8 ^SIS. From Pittsburg. by liftarserville, 141- • r4l ltidge, and Culmerville. tql3a. nburg, zi miles and haat, once a week. - Lesee Pittsburg Friday at ti s. m: arrive at Saxonburg by 6 11 m. 'heave hat •snlir- Thursday at 5 a ra: arrive at Pittsburg by 8p • fAsd, ' From Pittsbare.,.by Bmhanctn, Orinsby, and diope Church, to Street's Ran, 12 miles and back. twice daily. except Sunday. to )3,,uAlanan, and twice --a week residue. Bidders will propoie u szhedule of departures and arrivals satisfactory to the postmas ters at terminal offices. '3337. From Greensburg', by Harrison City, Manor Dale, Murray:lrate, Sardis, and New Texas, to Par nassus, :13 miles and back: twice - a week. Leave Greensburg Wednesday and Sattirday ‘at 9:4 a la - arrive at Parnassus by p m. Leave Parnassus Tuesday and Friday at 9;4' a in; arrive at Greens burg by p m. From Greensburg. by New Alexandria, Harvey'S Five Points. and Salem Cross Roads, to Greensburg, equal to 13 miles and back, six times a weak. Leave Greensburg, daily, except Sunday, at 12 m: arrive at Salem Cross Riad:, by 5p m. Leave Salem Cross Roads daily, except SuudaY,lat 6 a m: V , arrive at Greensburg by 9 a m. • 2639. From Mount Pleasant, by Pennsville, to Connelltuillo 10 miles and back, three times a week. ' Leave Mount Pleasant Tuesday. Thursday and . . Saturday at 4 p m ; arrive at Bennettsville by 7 p m. ' Leave Connellsville Tuesday, Thursday and. Satur day at 1p m; arrive at Mount Pleasant p 21319. From McKean's Old Stand, by Now Stan ton, Walt's Mills, Madison. and Fultop, to Tinker Bun, 22 miles and bank, three timesa Week. Leave - • ~_.fileKean's Old Stand Tuesday. Thursday and Satur day at 6a. m: arrive at Tinker Run by 12 m. Leave Tinker Run Tuesday; Thursday and Saturday at 2 p m ; arrive at McKean's Did Standby 8 p.m. 3313. From Ligonier, by Oak Grove Furnace and „.. lliliview. to West Fairfield, 11 mils, e and back, once ''ai week. Leave Ligonier Saturday at 8 a m; arrive at West Fairfield by 11 ri in. Leave, West Fairfield aturday at Ipto ; arrive at Ligonier-by 4p m. 1.642. From Ligonier. by Staldsteivn, to Donegal, 15 mires and back, once a week.• Leave , Ligonier 'Friday at 8 a ; arrive at Donegal by 12 m. Leave I,)nnegal Friday at 1 p m ; arrive at Ligonier by 5 . .443. Frog Lockport Station to West Fairfield; 3 • miles and back, six times a week.. Bidders will pro pose a schedule to conneethrith railroad, and that will be satisfactory to the postmasters at terminal -offices. • . 4 1111-1. From Branch Junction, by, , Blairsville, Black Lick Station, and Philip's Mills, to Indiana, 2ti miles and buck daily.. by railroad, and by asched nig satisfactory to the Department. • From Blairsville, by Livermore, 'to Salts , -1,1'102 miles and back six times a week. Leave Blairsville daily, except Sunday, ut 9 a tn; arrive at Saltsburg by 1 p in. Leave Saltsburg daily, except Sunday, at 2 p m ; arrive at Blairsville by 6 p in. 311 6. From Indiana, by Sheloota, Elderton, Whitesburg, Blanket 1101, Kittanning, Worthing, ton, and BoYleville, to Butler, 45 . 14 . miles and back, \ twice a week. Ldave Indiana Tuesday and Friday - at 5 tem; arrive at Butler by ti pm; Leave Butler Monday and Thursday ut a in; arrive at Indiana b+6 p ' 2617 From Indiana, by Rayne, Ilome. Brady, Marshland, Covode, Punxutawney„Oliveburgh, 4,0ul Spring, and Stanton, to Brookville, 49%. miles • and bung three times a week: Leavo, Indiana Monday,. Wednesday and Friday. at 7a m ; arrive at Brookville mixt days byap in. Leave Brookville Monday. Wednesday and. Friilo at 7a na; arrive at Indiana next days by 5 p IW-18 Prom Indiana. by ChaMberlville.' end Pinrnville, to Smicksburg, 'l-'' miles and back. 1, wiee a week, Leave Indiana alsaalay and Thurs .' day, at 5 u m; arrive at S.nieksburg by 10 a m.— 'wave Smicksburg Monday and Thursday nt 12 m ; arriie at Indiana by 5 p m. ' • :a1,19 From Indiana, by Penn Run, Mitchell's Minta, Newman's Mills, Patchinaville,-Burn aide, New Washington, Ostend, Chest,-Bower. and Grampian Hills, to Curwinsville, 62 miles and back, • twice a week. Leave Indiana Monday and Thurs day at 5 am ; arrive at Curwinsville next days by I.la_a ta. Leave Curwinsville 'l'nasday and Friday at f p m_; arrive at Indiana next days by 8 p Laiao From Indiana, to Brush Valley, 7 miles and Duck, three times a week. Lanais Indiana Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 4 p m : arrive at Brush -,'Va,loy by 6 p ni. Leave Brush Valley Tuesday, Taursdisy and Saturday at 12 in ; arrive at ludiana bY2ata. - 31 From Indiana, by Rent, Ebenezer, Clarks •hurg, Elder's Ridge. olis et; South Hend, West Leiraaott. ' and , Indiana, equal to 20 miles and back, three times a week. Leave lmli ana Monday, i taint: salty and Friday at 5 a m rice at Indiana by a p in. 2652, From Saltsburg, by Coalport, Rishkimini , tas, Apollo; and Leeehburg, to Shirley Station; 27% miles and back, three times a week to Apollo, .and aix times a week the residue. Leave- Saltsburg Tueaday, Thursday and Saturday_at 1p m arrive at Apollo by 5p m, Leave Apolle; Tuesday, Thurs day and. Saturday at 7 a ; waive at Saltsburg by • 11 a tn. Leave Apollo daily, exeeptSundaY, at 12; 1 .4 T, mu ; arrive at Shirley Station by 4p m. Leave• Shirley Station daily, except Sunday. at 10 am; ar • rive at Apollo by 12 in. 2633 k rum Saltsburg, to Perryton,_ 5 miles and • back, once a week. Leave Sultsburg Saturday at 11 am ; arrive at Perryton by 12 in. Leave Perry , • tan Saturday, at a ain ; arrive at Saltsburg by 10 a 2tial From Home, fry Glen Oak and Mahoning, to Smitten, 13 utiles.,and back, three times a week. Leave Home Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 1 1:11; arrive at Smitten by 3p rn. Leave Smitten uesday, Thursday and Saturday at m; arrive -at ' ome by 12 in. 2655 From Mahoning. by Decker's Point. Purchase Line, and Hillsdale, to Newman's Mills, 21 miles and hosek, twice a week. Leave Mahoning Tuesday and ftitirday, at 11 a in ; arrive at Newman's Mills by 5 in. Leave Newmari's Mills Monday and Friday at IS ain arrive at Mahoniug by 2P m. . 2656 irons. Crosson, by-Munster. to Ebensburg. 12 Milt% and hack, twice daily, except - Sunday, by railroad, and by a schedule satisfactory to the De . partuient. 2657-From Cresson, to Loretto, 4 miles and back, six times a week. Leave Cresson daily. except :Sunday. at 10 a se; arrive at Loretto by 11 a in.— /dams Loretto daily, except Sunday, at 7p m ; ar rive tit Cressonby 8 p tn. • .• :3155 Fryta Loretto, by Chess Springs .Saint - -gustiao, Fallen Titaber,Roseland. and litahville, to.. Samith's Mills, 26 miles and back, three times-a-i week to Saint Augustine, and twice a week the res-di • idue. Leave Loretto Monday. Thursday; and Sat-\ t urday at 13 KM; arrive at St Augustine by 3 p Leave St Augustine Moudyy.thursdyy and Satur day at3y pm ; arrive at Loretto by 7p m. Leave St Augustine Tuesday and Friday at 6 am ; arrive . At Smith's Mills by 11 am. Lease Smith's Mills Tueedaa, and Friday at 1 p in arrive at St. Augustine • by6pm. •- %59 From Ebensburg, by Carrolltown, Platte ville, and Bast Ridge, to Newman's Mills, 23 miles , • and back, three times week. Leave Ebensburg Tuesday, l'hursday -and Saturday at 12% p'm : ar - rive at Newman's Mills by 81a p m. Leave New fauna' Mills Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 8 am; arrive at Ebensburg by 4 p in. 3;60., From Ebensburg, by Bethel Station, Nolo, and Delhi. to Indiana, 213 miles. and back, once a week'. Leave Ebensburg Monday at 8a m: arrive at Indiana by 4p m, Leave Indiana Tuesday at m; arrive at Ebeusburg by 4 p m. 2661. From Clearfield. by Cunvinsvill, Forest, ,Luthersbunt. Jefferson Line, ReynohLsvil le, Brook ' Title, Corsica. and Strattonville, to Clarkin. 59 miles and back, six times a week. Leave Clearfield dai ly, except Sunday, on arrival of mail from . Tyrone —say at 7p m : arrive at Curwinsville by 8 p Leave Curwinsvillo daily, except Sunday,- at 9 p in; arrive at Clearfield by 10'/ 2 p rn, Leave Cunvins- , ' daily, except Sunday, at 4 am: arrive at Clari- ' on by 8 p-m. Leave Clarion daily, except Sun- i day, at .1% a in; arrive at Curwinsyille -by 1332• ' IP . • 2362.. From Clearfield, by PennfiCld,Tylers, Cale donia, and- Kersey's, .to Ridgeway, 44 miles and ' back, twice a week. Leave Cle trfield Tnesday and 'Saturday at 6 a in; arrive at Ridgeway by 8 pan.