tran-hlill -- NOgoitoq., LOCA ITEMS: - GOSSIP WITR Otru FRucyns.d-if our rea- Aloft would pay particular attention to our weekly caption—"gossip with ourfrienda," they would per -431v, t h at we t a lk with our friends—not enmities. We pray„ for 'those- who despitefully use us, but we hive not advanced far enough to love our enemies. If you don't like onions don't rat 'cm. Oh; you do like onions, but don't like the ugly taste left in the mouth afterwards? Well-then chew popper, Eau mom se eds, flag-flosver root or-something of that Mq dear sir, do you know that your child is in the habit of asking soldiers on the stqet for money.— Not satisfied with the amount whleh in our time was considered immense, they tuikforfivecents: In New Jersey, and in that part of Pennsylvania bordering . :on Jersey, -thereby subjected to the baneful intlu enee, illustrating that evil communications Corrupt good manners, it is common for the juvenile popu lation to turn out en masse, wherever a train of cars may stop, and yell, " Please gimme pa-per." For Heaven's sake let us not get our name up 'ea beggars Of lye cents from soldiers—poor follows—who calm their money so hard. Should any one catch our sci ons at that disgraceful game, let us_knoW—that's all, We were at Hagerstown last week, and were de lighted to see it just as it was before the rebels ()C -oupled it. State,Line Station is improving, having one more house thanheforc, (before there was none . ..) Greencastle is very lively when the train cornea in, but subsides immediately after the departure of the fame; Marion, alias Smoketown, has not changed much; et all events we readily recognized it=this for the information of the northern part of our county. Recruiting is giiing on briskly, with new impe tus since Uncle Abraham has issued 47811 for five - hundred thousand. By the , by, ' ari ol grumbler, -talking to us about the negro enlistniatt said that• the President, and the negro and white levies, pet him in mind of the story of Abraham, Isazut and the ram, What an age of newspapers we liveln—newspa pers that do geod, newspapers that de evil and news papers that do nothing! "Show me the newspaper a man habitually reads, and• tell you all about him,"-some queer fellow once wrote, Some truth in that. Who reads the Now 'York Herald! The man or woman of the world, the kind that dance and go to theatres and parties, that love excitement and slander and abuse and early news, that like to hear the immaculate, "I told you so," feel egoipse ish, and areemzy to "vote for Grant." AV ho the.; Tribune! The solid, substantial, stubborn old fellow who thinks Greeley right and every one dap wrong. and the gen tlemen from Africa of prime impqrtan - ce. Who the Tunis! The - well dressed, but dusty footed man, who keens the