CHAMBERSB' FLOI7R AND GRAI ArAAKET. CARE C DST CEUMBERSiIVRO mtus Vtour-Ate.i .... Wbe:4—Rre4 - :1t1i..--- POTATO MARKET. Marcell New Pink-Nre.--•-•••• ftetz abbrrtiormentot VA. NT E D.-T O RENT-A :MILLING lIMISE, containing at leant SIX • Ro OSV, rot. n Pnitable nuc a liberal rout will be paid. Inqalre at then Town flail liosnital. fel, 3 Ito. ItAMMAN",f c ustiee of the Peace, tWantbetabarg. Pa. Mee iu Frnnklin Hall, in t e room formerly occupied by 'Stambaugh & Ftewor , .— Prompt attention ON en •to everything in the line of Maciatrato and Seriveaer. feb. 3 'B4-tf • V . 4 S T R.A 17.--ttltrayed from the Prentigati of the solmcriarr. at the Fulling Mill, near Col. MeClare'fi Farm, nn the 'lsth of Jaimary„ two logEl'. A imitable reward will bepahl Su - Information trading to the remvery of plaid Sheep. ifleft at Othsolilee er with. SOLOMON lILIitST. feh 2 3. OTICE.—The f'ollowing - named - persontilmve tiled petitions for License Jai the erk's °Mee. to be 'iv-Rented to the Court at the next I , l i . term, on Tut:4l4l4l,th° 23d day of February. 184, to wit: , Thirtiel Logan, Hotel, Quincy. WV. Jones, - o , • „• fob fi ' 4 W. G. ill IT9IIELL, Perk. • . . . - E -- STRAY.--Left with/the sabsert her. in lliintiltou. toirnAllip'.' about two mike pierth ofllbßrntierslitmg. on Eriday morning. the 224 of January, 1864, a DARK BAY M . RE. about tWelve loon old.lfi bands high. mining in the hind pastern and /a white spot no the forelletul The owner fa requested to rove property,pay charg s and take her away. feb.3•43t. ' ' °WRITE PAINTER. %ITT:LIM - EA AT THE di AST ,V 7. TER:II of We a art of Coettnon Nene of Frarik• .In County, then eteip,owl..3vilag appointed a Commit tot of J ohn Bu .• • older, of the Born of Olittinliereb at;. AU perimnOn lited to the paid John Burkholder are -rogneateJl to to Ake imme.linte payn ent, and those hay ing eitime f3edemxnas against the eats wilt make them known atitiont d lay to . Pit :I Chlt NTiA v STOUFFP.R.(ttnelsinipt,) Ti 13,'RY'. FOR AALE.-=—The itn ; tiersigned intends moving to the West. offers at P. vats Sale. his entire stock in the Liviry business in lltfereersbnre, consist irg of Ilorses:Omnibmses.Carringes / litrgies. Sleighs, 'firmness. Sc. This Establishment is - doing the host trade in the County. and offers is rare any one wishing to engage in the hu.siness.— Por further partienisrs - surly tn or address f Xtitt: SAL DIV ELMS, Mereershurg, Pa. EXECIJTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice in hereby that Letters Testamentary to the Ilst,te of Catharine Rosenberry. late of iiletal township. deed, have hen granted to the undersigned , residing in wild 'township. All;persons knowing themselves indebted to saki Es. tate will "please make immediate payment; and thase having chums will present them properly authenticated f'or settlement. • [1 . '033) . JOS. ROSENI3EIIitY, fix'r. 0 LTSE AND 'LOT AT PUBLIC SA LE.—The JSubscriber will ofrer at Public Sale. n front of the Court House. on Saturday. the Oth of .Ftbruary. at 10 o'clock, A. 21L: a LOT on West King Street, now in the occupancy of. Levi Leidlg. being t 0 feet on King Street and running back 200 feet to an Alley, taring there°, erected a two Story BRICK ROUSE, and Frame Stable. • Torma easy and made known on thy of Sale. EMANUEL KUHN, If not sob', it will at the same time be rented to the b/ghest bidder.. Mt 3-1 t A...QuinUDITOR'S NOTICE.—The iin dersiguell. Auditor, appointed by the Court of • ton Pleas of Franklin county. Penns., to distribute the funds in the hinds of Samuel Brandt. High Sheriff of .aid county. arising front the sale of ,:Real Estate of ff.Creager and Jeremiah ?.11 eorge. to and among the Lie i c re dit o r s of sold rreger and George. will attend to the duties of his his office. in the Borough f tnamberalm re. so Thursday. thelFfA of Rbruary. A. D. 1884, when and where all persons interested are ro guesfed to attend. feh trITAINZ S. CLARK. Auditor. IMPORTANT TO IRON MANU. RACTIIIMRS AND STOCK RAISERS.—TwiII sell at Privrna Sale. 3,360 ACI&F & OS PATENTED LAND, Situated in St. Thorna4 towntihip. Franklin county. Pis', ea the Pnblic Road lend ng fr. m Guyer's !Tavern to 14114'1. 6 nnioi front the latter place. About 10 Acres of Ibis tra 1 are cleared, the balance covered with thri ving. CD s&TNUT and other 'III4IIEII. which would 1110RWer fur fiord wood or It Gs. -There Dials.t good app. tastrance4 nf NON ORE the "temises. i'nal hearths -are level-et-I on most the Timber land. to are a LO'l GOES E. I or Barn and 4 Tenant Houses. aud at jowl Apple(lretond Peach Cherry a cid tear 'hem Alas--A SAW SILL, and 9HOPPING MILL inn :mooing order. with 18 feet of head and till. This litoperty would afford tt gnod .apportnnity •ri mike money. for terms apptS to the cut twriber. ro.idioa on the premirss. Keit 34f ) NEED KED IC GILBERT. ViBO. W. CARPENTER, TENS=. ZEY & CO.. I.OLESA LE DRUG AND CllES'itr AL WAREIIOIISE, Aro. 737 M trke Street, Philzde!phi!, - The subscribers keep conqatttly nn hand a Inrge stock M THIII ,, S, 'MEDICINES. CitE ICALS. PHAIIMACF.U TICAL PREPARATIONS and every other article which appertains to the bu r inesv. embracing the most exten sive-variety; alsu, PLAINTS, OILS and GLASS cf every discription. AU articles purchased from 118 can be retell on AS be ing of the meet superior quality and' not as low. prices as they can be bad. We can offer such inducement. as will make It- he iutereg of puiehaseis to lay in their *applies !rem as. and give us their future patronage and Invite nil who visit the city. to cast c cut establish. , ent. All' orders - addle , Red to ne by mill or otherwise will meet with prompt attention. C RP ENTER. HE'NSZET & CO. fcilL 344: - 737 xisaxer STREET. PRILADELPIIIA. AVDIfrOk'S NOTICE.-ESTATE or JOFIN ZtILINGER. The creditors of John Aril singer. late of Wailinston townhhip, Franklin count Pennsylvania. an inhols c.nt ; debtor. ally bomb,' notifi - that the first and final account of John, Philips and . Levi Fenders. Assigneeii of said John Zeilinger. under s deeituf voluntary alignment for the bsnetit of his ere. clitoris. was ciinfit mini October 28th. 1863. by the Orphans' Montt of ,Frnnklin county, Pennsylvania; that there at it balance in the hands of said accountants for distribution that the Court t f Common l'lease- of the c misty atiremid have aptsilntal the undersigned nitilitor to dis tribute the said baLinco to And aniongsaid creditors. and make report thetenf to the next Court. He will there ire meet the creditors of said insolvent at hie °thee. in Waynesboro'. nn Tuesdalahellith day of March, 1864, to hear and adjust their several claims. All of the said creditors are herebby earnestly requested to send in their claims duly authenticated 'to me in advance of 11to raid day of ;moil mauve named. fah 3.3 t . -- JOSEPIL DOUGLAS. Auditor. P UBLIC SALE.