— ,Leave Ridgeway Monday and Friday at 6a m ; ar -rive at Clearfield by 8 p rn. . From Clearfield, by Shasysville, " Bald Hill, Leconte's Mills, Francisville, and Eltiettams„o,Salt Lick. 32, 'Mika andtiviee week. ',Leave' Clearfield Mohday.and.Friday at 8 ain ; • arrive at' Salt Lick by 4 p tn. Leave Salt Lick Tuesday and Satarlgy at 8 ain ; ,iirriye• at Clearfield by '4 . 2611. From Jeffries, by Clearfield Bridge; to Clear aeld 16 mike and back, twice a_ week. • Leave Jeff ries Monday and Friday at I p in; arrive at Clear 'acid by 5p m. Leave.Clearfield Monday ,and Fri dui at 6a m ; arrive at Jeffries by 10 a in, :or. From Curwinsville, by Bloomville and New MWport, to Ansonville, 13 miles and back, once a ' week. Leave Curwinsville Saturday at 8a m; ar alAnsaiiville by 12 m. kea,V43Ansonville Satur ,• day p En; arrive at Curwinsville by 5 p tn. - • .2666. From thinvinsviile to Lumber City, 6 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Curwinsville Tuesday, 'Thursday, and SatuadaY at 6 a in; arriva at Lutriber City by 8 a in. Leave - Lumber City Turag4 . , Thursday and Saturday at 85 a in; arrive at insville by 1954 a m. • 2667. From Lathe:stun. by Troutville, Big Run; - Bell's Mills, Pernautawney, Covode and Smitten, to Smicksburg, 32'4 miles and back, twice a week.— Leave Luthersburg . Tuesday and Saturdav at 8a _ -m; arrive at Smicksburg - by p in._ Leave Sinicks burg Monday and Friday ate a in; arrive at Lu thersburg by 6 p In; • 2668:: From New Washington, .by Chest, Cush, Horton's, and Canoe Ridge, t o" tPungutawneY, 21 - railavand back, twice a teed cleave New Wash ington• Tuesday and Saturday-at 8 a.ra.; arrive at Punzutawney by '2 pm, Leave , Punxubawney Most day and Friday at 10 am; arrive at• New Washing . - :ton Ity 4p m. •,i . 2669. From Ansonville, by Me(larrey'sand West over', to Ra a t Ridge,. 16 miles and. back, owe a iireei6 Leave Anaonville Saturday at 7 a in: arrive at Emit Ridge by 12 in. Leave East McmdaY at 1 , p In: arrive at Ansonville by 6 p in. mg. From Williams' Grovo to Graltaintam - nines and bank, three times a week. Leave Will iams' °nava Monday. Thursday and-Saturday-,at 9 ata ; arftv . eat Grahamton by 10 a tn. Leave Gra lasmtea Monday, Thursday, and Saturday at 8 a ms; arrive at Williams' Grove by 9 a tn. . 2671, Frans Reynoldaville to Rockdale Milli.. 8 mtlee,andivick, ouee a week.; Leave neynbldsvilie . 4 I Saturday at 1 p m; arrive at Rooltdide Mills hY 31..! p ina- Leave Rockdale Mills 'Saturday at -8% aal t arrive at Reynoldsvilie by Il a in. f '-'G72. From Punxidawnef. by Frostburg, _Saran kle's Mills, and Packer, to Suminarafille, = Mile= andliack, ones a week. Leave PumautawneY Wed nesday at 8 a m; arrive at Summer:will° by 3P in. Leave Summersville Thursday at 8 a in; arrive at PanxutawneY br 3 P In. 1 2673. Frain Brookville, by Sigel and Claringtori, .to Marionville, 'ai miles and bark once a week.'" Leave Brookville Thursday at ' a m: arrive at Marionville by 5 p 111. Leave Marionville Friday at 7 a in ,• arrive at Brookville by 6 p m. 2674. From Brookville, by Stmiton, Ringgold and Hamilton, to Smitten,_ 24 miles and back, once a week. Leave Brookaille Saturday at 6a m; arrive at Smitten by 2 p m. - -Leave Smitten Monday at 6 a m_ arrive at Brookville by '2 P - in. W. 75. From Brookville. by Summersville, Shan nondale, Kerr's Store, New Bethlehem, Oakland. Rapt Bank Furnace, and Orraville, to ICittanina, 42 elites and hack, six times , a arc*. Leave Brook ville daily. except Sunday. at 4 a ' i m ; arrive at kit -tanning by 4p m. Leave Kittanning daily, except Sunday, at 11 a in ; arrha Brookville by 11 p in. 2670. From Brookville, by Wiirsaw, Brockway villa, Little Toby, Hellen, and Brandy Camp, to Ridgeway, 41 miles and back. twitai a week. Leave -Brookville Tuesday and Saturday at 6 a in; arrive at, Ridireway by 7 p in. Leave Ridgeway Monday' and Friday at Gam ; arrive at BrOokville by 7 p ni. 2677. From Brookville, by Richardsvilica Schaff ner's Corners, Arroyo, and Lake City, to Ridgeway, 37 miles and back, once a week. Leave Brookville Saturday at 7 a 111 : arrive at Ridgway. by 6 p ria- Leave Ridgeway Friday at 7 a m; arrive at Brook ville by 6 p tn. • I aim. From Kittanning, by West Valley, Oscar. Echo. and Belknap, to Dayton; 20 miles and buck. twice a week. Leave Kittanning Tuesday and Fri day after arrival of the Pittsburg mail'-say- at 10 a m; arrive at Dayton by 4 p in.' Leave Dayton Mon day and Thursday at 8 a in; arriie at Kittanning by 2 p in. 2679. From Kittanning. by R i imarsburg, Wider town's Ferry,. Lawsonhatn, Citrllsville, and.aßeids , burg, to Clarion., miles and hack, six times a week. Leave Kittanning daily.aexaept Sunday, at 11 a in; arrive at Clarion by lo plm. Leave Clarion in daily. except Sunday, at 4 a : arrive at Kittan ning by 3 P in. aial. From Kittanning, by Cowansville and Adams. to Brady's Bend, 16 miles and back. six time, a week. Leave Kittanning! daily, except - Sunday, on arrival of mail by ral Iroatl-say at 11 u in ; arrive at Brady's Bend by m: -4 p tn. Leavo Bra dy's Bend daily, except Sunday, at 10 a : arrive at Kittanning by 3 p in. I * , {l. From Kittanning by ural Valley; ,!. -Bar nard(, Dayton, and Sinickstiur to Mahoning, 30 miles and back, twice a week. 'Leave Kittanning Mondivy and Friday on arrival f mail froriSPitts burg-say at 10 a in : arrive at Mahoning by 8p in. Lamy() Mahoning Taesduy and Saturday at - 6 a nit arrive at Kittanning by 3 p ru. l arai2. From Kittanning, by Pine Township, Serubgrass,Putneyville, Ecidvville, Plicenix, Portar, Hamilton, and. Frostburg, to FunxidawneY.43 miles and back, twice a week. Leave Kittanning Tues day and Friciav at 6 a in; arrive at Punxutawney by 9p m. Leave Funxutawney Wednesday and Sat urday at 6a m; -arrive at Kittanning by 9 p m., -- ...b".13. 'From F.reeport to Slate Lick, 7 Miles• and hack, three times a week. Leave Freeport Tuesday' Thursday and Saturday at 11 a 'Fa; arrh - e at Slate Lick by 1 p in. LeAve Slate Liqk Tuesday, Thurs day, and Saturday at 2 p m; arrive at Freeport by. I pan. I 2584. From Kelly's Station to Cochran's .hills. 734 miles and back, twice a - week. Leave• Kelly's Station Wednesday and Saturday at 9% a m; arrives at Cochran's Mills by 11% a n''. Leave Cochran's Mills Wednesday and Saturday at 7 am ; arrive ail Kelly's Station by 9 a in. - . 2635. From Apollo. by Spring Church, Longßun. and Olivet, to Elder's Ridge, 13 miles and back. three times a week. Leave Apollo Tuesday, Thugs, day and Saturday at 1 p in; arrive at Elder's Ridge by 5 p in. Leave Elder's Ridge Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7 a in; arrive at Apollo by 11 a m . ..1336. From Brady% Bend, 5y Catfish Furnace, , Black Fox, and Stunt's Store to Callensburg, 1 miles and back, twice a week. Leave Brady's Ben( Tuesday and Saturday at 7 san a arrive at Canons . b by 12 m. Leave CallenSburg Tuesday an. Saito ay at 1p m ; arrive at Brady's Bend by 6p m 2667. 'roin Lawreneoburg, by Matildaville, Wes Freedom, allansburg, and - Piney, to Clarion, 2 , miles and b - 1:, - tit ice a week. Leave Lawrence• burg TneatlaY rid Saturday at sam; - arrive al Clarion by 12 in. cave Clarion Tuesday and Sat' urday at 1 p m; arrive at Lawrenceburg by 8 a in. 2553. From Clarion, by Frampton and Lime stone,' to Kingsville, lall'e miles and back, twice a week. Leave Clarion aesdaY and Satur ; day at a am; arrive at Kiugsvil c by 12 in. Leavt Kingsville Tuesday and Satutd - at.l2lp m; arrive at Clarion by 4V, p rn. 2689. From °imam). by Lueida F in. burg Nebraska, Tionesta, S ewart's a Lamb's. to Pleasantville, 38 mi es and ba , ii times a week. Leave Clarion Monday, Wet n and Friday at 6 a in; arrive at Pleasantville by in. Leave Pleasantville Tuesday, Thursday a Saturday at 6 a ra; arrive at Clarion by 6p m. ; ) 21390, From Clarion, La , Shippensvillo, Kossuth,' ' 1.... Ca.ss a trid Cranberry, to Franklin. 