The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, January 20, 1864, Image 5

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    . • _
_ . EXTRAOthniZARY Strepsss.—Within the
bit fifteen days Capt.:Ward, of Co. P, 11th
Penna. Cavalry, has recruited nearly_ fifty
men at his station in this 'place. This re
markable success shows tnat Capt. Ward is
=a most ixt Afatigabie recruiting rfileer and
that the excellency of his regiment is well
unde.ratood. ' l
. loirouNbEn.;- 3 fessrs.:Abner Prone, Wm.
D. Cobaugh and Josiah Gamble, all of Ship •
rusburgl i and members of Co..H 3d Pa. Cay.,
here wounded. on the night of the Eth inst.,
while on picket ditty. Prone and CObaugh
have each had a leg amputated.
BRIG. S. PERRY, President of
the General Co . nrt Martial recently held in
this place, has been ordered to Philadelphia,
relieving Maj. General Cadwallader as corn
rnando.nt of that post.
Hos. JOHN A.. BIGHAM, ex-member of
t'ongress i from Ohio, has Inn appointed
Judge Advocate of the Department of the
Susquehanna. His headquarters will be at
Et. v. 'At PorfEit, Episco*Lpish
of Pennsylvania, was in this place ; on
short visit on-Tuestl4 of lust week.
• APPOllinlirrs.—JM. _Watson and J`-ore
Cook, lAqs., have beensappointed Notaries
Public bi - Golk Curtin.
- 00111110 N Ri.,KAS--WRITS ISSUED.
4 ....11
'r6ftilling writs were issued in the
CAlltr ot...loinn n - Plean last week:
' 711.' . bii John Wardlick vs Robert Wright, David
- Dena.4 an holm at law of Jacob Damns. Scl. It.-to
nn+Chantca kin to revive the sane Sharpe f,,r NM
James Drothorton vs Andrew %Tway. Sci. fa. to re
vivo Jndginen t, 33 Janstary tertn,.1959. , Brewer - for k'llt.
K-umn4y, Ex:r's of•JAlneet iteaity deed. v 4 W • :
Drown: Summons in debt on itotea for $944 72;-slog ;27,
$lO7 06i dsBO. Thoa. J. N ill PIM
Same vs Geo. Lanbargh.. Summons iti. - del& on note
fOr $lBO. T. J. NIII fOr -
Same TS henry Ilickley. Summons In debt on note for
$lOO. T. - . 1 Nill for l'lff. , -
Same vs Wm. hoods. Summons in debt on note for
$B7 88. T. J. N Tor riff.
Same vs Jacob tiosbart. Summons In debt on note for
SiOO. T. J. NI I 1 for Pll7.
Same - vs Win. and Jacob Gosriart. Summons in debt
on note for $5OO. T. J Ni!! for PIM
Simnel Anderson vs Edmond Rays. Summons in as..
sumsit on note for $1:17 14. Stambaugh & Stewurt for
Plif. '•
Mary Kumla vs Benjamin Alleman. Caplan tor breach
of promise. Stengern for PIK.
• Benf,rd, use of Jacob Ely to Volker Hughes,
einnuons in aseumpsit on note for 6183. -Kennedy
for PIB . -
George and Henry Sllclikr,'Admee of 'John Bitchier,
dee'd i. Elirabetli and Simnel Lehman. Suminous in
debt on note fur sl'2oo. Simnel fur PM -
Same +re David Lehman. Summons, in debt on, note
for $630. Kimmel for PM.
The following letters of administration
and Letters Testamentary', were issued during lost week:
Estate of Josiah Besote,.of Wasnington township;
litters of Admiuistt ation to Jeremiah Besore and John
Estate of Charlett Smith ofChamberabrirg; letters of
Administration to T. J. Null, Esq.
State of Christian Sollenbetger, of Green twp; letters
testamentary to Christian Ilrechltill.
Estate of Mitry Gettys of. Metal; letters testamentary
to John 11. Walker.
Estate of Josiah J. Elliot, of Pannott twpl letters of
Administration to Win. S. Ilains.
-The following accounts were filed during
Jut week:
•first awl final account of Franklin Desore,Erecutor of
9oorge Beaore, (Iced.
On the MI ult., at the residence dem bride's parent?,
by the Rev. Eltrenfold, S D. KELL, SI. D., of Orre
town,. to Miss ELLA 31. CalabLEß., of Shippensbnrg.
On the 111th the residence of the bride's mother
near S'cottland. this county, by tbe ker. W. K. 11. Deat.
rich, Mr. Join; A. Kirnmaxn, of the vicinity of Ship
ikeththutg, to Mien ANNIE J. DARILAII.
On the 24th of December, at the 81. E. Parsonage, by
the Rev.J. W. Buejc ley, 3f. G. BRIGGS, to Miss ELIZA/LEVI
B. RIVINIS, both of Peters toirnship.
At thO same tiroc t by the same, Mr. JOAN GLASS, to
MSS MART E. Detv.tnex, both of Valley Forge, near
On the 13th inst., near Punketown, this county, Mrs.
Vasa Amt. Mct'atancs, aged 46 years, 0 mouths and 6
days.. -
.0n the 14th inst., in Fnyettville, Mr. JOHN {MORRIE. of
Itnnderdon conuty,biew Jersey, aged 36 years, and S
On the27th nit., in Mon tganlery twp., IL C. BENDER,
son Year, latmonthe aid 29 days.
On the Ist inst., in Washington conntr,3l4-'llfr. DANIEL
Rum, aged 36 years, 8 months and 7 days.
On the 12th I/rt., MILT tendon, Mrs. d ARAI( MIN ITIIE`t.
aged 78 years, 9 month and 17 days. (Lebanan papers
please copy.)
°tithe , 3d inst., in Ilahoning county, Ohio, Mr. Amu,
VAX LUNAR aged 74 years. 9 months and 10 days. Ma .
Lobular' morel from this count, to Ohio, thirty years
aga• I '
Cn the 3d inst., in St. Thomas, Mr. JOHN BAILEY AN, aged
79,,,yeank6 months and 9 day!.
On the 3d inst., In St. Thomen township, ANDRE* JACI
ION snintin. aged 6 years.s mouths and 3 days.
On the Sth inst., in Guilford township. '&RMI Alms
Ovsacien, aged 1 year. 4 months and 24 dive:.
On tie Bth inst., in St. Thomas township, WILLIAII
FRANILIIX WALTER. aged 15 MIATII, 9 months and 13 days.
[Gettyabarg papers please copy.) •
On the 11th inst., in Guilford tow*.blp. Mrs. Eltrurt,
BONI/MARC aged 46 years, 2 months and 12 "days.
