II a I 1 _ i °R &ego, Pinto attlr Vint . DE,_ I - Pa SCRPT CATALOGUE • • ' - ,OF I ' ' . lONA %INV!! M*Si r WHOLE§ILIi F A ND VA RETAIL PRICE-LISTS I beauribing and exhibiting the relative Importance of all oar valuable N Idly° Tin os . . . CONTENTS: • : dORRESPONDIENTS. stating nor vantige And im portiaco of the nov kinds; An /itcc nt of the lona &stock the present season; Proposal ton I to el irs at wholencle price c, by which plan purchasers will obtain vi ne xat very little Advance on actual cost of p uction, sud.ilways receive good plants in perfect condition ; . Ex.- t .,,f , 0r the leas. establishment; Method id producing best rine4. Description of thedllfereiat kinds, with a fall account of the clistinetiial enaracterlsties,of all those which are worth AttuntiOn. account of the, production of the two new seed lings, joint nod hr telia, with their history and accurate - descriptions; - betters Irani Mr. P.,D. Mead concerning them t giaing his opinion of their merits. flow to keep grapes in Winter, with engravings show. _ lug bore itinay ba • ' • d efilcieutly ,d ,ne. Some of our best iret kinds may be kep as easily as apples, n full via ins life and flavor. The Ilintlity of vines as effected by the age of the ~- plants lid different row les of propagation, and the econo • 01 Y - a different kinds to purchasers, with many en - Kate[ gs. gel anon of varieties to plant for the table_ and for Gun y the cou.sideratiious %dada determine prlier'elieli-e. • • Tables of selections fir differentlatitndesforany num bar orplauts. (caul aix vines for -a very snail yard, to hundreds i,r a fruit garde,' for fonily supply. Table of selectimic by' M.radeail, with the considera tions which inliaeue,3 iris choice of a selection of one hundred. The valve of plants according to the method of propa- El II - I -- - - r - - • • I,4ttirs givim;accon..ts of trials made of 'lay vines in • imputation wit hot hers for prothietion and hardiness, all spetkitig , the 531140 thing. I make an extract from a letter by one of our most dtstinghi.hed lonacuituralists • n a visiting tour in the ,viCillity,of •• Adthonglil shill see you soon, and tell yon how gratifying the sight which the excel - . lent pertormaucd of yoiir vines, has almost uniformly isiforded indalamys when your directions have been fol . lowed. i cwmut forbear mmitionidg. a few instances in this letter. One is a caie in Manchester where vines of your pro lmaion. three years from planting. are carry , Aug a crop of Delawares that are worth a Journey to be hold by the side oft hose from a'notherquarter,five years dld, for which a machlarger price was paid, and which have not one-iifrii Its lunch weight of troll of an im hie:windily inferior quality. Thtlipurchasershdwed ine. by calculation b upon the value of the fruit now on „the vine., that 'Tour Vines were cheaper at the price avUich he paid than the others would have been if he had received them flee with a gratuity of $2 each with every vine. Mr. Mottier was right whcii he decided to plantmone lint your best Delawares." Dated Hartford, tiept..l,lBo3. I make another short extract ironi . a letter, fr on ND*. Charles Al. Beach, also of Hartford: •• 41.1 mit begin so plant my vineyard untilpfter thorough - Investigation; wlu'ii i thud I), conm clearly apparent that my best coarse was to trust fully to yonrjudgment., and • I dyteriiiined to t fillow your directions immicitly in all rtraftefg pertaining to the vineyard, and I have only re . gretted that I h hl not taken this course one or two years - lhave not been, disappointed in any one point except that toe perforimince has uniformly surpassed lay mu• , t a ';n4nine expectation, as well as your promises. I am using Me utmost diligence to get another acre rea lly for the Pali, and mu-a claim your premise to call and see tha4.a.l is right before I begin: The bushels of Dela wares Mid Dianas with which the vine's are now loaded. when hilly mi the second year. and the excedence and ite.ory of the fruit have waraied me with au enthusiasm , for the undertaking that is not uumingled with grafi tudo.to you fir the full and explicit directions given in ' your Illndr ited Catalogue .itel Lan b:harks." And also by letter, dated Hartford, Sept. 13,1563. A saort extrect (rein another sir. Beach at Bidgharap • toe : "I may sum up all in one word; the vines have performed us only Vines of Dr C. W. Grant a best selec tion can do.and those from other quarters are not to be Mentioned In connection with them I wish my ground . • - would accommodate 1,000 instead of 100. I followed your C &ogee implicitly. and also studied Landmarks. With site!" guides I did not fear the result. Dated Sept, - 1k Truly Ipicl gratefir ly yours." 'Hy 14seriptice t!at.dozue is printed on very fine pa per. iroi cousists of 2,1 very large pages tilted with just such matter as I have thought Diqu‘{_irs - concerning • villo4 W 611 1 ,1 wish to lind. I append the table of con tents by which snipe idea of It may be formed. It is il lustrated with 23 &Op ZlVi% It is sent for a twircont stamp. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. Seventh Edition.