The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, February 10, 1864, Image 8

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From-Pitistairg, by Etna. Domerville, Rrt
rat Ridge. and Cuirnersalle, to Saxonburg, 27 miles
and hack, once a week. Leave Pittsburg Friday ut
6 a in : arrive at Saxenburg by 6 P Mt.,Leave Sax- •
enburg. Thursday at-5 a in; arrive at Pittsburg by
6p m. - • '
:5126. From Buchanan, Ormsby, and
Hope Church, to Street's Run, 12 miles and back,
twice daily, except Sunday. to Bn :hanan, and taick.
week -residue. ...Bidders will propose a schedule of
departures and arrivals satisfactory to the postural
tern at terminal offices.
• X 37. From Greensburg-3/y Harrison City, Manor
Dale, Marraysville, Sardis, and New Texas, to Par
nassus, 23 - miles and back, taviaag a Week. Leave
Greensburg Wednesday and Saturday at 9 1 /5 a in
arrive at Parnassus by 534 p in. Leave Parnassus
Tuesday and Friday at 03 a in: arrive at Greens
b arg -bY,SK p tn-
VW. From Greensburg, by New Alexandria,
Harvey's Five Points, and Salem Cross Roads, to
Greensburg, minal t 0.13 miles and back, six times a
week. Leave Greensburg daily, except Sunday, at
12 in: arrive at Salem Crum Roads by 5p m. Leave
- Salem Cross Roads daily, except Sunday, at 6 a mi
arrivaat Greensburg by V a m.
-26 N. From" Monnt Pleasant, by Perinsville, to
ConneUsvillo 10 miles and bank. three times a week.
• Leave Mount Pleasant Tuesday. Thursday and
Saturday at 4 p arrive at Connellsville by 7 p In.
Leave Oonnellsville Tuesday; Thursday and. Satur
day at I p L arrive at Mount Pleasant by VA p im.
2641). From McKean's Old Stand, by New Stan
ton, Walt's Mills, Madison, and Fatten, to Tinker
Run, 22 miles and back, three times a week. Leave
Meltean'S Old Stand Tuesday, Thursday and Satur
day at 6 a m;_arrive at Tinker Run by 12 m. Leave
Tinker ltunquesday, Thursday and Saturday at 2
P us: arrive at Melieau's Old Stand by 8p m. -
*2641. From Ligonier, by Oaletirove Furnace , and.
.11111 view. to West Fairfield, H miles and back, once
a week. Leave Ligonier Saturday at 8 a mi arrive
at West-Fairfiehlby ll'a m. 14011S0 West l airfield
t•mtn.rday at 1 p to ;arrive at Ligonier by 4 p m.
2642. From Ligonier, by Stahl.down, to Donegal,
15 miles and bath, once a week. Leave Ligonier
riday at... 8 ain : arrive at Donegal by 12 m. heave
Donegal Friday at 1 p . ; arrive at Ligouier by. 5
•X 43. From Lockport Station to Vest Fairfield, 3
miles and.back, six times a week. Bidders will pro
pose a schedulete connebt with railroad. and that
will be satisfactory to -the poittnasters at terminal
aims. . -
-:614. From Branch Junction, by Blairsville,
Black Lick Station, and Philip's Mills, to Indiana,
tr.) miles and back daily; by railroad, and by a sched
ule satisfiudory to the Depitrtnieut.
2615. - From Blairsville, by Livermore, to Salts
burg, 12 miles and back six times a week. Leave
Blairsville daily, except Sunday. at 0 a m; arrive at
- Saltsburg by 1 p in. Leave Saltsburg daily, except
Sunday, at 2 p m ; arrive atßlairsville bid p m.
:NW. From Indiana, by Shelocta, Eldertom
Whitesburg, Blanket Hill, Kittanning, Worthing
ton, and Covleville, to Ihitler,,4B% miles and back,
twice a week; Leave Indiana Tuesday and Friday
at 5a m; arrive at Butler by ti p m; Leave Butler
Monday and Thursday at 5 a in ; arrive at Indiana
by 6 p ui.
laili — }Yom Indiana; by Rayne, Home, Brady,
- .Marehland. Covode, Panicattawney. Gliveburgh,
Cool Spring, and Stanton, to Brookville, 49X miles
wadi-back three dints a week. Leave Indiana
Monday, 'Wednesday and , Friday., -at 7 a 111 ; arrive
at Brookville next days by 5p m. Leave Brookville
Monday; Wednesday and - Friday at 7 ain ; arrive
at Indiana next days by 5 p m.
- - .3548 groin Indiana, by Chambersville. Willet,
and Yluiflcille, to,Sanieksburg. 22 miles and back.
twice a, week. Leave Indiana Monday and Thum
'day, at 5- a in: arrive at Sinieksburg by 10 a in.—
Limve Smieksburg Mehday and Thursday at 12 In ;
• arrive at 'lndiana by s'p in.
• 2640:: From hilliane,; by Penn Run, Mitchell's
Mmta. Neu man's Mills. Patchinsville,Burn-
Edda, New Washington, Ostend, Chest, Bower, and
Grampian Hills, to Curwinsville. 62 miles and back,
twice a Week. Leave Indiana Monday and Thurs
day at-5 ani : arrive at Carwinsville next days by
a in, ,Leave Curarinvillo Tuesday and Friday
at 1 pm;-firnve Indiana next days pin.
From Indiana. to Brush Valley, a miles and
- batik, tbtree times a week. Leave Indiana Tuesday,
'faarsday and-Saturday at 4 p ; arrive at Brash
%alter by 6 n in. Leave Brush Valley Tuesday,
Thursday audsatarday at ; arrive at Indiana
byJiim.' -
2651 From In liana, by Kent, Ebenezer, Clarks- I
burg, Elder's. Rulga, , -olivet. South Bend, West
_Lebduou,, and Tannery. to Indiana, 20
miles and back, three times a -week. Leave 'lndi
ana Xouday, Vi edneiday and Friday at 5 a m ; ar
rive at Indiana by 8 p in.
'2662 From liltsburg, by Coalport, Rishkimini
tea, Apollo, and Leeehburg, to Shirley Station, 2734.
miles and back, three times a week to Apollo, and
six time a week the residue. Leave Saltsburg
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 1 p m ; arrive
at Apollo by 5 p ui. Leave Apollo Tuasday, Thurs
. day and Saturday at 7 a : arrive at Saltsburg by
11 a in. Leave Apollo daily, except Sunday, at 1234
p arrive at' Shirley 'Station by , 4p m. Leave
Shirley Station daily, except Sunday, at 10 am; ar
rive at Apollo by 12 ra.
2653. t'rum Saltsburg, to Perryton, 5 miles and
batik, onae . a . week. Leave Saltsburg Saturday at
11 am ; arrive at Perryton by 12,m. Leave Perry
ton Saturday at 0 ain : urri.,.ve at Saltsburg by 10'
- 'rils4 From Home, by Glen Oak and Mahoning.
toSanitten, 13 miles and back, three times a week.
Leate Home Tuesday, 'lldirsday and Satiirday nt 1
a m ; arrive - at Smitten by a p m. Leave . Smitten
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 8 in; arrive at
Home by 12 in.
2655 From Mahrining. hy Deeker'aPoint. Purchase
Line, and Hillsdale, toNewmtin's Mills, 21 miles and
back, twice a week. Leave MahoningTriesdaY and
Saturday, at 11 a m: arrive'at Newman's Mills by 5
p lii. 'Leave Newman's Mills Monday and Friday
at 8 a Tll ; arrive at Mahoning by 2 p
:2titrik; From Cresson, by Munster, to Ebensburg, 12
miles 'and baek,l twice daily, except Sunday, by
railroad, and by a ; schedule satisfactory to the De
2657 From Crdzson, ta Loretto, 4 miles and bark,
six times a week. Leave Cresson daily, - except
Sunday, at 10 a in ; arrive at Loretto by 11 a in.—
Leave Loretto daily, except Sunday, at 7p m ; ar
rive at Cresson p in. •
- :6554 Fram Loretto, by Chess Springs. Saint Au
• gmethie, Fallen Timber, Roseland, and Utabaille, to
Smith's Mills. 26 miles and back, three times a
week to Saint Augustine, and twice a week the res
idue. Lenv,e Loretto Monday, Thursday, and Sat
urday at 11 a m ; arrive at St Augustine by 3 p m.—
. Leave St Augustine Mondyy. Thursdyy and Satur
day at aa.‘. p arrive at Loretto by 7p m. Leave
:St Augustine Tuesday and Friday at 6 am • arrive
at Smith's. Milli .11 am, Leave-Smith's Mills
'Tuaaday and Friday at I p in arrive at St. Augustine
• 2659 From Ebensburg; by Carrolltown,' Platte
ville, and East Ridge, to Newmun's Mills. 23 miles
and back, three times a week. Leave Ebensburg
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 123 , 4 pm' an ,
rive t Newman 's Mills by 831.:. p ;to. Leave New
man's Mills Monday, Wednesday and Friday at
a m arrive at Ebensburg by 4-p in.
0360. From Ebettsbargeby Bethel Station, Nolo,
and Delhi, to Indiana, 26 miles and back, once a
:week. Leave Ebensburg Monday at 8a m; arrive
at Indiana by 4p m. Leave Indiana Tuesday at 8
a m; arrive at Ebensburg by 4 p m.
`2061. From Clearfield. by Curwinsvill, Forest.