On the 12th inat.„ near Waynesboro', Mr. VALIMTINE
Krauia. aged 64 years and 21 days. •
On the sth inst., in Et. Thorium townlhip. 3tr. Jcinx
LAM DUMB, aged 63 years, 10 ruouthaiand 6slays
,Mowrox's Gold Pens nre . noin sold nt the
gime pricesitsbefure the commencement of the war
this lerenWely owing to the Jianufbcturer's improve•
meats In machinery. his present large Retail Business
and Cash-in-Adsance System; f.,r, until be commenced
advertising, his businesswas (Imam' Credit and Orly
Ivith the Trade.
- Theliforton Gold Pens are the only ones sold at old
prices,as the makers of all other gold pine charge the
riellitUTll on the Gold, Government Tax i 4c.; but Morton
ilea in no case changed his prices,'Wholesale or Retail.
s l
Of the great numbers ant by mail teen pasts of the
world during the past few ears, not one in a thousand
hasfailtd to reach its des loath in safety; showing
that the liforton Gold Pen ule ta.lned.ty any one,
to every part of the world, the and price,- postage
only excepted,
Reader; yon can have an enduring, always ready, and
sellable Gold Pen, °sat tly adapted to your hand and
style of writing, which willgdo your writing vastly
cheaper than Steel Pens; and at th'e present almost
universal tligh;Pressuie Price of everything, yOu can
have a Morton Gold,Pen cheaper,_ in' Pjoportion to tiro
labor spent upon it and material need, khan any other
Gold Pea in the World. If you want ono, call on
A.Plowrox, No. 25 - blaideraane, New York. or inclose
taaip for circular.. decZiltus
. CossussrmEs. - -,o9nsumptive Sufferers
Will 'rein s rahiablo prescription for the cure of Con.
auraption, Asthma, Bronchitjs, and all Throat and Lung
♦Nicttooy (free of charge,) by sending their address to
Nev. E. A. WILSON,
Kings 00 1 New York.
lag 20.6 t
By the Ohio and Atlantic Tolegrapin
at Shryeck's Book Store and R. ,
Inauguration of Gov. urtin.
• - HARRIBBUR , Jan. n. -
The second inauguration_ of , v. Curtin
took place at 12 o'clock to-day. The mor
ning opened with: a heavy 'rai , but, at 10
o'clock it cleared away. -At 11 the proces
sion was formed, consisting of PI brpiches
of the military service, 'under Command of
Gen. Couch, followed by the Governor elect
and Legislature, committee of arrangeinents,
Governor's staff and the heads of departments.
Then came the veteran soldiers lof 1812, fol
lowed by the clergymen, county officers,
president and councils of the city, the press
and fire departmect of HA.rrisbit, the rear
being *ought up by citizens in carriage
and on fuot. On the head of tie procession
arriving at the cdpitol a salute o' fifteen guns
was fired:by the sth` U. S. Ar illeiy. The
Governor elect was here receiv by a com
mittee of the two Houses and e corted to the
platform erected in front of the capitol. which
was gaily decorated with the 1 flags of the
veteran troops from T:ennsylvabia. On the
oatliiif office b.-administe+d, the Gov
ernor made his - ral address.
In his Inaug ; t:e Governor says : "I
neekhardly renew my pledge, that during
the term of office, in which I t iin about to
enter, I will give my whole moral' and offi
cial, power to the prosecution of this war, anti
in aiding the National Government in every
effort to secure early a completp success over
our malignant foes. Per the presergation of
our national life, all things sliduld.h - e subor
dinated. It is . the firs the jirighest, the
noblest duty of the clash.% it is his protec
tion in person and gc ! perty and all civil and
religious privilegeStaLd for its perpetuity in
honor-and power 'in-owes all his efforts, his
influence, his means and his life. To com
promise with treason would be -but to give
it renewed existence, and enable it again to
plunge us into Whether causeless war. In
the destruction of the Military power of the
rebellion is there alone hope . ] of peace, for
while armed rebels starch over the soil of
any State, no real freedom can prevail and
no governmental authority consistent in the
genius of our free institutions can properly
operate. The peopliof every ) State are en
titled under the. Constitution to the, protec
tion of the governme3t, arid td give that pro
tection fully and faikly, rebellion must be
disarmed and trodden in the dist By these
means, and these alone can welnive enduring
union, prosperity and peace. 1 :„
'•As in the past, I will in future, in faithful
obedience to: the oath I have taken spare no'
means, Withhold no power which Can strength
en the Government ii' this co flict. To the
measures of the authorities eh sen to admin
ister the National Governme t, adopted to
promote our great cause, I wilt. give my
cordial approval and earner co-operation.
It is the cause of Constitutional liberty and .
"I cannot close this address without .an
_earnest prayer to the most High that He
will preserve, protect and guard our beloved
community. Guiding with Divine Power
and wisdom our Governmeat, State and
National ; and I appeal to m fellow citizens
here and elsewhere In our e 'sting embar
rassments to lay aside all p rtisan feelings
and unite in hearty and e rnest effort to
support the common cause 1316 inirolves
the welfare of us all.
.• Gentlemen of the Senate and House of
Representatives, I pray yo in
_God's name
let us, in this era in the histo y of the world,
set an example of unity and concord in the
support of all measures, for t e preservation
of this great Republic."
Dispatch from Gen. Gra
a Wagon Tam!
The follcrwing dispatch ha.
at the headquarters of the a
Halleek, General-in-Chief
inst.:, Gen. VAnce made a ra
isville and captured a train
wagons. He was promptly
Palmer, who re-captured t
took one ambulance - loaded
one hundred and fifteen sad
one hundred stand of arms.- 1
/his Assistant Adjutant Gen
_spector General are among tt
tured. U. S. GnAs
Philadelphia Ma
Firm feeling in Flour
much &Inland. Sales of 1,
family at $7 25®7 50; and
500310. No change in Rye
has advanced 2 cts. bush,
of red Sold at sl6 B ®l 72, a ,
of_Rentucky white at $1 9
steady at $1 40: Corn is rill
sales of yellow at $1 11
steady demand at Oc.
Important from Washing
Refusal to Exchange SI
The New Conscription'
the Senate.
WASHINGTON, Jan., 18th]
Belied her in the best inform;
the rebels will refuse to give
in exchange.
The ice in the Potomac isigradually break
ing up with the warm weather.
Another sale of conflseated lands will tak,i
place at Alexandria - on Wednesday next.
The Committee on the rebellious States
had a special meeting this morning,and will
undoubtedly agree to a re-organizing
the rebel States.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 18-2 o'clock, P. M.—
The Senate has passed the Enrollment Bill
without important amendtnent',by a vote of
80 yens to 10 nays. .'