— ' Three three-cent stamps. or less than one-half its cost. Eu work lies been pub ished. in this country, of what ever'size. which can coMpare with it lu amouut of pruc tical information. It is newly written and. contains . tunny neweligrarilics. A pamphlet of thirty-two Phges ranee THE GARD \:',/iElt'S MANUAL, OF THE VINE, will be published " luring she montlilwith lull and• definite direefions for • Mr management or Vines at their rixeption,nnefduring the first vests or }iro..vth and P I ripberti ing. Illustrated - with nriny engravligs for different circumstances of training. C. W. GRANT, . - lONA, near PEEKSKILL, Westchester County. N.Y. P. would say to sobscribers to Landmarks, that itieknessand events connected with the war have render ed it4lnpofintble fir met., keep my eng tgements to them. ' The two hext numbers hard been lying in type, and also a large }Vert of the third for more than three months, hut I could mot command the time to complete the pub lication. It r.. , Litires weeks of unintert voted attention, tend until-after the Ist of December I 4hall not be able Go command hours. I feel my-obligations to them, and bate striven. with all of , tny ability, to fulfill them:— (hie number may be exikted during the nonith'of YEAILIER. ' [nOv C..IV. O. c ,4ifts, [ J AN DRETIPg' , ' . . • AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS - A...!".7D SEED AVAREFICPUSE, 21 and 23 &Alit Sixth street,gPZiliidelphia, DAVID LANDANTEI & SON, `PrOprittOlN Of 11100111141 A e, whicitcontain.! near four hundred acres, in high tilth, turoted to the production of GARDEN SEEDS, are now ' arepared to Supplyllourdry Merchants, Druggists and .., all others wire dealin c'eeds. with large or small (plan , titles, by thC'pound or bush el, and also i n papers Made ready for retiiiiitti ; - ,d. . - ~ . 'The Establi,inac t represented by David Landreth sien,has been Dam ed nearly% of ticentury. • The wide sprend'popu fitrity, anti the ilemand, l nereas lugfrom year to yen.r 4 for- , • , • . L AN DRETIUSIwARRENTED, .• jGARD4N .'SEX:DS , .. evidence of the high. *attic entertained fcr them by the pnblie. .., ~ Landreth's Garden S r eeds are not only favorably re -salved th'roughout The Union. but aye shipped to many rio-- reign ports. Indeed.it may be stated with national . pride that they come intoactive competition w ith Eng Loh Seed on British Soil. i :David" Landreth & Son invil e all wil o are not . already ourclu.ie:rs of their Garden Seeds, to mete - a trial of ' them--assured that they Nvkli be found ;fully equal, to 'heir higli reputation: Landreth's Rural Rezister -and Almanac containing - tatatogue'of Garden Seeds , with instructions, furnished ,eratis. Also—Catalogue of Agricultural Implements. _DAVIE) LANDRETH .4,- SON,, - 'Nos.2l and 2:3 South fitliSt.,Philadelphin. !tug. 12,N3-ly.. ' • , .. ' apiculture. A GIIICULT URAL IMPLEMENT 0 - • 3,IIANUFACTUREItS:—WM. L. BOYER& BRO., • Sixth St. and Germantown Avenue, - Philadelphia. Manufacturers of the ' Premium Farm Grist _Horse Poiversand Threshers, ClrcularSaw Haehines, Corn She Hers, • Grain Farts, • Cultivators, - • Barrows, Plows, • and every.varlety Of approved • " AgrieulturalTiuplements. - • " idia for :piregiar and ed&-_,ese WM. E. BOYER & BRO.. ply 145,163-Iy. Ph Ilacktlphfa r 1110 , MERCHANTS., The wav -to •••onre lirataL.o ccetoio lei $0.1.0930111411 . 0 ~WBAZOLLIN REPOSITOIIY, • I McNutt. „ . . ,_ OjiELMBOID'S GENUINE PEE. , pAßATloss.compouND FLITIG FIXtitACI 1 , 1111. a.PoeiticeandSpecific Remedy for diseases o the Binder, Kidney's. Gravel. and Dropsical' Swellings. This Medicine increses the power of Theestlidi Aro] ex cite the Absorbents into healthy action, by which t 1 Watery .1. Calcsreons despoqtions and-.Pd Unoarnra Enlsrgemerris are reduced, as well as Path and - Infirm] merlon. ' . HELMBOLIYS EXTRACT RUCtIU. For IVeaknes , =e4arisinc from Eicesies, Mayas of Di; aipation, Farb Indigere . tion of Abuse, atttuded witlithe fullowing'symptooa:— • Ittdispot•itiou to Exertion. sings of Puts Loss of Memory Difficulty of Dreathit Weak Nerves, Horror of DigellSe Dimness of V 'vivo Miversal Lassitude of the Muscular System, Hot (lands. Flushing of the 80,4, Dryness of the Skin. .gruptions un the Fact. INDIA' Conntename. , These symptens, it , al lowed to go on, which this medi clue luvariably remorel l / 4 5000 follows . ' mpotcneg, Fatuity, Epileptt FU:, In one of which Mao Patient may expire. Who cap ony that they aro not frequently followed by those "Direful Disenoes." 'INSANITY AND CONSiDIPTIOIC." Many are aware of the cause of theirßuffering, BUT NONE 'WILL CONFESS, THE RECOED3 101 , THE INSANE ASYLUMS , And Melancholy Deaths by (bnsu - n , piion bear ample witness to the Troth of the assertion. The Constitution me, effected with Organic Ireakneas reytires the aid of Medicine to Strengtiien and Invig. oruto the System. F7t ich HEIM SOLD'S EXT E. AgT RUC 11.1 1 ,1inea riabydoes. A 'ft MI will convince the motrt FEMALES—FEMALES—FEMAIES. In many Afertions peen/fat:to Fent . 