• Luthersburg, Jefferson Line. Reynoldsville, Brook
ville, Corsica. amid Strattonville, to Clarion, 59 miles
and back, six times a week. Leave Clearfield dal
' ly, except Sunday, on arrival of mail from Tyrone
—say at 7p in arrive at curivinsville by S 3 p tin—
t cave Curwinsville daily, except Sunday, at 9 p m ;
- arrive at Clearfield by 10',4 p m. Leave Curtains
villa daily, except Sunday, at 4 am; arrive at Clari
on-by 8. p in. Leave Clarion daily, except Sun
day,- at 44m ; arrive at Curwinsville by 8?/:
P, m.'
2662. From Clearfield,' by Ponnfield, Tylers, Cale
donia, and Koraey's, to Ridgeway, 44 miles and
bitek, twice a week. Leave Clearfield Tuesday and
Saturday at 6 a m •'arrive at Ridgeway by 8 p
Leave Ridgeway Monday and Friday at 6a m ; ar
rive at Clearfield by 8 p Tn. -1
'2663 From Clearfield, by Shawsville, Bald Hill,
Leconto's Mills, Frenchville,-and Karthons, to Salt
Lick, V. miles and back, twice a week. Leave
Clearfield Monday and Friday at 8a m ; arrive at
Salt. Liek by. 4 p in. Leave Salt Lick Tuesday
and Saturday -at 8 a in ; arrive at Clearfield by 4
,p •
• taiga groan Jeffries, by Clearfieldßridge a to Clear
field; 10 tulles and hack, twice a week. Leave Jeff-
Ties Monday ard Friday at 1 p m; arrive at Clear
field by 5 p in. Leave Clearfield Monday and Fri- .
day at t . ; am ; arrive at Jeffriesby 10 am.
1.665 From Curwinsville, by Blooruville and New
to'Ansonville, la miles and back, once a
week 'Leave Curwinsville Saturday at Sa m ; ar
rive at Ansonville by 12 in. L6aveAnsonville Satur
day at 1 p in; arrive at Curwinsville by 5 p na.
'21766. From Curwinsville to Lumber City, 6 miles
Sad back, three times a week. Leave Curwinsville
Tutaday, Thursday, and Satuaday at 6 amt arrive
at Lumber City -by ;S a in. Leave Lumber City
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at BY. a m; arrive
at Cnrwinsville by 10 1 4 a m.
`26 , -)T. From Luthersburg, by Troutville. Big Run,
. Bell's Mills, PanxutaWney, Covode and Smitten.
to Smicksbnrg, 32a4 miles and back, twice a week.—
Leave Luthersburg Tuesday and Saturday at Ba,
m ; arrive at Smicksburg by P In. Leave Smieks
burg Monday and Friday at 8 a m; arrive at Lu
thersburg by 6r in.
2668. FrhmNew Washington, by Chest, Cush,
Horton's and 'Canoe.-Ridge, to Punxutawney, 21
Miles and back, twice a week. Leave New Wash
ington Tuesday and Saturday at 8a m; arrive at
runxutawner by 2 p In, Leave PunxutawneY Mon
day and Friday at 10'a in; arrive tit Now Washing
ton by 4 p m. - •
2669. From Ansonvilla, by McGarvey's and West
aver% to East Ridge, lo miles and back, once a
track. Leave Ansenville Saturday at 7a in arrive
at Rain Ri dge a by 12 m, Leave East Ridge Monday
' at 1 p rat arrive at Ansonville by 6 P m. 'XV. From Williams' Grove to Grahamton,
mule' and.baela three times a week. Leave Will
iams' Grove Monday: Thursday and Saturday at 9
sin: arrive at Gmhamton by 10 am. Leave Gra-,
haaaton *maga'. Thursday, and Saturday at 8 a int
arrive pt Williams' Grove by 9 a m.
264, From ReYnoldsville to Rockdale Mills. 8
guile' an tHeek; °poem week, Leave Reynoldsvillo
. .
•-- 1 .
Saturday ati pmt arrive, at Rnakdale Mint bY 3% '. dale by 4an p in. Leave Annadale - Friday at'
p tn. Leave Rockdale Mills Saturday at 8% am; arrive at slippery Ruck by 12 in.
arrive at Reynoldsville by .: l.l y, am. , , an .S. 27d9. . From Egonamy. by New Scotts-ai, New
21172. From Punxu-taavn by Frostburg; Saran- 7 Sheffield, Seventy Six, and Green Garden. ti Holt,
klen Mills, and packer; ba Surnmersillea N mites :15 miles and hack, twice a week. Leave - Economy
and back, once a week. Lave Punxutawney Wed- ' Wednesday and Saturday after arrival of tlea mail
nesday at 8a m; arrive at Summersville by 3p In ' from Pittsburg--•sey at 10 a In; arrive as lion by 3
Leave Summersville Thur day at 8a m ; arrive a' sin. Leave Holt Wednesday and Saturday lat :Pe
Puniutawney by 3 p'm. I . , • , in: arrive at Economy by 8% p in. 1
Zi73. From Brookville, ley'Sigel and Clarington 2710 From Beaver, by Holt, McCleary. Service,
to Marion vine, 26 miles and back once a week.- tad Ilarehaville. to Frankfort Spring., 24 miles and
Leave Brookville Thursday at 7 a in; arrive at i mark, twice a week. Leave Beaver Wednesday mid
Marionville by 5. p.. Ta. 'Leave Marionville Friday • teridav st 8 am : arrive at Frattkport Sprincs by 3 p
at 7a m: arrive at Brookville by 5 p in. - ' •a. Leave Frankfort Sprivas 'Uttar:ably and Satur
-2d74. From Brookville, py Stanton, Ringgold araa r day at 6 a in; arrive at Beaver by 3 pan:
Hamilton, to Smitten, '.,tmiles and back, once a i 2711 From Beaver, by Bush Creek, to Zelfenople,
week. Leave Brookville batnrday at 6 a in; arrive e 12 miles and bark, once a week. Leave Heaver
at Smittart by 2 p tn. Leave Smitten Monday; at 6'; Satarday at I 0 In; arrive at Ze•lienople b 3 p Pt.
a in; arrive at Brookville by 2p 'M. '". : Leave Zelienople.Saturday tit 8 a in; arrive t Bea
- *M7S. From Brookville. by Summeraville. Shane i ver by 12 m. •
inundate, Kerr's Store, New Bethlehem, Oakland.: 2712 From New Brighton. by North Se ickleea
' Red Bank Furnace, and Orrsville, to Kittaning. 42: Wurtemburg, and Chenango, to New Castle. ' miles
miles and back, -six timea a week. Leave Bboke 1 and back, twice .a week. Leave New 1 rigliton
vine daily, excent Sunday, at 4 a m; arrive an Kit-', Monday and Friday, on arrival of the in it from
, tanning by 4p m. Leave Kittanning daily, except : Pittsburg-say at 11 1 4. ala ; arrive at eee. Castle
Sunday, at 11 am ; arrive,Brookville by 11 p en. 'by tPAP tn. Leave Now Castle Tuesday and Satin
, • n 176. From Brookville, by Warsaw, Brockway- „ day at 4'a ni a arrive nt New Brighton by 11 I in. -
. vine, Little Toby, Hellen. and Brandy Camp, to , 9713 From NeW Brighton, by litunewoattaltoalt
Ridgeway, 41 miles and back, twice a week. Leave,. Point, and Irish Ripple, to New Castle, al miles and
Brookville Tuesday and Saturday at 6- a m : -arrive - back, twice a week. Leave New Brighton IVloallay
at Ridgeway by 7 p in. Leave Ridgeway Monday and Friday on arrival of the mail Irma Pittsburg
and Friday at 6ain ; arrive at Brookville by 'ea , ma by at 11% a en: artiste at New Castle by rs, i P in.
2ti77. From Brookville,ibv Richardsville, Schaff-.. Leave Now Castle Tuesday and Saturday at 4 a m;
ncr's Corners. Arroyo, and Lake City, to 'Ridgeway', e arrive at New Brighton by 10 a m.
37 miles andback, once aweek. Leave :Brookville j 2714 From Smith's Form by tlearget
Saturday at 7a m; arrivelat Rittman by 6 P in.- Ilutiketown, 4% miles and balk, six ritueel
Leave Ridgeway Friday et 7a m ; arrive at Brook- Bid•ters will propose a schadule- of departs
villa by'6 p tn. a
•1 arrivals satisfactory to poetineaters at term
2676. From Kittanning, by West Talley. Oscar; i flees.
Echo, and Belknap, to Dayton, 20 Miles and 'bask. 1113 - From Smith's Ferry. to Ottioville
tivicew week. Leave Kittanning Tuesday and Fri- and back, twice a week. Leave Smith
day after arrival of the Pi tn ttsburiamail-aay at 10 a le'ednesday and Saturday at 10 am ;
in; arrive at Dayton by 4p . Leave Daybeti Men- °M is oselle by 11 m, Leave Ohioville IV.,
day and Thursday at 8 a in; arrive at Kittanning:byand Saturday at 12 in ; arrive at Smith's F 4
2 tn. • p im.
2679. From Kittanning, by Bimetal:wee Water- 216 *From New Castle, by East Brook, fulcra , -
town's Ferry. leawsonhatia Curnsville, and Raids- bur;, and' Plain Grove, to Slippery Rock, ) mites
burg, to Clarion; 33 miles and back, six times a and back, three times a week. Leave No ' Castle
week. heave Kittanning daily, except Sunday. at Mo,iday, Wednesday and Friday at Bam ; nave at
11 a In; arrive at Clarion i by 10 pm. 'Leave Clarion Slippery Rock by 2 p 111, Leave - Stipp rißoek
'daily, except Sunday, at 4 a m; arrive at Kittan- 'Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 1p - inl; arrive
nine by 3 p m. at' New Castle by 7 p ni.
