474ces Vta,tto. Vines. rtEscßulivE oF CATALOGUE lONA TI.N.Ez. Walt WILASSILE AND RPsFAIL PRICE-LISTS - FOZ 1863, lioscribing odd exhibitiog the relative iriportance oral( our valulblo,Natire Vines. CONTENTS To CoagetroNctfitrs. stating the advantage and int niaffee of the tl , oti kliuk An-,account of the loaf paha the present Heaton; Proposal to dell to clubs at wholes/do pricat, by - which Pia n purchateis -rifted itt very little advance on actn fl cost ()Ur "fiction, mil always( receive good phbUtts iu perfect cAttition; Ex tant of the boa establidlinfent • Ilethxl 'of prOdUChlg brat el tied. l.fecicription of the different kinds. with a full account f it the diiitinctive characteristics of all those which are worth attention. .A.la account of the Prodinition of the two new seed flaga,- lona and Lir:mitt, watn'their history and accurate il&scriptious ; Letters from Mr. P. B. Mead concerning theta. giving lain opiahnt of their merits. ff ay to ki•en grapes iu-Wiuter,- with engravings Aga • balw It auay be e wity and eiliciently d me. Some of our bwai new lands may he' kept its easily as Apples, n full viutals life and flavor. ' • • The quality of vines as effected by the ago of the filants,/111.1',11 tfere tit an pies of propag.ition, and the econoa any of the ilifferentkinds to parehabers, with many en gravlnge. rieliciti an of varieties to plant for the table -and for f Ilse, with the euu-sideratflons ivitt. h deternalue ,t-huproyer choke. • • tabled at selections f differeattlatitudes for auy num. t.er of plants, frien six vines fur. a very small yard, to hiandredi far a fruit garden for finally supply. - Table of lel...thins by Mr. Mewl with- the consider-a -Iron-a which influence Jabs choice :wk.:ALAI of one hundred. Thu ratite of plants according to the method of propa. g-stlon, showing. also. how mod what Omits to use for clothing the trellis the first, year, and obtaining, an iut taediatmprolludiun of ham. For Descriptive Catalogne -send two-cent stakp. ustratua Catalogue, three ¢ stamps. C. W. GitANT, S ' ' lona (near Peekskill), Westchester Co, N. Y. The Descriptive Catalogue is prepaled td - meet, the -*nuts of.the ?resent time. when.the gars tiontore ask -4.1 t• What ere the kinds of,grapes to plant, aud what. is their warner Grope Vines for tlarden and Yine) l ard, of surpassing pnallty, and :at lowest-p iceS. Yinee for immediate hearing, whichwill cover a trellis the first seasoi with hearing wool Lind a great quantity of fruit. • Vin esfur Vineyard planting of excellent %inality, and At prices scarcely :toove the cost of production. L offer vines which I tielierg cannot be appro tched in nullity Xn Lcheapnesn. . Cads se wet the new hinds of gripes have everywhere ehowit the deg:cunt' their supertority over our' former belt kinds to be no great tharlsah ella and Cats:w int have i,tlin,.st pule I front coutiiderat ion.- and it eta lora little err.ttif3 iiiK to ale to learn ,from all quartors Ali the gr.ipes which received the 'tremble's Were genirally i)Jrsieon. vines of any pruductlon, :via have hatt . dreds •if letters giving :tccuit..ts ofttrinb rn 4e of 0t 2 ,; vines in contianition with others fir production and , • speaking the cue thing. E I make An extract from a lettir by one of our most .Itstiugui,lird lortieulturaliAts%n a visiting tour in the vicinity of thrtford: :..:although I shill see you soon, and tell you 11.11 r gratifying file sight which' the excel fent pertormatice of your, , vines hate almost uniformly R-trufited Rail at ways wliep'your directions h:tve icon fol. ItlViCtl, [ cannot fotheay mentioning a few iuqunees in this letter. One is a case in Mytteliester where vines of your produetion. three years front planting. are carry ill a crop of Dela Wares that are worth a journey to be (milt by the side ;ed . those front ahother quarter. live yearn old, - for ,i'iilcla ol eiach larger price was paid, and which "re not PlLle,lifth an much weight of fruit of au int \ mlasurably / inferior quality. The purchaser showe I me, - eidcuhttion irimed up in the value of the fruit now on the vine,s, ill it your vines-were cheaper at the price which he paid than the others would have beau if he It id reileived them free with a gratuity of -;,..! each with • every rine: Mr. Nfottier vita right".vlien he decided to iih‘nt none but your belt Delawares," Hated Hartford, ept..l. 186.1. • I make another short ..xtr,.ct from n /letter from Ile.Cn•urles M.. Beach. also of Hartford: .1 lid not begot pl rot my vine:fold until atter thorough inveatigation. ailren it had le c•inie clearly appn.rent that Illy best cxrrbe sew to tray[• folly to yourjudginent. end tetermined t )f.dow your dirctions implicitly iu all pet mining to the vineyard. anal hare only to ‘uvetted that I had not takto tht.: course one or two years I have not been disappoitittid In any 'one point , except that the performance- tufs uniformly eurpaavell ntymoit4.tignine ex.pe.7ta; bet, se well a's your promise,.. I ant using my utmost diligence to get another acre rm. dy for the Fall, and malt clai in your promise to call awl see that a.l Ie rignt before I begin. The imshelA of Dela wares and thionia with which the vines are now loaded, m hen only on the .eeond year. and the exCedence and bean'y of the fruit lutVit- warmed me with an enthusiasm fro the undertakin,r, that IS not unmingled a hit grati t ode to you for Cite full and expluity directions given in your Illuntnitod C italogue and Landularks." And also by letter...l toed Hartford, Sept. 135,ASQ. A siortextract from another Mr. Beach at Ilinghamp t.lll ina.3 onto up all in one word; the vines hive perforined as only, vines of Dr C. St. - Grant a bet tbm can do. wed those from other quartets are not to bo mentimied in connection with them I wish ore ground would neconintoilate•_l,ooo instead of WO. I followed your .0 .talogue implicitly. and also at wiled Landivarkt, 1{ Ifit such guides I did not fear the result. Dated Sept; 14. 