‘ , 4 4 tradian %.ppoAittivg. REBEL LITEBATUBE: FIRST YEAR OF THE WAR, by Edward A. Pol lard, of Richmond; .PP.• 'Mi. — C. B. itibtkraimn ' Now York ; G.M. Briggs, Philadelphia; Shryock, Chambereburg. SEOOND YEAR OF THE WAR; PP 66.---BY the same: --CONFEDERATE REPORTS OF BATTLES; Is sued by order of the Confederate Congress; pp. M.—Same publishers. • !WAR 'PICTURES FROM THE SOUTH I by 0.•..13. Estvan, a Confederate Colonel: pP:3S:..—D. AP platen & Co., New. York; Shryock, Chambers parg. - Of the More than four score histories, • biographies ; narratives, &c., relating to, the present war, which we have pdrused, we have read none With more interest than the record of • this bloody drama: itt made up by our enemies,.ita,treasonable authors. Head ley and Abbott have their popular histor • ies, dazzling with - iomaime arid' faicioting 'in style,, but imperfect jilt all the elements -of standard history ; and Smucker, and „half a score of others, have crowded the press with volunies of but middlingmerit. But all - have been more or less widely pireu bited and read, because of the absorbing in terest felt in the great struggle .involving '• our National existence. To these must be ' added the ponderous volumes of, Putnam's Rebellion Record, Harpers' elegantly exe cuted History, now being published, and - hundreds of individual narratives of corn respondents, officers, and half-fledged, his torians, which-have risen to the dignity of Muslin cover's: But from. all these the in • telligent student will turn to learn from our enemies. The works before us display the highest literary' ability, aid will be invalua : ble when the future historian comes to his mighty task of recording how treason be,,, • trayed a government ; startled the world, with its bloody work, and then faded out in desolation, dishonor and •death. - -.. Nearly three years ago the first shock of . • battle between the hosts of loyalty and tree ' son was witnessed on the memorable field of Manassas. The Unions army went forth emiftdent 'in, its strength, and with the heart, ' . of the Nation beating, high with the hope of a decisive triumph. The rebel capital was deemed an .easy conque4t, and there _ , were feiv who believed the war could last I beyond the limits,' of a single campaign. But on the 22d of July the fond expects ' thins Of the. North were exchanged for the keenest disappointment and humiliation. • On Sunday, the 21st, the conflict which was to overthrow rebellion and, restore peace to the United States was fought, and the goy _ ernrnent and the people were alike appalled at its , disastrous issue. The*undiseiplined three menths'Arolunteers, brave but unskill • Ca in. the terrible work of war, and sadly' wanting in courageouivid competent corn : menders, were, by the aeeident of the hour, routed in utter confusion, and driven in dis may. upon' their Capital. .Over 350 loyal hearts lay chilled in death' upon the aban , -doned field ; 1,500 fell With ghaStly wounds, and most.of these, with many others, were left captives in the hands of the triumphant • foe. - The country; unschooled iii the sad - sacrifices of war, was shadowed in tneurn • hag over its fallen sons, "and the crushed - hopes and threatening future, made the boldest and bravest tremble for the safety of the Republic. " • , Nit:victor and vanquished now alike point • •to the issue of that struggle as a dire dis aster:to the cause of the - South. The rebel historian, in his review of the events of the first year of the 'war, pronounces it r unfortunate victory of Aignasias ;" and sub sequent events, as recorded in the second „volume, which closes with the discomfitures of. Vicksburg and Gettysburg, point with a • 'conclusiveness that logic cannot impair, to the Over-ruling power that humiliated a great 'Nation in the day of its pride, to teach it the high and sacred duty before it. - Had - Manassas been a decisive victory for the Union arms, the rebellion might have been dissipated ; compromise, would have inflict ,. ed ;deadliest stab. at The vitals of the Re public, and fireasons.would have again filled the places of honor and power,.and renewed = its mingled perjury and treachery in every „; . department - of the.government. The prea entsetteration might have been spared this deadly struggle at the cost of honor apd the • sacrifice of the very genius of our. Free In stitutions; 'but the great conflict between ' Right and Monstrous Wr,ong--between Free - dam and the devouring crime of 'Slavery, *MAI have beets postponed, Ind averted;. :and each year. Treason would have gathered might, and poisoned •the hearte and pare ' lYied the arms of the North, and did made a continent' an' easy •prey to its wicked schemes Of dismemberment, pp presio n and " anarchy. Nit the All-wise Ruler inter 'posed His hand, and the day of hurnilia tion and sorrow - over the lost field and cruel • sacrifices, of Manassas, Were