II El El 4r4nitlin *9ooitag• LOCA G . IT =EI GOSSIP. WITH OUR FRIE.,. el e igkag, delightful words_ tO the young, and fooliah:• and careless. We . confess that time was whys - We could enjoy a sleigh-ride; with its fan and frolic,• it 4; upsets and suppers, end colds and indigstions ; lint thank 'raiz ! — we have outgrown such. 'follies, .and are dis i ; posed to take Ben. Franklin's advice; should the fit take its—to sleigh once more. We • ; dolt in the, least object to the merry laugh ter of the belles or cheery ring of the bells as they .harry past our window, but we stir the re; and do wonder how they can prefer dis comfort to comfort, frosted feet to slippers,' t, . tepid frozen noses to genial warmth. Well, Well, we all have to find out for ourselves, like Solomon and ,Dr. Johnson, the vanity of ,_human wishes ! Still we must' say the `Alerghing seems good, and we hardly think ._ f we would get very cold should we take a ethoet ride. 'We shall sea. * * We have taken one more sleigh-ride--io Gettys burg, have once again, enjoyed the luxury of frosted feet, frozen ears, bluenose, 'chill blains'in the fingers, and' cold / through the whole s3Tterit. We must say the sleighing _ was good—very good; but liow much pleas ante!: a sleigh-ride would be in July! Nat'd re is all In the wrong, decidedly. We Were milled all the more at the sight of the nu merous rebel graves dotted here and there on hill-side and in hollow—nameless graves vhere - tlie poor fellows lie, dishonored and -:pegledtp(i. God forgive the -wicked lenders who - know better than thek misguided fol lowers. Malay a . fearful stk.- was told us by eye-'witnesses of the terrific battle_ Each hlitorical location pointed out with painful - minuteness, but we Confesi the vividest im Ipression upon our mind is that of carnage, slaughter, death. Shame, a, thousand hisses upon the man who stays at home, and raised I - his voice in complaint of the noble Army of ate Potomac! 6 4 4 eh a battle and such a vic tory should immortaliie any army that ever 'existed. We were eorOpelled to believe what before we were afraid was an exaggeration. Gun. Lee did, really'use the observatory of the College, protected by a hospital flag, as a point for directing the battle/. - The testi mony is such that should. we believe any thing, we must 'credit this. Alas for poor Lee! The obscurest grave of the meanest re bel' in all the valley is honorable competed with the reputation of Gen. Robert E'. Lee. I Will some kind friend froth Adams county - tell us which order of archite(ture those porches belong-to, that are, built in front of the houses along the road been een Casltown and Gettysburg ? At New Salem there aie some seven or eight new ones—impossible to he described, tfi - ,id can. be compared only to - huge white rectangulargingercakes set upon cambric needles. Were we seated - ander one of these porches, we should feel' - like a fly caught under a hydraulic press. Seriously, . we beg thoSheriffof the'county, or the Corn . missioners, 'or somebody, tZr-put a stop to it. The houses ate handsome and comfortable, but the porches are so absolutely out of pro- fOrtion as to be painful to a,cnitivated taste. It is pleasant, for aO.angc,:to come across -a real out-and-out Copperhead, (for we are one of those who are far from believing a De'mocrat necessarily a Copperhead) and such /cone we had the pleasure to overhaul on our way. As a memorandum fOr posterity we here note the heads of his arguments. 1. We are at present under a monarchy,' because the President hag ordered a draft. 2. We have broken the Constitution into bits, " because we have freed slaves in the South. ' :3. We hare made . the nigger as good as a -white man-l-yes by 0— better, becauge we wish to pay-him a dollar for a dollar's worth .of work. - have ignored Christianity by elect ing a Unitarian chaplain to Congress. 5. That he didn't think a decent white 'women Ought to marry a nigger. 6. -Negro Equality Constitution—damn Lincoln—nigger—joker. Our arguments ran as'foilows, number for numbei. 'l.lf we don't like King Stork,-let us elect King Log at the ,eild'of the four years. 2. • . The unconstitutionality of some parts of the Constitution had not constituted our selves nor Jim constitutional' constituents— Meavens f.- - how,he winced at this scathing iemark - 8, We,diti think some niggers fully as good ,•sus some White meri—the black Douglas for _instance as good as present company. .. 4. We thought a conscientious tnitariaa -somewhat more - respectable than an evil winded LuTheran. 