—The undersig ned will offer tit Public Sale. nt the residence of John Lehman. on the rota leading from Stouffer's to tinhees Mille. abont9three miles front t hnnibei ehurg. on ifon day, Cho 224 Fehr tor ry.,1 5 .64:. the rdlowing personal pro twrty. to wit : 6 11SAD OF _IIOID9EB, one of which is %mate f.mily horse ;.2 Colts, rising 2 years; 16 Bend of lIORIV ED CA'CTLF. 10 of which arks good Milk Coos, 7 bead of llors. 1 four.lionte Wagon, 1 one-horse Wagon, .ring Wagon. 1 Th. eshing Machine, 1 .Boggy. 1 Sleigh, - McCormick.. Reaper end Monwr, nen rly-new. Plows. Har rows. Spread. re. Double and Sin le Trees, corn Coverer. flow and Halter Chains, Wood Ladders. I vet of [lnv d dere. 1 Wind Still, Hay Rake. 1 Wheelbarrow, Foorli.r Cuttor..s set it Nurse Gears, 2 set of flatness. Probilea, Bridles, I/narryinc Tools. At.. Also, a Veda./ of House, bold and Kitchen Furniture, conitistingof i',lledeto Ids, Diareans. Tables: 1 Cooking Stove. 1 ten plate- Stove and Sipe, 1 0nel:41 Copper Kettle, 'lron Kettle, Ghia, Queens Crockery and Tin Ware, Meat Vessels, Tube, Le. Bale to- taininence at 9 o'clock, A. M. A credit 9 months s ill be given on all sums over $5. the purchaser giving Cote with approved security, under $5 cash. rat) 3 [C. FPThrE, Auct'r.l BAWL LEHMAN, -VST OF :LETTERS, the Post °Mee at Chamberebnr • An seen Mies 11.!Groce Mrs. John P ArchballdWm. !Darman John ! _Aechorn Charles L'Orant Eli Breebbilf Miss lif.lGrosh D. B. Baker Mias Lizzie' Hoover Sarni M. Bare David Illaleman George sun Angushis WRayeslll-isAmelis. I Bayless John llounstine Jacob Brecklnrirlge Miss!Kolman James E. Burkholder Sarall fibber TillseMaryll 'Brown Mies Anne illofman George Burkholder I ME !Jones 'Lucy BOWEIMan Kiss E. :Jane!, Mrs. Sarah Park Andy Kyle Miss Miry S Cite Hannah Kaufman Miss ()amp Miss B. A. ',Kuhn , Cider Mrs. C. B. !Lowery Daniel -Dell ISas, Miss. !Lahr John " Wisher John D. !Leonard John Hamer Z.lgnyer Grnruel W. Tauuei Ilestry IlibichMrs. Adam isirugy Mrs. Mary iMerptly d. U. " Permits catilsig for the abate Lett% tbatthey have been advertised. J Rein alitertisentettto. • .. . - PranUBLIC SALE.—The g l ubseriber having bees appointed by the Orp!lane Court of •klin county. at the last J annul y t;•rni of said Court. Trustee to sell the Real Estate of John ;Etter, late of Green township, deceased. will offer at Public rale, on ..Warday, the Z - tk dray of February nest.on the premi ses, the following described Real Estate . l v i z ,_. 1.. A Tract f LIMESTONE LAN D, situ rte in Green township. Franklin county, near Salem Churrh,-1 mile. from Cla mh o , 0-arc. along the Loudon reSul, containing 113 ACRES and 95 PERCIIES, morn orl less. 25 or 30 Acres or m.hich are a meted with Chestnut, Oak and Ificliiiry, boundesd by lands of Win Ettrr.Jacob plough, Henry kbet sole Ind others. There its a grits' two-storied LOG DWELLING on the premises. a goat 11Al.fK BARN and all the other neLessary out-bsuldities The said Tract la in a good state of cultivation. There is a good ORCHARD upon the place, and a Ntiellq ue y vr imn iig Water. 2 A TRACT OF WOODLAND. situated In Letterkenny township. Franklin county. ,bounded by , lands of Wm. Etter. Fred'k Deck and Mei lellan`n b e i r .i conta mi ug 12 ACILEx and 95 PERCHES, more or less.' This Tract is well TIMBERED. without Improvementi. Sale to commence:lt 1 o'clock on said , 'day when tha terms will be made known by 1013 tsJOHN 11. F.TTirt, Trustee . _ 1 (4) --' - 1 ........ .1 70 HEM [baneaster Exainitier copy 2t, send hill t; this oilier 1 PPUBLIC SALE—The iliclersigned will sell at Public Sale, at hla residence in On il lord township. about one mile fi om CiiMebersbarg. on the road leading to Brough's Mill. on . T vioy,:the 2.3 d dayof February , . 'B6l, the following ne onal property, to wit ; Seven head otpod young Ilit.lltS one of Schick Is a Brood Mare with foal, one iv a three year old Stal lion-. sired by the imported hors e Dr.unpton. tam are Lead ra, and one is en eleellent fantil3 Horse. Reeks and Trots under the saddle% 35 head of IfOltN ED CAT TLE. 6 MILL COWS. ?wont "which are fresh; two stt. perior Balls. one of which 's a Durham and the other a Devonshire and Teeswater crossed; 13.1t i rad of Dakewell Sheeo,l6 head of Mai. two of which ar fall bred Scif tdka; 7 wag, no, one Broad-wheel and one Narrow-tread. Morse Dears. Breechbands and Front Cie. ra. Collars and Briciles.2. Plows, 12 harrows. 2 Double Shovel Plows. Double and Single-trees. 2 Fifth ChM S. 1 two horse " , cCottnick Reaper, 1 'Ft - ME:MIT NG 51A •lIINE.I. large Wood Sled. Corn by the barrel. Corn Fodder by the land. Potatoes by the bushel, Bees by the vtikep, Flitch and Shoulder by the pound, and many artici s not necessary to mention, - . Sale to commence at 90 lock, A. 31.. on midday. when a credit of nine months w 11 be given 443 all coma over Fir( dollars by . G.Et MOE FLECK. feb 3-3 t F. . ZAn.'4l 4N. A etioneer. P - BLII) SALE.—The Subscriber willffer a• Public Sale, at his res ilenre, one mile b,azth of Keefer's Store, two milis Nor li of Beittni,h's Mill, ;Ind iitx miles North-west of Chattitiers,burg, tuna road leading frutu _l.:trashing In kt. Thomas. on Thursday. titeDith cloy of February. 15.4. at u o'clock. A. U., the following Petemal Property, 'is: SIX WOEK Iloltz-ES. among so hich are 2 good Brix d Mares. rising nix year!, and I fine horse rising four yt ars old; 2 Colts, ono rising I year old.nnci one mith the Mare; 25 Malt UOILN Ell CATTLE. it'll of which are Illicit Cows, talent them fresh. and S coming to Profit ahot time of-sole; 14 twOyear old Steers. tool one Bull; n head cheep. Lc. M_ Also. I broad-tread FAR WAGON; I pair of flay ti , Latidets; 1 pair of Wood Ladders ; 2 set of Front Goats; Hiding Saddle and Bridle • Bridles, Col arc, Halters and Cow Chains ; Single and l Oh, Trees. Ac. Also. ONE. BUCKEYE ,REAPEIt, adapted' to cutting Grain and; I three-horse Plow: 1 Lou hise Plow; 1 floe . tat row ; 1 Spike flume ; I Corn Dr II; arninged for ' urrowing, -dropping. nod covering ecru; 1 .I:evolving Ray Rake; 1 Boiling Screen; Grain Cnidiesandllowine Scythes: 1 Jack Screw ; and a great many other articles. Also, HOUSE AND KITCHEN . PIIRINITIIRE, consist ing. in part, of 1 Sideboard: 1 Bedstead ; 1 Ties of Fea thers; I Table; I template Store sad Pipe; Tubs. Bar rels. Benches. and other articles not ttecessFy to enu merate. . I CON DITIONS:—A credit of Nine Months will be given on all guile; over PiveDollArs, the Orr:laser giving Note with approved .ecu rity; under Five Dollars Cask fel)3-bt [C. SPIDLE, Auct'r.] F.- I! D /TR. PUBLIC SALE. —The undersign ed. intending relinquish Farming, and embat it. in the culture and manufacture ofrobacco. at Vayettville, will offer at Public- Sale, lit his realdeke. about I mile from Fayetteville. on the road leading t McKee's Mill, bn Pt iday. Me 19th day of ithrtiary. 1;64. the following Personal Property. viz: 8 HEAD OF frIORSES, among which is a young Clark Mare with f oil, to the, imported Morse Brampton, three good Leaders. rind several good Saddle Mums; t 0 head or Horned i atri a , among . a are nix Mulch Coe s, three or four will be fi'esh at time of Sal..; 18 head of Shores; 3 ki . ufrollc. Brood Sops—tiuuaui male.