2 i of Erabet. PENNSYLVANIA. -RATE ltd - ADI SUMMER TIME TABLE. Floe 'Trains Day !, , s and from Philadelphia, on arid - 04. ~IfO„VD.,SY. APRIL 200, Md. , • , The Passenger Trains of 'the Pennsylvania Railroad Company wilt depart from and arrive at ilarrisbuig and Philadelphia as followd: ZASTWAItD. THROUGH F:XPRESS TRAIN leaves llarrisnurg daily/a-2,00 A., X., and arrivesat West Philadelphia at 6.10 ,„ . , ." • - FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) a£345 A. X., and arrives at West hiladelplila at 9.55 ♦.x. Passengers lake breakfast at LaLeaster. WAY A.CcOMMODA.TION, 'via Mount .10y, leaves Harrisburg at '7.00 6.11., and arrives at West Philadol plabast./2.25 P. X. FAST MAIt. T RAIN leaves Harrisburg daily(except Sanday) at 1.00 P. at., and arrives at West Philadelpfila at 5.00 P. X. HARRISBURG ACCOHHODATION TRAIN. via Co iumtia,leaves Harrisburg at 4.00 P. x., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 9.30 p. at. • WESTWARD - - - lIALTIMORE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 2.00 A. x.; Altoona, 7.15 A. take breakrist. and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.00 noon. ,PIIILA.DELPII.Li EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harris, burg daily at 3.00 A. st.; Alt&ina at 8.00 A. M., take brealcias', and arrives at Pittsburg,* 12.30 P. M. )MAIL 'TRAIN. leaves Harrisburg at 1.15 P. 314 take supper, and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.30 A.M. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg. at 3.50 P. v.; Altoona at 8.35 P. M.. and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.00 A. 31. lIARRL4I3URG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 2.30 P. M., and arrives at Harrisburg at 6.00 '" WAY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 4.00 P. 31., and arrives at Harrisburg at 0.40 P. IL This train runs via Alt. Joy. t - SAMHEL D. YOUNG, Supt.. Middle Dim. Fenn'a R. R. 7utrel7,lFß.-tf. ORT,II,ERN CE:NTRAL RAIL ' • W4l.Yl—StabllEß TIME T.II3CE. nree trains daily to and Iron Baltimore and Wash ington City. Connections made with trains on Pennsylvania Rail road, to and from Pittsburg and the Weal. ... TWO TRAINS DAILY - to and from the North and West 'Branch Susquehanna,,Elinira,and allot Northern New York. •OR and after Monday, April 20th, 1803, the Passengat Trains Of the - Northern Central Railway will arrive at and. dispart.from Harrisburg and Baltimore as follows, via: • SOUTHWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except BTAai) leaves Harrisburg, arrives at Baltimore. EXPRESS' TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily _• (except Sunday) 11.07 P. M, levee Thurislnirg (except . 5 , Monday) .- arrives at Baltimore daily, ' (except Monday) 6.15 A. X HARRISBURG ACCOSISIODATION leaves Harrisburg NORTHWARD MAIL TRAIN leaves Baltimore , daily (es- cg cept Sunday) • leaves Harrisbuig , . arrives at SUntoiry 4.15 P M. EXPB.PS, TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily... 0.15 P. u. arrives at Harrisburg , 1.35 A. M • 4 ; leaves Harrisburg daily (eV cept Monday) - - B.OO Au' 4, arrives at Sunbury ~, 15.38 A. x lIAUBISBURO ACCOMMODATION leaves „ Baltimore daily (except run day) • " . arrives at Harrisbnig ' 7.31 P. 31, - For furtber information apply at the Office, in Penn rylvania Railroad Depot, Harrisburg. T. :I. DuO.3.RRY, Gen Supt. ; June 17.'03.41. - I - NIV 'AIR LINE ROUTE. ---Three E rrai;:a Daily to New York and Philadelphia. On and after ilfonsray, April 20t1i 'the Passenger Trains will leave the Philadelphia and'Reading Railroad Depot, at liarrieburg,for New York and Phitadelphia,as fbllowo. ckz: - EASTWARD EXPREI3S LINE loaves Harrisburg at 2.15 A. on arrival of the Pennsylvania Railroad Express-Train from the Wast,vriving in New York at 9.30 A. M.. and Phila delphia at 3.20 A. M. A sleePing car Is attached to tilt train through from Pittsburg without 'Change. MAIL TRAIN loaves Harrisburg at 8.00 A. x.,arriving in New York at 5.30 P. M., and Philadelphia at I:50P. L P.&51 . LLNE leaves Harrisburg . at'2.oo r. K., arriving in New y ToCk at 10:25 P. M., and Philadelphia at 7.00 P. Y. WESTWARD. FAST LINE leaves New Ydrk at 6.00 A. x., and Phila ielphla at 6.15 A. x., arriving at Harrisburg at 1.15 P. x 'MAIL TULIN leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and Philadelphik at 3.30 p.m., arriving at Harrisburg at 8.20 RXPRF,,SB TRAIN leaves New York at 7.00 PAL, aL~++ riving at Harrisburg at 2.10 and connecting wits the Pennsylvania Express Train tr Pittsburg. A sleep ing earls also attached to this trap. Connections are made at Harristparg with trains 'on the Pennsylvania. Northern - Cenqui and Cumberland Valley railroads, and at Reading for Philadelphia, Potts ville, Wilkediarre. Allentown, Easton, &c. Baggage checked through. Fare between Now York midi - Harrisburg, ssls'; between Harrisburg and Philip dedplda, $3 35 in No. 1 cars, and $3 in N 0.2. For ticks tsar other information apply to J. J. CLYDE:, Jetne tf. General Agent, Harrisburg, 1862. 1863. WINTER ARRANGEMENT.- CUMBERLAND VALLEY AND FRANKLII9 RAILROADS. ORANGE OF 11.0171t8.—0n and after Monday, No vember 17,1862, Passenger Trains will run daily, as lollows,(Sundays excepted) : FOR CHAMBERSBURG Ai..^TD HAR RISBURG : A. M. • P. M. Laity° ilagerSbivsn 7.00 2.45 '. - Greencastle 7.37 8.35 {Arrive at 8.17 4.29 . Chitinberslinrg , - - -, - Leave ,ist 6.30: 12.85 Leaves Shlppensburg . , -O.® 1.28 " NewviCe 9.32 * 2.00 "•'.. Carlisle ' 10.10 2.42 • 1 ., . Mechanicsburg.-- 10 42 3.12' Aiiii•e,at Harriabnrg• .11.15 • • 3.40 FOR. CHAITBERSB ITRGAND HAGERS ' j . TOWN. Leaves Ilarriabnri " ~; `Carlisle ". • . Filippensburg • Arrive at Chambersbrirg Leave Chambereberg.... Greencastle 11.55 5.30 Arrive "at'llarrisburg 12.35 6.10 AV" Making close connections at ILsrrisbarg with trains for ,Philadelphia, New York and Pittsburg; and witbtralasfor all points West O. N. LULL, Sapt, R:Oflico, Chamberiburg. N0T.17. 