but the sore • • 'trials which called us to appreciate the full • measure of our peril, and whose full frui . „tit:41.411 bless mankind with a redeemed, &enthralled and Free Republic. —The task of the rebel historian isoiie of painful embarrassient. He must confront every . principle :of humanity and justice, , 'aid every obligation of the citizen to justify his Cause ; and it is not wonderful that his pages should 'abound with ,the most sch,h ing denunciation of riders who attained their power -by: perjury and usurpations and ‘ wield it onlyby drenching our fair hintiWkit, frternel blood. ; Pollard is unsparing iii his ecuidenatiation-of the tyranny he aided to establish: ,He objects hiding the, mad , =_li*:`Of - the, ,r,etrejrulers, and to • piecing --"over-the whOle. gilded teas' Of falsehood: AliaTtigtire of i s Jefferson Davis, the sec,' and Daniel et - itife \ to judgment." Et pro - mionces the rebel 'cabinet nothing more; N than "it collection of d mmiee," and 40- I gla r es tiiit it "'has rea* , no constitutional 1 existence." ' He says . that "drunken patri-_ 'ots, cowards in epaulets, crippled toadies, 1 and men-living on, the Cha.ritriaf ATefferstiiii 1 Davis,-are trained' to damn all newspapers in the South for pointirig out abuses in pla ces of authority;" and that " dim crear, e tures would conceal all he shortcomings of the administration , an represent-that our army was perfectin di ipline, and iii3mae , elate in morals, &c., a 1 for the purpose .of wearing a false mask t the enemy." Thus defiantly does the firstirebel historian:of the war denounce the great usurper, at the very throne of his,"powei. The causes "which led to the war arc dis cusseil by Pollard with more than usual candor and with gYeat ability, but Of course t from the extreme So thorn stand point:— Slaver); was certain. . .le restrained in its aggressions and restri ted in its dominions,. and therefore it had gO to war to escape li n the growing convictio of a free and intelli gent people against i s brutalizing tenden cies and its witherin desolation. He pas ses hastily over the uprising of the North which culminated. in IVIr. Lincoln's election ; declares him a "" 41ghtful combination of a western LaWyer wi h a Yaakee bar keep er ; "repeats as a matter - of history, the New York Herald' s slander about Lincoln going to Washington disguised in a Scotch cap and Military Ol al: ; details the bora laardment of Sum r and tells how its capiy tulatien " was insta tly announced in every part of the city by the.ringing of bells, / the pealing, of cannon, the shout's of co / lners dashing through the streets,landl f by every indication' of general rejoicing."/ It. was ?. SlaVery!eterrible arbi traipent axle swot , and its first victory— the sure precursei fits speedy hUrniliation - and death: Thebattle of - Bull' Run, or Manassas, -is des4lbed , fullY and fairly ; the blundering accidents of the day on both 'sides acknowledge • ; with impartiality, and the ultimate routl 6f the Union army is . conceded 'to have ',been the worlr.i of chance and panic rather) than a defeat. All the works before us, i 4 , 'their narratives of that conflict, declare tat the rebel army was several' times on,ithe point of utter discern- . fiture. Pollard says, that when Heintzel man threw his dis)ision into the action, the rebel lines gave - way, and adds that "as our shattered battalio ns retreated., the slaugh ter was deplorable ; " and - again he says— " Under the iiieforable stre.sslof the ene my's fire the retreat was continued. The enemy seemed tolbe' inspired with the idea that he had won Ithe field, " . " * " and our troobs fell back. sullenly." Gen. Bee approached Geri. Jack* with the ex clamation—".Gen6 ral, ±hey. are beating us back," to. wilicl Jackson replied—" Sir; we'll give - trem It he bayonet," whereupon Geq. Bee succeeded in rallying his routed troops with the -- rds` o There is Jackson standing like a st o ne-wall.- Let us deter mine to die here ) i," At noon le says "the condition of the] battle r field Was now, -at the lea*, desiaerate, and our left was 'over powered," but Giens.Jplinston.and Beaure gard rushed - to he front;and after the most earnest efforts s weeded in re establishing the rebel liue , o battle, and after a struggle ei which he d ' beg as " unutterably su blime;". the U ion columns were-broken, and be says, " he rout became • general and confused ; the fields were covered with 1' bla t ck swarms o flying soldiers; while cheers and yells taken up along -our lines for:the distance of miles rung in the ears - Of the ,I panic-stricken agiti v es. " Of the - effect of the news in th South he says, that "the results of the ietory of Manassas were, on the first days oi' its full announedinent, re ceived as indiclttive of a speedy termination of the war. The advance of our army upon , Washington was impatiently expected.