12 ' r Aarb)a)ate l Seutterp,Scc. C OACII SADDLERY , • _ II A :RD W A It-.E PPM The subseriber-'reiliectfully informs his friends and the Public; that lia:continuee to carry on the above Witness at his °id itrind on Main Street, ,op- itositelho deiman t ßeforrn! , d Church; cIIAMBEMBURG, Pit, Haring eniarged his business, Saddlers and , (bug.- makers wUI find In Jae Store Room a genets]. assortment of Grosds'snitable is their several requirements, such as ~ F aiinad Country liOgdauti, Patera Leather, Saddle Trees and Girt Wag, pig Trees, tall Plated, Tinned and, japanned; Cloat .Bair; Straining Wob and-Weisted Rain Wed, lower than .Cottoty - lln _• Bite and =MEI StirrapNl new styles; Curtin Frames; ub Bands; Bridle Frantz; . Roseaies,gwiitlsaridprnamente; Iron Plated and Wood qt g 'trunk's; ISITOELES--BRASS; SILVE R AND spanned, all stylesand Patterns; Ivory and Wooden - Mirthtgaleitinfs, Stnmp Joints; grids variety of other itoode ['ratable for the trade. -All kinds of Plating, dono with neat nhs and despatch `LEWIS IVAMPLER, , t nog 4'63,tf -TTARDWARE SMITEL & RICHAIiDSON 01 Market St, Philadelphia. • sirra. CHALRICHARDBOII The undersigned would respectfully call the attention of COEINTEVI MERCHANTS tu their large and well se lected mock of - HARDWARE! - flaying madespetlal arrangements for the Fan Trade, we, flatter ourselves we can offer inducements to pur chasers that will fully remunerate the trouble of exam militia our stock. We ask but trial, to convince tho Cbuntry Trade, that we are'prepured to sill low and accommodate. Onr stock ofTable and Pocket Cutlery la unnanally large, selected with care, and including a variety ofstylt that cannot but suit all tastes. We have constantly on hand a large assortment of Building Ilardware, Tools,Cntlory, - Files, Tool-SO:es. and Chests, Saddlers, - 7 and - Shoemakers Toole, Screws, Nails, everything in short,p ert taxiing to a first class liardware Store.. Particular attention paid to Country orders. It is our aim to secure the confidence of our customers, and to this end we are parti,nlar, in Riling orders, to-give the best end +se cheap as though the customers were lug is person. Give as a trial. Bitreasztris.-4. K. Shryock,Esq„ A. K. McClure, L. B. Systi3r,Chambersburg. - SMITE b RICHARDSON, sag. 5,'63-tf • 611 Market. St., Philadelphia. NEW HARDWARE STORE. L. B. BLUER *bald resrpectfully inform his friends, and the pnSllr generally-, that in oonnextion with his KEROSENE OIL AND LAMP STORE, • he has commenced tieIILitDWARE business, at his new Store room, one door north of 01. Huber's Grocery. His stock consists In the following articles, Wu Building Hardware, Haase Furnishing Goods, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Mechanics' Tools.. Nails by the small or-keg, ' Farming Utensils,Stich as Shores, , Spades, Forks • , Potato Lifters, Scythes, etc., etc. Also, Wass, Paints, Benzole, Linseed, Kerosene. and Lubricating 0115, Lune of all dianriptious, Cbanthliers for (Wand Kerosene Fruit Jars, best quality, &c., &t. 4Fir Agent for tale of EVANS & •WATSON'S Fire Proof Safes Duly 29,433-tf., • .TTARDWARE.—The , public are in, vited to call and examine out-extensive stock of Itntvaie, Cutlery, &c. We keep on hand a large stock iff.gssalsin our line composed partly of the following . Soeds Which we offer very cheap. Iron - ' ' Files Looking Glasses Wails .. - ' Rasps ' Farm Bells Steel : - Baste • Springsand Axles Hocks • . Glass Boot Trees Hinges . ~ - Chains Shoemaker Kit Planets , Whtps. • , • Saddlers Tools ' . Anvil's . , . Bolts" Trimmings , . ' Vices , Saws . Coffin Trimmings Bellows Brushes . Grind Stones Paints ' Hames Cedar Ware, Oils • - Shovels. " Blasting Powder Tnrpontitie ' Rakes ' Shot and Lead - lions ; .• Spadesl • Pocket Knives; ' • Gill and examine our itivic. SpeCialinducements of feted fer cash. ~ [oct2l'63) , . BRAND & FLACK. HARDWAREAND CUTLERY w., W. KNIGHT & SON, „.. . , Importers and Dealers in - 'AMERICAN, ENGLISH AND GERMAN HARDWARE, '- • ' . ... 509 Commerce Street, - Between sth and 6th and Market tiadAreb Ste 'Philadelphia: , - - aug.6, !63-tf I ettatro, etabinetarg, Er. 1011141 P&ZT. , Inistau ti.*oxo FABY - N.G,c z - UNDER KERS MiNITFAC:TIIBER3 OF CABINET WARE 011UIDNR.TOTITIG, PENN?. The undeislgned;respectfally announces to the cW tens of Chambentburg and surrounding country, that, the ; have.leased the Cabinet Booms of lir. Wat. nous, dec, on !Rhin Street near Washington, and bought opt all the material of lifr. WM.A.Hsattsr pertainingte the lih'BERYAKING. including histwo Hearses, whore they. Intend to give *pecial attention to this branchof the • tresitiess. "COFFINS of Cloth, Walnut, Cherry, &c,,made toorder at the shortest notice and on moat rensenable terms. They wilt also attend to the laying out of .Vgorpsti, Which will be done% a satisfactory manner: • Fdnorals attended in town and country. IiENITIA.N BLINDS made to order. Airkinds of Cabinet ware repaired neatly and cheaply. The public are respectfully referred to Mr. Wu. A. RAMIST. • Remember Wm. Flory's old stand. ' - 'nor 4, 'S3-3.m • FREY & MONO: -2 CHEAP CHAIR-AND CABINEt WARE B00)18.