&e. A Inn I Broad Tread Wagoni Bed. Bows and Corer; I Broad Tread Wagon with Mcas! Bed; 1 Stone Bed; one 2ur I horse Wagon; I Carriage with Shafts and Spreal; 1 Trotting Buggy; 1 Ca: riage Body ; 2 pair Ccr era; 1 SIX o retie. a Reaper. with all the late itn pro% oments , 1 threshing Machine, and two Horne Pow ers; 1 Gam Snring Drill ; 5 Plows, 2 Barshcar and ono "nutter; 2Ehovel Plowa iR I rows ;11 Z 4 hovel Marrow; 1 Corn Planter; 1 Cutting Box; 1 Field Roller; 1 Clover Muller; also. 4 sets of Breechbatnis ; I arts of Front (tears; 3 Housings; I Wig= Saddle ; Bridles, C_ollars, flatters. and Halter Chains; Fifth Chris and Sprf;aders; Single Double and Tripple Trees.-.S; c. . Igo 1 set if Mack in:llth To 41. I set inf Quarrying Tools. ana is great ninny articles nut nec,ssary to mention. tune and place IiOU pounds- of manuil an oerior article.conalsting of Navy an manufactured by J; Russe.l,Lynchbu Arir Sole to commence nt fo o'clock, , 'and a,creilit of Nine Mor the will la• over s.'r—the purchaser givirig Lis not purity ; under . 4 ;.%), rash lel, 8 3t , • DUBLIc SALE \1 J ItEAL ESTATE—A !HWY Peni undersign , crwili offt r at Public Sulti,l 20th of February. 1864. iu front of Ch tel, in Hattcook. at 12 o'clock on sai upon which he realties, one mile wee called "Brent'llat mice." containing or less. There is upoit said Farm a 1 FRAME HOUSE, with-back buildit tacked. Ca also all other out:houses. A largo Vegetable GARDEN well pal a large double Stable and a goad Logi: round; tvap fine never-failing Spring. with n go;'d Dairy over oneotnt far di There is a tine young, thrifty OW FRUIT near the house. There are,. streams of ..vnteriritnning through sa ford abundance of wattr for Stork. an every field: At the loner end of t HOUSE. out-house.'. a.good garden Barn. The 'little Tonolnwity_Creek I part of the Farm. North pifnail C inexhaustible LIMEi•TONE Q_DAI fine Lime f r agricultural purifet=es having burned and used upon laud There kralso an nbantlance of Tint turnpike road passes through said fu it divides the/ and in anch waves The terms of Sale are :—On: , tlti money to be paid in hand. the lotlan men t s of one and two y oars, with int bonds of approved security, or a tie the deferred payments. Upon the 1 title will be mace by [felt 3] - elmtnberehutgltePostrosicopy 3 bill to thi,t ogee for collection.-47a pUBLIC' AUCTION. , The.— under,'' sie.nedjntending to remove liXest, will offer at' PubliciA uctitin, on the Farm of Rov Jacob Price, on the rand leading from Greencastle to MI Hope. 9 mites fron t , , the former, and I and a-half miles from the latter place( nod 0 miles North-West of Waynes oro'. cm If:vitae/day ' and Thursday. Ihr24lh. and 2511; da s• of lA-nary, 1.964. a lergfkind valuable let of Stock:F Milne . Implements, lionsohold Fnrniture. On the Ist dap, will be sold, 11, HEAD OF HORSES. Bof which are good Work Horses; including several fine Brood Mares good Lenders. and superior Saddle Horses ; 2 l'olts, one and three years old 21 head of Cattle. eight or which ale Mitch Cows. some of which will be fretdi at the time Of ea' e,l Bull. two yeirs old, Hereford Stock; 14 head f Sheep, inclying 1 Maley Buck; 30 head of Hogs, i , eluding four Brood Saws. &c. Also, 1 Broad-Trend WAGON: I Narrow.; Tread Wagon, 1 one or. two-horie Wagon. 1 Spring Wagon. 1 CARRIAGE, 2 Sleighs. 2 SPRING TOOTH RA K ES, 1, two-bores Sled, I Water, Wagon: I new Wood n o ,t, 2 pair of Hay Ladders. Wagon Bows, Feet Trough'. 2 set+ Dung Board+. 2 Wheelbarrow i. 4 sets Breeclibands4' 4 sets' Front Gears ; 6 eels Plow Rears ; 2 sets single Harness, 2 Riding Saddles;- I Side Saddle - . Fly Nets; Bridles; Collars; Check Lines; Single Lines; tialterli and Halter Chains. Fifth t biting and Spreaders. Single ant Double Trees, Cow Chains, Log Chains. But Traees, I good Jock Screw. Alio, IRe iper and Mower, (Calvin I'age'4tti tern) with Dersey'S unproved . Self-itakeratt inched ; 1 Grain-Drill.l Hay nod Fodder Cutter,l'Wheat Fart, 1 Rolling Screen. 1 Bag Wagop, fi Barshear Plow& 7 Double and Single shovel PIOWNI 3 Harrows, 2 Corn Coverers, Grain Cradles and Mowing Scythes, 4 Hand Ladders. 1 Grind Stone, a lot of Cider Barrels, I Dinner D e li. a tot of howl Rakes, Forks, Shovels, &c. A 130.75 ACRES OF GRAIN IN THE' GROUND; Corn by the Barrel, Potatoesby the Bushel, Ac I Also, a set of Black smiths' Tools, Bellows and Anvil,lneW; 1 large Stone Slolgo. I Digging Iron, 1 cross-cnt Saw, 2 Skeps of - Devi, a lot of Bee Boxes, and an endless ;variety of other arti cles not necessary to enumerate. On the 2nd day, will be sold the HOISEHOLD FURNITURE, &c., consisting in part. of 9 Bedlsteads and Beddil. 2 Bureaus, 1 Secre tary, 1 Writing, Desk, 4 Tables, 3 tends, one and tetutlf dozen Chairs, 4 Rocking Chairs, 11 4 (16.1 Cherry Corner and 1 Kitchen Cupboard,l Sink, leight-day Clock,l 21 , k hour Clock ; a lot of Carpeting, 2 oak Stoves and appa ratus, 2 ten-plate Stoves, 1 large 'ool Wheel, Spinning Wheels; large lot of Glass, Queens.Barthern and Tinware; I Iron Kettle. I Churn, Sausage Critter, Sausage Stuffer. Lard Press, Meat Vessels, Bareels,lAc. Also, Bacon and Lard by the pound,. Potatoes by ti i b Bushel, Vinegar by the Barrel. Cucumbers by the tin tired, Apple Butter by the Crock, pried Fluid, a lot of Ciller Barrels. Ac. Also, Shoemakers' and Carpenters' Tools, 1 good Broad Axe, Mortising do.. Chopping' Axes. &Nut and Wedges. Wood Saw, 2 Mattocks, and an endless Sariety of articles not enumerated Conditions of Sale ;—A credit of Fo gilt lfonthswill be given on all dnms of S 5, and upwards, tile purchaser diving note with approved security ; under $ .4,6, No goods - fo he removed until settled far. Ila o commence at 9 o'clock, each day, feb 341 I;IANIEL S.S - NE..I emaming to • . Feb. 2. 1E64. tntec MISR Reim Potter Robert Richardson Mary RICO Mrs. Eliza Rhodes Franklin Stover Mrs. Sarah Smith Miss J. E. 2 Shearer J. SI. Shively Nibs Reb. Smith Vincent Sipe Wm. A. 2 Iseldnn Mary Shirk Abraham Shenk John Sliko Stephen Solletiberger D. W Vanger Miss C., Wilson illiattheiv Whiteman Sire M. Yoke D. C. will tiense any •W:DEA , CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER,. CONSTITUTION IVATER. CAIicSTITUTION WANE!. CONSAITUTION WATER. CO:INTUTRIN WATEIL t'ON4TITUTION WATER. coNSTITUTION W ATER. - CoNSTITI.TTIoN WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONETI e LIMA' _WATER, . , POSTITUTION WATER. entoTITUTION WATER. DTA.II.I7EB, AND DISFAAWN OF THE KIDNITS AND DLADDI.II. CONSTITUTION WATER lips been pronounced by the Medic-41 .rnenity, end the public, to be the most wonderful remedy for the-perma nent cure °felt &scales of the STOIIA .lf, KIDNEYS, and litii.DDEit that line ever hem offei ea. , It is note MINERAL WATER. It it, I rom e x perience that CONSTITUTION WATSit hoe amounted, and we now say let no man doubt. when It single bottk.lia!lie..o kiiown to cur,. Ake/18PR which the best medical talent in' this eon ntry has foiled to roll. ve. r.t. remedy po.sesdi I g t he virtnes of Conatitution Water cannot be cln-sed under •• quack" preparation.. se it is now used by the most scientific practitionet sin this eft). ft is only areotoi-eltu•s - pht sicians that cries down popr,„ lar rernedier. while the bitter skilled make use of every means to acc unpltah a , nre ; shit the mitt-ear of tbe 02.