The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, February 10, 1864, Image 1

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lIUBLIIC und6r
sighed, Intending to remoro West, will offer at
AuCtion, on the Perm 01 Rev:Jacob Price. on the
rosd leading from Greetv.ndle to Mt. ;lope: 5 mike /rout
:be former. mid I and tt-futif miles from the letter place.
iud,ti miles North-West of, IVnynesboro', en IdncrldY
and Th.urs , tay. the 24th and 251 h days February, 1364,
0. large and valnable lot of Stock. Farming Implemeilts,
limanthold Furniteue. On the Ist day. will he soli', 11.
HEAD OLe llOlt3K34_Bof,whicharegootlWotk Horses,
including seventl lino Brood 51ares. good Leaders, and
enperior Saddle iturses: 2 4*olts, one and three years old;
21 hem! of Cattle. eight of which are Milch Cows. some
of w,hich will be fresh at the time Mf sa C, 1 Bull. two
ye.irs old, Ilereford Stock; 14 head of Sheep. Blanding 1
Bosley - Bnek; 33 - head et Hoge, including four brood
Sows. dc. Also.• 11.1road-Traid WAGON. 1 Narrow-
Tread IVagon, 1 one or two-horse Wagon. 1 Spring
Wagon. 1 CAItItIAGE. 2 Sleigh:, 2 SPRING TOOTH
ItAIi.ES, 1 two-herse Sled, 1 Witter Wagon. 1 new Wood
lleti,2pair of limy Ladders. iVagon Bows. Feed Trough.
2 set./ Dung Boards. 2 Wli oelliarrows. 4 setslireechlatuds;
4 sets Fr nit Gears; 1c aids flow Gears; 2 sets single
Harness, 2 Riding - Saddles; 1 Side Saddle: , Fly N e t s;
'Bridles; Collars: Check Lines; Single -Lines; linitrre
and 'latter Chains. Fifth( 111103 end •Spreaderii. Single
and Double Trees, Cow Clllllll. Log Chains, But Traces.
1 ,good Jeck Screw. A lso, 1 Ito per and Mower, (Calvin-
p A ge's pal tern) m Alt Derse2.'s improve d (-Raker at
t‘ched ; 1 Grain Drill Hoy and Fodder Cotter, I Wheat
Bolling Screen, I Bag Wagon, ti Bat shear Plows.
7 Donble and Single shovel Plows. 3 Harrows,. 2 Corn
/2, ;r ensra.l.4tain cratkies and Mowing Scythe.. 4 Iland
Ladders. IGI ind St.Me, St lit of Cider Barrels, I Dinner
1101. a lot 01 hand Rakes. Funks, Shovel:, de. A leo. 75
:1 4- 37.1.13 OF GRAIN IN TIIE,GROUND: Corn by the
li 4rrel. Potatoes by the Bushel, do Also. a set of Black
smiths' 'fouls. Bellows and Anvil. new: I !Argo Stone
Slljge 1 Digging Iron. 1 crossemt Saw. 2 Skeps of Bees,
a Mt of Bet Boxes, and tut endless variidy of other art
eke not nec..-ssary to moviterate. On the 2nd day. will
be odd the 1101.181:110L1) FIIttNITIIRE. dc., consi%ting
fo,phrt.if S Bedsteads mid Bedding. •2 Bureaus, 1 Secie•
, buy, 1 Writing Desk, 4 T tides, 3 Stands. one and n-half
Moroni Chairs. 4 Itoeking Chairs. 1 Safe, rCherry Corner
knell Kitchenin plestrii. I $ n'r. I eight-413Y Clock. I 21.
bout. Clock : it let of Carpeting, 2 (lack St- , yea and appe
`rains. 2 ten-plate Stoves, I laige Wool %Wheel... Spinning
Wheels: large hit of Gla gneens. Earthen) awl Tinwai e:
I Iron Kettle,l Churn. S ins age Cutter. Sausage Stuffier,
1,4141 Press. 3leat Vessels. Barrels. de. Also. Bacon and
1.-tr , l lie the poutill. Potttoes by the Bushel. Vinegar by
the B thel. Onetunliers by the hundred. Apple Butter by,
the Crock. Dried Fruld, a lot of Cider Barrels. de. ALSO,
Shoemakers' and Cinpenters' Tools. I good B mad Az.).
Mortising do.. Clopping Axes. Mad and Wedges. Wood
raw. 2 Mutte,As, and an endless variety of articles not
enumerated , Conditions of Sale :—,Pt credit 41 E.glit
Monthswilllie given on all sums UlO, rind mist:was. the
purchaser airing note- with aporov'ed security; tinder
c oda No gonds to be nemovNl Until settled fir. Sale to
commence at It o'clock, each clay. • '
pOBLIC SALE —The undersign
ed, intending to relinquish Farming. and embat k
to,the cultnre .indtmtnufecture ofTobarro. at Payettville,
a ill vrivi at Public Sate, at hii'residence. about I mile
fi wit Fares teville. on the road leading t , 31cliee's 51i11,
7 ; Priddy. the. 19th day of February, 1864. the following
Pire.olol Property. viz: 8 tIRAD OF HORSE'S. among
.10 . 1tiritfle 0 young. (40r1; Mare with fail. to the Imported
Honte Brampton. three good Leaders ' and Haven't rood
Middle thirsts : la hem' of Horned tattle- 'attle. among which
'are six Mach CvWs: three or four will he frelh at time of
iiale; 18 head of Shot,i; 3 Stiff .11:. Brood Sows—line ani
wale. ,ko. - Also 1 Broad 'tread Wagon. tied. Bowe. and
(over; 1 Broad Tread Wagon with Wood Bed; 1 Stone
Bell; one 2 or'l hone Wain; 1 Carriage a ith Shane
and Spreal; 1 l'roi ring Buggy; 1 Carriage Body ; 2 pair
t! tarieriq 1 Yreoriniek a Reaper, with all the late cm
iwovontente . 1 Thre,lting Machine, end two Horse Pow
ey,t; 1 Aunt "Spring Drill; 5 Plows. 2 Barshear And ono
Coulter; 251at.5.•el Plows ; 2 Harrows ; 1 Shovel, Harrow:
1 Corn Planter; 1 elating Pox ; 1 Field Roller ; 1 Clover
Hailer; also. 4 A etH of 11 - reechlrtnds; 5 sets of Front
1;e1111; 3 Housings: 1 Wagon 3 oldie; Bridltdc. Collar.,
Halters. alai Halter Chains; Fifth Chain and Spreaders;
Single, Double and Tripple Trete. &c. Alen 1 set of Black
' •ntillabols. feet of gnarrying Toola, anq,a.Celt titanY
i‘rtiele;i mit - ne.,mmary to - merriten. . ADO, - at the .nine
tune and place lOU .1v111(1 , 1M hf thannfitchtred Toltarco, a
~it ;wrier artiele.consisting of Nits y and Congreee Braude,
manufitrtitr,ed 'by J. ni15413.1, Lynchburg, Va.
