The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, January 13, 1864, Image 8

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their extrernitit4! I co'intsiend the subject
through you to the peoplq of the State, AS
worthy the immediate attention and active
exertions of tlie - chniitaide and the liberal..
I should be glad if the LegiAtture wduld -
- make agerieral revision of our Revenue LaVirs,
with a vieiv to their iner4sed productiveness.
It.ouglit to be observed that for a period 9f
more than twenty years, no 'material change
has - been made in the Revenue Laws of this
Commonwealth.. During tliat time some in-,
, terestshiave groWn into new importance, and
should be.made-to bear their just proportion
of the public expense, since all t xation shou Id
as far as possible, press equally upon the pro
perty and employments of our people. - •
Fang such revision, Lzeeommend to the
• consideration of the LeoislatUre, the follow
ing suggestio --- Ms conlectUd with the subject;
1. Imre are several companies o n. the
.State which, in-addition to large mining pri
vileges, have the control .of the routes of
transportation, by which alone the products
of the mines of individuals in their r&ipec- •
tive, districts, can reach a market. These
•eotnpanies thus enjoy sulk.tantial monopolies, _
by means of which they not only..receive the
fair profits of their own property,
enabled to. make additional heavy gains - at
the expense of individuals. In my opinion
such privileges ought never to have - , been
granted, but as they exist it appears to, be
just that the class of 'companies which enjoy
them, therfor an additional spe
"citie tax.
2. Very large sum= are due to the Com-
Muttyealth for unpatented lands.- Forbear
ance, cl ;niency, and liberality* have, been in
Vain tried in the •numerous attempts to pro
, eure the- payment of at least a part of this
debt, from the larger portion ot, those who
are indebted on that account. .Tbacontinu.-
- ,ance of this state of;
,atfairs is unjust to the
Commonwealth and the vast majority - of
her pmple who have, honestly paid for their
' lands. It has beconie, unendurable. I Tee:
omtnend that' the 'Legislature provide' that
- .the Surveyor General-shall file of record in
Ilic , office of the Court of Common Pleas of
,eaeli county, adescriptioti of the lands sub- ,
ject to the lien of the Commonwealth for pur
chase money, and a statement'oftheAmount
of- principi.l and interest now due to the
Commonwealth, to:iether with the patent
fees on each tract and ten; per cent; on the
amount so dire for the labor and cost of ma
king and filing such staeptent, and the ag
gregate .it mount thus stated. 'for each tract,
shall be hold to be-the amount now due therb
cp to-the Commonwealth, whieh shall bear
interest at the rate of twelve per: cent per
annum, till paid, and shall continue to be the
first lieu oti the land, till paid, and shall not
be divested by any judicial or other sale
,whatever. • I also recommend the- adoption
of a qu , 47,.,ti,ni 'contained in the Surveyor
Gen-rat':r'pqrt - that a'specilic tax be laid on
-all ilnpatcnott &W.F.
Ily existing-laws Municipal corporations'
are required to tie luct and pay into the Tree
. slay 'it: tax. on all loans contracted by them.
It , that n iTrg- addition would ac
crue to the ..0 , .,- , extension of this
.pro---;• , !: . 212,111 ••••; an to all corpora
ti.•,- : • •,.
I revornitk...tid that it be sO extended.
4. A tax on the gross receipts of all rail
road and canal companies wohld,•it is be
lieved. be productive and not oppressive:.
lip ok satisfactory reports: - according •to
law, made by Col. olin A. Wright, I have
drawn myAvarrants .for the delivery to the
pliii;„l4phia and Erie Railroad Company of
anoth million of the bonds depct4ted in the
State Treasury. Four millions of said bonds
have ti erdfure been now delivered. There
can be no reasonable doubt of the early com
pletion of the work, and. when completed.
It is confidently expected that the bonds held
by the State, secured on the road for $3,500,-
000, will become good interest-paving
c..w. 1
I ren most earnestly the recommenda
tion made i my list annual menage of a
revision of he militia laws. They are at
present shamefully defective. Indeed, if by
•a militia hiw is meant a law intended to pro
side for so enrollinvind organizing the mil
itary, force of the State that it maybe - put
intosersice when required, we may be said
to have no militia law. In each of the lest
two years I have been obliged to cull . out the
'militia, but in fact those who obeyed the call
were volunteers, and, with some exceptions,
were wholly unorganized, so that almost in
the face of the enemy, time had to be con
sumed in distributing the men into compa
nies and regiments, in eles.ting officers and
in ?they
_preparations for effective organi
zation. .
'ln the reportof the Adjutant General will
bo found a list of the Pennsylvania regiments
and a statement showing the several - armies
and - departments lin which they are now ser
.In this connection - , I suggest the pro
peietylof legislative authority being given for
the preparation of a history, of .each of • our
regiments and other organizations, to be pre
served among .our archives. The necessary
, documents are 'now accessible, and as they
. may, in time be lost or destroyed, the making
of such a record-as I propose should not be
deferred. at is due alike to the living, and
the dead that this subject should be prompt
.ly acted on. •
• • Irecommendthattheproposedainendments
~to the Constitution, giving to citizens in the
„public service put of the State, the right to
vote, be passed promptly and submitted to a
vote of the people at as early a day as possi
`ble,.so that such citizens may exercise their
right of suffrage at all future elections. - This
would be only doing justice to the brave men
who are periling their lives in our defence.
.It-is highly important that we should re
plenish the ranks of our regiments in the field
and supply the places of those volunteers
whose terms will soon expire and who may
decline further service. I am happy to say
that a large proportion of our regiments" are
re-enlisting. Efforts are making by myself
and by the people in various portions of the
State to procure a sufficient number of volunz.
,teers, and with a promise of success, prOvided
'a reasonable time be allowed for the purpose.
Meanwhile persons professing to be officers
' and agents from some other states are most
improperly endeavoring to seduce our citi
zens into their service by extravagant bouti-•
ties and promises. .
The. 12th section of the act of 15th May,','
1861, prohibits any volunteers from leavingH
is; , the State without the authority of the Gov- '
• „ornor, and I now recommend the passage of
a law imposing penalties by fine and impris
;onmesst on all individuals who shall endeav
. or to procure or aid and assist in procuring
any-person in this state to enlist in theyol
unteer service of nny other State. Many of
'our counties and townships have filled their
quotas at a large expense, and in others they
' are in course of 4otng the same by offers of
liberal bounties and provisions for the fami
nes of volunteers, and it is not right that
there pktriotic efforts should be emvarrassed
'by ln&rfv,rence from beyond our borders, eS
. flecially as wo cannot, in 'these circumstan
ces, offer'bounties by the State, without the
*injustiee of compiling the counties; and town-
Alps - which have already coritranted largely
in that way, to assist in paying;bytaxation,
cu.- he 11-freleney of others. .