'frilly and grateendy yours." . Dea:riptive Ilattlugl e is printed on very fine pa per, and concise.' of 20 try large pages tilled with just fact'. matter as. I have thought inquirers concerning vitios would wish to find. I append the table of cor-. tentaliy which some idea of it may he forrned. It is il- Instrated with 13 engtosdlgi. It t.i . sent fora tara.e.lit stamp. ILLUSTRATED CATA.LOCII.IE.Sere th Three three-cent stamps, or less than e- aif its cost. No work has been pub island in this utintry, of what ever site, which can compare with it in aminttit of prac tical informed:Ai. It is newly' written and contains 1114117 new engravings. A.Tanzphlet of thirty-two pagne caller: TUE G.IRD- Y 1 R'S OF THE VINE, will be published luring the month with tall and definite directions for the mauilavanetit of riaes at their reception, and durum the first - years of growth and early be.tring. , Illustrated with nmity engravings for different circumstances of training. • C. W. URANT,' , lON.I. near l'l7l3li.ililL,L. Westelte.der County. N. Y. = P. S.—l would say to subscribers to Lairdni.trks, that sickness mid es entivon nected with the•war barn render. 6ed It hapciesible for mew kelp my engagementsto flaunt. The two next numberi hate been lying in type, and also -a large, part •,f this third for more -titan three months, hitt I Could not command the time to complete the pub lication. It raquirem weeks of uninterrupted attention. • 1441,1 until After the let of December I shall, not be able t•sconunnnd hours. r feel nay obligations to them. and Slave striven. dish all of nay ability. to fad fill them.— krtk nunibtayua) be extfented daring the month of NO.. - nov 4%:3-6ull C. I RANKI IN N URSERY. CIIAMBERSIWItfI. PENNA. ite subscriber Won'd invite the attentioa of the public ton very flue assortment of Fruit Ind °nutmeat:ll Trees now ready.for axle. An an inducement to plant APPLE TREES.T will plant t em It $2.5 per hundred {the selection left not much as limosible to myself) [nn 5 to 7 feet bugh. Rua well formed. I "will further guarantee the growth of them ' the par. ottasetto.lig the holes and iive the tree the after tre.f.t !next that I may direct. - APPLE 'TREES FrentC to 7 feet high. 15 cts each. 512.55 per huared. 4tq 5 feet tat owe selection. $lO per Intmlred. • Extra lame, from Kto .10 feet. 25 eta. eac - . PEACH TREES. • A itlV"tiqortntext of wellgrown healthy Peach 1'm...1. ineitaing all the lat 4 varieties, Olt - $& PER HUNDRED. A ttextra lot Seedling Peach Trees, $5 per hundred. CILE.REY TREES. 3f ost of the leading varieties tioT cultivated. and known to do well in tli year old-15 cents each. or $L$O per duz.:—Larr., - er and older tree So to 59c. each. PEAR TREES. • The Pear is now more eitensively‘planted than any , •ither f,m it tree. on accotint of its regitlar bearing. larger • enent. and longevity_ Dwarf Trees. from 20 to 50 cent , • "kick; Standards, freta 40 to 75.-ernt... PLUMS, • • _ • From 4010 00 cents each. APRICOTS. • Froth.2s tOlOcents eath.. .4 GP '4.PES. votery man now begins feel the ficessity of baoitrg- Otle or more Grape Vinesi h eardeta -land no fruit can ...be planted that will twice ainly reinnnerate him.— Ttolltivate most of the her, • varieties of the Native drape, and such as have •p red themselves valuable ,in this latitude: Isabella., Catawba. Diana. -Clinton, - Concord,' Delaware, and others. One year old Viner, from 25 to 75 cents en, hi twoyeStr obk from 50c. to SLOt , strong laysna many of which have fruited this season, from 75c. t 452.00. mittlaito PLANTS-25b, each' 5.2.00 per doz. -, :ASPARAGUS SETS-41.00 per ifundredi. BIACRB ERR' ES (Law ton)--51.50 per dozen. ..RAseamte,m,tn,variety—:r u m 50C. to $2.00 per el-Aron. ' CORRANTS(in variety)--from 50c. to $2.00 per dozen. I have a choice collection of EVERGREENS. Ornn mental Trees, and hardy Shrubs. whirl, I will sell es •clionp as they can be procured elsewhere, of the same qua Its. The following ate some of the varieties: Nor way Sprats. White S ware, American Balsam Fir. Arbor Vitaeis—eAmerican.Oidnese, Siberian, Nepal and Golden: Irish Junipers: American and European Lindens. Ma plea, Etpiren% Wiegelins, Dentzins. Motioning, Honey .• 'lunettes, and Roses. • . • All orders will be prometly at ten , f , d to. and delivered Sn Chnmbersburg. or at tbeßail ItCesuovi th ou t any oilier' ' amrgithan the alight cost of plaiting. • g 8.2,1803. ' J ACOB TIMBER, Agent, Coal , 'Limiter G. A. DEITZ . . TENCH Ii'DOWELL; E:rT7 & ' 139 VE ,14 . j rill. PAY VIE lIICHEST PRItT • IN CASH FOB' 4 FLOUR, WHEAI' ; RYE, f,'ORN, ''- 13 A 1:5; CLOVER SEED, TIMMY SEEP, ' , And all kinds of P R O D' II C E ALL RINDS OR •- S-ILT, : COAL; LU3I,BER, CEME-Af7, P 1 AS:7E'R.,, .AND SA 2+7119;:,, FOR- SALE; CHEAP FO,R -CASH, D Erne:4 .11T D S WAR - gnoUSE L AND COAL -YARD, Near the Railroad,Depot, BERSBURG, AND On • North Carlisle Street, GREENCASTLE PENI\T'A June 17.'63 NEW . FIRM -COAL!! COAL! LIMBER! LUMBER!