1882. 1868 HILADELPHIA 'A N D ERIE j_ RAILROAD.—This great line traverses thS North err, and Northwest counties otPentisylvarti a to the city ofArie. on Lake Erie. It has been leased by the Pennsylvania nailroqd annpany, and under their auspices ior being rapidly opened throughout its entire4angth. It is now in use for Passenger and Freight - business Isom Harrisburg to Driftwood, (2d Fork.) (177 mil NO nn the Dititern Division. and from Sheffield to Erie, (78 lulleB4nn the Western Division. TIME OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT HARRISBURG. MAIL TRAIN lehvei North. 1.16 A.H. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves North 3.00 A ;at .--.Cars run through WITHOUT g HANai both ways owthese trains between Philndelphia,and Lock Haven,and be• tweenßaltimoreand Lock Haven. Visniant Sleeping Carson the Expresstraln both ways; Por information respecting Passenger business apply at• the 13.*U. Center 11th and Market Streets, Philadelphia; And fir Freight business-Of the Company's Agents, : S. BAingston,Jr.,Oorkipthand Mnrketsts.,Philiula. J. W. Reynolds, Erie. . 3. X. Drill, Azent N.O C. R. B. .:Baltimore, Md. H. H. HOUSTON, . GeneralFreieht Agent,Philadelphia. LBWrS' L. 110UPT, GeneralTir.ket Agent .Philadelphia: • JOS. D. POTTS, Junei7,63] General 'Manage r, Williamspor t. Zobarti attb *Elmo. VEW TOBACCO AND' SEGAR 1 . 1 11TODE..-TO. ths Citizens aj Chamberst , orp and VisittilY : The undersigned, having been compelled to letere'Virginleon acoonnt 4>f his , Union sentiments.his come among you tpestablish a business, hopingf'edn his tong ; itzpat•tenceAnd by close attention lie will meet with 11 generous s n Pport . Ills stock wilt consiet of all be best brandeofTOßACCO and SMAng whi c ht ie N iill feline cheapatican betiadanywberei n town. Don't forget \ tbe f Aiken, el of Ole • , little , Virginia nigger,!'apposite he Franklin otel,next door to ghryock's DookBtore i , Sonth=etist der erbf theDlam . oud. . ' ' %- Jame 27,1383. - - 0 .H.BILSIX. NNE ItAtteo - f - of _Ur;.hrt. RE.A.DING. BAIL TER ARRANIAMENT. tiktHAT TRUNK LINT. (rho the jNorthpnd North welt for Pfiiiadelpb ia, NeW York, Reading,Puttarille, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton, &c..&c.1 • Trains leave Harrisburg for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Pot tsvill e, and all i n term ed e s tat ions.. at 8.00 -A. X nod 2.00 . York Excess leaves Harrisburg. at 340 A. Si, Arriving aY NewaYork at 10.15 the saline morning. Faresfrom Harrisburg: To New Yerkss.ls: to Phila delphia $3.35 an d Baggage checked through. Returning. leavn New York "at 0 5t.,12 'Noon, and 7 P. At., (Pittsburg Express arriving at Harrisburg at 2 A. yd.) Leave Philadelphia at 8.15 A.lm.. and 3.30 P. M. Sleepingcars inthe New York Express Trains through to and from Pittelalrg without change. Passengers- bylbe Catawissa Railroad leave Tamaqua at 8.50 a.m., and 2:15 P.m.,10r Philalelphia,New York, and all Way PaintS. Trains leave Pottsville at 0.15 a.st.,and 2 30 P. 3t.,for "Philadelphia, Harrisburg and New York.. An Accommedatiori Passenger train leaves Reading at 6.30 A. X., and returns from Philaderia at 4.30 P. M. . 411" All the above trains run aily, Sundays ex- Cepted. ' A Sunday train ltaces , Pottavilte at 7.30 A. It., and Philadelphia at 3.13 P.M. Commutatidn, 3111eage.Sea4on, an Excursi on Tickets at rednciid infea to and from all poi ta. 80 lba.Baggage allowed each Pasa4liger. 0,!. A.NICCOLLS, ganeral Superintendent. Dec 16,1864-tf QIIRINEit'S BALSA MIC COUGH_ 0 SYRUP.—Ibr toujits, Cb/oPs i p - Croup, Whooping tough, Ast4ma, ill ronchitts,. Spitting Blood, Pain and Weakness of the Breast, Dijiculd , of tireathing, itc. —This is no new remedy. It has teen used for a num ber 'of yenta in 31nrylAnd and pa is of Pennsylvania, and has wherever known, acquired tin unprecedented reputation fee curing the various diseases for which it is recommended. 1 It is used by all classes of society, and the universal opinion is that it is good. • Via S - 0 -up is purely regeta ble,C;onipoun4. It is pleasant to take. and never does .i injury.'Bur, owing to its purifyit g qualities, must do good under any circumstances. is effects are truly woudca ftd, soothing,' calming, an alla-ying the most violent coughs. purify I ng, streongthing and invigorating the whole - system calming and Soothing the nerves, aiding and facilitating expectoration, and healing the Lasease.D LUIGS. Thus striking 'at the coot of diseas is, and driving it from the system. - CIWtiP. - This disease is stitnouticctilkir dilh shrill whistling or wheezing, back, eitedsUnCatiOrt, d:c.: It mostly o! &en. No child need diem croup ] perly used and used in time. ?do children should watch the first sty 10.10 A. nt 135 p: 0.35 P. M always keep this remedy at hand. For cough after measles this Sy Experience has proven that it is 2.00 e. X? preparation The price, of the remedy le SIC tho reach of all, the poorus weli 0.30 A. X person should have it. Every person should haveit in thetiouse. It is a true and fiiithhil friend to all who vatrie health and wish to secure themselves against that roost terrible disease, consumption. It will be found the most useful as well lei the elisapest family medicine in the world. It he been used for the last four feats isith a success without a putrallel. - • Price 40 vents per bottle, or throe bottles for $l.lO. Prepareu by 5... EOUTZ 4:, 11E0., ,Westminster, Md. For sale by MILLER & HEN SIIEY, and J. S. NIXON,I dhasn bersburg, Pa., and Storekeepers,ev ety-wliere 9.15 +.31 1.15 r.m 255P.x OUTZ'S CELEBRIATED MORSEF AND CATTLE POWDERS.