5. We didn't think a decent white Woman. ' - soopthi marry a negro. GoOd byc----We trust you :•say be con verted before • you are choked, or—[here Frank cracked thewhip and. away we trotted out of Stevens' Furnace—that is,,the stack of the Furnace—is a speaking commentary upon the chivalry of the South: - Well, we'd ra ther be Stevens than Lee. Hurrah for Thad deus—indeed we might say, from - some' of his old speeches—Thaddeus •of war-saw.— We were very Cold wheat we reached home —indeed, as a Southern friend of ours used to say, cold as blazes. A FaaisKLlN Oou HERO.—A corres `pendent writes 'us as follows : While our neighbors of Adams county, and the nation at large, are justly proud of the noble old hero, John Burns, let us not forget thatwe have in our own County one more, at least, who is entitled to honorable mention. During the invasion last July, Mercersburg was visited chvilLhajr squads of Rebels'. One after noon• three of the 'Gray? backs' came rifling into town, proceeding down Main street until they cane to the Mansion House, where they halted and were gazingl around, when two of scouts' . tired, killing oneinstantly, „wound ing another and also killing his horse._ The third-wit - Wed his horse, and galloped up the str •et again when our:hero; seeing him, rais edlis trusty rifle, but, unfortunately it snap pea. Quickly putting, on another cap _he fired, -but the Rebel had passed so farthat the old veteran did not kill him, though - blood could, be traced for two miles. The name of this gallant old man is James Bennett. He was a private ,in the War of 1812:has resid ed in 3lereersburg for 80 years. He i s n ow 89 years old, yet'walks without a staff, and as upright us most of our young men: he follows the business of coopering and assists in the harvest field every season. It is need less to say that he is an enthusiastic and ar dent Republican, and deposited his vote last October for Andrew G. Curtin." WA Ds.—Snow and Tug German - Reformed ltessever estab lishment, in this place, changed proprietors on the Ist inst., although it'will still remain under the immediate direction of Rev. Dr. .Fisher. The firm of M. Keiffer & is disolved, and Messrs. S. -it Fisher, Wingerd, john Melly % D. W. Gross,- Jo n Wiest - and G. S. Griffith are constituted the publishing firm, under : the instructions of the Synod of the German Reformed Church. We are_ glad to see it announced -in the Messenger, that all their different publica tions are liberally supported. The Kirchen zeitung (German) is brought out as a weekly in folio form; the - Guardia?, .4 is meeting with fitvor, and the ,Messenger io steadily in creasing its already liberaleirculation." The -- bysternatic business habits and intelligent direction of Dr. Fisher have put this estab lishment in a most prosperous condition, and we hope that it may steadily increase. The Messenger looks a little heavy sometimes ill its ponderous columns of leaded primer, but we usually reda it with interest and lay it down with profit. ' . -• 4 7 ) • POON. HOUSE' APPOINTNIE NTS.—The-Diree tors of the Poor, have appointed Win. Mc , Grath, Esq., Steward„ WM. S. Everett, Esq., ;At tOrney, and D. Suesserott, ;Physician; for the' ensuing year. Mr. McGrath will make a faithful and successful Steward, and Messrs Everett and' Suesserott have filled their - /6 7 pective positions with entire satisf,l'on for several years. , , In .our list of county officers published recently, we gave r. Latshaw as one of the Directors of j.he Poor. It should have been Sumuel 2 Scerist, Esq.iyf Quincy, who leas elected one year ago. Mr. Lat shaw has justretirea •and .is succeeded by Capt. Dcebler. . SAD AND-FATA,L, ACCILDNT.-Mr. William Kuulde, formerly of thii - place. but for a few years past a resident of Harrisburg. was instantly killed at the -Round Ifouse,"near that..place, on Tuesday t)f last week. He was in the employ of the Pennsylvania Rail road Company, as shifting ConductOr, and while in discharge of his duty was crushed to death by one of the trains going east.— . 31r. Kunkle was an excellent man and leaves a wife and child. His remains were brought to this 'place and interred in the Cemetery. • AT HOME ON LEAVE.-tipit. Col. Dixon ard . Capt. Joseph A. -Davison, of .. the Gth Penna. Reserve Corps, are now at home on a leave of absence. The services of these gallant soldiers are too well - known to our community to need special reference. They are in the enjoyment of good health and will shortly rejoin their commands. RE-CHARTERED.