IEI kings of. et abet. DENNSYLVANIA.I4IL ito.s.")! SUMMER TIME YABLZ. 3s•aisas 'Das7y to and from Phdrulethhia, on and after ..3lo4;DAY, .4PRIL 20th, 1803. .. . , • The, Passenger Trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will depart from and arrita at Harrisburg and Plfiladelptda as lollows: , EASTWARD. TIlf1:00311 EXRRESg, TRAIN rebArell flarrittOtlrg aaiirat 2.00 1. 11..,atid arrives at West Philadelphia at 0.104. X. FAST LINP., leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 445 pad arrives at West ' hilauelphia at 8.05 Prieragers take breakfiist at Laucister. WAY ACMDIHODATION, via Mount Jvy, leaVes Harrisburg at 7.00 A.M., and arrives at West Philiatlel liblavat 12.25 V. at. - - FAST NUL TRAIN . leaves Harrisburg daily ( except Sunday) at 1:00 'P.M., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.00 P. u. - _HA Rat:glum:l ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. via Co hantbia, leaires Harrisburg at 4.00 P.M., and arrives at ly,*Philadelpttka, at 9.30 P. Al. WESTWARD.' , ' —BALTINIORP. RXPRESS - TRAIN leaves Ilarrlaburg 4jall„Vexcept Monday) at' .00 A. st.; Altoona, 7.15 A. st.„ take breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.00 noon. PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS :leaves Harris burg daily at 0.00 A. x.;-Altoona at , 8.00 A. M., take litealifaa , and arrives at Pittsburg at 1130 Atm!. TRAIN leaves Harrisburg get 1.15 p. at.,take supper, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1%30 A. et. E. VAST,. LINk; leaves Harrisbur at 3.50 P. 11.; Altoona at, 8.35 .P. X.. and arrives at Pi tsburg' at 1.00 A. HARRVBIIRG ACCOMMOD TION TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 2.30 - P.M., and ar Ives at Harrisburg at 5.00 P. x. - WAlf - ACCOMMODATION T Ai N leaves Philadelphia at 4,00 P. M., and arrives at arrisbnrg 9.40 4 P. N. Ililatrain runs via bit. Joy. SA. lIEL D. YOUNG,``-Div..l-kna'a R. R.. Supt Jane 17, 1863,4 f. VORTIIERN O ENt RAL RAIL -IVAYi—SUALIfER i ISLE ABLE. 'Three trains daily to a d n Baltimore and Wash ington tlify -Connemions.made with rains on Pennsylvania Rail road, fo and from Pittsburg nd the West. TWO - TRAINS DAILY to and from ftm North And West Branch Susquehanna, Elmira, and all of Northern New York. On and after Monday, April 20th. IS63,the Passongar Trains of the Northern Central Railway will arrirt nt and depart from Rarriebiirg and Baltimore as follows, viz SOUTHWARD MAIL TRAIN B leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunny) leaves Harrisburg arrives at Baltimore ESPRESgTRAIN leaves Sfinbury daily • • (except Sunday) - 11:07 P. M. '44 leaves Harrisburg (except • ' • Monday) - u arrives at Baltimore daily, (Mteept Monday) HAURISBVT.G.ACCOMmoDATION lentos Harrisburg NORTHWARD MAIL TItAIN leaves Raltimore daily (ex : eept Sunday) 9.15 A. X. " • leaves Harrisbm g it. - arrives at Sunbury 4.05 r EXPRESS TRAIN laavOs Baltimore daily... 9.15 r. x. arriveiat....... - 1.35 A. )1. . 4 leaves Ilarrisburg daily (ex cept .; Monday) arrives at Sunbury HARRISBIIRO ACCO>IMODATION leaves • Bnitiniore daily (except run- ' day)... 2 55 r. si. • / ..‘. arrives at I .risburg 7.3 a P.M Podfarthei . information pply at, the Mee, in Penn sylvania Railroad Deput, Harrisburg. 3. N.DuBARRY, Gen Supt., June 17,1433.4 f. TEW AIR LINE ROUTE. -j:- Three Trains Daily to Now York and Philadelphia. 'On and after Monday. Apra 20th. 18613, the Passenger Trains will leave the Philadelphia and ftawfing Railroad Depot, at Harrisburg, for New York a nd Philadelphia, as follows, Viz: EA.§ . IsWARD. ' • EXPRESS LINE 'leaves Harrisburg at 2.15 A. M.. on arrival of the Pennsylvania Railroad Express Train front the West. arriving in New York at 9.30 A. 31.: and phila deiphia at 8.20 4. 31. A sleeping car is attached to the train through from\ Pittsburg without change. ; MAIL TR A LN' leaves Harrisburg at 8.00 A. st.,arriving in New York at 5.3 U p. 11., and Philadelphia at 1.50 P M. PAST LINE leaves Ebirristurg at 2.00 P. st„ arriving in New York at 10.25 P. M.. and Philadelphia at V.OO ?.11, WESTWARD. FAST LINE - leave.; New York at 6.00 A. M.. and Phila' ielphia at 8.15 A. m., arriving at 'Harrisburg at 1.15 s'.:str DIAIL TRAIN leaves New YOrk at 12,00 noon, and Philadelphia at 3:39 P.M., arriving at Harrisburg at 8.20 P. X. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves New York at 7.00 1.. m.", ar riving at Harrisburg at 2.104. m. and connecting with the Pennsylvania Express Train for Pittsburg; A sleep-, ing car is also attached to this train. ConnectiOne are made at Harrisburg with trains on the Pennsylvania. Northern Central and Cumberland Valley raiiroadd. and at Reading for Philadelphia, Potts ville, Wilkesbarre. Allentown, Easton, &c. Itaggnge cheCked through. Pare between New York and Harrisburg,ss ; between Harrisburg and Phila . elphia. $3 35 in No. 1 cars, and $3 in N 0.2. For tickets or other information apply to J. J. CLYDE, June 17,413. if. General Agent, Harrisburg, • 1863. ANTINTER 4RRANGEII2I4 I ±.- CGMBERL AND VALLEY AND 04111 7 .6;LI ti .k.AILRO.4 as. 18G2 CAAN(}F. OF HOIYRS - On and after 151oniay. No vember 17,1862, Paaaenger Trains will run dolY, ae lollows,(Sundays excepted) ; FOR CHAMBERSBTJRG AND RA.R- AISBURG Leavalitigendown... 4 . Greemastle.., {Airive at • Chamberabnrg . Leave at. Leaved Elkippsibstrarg ewville .... •' . Carlisle . ' Mechanicsburg • Arrive at Ilarrisburg ''OR CHAMBERSBURGAND -AAGERS TOWN tes'veß ..... " IMechanicsburf.. 'Carlisle • q :ihippensburg 10.33 4.00 - Arrive nt Chambersburg 11.00 4.30 ..Leave Chanibersbnrg 11.16 .4.40 " ' Oreenelistle 4.55 5.30 /rill* at Farriaburg 1.35 8.10 ems - Making close connections at Ilirrisburg with trains for .ohiladelphia, New York and Pittsburg; add 'with trains.for all points West 0. N. LULL, Supt. R.R. Offlce,Chamberftharg.Nov.l7:lB62. • 1863. , • ,1863. PHILADELPHIA AN D ERIE RAILROAD.