—These Pou l ders have proved. after a trial of several y -.are. to be' wester to any preparation of the kind use . The chief superiority of these Powders arise trial' the fact that they are com pose:lot Medicines that have Laxative, Tonic and Puri fying properties. The Lesotho ejected crudities from the stomach and Intestines; the Tonic gives strength to the system of the Horse; and the purifying medicines contained in them cleanse the blood, and lay the foun dation for a healthy and vigorous circulation. The use of them improves the wind. strengthens the appetite and gives thuhorse a fine, smooth and glossy el. in—thus improvim the appearance, vigor and spirit of the noble animal. These Powders are not intended. as most powders are, to bloat the unites), so AB to giver hint the appearance -ot being fat a heti but 'really so—b r it to remove the disease, and promote his general health. These Powders will strengthi 4 thostomach and intes- ' tines, cleanse them from offenSive matter and bring them to a healthy state. They are a prevention of Lung Fever, and a certain remedy fon all diseases incident to the Horse, as (Minders. Yellow Water, Distemper, Founders, Heaves, Slavering, Coughs. Fevers, Loss of Appetite, and Vital Energy, l&c. These Powders if used two or threellmes a week' s through the winter and spring, your Horse will never get the Lung Fever. Collie, or Butts. A few doses of these Powders v, ill remove the worst Cough on any Horse. Irere owners of Horses to feed afew of these Powders' every year they mi 6 ht save the lives of many valuable Horses. MUCH: COWS —The properies"thlsPowder possesses in increasing the quantity of milk in Cows, gives it an importance and value which shbuld place it in the hands 01 every person 'seeping a Cow.--]n fattening Cattle, it I,c gives them an appetite, loosen their hide, and makes them thrive much taster. ' itOGS.—In all diseases of S r ine, as 'Coughs. Ulcers In the Lungs and Liver;&c.. by putting from half a.paper to a paper of 'these Powders in ai barrel of swill, the above disease can be cured or entirely prevented. By. using, thesepowders the Hog Cholera can be prevented. Pre p:lied by . S. A. FODTZ & RRO., Westminster, Md. For-Sale wholesale sad retail. by MILLER & HEN SHEY, and J. S. NIXON, Charnbersburg. Pa., slid store keeperes everyvrhere. Price 25 cents per paper, or bye papers for $l. [tlte9`6a-Iy] , F OUT MIXTURE.—Is MXTUR . E.—ls a safe 11 1 and reliable Remedy . Sro the cure of Itlruunatiem Painful Nei vous Affections. pilling, Burns. Swelling and all disease requiring an e ?cruel application on Man On Horses it will never fail o cure Pule-evil Fistula, old running Sores, or SK eeny , [if properly applied. For sprains, bruises, scratches, en lied hoofs, chafes, saddle or collar Gall. cuts or woundl , it is an infallible remedy. Try it, and be convinced of it cfScacy. • - IiItEUM-AiTISII. . Personaaffllcted with this disease, no matter of }ow long standing, can be promptl and ellectually ctired by using th!s mixture. There is nothing in the wor d sure and so good to take away bad Cornsaild cure Frost bites as this prepar ation. Try it and satisfy yo rseives. Price 25 and 59 cents per bottin. Premixed b S. A.'reuTz Westminster, Md. For sale by MILLER & LIENSILEY,:and .1. S. XYXON Chamberstirg, Fa., and Stor keepers's:very-where. . - - fttu ital. 1 A SON &R3IL I.N:S m CAB A k i ., T i i s, WITH ONE OR -TW(t , SETS OF REEDS, . - Containi g the AUTOMATIC SWELL, DotritLE BELLOWS. KNEE &WIN AND COMM.'S ATION VALVE. IM. _Every .liptrumen f Warr'gryed for Five Years. ..14 Pawns mom $7O to SOO. "The Cabinet organ is the only instrument whitth combines the requisites. for rchureli anti parlor music : for the schoci room and tle social fest,val gathering For while It poseessai suflici int power fur the accompa niment of a large chorus. t iti,,from its capability of all shades of expression, and its wonderful ceescindo and ahnimeentln, matt effe tive as a solo Instrument. Otis cdpable of orchestral ffects, and rapid music.es trills, arpeggios. etc. From its sustained t oneti.it has a decided advantage over the Piano-linte, for the render ing of many of the choices morcextux of themasters, such as symphonies. quarts tee, etc." - R. A. McCLU IX, Cliamberebnrg, Pa. i . ' General; Agen t for Pen ns y Iva Ilia. he undersigned will sell and deliver, in good cra. —on, Cabinet Organs ,itnywhere In this State, at factory prices. • All gnqui•Hes by getter promptly an swered. • - (Juno Th. '63-tf.3 . R. A .51c. DIANOS I R. A. M'CLITRE, so e agent for the celebrated DECKER BELOTHERS'OEW YORK) PIANO. • Pianos delivered, and put up in perfect condition, in any part of the State, at ; • - ' FACTORY RETAIL PRICES. • . All Instruments warranted fOr five; years. Pianos from otherfactorie svill be Ibrnishod, ifdesired, R. Al McCLURE. ,- ' June 17,413. i Chambershurg; Pa. pRIISICE . & ;CO.'S _ _ WELL 'KNOWN MELODEONS AND.. HARMONIUMS! Introducing the etre ct of Punt Bass on every lnstrument. E. GAI3LER'S inisurpass d PIANOS for cash at alibi. eral deduction or on Mont Iyhuitaltnents. ' Air Over 30,909 sold In hiladelphia. JAMES BELLAK, Sole Agent, 279 and 281 South Fifti street, above Spruce st., sop 18, 63-Iy PEITIAMPIXIA.. .. .A. M. P.M ... 8.05 135 ... 8.41 2.15 ... 9.27 2.65 -10.02 ' 3.29 -10.33 4.00 ...11.00 4.30 .-.11.10 4.40 3 sn BROTHER, Npvt,rrs. dranufar.urers and Wholualeffectiert N MUSICAL lINSTRIMENTS, GERMAN. FRENCH AND ITALIAN STRINGS, No. 705 MARKET STRZET, Orders carefully attended - to by S . S.SHRYOOK Chamberibtrrg. [sept VOCAL MUSid.—R. A. MCClux 43„ xffiteacbclaeees and private pupils, the art of Stnidng,?dnalcal,Notation s liar:nous, and Musical torn poiltron. [nar264.l ie.ebicati culty of breathing ng dough and threat' cure. in.young chil if this Syrup is pro bers haan'g. croupy iv of the disease. and up is most excellent. •granted by bo other as to place it within 5 the rich, and every. ht Iranktin nepositori iiitouthute. A MIR,ICAN LI.FEt INS - U.1131i CE , AND TRUST COMPANY. South-eastearnerof Walnut and Fourth Streets, Phila delphia: IncorporatedlBso. Charter Perpetual. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $500.000 00. PAID UP ASSETS, $1.897,746 50. ==MM Insures lives during t natural life, or for short ,ternut grants annuu're, endowments,, and ‘snakes contracts of all kindei; epeiding on the' issries qf life. Acting 'also as Exautors. Trustees and guardians.— l'olimos of Life Insurance insured at the usual Mnitizal rates of other good Companies—with profits to the In sured—last lionus,,January, 1861, being 45 per cent. of all premiums received on mutual policies at joint stock rates, 20 per cent. le.s than the above. NON-FORFEITURE PLAN. . . Ity which a person pays for 5,7, or 7.0 years tinly,when the Policy.is patd up for life, and nothing more to pay.', and should he be unable, or wish to discontinue sooner.' the Company will issue-a paid-up policy in proportions to the amount cm premiums paid. as follows: At's yearAt 7 year At 10 year Rats.l Rates. • Rates. After payment of the annual premi-• urns (on policy ot $1000) for : $4OO 00 $285 00 $2OO SC, On paftuf 4an.pre. 800 00 571 40 400 Oi , 6 s 6 857 10 a 8 ti A nnualpTeraium for $lOOO. NON-FORFEITURE TEN YEAR RATE. - Age 20, , 25.. a• 30 . t, 35 , ac 40 , " 45. 50, Insurince may.be effected, givingloany party, on th death et life insured, a certain yearly income by endovi l meat for life, thus avoiding all contingencies of invest lug the same, and may be double or treble the yeail interest. _ - ALEXANDER WHILLDIN, Presictent. SAMUEL WORK, Tice-President. 301LN $. WILSON, Secretary and Treasurer. ' - BOARD OF TRUSTEES J. Edgar Thompson. — Hon. Joaeph i Jonaa bowman, • I 11. 11. Eldridge, John Aikninn. Chas.F.-Heaalitt Alexander Whilldin, MM. James Potluck, Albert C. Roberts, Samuel T. Bodine, George Nugent, Win. .1 'Toward, Sainuel Work, MEDICAL EXAMINERS J. F. DIM - M: D., .1. NEWTON R,DI Idattendance at the Company's office daily, at o'clock. M. ' - WM. G. REED, Chambersburg, Pa,, is the anthoriz d Agent of- the American Lite Insurance and Trust Co - patty, and is always prepared to furnish pamphlets. 'r any information wanted, and to take Insurances. DR. J. C. RICH A [IDS. Medical_ Ezamin?r, REFERENCES—Hon. A. K. McClure. Rur.E. J. N rolls, J. E. Nixon, Chambersbut g, abd Wm. 3f. Marsh -I Cashier Hagerstown Bank. Oct 1,634 • NSURANCE COMPANNc-L--91 I NORTH AMERICA. ,INCORPORATID ,t 3 PERPETUAL CHARTER. - CAPITAErWraiIu 000. OFFICE=NO. 232 WALNUT STREET, ,Pl3/LAIALPHIA. This comp - any are now prosecuting(the business ofln snmnee from Loss or Damage by FIER , on Bnildi Alerchandlee. Furniture, throughout the Stat en Pennsylvania. on LIBERAL TERMS, for limg or sr periods; or permanently on Buildings, by a cieposf Premium The PROMPT PAYMENT Of CLAIMS for LOSSESilthing h period of nearly SEVENTY YEARS that the rdmpany n. been in existence, entitles them to the confidence of h public. . Arthur G. Coffin, Samoa W. Jones, John A. Brown, , Charles Taylor, Ambrose White, John R. Neff, Richard D. Wood, William Welsh, William E. Bowen, CIIARLES PLATT, - Sec'y. ARTHUR G. COFFIN,Fire WM. BUEBLER, Central Agent at Harrisburg, WM G. REED, Chambersburg, Pa., is the ant cc !zed Agent of the Insurance Company of North A et% ca, and is always prepared to give any information &- aired, and to take Insurances. _ REFERENCES—CharIes IL Taylor and John D.O p ier, Eau's.. Chambersburg. - ' net 21'634tf OIIR AGENT Ai . OHN GRO .--R of Chambershnrg. if( the General Agent 'o Franklin County Mutual Insurance Company. June 17.'63. IVM. McLELLAI Liquoro. IMPORTERS OF WINES AND LIQUOR LAIIMAN, SALLADE & CO., No. 128 SOUTH NINTH STREET (BETWEEN CHESTNUT AND WALNUT,) GEO. M. LAII3fAiV. A. M. SALLADE, .3. D RITf:SE: 0 A RDR AT k cO'S SUPERIOR COGNAC tRANIIT, • VINTAGE _OF 1838, EACH BOTTLE SEALED WITH GREEN WAX, 33 TIIE INITIALS OF TIIE`PIILII 131POIITED BY LAUMA.N, SA LLADE &TO SUPERIOR OLD dfADEtRA WINR FINE`SEIERRY, CLARET, AND HOCK WINES, AND AN ASSOP.TMONT OF PINE BRAND/. OP C H A G N E. • OSBORNE 5: CO.'S " OPORTO. VERY FINE AND DELICATE OLD. PORT WINE. EACII BOTTLE SEALED WITH. YELLOW A WITH THE INITIALS OF THE FIRM I= L AU MAI 4, SO,LADE& CO., N 0.128 SOUTHNINTII STREET, PIIILADE IP OLD ItYE OLD WHEAT WHISKEY, li= OLT) JAMAICA SPIRITS, atEMIOLTZ WIMKRY, FOUST WRI SE EY, WERTZ'S WHISKEY, TAFFEY'S WHISKEY, _ evn _ READING . *INES, EAUMAN,SAILADE &CO., - 128 SOUTRNINTII STREET, PIIILAD rum nov.lB-ly c'T' W. SCOTT ; . GENTLEION'S • FURNTSITING Front, and SHIRT MAINUFAC ORT, No. 814 Chestnut Street. Four doors Tow the " .Continental. Philadelphia. ,Particularattent on gi• to ordered Shirts. A'pprfect fit guaranteed. Venom a distance can order by the allowing 'Shirt Heidrun - Size around the Neck: • . : , .4. .4- " Chest Wilder the Arms : i. .4 " Waist ti C a " Wrist ti Length of Arm e(hent)froracentre of back to middle of hand : Length of Bosom at Side ' " " 'Shirt: J3ECORD YOUR DEEDS. e( for land are required*, thalaws.of Pen .sylv recorded whhin nix months after their .xecti if Made in tbeState, or within twelve month: If out of the State, otherwise they are deemed hi tic fn ulent android against subsequent purchaser or gages for value. it recorded before the d.ed ut which subsequent purcbaSers Claim, bower r. it - make the deed good in law. No title.papere a e th__ _ fore perfected until they are recorded in the eaorder's Witco of the county. Persons having . unrecor ed Deeds should present them to the Eecorder without day. San 87 5 t . KERRY STRICKLER, B or. 3anuari 21, 1864. I=l - . VRAN LIS FIRE -11sTStrEANCB: COMPAtTp OF PHILADELPHIA. OF On Tly AE r B/!ROj e4 THE COMPANY Publiih`ed in tonforniity with the provisions of the Sixth . section of the Act of Assembly of - Apra sth, 1542. On property valued ac over $4,000,000,. - being First Alohgages en Real F,e, • .' ' tate' In the city ittni County - 01' Phi In del 'llia, except 439,038 24, in the • - neighboring cuuntieb $ 1,933,140 21 Purchased - at Sheriff's sales, under mortgage ,C, tai ms, Tit - Eight houses and lot, S. W. corner Chest milt nod Seventeenth streets..... A house and lot, north &de of Sirruce street. watt of Eleventh Two houses and lot, south side of Spruce street, nearlSixteetith street. Elva houses'and lot's, Nos. 521, 523, 525, 527, and 529 Dillwyn Street.