'Ay- eale to commence at 0 o'clock, when attendance
and iscralit of Nine 31orths will be given -on ell burns
of erSs—thelitireiniser giving his mite with approvedse.
entity ; iinder sa, cash. [ieh 33t] I). 31. LONO.
PU BLIC S ‘lll—The undersium
vel,:folministrat.r of Henry Cridet. dec'd. will offer
Pnblio Sale. at the residence etsaid deed. In Hamil—
ton township. on the road leading from St. Thomas to
l•strasburg. near Detrick 's! Mill, ou, Tueoth.y and Wed
yeedry,thelnth and 17th day etf, February. the follow
g personal property, to wit : Fitt head of Work Horses
1)1110yo q old Colt, 12 head of Mimed C ark, elwhirh
e tlrstr%te Milk Cows. 10 She ate. one firstrate brer(l
-in z .vwric with Pigs, 1 Four Horse Wagon. narrow
1 Carriage. I firstrate Sleigh. 2 Pious. 2 doubleShol el
Plow. I single Shovel Plow. 2 Harrows. 1 Sprsader, 2
D Hibbs Tree.i. 4 Siugle Trees. Log.. Cow Mid Halter
Chains. 1. pair of Wood Ladders, 1 set of Hey 1:141(1.111.
4 s e ts of Hears. 1 set of harness, Saddles and Bridles. 1.
Orlin Brill. 1 Wind Mill. 1 Roiling Scream, 1 Hay Rake.
1 Cutting Box, 1 Wheelbarrow, Forks and Ittkes, Corn
libeller. Wheat. ; Oats. Buckwheat. Corn. by the
bushel,. Potatoes by the bushel, Hay by the ton. Rye
Strew by the 'bundle. '2 ACRES of BRAIN 'in th..
•Irotind, tlonsehql4 and Kitchen Furniture. 7 Reds and
Bedding, Blankets Sheets, -CoYerlids. Table (
!land Towebs.Carp:t by the Yard, Bureau. Tables end
eltairs.2 Crocks, Chests, 'Cooking (tote. 1 Parlor-anti
Ten Plate Stove and Pipes. 1 Settee. 1 Staud. 2 Cup
leesrds.2 Copper Kettles, 1 Iron Kettle. Tubs. Buckets,
1 S image Cutter and Stuffor,Crocks. 1.(44U lbs of Pot it.
lard by the pound, Sausages by the. pound. Ruddin g
Meat Dv the Vontul. Knive4o. Forks. Dishes, se.
o.ll,aiie hive St .ck,Gritin and Partnlng Minniels will
be odd on the first day. Salo to, commenee at 10 o'
riis•k: A. M., on each day. JACOB CRIDER..
.141127-3 t• Administrator.
1 3 - U 131 i CI SAI Jli--7' he undersign
ed. Administ r.i tor of 8. W.lleintzelman. deceased,Sri I elpabe to sale. by Public Oitcry. at the late reels
denee of said deed, about 1 mile and wharf from Chani
horatatirg. on the rireeitcastle road. on irancsday. Me
2lth day of .51 , bruary, 1861. the following personal Pro
perty, to wit: 1 Droall-Tread PLANTATION WAGON
and Bed; 1 Narraw•Treaii Plantation Wagon, 'with
Baler's; 1 one-horso Wag in; 1-11.taket Sleigh ; flay Lad
ders; fifth Chain and Spreader: -Single and Dunkin
Trees; Banta of Gorse Gears; Saddles. Bridles. Collars;
!halters arid Halter Chains; elan. 1 Nanny's Reaper.
ith sll.the late improvements; 1 Threshing 31.ichine
M. 741 nurse Power;'l Ilay Rake; Wheat Fan: 1 Corn
'4' Arerer: I three-horso Plow ; two-horse Piowe• ' Shovel
I.,tows;" 2 Harrows; Pitching. Shutting and Manure
Forka/ Also. a lot of Quarrying Tools. Log Chains, kc.
Um% YOUit II oRs Es. 2of which are good Loaders; .8
bead ,f [Paned Cattle, three of which are Mitch Cows. 4
Abotei. 5 bead oi,Aeep. Ac. Also, liar by the Tun,
roma tir th..ti rod. !been and Lard by the pound. kc.
Also. t variety of Ilsinsehold and Kitchen' Furniture,
...tasking. in leirt, Of Dedsteedl. 2 •Burenua. Tables.
Chairs,i'lrs-k. 1 Cook Stove. Pipe and Apparatus. 1 Cop
't,er Kattle. I Iron KettleAllass. Queens, Crockery mid
'fin Ware: Meat Veßsele, Darrell, Tubs, an,: a great
many artirlec too numerous to mention.
IFV•PtIe td commencent 9 o'clockom said day, when
thP (4118 will be made known by
tab 14t IT. Ppintt..biet'rt Adminiorrntvr
- 1311.3 Li SALE. The su6ecriber I
C ‘ oiler nt Public Sale, at his residence. one Mile I
.nth o'kficefere Store, two mil= North of Del:irides 1
Mill, atm six miles North-west of Chambersburg. near
_the rcsu lending from St. Thomas. on
limeades, the lath day of Febiliatt. 1864. at 9 o'clock;.