— 1 A few days pa i ised, and it beeame .known to I the almost indignant disappointment of the people. that onr army had no -thoughts of .t , an advance u . 'on the Northern capital.,"— Thus does the historian record - the fruits of the first re.bel ictory--eornplaining that it turned to ash s in their hands, and a year Later, When h came to sum up the full • fruits of thati ,.. ts4.4nph he declares it • the Li unfortunate v" etOny_of Manassas !" ' That Wasnington could have been captured without a se 'ens struggle hail J,olinston and Bcaureg rd followed up the defeat of Bull Run, d es not admit of doubt, and With mingled truth and sorrow does Pollard refer to it as "a: lost opportunity " that, has since been 4 .` repeated to the South with additions of misfortune." But one thing., it is 41w confessed, saved onr,Capi tal from rebel hands, and it.: carries with it a moral of fearful import. 'The advance of t the rebel tr ps was restrained by the re liance of ..th aces leaders upon Demo , a ti antic assay aces given in the North,] that they would et matte' in.& war upon their "Southern brethren." This vain hope'l stayed' the t 'timPhaint advance of treason, lest an assanit upon - the Nation's - 'Capital *Quid aro4 the people to such a, spirit of - rVaistanze at to render impotent those who were to paralyze thc,PreeStates by a diver gen in favor of the rebels. . Thus 'did Northern treachery , perform one good work in the hi lt ' . ry of this war, however faith-1 less the p ose, - : ' ' : ' Col. Es an, whose little Volume is most' , graphipajly I yrritter i , was ; in the tractle, of Bull Riot 4, R a rebel offieer,and ho 4tudidly ,=puts-at rest the ioUg - . disputed question as, 'to the \ shoeftiot, barbaritiespraeticed by the 1 rebels trebo,after they had iron the field', He .says: I ',, - ' - - ,', ,-I" - :. -4, Like, a, tlunderbolt.?.Kirliy. - - Smith' fell . upon the foe ; our tnen fought desptrateln and in a moment the Federal troops, who I. - lie SniWin Birsi l pnii; *bruarli 1.7, 1864. f had felt certaiu - ofvictou, were everywhere I diiven back. - ,ea,reeiy had they comme4ce4 retiring, when it became impossible to res train our troops. A giant Texan, ,th rowing away his rifle, took out his Bowie-knife, With one blow he split the skull of a wounded man who had fallen to the ground, and this became - 1 the signal for a general butchery. Like cild beasts, the, incensed soldiery fell upon their victims, hewing; stabbing, slashing like had men! _ :- • ‘, A fearful panic. seizes upm the , Federal 1 troops. Even the bravest fly before such an onslaught--,they give way tnd in 'mortal fear, !Armors and men run foi .heir liveslike startled deer. j * * * * The savage spirit of our scildiers now. dinost bordered upon the, horrible. BEAUII,E(ARD TOO Ap- VANTAHE OF THIS .VHNOE:FUI SIO0H; lit or dered his whole ariny forwarc i aud.,vnthiwild exultant cheers fell upon thebroen eneiny. Stuart had collected all his ckvalfy tog ther and swept across Oil plain' lke'awbirlwind, clearing everything before lin]: . -I . f 6 The enemy was now a full flig t at ! ti every point, and so quick' vas our ad anal that all . ordenin our Tank Was lost , A rumor suddenly spread tlia Kirbymith had fallen. A cry of 'anger and horrol pas sed through the ranks of th whole army.— Our troopa-now maddened with rage s fen mercilessly upon their opponnts, and al ear ful massacre commenced. Senes of ho "ble cruelty too fearful: for desorption ea-- - 3.1., Our men' were 'no longer, hunian b 'ngs ; covered with' blood and dust and gun 'powder, they fell upon their flying oponents with un governable fury !" : . Such is-the description if a' rebel par 7 ticip'ant of. the " fraternal' chara4er ,'of the. men who have ma.ie. anton war,. and Who, with 'their Nortlirn hypocritical allies, -whinel for the oliilbranch or: cou,- . cession and compromise l . 1 ' : Pollard follows the warwith patk ergy and commendable cador throi its varying.;vicissitudes doln to Getty" He reviewsithe varionscmpaigns al with a mosteattstic pen, ad is um . . in his sci4icisnis upon - th'tyranny ordinate ambition of Davi. In 'his at the dose of the two yeai he eliargi the folly and vanity of Dris the re bility of most of the dissters , - the have suffered. He says hat -Congj complished nothing.; "dl - its le was patch work." - Thecabinot, h " still served as a ridicreps cyphe of Davis he adds : : , , , • ,i,. "The military pragniatm of the esident was his worst lailiag. - 4. had treat d Price, one of the -earliest herds ,f the w4r, with cold and insolent :neglec. He ad con strained GustaVus Smith.