- Acian increases ne his knowle.lge of different ranted ie. eh:thief. hint to prodnee a curs. a Idle Whets fail in the or att mp :Feienre is aattstled a illtthe truth. Give nstitn t ion Water a fair ti ial—we moan you who are un er tome opetirtliSes cote front year to year, ;Intim a particularly allude to ladies who are constant v resort ing tb Coca Crewmen!. and al' norts of local applications f w disease. with no ITI.IIOI chance of success an there, wcw,hl he fronriocal applications to the throat for dims: or of the brain. " Web ve always been cavern] to use language in our cliental* that not shock the nowt delicate or 4-to,b. ration. lint we receive so many communications from }tenons for which Constitution Water is adapted. mod of wholw diseases no mention b been nande."that we have come to the cbnelnsi n that if the_romelyiscapdtle of producing cure. uo matter what the 'disease may be, it should be monde known. The medicine Is put up flr the public. and there should be no exceptions say.Constitntion Water Ii not like A elide pill. - ftetde to 'mit the eye •,no tame; it aaiuedlcine ill trltl r sense of the term, placed in the hands of The peon' for their relief mid if taken :mem dine to the direettOm. it ti•itl3ln every rose produce a radical rut e. We w say that the directions in regard to diet, etc.. relateouly io the disease under which they occur. Is It disease of the stomach an 1 liver, acting through the kidneys. aiid is, without darthi,t. the most ole.ttnate UiV sacs.tacept consumption, that affects th!.. human t wt. stituticn. r3Ve hove no snore for disrus , iing causra. Lot state that the effect of the dine se iI. the concoction ot the statchy principle (or vegetable portion of the food) into sug-tr,,which stimulates the kidneys Wan excessive secretion of water,. Many per.ons suffer from this dis ease winisare ignorant of it; that in. they pa. s Isrge quantities durimsr the day. and are obliged to get up from bne - to fifteen or twenty times ditring the night. No notice hrtaken of it until their attention in called to the large disch trges of water, and often when it is so ftr n.l- xanced op( to be beyond the control olotdinary remedies. - Anothet symptom is the great thirst, n hich.mhen the 'disease IS fully established, is iutoler,,ble—the patient drinks constantly Wawa being satu;fieil ads" dryness of the mouth, cracking of the lii.i,a sweet breath., in the more advanced cases, and finally lose of appetite, ern.t dation, and the witient graditilly sinks from exhaustion. CONSTITUTION WATER in, Without doubt, the wily known remedy for /Unbars. and we haveasmuch confidence that it is a specific as we have that opium willprodm, sleep. and trutbfatly - s .y. that it Let cured evety,case in %%Welt it has been used. Stone in the Bladder, enblitlns, Gravel, Brief.• Diseases arising from a tiulty secretion—ln the one cave being too little, and accompanied by severe sod the other a too profuse secretion—which will be spe-thly cured by the list). at the sante ctuted .Tobacco, noTess tiro toir. , g , ca hen at! endoneo _lien on all ousns .with tip proved o". LONG. Ancti,.neor Eri AL(:,' AB LE ' fui-tire Fir7;l?- 2 1 . 11.• on Slturday. tnc al lea Barton's , I lu- I day. the „FARM t of Hancock, bld.. 300 ACRE 4, more trge TWO i3TO.BY g and kitchen at -111 in good ord r. led, near the lionae; plant well shedded ' z.. lintei.tone water. }intant from house. CHARD of choice two nceer.failing aid Farm. which af--' 1 ild gives water into I eltarm is a large tow r nie4, - and. n snialt I I runs through thin e ;Leek is a large ;midi; .ERY, whi h makes at I have teate, it.l Ilatait 8.000 In.liels.; nher Land. Ac the! ii`rtn, East and We'd, I: $o make two farms.; ird of the purchase' ice in two equal pay-! Merest ft um sale. with] it upon the land for I' payment a goodi I ' GE). BRENT. reeki and forwntd! tperstotan Hrrald. ____r IRRITATION OF TIll NECK' OF TRE BLADDER INFLAMMATION OF Tiff: KIDNEYS. CATARRH OF T 11:: BLADDIAL STRANGUARY AND BURNING. UR PAINFUL Ulu For these. , disetses it he truly a Rover, ign remedy. and to RIUCIL annot Ile Raid in its praise. A single does hue s bein known to relieve the most urgent myniptoina. Are you troubled with th it dieti urging p Ain in the small of the kick and thronzh the hiik A, tr,tspas. NI a day of the Conititutlon Water %ill telleve you like magic. Mei 'tong -Pince given up the une of Larkin, enhelni i.hd, junipor in tho treatment of thima ilihautoe, and cddy u,,.. them for the east ofa better remedy. CON TITUTION WATER have protect itself of mil to the task t 4 it brie tlevolveill upon n irritate and drench the kidneye, and by constant u teem lead to chronie de.geugration coffin tiedli elite l We preoent tho Gam it at iqp - Wo ter to the public wit I the cobviction that it he', nu'equal to relieling the chef of digeuave for which it lout been found so entittentl3 ruceessful for curing; and we tnott that we altall he r warded for our enorte in piecing to r doable n re ale,' in .a forma W tneet the ttluiretneote of patient and phy Aetna. i-DANVILLE, Pa., Jirne 2, IliG2.—Dr. Wm. H. Grrgy ) ecor Mr z—ln February, 1863.0. was afflicted withsuga I diabetes, and for live niuntligg .t awed mom than to. gallons of water ih twenty-four ilotilS. IVI ais ofiligo4 t, get tip as often as ten or twelve times doting the Mahl. and in lire months I lost about hNe pinta& in u e i g ht. During the month of July. Itial. I procured two bottle of Constitution W tent., and in two days alter using it I experienced relief, siid after taking two bottles I wa I entiwly cured, suet) after regaining my initial goo9l i health. , * ..i .-:... J. V. I.i. Dc Wirr. 1 • -- . BosTOIS CCM:RMS. N. Y., D0c.27. Iritil.—Wsi H. Grog; & o.—Cenfif-1 freely give yon t liberty to nudieve or the following certilkite of the value of Constitutiof water, which I can recommend in the highest ma ,neri: —My wire was attacked with Min in the shouiderv. whole length of the back, Rod inter limbs. with 1-111p1- httion of the Beare and IrriNtkon of t,le Bladder. milled* physician. whom tended Iler ataint three iteititJ, when ho left her worse than he found her. I -then roi -1 ployeil one of the best physicians I =ld And. who a - tended her for about nine month's: nod while the w: 4 under his care she did nut saner quite us much pal . He finally gave her up, and a6l "her mfe teas in eurci bk. Foe," said he -she has eget a cont3inalion of enoi_ siteints that medicine given for on. (menace against son e of her difficuleies." About this time she common - ed the use ofeenstitutloniVater, and to our utter aston ishment. almost the first ose seemed to have the de sired diect, nod she kept :on improving rapidly under its treatment, and now sbperintends entirely her dii mastic antis. She has` not taken any of the Honstl tion Water fn• about fonr,weeks, and we are happy o say that it has pr.duced cf;perznanetit cnre. WM. 31. TAN' DENSCLIOTEN.I Warttgaegnmi). Ct., March 2,1863.