—LEO. EBERT '&, SON, having purchased the Coal and Lumber Yard of Gehrge A. Delta. will c ,ntinue to car on the snmebusiness. and willalways haveon hand a' large supply of Lottoberand Cal. They will be prepared to fill all orde'es at the shortest notice. They respectlrdly - solicit the patron age of the late firm and the public generally.and all VaTh who may desire loot an ILu er to girs tbem a call feeling assured that no me n will be spared to octet mntiate those en the most - re, sonabla terms. June 17,'fi.3-tf: LBO. EBERT & S ,iforlxtarbing Vouoc'. WUNIIERLI.OII &HEAD, Forwaratr g and North Second Street, apposite the • imberland Valley Railroad Depot, C11A.315E11 4, 1111 Pa. Cara run legniurly to and fret» blinds,. k Baltimore. AIIENTA.--Pe.tuat-s ULLA NcHStau, No. SOS Mar ket ntreet • Pliflarl.ll.lo. I'. ' 4 .—Lykens Valley, Bret - • n Egg and Nut COAL (th rect from the mule.). W ke,har, e 'and Pine Grove FOF.NDRY COAL, LUNcI IR and SHINGLES. SALT, PLASTLB. And CEMENT. kept constantly UTI hand. FLOUR. GRAIN and PRODUCE, of all kinds, pureLmed at the highest each nrice4. cep 9, 6:1 WUNDERLICII & ,NERD. (IUMBEILL'D VALLEY WARE IL/ HOINE. The Vorwardite,-, husinesß will herinfter be conducted. by C. W. 11YSTER at the Ware houseof the C. V. Itaiireati t witere.,they hope to receive a liberal pro ram' . o DEPOV—llzhy Iz Co.. :165. )larlset St., andiohn llin2ham,lsl froward . 'Belt imorr. June 17.'63.. c. IV:itrYSTHR k CO. TIIOS. L. GILLESPIE. I , JACOB ZELLER.. GILtES.P lE. ZELLER CO.. PIODUCE AND PROV.V,I,ON MERCHANTS AND WHOLESALE GROCERS', North I,l"eat canter of and 3tartiot Ste.. phin.• [uov iS, '63 agricultural.. GRICULTITRAL TM" PLEM E. MANUFACTURERS.-IPM L. BOYER u- 21 Sixth St _and fiermantown Avenue, Philadelphia. Manufacturers of the Premium Farrar G ri.ol ill, Horse Powers me! Threshers, Circular Saw: Nliteli i ties, - Corn Shelters, ... Brain ' , Ann, - - ' - ClittivatimA, , . riarrowh, -, - Novi, . and every vtriety of approved Aurieultutal Implements. s 'Send for Circular and address - W3l. L. BOYER &BRO. July 15.'53-Iy. Philadelphia:, PREMIU3I FARM 'Grtffir,t 1 The only . reliable' trinette GI lot 1411111310. durable and efficient Oriittls all kinds of grain rapidl - 3 - % • I s adapt ed to 'torso Powers. Evers Farmer should hw e one. Price moderate. Send fer deseriritiv e Circular and address" W.V. L. ROVER k BRO., . • AgricnitarallmpletaeatManufacturers, Sixth ta.and tiermantownAcentre,Philadelphla. July z . T_RA\V 13 ETU 11, I E. , ,S ! , • ...7. AIrGI7.9T A .A 7) SEPTEMBER -. re',woot,l months flirt - gaining Frr, R AWHERitiIiS.. ' t;.eil filltnts of 19iiilittg; v:triut tee. ~ ICILSON'S ALBANY. TRIOMPH DE GAND. TIOVEY'S SEEDLING, etc ., r , t 1 he had yet the Pea n lain Nurserie. vet' I,y vldreising t .etttillendgmq bY order. , JACOit HEYS ER . ArtglP ;-- Arent. ARTHUR 11. BANDOLS.. - • m t iIiIiFACTIMER OF ROSEWOOD AND GILT MOULDINGS,' LOOKING GLASS AND PICTURE FRAMES, ' of every, descriptibn, N .Cnnx Eno I. TIMM AND e ki.LOWILISTS., - P4ll LAMM:4IO Orders to the larmt extent promptly executed. .Orders , filled by E. S. SIIRYOCK Cbanibersbnrg, Pa. sent .23 REMOVAL .—From 433 Market St. fo pittiftig.. Iron Building 513 Market and IttO Commerce Streets. More Good., than any Frotise i n th e u n it n i s lates. A. 11. FRINCISCUS... ••• • 513 MARKET' At 510 COMMERCE STS...' Keeps the l'Arpest Stock in the United Stites-of Buckets. Brooms. Tubs, Clfnrne, • Baskets. Brushes. Mats.bleasures.--, • , Clocks. Looking-Glasses. Oil Cloths and • Mrpets. 'Window Shades and Paper, • ritra,(Aute.q..• abet. War l / 4 ...,_‘nd - Al's 6. 1 / 4 ,,ottoti 'B n. NVltadittg, - Twines. Wicking,. Ropes in Goff's - anti 'Dozens, Cotton Yarns. Cotton and Litton Carpet•ohain. Our:Prices a - ill average Lower than arty other ,lioana in this city. Call and see for 'yourselves. Far further particulars apply to E. S.SURYOCE Clminborsharg. . TOICPitIiNTING, hi every style ey dune4t Offictiof tht!FITANKLINRE'POSITORY • ' ' tiicoi - of: tTaiiet .. .. DENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD! _ SUMMER TIME Ttlatt: Pee Trains baiiy to and from Philadelphia, an. and after MONDAY, APR/I, 20dh, Ina. . The Passenuer, Trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will depart front and arrive at Harrisburg and Philatlelplaa as iollaws: . . ' EASTWARD. , - - Tirnotran EXPRESS TRAIN• leaves Ilarrlsourg dallyal.2.oo A. x., and Arrives at West Philadelphia ut 6:10 . . . IrA$T L'INE leaves Harrisburg daily(except Monday) at 5.15 A. st., nail arrives at West ' hilanelphia at 9.55 ramengers take breakast at - Lit.csster. WAY AG ONIXODATLON, via Meant Joy, leaves ilarrisburg at 7 . .00 A.M., and arrives' at West Philadel, phis v.t 12 24P. x. - F AST VAIL TRAIN leaves 'Harrisburg flail y (excat Sunday) at 1,00 P:3l-,find arrives at West Philadelphia at 6-00 1.. 3f. It kltllLlitcßCl ACCOMII.ODATION TitAlNk. via ff(j..- lumbia.lear.es Harrislan - g at 4.00 P. X., send arriveS at West Philadelphia at 9 30 r. ' WESTWARD.- - li. 11ALTLMORFI EXPRKSS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except )Sunday) nf.-2.00 a. at.; AitOOMA - . 7.16 A. take breakfast. fled arrives at. Pittsburg at 110'l ti ten. YIIILAbELPIILA BXPRESSIRAIN leaves Harris burg daily at 3.00 A. at.; Alteena at 8.00 A. 11., take break fas', hnd arrives at Rittiburg at 1430 P. M. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 1.15 P.*.platt3 sapper, and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.10 A.m. FASTqLINE leaves Harrisburg at 3.50 P. at.; Altoona at 5.3.5 at.. slid arrives at Pittsburg at 1.001. Y. ACCONIMI)DATION .TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at•!.! 30 P. at., and arrives at Harrisburg-at is.uo P. Itf. WAY ACOMMOD AT lON TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 4.00 P.;31.. and arrives at Harrisburg at 9.40 P t It. Thistralu runs' via Mt..ley. SAMUEL-D. YOUNG, Supt. Middle Dii.Tenn'a B. R. 373 n e VORTIIERN CENTRAL RAIL WAY 3131E1l TIMETABLE. Terre trttiva daily to and fron Baltimore and Wash ingtori City. . . Connections ntade with trains on Pennsylvania and fokin Pittsburg and the West: TWO MAINS DAILY to and front the `North and 11 - e,t Branch t.l,usquehanna, Elmira., and all of Northern New 'York. I Ori mild after, Monday. April 2017 i, 1863, the Pamengar Trains of the Northern Central Railway will arrive at itido depart (rata .I.larrieburg.arail Behieaoreas talluwe, viz; SOUTHWARD. MAIL TRAIN; leaves Suabar:y daily (except adAy) -,•‘ • Ames Ilarrlalinrg arrives at Baltielore EXPIIESS TRAIN idavei Sunbury daily (except i.. 7 •citlay)' ''' 1.1.07 P•. u: le.tves Ifarristrarg (except ' - ,Moiulay) g. rt. 31 , ,i 'are ves nt Baltituore daily, - , (except 'Monday) 6.150 N. lIARRISIIUMG ACCO3I3IOATION tenors • i . Harrisburg, . 6..50k. N. • 1 EXPRESS LINE leaves ELtrrisharg at 2.15 A. st.. on, %I-rival of the Pennsylvania Railroad Express Train from the West.arriving.in New York at 9.30 A. M., and Phila delphia at 8.20 A..M. A sleeping car is attached to the train through front Pittsburg without change. MAIL TWAIN leaves Harrisburg„it 6.00 in New York at 5.:10. p. M., and Philitileipliiit at 1.50 P. It. PAST LINE Naves Harrisburg at 2.00 r. x., arriving in New York at 10.25 awl - Philadelphia itt 7.00 P. M. , . FAST I,T Nllleavea New York at GAO t. M.. and Pbila lelphintt arriviac at liarrisbarwat 1.15 P. M MAIL TkAIN leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and Ph iladelphin at 3.30 P. re., arriving at 11.trriaburg at 8.20 EXPRESS TRAIN leaves New York at 7.00 P.M., ar riving at Hat risbura at 2.10 e. M. and connecting - 70th the Pennsylvania Express Train for Pittsburg. A sleet) in g car is also attached to this train. ---- - Connections are made at Harrisburg with trains otit the Pennsylvania. Northern Central and Cumberlam Valley railroads, and at :tending for Philadelphia, Pats Ctlle, Wilkpsharre. Allentown, Ea:gnu. kc. ilagMige,elicked through. Pare between New Yor and Harrisburg. $5 15; between Ilarrisburg and Phila, de iphin. $.335 In No, tears. anti $3 in N0.:4. For ticketsor other i nforrnat ion n pply to J, J. CLYDE'. General Agent, Ilarrisbuilg, June7.7'63. tf: 1862. 1 WINTER ARRANGEMENT. '• BERL A ND VALLEYAND FRANKL'LIF RAILROADS!, 1- 711AN(IFI OF ITOITRS.—:On and after 31nndar,- - Igc le 17,1862, Passengne Trains titi! t doily ,u . s.(litudays excepted) 7.• c-11 - X - 31 - BERSBITRG AND HAT) ' RISBURG : A. N... P.M. H - !Hagerstown7.oo 2:181 Greencastle ' 737 ( 35 Arrive at 8.17 . 4:29 , I,ernburg (Leave at 8.30 - 12.511 Lea re g Sii ippettql llt rx - , 9,e0 1.28 .. I , :e4vvil le . 0.32 2.00/ ~ .. Carl isie - 10.10 2:4.2 '• Merlin nicsb nrg • 10 42 3.12 Arrive at ilarrielairw. 31.15 3.40 f FOR MUM P.RSBURGAND HAGER TOWN. • Le.nrei, Mechanicsburg. " , New ville, Filippensburg. r jr 10.33 ' 4.011 - Arrive at Cliaintier+burglr, 11.00 . 4.3 Leave ii'llam - bersburg 11.10 . 4.4 " Oreeueastle 11.56' 5. Arrive at Harrisburg - 12.05 6.1 ere- Making close connections at Harriebneg w 0 trains for P . biladelplits, New York. and Pittsburg., ,;,- an , with 01008.1*ot all points 'West .' 0. N. LULL, Supti R. 11 . 1 010 re. Chamberslinr z:sirv. zi 7.; 1802. 1 18& DIIILADETJPITIA ERIE ReI.ILRQAD.—This grisit line traverses the Notit err. and Northwest cuunties_of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie on Luke Erie. It has beer. lensed by the Penn-ying/1(a Raftrimd Company. and miller their 1 -inspires is being rapidly opened throughent its entire length. It is now in lute fuo Passenger !tn., Freight bIVIIT et Teem Harrisburg, to'nriftwned.( . 24l Emit 1(177 miles nr the FAS tern Di 6ii.)n. end from Siteinclid to Erie, (V mile .m the N'l"e At Mr 11DIV 1410T1 . TIWROV PASENGER TRAINS AT IFARRISBEr KAII:TRAIN lens Pi North.. - EX.PRV.SS THAlNleavesSorth, 3.00 k . Careirtint h rough wrrnoue• CHAIM e both ways _tint ee traitnaietween Philadelphia and Luck lint (m o und be t'ireenltalthnoro and Luck Ilnven, Elegant Sleeping Carson the Exprhss train bedh trim For information respecting Passenger business apply a the S.ift. Corner lathand Ilarkr.streets, ;a. • • ' Arot for Freight bus Ines bof the Comps . .ny's A gentS . S. B. Kingston, Jr:Mor-.l3thand Market a ts.Ailfult J.W. Reynolds, Brie-. J . 111 .Drill, Axent N. C .It. It +lt nit , hilore', Md. j 11.1.11.!.HOUSTVN, . GeneralFreinti Agent. Philadelphia. I ' • L.RW:IS;L. MITT. 1 - [ , General Tlcket - Ageo t. Philadelphili. JOS; D. POTTS, i junil.T,6.3j Generolpftnng#,Willtatnsport. 1 • :Edam anb *egats. 7 , ELY T 0,131000 AND SEGA STORE.