1 / Ergal :jloticeo; AUDITOR'S - NOTICE.-ESTATE OF JOBS ZEIUNOER. The creditors of John Zeit. auger, late of Washington township, Franklin. county' Pennsylvania, an insolvent debtor, are hereby notified that the first and jina/ account of John Philips and Levi Sanders, Assignees of said John Zeilinger, under a. deed of voluntary assignment for the benefit of his cre ditors, was confi rimed October 28th.1863, by the Orphans' Court of Franklin County, Pennsylvania; that there is a balance in the hands of said accountants for distribution and that the Court of Common Please of the county aforesaid have appointed the undersigned, auditor to dis frihnite the said balance to and amongsaid oreditorf.and make report thereof to the next Conn. He will there fore meet the creditors of said insolvent At his office. in Waynesboro', on 'llteaday,theasth day of /larch, IVA, to hear and adputt their sevoralelairhs. All of the said •creditors are berebby earnestly request:ld to send In their claims duly ituthonticated to me in advance of the said day of audit abovi , named. feb 3-3 t. JOSEPH DOUGLAS. Auditor. AUDITOR'S un dersigned, Auditor, appointed by l the Court of lon Pleas of Franklin county, Paw', to distribute the funds In the hands of Samufl Brandt, High Sheriff of said county, arising from the , sale, Beal Estate of 11.Creager and Jeremiah C. George, to and among the Lien Creditors of said Croger and George,wlll attend to the duties of his appointment. at his arida, In the &trough otenatabersburg, o a Thtersolay, thelBth of Abruary, A. D. 1864, when and whore all persons Interested are. re quested to attend. • feb 331 LYMAN S. CLARK, Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. -=The nu dersigned, appointed. by the Orplams' Court of Er-irnlin county, Penna., to distribute th9halamie in the hands of George W. Brewer, Esq., Administrator of the Estate of.) ohn Kerr, deed. to and °molt the creditors of said deceased, will attend to the duties of hie appoint ment at his office, in Chambersburg, on Friday. Uri 41 h of Mard pm. at 1 o'clock, P..kl 7 ,wlieu and where all pereonitiaterested relay attend. feb - . •. .TER. COOK. Auditor. "A •DIVOR'S NOTICE.-The un .nc designed, having been appointed by the Orphans' ' Outirt of Franklin county, Pennsylvania. Auditor, to die. tribute the balance in the hands of Henry Hawbaker, /Miter of Solomon Eckert, dec'd, to and among the heirs and legal representatives of Said dec'd:nicording to law, will meet the parties interestild. for" the purpose of his appointment, at his office, in , 'Greencastle, on Monday, the 29th day of February, 1864. feblOat • D. WATSON ROWE, Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.—The un dersigned, Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Franklin county, to marshal the accounts of John' Stouffer (of J.). Administrator of J. C. Henry,dec'd, and distribute the assets in the hands of said Adminis trator to and amongst the creditors of said deceased, will meet all persons interested at his office, in the Borough of charnbersburg. on Tuesday iihe lsf day of March, 1861, at JO o'clock. A. 31., of said day, - for the purpling of said audit. Efeb 10.3t1 J. IV. ,DOl3O LAS, Xnlitor. Vubittations. TAILAY .& BICK • NELL'S - BANK NOTE REPORTER, • Nauman= LI IS3O, la the oldest REPORTER published in this Corintri, and has never missedn number since its coniruedcement, now nearly 34 YEARS •It is lamed on the let and sth of each month. if has by the wellknown and admitted ability with which it is ',inducted, long since earned its position of the Standard Reporter of the Country. Our whore time and undivided attention is given to the Reporter, and the _maiiy years of experience we havi had. and the great facilities we command, enable 111 to Rive to the Public the most correct and reliable work of the kind unlashed. .QUOTATIONS Onr.Corrections and Quotatione fir EACII NUMBER, are invariably made up to the bony of going into the Printe.'i3 lands by the well ktiown }tanking House vi INURE, McCOUCR k CC:. 36 South' Third Street.— ItiS.We bold ourselves bound to - REDEEM •AT OUR QUOTATIONS, • at the time of going toto press. i;OUNTERVIat MONEY The Reporter contains a- more correet list of Counter. felt and Altered Notes than anyother Reporter now published. Each number contains a full and correet des. cription of all the Fraudulent Notes put into circulation since the proceeding issue. ' .... . • Particular attention is paid to : . . THE STOCK WM, it is alai and complete list of all Stocks offered at the Board or Brokers, it is always correctedup to the day of going to press. • i.i- WHOLESALE PRICESCUBRENT. ~ • always Full and correct, the cerrections being :trade ~en.the day oF going to press with teach issue. TERMS OF 5U13.393.0T10N One Copy,Mortth7,l Year One Copy . . Semi-monthly, 1 Year.. -AI . Sub44iptions may coMmonee w th any montb.:'Terms always CASE IN ADVANCE.. • • All letters must be addressed.to t CHARLES C. R; 45 Sd Jan 20.3m* 13oots anti *taco. 'MEW SHOE STORE.—The Sub , LI. scriber takes this method of informing the citi zens of Chambersbnrg.and vicibity, that be has just returned from Philadelphia with an ENTIRELY NEW STOCK' of Boots and Shoes, of :every variety, style and pattern, and of tho best manufaitures. He has no old Shopkeepers on band. His whole stock is new. Give him a call—yda can easily suit yourself. He Incttes the Ladies, especially, to call, as n e will take pleamtre in showing his _goods. Store in the.room for ' merly occupied by Frederick Smith. Esq., as a Law Office, and more recently need for the purpose by George Eys ter;Esq, two doors North of Fisher's Hotel,3faindtt set, Chambersbure. Pa. • His large and well selected stock, he being a practical Shoemaker, consists of Ladies'. Galtcrs, Boots, Slippers and Buskins; Misses' and Children's Boots and Slides;„ Gentlemen's Gaiters. Sliplieri,Boots and Brogans. t • Do not fOrget the place. NO t'Conbla to show Goods - theNEW STORE, two doors North of Fisher's "retel l Mai n Ctreeet, Chambersburg, Pa.. by June 17.1862. PETER FELDMAN. CIA L- LL AND SEE !