-{; - OW. l urtin has signed the bill re-cbarteringthe Bank of Chamberi burg, for the term of five yeairs from 1865. It richly merited this - mark of confidence from the State, by its scrupulous mainten ance of its credit, and its.cruinent usefulness in this community. _ - WU:JO:CASTLE and Aiefeersburg have filled their quotas under the coming draft,. and will be exempt. Chambersbutii s hould lutv e done so, „but , has nut. The effort ..was made late and but sluggishly prosecuted by thecitizeus• It may be done yet if a united effort . is pa.de. PA RDONED.=—SairlUel Seyler, convicted and sentenced to the peniten4ry for passing counterfeit money, has been Pardoned by the Governor, on the 'recommendation of the parties immediately interested in his convic tion and punishment. ' ' STJICIDE.-.111 . r. John Drury, an -insane pauper, committed suicide on FOday list by cutting his throat with an old rusty knife. HesurviVed until Sunday evening. ' - POST MAST4R APPOINTED.-Mr. %\ m., L. Curriden has received the aPpo s iniment of Post Master at Shipponaburg, in plate of hiS brother, E. W. Curriden, Esq., resigned. THE Commissioners have appointed John Bowman, Mercantile Appraiser; John Stew art,- Esq., Attorney, and Geo, Foreman clerk. _ RELIGIOL7B XOTlCE.—Episdopal Service ivill be held in the Masonic Hall, on next Sunday morning at 10i:o'clock, Loos To YOUR INTEREST.—At Gelwricke wholesaleand retail attire ion can obtain the highest pried for dried fruit and all kinds of country produce, and also see the largest and fineetatocit of goods at low rates. "":`, • Rily/1 044. 2. uOLD rt.A.VE You A COUGH ? II so, get a bottle of Miller's Cough Sjrup. It Is a sure cure for Coughs and Colds. Get It at Dialers kr llonshey's Drug Store, on the Diamond. Price,2s cts. C9VNTRY PEOPLE, when you visit Cham bersbarg, at Gelwicks' wholesale and retail store, exanaalno the large stock and get a bargain. I 1 you want pure Black 'Pepper, Corrian der and ilweet Margoram ,you can be supplied at Hey ser & Cressler's. GsiavicK's expects to make Ms business pay by seping the lar g est quantity and not by - large profits. REMEMBER the piece to get pure -tnedi Mug, the best Pomp and Perfumery Is at Roper & Cragg ier's. I :Ea-Gov. Thomas H. Hicks was on Friday elected U. S. Senator from Miryland. I ttlii - fianktill 'Repot BRIEF WAR ITEBS. Whole iegiments of the Army of the Po , .. tomae are re enlisting. A plan - of exchange of prisoners bas been agreed upon between Maj. 'Gen. Franklin and the rebel'Dick Tayler, in Wetktern Louis iana. The State of Indiana has filled her quota by volunteering, and there will be nq draft in that State: - .A meeting of loyal citizens of Florida, prellminary to re-organizing the State gov ermlent, was field at St. Augustine on thy' 19t1t" inst. The whole! quota of Rhode Island. under the present call, was furnished - before Christ mas. ;The State is now enlisting men to be cradled to her on another call. Wheeler's rebel ca , hdry captured one of our army supply trains near Chattanooga on the 29th ult., but two regiments of our mounted infMAry attacked them, recaptured the train. and tot:ik 200 prisoners. Gen. Kirby Smith has succeeded the rebel Gen. HolmeS in . the command of the Trans • Mississippi Department, and has established his headquarters at Camden, Arkansas. His forces are estimated at fifteen thousand. who are said to be engaged organizing for an at tack upon Little Rock. . 'A despatch from Cumberland states that the Rebel, in Western Virginia - arc on the retreat. having abandoned the attack-on our forces at Petersburg. The post was surround ed by the Rebel.; for two day. and all com munication with New Creek cut off. The Rebel raid is pronounced an entire failure, owing to the, fact that the roads were so had that they coUld not,bring up their artillery. A despatch from Cincinnati announces a small reverse to our 'arms in Southwestern Virginia. The gifr,rison at Jonesville; 'con sistizg of three hundred men, were suround ed by an overwhelming force of Rebels - , And after a BOtt lasting froM seven A. M. to three P. M.„Were forced to:surrender. Jones- Ville, the scene of the fight*.is not far from Cumberland Gap. The force consisted prin cipally of an Illinois Regiment, commanded by Major Beers. , They were guarding a sec tion of the Country from which our 'forces drew their forage. The Rebel force numbered four thousand mph. The Pr lsident states in his late Message that he will, recognize any loyal government in the seceded States that may be formed by a portion Of the people, not less than one ,tenth of the number who voted at the Presi dential election in ISIN. Mr. Lincoln natmts the States, One by one in which such recon struction May take Place. but Virginia is omitted. The number of persons registered in the several,Southern States to , recognize such State governments. in accordance with the'President's plan, will he as follows States.' Total vote in 188:1. No required Alabama 00.3,1_ 0.036 636 Arkansas '54.05.3 5,40( Florida • 14,348 ' 1,05 Geprgiu , 106,385 ' 10,07 Louisinna ! _- 50, 50i) if i4;i bs ip pi - 6.0.120 , 500 ' (3,1)15 Terint•s , ,,, 1 14.5.333 - 14.533 North Car'oli na ' 9CN•231 9..1;23 Texas. 