The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, February 10, 1864, Image 7

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    Thabore Tuesday at 6 a in; arrive at Ilapoobany
irx6B.m. •
2132. From; Laceyville, ,hy Spring, Hill, East
Soling Will, %Meat Auburn, and Stevensville, to
r die 21 miles and b ac k tw i ce a week. Leave L . a
- ta•a•Yville Wedrieialay auttl Saturday at 9 a m; arrive
at Pike -by 12 in, L eave Pike IVedrieKlay and Sat
nrilitY fit 3 P ta :nrrive at LaecyrillebY 6-p m, '
2433, F rom T„ wa „ da. by Wydox.StandingStone,
Rummerfield Creek. Lime Hill, Camptown, Stever:La
vile; Pike, Itnshville, Rush. and. ,Fairdale. to
_ letantroie, ltd miles and back, six times a week.—
Leave Towanda daily, except Sunday, at 7 a in ;
Leavy Montrose daily,
,:arrive at Montrose by psi-
'except Sunday, at 7 ain ; arrive at Towanda by 7
• 3) in._
2434. -- From Towanda- by North Towanda, Ulster,
Milain. - aryl Athena, to Waverly, N. Y. 20 mil:-iand
bank six times a week. Leave 'rosvatrials. daily. ex-„
cord Sunday. at 2.15 p In; arrive at Waverly by 7
d a ily, except 'Sunday. at 10 a
m.` Leave Ntiaverly
• arrive at Towanda p M.
2;435. From Towanda, by liiglilxnd. Grow, Mourm-
ICest Burlington, and &tat
rain Lake. Burnam:4 , 2n,
Troy. to Troy, miles and back six tunes a week.
• Leave Towanda daily, eseept Sunday, at 1 p m;
arrive at 'Troy by 6 9 tn. Leave' roy daily, except
Sunday, at 7 a in ; arrive at Towanda by 12 in.
2436.. From Towanda, by North Towanda, East
Smithfield, Sinithfield.Suunnit, Ilently Creek. and.
.Bidgebury. to Velliburg. N. Y., 2.1 mileaand back,
- 'twice a week. 'Alive Towanda. '-‘ienday and Friday
at 8 a itrrivd`at Wellsburg by 3 p In. Leave
• - Wellsburg Tuesday anal Saturday at S, a, m; arrive
, at Towanda by 3 P tu• •
r - 2 , 13t0 From Towanda, by Monrootown,. New Al
, ibany, Laddstiurgu. and bushore, to Laporte. 30'
i tailes rind back, turee tdmcs 3, week. - Leave
lauda Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 12 ut t ar,
drive at Laporte by 8 p In. Leave Laporte` Monday,
tWednesday. and Friday at G at in; arrive at Towa.u
da by 2 p •
' 9 436: From Towanda; by llornbrook and Shea
hequin, to Athena, lb miles and back, three times it
weer.. Leave •Towb.tida, 'Tu e sday,
lairsday and
Saturday at 6 a in : arrive at Athens by 11 a in.--
Leave Athena TaiesdaY, Thursday aud Saturday at
2p m; rißlye at 'Towanda. by 7 p in. •
From „amens, by Tioga Valley, to Liteb
! geld,6,milea.‘ and back, twice a week. Leave Ath
- rout i:thg , day'udd Friday. at 9 a int, arrive at Litah
akad by 11 a rif. ',olive Litchfield Tuesday and
F r iday at 12 in; arrive at Athens by 2p m.
I,t4a. From' Athens, by East Smithfield, North
airaithtlebt, Spriirgtield, and.. Leonard ifollpw, to
• TrOy, 24 miles and back, twice a week, Leave Ath
ens Wednesday anal Saturday at 5 a m ; arrive at
_Troy by 12 in. Laive 'Troy Wedneaday and Satur
day at 1 p ; arrive at Athens by S p
a-141. From . Cautf in, be East Canton, Leßoy.
-West Franklin. Franklin bale and Monroetotvu. to
' Towanda, %•2;4 2 miles and back, three times a week. '
LeavcrCautou Tuesday, - Tnursday and Satitfaia.y at
11 am; anive at Towanda by S p m, Leave Tow
• andaMoraday, Wedamsday and Friday at 1 p in; ar
rive at Cantun by 7.•; : • : '. p
2412. %From Canton,.by Ogdensburg, to Liberty,
IS wiles rind name, once week. Leave Cantoa
Sutdrday at. 8 a in: arrive at Liberty by 12m. Leave
, Saturday at 1 rani : arrive at Canton bYSP-m.
2443. F rum West Franklin to Granville Summit,
P ;Mica - a and back, once, it week. LetiVC4Vest Frank
,liSaturday at 0 a in; arrive at Granville • Sianutit
by_l2 in. Leave Granville Summit Saturday at 1 p
m; arrive at West Franklin by 4 p m.
2144. From Troy, by Sylvania, Sullivan,. Gray's
and Mainesburg, to Mansfield,-IS aides and
;Intek, twice a Week. Leave Tray 'Tuesday and Sat.:
urday at 3 1 ,1 p m; arrive at Mansfield by p rnr
.Leave Man:meld TiMialay and Saturday Total:)m;•arrive at 'Troy by 2 p
2445. From Columbia. Crass Roads, by Austin
rifle, EdaaUcille, cud French's Mills, to See
ly's CreekaN.•2.4 miles and back, once a week.
' -Leave Combia, 'Cross Routs Monday at 12 in; ar
rive at Seely's Creek by 5 ti Leave Seely's Creek
Monday at 6 a in„; arrive at Columbia. Cross Roads
bY 114 ID.
- • 2446. From-Wysox, by Mcyersbur",„ Rome, Or
-wall, and Le Ititysville, to Pike, 23 miles and bacta,
three times a week.. Leave Wyaox Tuesday, Thurs
ay and Saturda,ymt Sa m ; arrive at Pike by 4 p in, •
-Leave Pike M end ay, Wednesday, and Friday at 12
' m.; arrive at 9 ,l' . .ysux by 8 0 in:
- 2147.- Frain itanne, by 'North Rome, to Shashi). •
titan, 14 initekand back. once a. week. Leave Boma
Saturday at 8 a in ; arrive at Shesheauin by 11 a in.
Leave Sheshequin Saturday at 12 ar; arrive at 13.0 me
by 3 p In. I -
211'3 Erllll - 'North. Orwell to 'Rome, 4 miles and
Lack, th-roe alTaea lweek. Leave North Orivell
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 12 m: arrive
at Rome by 1 p m. 'l,eave Rome Tuesday, Thai's-.
day and r.;litanlay at 10 a ea; arrive at .North Cr
well by a a.. .
2449 From, i,y Stevensville,Camptown Mar-,
rya; Wyalusiug. to inshore, 25 miles and back-06(mi,
awbek. Leave Pike Monday and Friday on arrival
• of malt Traria Muntrose—say at 11 am; arrive' at
Dusliore by 7p in. Leave_Bushoro Tuesday and
. %Saturday at 6a. in; arrive at Pike by '2 p in. Pro
pel:lls to commence at Wysinsing are invited.
• .24,61 From be Raysville, 4* South 'Warren, West
Warren, and lllnalhaua, to Nichols, N. 1..16 _tulles
- and back twice a week.. Leave be Itaysville Mon--
day'n.llll Friday at lo a in; arrive at Niehols by 2 p
•-an. Leave Nichols Tuesiiay.and Saturday at it am ;
-arrive at Le Raysvilto by 1 p in.
,2•451., _Frain Cametown, by Herrick, ILuTicksville,
• gruith Hill, * Orwell. Potterville. North Orweli, and
West • Windham, to Nichols, N; 1., 311 miles and
-back, three times a week, Leave. Cauip4owu
day. Wednesday and Friday at 1 p arrive. at,
-N iehulsMext days by 12 in. Leave :Claim's Tuea
-day. Thursday, anal Saturday at .1 j. m ; arrive at
*t.taumptown next days by 12 in.
24:5/ From I/err:town ' by New' Era, to lavlds
burg, 12 miles. nail buck: once a week.
'rYtowat Saturday at S am; arrive at...Liddsburg by .
12 in. -Leave lauldsburg Saturday at 3 p m ; Ta'r's e
-at Terry town by 7p m. , -
• 245$ ' Front (/reint „Creek to Cheinutm, 'N.Y., 5
• miles and back, twice a sack. Leave , Oreutt Creek.
Tuesday and' Saturday at m a in; arrive at Ciatauung
by 10.ia a in. Leave Cheinung Tuesday und, hater
day at 11 it in : arrive rat Oreutt Creek by p um.
2454 From Shank, by Eldredville, Campifetiville,
Caney and Elwell, to Sugar-!tun, 4u miles and back
- once a week; Leave Shank Monday at 7a m ar
rivemtSugar -Run next day by S p m. 'Leave Sugar
Ran roduesdaY ait 7 a ; arrive at Shank next
day by
2453. Front -Eagieunere, Forksrille, Dared
; -villa and Shank, to Citatem . 33 miles andback, mica
a week. Leave alglesmere Friday at I.lf, p ; ar
rive at Shank b a p in. Leave Shank Friday at .5
.a al; arrive at Eitizleani , ere by 12 in. Leave Shank
i , attuday at 6 a au ; airavo at Canton by 11 a
heave Canton Saturday at 1 p irr; arrive at Shank
lay 6p
• 245 k From Bloasburg, by - Covington. .:11ansfied.
Tioga. M . A.:hail's Creek, Lawrenceville, Lindley
town, N. 1., and Erwin Centre, to Corning, 40 miles
and back, six times a railroad, aud by a
schedule satisfactory- to the impartment.
..2457 From Mansfield. by haat Charleston. and
Charleston. to IVellsboro',..ll miles and-back, three
- times a week. Leave Mansfield Tarsals', Thumiay
and Saturday at 2pto ; • arrive at Wellsbero' by 6
Tr_ in. Leave Wettsbaro' Tuesday. Thursday and
Taturdav at S a ra ; arrive at Mausfiebl by.l2.
- ' 2456 Pro IVellahoro`. by Vanes'. Middle
bury Centre, and Croaked Creek, to Tioga. 19 miles
end baek, six times it week. • Leave WellsbUro' dai
-Iy, except Sunday, at' 2 p ; arrive al Tioit, by 5 p
• an. Leave Tio:ra daily, except Sunday. after the
of tae 'Coming mail—say at 9 a in ;-arrive
,ut NWellsboro' by 12 au. -----•
• -'2159 From Wellshoro', by Pine Run. Giiines,
pike Mills, West Pike, Broukland, and Sweden, to
teowilerswirt, 4-o miles and back, twice a week.
Leavit Well:mmo” Tuesday and Friday at 2 p
arrive at Cowdersport next days by I; p Leave
ijowderspart Moaday, and Thursday at 6 a al; ar
rive at al' ells'xiro• uext (Lies byal. p in.