2680. Front Kittanniig, by Cowansville and 2717 From New Castle, by Pulaski, , West .31itl-
Adams. to Brady's Ben 16 miles and back, six,, slieeex, Sharon, and Clink's. to West tire,:vine. 31
times a week. Leave L kittanning daily, except miles and back. six times a week. Leave New
Sunday. on arrival of mail by railroad-say at 11 -- it Caatle daily, except Sunday. ,at 3 pin ;saris eat
m ; arrive at Brady's Bend be- 4 p in. Leave - Bra- Sharon by a p in. Leave • Sharon daily, axeept
fly's Bend daily, except nunaay, at 10 a m;
.arrive' Sunday, at 12 in ; arrive at New Castle by 6 p m. at Kittanning by 3 p in. I I Leave Sharon daily, except Sunday, at 3 '4 in: ar
-2631. From Kittanninife by. Rural Valley: Bar- rite at West Greenville, by 8 u tn.' beltra4
nards. Dayton, and Smi ksburg, 'to Mationince :PY 'West Greenville daily, except Sunday', arra am ;
miles stud back, twice a week. Leave Kittanning arrive at Sharon by 11!a M. .
Monday and Friday on arrival of mail from Pitts- , 2,18 From New Castle, by Edenbrins, I illsville,
burr,-say at 10 ain : arrive at MahOning by 8 p m,- LOWQII.TViIIe, 0., and Poland. to Yoming. temt, -ea
Leave Mahoniug TuesdaY and Saturday at ii a in; i miles and back, six times a week. Le ve Sea:
arrive at Kittanning by 3p ma . ' , Casale daily, except Sunday. at 7a m; arrive at
2682. From Kittanning, by Pine Township, ' You nt by 2 pin. Leave Younastown daily,
Serubgrass, Putneyville, leddysille, Phcenix, Porter. exaept Sunday,. ut sain ; arrive at New nestle by
Hamiltan, and Frostburg', to Punautawney, 43 miles la TU. , •
and back, twice a weak. Leave Kittanning Toes- 2,19 Froth Mercer, by Harthegia, Shea)
day and Friday at 6 a mt arrive anPrinxutawneY by I and Custard's to Meadville, 30 miles andll
9p m: Leave Punatitawney Wednesday and Sat-. tint is a week, 'Leave Mercer daily, except,
urday at 6a m arrivie at Kittanning by 9 p In. nt 2 p me arrive at Meadville by lu aum
:'.13,33. From Freeport eo Slate Lick, 7 miles and :Meadville daily, except Sundae - , at a, pin :
back, three times a week. Leave Freepott Tuesday Marecr by 10 p in. ,
Thursday and Saturday itt 11 am ; arrive at Slate a 720 }ram Mercer by 'North's nlills. Sat'
Lick by 1n m. Leave Slate Lick Tuesday, Thula- New Lebanon, and Milledzeville, to Co
day, and Saturday at 2 m; arrive at Freeport by •27 miles ,tend back, three time;, a weal
4 pan. Mercer Tuesday, 'Thursday and a:star:lay.
2654. From Kelly's Station to Cochran's Mills, arrive at Cochranton by 3 p tn.Leavea
7% milee and back, twine a week. Leave Kelly's ton a Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 0
station Wednesday and Saturday at 9% am; arrive rim aat Mercer by '3 p in.
at Coehrates Mills by 11% a in. . ve Cochrane .2721 From Mercer, by Indian Run. ieew Wil-
Mills Wednesday and Saturday a 7 am ; arrive at miagtone New Castle, Cross Cut, MOUllt Jackson,
Kelly's Station by a a M. and Marion, to Enon 'Valley, 31 miles and baekasix
2635. From Apollo, by Spring etch, Long Run, I times a week. Leave Meraer daily, excels Sunday,
and Oliveta to Elder's Ridge, 13' ilex and back, at Ipin ; arrive at Enon Valley by 9 p not Leave
three times a week. Leave Apollo Tuesday. Thurs- Dion • Valley daily, except Sunday, on arrival of
day and Saturday at 1
R im ; arrive at Elder's Ridge the mail from Pittsburg-say at 4aiu ; 'arrive at
by 5 p In. Leave Elder '$ Ridge Tuesday, Thursday Mercer by 12 me
and SatardaY at 7 a in; arrive at Apollo by 11 am. 27.2 From•lllercer. by Delaware Grovelml New
2636. From Brady's end, by Catfish Furnace. Hi niburgeGreenville, ail back,
Black Fox, and Stant'
t to West 18 miles tt,
Store, to Catlettsburg, la Leine Mercer dal e except
six times is week.
miles and back, twice a. eek. Leave Brady's Bend Sit mdayaat 111 m m; arrive at West Greene le by 6 P
Tuesday and Saturday it 7a m: arrive at Callene- m. Leave West Greenville daily, exam, Sunday.
Mug by 12 m. Leave i Catlettsburg , Tuesday and at ea m; arrive at Mercer by 12 nr.
Saturday at 1p m; arriee at Brady's Bend by 6p m. a:23. From Mercer, by Worth, Hill, mining-re,
`3.187. From Lawrenceburg, by Manillas-Me, West SI, mama Brookfield, 0., Vienna, and Ito viand. to
Freedom, Callansburg! and Piney, to Clarinn, al NV errata eer miles and back, three times week.--- ,
miles. and back, twice It week'. Leave Lawrence-. Leave Mercer Monday, Wednesday and Friday tit 1
burg Tuesday and - Saturday at sis in; native at pm; arrive at Warren next days, by la i . Leave
Clarion by 12 m. Leave Clarion Tuesday and Sat- • Warren Tuesday, Thureday - and rd
Satua. at 2e s: p
urday at 1 p nt; arrive rut Lawrenceburg by 8p m. in : arrive at Mercer next days by 1% p it . Profo
-2688. FromaClarion, Iby Frampton and Lime- sale to end at Brookfield are invited.
stout, to Kingsville) 12 1 ,E miles and back, :1124. From Mercer, by Wolf Creek, I arrisselle,
twice a week. Leave Clarion Tuesday and Satur- At 'emulate, letemi, Murrinsville, Bova 's ettare,
day at Sam: arrive at Kingsville by 12 m. Leave - and Maple Furnace, ttLawrenceburg, 42 ales and
Kingsville Tuesday mid. Saturday at 12e/. p In; arrive ~ bit de, once a week.,Leave Mercer Tuesd V at ei a
at Clarion by 4% p :m. ; - ' in : arrive at Lawreteoburg by ar , in. 1. ,eve Law
... 3589. From Chalon, ley Lucinda Furtniee; Tylers- • renceburg Wednesday at 6a m; arrive at Mercer by
•burg, Nebraska:, . Tionesta, Stewart's Run, ante! ii a, in. - -
Lamb's, to Pleasantville, 33 miles and back, three ' 'earn. From Mercer. by Worth and We , t Middle
times a week. Leave Clarion Monday, Wednesday sea, to Young mown, O. 24 miles and back, three
and Friday at 6 am; arrive at Pleassantville by 6 p times a weak. Leave Marcer Tuesday, `Thursday
in. Leave Pleasantville Tuesday, Thursday and anal Saturday at 1 p mu; arrive at e:mingslown by 6
Saturday at 6,11 m; arrive at Clarion by 6 p ins e pat. Leave Yoaneetowu Monday, eeteltasetlaynnd
2390. From Clarion a lby Shippensville, Kossuth, Friday at 7-ant : arrive at Mereer b.,. 2 p n.
Cass, and Cranberry, ta Franklin, 29 Miles and backa anat. Front Sheakleyeill.e, by Sandy t Teak' etnd
six times a - week. Leave Clarion daily ex- Grinneln, to Sutton's -Corners, 9 tunes and Mak,
eept Sunday, at 6a rn ;rrive at Franklin by 3 p in. to lee a week. Leave Shean a
leyvilla '4n d„a
o% nd
Leave Franklin daily, arrive
Sunday, at 1 p us, or Friday at 8 a me. arrive at Sutton's Cuntees ba . - 11 a
on arrival of cars from Meadville; arrive at Clarion tn. Leave Sutton's Corner', locality Bad a cella).-
by 10p in. , 1 at 2pin : arrive at Sheak Leyville by 5 P ni,
2691. From Strattonville, by Helen Farb - ace, 2727. From A.gnew's Mille, by Lamartiae, Jaffee -
Scot c h Hill, Tylersbura, and North Pine Grove: to eon Furnace, and Knox, to altipaensvillt, la inilest
Mationville, 29 miles,asid back, once aweek. Leave anti- back, ones a week, ' Leave Ago iwat aline -
Strattoriville Tuesaayat 6 a m; arrive at-Marion- Wednesday at 6 a in ; arrive at Shippenst ite Les 11 a
sidle by 4p m. Leave Marionville Thursday. at 6 a 111. Leave Shippensville Meenn cable. at 1 p nt; ar
m; arrive at Strattonville by 4 tam. : - rive at Agnew's Mills bye.; p in.
:N92. From Stmttanaille, by Fisher and Kahla's. 2.7 en. Front Emlenton, iby Fal.worth mud Law
to Clarington, 18 miles and back, once a 'week.- renceburranto trarlya Bend, 17 mime paid leak,
Leave Strattonville Monday at 7 a m; arrive at three titmice a week, Leave Ern leaton Monday.