—The subscriber Informs the pub. Ile that he continues the Manufaotare of the Tarions ee tildes of PIIIINITUREin his line„ at' his Shop, on Main Street. threedoors South of Huber and Tolbert's Hard. ware/Store. lie has always on hand, or is prepared to ritinntacture upon the shortest notice, Spring , eitte Bottom and Windsor Chairs. Sofas, Plain and Nen cCy~._Tablea, Bureaus, Dressing and Cd mmon Wardrons t I Wmih' Mande, Book Oases, Bedsteads. VENSTIIitr BLINDS - got up in the best style. 'Perth:haler attention will be paid t'd HOUSE PAINE' MG AND V'APEFL FLANGING, and entire satisfactriin inerery instAnce guaranteeu. -' • Iit,I2O.4.IfLING of all kinds in his line of. businesa 'om lrfattonded to at moderate , prices. Wl—Hating nurhased the Ileum of Mr. Wit. nosy. deed. heisable ?annelid Intetral4 end umuftiettire Gidllnsat thashorteht noti. ; nut orCiterry. A Layer-out will be iaatrendance. ney.030..1y ' . - JOSIAH E. s'Cnornmp. MEMENTS.,--Dealers and Man t om' of Agricultural end other Irapl?menta me reach e large claw .4' intliutble canon:ter, I, Aran ! . . Prated Tinned and Japanned,. Coach floodlee, Ohamberaburg, Pa lIIM ETIIINSF,RTED ON ANBET, BASE.—DR.N.SOIII.OSSEIC Dili) still at his reel .' ' once on EAST MARKET STREET. near the Franklin Railroad. DentistrY in all Rai - branches attended to NC It b all the modern improvements. Raving published to this 'community for more than two years, that teeth or Aniber is in every way eIIEAPER AND BETTER than teeth on any other .material, I - would say thati still see no reason to change my opinion. for there are many per sons in Chambersburg and vicinitylor whom 1 hare inserted teeth on AMBER, who can testifyto their supo. riornaerit. N. B. 'All work warranted to give satisfaction:6'r no charge. Teeth extracted without. pain' with 'Mule& safety without taking Chloroform. For further infor mation call nt the Office. [June 174803. • R. W. W. SCIILOSSER, Surgeb . . 'Dentist.—Thenwiergigned has removed his Office from the Marston Mouse to the.residenee of Mr John Noel, Northwes t corner of the Diamond. and' itninedi ' ately opposite the Franklin Hotel. Office on the se • coral floor—entrance through the passage, to the iight as yon ascend the stairs. Jnne 17,1801. . -W. W.SCHIMS9EII. J, K. RELO; Don , tist, has removed his office from the corner or the Pn fic Square, where he practised so mini' years. to - the corner of Main and Queen Streets, above Win. lleyser's DrukStore,Chambersburg. Pa«whore he will he pleased o receive theenlis of his friends. [June 17, 1883. fa ebiriq. TO THE LADIES OF -AMERICA LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS, LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS, LYON'S PERIODICAL 'DROPS, LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS, TILE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY! THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY ! THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY ! LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS , LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS ARE BETTER TITAN PILLS! ARE :BETTER THAN PILLS! ARE BETTER THAN PILLS ARE BETTER THAN PILLS Lyon's Periodical Drops are, THE ONLY FLUID PREPARATION THE ONLY FLUID PREPARATION THE ONLY MID PREPARATION • THE ONLY FLUID PREPARATION ever brought before the public, and as a 'diuretic and. ispPcificferirregniaritleg,chalbmgee •he world to pro duce an equal; they nre, in the most obstinat.eases, • _ RELIABLE, AND SURE TO DO GOOD RELIABLE. AND SURE TO DO •GOOD - RELIABLE, AND I StRE TO DO GOOD RELIABLE, AND SURE TO DO GOOD AND' CANNOT DO HARM, AND CANNOT DO.RAIVaI, AND CANNOT DO HARM, AND CANNOT DO RAM, IF THE DIRECTIONS ARE ADHERED TO IF TAE DIRECTIONS ARE ADHERED TO IF Mr. DIRECTIONS ARE ADHERED TO IF TILE DIRECTIONS ARE ADHERED TO SAFE AT-ALL TIMES!. SAFE AT ALL TIMES! SAFE AT ALL TIMES! • SATE AT ALL TIMES! &went when expresely forbidden in the direetionawit'eb are wrapped aroutid each bottle, and have the vrrittei aignature Of Dr.JNO. L. LYON upon them NONE OTHERS ARE GENUINE,! _ NONE OTHERS ARE GAtUINE. NONE OTHERS ARE GENUINE! NONE.OTHERS ARE GENUINE! • BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! BEWARE - OF COUNTERFEITS ! BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! DEW:ARE OF COUNTERFEITS They cnreall those ills to which the female system subjected with dispatch and a degree of certainty wide ;rating hut a acieutitlcally compounded fluid prepal tioa could reach. USE NO OTHER ! un NO OTHER USE - NO OTHER I tin NO OTHER G• For my Drops stand before the world as the its p?.. ultra of all remedies, for the cure of all disease. , of t 1 • kidneyw and bladder, Leucoreah,Prolapstur,and the nil' ; but positive correction of all irregulirities. DO NOT BE !IMPOSED UPON!. • DO NOT ISE pIPOSED UPON • BD \ NOT BE IMPOSED UPON DO SiOT BE IMPOSED UPON 1.