--Tbis great line traversesthe _North , ernand Northwest counties Of Pennsylvania to the city ,of Brie, on Lake Erie. - - It has Geen leased by the Pennsy7rocinia Etc/Trend Cbispany, and under their auspices being rapidly opened throughout its entire length. It is pow in use ter Passenger and Prefght bUsiness tram Itarrisburg to Driftwood, (2d Fork.}(l77 nra the Ealitern Division, and from Stieflield to Erie, (78' mtles,) on the Western Division. • TIME OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT HA Risinm. TRAIN leave. North 1 h EXPRESS TRAIN loaves North ' 00 A.s Cancun through WITHOUT CHANGE both ways °tithes., trains botweemPhiladelphin and Lock Havenyaud be tween Baltimore and Lock Haven. Elegant Sleeping Carson the Bzpresstrain both ways , For Information respecting Passenger bfisiness apply a the 8. E. Corner 11th awl Market e treats; Philadelphia. Anil int. Freight business of the Company's Agents: 8. B. Kingston, Jr.,Cor.l3thand Marketste.,Phasila J. W. Reynolds, Erie. , J. 31. Drill, Agent N. C. R. R.. Baltimore, Mil. 11. IL HOUSTON, . • tionerpVreiglit Agent, Philadelphia. .. , " 1 , LEWIS L. UOUTT, General Ticket Aient.Philadelphia. g JOS. D. POT'TB, J. e 17,63) 'Oeueralthihagar,Williapasport. Cobarto anb 55egato. EW - `I I OBACCO AND , SEGAR • STORE.—To the. Cititensof Chambersburg and Tricfnftg : The undersigned. having been compelled to leave Virginia on account of his Union sentiments, has cone among you toestablish business. hoping fom his long experience,and bycloseattentlor,he will meet with a generous support. liis stock will consistof all he bestbrandso fTOBACCO an - 48EG ABS which he is lies cheap as can beliatlanywhere In town. Don't forget `the place. sign of the "Ilttleo , Vlrginiamgger,''opposite he Franklin llot el .nex t door to F•hryock's Book Store, - 80tith-eastcorner of the Diamond Jams 17 ASO ''' tinck:of..qCrat4 1 ~f - • - "Pp FADING SAIL , ROAR-WEN - Lt- ft.: Alilt A N 410.1 E TRUNK LINE from the Mirth and - North:- welt for Phtladelphia,Nnw York. Reading .Pottirvillo, Lebanon, Allentown. Ensign, Trains learn Rarrialitirg for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Pottscille,and al I intermediate Mat ions. at 8.00 k. . 1 ) 4 3 P. M. • 'X N ;Nit York Express leavid6Harrieburg. at 3.00 A.Mdw arriving at New York nt 10.15 the same morning. Fares from Harrisburg; To New York 55.15 ; to Phila delphia 52.35 and 5..1.80. Baggage checked through. Returning, leave New York at 6 A. .u.,12 Noon,and 7 P. - M. (Pittsburg Express arriving nt Harrisburg at 2 . 3t.) Lcave Philadelphia at 8.15 A. m..and 3.30 P.M. Sleeping cars in the yew York Expres rain s through to and from Pittsburg without change. Passengers l,vtheCatawiesa Railroad leaveTamaque at 8.50 A.M.. and 2.15 P. St. s tv Philudelphia„New York, and all Way Points. ' Trains tease Pottsville at 0.15 A. x.,and 2.30 P.X.,fOr Philadelphia, littfriebtirg and New York. , An Accommodation Passenger train (eaves Reading at 6.30 A. x., and returns from Philadelphia at 4.30 P.M. I:Fp- All the above trains run daily, Sundays ex cepted. A Sunday train leaves pottavitle at 7.30 A. M., and Philadelphia at 3.15 P. M. - Commutation, Mileage. Season, and Excursion Tickets at reduced rates to and from all points. 80 lbs,Baggnge allowed each Passenger. • 43. A . NICCOLLS, General Superintendent. Doc 16,1863-tf. S HRINER'S BAT BAMIC COUGH -stßop.—rar coughs, Odds, Vroup. ir7iooping tough,' Astremq, Bronchitis, Spating Stood, Pam and Weal:nen of the Bove, 'Difficulty of dreathing, ttc. —This is no new remedy. .1! has been noed fora nuinL her of years iii Maryland and parti - of Pennsylvania, and hiti wherever known. acquired an unprecedented reputation for caring the e varions diseases for which it is recommended. , 5.0 It taused by all classes of society, and the universal opinion - is that it is good. This Syrup ispurettirepeta tie Compound.; It is pleasant to take, and never does injury. itut, owing to its purifying qualities. must do good under any circtimtances. Its effects are truly wontlet fill, soothing, calming, and allaying the most violent equgns. purifying,streengthing and invigorating the whole system, calming and soothing the nerves, aiding and facilitating elpectoratieri, anti healing the DISEAStiD LUNGS. Thus strikiug nt the root of dl , eases, and driving it from thu system, - CItOUP. • , This disease is announced by difllCUlty of bieathing shrill whistlingor whei.zing, hocking cough and threat, ened suffocation, .i.x. It mostly oecurs in young chil.! dren. No Child need die tit troop - if this Syrup is pro- - perly used and used in time._ Mothers hiving croupy children should'wateh the first show of the disoase x and always keep this remedy at Iran- For cough after measles this y p is most excellent. (.... 0 Experience has pi oven that it , equaled other preparation. . • , 10.10 A.M. 1.151•. x 6.35 P If. 2.00 A. If, 6.15 A. Ihe price of the remedy is such as to place it within the reach of all, the poor as well as the rich, and every person should have it. Every-person should have it in the house. It is a true and faithful friend to all who- value health and Wish to seems themselves against that most terrible disease, consumption. It will be found the most usetul as well as the cheapest family medicine in the world. It his been used for the last four years with a suqess without a parallel. 6.30 A. x PriCo 4U cents per bottle, or three bottles for $1.10., Prepareaby S. AUOUTZ & EEO., Westminster, Md. For sale by DIYLLEIt & HENRIES:, arut J. S. N IXON, Obambersburg. Pa.. and Storekeepers every-where 3.00 t as 5.3 S k. 31 rOUTZ'S CELEBRATED HORSE AN J) CATTLE POWDERS.