2460 From Wellsboro', by Cherry Flats, Covina's.-
- ton. Sullivan. and Sylvania, to Troy, aa miles and,
back, three times a week. Leave WelLsboro' Mon;
day, Wednesday and Friday at 8 rim: arrive at
Troy lay 7 p in. • Leave Troy Monday. IVeducalay
and Friday, at a ; arrive at Wellsburo' 15y 71i um.
2461 From Tioga, by Bailey Creek, Rut and,
and Anatiii villa. to Columbia Cro , s-Roads, 20 miles
and back, three times a week. Leave Tioga Tues
- day, Thar-ably and Satuidny at 10 a in; arrive at
Columbia Cross: Roads by 311 m. L.tave Columbia
I..hass Rails 'Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 4
pm; arrive at Tioga by p In.
2462 From Tioga. by Maple Ridge and llam
a:town Croak, to Seely's Creek, N. 1,. 13 miles and
back. mice a week. Leave 'Theta _Monday at 1 p lei:
arrive :at Seely's Creek by 6 p 111. Leave Seely's
Creek Monday at 6 a iq ; arrive at Tiogit by 12bn.
2463 From Rutland, by Elk Run, to Mainesburg,
miles anal baek, once a week.V.Leave Rutland.
Saturday. nt 10 a in ; arrive at illainesbuig by 12 in.
. Leave ,ilaineaburg Saturday at 1p m; -arrive at
by 3p_ ra.
2461. ,From Elkland, by Nelson, Farmington Hill.
'Farmington Centre, and 'Keeney-villa, to Middle
bury Centre, 2/1 milesand back, three times a week.
Leave Elkland Moaday Wednesday and Friday atl
• In • arrive at:lliddlebary Centre by 11 a 111 . Leave
Middlebury Centre Monday, Wednesday and, Fri
daY, at 12 m ; arrive at Elkland. by pm
-246a From Knoxville:by Little Marsh, Chatham
'alley, and Keneyville, to Middlebury Centro, 13
miles .and hack, once a 'week. Leave Knoxville
l'at'arday at Sam; arrive at Middlebury Centre,
.sataidaY at 11. a in: Leave Middlebury - Centre
- Saturday at 12 m ; arrive at Knoxville by 3 p mElk
.'2466 From Westfield. by Knoxville, Oceola,
land,and Nelson, to Lawrenceville, 24 miles and
back, six timars, week to Elkland. and three times
• week . ..residue. Leave Westfield daily, except
1 , 1 11 41).Y.,. at- 6 a in ; arrive at Elkland by 19 a In.
Leave Elkland daily, except Sunday. al 12 rn; ar
rive, at- Westfie.d by 4 p in. Leave Elkland Tnea
` daY,Thiirsilayand Saturday at 1p m; arrive at Law
renceyille hy 4 p in; Leave Lawrenceville Tuesday
Thur ' s ' day
and Saturday at Sam: arrive at Elkland
~.2- 1 67; - From (Taints; by Marshfield and Germania,
to Carter Camp, 16 nines and hack, twice it week.
Leave 'Gaines Wednesday and Saturday, at 7 ain ;-
camp by 12 in: Leave Carter
Wai1,'...,-WhalipasdaY. and Saturday - atl p m ; arrive
aKfjaine by,..6p_ • .
a - ' 2468 - -FroinAllysacts, * by.: Turner Creek and Bihg
liatit,4:afSpring Mills, N. Y.,8 milesand hack; Once
a week,. 'l, Ulysses Tesday htlO-a nr;•'arrive
at Spring Mills bY 12 in. Leave Spring Mills Tues
. lay at 1 arrive at Ulysses by 3 p
. -
'240- From Brookland. - by Ulysses Criter and
(11.Yars. to (4euesee Forks. 12miles and bids, three
times a week.. Leave Brookland Tuniday, Mars
day and Satiiiday at 8a in a.rrive . at Genesee Forks
a i 2 in. •L'eavb Genesee Forks Tuesday,TharsdaY
and Saturday at 2 p m; arrive at Brookland by 6
p m.
2470 F
Millq, b '
z 470 rom -Pike 'l‘..-..', IW SUTlcterliMiill Mix
t' we. and Sabimville, to Westfield, 9 q l 4lmiles and
neck, once a week% Leavo Pike Mills ( Aturday at
6a m i arrive at Westfield by 12 in. Leave lli est
ti eld Saturday at 1 p m ; arrive at Pike Mills by 713
24.71. Front - Cowdersport. by Eidialia,i Roulette,
Danville, and Port Allegheny, to Suuthport.. 2$
miles and back, -twice tt,u...cek. Leave Unwdersport'
Monday and Friday an a m ; arrive atlSmithport
by 3 p to. Leave Smithnort Tuesday al Saturday
at 6 a m : arrive at Cowdersport by 3 p
2472 - Flom Cowdersport, by Colesbury; • Ellisburr,
-Genesee Fork, and Eleven Arne, to Wellsville, N.
Y., 30 miles and back. six times a week, three of
the weeklyt trips to be run by East Hebron and Os
ware. Leave Cowdersport daily, except Sunday,
at 8 a m ; arrive at Wellsville ny 6 p ;m. Leave
'Wellsville daily. except' Sunday, at 10 a in, or on
arrival of New York mail ; arrive at' Cowdersport
by 8 p M. I .
2473 From Cowdersport. by Hebron, Clara, Milr-
t Sharon Centre. and Shingle Ilem , ie to Ceres,
~ 1., 26 ,miles and back, twice a week: Leave
Cowdersport Wednesday and Saturday at lain:
arrive at Ceres by 3p m. Leave Ceres Tuesday and
Friday at 10 a m ; arrive at Cowdersport by 6 p In.
2474 From Cowdersport, by East HOlLier, AV'T'S
Hill. Homer, North Wharton; - Wharton; and First
Fork, to Sinnamahoning, 36 miles and back, once a
week. Leave Cowdersport IWondav at - 17 a m; ar
rive 'at Sinnamahoning by 7p M. Leave Sinnama
honing Tuesday at 7 a m; arrive at Cowdersport - by
7 P tn.-
2475 From Cowdersport. by Colesbmi, and Ray
viand's to Ulysses, 18 Miles and back. once a week.
Leave _Cowdersport Saturday- at 7 at 7; adive at
Ulyes by 12 m. Leave Ulysses Se turd L yat 1 pm;
arrive at Cowdersport by 6 p tn. Proralals to com
mitment Colesbury, 7 miles less distance are • invi
ted. - .
2476 From Cowdersport, by Carter 'amp, Ket
tle Creel: and Haneyville, to Jersey Store, -",, ;miles
and back, twice a week to Kettle Creek, and once a.
week the residue. Leave Cowdersport slondny and
Thursday at fil4 am ; arrive at Kettle ,reek by 7 p
in. Leave Kettle Creek Tuesday and Friday at 6.%
ain ; arrive at Cowdersport by 7 p in. Leave Jer
sey Shore Thursday at 6 am • .arsine at Kettle
Creek by 7p m. Lsave Kettle 'Cleelt .1 Wednesday
at S a m : arrive at :Jersey Shore by 7 p ut.
2477 From But tville, by Williston. Armin Creek,
and Glenn. to Ceres, K. Y., 28 miles and back, once
a week. Leave Burtville Saturday at SM, in: arrive
at Ceres by 12 m. 'Leave Ceres Saturday at 1p m ;
arrive at Burtville by 8 p.m.
2478 From Sug,ar Valley. by Rosecrap i s. to Salo-,
nit, 10 miles and back, twice a week. supplying; Car
roll once a week front Sugar Valley. - heave Sugar
Valley Tuesday and Thursday at 7 a n : arrive at
Selena by 10 a m. Leave Sabena "ttesditv and
Thursday at 12-m; arrive at Sugar Val ey by 3 p in.
2479 From Lock Haven, - by • Fleniingtom Mill
Hall, Cedar Springs, Salons, Lamar, Nitt any, 11 nb
lersburg, and 'Lion to Bellefonte. 27 miles and hack,
six times a week. Leave Lock Haven daily, except
Sunda:Y, ate a m; arrive at Belk fonte,by 1134 a m.
Leave Bellefonte daily, except Sandey, at 4 p In ;
arrive at Lock Haven by. lop m.
2480 Frain Lock Haven, to Island)-3 miles and
ha-k; six times a week. Leave Lock even daily
except Sunday, at 10 a m ; arrive at Wand by 11 a
m. Leave Island daily, except Sun ay, at 1134 a
m •, arrive at Lock Haven by 144 p m.l •
2461 Front 'Westport. by Leidy,,Hatitmersley's
Fork, and Cross Fork, to Kettle Creek 30 miles and
back. twice a week. I Leave WestpertTuesday and m
Friday at 6 1 4 am ; arrive at Kettle C mk by 7 p .
r i x.
Leave Kettle Creek Wednesday and Saturday at 63 , ;',.
am; arrive at Westport by 7 p in. 1
1462 From Williamsport, by Corn Station,
Trout Ran, Bodine. Ralston, Roe ing Branch,
Canton, Aloe, Granville. Summit, T .OY, Columbia
Cross Roads ; and Sonth Creek„to Elmra: N. 1., 77
miles -and hack, twice daily, except'Sunday, by
railroad, and by a schedule satisfaetory to the Be
, qartment.
2463 From Willarasport. by Newblerry. Linden,
Antes Fort. Jersey Shore NippenoseiMeElhattan.
Chatham Run, tack }Leen, _Farm id , ville, He
. franceville, Hiner's Run. Vollnp,womaustown, Iten
ow), Finnatnahoning, Second Fork.l Pine Street,
'Sterling Run to Cameron. to Shipper; Waffles and
'back. daily. except Sunday. by railOad, and by a
schedule ~ : atisfactory to the Depertmont.
i; 2481. From Williamsport, by Werreasville. Loyal-,
seek, Barboor's Mills, Hill's Grove, 'Millview, and
Forksville. to Btrbore, 50 miles and back, nice s
week. Leave Williamsport Tuesdaynt 10 em ; Ar
rive at Dushore next day by 6 o in, -`cave Dushore
Monday at 6p. tn: Arrive at Williamsport next day
by 9a. M. Proposalsfor more frequent service. not
exceeding three times axed:, are invited.
247). Train Williainfllart, to Mo nuresville, 4
miles and, back, six times a week. .Bi ders will pro,
pose a schedule of departures and a rival ,- to eon
qteet with railroad, and be satisfetory o 3m,,tina , :ter;
ict terminal (Aces. _ _ _ _
._ . . ..