—To the Citizens of Charnberiburg picintCg : The undersigned. havintrbeen compelled b m ra.Virgittla rot account of his-Union entivitent' lt: comeamong you toestabllsh t business,hotiingf b u h long' exPorlonce,atul by close att'ention, he will Me w inin generous support. His stock Mill.consist t • he beit brands of TOBACCO anaISEGARB which gel h v g ebonpas can be hadany where I n town—Don't oril the'nlace.alkp of the “little- Virginia ntiger,”op 0., be _Frank lin Beta dopr to Silty uttt:a lipok tui Fonth-east corner of Ole Diamond June 17 4863 .* t all,k,,t,hl; „fttli s p /0.10 A. M 6.35 ?.St 9.15 A. M. 1.15 r. M. 4.05 r as. 9,15 P al. 1.35 .1.11- 3.00 a It! 5.38 A.x 2.55 P. M 7.30 P.ll ffice, in Penn Y, Gen. Supt 'E.—Three iladelphia. the Passenger •ading Railroad EASTWARD WESTWARD P.M 5.05 1: 8.47 44.27 10.82 c.a.ntrll Annoni ; 1 pl 3 1 6: of tribei. It,EADING ItAIL ItOAD.--WIY TER- MIKA NOEMKN I T.. ' (AK,EAT TRUNK. LINE from the North and North weilt fat Philadelphia; New 'York. Reading . . Pottsville, Lebanon, Allentown.D4ston; An.. At. ' Trains leave IlarrisSurg for Philadelphia, NewtOrki Reliding4,Pettsville,and allintarmediatestations.atS.oo A. i.. and '4 200 P. M. ' ' , . . ... :NV York Express leaVes Hartilsburg.at 3.00 A. 71, ar ia T r iLg rr a o t m N i e l w ar Y ri 4 i i b rk ur a g t : lo T . , l ; N t e ll iv e n Y n ! n irk e STlrsnzillgo.Pß'lla delphiaS3.B.s and $2.50. 11aggage ch'sched through. ' Iletukning;ieave New York at ft A. x.. 12 Noon, and 7 pl. 3f.. (Pittsburg Express arriving t it if wrisburgat 2 , A. *.) Leave . Philadelphia at 5.15 A. H.. and 3.30 P. M. , Slesphig ears In the New 'Volt Ex pressT rain s t hrough , to arid front Pittsburg without change assengers hy.theCatawissa Itailroad I eave Tamagni , at .50 A. K., and2.l 6 P. sr., for Ph iladelphia.New York., nn m . i in ll loitvo' ld way Points. rt ville at 0.15 A. x..and 2,30 P. if.. f..)i' 1 Phladelphin, liarrisburit and New York. , n Aeeinnaindation Passenger train leaves Reading at.' 0.3 A. M.. and retiirnifruterPhiladelphin at 4 30. P. x. G.X. - * AU the above mains run daily, Sundays ei cei ted. . a Sunday train, haves Pottsville at. 7.30 A. x:, anti Philadelphia at 315 PI x. Commut.atk.n..sllleage.Seawm,and EgeuraionTicketa reduced rates to and front all points. - 80 Ths.Baggage allowed each Passenger. il:ec 1863-tf fir- ~...,,,,..~......,, O„HRINER'S BALSAMIC COUGH Li) SYRUP.—For oau7s, o adds, Croup. iVhoopintt tugh, Asthma, Bronchitis , Spitting. Blood, Pain and Weakness of the Breast, Difficulty 'of sfreathing, erc. this is 130 new remedy, 9 t has been used fora num ber of years In Slarylaud and parts of Pennsylvania; aitd has wherever known, acquired an unprecedented reputation for curing Om various diseases for which it is rgcommended. 'lt is used by all classes of society; and the universal - opinion is that It is good. This Fr/rap is:pardy f'egeta•- I,le ampottntl. It is pleasant to take, and never-does injury. But, owing to its purifying qualities. must do good under any-circumstances. Ito effects are truly wonderful, soothing, calming; and allaying the most violent rouges. purifying, etreengthing and utrigoratink t / 8 whole ,system, catmint: and ,southotg the nerves, aiding and facilitating expectoration, and - healing the ' DISEASEID• LUNGS. Tine striking at the root of dresses, and driving it from le system. • CROUP. tI I - '.fli - is diserse is announced by difficulty of breathing' rill whistling or wheezing, haCkitig cough and threat. enednutlimatiom .1:c. It mostly occurs in young chil iireu. No child need diem croup if this Syrup is pre *gay until and used in time. Mother's !haring croupy. pFdren should watch the first show of thedinease, and 'ways keep tins rernetlyat hand. . • ' ' . ur cough after measles this Syrup is most excellent. 3xperience has prdven that it is equaled by -uo other preparation. The price of the remedy i an to place it within .he reach of all, the pout I l i - , 11 as the rich, and every lernotikhould have it. Every - person ohoultt have it in t hobbits& It is a true ?Ind f.l.4hful friend_ to all who value health and wish to secure themselves against; that gust terrible diseaS'e. Xonsureption. Itwill befound the moat usciul as well na the cheapest flintily medicine in the world. It has been need forthe last four years with a anecess without a parallel: , IPrice .10 cents per bottle, or three bottles for $1.141 Prepareepy , S. A. FOl-Ix7. Sc BRO., • ' - Westminster, ild. 1 For sale by MILLER. & lIENSIIEY, and J. S. N IRON, 'Charnhersburg, Pa., and Storekeepers every-where VO UTZ'S CELEBRATED HORSE AND CATTLE POWDEUS.—These Powders have proved, after a trird'cif several years, to be superior . to any preparation of the kind used. The chit.f superiority of these Powders arise from the fact that they are &im posed of Medicines that have Laxative, Tonic and Puri fying properties. The Laxative ejected cruditreS from the stbmach and intestines; the Tonic gives strength to the system of the gorse; and the purifying medlcfnes contained in them cleanse the blood, and lay the fonn dation for a healthy and vigorous circulation. The,lise of them improves the wind, 'strengthens the appetite and gives the horse a Eme, smooth and glossy, el , in—thus improvi II the Appearance, vigor and spirit of the nate These Powders are not intended. as most powders are, to bloat the animal, so as to give him the appearance pf being fat whets not really so—hut to remove the &Sento and promote his general health. These Powders will strengthen thestomach andintefi tines. cleanse them from offensive matter and bring 'them to a healthy state. They are A prevention of Lung Yev - er. and a certain remedy- for all diseases incident to the dims?, as tilalidera, Yellow Water, Distemper. Founders. heaves. Slavering, Coughs. Fevers, Loss of Appetite. and 'Vital Ehergy, 'sze.' These Powders if used two or three timtw it week, through the winter, and spring. your Horse will navorget the Lung Fever, Colic or Botts. A few doses of these powders will remove tbn -worst Cough on any Horse. Were owners of Horses to feed afew of these Powders every year they nii t ,ht mive the lives of ninny valuable Horses. MIMI COWS —The properties this Powder possesses in increasing rho quantity of milk in Cows. gives it an importance and value which should place it in the hands of every person keeping la Cow.