• o those who have ether preparations, which they • sire to palm off upon the strength : of the popnlarity myDrops,and . who recommend theirowernostrums„th appropriating to themselves the-constant demand my Per:odicai Drops.as a medium • for selling somethil .1 which is wOrthlesti enable lent. But when'theEru Fist you apply to h n of them, either ranke\ hi e buy them fur you, o ettolose one Dollar to the nets", , s eat general wholesale agent, who Will return ybil bottleby return Express. You will thus save yourselves trouble and obtain lief from the greatest Female Regulator of the Nit, teenthCentnry: -•-- Over2s,oooßottles of this medicine have. i been so within the last six months, and every Lady that beaus . them, but for the nature of the cure would furnish with her swoon certificate of their e6icac7. It tali hut one Dollar to makethe experiment, and I appeal those of your sex who are sUffering—will you was away whiwastrigle Dollar wili give you instant Prepared solely by Dr.Jno. L. Lyon, Practicing Pb elcian. • Price Sl per - bottle. C. G. ARK .& CO.. Wholesale Dragrikts, New even, Conn. General Agents for United &gonad anedae. Per Sate at Wholesale by D. S. BARNES & CO., New York. (W. C. GOODWf N & CO ,Boston. - 30ILNETON, GALLOWAY & COWDEN, Hopi 23, v63-e j ow-1.71 • 23 NOrtheixtb st., Phil* fl a inting, elating, Sit. DAENAED T. FELLOWS, .1) • • NOMA, AND SIGN PAINTER GRAINER,- GLAZIER, AND PAPE' t- RANGER, SHOP In the- Old Armory .Building, (up stairs, y neit door - ,to "Old Jail," Peiffer c i• Foltz's Carriage Manufactory, opposite - - Breton's Hotel, and CORNER 'OP 13.BCOND AND kfABW ET 8.114., • -Ckambetaburg, Pa. I relpeettaily take this methorrbf thanking the eiti sans of Chamber,sbarg and Vidinlty for the - Tory I them. patronage I havereceived at Abair hands for the pair ' year, (my firer year In this plice,) and flattering myset` that I savo.done, and and am still prepared to do, the, very beet work in myline r l solfeft scuttle-I:Lance ofpast favor. B. T. BELLOWS. P. S. I respeattally refer toanynt my patcans—Jami, Eyster, Wm. BicLennhart, McClure. Rev.Mv Nieemla, Ptesiqterian ChnrchtDr.Richards,Dr. Fisher; et .x. Kieffer & Co., Germanttsfld fdeseenger.J.Allisen l Eyster. Wm. C. Ewer. and dny others for whom I have done work—for character of work done, and eripedlthes June 17, ' DARTNEIISHIP . .2—Notice ie here by gireri that the undersigned have entered We partnership in, the Hardware and Clattery business etas old stand of 51yerak Draw', where we are prepared tc furnish everything in our line as cheap as any other; house in thecoanty. Speclalinducereenteareoffered Sof , reek as oti r motto will be quick sales and short profit& , JACOB S. BRAND. *et .I;OSLAeet 2! • BEORO.K.FDACik' 1 3.IIEPINTS. Soldiers in the Ser!. vice, or in rinerdtata. can furnieh them with thii! NPOSITORY three monthe for 26,cente; 'six mangle foci 50 cents, or ono year ror - - j - ‘ 3f : pe::s''t,cothlio :Ili (Coat, Luinta t Scr a. A. DErrz DEITZ & M'DOWET -WILL PAY IGHE IN C &St!' rot FLOUR, WHEAT, RYE, CORE OATS, CLOVER- SEE T.TMOTIIY S i" An& all kinds of PiL'ODUCE ALL KINDS OP SALT, CO4L, L UMBER, CEME/V Z, PLASTER, AND SAN Foit . SALE, C II E A - P FO A• C. DEITZ 4- ( DOWEL WAREHOUSE AND COA Near the Railroad Dep C' HAM BEESBUR AND On. North Carlisle Str • GREENCASTL,E, P June 17.'83 IVEW FIRM - 1-00- L 1 • LUMBER! LUMBER!—L! E ' hnving purchased the Coal and Lumber A. Deitz, will continue to car on the ti • wiilahoaye haveon hand 11 large supply Coal. They will tie prepared to fill a! shortest notice. - They respectfully tad age of the late firm and the !Addle g who may dadre Coal and Lumber to feeling affirmed that no means will be ne elate those on the most reasonable tei dune 17 : '6341 - . • ' LECI.II iLigtu3ro. IMPORTERS OF . WINE AND LAIIMAN, SALLADE N0.12S SOUTH NINTH ST (BETWEEN CHESTNCT A!'11) ~T A Nrr,) • P II LADELPITTA. OEO. M. LAIIMAN.I . A. M. SALLADE, 1 J. D BITTING. - • RIVESE, GARDRAT & ( L P 'S - SUPERIOR COGNAC IfRA:N - DY, 'VINTAGE OF 1.8341 _ ' EACH BOTTLE SEALED :WITGGRIF.; W4X-, 'TIIE INITIALS OF. THE R:IR11.1 IMPORTED BY 1 LAUDIA N, SA LLA D k CO; Sr7P.ERTOR OLD MADEIRMEM VINE RUMMY. CLARE , AND 110 CR AND AN AOSORTIMP OP PINS R VIDA OP - - .- C HA3 Aq. F.. 1, \ OSBOR & C 0.71 . , 0 17. TO. 1 NVY.ET FINK ' ND DELIOLTE OLD \ .PORT WIN J E: f 1 EACII BOTTL4SEV,LED WITH ELL(4 WAX 'WITH TUN N lALS Or lIE Fin)! ..4 , • I . APED VT L'AU HAN SA1 O LAD N0.12S SOLI II LININIII!. ."E WHISK AT ZFH Rift I!PITD. • AICA BE7: 'LTZ \VMS lj OLD OLD NVH OLD J • JBERII WIIISKE WHIS S,Wlfl6l AND NG WINS, • A. LI ALTER('., NINTH EIREE'r!, l j RintliDistrims4 son WERT TA FF EMI 128 - •9OIJT not . . 