°156. From Cowan Station, by Co an Howe, to
'White Pine, 15 miles and baek, once al week. Leave
Cogan Station Saturday at 7 a a±; A rive at Nl'hite
'Pine..bell a in. Leave White Pine 8 turday at P., 1, ::
'a in ; Arrive at - Cogan Station by 4 P .1.• '
2457. From Trout Rub, by Liberty to Illossbarg,
,25 miles 41.11dbank,:three times a week. _
~.._._ ....„. .. ..__... s
Lea Trohilturi Tuesday, Thursday and Satur
day at 8 a in ;`..Arrive 'at Blossburg bi- 6 p ru ; Leave
Blossburg Monday. Wednesday andlFriday on ar
rival of gars from Cornifn,----say at 11'pS h m : Arrive
at Trout Run by 6 p m.,
2488.- From Jersey Shore, by Largy's Creek, Sal-
Intivsburg. and White Pine, to Erg ish Centre, `2
miles and back, twine a week. Lvave Jersey Shore
Tuesday and Friday at 6 a PI : Air ve at English
Centre by 12 In. Leave English Cerltre WMI esda y
and Saturday at 6 a ta ; Arrive at .lirsey Short by 1
p in. ,
2489. From Jersey Shore. by Pheb s' Mills, Tomb ,
Run, Waterville, Jersey Mills Cedar Run, an,l'Mor
ris, to Welbhorough, 54 miles and back, twice 11.
week. Leave Jersey Shore Monday and Thursday
at 6 a in; Arrive at Wellsbarough the next days by
19m. Lea% e Wellsboroug,h Tin:silly-and Fridit,.,
at 2 p Ai; Arrive at Jersey Shore linext days by 7
.p m: FF
24f0. From Nippenose, by RatteltsGap and Col
ima% ille, to Eastross; 10 miles an , back. LW ic e a
e' N W
week. Leave ippenose ednesdiy - and Satur,la.:
at 7 a in; A.-rive at Ilastross by IV ii,tiL Leave 11.1,
tross Wednesday and Saturday at 1 a m; al rive at
Nippetiose, by 2 p m. .
LOL From Muncy, by Hughesville, Picture
Rocks, Tivoli. and Eastlesmere, to aporte. 27 miles
and hack, six times a. week to ulthesville, and
three times a week residue.' Leas i Muncy daily,
except Sunday, on arrival of South •rn mail—say at'
7p m; - arrive at Hughesville- by 8 p in. Leave
Ilughesvilie daily,. except Sunday .: tll a in; arrive
at Itfuney by 12 m. Leave flughts% the Tuesday.
Thursday and Saturday at 8 a m ; arrive at Laporte
by 1p m. Lease Laporte Monday, Wednesday. and
}tidily at 6 a ni • arrive at Ihiebestille by 11 a m.
2492. From dummy. by Wolf Rep', Hunters% ille,.
Hill's Grove, Eldred% ilk, Co tripbel sviile, and Over
ton, to New Albany, 48 miles and lc ik.outte a week.
Leave Muncy, Tuesday at 5-a in ; a rho at New Al
'ba ny by, 7 n tn. Leave New Album - , Monday at 6 a
'm : arrive at Muncy by 7 p in. . ,
'31:5: From-Tivoli, by Mutiny B, ttom and Stifles
town, to LaPorte, 15 miles-and baer, once a seek.
Leave Tivoli Wedues lay at 12 in ; 1, rrive at Laporry.
by 4 pin. Leave Laporte Tuesdaylut 7a ms arrii v
at Tivoli by 11 a in,_ _ •
2494. From English Centre, by
vuo, to Liberty, 17 miles and back
, eave English Centre Saturday at
Liberty by 11 a m. Leave Liberty :,,
arrive at English Centre by iitp in,
' 2495. From Lewisburg, by'liliftliiburg.llarth•ton.
Woodward, Aaronsburg, Milliaegm, Penn Nall,
Springy Mills, Centre Hall, Linden i Hill, BOaldotr.;.
Pine Grove Mills. Rock Spring, (1 ny,ville. Frank
lincille, and Colerain _if‹.rge to 'mute Creek. :0
miles and back, six times a week t ;Mill:inbuilt. and
three tunes a week the
_residue. ',eave Lew i, , ,Lig
daily, except Sunday. at 7p m : rri‘ e at Mit:lin--
burg 'by 914,m. Leave Mifflinbtirg daily. exeent
Sunday, at i am ; arrive at Lewisburg by 9 a TII.-'-
Leave Mitflinburg, Monday, Wednesday and Fridv y
at 9a m ; arrive at Spruce Creek ext day by 4 1 , .. in.
Leave Spruce Creek, Monday. W dnesday and Fri...
day, at.B a, m ; arrive at Marlin urg next day by 3
p m.
2.196. From Lewisburg, by \Via :old, New BE•rlim
Penn's Creek. Middleburg, Beavertown, Beaver
Springs. Middle Creek, Cress G ra c o Hell. end Dtet _
ture. to Lewistown, 58 miles and back, six times a
week to New Berlin, and ithree inter a week the
residue. Leave Lewisburg daily. except Sunday, at
6 1 4 pln ; arrive ht New Berlin by t' pm. Leave
Niles Berlin daily, except *. Sundt aiTi ain ; arrive
at Lewisburg by 11 a m.- Leave' New Berlin Tues
day, Thursday and Saturday rt 7 ain t arrive at
Lewistown by 6 p in. Leave Lewistown Monday,
Wednesday and Friday at 7% a en; arriv6 at New
Berlin by 6 p m.
2497. From Lewisburg by Bu to Cross Roads, to
Forest. Hill, 8 allies and back, titre() times it week.
Leave Lewisburg, Monday, ednesday and Friday,
after arrival of the Philadelphialmail—sasat 7 it in:
arrive at Forest Hill by 9 p in. Leave Forest Hill
Monday, Wednesday and Friday; at 2 p in : arrive at
Lewisburg by 4 p in. ' - , f
2498. From Penn's Creek. by Troxely,ille, to Mid
dle Creek, 16 miles and baek,-onee a week. Leave
Penn's Creek Saturday after arrival of the Lewis
burg mail—say at 8 a al: arrive at Middle Creek by
1-p m. Leave Middle Creek Satrrday at 2p m ; ar
rive itt Penn's Creek bY 7 p m. -
2499. From Selin's Grove by Kratzerville. New
Berlin, and White Springs, to lififflinbnft, 20 miles
, and hack, twice a week. LeavelSelin'sGrove Tues.
- day. and Saturday nt 7 a m; nrrh-e at Miffiinburg by
`ll am. - Leave Mifflinburg Tuesday and Saturday
Eit 1 p trt ,_. arrivent Selin's Grove by 5 p ni. '
2500: , From Selin's Grove, by Kreamer, to Middle
burg, 10 miles and back, six tithes a week: Leave
•Selin's Grove tinily, efteept Sunday, at 5p m; arrive
,at • MiddlebUrg by- 8 P m.. !Leave Middleburg
daily, exeept Sunday, at 6 mint arrive at Selin's
'Grove by 9 am. .
' • 2.501. From Port Trevertnn, by Hernihm and
>Treverton, to Slitimokin„23"miles and' back ; six
times a weak. Leave Port Trverton daily, except
Sunday, at 1 p in; arrive at Sh mokin by 7% p PL—:
_4l.)e - 'Stank:tin"'
Leave Shamokin daily, except Sunday, at G a m;
arrive et Port Treverton 1 )279:4 am,
2562. ' From Port Treverton, by Sein's- Grove. to
Shamokin l'bun, 12 miles nod back, six times a week.
'Leal. eltort Irev - ertou daily except, eitmday, at 4 P
In ; arrive at Shamokin DaMby 7 p M. Leave Sha
nwkin r i. ) . 9 m daily, except Sunday, at 6 a m : arrive
at Port Treverton by 9 it In. Nott--The excepted
bidder Iwill be allowed to iortsplv Selin's Grove anti
Shamokin Dam from the
_Northern' Central 'Rail-
Way, if ;lesiretl, and ildt would he more satisfactory
to the ommunity'interested.
2541' From Bellfonte. by Fillmore. Buffalo Run.'
Half Moon, Centre _Line, and Warrior'- Mark to
TyroMe, 32 miles at back, - three times, a wark,-
Leavc! Bellefonte r inlay, Mr eilnesdav and Friday
at 9 a na : arrive at tone by 5p m. Leave Tyrone
Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday at 11 a In : active
at Bellefonte by 4 p m. • . -
' 2564. -From BeX onte by Milesburg, Fleming,
Julian Fitruace, - _ alba Furnace, Port Matilda,
Hannah, and tiliVia;"tu Tyrone , 32 milgs and back.
six time a week. • Leave Bellefonte daily, except
Sunday, al g a ?n: arrive at 'TyraIILL,,. by 4 p rff.-
I . l eitte Tyrone daily, except - Sunday; At 10 a in; ar
riva'at Belli:font-a , by 6 p in.
2505: From Ballefonte by :llitashiltrg. SI/OW Shoe.
Mashannon and Pine- Glen, to Karthous-.29 mires
and hack,three times a week. Leaveßallefonte
Monday, ednasday and Friday at 8 am ; -arrive at
R.:nth ius by 5 p in. Leave Karthous Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday at tia nt ; arrive at- Belle
fonte. by 5 p m. . , .
'251)6. Fenn Bellefonte,. by Waict.r, Mountain
E a gle, Howard and Meech Creek, to Lock Haven.
27 Mita: , and 13:Wk, three times a week. Leave Belle
fonte Monday. 'Wednesday and Friday atS a in : ar
rive at Lock Haven by 4 It m. Leave Lock Haven
Tuesday, Tinmsday Paul Saturday at 6 a in : arrive
at Bellefonte. by 2p tn.- Prolniaals fur six - timsure
week sot Vice
a invited. -
507. From Bellefonte by Houser-villa nod Agri
cultural Collage. to Pine Grove Mills, 15 miles and
back, three times a week. heave Be:left:ate Mon
day, Wednesday and Friday at 4 a in; arri• e at
Pine Grove Mills by 8 a nt. Leara Pine thou e Mills
Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday at 2 p m ; . arrive
at Bellefonte by ti p
m. '
2505. From Millheimb!ltaborsburg. Tylernrille,
Logan Mills and Sugar 'Valley, to Sal; na, 27 miles
and back. ;ince a week. Leave Milibeim 1 I iday at
X a n't : art ire at. Samna by 5 un. Lcare 'Salon
Saturday at P It m' arrive at M p illheiarby 6 p tit.
25R4. ! From Milfhehn by Centre Mills. Madison
burg, and llebersburg. to Wolf's S fare, L.:miles and
back, three times ;.week. Leave Millaaim Tuesday,
Thamiar and Sate:day at 3p in: a r: ir e at Wolr
sore by 6 p tn. Lea,.' tV cdf's Store Tuesday. Mors-
• dav and Saturday at 11 a nt ; arch eat Millheon by
2 p in.