-THE UNDE SIGNED announces to hiS numerous friends,hntil customere, that he continues to mannfitctdre to order. and-seeps on band 'a fall and complete assortment of carious qualities and styles of suovr and GAITERS; fir Ladies. Misses and Children. ills assortment of BOOTS, SHOES, &c., for Men and Boys' wear is com plete, to which ha respectfully in rites attention. Work of all kinds made to order. in a neat and durable man ner, and at short notice. Call and see before purchasin g eilsewhere,andhe will satisfy purchasers that he sells at xerrainall profitii for Cash. Don't forget the place-- near., .cormite #utz & Keefsr'r Store.Chambersbnrg, Pa. gEORGE I.,EILNER. June 1T,1863.' ' . - teitant . WALNUT - LOGS ! FARME TAKE NOTICE f !—We will give 12 cts per solid or cubic foot for LARGE WALNUT LOGS of goad quali ty, delivered at our Mill. The logs must me:liar:6 , 20 inches or more in diameter, fourteen foot from the stump in which case we will take the whole tree up to 10 !lichee diameter. We will also make SPECIAL - CONTRACTS for extra good trees. These terms are Offered until the fat of April next doe 30.3 m A (S:newGE3T.ANNDTASR3 HIS I. :N r on T y E a D ni t t w o o n 8411 E : . to INGS. A rare chance to inakefrenney. We are General Agents for Penneylvaninferat ablithing Nowa in New York. BURN.IIO DER A CO, feb 1641.. Cbatabersburg, Pa. WANT - ED.—A good JOURNEY MAN WEAVFE: good lefties will bo givn at Central Woollen Factor', noar Cbarnberaburg. feb.lo4f EMBICH & EON. 2ustireo of fbe Vrace. ' JUSTICE OF ' THE PEACE.-H. B. DAVISON, JustiOof the Peace-17113c° immedl4- ly opposite the ,4 Indian 'Queen Hotel." All business em trusted to his care shall receive prompt attention. IS strunicnteof Writing, of all kinds, drawn up in a satia lisctpry manner. Juno 17,'63. . P r IEAMMAN, Justice of the Pea 4 4 ,IChambetsburg, P. Office in Franklin ffall, - 151. e room formerly occupied by Stambaugh & Stevvart o - Prompt attention given to everything in the line of a Magistrate and Scrivener., feb. 3 ,6.4.-tf. 0011 BINDBItY. I /i , S . It. BISIIBIi & CO'S k Bindery Is on the Third _ Story of the "•3iESSEN HEIt" OITIC,E, BUILDING, on the Diamond, above Shrynck'a Book Store. Entraned between the Book Store andthelnleadTelegraph office. Old Books, Peri officals. Music. Newspaperit, &e., Irmnd in any style.— Blank lkiiint made to order, BapeiNruled to any patern. Jan 4,1i1. • PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD! SUMMER TIME TABLE. Fins Frain: Daily to and from Philadelphia, on and after MONDAY; - APRIL 21.X4,1863. The Passenger Traina of the Pen sylvania Railroad Company will depart from and arriv/3 at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as follows: • EASTWARD. - • THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIIN 'leaves Harrfsoiirg daily at 2.00 A. m.,and - arrivesat Wiest Philadelphia at 8.10 FAST LlNElcavek Harrisburg ally (except Monday) at 5.45 A. M., and arrives at West hilsoelphin at 9.55 Passengers take breakfast at LaLcaster. • WAY ACCOMMODATION, via Mount Joy; leaves 111trrisburg at 7.00 A.m., and-arrives at West Philadel phia tt 12.25 P. M. FAST MAIL. TRAIN leaves IlarAaburg daily (exceilt Sunday) at 1.00 P. M., and arrives et West Philadelphia at 5.00 P.M. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. via Co lumbia, leaves Harrisburg at 4.00 at., and arriveaat West Philadelphia at 9.30 P. M. WESTWARD. • r BALTIMORF. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves • Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 2.00 A. It Altoona, 7.15 A. M., take breakfast , and arrives at Pitt burg at 12.00 noon. PHILADEIRHIA EXPRESS T CAIN leaves Harris burg daily at 3.00 A. M.: Altoona. at 8.00 A. as., take breakfas and, arrives at Pi etsblirg at 12.30 P. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 1.15 P.m., take supper. and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.30 A.M. • FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg pt 3.50 P. 314 Altoona at - 8.35 P. M.. and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.00 A. M. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 2.30 P. as., and arrive.e at HarVisburg at 8.00 P. M. WAY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leavOs Philadelphia at 4.00 P. u., and arrives at Harrisburg at 9.40 r. M. This train runs via Mt. Joy. SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Supt. dliddl,clitin. Peoria R. R. $1 00 --S , 2 00 he Publisher, i 110 DES, ath 3d Street. PEULAD•tPHIA ' 131C1EPLEII,OLARK do CO Lino of 'ErtibeL June T. 1863Af. VORtIiERN CENTRAL RAIL AY I—SUMMER TIME - Three trains daily to and froulßaltimore and Was.li- Ington City. , • Connections made with trains On Pennsylvania Rail road, to and from Pittsburg and tire West. • TWO TRAINS DAILY to anal from the North and West Branch Snsqnqhanna, Elmira, and all of Northern New York. On and niter Honday.April 2001.1883;the Passenger Trains of the Northern Central IrilwaN will arrive ist and depart from Harrisburg an Baltimore an ((Mums, 'viz : ' SOUTHW4.RD. (MAIL TRAIN leaves Sunbury dully (except Sunday) Z - 7 , leaves Ilarrisbuigi 64 arrnies at Stannic e EXPRESS TRAIN leavis Sun ury daily c ' . (except Sunday) ' ' ":. • leaves llarrisburq (except ' Muy) , .. dd _ _ . it arrives at 13alti ore daily„ (except Menday). 6.15 A. X, SIARRISBURG ACCOMMODAT ON leaves __ _ Harrisburg i. - NORTHIVA.RD. , • :TAIL TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily (ex. •' cept Sunday) •• leaves ElarriSbargl. - arrives at 'Sunbury ' 4.05 p X. EXPRESSTRAIN loaves Baltimore daily... 9.15 P. W. • • di arrives at Harrisburg.. ..... -.., 1.35 A. x •' leaves Harrisburg dairy (ex -1 cept Monday) 3.00 A II " arrives at Sunburp , - . ' 5.39 a.: x tIARRISILICBG ACCOMMODATION leaves r ', . - Baltimore daily (except Sun- " . bus I ........ ..... arriyea at Ilartieburg. For farther tutor/nation apply; iit the Office, fa Veen aylvania Railroad Depht, It arriThurs. , J. N. DuBARRY, Geri 'Sept.. , Jane 17. '63--tt. IENV AIR LINE i.OUTE.