Clarington by 12 m. Leave Clarington Monday at Wednesday and Friday at 12 mu ; arras,. ht Brady's
p m.,• arrive at Strattotteillo by 6 p rim. - Bend by 6pm. - Leave Brady 's Bend Titealay,
M l 3. From Shippensville, by Lucinda Furnace Thursdue, and Saturday at da mn ; arrii slat Inman
and Fryburg, ta Tylereburte, 20 and back, twice a ton by 12 m.
week, Leave Shippensville Wednesday and Satur- 279,1: Froth Emlenton, by Big Bend. Clintonville
day at 1 p us' arrive aeTylersburg by 7p m. Leave -Kilgore; WbAcy, Centretown. aip I f r :mama' In
Tadersbura, Wednesday and and Saturday at 6 a in; ar- Mercer, 3414 miles and back, once aasveek. Leave
rive at Shipperisville by 12 in. ... Emlenton Saturday at 6 a in ; arrive at elerver by
9194. From Callansburg to Rimersburg. 8 miles 6 p ni. Leave Mercer Faiday at e e to arriva ~at
and back, once a Week. Leave Callensburg Thurs- Enilcaten by 6 p in. e 'I
',' day at 6a m; arrive at e Rimarsbarar by 9 a rn. Leave 'anti. ' From .1 rankletaby Polk, Maple '
Rimersburg Thursday at 10 a in; arrive at aliens- dcrsou, Perrino, and Satterfield. to Mere
burg by Il' in. Proposals for more freqUen ' crake, and back, six times a week. Leave Fi at,
not exceeding three trips a week, arc inviter creept Sunday. at 7 am ;'arrive tit Mere
Wl5. From Callensburg, by Alum Bock a tl Saint, Leave Mercer daily, except amide.), am •
Petersburg, to Endentbn, 12 miles and ba , once a'' rise at Franklin by 9 p In.
week.' Leave Callensleurg Mondayat m; arrive ' 2731. From Franklin. by Oil City, Pia
at Emlenton by 5 p M.' Leave Ens enton Monday •. Perry, Steam Mills, and Tidionte, to Iron
at S a m : arrive at Callensburg by 12 tn. and - backe six-times at week. Leas e Ina
'3396. From New ethlehem, by Leathervroott, exeept Sunday. at 6a m ; arrive art dirt iii.
Brinkerton; and New Springfield to Curltsville, 12 ' Leave Irvine daily, except :samba , at ii
miles and back, twice week. Leave New Bethle- .at Franklin by 9P M-
hem Tuesday and Sat rday at 1 pm; arrive at Curtis- 1 -732. From Franklin, by Dempsey tow t and Glan
ville by 4 p nr. I.eav CurtlsvilleTuesday and Sat- r.)" Tree. to Titusville, '-4I utiles mid lausa eth rem. times
urday at 8a m; arrival. at New Bethlehem by 11 a . m. ' a week, Leave Franklin Monday. s'etlitealay and
2607. From Butler) by Holyoke, Coulters.ville. Faiday at 7 a in; arrive at Titusvillely a p m.-
Anandalta Ctena.. Merrinsvitle, and Clintonville, - Dave Titusville Tuesday.TharaLte . an [l l Seta :slay
to East Sanday, 36 aides and buck, twice a week.-- , ai 7am ; arris eat Franklin by 3 p m. Leave Butler Monday! and Friday at 6atni ; anis e a 733. From Franklin, by Cooperstaw . eunville,
at East S'amb• by 7 p ih. Leave East Sandy Trice- anti Wallemoville, to Plum. 20 tunas utatillmek, twice,
day and Saturday at qa m ; arrive at Butler by 7 a week. Leave} ranklin Monday and ' haretlay ast
p ni • 1 p m; arrive at Suilville by 6 p in. Lei ve Suns file
Vari From Butler,lby Saxonburg, Sar;er:eville. Monday and Thursday at 7ain : arrive tt Franklin
Freeport, Shearer's Cross Roads, incLauehlinet _by 12 ID. Leas e Sumac Tuesday and Friday at 7
Store, North Washington, and Oakland Cross Remade. ain ; arrive at Flutis by 0%, is nt. Loa s o,Plum Tile
to Salem Cross Roads 143 miles and back, twice it 4:4n:tad-Friday at lee ain ; anis e at name Mere by
week. Leave Butler uesday and Saturday at 5 a 12 in. •
g.2NaSalem Coss Roads by 'S p m L eave:{ a - A From Franklin, by Utica,la mcli Creek.
ie a m rr t.Tr e os. a e t Roads ei onday and a . t Sam • ;i'v - 'Lebanon. New Vertien, eelietk layail le. and
arrive at Butler by Bpm. . s eialem, to Vest Greenville, 31 miles and, beak, once
2699. From Butler.lby Mount 011esrint._ Frospeet, a week. Leave Franklin 'I buralay at 7, a 1,1; arrive
Portersville, and Princeton, to New Castle, '23 miler at Greenville by 5 p ni. bcave Greenville Wednes
and back, twice a week. Leave, Butler Mentdas I dmy tit, , 7 ain ; arrive at Franklin fey 5 p in. Propo
und -Thursday at 6 a in: arrive at New Castle by a eels to commence at Utica are ins 'red.
.P m. Leave New Caine Tuesday and Friday at 6 - 27: 1 5.. From Franklin, by Seneca, Tat
am; arrive at Butler by 2 p m.tam. Fortin's. President Farina:a, lar
-2700. From Butler, by North Oakland, Barnhart'. I Frylaura, to Tylerebura, 43 milee and b
Mills, Baldwin, andl Bruin, to Lawrencebitra 3 - ,week. Leave Franklin Monday and T
milts and back, twice!ut week; Leave Butler Mitt- a. tn ; arrive at Tylershure by 9 p ma. L
day and Friday at 9te m : arrive at Lawrenceburg- barg Tuesday and Friday at 10 ain ; are
by 43 pan. - Leave LaWrenceburg Tuesday and Sat- k.iii by 6p m. -
urdayaat 8a m ; arrive at Butler by 5 p e rn. '2736. Front Franklin, by Roeklar;
2701: \From Butler, by Petersburg, Break Neck. Porterfield, and Aguew's Mills, a. F
and Zelibnople, to New Brighton, 29 miles and back, i miles and back, once aweek. (wart, Fri
once's - Week, with two additional trips a week be- nagday at 7a m ; arrive at. Emlenton
tween Break Neck arid Zelicuople. Leave Butler Leave. Emlenton Tuesday. at 7 a m - ; ar
Wednesday at 7a m: strive at New Brighton by 5 :t. lin by :1 p iii. ,
PM. Leave New Brighton Thursday at 7a m ; at- 2737. From Tionesta, by Howe, to ,
rive at Butler by sp. Leave Zelienople Monday unites and back, once a week. Leaye T;
anti Friday at 1 p ml' arrive at -Break Neck by 3 , day at 1 p in; arrive at 'fidionte by 7
p ne. Leave Break areck Monday and Friday- at 4 Talioute Monday at 6ain ; arrive. at T
p m: arrive at Zelienople by 6 p M. 111.
271Y2. From Better; by Boydstown, North Hone. 2739. From Clarington,by Millstone and Raught's •
and Anderson's Mille, to Emlenton, 30 miles an . Mille. to - Arroyo, 18 miles and back, on ,e a week.-
backs twice a week. I Leave Butter Tuesday an i Leave Clarington Saturday at 7 a tem; arrive at
Saturday at 6a m ; arrive at Emlenton by 4pma • •: Arroyo by 12 in. Masai Arroyo Saturday at-1 pma
Leave Emlenton`Monday and Friday at 6 a in; -al ' arrive at Clarington by 6 pm.
rive at Batter by 4 p to. i 2739. From Ridgeway. lorNew,Highllind, to Shef
-2703. From Baldwin, to Adartui, le miles an i'' . field, 18 miles and back, once a week,eave Ridge --
back, twice a week.' Leave Baldwin 'Wednesde I ; way Wednesday at 6a m; arrive at Sheffield by 12
:sad Saturday at 9a m; arrive at Adams .byll a n e. , ni. Leave Sheffield Wednesday at 1 'se m; arrive
Leave Adama Wednesday and Saturday on ai at Ridgeway by 7 p in. Proposals to lend at New
rival of the Pittsburg mall--say at 3.p m; orris ~ , Highland are Invited. t ,
at Baldwin by'S pm. - i : 2 740 FromßidgewaY. by William:sYMa, Sergeant,
2704. From Saxonburg by Double Salo and M, ' Crermontville, and_Kasson, to Smithpprt, 39 miles
lissadale, to Slate Lick, 13 miles and back, once •'• and back,
_three times a week. Leave Ridgeway
week Leave Saxonburg Saturday at 8 a ni; aerie e, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 6 a in; arrive
at e Lick by 12M. Leave Slate Lick Sabina. e • at Smithport by 7p m. Leave Smithport Tuesday.
at .r.). triA arrive at Saxonburg by 5 p in, . i Thursday and Saturday at 6' ami write at Ridge
' 40a From Harmany, by Middle Lancaster, Po, .' . way by 7p m.
tarsville, Willie Roy. Harlansburg, and Leesbur „ I ! 2741. From Caledonia to Karthouta , 27 miles and
to Mercer, 31 miles rd back, six times, a week. , back, once a week. Leave Caledouial Monday at 7
Leave Harmony din ye-except Sunday, after arriv ;. am; arrive at Karthous by 7_p'm. Leave Karthous
,of the Pittsburg ma -say at 3 p in; arrive at Me e . Tuesday at 7 am; arrive at Caledonia. by 7 pm.
ear by 9 p .m. Leave Mercer daily, except Sunda ; : 2742. From Caledonia, by Benezetts and Hick's
at 5 a m; arrive at Harmony by 11 a m. Run, to Second Fork, 24 miles and back, once a, week.