29 miles and back, a• 3. six tames a week. Leave 1 Clarion daily ex- 1 -, ts . rcpt Sunday, at 6a m ; arrive at Franklin by 3 p in. , •ee. Leave Franklin daily, except . unday, at 1 p ni, or on aixiyal of cars from Meadvi le; arrive at Clarion Si tint. by 10Z' in. 'ye ye . t :..1391. From Strattonville, by Helen Furnace, • ( 711 w , Scotch Hill, Tylersburg, and North Pine Grove, to N. n , Marionville, 2'.) miles and back, olaco - a week. Leave Strattonville Tuesday at 6 a in; arrive at Marion ville by 4 p in. Leave Marionville Thursday at 6,a in; arrive at Strattonville by 4i pan. bitra. From Strattonville, b Fisher and Kahle's. to Clurington, 18 miles and . ack, once -a week.r- Leas'e Strattonville Monday t 7 a ina arrive at Clarington by 12 m. Leave Clarington Monday, - nil p m; arrive at Strattonville by a ri in. 2693. From Shippensville, loy ' Lucinda Furnace and Fryburg, to Tylersburg, '.31 and back, tivicataa week. Leave Shippensville Wednesday aud Satur day at 1p m; arrive at Tylersburg by 7 p rn. Leave Tylersburg Wednesday and Saturdtiy at 6 a ,m; ar rive at Shippensville by 12 m . 26,94. -From Callensburg to J Rimersburg, 8 miles and back, since a week. LeaVe Callensburg Thurs day at 6 li, in; arrive at Rimer 4 sburgbylam. Leave Rimarsburg Thursday at 10 a pi; arrive at Cattails k urg by 1 p in. , ProposalS foal-nor° frequentmerviee. •, of exceeding three trips a week, are invited. 21395. From Callensburg, by Alumßock and Saint Petersburg. to Emlenton, 12 iiiles and back, once:a . week. Leave Callensburg M ndayat 1p m; arrive at Emlenton by 5 p m. - Lear Emlenton Mu:lda) at 8 a m: arrive at Callensburg by 12 in. 2596. From New Bethlehlata by Leatherwood, - Brinkerton; and New Springfield to Curllsville, 12 miles and back, twice a Weeki. Leave Now Battik: hem Tuesday and Saturday at e I p in ; arrive at Curl Is vine by 4 p in. Leave Curnsyille Tuesday and Sat urday at 8 a m; arrive at Ne* Bethlehem by- 11 aim. 2697. Froin Butler, -by Holyokra Coultersville, Anandale, Utena, Murrinsville, and Clintonville. 1 to East Salida'', 36 miles and back, twice a week.- ' Leave Butler Monday and Friday at 6 a 111 ; arrive at East Sandy by 71 , in. Leave East Sandy Tina,- day and Saturday at 6 a-m ; I arrive at Butler by 7 p ni. - I .1 '21393. From Butler, by Sagrenburg, Sarversvilte. Freeport, Shearer's Cross I Roads, McLaughlin', Store, North Washington, and Oakland Croks Roads. -to Salem Cross Roads, 43 miles and hack, twice a week. Leave Butler TuesdaY and Saturday at aa' in; arrive at Salem Cross Rounds by h p tn. Leave Salem Cross Roads Monday and Friday at 5 a ta ; arrive at Butler by 8 p m. , 2699. From_Butler, by Mo rit Chesnut, Prostieet. Portersville, and Princetan, , o New Castle, 28 mile,.l and back, twice a week? penve Butler Monday i and Thuradav a at 6 a in; arrive at NU* Castle y 2 pm. Leriva'New Castle Tuesday and , Friday at 6 r am; arrive at Butler by 2p ;al, Z7OO. • From Butler, by North Oakland, Barnhart's Mills, Baldwin, and Bruin, to Lawiencebura, 25 miles and back, twice a week. Leave'Butler Mon day and Friday at 9 a m: arrive at Lawrenceburg by 6 p in. Leave Lawroncehurg Tuesday and Sat urday ut 8 a m ; arrive at Batter by 5 p in. -2701. ' From Butler, by Petersburg, Break Neck. :and Zalieuople, to New Brighton. 29 miles and buck, once a week, with two additiOhal trips a week be tween Break Neck and - Zelianople. Leave. Butler WatinesdaY at 7 a rat arrive at New Brighton' bY-5 Rua Leave New Brighton iThursday at 7a m ; air- Java at Butler by 5p m. Laity° Zelionople Monday and Friday at 1 p in; arrive at Break Seek by:; p m. Leave Break Neck Monday and Friday id. 4 p m; arrivo at Zelienople by 6 p m, . 2702. From Butler, by' Boydstown, 'North Hopp, and Anderson's Mills, to Emlenton; 30 miles and back, twice a _week. Leaye - Butler Tuesday and Saturday at 6 a m ; arrive at Emlenton by 4 p mar- Leave Emleuton Monday and Friday at 6 a la; 'ar rive at Butler by 4 p ni. . 2703. From Baldwin, to, Adams, 10 miles and back a twice a week. Lease Baldwin Wednesday • and baturday, at 9 a m: tame at Adams by 1L a re. _Leave Adams WedneedaY and Saturday on ar ! rival of the Pittsburg mail-say at 3 pin; arrive at Baldwin b a r 5 p in. I 2704. From Saxonburg, Y Double Sale and Me lissadale, to Slate Lick, I. miles and back, once a week. Least) Saxonburg . aturday at 8a m; arrive at Slate Lick by 12 in. Le ve Slate Lick Saturday at 1 pm : arrive at Saxon erg by 5p m. 1 - - 27 0 From Harmony, by Middle Lancaster, Par tersville,_Willie Rey, Ilariensburg, and Leesburg, to Mercer, 31 miles and ba k, six times a syeek.- Leave Harmony daily, ex ept Sunday, afterarrival of the Pittsburg mail-aayaat 3 p m; arrive at .Mer t cer bY'9 pM. Leave Mender daily, except SandaY, at 5 a tn; arrive at Harmony by 11 a m. I 2706. - From Brownington, by Hartisville and -1 Wesley, to Franklin, 30 miles and back, six times a. week. Leave Brownington daily. except Sunday, at 10 p m; `arrive at Franklin next days by 10 a ni. Leave Franklin daily, except Sunday, at 6 P:m ; ar j rive at Browuiugton nextdays by 4 a m. I - 2707. Fromaloyleville. by Foster's Mills, Adams, , andSharret, to Rimersburg, Lit miles and back, : twice a week. Leave Coyleville Monday and!Thura 'lay at 8a ma arrive at Iltimersburg by 5 p m..-; . en ae Kimersbura Tuesday and Friday at Sami arrive at Coyleville by 5 Rock, 1 fib From-Slippery by McKnight, to Air fzllitgo. 11 miles and back onc,e a week, I Leave AilliPPzi Rook Friday at iii P ai arrive atl Arista- efg ,franklin dal. by 434 p tn. - :Leave Anandale.Friday at 9 a m arrive at Slippery Rock by 12 tu. tralct. loromiEconerny. by New Scottsville, New Sheffield, SevElgtv Sia,_and Green Garden. to Belt, 15 miles and back, tvriee a week. Leave . Economy Wednesddy and Saturday filler arrival-of the mad from Pittsburg--aav at 10 a tn . : at - rive at bolt by pm. Leave Holt Wednesday and Saturday at 3 Li; A at: arrive at Economy b_v8. 1 ,4 2710 From Beaver. by Bolt.McCleary. Service, and Ifarshaville. Frankfort Springs, 2-1 miles and back, twice a vree7. Leave Beaver Wednesday and Friday atM am arrive at Frankport springs by i p rn. Leave Frankftyrt Springs Thur,slay and:sloml day at Sa In arrive at Beaver by ti pm. 2'711 From Beaver, by Bush Creek, to Zelienoplel 12 miles and - back, once a week. Leave Beaver' -S l aturday at 1 p 111 arrive at Zelienorle by 5 12 111 Leave Zelienople Saturday at a marrive at Bea vor by 12 tn. [ 212 From No* Brighton. by North Sewiekle3 - . 11V t rteniburg. atidChenango, tu New Cast le, 22 mile 9 land back, twice rt_week. Leave New Brightm j:ll...mtlay and Friday on arrival of the mail tro ',Pittsburg—say at-114 a ni : arrive at New Cued'' , Ihy ,t 1,4 p In. Leave New Castle Tooksday and'Satur ,flay at 4 a-m ; arrive at New Brighton by 11 a in: 2713 From - New Brighton, by Homewood, line Point, and Irish Ripple, to New Castle, 21 miles and twice a week. Leave New lb Leiden Mobdo jam]. Friday on arrival of the mail from Pittsbam -4 , say at 11 1 4 a m; arrive .at New Castle by 5!/ 4 p Leave New Castle Tuesday and Saturday - at 4a in arrive at New Brighton by 1U a m. 2714 From smith's Ferry. by Georgetown, it 1-10-thstow - n, 434 unites and back, six times a week' Bidders will propose a schedule of departures ant arrivals satisfactory to 'testa o,ters at terminal M T flees. - el5 From Smith's k'erry, to. OhMarne, 3 mil aa , isrove by ilt tp. • • • and back, twice a week. Leave Smith's Fella' I 2733. - Front Sugar Grove. by Bust", N. Y.. , to +. - t-dnestlav and - Saturday at 10 anal 'arrive a I Jamestown, 10 miles and back, three times a week. Ohioville by ri am. ee Ohioville Wedifestiaa iLe eve Sugar Grove Monday. Wednesday sand ri and. Saturday at 12 at ;arrive at Smith's Ferry by. '• day at 9a m a aarrive at Jamestnwn by 12 in. • Leave -P I Jamestown M y onday. Wednesday and Friday' ara p lilt] From New Castle, by East Brook, Harlensr ; - in ; arrive at Sugar Grove by 6 p .in. Proposals for burs , and Plain Grove, to Slippery Rock, 20 -ritilek ' six times a week service are invited. and'lmek, three times a week. Leave New Caatil: 1 - '..701: From 'Pittsfield, by Freehold and Lottsville. Monday, Wednesday and Friday at - 8 arty; arrive att . to Broken Straw, N. Y.. 14 miles and back, three Pn Slippery ek by 2 p tn. LeaVa Slippery !toe . I times a week.' Leave Pittsfield ruesday..Thurad i ay Tu e sday, Th u rsday anti Saturday at 1 p in ;• 'arriv 1 and Saturday at 9a m: arrive at -Broken straw at ,- 1 tut New Castle by 7p m. . • 1 p in. Leave Broken Straw Tuesday, ThursdaY and '717 , Front New Castle, by Pataski, I West Mid I Saturday at 3ain . arrive at Pittsfield by 6 . p in.