—Three train.; Daily to New York and Philidelphia. On and after Monday, Apra OM 1863, the Passenger Tralins will leave the Philadelp iaand Reading Railroad Depot, at liarrisbarg,Tor New ork and Phil.ulelphia, as follows, viz EASTWME] EXPRESS LINE leaves../La risburg at 2.15 a. N.:, nil arrival of the Pennsylvania tall road Express Train from the Weet,arriving in New - York at 9.30 A. M..and Phila delphia at 8.20 a. M. A sleeping car is attached Ito the train through from Pittsburg without change. - . , ' i AIL TRAIN leaves Harris mrg at 8.00 A . X. arriving itiNew York ' t 5.30 p`. 4 51.. an Philadelphia at ' t.sor.. m. FAST LINE leaves Harris', rg at 2.09 P. X:, arriving in New York at 10.25 P. 31.. and Philadelphia 8;7.00 P. Y. . ' WESTWI f IRD.- FAST LINE leaves New York at t3.1:9 A. Y., and Phila lelphia at 8.15 A. 11, arriving a¢,Flarrishiirg at 1.15 P. M -MAIL TRAIN leaves Newrlfork at 12.00 noon s 'aind -Philadelphia at 3.30 P.M., arriiing at Harrisburg at 8.20 EXPRESS TRAIN leaves New, York at 7.00 P. m.. ar rivingat Harrisburg at "..10 4!. M. and. connecting With the Pennsylvania Express Train for Pittsburg. A sleep ing car ii also attached to - this i ltrain. Connixtions are made at Harrisburg. with trains on the Pennsylvania. Northern JCentral and- Cumberlond 4 1 / 41p V Hey railroads, and at.lt eluting for Philadelphia, Potts- e, Wilkesbarre, Allentown!, Easton. &c. . rig gage checked through. i Fare between New York no Harrisburg. $.5 15; between Harrisburg and Mina de ja, $3 35 in No.l cars, and $3 in N 0.2. For ticketsor otherinformStie apply to I J. J. CLYDE, j June 17.'63, tf. General Agent, Ilarrisburg.. • 1862. - r - - 1868. . WINTER ARRANGEMENT.- CUMEERLA.VD VALLEY AND PRANIyLIN , 12.4 ILROA DB. 1 • , CHANGE OF HOURS.—On and after Monday. No vember 17,1862, Passenger Trains will fun 'daily, as tullows,(Santlays excepted) : FOR _ CHAMBERSBITRG AND_ HAR • RISBITRG : =1 Greencastle- (Leave at hambereborg, it. Lenses Shippepalnirg Newrille 932 2.00 . Carlisle' ' 10.10 2.42 " Mechanicsburg 19 42. , . 3.12 Arrive at Harrisburg ,' 11.15 3.40 FOR GHAMBERSHVRGANI) HAGERS- TONY N . A. Id ; P.M. Leaves Harrisburg - ' 8.05 '. - 135 .„,. • • Mechanicsburg -. ' 8.47 '. 2.15' ' " Onelisle . .. 9.27 .2.55 " Newlin', ........ .....- 10.02 3.29 . " 'Shippensburg 10.33 4.00 Artiveat Chambersburg ' 11.00 - 4.10 Leave. Chambersburg 11.10 - 4.40 " kirieuesst le - 11.55 5.30 • Arrive, lit. H . arrisburg 112.35 0.10 Si waking close -ronnections at liarriabaig• with trains for Philadelphia. New York and Pittsburg; and' with trams fur all points West. 0. N. LULL, Supt. t • . ftidP. Chamberalmi l g.Nay.l7. 1862 - ',- ~ . 1863. . = - - I , - - • 1863„ DHILADEL - PIIIA - AND ERIE . RAILROAD.—This great line traverses the North -J . ert, and Northwest counties of Pennsyivanisi to the city Of Erie. on Lake Erie. ' It lies been leased bv : the Pennsylvania Rai/road Company, and under their anspices le biing rapidly opened throughout its entire length. - It is now in use fur Passenger and Freight fussiness Irons Harrisburg to D riftwriod.(°d Park.)(l77 miles)on the Eastern-Division, nod , from Sheffield to Erie, (78 railes,)on the Western Division. TINE OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT HARRISBURG. MAIL TRAIN leaves North.: 1.15 A.M. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves North - • 3.50-eat Cars rtt through WITHOUT CHANGE both whys on thede trains between Philadelphia and Lock Haven,iuud tween Baltimore and Lock Haven. Elegant Sleeping Cars °nth() Express train both ways. For information respecting Passenger business Aikply at the S. C. Corner 11th aad Market streets, Philadelphia. And for Freight brisineoe of the Company's Agents: S. B. Kingston, Jr /.Cor.l3thand Market s te.,Philadzt. .T. W. Reynolds, Erie. , J. X t i H. H. HOUSTON, GenerilFreight Agent,Philadelphia. ". ..LEWIS lIOUPT. Gen,eralTicket Agent. Philadelphia. JOS. D. POTTS, Junel7,6.3] • Generardanager,Williameport. ' ' Cfz). W. CARPENTER, HENS, 2EI & CO, W F OLESALE DREG AND CHEMICAL WAREMUS No. 737 Afarßet y4trctt, Philadelphia. - Th esubecribers keep constantly on baud a large stock of DRUOS, MEDICINES. CHEMICALS, PHARMACEU TICAL PREPARATIONS and every other article which appertalns to the buelness, embracing the most exten sive variety; also, PAINTS, OILS and GL&SS of every di s&iption. AR articles purchased from us can be relied on as be fog of the most superior quality and at as low prices as they can be bad. We can offer such inducements as will make it the 'Mere t , t of purchaser to lay in their supplies from us, and give us their future patronage and invite all who visit the city, to call at cur establinhe ent All orders addreAsed to us by mail or otherwise meet with prompkattentlen. - • GEO, W. CARPENTER. TfENSZEY & C0., - feb. 3-61 - 737 MAISX: Smut*, PumsniustnA. :,'-''':''''': ' -- -; •3 •., ; 4 '. , '' 1, - ,,' , "',';'1:1 , „ -- :' , '"r,i';'r ..., ,1 ti .);,.2;Y ..the..,',fraulitta Sep° . py'—gebruarty---17,- : v s .----,- READING RAIL ROAD.—WIN-[ TER ARRANGEMENT. • GREAT TRUNK LINE - from the North and North west for Philadelphia, New York. Reading, Pottsville,l Lebanon, Allentown, Easton, Ac..4lc. Trains leave Harrisburg for Philadelphia, New York.' Reading, Pottsville,and al l i utermedia tea tat - lons, at 8.09 1 1 A. , and 2.00 P. M. w 'York Express leaves .Ifairisburg . . at 3.00 A arriving at New York at 10.15 the same morning. Faresfrom Harrisburg: To. New YorkSsls: to Phila delphia $3.35 and S. ' Baggage checked thiough. Returning, leave NeW York. at S A. 5.,12 Noonan 7 P. as., (Pittsburg Express oriving at Raxrieburg at A. m.) Leave Philadelphia at 8.15 A.