—ln fattening Cattle, it gives them an appetite. loosens their hide, nod makes them thrive niuch faster. hOGS.—In all diseases of Swine. as .Cieughs.l7lcers in the Lungs and Liver, by putting from,hnlf n paper to a paper of these Potedersi in a barrel of swill, the above disease can - be cured or entirely "prevented. By using these powders the (log Choleraiciin be prevented... Pre pared by S. d. FOC.F.Z it BRO., Westminster, Md. For Sale wholesale a. 4,1 retail, by' MILLER 'S SJI Et. and J. S NIXON, Charabersburg, 1,1.1 ,itAro keep"err,4l everyu here.' Price 2.5 cents per piper, or five papers fOr $l. BM VOTITZ'S MIXTURE.—Is 'a safe and reliable Renledy for the cure of Rhuimatism Pumfui Nervoils Affections. Sprains, Barns. Swelling and all disease requiring an external applicntion oh Man. On Horses it wilbneVer fail to cure Pole-exit Fistula. old running Sores, or SU eeny. if properly For' sprains, bruises, seratclics, cracked hoofs, chafes, saddle or collar Gall, oils or wounds, it is an infallible remedy.' Try It, and be con vlncod of Its °Nosey. RHEUMATISM. Persons afllicied with this disease, no matter of how longstanding, mm hepromptly am! effectually ctrod• by using this mixture. • There is nothing th the world so sure and so good. to ,tako away bad Gores and.eure Prost Bib,' AP this preparl. ation. 'fry it and satisfy yourselves. Price lis and 50 cents per bottle. - Prepared by' . 4 S. A. POUTZ k ARO., Westminster.-Md. For rd E. by MILLER & lIENSILEY, and 1. B. NIXON, 4 amberaburit. Pa., and,Sturekcepern every wh crp. itlainting, elating, ';'.,•cl = RARNARD. T. FELLOWS, • notpsK AND SIGN PAINTSR MINER, GLAZIER, AN]) PAPBg HANGER, SHOP In the Old Arrn'' ory Building, (up stairs,). next door to "Old JO," Pcifer A Foltz's ' • •Carriiige Mapatfactory,- opposite _ Br ovres hotel, and COAXER OF,. sEcoNi? AND MARIrET STS., ' • , ' • Chambursburg, Pa. I respectfully take this melded of thanking 'tile citi zens of Chenthershurg and vicinity for the veryliberal patrOnage I have received at their bands for the past year, (My first Year in this place.) and flattering myself that I have done, aitd and' am 'still prepared to d0,1 , 11e very best work in toy li oe. I solicit aeon - tin - name o f poet titer. , - - u. T. PELLOW3 p. 3, I respectfully refer to any Of my patrona--.Truam 4; yrie . r. WM .Mc Imam'. Col.A. R. McClure. Rev. Mr, Niccolls, Presbyterian Church, Dr.ilicßatds.Dr.Fisber; of MAili3ffer f.: CO'.; German Herd Measdnger. J. Alli4os & Ertel'', Win. C. Plater, and any others for whom I have done work—for character of work done, and expedition I • June Ci; '63 tf, : 4' • • - LI!. F. 1863.1 liestaurants. - Y RANKLIN HALL RtSTATIR ANT.-311,11.T1N' BROWN, PrOprietor. This vrell nowu Eating Salamis fitted spin elegant style, and the undersigned is prepared to servo up FRESH OYS TERs. PIM(iItOGS: TICIP.G, COMMIS; TURTldt an d GLAlil S ' OUP, and Game of all kinds. ' W.A.SIIABAtiGrII'S AND LUDWIa'S ALE, - - constantly on hand. • - ,, , He respectfully asks a col-Wm:lanes of the patronage so liberally be4towed by his friends and thispubl lc. JUne I i',!63. I. . , If ARTW.BROWN. pARTNERSIIIP.--Notice is here bygiven that the undersigned have entered into partnership in the Hardware and Cutlery brtainees at, the, old stand of Myers' &Brame, where 'lvo are prepared to furnish oyerythingin our lineAut cheap as any other house in the county. Special indacementare'offered for cash as our motto will be quietlsales and short profits,' JACOB S. BRAND. GEORGE FLACIic 2 - obt .1,'63--oetl4 f.IIIT,,NDS' . of Solcliel;s in the Ser • rice, or in ricapitale, can furnith ihent , with ' the • RRPOSITOItY three monthq for 25 cents; six. monthafor 50 cents., or one year for $t 00. 101fAIND-BILLS, from the largest to. _I L L the smallest, in plain or fancy colorif t ijrinted, a! , the office or thurRANXLIN POSITOXY. _ , NICCOLLS, Genera) Superintendent Mebirat. 11) rn ti - s t r lit . xTEETH INSERT -KW , BARE.—DR. N..seliLOSSEß.,'Ofilentill at his mai l Witt on EAST MARKET STREET, near theOrmtkiltr Rsil roil& Dentistry in ell its branches attended to with all - the - modern improvements. Having pnblisherl" to this conunnitity for more .than two years. that teeth on Amber is in every way CHEAPER AND ItKIT'EII thin teat,'" on any other material.l would say rhat I still see no reason to change my opinion. for there are many per s'ons' in ebstobersintrg mut vicinity for. whom I have inserter' teeth on MOE tt who can, testify to-theer Mtge. rior merit. - „ • , • IC II: All Wort warranted to'gire entiefnettnn. or ho ehnige. Teeth extracted without pain with perfect anfety Withent,talting- Chloroform. - For harther-fnfor tnntion ntthe Office, [June 17,1 sea, 1)R. - W. W. SCHLOSSER, Surgeon Dentist.