° resign, and de prived the country. of ontof its m st brif liant generals. He had !c k o p . the tt fair ,op- I : portunity of a sick roc et! n the. ; part of Beauregard. td deprive hh of his cOmmand in the west and „give it .1 a fa "Vorite. He had even attempted to pi Jackson'in lead imr' string's, for it was th(President4l order that7set bounds to his Junius Winchester expedition:, and - that ytuld have timidly recalled him from 'his spndid campaign in - the Valley. There was'reason touppose that Lee's return from to territory of the North was constrainedy the vie,e of the Executive ; and-that th'Presidentlwho had once defeated the capire of Washington I by his - interference at tl first fiel of Man assas, had again repea& - his inter eddling, removed a deeisiie vie% from. the grasp of the -army, and turned bat the war[for years. While he quarreled withuch men; as Price, Beauregard, Gustavus Sith and p'ohnston, he "maintained such fanit:es asl, - Holmes, Heti', Lovell and Pembeon. Nd man was ever more severeigninhilikes and.dislikes. Favorites 'were elevatedto poivtir,' and the noblest'spirits consigned, obscurity by the tirof-a,:.ingle man in thConfedCracy, and that man, one of the stmgest .prejudices the harshest obstinacy, al the mist ungov. ernable fondness for favctes." , ... Such was Pollard's ,tituate after two-years of trialand it i cant fact that the - only istory d front the rebel side appaeltin ness, thus loads - the r;el chie blood of his countryme "The recoil at Getsbnrg was fatal," says Pollard; " and theeturn of Lee's ar my to its defensive lis in'Virginia, was justly regarded in the Euth as t. reverse in the general fortunes othe coqcst." He i .-- ... complains that whe4 tineWs as received! of Lee's_ disaster, " flteniptation of des...' pair was again whisper; to we l l * minds," and the towing finatal em4rraasments, with the." cupidity," 'n , elope among the planters, by- the temntri t . sell cotton to the 'Union -Men on be Mi -issippi, all conspired to 'make thelose 9i the second 1 year,,of the war, any thg but! hopeful on the part of the instirges., Tbe results of-, '..Gettysburg and Vick Ai are iiet reviewed by Pollard, but he prolies alminute and faithful `account of theauseS r and . eonse- Clu'enees of . these'disa.46 in the third vol'. l nine, not yet . issued. re, noticed, in the Richmond ,Sentinel, a fr days age,'his ad-., vertisement for the thi yolunie,,,,iu which: lie' said that it wouldbssuCksoon,, "pro- piclec?paper could liericura:for It!" If! he'regirded 'the - finees 'as threateningi them with deitruetitii'm 18 3;'' when the 'currency was at a , diseef ofl.l at nine hun,-. B - per cent:, what itt, be h sToriduSions io ' his review ,of thethl !yea t !, lif :the war, when the eur6noy hasireoltted . to twe,n-1 'ty five -hundred per certm, id,.,the, issue .of his history is questiable If e9tm9 , o f the fact that paper calif:Mt; had in die'whoiel eoniedeia - e0 ' ' . -' i ' ' _, 1 As i'specitnen Of thtecuritipiof 'histor- , iio 'On , both sides,-' irileorit'g events,in. the enetnyrs country ; 1 iiv+Pollard!a ac's donut - of ;S knertV raiill6hambersburg in 1862. 'He says "t: expedition - .pens, trated Othartibersbui,' b.4t. `,` net with no resikonee, , -aeotimubdlie stores, and #OPPl4lled'tiothitOondiherOults of ,sti.r.4?.copn9l,sapc . e,' and..tivveri'der 'Of one; of the Most rapid iiiltrohen.re/ord."‘SpOkL . iitgpf the'behaviouithe reliel troops ill' oiii..theiitrtit'eki)etini,iiitiloiat kiil,:jle ........ • -sayezi ~ ' • - . . : 11 - : 1 - ,;;- . , - .., .~ - i 4 Thi4s eipeditieti 1e he 'Yankees' fr"- , .' In ar'kabiti - . B6uVen'it•T'ef'luthOli , elitialrv: I Pril;cite jifidpiTtlPtva'sitiirrii ty 44speded* our troop's; lankee chaps I were treated J with scinpiloue regard, and many kindness-. Were. shown' the 'alarmed : people knightly' style, whichwoUld have been ,ere-: ditable to l us had .it-not been made •ridiculoue by 'excess pf courtesy, and a tender and cer, emonions politeness which was in very ah surd contrast to the Manner of the •enenrY, On entering Chambersburg, the soft.mani nered rebels,' as Col. McClure, the -"anteir commander - .of the post described them; trea ted him with the most-lender politeness.' ,In deed the narrative of this Officer's experience furnishes a curious'leaf in the histerr , of the war. To the great amusement cif the people of the North, Col. Mcbliny.gav'e a long ac count in the newspapers of the attained iv airy of our troops. He related f#` ow they had thanked hink for being canard,' when he told theni th'at he was a Republican ; how he was politely asked for food by the officers; and hOw a private in Stuart's, terrible corit-' mand had 'with a.profound bow,' asked for a few 4eouls to light a fire.'? 