-s—and 3.30 P.M. - Sleepingcars in the New York Express Trains throng to and from Pittsburg without change. Passengers by thee.a.tawbut.s Railroad leave Tamaqua at 8.50 Ant., and 2,15 P. P.S., tor Philadelphis.,New Yorti, and all Way Points. Trains leave Pottsville a 0:15 d. m.,and 2.30 P. molt Philadelphia, Harrisburg and New York. An Accommodation Passenger train leaves Readinglt 6.30 A. m.. and returns from Philadelphia at 4.30 P.M. air' All the above ' tiaiva run daily, Sundays e cepted. A Sunday train leaves Pottsville at 7.30 A. m., and Philadelphia at 3.15,c. M. Commutation, Mileage.Seaeon, and Eicursion Ticke .e at reduced rates to and from all points. 80 IDs. Baggage allowed each Passenger. Dec 16,18634 f - : tebicai pALTLMORELOM HOSPITA ri t i . DR. JOHNSON, the founder of this Celebra thetitation,offers the most - certain. speedy, and o ly zeffecttml remedy in the world for (Amts. Struetn . ea. Seminal Weakness. P tin in the Loins, Constittitional se , bility,lmpoteece, Weakness of the Back ant.LIM e. 1 Affections ut the Kidneys, Palpitation of the It t, Dyspepsia. Nervous Irritability, Diseases of the Head, Throat, Nose or akin; and all' those serious and niel/m -cholY disordere arising from the destructive habits, co Youth. which dent roy both body - and mind.. Thesitsecyet and solitary practices are more e fatal to their; vict&ns than the sung of the Syrens to the mariner Ulys is, blighting thidr float brilliant hopes, or acticirati ns rendering marriage, A c ~ impoisib le . YOUNG - MEN':- Young Men especially,who have become the viit ms off Solitary Vice.that dreadful and nestructive h bit which autumn) , sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young men of the most exalted talent and brint - in • ntellect. who might otherwise have entranced listen ng Senates with the thunders of eloquence. or waked to ecstacy the! lying lyre; may Cull with !nil confidenco. - MARRIAGE i - Married petal:Ts. or ,young men contemplating mar riage.bning aware of physical weak n ess. orgnni e de bil ity ; deformities, Ay „should i mmediat 'sly consult Dr. Jo . ne ton. 10.1 0,44..vm . 1.15`i. .. 6.35 P. Id 2.00 A. nr, . , I Ile why piaceahtmselftinder the cafe of Dr.Jobos may religiously confide In his honor as a gentleman, confidently rely upon his skill as a physician. ORGANIC WEAKNE S S! 630 A. X lIIIXEDLITZLY CUBED AND FULL VIGOR. 41.940 RED. This disease is the penalty most frequentlypai those who have become the victims of improper i gences. Young' persons are too apt to commit ear from not being aware of the dreadful cotieequences may ensue. 'Now, who that understands the tint will pretend to deny that the Tower of Procreati Let sooner bY those falling into improper habit that the prudent, Besides being depLived of the pleasu; healthy offspring, the most seeions and destru sympathy to mind and body arise. The system bee deranged. the physical un i mental powers weak I nervous debility, dyspepsia, palpitation of the h; 1.15 P. It 255P.11 'in cation. a .4i:sating of the frame, cough, sprit • „consumption Office No. 7 S'inith Frederick Stree seven - doors from Baltininre. street. Eat aide. ti the steps. , Be particular in observing the nam number,or you will mistake- - the place. ALIT A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS No, Ater mist or .Yauseoul Drugs. D - R. JOHNSTON,. Metither of the Royal t:ollege nrBnrgeone, London gra duate from one of the most eminent Colleges 4 the United States. and the greater part of whose lifit has ,been spent in the hospitals of London. Paris, Pititadel phianod elsewhere, has eiftcted some of the most Aston *him; cures that were ever known. Many triMbled with ringinglu the head and ears when asleep, great nervousness. being alarmed at sudden sounds. and bash foineess,. with frequent blushing. m tendril some frees with derangement of mind, were cured llntnediatqly. CERTAIN-DISEASE: When the misguided and imprudent votary o sure finds he has imbibed ti e seqds of tilels pain riiii ..e.., too often happens that an ill.titried flAe of shame, or dread of discovery. deters him from plying to those who front education and rt•spectalliiity can alone b e friend hini olelayiug till the constitutional!nymp. tome of this horrid disease make their appearanci, each as ulcerated soriihroat,dPseased nose. noeturn 'limbos in the head and limbs, dimness of,sight, deafne., nobs on the shin, bones-and nrinn.blotehes ou the healfitee, and extremities; progressing with frightful r kiln, till at WI the palate of the mouth or the bone ,of the c l ose tall in and the victim o f this au fui disease tibcomen a horrid object of comminneraticn, till ii nth puts a pe riod to his dreadful sufferingn, by senoing him tii "that Bourne fro, whence no traveller returns." Te such, therefore, Dr ...Tohnstim pledges himself to preserve the most inviolable/mei - cry ; and from his extensi CP r rutin. in the first hospitals of Europa and A merles. ,e can a nfideutlyrevmanend a nab) and speedy cure to - the unfortunate victim.-of this horrid disease. It in a inotanclioly fat that thousands fall victims to till horrid disease: owing to the unskilfulluessfigno rant pretenders who by lino Of thatileadful pois n, - 3ler / eery. ruin the constitution.and either send the n'ortul nate to au untimely grave, or make the reside of life miserable. TAKE PARTICULAR Nono Dr .1 add renses hies e who 'have Injured therusflves by private and impflper I tidulgencen. These are some of the sad and melancholy effilct a pro:" ductal by early-habits of yowth. viz t—Weakneep of the Back and Limbea'ains in the liend, Dintnesis.l Sight, Logs of 3lunculat Power. Palpitation of the Lieqrt. Dye. - pepsin, Nervous Irritability. Derangement of the Diges tile Functionc,Benerol Debility,Symptoms ofErsump .tion,kc . 11l Exvial.t.tliefenrfal effects on the mind are icrinch to e dreaded : Imisof `demob% Confunion ef ideatif Depres sion of Spirits. Evil Forebodinge, Aversion to !Society, Self-Dintnist, Love ofSuliiude.timidity, /ie.,. 