I feel it to bestni duty to call 'your ation-1 vernment in its . measures to that end. O
tion to the: permeilms . - practide 'otleaving. i the full extent of my official and llidiiidu 1
many bills to. be hurried .- through at the closed ability it shall be so supported, and I re y
of the session. During the last ten days of I heartily on your co-operation. lam ma y
the last session, 891) bills were presented for' I for all proper measures to strengthen its at n
my signature;- many -of •them of the most " —to encourage its uptiolders—to stimulate
itntiortantcharacter:. The whole number of ,by public liberality, to themselves and thifir
bills presented to me daring the session- was i families, the men who give to it their per
715. Inconsequence of this habit not only i nal service—in every mode to invis-orate
are bills passed without an opportunity to i naction. We are fighting the great battle
either House for n proper consideration of ; God—of truth—of right --of liberty. 1
their provisions, but the Executive Almighty has no attribute that can favor (
pelled tither. to sign,them - Without examine- savage and degenerate enemies. No peo
don, or ttelibld them over perhaps, to the - can submit" to territorial disinemberm ,
public inconvenience. It may often happen. without. becoming contemptible in its l o
that a bill not approved by reason ofa single ' -- i'.yes and in those of the world. But it is i
obnoxious Clause,. might if there were tine } only against territorial dismemberment t
be r..:-passed, omitting-the objeetionable pro- :we are struggling, but against the destr
vision. In connection with the subject o i l . lion of the very ground work of our wl
Legislation, I must refer to Another mischipolitical system. The ultimate question I
GGeneral laws have been passed to give relie
lv at issue is the possibility of the permai
in certain cases which formerly - required; a •existence of a powerful Republic. Tha
special act in each case. As for instance the. - the question to be now solved. and by
sale of lands by executors, administrators and bless:ng of God, we mean - that it shall
trustees, the adoption of children, the crea- be our fault if it be not solved favorably.
tion of mining and manufacturing corpora- We 'have, during the past -year. jr
tions, and so forth. These laws were passed' mighty strides toward such a solution
to ensure such an examination in each case to all human appearance we approach
fis would enable justice to be done to the par-. ,
completion. But whatever reverses znay l
ties and to the public, and also to save the pen—whatever blood and treasure may
time and expense consumed in private legislo-• be required—whatever sacrifices may
tion. They have hitherto effected neither necessary—there will remain the inexor,
purpose, but Ido seriously urge on the Leg-, determination of our people to fight out'
islature the consideration that whoever up- thing to the end—to preserve and perpel
plies for a special' Act under such eiremn- this Union. They have sworn that no
stances must either - fear-the result of an ins star shall be reft from the conctellatienl
partial inquiry or (if th e a ppli ca ti on ' he focus its clustered brightness be dimmed by 1
AtharteT),must desilie the omission ormsertien son and savagery, and they - will keep i .
of some provision contrary to what the, Leg- oath. -A. G. CURTI I
islature has determ' ed after matureconsill-
Cration to be jus 'd legitimate. P.'
I refer to the udlter General's and State
'Treasurer's repo'. s for the details of °Ur finan
cial affairs, as • o the reports of the Sur-,
veyor Gene s , Adjutant General, Quarter
master Ge , sal, Commissary General, Sur : . ;
geon Ge I, ~ al, Agent at-Washington, Chief
of Trim portation and Telegraph Department 1
and Superintendent of Common Schools, -n
'regard to their several' departments.
In May last it was believed, front informa
received, that General Lee intended to
invade this State. Communications cn the I
subject were immediately sent to Washil-
- ton urging that preparations for effective de'
fence should not l'e delayed. - Accordingly
the War Department erected two nevi "i.nili
tary departments,- viz :_ The Department o -
the Monongahela, including - that portion ti:
the State lying west of the mountains. to 'be,
commanded by 3111 j. Gen. Brooks, axle, the
Department of the Susquehanna. comprising
ttN remainder of the State,- and to be com
manded by Mnj. Gen. Cotieh. ,
Early in June. Maj. Gen. Couch arrived
at Harrisburg and assumed command of his
department, whichshe has since exercised
With the seldierlike, promptness, energy nod
discretion which were to be expected from
his known character. .
The rebels , having actually entered the
State in some force, and the approach of
their whole-army being imminent, the Presi.
dent made a requisition fur militia from this
and some of thtjneighboring -States, and
several regiment from New York and New
Jersey were promptly sent, and our own
volunteer militia began to asemble, but some -
embarrassments arising, the President as
sented to a call by the Executive of the State
which was accordingly made. (Under these
calls 5,166 of the men of Pennsylvania were
assembed in the Department of Gen. BrbokS i
avid 31,422 in that of General Couelv.' , To
give the details or even a summary of the
operations which, ensued, would be impraCti
ble within the limits 7f a message. It is Un
necessary to do so, as I have recommended
the adoption of measures for preserving.the
history of our several regiments and other
organizations, and in that-history the events
to which I have referred will be recorded,—
It. is due, however, to the men who came
forward, that I should say now that - thi-y
made long and laborious marches in parts of
this and othoi - States which had been 'plun
dered by the rebels, suffered great privations
and were frequently in conflict with the ene
my; and on all occasions acted in, obedience
to military decipline -ansi orders, and with
conrage and enuurance.
Some of the militia called in - 1862, and in
1860,_were killed and others disabled. In
all these cases, where there - are no laws for
the relief of these men or their' familes I
recommend the :enactment of a law for that
The campaign on-our soil was 01(1E4 by
the victory of Gettysburg, gained by the
veteran Army of the Potomac, under i the
command of - Major General Meade, the offi
cers-and men of which displayed all their ac
customed valor and endurance iu the conflict•
and in the forced and rapid marches which
immediately preceded it.
' Under Divine Providence, to them and ti
the, military genius and unsurpassed energy
of General Meade, and the promptness and
and the self-sacrificing gallantry of General
Reynolds, we are indebted for success- on that
bloody field. , • ,
We are proud to claim Generals Mtacli
and Reynolds as sons of oar own Pennsyl-
Vania. •
The first lives to enjoy the most precious
of all rewards, the grateful appreciation or .
his countrymen. The latter fell in the very
front of the battle, and we can only pay ho
mage to his memory:. Whatever Honors
have been at any time devisea-to•eonimerno
rate the virtues of a patriot—of a true, fear
less, loyal citizen azfahldier, he has-abund
antly deserved.
His surviving' companions in arms claim
the right, of themselves erecting a monument
to him on the .field on which he fell, and it
would not be well to interfere with their pi
ons intention. But I hope that the Legisla
ture will place upon the records of the State
some appropriate testimony of thepublic gra
titude to him and his surviving commander.
It would be unjust to omit referring again
to the loyal spirit of our people, which has
been evinced in every, mode since this we
commeneed. Not only have-they sent 277,-
409 men for th.‘ general and - special ser ce
of the government, andsupported with c eer-_
fulness - the burdens of taxation, but our/store,.
houses and depots have literally overflowed
with comforts and necessaries, spontaneously
contributed by them, under the / active care
of thousands of our women, (faithful, unto
death,) for the sick and wounded and pris
oners, as well as for our armies in the field.