A. St., Us followingsPersonnt Property, vie: SIX WORK
11ORSR4 among which are-hood Brood Mares. rising
4z lest and 1 tine harm rising four year,' ohi: 2 Colts,
one risig 1 year old. and one with the mare; -5 HEAD
HORNE) CATTLE , five of which are Milch Cows. one of
. them fed:. and 3 coming to profit about time of sate: 14
-t wo•Yesl3l , l Steers; and one Mil; 11 head blv.x..p.Ac.
Also. 1 road-tread P3llll WAGON; 1 pair of they
La:Idols:1 pair of Wood Ladders ; 2 se ts of Front acorn
Riding Eddie and Bridle; Bridle", Collars, Halters nod
Cow Ohms; Single and Double Trees, &c. Also, ONE
DI:CKRE REAPER, adapted to cutting Grain and
tirMst lthree-horeew ; 1 tiro-horse Plow; 1 Hoe
Harrow 1 Spike Har r; 1 Corn Drill; arranged foi
ittrrowic, dropping. and covering corn; I Revolving
flay RAI; I Roiling Scram; Grain Cradles and Mowing
Scythes!. Jack Screw; and a great ninny other articles.
• Also ; ficSE AND KITCHEN FURNITURE, consist-
I n ,s, tti trt, of I Sideboard: 1 Bedstead; 1 Tint of Yea
. thorn ; Vable; 1 ten-pinto Stove and Pipe; Tnbs. Bar
rels. Bellies. and other articles nut necessary to enu
-CONNTOICS:—A credit of Nine Months will be given
- o i l an asio over Fire Dollned. tl}t. purehaset giving Nutt.-
wlthaproved eecurity; under Five Dollars fltsh
. mow - Santa, Atict'r t ] F. Il DYCK.
gisigned intends moving to the West, offers at
%steak, his entire stock to the Livery business in
men t al:mg. consisting of Rom*, Omnibuses, Carriages
Busgleeletglus, Harriette, Sm. This Establishment is
Opine gi best trade in the easenty, and offers a flue
iscuarsi any one wiehing to engage lb the bwinest.—
r4r fatter rartiettlars apply to or address
, 801.. DIVELBIES, Ifercersherg, Pa,
13ersonat 13roperto iatep.
PUBLIC SA LE.-,-The und l ersigned
will sell nt Public Sale. at his reside're in San
frd township. iti)ollC OOP mile from Mani Klllotrg. on
the told leading to ltraitales 3fitl, on Turitlay, the 23d
Fkbradry. l ,64. the bllowitig personal property.
hi wit : Seven bead of tC. od Soling li ( lliSES one nfwhich
iiii BromOdare withlail. one is>r three y ir old stal.
lion. shed by the imported liorwe Brampt in, fur are
Lead ra. awl one is an melte:it family :i,nse. Backs
and Trots under the radio; 15 bend of 1,1081N4:1) CAT
TLE. 6 Mita COWS. MO of which are frcsli; two cli
ne:dor Bulls. one of whieli '8 It Dnrliam and the other 11'shi're and 'reps wilt roused; 131:rni Balsewell
Slice d bea of Hoge:dwo of which are It bred Sub
f. , 11;g: a wagons, one_Bmul-wimeland one Ilarrow•tread.
H orse (icara Breechbandlentid Fried (loam Collars and
Bridlee.2 Plow?, '2 !Tan owe. 2 Dmilde 'Above' Plows.
Double owl Single-trees. 2 Fifth tsbain a.ll two horse
I'mlitt 'nick lim per.l T St; NIACIIINE.I large
Wood Sled, earn by the barrel. Corn Ytalilee I i the load.
Potatoes by the bushel. Bees by tit,: skepl, Flitch and
Shoulder by the pound, and ninny articles not necessary
! -
to mention,
Sale to imminence at o'clock. A. )12.0n s4d day. when
it credit of : t ine months will be given on, Il emu. over
Piet dollars by clilflit3 FLECK.
fee :t-rit F. A. Zloty x Auld sneer.
ITBLIC SALK—The undprsigned
PIT kil .1 lA, . ,-- - .•...,. 1. Z._
- - .. ,
will offer nt Public. SAW. nt flit. restdpnee of John
Lehman-on tho lending from Stontrer ca 111.1),Cei4
Mill:. nhont"three udiem frau) hnint,,,esi, e.g. no 3jo it -
I ,
day. thc t2ci Ft. brunt,. VO. lheT f llowing entonal Pro
perty. ton lt : ti HEAD OF HORSES, one 1 which la n
g..ntl.fitn;ly hor•ce; 2 Col t.. rising i yen :... iti, lientl
of IIOILNKO CATTLE 10 of which orb g '', Milleit.oWn,'
7 he a d of ifivs. r f •ur.honlo Watzon, I Onelorse Wimp *
S ring Wnzon. I 'Meshing. Machine, 1 1.1111„zy, 1 Sleigh,
111.-Cut In ick K Ilea per ..nd 3lower, nearly new P10w5..114 0 ,
rows. Sprende ro. Double and Sin le- Tre.ei. corn Covet - or.
cow ' l ira ;falter Chains. Wood Ladders. 2 sr ' of flariowl-,
ler... 1 Wind Mill. Ilny .Ilnke- 1 Wheeihnt rim, Fonder
Cutter. 5 !torso fretrs,2..'net of 111rnes. , . Soddlos,
Ili-linen. Qirtrrving Tools. k.c. Also, :t variety •f Morro
hold and Kitchen Fttruitnte. ron.isting of 313edstends,
Ilnreans. Tallies Chnirs 1 en,,king Stove, - 1. ten Tatar
Stove. ood l'ilie.:lClock.l Copper Kettle 1 eon Kettle,.
111n.ot: Qucatss, Crockery and Tin Ware, eat Yuba%
Tat., s w ,:‘, .
Sale to commence it SI o'clock. A. M. ' 1
months will be toren on all limns over s.i, tl
giving note with noproaed security ',peer
. feh 3 [C.. Spint.r. Awcrr.l - SAM%
PROPERTY.--The• undersigned. 1 , . - ecritors ut
James 7. Bennecly, late of Guilford township dec'd.yrill
cell .I,t. public S de. nt the 31M15L271 Farm. late of said de
re:v.(4l. on lrednesday. the 10th day of P hroant 4est.
the following personal property, to wit: 4 Yalntible
NIB:LES. tole sold'asutri.or in Pa;: 5.2 work lloises.