1q.47 1344icianp.s _ 41..J0H1C 0 - NTB.B,Y Witt attend promptly 10 silvans i Ms line. Ofce en sin street,next door to the Eng* natal, and nearly oppoelte thereeidence of ,tbe t orgeMtambere. ChaMberiburg, June 17, 1863. WB. lIRO ' Etectiica/ PAO& fetal). OfEcit i Frankli n Building, Wier, 744as:sr STIMET, Challlbe • burg, PP. . The above treats all mole %Emmett by mean/ er. 0 A.LVANISI,I and ate ent modifications of ELMO TRIVAY, as discovered a tangh4 by Prof. 'WWI. I Nov 4, 63-tf - . 1 ' i 1 7 .ARIiS, will att4nd ID iine. Mee on 1M leee D Store. r , 7 t0 0,A.M.; 12 to :land 4ine1.1,1863. TAR. J. C. RIC. .1.) , promptly ; o all call Street, next s door to Span j gar OFIICSI Houtte—Frl irl • BEIDELMAN, ~ - kir • WIIOLEKALS ORO6rft AND PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANT, ,i i . -No. 703 MARKET & N 0.2 NORTH 7th RT., PHILADA. Invitee the attention of merchant to his large end Well asserted stock of Begara,Byrapa, eaa, and Ooffeesall of which will be sold at low to tot rates. Country boyersand &Mere -winded It )t , :Ir advantage to siva blin a pall. Prieeeerreetseontaintni al h varlefies of then:ar. kat to be had of 13.8. MB ' • .11, bamttersbarr ' aept.23' i • , . . " ositarn, it4rigtrp,.7L , 1864. , TEM:II !I' O STOVE ESIPOIZIUM. JACOB"B. MILLER, 1323 PRICE A 1.4. V TRNE:7*--4 ,Senttit of the Diamond, Would reepectfullyinyito theiittentton of the pub ] • STOP ES, i I IEI Ile Inv nor the largest aad best assortment ot PARLOR, NM . A ti H , El EMI YA El A • , ME NN ' ..k F OQ_IING - , SPOUTING, &c., I~ IRT & SON and of George e huaittasa, and of (Amber and orders at the eit the patron• nelrally. and all ice them arall, erred to accoru ns. F.T & SON 1 0415 i~ MIN REET, , • EiIL.D.E.L.PHLA L; V. SIC l • ITS, EY I / , .gitb einivare . ciIAMBiRSBURG. PA: • V' • lic to his hirge nod wall solecteti - stock of COPPER, TIN and SHENTARON WARE, HALL, GAS BURNERS and ever offered in Franklin county I ; -WAS;H:B-OILERS constantly on hand of all sizes, end the best ma- terial. i v COAL BppKE,TS 11:1;e largest assortment,the heaviest iron' and the best wade in the county Aisu—A li[ Ro stock of 1 )T I N --W A R E , made of the hesLinaterial and a workmanlike manner. As be iS a PRACTICAL WORK MAN, awl hes hl Many years of -• • ntrienee in the business, he' feels confident that he can give -general • iatisfactionlc rid-putaLet the shortest notice. Parana-- lir attention paid to all kinds or MENDINGAND JOBBING. Call and look through 'our stock and getthe prices. st4 . 6l pa Tato 19 "S3nall Profits, Quiek Sales and Goad Value.' JACOB 13. MILLER, _ . Four Doors South of the Diamond I N0v.11. - ti3-IY. : tr ITHOITS.gIiEPERS; REA-Dl—GTal: la g hee & s rise Air-IVlett—A Newlr Fiat Top iTh MI STOVE The plates are very heuvy,and the ;shale L-tuve is finished iu a superior manner. .1 warrant this Stave to bs stipurior.to any Flat-Top Strive now th the market. ant rtlypentfully invite my friends and the public to call arid Tx:Milne this Stove, of which there are several sizes. I have also a greet variety of other COOKING STOVES of every letyle ;- PAlt LOA STOVES, new and lavuitifol patterns} together with a heavy stock of for Churches, Stores, Offices, Hotels. &c. JOHN S. LUDWIG, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in S7'o rEs. Tlll AND COPPER WARE. N. 13.—1 have beien appointed Sole Agent fat Galla gher's Celeb rated Sun riseAir-Tigh t Cook Stovein Chain therfiburg. Pa. June 1708113. T ETTER, HAMILTON '& CO'S Great Stove and Tin Were Store.corner of Vie naniond.CfU3 be seen the largest.bost. and cheapest stock of Goods inChanthersburfc. They lave COOK ING STOVES for Wbod and Coal ,ot latest patter trs all sizes. at fair prices. [Jane 17,1Sna. QPOUTING- DONE AT .SHORT L.ZI NOTICE: of first rate material and cheap. An work warranted. and cheaper than cart be hoc eh t eleewhere in the County. Call and aea for yourselves. nt ETTSF,JIAMILTON k CO'S, nearly app °tate the pAnk. - UTTER, HAMILTON & CO. are .12A prepared to put up tho best LIGHTNING RODS at cheap rates. •! A IWAYS ON HAND, A,LAIi(I.E A novortment of the very best Tin, Ja - pan necl nid 04)perwaro, &c., sold low Id' ETTER. nAIitILTON & CO'S. A LL WORK WARRANTED. and tl aivii>er thnn 'cnn- be bought elsewhere 'in ^the couuty. Come and see—then buy. et. ETTER. EI&MILTON & CO'S. ALL FOR PARLOR AND M k./ MSG ROOM Co M STOVES. They nrirprettyf, good and cheap. • ETTER., LTON CYS. • A few doors from Shryock's Hook Store Ittettnifactures. f r , TILE PUBLIC fiEYERA.LLY, CIIMIRERSBUItO FOUNDRY: T e undentigmed taker] this Method to inform the publie that be tont taken the FOUNDRY so long carded on by Wm. Seibert, w.4b all the PATTRRNS connected there. with, where he purposes continuing the business, and is now prepared to ntuko - ALL KINDS OF CASTINGS that may be wanted- by the community. particoliir at• he paid to Aakitig and keeping on hand *v ery description or PLOWS; CASTINGS, WAGON ntiX Ktiote. - . • • All kinds of Castings made to order. Now Plows, of diff-rent patterns, always on hand • made to order. OLD METAL taken in - trade, for which the highest price will be even. - • By devoting himself attentively to btullnefs he hopes to merit and receive a share of public patronage. • June 17,'63. ABRAHAM. METZ. NEW MARBLE - ..YARD.