- dresex, Sharon, and Clark's, to West Greenvillta: f Proposals for ex times a week servic'e are Invited. miles and hack, six times a week. Leave IN e ! 2745. Trots Spring Creek to West Spring Creek, Castle daily, except Sunday, at 3 p in: arrive at 3% milerand back, three times a week. Bidders Sharon by 9 p un - Leave Sharon daily, except will propose a ' , Aerial° to connect with railroad, Suuay, at 1 9 in ; arrive at New Castle by 6p n .111 and be satisatetory to the poemastars at. the-termi- Leave Sharon daily, except Sunday, at sa.in ; ate 1 sal offices. - : ' rive at -West Greenville, by' 8 a m. Leave , 2736. From Columbus to Carter Hill, 7 miles and West Greenville daily, except Sunday. at 8',4 am ; I back, twice a week. Leave Columbus Wednasday arrive -at Sharon by WA a in. and Saturday at 8 a In: arrive at Carter UPI by 10 -718 'Front New Castra. by Falanbarva lliffsvillz, j amt. T way , C ar t er ma wednesday-and Satuaday Lowellsville. Oa and Pstand, to Younastawav -'r• ! at la:10 a in : unit eat Columbus by 12:30 p m, ' 11111(14 and back, six times a week. Leave ~,,,,r ; 275 i. .Fram South West to Star:lndies and briak. I came a week. ' heave Soun West Satarday at 10:30 Castle daily, except Sunday, at 7 a In; arrive i t Youngstown by 2p m. Leave Youngstown dull, I aln; a; riveat Finn by 12:10. Leave Star Saturday except Sunday, at 5 a m ; arrive at Nett Castle I y, i at 8 a at • arlive at South West by 10 a.m. 1„m. . , ' • 273 a. Prom Titusville, by Eagle and Spline:Creak. 2719 From Mercer, by Harthegig. Sheakleyvilla, I to Catmints. :_8 miles and back, once a week. Leave and Custard's to Meadville, 30 miles and back, si r B ! Titusville Saturday . at 8 a m ; arrive at Colembas by times a week. Leave Mercer daily, exeunt Sunda • 1 6p m. Leave Columbus Friday at 8a m ; arrive at at 2 p m ; arrive at Meadville by 10 a in. L'eat e 1 Titusville byli aitusville, by South Wee, ;Pleasant p in. Meadville daily, except Sunday. at 2p i n :, arr iv e ; t 1 2759. Front T Mercer by 11) p in. ' L i ville, Plamer, and Rouseville. to Oil" City, 23 1-2 '720 ' From Mercer by North's Mills, Sandy Lak • I miles and back, six tunes a week. Leave Titics- New Lebanon, and Milledgavilie, to CoLaranto n I villa daily. except Sunday, at 7 a in; arrive at Oil 27 miles and , back, three times a week. Lea e I City by 3 put. Leaved/it City daily, except Sunday, 'Mercer Tuesdiva, Thursday and Saturday at 7al":;at 10 a m ; arrive set Titusville by 6p m. . arrive at Coehrantoh by 3 p tn. Leave Coehra I '2760. - Fron,Meadville, by Shaw's Landing, Coeli tux ii - MondayaWednesday and Friday at 7a in t -- it - ' rantown, Canal. and Utica. to Franklin,• 30 miles rive atallereer by 3 P 111. . .-- and back, daily except Sunday. by railroad, and by 2721 From Mercer. by Indian: Run, N"ew Vai, - a schedule satisfactory to. the Department. - mingtan, New Castle,. Cross Cut. Mount Jacksidn , '2761. From Meads Ville„ by 11-armonsburie and and Marion, to Enou A alley, 31 milesand buck, six I Li ne Millsa -- to Penn Line, '2O miles and buck; six times a week. Leave Mercer daily, except Sunday, ' times a week to Line Mills, and twice a week' the at 1p m ; arrive at Enun Valley by 9 p m; Lear residue. Leave Meadville daily, except Sundae. at Enon Valley daily, except Sunday,-on arrival f 7am ' • arrive at Line Mills by Prat- ni. -Leave Line the" mail from , Pittsburg-say at 4a m ; -arrive Id Mills daily, except Sunday, at t-pin ; arrive at M I Mercer by 12 in. I Meadvilid by 10 p in. Leave Line Mills Tuesday -27 V, From Meraer, by:Delaware Gros-c. and ki w tl, I and Saturday' at ]I a,m : arrive at Penn Lineby 1 p m. Proposals for lambing, to West Greenville, 18 milks and bac • 1 in. Leave Penn Line Tuesday and Saturday at 3 p ix times a week. Leave Mercer wily, exec. a i at ; arr i ve ! alin e Mill s by 5 p .unday, at 1a m ; arrive at West Greenville by P I aerviee between Line Mills mid Penn Line fatly arc a. Leave W est Greenville daily, except Sand a. i invited. - " ' - at 7 a in; arrive at Mercer by 12 m. 27 9 762 From Meadville. by Ilurmonshurg. MaDow -23. From Mercer, by Worth, Hill, If ermita e, I 1 Pll . B, - COnnetilltVille. Randall's, and Hayfield, to ;harm Brookfield, 0., Vt•etsna, and Howlaud, to Friday ll i . e a a - e . - ! Meadville, entail to 19 miles and bank. throe , times Aareau. 33 wiles and back, three times a week 1 I a week. Leave 'Meadville Tuesday, Thursday. and neat Mercer Monday; Wednesdayl Saturday at 3p m ; arrive at llanneautville by 7 P . m c. arrive at Warren next days by an l d 2 - I ni. Leave Conneautville Tuesday, Thursday. and Warran Tuesday, 'Thursday and Saturday at 2a!, p • f Saturday at 7 la in : arrive at Meadville Icy 12 ni. -- at : inrive at Mercer next days by 11a, p m. Pan o- 1,, a ,a als to end at Brookliald are invited.,•-,,,, r TOM Meadville, by Mead Corners, Gars .. 2724. from Mercer, by Wolf Creek, Harrisvd c, ; - Sugar Lake, and Kingsley. to Staubein 28 ,Mill s, miles and back, twice a week. Leave - Meadville knondale. Ltena, Murrinsville, Bovatrit's Sfo e. l Tuesday and Saturday at 7 - a iti : arrive at Stenben tad Maple Furnace, to Lawrenceburg, 42 miles a id , by 4 1 ,4 p in. ' Leave Steuben - Monday stud Friday at back, once a week. Leave Mercer Tuesday at a . - 1 7 in; - arrive at Meadville by -11/. p in. tn ; tirrilrt at Lawrenceburg by E. p in. Leave LaBv- . ... 1 '764 From Meadville. by, Moaning OrenburgValley,Ran e Wednesday at-6 ain : arrive at Mercerlby• 1 dolph, New Richmond. Mane Cooley. Rieeville, and 2723. From Mercer, by Worth and West Mish4e- I ' Britain 'sun, - to Spartansburg, '24 miles and back, wive a week. bed.S. a - Meadville Tuesday coal Fri sex, to Youngstown, 'IL, 24 miles and back, three i tray t at 7 cam : 'anise at Spartanalcurg by 4 p m.- times a week. Leave 'Mercer Tuesday, Thins :u' Leave Spartanslateratiednesday and Saturday at 7 and Saturday at I pma arrive at Youngstown b. 8 I a m arrivii at Meadville Ky. 4 p ato .1 Leas - a Young: Monday, Wednesday- t !al • ~.. , rats Cram Evansbura. - by Tamarac. to Line iday at 7a m ; arrive at Mercer by 2 p lot* - ' I Mills, .8 Miles and hack, three times a week. Leas u a' 1. Froth Sheakleyville, by SallitS Cat& ind i „,.. ansberita Monday, wedees . ay a and Sato rd ait Grins 's. to Sutton's Corners. 9 milsai and ha 'k, 1 x's I lita al : arrive at Liao Mills by 1 9 tn. Leave e twice a . eek. Leave She:a:lays - the TuesdaY ; act 1 mill s M on d a y, W alnesday tad Saturday at 2 p in: Friday at . m ; arrive at Sutton's Corners by arrive at Evansbarg by 4 m. 1 a I p m. 'Leave Si tons Corner's TnesdaY and Fr it ay I a aa • 4 , - la-a t slang by Hartstown. Marshall's '' ptn ; arrive , t Sheaklay Ville by a p m.. , I • ../ 1 nail . I. .• . 4 1 Corners. Turners , . ille, and state Line., 0., to Kind et, . From•Anm w's Mills. by Lamartine, in er ' 1111111 . r., IS miles and back, three tinies a waeka son Fa dice, and Kn ,to Shippensville, 19 ia les . I,e are Es ausberil Tueeday, Thanalay and Saturday and; back, once a wet. --. Leave Agnew's! Mills ''' at .1 p in : arrive at Kinsman's by it p tut, Leas e Wedae(day at 6 a m : arrita. at Shimiensvile,ly 11 - a ! Kinsman's M r.l. t - W ((inesdav and Friday , at 5 a 1 . on a. , - t. , , in. 'Leas e Shippensville We ntaday at 1 p al; al-- 1m : arrive at Esbura by II aan , fiat!' at Agnew's Mills by 6 p in. - ' 2767 From van l's s, by Sugar hake, Wayne 27:_ti. From End enton, by - Elk ',nth dud 1. a-- I : Centre. and Wilson's M all s, ta"Csmarrstawn, 13 miles rencebing, to Brady's Bend, 17 111 ... and b. Or., t 1 k i d buck. nice a week. Leave Guy's Mills Wa-al three times a week. Leave Tilden a Meta ay. : Wednesday and Friday at 13 in ; arrive at„. Braiy s . IleBday at S a In ; an ire at Cooperstown by 12m. I.e.lse Cooperstown Wednactlay at I p itt; arrive at Rend by 6 p m. - Leave Brady 's Band Tugs ay, ! Guy's slats by is p m. . . Thirreday, and Saturday at ti a tut ; arrive at E en- . .. 