4les the Erma!' Bccuu itinnemniled %.y any other remedy. as in CIAO. rosis Detentemi. I negidarity, or Slip., pres.don (d customary Evaeutions. Uleer,itee lions state of the Uterds,, Lenchotrtwe I or' Whintt, Stet iiitc, and for 11 complaints incident to Hie Pelt. whether arising front indiscretion 11,14;, of , Disipavori, t. or in the. • .' DECLINE OR CHANGE OF LIFE. • Take no more Rahallt, ktrettry. or u 1! ! npleasant Meth% cinrs Jhr UnPteftd.: lle and dangerous cill•te•treg. I ILELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUM!' AND DIONOVEI4 ROSE , W 11 CU: EtN! ' - SEE( 4 T S , E SI S In all thei r ages. t little Expetw. Littleor u change in Diet.. 111e011Vel) knee. A whin EzPosure. • It etuses a frequent desire acid gives.stmgth to Uri nate. thereilt Removing Obstructions. I l'reventing and Coring Strictntesof the Urethra, :dlaylng Pant and 111 2 ilamation. s frequent in the el.iss of dismses, and eft polling alt Aisonoui, Diseased and trotnout matter. Tnorstyns UPON - TitorfiANSS wan ntoT , BEEN THE, yip TI OFQUA,CB, and who have paid Afar!, Yees•to' be cured in a short time. have found theyi ante deOlved, and that Ihe • POIti ,, N" has. by the ue of "rowt.artt ettrF.INOENT. , ,.." be.. 11 dried np in the P. stem. to brealeent in an aggravated firm, and perhaps af,&,imrriare. tr.o ffEmuOLD'S F . :xTS.4er 14TM; for all affections and dibelsespf the URINARY ORGANS, tr.petlier, existing in 3IALE or FKMA I.E. from nha t over (mum - , originatifig and no matter of HOW LONO STANDING. "7, Ed . . ~.. . Diseases of these Organs requires the 'Aid of a DIIIROX IC. II ELMIIO Llfit EXTRACT RUCIIIIIS TILE GREAT DIURETIC. and is eel tain to have the desired,eff,ect iii al Diseases for which it is Recommential. L , Evidence of the most reliable and redponsible charge ter wiltaecontßany the rnedichle. • ' . 4 PRICEiI.OO PER BOTTLE, OR SIX FOR $5.00 Delivered to any Address, securely packed from oLserva Lion. Pes7ribe SympGis in all Cononnicafions, CURES. GUARANTEED! ADrICE iIiATIEI ! 'Address letters for information to G. B. lIELMBOLD, CheiniAt, 104 South Tenth st., bet. Chestnut. Phila. ITELMBOLD'S Medical Depot, II ELM BOLD'S - Drng and Chemical:Warehuse, 994 Rtoinlway, New York. BEWARE OF' COUNTERFEITS AND tlspitrNcT PLED DA.ALERS, who endeavor to divo‘e "of their own' and •`other" articles on the repatation attained.by Ilelmbuld'sGennine Preparations: Extract Blichn. • , " • Saranpnrinn. • s, • , 6 - Improved Rose AVILA. BOLD BY . ALL DL'UGGISY3 EVERYWHERE ASK FOR HELMBOLD'S TAKE NO OTLIER Cut out the Advertisement and scud fait. AND AVOID: AND EXPOSURE rmy.ll, l• E[o S T.E T .T.E S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTEkS. A pure and powerful Tonic, corrective and olttrative of wonderful efficacy in diseases of tin) STOMACH, LIVET: AND BOWELS Cures Dyspepsia. Liver Complaint. iteafinelie, Getternl Debility, Nervon.ness, Depression of' Spirits, Constipation. Colie-,--Intertnittent Fe- vera, Cramps and Spume, and all Complaints of either Sex, arlsitik from Nally Wedkness whether inhere:iit fa THE :SYSTEM OR PRODUCED Li, E.P.ECIAL CAUSES NOTHING that is not wholesome. genial and-restora tive lofts nature enters into the compositimi of HOS TETTER'S STOMAeII TATTERS. This popular_ pre• paration contains no mineral of any kind. no deadly ho tanical element: no fiery exeitane; but it is a combi natbm of the extracts of rare balsami herbs and 4. 1 n/fts with the purest and mildest of all flitfinsive stimulants. It is well to be forearthed against disense,and, so far as the humaifsystem Can be p °meted by human meantl against -maladies engendered by an unwholesome atmos phere. impure watct 'and other external causes. HOS TETTER'S BITTER'S may be relied on as a safeguard. In districts inf.rsted with FE - ERAND AGUE, it bas been found infallible as a prevent ire nd irresistible as a - remedy, and thousands tesort to it nnd erappreh en sion of an attack. escape the scourge; and thousands who neglect to avail themselves of its protective q ties in advance. are cured bya very brief conrse of this marvelous medicine.' Fever and no patients', after being plied with quinine for m is in vain, until fairly saturated.with that dangerous alkaloid, arc not unfre rpiently restored to health within a few days by the use of HOSTETTER'S HITTERS. The weak stomach is rapidly invigorated and the ap petiterestored by thin agreeable Tonle. and , hence it works wonders iu cases ot.DISPE:PSIA and in less confirmed ft;rms of 'INDIGF,STION. Acting ns a gentle and pairtlessupperient, n well ny npon the liver, It nitro Invariably relieves the CONSTIPATION snperlndneed„ by in egular action 01:the digestivea tdsecretive organs Perp4 . .nmof feeble habit, liable to N TAWN ESB CR\ SPIRITS and find prompt s.nd torrmanvnt !alio Th e testimony Cll this point Is' pion from both sexes The agony of PALM COLfc god by a single dose of the Wren atonally resorting to it, the return may be_ prevented. - As a General Tonic HOSTETTE dace effectswhich must be expert before they can be fully appreciated. Stir unONAL 'WEAKNESS, pRE and DfitiTLITY and DECRIIPITUV, A. 013, it exercises the e electric influe lescent stages of all diseases It opera invigorant. When the powers of na operates to re-enforce and re-establis Last, but not least, it fe _Tlllt ON tANT,beinginantiflietured froin 'BO ; materials.and intlrelyfree from the sent more or lees In all the ordinary ice of the day. No[amily medicine hes beeu so may be truly added, deservedly pop. ligent portion of the community, BITTERS. • Prepared by HOSTETTER. Hold by all Drn ggl ate, Grocere and MEI