—These Powders have peered, after a trial of several years, to be , superior to any preparation orthe kind used. Thecbi.f superiority of these Powders arise from the fact that they are emit posed of Medicines that have Laxative, Tonic and Puri fying properties. The taxathe ejected crudities front tile stomach and intestines; the Tonic gives strength to the system of the llorse; and the purifying medicines contained is then cleanse the blood, and lay the foun dation Lir a healthy arid vigorous circulation,. The use of them improves the wind. strengthens the appetite and gives the horse a fate, smooth and glossy in—thus impuoviue the appearance, vigor and spirit of the noble animal. These Powders are not intended, as must powders are. to bloat the animal, so as to give him the appearance of being fat when nut really so—but toremove the disease and promote his general health. ' • Those Powders will strengths-. the stomach and Hite+. tines, cleanse them from offensive matter-and bring them to a healthy state. They are a prevention of Lung Fel er, deertain remedy for all- diseases incident to the Horse., as Glanders, Yellow Water, Distemper. Founders, Heaves. Slavering, Coughs. Fevers, Loss of Appetite, and Vital Energy, 4c. These. Powders if used two or three times a week, through the winter said spring, your Horse will never get the Lung Fever, Colic or Botts. few doses of these ponders will remove the. worst Cough on any Horse. Were owners of Burnes to feed a few of these Powders every year they mi s ht save The lives of ninny valuable Horses. MILCLI COWS —Thepropertma this Powder possesses in increasing the quantity of milk in Cam gives it an importance and value which shbuld place it in the hands of every person keeping a Cow—ln fattening Cattle, it gives them an appetite, loosens their hide, and makes them thril_ieinueh Taster. HOGS.- - In ail diseases of Swine, as Coughs.tleers in the Lungs and Liver, Le., by putting front half a paper to it paper of these Powders in a barrel of swill, the above disease can be cured or entirely prevented. By using these pirivrtters the Hog Cholera can. be prevented. Pre pared by Si A. FOUTZ h BRO., Westminster, Md. For Sale wholesale and retail, by MILLER A HEN SBL'Y. and S NlX.C.N u chambersiturg, Pa., and store• keepetes everywhere: Price' 25. cents per paper, or five papers for $l. [deatit.k-ly] ALIXTURE.—Is a safe and reliable R.einetly for the Cure of fthlumatisin 'Painful Nervous _Affections, Sprains, Burns, Swelling and all disease requiring an external application on Man • On Horses it will never fail to eine Pole-evil Fistula, old running Sores. or Sweeny, if propel ly applied. For sprains, bruises. scratches. cracked .hoofs, chafes, saddle or collar Gall, cuts or wounds, it is an infallible remedy. Try it, and be cottiinced of its oftitticy. A. M. Y. M. 7.00 2.45 7.37 , 3.35 Persons afflicted with this dtseave. no matter of how long, standing. can be promptly and effectually cured by using tb:s mixture.- There is nothing in the 'world en sure and so good to take away bad Corns audeure Frost Efitesus this prepar ation. Try it and satisfy yourselves. Price 45 and 50 cents Ver bottle. Prepared by S. A'. FOUTZ g 1310.. " , vtminoter. 31d. For sale by MILLER 1c lIENSOEY, nd .1. S. NIXON ehazobershiirg. Pa.. and Storekeepers verywhere. $.17 429 j - J . 8.8(1 12.55 . 9.90 1.28: 2.00 10.102.42 10 , 42 \3.12 al.t3" jr 3.40 A. M. P.M. ... 8.05 135 8.47 2.15 ... 9.27 2.55 -10.02 3.29 , MASO - ).T & HAMLIN'S ORGAN'S: WITH OICE .OR TWO SETS OF SEEDS, . .Contnining the AUTOMATIC SWELL. IoIIIBLE BELLOWS. KNEE bTOP: AND COMBINATION VALVE SS.,Euery lit.,lncment Warranted /or Five Fears. "at Nunes FP.131 $.70 TO "The - Cabinet Organ is the only instrument which combines the requisites. for church and parlor music: for the schncl room and the social feet,viii gathering For while it possessor , AutFicient power fi r the accompa • nimeut of a I urge clinrus, it is, from its amiability of all shades of expression, and its wonderful crescendo and diminuendo, must ell-active as a solo instrument. It is capable of orchestral effects, end rapid music. as trills. arpeggios, etc. From its sustained has decided advantage over the Piano-forte. for the render ing; of many of the 'choicest morceaux of the masters, such asaymphunies. quartettem,etc," It. A.IcCI;(IR.Et. Chamberstinrg, Pa. General Agent for Pennsylvania. henalersigned will Bell and deliver, in geed rec. Cabinet• Organs anywhere in Me State. at factory' pricee. All 'angel-rim; by, letter promptly an. awered. [Jinel7. 7 63-tf.] R. A Mc. PIANOS I . R. A. WCLCRE, sole agent, for the celebrated DECKER BROTH ER Af' (NEW YORK) PIANO. Pianos delivered, and put up in perfect condition, In any part of the State,, at - FACTORY RETAIL PRICES. - All instruments ‘Vrarrmitcd for five years. Pianos from other - factories be furnished, ifdealred. Juno 17,36 a., • R. N. IicOLIIRE, Chambersburg, Pa. p RIN - cF, &.co.'s WELL KNOWN MELODEQ,NS AND ' HARMONIUMS! Introducin g the effea Rae on'evory nntrnment. G . Mll.l l llL'Sluistopasat , d PIAI4OO for caab at a lib oral deduction, or on Monthly Instalments. air Over 30,900 Philadelphia. JAMBS BELL A fiVgole Agent, 219 And 2 8 1Nontb. FltthArnet, above Spruce et., - sep 16, 63-ly KLE3O,I* BROTHER; ; Importers. kanufacturers nod Healers IN 3IIISICAL INSTRUMENTS:: OR MAN, FRENCH AND ITALIAN STRINGS, . 'No. 705 'HAREMS STREET, PRILADELPITIC Orders o'refully , attended to by S t „ S. stinrooK Chatribersburce Isola 28-1 . TTOCAL.MUSIC.