10 head ".Alik.h ,Cow . some of which are fresh. 50
Sheen. 2 FOne _florae Wagons with Beds an 1 Ladrinrs.l
one Gorse Wagon,l Reaper. 1 Grain Drill. 4 sea of Mnle
flears.l set of donide Pcirriage linrness.prw. 1
Wind 31111, Corn Sholier. a lot of Ploughs.,Cnl
Also a small quantity of • ore' in the Ear.
AT -Sale to commence at 10 o'clock. A. 'W. when terms
%Mlle made kLown by T. B. GE4INBDY, .
- J. L. EI"NErY.
jar: 24-ts L C Spiral, Anct.J ,xecntors.
Iteat C_Trotate - ,,Sal o.
I -.-- M . PORT A N T TO IRON lki t . AIs'U
it private Pale. 1„^00 ACRES OF PATENTED LAND,
itnate.l in St. Morass townehip. Fruit ilti .trunty,.Pa ,
on the Public Road. leading from Guyer' Tavern to
London, ti miles from the latter place. Ablnt WO Aercs
of this tract are cleared, the balance covered with tbri
ring CHESTNUT and other 'll3lllElt. Joh would
answer fir Vord-wood of R , ils. There is !so good Ap
pearances of IRON ORE, on the premises. 11oal hearths
are leveled on.mest of the Timid... lanß, 11,. , ... istec.,,s,L.
-m 1 ,
C(lni SIT , 11 tocrt ftrittS. hog Darn and 4tte unit RottAite,
I and a good A pple Orchard. Peach Cherry on 4 Pear Tre.A.
1 Ale.—A_ SAW MILL and CHOPPING 111 L. in good
j running eider. with 18 feet of head an fill. This
property would afford ft good npport nj
money. For term. apply to the nilwriber.
the premise.. (fob 3.f f.l FRKDf ltlClif
The Mulmcril , er having gletelln hied to rctnovil
offer , : •riva te :tale that well-known Hot '
ton House," aituato in the horoutch or Met
lettliOn county. This llnumeis the la cost it
plete Tavern House in the cnunty and has
tom unequalled in the county.
lie alit Will ar il tit Private Rale a Traet of
Acre,: of Itighlrimprovcd land adJoinhag lii
Mclonnellaburg. all tinder new . and sqperl
having. there. n erected a goer] two•ntory
and other out ltnildinge There Is an exc •
Apple Orehard and running Water on the Pt
a n "6
-Gm lIE Itl
tralflain- 11:,tlitf;
Pittsburg—Prosperity of its.
-- Circles—The Crops—Cohl—Th
tiency—Volunteerisig—The W
Corropou.let.ce of The Franklin Repn,i tor
PITTSBCRO, Pa., Feb..]
Your correspondent finds hiiiihl
rwetedly and - temporally transferl
Washington city to this=eity. WI
,trat there is between these - two e
the'one we have nothing, 'and Sei
but the bustle which always,tends'
lc-bile - the s^F,4on lasts, and the did
.ony of life in public office, mixed u
follies and fashions of fast livilq,
devoid of enterprise or the continui
ties •which makes life agreeable.
have living, a sociable people, kiln
other, and not annually gathered ti
mixture from all parts of creation!
full of enterprise—a city of nuinuti
the noit.e of which we hear all th
night long, taxed to their utmost e
work—never employing so many
fore, finding 'such ready sales for
ducts. Never were, Workmen o
seriptinn in such demand, or morel
ative prices paid. NeVer werernie
abundantly supplied or higher pri
the producer, and w,rllingly with
face by the consumer, froth the Mg
lowest, from the rich to the poor
to have their pockets - lined wit
Never'were Hotels and Boarding
crowded, or Houses and Farms to rent so,
scarce—in fact they seem to boa I ing of the
past. For every farm that has be n for rent
or every house to let there has" bee at leas(
ten applicants. Thig however appears to be
the same all over the country east,snd west.
Why is it? Are there'more peop'e at pres
ent than before the war? From whence
comes * this overplus of families ? ',
The fall grain does not look so well. The
late cold weather froze out a great deal of it,
killineompletely, and many o d farmers
assure - -that there will not be
th e
liplf a'
.: • •
crop of wheat in this section of the country.
Notwithstanding all this, I know Imany,far
niers who are having wheat ground, for feed
for their cattle. - 1 • .
Every one poising through this
the black appearahco of the hous
immense clouds of smoke always hanging
(her the city, remarks, that this must be a
great place for coal. So it is; the country.
all round is full of the best:quality of bitu
minous coal, and nine-tenths of all the coal
used along the Ohio and Mississippi rivers
are taken from this market. Lately a great
deal of trouble has been made' by the dig
ger, hytheir periodical strikes. Last week
they demanded five cents per bushel for dig
ging and it 'vas given. They are about to,
strike again for six cents. The action ,of
theso'diggers, if the owners of banks are not
more. watchful, will destroy the coal inter
ests of this section of the country:: Discove
ries and enterprise will open up , new fields
in other quarters, so as to obtain a cheaper
article, and if owners and Manufacturers will
continue to allow aTevery strike, an advance,
they will find the bad effects of it in the end.
A coal digger in ti bituminous bank will put'
out over one hundred bushels per day ; so
coal digging at five cents per bushel, is eer-,
tainly a paying trade. - No. one, three years
ago, - Would ever have supposed that in so
short a time, coal Would be fifteen centsper
btishel at the mouth of these banks. •
Alt through the country Wherever I have
been, I hear of only one. person spoken orfor
President, that is' Abraham Lincoln.
Anoth.•r and a glorious upribing of the
people has sot in hi this• section. 1% ards,
boreughs_and townships are pouring out their
money for, bounties, and hundreds are atily
to be , seen - wending their way,to the recruit
ing offices ready to accept the bounty and
shoulder-a musket. This: is a gloriOus rec
ord for this old county, which gave in the
fall election nearly 8,000 majority for A./G.
Curtin. - ,
credit (1 9
!n purelia er
$5 rash..