2510.. From Phillipsburg by Morrisdule. to Tyler
' town, t miles and hack, threa time a week. L ea ve
Philipsburg Tuesday, 'l'lito sally and Saturday, op
arrhall of the Eastern mail-say at 4 p ill : arrive
. at KYlertown by Os% p-m. Lucre liyiertown Tues
day. Thursday and Saturday at- Grip tu : arrived;
Phillipsburg by 1) .
p m. a
, 1 2.511„ From Reedsville by Khentermailis Bella-. 1
! vibe. Manna, Allenseilla and Afirydale, to Milli
Creek, 25 miles awl hark, tin to, -times a'cri'd:. Lear e 1
Raocisrille Monday, Wednesday and Friday at' . I. 1
, tn : ariiro .tt Milt Creek neat 'lays by 12 in. ' Lr m v ~ I i
Mill Creek TnesdaY.lThmsday and Saturday at 23... !
p in ; Arrive at BeedAyille next ilas by 11 a ltn. '
' - 2312. From Itearlsville, to Lock's Mills,•.: m il es
and baelt,threa times a week. Leas ‘• Reedsrille
Monday. Thars.lay and Saturday-at 11a in • 'flrriye
` at lawk'a Mills be 1 p . tn. Lenre Lock's.llills Mon
` day. Thursday and saturday at 8 a in ; :aril c at
Reedsrilla by 10 a rn.
'2513. From Lewistown by B awls-rile. Milroy,
Potter's Mills, Centre-Bill. Centro * Hall and Plaits
' ant Gap, to Bellefont.u. 291/imilesand back. six Wiles
it week. Leave Lewistown daily, except Sunday:
after the arrival of the Harrisburg mailsay at 714f,'
! a m : arrive at Bellefonte by 4 p pi. . Leave 13elle,
: Pinta daily, except Sunday, at 7a au ; arrive at
! Lewistownrby 2 1 ,4 p m, •
I ~ 2514. From Miftlintown. by Oakland Mills, MeAl
i listersville, Coeolmans. Richfield, Mt. Pleasant
Mills, Freeburg and Kant z. teSeliu 'sGrove. 34 miles
and back, three times a week. Leave Mifilintown
I Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7 a tn: arrive
; at Selin's Grove by 8 p an. Leave Seltifs Grove
I Monday, Wednesday and Friday at a in: arrive
at Mifflintown' be 8
. p m.
: 2515. lima uMiffitntown, by Patterson and Wal
-1 nut; to Academia 9 miles Imo back, six times a
! week. Leave Millintown daily. except Sunday, at
3 pan :• arrive :it Academia by 6 p in.. Leave Am
-1 demist doily. excant Sunday, at 714 a m ; arrive la
Alittlintown by 10,34 a tn.
1 25151. From Waterloo, by Nossville, to Shade Gan.
• 13 unites and hack, once all - et& • lietirn 1i itterloo
Saturday at 8 a m 1 ;mire nt Sluula (-lap by 12 m.-
Leave Shade Gap Saturday at 1 pm ; arrive at
Waterloo by 5 n m.
25174 Fr an Neiv Bloomfield, by Denville, Grier's
1 Point and Keystone. S. Fenwiek.:l utiles and back,
• mice a week. Leave New Bleaudield„,Thmsdav al„,
!' 114, p nu . airive at Fertwiek by 7 p nn Leave Feu-.
wiak Thursday at 7am: a rriva at New Bloomfield
1,1•21:', p In. .
!2:518. From Duneahnom by Benvenum New Bat
falo. Montgomery's Fel re. Liver:tool, Moboniongo,
I ;Malice'. Ralf Falls. and Chapman to Port T.suver
. :.
tml, 20 utile, arid bark, sus t a mes a , week. Leave
' Deneannon daily. excomt Sunday, nt 2 p in : arrive
; at Port Treverton by,ll p in, Leave Port Tr. vat.-
•' top daily. except Sunday. at 2 a in :!•arrivo at D(n
eannon by 11 II in. -Nete.-The ais . qp tett bidder will
he allowed the prh'ilt . if sunph rng the pal. i' la
, rWeen Duneannon Tied Part Trevellton ht - we• , ea-
I ger san ha: fran the' Northern 4ltlttm; I::,il;i_e. i;
• desired, and if weohl be more' satisilietary to tin
' community intoned ed. -
511. from. - Newport, by Jnniati. Ma ride.erna.
and Roseburg re lekasherg,ls ra;:e- dad h...k, three
times a amid: - .
Leave Ney, p e e; Mond ty, -W.-..ines
dav and Frid:ty at •%,, p M: arrive at lel- eshore 1, )
.'4"... s it in. LC:IN e It ' k, , ,:bnrg. - .NI mile', Wozinv ,, L .
:Int) Friddy at 6 a nu ; ar:iva at 'b mu port by 12 in..:
'2.5'20. Fr ,,, n N evrpe't la Now Bloontheirt, EllieThi- '
burg and Green Park, to Randisiumg, I)) :nib s awl
back, six times at week. Leave Newadrt <laity. ex-
erupt Sunday. on arrival of mail front Bdltirnort:-
-a y at 2'p m; arrive at Landisburg by 7 p ni. Leave
Landisburg. daily, except Sunday, at 7 a ta; arrive
at Newport by 12 111. '
2521. ' From Ilandislairg. hr And- svilim'Centra.
Andarsonbarg and Blain. to NVW Gerrlnllltoint. Vii
Inikl , and back, six times a week. Lae va laytali•s-
I IX:mg daily, 'except Sainlity. alter arrival of wail frain
I Newport-say at 7 p In; art i ye'at New GerthentoWn
; by 11 p in. brave New Germantow.n ditil, exeept
Sunday, atnam; arrive at Landi-ulairg by I a in, or
I in time to witinect with the mainiir Newport. ' _
2522. - From New Germantown to Caneord. 10 mile's
and back. three time- a week. Lebre New Germ
manto ten Tuesday. Thursday and Satiuday at 6 a
-1 M: cirri,. 4' at Conterd by 19 a ni. Lim: e Concord
1 Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday at 2 p in,; arrirti
; at New Germantown by 6 p in.
2i:3. Frain Andasville to Scantly Bill, 5 mike an;
' ; 'mak.slit tunas a week. Leave .1 wir-arilla Taaedv.
•1-1--and Fray at 7 1 /. p in ; preive at Sandy Hill by 9 p
-in. Leave ;Snare' Hill Tuesday and Friday .tf 5 p
: ; m : err;.-•• at A ndesvill e by O.; p In.
' I • 252 4 , Troia Milfen , town by Donnally's Milk to
! Teicasourg. 14 miles and imek,„twiee a
a week. Leve
~1 Millerstewa'Taa:May and Saturday at 3 p In : arrive
. r at lefW V; lttre ltv'7 p m. Leave fekesburg Tues , lay
• and Saturday at 714:, a m ; arrive-at Millerstowu at
• j 11!.4 a in. -
• , - '5. 1 Fron Meebaniesharg. by Shenherdstown,
• Pill-burr. Claar Selina, York Sulphur Spring: , anti
• lieidtel-sla•re. to Gat ty.linry, al miles and bark, tin ee !
' times a wart,. ' Leave Meeluin:esburg, Tuesday,
. Th w e„,i r4 - wa t, s.,trudry'at II a M: arriva at Gettys
lain- b Nrii.p-in. Levy' Gettysburg Monday. Wed
, Imola v a•.. 1 F:i.lau. at 5 a al ; arrive at Mechanics-
I are ,-;,. ' p In, ,
:n:l'. r.• , :ss 7 , 1. , 4•'‘:?1,1,401r-r. by Sidon:4mm Lis
, berm Leo i5b..,. , ;. I: ray ilk, Wl'll , V il ll', Borer and
. Momill•••.. to Ye: tr. a - ii iff , :MI Wok, .inee a week.
• Le a % o : ii,,nieslowg'Tatesdav nt 6 a ut : arrive at
! Volk t• r . w. Leaye York Wednesday at 6 a m:
at •ite:t '.1.• humieiwre ti) 6p iii. ,
' '2527. : r.,ei Carlisle. hY,,Allem to polling Springs.
! 15 Init"N .I!Iti I , a , k. ill:if ,4 , II 1% eek. r.enVe Carli-le
'I titsalos* . 11/4- I' C{4.l , at :.., I/ 111 : etch e at toiling
- sp r iegAiiy 6 p um Leara Boiline Suring Tae•day
' awl I:l'.d.Y, a' t: urn ; arri.'a sir Carlida by 12 ta.
- 2:•"..x.• Fr•ou cdflisk. ire White Holism Diekinson.
' Walual Bottom sitel Lee's rms.:Bowls, to Shippens
; I, nr-T.!:1 1 toile- and haelt. thre times a week. (~% . -i - ..
Callide Monday. I,Vadlte'daY and Friday at 1 p in ;
nTriVe :It S'lippenSnlira P:e.'t P M. LII:IVI . StIiPPCIIS
- ithrg TuesdnY. Thursday and Saturday at-1 p m; ar
rive at Ca rirle by 7 p to. •
2.5•-Nt, -Mai Carlisle, by Carli• le Suring.. Stemr:.
Gam Sharman's Dab , and Warm Springs, to Lam
disburg, 19 miles and bark. six - time. a week.' UMW
Carlisle dailn except Sunday, at 3 put ; artier al
Landisburg hut . 8 p ni. Leave Landishurg, daily
exeePt Sunda; at So m; arrive at Carlisle by 1 p m
2539. From 'Kerrsville to Mount 'Back, 2 mile
andliaelf. once ft week. Leave Kama lie, Wad
ne:411" , - 0. 4.15 Is m: arrive nt Mount Rock by 4.4 .
•p'sm. Jf,eare Mount Rork Wednesday at 5 p m ; ar
,rivent Kerrsville by 5.30 p.m.
; ..3 . 1.. FroweNewville, by Big Spring, to Stough.
town, 4 - n dies and back, twice trweek. Leave New
ville , ,Monday and Thursday nt 4 p m': arrive a
-Stoughstown by 6 p m. Leave Stonghatown Mon
day and Thursday at 1 p m. arrive at Newville bf
2 p m. .
! 2532. From 'Shipliensbnrg, by Orrsto, Pleasant
!Han a nd Upper Stra.sburg. to Roxbury, milez anti
back, twice .a week. 'Leave Shippensbn Wedne.-
. day. and Satnrdax at 9 a m ; arrive at - xlmry b
l'p M. Leave - R6XburY Wednesday and Satan':
at 2 p m: arrive at Shippemburg by 6 p in. !
2533. From Shippeneburg .
. by firldle Spring, t!C ,
Ni eburg. 7 miles and back. stx times a. week,. Leavie
Shippensburg daily, except Sunday, at 414 p 14:
arrive at Newburg by 534 P M. Leave Newburg
daily, except SundaY, at 1234 .1.• m; arrive at ShiP
pensburgby 2 1 /.p m.