4e some of the evil effects. . , _ Thonsrin de of perm na of alleges can now jut ge what • lathe cause of their declining henith. losing the r vigor. been wedk, Pale, have singular appearance about the eyes, cough, and symptoms of Consumption t - Dr. Johnatorigs Invigoraiing Remedy jpr Or - . gamic. Wedkiiess. By this great and important remedy, Wettifness 01 theOrganifie speedily cured. and full vigorloitered. Thimnands ol dm must nervous *lnd debilit ted,who had lost all hope, have been itntne 'lately relieved. All mpedimente to Marriage. Physical or Mental Disquati. fleation.Nervoutlrritability.Trembling. Wes knenei or Exhanntiou of the mostfearful kind,speedily cur ed by Dr.Johuston . ..--- ' . _ A.M. P.M. 7.00 9.151 SIM 4.29 I 12.55 1.28 -.. 9.110 YOUNG MEN; 'Minims-alitJared themseist e by a certain p.. 'bilged in when nione—a habit frequently lean evil companions, or at school. 'the effects ar ggq felt, even when /Wimp, and if not cured. ren riage impossible, and destroys both mind a should apply immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hopeof hlisconn try, the darling °this parent s. shotild be suat i ted from all prospects and enjoyments °flit°, by the co wiquenc3 of deviatingfrom he pat II of nature. and indnigingin n 'certain secret habit.- Such persons. before coitemplat• ing 7.IIARRIAGE shohld reflect that it sound mind and body ar't the inostheteesary regnisit es to promote cOntrubial aappt nese . Indeed without these thejourney. thiough life becomesa weary - pilgrimage:the proipecthourly dark ens to the view; the mind becomes shadowed with de spair. and tilled with the melancholy reflec ion. that -the happiness of another beComes blighted 'ith our 'own. OFFICE NO. 7, 50IITR FREDERIC BALTIMORE. TO ' STRANGER ' S. ,1 The many thousands cured at this I»stantionin the last fifteen years; and the numerous importan surgical Operations performed by Dr. J., witne.sed liy the ro porters of the papers:and many other perm:nig notices of which have appeared again andagain beforp the pub lic,is'a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted . i . N. B. There are to many ignorant an IProrthiess quacks Advertising themselves as PhysicianS; ruining the health of the al ready afflict ed. Dr. Johnston deems it necessary to say to those unacquainted wit!i hie rep utation:that his Diplomas hangi n his office. Titan Norms—Ail letters must be pmt paid ,and contain a postage stamp for the reply, ,or nospswer will besent.Feb 25,083-Iyr. Loot, *tottttanb *tt,ltgeb. JESTRAY.—Left with the a,ttbseri - ber, in Hamilton Oiwnship, about ,4*o miles orth o[Chambersbtirg. on Friday morninV the22d or January, 18174, a DARK' BAY til ARK, aboht twelve years old, lb hands high, sprung in the hind Trion and a white spot on the forehead. Ylle.S_Bner la-repeated to. pnive property,psy eitargesnid take her awly. feb 34t. GEOBGE PIiINTER. Lino bir" &abet. G. i..NICCOLLS,- General Superintendents Z3rug, Szr. HEYSTa, .712. I CHAS. F. CRRSSLER. TIEYS E R & OREISSLEA, GRADUATES, • , AtAlXts I 3 , DRUGS,CHE3trALS,3IEDICINES,-,te CHAMBER ! SBURG, PA Believing that only PIRE DRUGS PREPARATIONS OF FULL STRENGTH - - will give satisfaCtion to Physician and- Patient, and in sure continued success to oar Drug Establishment, we give this branch oniconstant c4re and acratiuy. CHEMICALS ? DYE-STUFFS AND PATENT MEDICINES. • We warrant our stock to be pure and the best In the market. , We are r.ceiving a large lot of FRESECGARDEN SEEDS, embracing the tx;st kinds of new and old YR/1800 of ear ly and late Vegetables. 110 WE A:STEVENS' FAMILY DYE-COLORS, a reliable and .easy coloring - We ask but a trial for them. All thq colors c.natantly on hand. Farmers and Florae Dealers should always have on hand a package of O'NIEL'S HORSE ANDTATTLE POWDER It is the bat fur Distemper. • BITTER WINE OF IRON, - an excellent Tonic fur debilitated and Dyspeptic persona MRS. HARVEY'S CROUP SYRUP,, an expectorant for Coughs and Colds in the Throat and Cheat, that can be relied upon to give speedy relief. POCKET BOOKS AND WALLETS. We have just received a large lot of evei:Y•size, quality and price. ' • • --• -Fine Soaps and Perfumery, Hair and Cloth Brushes, TOoth Brushes, ' Relating Combs, Gum and, Horn Combs, 1 • Concentrated Pane'lt, • - . Saponifier, le.-Medicines con be had at night or on Sunday: by caning at the Store or at W. Ileyser's residence. a few doors Sotith:of the Store. Jan 7.7 . , DRUf4S, (711E3IICALS., _ SOAPS, nyek,'Pertumeet. . ' I Cobbs, /trashes, , lipiers, Starch. • , ' . Irwi.ao. Coal- Oil, and unt.idearticles belonging to the DrUg business, at NIXON'S, it the lowest cash rates. I - , . - . A LARGE STOCK OF PATENT A MXDICINES.juat opened at NIXON'S CNEEZERS:—Narshall's and Durn's Catarth Stela, at - NIXON'S. FLOWERS IN WINTER.—The Sweatest pertuale; can I) ii of NIXON'S. CLEAN SHAVE.---BuS• your Soaps fur Eli ving at' N XOS'S. B . 1 , izt i sTi. £P.- 7 -11a - zir Brushes—all prit•eg at - NIXON'S. e • B ROW \'S TROCIIIES. at NIXON'S P EN OILS at p p,,D LILY at_; BA - N.POLINE at NIXON'S B LOODSEARCHER at . . • • NIXON'S IF )70U TETTER OR - Itch, get Oiutmeut nt NIXON'S MILLER & HENSHEY, UG GISTS "LYI - ON THE DIANIOND, - - Esse Just receire4 alarge and fresh stock of DRUGS, • \to ' xi, C lI,E MIC .1 S, AN SPICES led& -m uightly 'or ma id body, Purchaied from reliable }Rinses in the Ea4ern Cities andoffered to the pnblic as strictly pure. 1 aving a Spice NM, Upon wit ich,ie, ground all the a PLPPSR, CORTA.N DER, • - CINNAMON, CLOY ES, SWEET 3IARJORY, ke. sold bY us. These Spices ,are always fresh and pure, iteniember this • as the butchering season is now here, and to snake goo 4 puddings and sausages you taus t•hnie good Spices: TOILET ARTICLES, 'STENGLNO'S AMEIROAA, COCOA/NE, • (LAIR DYES+TONIADES, $• EXTRACTS OF ALirKINDS, • , HAM BRGSIIES, COMBS, TOOTH BAtISEILIS, and mall affeoltment of every thing in the Toilet line. tan be had at MILLFR & HENSH ST., KEROSENE OIL, IiEROS E E LAMPS, CIIIMNEYSAND WICKS. ALCOIIOL, FLUID AND A full assortment of such articles usually found in a Drug Store, can be had at MILLER A ILENSHEY'S TERMS CASH. • [dee. 2.) VOR GORING BEEPAND PORK. Don't forget to call at MILLEI. & TIBNEM 13 EY' .an get the preparation they make fr r this purpose,t. you %maid hare sweet Hams and post corned Beef. 116.4 TEN- MEDICI.IOIS.