2 ' , 768 - From Woode‘tek, hy:-Teapleville,Frisha's Sett _"7. by 12 tun - ' - Bement, l'hapiaville, Edanyille,and Oak Grove. to 27 - 2.9. From Einlenton, lay Big Bend, Clinton illes ailr Yaterford,al urtles-and beak, once a week. Leave Kilgore, Wesley, Centrotown, - and Iriebtow to t 1 aaulruek Wedneaday at 1 p in; arrive at Water- Mareer, 3-112. ogles and back, mice a weak. Leave i ford' . •hgp in. Leave 'll .tterford Tuesday at 9 a Einlenton S f ittarday at 6u m a ;writ e at Merce •by , , , , H , •.P at-Wraideoek by 5.p in. 6 p In. - Loavellerecr Friday at 6a m : arriv -at ' &Menton by 6 p tn.a (a.; -1.0. an Saeger:down, by Mashertown; anti ' . 0 . II Cria , sintryille a n, Lamb's Lane, II miles and back. 2759; From I , rauklin by Polk, Maple Grove. Iran-'; turas. times a w ek. Leave Saegerstown :Tuesday' lerson, Perrineatual Satterfield, it,Meraer, a 3 miles I Ihinacz - y 1 t and Su May 8t 1p m: arrive at Lundy's and back, six times a week. Leave Franlain aka,. lcy' 7 p us. sales Lundy's Lane TuesdaY, • - aaept Sunday, at 7a m ; arrii . e at Mincer- by 1') m, lute LeareaMereenalaily, except Sunday ,att 2p MI ear- Thursday and Sittur , laa at 6:e m; arrive at Suer -riveV- i , , l, tut: at Franklin by 9 p in, ; le, i.a II by -, , i 2;70 From .Corry, .by S wart, Cook. Spartan:-- 27:31. From Franklin, by Oil City, Planter, La tb's I burg, Snapp's Station, Centres ' ha and Oil Creek, Petra, Steath Mills, and 1 idionte. ta Iry me. lii i tiles and back, six times a week. Leave Franklin d illy-, Ito Titusville, '7 iniles and back, -Lily except San- except Sunday, at 6 a in :- astrivt• :It Irvine by 9 ,tut. t 6 hay'.' Icy milroadaand Icy - a schedule- satisfactory' to , ; [ the Department. at Franklin by 9 r iii. Leas e Irvine daily, except Sunday, n- - a its ; a rive r 2771 . From Corry, by Miller's Statian, dlaekdale. . , V enahgo. Woodcock - Saegerstowa, Meadville, Sat -2732. From-Franklin, by Dempsey - town and Cher ton's Otaners, Es anst;ura , -, Fillow.kield, Adamsville, ry Tree, to se ills tidies and baek, three Dines West Greenvillts. Urangaville, 0.:, Run hill, Warren; a week. Leave Franklin Moaday; Warbl e: 4am a nd Kent, Re venna, - Tranklin'ilf ills, - and Tamale:in to Friday at 7 a tu ; arrive at Titusville by 3 p lin.- Akron, 140'4. miles and back. daily except. Sunday, Lease Titusville Tuesday', Thursdays and Satinday IA: -railroad, and 'by a schedule satisfhetory to the at, ant: - • - aceaartmant. 2713. hoin Frtuiklia. by Cooperstown; Sun ,illa, ..,„..., c . Prom Union Mills, by Bloomfield, to Rice and Wallacavilla, to Plum 29 miles and back, 1 aka . villa, 9 Miles and back, o:tee - times a week. Leave a W1,1‘.. _Lease Frauklia al nalay and TilarBilay at Lain! Mill- Tuesday, "ah ttrsday :tad Saturday at 1 lif in: melt cat Suns ills by 6p m. Leave Suit villa , ,,, r i ye „s Rj et3N le by 4 in. L e a - s e Rie evile Monday mai Thursday, m il at 7 Tia at : at rive at Franklin Tuday, Thursday an n d 'Satur p day at 9 a m ; arrive by 12 la . Leive Suuville Tuesday and Friday; at , arta ; arrive at Plum by 9,1,,i a 01. :Leas e Plum at Can al Mills by 12 in. 'aes- . krom , by Sttion Waterford, day and Friday at 91..1 a :a; arrive at Sunvill i e by Le 77 li l ceuff, Union Erie MillsJ ,ackson Concord a Stati on, Icoyall's 12 ca. Stattom Wayne, Corry, Columbus Spring Creek, 1.734. From Franklin, by Utica, French L eek, 7 I Garland. , Pittsfield. Youngsville, drama. Warren, New Lebanon, NM Vernon, SheakleYville Ill''' 15 cat Sheffield. and Sheffield, to Sheffield Station. Sal to West Greenville, 14 miles and back. once 79 miles and bliek,d,dly except Sunday, by railralid, a week. • Leave Franklin Thursday at 7 a tuc arrive and by a schedule satisfactory to the Departmeat. at ,Green ville by 5p m. Leas e Greenville ;tie lnes- , L ,- 74 From Erie, by - Melt-ean, - IVells' Corners, .lay at 7aea : arris 41 at Frauklin by 5 p in. P Opo- s ! aint Edlilb.ifinigil, to sTenamso, 22 miles and bauk, sale to CORM/elle° at Utica are invited: Six tunes a week. Laura Erie "daily, except Sun •raca, From Franklin. by Seneca, Ten Mile But- ~ iii,l2 in; arrive at vemmge by 7 n m, Leant torn. Fertig's, President Fuanace. line title, and dray Fry bora, to Tylersburg, 4a, mile. and back, t ice a Venangu daily, except Sunday, at li' ITuf ; arrive a` - I week. Lem e Temillia Monday and Thursdat Erie by a' p m.: -at 7 r"5 From Erie, by Belle Valley,and East Green, am; arrive at- Tylersburgby 9 p in, 'Leas 0 T le to ' Wattaburg, 20 miles mend back, three times a bung Tuesday and Friday at 10 a in; arrive n. at 'ran week• Leave Erie Tuesday, Thursday. and Satur- Ilia by !I i p til. day, at :; p ni ; arrive at Wattsburg by . 7 p m.- 2736. rom Franklin,. by' Rockland, Pitt villa, Leasti Wattsbarg Tuesday, Thalestlily anti Saturday Porterfield, and Agnew s Mills, Its Etalantf In 20 tit 6 a iti'; .arrive at Ernaby 10 a tn. minas and back, once a week. Leave Franklin Wed- 2776 From Railroad Depot, by Springfield Cross necalaY• at 7 stn: Roads; and West Springfield, to Cherry' Hill. 10 ave Emlenton Tuesday at 7a,ta ; -arrive at • `ran -I mites ,aio baek. six times a week. Bidders will Le ahy 1 p in. propose, a schedule to connect with the railroad, ' *-737. From Tionesta, by }lowa. to Tidio , ate 17 and- be atisfactory . to postmasters. miles and back, once a week. Leave Tionesta Mou- , 277_7 Front Girard, by Miles' Grove, Platen,- Elk day at 1p m; arrive at Tidionte by 7 p 111. Leave Creek, Lundy's- Lune, Athens, Spring. Conneaut- Tidionte Monday-at 6 a Int arrive at Tiouast! by I. villa, Centre ',toad Station, Line Mills, North She - .l .2. , Imago,- Hartstown, South Shenango, and James •ngtaanby Millstaine and Raaight's, town to Grcenvill -- miles an4lutek. me©, Tylers'-- Run, and three I,9Bday : 438. From Cl#h , Mgt. ; _ _Ain, Mills. to ArroyoM miles and back. once a Week.— L ea ve ciarington Saturday at 7 a m; arrive at Arroyo by 12 tn." Leave Arroyo Saturday tit 1 I , In.; arrive at Clarington by-6 1 m. 2739. From RidgewaY, I .Y. New Highland; t Shef field, 18 miles - arid back, once ;tweak. Leave idgo way Wednesday at Gam; arrive at Sheffield by, 12 in. leave Sheffield Wednesday at 1 p in; arrive at Ridgeway by 7 p.m. Proposals to end a New Ilighland,are invited. 2740 From Ridgeway, by Williamsville, Se cant. f e Clermontville, and Kamen. to Smithport,' miles and back, three times a week. Leave Ri way Moliday, Wednesday, and Friday at 6 a m- arrive at Smithport by 7 p m. Leave Smithport, T esdaY. Thursday and Saturday at Gam; arrive at tidge" . way by 7 rm. 2741. From Caledonia to Kartbous, 27 miles and back, once a week .. Leave Caledonia blot; ay at 7 a In ; arrive at Karthousby 7 p m. Leave K rthous Tuesday at 7 a m ritrrive at Caledonia by 7 m. di l , 2742. • From Caledonia, by Benezette an flick's Run, to Second Fork, 24 miles and back, once 4 week. Leave Caledonia Friday at 9 a m; -arrive-at -Second Fork by 6 p In. Leave Second Fork Saturday at 9 a In; arrive at Caledonia by 6 p m. ' 2743.. From Hellen, by Kersey. to Benzi'ger, 14 miles and back, once a week. Leave Hells Men day at 10 a m.: arrive at Benzinger by 2 p m Leave .lienzinger Monday at' p m: arrive at Hell n by 7 P tn. 2744. From Shippen, by Norwick and C Wove, to Smithport, 26 milos and back, twice A , eek.— Leave Shippen Wednesday and Saturday a 6 a in; arrive at Smithport by 3 p in. Leave .8 ithport Mandarand Thursday at 6 a m ; -arrive st SiPPen by - 3 p na. . 274 b. From Smithport, by Farmer's vidiv.Sort; `kru, iebruettA 3, -1864. well. Allegheny Bridge. and Portville, to Olean. 'I) miles and back, six times a week. (Leave Smithport dully, except Sunday. at 9a m; arrive at Olean by lip in. Leave Olean daily, exeept Sunday, at 6 a in; arrive at Smithport by p tn. - 2746. From Smithport, by Lafayette. Eden, and Kinzna. to Warren. 