'We presume that there is now nil escape from us going down in rebel history as .the "'Yankee commander of the, Post," -when Stuart captured Chambersburg ; but tii4 . positive assurance:that ", private - property was. unifoirolY respected" by. the rebel troops reads most awkwardly to IA and re calla iather vividly the recollection of half a score of horses we must haVe begged Stu art to accept in return forthe " inosttender - politeness,'',with ; whieli his 'command tree! ted ,We know - by • the 'saddest exp - eri -ence that the horses disappeafed with Stu art in the "knightly style" 'of the "South ern chivalry," and as history assures us .that " priiate property as uniformly res ia pected," the " excess of bOurtesk". and the "tender and ceremonious politeness" with which we were treated by the chivalrous must have won them from our generous ,appreciation of the honor conferred by the appearance of such, distinguished guests at Norland. • nt en it g h all !shut. i g. times iparmg arid in- —The 'official record of battles from rebel officers is valuable as a. work of referenee, and :will be ihdispensible inmaking up the hisiory of the War. The whole of the works are re-printed from the Richmond edition in the best style; and mug, command a large sale. 'review supon sponsi rebels ess ac- !islation e says, and TEI, United States Service Magazine is a new monthly'of 1.12 pages, got up in the very, best style of the typographical art, anti bearing evidence of marked ability in all its various departments. It has leading articles on Chattanooga, with a map; The A.Northern and Western Lakes; A few Facts about Artillery:, A Modern Fable with an International Moral; The ,Use of Iron in FOrtificationsv Greek Fire and other Infla , mables Modern War, in Theory and Prac tice ; Rambles over the Field. of Gettysburg ; with the 'Burial at Gettysburg in Poetry, the Editer'si Department, and a complete el iterne Of_Army and ?lavy Intelligence. "later Rambles over the Field of Gettys , 'lmrg" arc from the pen of Professor Ja r cobs : of Gettysburg, and are to be contin ued. The Editorial direction of this peri odical is in, the hands of Prof: Henry 'Cop pee, of Alio University of Pennsylvania—a gentleman of high literafrY attainments, and well schooled in . military science. He is not entirely-unknown in Southern Pennsyl vania, having tendered his valpable services to the State during the rebel invasions of 1862 and 1863, and rendered most essential aid to the authorities.. The Service Mitga iire, under-his control, 'must take the very rront rank as a standard military journal, and the wide spread-interest' fblt in all that pertains to =the war .Should give- it a largo popular circulation. Price $5 per annum. C. B. Richardson, 596 Broadway, New York. of Davis' 1' the war complete -with the THE AMERICAN Exchange and Review, for -January, has an able' arti9le on The Rate of Interest; another on Phil - Mail; a rad and thrilling description of The Field of Gettysburg after theßattle ;- a . searching review of War Charges and War Pay l ents; ,a curious article on Mormon 14gisl ion and (Church Teraporalities, and an': e paper ion Quicksilver. It" also has sinsurance, ..LVlonetari; and 'other departMents saljus tained. $3 per aura* Whitii.44"Ctc.; Phitadelphii. - !^ THE historical llggarine, for. January, hasa rich caricature, of an early fracas in 'COngress.;' an English journal of, the'Siige Of Savannah ; Historical Notes'ori Slavery in the-NortherrColonieS and States ;' an in teresting papei. on John Campbell, the pub 7 lisher Nclf the first American Newspaper; another on Early Elong \ ressional 'Customs; Notes and Queries,. and other valuable his torical, information. $3 ,per. annum. C. R. Richardson, .596 Broadway, Ne' York. THE Continental Monthly, for February; opens with an interesting,paper on Thomas Jafferscin as Seen" by the tight of 1863, by Mr. - Sheldon ; an article oh the English Press by Mr. , Rowe, of.Lond*; a review of Mr. Chase!F, Treasury Aepori i ly F. P. Stanton, and other, ,contributions,fsome of .which ,are anonymous; but all tiddine to the gradually' ibereasingt.excellence 'of the .itio*natbd. Price $3. John F: Trove, New York. - " SOLDIERS' PACKAGES BY MAIL.—The President has signed the act - r,eeentlY.passed by Congress, - providing thatlvfticles of cloth ing,,being manufactured of wool, cotton or linen, and eoinprised in apackage not e"*.ceed ing two pounds in weight, addressed, to any' non-commissioned officer . or private ser . vin,g in the armies of the United States may be transmitted-in the mails of the United States at the rate of eight cents, JO be-ir. all eases. prepaid, for every four. 'ounces, or airy frac tion thereof, subject td suOt regulations as the -Postmaster -General May prescribe."