[The new bill raises the commutation to
s4oo,''and expressly genjts only until the
enrolment is exhaustdd—Eb. REPOSITORY.]
A Rebel Plan to Capture a
SkNDUSKY, Jan. l7.—Onk
son's scouts has just retutn
ough reconnoissance tower
Canada. He reports two
rebels at Point Pelee, preps
upon Johnson's Island.
Gen. H. D. Terry has' ev,2
Mess to receive his expected
should they venture top,
veterans are anxious to ind
ty of a skirmish on ice.
The strictest vigilance is maintained on the
island,_ and several - batteries are in position.
Point. Pelee is thirty miles from Johnson's
Island. The long roll has been sounded
quite often recently. • I
Col. Bassett, of the 8i —
Regiment, will relieve ti
peteut commanded at JO
—This Institution is anentlylocnted In the RorOugh
of flambernburg, Franklin Connty,P!nna. The great
demand for competent and respontade arrountants
thrtigiliont the mod. make it necessary to increase
the facilities tor acquiring a practical Business Ed
nattier]. With this view. tho undersigned has open_
ed the above 'lnstitution, thereby giving the Young Men
and wilds of the country, an opportunity of preparing
them elves for honorable and Profitable positions in life:
Each departmentis under the charge of an experienced
and competent Instructor. The course of Instruction . is
Thorough and Practical. Students are taught to origin.
ate aud conduct ail the Books and' Forms pertaining to
actual business; thitsbringing, Theory into practice, and
thereby enabling them to realize and practice the regu
lar Routine of the Counting Room. The coarse of In
etrnction Includes Double Entry Book-k.epi4g in its
mast approved forms, Commercial Calctilationa, Mer
cantile Law. Practical and Ornamental penomanship,
ac., de. Students can rotor at any time. as there am
no vacations to interrupt the regular exercises. Time
required to complete the course is from 8 to ld weeks.—
Clegyrnen's Sods can enter the School at hitif the regu
lar rates. Remember $55 pays all expenses 'for a full
course, boarding Included. Night Session from 7to Bo'-
clock. Send for a Circular. ,A. M. TRIM3IER,
jan 13-3 m . President.
r. HRY.
: . Depot,.
IT CURE'S So QUlCK.—Radway's Beady
Relief, whether applied extern.lly or - taken internally,
arts at once ; there' is no delay, but it instantly fulfills
its mission.
Nail lathe Knee Pan, •
Nail in the Knee Pan,
Nail in the Knee Pan.
A highly resPectable lady of the city of New York
yvhlle nailing down some carpets ran a small carpet tack
In her knee and • ed the pan. For two years she Was
laid np a cripple, shin arils if TWO THOUSAND
She was advised by a nurse to use 'way's Ready Re
lief: the first application gave her wise. one week's use
made apcofect cure. 'Old this lady tried the Ready Re
- when the injury happened, she would hate escaped
the painful sufferings of two years' duration, and saved
two thousand doliara b Bear, in mind, that Railway's
Ready Relief will prove its marvellous effica^y nt otlce in
all cases where pain is experienced, whether Rheum.
tism. Lutubago.Catut, Neuralgia. Barns. &aids, Bruises,
Wounds. or Ditirrhrettery, Diptherla t influenza,
Sore Throat, Hoarseness. Colds. Let those who stiffer
try it. Price 1:5 cts. per bottle. Sold by Miller & lien-
$25- $75-
VITT/aliment !—Spents Wanted !—NVe
pay from $25 tos7s per montb,and all expeusea,toact iv
Agente.or give it coaunisAian. Partivulara sent tree.—
Addrasa Eat?. Sairpro :4PiCIIINK COMPANY. It JAM P1:-
General Ageatdctican,Ohio. pri.129033-ly
-11fadamePorter's Vurative Balsam, has long
ested the tiuth that there are firstprinciPles in Medi.
rifle as there is in Science, and this Medicine le coin.
pounded on principles suited to the manifold nature of
Man 1 Thecure of Colds in in keeping open the pores'
and creating a gentle internal n•nt mth, and this is cans
ed by the use of this Medicine. Its remedial qualitise
are basedon its power to assist the healthy and vigor;
OUP circulation ofblood through the lungs. it enliven'
the muscles andassinte the skin to perform its duties - o
regulating theheat Of the system. and in gently throw
ingoff the waste sUbstance fromthe eurfare of the body
It not a violent remedy. but emollient, warming
earching and effective. Sold by all druggist at • 73
and 25 centsper bottle. [July
H OSTETTER'S BITTERS jlilve received the
warmest euconiums from the press and, people through'
the Union as a valuable tonic for the cure of Dysp'epsia,
Flatulence, Corunipatien and general nervous debility,
it cannot be approached. Every day new cases of its
great effect are el3roni64l through our principal public
Journals. There is nothing equal to the enjyyment
that which the afflicted experience when using 'this val
uable specific. Its mild tone. its sure and vigorous
action upon a disordered stomach, and the cleansing o
the entire human body should recommend it to all classes
of our cannumnity. See ,ndvertisemmtt. For sale by
Druggists and dealers geuer.dly overywhere. tjan2o lm.
Thk earifessions.iznd Experience of an7n
ralid.—f'nblixhed for the benefit. and na n %warning and)
who 441rfer from NerveM* Debility. Preinatu re D deny o 1
Manhood. etc.. nupplyirvz nt f hrsamptima
By one who hen cured hlmeelfafter being put to a Brea
expense and injury through medical humbug sat
quackery. -
. By enclosing a poet•paid %.IJressed envelope, singi
copies may be b ad of the author.
t--Capture of
or, Jan. 19
becd received
My 'Talus city:
Major General
On the 'l4th
.1d toward Ten
bf twenty-three
liurgued by Col.
le wagons and
Atli tried lcines,
Idle horses and
GPneral Vance,
eral and his In
-e prisoners.cap
r, Maj. Gen.
Inny 20.63 13
ly soap Maker.
WAR in %L i es hish prires: Saponifterhelps to ream ,
them. It makes Soap 6 , r Four cents a pound by 'toll
your kltchetgrwore.
CAUTION!: As spurious Lye - n nre offered oleo, be do r
fu 1 end only k luy thz Patented article put up In In
cane. all nthiernbolng Coun!,erfelt*:-
Philadelphia--No. 727 Walnut Street.
an. 19, 1.863.
arket, but not
iOO libls. extra
me fancy at $8
Flour. Wheat
land 5000 bush.
nd 25,000 bush.