43 miles and bark, once a week. Leave Smithport Tuesday at Gam; arrive at War ren next day by 12 in, Leave Warren Wednesday at p in; arrive at Smithport next day In 6 p in. 1.747. From Eden to Bradford, 10 miles :tad-back, once a week. Lmveliden Wednesday at Sn m ; ar rive at Brrulfurd by n a in. Leave Bradford Wed ! nff.day ut 12 in : arrive at Eden by 3 p ni. 2748. Front Bradford, by Kendall's Creek aid ' Limestone. N. Y., to Carrolton, 15 miles and bae:„ `six times it week. Leave Bradford daily,, except Sunday, at Sit m; arrive at Carrollton by 12 Leave Carrollton daily. except Sunday, at 2 p in; arrive at Bradford by 6 p lit.- ; - 2749. From Shellield„ by Foxbure to Marionville 19 miles and back, once a week. Le,t'y. ammo ( ' Wednesday at 1 p m: arrive at Marionvillel -at 7.4) fill. Leitve Marionville Ind:ice:day at 6 a in; arrive at Sheffield by 12 In. , ! 2750. From Kinzua, by Corydon. Onoville, N. Y, i and. Friend's Ferry, to Steambure, 25 tulles and back, once a Week. Leave Ninzua,l , relay at 8 a rn; arrive at Steamburr, by 4 p Leave Steattiburg Saturday at Sam; arrive-at Kinn:a bv 4 p in. 2751. From Russellsbure, by East Pine grow to G'erumnr, 11 miles and back, once a weell, Leave - ltus4ellsburg Saturday at 2p m arrivle at Germany by 6p m. Leave germany Saturday at 8 a ru ; ar -1 vivo at Russelsburg by 12 in. ''7sl. From Sugar gr,tve, by Lander, to Warren, I 13 milesand back, once a week. Leave - . Sugar grove Satunlay at 6a in arrive at Warren-by 121st. Leave Warren Saturdaymt 1 p m ; arrive at Sugar coven, .. est Greenville, 48 miles and back, six times a Week, by railroad, and by a schedule 'satis factory to the Department. • 2778 Froin Girard, by Sterrettania and Franklin Corners, to Edinborough_ , 17 miles and back, once a week. Leave Girard Monday at 7am ; arrive- at Edinborough by 12 in. Leave Edinborouh Mon day at 2:p m; arrive nt Girard b 1 7 p m. 2779 From Northville, by North East, Moor. headville, Harbor Creek, and Weslerille, to Erie, 20 miles and back, twice daily-by railroad, and by a schedule satisfactory to the Department. 2780 From North Eastby Greenfield, to Marvin, N. 1., 17 miles and back, once a week. • Leave North East Tuesday at 1 p m ; arrive at Marvin by 7p m. Leave Marvin Tuesday at 6a m . arrive at North East by 12 m, 3Z31 From Westminister, by Unio‘n.Mills, Silver Run, Littlestown, Pa:, Two Taverns,',Gottysburg,- Seven. Stars, Cashtown, Grafensburg, and Fayette ville, to Chambersburg, 49 miles and back:six-times a week. Leave Westminster daily, except Sunday, at 1 p m ; arrive at Gettysburg by-6 pm. 'Leave Gettysburg daily, except dundaY, at-3 1 / 4 p m • ar:- rive at Chambersburg by 9)4 p in. Leave Chtim bersherg daily, except Sunday. at 7a m ; arrive at Gettysburg by 1p m. Leave Gettysburg daily, ex cept Sunday, 'at 4 a m ; arrive at Westminister. by 11 am. - 19 RM OF PROPOSAL. GUARANTEE, AND CERTIFICATE. Proposal. The undersigned--.----, whose yostoffice ad dres is county State of —, proposes tocarry —, the mails - of the United States. from Jaly'l. 1864; to-June 30, 1869,,0n Route No.—, between and —, btsto of Tenusidvania, - - ti Under the atfrertisemerit ,to ' Postinester General dated November 10.186 V with celerity. certainty, aria security," for the wariusl sum of --dollars. mi., proposal is made with full Lmozoledge of the (1$ lance of the route, the weight of the mail to be carried. taut all other jiarticttiar4 is reference to the rcrute,cs,ul a n d, Ova, after careful arnati notioa of the laws and interactions atZachett to the aaosrtiscnient. bated i - arantee. t -The undersigned; ; res G uiding at—. State of— undertake that, if the, foregoing bid for carrying' I the mail on route No.—, be accepted by the Post ' master General, the bidder shall, prior to the Ist 1 -day of July, 1864, enter into the required obligation or contract to perform the denim:. proposed , with, god bud sufficient suritiw. Tia, ice do utuferstandiny tlbrtiuetl y the oblipationst rind liabilities uhquezerl hy guarantor* aruier the 2;th action of the act of Con2rem of July 2, 1836. " Dated , Certificate. • The undersigned, postmaster at—. State of—, certitie+, under hi, oath of office, that he is aetittain^ ted with the above guarantors, and knows them to be men or property, and able to make good their guaranty. . Dated The above certificate must have affixed to it alive cent revenue stamp,, cancelled, u s the law requires. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS AND POST .: MISTERS. Containing , abto condition,' to be incorporated in the cootracte to the cxtentithe. Department may deem -woper. , • I. Seven minutes aro alloWcd to each intormedi, ate office, when nototherstjse specified, for assorting' the nudist, ,but on railroad and steamboat routes there is toile no more delay than is sufficient for an exchange of tlit, mail bag*, 2. On railroad and steamboat lines, rind other routes where the mode of conveyance admits of it, the special agents of . the -post Office Department, also Post Office blaniss, mail bags, locks and ken, are to be convoyed svitheutextra charge, 3. On railroad and steamboat lilies the' route agents of the Department, also the British and Canada mail, when offered, and the agents accom panying theni, are to be conveyed without Charge, and for their exclusive use, while traveling with the iunils,,vaimedious car, or apartment in the cen tre of a ear, properly lighted, warmed, and fur nished: and adapted to the convenient separation and due security of the mails, is to be provided by the contractor, under the direction of the .Depar(- ment. Railroad and steamboat companies are required to take the mail from and deliver it into the post offices at the connnefi r ceineut and and of tacirroates; and to and from all officesnot More than eighty rods from a station or landing. Prodosals may be submitted for the perform ince-of all other side ser vice—that is, for offices over eighty rods from a sta tion or landing. _ . Receipts will be required for mail hags conveyed in charge of persons . cmployed by railroad co:nannies. There will Itho be "way-bills"- prepared hY.pestmus or Other agents ofthe Department, to accompany the mails, specifying ttui number and destination of the several-. hags. On the principal stage routes, I.koivi4e, receipts will he required and way - bills, forwarded . : the latter to be - examined by the several postitC.l.tttors, to insure - reNlarity in the delivery of - mail bags.- - .4. No pay will be Made tor trips not performed° and for each of such ()omissions, not iatisfactorily explained, three times the pay of the trip may be de ducted. For arrivals so far behind:time mis to break connexion with depending mails, and not sufficient ly excused. ono-fourth of the compensation for the trip is subject to forfeiture. Deduction will also be ordtred for a grade of performance inferior to that specified in the contract. For repeated delinquen cies of the kind herein specified, enlar4cd pen Attics, proportioned to the nature thereef,kand-the iutpot tance of- the mail. may he made. , 5. For leaving behind. or throning off the mails. or any portion of them, for the admission of pass engers, or-for being concerned-iirsetting.up or run-. ning an express conveying intelligence in advance of the mail, a quarter's pay may be deducted. 6. Fines will be imposed. unless the delinquency bo promptly and satisfactorily explained by certifi cates of poldmasters or the affidavits of other credit ble persons, for tailing to arrive in contract time; for neglecting to take the mail from, or deliver it into, a post officer forsuffering tp be wet, injured, de stroyed, robbed, oest and for refusing, after de mand, to convey the mail as frequently as the con tractor runs, or is concerned in running:, a coach, ear, or steamboat ou a route. i. The Postmaster tieneral-mny annul the con-- tract for repeated failures to run agreeably to eon tr.aet for violating the post office laws, tit. -disobey ing the instructions of the department; for refusing to discharge a car.rus when re?i direct by the depart ment to do so: fur riThningnn express as aforesaid: or for, transporting persons or ilatkages conveying mailable matter out of the mail. • S. :The Postmaster ileneral may order an increase 1 of Setviee on a route by allowing therefor a pro ride increase on the contruit. pay. lie may change i schedules of departures and arrivals 1.