—R. A. M6Clure,. a iii teach classes and private pitting, the art of Singing, Musical Notation ? ' Harmony, and Musical Come position.. tu0v25411 C .11.131:18H. gteticat. kCiSUMATISM iftmoiral. franklin Reposito ounce.. A mERIC.AIi LIFE INSURANCE AND• TRUST. COMPANY. South-eßsteorner of Walnut and Fourth Streets, Phikl . • delphia. Incorporated 1850. Charter Perpetual. ALITHOBIZED CAPITAL, $500,000 00: PAID yr . CAPITAL. $250,000 00. ASSETS, $1,897,746 50. "wares liven during tt e natural life, or for sheik letup; grants annnn't ehdowments, end' makia contracts of all ependiag on the 'unities o f lilts. Acting - elan, as Eseentorit-Trustees and Guardians)-- Policies of Life Insurance insured at - the usual mutupi rates of other genii Companies— the Iti sured—last Bonus,-Jannary, 1861, being 43 per cent of all premiums roceeterd on mutual 'policies ,at joint stock rates, 20 per cent. less than the above. • NON-FORPRITUILE PLAN. By which a person pays for 5.7; or 10 yearsonly,whce the Policy is path up for life, end nothing more to ply, and should he be unable, or wish to discontinue sooner. the Company will issue a paid-up policy in provost lon to the amount of premiums paid, as follows: i At 5 year 1 Rata. After payment of the annual premi ums '(nn policy of $1000) for , $4OO 00. Unmet of 4 an. pre. 800 00 - a 8 tt Annual premium for $lOOO. jITOII-FOFEITURE TEj Age 20, 66 25 44 00, 38, 4, 40, 45 • a so, Insurance may be effected, giving to any party, on death of life 'lnsured, a certain yearly income by end ment for life, thus avoiding all contingencies of lam, lug the same, and may be double or treble the ydi interest. ALEXANDER WIIILLDIN,:President. , SAMUEL WORK, Vice-Picsident. JOILN S. WILSON, Secretary and Treasurer*. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Alexander Whilld in, - .1. Eth.tur Thompson, Mil. James Pollock, ' lion. Joseph Allison, Albert C. Roberts, . ' Jonas itowman;. _ Samuel T. Bodine, , 11. li. Eldridge, tleorge Nugent, John Aikinan, «m. J. II owitrd, Glius.F. Ilettzlitt . Samuel Work, • 31 EDICAL EXAMINERS. J. P. BIRD, M. D., I J. NEWTON WALKER, In attendance at the Company's , office dailyr. o'clock, M. WM. G. REED, Chambersbur,g, Pa., Is the Ruth Agent of tho American bile Insurance and Irust pithy. and is always prepared to furnish paruphl . any information wanted, and to take Insurinces. DR. J. C. RIC l A RAS, Medical Examiner: - REFER ENCES—Ifod, t. fi. McClure. 17,mr.S. rolls, J. S. Nixon, Cliambersburg, and Win ,M. M Cashier liagerstolvn Ibmk. FRANKLIN INSURANCE 0 1 'ANY OF PHILADELPHIA, No. 435 a. Cheittiiit Street. " Capital t.. ' S4OO Perpotual Premiums, - . 895 lluexpired Temporary Premiums 171 Su rplaa - 924 Total ' $2,39'2i . Statement of the Assets of the Cempany on j - 15(33. Pi rst Mortgages. amply secured 51,90 Real Estate, (present i - a1ni5139,322.47.) cost 12. Temporary loans, on ample Col lateral Sequ . . titles Stticks. (present Talus $93,365 16,) cost Notes and 11111 s recetrahie Cush , • - -,/ • • $,361 Adviince in value of Real Estate over cost, Advance in value of Stotkii over cost 11 , T0ta1,:,,,. - , - V 2,30,116,30 Say- The only . Pyofitefrom-Premiums which Me Com any can divide by laviiare front Risks which Mivo been etermined, . . - , , ,- I , . . . . , ~.., Extract from the Chartir of the Compan` . , ",But the moneys received as premiums up n risks which renmin - nntletermined, and are ontitandi gat the time of declaring such Dividend. shall not be c sidered as part of the profits of said Corporation s or d vided as such." PEE PET -VA L or LIMITED INSURANCES made on every description of property, in Town and pouul ry, for Owners, Mortgages. Ground, Landlords,l &c., &e. Rates as low as are consistent with security. t Since their Incorporition, a period of thirty years, they have paid over FOUR MI - MOM OF DOLLARS hOSSES By EIRE, thereby affiatling'oridenee of the advantages of Insurance, as well RE the ability aud'dis position to meet with promptness all liabilitiett. LOSSES BY FIRE Lowe paid during ate year 1562 DIRECTORS. Charles N. Baneker, David DIRECTORS.. Brown, Tobias Wagner, I hone Lea. Samuel Grant. Edward C. Dale, • Jacob R. Smith,°Taloa, ' George W. Richards, lAI er. „, CHARLES N. BAECKER,P 1 EDWARD C. DALE, Tice Pr ,JAa .W -IV ALLISTER. Sec y pro tern. • 4/Crr Application made to bacm 0A1.9. of burg, wbo fs an authorized Agent for th , either personally or by letter, will meet wit ..March .1,18,3. tNSITRANCE COMPANY' OF NORTII AMERICA. INCORPORAIE 1 1794. ,RPETErAL CHARTER. . , GAMY:IL $5OO 000. OFFICE—No.= WALRET STREET, Pima , LIMIA. . This Company ore now prosecuting the In-iness of In surance from Loss or Mange by FIRE co' Building% Merchandise, Furnitiire, de.. throughout t e Stoic , of Pennsylvania. on LIBERALTERMS, for o g or short per or permanently on Buildings, by depottir of Cranium. - The PROM?? PargENT of CLIMB for Leaala Laing the period of nearly SEVENTY YEARS that file Co many has been in existance, entitles them to the coral enc.° of tha, 0111,lie. Arthur 6. Coffin, - James N. Wison, , ' Samuel IV.Jones, ' S. Morris Wt n, John A. Brown, r John Mason Charles Taylor, George L. n ri8011„ - Ambrose White, , Francis R. Ci e, • John It. Neff. Edward lI.T tter, Richard D. Wood, • Edward 8.1 rite. ' William Welsh, ' William Co Inge; William El,Jlowen,, CIIARLEwI , I;I9.T, See'y. ARTHUR G.O FFSN,Prea. WM. RC 8LE14 , -Central Agent at Zfa *skirg, Pa. \ WM G. REED, Chatribershurg, Pa., is be author ized Agent of the Iteurauee Company of . rib Amai n ea, and Is always prepared to give any in motion 4e sired, and to take Insurances. RES ERENt 'ES-,,Charies TS. Taylor and4ihn D.Grier, Esq's..Chambershur4r. i • Ist 21 '63-tf fIUR AGEIstt—MLIO GRO,VE, V of flhainberslinri: is the General ent of the Frnnklin County Mutual fusurance - Camp it. Jnno ILELLAN. eutta4atija RO °YIN g - ROOFING. Ready go tuft down. ROOFING snare drowblc than Tin. ROOFINGIV half lhe caste Th• :ROOFING far Steejur Flat Roofs READY ROOFI G FOR ROUSES. = FOR Cif URCIIES, FOR FACTOR ft Ot DARES. FOR ALL BUILDIN S! This Roofing is made of the heaviest vr, venfabric ever used for the purpose.