2534, From Fdteesaby YociumtowW to Newber l -
rytruwn. 7 miles arid back, twice a week. Len ye Fp,-
tevs Wednesday and Saturday at 5 n m; hrrive at
Ncwberrytown by 6% . n no. Leave Newberrytown
Wednesday and Saturday at 23n p m; arrive at Et
ter's by 4 1 rf.. P In. . . A
2.535. From York, by - Hallam and Wrightsvite.
to Columbia, l 3 miles and batk, daily, by riiiroall,
in duo connection with the mail train on the Nhdr
them Central Railroad. - - -
2,5 X. From York. by Dever, Rassvilli•, Wellsvii,
andDillsburg, terMeehanieshitritAkifileS and bac .•
once a week. Leave York Saturday at 5 a m : dr
rive at Mechanicsburg by 6 p in. Leave Meeh*-
rexas anti :\ q
tonce a week.—
t; a ; ntri•,.• tt
,t,t tin lay at I I , to;
iasbu g Frith* . at York by 6 p'in. a,week. Leave Ho melt daily„except Sunday, on
2.53. Fret a Ye] rn, Apple ("rove, arrival of the mail front Huntingdon—say at 11 am;
and ( ass Roads, t ttre, 22 miles and : arrive at Bedford by 3 p tu. Leaver Bedford daily.
backAwice a wee] Wednesday - and ' except Sunday, at 6 a in; arrive at Hopewell in
SaturdaY at It a at , veil Centre Ly 12 C time to connect with the cars for 31untingdon—saY
to. 1 ease flopew, lay and Friday at i by 10 a to.
'1 II al; arrive at Y 1 2.571. From Bloody' Run, by Clearville, Robison
-0,..0. From Cron >n, Chtinceford, villa, Buck Valley, and Warfordsburg. to Hancock,
l ' Castl Fin • and C , nigh Bottom, Z. 3, ma., ti wiles and back, once a week. Leave Bloody
1 mile. and back, La
I ;r . . 7 an P ltr u / .. l, : i gh LA . :471°, 1 b'e: Ivc Crony Roads him Saturday at 7 a in; arrive at Hancock by . 5 pm.
I Wed c,da2. and: . ..- arrive at Peach Leave Hancock Friday at 6 am; arrive at Bloody
I 80 .2, t . t. I . ti eh 13ottom Ttnisday ' Run by 6
1 and r i3n,y at > t; a;:li: arrive at Cross Roads by 12 Ea: 2572. Bedford; by Stuekcysvtfle, Schelist .
i i 3
Margaretta,Furnace,- burg,Buckstown, Stoyestown,lennor's Cross Roads,
`,.•;cw 13ridgerRie. tirahaatrille. York Furnace, Me- Lauglilintown,. Ligonier, and Youngstown, to La-
Call'. Ferry, rastle Pitt, ;did Bryantsville, to Slate trobe, 59 mile; and back, six- tines a week. Leave
llill, 33 w''s and Lack, twice a week. Leave.;Bedford daily, except Sunda', at 6are ,• arrive at
'Wrial it,viile Yue ,,, lay and Saturday at 6 a in; midi 0 - Latrobe in ti toconnect with the tuaß for Pitts-,
at Sillte-hill by t 6 p ni. Leave Slate Hill Monday burg—say by - 11.p An. Leave Latrobe
Pittsburg--`ay except
j ri . d ? I :
o i ‘ l u i (.:
~i t i in • ,,,,i r o r l i c o i o ti v l ,z l- ,t r ,, ih .i ta r i,; t il o l w e ri by ,g s t3 i4 t i vi o :, ; i.
t Sunday,oallo.llararriviveaalteL'Aifeontirtmai:x7duayii,vtt ti .opurrrray
brid e Fawn t rove and- Constitution, to 13ryaiot- f -2574. from Bedford. by Saint 'Clairville, Sarah,
villa 20 Innis aittL kick, twice a Week. brave East Freedom, Newry, and Duneansville, to liolli-
Shre shury U Ine , tlay and Saturday at Ipin ; ar- •ia.y.burg, 33 miles and back, six times a week.—
rive t Bryan •ille by 7 p in. Leave Bryansville Leave Bedford daily, except Sunday', at Ga, in; sr
, I) , 2ed •hday a itiaturday at 6aln ; arrive atShrews. rive at ffollidaysburg by 4p mt. Leave Holliday's
ihry It. ' .burg daily, except Sunday, at 10 a in; arrive at Bed=
/ '¢l, Flom Hanover Junction, by Porter's Reid- - Ford by 8.0 m: ling, Jeffermpi Station and Smith's Station, to Ilan-, j 2574. Frpm Bedford, by Cumberland' Valley, to
oi cr 13 miles and kick, daily except Sunday. by emnberland, Aid., 30 miles Mild back, six times a
;Mb ,ad :wit by a SeltedUte
.satishetory to the De- week. . Leave Bedford daily, except Sunday, ,at 8 a
part ueut, with a branch front Hanover to Littles- m; arrive at Cumberland 'by 6- pm. Leave Cum
tow' , 6 'Mies and lmek, `six times a week, in due berland daily, except Sunday, at
,e., a in; arrive at
coil: ectiLti.
__ '- Bedford by 6 p m.__
~... ... _
25 .1.: - Fl , lll Ilatiover a by New Oxford and Granite 'I
Hill to Getaysiitira,j7 l 4 miles and back, daily ex
cept Suadity, by railroad, and by a schedule matis,
factory I o the 1/emotive:h.
::I.i. Front Hanover, by Abbottatown, to •Eas' -
- Malin. l'i miles and baak - , three times a week.—
Lea re Llassayer Tuesday, Thursday and Saturda, '
at lata p to: arrive lit East Berlin by 43 : ::: : pm. Leas.
li is' Berlin. Tuesday Thursday anti Saturday a(9 :
at; arrive at Hanover by 12 m. Praposals to aorm
ins i ce at Nen - Oxford, uf lieu of IlanOier, and fin
.mix boa a week service are invited.
2544. From llunor yr. by MeSherrytoWn, to Square
C omer , 12 a:llama: a l back. six-times a week to Mc-
She as town, alit' three times a week the rileidue.
Lea s: Hanuverilaily, except Sunday. at 1 p in: ar
riv at MeSherrytoku by ''2 p us. Leave MeSherrY
din a, except Suaulay. at Il a to; arrive at Ilitnave;
by 2 la. Leave MeSherrytawn Tuesday, Thursda.'
um S.Lturday a.;:: pm; arrive at Square Corner b: '
4 p n. Leave Square Corner Tuesday, Thursday
an, Saturday at 4.p a:; arrive at MeSherrytowu las
`4l p a
:5. From Jetkrson Station to - Spring Furicrta
mil ei and back, twice aiweek. Bidders will protaiae ,:-
it s, hedule to eanneet wlth railroad, and be satisfaea:
to •to the postmasters at terminal offices.
2 G. Front Gettysburg. by Fairfield. Fountain
Dav, Waynesboro', Ringgold Md.. and Leiterniurg ;
to iligersaawn. 35 • miles mid back. three. , limas a
w M
yat 3 ant: arrite ;it Hag rstown by 4ls lae k. Leave GettYsburg ay, Wednesday Sand'" :
initL, l),
Vii la.'
L e ,viallagerstownluesday,Thin day and Saturday '
at ' e 10 : twit 0 at Uettyshure• by 4 pm.
. 17. Froth Gettysburg, by Hunterstawm to Nee;
• 0,1 i: area 14 mites and back, three times a week to i
lb nterstawm and tivie- a. week the residue. Leave
tie tY=.6lll'g Mend.**. Vo . ednuday and Friday at 8 a ;
tu: iir: ice at Ituaterstown by 9;.: it in, and at New ;
th _star Tuesti•ty and -Saturday by 11 am. Leave I
Now race 'or Monday and Friday at 12 m; arrive at 1
II ire) . as as by 1.1;;; p in, and at Gettysburg Mon- .
do • Wed esdav and Friday by 3 p m, -
ails. From Getaysbura by Mummashurga Arendt,- i
vile, -Bigler. Fl ra, Dale. Bendersaille, Linville. ;
Al :milieu hll a tabie itnt . k. to Gettysburg. equal to
lti , .a miles and back, three time a week. Leave i.
Cal itysburg Tuesday. Thursday'und Saturdayatt ni ;
in , arrive at Idaville by 12 in. Leave idacille 1
Tuesday', Thursday and Saturday at 1 p m;.arrive I
at gettysburg kyas p in. i'
,Ga. Frain New 0 xtbril, by Green Bridge Vamp-;
to Rautud 11th, York Sulphur Springs and Mount
Hilly Springs, ti Carlisle. 25 miles and back, six .i
, 1
tile. a :seek. Leave,, 3',I,NV Oxford' daily, except
why,S at 1 p in; aarive at York Sulphur Sp! ings 1
-b 4li in. Leave York Sulphur Springs daily, VS.- !
'4:- it 61111e.ay, at 5 a ru; arrive at New Oxford b.: 0 a 't
in Leave 'N. ork Sulphur Springs daily, except Sun- i
d; y, at a a in; arrive at Carlisle, by 10 a in. Leave
C• Ili:4o daily, except Sunday, at 2 pm; arri s e at
gi l lin ' 6 ,
b P y m Earmar's to Yin 'a:ls
.y : : 1• 5 1t o. Su l l - p r h , t l i i f . E S : p is r t in
ti: let andlinek, once a week. Leave Bast ll !ilia I
Saturday at 7a, m; arrive at York by 10l a m.— ;
Leave York Saturday at 3 p m; arrive at Last Bei- •
li 1 by 6 p tn. I
- 2551. From East Berlin. by Hall, Bermudian and i
Fan klintowm PaOillsburg.l6 miles and back. once I
aweek. Leave Fast Borlin Thursday at 2p m; ar- 1
ri'seat Dillsburg by 6p m. Leave Dillsburg Thura':i
- day at S a in: arrive at Etat Berlin by 12 tn. ' i
2:h - t2. From LittleStown, by Harney. Md.,_to Etna •
1r liLlan a, 14 miles and back, six times a wesik.-7
Leas a Lit tlestown daily, except Sunday - , at 1 p tn': 1
a-rive at Emmittsburg by 4 p us. Leave Banish ta- I
burg daily, except Sunday, at S a m; arrive at Lit- I
t estewn by 11 a in.-
.5,5',..L. From Xork Spl . phur Sari was, by,Bermudian...
'Pal/ and MufbarrY, to t ork, Mrafies and hack, !meal
a week. Leava.York Sidphar Springs gatarday at
1 p a:: !lariat at Yark liyi7 p in. Leave York Sat- I
ralay at a t nt; arrive at York Sulphur Springs by
) tin. i
ts 34. From Chr l hubarsburg. by Marion, GICOla!114- .
e andHagerstown_, - State lama to Md., miles ;
:41 bark, daily except Sunday, 2222 railroad:and by !
ischedule sath•faatary to the Departmeat.