--mill cases, nail particularly to make them conform to connexions with railroads, without- increase of. pay, provided the running time be nut abridged. Ile may also or- I der an increase of speed, allowing, within the re t stri Aloes of the law, n pro vita increase of pay for the I additional stock or carriers, - if any. The contrite ( tor may, however.lnahe cuss of increase of speed, I relinquish the contract, by giving prompt notice . to i tt, I the department thit he prefers doing so ' carrying i th.. order into ettoet . The Postuinater metal rnaY l' also discontinue or curtail the service ia., whole or in part. in order to place °alba route a greater de gree of service, or whenever the public interests, in his judgment. - shall require such discontinuance or ! curtailment for any other cause; he allowing as a i full indemnity to contractor one month's extra Say on tee amountkilservice dispensed with, nod a pro ' rata cow palmation for the amount ofservice retained and continued. - Payments will he made by collections from or drafts on postmasters, or otherwise. after tho expir ation of each quarter—say, in February, May. Au gust, and Nor etn bet. - Tl.). The distances are given accortling to the best intormatiotr; but no increased pay will be allowed should they he greater than udvartised, if the points to he'supplied are correctly stated- 'Ladders' rntmt stfm-ai th , apirine.on'thig poi at, ,uul also iu reference ;olio) v, eight of the mail. the condition of fowls, hills, stream,. Le., and all toll bridges, ferries, or obstrueL tions of any kind by which expense muy be incurred. Nu claim for additional pay, based on such ground, can be considered ; nor for alleged mistakes or misap prehension as to the degree Ofservice; nor fur bridges destroyed, ferries discontinued, or other obstruc tions increasing distance s occurring during the con tract term. Oltices established after this advertise ment is issued, and also during the contract term, are to be visited without extrt pay, if the :distance be not increased. 11. Bidders are cautioned to mail their proposals in time to reach the department by the day and hour named, (3 p in. March 31,t for bids received af ter that tinte•teit/ nut be comid•red in competition with a bid reasonable amount received in time. Neither can bids be considered which are without the guarrantee required by law and a certificate of the sufficiency of such guarantee. - 12. Bidders should first propose fur service strict ly according to the advertisement, and then, if they desire, ceerately for different service; and if the regular Ind be the lowest offered for the advertised service, the other propositions may be considered.. 13. There should be but ono route but for in a proposal, Consolidated-or combination bids ("pro pestng.one sum for two or more routes") are forbid-. den h? law, and cannot be considered. 14. The route, the service, the yearly pay, the name and residence of the bidder, tthat is, his usual post office address,) and those of each meniber, of a firm, where a company offers, should he distinctly stated. - 15: Bidders are retweste4 to use as far as practi cable, the printed proposals furnished by the -de partment, to write out in fall the sum of their bids, and to retain copies of them. "Altered bids should not be submitted; nor should bids once submitted be withdrawn. No withdraw al of a bidder or guarantor will be allowed unless the withdrawal is dated and receeived before the last day forreceiving proposals. - Each bid must be guaranteed by two responsible persons. . lieneral guarantees cannot be admitted. The but and guarantee should be signed plainlywith the full name of each person. - • Thedepartment reserves the right to reject any bid which may he deemed extravagant, and also to disregard the bids of tailing contractors Mid bidders. 16. The bid should be sealed. superscriPed "Mail Piopesals, State of Penns.ylvania,' addressed "Sec ond Assistant Postmaster General. Contract Office," and sent by mail, not by or to an-agent; and post masters will not enclose proposals (or letters , of any kind) in their quarterly returns. 17. The contracts are to be executed and returned to the department by or before the let day of July, 1884 ; but the service must be commenced , on that day, or on the mail day next after it, whether the contracts be executed-or not. Transfers of contracts, or of intorult in contracts, are forbidden by law, and consequently cannot be allowed. Bidders will therefore take notice that they will be expected to perform the service accept ed to them through the whole term of the contract. 18. Postmasters at offices on or near railroads, but more than eighty rods from a station, will, im mediately after the 31st of March next, report thei9 exact distance from the nearest stationi - and how they are otherwise supplied with the mail, to ena ble the Postmaster General to direct a Mail-messen ger supply from, the Ist of AO next. UM Section eighteen of an act of Congress ap proved March 3,1845, provides that contracts for the transportation of the mail shall be let in every case, to the lowest bidder tendering sufficient guar antees for faithful performance, without other ref erence to the mode of such transportation than may be,necessary to provide for the due celerity, certain , ty t and security of such transportation,' Under this littb, bills that propose to transport the mails with "celerity certainty; and security,. haring been de cided toic the only legal bide, are construed as pro viding for entire mail, however large, and what ever may be the mode of conveyance necessary to in sure ire mar certainty. and security," and will have thepreference over all other, and no others "win be considered, - 20., A modifkuttion-of a bid in any, of its eseintial terms is tatarnount to a new bid, and cannot be re ceived. so as to interfere with repair competition, afterthe lust hour set for receiving - -bids. Making a new bid, with guarantee and certificate, is tho, only way to amdify a previous bid. 21. Postmasters arc to be careful not to - certify" t h e sufficiency of guarantors or. suritiea vrithout knowing that they are personsof sufficient respon sibility: el disregard n this instruction hy . po stm .o.. ere is a violation t h eir oath ft! sruhjectintt Mein to immediate removal.. All bidders, nunran.! frill. and unties are distinctly notified that on a failure to enter into or perform the contracts for the service- proposed for in the ameepted.bida, their le gal liabilities will be en/breed against them. 22. Present. coop -actors, and persons known a the department, must. equally with others. procure, guarantors and certificates of their, sufficiency sill - stantially in the forms :Mel e preseribcd. The cer tificate-ofsufficieney must be slams! by a' postmag‘ r or b.:e a Judge of a eoart of record, and must have, affixed to it a five cent revenue stamp, cancelled. as required by law. No other eertitiatte will ho ad mitted. M. "BIAIR, Postmuctsr /Anew/. By tlic_42d section eJT—t-he net of Com:reap. :•to amend the laws-relating to the Post Otliew Depart.- - merit," approved March 3. 1841. all communication/ addressed to either of- the executive departments - of the government "Must be prepaid by postarto stamps." Proposals shourel, therefore. be thus pre- paid. unless from persOns ,to whom authority to frank mail mutter is conferred by 1136:inn/claw. jam 20, 64-6 t Etat (rate *alto. DUBIJIC SALE- OP' Ef3. TA'rg.--The subscriber xill - clrer at Public Sale, et the Court, ilotteo in Chamber shurg, on Saturday. the February next, the tillli.wingvahpiblePAll/1. Nitilate . on the maul lending- front the tturni Spring ,rontl to. th village of St: Thomas, Franklin county. Pa.. animal 3 mite. ftorn ail 1 villa:ell, beim. !Ito MANSION FARM of the late tolin Acres of exhalent LAND; , ibout 40 ennui of which is it) TI,IIIIER, nulll2 or 14 acre% o f excellent meadow. The iniproretnents are a two story Loil DAV 110P31.. nenglicast. With Kitchen itttach4Q,',. largo 1 , g gal n. Cerrict iii. and other , initiu tidings then;n. More is on Mei-Trope rty afTrzret lent OaCIIAIM ufchoico Apple. Plum and Pi-Itch Civety and rnuning stater in ly nil the Beide. 