The weather is very soft and damp,, and
an unusual quantity of mud is to be, - found
both in city and country. Considerable sick
ness. especially fevers, prevail. Tile Ohio,
Allegheny and Monongahela riv‘rs are all
bank full 'and clear of ice. 0 itand rafts are
arriving again from up , the river. Steam
boa,te are leaving for Menthis - and New Or
leans-, laden' with freight ty their guards.
s. c.
A Spiry' Debate in / the Sennte—Senatortt
Champneys and Clymer on n Rampage
—The Bill Allowing ,Soldiers to VoW
-- -The 'Apportfoutoent-p-Gov--47wettn.
Correspondence of tho Franklin Itepository. .
But little of interest has transpired here
(luring the past week. The Senate preserves
'its deadlock sacredly; and nothing'short of
a Senatorial funeral could it the present
aspect of things until the sue essor of Major
Whitt , is chosen. The Senate is not, how
ever,, as monotonous ns might be supposed.
Eachl session is compelled tO get up some sort_
of a Sensation to put in the time, and - once
in a white the proceedings become thrilling
in inierest. t ' Last week Senators Clymer and •
Champneys 'changed the performance by the
fiercest debate that the Senate has witnessed
for some years. In 'the course of a speech
Senator champneys declared that had the
Democrats triumphed at the last election, it
was given out by their leaders that the troops
'would be' withdrawn from the army to their
respective States by the Democratic Exectt
tive.s,: and ho intimated that Senator Clymer
had given the same pledge to the people.
Mr. Clymet, usually philosophical, lost his
temper and of course his Wits went with it,
and he hurled the falsehood ,diresat the von
erable Senator from ..Lancasttfr and had it
retorted back upon hint ith a zest uncom
mon to a man of nearly four-score years.
Explantitions 'follOwed, and the silver lining
of the Senatorial cloud brightened into the
fulness of suisshi no again. .°
The House instructed the Judiciary:cam
'friittee to report a bill providing for taking
the vote of the soldiers, and the bill is now
before the House. The vote instructing the
committee was nearly unanimous; but when
the decisive , vote comes, there will be .the
fiercest opposition manifested by the Demo.:
cratie leaders. They proft›s to. be for the
pros4ution of the war, but oppose every
measure necessary to give it success ; and
profeSs to be in favor of allowing the soldiers
to :vete, but will oppose every necessary
measure to enable them to cast their ballots.
They will do it by cowardly quibbles,. and
endeavor to engraft such amendments upon
the bill as would defeat measurabley or wholly
the right of s.-ffrage in the army.
The Apportionment of the State into legis
lative districts is the absorbing question just
now. A few of the Union mon insist upon
sueltmonstrosities as the association of York 1 1
and Lancaster; Westmoreland and Somerset;
Franklin Fulton and Huntingdon, &c; but
a fair - bill will be matured and passed, giving
the Union strength full juitice and attempt's
-ing nothing 'more. Franklin and, Adams
will probably be 'formed into a Senatorial
district, and each county 'given a member:
They 'have been so long associated Senator
ially that they should not now be separated,
and especially as, they are, and for' nearly
half a century have been, joined in the-con
gressional 'district._ - :Bedford, Fulton and
SoMerset will probablY' form one Assembly
district and elect two members, and Cumber
land and Perry will each have ono member._
Gov. Curtin went to Washington on Sat;
urday to endeavor to have provision made
for the payMent of our militia called out by
him under an order frog' the President., "Hie .
is in good health. - ' Honant..
residing on
to the wi,t
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HAREIS . BURO. Feb. 8, 1864
i • 1,
~ ..
• . _ .. .
• 2
k. Fr ; ;..
SPAY, FEPAITARY 10 1 1864.
4 Richmond pap . : advertises A lot of Brown
Paliei, suitable for envelopes or wrapping paper, at
• cr .
$BO a ream.
Five thousand deserters haw: - been receiv
ed rrithla the titles of the Atmy of the etunberland
since qua. Thomas took command.
the rumors recently' put forth of 'real or
appiThended difficulties between the United States
l andiFrance are without any foundation. • • • •
: the draft, ord`6ri:d by , the President, will,
in effect, bo for twe hundred thousand men ;
alltinance being made for those called vat by the
Pro:ie.:ling prochilnation. ~
ea p uree• /
'r ei t b s er l i n an a d de aa n p serieson Friday or an at d te s m itt p u t rd s
a. ttf ,
Zt and 30th alt., but they were repulsed by / C 4 o).
7 1
Lovp with a strong force., . . i
*if Davis' domestic troubles snout` /
to be
terrible. Ho`eat hashed turkey, his'bouso is_
burned, his servants run away, and his• Wife scolds I
like blazes. Poor unhappy Jeff. '
lie advance of the Pnemy , in North Car
. under Gen. 41111, has been / Checked. The
Is have retreated to - Kingston and Murfreeg
, and Newbetn is relieved frOnt the threatened
:eneral Thomas' Chief of Staff, General
. pplC:,,Ftates that 7,3oo,leserterx from Brag
htul come into our lines since October 20th, as
by the rolls, They were principally Ken-
- The New York iEmning Post. in %peaking
of the- call for 500,41 men, says:—" Thiq call there
fore means an tarty close of fhb war. It means en
earnest dish:incipient of nil our armies, aspeedy ye
tur4 of peace."/ God rend it.
The Riehlnond , Whig hits - a significant ar
tiell deploring the decay of tile gallant Southern
racer who/entered the war . so brilliantly three years
aged It says that they are all gone, and if they do
me back again the game is ; p. _
• eneral Pleasonton isiued an order on the
18th which read as follows: ."Every guerilla or
o'ber rebel wearing the uniform of a United States
soldier, caught in the act of making war againstanY
of t t te forces of this comma
n d, will ho hung on the
sge " _ • - -
Lajor Generals Grant, Roseerans, Thogrias,
Sac field, Stoneman;. Crittunelep and ..11'Cook were
all in Louisville on Satdrdai, Gob. Grant will take
Mock at Longstrect, and Rosocrans will give, his ev
idenie in the court-martial for ; the trial of Crittenden
and Ild , Ci'aok. , .
. .
.... . ..... .