-Tipp undersigned respectfully announces to the citizens o:Franklin county that he has opened a New Marble Yard in the room formerly occupied 'by Dr. Hamilton, directly-opposite J. S. Nizon'e Drug Store, Main Streek in the lioroughe Chambersburg, where be will keep Os hand or make tp order all articles in his line of husinesei such as iSIONWMENTS, TOMBS and HEAD STONES, MANTLES, TABLR & STAND TOPS, &c., manufactured from the eery best Foreign and Domestic Marble. - He respectfully Solicits a call from those who maybes want °fatly article In the above line, Hale confident is his ability to satisfy all who may be pleased to patronize him, either as regards his prices, or the quality, beanig., arid chastenees of hie work . July 8,'03. JOHN A. GROVE. , — T A _ELTON & CO. CO3LIFISSICTN NEACHANTS and Dealers in LEATHER, so . ..imp. SHEEP AND"CALF SEM, N 0.433 North Third Street, Philadelphia. l • Leather, Sumac and Skins. bought or sold on Commis. lion. Advances made on Consignments. Idedl-30:4 JFMENDS of Soldiers in the Ser vice, or in Tictepitals, can farniali them with clop tiVBITORY tbree months for 25 ocriWnli gPiiingM 00 cents, or one per for ti. N. tintoion & "Veinal ...4genvits. JOHN M. POMEROY ~ '' , A .1? - if 1 , AND N Arr. AC2NCt_ ,- 204 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, , , . PHILADELPHIA. : The undersigned, having resigned hls position as Pay master in the.ll. &Army, has openodut NoSOUTH VOUKTII STEF.ET, an AGENCY FOR I" CURING BpPENSIONS. and for the collection of Orrin ', Souigne, end all other Claims against the Government. My loniexperience as Paymaster, has given me unit- Weil facilities fur becoming thoroughly acquainted with this business in 011 its details: On the receipt, by thail, of a statement of the case of claimants, 1 will forward the necessary papers for their signature. Personal at• ten tiou will be given toile cases atlYashingt, n. Nacharge unless successful, when $5 wilhbe charged tUf collect it g all slims under $3O, and $lO on pawns over .lint amount and under $2OO. Larger claims taken on special arrangement. Fees in Pension Cases; as fixed by law. , INFORMATION FOR, AND INSTRUCTIONiii-TO - CLAIMANTS. ' AU Soldiers of the present war, who hay() served two year... and Saddlers discharged for woundaireceived in battle, without reference to time of service, are entitled besides their regular pay, to $lOO Bounty. In case Soldiers or Seamen are discharged for disability Or Wanda received evens in the territte, they are entitled to it Pension according to the disability. • _ In case of the death' of the Soldier before discharge disease cuntr teted, or wounds received while in service, Ids widow is entitled to receive the $lOO Bounty. besides arre4r.iges of pay and pension during herlifetim• or widowhood. If the Soldier die after diseharge.frem disease cons tracted or wounds received while in service, hie widow Is entitled to a pension of te,g.p e r annum . - If no widow or minor children, the mother of the Sol dieror Seaman will receive the l'ension, I f dependant on him wholly or In part fur support. If deceased Soldier or Seaman . leaves no widow, his children are entitled to the samebenefits atithe-widow, except when the children may be ovet the age of 16 years. If-nu widow dr minor children, the bounty and pay, will descend to - the heirs as follows: First to the Father, second to the Mother, third to the Brothers and Sisters, and then to thelnext of kin. Discharged Soldiers. whose - xlothing account was un settled at the tl ine.of discharge, can recover any balance due them, if the Company hooka are not deetroYhd. To draw this bstance. write to your - Captain for a de:scrips live list, showing Clothing accohnt,andforward it to me with your preliminary statement, giving Also the date of your discharge Soldiers, who served with the nine months' volunteers,- i can recover $27 bounty andpremium, without regard to lime of service, if they have notolready received it. Soldiers who were prisehors ih , the South, and Soldiers who were absent on sick furlough. are enth led to Com mutation of rations. . 1 In communicating with thia ofSce,state the nature of your claim fully, and give the Company and Iteg snit hich you or the Soldier for whom you claim belonged;, es well as your present Post ()Mee adorers. ' REF-ERENCES. Ills Ex-ellency Agnaaw G. CURTIN., Governor of Penn ityl vania. lies. Swami CAMERON, Harrisburg, Pa. • JOSRPrt CASEY, ChiefJestide of the Court of Claims; Washington. - _ lies. E. IL BROOKE, Chief Clerk of Pay Department, Washington. 