Brg zinb .gang Goobs. GRAND OPENING! FA LL &ND WIYTE . It GOODS! _ of er. ,reathi Trelnblin Witkefuln ' - Pain in the 8 Have lust returned from the East, with a large and i - ariedstoek of seasonable Dry Goods, all of whi - ela_we will dispose of at a small advance on cost. What we ' 'have now on hand wCts purchased previous to thelaterise.and will be sold witho t regard to the present East er 4 n prices,' which on many articles is full as high as our r:1 prices. L'adies Cloths, all - nolOrff and shades, from $1 50, '75 Ladies Cloaks just reeeivod, of various styles and in mm—frog' $.3, to $25. Good Kids, EinbroiderK 75 cents: better quality $1 00: Jouvini, $1 25: Alexanders, $1 50. The latter'makes are the best im- We hhye a fresh lot of the celebrated G. N. Corsetts-20 bones: the very best manufae- • tured. and which we warrant to .tg fit. and give satisfaction A li6ge assortment of Ladies' and Cbildrens' BROCIIA SHAWLS; LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS Hem-stitched, and Plain, which defy competition MOURNING GOODS Crape Veils, all prices: Lace Veils, do.: Bom- bazines ; Alpacas: 3-4 Do Laines, 6-4 Do Lathes; Cobarga; Crape Collars; • . SHA.;4ILS S-4 De Laines and Cashmeres ; Long Thibet, all • prices; ong Ropp Shawls—beautiful:goOds. • _ 16,18, and 25 cents. -De Laines, Fancy ani plain; FURS!, .FUTIS!I FURS!!! FUR'S!!!! RVOUS ATTACK S 13 OF LANGUOR, rem the Bitters.— t conclusive, and We have just opened a large assortment of Furs amonvorhich may be found • inOlately . aginns. ant, and try occa: of the complaint RUSSIAN SQUIRRELL CAPES AND MUiPS, RUSSIAN MARTIN CAPES AND MUFFS. BITTERS prO nrod :or witnessed 'ln cases of CON ATURE• DECAY arising from OLD co. ; In Lim conva tes as a delightfnl ' FRENCH. SABLE CAPES AND MUFFS, All of which we will ;leti,oB /thy aa can be had.from ire Lire refaxeitit them. Y SAFE STIMII .d arid innoclions acid elements pre ' ilea and stomach- In conclusion we would say, that all the goods we haviare for sale--and. at nricecis IoW they can be had this side of New ‘, • „ York. We make but one niveraally, and, it L iar with the Intel r s 1143STEnEWS pries, and that' „ . ~ . • the saine to all enstomortl. whether wises of goods or not. Drop and ' stook before, baying elsewhereil EYSTER k BRO. .t losurn, - -Plttehurg,Pa. torokeepers every , • noir11;88-1... 00t,14-tf g 4; sToo**pri,o .EYSTER'& BRO CLOTHS: to $6 Og. CLOAKS KID GLOVES: poittd, Also, a large lot, of Fancy Gloves CO It_SE T.S: HOODS: Woolen Hoods Just from Auction and everything desirable for mourning ' PRINTS: J - ' Coinirgs, and French Marinoes ; Plaids, and Stripes, HUDSON BAY CAPES AND .PUFFS FITCH CAPEg AND MUFFS, the manufacturer. nrn, ,14nytyp -20, 1 linots - Aitt - .EOll-EW SHOE STORE.---The Sub.; - scriber takes. this method of informing the cif is ens of Chitmhershurg and vicinity, that - he 'has just timed from Philadelphiawith an ENTIRELY NEW OCK of MP:afloat' Elutes, of every variety, style and : attetc.n. and of the best mannfactur'es. . He haanooid Shoplespersonland. The whole Rlock 'net°. Give him a call—yOu can easily suit yourself. PHe irontee the Ladies.eepecially, to call.as he will take leasure in showing, his goods. Store in tUn room for- Merl yoccupleaLY Fred e rick Smith, Esq,ass-hawOßlce, tend more recently ,used fur thy purpose by Deorge Eys tbr,Esg., t wo ~ loors Nolfth of Fisher's Hotel, Hain St , eat, ablimbershurg. Pa. -, . , Jps large and well selected Stoek.be being a practical iThoemaker.crinsiers of Indies' Gaiters. Boots, Slippers gad Buskins; 'Sillies' and Clilhfrettls Boots and Shoes; gentlemen's Gai tali. Slip p ere. Booth and Brogans. - Do not.forget the place; No trouble to show Goodsat tie NEW STOIC E, two doors North of Fisbles lioter, Main itreeSt, Chltmberebtirg, Pa. by June 17.1862. - PI TRR FEL'DMAN. ALL AND'SEE!-THE UNDFX, SIGNED onhonncon to his.nnmernTig friends and stornera.that he'conthrneeto manufacture to ordei . , • .d keeps on hand a fell and complete assortment of Various ehalities add styles of SHOES and GAITERS. ilrr Ladies. Nfitses and Children. Ms assortmentOf DOTS. SHOES , atc.. for Ben and Boys' 'wear is corn ete. to which he respectfully i n vites attention. Work all Wilds made to order. in a neat and ;fumble - tann er, and at shortnotlce. Call and see before purchasing sewh ere. andhe will satisfy purchasers that he sells at urysmall profits for Cash. Don't forget the place— sear _ ..rwsilte Rutz & r. Weer Store. Chlunberstuirg; a. GEORGE LEHNER. - June 1.7.13113. • . iftplicat. ALTEMORE LOOK HOSPITAL 9 DK. JOIINSON, the: founder of thi's Celebraied I , ,fltutbeolfers the most certain, speedy: and, only ..i actual remedy in the world for- tileets, Structures, • minal Weakness.? tin in the Loine.Coustitutional Do t .'lity,LmpoteAce, Weakness of the Beek ani. Limbs. tfections of the Kidneys, Palpitation - of the Feast, 1 .spepsia, "lerYous Irritability, Diseases of the Plead, it.ruAt,Nosepr :kin; and all those serious and melon. ...oly disorders arising from the tft structive habits o. outh. which (lest roy but h body awl &intl. These secret : id solitary practices are more fatal to their victims than' they •ng of the Syrens to the mariner, Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopesior ... t,itipations ering mitrriage.,tc..impossible. YOUNG MEN. young Ikte rt. eVeciallyoslat) have become the Victims of g,licary Vice.that dreadful and destructive habit bleb amorally sweeps to an untimely grave thousands ye k ring men of the most exalted talent and brillian tellect,who inightotherwisti have entranced listening 'mates with the tho orders of eloquence, or waken} to acy the living lyre: may call with' lull confidence. , MARRIAGE! ' • - i Karl-led persons„'er tonne men cent emplating mar thage,being awareof physical weakness.organlcilebllity; fortuities, Sc..,shorild ifnmediatelystilt Dr. Johns 1. ; e whdplaces himselfunder the care of Di-Johnston y religiously contideln blehouor as a gentleman,aud • • agdently rely upon ilikrtiii as a physician_ ORGANICWEAKNESS ! " ININEDIATELT C Men AND PULL vrooft RTSTORED. , This disease is the penalty most frequently paid by ..se - who have become the victims of improper indul • egences, Young persons are too apt to commit excesses from not being aware of the dreadful consequences that May ensue. Now, who that understands the subject wilt pretend to deny that the power of Procreatiosa is Let sooner by those falling into impt'oper tidbit than by the prudent, Besides being deprived of the pleasure of 1 enithy offspring, the most serious and destructive vornmathy to mind and body arise. The system become eranged. the physical andt mental powers weakened ervouit debility, - dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart I diFession, a wasting of the frame, cough, symptom consumption - 's Office .in t o. 7 'South Frederick Street, 1 - wen doots from Baltimore street, East side, pp tht Cliestepv. Be particular in observing the name and umber,Or son will mistake the plane, • /ass A 'CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS...ar Ito•.. iferCuey or Nauseous Drug:. -- ; DR. J 0 HNSTO.N - , , ember of the Royal .;ollege of Surgeons. LOnden. grn ate front ate cd the most eminent Colleges, of the I Sited States. /mid the greater part of whose life has . , 0 spent in the hospltals of Londun,Paris, Philadel ',lda and elsewhere. has effected some of the most aston shing cures that were ever known. Many troubled •ith ringingin the head and oars when asleep, great ervonsness. being alarmed atemdden sounds. and bash !onsets, withAtequent blushing, attended 'sometimes irelth derangement of mind, were cured Immediately. . A CERTAIN DISEASE! When ch. misguided and imprudent votary of plea , finds le has imbilled ti e seeds of this painful lie came,ee. a Ct b ro. tread tiit of -happen s d ulscry, thatdet deters l ' i i i l i l n - t frontio etl applying nog! to those who from education and respectablitty can Alone bpfrendliim,delaying till the constitutional &y Cop. me of the horrid disease make their appearance, loch nlcerntsl ours throat, diseased nose. nut:tumid - pains n thalieta and-limbs, dimness' of sight, deafness, nobs the shin bones anti anus, blotches on the heed, Doe. d extremities . progressing with frightful rapidity, , II at last the palateof the mouth or the bones of the use tall insnd the victim of this awful disease becomes horrid obitct of coMmisseration, till th ath puts ape_ sufferings, to his lrendful fferings, by senning him to —that saurne from whence ;to traveller returns." To such, 1 o erefore,Lr. Johnston pledges himself to pr-servo the ost i nviolible secrecy : and front his extensiveinactict n the tirstliospitrds of Europe and rwmerica, he can nfidentlreconimend a safe and speedy cure to the trnfortuularvictim of this horrid disease. It is a ineancholy fact that thousands falrvictims to Ibis horrid iisease owing to the uuskilfulluess of igno rant prctenlers aho by use on that deadful poison, Bier ea ry. rnin he constitirtion,and either send the unfortut taste to an Intimely grave, or make the residue of life miserable. ": tAICi: PARTICULAR NOTICE !- Dr .J.adiesses Dumb who have injured themselves by peivate mlinprapet-ihdulgences. - These masome of the sad and melancholy effect&pro duced by etly habits of youth. vim—Weaktiese of the Back and timbal, Pains in _the head; Dimness of Sight, Lose of Mueular Power. Palpitation of the Heart. lays. pepsia, NettollX Irritability, Derangement of the Oiges. tive FulletMte,Getierul De lill ity, Symptoms of Consnutp ... . don, Bc., Mrwrstff,the fearful effects on the mit v,r i=e mr l,,,d: ei I edreadea lossof Niemory, Conn:lain . epreg. -lion o r Sprits. Evil Forebodings. Aversion to Society; Self-Distrnt. Love ofSolltude. timidity, ac.. are some 1 Of the evileffects. Thousaris of persons of all ages can now judge what tethe caustof „their declining health, losing their vigor. becoming Peale , pale, have sin • - ppentance about, 1 the eyes, °ugh , , and symptom . f Oonstmption. I Dr. Johtston's Invigora in •,' edy for Or -1 1, _ga nic Weakness., Il l y this ;rent and Importhnt ,remedy. Weakness us . WO Organ is speedili. cnred. aild 'full vigor restored. • Thorisas otthe Tanta nerir Gan and dnbi d tat 00 010 hftilostalhope,havebeenbeen itnms lin tely relieved. All inpediineits to Ma rriage, Physical or Mental-Disquali fication, Nryouslrritability,Trentblin g. Weakness or illxhanstiolof the most fearful k Intl ,speocilly_cnr:ed by fir.Jehnebn. , YOUNG