2 . 111 98. Rye is
her dull: small
1 Ili,. Oats in
noc2s-3m) l'lttsbure—Pitt Streetnnd Duquesne Ws
, ton— Probable
enator White--
IBM passed by
BACON 11 011..
1564.—1 t is be
, ed qu that
l u_p Majorarters
Flour White..
Wheat—• White
Mercer, New
sire Johnspn's
yo of W. S. Pear
lied from a thor
id Point Pelee,
iiratory to a dash
Ctianibersburg, Pa. Office In Mrs. Bard's Bnildin
directly opposite the Court House. Jan 2i
D L. MAURER. & Co:, have 0 1
Liphand a large and varied assortment of well IR
they offer to the Public at regular market prices. .
l'ytiling in read
vAitore properly
,635 the ice. Our
hlge in the novel-
NJ LADIES' SE MINARY.--Tbs'Spring Session w I
commence on Tuesday, February 9th.
Jan 29-It si REV—II. REEVES, Pill:l4aq
-- .
R PS, SPllRS,.whicb ho will sell cheap for cash
good trade.
e present ineona
. son's Island to-
0 H. G 0 R D o:3l . —succesmor to
J. Dolma GoRDOS— g ive. notice to hie custom
and others, that he is still at the OLD STAND, op
Um Indian Queen Hotel, Main etreet,Obamberibnrg, .
gig Irtutklitt illeposit
Bedford, I{lngu county. N. Y
GILL M E Ung..lan.l9 1864
lrtsugn'W , 6l, 60
18 U:kirAsite3 WOOL 411
3 euwEn k.ZED 7.30
4406 FIAX SELD 2 30
12 I.A3r.n Pc4cnr.s ..... 3
21fARII - ET.
Rev abbertioemento.
•_,O;'Jautuar» -20,1861
flew abottistrients,.
linery Mu & tate I would oicr Stock for Sate notice, on reasonable terma, by G. H. GORDON ,
remanable terms. For particulars IMPire at my e invites hie Mende to come to see him. - -
op,neit door MI. Ituttou'e Shoe Store. Main street. .
att 2040 11 . wait. VOR RE N T.—The undersigned:
ROAD GEARS COLLARS, HA I- '• will rent the new FRAME BUILDING erected on
iirket street, from the Ist of April - nwtt. The Rooms,
TERS,and anything In the Leather line belonging '+ four an each story, are well adapted either for Store
1 the S.iddler'sbusiness.always unhand and made to or. , Rooms or Shops,und will be rentedringly or otherwise,
dr, end an reasonable terms. at -IJCIEDON'S, oppottiti •as most amtventeint. [jan'h}tf] JOHN R. 000 K.
tile Indian Queen - lintel, Main et;
O k TRA Y HO RSE.—Left. with the l' : .. Notice ishereby given that Letters of Adrainis.
1.„,7 Subscriber. at the Franklin Hotel, Chamber Lurk.. tralion on the Estate of•Joslab J. Elliot, tape of lan
+Sunday evening. December 2.5 th, 1863 ', a DAR ' .4El' I, nettsburg, deceased, have been granted to the under
relt SE, AWllt.nine yeiro, old, fifteen hands hi , sprung i signed, residing in said town.
ii hind p•isturea. a tittle ram-nosed and two swirbi in i -'-' All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Es-
Mtg. The owner Is reque.ted to prove property, pay , tate will please make immediate payment; and those
charges and take him ' away.' - having claims will present them properly authenticated
Deal 2O St DANIEL TROSTI,E., for settlement. ~ W. F. HARRIS.
—r, , jan3o•6t. - Administrator.
t .
I Notice 14 hereby given that Letters of Ailw nie- 1
t itien to the Estnto of James Allison. Jr.. late of An- ' i 4 the Pest Office at Chambersbun
feint township. deceased, have been granted to the tin- Armstrong Sallie Dailey Lot Ise
ilbrrigned. re-bling in Antrim toy, ship. Allen Sarah. '' f Deatrick Henry
1 Ail person a indebted to the said Kstate.areregnested • APeney Lieut. ' Fisher Cathrine
tomike immediate paya•ent. and those having c aims - Aarons Benjamin Gillmore Miss H.
et. doruandvOrainst the Estate of decodent,will . eke Beney John ' Gordon Mariah A.
it own the same, without . Brown Thomns, Gisherd Clarion
Jac, 20-6 t J. C. MCLANAHAN, Atlin'r. . Bailey John Garvey John
---- ------ ---- -- - -- ' finrten AnieS linker L. A. & Co.
_DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- Burger Martha Hicks R. M.
Notice is hereby given that Letters of Adminis. Bets Joseph B Borer Geo..W.
t Gan on the Eitate of Charlotte Smith, late of the Berdney Mary Myers Prank
wengb.of Clinnihershnrg. dec'd, have been granted to Barton Charlott McAlla J. P.
t e undersigned, resitting in slid Boreugh. • Cline William Poe James
All persons knowing themselves indebted to sal. F.. - Cook &ladie D. Ritter Davis
tte will please make immediate payment; and Thos . Dagnes Harick IShetron Miss N. 2
I tving claima wilt pres e nt them -properlynnthentiente i Peivons callingfor the above Lettt,
fbr rettlement. i ptEr2o) T.. 1. HILL. Adm'r, tbatthey have been advertised. J.
im hereby gii , rll that Letters Teatimentary to the
state - Of 3f aryijeddes. late or itetni township, decent:ed.
lave been' grinted to the undersigned, residing in Fen
t ettsborg.
All persvns knowinithem-eives indebted to said Es
au: v. ill plea o make immediate payment; and - those
,wins , claim s will present them properly authenticated
settlement. = JOHN H. WALKER,
Jan 201lt ' Executor.
ÜBIA C SALE.—The Subscriber
wi cr at Public Sx e, in front of the Cohn 1
Itiume B,turday ME 22d of January, IS6A. a LOT 01
1 situate . in the Borough of l.hambersborg. on
'ew Eilgtand 11111. rouser!) , the property of, Mathaur
'Man, decd, containing 7 Acres and 45 Perches. The
hove property oantains 0 Building Tots, frontier od
Dirket street. Terms to suit the purchaser. Sale to
eminence at 1 o'clock. B. L. 31A.IIIttit:
Jan 20. -
ÜBLIC SALE.—, The undersign
ed will' offer st Public Sale, on the premises, on
1.43 i tardily. the 23d day of January, 1664, a LOT OF
MOUND. sitnateou Second street, between Queen and
Market mriasts, Clitimberidairg, oh which is eri cted a
story and a half hog Weatherboarded DWELLING
DOuS This is a esirable property. being a corner lot
and convenient to the business portion of the town.—
Sale to commence st 1 o'clock, when the terms will he
. _ _ . .
made kn 4witby REBECCA KIRBY
inn 20-It ZArman. Auctioneer.)
wAnuusuo H 23 BREWERY,
ammtberAurg, Pa. -
The underslgtied takes this method 01 informing his
friends and the public generally. that he has lensed f r
n term Of yearsthe well known Brewery establishment
heretofore conducted by Mr. 'Upton Wash baugh. lie
will be glad-to furnish to his friends and the old notions
of the linings with the finest O.LE upor the shortest Da.
tiee and at the lowest prices.