110 X. BDWARD ilicPusaSox, 711. C,, Washington. ' LION. JAW. P. :TERRE", president Judge, District Court, Pittsburgh. - llo:v. A. R. McCiuut,Chambersbnrg. Pa. ilmv.TElo3l AS A. Sewn, Vice President Penu'a Rail Road. Ilog. Wawa! B. Tnosas, I'r:fleeter - of the Port, Philad'a. C.-A.WAitionsr. Post Master. - - DREXEL it. Co.; Rankers, philadelphia. J axes Dtrrliae, President of Union „Bank: Philadelphia -Baxter_ FABerstorors. Attondea, -Rusin, WRIST iilnvvr, - Merchants, &" • I.excieslzoing A Co. Merchants, et - Parra:x.lv, ItArion & Co., - cc nninD FAUST Ji; Co., Merchants, ID:MUM* S. JANNET.JR..I; Co.. Merchants, - - CRARLSS Moitearr Co., Merchants, ' 1 - ATWOOD„ WHITE & CO., Mere hants. • JOHN M. PITIIROY, No, 204 South Fourth gtrect. COOKING STOVES June 17, '63=tf. PENSION, BOUNTY AND WAR . CLAIN AGENCY.,Penions procured for soldiers of the present war who are disabled by reason of wounds received. or disease, contracted, while in thaserrie.e of the United States; and Pensions, $lOO Bounty. and Arrears or Pay obtained for widows or heirs of those who havc died or been killed while in service. JOIN It. ORR, Claim Agent, Feb. 5,'6347. Chambersbmg, Pa . - Tint NER'S.P ! ALSAMIC COUGE 13 StiltliP...Ettr Laughs, (bids, Crbnp. Whmiping Asthma, Bronchitis, Sitting Blood, P in and Difjicultyl of " dreathi de. —This is no new retiiudy.- -lt has been used for a niZm her of ye.irs in ktaryland unit part of Pennsylvania, and has wherever known, acquired , nn unprecedented reputation for curiug the various difeases for which it is recommended. ; ' It to used by all C11139e8 of society, and the universal opinion is that it is good. This Syrtzp is purely Cbmpound. It is pleasant,to take, and -never does injury. Bitt,oartng th its pnritying qualities. must do good under any cirennmtantes..lta:effects are truly woudet fill, soothing miming. dad, allaying the most violent coughs: purifying, streengthipg and Invigorating the - whole syateut, calming and soothing tile nerves, aiding and facilitating expectoration, and healing the Thus striking atthe rott of diseases, and driving it from the system. •, CROITP. , This disease is announced by difficulty of b*ithing shrill whis Ring or wheezing, hacking cough and threat, cued suffocation, &c. • It mostly Durum in young chill dren. •No child need die ot Croup if thin Syrup is pro perly used and used in time. Illutliers ha 'leg croupy ciii loren'should watch the first show of the dNease, an d always keep this remedy at hand. Fur cough after Measles this Syrup • is most excellent. Experience has prpv_en that it is equaled by no other preparation.- 'the price of the remedy isjinch as to place it within tho reach of all, the poor as well as the rich, and orrery person should have it. Ever'y person should haat; it in thehouse. It is a true and.faiLtitul friend to all who value litalth — hud wish to seciire theneraves against -that most terrible disease, consumption. It will be found the most Usettil as well as the cheapest family medicine in the world. It has beck used fur the Unit four years with a success without A, parallel. _ " Price 40 cents per bottle, or. Ahree bottles for $l.lO. Prepareo by S. A. FOtTZ & 11110., Westminster,Md. For sale by MI L I f ER & ENSII EY. atuk.f. S. IXON. Chambersburg. Pa.. and Stot ekeeperrevery-whine. VOUTZ'S CELEBRATED HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS.—These Powdere have proved, after a trial of several years, to be superior to any preparation of the land used. The chief supeatorlty of these Powders arise from the Act that tliey are cone. posed of Medicines that have Laxative, Tonic and Puri fying properties. The Laxative ejected crudities from the stomach and intestines; the Tonic gives strength ,to the system of the Horse; and th,e,purifying medicines , c o ntained In them cleanse the blood, and lay the forim dation for a healthy and vigorous circulation. The use of them impr.ives the wind, strengthens the appetite and gi-es the horse tiline,sm9eth and glossy at , ia—thlis improving the appearance, vigor and spirit of the noble animal. These Powders arena intended, as most powders are. to bloat the shims), so is, to give hint the appearance of being fat when put really So--but to remove the disease and promote, his general health. These Powders will strengthen. the stonasc - h and intes tines, cleanse them- from offensive matter_ and bring them to a healthy state. They are a prevention of Lung Fever, an I a certain - remedy for all diseases incident to the Horse, as Glanders, Yellow Water, Distemper, Founders, Heaves, Slavering, Coughs., Fevers, Loss of Appetite,, and Vital Energy, &c. These Powders if - uped two or three times a week, through the winter and • spring, your Horse will never got the Lung Perm, Colic - or Hotta.' A-few dukes of these powders will remove the worst Cortgh on any Horse. Were owners of Horses to feed a few of these Powders every year they might save the lives of ninny valuable Horses. MILCH COWS —The properties thiaPowder possesses in Increasing the quantity of milk in Cows, gives it an importance and value which should place it in the hands - of every person keeping a Cow.