-31anufactured eel ly ty ourselves aullsecilted by Patint. Put up-in rolls and shipped to all parts of tie conntry i , and usually for sale by hardware mere/mita aid builders. It can be applied by any common workinan. We also manufacture. = LIQUID OUTTA PEPXHA OE br!, FOR REPAIRINO LEAKY - TIN AO PS! CHEAPER THAN OIL PAINT, HRA,VIER BODY THAN OIL AI IT. MORE DURABLE 277.4.1011 FARM It forms a permanetly adhesive, ala s is toting aye? the whole surface of the tin. filling tip al the wailer RUST HOL.Ei., And often saving the expenee of new pot. OUR COMPOUND (I=ITTTA FERCHA lE.I'T is especially adapted to reps ring LEAKY kIBINGLE'ROO.PS, camorms, ssrircarc th... tee. This's a thick, tenacious compound, applial with a trowel or similar Instrument, and does not dtY up mid crack, as do all other articles need for GI Owe. CIRCULARS AND SAMPLES Of the Ready Renting gent by mail fatt;nebailred Liberal artangemente made with Aged& READY 1110Miti CO., 73 Maiden L ne; Nor Yerk, sag. 2My 25 CENTS will pay for the REPO SITOLY are* mouths to belle tto otiokile: in the gerytco. p►, Januarp 20, 1864.\‘ IMPORTEIS . . WINE'S AND OQ - I.T . OtS ' 12S SOUTH NrB.lll STREET. - (arms.= czestNvr AND wal..;wt,) PIIILADELPOIA GEO. M. LAIIIIAN, I. A. M. BALLADE, J. D. BITTING. SUPEIRIOR COGNAC BRANDY, VINTAGE OF ISak, EACII ROME SEALED Willi - GREEN WAX, WITH et 7 : Rates. Rates; year I At 10 y $2Er5 oo s2o' 571 40 40 , 857 10 It 60 , I 00 ' YEAR RATE. $3O the elte• Peet- PORN. W I N . - EACH BOTTLE SEALED WITH YELLOW WAX, WITH THE 'INITIALS OF THE FIRM. !1. D. at 12 rized 'Corn .ts or .Nic nib A I Al ,a 431 000 00 824 63 525 60 17t03 rl tiov..lB-ly 1114 39 ary 1. GREAT DISCOV,ERY! KUNKEL'S HITTER WINE OF IRON, - f'to the Cure of \FLAX STOMACHS. GENERAL DEE1L1T144.77- DIGESTION, DISEASES Or The NERVOUS SYSTEZ, _CON STIPATION, Amur or THE STOMACH, and for all eases requiring a Tonic- This Wine includes the most a,greenble and efficient Salt of Irou we pessesm; Citrate of Alagnetic Oxide com bined, wi . th,the most energetic of Vegetable' Tonics. Yellow Peruvian fait- The effect in many cases 0: de lillity, of appetite and general prostration, of an efficient Salt Iron, combined with our valuable Nerve Tonic, is most happy. It augments the appetite, raises the pulse, akes off muscular flabbiness. removes the palor of anti gi Ves a florid vigor to the COULtto• thence. 626 ,901 ,519 11,391 •,351 3,473 Do you want something to strengthen you? Do you Want a good appetite? Do you want to build up your constitution ? ? Do you want to feel well? Do you want to got rid of nervousness? Do you want energy ? ' Doyoit want to sleep Well? Do you want a brisk and vigorous feeling? If you do,try KUNKEL'S BITTER, WINE OF IRON This truly valuable Tonic has been so thoroughly*at ed by all classes of the community > that it i s no w in _ cd indispensable as a Tonic medicine. It costs butt ittle, purities the blood.,gives tone to the stomach. renovates the.” stem, .and prolongs te..s I now duly ask a. trial of this valuable Tonic. ft TEST.3IONIAL! Harrisburg. Feb 20. ISA Mr. S. A KU:SELF.. Druggist i—lietir Sir: I have great pleasnrein'testigking to the complete success of tour Bitter Wine of Iron in my case. I have b een afflicted for n number ot years with weakness. general debility and giddiness. so much so that I have been Co n fin e d t o my bed for the greater-part of, my time and have hail the attendance of our best physi:Mins. but received but little benefit. I had despaired of ever regaining my health, until hMring o t your in-stimable remedy, 'Br im; Wrs F. OF IRON. t I determined to try its virtue, a nd am'happy•to state it has resulted in a complete CilTe. am morerobnst and vigorous than I have been for many years. which feeling I attribute solely to sour Bitter Wine of Iron. I have no hesitation in recommending it to others, similarly affected, and shall be happy to 'Lear personal testimony. Youry. truly, lisnmoi Fiset!, .69,798 1 evident. sident IChambe:s Company attenuor titir TO TIIE PIJIILIC.—Dr. S. A. KU:4BEL :—Dear.Sir: When on toy way.last summer. tojoin toy regiment tit• Xerktomm. Vir b were kind epough to give me aeveral bettlea of your " Bitter, Wine Qf Iran." I found it most yaluahledu the climate of the Peninsula and the diseases incident to it No p repa ration of.narks exceed it in value.. I believe that its ure mould preveit much Int.LIODS FEVER. and ,ertairdy prove a great value intteeure. Tours.reweetfully; IT P. . Chaplain 17Stli Regiment. P. P.I. ?Prepared and golf! Wholesqle and Ret til, be Eeaxet Bne..Anothecary*e,llS:Mark et Street. ilarrisburZ. PP J. S. Agent."Chanthersbnrg.Ta. 0ct28'63-6m ECONOMY IS WEALTH_ • CURE YOUR CaUOR FOR TIIIRTEENICENTS I, The Best and CheripeNt Ifon:schold Remedy in , MADAME ZADOC PORTEE' GREAT COUGH REM-EDY!I Madame Zadoe Porter's Curitt;re Balsam warranted ifusod according. to the di re"t ion e, to cure : an cases', Cough 4. olds, Whooping Cough, Asti nut Atidal laffections of the Throatand Lunee., . Madame Zadoc Porter's Balsam I, prepared with ill the requisite - Care and skill from a -outbinationof ttie hest remedies the Ytt fotOle kingdom ldfords. Its reine Bel qualities are based on itF power to assist the healthy and vigorous circulation of the blood,throngh the lungs. It is not a violent remedy, but emollient trotting and effeetive; can be t altenbythe oldest per or youngest child . Madame Za toe wter's Balsam hasbeen used by the p bile fo ver. 18 years and has acquired Itspresentsa es4imPly bein;r recommended by those who have die tothe afflicted friends and others. • MOST IMPO#ANT. Madame kadocPorter's Arati e Balsam is gold at, a price which brings it In Brea of everyone to keep it convenient to use. Tit time use of asingle bottle will prove to be worth 100 tin if its cost. lig. Baveyour money. Do not be persuaded to purchase articles at $l, which do not contain the virtues o a 13 ct Dottleof fiadatne Porter's Curative Bobtail,. the costofinanufacturing"which is as great as that of al most any other medicine ; and the very low — price at which it is sold, mokes the profit tothe "eller apparent ly striall,and unprincipled dealers will sometimes re commendother medicines on which their profits are larger.unlessthecustethersinsist upon having Madame Porter"fiandnoneother. Ask for Madam' Porter's Cu rative Balsam,Rrice 3 ctsoandin , large bottles nt 2 • eta., and tit %e no other. If you can not get it at one store you can at another. Sielintd by all Druggist sand Stora.keepora at 13ita and In larger bottles at 25 eta.. _ II XLL s IttlCKEL,Proprietora . Jan 28;63-Iy.New York. naaorSale b y Wile r & linnaboy r and Jacob a.Nixon chambersb tug ~ . T W. SCOTT, GENTLEMEN'S • FURNISHING STORE. end SHIRT MANUFAC TORY, No.