2:iati. From Chambersburg, by Saint Thomas, I
„Lout; Pa mall. lasudon,Metaianellsburg,liarriasn - '
lilla, I•taya 11,11, alai -Bloody Run, to Bedtbal. 56 '
.; tile- anti !mak. six
a wk. Leave Chinn-
:fa - At:re daily, eXecp rnt Sunday, at 7 a ; arrive at
tedaird by 7 p tai. Leave Bedford daily, except
antitlio . at 7 a ai; waive at Chambersburg by 7 !
. .
2.5 a From Chriatiarsharg, by Reefer's Store.Up- :
,er titrusbarg. la, a net tsburaa Burnt Cabins, Swale 1
La o, I trbistotia, Shirk's .burg. and Aughwick Mills '
c! Mauat Unita, ria miles and back, three time , a '
week. - Leave Cieunbeysburg Tuesday, Th tired ay,
tad Satal Ilay at 7ln in ; arrive at Shade Gni; by 7 p I
in. Leave Shade, Gat.', :Monday, Wednesday; and !
Friday at 7 tun: arrive at Chambersburg by 7 p in. t
Lets e Skate Gap;Monday. Wednesday, and Friday 1
Ilat 7 ii - ta : arrive :it Miami Union by lt am. Leave. 1
1 Moult; 1: oi , n, TtiesdaytThursday and Saturday at ,
2 p in : mai veal t Shade 'Gap by 7p tn.
fi,i7. N rmn Chinning-- burg, by Jackson Hall and 1
I q,di a cy; to Waynashora, 15 miles and back, three !
tun; a• 'a week. Leave Chambersburg Monday, Wed- !
. :ICA:, y, antrFridity at 2pm: arrive at Wayne-boro ;
I by 9.15 pat:., Leave Wayaesboio Monday, W oda es-
I day and Friay at..; a in; arrive at Chamberz , burg 1
, by 1 p at. ..- -
1 -255. -From Green Castle, by Shady Grove to
Waynesboro, a mile. :rid back. six titues a weal.—
' Leave Greon Cantle daily'. Incept Sunday. at t..;.; 0 P :
m; arrive at - W aynet•baro by 8p M. Leave Wayatet -
bear a daily, except Sunday - , at 5 30 a m; arrive at 1
l'rreen Castle by It a in.
'2559. Front Mereersburg. by Upton. to Green
Castle, lit miles and back. six times a week. Leave
Mt-reereburg daily, except Sunday. at 5 a nt; arrive
li t Gr e en Castle by 7 a m. Leave Green Castle dai
ly. except Sunday, at 12 in; arrive at Merearsburg ;
by 2 p in. : "
2560. From Meraer-burg, by Sylvan: to ' Han- ,
ruck:. Md.,.24 mites and baek; once a week.- Leave ''
Mercer. burg Friday at 1 p ni ; arrive at Sylvan by i
:Y1) in. Leave-Sylvan Friday at Bir in: arrive at
rr ....., . ere , ,-rAurg by 'l2 In. Leave Sylvan Saturday at S •
II a to:-:uric , ' at I laneoek by 12 in. Leave Hanaaiek !
Saturday at 1 pin; arrive at Sylvan by 5 p m.
i 14.351. Froui Fanned:4mm by Dry Rum' Spring
lien, Deyiesburg. Concord, Waterloo, Peru Mills,
Bast Wateiford. Bailey Greve. MeCullock's Mills, I
al cCos•svilleah eaaant View, Spruce Hill. Academia, ;
mi nd liosl't Milli), to Port Royal, 58,34 miles Radii:wk. •
three time , a Week. Leave Fannettsburg Tuesdar -
Thur-alsy. mar - Saturday at 2.30 p m, or on arrival ,
mail from Chamber:l4m:: arrive at Conegrd by 6.:!!
p in. Leave Conaord Tues!lay. Thursday, nut Sat- '
Imlay al a a in: an - las - 4 at Pane ettsburg by 12 m.— ;
I.l`are Clinenni Tuesily, Thursday, and Saturday
fi tgam; anis k: at fort Royal by. 4 p re. Leave
Port Royal Monday, Wednesday, and Friday ut G a
in; arrive at Concord by 4 p us.
2562, From Fannettsburg to Carrielc Furnace, 4
-sae, and 'utak; once n, is eck. Leave Fan tuatsbnra '
'al i a://lif at 3 p 111 : arrive at Carrick Funnier; by 4
p nu. Leave Carrick Furnace Tuesday at 43 , l p nt;
ar r ive at Fat - meth-burg lalt• 5 1 4, p na
25a3. From Burnt Cabins, by Fort Littleton, 'Mod
densville, Three SayingsCassville, and Paradise
p ar prier, to Coffae Bum flei miles and bark, otter! a
week. with a second weekly trip betw,een Ducal
Cabins and Fort Littleton, to be run on aritarday.—.
Leas - e Burnt Cabins Wednesday at 6 :t m; arrive at
Coffca line by p rn. Leave Coffee Rau. Thursday
at a a in: arrive at Burnt Cabins by t: p in. .
2:41. From McCon nellsburg I o Webster's Mills. S
miles and haelcatsviee a- week. -Leave MeConnells
burg Tuesday and Fritily after arrival of ihe'Cham
bersburg mail-sty at 6ki't P m; arrive at Webeter's
- Mills by 8M p us. Leave Webster's Mills Tuesday
and Friday at l'pan; arrive at McConnellsburg by
3 p m.
V . 5 . From Trarrisonville, by Sipo's Mill and - War
fordsburg. to Hawock. MS,. 25 miles and back, once
a week. Leave lHarrisonville Tuesday at Sam:
arrive at HanCoik by 4 p rn. Leave Hancock Mon
dayat 10 a m; arrive at Harrisonvillaby 1 1 P.m.
25T,6. From Harrisonvillea by West Dublin artd
Wells' Tannery; to Hopewell; '2O miles 'and back,
once a week. 'Leave Harrison - rill° Saturday at 5 a
m; arrive at Hopewell by 11 - a in. Leave Hope
well Saturday at 1.2 In ; arrive at Harrisonville by
2567. From Harrisonville, by Dublin Mills art
Hustontown, to Orhlsonia, 30 - unles and back. on.
a Week. Lea'Ve Harrisonville Tuesday at 9 alr
arrive at Orbisonia by
.0 p tn. Leave Orbison' .
Monday at, 6 a in; amyl° at Harrisonvillu by '
.Sat. From: Warferdsburg, by SidelingHill, l rr•
rnaville, and'Oherm Grove, to Bloody Ran,,26 milt
and back, once a week. Leave Warfordsburg Fr
day at 6a m; arrive at' Bloody Run -bf 2 P m•
Leave Bloody Run Saturday at 6a, m; afrivm
Warfordsbnrg bv m. .
2569. From Hopewell. by Yellow Creek, • Pattm
villa and iVootibnry, to Martinsburg. 17 miles al
back, three times a week. - ~Leave Hopewell 'life.
day. Wednesday and Friday at 12, ml amvirat
tinsborg by S p Tn. Leave Martinsburg Mi,ndo ,
Wednesday, -and Friday at 5% a m ; arrivout Hop
NCll by HIATT m. - • A."- -
2570, From Hopewell, by John's ThunCh al
Bloody Run, to-Bedford, 20 miles and back, six tim
!' EU.
2575: From Bedford, by Charlesville, Bainsburg,
and Chaneyvillo to Elbinsville. 22 miles and back,
twice a week. teave Bedford Tues - darantl' Satur
day at 7 a m arrive at Elbinsville by 3P in. Leave
Slondayibinsvitlo and Fidday at 7 a m; arrrivo at
3edford by 3 pm.
2576. From Huntingdon, by MeConnellstown,
• fames' Creek, Coffee Rim, Cove Station; Saxton,
;ix Mile Stun, and Riddlesburg, to Hopewell. 31
uiles and back, daily except Sunday, by railroad,
Ind by a schedule satis actory M. the - Department,
Kith a branch from S , Coalinont arid Dud
ley, to Broad Top, 532100 mi es and back, six times
week, Milne connection.
2577. Frain Huntingdon, by W,ilsonia, Donation,
orownriver's Mills, and Cummins tile, to
it miles and-bank twice a week. Leave Hunting
lOn Monday and Friday at 1 p m: arrive at Burris
:Me by" 7 p in. Leave Ennisville Monday and Fri
lay at 6 am; arrive at Huntingdon by 12 m. •
2578. From Shaver's Creek, -by Cottage, Vest
Barre, Manor Hill, East Barre, Ennisvillc, and Me-
Alevy'a Fort, to Greenwood Kurnace, 19% miles and
back, three times a week. Leave Shaver's Creek
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at oain ; arrive
at Greenwood Furnace by 3 p`ni. Leave Greenwood.
Furnace Tuesday, Thursday. &d.' Saturday at 6 a
us; arrive at• Shaver's Creed by 12 m.
079 From West Barre, by_Masseyburg and Mon
roe Furnace, to Pine Grove Mills, 11 miles and back,
Brice a week,.. Leave West Barre Tuesday and Sat
urday-at 10% ain : arrive at Pine Grove Mills by
1. 1 •2 p in. Leave Pine Grove Mills Tuesday arid
Saturday at 7 a in; arrive at West Barre 1): 1 10
2580. From Orbisonia, by Meadnw Gan, Maddens
villa, Fort Littleton, and Knobbsville, to. McCann
ellsburg,ls miles and back, twice a week. Leave
Orbisania. Tuesday and Saturday at 8 am: arrive at
McConnellsharg. by 5p m. Leavc MeCounaLsburg
Monday and Friday at 8 • a in; ; arrive at Orbisonia
by 5 p
2581. From Orbisonia, by Ilablesville, New Grano.- -
,la: and - Spearsville, to lay's 11111,33 miles and back,
once a week. , Leave Orbisonia Friday at-8 a in; ar
rive at Ray's 11111 by 6 p m. Leave Ray's Hill
Thursday at 6 a in; arrive at Orbisonia by 4
p in.
2582. Flom Broad Top, by Spearsville and West
-Dublin, to Harrisonville, 10 miles and back, once a
week. Leave Broad-Top IVedileeday .at 11 a in ;
arrive at Harrisonville by 5 p in; leave Barri
sonville Tuesday at 8 a in; arrive, at Broad Top by
2583. From Broad Top, by New Grenada, Dublin
Mills, and Fort Littleton, to -Burnt Cabins, 23 miles
and back, tvrice.a week. . Leave Broad Top Tues
day and Friday at 11 are ; arrive at Burnt Cabins
Iv 4 p in. Leave Burnt Cabids"Monday and Thurs
day - sit 10 am: arrive at Broad - Top by 3 pm.