Their patriotic benevoleneaseems to be inex
haustible. To every new / call, the response
becomes more and more/liberal: When in
telligence was received'of the barbarous star
vation• of our prisoners in Richmond, the
garners of the whale State were ihstantl:,
thrown open, and before any similar Move
ment had been made elsewhere, I was alrea
dy employed on behalf of our pooplein efforts
to secure the admission through the rebel
lines of the`abundant supplies provided for
the.relietof our, suffering brethren. Those
of our citizens WhO have fallen into• the habit
of disparaging our great Commdnwealth and
the unsurpassed efforts of her people should
blush when they look on this pieture.
That this unnatural rebellion may be spee
dily and effectually crushed, we lie--all—
under .the obligation of the one paramount
duty—that of vigorously supporting our Go
gig franklin. Repos'
L - 1 C; BOYD, Ilegis.l(.r ltlid
. dor. of Franklin Cutnity. in acto.::uni vri
nwenltli of ,Puunsyl an :
1802. .
Dee. 16. Reed of I . !;ant - e of t,l.utstinn gikil pp
J sit epit K riue,
lons Dougal.
Kth't IL. Atidtqaksti
21. " "
1363. . .
• -,
.1.40. 14. " -. "' I Xm. D. Patterson..
13. " ' " Ilenry.:bites
0 " " r.,,J 011 n NAvers
" 31. •'"
1, 5. ••
David lto)er
6,1 nivel We leleiu gli 11
•• 5, • • " ' Jain, do.dt
Ma) 5. " ' " . 'Almeria 1,,, Ittlea:..
18. " ' Baniiialtadebriugli
Edward Y. Socsisi
_ 2.
• .S " JneOb Dime
Julie 4. " !ibiry %Jack
:tut) , " John Miller
Atli. S. " Henry Myers
,• -"- • :NI t 114.1.1 W .
4. entltierlu Booty.. 4
•• • 44 J.ntes test ty ......
June: Burns
lu. rJ . . 1s Welltt Thernp,ein
15. " 44 SIIBIIII Kline.
3T. " Elisabeth Beal
George cud Ciarn
IP,. l'xid Ym. If. !it.'l)olvelt, appr4isicag
k..!,:tte of Christian zhupp
IS. Peatt, .sll.44rvey, appraislng Xst4tv
1583.) Kraurr
13 .- . raid Llohll hauled, appraising P.obste
of Urerge and Odra Wullace
b. Pahl 'A. N. Rankin, appraising Z.lt4te.
Mar 10. NA State Treniurer
Apritls. Paid Atclti..,tl ititcheft, apprai..thr,
Zstitte of Thomas 1.. Mu,'
Mtir. P. PAld I.lnurP II . Dtri , tsun, apprai,utg
6mtatu 01,10hifituw
May 19, Patti &lane/ Armstrong surveying
Intel appraising kstaittof Mary ..I.tck
1:3. Paid Wiilitun AV. Bri t ton. appraising
Estate or toat,eu t MatatutL
nne 6. Paid ptate Treniu roc
Aug: 12. Pala "John IV i,llicitn. appraising
• tate of Shnuti
log. 10. Paid non. JaS.A.;.,l3latit. appraising
P;st4te 01 Nancy rawf.trti..... 7 ..`,...-
3,11. 21. Piltritml. John orr, altprattung /1r
Btt• of ttantuolt;innott:,„
Oct. S. PaidJacub - Oarrer,aliprai , itir. gaud.:
of Isabella Ttiontioo
" 3. Paid ;Iota) A .11ysvotiv,. appraising Es
tate of Sarah Rob,'
'• Paid David l'iper.appraisfio; Estate
I , f e•lrg2 LeliMnSter
17. Paid -11. D. Darowari. npioraisi fg Ir.
tato or t'atharittir Beatty
" IT. Pliid U. It. Dlvutoo, appraimio
' tate of James Itra4ty
" :6. Paid Win. A nlfi .uppralaint tistate
,ingrin Kline '
PAM David Piper, appraising Estate!
of Jana Burns
2s. ,R,eaph Winger, ItSlpraining
tate of llenry Myers
NOT. 4. Paid - A. L. Coyle, , Patati
of John Ihgrance,
" 7. Pahl David Werts.Jr., appi lig vo.t
to,te of Elizitheth-Iloal
" • 2.5. Paid A. S. 314)1110h .appraivin;,
tate of InizalTth Study— ........
" 27. Paid Col. Jatnos- U. Elder. appraising
&tate of glary Jane Walker
" 30. Paid John It.)WO, F.tq •arPrtlit 1 "1 -
tato of Mary Eaker -
Dee. S. P'aid State Tren,urer
Contudagion on $12,11:1 12 at per Li:.
- -
il'Atilti 0
. , • _ . 112.55' 12
. . , da 28
"co undormigned, Auditor appimlnted by tom Ant rt of
Common Pfeas of Franklin county. It f flag ex' linedtho
accounts of Edwarl C. Itoyd.ltoginter and ccorder of
said county, in relation to theinatter of Ollnteral In
heritunre Tax. hereby, certifies that the, I rei:oing 1 , , n
t:orrect ntatemout thereof for the fiscal , oar lending the
:Mtn day of November, A. 1r.,1883. an that Otero is now
.In Edward C. B o yd. front thy Comm iscrait4. the above
latiance,V4;;23.(dec:lol 0. 0. SET I AMEfi l Antlituz.
th •tn+eh • es Imb:4ea
tilt. WIMP without further
itAsexpirt•d. 3ty books wi
orth^ present.
Lost, ,i 17611 ault
REWARD.—Stolen „ Dam the
r -w it! eisture field 'of the subscriber , o n Vrblryy
n ght the nst.,4 miles east of Chambe burg on tfie
llettvolm g Pike. a Dirge Black llorse.B years oid: .ove
lit+VNl It ht. left nimbler. but does not an Dune; vr,lks
wellin tarness or under the module. The itixere reword
mill I p ;id air any in furtnathm leading to 114 'recovery
aft e horse by ANDEEW J. L
Itg 1.2
VSTRAY.—Canie to. the residence
LA of the subscriber, in Guilford tewnship. roe mile
Itnet of Chsiotheistoirs. a small WHITE anti RE , ' SPOT
TED COW. about the let of November last The owner
aireby !notified to come awl prove prop rty and pay
charm or she will be disposed of ReConlin to law
Llet , lo-3l* JOHN B EBERLY.
7 Wail left at the Franklin Rotel, "in Si s ambersburg,
on FridAy, evening December 25th, 1 , a GRAY
HORSE, Saddle and'Bridie. The owner is 'requested to.
rime forward. prove'property,pay chargosnd take him
away. (dee 80-3 t) DANIEL TROSTLE.
Pailitavg flotico.
\The large*, and most complete Regiment am Fa.
Comfortable barracks , 'no long marche full--nS
prompt ply; warm clothing and a nice ti genera!
there are some of the extraordinary nt ,
soldiers who occupy the "Posts of honor."
I have opened a' Recruiting Office opp Ito the Court
House. on East Market St., Chamberob rg; the= ame
office occupied one year ago by Lieut. B. T . Wingeand
Any ono desiring to enlist In thelbove Regiment will
hare all matters satisfactorily explained Wore so doing.