2706. . Prom Brownington, by Harrisville am , Leave Caledonia Friday at 9arn ; ive at Second
Wesley, trt.Franklil i - 30 miles and back. six times , Fork by 6p m. Leave Second Fork S turday at 9 a
'week. Leave Ilrow ington daily, except Sunda . , in; arrive at Caledonia by 6 p in.
at 10 p in; arrive at Franklin next days by 10 a i • I 2743. From Hellen, by Kerse_y, to eneinger, 14
Leave Frankliu daily, except Sundae'.•at.6 pml a ' • miles and back, once a week. r Leave ellen Mau
rice at Browninatau neat days by 4 a m.• .1 day at las m; arrive at Bensiager by 2_p in, Leave
2707. From Coyleville, by Foster's Mills, Adam t 1 Benninger Monday at 3 pm; arrive a Hellen by 7
and Sharreta to Itimen.bura, miles and bae., p in. ' .
twine a week. imam Coyleville Monday and Thar ?, 2744. From Shippen, byNorwiek_ and Colgrove,
d a y a t aa m; arrive IZ‘t. Rimersburg by ft p tn. ;to Smithport, 26 miles and bleak, twice at week.-
Leave Itimetaburg iTuesdur and Friday at 8a n, Leave Shipper' Wednesday.and Saturday at 6a mt
arrive at ebyferlllO by :, p rd, - - , ~ - 1 arrive at Smithport by 3 p in. Lee4ve Smithport
2708 Frola Stilipary Rock, by McKnight, to A- ,•
. Monday and Thursday at 6 am; arrive at Shippen
&rattle, 11-miles tind back, °rive a week. Lea ' . by 3p m. ,
kilippery_Rock rriday att.% P IA; strive 11l Ana ; • 2745. From Smithport. by Farnieri Valley.Sast
,ithe franktin nep l ositpro, libruarn '
10, 1864.
well, Allegheny. Bridge, and Poth .
ille. N. y , to
Olean, 26 miles and back, six times a week. LcaVe
Smitliport daily, except Sunday, at a a m: - arrive at
Olean by ti p ru. • Leave Olean daily, except Sunday,
at 6a m i arrive at Smithport - by 3 p in. - - i
27 27 6, Firm Smithport i by Lafayette, Filen, altd
Biases, to Warren, 43 miles and - back, once a week.
Leave Smithport-Tuesday at 6 a m : arrive at War- -
ran next day by 12 in. Leave Warren Wednesday
at 2 p Mi arrive at. Simithport next day by 6 p al.
2747. From Eden to Bradford, 10 miles and back,
once airlock. Leave Eden Wednesday at 8 am: ar
rive at Bradford by 11 a in. Leave Bradford' Wed,
nesday at 12 m : arrive at Mien by 3 pan.
'2748 Trout Bradford, by Kendal's Creek aid
Limeanne. N. Y., to Carrolton, 15 miles and back,
eiv times a- week. Leave Bradford'daily, except
Sunday. at 8 a in; arrive ut Carrollton by 12 in,—
LeaVe Carrollton daily, except ;Sunday, at 2 . p m;
'arriYe at Bradford by G. p in. ,
2749, , From Sheffield. by Foxburg to Marionvillti,
19 miles and back, once a, week. Leave Sheffield
Wednesday at 1 p m: arrive at Marionville, at 7 p
in. Leave Marionv ilia Wedneiday at 6a m; arrive
at Sheffield 14;12 in. -
2 7 r50.. From iiinzna, by Corydon. Onoville, N. Y.,
and Friend's Ferry, to Steamburg '25 miles and
back, once a week. Leave Kin - Lull ridgy at Bat m;
arrive at Steamburg by 4 p in. Leave Ste:1110nm;
Saturday at 4 a in : arrive ut Kinzua by 4 p in.
2751.1. From RusselLeburr, by East Pine Grove, to
Germany, 11 miles and buck, once a week. Leave
1 Itats-aeljsburc Saturday at 2 p in ; arrive at Germany
-by 5 pan. Leave Gerrustny Saturday at 8 a in ; ars
rive at llasselsburg by 12 ni.
275.1. From Sucar Grove, by ,seder, to Warren,
18 mile , : and back, once a eek. Leave' Sugar
Grove Saturday at 5 a in: arri at Warren by 32 in.
Leave Warren Saturday at 1 p ; arrive at Sugar
- Grove by 7 p m.
2753.: From Sean. Grove, by msg. N. Y., to
Jamestown, 10 miles and lnwk. t ee times a week.
Leave Sugar Grove Monday, Wel uesday and Fri
day at 9ain ; arrive at Jamestown by 12 in. Leave
Jamestown Monday. Wednesday and Friday at 3 p
M ; arrive at Sugar Grove by 6 p tan. Proposals for
six time a week service are invited.
2751. From Pittsfield, by Freehold and Lettsville,
to 13rnkeu Craw, N. Y.. 14 miles and back, three
limes a week. Leave Pittsfield Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday at 9 a ut ; arrive at 'Broken' Straw by 1
p la. Leave Brokentratw Tuesilay,-Thursday and
Saturday at 21 - ! m . arrive at Pittsfield by 6 p ni.—
Pronmals for six (Mies at week service are invited.
270,5.; From Sprnig Creek to West Spring Creek,
AN mileS and bark. three times a -week: - Bidders
will pramose a schedule to. connect with; railroad,
and be satisfactory to the.postmasters at the tenni-
nal offices. -
2756.! From Coin; bus to Carter Hill, 7 miles and
back. twice a week, Leave Columbna Wednesday
and Saturday at 8-a ,n ; arrive' at Carter 11i114,,by 10
aM. Leave Car Hill Wednesday and Saturday
at 10:30 ain : arrive at Columbus by 12:30 p ni. •
2757. From South West to Star, 7 miles and back,
once ft Week: Leave Snail West Saturday-at 10:30
ain :arrive at Star by 12:30. Leave Star Saturday
at 8 a in : arrive at South Welt by l lo a m.
2758. Frota;Musville, by Eagle and Spring Creek,
to CUll wr. 28 miles and back, once a week. Leave
Titusii e Saturday at S a in : arrive at Calamine by
6 p-ia.: oatvc Columbus Friday at Sain ; aniva at
Titnsville by 6 » nu.
• 2759. Front Titusville. by South IV est, Pleasmat
ville, Plumer, and ltouseville, to Oil City, 2.1 1-2
miles and back, six times a week. Leave Titus
villa daily except Sunday. at 7 a to ; arrive. at Oil
City by :; p iii. Leave Oil City daily, except Sunday,
at 19 av ut: eat ive at Titus , . Hie by 6 p in. , ,
2750, nem Meadville. by Shalw's Landing. Coeh
rantown, Canal, and titian, to Franklin, :SO miles
and back, daily except Sunday.,by railroad, and by
a schedule satisfactory to the Department
:2761. From Meadsville, by liarmensburg and
Line Mills, to Penn Line, 130 miles and backsix
titnes',a week to Line Mills, and twice a week the
residue. Leave Meadville daily, except Sunday, tt
7a mt arrive at Line 31 ills by 10 a in. Leave Lute
Mills daily. except Sunday, at 7 p m: arrive at
Meadville by 10 p. m. Leave Line Mills Tuesday
and Saturday at 11 a m : arrive at Penn Line by 1 p
m. -Leave Penn Line Tuesday and Saturday at 3 p
m ; arrive at Line Mills by 5 p ni. Proposals for
servile hetween Line Mills and Penn Line only 'are
invited. • -• ,
19. m•
)trn, to
a um , It.
re and
final 01-
rrive ut
la by I
back, xi%
Sunda:• ,
arri eat
ply Lake,
. heave
tt. 7 a. in
-1 a In ; lir
2762 From Meadville, by Harmensburg, MeHow
ell's, ,Conneautville, Minden's, and Hayfield, to
Meadville, equal ton) miles and back,' three times
.a week. Leave Meadville Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday at 2 p in; arrive at Conneautville by 7 p
m. Leave Conneautville Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday at 7 a in ; arrive at Meadville by 12 in.
2163 From Meadville, by Mead Corners; Guy's
Mill 4 Sugar Lake, andß
ingsley, to :euben,
miles - and hark, twice a week., Leave Meadville'
Tuesda'y and Saturday at 7 a m ; arrive at Steuben
by 4% pan, Leaye Steuben Monday and Friday at
7 a m ; arrive at. Meadville by 4% p . m._
2 From Meadville, Bloonung Valley, Han
dolph, New Richmond, Little Cooley, Rieeville. and
Britain Mtn, to Spartansimm, 28 miles and back,
twieem neck. Leave Meadville Tuesday and Fri
day at 7 a tu; arrive at Spartansbarg, by 4 p m.---
Leave Spartansburg Wednesday and Saturday at 7
ni arrive x t Meadville by 1 p
270;i From Evansbur,; by Tamarac. to Line
MillS; . n miles and ban K. three times a week. Lea% e
Evunsnurg Monday, Wednesday and Saturday at
10 a. : arrive at Line Mills by 12 in. .Leave Line
Mill Monday, Wednesday and Saturday at 2 p m;
arrive at Evansburg by 4 p In. ..