2584. From Broad Top by Eagle,.Fermdry, Todd,
Cassville,•and Calvin, to Mill Creek,2s% miles and
back, once a week to Cassville, and three times a
week residue. Leave Broad Top Thursday at 11
in; arrive at Caasville by 2_p Leave Casaville
Thursday at 7 a rn ; arrive at Broad Top by- 10 a
leave Casmvillc Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at
10 am: arrive at Mill Creek by 2 p in. Leave Mill
Creek Monday . , Wednesday and Fridai - arrival
of Eastern mad—my at 5 p in; arrive tut Cassville
by 9 p ru.
2.5.85. From Tyrone, by Olivia, Phillippsburg,
West Decatur, and Williams' Grove,l to Clearfield,
4 miles and back, six. timeari week. Leave Tyrone
daily. except Smithey, on arrival of the mail from
the, East—say at 10 a in; arrive at Clearfield by PM.
Leave Clearfield daily, except Sunday, at 7 am;
arrive at Tyrone by 5- 3 /p m.
2.586 From Tyrone, 'by Smiths Mills, Ilegarty's
a", 'Roads Glen Hope, Ansonville„ •Marron, and;
Hurd, to 'New Washington, 32V• miles and back,
twice a week. Leavc•Tyrone Monday and Friday
:it 10 am; arrive-at New Washington by p
Leave New Washington Tuesday arid Saturday at
ai a in-; arrive at Tyrone by 5 p in.
2587. From Altoona, by Eldorado, to Iloltida.ys
burg, 10 miles and back, daily, by railroad, and by
a schedule satisfactory to the epartmont.
= 2588. From Hollidaysburg, by Frankstow.n and
Canoe Creek, to Williamsburg, 12 inilee and, back,
_,ix times a week. Leave Hollidaysburg daily, ex
cept Sunday, an the arrival of the western mail—
say at 2 m; arrive at Williamsburg by 6% p m.
Leave Williamsburgslaily, except Sunday, at 7 am;
arrive at Hollidaysburg by 11 am. •
25,89. From Hollidaysburg, by Span 's Mills and
East Sharpsburg, to Martinsburg, 12 miles and 'nick
sic tunes a week. Leave Hollidaysburg daily, ex
vela Sunday-, on arrival of the western mail—say at
in; arrive at Martinsburg by 5% p m. Leave
Martinsburg daily, except Sunday, at 8a m; areiva
Cl llollidaysbUrg by a m.
2.500. From Williamsburg : by Stnings,l
Water Street, and Alexandria, to Shaver:a Creek;
Lignites and back, six times a week. Leave 'Wit
liamsburg daily, except Sunday, at 4 a in ;arrive at
Shaver's Creek by 8 a nr, Leave Shaver's Creek
dialy, except Sunday, at 6 p m ; arrive at Williams
' burg by 10 p in.
i 1 1591. From Williamsburg to Springfield Furnace,
i 5 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Wil
liamsburg Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7 a
ain • at Springfield Furnace by 8 a m. Leave
. arrive.
Springfield Furnace Tuesday, Thursday and Satur-
Jay at 9 a in ; arrive Williamsburg by 10 a m.
2502. - From Springfield Furnace to Bruce,4 miles
I and back, once a week. Leave Springfield Furnace
Saturday at 9 a in ; arrive at Bruca. by 10 a
Leave Bruce Saturday at 64 a in ; arrive at Spring
bald Furnace by 73 , ; ', m.
2.3 m. From Cumberland, Md., by Barrallville,
Wellersburg, Pa., - Berlin Somersm, Lavansville.
Bakersville. Jones' Mills,onegal, Mount Pleas
ant, and Weaver's Old . Stand, to Greensburg 76
miles and back, six times a week. Leave Cum
berland daily, except Sunday. at 7 a m ; arrive at
. Greensburg next days by 12 Leave Greensburg
daily except - Sand:ly. on arrival of the mail from
Pittsburg---say at 11 a ; arrive at Cumberland
next days by 5 pin.
2594. From Somerset, by aipesvillo, Jounces
Cross Roads. Forwardstown, and Bemis Creek, to
Johustown. 30 miles and bark, times a week.—
Leave Somerset daily. except Sunday, at 10 a in - f
arrive at Joint:gown by 6 p_ui. Leave Joluistown
daily, except Sunday, at 11 4.411; arrive at Somer
set by 6 1 4 p in. .
251.5. 'From Somerset. is Stony Creek, WestEnda
Dry Ridge, amid hi:Lea's Choice, to Bedford, 38 miles
and hal-Iz, three times ii week. - leave - Somerset
Monday. Weducsday and Friday at 7 a ; arrive at
Bedford by 6 p in. .bear e Tuesday. Thurs
il.* and 'Saturday at 7 a in; arrive at Somerset by
li p m.
2706. From S.'omerset, by Gebbart'e. Now Lexabg
too, Kingwood, Turkey Foot, and Ilarnedsitille,. to
Addison : 26 miles - and back, three times a week to
ilebhart s, and ranee a week the residue, - Leave
Somerset Wednesday at 8 arriye at Addison by
p in. Leave Addison Thursday at 8a RI arrive at
Somerset by 5 p un - Leave Somerset Monday - and
Friday at 5 p m I arrive at Gabliatt's by 7% p us.—
LeaveGebbart's Monday and Friday at 14 p ni;
. arrive at Somerset by 4 p
2507. From Saner:mt. by Benford's Store, Stoyes
t own, and Davidsville, to Johnstown,,M miles and
haalc, six times a week. Leave Somerset daily, ex
vent Sunday, at 7a m; arrive at-Johnstown by 3 p
in. Leave JohnstoWn daily, except Sunday, at 7 a
in: arrive at Somerset by 3 p m.
2.508. From Berlin to Turners Store, Berkley's,
Meyer's Mills, Summit Mills, and Elk Lick, to"
trantsville : 26 miles and back, twice a week.
Leavii Berlin Monday and Thursday at 10 a- in: ar
rive at Grantsville by 6 pLeave Grantsville'
TuesdaY and Friday at 3 a m; arrive at Berlin by 4
2599, From Berlin, by Shanksville, Shade Fur
"nape, and Scalp Level, to Johnstown, -37 miles a n d
hack, once a week. Leave Berlin Thursday at 7 a
in; arrive at Johnstown by 8 p mi. - Leave Johns
town Friday at 7a m; arrive at Berlin by 8 p m. '
2600. From Connellsville, by Elm, Nevi Lexing
ton, Gebbart's, and- Huiribertsville, to Berlin, 38
miles and back, once a 'week. Leave Connelsville
Saturday at 6a in :arrive at Berlin by 7 p in, Leave
Berlin Friday at Gam ; arrive at Connelsville by 7
p tn.
2101. From Uniontown. by- MeClellandtown, to
Masontown, 12 miles and back, three times a week. ,
Leave UniontowrOfondaY, Wednesday and Friday
at 7 - am; arrive at-Masontown by 11 a m. Leave
Masontown Manama, Wednesday and Friday at 12
in; arrive - at Uniontown by 4 pm, •
pinewoods, by Nast
2602. From Flatwoods, by ~ast Liberty and Up
per Middletown, to Uniontown, 13 - miles and back,
twice a week. Leave Flatwoods Wednesday_ and
Saturday at 1 p in; arrive at - Uniontown by 6A m• —;
Leave Uniontown Wednesday and'Saturday at 7 a
m; arrive at Flatwoods by 12 in.
2603. - From Brownsville br liferritstown and
New Salem, to Uniontown, 14 nalles and back, twice.
ri week. - Leave Brownsville Tuesday and Friday at
1 p m ;arrive at Uniontown by 5 pin. Leave Union
town Tuesday , and Friday at 7 a' in; arrivc, at
Brownsville by 11 a in. -
WA. Proni 'Smithfield, by - New Geneva - and
Greensboro to Mapletown, 9-rnilett'and back, three
times a week. Leave Smithfield 'Monday, Wednes
day and Friday at 1 p ; arrive at Mapletown by 3
p m. -Leave Mapletown Monday, Wednesday and
Friday at 4 p in; arrive at Smithfield by Sp -
26Q.5. Front Waynesburg, by Day's Store, -Shan
' son's Store, Bast Good Intent, %Vest
and Dallas, Va.. to ‘Vest Alexander, Pa., 40 mike
I and back - twice a week. Leave Wayawborn Tuts- ,
k day and Saturday at 7 a m; arrive at West Alexan-e.
der by 7 - p m. Leave West Alexander Monday awl
Friday at 7 a m ;arrive at Waynesburg by • P
2606. From Waynesburg, by Rogersville, Jolly-'
town, Dena Blaeksville.• Va., and Spraggs, Pa.. to , '
Waynesburg, equal to 20 miles and back, once a(
week. Leave Waynesburg lleduesday at lam; ar•-?
rive at Waynesburg by 7 p nt. -
2607. From Waynesburg, by Moredock's and.
Whiteley, to Willow-Tree, 14 miles,iind back, "once
a week. Leave Waynesburg Wednesday at 12 m;
arrive at Willow ',Vree by 4 p •ra. Leave Willow
Tree Wednesday at 7 a in; arrive at Waynesburg by
11 a m. '
2608. From Waynesburg, by Hunter's Cove, Har
vey's, Windridge. Reyersors's Station, and Rock.
Lick, Va., to Cameron, ZS miles and back, :twice a
week. Leave Waynesburg Monday uMi Friday at
8 am; arrive at Cameron by 5 p nr. Leave Came
ron Tuesday and Saturday at 8 a ; arrive.. alt
Waynesburg by o pm . •
- ..%09. From Wayriesburz, by Osl o Forrest, Whße,
Cottage,. New Freeport, Milo Va., Sugar Run, Knob
Fork t _Pme Grove, and Lone Tree, to Middlebourne.
72 males and back, once a week. Leave-Waynes
burg Thursday at 6 nu arrive at Knob Fork by bp M:
Leave Knob Fork Friday at 6a m; arrive at Middle
bourne by 6 p m.Leave Middlebourne Saturday at
6 a rat,arrive at Knob Fork by 6 p Leave Knob
Fork Sunday at 6 a m ; arrive at Milo by 9 p
Leave Milo Wednesday at 6 a m; arrive atWaynes
burg by 4 p in.
.2010. From. Riee'sf Landing., by Jefferson, to
Waynesburg, 12 miles and back, six times a week.
Leave Rice's Lauding, daily, except Stuiday, at 1 p
in ; arrive at Waynesburg by 6 p tn. Leave llraines
lumg daily, exec/A Sunday., at 6 ra; arrive at Rice's
Landing by 11 a in.