—Dr. WI H. Greggr- Dear Sir:—Raving seen your advertisement of .- seitution Water," recommended tbr Inflammationf o th e Kidneys and Irritation of the Bladder,. hallug suffer (I for the past thcoo years, and tried the /kill of a number of physicians with only temporary relief. I was indue6l to try your medicine. 1 procured one bottle of yonr agents at Hartford, Messrs. Lee, Sision k Co., and whim I had used half of it, to my surprise 1 found a gri t change in my health. 1 have used two bottles of it, d am where I never- expect d to b 6 in my life, well andlin good spirits. I cannot express my gratitude flir it I feel that it is all More than yon recommended RIM be. May the b sing of God ever attend you In ydur labors of lov . Yours truly. LEONARD S. lIIGELOW I . R SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. PRICE SI. WM. H. GREGG- & Co., Proprietors 411)e, itcinklitt ,Pitoosit j rn,:':fttiriiarn 3,;1864. fteln Rlthrtioerteitts. THE GREAT REMEDY. I= CQNST I T T.TTION; VIE ,ONLY KNOWN REMEDY DIABETES Mat Depos i t. etc., etc., CONSTITUTION WATER W VTER .CON - TITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION trATtm WitTER • • CONS NV ATE It - CONSTITUTION WA': Ell THE ONLY KNOWN RE - 11Eny FOR 711 E ONL Y KNO WN RE.MED , THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR • - THE ONLY KNOWN REV APYFOR' • THICONLYNNOIVN RIMEPT role THE ONLY_ KNO WN REMEDY you THE ONLY KNOWN R ENE' , Y FOR THE ONLY KNoWN -RIMED) , I' )J - THE ONLY Ksow,v IrEmADY PON THE ONLY A_\ - 0 W.\ RANKLY FUR DIABETES -UDC, PHYSICIAS DIURETICS READ!! REAW!I MORGAN A ALLRI, Generil Agoutis, leow4inj No. 46 CV Street., Ne‘o 7or .abbertisentento: N I` , l l U - A 1, STATE Xi KNT -OF TILE VINANC.M, RECEIPTS AND .6(PAN DI- Lis „IS Ur PitANELIN CuITNTY. from the 9th 4 J‘nu4ry.l9 6 :3, tv thu 7th day at January, 184 VAL days iuclunive. _ RECEIPTS 00. J. TIT.HAtiUItEII, - - - DEL To Cash on hand atlanteettleinent. $5,824 32 I`.,linnount. of initstanding l'axl, 5,11 - 88. 4,700...65 (o%mm:int of County. State and Militia Tuxes levied for lE64 , olamouut of Antrim tovennhip..l;..sll 525 68 Char9ber,hurg— "z. 6,88142 Emmett towtinuip - '2.572 41 Green township 7.063 Su tithiforddowinsnip 9,852 49 lireonmodlo 110r0'.:.... 1.413 30 flotdlttoll town:diip... 5,685 83 .. • Lelterkenny township 4 484 82 Lurgriu township 1,457 13 Metal township 2,282 12 Mereersburg itoro' 1,292 66 Algot - vinery township 7,007 90 PeteXl4 tUWI.IIBhIp.. 7,010.28 idaii,c.... towindlip 6,455 6d B,nttfilimptoutownship 4,700 2•2 - . P 4 Thuruag township_. 4,392 79' ll'arren township 794 29 Washington township 8.0.0 88 Milnesburu'llocu' ' 2,67256 91.027 2G 884'90 T Cash on )1 ititin Tfix f0r,1862 perwanut luaus 17.328 72 r•perinl Inntt I 4 Cluttnn); 4.245 95 • emnnion weei tf{ 0,43 360 02 !I twice I mouse 310 00 &itnye 62 67 Ctrpet "Y 50 for Jury fete •'- 30 00 “ for refunded Bounty and lirlitf for Special na.emonent 385 fur exoneretedZlX ..... t 55 • for 'funded interest........ 1500 •• for Atilllttetxprem Tax.. 13 87 4 un S. R. floydre dunlicixe 775 00 '1734 per dell} con.cfinnion 'gate Tax 1.5 d I ;2 Au.tteumu T .4 ztate • Ta.4 1,E33 ,rt2u 831 67 1 . ...7--.-=. EXPENDITURES. ~ P.U. J. BALSLKS, TREA,U REA. , , I "it. li ,id Charles tlelwickft, frmi. Pwr h0u5e........ $7,350 ix, efitudett Tttx - ;:'O7 coußts •.1.1.1 Vili MVO fees in Commonwealth omen tirsrld Jur.ll, Tip Stwestuclu. - lied 374 02 " T7sts, erste J more' . 1,211 82 ss W. S. Steugt . r.Di‘triet Attorney (:93 Ou ‘• W. G. Mlteit4l. CA ok of Courts 005 '97 " F.,Court Orsur - . 12) 50 " ttsinturll.lnstpit. Sheriff's fern in Consussitswealth CAtle4. - P.tusuel !Smut, for rxecutlng - Bench Warrant to Pittsburg 60 10 VAGRANTS. " John Bang. f arr.Rtn d r 71 16 tie... W. ILtldiry, for ni resit]. 44. e... 4 " Samuel Ilhtmlt,t Arrests,,re.— 10 . 16 F. B. Boyd, for Arrest+, ke ..... , 30 4:1 " It. K. 31relnlin.0 S' Si " 11. B. Dar Loon, J. P 19 45 " T. L. Flotcher. J. P 40 55 " P. !Duman, J. P • 183 30 SOLDIERS' RELIEF. on orders (ascii by Board of Re1ief.—....... 6,635 03 . N .,MANS AND INTERE-T. - Bank of ,enaniklecobura 4,181 17 •• Bank uf Chatuberaburg. 8,095 411 " - Dank of Cbtunberabnrg 7.000 00 " Bank of fluunheraburg... 7,151 94 "- Bank of Chamber burg -8.281 00 " - Rank of Clutanbersbnrg.- ' 4,973 00 " Sulu:nun Brake ' 1.500 00 •• intaraet:an Waal+ 971 16 • 12,141. 84 SURVEYING. 11 Eml. Kuhn nnil others 305.151ISSIONERS' OFFICE. " John Nltrerhonse,Commissioner 120 52 John Mornay, Commissioner-- 118. 62 " .Pll5. D. Saar. Commissioner-- t 89 87 t• Henry thnod. Commissioner 34 510 Ors..7l.4ernan,,Solary as Clerk... 478 00 1 1 Foreman,"ssrsicas iellof 25 00 " E. J. tonsbrake, Salary as at. turned 60 00 E.J.B.riebnke for ext re service 10 Oil Stotlitharyferellice 14 hi • 'IIOAD DAMAGES " John Young's heirs. jnbit A. Swlgert.. ..... " Petttrreklug " Famine{ Stine. ' " Lucinda Burk " Ororge clgunbers.. ..... " Jithn Ahltrpe • • CV tivlSlllrit - 110 00 "' 14‘4 - 1111-eoion ' , 10 40 " AVOSAM h onkel, - - 13 00 " John Yr-net 10 00 . John 31tFarinn ' ' 25 00 ,* F. 11. l'i.lrty 10 00, . " Michael annex.--,---`"•.. 45 00 " Adikta kink.. ' 150 00 " V. Cr P'..,0 er 5 0I " 1.13 Kenn.cly Abrut. •' John Maim I STS._ 1111411111111 n, for b mling ; n Ilueste, on .nodry dead trodios ,22 99 _ 11,totiop.u.?,nd others, .do • . 17 62 • Da vis , !n. do 10 63 ' I.l.ssert . do S 37 4 , %va t . H H f making pest ntortent exouninationa 26 00 04 61 IUitINTY. PAID Tv 1 101...tYrrEitti. • 34a , 0 , Everett awl Utile] I. 3.800 00_ COURT ITOUSr.:. . - olea ming (Tem t Muse yard, alc. 63 83 • Ha... c"raparty t T.l 44 tar repo ire 17, 5 for Bending recotits away ori ac count of the Rebel htrteion. n John Wrestler: rnttimr wood.. Wunderlich 4 N 01.4.1 fa' cu.d., statinner) f t.leurt - for wood 'ASSESSORS. S. Brentuunan and PUS4C PRINTING " G 11. Merklein it , •• ( , :eorgn It. Mengel " B. Y. Ilnineher Co & !l'Clure & Stoner ELECTIONS. • sundry perzitmg f r bolding g eneral and township plo r ti 1,122 16 NEW AND,BRIME Yrat,tz 31411-r,3l(mtgortiory tp , 15 " Lawrence Peittnr. Ilamiltun " "It finnilwr. Luton . " .