Call at once and enrol yourselves ainongfthe brave lie
f-eiders of your country. I shall be her but, a shod
time, es the Regiment is feat filling up.•
Come and avoid the Draft. ADAM Irs'
dec23-tf] • Sergt. 2dTei. , Art filery, It,
3anuary 13, 1864.
—The subsenber offers at Private sate,lils
situated about 4m de frenNuinc v,contai ng, ifil ACRES
Li of which is in I' LUBER and thriving Chestnut.
orthe F.irui ti.e hustquality r LtMESTONE LANIi
and ulna). a -high state of cultivation. the !morel e
meats Are a large IlltleK 110 USP, with portico and
perches, a new BRICK BANK itAKN.Slifeet long, with
Wagon sh e d mud Corn Crib • nit:tilled, double }'mute
Purriege Iluu.e.Brick Wash Muse', Smoke ilunse,- Bake
°renown" ail necessary outbuildings. in , goad repair,
There is a large Cistern closet,' the darn, n sed for Stock
and hue near. tho kitchen. There is a Well of 'excellent
water in ttio yard. There is also A variety'of choice
Fruit, such as Years.Plunts. Peaches and Grapes in , the
yard. There i s also a ;,.aal OUCH ARP ofy anti gthrivi ng
Fruit on the premise's.
Versant whiffing to view the latid sun do so hy
on the sitliseribet.or any in fottnation respecting it can
be - ohtnined by CPI-hie:on Oen. J. Paisley, CdurityTrea4
urer. (sofa f.) Jolip: u:Town. ,
V TON COUNTY FOR SALE;.—The Suhsesiber oifern
at Private Sale, 'it valuald e ; TR ACT OF LARD. situated
one-foul th of
- it mile east of , M'Connelsbnrg, up the r. ad
leading truniChanthersburg to Meeeernburg, containing
:cbont 1 , .0 - ACRES; 1.0 of which Is cleared, and In a
high state of cultivation and the balance is In ell Tim
bered. The improvements are a two storied LOU and
b ATM ERBJA RD ED DIV FILLNG -110118 E, Ter ant
!louse. Blacksmith Shopi Bank BARN, Wagon She I.
Corn Crib and all necessary - out-ouildings. 'There are
tw o split - M.4S of exxollant water, never known t o tall
running thr mgh the land. Theron; also on the premises
a YOUNG- 011ClIABB of choice fruit. The property is -
derirably located and - well adapted to grazing or herding
Terms made reasonable, and mos.:salon given atany
time. Pi.o sons wishing to Timet he premise" can do so
by c.wing oft the subscriber. residing - Abe
For (Waller psrtieulars addt e 54.4 •
dee 3t* . FINS} N.
NEAR eAYETTEVILLE.—The undersigned will
twil at Private Sale, the fullowit g described ;REA L ES
TATE,to wit:
Allender good fenceandtdilalde.with agood !Slick Dwell
fog..tnevertaftingwellofgood water near the door, a
good Barn an d Thrashing-Fluor, a tine Oreltniat bearing
tho beat fruit.
, the
of32lorgel'itto, 6 forge : beach eti with Um
Bork ‘lill,lloller. Pimp Ind Pulling Stoeko.oll in axed
lent "eller. tits whole operoting by wAT a POWER.
Also fl Bond B all utislirpooseil in convenience
,bor ons •
oheve 'invert - y.1%111 be show n tunny person on ap to .1;leoll 11. Cock of VOSettOTM , . Nor John B:
fCh tinberiborg. Terms will bo_rene
I.7.'cibtr .PETER COOK.
.19 60
4.1 15.,
I.i 55
be; 41
53 74
55 LU
44 40
uu UU
FOR SA bl.i.—The undersigned will sell at Private
is TANNERY, known as the Corner Tann th
atenni send water- uwerr Saw Mt li.Choptang Xi/ i.Stocks
tor b roaking bit es. A - C. The Tannery, hue 15 leerbeft.32
rats. 2 lim car a trstar.pooL and is capable of tanning
If? ,
Soo heary hi x a year. There. are tun Log Uwe ".
themes. Barn. 4t nide mid other nevi-ea:try Out build ..
connected with the Tannery. and about 60 Arreseleatt I.
with good fruit Ile will Kell an r quantity pf
t una with
the,Taunery. from 100 to 700 Ae res. o,t ir On Acres aft
Timber...lA an antille,fltpplY of cheanut ak Bark be
run the Tannery for fifty year*.. It is et nated about
7 miles Snuth-west of Mercerslirg,on Li king Creek'
Termarnade may: P05te...5140n will begiren' this fall
n.ceasary. For further tOttremi the under Mereersbarg.Franklin county, Pa.
Aug 11. 63. tr , ! C. .IIETCALB:
1 26
47 '26
4.: 60
21 72
U 3 Oil
4.4 1)J
5 10
50 00
105 81)
42 11
90 N.P
47 v'l4
1 190
59 If°
292 88
59 85
'43 91,
774 78
$1 70
Ftlit SALT:-The undorsign'ed offer at Prirnte
S ile,. the Ni ell It nown Tavern, situated °Oise corner of
!ilartzotand Second Streets, now i the 'occupancy or
- Brown. The lintel is it large commodious too
• *tory brick The y.trd attached ie admirably
arranged for trnrellers et.giptn 4 pit h buggies nq
Ar.tltonr. The etithic is lure. • end iry.iind cap.thig •
iccomunitlai i Inda :di to Ihetd r hor,e. The
hoihhog..och iia wiwh 1 ot.o. Spri; rig 11"uie.Ice IT
makes it the most d ird Ho Lintel ip the
Its limit . lie . It the 7..01 It , :5 Court nous
and bitolin,plarea.ret ie-s it the tunst pie
~,n e e , de ',topping pi ye , in town.(
Pere.ins urchwr,e,m nee t,he ereinisosansl
learn the tern oft , 5 by callin r#3 the idereigned.
ED.i Uti ti IN BAUGH.
'S. lILEY.
939 u 8
7 70
tat 06
2 2O
E la
1 To
g i4o
ti 4 bs
it VisEs tu
.nowl ng
. ease sett/e
lit of nitre
ter 's Other
\ BOYD..
4r'lqi3E. will p
.otice. as Ipy tf•
be at the lb•gi
1.6 j E.
• Ring (Meer
- 00tate *Mei.
F.urvi .FOR SALE.t,-Tlie Sub.
_ scriber often at private 'Sale hit'Farm. situate in
~t etel Townghip. four mike eatt of • Vannettglatrtt: ad
joining land.' of John Keasev., :bullet Kirkpatrick, Jame.'
!Jerk and the Nfonotnin. eontaing led ACRES of Slate
and Freettone Land. about hO of which is cleared. the
balenee.l.Vell tet w 'th Timber. There it on the Farm a
good LOti ,D 1 Hi ,INtl lIOCSE. Log, thern, , Stone Sprang
Llon.,e and . out huileingq, An excellent Dever fail
ing Spring of water near the bonkfk, - A' goal Apple
Orchard and a variety of other fruit. "l'ecttest. Ph .ms.