--41way's pnbsud a complete stock of ell the popular Patent Medicines of the day, nt 3IELLf.R 8 MENSILEY'S.. FAMILY DYE COLORS.--9- new 'article and just what in ne. , ,led I n every mmHg, at MILLER lILENSIIEY'S. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYIIUP JODIDE PdTASSIII.3I,I.; With the Ccenziound Concentrated Fluid Extrl i or VALUABLE MEDICINAL It 0U T S AND HER B S PRF4ARED BY Wit. LL GREGG, M. D., . . . GradnateCollege of Physicians and is, B. Y., for merly Assistant Physician Black v Island - ' Hospitals, late Medical Inspector' York tit ate Volunteer :Depots, nn Oi. . ..; - ' Edwin D. 3lorgan. sty —ax-- , -- . . . CON - STET-UTION LI , SYRUP - • • no MOD UCED 411 14 . .A Rtvlarnos IN 3fEIVINEI What may. seem almost inereclible is, that many dia . eases hitherto considered hopel4sly incurable are trek quently cured in few feu' days or weeks, and we cheerfully invite the investigations ok the liberal minded and sci entific to cures which havelock parallel at the present day. Our medicine is Peculiar. by it the seat of any disease. directly reached, dud the equilibrium restored. Those who have suffered long - fr om painful and ob ;ti rd's diseases, Those'who have vainly sought 'relief from advertised •111 edici fwd. Those who cannot be cured by Mlles physiciabs— Are invited to Cbed#uttion Life Syrup.- During the past five yearsureave contended with ob stacles amb overcome rpposltiodd as herculean as were . ever encountered by arty Reformers. , RAPIDITY OF CURE. Some say," Your cures Are tw quick," while others doubt their performance. and tuink that diseases can only be cured by the - slow recuperative process of Na cure." This is our reply: - - - In health, the body:like a well-ba lanced scale, is in a state of Equilibrium.' But when from any cause down goes one side of the Beale. We have the' effects of d sense. What is requires e, to restore the 'normal balance of the scale. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP, A positive and specific remedy. for all diseases arising from an IMPURE STATE 'OP THE BLOOD, and for all (here itary) DISEASES transmitted trout PARENT 'Pt) MILD. Paresis. Paraplegia, Paralysis Ag taw It if{ eo nnivereally admitted that Constitution Life Syrup it the only effective meant of restoration in the various forms of ;Paralysis. that we need not reiterate that it is emphatically the Great Life-Giving Power. t DYSPEPSIA. Indigestion. - Liver eon:plaint. Constipation. - Weight at :Stomach. Biliousness. Want of Appetite. Flatulence.. Bad Breath. ' . SCROFULA. Struma Glandular Swellings . . Ulceration. Singe Evil. Erysipelas. - Salt Rheum. Trusseseand Braces This taint (HEREDITARY and ACQUIRED), filling life with untold Misery, is by all usual medical remedies incurs, hie. [Arthritis.] hinvhago. §cMtica. If there is any dineruse In which the Constittitirm Life 4.4rup is a sovereign, it [Sin Itlietimatism and its kindred affections. The most intensie.pains are almost instantly alleviated—enormous swellings are reduced. Cases, chronic or-vicarious, of 2u or 30 years standing, hare been cured liyip Nervous Debility: Shattered Nerves. St. Vitas' Dant*. Loss of .Yower. Confusion of Thoughts. Epilepsy. Thousands who have suireied for years will bless the day on which they can read these lines. Partbiularly to weak, guttering woman will this me.licine prove aL ines timable blessing-directing their footsteps to a Hope which fulfills more than it promises. ' MERCURIAL DISEASES. Salivation: Bau Coniplexion Feeling of Weariness ,CONSTITETION LIFE SYRUP purges the system entirely from all the evil effects of SIERCITRY. rentov. ingthe Bad Breath, and curing the Weth Joints and Rheumatic Pains which ti e nee of Oniomel is sure to produce. It hardens spongy (lame skid secures the Teeth as 'dimly as ever. - j. CONSTITUTION LIFE - SYRUP Fradlattei, root and btancli,all Eruptive Discuses of the . Skin, like _ And all other difficulties of this kind. which en much diSfigilre the.outward appearance of both males and imams. often tnakingthein a disgusting object to thew. selves and their friends. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP • CURES ALL SWELLING OF TILE GLANDS, Either of the Face, Neck, or Female Breast, and bitould be taken as soon as 'the swelling is detected. thus pre venting their breaking,. cud pionclog trouldwanne Dis charging Sores. which dit , tigure so many of the younger portion of the community. from six. t taenty - yours of age. Young children are very subject to Discharges front the Eats, which depends upon a Scrofulous constitution. Thine caeca Men recover by taking a few doses Of 'the Liao .S.yrnp. All scrofolous persons su ffering from general Debility, Emaciation, Dyspepsia and Dropsy of the limits. uh(to men. mot in the female. Dmptty of the ovltries and womb, generally accompanied with Intlnion lion Ulla Ulceration of the Uterus, are permanently curell by Constitution Life S.,,,rup. The iltscase known as Goitre or Swelled, Net k. the Life et up a ill remove mit i rely.. The remedy, should be t ikett some .imo.ue the Aliseaso is exceed- It Fly hrenic and stub porn, and will nut be- removed without extmettort. NIXON'S Tumors of the Ovaries. TumorS of the Breast. tend swelling anther glands of the body will be coMpletely ° reduced without I esortiag to the knife or operbl, I tin - of any kiwi. • epileptic Fits. Svmpathetie or Organic Diseases of the Heart. as Palpitntion „Diseases of the Valves, producing a - grating, ordiling soutisl, Dropsy of the Heart Case, and all the affections of the imp , rbent organ, (persons me tering from any acute pain in the region of the heart) will be gr.atly relieved by ConstitutitatLifi Syrup. BROKEN-DOWN AND DELICATE eIONSTITUTIONS, Suffering front Indisposition to Exertion, P.in in the Back, Loss of Memory, Porebodings,lforror of Calamity, Fear of Disease. Dimness of Vision. Dry, Hut Skin and Extremities, Want o• Sleep, Restlessness, Pale. Haggard Countenance and Lassitude Of the Ht senior System, all require the aid of the Constitution Life