—ln fattening Cattle; It gives them an -appetite, loosens their bide, and makes them thrive much faster. - 1 HOGS.—In all diseases of Swlne,_as Corighs,Urcers in the Lungs end Liver, &c., by putting from half a paper to;, paper-of these Powders in a barrel of swill, this above disease can be. cured or entirely prevented. Hy using these powders the Hog Cholera can be prevented. Pre pared by .1 S. A. FOUTZ A 13110.,Westminster, Md. For Sale wholesale and retail, by MIL - LEE & HEX SHEY, and NIXON, Chambersburg, Pa., and store-, keeperee everywhere. Price 25 cents per paper, or five' papers for sl._ - - [decTia-lyj- aYouTz , s MXXTURE.—Is a safe and reliable Remedy fur the cure of litimmatiSra nful Nervous , Affections, Sprains, Burns, Swelling and all disease requiring All external application on Han On Horses it will never fail to cure Poleeevil Fistula, old running Sores, or Sweeny, If properly applied. Far sprains, bruises, scratches, erected hoots, chafkl, saddle or collar Gall, cuts or wounds, it is an infallible remedy. Try it, and be convinCed of Its emcaey. - ' ' , RHEUMATISM. • Peron's:titMuted withtitie . diseas4l, no matter IA how long standing, can be promptly using this Mixture. - • and effectually cured by There Is nothing in the world so sure and so goad to take awaybad Conn and'cureFro'st Bites as this prepare, Won. Try.it and satisfy yourselves. 'Price 25 and 50 cents per,bottln. Prepared by I - • ' -8: A. Pourz 4 BAO.: , Westnifintet, Md. ' 1 __Por sale by MILLER* usxsusy, end J. S., NIXON OkambersbArg, Ps, and Storekeepers everywhere. • DtigASKD LUNU ~#~eD~icttl, 111 I • • TB MiBOLD'S -GEN:UWE pit g. P,IIIII.ATIONB.--00h1P011ND FLUID p.x . TnACI BU. UV. a Positive and Eppeiec ICtilkly for dli.esume, - the Mader, Kidneys, tiravel. and Dropsical This Medicine Increves thenotrdr of Digestion and t9t rite the Absorbents into bealtby action, by 'which the Watery or Calcareous despoeitions, and nd Moister& Enlargements are reducid, as welt as Pain Wild- lunette • • matiou. . • . HELMBOLD'S - EXTRACT -BUC i IIIT. Fin Weaknesses arisinx front Excesses. Habits of Dii •sipatton, Early Indiscretioicof Abuse, attended 'With the following symptom:— ~ _ - • • Indisposition to Exertion- , I,mat of Ponnr, -47 ismaof Memory ~ Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves; ' - ,Treutblitag, Hemp of Disease, Valteffilitess. Dininees of Vision., - Pain its theßatk., Universal Istssitude of the iluscalar System. Rot Hands. ' • noshing. of the Body, Dryness of the Skin, Eruptions on the Yeah. Pallid •COuntenan,e._ --- - ' .. , Those syteptons,it ellOwcti to go on, which thietnntn clue inTarinbly i‘muTes, soon follows • ' Impotenco, Itttuity, E j rnleptic fiitr , - r. Ip ane of Which the Patient ethy expire. — Who Cali say that they kre not fregnently folloWedltry those "Direful Diseages," , - "INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION." Many aro awant of the canie of theiFsnifertlig, DOT NOFS VMS suanzsa"To RECOUDS OF TDB IFFANZ AtrffuNti • . •. .And lialnchnly Diaihs by- Crnstimption boor Imp* altneso to tip.truth of the ease: that. - • The Omstiturion once effrcieri with:Orgattic: 'ROO**, requires the slant Blcißein° to Strengthen_ and Invig orate the System. - Which Huarnoures EXTRACT-I:VCR!) . forerriski don. A. Trial will convince the most ekepticat, - FEMALES-FEMALES4FEMALES• ' ',sway Affectirms pscutior Rmaies the Brume? - 13ucnttio nnegtmled tiny other remedy.- nn in Chin. rests Or Betenteon. Irregniority, Painfulness, •or Sup 'preimion of rnstomary Evacntions, Ulcerotee haus state of the Uterus, iriochorrotea - or Whites, Sterility, and for -II complaints incident to' this wh flier arising from indiscretion Habits of Dissipttillelat or in the. , DECUNE OR CIIAIOR OF TAFE Tate no more Balsam,. heteury, or ttoi)leasani - ciit.l4" - for - wstpleasant and dangerbus dinocex. - - - lI.EVHDOLD'S DXTitACT DUCHti AND :IMPROVED -IDOSE WASH CURF.4 SE-CREIT , DISEASES.: In all their Stages, Lk:Clear to change in Diet ' And no Exposure, - t causes a frequent desire and gives strenini toCri- Atte, thereby Removing Obatrnctlons, Preventing And Curing Strictnresof the Urethra, allaying Pain. arnthi thiroation. in frequent in the class of diseases, end ea pelting cal liiisonous , Diseasecrand ivorntatt matter. THOUS ti ttStIPON TIIOOBANTS who riAvE nr,E;a vibe fie- TIX.S OS QUatit. rind who have paid heats feea,to be cured in a short tinie.ltvo found they west deceived, and,that the ' POISON" hue, by the use of "pen:num. AernetNGENTs." been