4 53,99 t; - , 1.4298 POLITICAL INTELLIGENCE. A diAegrhion of citizens of Arkari•las are en route for .% ashinglon. to make urrang-e -ments for ',Arkansas, to resame her Position in the triton ThesSuniairy G r:cl r has raised the name of Gen. Ben. Butler to its editorial mast head, Hs its{ choice for Vice President in edn nection «•itih Mr. Lincoln for President. The National Union League has in exis tence about 4,500 emincils •of that order in the loyal states, with a membership of over 750,000 in number. Wisconsin. has over :?00 councils, and 25.000 members ; and Il linoisc 140, 1 000 members. GovernUr Brough, of Ohio, has selected his cabinet us follows: B. Rush Cower, (now Payrinistei , in the army,) Adjutant Ge 4 neral ; E. Barlow, of Cleveland, Quarter master Genefal : N. B. Burr, M. D., Sur geon Geneal. • R. flume, Esq., is appointed Assistant Adjutant General. The :Baltimore Clipper favors the rejelec- Lion of President Lincoln. The editor gives it as hip opinion that if Mr. Lincoln kiln con sent to been candidate, there will be IX seri ous opposition to his re-eketion. The Union men in different parts of the loyal States ap pear to heComing to theconclusion that "Old Abe" is the safest racer to put on the course in 1864. The biennial session of the Legislature of Maryland commenced at Annapolis!on Wed nesday„ with a very foil attendance of mem bers. Op Thursday Thomas H. Kemp, Jr., Esq., oiaroline, was electen Spealer of the House, and John S. Sellman, Esq.,,of Anne Arundel; President of the Senate. All the other nominess of- the Union caucus were elected. The New .Hampshire Republican Stal. COnvention met in Concord on Wednesday lait, and; re-nominated Gov. Gilmore by ac clamation. A:resolution nominating Presi dent:Lincoln for re-election to the Presidency in 1864, was carried with thunders ofapplause, the delegates rising to their feet and waving their hats with the wildest enthusiasm. PERSONAL. Gen, Stoneman has been ordered to report to Gen., Grant, as Chief of Cavalry. Maj. ; 'Gen. Meade is in Philadelphia pn a short leave of absence. Gun] Burnside will probably be assigned to the Middle Department, headqUarters at Baltimore. Grig. Gen: Garrand has relieved Gen. Stoneman from tie command of the Cavalry Bureau. Quarterinaster Gen. Meigs has resumed; the duties of his office, under orders from the War Department: t), lintiArn he Hon: gale!): Bleed Smith, ilnitec, i . St , tes Circuit Judge for Indiana and cx S rotary of the Interior, died on ThUrsday cv .ning at Indianapolis. , I The Scening Star says:the President has] or , ered a court martial for the trial of Sur ge Gen. Hammond, under chargs of fraud' an malpractice, brought by the commi•ision th t not:long since examined info the affairs) of ,is-office., By the late ,Englilh news we learn that , William Makepeace Thackent2,-, the eminent: Diglish literature. is dead. His eminent! talents were inimitable as it caricaturist, and ; lief was one of the 'most caustic wits Eng-. la l d ever produced. i , he following nomiationq have been sent into the Senate: Gen. Grant to be Mpjorj GcMeral in the Regular Army; Gens. W. T.I Sherman, McPherson; Meade and George 0. Itlomas, to be Brigadier Generals in ,The g Oar Army. Three Major Generals and, 641 Brigadier Generals of Volunteers were aldo nominated. - Gem Gilmore has beenl r4orumended by the President for promotion, in Ithe Regular Army, from a•Major..to be a 134igadier General; for gallant services at the siege of Fort . Pulaski. He was also nomina ted as Major General of Volunteers. LEGAL, INTELLIGENCE CO NI NiON!PL EM4---WRITB ISSUED The following writs were issued in the Co4irt of Common !low last week. mow Brotherton vs Andrew Strealy. fa. to re vi4eJedgrzueut 108, January term, 1859. Brewer for Plff. - Swine vs Calk. DhTeuiiarf . Sci. Lt. to revive Judgniewi, 14 Jan. term,lSfi9, Brewer for PIM 11.11r‘hatu Baer Vs Geo. Lidy. Bei. fa to revive Jtulkp. ri:tint 136. o.