—Theanderotined'htis removed his Office from the Mansion House ,tothe residence of nr. John Nnel,Northlveiit corner of the Dlamnrid. and Immedi ately opposite, the Franklin Hotel. Office on the so condffnor•=tinfrance through the passage,to the right as yen ascend the,stalrs. • = Jane 17:1883. • '•• • Cii*:Selrl;OSSEß. .01 E - MOVAL:-,br. REID, Den. art, has removed his office "Dan • the corneror the Public Square. where he proctlied so nanny S , enrs, to the corner : of Din in add Queen Streets; Molt Wm. geyser's Drug Store.Chainbelsburg;Pa.:Wheee he will b'epleaied o receixe the c alle: of his tr4ends., • " [Junwn,iQl33. ,Srelro. c` J ANDRETH'S Aameu LTUR AT, T3IPLEMENTS AND 'SEED WA:REHOTISZ. 21 and :2,& goittit•Sizth stideet- , Philadelphia. DAVID Lkziettlerti A Sox, Proprietors of Blooineda e, Mitch contains neat four hundred scree, in high filth, levoted to the production of GARDEN SEEDS., are now orepared to stipply BOUM Vy. • Itlettlants, Drugglatis • ;IV otherkwho deal in Seeds, with large or small quan tities;orluishel,atAt oleo in paPerli made ready for retailing. - '2l4Establisliment represented by David Londieth tion.luts been foundedltetirtyy 4 of a century. Thviviitlesprsitdpopularity,and the deinTad ilaCreant ingfrom year to year, for ' LANDRETH'S WAREENTED GARDEN'' SEEDS evidence of the high vhluc entertained fc lb em •by the public. Landreth's Garden Seeds rtre not only favorably' -ielied throughout the Unionrbirt are chipped to many foreign ports. Indeed,it may be stated with national bride thatthey come intoactive _comp e titi on W ith Sag. I ishSeeclon British Soil. David Landreth ASoninvitealltiyhoare hot already ,turchnsers of their GardellSiseds. to make a-trial of hem—assured that o:m3:i - will:he found fully equal to heir high relmtatlorl- , Landreth's Rnral,Register and Almanac‘containine iataiogne of a ardert with - instructions, fitruished male. Also—catalogue of Agricultural Implements. DAVID LANDRETH si SON, N 05.21 and 23 Sou tb Gtb 3 t,,ph mug. 12,',i3Hy JlikbicaL TO T4E LADIES OF AMERICA LY(syS PERIODICAL DROPS, LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS; LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS, LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS, THE GREAT 'FEMALE REMEDY ! THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY ! THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY!! THE GREAT FictrAme LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS LYON'S -PERIODICAL DROPS LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS ARE BEMIS. THAN PILLS! ARE BIs'TTER THAN _PILLS! ARE BETTER THAN PILLS! ARE BETTER THAN PILLS I Lyon's Periodical Drupe are THE ONLY PLUID'PREPARATION THE 'ONLY nirrn PREPARATION Tm ONLY FLUID PItE.PARATION VIE ONLY FLUID PREPARATION ever branght b.fore the pul*eiZand as a diuretic and spocific tor irregularifi;es, chsllonges •be world to pro- duce an equal; they aresin the most °ballast. cases, RELIABLE. AND SURF; TO DO GOOD! RELIABLE. AND SURE TO DO GOOD! RELIABLE, AN-DIGER TO DO GOOD! IiELIABLE, AND SURE TO DO GOOD! AND CANN'OrDD HARM, AND CANNOT DO HARM, AND CANNOT DO ITARM, AND CANNOT DO UAW, li 'SF THE DIRECTIONS ARE ADHERED TO I - IF 11.13 DIRECTIONS-ARE ADHERED TO! IF, T . DIRECTIONS A' ADHERED TO _ IF TH - DIRECTION'S ARE ADHERED TO! $ . SAYE AtALL, ;WES! • SAFE 'AT 'AU IEBI ' " SAFE AT,ALL w. I• _ ' ; . SAFE AT 211. - LL TINES! . . . . „ except when expressly forbidden In the directions which are wra'nped amai], each , bottle. and Ave the written' 'signature of Dr. JNCs; r, , .• LYON• upon them - 'So,;lsrp OTHERS-ARE CiENVINg 1 , . NONE,OTHERS -ARE, GENUINE! NONE OTHERS ARE GENUINE - NONE'CIitIERS - ARE GENUINE _ . . TIEWARE OF COVNtER.FEITS I -•, I , -- BEIFARE ORODUNtERFEITS! BUWARE OF-COUNTERFEITS kR I E OF COUNTERFEITS! They cureMl those ills•to which the female - syatera iK sutlipcted with dignitch and ft. degree of tertainti Which nothi•lfblitn scientifically graurnaiuled Bold preinua. thin could reach.'{• .• , - MR YO OTHER .OSE NO OTHER ! USE NO OTHER; ESE NO' OMER I, •li . orntS. Drops stand before the. world as the ne , plu ultra of ail remedies, fottlie care of all disenses - of tho 'kidneys it , d bled ler: Lentoreah.frolapens.andthemild htt positlYeeorrectien of ell ir,regmkarit,ies. . - . . DO NUT BE IMPOSED upol9 DO NO'T'BE Ilfrostli 'minx , •. . DO NOT - BE imPosEvirem,t!. _DO NOT BE:IMPOSED UPON . rtiose who have other preparations, which they sire to palm oft upon the strength of the porryarity of my Drops, an;l who tecommendtheirown noitrtnni, thus idprnprlnt Ing to themselves the consbint demand for my Per'odicni Drop:LIM a medium foi selling moth ething athkit is.wortbless awl irieflicient; But wheictA u D rug . Fist you apply to has not got them,, elthsr make him buy them for you: gr. ehe enclose one Boller - to thermal . - . `est general wholesale agent, who will :return you a bottleby return Express: Ydu will thus strive yourselves trouble and oblalu re lief from the_greatest Female Regulator of the Niue teenth Century. ' . . , .• - , . , Orer2s,oooDottles of this Medicine, hare been sold. *within the last six motitbt;. arid very Lady that lase toed them„bnt for the nature of the cure , •fentfid furnish as with her sworn, certificate of their efticpcy—lt takes but one Dollar tointikc the experitneo, and I opeatto thoit of your set: who are sufferhig- r will 7on'-watitb gtieyon instant r e 1 et. f array wheii a single Dollar will . Prowl:Rl achely 4ti0.1,..,49n, ?rutleirq stelrtn. - - .