Ain official dispatch from Nashville Says'
thatiGeneml lodge reports that , on the 24th ultimo
ourforces, under CAA. Phillips, drove 'Anddy to the
south side of the Tennessee river, captured all his
trellis, and destroyed a factory had mill, which had
largily supplied them. .
AI dispatch from General Kelley confirms
l a
the etreat of the rebels from the line of the Bala:
mor and Ohio Railroad, vigorously pursued by our
froo 5. The rebels have captistal and burnt the
stew er Levi on the Ranawhii:'river. Brigadier
Gen ral Scammon and one of hisXiaff were captured
witlllthabasit- - - --::: 4.- - - - -1 04 ' ... '- __
lnatOr Wilson, of ,Ma.ssitchusetts. Chair
man of the Military Committee recently said in- the
Senate: "I think w 4 have in the army 600,000 men;
of which 400;000 are effective soldiers. I do not
think the rebels have over :=1:100. I have good
reason for this belief.„ I think the rebellion Will be
crushed ont lay Octo tr.! • • -111-
T rough rebel' !papers 'S..
ih - .
. have - advicer.
fro Charleston to the sthAnst.--The steamer Pres; T .
td, I I attempting to ratithe blockade. Was run ashore
oplivan's , lsland, and is fired at by the monitorsto prevent her cargo from being landed. The firing
on Sumter is continued, and on the 4th eighty shots
were thrown into the city. .
Dispatches from West yir g inia state that
our revs under-Colonel Mulligan, sent in Pursuit
of thr rebels, ender-General Early, after six hours
hard fighting drive the enemy from Moorefield, and
then sbarply ongaged,Gencial ltoqser. On the south
bank of the Potomac. It is said that we have taken
a number of prisoners, and that oar success has been
sign:.l and brilliant. , .
.Ittr. Wigfall, in the rebel Senate, speaking;
of rebel finances, said "If repudiation is to be the
'resut, ho was prepared to lay down his armiand
surr ndcr at once, flir the loss of liberty *quid be
word tolerable than the loss of honor." Mr. Wigfall
musi have read Mr. Memrninger's report and should
be !lady now to make good his words.
At Gettysburg 28.000 muskets were taken'.
"Of ti ese 24,000 were found to be,leatled, 12,090 con
taining two loads, and 6000 from three to ten his&
each. In many instances half a do,,en balls virer
drivn in on a single, charge of powder.. In some
cases the former poiwcor had reversed the usual
ord4, placing the ball at, the bottom of the barrel
and the powder on top. ' • ...
, m official despatch from Nashville an
nou cos another gratifying success of the Union
cave ry in Bast Tennessee. On the 28th ult-Our
fore s, mid& Col. Phillips, drove the rebel General
Rod y to the north side of the Tennessee river, and
capt red his trains, consisting of two hundred head
of cattle, six hundred sheep,. and one hundred horses,
and mules. A factory mild mill, which had largely
Supplied the rebels, was also destroyed. ',. .. -
Dispatches froni Ciriberland, on the 3d,
say s hat Gen. Averill cawst i ook the rebels who have
beetmaking a raid on the Baltimore and Ohio Rail
road, near Springfield. A severe' engagement en
sued. Tho enemy were driven through Springfield,
t hence to the south of Burlington. Our men
caps red at Patterson's creek were re-captured, and
i laige number ,of rebels and, horses fell into our,
hant,s. The Baltimore and, Ohio Railroad is pow
entirely clear of the enemy._ , ..,...
Gen. Butler has 'received an official dis
pateji from Brig. Gen. Palmer, cotnnianding at
Ne bern, N. C.; stating that on the morning of the
Ist 11 outposts at Bachelor's creek were attacked
by e enemy, 15,00(}„strong. Our forces fell back in
ini ortler, destroying the mins, but abandoning
our ow :doses. The rebels advanced simultancoisly
on t °south sidS of the river,. bet were handsomely
repulsed. The communications with Morehead City
con nue, but itis thought that. the enemy will at
tern t to cut the railroad. An expedition sent by
Gen Palmer on the 26th ult.; to operate against the
rebel cavalry in Jones and Onslow counties, North
Car aina, routed the enemy, destroyed a large
auto nt of property, and captured a number of pris
one ~ and mules and hones,
!filet) Lyons; of Lyons&lo, N. Y 4 has
r l appointed Governor of Idaho'territory.
dvices from Little Rodestate that Judge
Clayton has boon dented provisional GoVernor of
iithe Pieeident has appointed W. A. Mer
latheir; United
d States Marshal for Hentuchy, vice
. .
he Jlartford Yost, formerly Democratic,
inates Abraham 'Lincoln, for, • President,
~ and
. A. Buckingham for Governor. :
he Maryland Legislature has passed rasa
ii , ns indorsing the Administration of Mr. Lincoln,
, , nominating him for re-election.
, ' -
The special elec, ion for a successor to St
ator White in thediariesand Armstrong distr ct,
will be held on F 'day the, 19th inst.
A Democrtytic State convention, for the
election of deyegates to the national convention.
has been 71ted in New 'York for the 24th of
The Ainion League of Nashville has
adopted/a resolution recommending for the next
Presi4tney-and Vide Presidency. Abraham Lincoln
and Andrew Johnson.. - -
Des Moines, • lowa. despatch says the
publican StatiConvention, to be held on the 22d
rFebruary, will be unanimous for the re-nomina
tion of President Lincoln.
A meeting of the 1 iyal citizens 'of Flo-T
-ido was held at Xey West on the 28th ult., for the
purpose of restoring the State to its original status
under the United States government, •
TbeDeruocrats of Montgomery and Hunt
ingdon counties, have instructed their delegates to
the State Ccii4ention to support the nomination of
Gen. M'Clellanfor the, President" . •
The charter election
,ieWheeling. West
Va., on Monday week, resulted in the Complete suc
cess of the Union ticket by a considerable majority.
A Union gain of 600 votes was made over last year.
The 'Missouri Legislature has passed-the
Emancipation Convention bill by a vote of 80 to 34.
after amending it CO as to postpone the election of
members of the Convention to November. The
amendment was adopted by the close vote of 60 t 057.