'Theis is io" Spring (tame with a nbves failing Spring on It, and lit rtinuitut pump near the holism. the property in in er Ty respect n des:l able one. being ^ .ntigniinn to 5eb,,01,,„ Churches. &c.. and atroniv a ran. chance to those wishing to invest in Real F.state. One this , ' „the purchase money trill remain th the property to donor, - • 'g. Sale, lit 1 o chuck. P. Nl.:Wheti:terinv will he made kwytyla jj 2(1. t . 4 9 PFITIIII Ext'r. LI A 131.1. E FOR 8A ALL -.--Thosuhscriher oars nt re -ale, his FAICJII situlted *Unit !,/'oat feOW44 at iti cy. tai et F, Lift At. Uhl 14 of which bl in rusntrat and thrivii,g Chestnut. or She Narni leo( tLe bean] nail ty of 1451EbTON h'LAhD and nit in it high state of cultivation. flit, iniprovez ineyitaare F. largo BRICK ILO LIS E. vitt). NO - Alen 4151.1 poreliv, A liett diIL4K DANK, ItA It N. 81.; feet lung . . With Witgou a ed and Gera Crib at t.n. hed, double oarriage noose 11141)k Wash house Smokellutuie.. Butt. Oren, niul ail. neeessaiy..ontbnibillige. iii want t eyaie There lea large Cistern eloot to the Bern. need fur titinit and one near the kitchen. There is ti Well of exretteut venter in the yard. - Tiler° is also n variety of rimice Fruit. nth na pearn.Pl inns, Pearlu a and rupee tht. ynril. ,There 'salsa n good it RC LI A ILD of yuungt hrlviilg Fruit on Choi prentlites eerseue wishing to view the laud win ilo se by calling on the inbi , tinet .or any infOrniatlon respecting; it win be obtained by call' ug (leo. J. Ilitteley, COVIAt Trims rer: [itept n-tf.] .1011 N MI DIAMEtt. DIU VATE' SALE. OF TANN - ERN' NF AK' FAVETTEVILLE.—Thi• nritlereigned sell nt Prieiiteple, the follow - 1i g ibtd REAL ES TATE, to - wit: ail ACRES OF LAND: All under gundfnncealtiltillahloorith n goon Brick Dwelt ing, a never failing wel141( gond water ileirr the duel, a Barn and Thraeliing floor, a fine Orchard bearing, the twist fruit. Alen A TAN NV,RY of 32.1ergeTnts. 6 larip benelien with limes and pools Bark - N 1 ill; Roll en:Pump-and Fulling Storke.nli in excel lent order. tlia whole operating by WATER PO% Bk. Also n good Barkehed. all unsurpassed in cone-tolletine and labor sexing. - The aboie property will he ehown tunny peri9nnrk pliention tu Jacob B. Cook of Fayetteville. or Jiiihu h. Cook of Chnneheiebnrg. Titrtne will be rose •nnble. June 17.4.34 f - P MET: COOK DU BLit: SA .1, e undersign ed.. - Admlnist:stor, of CharlotteSmlth, late of the Borouqls of Cbsinberst.wg. dem isstii. will expose to Ynblir sal - e• ass the prentise4. on .N i tturday der 1:11h if February. A. D.. IS' the follon I(1'AI. ESTATE. viz: The HOUSE nn,l LOT OF onous - D. Ist. the residence of said der'd. sitstate on 31nin street of sold Itorougli. on^ door s..nth of the Isislinh Queen - M1.4,1 being Zir, teat in front niel 2:515 sleep. The slwetting is good LO i mid WEA . O It it 11.110 A HOED HOUSE. contain ing six Room.. and v Kit Chen. beside!' In a l-ture Roots - se. whirls comismnd is Mir rent. There is nlno n Well of never fitting Wnter in the pm', the rteres.ary out.. The Nitwit - ion of the pr.oixqt.l, earls it. to make it a shedrable investment for 4nsine , ...l. men wishing ' locAtion. Sale to-commence sit 1 o'clock, on slid . sy, when the Tering will be Made known— '.*.sri T. J. NILL, Asint'r. llt Order of the Cowl W. O. Mroritest.. Clerk. ' PUBIJIU SALE OF irktU A B 4Fi . 114 A L, ESi'ATE.—The subscribe?, wishing r to re l ,„ 1110 VP to the offer ut Public Nate, 611 Frida t th , r•th day 1461. a DOUBLE 1,0'1 4 G R OUN Di in t Ise ciihige of Fay ones i 11... hat in,: the, Oit -erected n superb two-stoned BRICK 2illEl.ll,ssl HOUSE. containing P TOOMm. 1110 well finished.— A Also, rl Brick BLACASMITII :5110P. Sboeing Shed add .Coot Shed; a Frame Stan.le, Wo.ti House, Cistern. as. 4 1111 Tircevot t y osivhni‘clings. There, is also a rer:etx choice FltilT TBEES.. , ucis as Apples, Pears, Pescne Plums, Ch r riles and °rape... This property ix in gowal repair. and as n private residence, is the finest and in,sit "de•sirable in the town, and as Rini lounith's Stand is one of the bes.t in the county. Persons desirous o: put - pivoting And a oroperty wilt do well by attending ibis male. Sale tocommence at 1 o'clock:on edit, day. Ishcn the terms wilf,be made knotrn by Jan •.:7-2t* , .101 IN FOREMAN. ATAI - 41.1ABlahl 'REAL ESTATE AT - PRlVATEl4ALE.—Tissratolersigned intend* pp vc i lig to *no West offers' at Pri vat , . Sal.. a I.OT 1 1 1 1 j1A0 .1 ,?1► Ini:Oadou.containing about ONE ACRE. in a hills is arcchol a two Et .rie.l IrEATHERBOAISBED lsl4:Kr. LINO BOUSE. a roach cast. Tatrost Hoare and Brick spring Howe. Boost Ifoube. Smoke Ifous.e. and all norraany at ball - cling». Theroi4 also n variety of FEBIT TRISE on-tlus Inembow. pioprrty is well adapted for almr;3l`. - atiy kind of nesse. Also--18 ACRES intIIOTTOM LAD. within Volt mile di` Loudon. about %uf.which is heavy Timbered', the Int.nneo is Well i•et in gesso. Also.--45% ACILKS oi :',LATIP. LAND. sitnnttrrhnnt 34 mile fiord 1 riliK01.011; - fldjOillitlg sands of Rol.: C. Horner and Sneobllnueman. Terms made reasonsitAr.. For further n•trtietiliirs ddress DAVI I) THVI NIL jlO 27 3ln* . _ Loudon, Pa.. ITA TX ABli E STEAM TAN - N . EttY VOR SALIC.—The undersigned %HI ht , Wilt Pritll4. Sale.hisTANNSltYiktiown as thtrentiotrfanuri yolklth item and water-power Saw Mlll.6hoppingilllll.Stiwke tor breaking hides, ifie. The Tannery has h 'rim bea.1..2: vats. 2 limes and water-pool. and is capable of taunit ft, i t. 800.11 t ry 'Aileen year— There are two Log Dwelling lions . Bit rn. At rible awl other necessary 11,11tinillit iigs. coon d with the Tanner''. end nhiin t 60 Ant es dens. it with good fruit. lie Trill sell any queletity of tat d with the Tau very. from 100 tii7 00 Ae res. 0 .iiir Still A erns at ( Tinitier i sind iiii ample supply of t*hosnui• Oak hark it c run tho Tannery for fitly years. It is situated, nliote 7 miles South-west of Ilercerabgrgion Lic*ig Creek Teems ru:uteelay. Possession will be gyren IFie fall uscessary. For further particulars address Mil , utoltir signeildtt llercersbui'g, Franklin county ,Pu. aug 12, Milt C. '..k1.1:71 . 1 All s PPUBLIC' SALT OF' V.ALUABI,K REAL ESTATYL—The undersigned. Administni kar of -aninel Wank. late of Green township. deed will II at Public Sale, on the premises. near Greentinage. On Saturday. the'l;th day lj February, the fillet% ing ßeaY Eatate, to ttitt All that TRACT 0? L AND.' lying and beingsititate In said township of Green, bounded by lauds of Rer,'Wesley Rowe. heirs of Win. Immol, heirs of - Robert Wallace, Wm. Mining. and the Chambers; burg and Carlisle turnpike road, containing; abont 30 ACRES.-The irnprocetnen ta are a new two story BRICK DW/CLUNG 11017 SE and Back Building. The Landis Lim' stone and of excellent quallq, 94 there is a Yining -- Orchard growing on the same. Sale to commence at 1 o'cltek,P.3l., on said dny,wkiers terms will be made known by Jan 20-te • ANDREW P. oYiEtt, ny Order or the Court Wit. G. Mircum, C erk: MALL FARM FOR SALE.--,Tho subseriher will sell at private Sale the SMALL F Km on which be now residers„ situate In Antrim town; strip, Franklin rounty,ahont six miles from, D rectos* Upon the Ceebtown road, adjoining lands of Samu•l Myersand others, containingabont FORTY AC RRS—all cleared land, in good order and under good fence.. There lan YOUNG ORCHARD of thrifty trees on the place,ffind i a Well atexeelleat orator. The Improvements consist of a two-story._ LOU - DWHLI 4 I.NO /louse. a sim BANK HARK,tortY-two foot- long. and wail Splehed. and sandier necessary out btrildlogs. Possession- wily he given on theist of 'April,lB.l4." Terms will be made known on application to the suhscriher residing olt *b premises. foci 2,1 '83411 SAMUEL C. KRIDER WOK BINDERY. 8. It. FISDED. k CAYS Dock Bindery is on the Third Story 11 the .11.0484N GEIL" OFFIOB BBILDING, on the Diamond, abto. Shryock's Book 'Store. Entrance between lb* , Bank Store and thelnlandTelegroph office , . L Books, Pir4. odicala.klusic,,NstrepoperS, .Ic. bound 16 any dile.— Blank Bookuttnadv to order. Paper ruled to say rotten, Jon lye& -