MEN, Who havettinred themselvja by a certain practice. in dioged In wh en alone—a liabit frequently learned fr m eltilcompuions, or, at school, the effects are nightly teltoven rheu :tsleep, and Knot shred. render me•- K ase impssible, anti destroys both mind and body, gib o od apily ifitnedintely. What aUlty that a young man, the hope of his coun the drling a fills parents, should be snatched from , prow eta and enjoymontt‘o life, by theh consequence devjatbgfrom t he path ofnatnre. andindniging in a rtain krot habit . Such perionti,before ;mute mpi at • tug :MARRIAGE • . - - shot, id - ifleot that `n sound mind and body are the moa t n eesoary requisites to promote connubial happi ness with Out these, theiourney through lite h o o, 3 mors.wearypilgrimage, the prospect hourly dark mu to tie view; themind becomes shadowed with de !emir, aid filled with t he Melancholy reflection, that the hapdheas of•another becomes-blighted with our os•n. OFIcE No. 7, SOUTH FREDERICK ST., BALTIMORE. TO STRANGERS. • The early thousands cured at tbilt Inatitutionin the lost driven ye era; and the tram ertms important surgical Operatons performed by Dr.j., wittiessid by , the re porteriof the Papars .aud many other persons- notices bf uhl.h have appeared again andegain before the pub lie, is apllfaCiet guumntee to the afflicted. z .B There are so many ignorant an Vfortblese . onacksodiertising theindelves as Physicians, ruining Ole health of the already afflicted, Dr. Johnston deems it - neceisary to say to those unacquainted viith his rep utation that his Diplomas bangin his office 4 I XLCASE NOTlCE— , ,AilittterB Mist be post paid ,and a postage stamp for the reply, or no Snaiverorill hose nt. • . • Feb 25,' lyr-_, MIN C, tomtuts. . I JOHN le MVO* i LoaN C. HOPKINS & CO:: IMPORTgItS 0 DP-WS M. 1.9 . 21-,•G L LA-S AND 9IIEFSSW4BF4 No.6I2MARti? STRait. Pitttiozwitt.t. /or further partici:l,We app4 to S. S :Sit:it:TOM Iniaitoroburg,Pa - • -fiselP-17* ~/ MIN '. lstOretitic : 4 _ rp A-P : • • •-• WILLIAII,94§raq,P,S, WHOLESALE 'AND; RETAIL RO C and Denier in ali finds of • 3.l.eithirnare fibs - - - - •. - • 1,1 AVE ANTefilmit pliark • on _Philadelphia Ana iiiti:TorkTott :NEW GOODS, . grid inocee4ed 16 bringineto 1 , etr..&2dßEßBßilitCl • 4 - :t )4eFclkt!zicike offered in this plAce.''.Ai this jaike. ,• - . sloCk embraces such a vast Tarlety f Of articlei, it iveritdls impossible to skinnier:ate aruclei and - give prices. SnMee • • " -to say that this variedassortmeiat of goods embraces a full mid complete ,• assortment of GROCEitpS • • from the common to ' - fife most • ' - : cholas • I • and . emv'st - grades ktiovrti. • • - to the market. • • Choice Creenandßlack • Teas, Chocolate;ffne ;Syrups, ' 'Sugars, Coffees, Salt, Vials, Pickles, Cheese, fresh Crackers,. dried- Deane, ]Z omiay , Catsup,• , • Pepper Sauce, Vine- • gar; , Also :••• a complete as sortment , • .. • „. PURE, lIES GROUND AND uspnourp;) SPICES, AND BARING , AffTICLES. All spices solo are carefully cleaned and giound on his own spice mill. Alai, a fall variety (4* Brooms Buckets, Wash Borixds, Queeneware, Stoneware, Brustes, _ , Fanny Scions, Common Soong, Combs, • Pocket Knives, Articles of hardware, Lubricating Oil, -4 Kerosene Oil, AND 5000 ARTICLES NOT NAMED, • all of which will be sold at cheat , ittires WHOLESALE AND ItETAI,L, Call and examine for yourself and be convinced that at G-ELWIPK'S CHEAP STOILE' Is place Ibr bargains. ..• g, P. S.=l hare also 100 liottlea of demestic tore of stricily inre G rape 'Wine for ea1e.,..[de,c16,'6.1] cultbing: .. . T HE FRANKI.J. CLOTH IN G EIEIMIIiiLIX• NEWEST STYLES.• ', = ' LARGEST STOCK—CTIRAPEST•PRICE. The undersigned canassure the Public,andileti es sui cesatul contradiction, that his recent purchnees in t East ern cities enables horn toolfer sue of thb largest a moat attractive stock of . . , - CiOTITIN G .Flir , the Fan and Winter Sensing of 18834 to 'be form in any similar establishment in thisaection. Every va riety of COATS, ' .. . ~,...... PANTS, - • AND , SITSTS,— • , , - Made in the very best style andat the lowestprleei , GENTLEMEN'S FURNISIIING GOODS,; . Such as Shirts, Drawers. Collars. Cravats. Neck Tina Ilandkerchiefs.te.,Ac. Special attenHon is caileti fli thi Department. . • , , CUSTOMERS' CRT/EDS. , I mould Invite an examination of my Stork -dint* Cloths, Kesserme rs .Testings; dm., which I tuannfattu* , upon special orders.- . - . SPECIAL NOTICE. -' Iwould beg to say that my GimilS a're manufactured under my own supervision and by the very beet 'Works , men.. My present stock is the moat_ extensive I bare yd P s bad in store and i t i mspecthilly ask my frib. ils and OF üb' ic,to give m a call before purcharing.elsewhere. Remember th d Stand. J. T. iromiNsoN; Franklin Rotel Building, . . Corner of • the Diamond and West Market Street, oct.T. • . ' Chanibertfairg, Pt. - L - 1 cLoTIEIBA, South,,- „: , Cbrrierof the DIA JIOND. next door lOM's Bank, CIiAIiBERSBURG, has juist returned from tt City with. a largt stock' of superior and seasonable Goixls,such as CLOTGS.CASSIAIBRES. SATINETI J CANS. CORDS, c., for Coats and TE DTS.S.ATIN Sf ARAlLLES.anthother Vefdlom,s, Also—a very G selection of READY-MADE CIOTIIING, 'Which het prepared to edll nt the very