The 'highest Cash price will be paid for 5,000
bushels of BARLLY, delivered at Clitunbersbut g. -
Jan 20, 64-1, '. ALEXANDER MARTIN.
PROPERTY.—The undersigned. Eierotors nt
J tmes J. Kennedy, late of Guilford township decd, will
sell at Public Sale, at the Mansion Faro), late of said da
ceased, im Wednesday, the loth day of 11 truary newt.
the following personal property, to wit: 4 valuable
MULES. to be said as a Team, orin Pah R. 2 work Horses.
10 head of , Mich Cows, some of which are fresh, 50,
Sheep. 2 Four lUkne Wagons with Beds and Ladders, I
ono Horse 11 agon, 1 Reaper: 1 Grain Brill, 4 sets of Mule
clilare. 1 net of double Carriage Harness; nearly new. 1
Wind Mill, Corn Sheller, a lot of Pleuglas, Harness, Cul
tivators. etc. Also a small quantity of u ern In the Ear.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock. A. M., when terms
will be made khown by T. B. KENN ItllY,
Jan 20•te Auct•) Executors.
RIPLL ESTATE.—The undersigned, Administrit
of "'antinil Hawk. late of Green township, deed will
pelt ut Public Sale, on the Aniruiwe, near Greenvillage.
On Saturday. the oth day of Fehr_uar A. the following Real
Estate. to tit : All that TRACT OF LAND. lying and
being situate in F. , township of Green, bounded by
lands of Ree. Wes ey iloire, heirs of Win. Iturnel. heirs
of ItubertValince, Wm. _lllankney, and the Chambers.
burg and Carlisle iunitake'rearl, containing about 30
A citt.s..The improvementsare a new two story BRICK
DWELLING 11013sE and Back Building. The Livid IN
Lim, stone and i.f oaxelleitt quality, an•t there la a Young
Orchard ginning on the MUM.
Sale to cialllllet3,o at ro'clbck, P. M., on said day,when
tel me will be made known by
- 'jun 20-to ANDREW P. OYLER, Adm'r.
By Older if tilt:l3mm: WY. MITCHELL, Clerk.
ÜBLIC - SALE.—The undersign
ed, Administrator of Charlotte Smith, late of the
°rough of Chambentbur g. &gamed. will expose to
Pnblic Sale: on the premises. on ktturdoy the 13th of
iihrustry, , .l. A. 1804. the following described REAL
ESTATE. vir:' The HOUSE and Lter OF GItOUNll; late
the residence of said deed. situate on Main Street_ of
said liorougli,on• Om 5..11 tit of the Indian Queen Hotel.
being 35 teat itf front and -256 deep. The dwelling is a
good LOti mid WEATHERBOARDED HOUSE. cotitnin
fug nix Rooms nod a Kitchen, beside; two Store 'tonne.
which commend n fair rent. There is also a N ell of
n e ver &Hinz Water in the yard. and the neceesnry out
bniblings. The situation of this property - is such Il9p.
make it a ilesirable investment for tinniness men v. islung
loco inn. Sale to commence all 'o'clock, on said . ay.
when the Vrins, will be made known.
' Tt. J. KILL. Adm'r.
By Order of the Con tW. G. Minutia., Clerk.
TATL—Tho en scriber 'sill offer at Piddle Sale,
at the Court, Bonne in Chambersburg. on Etturd,/ e. the
6th day of rebruary next, thetotlowingvalnahlaLiß M.
'nineteen tie read leading from the Warm Spring raved
ha alt thine of St. Thomas. Franklin county. Pa. atom ,
3 miles frail mid village. being the MANSION FAUN el_
the late Jobs Kerlin. ilvc`d, Tit :-172 heree of ex ,11ciat
LANI,i; *Wit 40 M:a to of which Is In TIMBLII, an.l 12 or
14 ileitis of excellent meadow. The Improvements are a
two story 10(1 bWILLINO ROUSE. roughcast with
Kitchen attached, a large log Earn. Corr:Vb. and other
ouilinildiapi (heron. litre is on the property an excel
lent °Roam) of choice Apple, Plum and Peach trees.
vud runnlig v. it flit. in nearly nil the fields. e is a
Spring llotre midi a Wearer tallith; Spring on it, and a
running pimp near the house. The property is in every
respect a 64.ifi1.1e one. being eontiguone to Schools,
Churches, 4c., and affords a rare chalice to these v. billing
to invest itsAe ti Estate. One third the Purchase money
w ill remainhothe prop'erty ns dearer.
:..ale; at 1 o'clock, P.M. whim terms will be made
known by [Jan 213 hel PETER KERLIN, F., et.
Is the oliest REPiriatilt published In this Country,
and hat titVur !Mooed a number since itsconimencement ;
now nearly
It in Issied on the lot rind sth of each month. It boo
by tiro wdl known and admitted ability with which it is
conducted long aince earned It, pomigan of the
Stolidity! Reporter of theTountrY.
Our while time and undivided attention is given to the
Reporter, and the uut..y years of experience we have
had, and the greet,futilities we command, enable uo to
give to tie Public the most correct and reliable work of
the kind published.
9ur Corrections and Quotations for EACH NUMBER,'
are invariably lent) to the hour- of going into the
p r entee t bands the
known flanking House of
30 South Third Street.
12b, Vfe hOld ourselves bound to •
AT the time of going to topcoat'.
The Reporter contains a more correet list of Counter
feit and Altered Notes than any other Reporter now'
published. Each number contains a full and correct des
criptionof AB the Fraudulent Notes put into circulation
since the proceeding hurtle.
- Particular attention la ppaaid t -
It le shill and complete list of all Stocks offered at the
Board of Brokers, it is always corrected up to the day of
ping to press.
is always full and correct, the corrections -being made
on the day of going to press with each Issue.