• Jamca Varkel, Southampton ‘• " *meiPomeroy. Lurgen . Angle. )Ipn t gem ery " Green nu. Miller (Munn) Luron T. IL Woild.l{‘Almry and Back Creelt.. D , 'Q.II". Lu Num .4 T. IS:Wudd. tor nuts bridge built Buuth,unptoiit.drusliip - ROAD VIEWS ininclry pureo..R Ca' nwd cows. I. . - CONSTAIITAS' YRl's 1, j " Chu. Smith, foes in Com. cases S. It. Boyd, ~ It. K. NI:L.IOIRn ~SiLTT[A TAXES. Cemmiesienere and ultelt for idetvieei in the neater •44.1 t- title tex , sterelenigh & Dtinren, armory 60 00 - rent PRISON. " Sam'l Brandt, board'g prisoners 1,991 -97 ' " • removing prison ers to Eastern Penitentiary-. sara'll3randt, trammon'gjorors bringing prison are from Fulton county " A. J. White, for clothing and blankets 41 T.-pelt:man, shoes for prisoners a Jacob Sellers, mperintly " a 'D. 0. Gehr, ticking and bolsters " L. 11. Byster, Bose and repairs,. Henry Rinehart. for repairs a John Montgomery. Physician... a Oaks & Linn, for stone coal Huber & Tolbert. - for hardware a Wunderlich & New], fir coal—. rr Thomas J. Wright, for docket.. " Conrad Miller, for shoes J. B. Miller. for tin wire— ...... a John %Stuart. for plastering., " H. Lonchbelm, for clothing Ryster & Bro., for merobandlze " Frey A Mang, for coffins a Myers & Brand, for hardware... a Guthrie & Bittinger, far lime.,. ll:Senseny, fbr carpenter work , JUSTICES' FEES: 44 Davison and others, fees lu'Com ruonwea?th copies 107 01 • MISCELLANEOUS. S. Shryock, for docket *Jr' Vounty Surveyor, - 10 00' Paid Emanuel Kuhn, for recording drafts COO 00 . Keiffent Co., ledger for Treas urer 10 0‘) " Keifer & Ca., ledger for tom missioners. - 8 00' " Keiffer Ic Lb. - dockets fur_ Rog, --". titer and Prothonotary......... ' 62 50 " J. D. Miller, difference on store -- ; trade 8 13 " • Penitelitituty draft 39; fio " E. C. Boyd. for revenue stamps 1215 " Constables' returns. . ,96 96 " D.ll. Wunderlich Geo. Jarrett • I , • and D. B. Martin, Auditors and Clerk .- 'tr. 140 00 - " E. J. Bonebrake and Cleo. Sell. Lamer, for auditing accounts in . emuty office. 60 00 - -•--- 996 88 • ' ERGS ERATIONS I . Of County State. and 51ilith taxes for 1882. Johnl7.Skitmer and others 102 31 ' OUTSTANDING TASE. . _ In the hands of Collectors for Ins. Antrim township,. 132 21 Chambersburg lx ugh -1,425 54 ' Fannett township : , 341 213 Green tbwnefrip 915.4 E ' Guilford township 174 ;iit Greencastle borough . 214 1.19 thrgon township ... , . ... Latterkenny township. Metal towaship Montgomery township- ' 920 12 Mercersburg borough =B'6B Peters township 126 41 , Quincy township 344 21 ' St., Thomas township 938- 34 - :Southampton township,...-....- 119 10 _, Warren township / 118 63 Was iingtoti.township.:........ ...... -.. 388 82 - 8,8803 04 56 00 ay Ilionerationi on County, State and Alilitia tax for 1863 1.401 10 Abatement allowed tax payers 1.608 /V .• 4 per cent. collections allowed the County on State tax $30,- 008 00 1,15: 3: / / t' Treasurer's commission ons3o;-. 008 00 at 2 per cent 'a Abatement allowed County on • on $36,667 62 State tax, at 5 per cent 1,883 3 ‘ i5 . .., " Treasurer's oominitaion on die. , buraing $78,832 62 at 1 per cent, as allowed by the Com. :missitmeni and approved by, • this Auditors 788 32 " Treasurer's commission on coli lectiug $41,348 74, County Tax cal per cent 1,240 46 6 ' Treneurer's commission omitted' at lest settlement 41.31 Paid State Treasurer 34,834 48 .44,044 66 44861 27.327 44 $1,6,37 02 kiniance due .coutity CM We, the undersigned. Gonarnlnsioners of FranklUn Co, Penns—in' twtfttiony of the Correctness of the foreguing account, have hereunto set our hands, at the C o n.unt,,- stoners' Office, this 7th day of January. A.D. Iso4. JOHN NITTERHOUSE,I . , . JOHN - DOWNEY, Com're. Attest: HENRY GOOD, , _ , GEO. FORM lAN, Clerk. , . , - 4,414 We, the undersigned, Auditors of the Count of Frank lin, do hereby certify that we have examine.: the drafts of the CoMminsioners, with the receipts fir the saute, upon titio`. J. 13alsley, Treasurer. as also the bills and ac counts in the Commissioners' Office, upon which said drafts have been issued, from the 9th day of January. A. D. 1893, to the 7th day of January. A.,D.1.894., both days inclusive, and find a balsuce in the - hands of said Treasurer of forty-four dollars and eighty-fire cents. Witness our hands, this 7th day of January, A. D. 1894. D. K. WUNDEKLICII, D. B. MARTEN, Auditors. Attest: W. S. A NIBEKSON, Gro. FORDS ti c r, Clerk. 304 64 AMOUNTS RECEIVED FRO3I COLLECTORS SINCE TILE SETTLEMENT. Henry ealslay, Collector of Antrim township - - $6O 00 14. It. Boyd. .' Chantbersburg - 775 u 0 Karam Finley, . 4 Pannett townot p.... 200 00 John S. Yankey, " Guilford '. .... WOO S. B. Shively, " Green " .... 290 Ou J. B. Kaufman " 'Greencastle Borough 136 00 William Forbes,. " ;.. Letterkenny towns p 356, 00 Savanger ' ' ,Lurg,-en 0 . ~. •Al 43 _Hen ry Geo. W. Wolf. " ; Mercersburg'Boro'... 150 00 Johri IPLaughlin " liontgomer)toums p 42 50 Jacob 'Haulm:an " , Patent . 4 . 114.88 Geo,Knepper, " Quincy " 230 00 Jacob Shew . n St. Thomas '‘ 175 00 . . J. W. Phenicle - 4 . Warred - " US 63 Joseph P. Funk, " Washington. "' 140 00 IMII 048 ~, CM . O 5 00 7o 00 - 75 Od - 81:1 00 . 6000 - 200 00 tab 3 wAYTBLIC SALE—The undersign ed.A.dministrator of S. W.lleintzelman,deseased, respome to sate, by-Public Outcry,-at the - 4 at4a deuce oJsaid dec'd, about 1 mile and a-half Train Chlt bersburg, on the OriencaStle rod, on Wednesday. the 24th day of Febrartry, 1861, the following persona} Pro party, to wit: '1 Broad-Tread PLANTATION WAGON and Bed; 1 Narrow-Tread Plantation Wagon,: with Boards; tone-horse Wagon; 1 Basket Sleigh ;:Hay Lad ders; Fifth Chain and Spreader; Single mad Double Trees; 6 sets of Horse Gears; Saddles, Bridle* Collars, lialteriand Halter Chains; also, 1 ;Nanny's Reaper, with ali the late improvements; 1 Threshing Machine nod Horse Power; 1 Hay Rake; Wheat Fan; 1 Corn Coverer; 1 three-horse Plow ; 2two-horse P lows : Shovel Plows; 2 Harrows; Pitching, Shaking and Manure Parks. Also, a lot of Quarrying Tools. Log Chains. aic. Also. FOUR TIORSSS, 2of which are good' Leaders; S head of Homed Cattle, three of which are Milcb Cows. 4 Shotes. 5 head of Sheep. Sic. Also, Hay by the Tun, torn by the b •rrel, Bacon and Lard by the pound, h.c. Also. a variety of Household and Kitchen Furniture, consisting, in part, of Bedsteads, 2 Bureaus. Tables, Chairs, dock. 1 Cook Stove. Pipe and Apparatus, 1 Cop per Kettle. 1 Iron Kettle,Gbass. Queens, Crockery and Tin'AVarei; Meat Vessels, Barrels, Tubs, and a great many articles too numerous to mention. 10 00 300 i I 90 00 - 1,255 00 /Kle- Raleito commence nt 9 o'clock, on said day, when the tents will be made-known by MARTIN HEINTZ:MX-AN. feb 3,3 t - jC. PPIDLE, 4nct'r.[ Administrator. 45 23 5 00 50 50 4 40 15 15 11)ersonat liropert» *ales. 1100IIBLIC SALE.—The undersi n U m _ eil,-Adminititnitor of Henry Crider. dec'd, wit offer at, Public Sale, at the residence of said ilec'd. In Hamil ton township, on the road leading from St. Thomas to' Strasburg, near Detrick's Mill, on Tuesday 'tort Bred ne.sdry, the 15 . th and 17th day of February. the follow ing personal property, to wit : Fire head of Work Koreas 1 one year old Colt, 12 head of Horned C ittle. 