Syrup. FOR ALL FORMS OF FLQE . RATED ,DISEASES, Eithor of the Nose, Throat, Tongue+, Spine. Forehead or. Scalp. no remedy le es ever proved its equal. MOTH PAT+HiIIS. upon the female face depending upon a diseased action of the Liver. are yeti unpleasant to the young wife and mother. A few bottles of Consti tution Lilie Syrup will cot reef the secretion, anti remove the deposit which is directly under the skin. In laseases of the Liver, givin rise to Languor, Dizzi ness, Indigestion. Weak Stomach, or, an ulcerated or Cancerous condition of that organ, acCoitinaltied with burning and other unpleiriant symptene, will be relieVed by t'iso use of Constitution Life Syrup. AS A GENERAL IMOD-PURIFYING AGENT. THE WEE SYRUP STANDS UNRIVALLED BY :-ANY PREPARATION IN THE WORLD. Diseases cf the Spine, as usually de% eloped in thti young. Hip Disease, Neuralgia, and all Nervous Diseases, and Ladies who are suffering tram Diseases for which th• y areat whom to know what to do, we -would advise the \use of Constitution Life tiyrut.. 2 It will restore their pallid counteuan ce, strengthen their weak hack - and side, give thetatiew energy, new life and happiness. IXON'S . . THE RICH AND POOR.: are linb\kto the same dishases. liature and Science has ma...tithe nstitution Life-Syrup for the benefit of all. PURR BLOOD Produces healthy \ men and women ; and if the constitn• tion is neglected inyeuth, disease and early death is the result. Do not delaywhen the means are so near at hand, and within the It.ch of all. TO MOTHERS Alis;ft MARRIED LADIES. It Is the safest and . most efficient medicine ever divan , erect for purifying the systeM;Td relieving Suffering at tendant upon childbirth. It et ecgthens both the moth er and the child. prevents pain st'Ud; l .l.lBeaso. and Increa-ea and enriches the food--those who ave need it think-It indispensable. It is highly useful bef.li before - and after' confinement, as It prevents diocese attendant upon birth, CONSTITUTION . LIFE . SUP IS TILE POOR IiIAN'S ,FRIEND ANDTi:I E RICH MAN'S BLESSING! .... BUY IT. TAKE IT AND BE CURED. 1 .4v _ IT IS UNIVEIiSA.I, IN. ITS EnECTS GREOG, M. D. - - Sate Proprietor, New Fork. LABORATORY, BROOKLYN,- L. I. PRI4 51 PER BOTTLE; 6 BOTTLES FOR $5. 4w—tient by Express to all parts of the country. MORGAN' &ALLEN, Wholesale Dritaiste,AGENTS,- . Jan 27-6rweow] 46 Cliff Street. New York. For Sale by MILLER & uz.sSuzy, Chomibersburg; ~sbi~~l. COYYOSED OF PARALYSIS RHEMIATISII Gout. ' Tic Duicareaux NERVOUSNESS Rotting of Bones Aches in Bones. Depression of Spirits. ELCERB. PIMPLES: BLOTCHES, `tigal , Ity:GISTER'S NOTICE.-7All ii'r - us interested will please takenotice that the td, owing accountants hare nettled their 'toxin trio, Reg - liter's office of Franklin county and that same will be presented to th'e Orphan' Court for confirmation on - Tuesday, March &h,` 1864, at the Court House; In Chanabersburg': No. 3]. The final account of David Wilson. Executor and Trustee under limiest will and testament bf Matthew Patton, Pas', late Cl Hamilton twp., as - stated by Win. Wilson. edner of Wilson. who is also deed. i Nu. 32. First and final account of John Hiser, adro i t of Daniel (layman dec'd. _ its 33. Atcount of Hiram ttouers, oder. and Rebecca , administmtrix of Geo. Souers, deed, ..V- 1 1 0 in h is me Was guardian of Catharine Snsantla Oyler, and tieo. Wm. Oyler, minor children are eo:Gyier, elec'd. . No. 34. Acc't of John Gasman, adm'r of 5.1 , .tasenfats. late of Chambersborgoicc'd. - _ • • N 0.35. First and final acc't of Franklin Besore, Hiecta of (leo. Besore, late of Green twp.. dec'd. No. 36. l=iras account of Solomon Divelbitss and Simon Brewer, adni'rs of Fred. Divelbiss. •., - . No. 37. Filet and final ace'; of Isaac Shocky, adner of Jacob Sbocky, late of Vaebington‘ twp., deed No. 38. Acc't of .A.)6. H. Crebe, linardian of Anna G. Eyler,-minor and of David Eyler, deed, late or Wash ington tap. deed. . No. 39. Acc't of A;brakfun E.Wenger, Guaidlan of Har riet. David and John No. 40. Account of Geo. Jacobs, Gniirilian or 'Morrie E. Eyler, minor child or David J. Eyler, late of Wash ington tvrp..'doc'd. - - No. 41 ~ F irst'and final account of Jneoli Solle,qerner, Guardian of Cope 51CCleary, Minor child of Jiunea Cleary, deed. - N 0.42. Account of Geo. Jacobi, Guar4tan of Clarence A. Eyler, minor child of David Eyler, late of `Mashing ton tiro., deed. - - - No. 43. First account of Jacob Sollitaberger. glumiinn .of Samuel 3.lceleary, miner child of James Alceledr.Y. deceased, No. 44. First pod final account of Mathew W.Tegan. -Unit. of Geoyge Croft, late of Fannett twp.; dec'd. No. 45. Account of Samuel Garter, guardian ofJaineqi Alexander, Martha, Anna, Joiephine and Mary E. Wad dell, minor children of Jos. Waddell, late of Green lap deceased. _ _ I No. 46. First and final account of Isaac Shocky, Adair of Jacob Hoover. late of Washington twp.dec'd. . No. 47. Final , account of John Shelly, Ounr6lan of Nancy Shelly, (now dec'd) under the ,will of Christian Shelly, deceased. No. 46. First and fins.) account ofJae4b Krider, aduir of Michael Wagoner. deed. No. 49 First and final account of John Rowe and Mary George, Exeer and Exec'x of Smug George deed. No. 60. First account of Satn'l M. Lin u, adm'r of Nitta bah flouch.' No. 51. Pint and final account of John Stoner, (ofJ miner of Mary--Nicklaes. No. 52. Second and final account of Wm'. Stitzell, guardian of Anna Marria Peneinger, formerly Kuhn, daughter M - John Kuhn, deed fa. 10 ' HENRY STRICKLER, Register. AUDITOR'S NOTICE:::--The un dersighed having been appointed by the Orphans' Court of Franklin county, Pennsylvania. A uditor, to die-. tribute the lalance.in the-bands of S. C. Filson, Adnrr oe (1. H. Kerlin, deed, to and among the credit )re or said dee'd. according to law - , will meet the parties inter.: e.sted, for the purpose of his appointment, at the office of McLellan & Kimmen... in Lbamberxburg. en Tuesday. the Ist day of March, 1864. - D. WATSON ROWE. fel) 10,43 t Auditor. ADMINISTRATOR'SNOTICE. Notice is heritby given that Letters of A dministni- Tien d. b. n. c. La. 61 the Estate of John Rudisill, late of Chambersburg. dec'd, have been granted to the under. de. signed, residing in couthampton township. All persons Imewingthemselves indebted to said - Es. tato will pl6ase make immediate payment , and those having claims will present them properly authenticated for settlement. [feb 101 JOHN CRESLEH, etcher. ADIdIIs.TISTRATO's 'S NOTICE.