•, . . . - „ . . ... 'Price It per bottle. • - • " • , i • C. G. CLAii : ll. & .4, .'a - , Wholeeele_Dz uggia4,lgew livep,,Con, 1" 0 pit oral. NioTO s for Mid (.(1 4tateti and Cinides, For Salon% Vibebiesle by , I - - ' ' .. ' * \ D. 8. BARNIIB, &, CO., New Fork: • • G.Eq. C. oocrovvrzt do co ,Bobton. - .• JOIINSI'O4,..II4LLOWAY & COWDEN. sept 2a,' 133 -6 , 'irj) ' -1. iilforth etxtb et.. ph Ga. WAIENTSof Su.dier§ me Ser !ice, or in nospittiis, cantarnish thein with the' `DEPOSITORY three month!! 3.2.5 cents; six monthalbl' 60 cents, or one sw4.lbril.tlo. SERMiI 122 • ••• TT Ali T - `7s - :AtrsiNEp COLLEGE. _ rroy of Tenth and -th 'airs! Sri#4, , •• PIILA•DELP•III.A, • _4 VtDEA TEM 311(.7,CAUTTMT .0T : , , L. I' A - LR1311:15 . .11' . 8; , - .• kn- the ;stet' font years, Principe' and chief buslaes , iw manager of Ilryeat a Stratton ' s Commercial College.' I A :J9DEL IfI7SINE9S COLLEGE, Conductid one new system ot,Acttial Business Training through gge Mstablishment * of legitimate Officeti apt Counting-tfouse, rppresentin g different departments "of Trade and Commerce, and a regular 'Bank of Vex:mitt, and Issuq giving spe..tuilent all the advantages of apttt• pl practice.mnd qualifying, tdm In the shortest pogisible time and most effeetive,manner for the carious dntigio and employments of business life. , The Cqnrattp9S instruction in tile Theoretical 'Depart ment einbaFea BoOIF-keeping, Contarrcial Lectures on Butiness Affairs, Peameris7ap, Connieer r ei4 Laws. Lhrrespon deaee In the r IIDSTPrESS DEPADT3IENT ' the stuoenters iiiicizi the 'Gina:ll4i ng Cdit rhi. Whieft inclUdes a ntinnationtntheaboie studies. with their I:4 t practical a lication in 01 their details.. Ile will in turn Ali the position of Accentihint and ProprfetOr lit' l the vnribiti Departnerite 'of frioittitle tend Rsiail Tradej Forwarding. Jobbing, and' Cbmnlission Butimiss, Bank ing. Alantiflcturiwg,-•Mining,• JS'ilea;trodting, CFc., and , finally will act Irßashier, Book keeper and, Tetier in the Bank, in ii....ch of which pdsitione hle ineilous knowledge Will be pot calla, fattest pthtitieal teat. =,- if This Institution:Offers to young men numerotut **- can t nges not poesessedhy-anyother'commercial college _. intho State. -It in complete in 'lll its appointments. It in - the only InstlintiMi in the State conducted on acinal ~. bnsinessywitictples.%,The course of instruction ta tift• Burp sned, and may he completed inL about one half the thee usually spent in other institutt.us. inconsequence of an entirely new' arrangement, and the *Option 'of • . . the new practical system.. . D'plomas awariod.upon -the completion of the Cirei. 17176akcaarst0",.11/91. embraces all except the Mete , * sets of Flanking, Manizfaciuring, Railroading, cit.': • deod-ly . .. , .. Bend for a Circular.„ ' (I.II..A.MBERSFURG SEMINARY • k . ,/ FOIL YOUNG LADIES.—The fall session has cote menced. but hem-demean. enter at any time. and will he clutrgraraccordingiy. There is room for two more boar ders only. Dity-scluders, entering' the Met ,or _second week - in October, will be chargedfor, font-fifths of a 'ses sion. Those who comdi cute shortly may not he ,too late for the new studies of the session. A large attendance, both in the primary and academical departments, give evidence of an interest in the school not au twigged In any former period: Miss S. H.Cartis. assistant in the highemiepartmen C. bears' testimonials of her eminent fitne'ss to Instruct in the liigherbranchen.from aSentOgy in the West. where slip taught for several years. Me primary department is ,chiefli.runder, the - care. df fdiaa C. IL Mosey, the effects of whose energy add fficiency sppearin the flourishing condition of the department: Mims Z. C. De Forest is well known nil an able and exile. rierteral teacher of music. TUTTION.—Fr - 4n $8 to $l5 per sessionof tire months, Boarding, $6O. ' ' , TEACIIEDS FMINISHED.—ScIionIs and need of teachers. can hear - of yenng ladies well guall fled, chiefly ;andantes of the institation. bt - hddressing sep +35-M1 Ite! 11BNAT REEVES Principal. pHAMSEESBIJEG ACADEMY. , REI,ITTED AND REORGANIZED. commence a new quarter on Thureday. grtr. Large :ulditions hare been made to itt , already extenstre apparatus. a full and efficient corps of teachets hns !been employed and no pains or expense spared .to tenderou re 'moor the first instittitiorts of learning in the coithtt% Part lent ar att eid ion paid to Teachers and young mint wavering: (r College. " - A Primary Department for little Boys and Girls has been opened in - thaAendemy4nderchargee IlcaSchtso ly. in whickthe elements of Spelling; Beading. 'Writing, A ritiineetie. Brogroiphy and 43 Taanla r tie thorongbly timght . - ,yeition in this department, $3 pik quarter. - For farther particalarssend feir efrettleit or apply to time Principal_ PACtitTY. Hriare,Y,PrlncipM., A.CIStRYLEI3I. A.. U. Latin and ; A. M.TRLYTIVER,CommerciaI Department, Mnsic, Drawing and Principal Primary Department. . . Mks SARAH FLORY, ARRferint in Primary Department - _Chamberahnrg,elug.,l3, '63,, - Ifirp 1111(1Fattp Izootro.' GREA_T , BA-RGAI NS FROM NEW YORK AINTIONS I I AT WALLACE'S, • • CORNER OF sfAlir AND• :• QGEEN STREETS 'NeWatyfe;fosavnbiques, - • , .; • Diana