—:. Other materials than . .those,atove specified if sent by mail, must be pi`6-pairbyptarnii s at let-ter rates--three cents fbreverrhalf ouneo', .9r ifraCtiPli s tlier,C9f-: - f „ ALWAY's piinish•Your children far trilftillY disobeying you, but never putfisit in anger 4 PERIODICALS. GEN.GINTrAT-COOPER INSTITUTE. Slavery the Cautie of the BRebellion. =I .NECESSITY OF ITS DESTRUCTION. Cooper Institute, on the Ist ,inst, New York, was Riled with an audit ce who had come -to hear, an QXpoption of the views of Edward W. bantt - , late a Genert in ; the Rebel army, on the' subject of our: great National struggle, ant the means of captaining a speedy and periiiirtent On the platform were Dr. Tkng,-Judge Daly, Wm.. 0.. Bryant, Gen. -Anderson, and ntiier persons of, note. Gen,_Ganft was introduced by Wm:B. Dodge, and was ..received with hearty acclamations of applause. When it had subsided, he said : Our country' hid been sepanated too much in sentiment and impulse; anti Providence, which directed alike the destinies of individ uals and of nations, was to weld us by war into one hOmogeneohs and poWerful nation. The local institution that has had stood be, tween two sections had been broken down by the' war; we begin better. - [Applause.] am glad to meet 80 many citizens of your great State. The State that I have the honor to represent has been linked to you for many, year; in destiny trade and a common senti, meat, inure than with any other part of the United States. tut we have been strangers a long time ;. and While you have prospered, We have been impoverished, while you have become great and powerful, we have become deSolated. "Arottri some 'of your,firesides mourning sits ';ours are ; alldrapcd i sorrow,- we have a cou - atry drenched in blood`; we have a eountry . , , aosolated; our towns and Vil lages are well-nigh impOverished ; our'people either sleep upon, gory battle-fields or - in silent grave-yards all over the - land, or are held by the force of-bayonets to the vilest and most loathsome despotism that ever held man in Slavery upon the face of the, earth. The New Yorker who years ago visited our sunny clime , would be much struck with these sad changes. - Few of the old familiar friends he used to meet would now greet him. Itut .b• would be' more struck with the Change of sentiment tliat has come over our Teeple since the institution of Slavery brought the country into the vortex of civil war. We thought if war commenced and we told you so,'and eve belieVed iCconscientionsly, that grass- would grow inthestreets of New 'fork -Gee. N. Sanders said so, and I believed it; and in spite of rnyselfovhen I came into the city, I lookod'out to _See if there Was not a sprig or ;two. But I - never saw so-ninny peiple inlmy He. If Jeff. Davis -could go out cOnsdripting here he could catch more men than there are in the whole Davis limits: Aid you' have become wealthy, you have in creased in trade; in commerce, public im provements, and publicbuildirks.-- You did not know much about fighting when yOu, commenced. I presume many of - you be lieved with us That if you were deprived of cotton you would be destroyed, and that-you could not. do without slave, labor. , But you have done'without it-'--yOu can do' without it You came, however, to the conclusion that it was . the province, of New York „to fight for the ,Union, and' I tell you the time will never ems in your hi!itbry. when-you can cease to fight for the Union: [Applause.] The war will. pass aWay and n new order of things Will - come up. • Neiv 'York cannot afford to do without Arkansas, and Arkan sas cannot Alford to do without_ New York ; but the peale-at , liny-pribe men would let Ar kansas sind allow the men' who. had lived . , in, suffering and privation waiting for the flag to come-=Would let them go and be Can- Scripted by Jeff. Davis and allow Arkansas to go out of the sovereignty ,in - which - New Torkiiiiheund up. The time is approaching Wile*thOge who; love their cOuntry will look tu b e means ,that will insure permanent ac pe. and the most rapidly recuperate us from bbur misfortunes. There are manyques, tions preSenting themselves. which you do not take hold of with that freshness and pow er that Southern people, who are looking' ta the future of tkemsetves, and their country, are.in the habit of doing. We begin ) to see our way clearly. .It IS true; much is to be done.' Three hundred thousand men in arms are not to be laughed at—are not to be -des pised. If you were to lay down your arms and call them to meet' you in a Peace Con vention, they would flame like a comet over the:land. and leave desolation wherever they Came. But the United States havethe power and you ha* the qetermination, to have the flag of the country borne .until it shall wave over mFery portion - of it. [Cheers-3 ' - 'ii hat h the- cause of thiswar ? . 'We in-the Sou h understand what is the cause of this War; and we are goinir, to treat the Case- ;Wts will not have our children subject to thesamo suffering and anguish that, we have felt: We know that there is but one disturbing elemiMVin the country. We know that there, is hilt one tree of evil; and we intent:lJ° lay the, ez at the root of the tree._ 7 [Great cheer ing.) Had there been no negro Slavery. there would Wive been - no war. [Cheers.] There never was any bitter Contest .in the ,country that near° Slavery, was nut the corn erstone of it. 'What was it we - tried to compromise - year after year ? Was it horses, was it dogs,- was itsats,,was,it women'; Why' no'; it was the question of iitlgro Slavery.