lowest market prices. _ CUSI.'O3IER WORK:—Ate he employs It lint-Ista CT* ter, he' is prepared to make up all kinds of esrmentn, for Mtn and iroys,to order,in - the best styles_' Band. faction will be guaranteed. A large aSsortinent of GE`ATLEMEN'S Rat:SUMO (Toone, such as Shirts. Drawers. Collars, Ilaadkerchiefs, BUB," penders.Carpct 'Bags, Umbrellas. &c.. trc.. always on hand, Give him R call and eavemeney. [June 17...'4,3 R C. WALBORN Sr, CO'S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL REAVY MADE LINEN AND DRESS 'STOCK MANII 4 FACrOttr, - No.. 5 d 7 North' Sixth Streeto.P7iiiaderphis. ' Silk,rderino Rad r.otton Trader Skirts and Drawer/Lem vnts, S carts.ol oven.ilan d ke rchie ShirtstVrap pen and Dress Stocks made to order by memtaiestmat, and warranted to give sat isfactioa. Orders may Weft with S. S. Sae:rocs, Chambersiairg. sep. , WESTON & BROTHER, - MERCHANT TAILORS, • ev N 0.900 Arch Street,Phitadelphta; Havingreceived a liberal aharoof patronage frotneltsm beisburg and vicinity. we are encoerageX to au k frit more. The excellence.Of our goods and' out work ,'and Phecare we take to give entiresatiefaction is a suitjcient guarantee that we value our repntation. n07110334y WESTON di. BROTHER. 11)11,EMOTAL.—From 433 'Market jiLtigtotite:birie Iron Building 513 Itlorket and ;vlki Commerce Streets. More Goods than any House in the Uniticl States; — A. H. ' b 33 MARKET A, 610 COMMEECE: 'Keepsghe 'Largest Stock.in . the United States of Buckets, Broome, Tuba, Churns, • • Baskets, Brushee,,Mats, 31eastires, Clocks, Looking.Olassee.oll Cloths and - - '' • Carpets. Window Shades and Taper, : , 4 - Btra,taaes. jaVatlWirs..4z4 Whips. Ateu.Gotton Ritttltig,'Wriddira4l:' Twines, Wielling,Ropeetn Coils • • , • .and DozetteyOotion ' , Yarns eau:m.llnd T.dne)z Catpo.cliata., , Our Prices' will average Lower thnet atiy they toxise, In this city, ' Call an d see for, youraelVes:. "- ' For, farther particulars apply . to S. s.stitivicti' Chardbersburg: AIsTD:BILLS, from' the largest td theetnallest; in plain or thneyoolore, printed et' the office oftheIBANEWN TOT7'PRINTING, in 'every style VV &seat the office o t the/ I 'B3.UL= B,EP.OSITORT lirgest, aolortmout of Twines, Cards, Cbot:e'robacco, IlalAtst a Stoye•Poliett i Choice Seggfe, Starch, Mutational atr-A-IC "i3IISLIESS CClai(6 „- N. 4.:Ctlyncr of,Dentlt arig,,CAeM4l4treeg4 P-11. L.A,D t'L'Viti A, ;MAP. TEM MINAORMIRIT OP -- wi - •I.'PAIRBANS% A. NE;"' tor the. !Mit four years Princintd anit Managur &Stratton's Cromnieitittletdielef." .YODEL_ ‘IIIISINE39 COLLEG.P4 - Conducted on anew iySterii of 'AClMirfitisiness Training through the establishment - of legitimatcs '9lTmeruDind Counting•Hoise,sepresenting different departments of Trade and ComiciUrcU, and a regular tint xi!' and Talkie; giving The student all th 'eadvantages °fact's* al practice, and qualitriug him in ,tke shortest , possible time and most effective manner fOr tho Carious Intiee and 6mployments of htsinesalifei • • The Conrse of Inst. rnetioii in • tile Theorettca Depart- ment einbacea Book-keeping, Corm4reica n Lectures on A ff airs, Pe 7tatiship, .Cbmtnereita . Laws, Forms, Correspinceeitee, c. Dittie • !• • rt qi .4 the sttqlent enters npon the GruduatineColarSe; includes n c(niinnation in the abo'se -studies, WfthWeir prattical 4v - cation:in a , ' their: details. He a 1Y t turn All the positiOn Accountant and ?roprietor.in.the varians Dapartnientslof Wholescr4e. aad Retail picide, Forwarding, Jobbing, and anainietteet Mansefadaring, Mining: Steamibaatingi e,,• and filially will act as Casl#4r, Book-keeper and Taiet in ghe Banks in each of which positions 1110'1 16th* lc e will be put to the lest practical test. - This Institution offers to 'young men numerous ad trantages, not, possessed by.any other,commercial i eellege in the State. " It is compete in ail its afinointirtenU. is ha Only Institution in the State cOndttettsleti ttetdalla business principleS. The coarse .os tnetruotien, is; An ,ENtposecl, and may be completed in "ab,out 4no t o o usually spent in Other teifi - siiquce an entirely new rirraniemen!, 'and the...adoptioli tor .the new practical system. ' ..D'plomes awarded upon the completion of the Pla movie/ Course, which embrtres fill except the' Mbar sets of Ranking, - lianufaeturitVg, „„,dee2-Iy ' , SendSor,a circular.,,, . CH.A.MIIERSBURG: ASEALINART kJ. kali. YOUNG LADIES.--Tbefs , ll,session hamenns nienned. but boardera can enter at tiny time: and *flTbs clmrged accordingly: !There is remit for twdmokteni,Warrl dere only. Day-scholars, entering 'the first- or second 1 week in October,will be chrtrgadfor dour-fifths of tt:'iles--: PitllG , Those who commence shortLymey not be too, }ate for the now etndres of the session. - A; large attendance, both in the orimarfand academical depfirtments,plyes ~ evidence of an interest iv the school not surPassecT in • 1 " - - any former period. • slismS. H.Curtis, assistant • ,Va t k higher depailment. bears testimonials 61 her eminen • fitness toinstructin the high erbratiehes,from aSeriloa „,••• in the West, where she taught. for seveal years. ~Tite primary - primary department is chiefly under the care' Ofiliss - C. B. Matey, the elfeCts of whose' energy and eMency appear in the flourishing condition of the department. Miss Z. C. Do Forest is well known as an able and expo 'rionced teacher of music. - -- ••• • , - . -- fi4e TDITION.