The_Wisconsin Leaiulaturo has passed res
olutions declaring' opposition to "any armistice, in.:
terventiOn or mediation from any source whatever,
FO long as rebels are Viand in arms again i st the gov
ernment," rejecting in, party lines, names and is
sues, and recognizi ngf:Mt two parties—patriots and
About • gono up--The Southern Confede
racy. Ditto Down—slavery. Ditto Squelched—The
rebellion. Flabbersted—Jet:L Davis dr Co. Cat
tawampussed—Tho Copperheads. Coming. to her
senses—England. Toppling. to his fall—Lords Na
poleon U. Long mar it wave—The Star Spangled
Banner. '
The Kentucky LeOlntare adjourn ed , w i th—
otit proceeding to the election of a United States
Senator. It being ascertained thal.. by the egnsfita
tion of Kentucky. the et . e.tion of Smtulette would
necessitate a new Gubernatorial election, the prob
ability now is that no election will be made until the
fall session. •
Hon. Geo. Reed Riddle has been chosen
IT. S. Senator the legislature of Delaware. to fill
the unexpired term of Mr: Bayard, resigned. Mr.
Riddle is a Democrat of the ultra copperhead per
suasion. and will not add anything to the strength of
the government in its deadly struggle with treason.
He wesin Congress two terms some years ago.
The Legislature of Connecticut, by a.con
siderable majority. has sanctioned an amendment to
the State Constitution providing for the exercise of
the right of suffrage by her citizons who are serving
in the army. Every Democratic Member—seventy-'
six in all—voted squarely against the proposed
amendment Soldiers, remember this!
vote *Ara . inlhdaretuillit - Teifi
torial election in Idaho ...was 7912, of which Gov.
Wallace. the Union ,candidate, received 4389, and
Judge Cannady, Opposition. received 35M, giving
the former a clear. majority of 866 votes. In the
Council there - are sir Unionists and one
and in the Gomm 'ten' Unionists and three Oppo
Gem Ardellan is said to be the soldiers . '
.candidate for the Presidenex, Why Li it therrthat all
the friends of Gen. M'Ciellan are now entkaVoring
in the State Legislatures to hati•e the soldiers disfran
'c'hised? Gov. Seymour is a friend of'elel-
Jan; and we all knoW that ho retoed the bill allow
ing the New York soldiers to vote in- the last State
Hon. Geo. Sanderson. editor of the Lan
caster- Inteiligenecr.vns on the rc-elected MayOr
of Lancaster, over John ‘Fondersmith. the Union
candidatei Martin Van Duren once complimented
Lancaster as the only Democratic city in the Union
hat Wall street cupidity_ and Five Point villainy
have added - New York td the list of Governor Ser
inonr's " friends."
Gov. Andrew .1 - ohnsop, of Tennessee, has,
by proclamation, ordered aiielection ofState officers,
to take place oil the first Saturday (sth) of March.
He prescribes the manner of holding the election.
gives the -form of oath to betaken, and forbids en
emies of the United states voting or holding office.
ThiS makes three States that were under Rebel rule
in which Union elections aro to take place—in
Louisiana on February VA, Tennessee. March:4llnd
Arkansas. March 14—thus restoring three seceded
States to the Union.
The i-tauguration of the officers chosen by
the State Convention of Arkansas took place on the
2,3 d alt., -in the Senate Chamber at Little Rock. - The
ceremonies were of a solemn and imposing charac
ter. After a prayer by Rev. Jos. Butler, the Gover
nor addressed- the Assembly in a touching and im
prmivo manner. On the conclnsion orhis address,
the oath of office was administered to Gov. Murphy.
The entire scene was of the pleat affecting descrip
tion, causing tears to'trucc down many cheeks, so
solemn were the words uttered and responded to
which bound the new officials to 'loyalty to their:
country and fealty to the Union.
In Indiana the Union State Convention is
called for the 2d and Ind of February. The Demo:,
<nuts have already elected their delegates to the Na
tional Convention!by DiStriets. There is a gooadeal
of "seccali" in the resolutions and debates of some
of the Dlitriet Conventions. In the Sixth District,
one of the delegates to the National Convention de
clared that a war candidate on a war-platform
would not carry one-tenth of theltomoeratic vote of
Indiana. Thomas . 11. Seymour ; Frank Pierce and
Vallandighara were talked of as non-military can . -
didates for the Presidency. A resolution to instruct
the delegates to vote for McClellan was an ended by a
vote of 79 to 37. decliring that McClellan is ono
" every way qualified to become our standard-bearer
in the approaching Presidential contest."
Gen. Meade has bee ierionsly ill at... Phi
The Court-3111.6a] of Surgeon General
Ilaa t imond is still progressing.
Thomas MeElratb, Esq., has - rksumed his
old position as publisher of the Now York Tribuig
Gen. Roseerans arrived at St. Louis on the
?9th inftt., and had a cordial wolcorao by the boat
David O. Dodd, of Ljttle Rock, Arkansag,
was hang as- a Rebel spy on the Bth inst.. - by, Gan.
Governor Gamble, of Missouri, died on
Sunda 'Be was some years Mk& resident pf Nor
ristown in this State.
Clay, an- unworthy son of
thi noble Harry Claw diCd on the 26th tilt., at Mon
treat a rebel fugitive from Kentucky and from the
Clol. Wm 11. Blair, of Bellefonte, is app
pointed.' prov ost Marshal for the Lycoming district.
in Place ofCipt; White, charged with corruPtiot! in
his office.,
VOL 71.....WH0LE NO. 3;643.
- •
Maj : Gen. 31'Clernandhaibeen reinstated.
and ordered to report to Maj. Gen. Banks for duty
by order of tho President.
The Princess of _Wales was delivered of firo
eon on the Bth ult. Queen Vie. Wisner . nine childf":
rcn and five grand-children living. Royalty annuls;
to be fruitful in England.
Win. H. ECepburn, Esq., Cashier of tne - '
First National Bunk of Carlisle, and. oldest son of
Hon. Samuel Hepburn, died at the residence of kir--
father on Monday, the 25th ult.
Dr. Brower & Son, late, publishera - of the'
Danville American, are about eomninneing the Prib
lication of a weekly Union paper in -Harrisburg, to
be called the "Stale Journal.