• '
trAid From Evanahurg. by Hart. - .town. Marshall's'
Corners Tuitterayille,- and State Line. 0., 'to Kins
man!' IS 'Rates and back, three times a week.—
LettY• Evansbur Tuesday, Ti:Tad:ly and Sattu day
at :i 1 m : arrive :it kinsman s by 9 - P . m. Leave
KinS,. an:. Monday. WedattsdAy and Friday at 5 a
m 4 a ri eat Et timburc t by Il' a m.
: 1;6 • „ mn q u y• ; ., Itttli.. by Sager Lake, Wayne
Ceeir and Wilson's 31 ills, to Coeperst.twn, 13 miles
and cis, once a uree4,. beard Guy's Mitts Wed
ne4ll3. at S a m ; arrive at Cooperstown by 12 in.
Leavtl Cooperstown W edne , day at I p m ; arrive at
Gny'siMills by :',.;p m.
:itisi From 'W oodeuek. by Teeplevil le. Fri sWs Set -
tleMeht, Ctiaoinyille. lideaville,aud. Oak Grove, to
Wit Offord, 24 milAs and hank. once a week. Leave
Wo•ideock Wedut.sday at. 1* p tn; arrive at Water
forth by 9p m. Leave Watert b rd Tuesday "at It a
In,: arrive at Woodcock M 5 p in. , r-:
Z7r.Z.% From Fetegerstowa, -by Moshertown, and
Crossineville, to Lundy's I,Alw. 14 miles and back.
thive times a week. - Leaxe Saegeratowa Tuesday'
T and Saturday at 1 pmt
leintt by 7 p in. Leave Lundy'a Lane Tuesday.
Tharsslity and Saturday At t: a m; arrive at Saeg
erstowa by L; to.
2170 Front eorry. 'by Stivraft, ' Cook, Spartan.-
burg. i•inapp's Station. Crntrovill6., and OU Creek,
to Titasville, 27 mile. , tind battk,daily - except -Sun
day, by railroad, and IV a schedule satisfactory to
thelleparthrent. . . ..
'..771 From Corr by Miller's Station, Reekdale.
Ven taw:, W(B)de ! . Stettgerstown Meadville,. Sat -
iou'.4 4tirnergt Evalbitrg, Fallow }tad, Adamsville,
'W eat Greenville. 4 rantreville, 0.. Burritill, Warren,
Neill; RAYeana, Franklin Milia,and Tallmadge, I,
Akron, 1411 1 •( miles and back, daily except SmzdJ v,
by railroad. and. by a schedule satid'aaory to ilia
"T'' From Union Mill - by Illoomil dd to Ric
villa, 9 miles and tick. three tunes a week. Leave
ro• t., Ift
r ,
iaiu daily,
ny 12 in,
p in; ar-
Cr. Lamb's'
c. 4J mac,
kliit doily.
e by 9 p m.
It ; arri
_ . . .
Union Mills Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 1
p in ; etitierville by 4 p in.. Leave Itieerilii:
Tu6scidy, l'hursday and Saturday at 9 a ; arrive
at Union Slilb by 12 tn.
2773 From Eric, by Jaekson.Station, Waterford,
Le !Mewl'. Union Mills, Concord Station, Loyell's
Station. - Wayne, Corry,: Columbus Spring Creek.
Garland, Pittatield. YOun
ville r Irvine, Warren,
We'st Sheffield, ;did Sheffield, to Sheffield Stutioe,
79 miles and back,duil.s exeept sunday, by railroad,
and by a schedule satisfactory to the Department.
2774 From Erie, by MeKean, Wells' Colliers,
and Edinb..rough, to Veining% 22 mfu
iles el blick,
sixliines a week. Leave Erie daily, except Sun
day, at 12 In ; arrive at Venango by 7 p in. Leave
Venango daily, except Sunday, at 11!1;a m ; arrive
at. Erie p or. -
' 2775. From Erie, Valleyond Fast Green,
tc 1 1Votisburg. :..k) miles and hank, three 'times
.Leave Erie. Tuesday, Thursday and Satur
day, ^tt 3 pus; e at Wattsbunr by 7 p tu.-
I.ea7s: Wattsburg Tuerday, Thursday and Scturd.ty
at 6 a in ; _arrive at Erie by 10 a
2776 trout ltailroad Depot, by Springfield Cross
11 0 445. mud West SpringliehLto Cherry Hill, lA'
miles ntid be...11c, six time:7, a week. Iliddort will
pnipose n saltolitls: to coma:a' with the railroad,
and be patisfactory to nostinast , irs.
2777 From Girard, 6y Miles' Grove, Platea, Elk
Creek, Lundv's Lane, Aline'''. Spring, Conneaut
vide, Centre team Station, Line Mills, North She
liartstown, South Shenango, and James
toiirri, to West Greenville, 48 miles and back, six
-times a week, by railroad, and by schedule satis
faatory to the Department.
2778 Prom Girard, by Sterrettania and Franklin
Corners, to Edinborough_ , 17 miles and back, -once a
week, Leave Girard Monday at 7ain ; arrive at
Edinhorough by 12 in. Leave Edinborouli - Mon -1
day at 2 p in; arrive at Girard by 7 p m.
2779 From 2 Northville, by North East, MOOT
headville, Harbor Creek, and Wesleyille, to Erie,
20 miles and back, twice daily, by railroad, and by
a schedule satisfactory to the l)epartment.
271t0 From North East by Greenfield, to Marvin„
N. Y. 17 miles and back, once a week. Leave
North East Tuesday at 1 p m-; arrive at Marvin by
7p m. Leave illarvinatiesday at 6ain . arrive at
North East by 12 in. '
3231 From Westminister, by Union Mills, Silver
Run; Littlestown, Pa., Two Taverns, Gettysburg,
Seven Stars, Cashtown, Grafensburtrand Fayette
vine, to Chambersburg, 49 miles and' back, six times
tv week. Leave W estminister daily, except SundaY.
at 1 p ni ; arrive at Gettysburg by S p In., Leave
Gettysburg daily, except Sunday, at . 3% p in ;ar
rive at Chambersburg by pm. Leave Cham
bersburg daily, except Sunday at 7 a in; arrive at
Gettysburg by 1p m. Leave Gettysburg daily, ex
cept Sunday, at 4-a m ; arrive at Westminister, by
11 it at. -
'di Mile nit-
Lek. twice
'Iurs , LLY at 7
jivo at Praar-:
tintt•aton :
eulaiu EE etl
jive ;atFrau-,
indionte. 17
ne=ts 31ou
. la. 'Leave
orients by 12
Provosts/. '•
The undersigned _ whosepoEt office ad
diess —, cantor Stateof of—,
proposal to earn , th !mails of the —,
-United States,
from July 1,1864, •.1 - • tke 30, 1868, on. Route No.—;
between ---., State of Ponney:lyanN:.
under the advertisement‘of the Postmoster General
dated Noveniber.lo,lS63, "with celerity, certainty,
and Security," for the axonal sum of— dollars.
This proposal is made with full knowledge of the
distance of the route, the tocight of the maid to be
carried, and all other particulars in '
reference to
the route and service, and, also,.a ft er carytta exam
m aim; of the laws and isgstructons attached to the
adosrtisement. • .
The undersigned, residing at—.. State of
undertake that, if the foregoing bid for carrying
the mail on route,No.—, be accepted by the Post
master General, the bidder shall, prior to the Ist
day of July, 1861, enter into the required obligation
or contract to perform the service proposed, with
goad andsufament snrities.
This we do anderatarating distinct/y the obligations
awilidbilities assumed by guarantors under the :fah
section of the act of Congresi of July 2, 1836.
_Dated_ ,
The mined, postmaster at—, State of—.
cortiGe.:r-• 'atter hie oath of office. that he is acquain
ted st . the above guarantors, and knows them to
be me l A+ f property, and able to make good their
guaranty. •
The above certificate must have affixed to i 6 afive
ee.tik revenue stamp, enamelled, as re(luires.
. MASTERS.* ! *
Contnining also condition to be incorporated in tse
erintraete to the extent, vie Department malt deem
Soren minutes are-allowed to each iittorrnedi-,
at office, when not citherWise specified, for assorting`
thetuails: . but on railroad\ and steamboat routes
there is to be no more delay than is sufficient for an
exchange of the mail bags,
2. On railroad and steamboat lines, and other
routes where the mode of conveyance admits of it,
the special agents of the' Post Office Departmhnt,
also Post Office blanks, mail bap, locks_and keys,
are to be conveyed without extra charge.
_ 3. On railroad and steamboat linos the relate
agents of the Impartment, also the British and
Canada mails, when offered, and the agents accom
panying them, are to be Conveyed without churv,
and for their exclusive use, while traveling wills the
mails, a. commodious car, or apartment in the cen
tre of a car, properly lighted; warmed, and fur
nished, and adapted to the convenient separation
and due security of the mails, is to be proVided by
the contractor, under the direction of the ,:llepart
. .
_Railroad and steamboat companies are requital
VI take the mail from and deliver it into the post
offiees at the commencement and end of their routes,
and to and from all offices not more than eighty
rods from a station erlanding. Proposals may be
sii milted for the perfirmance of all other side ser
vi ' that is, for offices ever eighty rods from a sta.-
ti ior landing-. . '
tecuipts will'be required for mail baggeonveyed in
charge of persons employed by, railroad companies.