$7 CIO
1 • 1
1 0
One Copy, liontly, I Year 41 00
One Copy, Seml-monthly, I Year ER 00
Subset:intim:us may commence with any month. Terme
All letarsmust be addressed to the Publisher,
45 South 3d Street,
Jan 20.11m* - Pawn/ um
hem abbertioententg.
tant Quarter Master's Office, Department of the
flosmmhanna, Pa. • Sealed Proposals will be. received at
this office until 12 o'clock, M.. January 25th, 1864, tor
furnishing this Department with 100 TINS OF HAY,
2,000 pounds per ton, baled or loose, and to be of the best
merchantable quality; subject to such inspection as r
ro ay' direct. Proposals for any amount .say over 50 Tons
Hay on ibis Contract. will be received, either Baled or
Loose. Each party Obtaining a contract, will be requi-ed
to enter Into Bonds with approved securities,for its faith
ful execution. The Department reserves to itself the
right to reject any - or all bids, if not deemed eatisactory.
Proposalswill be addressed to Capt. aohn-P. Unterhford,
Asst. Q. Master Pols.. at Chamberabnrg, Pa;.; and will be
endorsed "Proposals to fiqnish Forage..? Any informa
tion relative to the several prices of Grain and ;Hay is
solicited. By order of JNO. P. RUTHELFORD.
Cap Land Asst. Q. Mester.
. . .
Capt. ALEX. N.SHIPLEY, • Acting Chief Q. IL, Dept Susquehanna
•On January let, 1854
Published in conformity with the provisions of the Sixth
section' f the Act of Assembly. of -
April sth, 1842.
On property valued at over $ 4 ,00 0 , 000 ,
being First Mortgagee on Real Es
tate in the City and County of Phila
delphia, except $39,038 24, in the
- neighboring counties $ 1,933,140 21
Purchased at Sheriff's sales, and
mortgage Claims, viz 1
Eight houses and lot, S.W. corner Chest
uut and Seventeenth streets.—
A house and lot, north_ side of Spruce
street, west of Eleventh
Two houses and lot, south side of Spruce
street, near Sixteenth street
Five houses and lots, Nos. 521,523, 525,
527, and 529 Dillwyn street
Three houses and lot, east side Seven= -
teenth street, south of Pine
Botel and Iot,S,E, corner of Chestnut
and Beach streets
Five houses and lot, north side George
street, west, ofAishton eta eet.
Seven houses an lot, east side Beach'
street, south of Chestnut street
A house and lot, Fitsvrater street, east
of Ninth street
A ground rent of $3O on lot north eh* •
Otter, west of Leo - paid street •
87 lots of ground on Buckley street and
Quenelle avenue, Bristol
A house and lot, south side Stiles street
east 'of Sixteenth street
A honse.and lot, east aide Front street,
north of Cherry street, Kensington...
Two houses and lots, noth side Filbert
street, west of Eighth street.— ... ...
Five houses - and lot, north side Dauphin
street, east of Conti street.—....l
A house and lot, east side Sixteenth St.,
south of Chestnut street...-......
A house and lot, West sits Broad street,
south of Race street
A house and lot, south side - Filbert St,
weed of sixteenth Street
Two houses and lots, on corner of Fmk:
ford Ito id and Auburn street, front
ing on Frankford Road
Two houses and lots, S. W. corner Lom
bard and Twenty-third streets, front
ing on Lombard street.
Two lots of ground, N. W. corner Twen
ty-third and Meredith streets
Total, surveyed and valued
at 5127,612 23
Temporary Loans on -Stocks as Collate
ral Security (valued at $121,484)
$4.5.090 U.B. 7 80 Treasury Notes...-.
37,000 U.S. One-Year Certificates--
78,000 U. S. 6-20 Year Registeredllonds
26,000 U. 8.6-20 Year Coupon Benda..
10,000 Almhon'e Loans, 6 per cent.....
9,000 Pennsylvania State Six par cent
loan, of May, 1861
10,000 North Penna. IL R. Boude
900' North Penns. R. B. Coupon
300 Shares Pennsylvania ILL Co.
91 Shares Franklin Fire Ins. Co
-200 Shires Bank of Kentucky......
17 SharesNerthernßankKentucky
100 Shares Union Bank Tennessee
13 Shares Insurance Company of
the State of Pennsylvania '
MO Shares Southmark hailroa. d Co:
' 24 Shares Union Canal C.ropany.;
2 Shares Continental Rotel Co-.
3,000 Continental Huta' Bonds
700 Philadelphia City Loans
310 Philadelphia City Warrants
Total market value 5302,644 70,
Notes and Bills Receivable.
Revenue !Pampa
Cash unhand .0,042 66
Cash iu hand ol Agents 4,611 MT
31,6.54 40
Market price 3127,812 23
Coat, an above , 115,311 3Q
Advance in value
Market price $802:4170
Cost, u above 207,5 0 3 00
Advance In nine
Longs BY MRS.
Laws paid during tbo year 7803 $ 60,050 07
By order of the beard.
Attest : President.
' &demi Pro. Tem.
Ghee. N. Hanker, ' true Lea, .
:Tobias- Wagner, Edward C. pale,
...unmet Grant, Geo. Pales.
.Jacob It.'Smith, Alfred Piller,
teo. W. Richards. Pm. W. Lewis, M. D.
GRAS. N. BANGKER, President.
EDWARD G. DALE Vire President.
Jan 20-31. JAR W. IdeALLII3TER, Sec. pro. tern.
MILL FQR RENT.—The under
signed offers for rent his MILL, together with
usNi two-etorien DWELLINGOtabIe and Garden, situ
ated on the Conococheague, about 5 miles East of Chaim!.
ber.burg, and 1 mile from the Pike. The 51111 is in ex
collard repair—has two pair .of btirre and one pair of
choppers, and is doings thriving business, being situated
in a flue wheat growing neighborhood. There is also
81 ACRES of lend adjoining this property, which will
be rented with the Mill if desired. Possesion given on
the lit of April next. For furt/ier
_particulars call pers
onally or address JOIIM HUBER. (Jan 13=ft
I \TOTICE is hereby given that
have applied to the Judges of the Orphans'
Mart of Franklin county, Pa., to be cilicbarged from my
trust as Administrator, with the will annexed of Mary
Jack, late of the borough of Chnrnbersburg, dec'd, and
that the application will be heard by said Court on Von'
day, the 26th January, A. D.,1664, when and where alt
persons Interested can attend if they think proper.
Jan 6 " BENJ. MAMMIES, Adm'r.
Witaiiiiiatoli, November 10, 1863.
PROPOSALS will be received at the Contract Of
fice of ibis Departtnent until 10 -a. in. of Thursday,
March 31,1864 , for conveying the maile - of the United
States for four years, commencing July - 1. ,864, and
ea di ag j e ne 30, 1868, in the State of Pennsylvania:
on the routes and by the schedules of departures .
and arrivals herein specified...l
Decisions announced by Ail 1,,,, 1864.