-- ..... Three houses and lot, east side Seven teenth street, south of Pine Hotel and lot,S. E. corner of Cheptnut and Beach streets Five houses and lot, north side George street, west of Ashton et, set Seven houses and lot, east side' De ich 800 0 street, south of Chestnut street A house and lot, Fitzwater street, east of Ninth street A ground rent of 5 - 30 on-let north side Otter, west 'of Leopold 5treet.....,....:. - 57 lots of ground on Buckley street and Quell - elle avenue, Bristol A house and lot, south side Stiles street ..¢3O 50_ .. 34 00 .. 33 40 43 OD .. 47 00 53 - 50 .. 60 30 east of Sixteenth street A house anctlot, east side Front street, north of Cherry street, Kensington... Two houses`and lots,noth side Filbert street, west of Eighth street Firehouses and lot, north side Dauphin -street; east of Coral street A house and lot. east side Sixteenth St., south of Chestnut I,treet A house and lot, West side Broad street, south of Race rtreet A house an& lot, south side Filbert St , watt of Rxteenth street Two housetrand lute, un corner of Frank ton' itd , d and Auburn street, front ing on Frankton' Road Two houses and I its, 3. W. corner Lom bard end Twenty-third streete, front ing on Lomharo street Two lots of ground, N. W. corner Twen ty-third and Meredith streets Total, surveyed. and valued at - $127.612 23 LOANS. Temporary Loans on Stocks as:Collate . ral Security (valued at $12L484) - cTOCKS. $43,000 U. S. 7 30 Treasury Notes 37.000 U.S. One-Year Certificates... 78,000 U. S. 5211YearRegisteret1Bonda 2:7,000 S. 5-20 Year Coupnn Bonds,. 16,000 Almhou'e. Loans, 5 per cent..... 9,000 Pennsylvania State Six per cent Loan, of 31ay,,..1861 10.000 North Penna. K. It. Bonds 900 North Penna. It. It. Coupon Script 300 Shares Pennsylvania R. tC Co. 91 Shares Franklin Fire Ins. C 0... 200 Shares Bank of Kentucky e 17 SharesNorthernßankKentncky 8 100 Shares Union Bartle Termessse e 13 Shares Insurance Company of the Siate of Pennsylvania - 200 Shares Soutlierark hailroad Cu. 24 Shares Union Canal Con pally. 2 Shares Contirtental hotel C 0... 3,000 Continental !total Bonds 700 Philadelphia City Loans 310 Philadelphia City Warrants • Total inaFilet value $302,5-14 70 James N. Dickson, 8. Morris Wain, John Mason. George L. Harrison, Francis H. Cope, Edward H. Trotter, Edward S. Clarke. William Cummings, , 207:503 00 Notes and Bills. Receivable' 2,297 50 ~ Revenue, Stamps a-- 95 56 Cash on band $27.042 6 Cash in band of Agents-- ....... 4,011 83 -REAL ESTATE. Market price $1 . 27.612 23 Cost, asiabove 115.911 :JO Itiarket Cost, as: above LOSSES BY EIRE Losse4 paid duriug the year 1b63 Ily order of-the board. . ' • CI-LAS. N. BANCKER, •- - Attest : President JAS. W. II c.A LUSTER. iChas. N. Bancker, Terai 'IV iirznex, sawed Graiit,. - Jacob R. Smith, Geo. W. Richards. PRIL.&DE *1:0 OT I lit N R.=-The - President 'and 'Managers of the Chambereburg and Bedford 'turnpike Road C.mpany; have declared a dividend of •1,6 por 'bvnt on the Capitul Reek of said Courpany.paya ble;'hu demand. W. IL McDOWELL,' Jan 1343 t. Treasurer' NOTICE.—AII persons knowing th •nlndebted NOR SEES in the REM TER AND .RECORDER'S OFFICE, will please settle the enure without further otice, as my term of office ha etptred. My books will be at the Regieter'e or the piesent. (dtmiti] E. C. BOYD. GA EAT DISCOVERY! KUNKEL'S 'EPITER WINE OP IRON, thefcure of WEAN. STOMACHS. I.4ENER AI, DEMIST, IN - *GESTION, DISEASES er•T'LLS NERVOUS SYSTLM, CON STIAATION, SCIDITT or THE STObIACII, and for all cases r'eqiiiriffg a-Tonic This Witte includes the ntost agreeable and efficient Saltef.lreffl we pOSSMS; Citrate of Magnetic Oxide com bined, with the most euergetie of Vegetable Tonics,' Yellow Peruvian Bark. The effect in many cases of de , Witty, - loss of appetite and general prostration, of an efficient Salt o Iron, combined with our valuable. Aerve Tonic, is must happy. It augments the_appetite. raises the pulse, takes off muscular flabbiness ' removes the paler of debility;and gives 4 florid vigor to the counters Dance. , DO you want - something to strengthen you? too you want a ocid appetite? De - you want to build up your constitution? VA. Do you want Lb feel well? Do you want to get rid of nervousness? DO you want energy ? Doyen- wont to sleep well? DO you want a brisksand vigorous feeling? you do, try KUNKEL'S BITTER WINE OF IRON This truly valuable Tunic has been so thoroughly test ed by all dances of the community, that it is now deem btt as a Tonle medicine. It costs but little, purifies the blood, gives tone to the stomach, renovates the system, and prolongs lite. I now only ask a trial of this valuable Tonic. • - far TESTIMONIAL! Harrisburg, Feb 20, 1803. Mr. S. A KUNE.M.:, Druggist :—Deue Sir: I have great pleasure in testifying to the complete success of your Bitter Wine of Iron in my case. I have been afflicted for a number of ,years with weakness, general _debility and giddiness, so much so that I have been confined to my, bed , for the greater part of my time add have had the attendance of our bast physi3ians, but recelved.but little benefit. I had despaired-of ever regaining my health, until hearing ot your inestlinable remedy, BIT- Trit Wiffs OP IRON. I determined to try its virtue, and am happy to state (than resulted in a complete cure. I - am more robust and vigorous than I have been for many years, which feeling I attribute solely to Your Bitter Wine of Iron. 'I have no hesitation in recommending it "to others, similarly affected,.and shall be,bappy to bear paisonaltestimony. Youry, truly, RAHMAN Patna. the TO THE PUBLIC.