's Mills. McVeytown, Newton Hamil ton, Mount Union, Mapleton Depot. Mill Creek. Huntingdon, ::.•liaver's Creek. Barre Forge, Spruce Creek, Birminghatn, Tyrone, Antestown, Tipton, Fostoria, Altoona. Gallitzen. Cresson. Summit. lleullbek. Sonraan. Wilmorc. Summer Hill, Mineral Point, Conneinaugh,Johnstown, Armaugh, Verona. New Florence, Lockport Station, Bolivar, Branch Junction, Hillside, Milwood, New Derry. Braden ville; Youngstown, Latrobe. Greensburg. Adams burg, Tinker Run. Manor Station. Penn's Station, Erwin's Station, Lari.ner's Station. Stewartsville, CELF e ttsv ill% Mon roe vi II e, TurtleCreek,Braddoek's Field. Wilkinsburg. [tad Wilkins, - to Pittsburg,3s7% miles. and back. by ratilroad, twice daily, or as fre quently as cars are run. ifrequired.)and brasehed , - ale satisfactory to the Department. 2.-V2. From Philadelphia, by Conshokocken, Nor ristown, Bridgeport. Port Kennedy, Valley Forge. Phrenixville. ltoyer" Ford, Limerick Bridge. Sets- Icr's Store, Pottstown—Douglassville, Baumstown, Birdsboro',_Ex - crer Station. - Reading, Tuckertowa„ 3lehrsvilre.Shoemakersville, Leesport, Hamburz Port-Clinton. Auburn, Orivigsburg. Landingvil and Seim -- - Pottsville, 97 mild nt.ti back; by railroad. twice - da . : (oral frequently as cars run. if required,) and bi - ai - O ale satisfactory to the Department. 2203. From Philadelphia, by ,Kelleysville,' Oak Dale, - Media. Glen Riddle, Lenin Mills. Glen Mills. Thornton, Cheyney, and Street Road, to ,West Chester. miles and back. twice daily. by 'rail road, and by a schedule satisfactory to the Depart ment- ' _ 1.2-1)4. From Philadelphia,- - by Milestown, Shoe makertown, Fitswatertown, White Marsh, Penn. Ilyn, Upper Dublin, Spring House, Gwynedd, Mont gomeryville, New Harbor, Hatfield, Lanclsclale. Seller's Tavern. Quakertown. Cooperibmg; Centre Valley. Hellerto wn; and Iron Hill.- to Bethlehem. 5119100 miles miles and back, daily, extent Sun , day. (or as frequently as cars run. if required.) with a branch'to Doylestown ria Now Galena, Line Lex ington, Whitehallville and New Britain, 10 11-100 . miles and back, daily except Sunday;- by. railroad, 'and by aschedule satisfactory to the Department. 2205. From Philailelphia,"by upper Darby. Hay "erford. Newtown Square, Edgemont. Willistown Inn, and Milltown. to West Chester, 2334 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Philadelphia Tuesday. Thursday, and Saturday at 2 p. nrri,ve at West Chester by 8 p in. Leave West Cheater Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 7 a m; arrivaat Philadelphia by 1 p m. =O6. Fran Philadelphil to Norristown. 17 Miles and back, daily. except Sunday, by railroad. ~,Leave PhiladelPhia da ly, excep: Sunday. at 6 it in; arrive at Norristown by 7 a m. Leave Norristown ditilY,_ except Sunday, at 6 a in; arrive at Philadelphia by lam. - - 2 2 07. From Philadelphia, LI-y Olney, - .Oxford Church. Chelterihmx, Fox Chase. II it nti neon Val ley,- Sorrel Horse. Davisville. Richborough. and Pena's Park. to Pineville, 29 miles- and - back. six times a week: Leave Philadelphia daily„, exeunt Sunday. at 7ani : arrive at Pineville by P ie.-- Leave Pineville daily. except Sunday, at 6 ant ;rah rive at Philadelphia by 12 in. -2.1:18.. From Philadelphia to Darby. 8 miles and - back, six times a week. by railroad. Leave Phila delphia daily, except Sunday. at 814 a m; arrive at Darby by 10 am. Leave Darby daily, except Sun day, at 7 a m : arrive at Philadelphia by $34 a 2209. From Frankford Railroad Station, by'Bus-‘ tleton,to Somerton, 10 miles and back, siz times a 1 week. Leave Frankfort). Itailrtilid Station dull? • except Sui-day. at 5p m arrive at Somerton b p m.. Leave Somerton daily except Sunday, at p m; arrive at Frankford Railroad Station by '43.