*.t term. 1849 CI trke for Blff.. asteo. W. llitntir vs I"hillip litatuan. Surname case in t rupeti. Brewer furPltf. Phillips vs Gertrude a,,ettnum. sci. fa:to Judg 7 went 230, April'terru,l,b62. Stunth.tugh. & Stewart fur I'l T. usnu .4. Moon vs J. Heart. Cattle,: for breach Kerfnetly & NM for Plff. ORPHANS COURT-LETTERS GRANTED The following letters of tultpinistration I tiros Teetanittu4ry were toenail during het week!: :tutu u of 3lary Elder, \ sf. Ohio; letters of A•lutiulstra. u Jogeith Ibuseaer. Betute of Elizabeth Bs Indle, c;f Sr.',l'homan ; I•etttirA ef i lministration to Geo. M. Stenger. Estate of henry pliller i of Oreeneastle; letters of A.l - to - Mary Miler. and 'Amanda T. Miller. ' 'state-of EiitniAnd IL Little, Hamilton; letters of Ad k'nistration to Susan Little. ' , Ejtitt of D r, Thorns Walker, of Waynesboro ; lettor!m • Admini , trittion de bonis non. to W. W. Walker. :.}:,itate of 'Henry finder, of Ilantiacin; letters of Ad inistrattoti to Jocob AC(7OTj-NTS FILED The follewing micounts were Sled during t week. - Aceonta of Ilintm Sowers. Administrator, and Iteber- Sowers. admlid.dratrix of Oco. Sowers, deed. who in to, lifetime was Guardian of Catharine S. Oylet a •d Get,. .Oyler, minoraildren of Geo. Oyler, decd. .MARRIED. . . On the 29th of Jaly. 1402. by the Rey. J. Steck. vr . ,n. efdeza EAat.rr, to Mile - Cuaatorre Kerala, both td hattibershorg. I Ott the NI ninf.:LY the Der. W. N. Kre s Mr. Jolt's ENRT GRAW. to Mre. MART 00N.DON, I , oi of Wayne* 1 ro'. 1 Un. the :list ult.,by the Rey. Ww. A. West, . JANIS 4 V /If ERIROR. to Mist 51utoterr, daughter of r. David , ewert, *lief Amber/coifs Valle;. • Ou the alit nit.. nt the residenca of the iiehtoi f thee, nr shady (Imre. 4y the Rev. X. W. Wighttnati. Mr. .tvin F.SroNsn. vicinity of tireeneavtle. to Mine Fuer MART, daughter of Mr. Jeremiah :iordan. • On the iilvt nit., by the Rev. Dyson, 'Mr. JAoeii W. ORIE. to Miss Jtazece.l. Noma, both of this_contliy. DIED. • On,the 24tit tilt., near Spring Rtm. Mrs. Jams Wriaci:‘, Itt the hith vehr of her RAP. - On the 26th nit- reencitAlN 9. Mr. I HENRI' MILLER, aced 'years. 1 month and ^A (In 01 25th nit .111 , 111 - re.ll , llAitt , . Mr. WILVAN thEle. ss. aged Th years, ii month and 10 dart. O the let inst- In Orer'eastte, AREARAIE LINOOI.X. Ri;ti .if John Kelantan, Esq., aged 3 years,l month and 18 On-the 6th Mit.. near the Welsh Pun. M. MARY &NY ot:xn, aged 61 years, 3 mouths and 18 days. - MonToN's Gold . Pens are now sold at the j , j ,,,, e pries as before the commencement of the war , ads is entirely owing to the Manufacturer's improve-- Meats in unichinery. his present hugs. Retail Mirthless ansitinsh-in-Advance Si-stens ; for, uffil he commenced. advertising, his business wens done on • Creeit and stricity trith the Trade. j The Murton Gold Pens are the only ones sold at aid Prices,as the mai:enter all other gold pens civil ge the i'reiniunion the Gold, Government Tax fie.: but 51 , d - u m nas:in no case changed his prices. Wholesale or Retail. j Of the great numbers sent by mail to all pelts of the torld during the past few 3 ears, nut one in a thousand ins failed to reach its , destinsition in safety; showing hat the Morten Gold' Pen ran be obtained by' any one, o every part of the world, at the seine Price, postage 'lily excepted. Reader, you can inive an endarine always ready. and reliable Gehl Pen, exit( tly adapted to your -hand iitr.l idyl° of writing. which will ilitdonr writing vestry' helper than Steel Puns; and AV the present almost hisiversal high-Pressure Price of everything. you can h** A a Morten Gold Pen cheaper, In prOportion to "Ott Llest• spent upon it and material used. than any uthet olil Pen in the World. If you want one, call , ou I ~ 3 1 aruN, N 0.23 . Nlaltleti Lane, Yew York, - or !MIAMI . tamp fur circular. ' dect-Curt tPreee,ntion of fa.lra3tae.ion in Steam Boil a•s.—WINANS' AXLE-INCRUSTATION POWDER t‘E MOVES AND PREVENTS TliE DEPOSIT OY SCALE: AND ‘VITIIOUT LSO UR? TO Til E IRON, SsviN saes IN USE. I References In all parts of tho country,•is: Albany 16as Co.; Eaton, Gilbert & Co., and others, Troy; Syrn Hist', Rochester, Auburn, &c., &c.; John Oilmen d ?o, IPhelps,Charles Ensign, Job Lin. Evans 4 Co.,Jewett oot,andothers, Butt*: Cleveland, Colgrabns. Raney !lt &c.; Geo. Shield, Miles Greenwood, Mitchell & I Rammelsburg, and 40 Others in Cincinnati; and through out the West; Indianapolis, Dayton, Terre Haute, 1,0 gansPort, Chicago. Springfield, St. tants, St. Paul, &c &c.,&c. Cost about 40 to diluents ,per week. Fof drum Ist', address it.N t WINANS, WALLST.,Na* Toaa. P:O.BoAo. O. • Un1y22.,'6.3-otu, AELAILICI,D'Ei EXTRACT EIJCICtr.