—Dr. S. A. RtafLEL t—Deter Sir: When on my way,last summer, tojoin my regiment at Yorktown. Virginia,yon were kind enough to give me several bottles of your "Biller Wine of /rot," I found it Most valuable in the climate of the Peninsula and the ditieases incident to It. No preparation of liarks exceed it in value. I believe that its use would prevent much Blltgenit its - en, and ertainly --prove a groat- value fl Inits cure. Yours,respectfully, EI P. 111H1f, Chaplain 178th Regiment, P. D. 31. Prepared and sold Wholesale and Retail, by Hunan , 1118 & Bao.,Anothecary's,llB. Market Street, Harrisburg,Pa ania J. S. NIXON, Agent, Chambersburg, Pa. ,oct2s'l3B.fint don o MI6 MEM BOOK BINDERY. • S. R. 17,S11ER .k CO'S Book Bindery is on the Third Story - of the .I.IESSEY. GER" OFFICE BUILDING, bn the Dimond, above Shryock's Book :Store. Entrance , between the Book Store and thelnland Telegraphoßlee. Old Books, Perl odlenle. Meld. Neweitpere, Ate., bound In 'any style.— Blank Boelte made to order. Paper ruled to anypitern. lid ,• ori ntler -will "',fittancia 34ORTGAGES iIEA.L ESTATE COST Advarice in value STOCKS. '5302..141. 70 J 267.503 t+o Advance in value Sretetary Pro. Tem. DIRECTORS. . Isaac Lea, 'ldunrd C. Dale, Geo. Pales. AlLed Mier, • Free. W. Lewis, M. D. ' CHAS. N. BACKER, President EDWARD C: DALP:. Vice President. jun JAS. % MeALLIST-Vt. Sec. pre. tens. £~cbical. D Y 5. T. C IA,Rk,S AND DISEASES ICESULTING F1L0,31 DI.S.OEIYE, RS: . -0F THE LIVER • m.,:in ~.- ' , -- , DIHESTIVE' , ORGANS. - are eared by - lIOOELAND'S GERMAN }TITTERS, THIS` lIIREAT:STRENGIfING . -ITONIC. - These Bittershave performed more Cares I Hive and do give better satiAhetiofil Have moie testimony Have more respectable-people to 'ouch for them! Than anY other artiole in the market. We defy aiy one to euntrzuliet this assertion, and WILL E.4 . K $l,OOO • To anyone who will prodece a certificate putiiilkod by us, that is not genuine. 1100FLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS Will cure every case Of Chronieor Nervous Debility. Diseases of the Kid neys` and Diseases arising from a • Disordered Stomach. Observe the 'following Symptoms, resulting - from Disorders of the Digestive Organs: ' Constipation. Inward Piles, Fullness or Blood to, the Head. Acidity of the Stomach. Nausea. Heartburn, Disgust' for Food, b'ull - ness or Weight in the Stom ach, Sour Eruefa tions. Sinking • or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swim ming of the head, Hurried and Dif- • cult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensations when in a l,,ing posture. Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the- Head. Deficiency of Perspiration,Yellow ness of the Skin and Eyes. Pain - -• • in the Side. Back. Chest, Limbs, &c., Sudden Flushes of Heat. Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imagin- • ings of Evil, and great Depression of S.piritz REMEMBER, that this Bitters is . NOT ALCO HOLIC. contains no Rum or Whiskey, and can't make Drunkards, but is the BEST TONIC in the World. . -READ WHO SAYS SO: 'From the Rev. Levi G. Beck, Pastor of the Baptist Church, Pemberton, N. J., formerly of the North Baptist Church,, Philadelphia: * * • I have known,Hoofiana's German Bitters favorably for a numberof years. I have used them in my own family, and hare been so pleased - with theiv effects that I was induced to recommend them to mitny others, and know that they have operated in a strikingly beneficial manner. I take great pleasure in thus publicly proclaiming this fact, and calling the attention of those afflicted with the dis eases for whiCh they are reeommended.to these Bitters. knowing from expetience that my recom mendation will be sustained. I do - this more cheer fully as Hoolland's Bitters is intended to benefit the afflicted, and is ".not a rum drink " Yours truly, LEVI G. BECK. 14.911 30 130,505 27 From Rev...T. Newton Brown:D. D.. Edith'. - of the Encyclopedia - of Religious Knowledge and Chris. tian Chronic-4, Philadelphia. Although notdisposed to faCor or recommend Pa tent Medicines in general, through distrust of their ingredients and effects, I yet know of no Sufficient reasons -why amen may not testify to the benefits he believes himself to have received fromany simple preparation, in the hope that he may thus contrib ute to the benefit of others. , I do this the more readily in regard to ilootiand's German Bitters. prepared by Dr. C: M. Jackson. of this city. because I was prejudiced againstthem for many years, under the impression that they we're chiefly an alcoholic mixture. lam indebted to my friend, RobertStioemaker, Esq., fur the removal of et this prejudice by proper tests, and for murage tuent to try them, when suffering from eat and long continued_ debility. The use of three (attics ot these Bitters, at the beginning of the present year, was followed,by evident relief. and restoration to a degree of bodily and mental vigor which I.hod not felt for six months before, and had almost despaired of regaining. I therefore thank God and my friend for directing mJN to thelise o . , . EWTON f BROOWN, Philada.- 31,654 49 ,411,107 32 - $ 11.700 03 15,041 70 From the Rey. Jos. H. Kennard. Pastof of the 10th • Baptist Church. Dr. Jackson : I Wore been frequently requested to connect 4ny name with commendations of different kinds of medicines. but regarding the practice as out of my appropriate sphere: I have in all cases declined; but with a clear proof in various 'instances. and particularly in my family. of the use fulness of Dr. 'Wetland's Germnn Bitters, I depart for once from my usual course, to express my full conviction that, jer - gemeral debility of thimoteni and exp,cially for Liver Onmploint. it ie a vile and val uable hreporotion. In some cases it may fail; but usually, I doubt not. it will be very Veneficial`to those who suffer from the above ~arse: _ _ 2,457.64 i 95 68,950 . 