There will - also be.'way-bills" prepared by postrnas
te rs, or other ogee is of t h e Department, to accom p a iLY
tie mails, specifyinethenumber and destination of
the several bags. On the principal stage routes
likewise, receipts will be required and waybills
torwarded; the latter to be examined by the several
.postmasters. to insure regularity in the delivery of
mail bags.
4. No pay will be made for trip not performed:
and for each of such *minis:dons, not satisfactorily
' explained, three times the Pay of the triptaay be de
ducted. For arrivals' so far behind time as to break
connexion with depending mails, and not:sufficient
1y excused, one fourth of the compensathin for the
trip. h 4 subject to forfeiture. Deduction will also be
ordered fora grade el pia formai= inferior to that
specified in the contract. For repented delinquen
cies of the kind herein specified, enlarged penalties,
proportioned to the nature thereof, and the impor
tance of the mail, may he made.
• '5, For leaving behind, or th "ng off the mails,
or any portion of them, for the admission of pass
engers, or fur being concerned 11 - setting up or run
ning`an express conveing. Intel "gem, in advance
of the mail, a quarter's pa' may be deducted.
,6. Fines will be imposed, unless the delinquency
be promptly and satisfactorily explained by certifi
cates of-postmasters or the affidavits of other credit
ble persOns, for failing to arrive in contract time;
for neglecting to take the mail from, or, deliver it
into, a post office; for suffering to be wet, injured, de
stroyed, robbed, or lost: and for refusing, after de
mand, to convey the inair as frequently us the con
tractor runs, or is concerned in maiming, a coach,
ear, or steamboat on a route.
_7. • The Postmaster General may annul the eon
triolt for repeated failures to run agreeably to con
tract; for violating the post office laws, or disobey
ing the instructions of the department ; 'VA' refusing
to discharge a carrier when required by the depart
ment to de se: for running. an express as aforesaid :
or for-transporting persons ,pl. packages Conveying
Inkilable matter out of the rindl.
8. 'The Postmaster Genera:l may order an increase
of service on a route by allow ing therefor a pro rate
inereve 'on the contract pay. Ho may change
schedules of departures and art is-n le in all tenses t and
particularly to make them conform to eonnesi,ms
with railroads, withnut inerease.of pay, provided
the running time be not abridged. Hu may also or
der au increase of speed, allowing, Is Rhin the re
strictions of the law, a pro rum increase of pay for the
addition:ft stock:of carriers, if any. The contrac=
tor may, however, in the ease of increase of speed,
relinquish the contract, by giving prompt, notice to
the department that he prefers doing so to carrying
the order into efect. The Postmaster General may
also discoittinue or curtail the service, in whole or
in part, in order to place on the route a greater de
gree of service, or whenever the public inte.ree.ts, in
Id...judgment, shall require such discontinuance or
curtailment to: any otner cause ; ht.: allowing as a
full indemnity, to contractor one month's extra pal
on the amount of service dispensed with, and a pro
Tutu compensation !orate amount, ofservi De retained
and continued.,
9Paytnents,will be made by collections from or
drafts on postmasters. or otherwisty, after the expir
ation of each quarter--sup, in lichruary, May,-Au
gust, and November.
10. The distance: , are gi.v . en according to the best
information ; but no increased pay will be allowed
should they be greater than advartised, if the points
to be supplied are correctly stated. Bidder* must
nfitnntiwnimelei.,* on thix !Join r, and also in reference,
co tau weig,lit of the m th condition Of roads, hills, , ,uud all toll bridges, ferries, or obstruc
tions 01 tiny Stind by which expense may be incurred.
..INZo claim for additional pay, based on such ground,
can be considered: norforullegednilsothes or misap
prehension as to the degree of service; nor for bridges
destroyed, ferries discontinued, or, other obstruc-.
tions increasingF, distance, occurring during the con
tract term, Offices established after this advertise
ment ieis.sued, and alio during the contract term:are
to be visited without extra, pay, if the distance be
not increased.
11. Bidders are cautioned to mail their Proposals
in time to reach the department by the day and
lomr named, 13 p m, ;March 31,) for bids received af
ter that time will not be comidered in competition
Vcith a bid of reasonable amount received is time.
Neither can bids be considered which are without
the guarrantec required by law and a certificate-of
the:sulticiency of such guarantee.
12. -Bidders should first propose for service strict
ly according to the advertisement, and then, if they
desire, , sertratety for differ - cut service: and if the
repo/or bid be the lowest offered for the advertised
service, the other propositions may , be considered.
' 13. There should be but one route bid for in a
proposal, Consolidated or combination bids ("pro
pomag one sum lot two or more routes") are forbid:7
den by !kw, and cannot be considered.
14.- -The route, the service, the yearly pal',
name and residence of the bidder, (that is; his usual
post office address,) and those of each member of a
firm. where a company offers, should be distinctly
15. Bidders :are requested to use, as far as practi
cable, the priri4ed proposals furnished by the de-
Penman, to write out in full the spin of their
and to retain copies of them. -
Altered bids hould not be submitted': nor - should
bids once submitted be withdrawn. No withdraw
al of a bidder or guarantor will be' allowed unless
the withdrawal is dated and reeceived 'before the
- day forreceiving proposals.
illeh bid must be guaranteed by two responsible
General guarantees cannot be admitted. -The bid
and guarantee should be signed plainly with the fall
mime of each person.
The department reserves the right to • reject any
hid which may be deemed extravagant. and also to
disregard the bids of failing contractors and bidders.
' 16. The bid should be sealed, superveriped "Mail
Proposals, State of Pennsylvania," addressed "Sec
ond Assistant Postmaster General. Contract Office,"
and sent by mail, not by or to an agent; and post
masters will not enclose proposals (or letters of any
kind) in their quarterly returns, •
17. The contracts are to be executed andretunied
to the department by or before the let day or July,
1864; but the service must be commenced. on that
day, or on the mail day next after it, whether the
contracts be executed or not..
Transfers of contracts, or of interest in contracts;
are forbidden by law, and consequently cannot be
allowed. Bidders will therefore take notice that
they will be expected to perform the service accept
ed to them through the whole term of the contract.
18. Postmasters at offices on or near railroads,
but more than eighty rods from a station, will. im
mediately after the 31st of March next, report their
exact distance from the nearest station, and how
they are otherwise supplied with the mail, to ena
ble the Postmaster General to direct a mail-messen
ger supply from the Ist ofjuly ne xt,-
no. bection eighteen of an act of Congress ap
proved March 3,1845, provides thatcontracts for the
transportation of the mail shall be lot in every
case, to the lowest bidder tendering sufficient guar
antees for faithful performance, without other' ref
erence to the mode of such transportation than may
be necessary to provide for the dueeclority, certain , -
ty and security of such transportation." Under
thus law, bide that propose to tramp* - 7 its with
"celerity, certainty, and security, " It 'ing de
cided to be the may legal bide, are cons Pro
viding for the entire mail, however large, nd hat
' ever may be the mode of conveyance necessary o in
sure its "celerity, certainty, and security," a seat
hare the preference over veil others, and others
wig be considered,
n is
20. A modifleationt of a bid in any of its eiseritial
terms is tatamennt tor. new bid. and cannot be re- -
ceired; s 6 as to interfere with re;ular competition,
after the last hour set for receiving bids. - Making '
a new hid. with guarantee and certificate, if; the :
only way to modify a. previous bid.;
21. Postmasters are to be careful not 'to ee.rtifr
the sufficiency of guarantors or }rarities vritbeut
knowing that they arc rcirns of fificient respel l ,
: a disregard Mil.inktructi'm &V Vi;atmaat.
era is a tightens of t eir bath of 04 , 7 e , ,, au f k i„ fin
there're immediate regiotlL. All biuders. gearau tl ..
tors, end purities arc distinctly notified that on a
failure to enter into er perform the contracts for the
sen-ice proposed for in the accepted bids, their le
gal liabilities will ho enfirced ugainst them.
22: Present contriletorsfrand persons known a t
the department, mint, equally with others, procure
guarnntors and certifical of their suthejeney out -
stantially in the fer&s. Acme - prescribed; The cer
tificate of sufficiency must be signed Iva postmasn r
or by a juke of a court or record, and must have
affixed to it a five cent revenue ,stomp. cancelled*
as requirediby law:No other certificate will he ad
mitted. B. BLAIR. P9atinturtrr Geerrq,.
By the 42d section. of the :act of Congrers "ta
amend the, laws relating. to the Post - Office Depart
ment," approved March 3. l 1, allcommunications
addressed to either df.the executive departinents of
,the government, "must be prepaid by poste:so
stamps." Proposals should; therefore, be thus pr* -
paid. unless from persons to wham authority to
frank mail matter is conferred by thesame
Jan 20, 64-C4 •
tied Ostate *ales.
R 1. AT E-r d Highly l'rachefire ..FliTte-Thu
otidergign d will rpt Public Sale, on Sefurdog. ffig
'nth in trout of ( haloes Parton's 114"
tel, ut 12 o'clock on said day. the FAIIII
uppn which lie reside& one mile went of hlancock.
caned .-11retit's Chance." 'containing Wit ACHES. more
or less. There iF ;Rid .
itrnt it large TWO STORY
FRAME 1101:SE. with hark hu Ming nod kitchen 'et-
Inched. as nlgo all other oitt.hougeg. till in good ono r.
A large Vegetable GARDEN well paled, near the lanoet
a large double Stahl e nada goad bog Baru tt ell gliedded
roond . ; two fine iteger•failing Spring., litue'tone water,
with a gem(' !miry over one. not for distant from More,
There 14w fine yonrig. thrifty• ORCHARD of noire
FlZUlTgr&gr the house. There ,are two noger.failinz
stream: of writer running through said Farm. which of
f irdabonituire of ant' r for stork. and giS en wafer into
every field. - At the lower end of the im is a large LOG .