-..r.-The great Diuretic. _ Helmboid's.sxtraet Brichrt. The greet Diuretic. Reimboid's Extract Enchn. The - great Diuretic Hein:lh°ld's Extract Ruchu. ; The great Diuretic And a positive and Sp,ecille ]lamed? for Diseases of the Blader, Ridneys,Gravel, Organic Weakness, Dropsy, and all diseases of the tirlintry Organs. Bee Advertisement n another Column. tint it out, and send for the Mod! eine at once. Beware of Counterfeits. [deele4ml 945- Eineaymentt—Agenis Wanted!—Wewill pay froaas2s toS7S per xiloatb,and allexpenses,tc*Mv Agpata.or give Aaompfiaion. Particulars men tftee.— Addross EMI BZWING MACHIN' COMPANY. B, JAMES OeueralAgent, Milani 01Mo. • • pril 29, C.,114y , INC LATEST NEWS! BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH, EXCLUSIVELY FOR .THE FRANKLIN, REPOSITORY. By the Ohio and Atlantic, Telegraph Line.—Offices at Shryock's Book Store and R. R. Depot. • • PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 12, 1863. There is but little movement in Breadstuffs, and no essential , change in prizes. There is but little shipping demand f Flour and only 1,500 bbls, sold at ST 500$Wor extra tam ily and $8 25 to $9 for fan cyl The receipts continue small and stock does not ' exceed 112,000 bids. Small, Sales. of Rye Flour at Is 6 Wand; in ',corn Meal nothing doing. There is no change in Wheat over 41100 bush ! els 'sold at $1 6001 65 for - red and $1 85@ 1 90 for Kentucky 3vbite. Small sales of Rye at 51 . 45, at which -figures it is wanted. !Corn is' unalninged ;. sales of 3000 bushels of k yellow at $l., -1301. 14. Oats dull at 85 @AG • cts., Provisions have an upward tendencl I Sales of new . mess pork at $23 and oia at $l9 50 ®s2l. Lard advanced to 14 eta ; 500 tierces Hams in pi eklesold at 12ets. Whisky active ; Sales, of bright packages at 97®98 and drudge at 92c. BY TUESDAY'S MAILS. The Replilse of the Rebels under Mosby HARPER'S FERRY, Jan. 10.—Hrig. Gen. Kelly: 314, Coles was attacked this morning. He fought gallantly,*and drove the attacking party off. • I send you his report. Capt. Boone: I have the honor to report that my camp wits attacked this morning, nbout foUr o'clock, by Mosby and his com l mend. " " After n. brisk fight of about ,one hour they were repulsed ant 4 driven from the vamp., • - • Otir logs i* two men lolled and thirteen wounded. Among the litter are Captain Vernon, seriously, and Mut. Rivers,-slight ly; The're are some"m,iising, but it isimpos sible to give the exacynumber at present. "The rebels left/ four dead in camp,. in— cluding one Captain and one Lieutenant. They left three prisoners in our hands,, two of them woundea, including a Lieutenant. "A COLE, Major Commanding. "To 3. C.‘ flivan, Brig. Gen. Com'dg:" Litter from Washington. WAsteiNceroN, Jan. 11.—Senator Wilson will move to-day or to-morrow to amend the eoroitnent act so as to provide that the pap ulet t of three hundred dollars by a drafted man will clear him until every name in the district has been drawn. He will alio Move an amendtnentmaking the principal reipchi sible for Big substitute if he chooses to obtain one. There has been an exciting time in the Cabinet' within the last few days on the mo ney, question; as connected with the proposi tion to pay bounties_till March. A compro mise has been agreed upon, and it is proba- ble that the Senate will agree to-day to pay the bounties tiththe first of next month.- Death of a Maryland Congresanunt. WAs-A.T.NoToN, January 11.—Flon. B. G. Harris, Democratic Congressman froth Ma ryland, died in Baltirdore this morning, of small pox. . ADVICE TO 'Fa*, MISSERABLES. ThcSte who are tiffiicteel with ficreftali, 4 2teVer Sore', Skin Eruptions, Sail Rheum,- Sore Head, Sore Legs, Swelling of the Olands; Venereal Sores, Pimples, blotch et. Tetters, - Chronlc diseases, Rumors 'of all kinds, and have spent large sums of money for medical attendance end advertised remedies, and are 'still uncured, we say use Dr. Rodway's Cleansing Syrup, called RENOVAT IXEI B.F.SOLVENT, One to six-bottles of this extract , : anon , medicine is warrenteci to ctiarynt If six bottles of any renaedy fail to furnish satisfactory evidence of cure, stop it; spend no more money on It. Radway'e, Renovating Resolvent has cured the worst cases of Chronic find Scrofhlons Sores by a single bottle. Let the wise give it trial. Sold by Hiller and dens ey., Madame Porter's eltraftVeßalsam has ng . eited the truth Chat there are first principles,in edi. eine as there is in Science, and this Medicine com „ pounded on prigdiples suited to the manifold nature of Mani Thecure of Colds is in keeping open the pores, and creating a gentle internal warinth, and this is cans ed by the nee of this Medicine. Its remedial qualities aro based on its power to assist the healthy and vigor' ..us circulation of blood through the lungs, it enliven ! she muscles and assiite the skin to perform its duties a regulating the hest ofthe system, and in gently throw . ing off the waste substance from thti surface of the body It is not a violent remedy, but emollient, warming earching . and affective. Sold by all diuggiseat and 25 cents per bottle. Drily 22. The Confessions and Experience of an In entid.