07 - . Sours sera• regpeetfully. J. IL KENXARD. Eighth below Coates Street, Philadelphia From Rev,: Warren Randolph, Pastor. of Baptist Dr. C. M. Jackson:—Dear Sir: Personal experi ence enables we to say that I regard the German Bitters preparedhy you as a most excellent medicine. In eases of severe cold and general debility •I have been greatly henefitted by the use of the Bitte „ and doubt not they willproduce similar kelfocts on others. Yours truly, WARREN RANDOLPH - . Germantolin. From Rev. J. H. Turner. Re.ltor of Hedding M. E Church, Philadelphia. -' Dr. Jackson:—Dear Sir; Haring used yeer•Ger man Bitters in my family frequently . l am prepared to say that it has been of great service. I believe that in most eases of general debility of the system it is the-safest and most valuable remedy of which I have-any knowledge. Yours respectfoll3 - . • - J. H. TURNER, 728:N.19th Street. From the Rev. J. M. Lyons, former Pastor of the Columbus (N. J:) and Mitlerstown (Reariti.).Bap-, list Churches. Nnw Roetritt.t. N. Y. Dr. C. M. Jackson :-. - -Dear Sir: I feel it a !ensure thuS, of my own accord, to bear testimony o the excellence of the German Bitters. Some years . ince be'ng Much afflicted with Dyspepsia, I used t with very beneficial results. I have often r commended them to persons enfeebled by that tor meuting disease, and have heard from them the most flattering testimonials es to their great value. In cases of general debility, I. believe it to ben tonic that cannot be surpaNsed.' J. M. LYONS,. From the Rev. Thomas Winter. Pastor of Roxbor - ouch Raptist Church. Dr. Jackson :—.Dear Sir: I feel it dun to your ex ellent preparation, Hootland's German Bitters. to add my testimony to the deserved reputation it has obtaioed. I hare for years. at times, been troubled' with great disorder in my bead and nervous system. I wan; advised by a friend to try a bottle of your German Bitters. did so. and have experienced great and u"expected relief: my health has been very materially bonelitted.' I confidently recom mend the ; article where I meet with cases similar to my own; and have been assured by many of their good effects.. Respectfully 'mots. . ' T. WINTgR, Roxborough. Pa. Frnm theße,c. J, S. Herman, of the Geimnn Re- formed Church, kaiio—wtTlierlie-Coiiiii,l3a- Di. C. M. Jackson:—Respected Sir have been troubled with Dyspepsia, nearly twenty yens, and have never used any medicine that did mans much good as lion snd's Bitters. , I am very, much Un proved in health, after having taken five bottles. Yours with respect, J. S. HERMAN. PRICES:, Large Size (holding nearly doni)fe quantiO) ' 1 per 11 ottle-rhalf,dozm $5 00 Small Size —75 Cent s per Bottle—half dozen 4 00 BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS : I., See the:t iho Signature Of "C. a. JACKSON," is on the WRAPPER of each bottle!. Should your nearest druggistnot have the article, do nut be put off by any of the intoxicating prapera, tionsthat maybe offered in its ptne'e, but send to us, and We will forward, securely packed, by 91C.Pre$ PgINCIPAL OFFICE AND MANUFACTORY, N 0.631 Alton STR'EET • JONES ot (Sttecoesors to C. M. Jackson 4r. Co.). PSOPAIRTgRi! FIOR SALE by Druggists and Dealers in every o \ in the' United States. ' lac 9, 634131 1 4 rbirat. Church. Gerrunutaivn. Tta l f*S . P:Oires. .A DmiNisTßATokswoncE , ._- • ifotire[ta hereby Oren that, Letters of Adndnir trarion on the-State of_tharbsttcsmith, late of the -B°ronkit of Ohautheraburg;sieethltre been granted to the nnifersigntyl, - rosiding in Said Bon o:10. kill persons knowing thenaselies indebted to main ins tate will please mate immediate payment; and, thus. haring claims will present them property anthenticaten for settlement. [ j0n203- T. J. N:114-Adm'r. VDMINISTRATOR'R.NOTIOR— _,CV.NotiCeis!bereby girtM that Letters of ichittuis• truamacdi tLe - F.stnte ot - Josi - ah J;Eltitt, tate orratt mdttiburg, deceased, have been granted 'to the under sipad, restdPgt ittsaid,tottm. , . All ftirions knowing themselves Pd to 114411; 'Otte will Please make immediate payment ; those haring claims will present them properly authentic:melt for settlement. W. 3.IIARRIS. jab - - • ... • Administuktos....l...; ADMINISTR - ATOR'S NOTICE Noticsishireby given that Letters of Adze nit, tratiOn to therEstate of James 'Allison, Jr:, late of Ai.r" trim township. deceased, have been granted to the um , dersigued, residing in Antrim ton.ship. - • - • All persons indebted to thesaid Hetet-mare requested to make immediate payment. and those having olden, or demands againstthe Estate of decedent,witt she known the Same, without delay. to Jan 204 it • ' J: C. McLAIOIIIAN, N'otlee is herebygiven that Letters of Adminter mann] to the Estate of aotriah &sore, - late of the' Bor.' ough of Waynesboro' dee'd..have been granted to the undersigned. reilding In raid Borough. Ali 4Wrsolls knowing tbumseives indebted to-the midi!. E.tate will please make immediate pvment ; and throe having claims 0111 p r -went theni properly authentiCalled for settlement, -and those holding scrip of deed, will present the same for redemption, inn - 13 6t JERAIIiIAEf BESORE ' JOIIN W COON, 'l Adm'ca. ADMINISTRATOR S N I .E.— iiottro is hereby given that • Letters,o dnll4lt; tnitton ' to. the Espite of William Ovelman, taco or Au• trim township, deceased, have been granted tothe mik• dersigned.cesiding in said township. An persons knowing themselves indebted to the NOS', Estate will please malts immediate payment; and timer baying clala a will.piesentthern properly anthontleattal , fur settlement. • Wrmaum ovEL:vi • ' ABRAWA3I CARBAIIOU Jr.. Attu) . rs. Jailr;•t;t ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- - Native is hereby given that Letters ut Adminterra-- uan to the Estate of John T. ltenfr ,, w, Lite or Gniliord townslup'dee'd, have been granted to the undersigned, rambling in said township. All persdnaknOwing themselves indebted to said Es tate will please make immediate payment ; an& thcaro. havint: claims will present them properly authenticated f settfanent. [jan 431 SA Adner. ADIII.NISTRATOR'S NoTrer.