—FroniSS to $3.5 per session of months, Boarding. A6O. • TEACHERS FIIRITTSEIED.--Scheois inn fanatics in need of teaciters. call bear of young ladies well grtalified, .chiefly graduates of the Institution; by addressingm 4 sep 30-tr.j - Rev.HENRY - BEEVES Principak. H...4.7118ER581T RG- ACADEDIV: C ,REETTTED REORO.A./FIZED. Will commence a new quarter on Thursday, N0v.19. Verge additions have been made to its already ettenttive apparatus, ft full and efficient corps of teachers • linkbeen employed and no palus or expense spared to render aura oneof the first institutionS of leaining in the connirs. q partical at attention paid to Teachers and young men Preparing for College. • —oa A Primacy ISepartment for little Boys and Girls has been opened in the Acadetr6 , nnder'cit arge of Mien Sanyo ly. in which the elements of Spelling, Reading, Wrkling, Arithmetir,Geogrnphp and Gramnar will be thorotiglly taught. .Tliition in this department, $3 pdt quartett& For further part icularssend for circular or apply to the Principal, • FACULTY. S.D. Entrirr,FrinclPal. ' A.Orenruntn, A.D., Latin and H. English. A. 31 . TRlMmts, Comm ercial Department. • _ Miss'll.ll.Sarrcur, Music, Drawing and Priniipal a PrimarrDepartmant. 'f !, "' Miss SATtAii FLURY, 'Assistant Int Primary Departinent ChamLershurginug. 12., '63.. - fill:1E -TWELFTH SESSION ,OF SUNNY SIDE FEiIALE SEMM'ARY wiD:,open the Ist erciAs of February - Forfutther vartkulatt ad area the Prinvipals. - WILLTAA4i; Jan 13.3 t plevrtrargcs: Elrg anlr ,fantg szooTio,, G REAT B It G- .A.T S 1 " 1, - PROM YEW YORK -ATIOTIO AT-IVLLAOE'S, - COBNER OF MA `D- QUEEN STRIAltyp. New style llosambiquee.' cbene Plaid, xwiliedMuenniblquee for travelling dresses, Superior Muslin Delaines in colors, , 'Colored Lawns and Crape de Nay-, Black Silk ,superior quality, Superior Lyons Redeemer Silks,(eriblitne qualify ) Adarge lot of Lin'en cambric Handkerchiefs, A large lot of Irish Linen, .Jeconet Collan, new style, , • • -it 500 Dozens ',tidies, Misses and Men's Cotton lee , ' 'White Linen bind Cotton Duck, Superior French Doeskin, - Superior solid color PointiileFigSilks, - Superior Grey Leonoras, Suoerio Grey Poplin, r-Dest quality Grey Leonotss, Silk Neck Ties and Collars • Ladies end lifiSses' Fillet Mitts; Marseilles Vestineu,, • Super Ladies and Me'ns' Kid Gloves, ila,udeome- Neu style Prints and Gingham, i.O. CABP-ETS.• ,Brissels.Velvet.Threellyceuperiorilne)andi . ??Funor Car, Four-fou pet r five-Ana Cocoa sad Canton Matthigi 4--t 5-4 O-4 i-410--4 Floor Oil Cloths, Superior Bolting Clothe, Bonnet Ribbons, ' Balmoral Skirbt, 8 11111 TS, !! 11! M. A. e t. CELEBRATED' NE PM 'ULTRA" BEIMONEEI • . . • , e9LII Il Mr • No. 17 NORTH St., PHILADELPHIA. " Skfrts of all lengths, and any sise'waist made to order, and satisfaction guarranteed., Ladies, Misses and Children's Skirts of every ohm and shape constantly on hand . -‘ - ;z JriN4y Skirt warrunted4h6Siz Months. READ HOW WEljo BusiNgBa. do not make any eheaplkirtrip the con:twin accep- , ' tation of. the term, but we make • , 1 , z(; , ! THE CHEAPEST SKIRTS .XA.I;E, because we make - THE BEST AND DEP `3ir COMPETITiON We warrant every skirtwOsellto be exaitikias rep resented. We.make a Wive sell, - and knowin,„.- bow they , are made we guarantee theta) with - full confidenee. If we id', a badskirt we will exchange it for a new one, and ((they getout Of oriTerril'r qireeik tiz"sonar, we will repair them free of , Charge. , - We mean to give ourctistomers full satisfaction, but we cannot do Boatel compete with the low pticedgjact toe gods, Wedepend entirely tipon the superiority of the goods we offer, and- the fairness of our method dr doing .business. Orders left at 3oriock'sßOolc Store. DIRECTIONS I'O.RLREASER,EMENT,; - i Take the exactsizh or the Waist, without ariy allow ance:- The exact length required and the eiseltrotind the bottom spring. - - Also if the skirt is to be large, , Small, or medium size at, th e top, and whether a ihiltor plain round skirt.. • ht, A. JONICS, Nl7 - North Bth BC,Philadelphla: aug 194 f Over the s Wax tignre. ttAtt AND WINTER. 11-ILLI • NERY.,- , -MBS: B. Gao'vs wthald inform hei • went) an he Publicgonerally, that she has justretuntad from New York antphiladelpilia with a hirgelitid irriiied as; sortment 'of &illinery and Fancy 1 . Goods, tad** , Dress an d 0 mak Trimmings, ac • eir,. Her assortment Oillita of Velvet Bonnets - -Mciurning 001 rs , Silk • do: , - Ribbons, silks and diets 'Straw do • , , _ -: Velvet Ribbons-411 cokes. Mourning do • English,-Frenehand Ameri. Ladies Rydal ; Hats - , can Flowers / ' do Spanish do' ' Laces :* ..•,,, ? 'Aliases-. do' • do - • 'touches . Childriites 'Wool Hood ' -French forms-' I: •-' . . do , ,Fancy do ' Zephyr Wool - , do gmbrolderedeans Shetland Yarn' '" Head Netts - . • ,Je ts ( a - fall line) ,` : 1 Head Dresses Head Trimmings . • Plumes—all colors ' Grenadine' Vella I-, ',-/ - Ladies Drees gaps Belts and Belting, 110 Mourning Caw Silk Cord andWiels 4 Stamping for - Braiding or Embroidery dOriettiAtder.... Allare•inrited to call, oct 28 !I)34ka. .... • - , , El Li [Jatiol7; 88