—inbliodied for the benefit, and as a warning and A' CAUTION TO YOUNG 11EN who quffor from Nerroutc Debility, Premature, Decay ce Manhood. etc., supplying at tiiesame time VIE MEANS OF SELF CURE, By one who has cured himgelfafter being put ton great •zpense and Injury through medical humbug and luackery. N By enclosing • . post. paid vl , lre.ised envelope, sine, -oples may be hail of the author, NATHANIEL MAYFAIR,Esq., Bedford, Kings county, .N ly SAPONIVRRO:III CONCENTRATED LYE Fami. ty coup Mayo.' . WAR mikes ttlithpritett; Boijonifler helps to retinae them. -It mains Soap for Your cents 14pound by laming your kitchen grease: ' CATMON I 'Aa apnrions Lyon are offered also, be CAN, filand only buy the Patented article4put,up in Iron cane, all others being - PICWNEYLV: *Made) n0v25.300 Pit' LADIES' _ TILE LARGEST n0v,4.-313a REPORT OF ,THE MARKETS Noes LAUD.. ......... gOAP BACON ILAN'S.. ....... BACON gave Bun, CHAAFBERSBURG FLOUR AND GRAIN MARKET. CORRYXT&D AT CHAMBEBBErgo IMITALS. MIS. - Flerar.;-Whlte. - Wheat—White.« ...... Wheat—Lned. I:32ME!M!MI! ... .. "..." ..... ........... .......... .......... Philadelphia Markets. CTURING CO., I Street. \ Duquesne Way CHARLES CAKFORD & EON% - CONTINENTAL HOTEL, PRILADILNITA. PRODUCE MARKET. CORRECTED .WEEKLT CHAMBERSBURG,Jan.I2 i IB64. ,„ 12 WWI= W00L,......... 60 18 trrnwarm W00L,....... 40 9 Mom flixo- 7 50 9 Imam: 85.gb 309 4too Flux Sun 2 50 12 PARZD PZACEIES„....... 3 00 8 lINPARED PEACM9I 1 60 I'6o Duro Antra 1 Oa ST 6 ° s ° o ••• • . ..... .1 60 ... 1 00 PO TATO -MAIiVE T. Efercer, Ileku abbertioeutenio. BGARDING WANTED by a siiikla Gentleman, in a private family. Enquire at this [janl37lt. =! LI AVE YOU TRIED HAIZEN:A. YET? Oet it at NIXON'S. RAVE 'YOU FROZEN. FEET Try an Ointinui,s gohl at NIXON'S. DO - YOU WANT - TO "DYE?" All colors met sh - ades rap be hall at NIXON'S. HOW IS YOUR _HEAD ? Nixauluis an ;Ixticle that will retpure danclrua austagitly.' TMMEDIA.TBLYAFTERSL_EIGIV Use'als:,n's fUttlt Puwder toprevent SFtty - thg_your!kur!se. - TOGSMWON'T - C O - AND CATSCOM-- LURIA with Costar-1n killing rits.llnyft , tree;ll az _ , NIXON.; IT YOU HAVE A BAD COLD I get Medic!neat - • ' NIXON'S. F - YO:U HAVE - TETTER:OR Itch; get Ointment at - NIXON% IF. YOU - -HATE. CORNS, LIMP to ‘ Nlxon's •ud get the ierv!cli'Cute. THE - END—GO TO NIXON'S For any article you may want; al there you wilt be certain to get it fresh. pnre_and reliable. . • 13oL. MAURER & Co„ have on hand a large and varied assortutent of well seas oned Winn: PINK AND ILMILOCK LthIBER, which they offer to the Publicat regulrir market prices. FIIHE TWELVTII SESSION .OF' SUNNY SIDE FEMALE• SEMINARY - vial open on the Ist clay of Fehricary; Fur fgrtht•r particulars ad-, drew the Principals: D. & C. L. WILLIAMS. an 133 t Nawburg, Pa. 171 IV IPEN D.—The President and Managers of the Chamhershurg and Bedford Turnpike Road eotupauy, hare declared a dividend of 1.4-per, bent on the Capttatitteck of said Company, paya ble on demand. . W. M. McDOWELL, Jan 1.34 t. Treasurer. BIB` - DERY. ,; S. R. FISHER * Rook Bindery is on the Third Story it the ••211ESSEN (iElt" OFFICE BUILDING, on tie Diamond, - above Shryock's Book Storer Entrance between the Book Store and‘the Inland Telegraph office. Old Books, Peri odicals. Music, Newspapers, 4tc., bound In any style,— Blank Books madd to order. Paper ruled tunny patent. Jan 6:113. - VXECITT()Jt'S NOTl(3l.l—Notitld to hereby given that 'Attars of Met ;pis , ri t the ie.state of neer) Crider, late of 11 totiltoie 2 ..ts deceased,butee been granted kP the tinder . ..ten e.l, residing in said Township. AU persona knowing theinaelYee iieli h ..1 n.. ra g K . tate will pleme mike immediate payment : Vitae haying claims will present them properly a uthentieat“: tor settlement. - J AMR Klt 11)ER. Jan 13.6 t Ado. ~h,rtarnr. ADMIN.I.STRATOR'SN OT 1 CE.