3 of which are lirstrate Stick Cows, 10 Sho tts. one &striate breed ing how with Pigs, 1 Four liarse Wagon. narrow tread. 1 Carriage, 1 lirstrate Sleigh. 2 Plots, 2 double Shovel plows, 1 single Shovel Plus-, ,2 Harrbwa, 1 Spreader, 2. Double Trees. _4 Single Trees, Log. Cow nual Halter Chains.. pair Of Wood Ladders, 1 set of Hay L olders,. 4'seta of Gears. 1 set or Harness, Saddles and Bridles, 1 Grain Drill," Wind Mill, I - Roiling Screaro Hay Rake, 1 Cutting ilox,l Wheelbarrtv, Forks and Rakes, Corn Sheller, Wheat. Rye. Oats, Buckwheat, Corn, by the bushel, Potatoes by the bushel—Hay by the ton, Rye Straw by the bundle, n ACRES of GRAIN in the .Ground. Household and Kitchen Furniture. Beds_ and' Bedding, Blapkets, Sheets, Cove: lids. Table Clothe. Hand Towels. Carpet IPy the Yard, Bureau. Tables and Chairs. 2 Clocks. °fiesta, Cooking Stove, 1 Parlor nod 1 Teralate Stove and Pipes, 1 Settee. 1 Stand. 2 Cup histrds;2 Copper Kettles. I Iron Kettle. Tube, Buckets, SimiageCutter and Staffer. Crocks. 1,000 lbs of Wilk. - Lard by the pound, Sausages by the pound, Pudding Neat by the Pound. Knives. Forks. Dishes. itc. tsvi,. The Live Stoelt, Grain and Farming Utensele will he sold on the first day. Sale to commence at 10 o' elock„ Al. NI., on each day. JACOB CRIDER, jau 27-3 t. Administrator. , 10.50 IBM 24 00 17 13 202 50 130 00 ESE 2 20 IS 00 80 di 71'75 52 95 911 00 ~ - 762 '• 53 10 AO Ob SO OU 1.550 00 -- 2,120 29 EZIEI 10 21 20 Jl` 5 13 MIS T)UBLIO SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY.--The undersigned. Executeirs of es J.- Kennedy, late ot -Guilford township deed, will nett at Public Sale, at the Mansion Farm, lets of said de ceased. on WedneAday, theloth day of gbreutry nest, the following peisonal ' property, to wit: 4 valuable MULES, to be sold bs a Team.or 1n Pait e, 2 work Horse. 10 heal of Mitch Cow.. some of which are fresh. 40 'Sheep, 2 Pour Horne Wagons with Beth and Ladder& 1 one Korse Wagon,lßeaper,l Griin Drill; 4 sets of Mule nears,l set of double Carriage Flamm, nearly new, 1 Wind Mill, Corn Sheller, a lot of Ploughs, Itafbess, 1..; tivators,itc. Also a small quantity of I orn_Ve - 'ar. ariy- Sale to commence at 10 o'clock . A.M., oh rms will be made known by T. B. iiENN ', J. L. KENNEDY, I ) 411204 s ip Spice', Anct4 ' Executors. ME] LUKE 268 15 05 75 7 50 95 13 23 23 200 00 10 62 16 40 6 51 40 00 22 50 6 50 12287. 4 25 O 9 S 27 50 2 00 11 52 6 50 5 04 4 ZI 12 14 WRING TO QUIT THE gIL- Unary bilaim3ss, I would offer my Stock for Sale on reasonable terms. For, particulars hionire nt my shop, next door to I. Hutton's Shoo Store. Main street. jun 20 ' M. IL COOK. VALUABLE HOTEL !PROPER TY AEI) REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE.— The subscriber having determined to reniove to the west offersat ?rivate Sale that well-known Hotel, the •'Ful. ton Home," situate, in. the borough of . I Nlctlonuellsburg, Fulton county. This House is the largest and most conk plate Tavern House in the county and has a run of CAD. tom,unequalled in the county. He also will sell at Private Sale a Tract of Thirty -00e _ Acres of highly improved land adjoining the borotig,h of iliceormellsburg, all under new and superior fence, and having thereon erected a goad two-story Frame House sad other out buildings. ' There la an excellent young Orchard and running Water on the Premises. Jan COM ' HENRY 11010: 2,091 37 Reba abbertioetnents. 29 4S 549 ; a• 225,94 82572 44 JAM ZS G. ELDER, Tratant er. - email Propowts. tr., - NIITED STATES MAILS. - IL) - PENNSYLVANIA. Pear Oirtas: PAlrraltNT. Washington, Yhventber 10,1903. PROPOSALS will be reeeiitsf at the Contract Of fice of this Department until 10 a. m. of Thuretloy. March 31,1964, forconveytngtbe mails of the ruited States for four years. commencing July I,' sfifil, and ending June 30;1868, in'the State of Pennsylvania, on the routes and by the schedules of departures, and arnvala herein specified. - • Decisions announ, ed by April 2.5 s 1304. Bidders-lei/I exan+ i ue cu, illy the foinue' cold - emotions annexed; especially the latter part of in btruetion 19. =M. From Philadelphia. by General Wayne Cabinet-, West Ilavertord Radnor. ;Spread Eagle lteesville, Paoli, Frazer. \Vest W hiteland, Downing town, Tboradale Iron Works, Cala, Coatesville, Pat kesburg, P,ermiugtonYille, Christiana, Gap, Kin-; zers, Leaman Place. Bellement, Paradise, Gordone ville, Intercourse, Enterprise, Lancaster, Landis vine. Salunga, INivuut Joy. Elizabethtown,Middle town, High Spi:e; Harrisburg 8U1N11011A111344 Fen- • wick, Duncannon. New Millerstown, Thomp sontown. Mesie_ ,o Port Royal, Mifilintown. town, Strode's Mills. MeVeytown. Newton-Ha/all ton, Mount ,Union, Mapleton Depot, Miltereek, Huntingdon; Sharer's Creek. Barre Forge:-Spruce Creek. Birmingham. Tyrone, Autestown. -Tinton, Fostoria, Altoona. Gallitten. Cresson,' Summit, Hemlock. Seaman, Wilmore. Summer Hiil, Mineral Poinl. Comte= ugh, Johnstewn, A rtnaugh, Verona, New Florence. - Lockport Station, Bolivar, Drench Sanction. Hillside, Milwood. New Derry, Braden yille, Youngstown, _Latrobe, Greensku Adams burg, Timkerßun, Manor Station. Penn Station.. - Irwin's Station, Lari ner's Station, Stewartsville. Cavottsville. llo»roorille. Turtle Creek. Braddoek's Field, Wilkinsburg. and Wilkins, to Pittsbarg,347% miles.4ind back, by railroad. twice daily -or as fre quently as ears are - rou. if required-)and by asched ule satisfactory to the Department. 2, 9 .0. 2. - From Philadelphia ; by Consbokocken. Nor ristown,Rridgeport, Port Itennedy. Valley Forge, Phoenixville, Royer's Ford. Limerick Bridge, Sets let's Store Pottstown, Douglassville. BaunistoWn. Birdsb oro , Exeter Station. • Reading. Tuckertowa; Shoemakersyille, Lewport. Hamtanyo Port Clinton. Auburn, Orivigsburg, Landingvilh4. and.Schitylkill Haven. to Pottsville.. 97 miles and back. by railrowh. twice daily. except Sunday, (ores frequently as cars run, if required,) and by a sched ule satisfactory to the Department .013. From- Philadelpnia. by KelloYsvillei Dale, Media, Glen Riddle, Land Mills. Glen Milli!. Thernton:-Cheyney, and Street Road, to- Wee& Chester,%Diilns and back. twice daily, by mill road, and by a schedule satisfactory to the Deparii. ment. , - 2204. From Philadelphia, by Milestown, Shoe makertown, Fitzsvatertown: White Marsh, Penn llyn. Upper Dublin. Suring llonse.Gwynedd, Mont gomeryville. New Harbor, Hatfield, Ldddsdale, Seller's Tavern. Quakertown. Coopersburg, Centre Valley f eellertown; awl Iron Hill. to Bethlehem, 6119-1 miles miles and back, daily, e;:cent Sun clay. o'.sr as frequently as cars run, if required.) with a branch to Daylestorrn via New Galena, Line Lex ington, Whitehallville and Now Britain, 10 11-100 miles and back, daily except Sunday, by railroad: - and by a schedule satisfactory to the Department. 2205. From Philadelphia, by upper Darby liar erford. Newtown Square, Edgetnont. Willlstovrn, Inn, and Milltown. to West Chester. 