Bidders wilt examine
. (71.-eruilv the forms and ill.
e vc rections annexed; eciallythe tuner part of in
.truction 19.. . . ,
2201. From Philadelphia, by General Wa.vne,
Cabinet, West Haveribril, Radnor, Spread EaAlc, •
Reetwille,,Paoli, Frascr,lV est Whi [eland, Downinr- ,
town. Thorndale Iron Works,'Caln, Coatesville, Par
kesburg, Permingtbnville, Christiana. Gap, Kim,
zers,Learnan Phie.e. Bellemont, Paradise?, Gordons
ville, Intercourse, Enterprise, Lancaster, Landis
ville, Salunga, Mount Joy, Elizabethtown, Middle
town, High Seim, Ilturisbary.". Susquehanna, Fen
wick. Duncannon. Newport. Alillerstown, Thom 1 .-
sontown. i filexico. Port Royal. Mitilintewn, Lewis
town. Strode's Mills. MeVeyterrn, Newton Hamil
ton, Mount Union.. Mapleton Depot Mill Creek,
Huntingdon. Shavcr'sSrcek. Barre Forgo, Spruce
Creek. Birmingham. yrone, .Antestown, Tipton,
Fostoria, Altoona, Gallitzen. Cresson, Summit,
Hemlock, Sontnan, Wilmore, Summer 11111, Mineral
Point. Conneruo ugh. Johnstown, A rmaugh, Verona.
New Florence, Lockport Station. Bolivar, Branch
Junction, Hillside. Matron& New Derry, Braden-
Ville. Youngstown, Latrobe, Greensburg, Adams- '
burg, Tinker Run... Manor Station - Penns Station.
- Irwan's Station. LariMer's Station, Stewartsv Ole. -
Cavettsville. Monroeville. Turtle Creek. Braddoek 'a
Field, Wilkinsburg, and Wilkins. to Pittsburg,3s7N
miles, and back, by railroad, twice daily, or as fr.- -
quently as cars are run. if required,) and by aschtid
ule satisfactory to the Department.
2202. From Ph il adelphta. by Conshokotken. Nor
ristown, Bridgeport, Port Kennedy, Valley Forge,
Phoanixville, lloyer's Ford„Limerick Bridge, Sets- -
ler's Store, Pottstown. Douglassville. Baumstown.
Birdsboro', Exeter Station. Reading, Tnekertown,
Mehrsville.Shoemaketsville, Leesport, Hamburg.
Port Clinton. Auburn. Orwigebur;, Latadingrille. •
and Schuylkill Haven. to Pottsville, 97 miles purl
back, by'railroal: twice daily,. except Sunday, (or as
frequentlPas cars run. if required.) and by a sched
ule satisf4tory to the Department
2203. From Phibuielpma. by fielleyaville, Oak
Dale, Media. Glethßiddle, Lenni Mills. Glen Mills.
Thornton, Cbeyney, and Street Road, to West
Chester, =)-1, miles and back, twice daily, by rail
road, and by a schedule satisfactory to the Depart
-2204. From Philadelphia.
_by Afilestown. Shoe
makertown, Fitzwittertown. White Marsh, Penn
llyn. Upper Dublin, Spring House. Gwynedd, Mont
gomeryville, bow Harbor, Hatfield, Landsdalc.
Seller's Tavern. Quakertown. Coopersburg, Centre
Valley. Hellerrown: and Iron Hill. to Bethlehem,
5419-100 miles miles and back, daily, exeent Sun
as, frequently as cars ran, if required.) with
a brane to Doyleoown ria New Galena. Line Lex
ington, hitehallville and New Britain, 10 11-100
miles an i back, tinily except Sunday, by railroad, -
and by a schedule satisfactory to the Department.
2205. From Philadelphia, by upper Darby. Hay
erford. Newtown Square, Edgetnont, Willistown
Inn, and Milltown,to West Chester. 23% miles and
back, three times a week; Leave Philadelphia
Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 2 p. tna arrive
at West Chester by 8 p in. Leave West Chester -
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 7 - a in; arrive at '.
Philadelphia by 1 tt rn. .
2206. From Philadelphia to Norristown, 17 miles
-and back. daily,.exe,ept Sunday, byrailroad., Leave
Philadelphia tie lv, exeepr y. at 6 a m; arrive
at Norristown by '' a tn. Leave s Norristown daily.
except Sunday, at 6a m; arrive at Philadelphia by
7 a m.
Z. 107. From-.Philath4phia, -- 'ly Olney, Oxford
Church, Cheltenham, Fox Chase. Huntingdon Val- - D
Icy, Sorrel Horse, - avisville, Riehborough, and°
Peen's Park, to Pineville, 29 miles and back. Six
times a week. Leave Philadelphia daily. except
Sunday, at 7 a m' arrive at Pineville by 1 p tu.-'
Leave Pineville daily. except Sunday, at 6 a in ; ar
rive at Philadelphia by 12 in. '
2208. From Philadelphia to. Darby', S. 0.i1e4 a ;X.
,back, six times a week, by railroad. Leal c Phila
delphia daily. except Sunday. et KM a m; arrive at
Darby by 10,a m. Lem e I),trby a ~.. ••- ••. c , t - 00 p...
day. at 7a m ; arrive at Phiill4lol:,:i i by 1.•)!., ' in. ..,
2209. From Frankford Railroad station, OY ib , .-
tleton, to Somerton, lo miles and bark, six times %.
week. Leave ,Frank ford Rail tor d St 4.t ion do,'.
except Sunday, at 5 p at : arrive ..t - S,.t.tert,,o by 7
p in.. Leave Somerton daily except s t m4„ ) . at . 1
p m; arrive at Frankford Railroad Station by ig
.2210. From BustletoM by Byli , Try; to Oakford, 8
miles and- back, three limes a week. Leave Dub
tletou Tuesday, Thursday, and raturday,at 6 p m:
arrive at Oakford by - 13 pm. Leave Oak ford 'rues--
day, Thursday and Saturday it 8 am; arrive at Bus
tleten b 0 am. •
2211. Prom Shoemakertown by Jenkintown, Ab
ingtown. Willow Grove. Hatborough, Warminster,
Hartsville. Bridge Valley, Buckingham. and La
htutka, to New Hope, :10 miles and back, six times a
week. Leave Shoemakertown daily, except Sunday.
at 10 am; arrive at New Hope by 8 p ta• ; Leave
New Hope daily, except Sunday, at a a m; arrive at
Shoemakertown by 6p m. - -
2212. From Norristown, by Hiekorytewn and .
Plymouth Meeting, to Barren Hill, 6 miles and
back, three times a week. Leave Norristown Tues
day, Thursday and Saturday at 10 a m; arrive at
Barren Hill by 12 m. Leave Barron Hill Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday, at 3 p ra ; arrive at Norris
town by 5 pm. ' • 1
2215. From Norristown. by Norritonville, Penn's •
- Square, Centre Square,Woreester. Skippack, Led-.
eracksville, and Salfordsville, to Sumneytown,- 25
miles and - back,_threetimes a week. Leave Norris
town Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 4 pm ; ar
rive at-Sumneytown by 10p m. Leave SVMII I /3 40 Wn
Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 a m ; arrive at
Norristown by 12 m.