• 814 Chestnut Street, Four doors below the "Continental." Philadelphia. Partienlarattention given toordered Shirts. A perfect fit guatanteed. Persons at arlistance can order by, the following Shirt Measures,- Site around,the Neck : " - " " Chest wader the Arms : " Waist: " Wrist • . Length of Arm s(hent)frorncentre of back. to middle of hand : Length of Bosom at Side *"., Shire , Igor:114A iquot. I.4lll3lAiir, Skr,"CADE & CO., .RIVESE, GARDRAT & CO'S THE INITIALS OF TIIE XISPORTE? Qy LAIIMAN, SA LEAVE & CO SUPERIOR OLD 311DEIRA WINE TIDE SHERRY, CLARET, AND HOCK WINES, AND - 4N ASSOSTMENT IP 1 , 11.48 - BRANDS OF CHAMPAGNE. • • OSBORNE .t CO.'S 'OPORTO. VERY FINE AND DELICATE OLD TAITORTTD DY LAUILAN, BALLADE CO., N 0.128 SOUTH NINTIISTRE ET, PHILADELPaI , OLD RYE WHISKEY, OLD WHEAT WHISKEY, LEM= OLD JAMAICA srinus, -OBEEHOLTZ WHISKEY, FOUST WUISK EY, WERTZ'S WHISKEY, TAFFEY'S WHISKEY, - AND READING WINES, L:4,II.3IAN,SALLADE &CO., .12S SOD= NINTH STREET, EbtclY. the World NOTICE TA YAP . . - ga-_P-8 I A , - • . AND , - DISEASES 'RESULTING' FROM DISORDERS _OF THE - LIVER, DIGESTIVE GROANS; are eared ? by HOOFLANEL'S GERMAN BITTERS",\ THE GREAT STRENGIIING TONIC These Bittershave performed more CV&s! Have and do give better satisfaction! Have More testimony I ri aee more respectable people to vouch for them! " Than any other article in the market. We deiy any ono , to contradict this assert*, and - ' WILT. PAY $l,OOO . To anyone - who Will produce a certicate published by us, thatis not genuine. ,• 1 11.0 . 0FLANDIS GERMAN' BITTERS • . .. " - Will cure every case of . Chronic or.NerAi Debiliti. Diseases of the Kid neys, And Diseases'arising from a - - - Disordered Stomach, - .rl Observe the following Symptoms,resulting from Disorders of the Digestive Organs: Constipation, InwarkPiles, Fullness 0r...8100d to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea. .., Heartburn: Disgust for Fond, Full- - - ness or Weight in the Stout ach, Sour Eructs , _. - - tions, Sinking - - , or Fluttering at the - Pit of the Stomach. Swim- • mine of the head, Hurried and Dif cult Breathing, Flpttering at the, Heart, Choking or Suffimating Sensations when in a Ling posture. Dimness. of Vision,Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Hen& Deficiency of Perspiratiob,Yellow ness of the - -Skin and Eyes; Pain in the Side. Back,, Chest. Limbs,, Sudden Flushes of Heat, - Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imagin ings of Evil, and grel Depression of ..Spirits REMEMBER. that this Bitters is NOT ALCO HOLIC. contains 'no Rum or Whiskey. and can't make Drunkards, but is the BEST TONIC in the World. ' - .4eii` READ WHO SAYS SO: " — er-At ' From the Rev. Levi G. Beck, Pastor of the Baptist Church, Pemberton, N. J.. formerly of the North Baptist Church, Philadelphia: _ . * * * rhave kn own lloofland's German Bitters favi ) rably for a number of years. I have used them in ray own family, and have been so pleased with their effects that I was recommend them to many others, and know that they have 'operated in a strikmgly -beneficial .manner. I take' great pleasure in thug publicly proclaiming this fact, and calling the attention of those afflicted with the-dis eases for which they are recommended, to these Bitters, knowing ff.( us. experience that my recom mendation will be su..tained. Ido this more cheer lally as Hoofland's Bitters•is intended to benefit the afflicted, and is " not a rum drink." _ Yours truly. - LEVI G. BECK. PIIILADELPIITA From Rev. J.'"Newton 8r0wn.,.,D. D., Editor of the Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge and Chris tian Chronicle. Philadelphia. Although not disposed to favorer recommend Pa tent Medicines in general, through distrust of their ingredients and effects, I yet know of no sufficient reasons why a man may not testify to the benefits he believes 'himself- to have received from' any simple preparation, in the hope that he may thus contrib ute to the bknetit of others. I do this the more readily in regard to Hootland's Gmtuan Bitters. prepared" by Dr. 0.. M. Jackson, of this city. because I was prejudiced against them for *iv Years, under the impression that they were chiefly an alcoholic mixture. I am indebted to my friend, Robert Simemaker. Esq., for the removal of this prejudice by proper tests, and for encourage ment to try them, when suffering from great and long continued debility. The use of three bottles ot these Bitters, at the begimairis of the present year. was followed by evident relief, and restoration to a degree of bodily and mental vigor which I had not felt for six months before, sad had almost despaired - of regaining. I therefore thank God and my friend for directing me tthe use ofhem.' J. NEWTON BROOWN, Philada. From the Rev. Joe. H. Kennard. Pastor of the 10th Baptist Church. Dr. Jrickson:—Dear Sir I kave been frequently requested to connect my narnewith cimmendations of different kinds of medicines, but regarding the practice as out of my appropriate sphere. I have in all eases declined: but with a clear proof in various instances, andparticularly in my family. of the use fulness of Dr. lloofland's Germnn Bitters, I depart for once from my usual course, to express my full eon - victim" that..Thr penerni debit ity of the systent and oipecirdly for Liver Complaint. iris a safe sad onl 