‘, pm. =- 2:10. From Emstleton. by Byberry. to OakfoM, 3 ^ 'miles and back, three limes a week. Leave Bus tleton Tuesday, Thursday, and tmturday at 6p: ; I arrive at Oakford by S p in. Leave oa.kford Tyler ' day, Thursday and Saturday at 8 am:arrive at Bus "Ligon by 10 a rn. From Shoeinakertown by Jenkintown, idib , • ingnivrn. Willow Grove, Hatborough, Warminster, Hat villa. Bridge Valley, Buckingham: and La , husks, to New Hope, 80 miles and back, six times a week. Leave Shoemakertown daily, except Sunday. it 10 a. ra ; arrive at New Hope by-Sip In. Leave New Hope daily, except Sunday, at 8 a m; arrive at Shoemakertown by 6 p in. 221.2. From NistOwn, - . by liickorytown and Plymouth Meetie4 to Barren Hill, 6 miles and back, three times a4veek. Leave Norristown Tues. , lay, Thursday and Saturday at -10 a ni -4irrive at Barren 11111 by 12m. Leave Barren Hill Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 3 p m; arrive at Norris. town by 5 P m• 2213. From Norristown, by Nhrritonville. Penn's, Square. Centre Square, Worcester, Skippack, Led eracksville. and Salfordsville, to Sumneytown, 20 mites and back, three times a week. Leave Norris town Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 4pm ar, 4 ve at Sumneytown by 10p Leave Sumneytown lday, Wednesday and Friday - at 6a m ; arrive at '3town by 12 an. Frora-Norristown, by Seffersonville„Shan le:arfil Port Providence, to Phcenixvillo, 11 id back. three times a week. Leave Norris tesday, Thursday and Saturday at 4 - r.k m : Phcenixville by 634 p in. Leave Plitenix ',v, Thuriday and Saturday at 44 a m irristown by 7 a in. - _ arm Vi e a t — i'^o. over.Gik vale. MI and.DrYl a week. 2 p 4in ,; m town Mix crick by gersville, Leiths v; times a lirednest-,_ ~aay_at town by 9 p - 111. Leave liclleitown Tuesday:T . llnm • day and Saturday at G a m; arrive at Line' Lexing ton by '2 p m. 2222. From Gwynedd. 1;y - Eulpsville, Harleys ville, Sumneytown. andßerinsburg, to Hereford, 25 miles and bac'<„ six times &week. Leave o,wrynedd, daily. except Sunday. at gie.ip in ; arpve at Here ford by 84 p nt. Leave - Hereford daily except Sunday, at 4y 2 a m; arrive at Gwyneddby 10% a m. .243. From •Wiiitemarsh, by Broad Ain. to Blue Bell. miles and back. six.times a *tick., Leave whit ema rsb•datty, except Sunday, at 516 m 'ar rive at Blue Bell by 64 pm. Leave. lue Bell daily eacept Sunday, at 6 a m; arrive at WhitemaraßbY 7a m.- 2224. From Zeiglersville. by Predeiihkt-HouglaS. 'Col ebrookdale, and Clayton, to Hereford. 18 mites and back:twice a week. Leave Zeiglersville _Tues day arid - Saturday atl p m; arrive at Hereford '7 pm. Leave Hereford Monday and Friday tit T a ; arrive at Zeiglersville by I p tn. =5.1 frowStimn iv town, try lloppenvitliAlcry's. Hosenfack, and Vera Cruz, to Egiatts.l&aitles_and back, twice a week. 'Leave Samseilowtt Weddeft - ' dab may Saturday at 7 a m I arrive at 'Email's: by 32. m. Leave Damns WednesdayandSaturdatin m; arrive at Sumneytown by 10 m. • - • =6. From Andalusia for ByberrY. a Miles and: back, six times a week. Leave AndalusladailY. ex- • /crept Sunday. at 7% a m ; arrive at Byberry. by am. Leave Byberry daily, except Sunday, at 6 - -a mt arrive at Andalusia by 7 a m. =l. From En ilio, Fallsington, Ox- , r - 7' t--- _ ,