2314 miles and baxit, three times a week. Leave Philadelphia. Tuesday. Thursday, and Saturday at 2_p. in.; arrive at West Chester by 8 p ta. Leave West Chester Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 7 a_rss ; arrive at Philadelphiaby 1 p 2206. rout Philadel Philadelphia to Norristown, 17 Alex and back, daily, except Sunday, by railroad. Leave Philadelphia daily, excel): Sunday. at 6 a m; arrive at'Norristown by 7 a in. Leave Norristown daily, except Sunday, at 6ain ; arrive at Philadelphia bq 7 a in. 2277. From. Philadelphia. by Piney, Oxford Church, Cheltenhan.. Fox Chase, Huntingdon Val ley, Sorrel Horse, Davisville, Richborough. qnd Penn's Park, to Pineville, V miles and bdck. -- six times a week. Leave Philadelphia daily, except; Sunday: at 7 a m ; arrive at Pineville by 1 p Leave Pineville daily. except Sunday, at 0 a ar rive at Philadelphia be 12 in. 2208. From Philadelphia to Darby, 8 miles and back, six times a week, by railroad. Leave Phila itelphia, daily. except 'Sunda!, at ant : arrive at Darby by 10 am. Leave Darti , daily, except Sun-- day. at 7a. m arrivs' at Philadelphia by 8.3. i am. - 2209. From Frankford Railroad Station, by Bits tlettin,,to Somerton, 11) tulles and back. six times e week. Leave Fnuikford Railroad Station daio . except Sunday, at 5p sn : arrive at Somerton by t p in.. Leave Somerton daily except Sunday, at p in; arrive a‘Frankford Railroad Station by 41: Pm. VIII' From Bustletonisby BYberry. to Oakford, 8. miles, and back, three amok.; a week, Leave Bus tletori Tuesday, Thursday, anit buturday at 6 p in; arrive at Oalcford by 8 p in, Leave .oakford Tues day; Thursday and Saturday at S a m; arrive at Bus tleten by 10 a in. 2311. From Shoemakertown by Jenkintown, Ab ingtown. Willow Grove, Hatborough. Warminster. Hartsville. Bridge Valley, Buckingham, and La basica, to New Rope, as miles and back. ruatimett. week. Leave Shoemakerto am daily, except Sunday. at 10a m; arrive at New - Hope by 8 p in. Leave New Hope daily, except Sunday, at 8 a in; arrive at Shoemakertnwr: by 6p m. . - 2212. From Norristown, by llickorytown and Plymouth Meeting, to Barren Bill. 6 miles and batik, three times a week, Leave Norristown Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at 10 a ns; arrive at Barren Hill by 12 in. Leave Barren Hill - Tuesday. Thursday" nd Saturday, at 3 p-m; arrive at ',Tonic town b 3 5 Tim. 2213. From Norristown by Norritonville, Penn 'a Square, Centre Square, Worcester, Skippack, Led enteksville, and Salfordsville, to Sumneytown. 26 - miles and back, threctimes a week. Leave Norris town Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 4 pin; ar rive &t.Stitnneytown bydOps in. Leave Sumneytows Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 a m , • arrive at Norristown by 12 in. 2214. From Norristown, by Jeffersonville, Shan nonville. and Port Providence, to Phoenixville, 11 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Norris. town Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 4 p. arrive at Phoenixville by p in. Leave Phoenix ville Tde.sday, Thursday and Saturday at 434 a m arrive at Norristown by 7 a m. - 2215. From Norristown, by Jeffersonville, Eagle 'villa, Freeland,Lower Providence. Trappe. Limer ick. and Crooked Hill. to Pottstown, 193 Z miles and back, six times a week to Trappe and three times a wank residue. Leave Norristown Tuesday. Thurs day and Saturday at 10 a in; arrive at Pottstown be 4 p in. Leave Pottstown Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 6 a m; arrive at Norristown by 11 a in.— Leave Norristown Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10a us; arrive at Trape by lis m. Lefty e Trappe Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 6% a in ; arrive at Norristown by 9 a in. Siva *al 67 2216. From Bridgeport, by King of Prussia. New Centreville. Chester 'Valley ; Warren Tavern, and Exton to Downington, 22 miles and blek, six tunes a. week, by railroad, and by schedule satisfacterY to the Department. =7. From Pottstown, by Boyerstoisn,- Bechtels ville. Colebrookdale. and Dale, to Siesholtsville, 21 miles and back,-twice a week. Leave Pottstown Tuesday and Saturday on arrival of mail from Phil adelphia—say at 10 am; arrive at Seisholtsville by 3p m. Leave Seisholtsville Monday and:Friday at Sam; arrive' at Pottstown by 1 p in. PrOposals to extend to Long Swatnp, , ..4 miles further, and for three times a week service are invited. 2218. From Pottstown, by New Hanover and • Frederick. to Sumneytown, 17 miles and back, once a week. Leave Pottstown Wednesday at 12 in; ar rive at Sumneytovin by 5p m. Leave Sumneytown Wednesday at 6 a m; arrive at Pottstown by 11 am. 2219. From-New Hanover, by Pleasant Bun. Hillegas. Pennsburg,Spinnerstown.M ilfortl &mare. Steinsburg, and Locust Valley, to Coopersburg; ri miles and back, once a week. Leave New Hanover Friday at 9 a m; arrive at Coopersburg by- 5 p 111.— , Leave CoopersburgThursday at 6 a in arrive at New Hanover by 2 p . m. - V,20, From Ftigloysvine, New Han -over, Gilbertsville. Boyerstovrn, Spansville. Shapes villa. Manatawny, Lobaehsville. New Jerusalem. and Amine. to Kutztown. 32miles and bask; twice ti'eek. Leave Limerick Tuesday and Saturday at 2 p in; arrive at Kutztown by 10 p in. Leave Rutz town•Monday and Friday at 7a m; arrive at Lim erick by 3 P m.' :20 9 .-1. From Line Lexington, by Ililltown. Ha gersville. Applebachsville, Pleasant Valley, - and Leithaville, tn.Hellertown, 30 miles and -back, three times a week. Leave - Line Lexington Monday,. Wednesday, an i d Friday at 1 p m; arrive at- Heller town by 9 p m. -Leave Hellertown Tuesday. Thurs day and Saturday at6tt m; arrive-at Line Lexing ton by 2pm. 2=. From -Gwynedd. by Kulpsville. 'Harleys ripe. Sumneytown, and Pennsburg, to Hereford, 2d mil es and lic.r, six titres a week. Leave Gwynedd daily, except Sunday. At 2Yi_p m; arrive at Here ford by 8 1 / p in. Leave HereTord daily, extent Sunday, at 24% a in; arrive at Gwynedd by 10%a m. 2223. ..Zrorn Whitemersh, by Broad Axe, to Bine Bell. 4 rages and bank, six-times a. week. Leave Whiternarsh daily, except Surnia.Y, at 534 pp in; ar rive at Blue Bell by 6% nm. Leave BlueßelidaiLY except Sunday, at 6 a in; Arrive at Whitewash by 7 a m. 2224. F ro m Zeiglersville. by Frederick; - Beinglas. Colebrookdale, and Clayton, to Hereford,, 18: miles and back, twice aweek. LeaveZeiglenarille, Tiles day and Saturdarat 111 m artive at Hereford by 7 p m. Ireaveß or, oford Motida; and Friday at I a arrive at c ~. eigiersville by 10 2E5. FromStimrieytown,bylloppenvilletGerY's , nosensack, and Vera Cruz, to Einauz;la mrles,and back, twice a week, Leave Sumneytown Wednes day and Saturday at 7 am: arrive at E.teaus by 12 in. Leave Emana Wednesday and Saturday - ates in; Arrive at Sumneytown by la p in,, 2226.. FcordAndalnsia to ISYberrY. - rarr miler, back _au, tames a work. Leave Andalusia dailyi ex eaptSunday. at 7% ain : arrive et berry;: by m. 14eave Byberrysdailyt anti?* • at 6 a WAlMitmttitittbri= 01,. 11