—, It was always some kind of 11`w guartintees" for negro Slavery. A great many of :in said the Constitution would not do. because it didn't protect negro Slavery enough. ' And now some northern 'men are afraid the, Con stitution will be' chimged So it will not pro ' feet SlaVery. • Weattempted ' to'Settle this queStion by-diplomacy And statesmanship.---' We could not do.it, What did I say myself, L--and I .was al very 'good', type' Of a Pro- Slavery man—l Said if the Constitution. 'of our fathers would not protect Slavery ;. no: guarantees would do it, I, wanted to give. that power an expansion west Ward to the beettni, and in andther, direction to takd in, Cuba, and part Of Mexico, and ail' We _could get beyond; .I:ten-talk 'about compromise; .but :the Southern • peeple- would - riot haVe heard _anything to. ~ cempromise. A ,man" Could not have Stood' up before that ocean of passion. and talked-about compromise 'ea kept t* head - tin his shoulders. And yetmen talk about sending peace commissioners down there ' heir l', [Laughter.] The question'could not be compromised., .and . we Submitted it to the last. arbitrament, that of the sword: But I ern a l little too fast ;' we said We are willing :to. do it ; we didn't - believe We : should: do itr Times have changed, and now, unless a_mun is iiPolitical'haek he will March boldlytip to the enestron ;presented; and not be afraid of being. called.a- tu .. rn-coat, : or tis - they say, a. , 'idimned AholitiOnist:" In the South N ., lien. 'the'strliggle'coinineheedlthei4 were but two idgas:antlAlie.y.-;revolved round. ,tbeSnegra- ; ' one Was, wg should stay in the• Union toile tea; thii( netro'; - the Othei'veas to, ge - oilt, still to proteet `the negro; 7' Well, I.' ''went 0u1.,7': and m'ade,.,My ; light far the negro,. AndAattind before you' . one of those Objects tylioni - certiiii laChry nibs eiptiopleclif thd•--' Nerth ittadVer gig' "subjugated Secessionists !" [Laughter and cheers.)d p•t` k•agau l ' r t e rl o yotstpoBerouta Mony of my Nrhemfrierds { ? Sitting down holding on to the • nigger ! I have had my fight about this thing., I have beenshot at more times than 1. have got negroes. { I don't think a - white man's life ought to be put up against the pi e . .perty he has in a negro. [Gee. Anderson entered at this time, and cheering ensued for { several minutes.] I do not recollect exactly { where I left off. Oh, yes, I left :My Aim, crane. friends hOlding on, to :ii. niggeir. [Laughter.] I had enough of that question, -an .1 _have let. loose my negroses--sthaV.is, 'they haVe - conftseated them' all except. one; . and Mt. Lincoln has pardoued me, and the ; negro he set free. And so, between him and Jeff. Davis,lheyhave pretty well broke me upon the negroguestion. I notieed when I .; came North, a r!subjugated Secessionisy' a certain class of pertons affected to motirtptoer' my severe fortunes; but while it was known :that I quit the Rebel service reenrdingit as Corrupt and foul, and ..because'7Jeff: Dari 3 'takes the last thing in the world a Southern, Union man has, 'I do not hear them sap That is hard. But just let Congress pass a law about confiscating Rebel horses or. Degrees., and yon,hear them begin to raise a ,howi.___• I do not - mvielf believe in a sweeping contis. cationact.' I tell my. people the North will welcome them back not sullenly but with re joicing all over theland. Its to the leaders i do not believe you have any great pattiali- ty for them. Had - there been no negro slavu ry there would have been no technical North and South. - To bemire, some saw it' was the tariff ; but they could have had their Low ells and Manchesters in Arkansas, had it not been for negro slavery; Others say it is he- , cause Southern politicians lost power in_ ther government. What-made them_lose power? Becaii - Se they had the eternal negro,stuck in all their platforms. You based your s`access and we based ours on that. You.. knoiv it and I know' it. But let us not abuse each other; let us go ahead ,to uphold the.fhig all oirer-the land, and when that is done, let Jos remove the cause of the war. .tegro Slavery is the disease. I Let us :treat that. A man comes to a quack doctor with a nail in his ; • area; The doctor poultices both ends of the' arm and puts poultices on the patient's back, but never draws out the nail. And that-le the may some.Wouid treat this ;National di-.. sease. But we have suffered terribly et the South, and all our 'sufferings, and deprive . 1 tare s can be traced to negro Slavery, and we { are determined to extirpate it 'forever.— ;[ObeerS.] Ido not care {what we are called. I I have „got _past that. 