'imam. not-It/nice.. a good garden paled, and ft small
Barn. The little Timid.% way Creek lung through tldic
part Of the Earni. Nortli.of.said Creek La it large and
i !lochs rigt i bier Wllf.l-TONli (I :ABBY, whl h !mike*
Roo Lime far azrieultur porpageg. I have tested it;
haling horned and need ellen land plaint 3,0 1 '0 bushels
There in also no nbundatire of Timber Laud. An the
turnpike road pongee through gold farm. East and West,
it riivi des lII° end in Filth a way an to make two forme:
The fermg of Side are:—One-third et the porches('
money to be paid in-land:the balance in t °equal tin)'-
meets of one and two vents with interegt.hom ante. nith
bond." of approsed security. or a upon She land for
the defer' ed payments. upon the last payment a good
41110 a ill be meet , by [ft+ 31 ORO. -
oliamlieratint g REPOSITORY copy 3 weeks and fbrward"
hill to thin office for collect lon.—flopirgh ien Etrald.
tT B L I () TA subscriber
hating been opteint ed by the Orphans' CUL!, t ur
I.lllllin county. et the last .Thntialy t rut of said. curt.
Tru'•tee to sell the Real Est..te of Join% Etter. late of
Green township, deceased. will otter at Public rale, on
.sleturday, the 27th day of Fbitruary steal. on the, premi
ses, the following described Real Estate. vie:—
s. A Tract ''
-f LIMESTONE LAZ.t D. situ-de in Green.
township, Ft auklin eutint:‘ omar Salem Church.; mt?es
from Charnbeisburg,alon,, ,, the Loudon natl. coiftsining.
In ACRES and 9tl PERCHES. more or less. 25 er Jtr
Acres of which are e wered with Chestnut. Oak stud
Hickory, bounded by 1111141 of Wm Etter. Jacob Plough,
Hem , bet sok and others. There is a genii t wo-sito ied
LOG MVP:LUNG on the premises. Rim d DANK BARN
nod all the other nes.essary out-baildings. The said
Tract is in a good stnte of cultleatien. There is a gind
ORCHARD upon the place, and a Vu ell of nerer-falling
2 ATR ACT OP WOOD LAN D. situated in Letterkenny
township. Franklin county. bounded by lands or Km.
Etter. Fred'k Deck and McClellan s bell's, containing 1•'
ACRE 4 and 95 PlowilEs. more or Je:m., This Tniet ie
well TIMMIRED, without improvement'.
Sale to commence at I o'clock on said day, when the
terms will be made knee it hy
is -4611 S U. 'E TER, Tv artre. ,
[l.ancogter Fx4Miner ropy 2t. Fiend bill to this otter ]
—Tbosubsevber offet s- at Private cud e, hie FAltlii
situated about!4 utile froinguiucy.euntaing 161 AlAttd
14,,f which is in 11111 1.1 e; It and thrising Chestnut. ~ Y,
of the Farm la of tt.e.nea t qudlity er L I Ilt.licdON n LAI' 1)
and all tu a high a tate of eultekstion. fLe intiatete
montsare n large BRICK tIOIJtI6, Ns tth portico .and
pot Thee. a new TRICK 'SANE. ItA It N. 8,0 le l•T Burl:. pith
Wagon ~ Shed and Corn Urib attached, denble F/141/.e
"arringe llouse,Brick Nash llow.o.dinolce !foliar, tale
Oven, andail necessary outbuildings. in gem! ret Hit
Thyreia a large Cistern close to the Item, mad for et... k
and one near the kitchen. There is a Well or eseel/ en r
water is the ytrd. 1! here is also a variety et chine
Fruit, each as Peat P. Pi thus. Peaellos Pt Ili; Grupo. in titre
yard. There isalso a good 011k:11AM) ay mniPthriv ing
Fruit on the premises
Persons wishing to view.the land csn do so by calling
on the Rubel - low .or au) information reapeetivtg It eau
he obtained by calliugon 0 eo..Y. Balale). Count y Treas.
miter. 7 ' trnfid s-rf I - .1011 K MI nnOWER,-
IYAYter.fitVILLE.--The undereigt ell Mill
/telt at I"rivatteSitle, the folivwn g deeerikti ItEAL 1%8
TATlC,tottit: •
All under gond frne6Pinfittllable. with a good Brit k lint!!
log. a nevor.fti ling well Of Good ikater neor e . do.' ,
good Baru andthrnshingYloor,a flue Orchard boort g
the best fruit. Glee
id'inlarge Vats. Blarge with Haien and pools
Bark Mill, Roll pr. Pninp and Pulling Stoelf , it II !flex. el•
lent order.ftlie ndecrle - ,ipei?itine by 11 ATE): PO%
Alen tigand IltAticelied. all unsurpassed in - can eeniet , sa
and litlme , Faking;
• The nbortf i proparty will ha shown toanypersonon or,
nitration to Jaeoh Cook of VapqteriCe..a. Jan It.
Cookofetombeisbnrg. Terms will be real
Jufra - 12%r63-r f - ' COON.
pUBLIC SALE.—The . undeision
ed, Administrator of Charlotte Smits:late er the
Sorel:Mb of Chamber,.lbuig„ dectasid. mill expose •to
I'o,lft-dale. on tha prom kep, nn .%alitrrlay 11111 of
-Rbrnary, A. .D.. 18r4. the following desmined RFAI,
IiSTATE. viz: The 110U8 it and LOT OF 01W1:ND. tote
the residence of said deed. sitnate on Main Sheet 14
said Bortnigh.ow• door 8 'nth of the Indian F2nrrb Wier.
being 31 met in front and 21(1 deep. 'The dwelling k
good 1.001, and WEATIIBRITOMID ED 110448, contain
ing. six ROOMPI nod a Bitch. n. besides t
which commend fart , tent. There isalsoa It ell of
never failing Water in the yard. and the oereestu s y ent•
bnildingS. The situation of this ttroperti is ;nth n• to
make it a desirable Investment for busin ego - I:non %viola*"
location. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock. on said A - ar,
n hen the Terms well he made known.
f Jan 20] T.. 1. BILL. Adler.
• By Order or the Court: W. O.:4111%11E1V. Clerk. '
PRIVATE RA LE.—rlio undersigned f uteuda Diu w
tag'rto the Itrvst, Nen; at Panto Sate.:ti LtYr itPIO.IiOVISD
In Loudon. containing about GINE ALIt.L, int A uIC4
ereeted . 4"t Wu - Storied WM i ILERIIUMO , ED Uk .I'.L
LING 11OL3K, a rough cnet Tenant Iluaw
livu.n.,l4futtu lioure, :.onotir .11, , u-r, 3itibta
and all itc.crsattry sAriely
ul FisUIT TUKEZ. u t the pi tßias,..i. ity tx
well adapted Jur ahuout any kind ut urrohautout tmeL
Also-3S ACRES of BOTIOM, LAND, Itidu 7 4' of -lb
mile of 1..,uct00, about 35 of which 111 nea . .ry Tittwried,
the bit•linte is well art 11l grabs.,
Also--35% AultNS of z.LATH LAND, tat unto about
3i' mile Lulu tsritigeport, itch. 0.
Ltoxitor mut Jacob ILturtnan. ,TalllS math* rerttanable.,
`lour further rilticulaza adorers DAVID
ji,u 27 :tut' Lbuaust,
t'OR SA LE.—rh e undersigned a ill-sell at Pr' vete
Saie,hie T ANA BUY, known** the Ct.rner'faanety,wlth
steam and water-power, Saw blilliehoppingklill,etocke
lorbreaking hides, the. l'ho Tannery has B.leerhee.92
vela, 2 limes and water-pool, and is capable of titnniag..„
800heary hides a year. There are two Log 1/welling
Houses, Barn,St able and other necessary ont-huildtlgs
connected with the Tannery. and about 130 Arreacitesed
with good fruit. will sell any quantity of land with
the Tannernfrom 100 to 700 Acres. O. er 600 Acres are
Timber t and au ample supply of Chesnut Oak Bark IC
run the Tannery fur Arty years. It is situated ale.
T miles South-west of Blerceraburg,en Licking Creek
Terms made easy. Possession will be given this fall
necessary. For further particulars address the, under
signecl,at 3fercersburg, Franklin county, Pa.
augl2, C. METCALL
anbacriber' will aeli et Private- Sale the SMALL
FARM on which hone* resides, situate in Antrim town
ship, Franklin Coutity,shont six tulles from Greencas
tle, on the Cashtown - road, adjoining-lands of &Multi
Myeraand othera ' containingahont FORTY ACILFS---all
cleared land, iu good order and under good fence. The),
is a YOUNG ORCHARD of thrifty trees o n the place. tied
a Well ofeicellent water: The improvements et , rislint
of a two-story LOG DWELLUSG HOUSE; a NEW
BANK BARN,torty-two feet long, and well finished,
and &dottier necessary nut buildings. Forecesion will
Le riven on theist of A prili 1814. - Terms will be Blade
known. on aplicatinn to the aubtocriher residing on the
promises: ( p oet 21 - SAMUEL C.IiIIDLit
.113 — ROTIFERS Of Soldiers in the Serf
vice,or in Medial', can itnidsh them with efre
SITORY threemontheitve:aeenteieiz terettbeter
iISO lints, or one yeerfersl.ol4 ; , •