— Notice is hereby given that tters of Administra tion to the Estate of Matthew 'Kee, late of Green toWnshlp. dec'd,,have - been grautett to the undersigned. retfaing in said township. . All persons indebted to the said Estate are hereby re quested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demand against the Estate of said decedent, will Make known the same without delay, to • - Jan= J. CRAWFORD M'KEE,Adm'r. A .DIIINISTRATOWSNOTICE.- La,.. Notice is hereby given that letters of Administra nue to the Estate of David Hollinger, late of Washing ton township, deceased, have been granted to the under signed, residing In said township. - • All persons knowing themselves indebted to said - Es tate will please make immediate payment; and _th,w/s havingelainis will present tbnin properly authenticated settlemmit. ANN MARIA IiuLLINVt,_ Jan - - Adm A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- .._ -Notieee is hereby given that Letters of Adminie haLlon on the Estate of Charlotte Smith. late of the ltorongh of Cbambersbnrg, dee'd, have been granted to the undersigned, residing in said Borough. All persons knowing themselves indebted to sato It • tatewill please make immediate payment; hod thoe‘ havingelaime sill present them properl y authent kat et. for eettlement. jan2ll) I'. J. NUJ.. Adnet. A.DMLNISTRATOB,'S NOTICE, Notice is hereby given that Letters of Adrilinls• tra. ion on the Estate of Josiah J. Elliot, late-of Fan nettsbnr4. deceased, have been granted to the nutter signed4qesidirig in said town. All peiltuns kauwing themselves -indebted to said tate will Please - make immediate payment; and those having claims will present them properi) authenticated' for Settlement: jan 20.6 t. Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Notice le hereby given that Letters of Mar nis trauma to the Estate of James Alliton, Jr., late of An. trim township. deceased, have beeh granted to the un• detsigned, re.ialing In Antrim tos. ship. - . . Ipersoimi ndebted to the said Estete.are request. al tosmakeimmediate payo.ent.'and those havintrc ' aar demandsagsinstthe Estate of docedentoviil a las known the same, without delay. t kin 20-fit J. C. McLANAIIAN,Adm'r. itDMINISTRATOR'S*OTICE. Notice its hereby given that -Lettere of !WmNis tr..uon to the Estate of Josiah Besore, late of the Bor ough of Waynesboro t deed, have been granted to the undersigned, sesiding in said Borough. All persons knowing themselves indebted to the mist Estate will please make immediate terytnent ; and those haring CialPlB will present them properly authenticated for settlement, and those holding scrip of deed, will pi event the same for redemption, jmil3-8t JEREMIAH BESORE, rdm , re JOHN W COON. yi.X-EOUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Where ir as. Lettera Testamentary on the Estate of Margaret L. Uamplyell. late of Chnmberaburg. deem Lid. have been granted to the subscriber, residing- in Chaaibersburp,.. All persentudebted to the said Estate, are hereby requened to ake immediate payment, and these, having claims or denfitivis agairat the Estate of said decedent. will make hub% n the sumo without delny, to feb 10. 6t ' W.ll. MoDOM;ELt, Exec'r. XECIUTORS' NOTICE. tics is lierehy given that Letters Testamentary font« klstafe of ttoVort Love. late of Fannett - township, deed, have beeirgrmite ' to the undersigned, residing in Fan nett township. All perilous knowing themselves indebted to Bahl Es tate will please Inaan,iraniedrate payment; end Howe! having Online will preeent them properly anthentlented for xettiement. [Jan% 61.] JAM ES STARK. Ex r. IEXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice iisliereby given that Letters of Administration to t le Estate of Henry Crider.late of finwillton Township. d.e.ellANl,have 'leen granted to the undersigned; residing in sold Township. All PU9004 knowing themselves indebted to said Es tate will please netke immediate pnymentt and those' having claims ailip.esent them properly afithentiested for settlement. , , JACOB - K RIDER, Administrator. 1 T I XECUOR'S NOTIV=— E.Not 5 ' 4 is hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the Kstate of Mary ae,iden, Into of Me township . deceased, have been grantisito the undersi residing in Yoe nottiburg. - All persons knowingthemeelaes Indebted toe "; tate will please make Immediate payment; and tbose having claims will present them pmperly 'authenticated LT settlement. JOAN 11. WALKER, Executor. WHEREAS, AT TILE . 1, AST TER:lrof the Connor Com Mon Plena of Frank.- lin Comity, the undetsigned wan appointed. a Commit tee of J Ohnlitrkholder, of the Born' of Chamberab nio All persons indebted to the said John Burkholder are , requested =to make immediate paytrent, and those" ha r. ing claima`or demands aghinst the same will make them &nowt, without delay to lob 3 CiIiILSTIAN STOUFFER. (Machiniert.) XECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given that Y.;tters Testamentary to the % state of Catharine Rosenberry, late of Metal township, state deed, have been granted to the undersigned,residing in - Ocl township. . .. \fAltpersonsknotving themselves indebted to said 1 . .. 1 , - V3t9 will k . lease make immediate payment; and those haring churns will present them properly authenticated for - settlement. (feb3j JOB. ROSENBERRY, ger: • TOTICE.—The following named'. pergolas have filed petitions for License; in the Vierlt's (Mice, to be preheated to the Court at the neit term, ori Tuesday, the 234 day of l'elitataty, 1864, to V* Daniel Logan, Hotel, Quincy. 11. M. Jones, feb 3 W. O...)IITCIIELL, Clerk