Ac. The Farm is order a good fence and running water
in 'warty all the tirldr , . Any penina l lw9i iing t, , ptirchnms ,
will plea, call and view the premitet. when the term,
will be mile known by the sulewelbec, living on the
Premises,. Ciec 311 if/ JOIN STv.AVART. SR.
Clmmio'• 2-ff
CI - NIA,III, FA 101 FOII S - ALE.---The
0-- ,, tiliarriber will sell :it Pcti•ate Silk the SMALL
IA nti ..n which he 1101 T re.idr a siinide in Ant rim town,
ohip.lranklin . omit y. al..e t ix Mines from Oreencsa
ttle. on the raiddown road adjoi!ninir lands of Samuel
Myers end otliers:contaiu ntabou l t POItTI ACRES—aII
neared land. 111 ivssl ord r and midst coed fence. There
is. YOUNG ORCII Alt of t h rift y;crees on the place. end
a Well of ex-ellent se . er. The improvements consist
of am t'W, , V4tOTT LO DIVY,LLQ;(I 110USK; a N}lW
II \N Hi lIANN.tort:-tnik i feet lonig. and well finished,
and all other nec ..try t buildings. Possession will
be siren on the et of April, 15 , ;4 Terms will be med._
known on en icetion to the subseriber residing on the
premises. rct 21'63-tfj - SOUP.L C. K RIDER.
i S iiFl !PE'S SA LBS.—By virtni?
k . of unary writs of roridifiont: ezpnivi.v. issued out of
C. the irr of common Piero.° of Fritlikliza r .nay. Pa..
and •o tile directed cr
there . I.e exposed to Piddle Sale.
at) a.• Court ILon. , e jai Ilia Dor° gh of Chemberiburg. on
P iilay tl,elsth rinO t f Januar ,I 1814. nt 1 o'cloelt. r.
L. the f dlowing described Beni Ir,state. tiz :
_ Alt LTINt TRACT OF SAND. sit'unite in tinliford ttfp..
adjoining lands of .1e..... Harmon on the Soiith. Henry
Smell on the East. Jere. M. George on the North.- John
Cankey on the. West. containing 00 ACRES. more or less,
with it Log Ihor.e, Log Barn and other improvements
thereotiereeted Seized end taken In execution Its the
property of W. A. Call 'ger and Jet. C. (I”orge. and will
be sold by me. (deg 30) SA Mil.. BR kN DT, Sheriff.
---- 1 1 ' ql. ' '
•r - ,
SA LE.—The undersigned rill offer at ?Odic Sale.
on the premises, on Pritio y.Jailuory 2901.1864, the fol.
boxing ‘lcribed real estate. "rib : 75 ACRE. of GOOD'
LAND, located in Fennell townplip, Franklin county,
.me toile S. nth , f Spring Run, wft it a three story STONE
end FRA3IIS: FLOUR }[ILL. containing two run of
burrs end one pair of chontiinge ones, and a SAW MILL.
both of the them in prfect run ging order. a FRAME
lIOUS IC and a Bank Barn, Corn F,'rib. Hay Shed. awl Ai I
• nockwaary out-huibilngs thereonerrcted.- The land will
he slid separately. or the nhole property together to
suit purchasers. Persona wishing to hny.swill do well
to examine the property. as I atu detsrinined to sell. for
the purpose of going into another business. Terms will
be favorable, ttifl made known{ by andressine the sub.
scriber. [Jan 6-10 , 1 - 1 DUTTON MADDEN.
The subscrliter having detertutnt
to re,,ve ‘ to the went
°Mosta - , rivste Sale that flown lintel, the "Put
top House," situate In the boreugh ell Meeennellebnrg,
?ult.]) county. TVs House IA the largest and most com•
pleb. Tavern Honey in the county unti bee a run of cus
tom unequalled in the county .1
Ile also will Foil at Prleate Salem Tract of Thirty-one
Aries of highly improved hind Uttidnlttg the borough 0
Mer•onnelishnrg. all under new and superior fence. and
'lteying there, n erected a gond tyro-story Frame House
and other out hutitlinge ` Tbnre is en excellent young
Apple t trchard anti running Water oti the premises.
hut 04/itt HENRY, lIOKR
I will sell my Farm. In Autlim ;township,' Frank
in county, on the Conoodelleague Creek, 8 miles from
Chanibersburg, 2 miles from Greencaatle. containing
200 ;ACRES, 50 Acres in 5111A.DOW and about 50 Acres in
TIMBER, or in small lottl to said purchasers. Ono ofthe
best Grazing farms in the county. If not sold by Mon
day, 18th of January, will be sold at Public Sale in front
of the Court Houle, in Chamberebttrg, between the
hours of 12 and 10 o'clock. For particulars 'ace hand
bills or enquit e of J G. Sheible on Marta, or
-;• tiAIWEI, MYERS. Chambersbnrg.
Terms—One fourth in hand and balance in 'two or,
three miyments, with Interest. ; Dan B.2t]
AT PUBLIC SALE—The subscribi.i will sell at
Public Sale. on the premises, on Saturday, the 10th of
Jannary, all that LOT OF GROIIND. and a two story
Brick Dwelling-Honset situate, on Emit Queen street, in
the Borough of Chambersbnrg, adjoining residence of
P. Ilaminit, Esq. There is a two story brick back build
ing, attachtd to said house, and the property is weU
adapted foi\two families. here is also upon said lot, a
good well otwaterCistern, a Stable and other improve.
manta. Sale will cOmmence at 1 o'clock, P. AL, on said
day. when terms will bo tnad&known by
jan 8 (C. Spltal, Auct'r.l.; BASIL. ENISELY.
VOTICE is hoi-eby = given ' that
I have applied to the Judges of the Orphans'
Court of Franklin county,•Pa.. to be discharged fharn nay
trust as Administrator, with the will annexed of Mary
Jack,lnte of the borough of Chomberaburg, dec'd, and
that the application will be heard by said Conrt on Mon.
day; Os 98th Tanzuzry, A. 1).,1864; when and Where all
persons Intereated can attend if they' think proper.
juin • . BENJ. CIIAMBEBE, Muer.
Regal ilotires.
. Ths interested will plemio take notice that tire fol-
Wrung accountantsilare settled their accounts in the
Regieterttoilice et - Frank/in county and that the same
will be presented to the Orphans' Court forContirniation
ors Milne/day, January 20;4,104, at the 'Court,
in Claunbersburg:
1, First ticcount or George lireagly.Htlartilah of Helen
and Pharet Weagly, minor children of C. L. Weagley,
, ,
2. Account of Solomon Knepper, Guardian of Joithih
and Obadiah Knepper. minor children of David Knep
per_ late of Quincy- twp.,
3. The account of Itattiard Walter, Achu'r on the ea
tate of George W. Patterson, late of Greenmail°, deed.
4 The Brat and final account of Daniel Spoke, Adtu'r
of Jahn iftiorclmer, late of Lurgan tivp.