'preparation, In cases it may fail: hut usually. I doubt not. it will be very beneficial to those who sutler from the above - .,anso.T Yours very respectfully, J. IL KENNARD. Eighth.lrelow Coates Street, Philadelphia. From Rer: Warren Randolph; Pastor of Baptist Church, Germantown. Penna. Dr. C. M. Jackson:---Dear Sir: Personal experi- CIRN enables me to :my that I regard the German Bitters prepared by you as a most excellent medicine. In cases of severe cold and general debility I have been greatly bencfitted by the' use of the Bitters, and 4004 not they will produce similar effects on others. Yours truly, - WARREN - RANDOLPH. Germantown, Pa. From Rev. J. H. Turner. Pastor of Il i edding M. E. Dr. Jackson :—Dear Sir; Having used your Ger— man Bitters in my thmity.frequently I am prepared to say that it low been of great service. L believe that in most cases of general debility of the system it is the satst and - most valuable remedy of which I have any knowledge. Yours respectfully. J. IL -TURNER, 726 N. 19th Street, Prom the Rey. J. 111.'Lynns, former Pastor of the Columbus (1.51.. f.) and -11.illerstown : (Penna.) Ban tist Churches. _ NEWROCHELLE, N. Y. Dr. C. M. Jackson :—Dear Sir: I feel it a pleasure thus, of my own accord; to bear testimony to the ,trxiellence of the German Bitters. Some years since b o 'n g much afflicted with DvaPcPsin. I used them with very beneficial results. 1 have often re commended' theiniepersons enfeebled by that tdr malting disease, and have heard from them the most flattering testimonials as to their great value. In eases of general debility, I believeittoben touic that cannot besurpassed. J.M. LYONS. From the Bev. Thomas Winter, Pastor of .11oxbor ough Baptist Church. < . . . Dr. Jackson :—Dear Sir: I feel it due to your ex cellent preparation. Iloofland's German Bitters, to Add my testimony to the deserved reputation it has i i obtained. I here or yea. at tunes, been troubled with great disorde in,rny head and nervous systetal I was advised by- friend to try a bottle of your German Bitters. I did so. and:lave experienced great and u^expeeted relith myllealth has been very materially. benefitted. I confidently recom mend the article where I meot with cases similar to my own, and bare been assured by many of their good effects. Respectfully yours. T. WINTER, Roxborough. Pd. From theßtiv. JikHeirean. of the German Re. formed Church, Kutztown, Barka county, Pa, Dr. C. M. Jackson :--Respected Sir: I have been troubled with Dyspepsia nearly twenty ye ars . a nd have never used any medicine that did me as much good ns ilootland's Bitters. I am very much im proved in health. after having taken five bottles. Yours with respect, J. S. HERMAN. - - Large Size (holding nearly aonble , quantitY) Small Size-75 . Cent s $1 per Bottle--half dozen $5 00 per Bottle—halt dozen 4 00 BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! See that the signature of "C. M. JACKSON," is on the WRAPPER of each bottle. Should your neardst druggist not have the article. io not be put ofr by any of the intoxicating prepara tions that may be offered,in its place. hutsend tons, and we will forward, securely packed, by express. PRINCIPAL OFFICK AND MANUFACTORY. _ NO. 631 ARPIi STREET ' JUNES & EVANS, (Successors tioC.M.Jaeltion k Co.). PkOPRIETORS FOR SALE by Druggists and Dealers in every own in the United States. (dee 9,63-7 m \: EECI Church, I'hiladclphia. PRrots: azdttors atar *warp. GEO. DEMERIT CO:, JEWELERS 303 Broadway. /Veto York:Warner Donna street.) 100,000 WATC.II.ES,CIIA,INS, GOLD PENS AND PEN CILS; Ac., dsc., worth Vdoo,onr, to he Bold at One Dollar each. without regar,. to value, and nut to be pall than you know what you will recoil's. - SPLENDID LIST OF ARTICLES—ALL TO BE !OLD FOR o'sE DOLLAR EACHI ' 100 Gold Hunting Ga le Wat c he s ' .sl.ol*OB'eaels. 100 Gold Watches - - 60 - 00.eaoh. 200 LadletelVatches..___ .............. '3500 each.. 500 Silver Watches . . ... ~ _ ... ... GO to 25 00 tub. • 600-Gold Nick and Vest Cluslns.."2 - 00 to - 15 00 eieb- Loost Bhantektine &Guard Chains 5 00 td 15 I 0 cock. 3,000 Vest MAU Neck Chains .... . ... 4 00 to 12 00 each. 4.000 Solitaire./et Gold Broac hes 400t0.8 00 each? 4,000 - Coral, Lain. Garnet, Ac.* 300 to 800 oacb. 7.000 -Gold, Opal, Drops,.. 300 to 8 00 each. 5,000 Gents - Breast and &art Pins !I 05 to 800 each. 6.000 Oral Baud Bracelets 300 to 8 00 .0%0)- 2,000 Chased Bracelet* 5 00 to 10 o 0 each. 3,500 Calife"rnia Diamond Pins and . Rings 2 50 to 8 CO each. ?„000 Gold Watch ....... 250 to' 000 each. 5,000 Solitaire Sleeve Buttons and , • Studs - L' 00 to- 8,00 each. 3,000 Gold Thimbles - 4 00 to 0 00 ea c h, s,ooo:Miniature Lockets- 2 00 to .6 00 each. 3,000 Miniature Lockett; Magic.... 4 00 to -9 oft each. 2.500 Gold ToothpicLaCrosses, 4c. 2 00 to GOO each. 3,000 Fob and Ribbon Slides. 2 00 to -5 00 each, 5,000 - Chased Gold Chains-- ...... ZOO to bOO awls. 4.000 Stone Set Rings • 2 00' to 6'oo each: 6,500 Sate Ladies' Jewelry—Jet , Sate Gold - ' 5 00 to 15 00 each 5,000 Sets Ladles' Jewelry, varied styles 8.000 Gold Pens, Sliver Case and Pencil 4 00 to , 8 00 nail 4,000 Gold Pen e. Gold Case and Pencil.. 13,000 Gold Pone. Gold mounted tioldhr 200 , to 00 melt. All the goods In the above List will be sold without. reservation,for ONIT DOLLAR R ken. Gertiticaten or ail the various articles are placed in similar envelopes sealed and mixed. These envelopes will lie'senthy mail or delivered at our office, without regard to choice. On receiving a certificate, you will see what article it rap resents, and it is optional with yen to send * one doll er and receitsy. the article. nanrerd. or any other fu the fat of same valne. By this mode we give ielections from' a. varied stock sf fine geniis, of the beat make and litre styles,-and of intrinsic worth, nt a nominal price, whit all have a chance of securing articles of illusory highest . value. .' Wail transactions by mail we charge Vir forwarding the Certific. , te,inkying postage, and doing the hind nags. 