• 2611. From Carmichael's to Rice's Landing, 8
miles and back, six times a week.- Lave .Carmich
ma's daily, except Sunday, attam; arrive at Rice's
Landing 'by 8a m. Leave Rice's Landing daily, ex
cept Sunday, at 0 a ns; arrive at Carniichael's by le'
tn. •
2612. From Greensboro', by Mapleton, Willow
Tree, and Davistowr,_ to Mount Morris, 14 miles and
back, once a week. Leave Greensboro' Thursday at
6 a m;
,arrive at Mount Mfirsis by 10 a in, Leave
. Mount Morris Thursday at 12 m; arrive at Green*.
born' by 4 - p in,
2613. From Maplctown, by Willow Tree and
Whiteley, to Newtown. 12 miles,- and, back, once a
week. - Leave Mapletown Saturday at 6 am; arrive.
at Newtown 10 a, m. Leave Newtown Saturday att
12 in ; arrive at Maplctown by 4 p in. Proposals for ;
for more frequent service, not exceeding three times;
a week, are invited.
- 2614 Prom - I)unningsville by Nerr's Station: .
Beek's Mills, Munntown, Bower Rill, Thompson
villa, Upper Saint (flair, and Mount-Lebanon, to.
Pittsburg, 29:t4 miles and back, twice, a week.—
Leave Dunning-arida. Tuesday and Friday at 6 am; -
arrive at Pittsburg by 5 p us. Leave Pittsburg
Wednesday and Saturday at 6 a m; arrive at Dure4
ningsVille lay 5 p tn. _
2i15 From Washipgton by Taylorstolvn, Clays-.
vibe, Coon Island," West Alexander, I,alloy Grove.
Va., Triadelph4. and Elm Grove, to - Wheeling. 32: - /5
miles and back, (laity, except Sunday, by railroad,
and by a schedule satisfactory to the Department.
2616 From Washington, by Clokley, Dunnings
vgle, (linger Hill, Monongahela City, Gamble's,
West Newton, Alendon, and. McKean's Old Stand,
ty Mount Pleasant, 44 miles and back, throe tidies a.
week: Leave IV ash ie gion Monelay.Wednesday and
Friday at 6.a in ; arrive at West Newton by 3p
Leave West Newton Monday, Wednesday and Frig
day at 1.934 am; arrive at IVashington
Leave West Newton Tuesday, Thursday and. hiatur
day at . 834 a, m ; arrive at Mount Pleasant by 12 m. ,
Leave Mount Pleasant Tuesday, Thursday Sind Sat-.
&day at 134 p ; arrive at West Newton by -p
in. _
2617 -From Wahsington, b'Y Buffalo, Vest Mid
dleton, Independence, awl Fowler's Va., to Wells.-
burg, 23K, miles and back, three times a week.--,
L ea ve Washington Monday, Wednesday and Fri-,
day - at 2p m; arrive at West Middleton by 5 p ni,
'leave West Middleton Monday, Wednesday and'
Friday at 8 a inarrive at AVashington by 11 a in.
Leave West Middleton Tuesday. IhursdaY, and
Saturday at 8 a in; arrive at Wellsburg by 11 a or-
Leave Wellsburg Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday -
at 1 p m'„_ arrive at West Middleton, by 4 p in.
, 261.8 -From Washington. bl' Wondrow, Cross.
Creek Village, Eldersvilio. and Cherry Hill, lia.
to Steubenville, 0., 30 miles and back once a week.'
Leave Washington Thumb* at 6 a,m ; arrive at
Steubenville by 4 p in,. Leave Steubenvill e Wed
nesday at 6 a in ; arrive at 'Washington by 4 A M.
2619 From Washington. by Van Buren, Proeperi./
ty, Lindley's Mills, anti Riff Creek„ to Waynesburg,
l 3 miles and back Three times a week.LevAo
Washington Tuesday, Thursday and - Saturday nt -_
1 p.m; arrivent Wayite.sburs `..Ylif.i n ay. Lea W'
ynesburg Monday, Wednesday and Friday - sill,
a m ; arrive at Washington by 12 In.
2620 From Washington, by - Locust IlifOlickorn
Cherry Valley, Burgettstown, Florence, Fraakfort.
Springs, and _Kendall, to Heokstown, 37 miles and r
back, twice a week. Leave Washington TO aY
and Thursday at 6a m; arrive at Hookstown 6
p in. Leave Hookstown Monday and Wedn - Y
l a
-atti a m; arrive at Washington by Op in. A'
:W2l From Washington, by Mint? , Ten Mild,
Zollcrsville, and Clarksville, to Rice ;Landing, 20
miles and back, three times a week. Leave Wash
ington Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at l_p in;
arrive at Rices's Landing by 9 p in. Leave Rice's
Landing Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9 am:
arrive at Washington by 5 p in.
2622 From West Middleton, by Patterson's Mill's,
!Clinton,ross Creek Village, Eldersville, Burgettstolvn, and;
' i tc , Seventy Six, 313 - miles and back, once a:
week. Leave West Middletown Monday at 1p m; -r arrive at Eldersville by 5p m. Leave Eldersville, - 1
Monday at 8 a m ; arrive at West Middletown by 12,
m. Leave Eldersville Tuesday at 6a m; arriiio at
Seventy Six by 4p m. Leave Seventy Six - Wednes-
day at 6 a in ; arrive at Eldersville by 4 p m.
'.Z:. From Sparta, to Prosperity, 334 miles and
back, three times a week. Leave Sparta Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday at .2 p.m; arrive at Pros-'
perky, by 3p m. Leave Prosperity Tuesday. Thurs
day_and Saturday on arrival of' the Washington
mail—any at 3 pm; arrive at Sparta by 4,p_m.
--- .2624 From Pittsburg, by Port Perry. McKeesport. .
tikin, Yohogany, Sutersville, West Newtort, Ros-
traver, Fitz Henry, Perryopolis, Red b4ton, East
Liberty, Droad Ford, Connellsvillo. and Du ar, to
Uniontown. 711 miles and back, daily, excep Sun=.'
r t
day, by railroad, and by a sebedule.satisfac dry to,
the Department. I
' 2625 From Pittsburg, by Sharpsburg, White Ash,
Hutton, Harmarville, Houston, Parnassus, Spring
dale, Tarentum, Burrell, Freeport, Shirley Station,
Rolston, Kelley's Station, and Leen°, to Kittaning.
43 miles and back' daily except Sunday.byrailroaa,
and by a schedule satisfactory to the Departnient. -
2626 From Pittsburg, by Port Perry, Coal V,dllen
Dravosburg. -McKeesport, West 'Elizabeth, -}lliza
beth, -Coal Bluff; Monongahela City, Lock - lio--4,
Webster, Belvenion, Cookstown, Pike Run,BOwits
vile, Fredericktolvn, Millsboro', Rice's LandMii„
Davidson's Ferry, and New Geneva, to Greensboro
85 miles and back, daily except Sunday:by steam
boats during navigation, and twice - aweek the resi
due of the year. Leave Pittsburg daily, except •
Sunday„! at 8 as in ; arrive at Ge ecnsboro' by 8 p in.,
Leave Greensboro' daily, except Suuday,at 4 1- 4 am:
arrive at Pittsburg by 5 P In. 5,
' 2627 From Pittsburg, by Perrysville, Wexford;
Ogle, Zelionople, Harmony, Whitestown, and. Pros:
poet; to Brownington, 50 miles and back, six_times a
week. Leave Pittsburg daily except &many. at 6
a in; arrive 'at Browningtown by 7 p in. ' Leave
Browning-ton daily, except Sunday, at 5a m ; arrive
at Pittsburg, by 6 p in. :1
23.2 From Pittsburg, by Alleglta.ny, Duquesne.
Etna, Talky Covey, Bakerstown, Glade Mills, But
der, McCandless, Brownington, Slippery Rock l
North Liberty, London, and Balm, to Mercer, fro
miles and back, six times a week: Leave Pittsburg
daily, except. Sunday, at 9 a m ; arrive at Mercer by
I 0 p in. Leave Mercer daily, except Sunday, at 8 a
in arrive at Pittsburg by 9 P IP;-
2(320 From Pittsburg, by Green Tree, Woodville.
Moorhead, Herriotsville. and-. Ciamonsburg, to
Washington, 26 miles and back, six 6.1521:8 a week.
Leave Pittsburg daily, except Sunday, at 6 a in ; ar
rive at Washington by-1 p^m. Leave Washington
daily, except Sunday, at 7 a m; arrivdat Pittsburg
by 3 n m.
sto From Pittsburg, by Green,' Tree, Woodville,
Moorhead; Venice, and - Hickory, to *oat Middle
town, 31 miles and bac, three dines a wrt If. Leave-
Pittsburg Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday,
at 6a ml arrive at West Middletown by 4 p m.r-
Leave West Middletown Monday, Wednesday, and
Friday at 0 a m.; arrive at Pittsburg by 4 pM. Pro
posals to commence at Moorhead; 9 miles has ditv- _
tanee, are invited.
i •
261.1 From Pittsburg, by Temperaneeville. Brod:- -
'head, Remington. Palinerville, Fayette, Shirland„
North Star, Bavington, Florence• Paris, Halliday's
Cove, Va., - and Middle Ferry. to Stoubeaviltd;ld., 4t,
miles and back, six times a week.
Front. June lkt to Norcag)er lst.—Leave Pittsbuth
daily exceEt Sunday at Sam; arrivest StenbenvilEy
by 4 p in. Leave Steubenville daily, except Sun
day, after arrival of the Wheeling mail—say 11.3 xv
m.;'ltrrive at Pittsburg by 11 p m,- - -
From November - 1W to /vine Ist.—LeaVe Pittsburg
daily, except Sunday, at 0 am ; arrive at Stettbenz
ville by 2pn. Leave Steubenville daily; except, -
Sunday at 6 e raj' arrive at Pittsburg - by-2 p_m -
2632 From Pittsborg, by Rich ValleY,' Walker's
Mille,Noblestown, Havelock. Candor,Burgetistawn.
Cross Creek - Village, and Patterson's Mills, to Inde
pendence, 35 miles and back. Throe 'tines a week.—
Leave Pittsburg Tuesday, Thurinlay and Saturday
,at 6 a In :•arrive at Independence by Cf p in. Leave -
Independence Monday, - Wednesday and. Friday
tit 6 ant 1' arrive at Pittsburg bY . 6 pm. • '' -
M 'From PittsbarE, by Ca_rne,k Surgeon's Halt:
Gill Hall, Library, Inllesville, -clinger lidll ; , and
Bendie,Vville, trißeallsvilk,-3,s)niles and back, &ice
a week. Leave Pittsburg Tuesday Whd Tburialay
at 9a m; arrive at BeallsVillebY 8 p / 5 11. - Letrat'Be.r
allsvilleMotiday and Wednesday at 6 a m;' arri'le
at Pittsburg by 6 p in.
2634. From Pittsburg, iii - ! - Chartiontling'S
Mills, Beers, Moon, Clinton; Unniockeville; rank=
fart Springs, and Coramittilnirg; to Fair Vie ~N- r t,;
39 miles and back; twice_ a weelt.' Leave Pittsburg
Wednesday and Saturday at a a in r arrive 'at' Fair'.
view by 6 p in. Leave Fairview Tuesday and Fri
day 6 a in; arrive at Pittsburg by 6 p m.