5. The Bret and final account of Jamb Brewer, Execu
tor of Mary Brewer, late of Montgomery twp., dec'd.
, B. The account or 1. IL. McCauley .Atimitnetrator of
Thmues McCauley, late of the borough oft - Greencastle
7 - ; The first and final arconnt of George W. Brewer,
AtltninistratOr of John S.-Kerr.
H. The account of Seined C. Filson. Administrator . of
0. 0. lierling,lateof, tannett
9. Second and Anal account of Samuel Ylarsliman,
Ouardigu of Arep. Amelia Lowery, as stated by 'his Ad
ministrator. .
.10. The account of Henry Miller,Ounkilian of diaper
sons and estate of Henry and Mary C. Stad.
11- The first and final account of Wm. R. Printery, Ad.
ministrattr of Ara:,ellit Maclay, late of Naimoli tap.,
2. Th = first and final Account of Dr. 111. F. Robison,
mini. for d. h. n. e. t. a., of Robert Robison, late of
Antrim twp., - dred.
13. The first and final account_
- of John Ilarbangh.Jr.„
Administrator of Henry Jacobs, late (.4 WaShington
tap., deed. ,
14. First and finalaacount - of Jesse Craig. Adminiatnt.
tor of John H.Craig, flite4 Montgomery tap.. deed.
16. First account of Henry Omwake, GuarillanotJohn
p. McDowell, minor child of John McDowell, bite of
'Antrim tap.. dec'd.
ltt. The first and final account of Henry Omwake,
Gnardian ofAuu Elizabeth McDue•ell. now !teed, minor
child of John McDowell,late of Antrim tap., deed.
17. Account of Jacob. C. Snyder. Adminiatrador of '
Christian ILosenberger.lateof tinilford tap_ decd. -
lb. The first and final account of Daniel Cover, Ad
ministrator of John Corer, Sr., late of Lurgau tap.,
19. The account of S., A, Bradley, Ado a inistrator of the
estate of Peter Shaffer, lateen MoutgornerY,terp- dec'd.
20. 'First and final acconntof S A. Bradley, Adminis
trator of the estate of Elisabeth Shaffer, late ef Mout.
gomery twp., deed. .
- -
21. Final account Ot Henry Good. Adminiatrator of
Christian 001.1.1 ate of Washington twp., deed. -
tt2. The first and final account of,jacoh.W. Ilameher.
Executor of James Washington, late of Soutbutrupten
2.3 First and final account of Robert F. difcCliare. Ad'.
min tratur d, la n. of William Rodgers, late of South
- :milt° township, deed.
24. 4econnt of J. Harvey Gordon, Administrator of
Saw aid li on dun, late of Wayneslmro', deed. ,
-25 econd account - of Jacob Carver, Guardian of Mar
tha .1, Waddle, minor child James Waddle.
26. Account of Jacob Carver. fluorin n of Julia A.
W ',idle, minor child of James Waddle. deed.
27. Account of Wm. Rosser. !guardian - Or Lucy C.
Nitterlionse. minor child of Elizabeth Nirterlionse. as
stated by Win. fierier, Jr., dcting Administrator of aa'
II eer, dec'd.
28. First and fin II account of John Stouffer, Adm' iis
trator tif Jacob C. Henry. late of COIL:ad twp., NI.
29. First and final account of Andrew L. Co e. Ad
ministrator, with the Will annexed,- of &tom° Weitier,
late of Ifercresinag. deed.
30. Final accoont of Elias S. Troxel, ncti
of Tobias Funk.late of Wit.hipgton towns it
de-4t. 1111NItY ST/Clef:l r
and TRA- .
ourt of Oyer and
.1 . the Peace, and
t Chantbereburg,
D. 1564.
Southampton; Mar
, Green; Curtis
ger. Metal; Abra
'lilbert, Washing
' ; Isaac Hockey
ineshoro; Jacob
do 4 Peter linen-
Jame,. M'Fcrran,
.; David Steffey,
as; John West.
%ton; Frederick
!ta" WE islK.
ienry It. Brindle.
Joseph Beoz. ilO4
rd, clout Muitpton ;
~er, Peters; Abra-
Csrbaugh. Antrim John S.-Crawford, Guilford;
UMW Diller, eonthaniptor.; Christian Deck. Let.erketi
nyl John Detwiler. Green; Abraham Elder. Fantiett
Michael Ebersole, Guilford; Adam Flery, WashiogtOn;
Joseph Foltz. Letterkenny ; Gabriel renter, Guilford;
Robert Gould, Peters; Thome.. C -Grove. Moreertiburg::
Matthew Gordon. Greencastle: Amos Geddes, Metal;
Lewis Gilbert. Antrim; James _Giles, Metal; Henry
Huffman, Antrim; W. A.' Hays; Montg. Mery ; Hiram
Houser. Ch tinhersburg; Jacob - Jamie'. Green,; John
Ki,seeker, Antrim; Levi Kersbner. Warren ;.William
Kromer. Qnincy ; John H. Murphy, Mercen.hurg ; John
It. Macl.ty, Lurgan; James Mullen, Peters: Wm. D.
.McKiitstry.Mercensburg; Motes Nualomm. Metal; Da
vid Over, Letlerkenny ; A. C. Pltenicie, Montgomery;
Henry Biggsel. Peters; Joseph Snitely. Jr., Greene:l..-
tle : Joh.. ...taroy, Washington; Henry wider (oflamb)
Gnii- enry Walter, Washingten: William Wilson.
A - z w Wynkoop, Lurgan ; James Wolff. Metal;
'at Green; Geo. W. 7eigler. Greencastle .
,(1 /14
. • t,
John A gde. t on ; Andrew 11n rgess.Peters ; Hen
ry itemrr. Worthington: D. 11. Bonebrake.Guil.ortl; Pe
ter Benedict. Waynesboro; Matthias lisrkdoll. 31 otitg'y;
.I.din Boa man. Gui lford ; M. J. Burns.% ushington; Jou
Cowan. Metal; Robert Clugeton. Washinoton; David
BOA rn. Lut ; B. A. Cormatty, St. Thomas; Geo.Clup
saddle. Peters, Wm. Deardorff, Lurgan: Antirevt Dea
trkh. St. Th MIRY 7, Joseph M. Doyle., Fennell ; Jacob
Ebersole. Guilfonl; G. W. Elliott. Montgomery ; George
Eteltherger: eltatub'g; Jacob f Mott. Montg'y: Jusei h
Eberly. Hamilton ; John Finafrock, ; Abraham
}'mats. Washington; Geo. Fetterhoff. Guilfcrd; David
Gillen. Peters ; Peter C. Matsu., Stti,Thontas-; Michael
Hoke, of W, - Peters; Jacob Ilerehrj, Adtrim ; 31. H.
Keyser. Mostg'y ; Wm. A. Keyser, Peters; Porter W.