Han. Marcus Morton, formerly Itepresen
tative in Congress from MasanPhusetts, and Govurn
or of that State for three terms, died in Boston on
Saturday evening last, aged 80 years.
Maj. Burroughs, the guerrilla chief. was.,
shot by the guard last week while attempting to ea- .
cape from the post-house at Fortress Monroe, where
he was under treatment for the small-pox..
- Lieut. Col.• William P. Brinton, cf the.
18th Pa. City., who led the desperate charge, into ;
Hagerstown, at the time of the Gettysburg fight, has,
just been, presented with a magnificent saber, sash
and belt by the officers of hisold regiment. the 2d
Pa. Cavalry. .
Rev. Geo. W. 'Thompson, D. D., of Lower.
Tuscarora Presbyterian church, Juniata - countn
died suddenly, on Thursday week. Dr. Thompflqa -
was widely known as an able, faithful and suceevild
pastor. Besides Biting other proininentnositiene.,
he was at the time of his death a member of the.
Board of Education of the Presbyterian Church, and,
a member of the Board of Trustees of tho Thpolog
ical Seminary at Princeton.
The Virst National 13• Ink of New - Orleans' ,
began business on the 19th of January. It has been
designated as a giyvrnment depository.
A National Bank has been organized, in
Wrights'vi le, Pennsylvania, with a capital of $lOO,-_,
OT, with the privilege of increasing it to $150,000.
The recent report of ,Mr. Metnrninger,
Davis'. Treasurer, shows that tbe Rebel chiefs raised
only four million dollars by a war tax, but they got
two million and sixty thousand - dollars by '!" se
"Tbe bank note circulation of the lio'rth
and south combined, at the commencement of the
War, was $150,000,000: Now in the Northern States "
alone, it is $180,000,000, together with over $300,000,-
000 Treasury Notes, and $20.000;000 postal currency.
During the speech of Mr. Hakes, of Du -
zerne, he submitted the following statement relative
to the holders of the Pennsylvania securities : -Total
amount registered loan of State, $31,151,000. 101 l
in Great-Britain and East and West Indies. V 1,74-
000 : hold in France, $1,500,000: in the rest ofEurope.
$3.000,000. Among the French holders is the Emper
or Louis Napoleon.
Thc. annual report concerning the railroads
of this State in 1853. eh:ousel/eh remarkable prosper
_ ty Fla to - deserve notiCe. ...The-exotrnsea of the „reedit
durinithh — YeurVirt.32 - 0,602,604 the same
time the recciptawere $40,52 ,571 45, which loavese
profit of $19,926,766 89, or a sum very near equal to
the -whole annual expense. During the same period I
the passenger railways earned3l,Bl3,2lB 10. and ex
pended $1,267,014 61, which leaves them a profit of
$546,1n, 58.
, Tito IPhiladelphia bankers.are adver,tising 7,
the new five per cent. inter+st bearing legal tender
notesat a disccunt. They litorse tolake non-in
terest bearinglegal tender rititas at a premium for •
interest bearing legal tender notes. They thus vie
lido the old fashioned tules of arithmetio evidently
in. accordance with a combination to discredit the '
new notes. If Mr.-Chase will get them once clear
of the .shave-shop brokers, the people will take
them. -
WAsifirrotpx, D. C., Jan. 20,1864
Mr DEAR. Slit—Your very kind letter of
December 5, directed to me at Ettle Rock,
reached me at this place to-day. •
You will perceive it was a long tithe going,- '
for it , had not reached me when I left home,.
on the 19th December. It seems long, but :
think of one year ago. It' could ^not have . "
gone.there at all. Now, it .is not. 80. far to
Arkrinptis. And we are getting still nearer.
And wild as has been the embrace of our
"wild Western State" al:RI-our great metro
polls in by-gone years, and bitter as has been '
the terrible struggle in ;our.nation,-
our peo
ple, just preparing to write up the decree of
divorce from negro slavery, will rush to meet
you with a warmer and more cordial einbrade
than ever. ' .
With proper assistance our State will be
again in full fellowship with her sister Stiites, ,
in four months; and under an anti-slavery „
COnstiiution. "L" have no interest in misrep
resenting. • lam no politician. I would net -
have an qfficc. I mean' what -I say. I be-,
lieve I am an honest mcili."• I want peace—a
permanent - peace—a speedy peace. Itconnot
come bid by the-sword; how bitterly ,it
wrings my heart. to say SO. Yet it is so, and . ,
this is likewise true, that the More - men in the ;
field the more determination and unity dis;
played, the shorter • the struggle, and the less
suffering and sorrow inflicted.
I do not deny that I love the South; that- •
every blow inflicted on - it agonizes ma; but -
I love my country, and love order, and love
republican institutio&; and would have _all
preserved, and I see but one way to do it. The
war must be pressed with vigor. the redeem
ed territory re-organized; and, its shattered
society built up. - And, above all,.weibust
let negro„ slavery be removed at once: Ira
death is Inevitable. Let it boas earrittl.:pos
sible. Its death will be new life to our na
tion. To the poor and to the capit.. l ; , 4* it,
opens up a new country, that is like the dia.:
covery to them of a new continent.
Thanks for yourwords of cheer, and gen-'
erous sympathy anti encouragement. Ido
heartily appreciate it. YoUrs truly, ,
E. W. GAlrri..
William H. Lee,fEsq., New York.
Gov. JOHNSON, 4:4.ktmessee, said in his,
Bth of January speech Nashville:
«I have owned slaves---slavesthatlbought
with my own money—money earned-by-my- •••
sett, a quarter at, a time. They were confis
cated and sold • _yet two of them ran away;
from the rebeldo'thinims ani,re tome.
I hired-them—made a bargain wWthem for
their labor, and thar; recognized their freedom- -
And, I find they do better than when' the
were slaves. Wow, if 'any.of you are slave
-owners I'ady se you to 'go and do likewise .
while you hate the chance.' Hire your ne- -
groes to work for you and you will find they,
will do 'labor for you than When they
we ' a eves.y this; means •• you will do.•
your part in. - is great trnissition to teach;
them self reliattee'