2a14. From Norristown, by Jeffersonville; Shan
nouville, and Port Providence, to Phoenixville, 11
miles and back, three times a week. Leave 'Norris
town Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 4` p in;
arrive at Phoenixville by 6% p m. Leave Phcenix
vile Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday at 4%sa in :
arrive at Norralswn by 7.a re.
415. From Norristown, by Jeffersonville, Beale
villa, Freeland. Lower Providence, Tra: Limer
ick, and Crooked Hill. to Pottstown, 19 miles and
back, six times a week to Trappe , and three times
a week residue. Leave Norristown Tuesday. Thurs
day and Saturday at 10 a m ; arrive at Pottstown by
4 p in. Leave Pottstown Monday, Wednesday, and
Friday at 6 a m; arrive at Norristown by I.Va in.-
Leave Norristown Monday, Wednesday and Friday
10 a tat arrive at Trappe by 1 m. Leave Trappe
Drente?. Thursday and Saturday at 6X a m; arrive
at Norristown by 9 a in. . ,
V. 16. From Bridgeport., by King of Prussia, New
Centreville. Chester Valley, Warren Tavern, and
Exton to Downington,22 miles and back. six times -
a week.
-by railroad, and by schedule satisfactory to
the Department. - -
2217. From Pottstown. - by Boyerstown. Bechtels
ville, Colebrookdale. and Dale, to Siesholtsville, 21
miles and back, twice a week. Leave Pottstown
Tuesday anA Saturday on arrival of mail from Phil
adelphia-key at 10 a m; arrive at Seieholtsville by
3p m. Leave Saisholtsville Monday and Friday at
8 a nt,„• arrive at,Pottstown by 1 p In- Proposals to --
extendle-Lone: Swamp, 4 miles further, and for
three times tt week service are invited.
2218. From Pottstown, by New Hanover and.
Frederick, to Stimneytovni, 17 - miles and back, once
a week._ LeaveTottstown Wednesday at 12 in; ar- '
rive at Sumneytown by kp tn. Leave Sumneytown
Wednesday ate a m; arrive at Pottstown byll am.
2 0 19. From New Hanover. by Pleasant Run. ;
-11illegas. Penusburg.Spinnenstown, Milford Squat% r ,
Steinsburg„andlLoctuit Valley, to Coopersburg, 23
miles and baekomee a week. Leave New Hanover
Friday at 9 a m ;arrive at Coopersburg by 5 p, m. -a
Leave Cooperibtirg Thursday at 6 a m ; arrive at -7
New Hanover 2 p tn. .
2=o. From L inerick. bY.l l 'aaleYarille. New Rana ,
over, Gilbertavilttlte. Boyernown, Spanaville, Shame- . '.
vine Manatawny, Lobaohaville, New Jerusalem.
and bryville. to Kutztown =miles and back, twice
a week. Leave Limerick Tuesday and Saturday at
2p m' arrive at Kutztown by 10 pm. Leave Kuts
town Monday and Friday at. 7 a m; arrive at Lim
exickby 3 p m. -
2221. From Line Lexington. -by _Hilitown, Ha
gersville, Applebachsville, Pleasant Valley;- and
Leitbsville, to Hellertown t 30 miles and back, three
times a week. Leave Line Lexington Mendel'. '
Wedneaday, and Friday_at 1 p in:. arrive at Heller
town by 9 p m. leave Hellartovrn Tuesday- Thurs
day and Saturday at 6 a in; arrive at Lino Laving- '
ton2k2pm. • •
Frotri Gwynedd by KulPsYilbe Harleys
ville, Sumneytown. and Pennsburg, to Hereford. 26
miles and bee's, six Sines a week. Leave Gwynedd
daily, except Sunday. at 2.'7p us ; arrive at Hem.
ford by 8% p in. Leave Hereford daily, except
Sunday, at 4% a m; arrive at Gwynedd by /0% a m.
243. From Whitemarsh. by Broad Axe, to Blue
Bell, 4 miles and back. six times a week. Leave '
Whitemarals daily, except Sunday, at 53 p al; ar
rive at Blue Bell by 6% pm. Leave Blue Bel/drat?
except Sunday, at 6 a in; arrive at Whiteman& by
7 a m.
2224. From Zeiglersville, by Predgriek, Douglas.
Colebrookdale. and Clayton, to Hereford 18 miles
and back, twice a week. LeaveZaiglemville Tema=
day and Saturday at 1 p in ; arrive. at, Hereford by
7 p pi. Leave Hereford Mondro and Friday at 7"a '
in : arrive at Zeiglersville by 1p m.
=5., From Sumneytown, by Hoppenville,Grryar.
Hosensack, and Vera Cruz, to Emaus, 18 msles and
back, twice a week. Leave Sumneytown Wednes
day and Saturday at 7 am • arrive at Moues - by 12
m. Leave Emaus Wednesday and Saturday at 5 p
m ; arrive at Smasneytovn: by 10,p m.
2226: From Andalusia to BYberrY. 3 Milos cad
back, six times a week. Leave Andalusia daily, ex
cept Sunday, at 7 1 .6 a m ; arrive at ByberrY; by 8%
a In. Leave Byberry dean except Scuidav, at 6 a
tat arrive at Andalusia by 7 a tn. •
22i7.. From Bristol; by ]mills, Fallsingteig, Ox-
cramming in
~ Jan. 19,1864:
Scott 31i8s Doll ic
Stouffer Mary It
Stair Mariah
IStke Ellen M.
ISteevick Samuel
Snyder Kate
ISlott Amelia
Titon:eon Mary
Turner Snean
Taylorltrs. Lonisit
Whitteker A. P.
Welt John ---
Warden Met. E.
rs.will please say
115,911 80
60,500 27
207.603 00
2.297 60
9.) 66
$2,411,107 32
Eiz; oo 93
35,041 76
$ 2,467,849 96
fait 'l3ropooalo.