Kegerries. - Metal; David Long, Lurktrin; Samuel Leh
man. Sr.. Lot t erit'y ; John A.larnaster,ChaniVg ; David
Mowers. (been; Joseph Keiveonier, St. Thomas; Henry
Prather. Greencastle: Henry Reilly, Hamilton; Pred'k
Speck, 1N ashington ; James P. Speer. Letterit'y; P. 31.
Shoe Maker. Lett erken ny ; Geo.' W. Steffey. Washing! o:
Christian Stoner. St. Thomas; Jibe 'S. Skinner, Metal;
Henry Trio le, Guilford; Fred'k Walk, Hamilton; Sam
uel West, Hamilton; A. B. Wingert. Antrim. [dec23
nor, the Justices of tPeace, end the Conetables of
the Different Township i the County of Franklin.
5... )
Greeting i Know all ye. the in pnrsnauce of a precept
to me directed, under the hand and seal of the Hos.
JAMES SILL, Preshientof the several Conrts'af Com
mon pleas, in the Sixteenth District, consisting of the'
cons ties of Somerset-Bedford. Fulton and Franklin: and
by virtue of his office, the Co-irt of Oyer and Terminer
awl General Jail-Delivery for the trial of capital anti
other offenders therein. and in the General Clout of
Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and WILLIAM W. P \ XTON
lOW JAMES q. CAnscs, Es ' .. Judges of the tame coun
ty of Franklin. n and Rai of you are hereby require
ed to !wand ap r a r proper persons with your
Records. R Prances, Exatninattons, and other Re
membrancee before the Judges afore-said, at Chem
hershurg. at a Court of Oyer and:Terminer and General
Jail Delivery, and General Quarter Sessions of thePeece,
therein to be holden fertile . e.,innity of Franklin eta - e
said.on the 3d Monday in January, being the 18th day
of the month, at JO o'clock in the forenoon of that day.
then end‘there to 00 those things, which to your several
offices eiPperinin. --
Given under my hand at Chambersbnrg, the 119. d day
of December, 1663. SAMUEL BRANDT,
dec 23.-te. rheriff.
OF HENRY O. •FUNK.—The creditors of Henry
tt, trunk, of Washingtoa township, Franklin county.
Pennsylvania, an Liaolfout Debtor, are hereby notified
that the Accounts of John Funk (of IL) and Dr. Thomas
Walker, the Assignees of said -Henry G. Funk, under
Deed of voluntary assignment, for the benefit of his
creditors, have been mama adjusted and confirmed—
that this is tne LAST account the slid Assignees will Set
tle, and that there is a balance in the hands of said ac
countants for distribution amongst said creditors, and
the Court of Compton Piens of the county aforesaid have
appcOnted the undersigned an Auditor to marshal and
apportion the said assets amongst said creditors,
make report to the next Court. lie will therefore meet
the creditors of said Henry O. Funk at his Office. in
Chambersburg, on Saturday, the 16th of January, 1864,
at 9 o'clock, A. at., to hear and adjust their severalclaims.
The said creditors are hereby particularly urged- to
bring or Bend ate their claims, duly authenticated, in
advance of the day bf the audit, and those who do not
present their claims on or before the said 16kb day of
January, 1884, will be fortever debarred from claiming
or receiving any part of the fund for distribution, under
the Acts bf Assembly of thli State.
dec3o. I. H. McCAIILE.Y, Auditor.
OTICE.—The following named
_LI persons have flied petitions for Litenee, in the
Clerk's oMce, to be pr•eented to the Court at the next
term, commencing on Monday, the 18th ofJanuary,lS64,
to wit
John Miller Motel. Chambersburg;North Ward.
John W. Taylor Hotel " \ South Ward. -
Alexander Martin " R. Thomas,
8.8.11 am " Shimpatown,
Wolin Newman wholesale Liquor Store, Greencastle,
John W. Hanle " I< .1
A. B. Seibert notel,Concord o
Saml FMK., Hotel, Shade Grove.
J. B. Btimbangh, Hotel. State Line,
dec 811 W.G.MITCHEII.L, Clerk.
tegtClOfirts: ,
Notice - is hereby. Meru that - letteia of Ationge..
teetion to the Rotate of -William Ovelinen, late of Jto.
trim tewnehip,fleeewaeit, hero been genuses] tOtlii - -ink,
ileesigned,residing in mitl
- Ail poiwonaknewing-thenisele t a indebted to the hi
Rotate will please make immediate pat went ; and thefoo
baring elahea will pewee them properly nutheutleattel
for 41:aliment. 'WILLIAM OVRLMAN. .
Jan Get
.L . . Nut . ereby given that Letters of Adnififitirl.
Mu to th "Fietat of John T. Renfr-er, htte Glitinforit
townaln Live been granted to the lintionotitOf -
revidiug, in said ti wroibip. •
All persona kno ing thernaelves itulebted to twitif frt!:
tate will please ro ke immediate payment; and thiiao -
having Online wilikmoient them properly anthentietited -
for settivinent. fan 8j lIA'iL. R. Atibk*r..-
Notice is-hereby given that Lon, * of mminb i .
Mitten to the Eatate of W. E. Camp. late of Washington,
D. C.. deeenred, hnre been granted to the Itudetsign4
residing in t hombersbnre. Pa. - ..
-, •
All persons knowing' thimisalreP indebted to said Pa
late will please make immediate payment; mid ''thaftt
hairina.claints lin praaent them tmlierly nothentiisard
for settlement.- IIAhT.INGS cr,tl4, -
inn 6-6 t , -Adnititletntfor.:
Notice is hetet)j given that Letters of Adminis.
trati,-n to the Estate , d• Nicholas "Fleck. ht. e 6rOliiits]
township, deed. have beep granted to, the unthitnift
residing in said township. -
AU pl.:mons knowing themselves Waded. to
tate will please make intmedlnto vv.% naeritt
having rial:1111will present them properly nue
for settlement, to SA Nllll% P",
fliT 30 lit
A..1).N.11N I STII A T OR'S' „
°tie,. is bereb - ,i v glven flail Le er*,nt* Adrultda
tralltn) on the „llete te 14 Peter Byers; )te i.atgaidelyr
township, deed. hose been grant° to the snbactiber,,
residing in mild tows eldp. •
Ali persons indebted to the ma i tmtnte are liimrm t by
queeted t innke immediate pm 'pent. and these.lureit3i
stainis'or demands against tl Lstate of said decedent
Will make itnown the same • itieniOlelay , w '
deer... s , IAC
... __
. .
sotic,. le her y given that Lettedru of lidlnlntetri.
tin, t the E me . lie'ery'Beinulelrer. 100 plAntriiii
tou'llshilh del. Ye heel. gfautent to Pte 4/übstriher,
matting it. wi piwnship.