- Notice is hereby evim that Letter.; f Adminir trauon to the &tato of Josiah Besoro, late of the Bor on& of Waynesboro' deed have beat, siouted to the undersigned, residing in said Borough, All persons knowing thcmselres indebted to the said Estate will please shake immediate miyment; and those ha/4,g claims will present them properly authenticated for settlement, and those holding eat., of deed, will present the same do redemption. JOHN W COON, Jan 13.6 t Administrator. MILL FOR RENT, The -under signed offers . ‘ rent his MA LL, together with a good twastorieo DWELLING, Stable and Harden, situ ated on the Conocochjiagne, about 5 miles East of Churl bersburg, and 1 mile2from the. Pike. The Mill Is In el cell-nt repair—has two -pair ; of burrs and one pair of choppers, and in doing a thriving business, being eitaited in a Sim wheat growing neighborhood. There Is also 37 ACRES of land adjoining their property, ,which will be rented with the Mill if desired. Posse;slon given on the lit of Apra next. For further particulars pub m.ally or dress . JOHN HUBER. rjanl3.7t PIIBLI.C . SALE OP REAL ES TAIII—The heirs of Charlotte Smith, late of the rough of Chambersburg, deceeeed, will expose to Public Sale, on the' premiers, on daturday the ISilt of January, A. /1.1864, the following described REAL ESTATE, Viz: The ROUSE and LOT-OF GROUND, late the residence of said dec'd, situate on Main, Street of .- said Borough, on , . door South of the Indian Queen Hotel, being 35 test in front and 256 deep. The dwelling is a good LOG and WEATHERBOARDED HOUSE, contain ing six Items and a Kitchin, besides two Store Rooms. which command a fair rent. There is also - a Well of never }idling Water in the yard; end the necessary ont buildings. The situation of this property la anch as to make it a-deeirable investment for business men wishing location. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, on said t ay, when the Terms will be made known. For particulars apply to G. 0. SRGLIIEIt, jau 13 [P.A. Zartinin, Auc't.] Agent for helm; T IST OF j_j the Post otB Alllum,R. K. Adamson J.B 4 Barnes John Belt Mrs. K. Beard George Baker ThOmas Baskin Mrs. L. 11. Bender Michel Bender Jacob a Berldiead Isaac Baker Martha Booth Mrs ; Jane CoysweD K. P. Carson T. D. - M. • . . otiglea Win. Menich Mre. M. A Fryge ,M 11. A. crerren Mns .9. Feul Kate - Martin Kate - Persons calling for the above Lettt that they have been Juivartised. J. GQD'S H AND VTHANKSGIVD,IO BERMQX FURS. THE OITY, AT Single Right Coiides.... jaWlll4t 'Twenty (..opies HA MBE RSBITRG COMMEII: .OIALOOLLEGE.—This Institution lawmaiently located in the Borough of Cbamberaburg, Franklinto, -Pa. The great demand for competent and responsible aetountauta throughout the land, make it *emu* to inereate the facilities :or acquiring a practical Busintal vacation — . With this vieerithe understated has open ed theabove Institution, therebyaring the Young Men and whore of the country, an opportunity of- preparing themseires for honorable and Frobtable positions to life. Each apartment is under the charge of an experienced -and competent instructor. Thp course of Instruction to Thorough and Practical. Students are taught to origin ate and conduct all the Books-and Forms pertaining to actual business; thnsbringing Theory into practice, and thereby enabling them to realize and practice the.)Letru lir Routine of the Counting Room. - The course 'di In struction includes Double Entry Bails-keeping Mall its most approved forms, Crinunercial Calculations, Mer cantile Law, Primal and Ornamental Penommuddp, &c., &c. - St udents can enter at any time, ..as there, are no vacations to interrupt the regular exercises: • Time requited to complete the course Mit= 8 to la weeks,— Clegymert's Samosa enter the School at half the regu lar rater. F.ereerober $BB par aU expenses . for a full course, boarding includid. Night Session from 7to o'- -,clock. Semi for a Circular. A. M. TRIMMER, lap AEU). 1 President • 4$ etn flirting in Jan. 12,1864: , LETTERS e at Chamberelmr Merrit Jobn Morrow William Mayer Samuel W. Pbreener Mrs. E. Philips Sarah Peterson Fannie Ramon Derid Feeman Sarah Fox Edward L George W. 11. 2 • limiter Charlotte Horrid John Kunkle Miss M. A Keller Gamboa Ktlday Patrick Kerr Janioe 2 Stayton Albert Smith James _ . Sallenberger Stock Frauds M. Smith Dr. Ohas..7 Stager Jacob 4 Silkier Naha Wolf Elba LingenfFlter Montgoiaery itre. Mary C. DlcCampay Kate Mart in henry 3 Yager Absalom Young Sirs. M.W. .re will please say W. DEAL, P. M. =I Tin PEOPLE. Rev. SAMIIIIi d. NICOOLLS Preached iv !rex Pateanzaisv Mum • of -ChatObersborg, Thum!lsy, Nsrc!mber 26, 1863. NOW READY. - , 15 ans. ..... Ylire-H8.24111E. '5