— Notice is bereby given that Letters of ldminis trxicOn to the Estate of W. E. Cutup, late of Washington,: 1). C. deceate.l. have been granttd to the undersigned, residing In 'harnbersburg, Pa. All persons knowing themrelves indebted to said Es tate will please make immediale payment; and those having rialtos will present them properly authenticated fur settlement. HASTINGS .GElllt. jun 15.4 t ' Kdrutritstrator.' ADIVErNISTRATOWSNOTICE.-- Notice iii herebygitren that Letters of Ailminte ttation to the Estate of Nicholas Fleck. In a of Guilford township, clec'd. hareheen granted to the undersigned, resiilibg in said township. • All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Es tate will please snake immediate payment; sod those having claims will present them properly authenticated, for settlement, to SAMUEL 'FLECK: dk 30.0Atturr, - IiDATI.NISTRATOR'SNOTICE.- Notice is hereby given that ,Letters of Adiulnis - trillion on the Estate of Peter Byers, late of IJeutgoniery township, deed,,lviyibeen granted tit' the tAtbseribec' t residing in said tows ship. All persons indebted to the said Estate are hereby re quested t) make immediate prty nent. and those haying etaints.or demands against the Estate of said decedent will make known the dame without delay to deeM* ' ISAAC WEAGLEY, Adwi'r. DMINISTRATOR'SNOTICE.- ri_- Notice is hereby given that Letters of Administra. tion t - the Roate of Henry Remilidelfer. late Of A ntrim township. deed, have been granted to the subScriber,' residing in said township. . . All persons indebted to the said Estate are hereby re quested to make immediate payment, and those Inning claims or demand• against the Estate of. said,decedent, will make known the same without "delay. to dec23 - JEREMIAH WEAGLET. Attu's. -; 'EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE:—N'otiee' .rs herihy given that Letters of Administmiten to t le Estote of Henry Crider. late of Eiainilton Township. dPceageil,have been granted to the undersigned, rest-ling in )raid Township._ , All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Es tate will please make immediate .payment aid those having.clahns will present:them properly authenticated for settlement. - JACOB Kll 1D jan-13-6t - - Administrator, - V 4 XECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice 'j hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the Estate of Mary Geddes. late Of etas township, deoistsed. have been granted tothe undersigned, residing iu Fan nettsburg, . All `Persons knowingthemeelyes • indebted to eahl Es tate will please make immediate payment: and thodet having claims will present them properly authenticated fur settlement. JOLIN LL WALK= Jan 20-61 Executor. Vubiirations. TNT. - LAY & nIGKLELL'S DANK NOTE REPORTER. • ESTABLIFFILD tar 1810.. - Is the oldest REPORTER poldished in this ConutV., and has never missed a Manlier sloth, its commenCeinent. now neatly ' 34 YEARk; '• It is issued on tho Ist and bth tif each morthAt has by the well - known and admitted Shifty with which it is -- (inducted. long since earned its position of the • , Standard Repot tor of the Country. • . _ Our whole time and undivided attention is given to the Reporter, and the ina.sy years of experience *e have . find, and-the great twilit ies we •'commtind.„enable us to Aide.tO the Public the mustcorrect and rirble work of the kind published. / , QUOTATIONSi Our CorreAlons and Quotations for-EACH NRMREIL are invariably malls up,to,the hour of going into the. Printet's hands by 'Ow ivefl , known Banking House of WvRiK, McCOUCII. & CC.. r 36 Sonth - ThirdS treat!' Iga. WO hold csarselvei bound to • . lI,SDEEN AT ora QUOTATIONS, the tittle of going to totress,_ COUNTERFEIT MONEY. The Reporter contains a more correet•list of Counter feit awl Altered Notes than any other Iteprirtei: now', published. Each 'number contaitm a full and Owrect des: cription of all the "Fraudulent Notes put into •incalat ion since the- procoeding issue. • - - _ Particular attention is paid to THE STOCK_ LIST, It is a full and complete list of all Stock% offered at the honitl, of 'Brokers, it is always corrected tip folhe'dayt.f . . going to press. WHOLESALE 'PRICES CURRENT lialxinye full antleorrect,thecorroetions on the day of going to press with ea, h 5 . - TERMS OF SUBSl:Farrrox: One Cory, Month i.l Yvir .... ....... • fl DO One Copy, Semi-monthly 4 Year ' ,St 00 Subseeiptiols nay ennnuenee with nuy math: l'erpit ulways CASH .I.N ADVANCE. , - - All lettere inuat. be adelreeseql tattie PnbHaber, CHARLES C: MODES; - Seuth.,3d Strept PI3II4DESPHIA. Jan 20.3 m• Sot' Etettt. AIILL FOR RENT. , -- . -The' - iindek--' odgied otTete for. rout his MILL, together 'WM' a riV 043 t ori en DWELLING. Stable and Garai), situ ated MI the Conococireague. about 5 miles East of CilairlS• beraburg, and I.mile fmm the Pike. The Mill is Dia ,- cell.ttrepair—lms two - pair of burrs find one pair cit choppers. andls doings thriting business, being situated. in ii tine wheat growing ;neighborhood. - There is also. 27 ACRES Of land inljoilling• this property, which will: he rented with the Mill if desired., Posseslop giv,enpuis thilsre April nal. For fiarther'partiCulars call pets knally or address •-, . 40111.1 II EDER. flan 1141 . ' pF.DERAL FOItRENT-: • The undereigned 'tent the ,FEIIKRALLAuvro alopsE, end g•rottnd Immediately ppt Mining Theretss fir ono or More:yentelteni April .:axt. RlB the:licit DXSLIZABLE PRIVATE BP.,9IDENcE for rent to -IMO Itorongb of Chemberebtalt. The .Mdse' Is tteryito.. 'medians and excellent order and 'there Trtilt - Olf the lot. • tiniv2roaf A. K. IlloCL1t0111:' 'FOR. R N T.—=The undersYgged 'wn Op • rient, the new TICAti aircsmsci irectitt erupt atreet, crimp the 18t of April next:. ',lle BOMA: 'filet run encl etary, are well adnPled, eith er - .for: Vqwe c _Ado= or Mote, and Wig lie rented singly or eitherWilei, ea dicattonvenlent; rjarar-ifj J . 01l1i: fl ,