A.II pereons itfilebted to the said PoWntettruiersby ro
gue/Wed-to in e hununlinte intyzmilit. and thidellikring
elnitue or d- nu& ligninut the Estate nu uni l ldeutnlet.r.
will make flown the wee - with/Wit-delay.; ttr - _ , •
dee23 JERICiIiAII. WEAtilto; jlthri'r..
tice ie bereb) riven tbra LetTers -f Atin
rtion on the Estate of enturiel Ilrmk, 'late It OP'. .1
deed, bare been granted to - the aubherit,
rosining; in 6fiki tOltIIShil): '
Ail persons ktmwilig theinselYm ituTobiefi tr. "TM • -
rnte. will pleitse ninke inittieiliao,pHyu.rut; nintlftlz,
liaving.elninis will pretanttheni propel Ty mitltthtlc t -kei
f, , r,sottlani.nt N %V P. llY1.1;14-A,li,lr,'
ADM NISTRATOrS .1s; 01113
Nntfro is hereby given that Letters of Atinc4 ie
tramp to the Estate of Jerol. SliiitYt.r. hate 'AI. ht - . is
township. - ileifd, have been granted to the maturity
residing in Peteretntgn•bil,.
All persons knowing tlienteetres indebted to said •Y '—
tate will please ntake immediate payment t and I e
haring elaimS Nadi present the”, properly atlth'ent
4.1 for itettleinent. I decial JAMES D. SC(STT. Ailto
, p.
.R. Regixter.
Notice is hereby given that Letters of Ado I te ,
tration to the Entatr of Philip Mollsßigot'. late o •I he
Borough of Chambersbury, dec'd, have neon grant to
the undersigned.. residing in said Borough.
Al Inersutte indebted tot he said Estate. are min tt
to make immediate payo ent.nnd those having c hue
or demands against the Estate of decedent, will ego
known the same, without delay. t o
liriticeis hereby given - that Letters of Alta la
tration to the Estate of John . ltidto. late, t 4 tinil
township. ilee'd. hale been grantitl to the anbecri r,
residing in said township.
All,personsknowing thenaseivesintiebted toinsist: i
,tate will please make immeiliattc•-Payment; and th
haring claims will iiresutit them properly authentic&
tor settlement. (ilec9) SAME Pa, o,ltOisS'Al IS, Atha
Notice is hereby given that Lettere of Admit, •
t union to-Um Estate ef Peter NV. Eitnnffer. late of On -
ford township. deed. bore been granted to the and •
signe.l. residing in said tourwhio. • -
All persons knowing themselvto indebttd to mild 7 -
tate win plena., make innoedinte pnlnsent ; ttml tho
haring clnim. will presnut them proverly iinthentiente
for settlement.- [deep[- JACOB`-STOI.IEFFAti Adler.
Notice hi hereby given that Letters of Ad - minis
Immo' on the Estate of John STeighter. late of tiree
township, have been granted to the ntideridgne••
residing in said Township.'
Al'persons knowing them.celvesindebted to iaitl Rs
tatewillplunse make Imnit.dinty payment and - th,*
having clainiswill present them properlyonthenticatito
for eettlement.
Notice iv liereliy given that Letters of Admlnta.
traiton to the Estate of Samuel Johnson. late of Monts
gunnery township. dec'il. have been granted to the nn
deraignisi. residiug in Mid township;
All_personalni W ing thenlialies indebted to said Es
tate will please make immediate payment ; and those
haying claim* will present theat,proDerly ardliseuticattal
for lowa tlement. f fiva AI. JOIINSON.
VXECU - TOliS ? N(YTICE... I —NotIee
is hereby given that Letters sTeof anientary intim
- -KOHleiof Jacob Oyster. lute of the hAronph - rf Chant
beraburg, dec'd. have Leen granted to the undersigned,
reeiding amid Borough
All Ormolus Ine.wing tliVingelvee indebted towld Yft
bite, will 'dense home immediate payment; and those t
having claithg a 111 present them:properly autheuticatedi
for settlement. CHARLES W. EYATER.
&cid • • CHRISTI AN $. BY: 4l. Nft.'.l •
uA is hereby given that Letters , Testanientary to the
Estate ot 3lfehael Little. tate of Wash.tncton- ton nebip
, lec'lll.ltave been granted to the entacriber, residing Jo
111 poraousAinowing themselves todelaed to gold - Fs
tnta will p'ense mnl.e itmoedbitr. payment; Ant I.lloi*
hatingebtinoi willpresent thew prop r 1), nutlarlalcakil
Ihr gettlotneot. [dett)l 101I\ II HERM t-ir.
All parsons ho eroded will take notice tioit the fot
ng accounts bore been tiled and will be presented to
the Court of Common Plods on Monday, the 181 A ofian
uary for coign:nation.:
The account of Ferdinand 31cElltoy. , Coininittee
Mrs Filen De At - mitt, a Lutial le, residing in,. ynnneu
The final account of Oeorne A. Cook, Committee GI .
Mary z ,,Jene W.tiker, of St. Thomas township.
dec 3n.te K. S. TAYLOR. Proth'y.
- rAltli TERM, euttuurueing Monday, faun•
ury 13th. -
vs. Creepy. nee of Miller's id
William iintithsil vs. Jacob litirelorndr.
Pummel Kuhn vs. W. crooks 4 EXrentors.
George W. WoUr vs; William I brief,.
511clotel Zellers re. Jame'. Bele,
Mel'ch, endorsee - vs. lioleer liaglieti. =
Solomon Helper • ye. Wm. McGrath. - ,
Matthies Philippi is. John Ashway. - -
R. K. McClellan • vs. Samuel Heisler.
John Brewer's Executor 'ye. Mary Ann Brewer, et. a.
S. M. Pennock a Co. vs. Wm. Behan -
William Cline vatCfeseph Etter.
Jetted 8. Roes Executrix vs. J.B. Rosenberg's EZ'r. ,
John Tritch vs Joseph Price. '
Malachi Brindle's Ex'r vs. hlalachi Brindle. ,
Margaret Rock vs. John L. Kt:lappet. -
J. W. Sollenbarger's use vs. IT. Hughes. , ,
DenielKohler vs. George A. Dolts.
John Peterman vs. Lewis Etter.' -' •
Philip baseman, Jr.. , vs. P. Cos mum, Br'!irldp3, l r. ,
Catharine Ilunnouy's use vs. George l'almer's
Ittbecca Morriebn
Polly Piper vs. James Dyarman and Wit
Reilly & Sharpe ye. Wm: McGrath, et. al.
Adam Anghinbaugh vs. Gao. BrandhaVeill
Sarah Bowman ve. Joseph Bowman.
John Beaver's Adnfre vs. Wm. ddiratte, et. - ed:
R. Jane Windle, et. al. vs. Mary Ann Cietir:
John B.Madden, et. al. TB. Rev. K. Thomas; st. al.
dec23) K. S. TAYLOR, Prothßl~3
for land are reqnired by the laws of Pennsylys
to o recorded within sin months after their execnt
If made In the State. or witnln twelve month* if
out of the State, otherwise they are deended in iale fr
client and void against subsequent purchasers or n
gages for - rains,. It recorded before the deed la
which' aubseqUent purchasers claim, hoirevec it
make the deed good In law. No title papers AM
fare perfected until they are recorded in the Pee*,
office of the County. Persons haring unrecordM I
should present them to the Recorder withent May
IsTI 644 - HENRY sTßicEL4R,Atitoor
• •
• .
.4% •
AA/ r.