'Yotinever can have pease while slavery exists. Since the gun ; tion was submitted to the,arbitre:ment of. the l sword, and the Abolitionists haVe let us alone { another party conies and says yoti shall hero Slavery whether yea ..want it ; or not. , The moment the. Abolitionists ceased, talking . about it, the peace-at-any-price party took, it Up and said, you shan't{ come, back: without you have Slavery.,This is the way these `people reason. e have ' got to start life I anew ; . we want peace ; we want a peace that is permanent. You have not felt the . war as we ; have; Ohr land is' watte, Mid' _our children are nearly Upon the pant otstarva ton ,; therefore it behoves us to look ,aboui. and see if we can avoid this trouble in the future. We know'we cannot have perma nent peace While negro slavery .exists; we cannot recoverTrom out misfortunes if negro Slavery is allowed to remain. I have studied this question of Slavery, a little. {My frac titiosner: was a very hitter man on the Slavery . question; Just for ' lilt,' fun of th'e thing, NYE. usexito.slip through the N. Y. Tribune.. It' :was a fire}irandy pit know, We- did. it Lquietly in our office:, But, as I said;tim , m are changed; and I read Tire Trilnine noW, . and-it is a right ghod paper; and 1 read Tito Times and herald, and all of them. You do not have to talk about humanity to. the negro, but humanity to the white man; says . take this thing_ out of the way and let the Government go on._. I tell you solemnly' lie= fore Heaven, there.is.bnt one way twrestore this Government, and that is to plus_ yo.uu columns forward. "Do you suppose:Mit I, a Southern man, would'come and' ore you. to send the{ dagger to the heart of my eeple 111P5 With every impulse of mine throbbing with them ? No,Sir ;-- hilt I do not want { - to see this. weir drag along to add still. mote. to • our sorrows and woes.. Iwant a quick, ppwer fat blow struck' that the whole thing_ may{ collapse. - And when you talk about mitsraiii to them and about-electing peace canditlatel to the Presidency you give them ait and comfort whether you {intend{ it or. not. ;They do look forward to this thing, and theirlead ers tell them to hold on just twelve *nibs longer, and' these men in power ba aver ; turned and a new party will come iu to give them place. These articles written here are { circulated South, and areicommenteUtipon in a way to suit the: Southern people, who are led to _believe they are evidences of Weakness - on the part OtNhe United l Stateit 'Government; mid that 4hey have much-to hope from these things: Let platforms go down, perish institutions, but survive my country, and the, Country will save file Con stitution. 'We- want to start upon the path way of t it higher destiny, and we cannot do this until the Governinent is restored; and that can' never be restored;except at thawing of the bay = onet. Gen. G.:vat described the agricultural, mineral; and Other resources of the State. . - . ; , . i. I have noticed - that although neither Lin coln nor Jeff. Davie are hieds:ome, yet Lin ,Coln's face will Lining three times as much us as Jeff.'s in Arkansas. [Laughter and ap plause.] The'soldier haa a late' quantity of greenbacks, and :the '49.rkansa4 A : Urge quantity of land - that he is glad to sell for them, and in *ca. Yedrs his other. half will be worth more than -the -hole of it:would be with slavery, 'slaves, and all,, And in a few years their - sons and daughter Will in ,itertuarty, tuld-they sv,ill get along 143 happily as ever. All the,. tight is,out of our people. Trade willbind'iii together; • Men willl, ride over cotton; even thmigh •One of, thcni{wear a blue - coat and, tire-other a gray , ; eciftt,.-r-- [Laughter and, iipplittl`se . .], 'this, then; 'Will :not only he the regeneration' of the country, but the binding o; it together, and, God Al rilightY so intended it; - he intended that thesedwatttuti9a§ should' be 'preseived' and uphold under all circumstances, :I get per! fectly bewildered When I think of this great country, whete'si, 'nag from Maine is atbome in Louisiana:, I tell yoli the American ge .nius.will spread all over' this land, and She time will conk{ when' yoin. , c,olon''es - of tan- kees will settle alt: Oter tharleautiful: hind of ours, and churelsekand colleges will spring up,' where 'the 'siar:WhOop ot. ! the - Indian 'alone has been Iteis*;"tilid the time Wince aw when-ors some-bright „Sabbath, bell will{ an swer. to bell, ' fretWocatin to ecean, ; ,in lane grand 'diapason. - [Cheers-1 This is nobody's work.. It is not the - Abolitionists; it is , mot the !Secessionists; it is : not Jeff.aiis,;.it is rioC - Abe Lincoln; It le God A I mighty 'that ;its...doing this work. •[t 1 1 . 6,5 e5 j r .., I,:gtst lest fectly overpowered . :because I. - 4 -1 , 1 v,e 4 4 1 . 4 kd this more than ; YOU'llave. Ihave beep in wire' tight. plisces.:J [Laughter;]' l :lllivo Imen 1 1 ? pr,ison r -aa4ria :tho , arEIVAY 4 ll l . 4 b a pretty tight . place, in Arkansas...lryaß are g_ood'UniOmsti i iviet ;offend you. - Ifybleare sleff. Pavis , meriJ Want-Act offend'yOuk-and (Concluded on Eleveilth Page.)