dried up in the E9F.toni, to broth, out in an aggravated form,and perhaps after Marriage. Use HEMBOLD'S t'rrnAvr ItucEit for all nffections and diseiumsof the URDIARY ORGANS, whether existing MALE or FEMALE. from whatever cause originating and no matter' or HOW LONG 89'A NDTNG. Dheases of these Organs reqnires the aid of aI:4IMM IC, DELMBOLD'S EXTRACT:RU(IIU IS TIIRICIIE,ST DIURETIC, and is certain to hirce the desired effect tidal Diseases for which it II EtTol7l7lleidC(i. Evidence of tho most reliable nod responsible aortic `te - r — w - illacompanytho Medicine. PRICE El,OO pER BOTTLE, OR SIX Fonpop DeTiTered to any Addrem, securely packed from °Werra Dee:ribs Symptoms in all Commtiiiicatiant. MBES GUARANTEED! ' ADVICE GRATIS! - Addreas 142 terq for . infqrmitian to • -- • • It. B. 11111,M,BOLD.Themitd., ' 104 Smith Tenth at.. Lel. Chestnut, India. MELMBOLD'S Medical Depot. ITELMBOLD'S Drug and Chemical Warehouse.. `1 604 Broadwai,-..kew'rark.. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS Al 4) UNFEINCI - PLRIIREALERS who endeavor to dispone "of thew owe and "other" articles on the r , putation attained by. , Itelmbuld's Genuine Preptutions 44 111 .• , 54 t ractlinchn, " " I Inproted r ilus6 Wash SOLD Br i _ , ALL DRUGOSTA§ EI7RYIF7IEEB. AF H VOI.IIELMBOWS TAKE KO omit Ca out the Advertisement and send fo . r it. ART. , AVOID 131PvSITIONAND Expourcp nov.ll, '63•1 y - • I,OSTET TERI S, CE'LEBTIATtrt STOMACH BITT,ESB. pure aud powerful Tonle, corrective and httertitive;of wonderful eMcocy to dlsensei of tAie STOMACH, I LI*ER AND 'BOWLS Cures Dyspepsia' Liver Complaint, General Debility, Wervonsties, Depression of Spirits, Cotietipatiun.Celie, Intermittent Fe- vers. Cramps and ;Spasms. and - all Complnglis of either Sox, nrielnj rom - Bodily iren,kmsa whether inherent In TILE SYSTEM CR,PRODUCEP BY SPECIAL CAUSES NOTHING that is noVwholesorne, genial and rettern„ Ova in ite nature - enters into the enmponition of,TIOS.• TATTER'S, STOMACH' BITTERS, This-popular pre paration eontaine . no mineral of any kind, no,dttailly:l* taMcal element : no fiery,,exeltant ; but it is la COMM nation of the eitraett of rare balsatni liirbe and plants with the purest - and mildest of fill dlQusire stimulantit. , - ' . - It ie well tote forearmed 'agranaf disease. and, far as the human system can be p. oteeted by humn4ornii. against =ladle*" engendered by an unwholesome atmos phere, impure water and other external causes, HOS TETTERIS BITTER'S may be relied on as a safeguard. In districts infested with FEVER AND AOTTE, it has been found intailiblei na it preventive and irreidstibte es a remedy,und thousands who resort to-it-under apprehen sion of ;in littnek,esc'spe the scourge; and thassalndi who neglect to Avail themselves of its protective Muth ties IS advance. are cured by a very brief coulee - cif this marvelons medicine. Bever and Ague patients, alter ;being plied with quinine for months hi vain, until fairly saturated with that dangerous alkaloid, are not nuke, gnently restoied to health within a few days icy , tke lase of HOSTETTER'S MITERS. Thh weak stomach 16 rapidly invigorated - and the ap petite restored by thlit agreeahle Tonic, and hence it works wonders in cases of DYSPEPSIA and, in Lou confirmed forms of INDIGPATION. Acting as n gentle and planless apperiint, as well as upon the liver, It also iniarisbty relieves the CONSTIPATION superinducid. by i nugnlAct ion of the digestive andsecret ire organs Persons of feeble hahlt,liable to NERYOUS ATTACKS LOWSESS OF tiPIKITS aid PITS OF LANOCOB, find prorrapt,and permanent relief from the Bitters.— The testimony on Cats point is most coneltrsivei and from both sexes The agony of BMOCS COLIC Is inuedistely.tunma ged by a single dose of the stimulant, and by nice., Sionally resorting to it, the return of the compitint may be presented. ' - As a General, TOThie, HOSTETTER'S BITTERS Pro _ duce effectiwhich meet be expirleneed or witnessed before•they can be rally appreciated. In mead CON. STITITTIO'SAL WEAKNESS, PREMATURE DECAY end DEBILITY and DECREPITUDE arising front' OLD AGE, it exercises the electric influence. Inlbucanya. lescent stages of all diseases it operates as a deliglitfnl irssigoratit. \ Whets the powers of nature are relasid, tt operates to re-enforce and re-establish them. • Last, but not. least, it is • THE ONLY SAFE/in - MD' RANT, being manufscenrett'from gonad and 'Muttons materials, and entirely free fromjhe acid elements pre• sent moreor less it ell the ordinary tonics and aiomach: ice of the day., . Nasality medicine has been sci universally, "id, W maybe trnly added deservedly Popular with tie Bata ligant portion (.4;qm comminiV, na ROSIIITTEIVS BITTERS. •- ' Prepared by - HOSTETTER Et slarre;!• - • Pistsbpyg;lll6. SoLsibiitliDeuggisti,dvoce raandfipmkkeeporiiv s orf where. novili'Be;l II At little Nxpense No incooTenteuoe