'l5 cent Oach. Five pert/fixates will be sent for $1: Jae yen fi A r $2: Thirty for $5; Sixty : firefar $10;' end` On, Hundhed for 0.5. • • REASONS WILY We should supply your wanta Our facilities are muftis. parsed 1. our work of unrivalled excellence; our orotui. sea punctually olsferrixl. Car mantra/ location brings us near the ;not remote points. Our goods are new from the manufacturers. and of the latest and most deairabk. styles. The go its must be sold. and the terrnstmeitua) led. All articles ordered are forwarded by return mail,. We gfiarantee entire satisfaction in every inntanoe. and if there sheuld be any person dissatlsfed'with' any article they may receive. they wtil imme lately return it. and the price will be rel ended.. AGENTS.--We allow those acting as Agents Tentenas on each Certificate ordered, provided their: remittances amount to One Rollar. They will collet 25 cents for every Certiffeale aad retaining 10 cents, remit to us 1.5 conts ter each. .6-Z--Athiress / GEO. DEMERIT & CO., dec3o4t 103 Bmadwny, New York AUGITINBAITGH'S J• , CLOCK. WAT,qII Altip 'JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT, MAIN STREET, ADJOINING THE POST OFFICE, Chambersimrg, Penna. . - The nudeieigned would respectfully call attention his present stock consisting of WATCHES, Gold and Silver of American and European Manufaeture of all qualitiesandstyles and at the lowest prices. CLOCKS In great variety. Parlor. Mantel. Office, Ac., Sys. - JEWELRY. 'he newest and molt desirable styles of Onyx, Coral anti Pearl, Gold Chains, Bracelets. Finger Rings. Guhi Thimbles, Sleeve Buttons, Necklaces, Armlets, . Masonic & Odd - Fellows Breast Pins. Sc.. &e. • IIIOURN I NG AND JET.J EWELRY A splendid stock ...and . newest styles. SILVER AND PLATED WARE. Consisting often Sets,Casters, Mngs, Spoons, Forks, &e . • GOLD PENS From the best ana most cPlebrated manufactories. - F ANCY . GOODS./ A very large and attract' tA;stock. . CUTLERY AND _POCK t•,..NIVES. Rodgers impetior Pen Knives of different qualitletr. • and Prices. •,GOLD. SILVER AND STEEL SPECTACLE& - The long experience of the undersigned in the selectio - n and ladaptatiort of Gla,ses, enables him to suit them to any sight. At no tirrieLhave the people of this county bad a nioyr attractit'e and ;xtensive Stock:to select froin'thau is-now presented at he establishment of the nudersigrted. Every artiellAt new and 01 the latest style ant will lie sold at the very lowest price. An examination is solicit ed before putd•&iing elsewhere. Aar Repairi*thitte at,the shortest notice 'by romps. tont,and skilfu l w • ACCi lllNuaron, Sept 23] 2il dodi Souther Post Oidee. Cherub' • 11_,R STit A S AND BRIDAL IL) Pit RSESITS:'HUEY II ARM. • No. 520 ARCII STREET, PHILADELPHIA. has always a large stock of. WATCHES, for Ladies and, Gentlemen—in Gold and Sillier. FINE JEW ELRY, of the most fashion abl e styles . SOLID.SILVER W ARE. in grent vnriety, and . ItOIIER'S Superior Plated Spoons, Porks;ntc., etc Sept 30-4 m _ Mato, Caps and ,f um. FANCY FURS ! , FANCY FURST ? JOHN FAIMIIIA, 18 A - rch St., be ow Sth south side, Phil& o. importer. Alanufactbror of and Denier trial/ kinds nf FANCY FURS - I for Lndiss' and- Children's Wear, I wish to return my Shanks to nrvjriends of Prank:la end thesarrounding Counties. for tlWir very liberal pat ronage extended to me during the last few -ikrs. and would say to them that I now have in store, of my own' Importation and Mantipteture a vet, extensive mggortg meta of all the ditrerefft kinds and qualities of PANTY' FURP, for Ladies and Chrdren, that will be worn during the Pall and Winter seasons. Being the direct Importer of all my Furs from Europe. and having them all 'Manufactured under rnyo*n anper vision—enables me tr4offer my custuni ere and the public Crunch handsomer Set of Frits -for the same 11101112 N. Liulles illeroe give me a call before purchasing ! remember the o pilinte‘nutnber and street• JOIIN FAREBIA. No. 718 Arch St.. Phibutolphia. opt 4-Sin GE I3A IZGA INS IN LA-1)11.7,5 . - 1 , 17 ' S.--I have n large and well se' ected atoelc oL Ladies', rs, consisting of Mink. Sable, torte Martin. German Fitch, Ameritnn Fitch.Liherian'drink Frtmrli Squirrel. French Sable. French Mink, Water -Mink. nriii Silver Martin. which I am Selling at bower 'prices than they can be purchased for in Philadelphia. Call and mi. , amino before purchasing elaewhere,itt the old flat. CAP.. . and Fur Store of J. L. ItgettlillT. .1T OW IS THE TIME TO GET I#ARGAlNB.—Splendicl Muffs, only - 1.3 60 at the cheap lint, Cap and Fur Store of J. L. DECILERT. GREAT BAIIGAINS Only $9 fora full set of La!Hee 'fur ff. at • DECIIERTI 3uotireo of lije Veare. TIISTICE OF THE PEACE:-H, ey B. DAVISON. Justice el as Fkace—v' iinmediAte ly opposite the" Indian Queen Hotel." All business en trusted to his care shall receive prompt attention. in. strums:Pits of Writing, orall kinds, drawn up in a KW*, Netnry manner, Junel7;'B3. llAMMAN,justiee'of the Peacc, Chambei shurg, Pa. {Mite on Haat Market strcet opposite the Court ll•mse. in the °Mt a formerly occupied by A.M. McClure. Prompt - atteutlon given to' ecerk thing in the line of a Magistrate anti Scriremer. Rept ELTaN 0., . COMMISSION MERCHANTS, and Dealers in LEA.THER,SUMAC. SHEEP AND CALF SUIN, N 0.434 North Third Street,Philndel plan, Leather, Sumac and Skins, bought or soldao'Conania- Advances made on Consignments., - fdedaluj - rE UNDERSIGNED, bay . o' this y, (T. 1 . 1863.) entered into in t 1,1:04 11 BUIINES S. under the title of E.Lt MAURER & CO. They can he toting at their cake, in Wunderlich k Need's new Warehouse, where they will he blessed to watt upon all who may favor, them with a call. - Jan 8.3 c. 3 00 01;7 , 00 eab 6.00 to 10 00 oath it K. Wl:fiat/IMMO