:8 trauldin ?Oohing. AGRIC&TURAL. ACYRICULTURAL - ADV.ERTISEMENTB.- , —The itUtiort of our Agricultural readers is difected to `he following advertisements in this paper : ' ' JACOB HEISER, Franklin Nurseries,neurCham bersburg. Fruit and Ornamental Trees of all • kinds. Vinett and Strawberries. D. STROCK. Chambersbarg. Wngons and Agrienl ,' Aural Implements of all kinds. Wfti. L. BOYER & BRA., Philadelphia. AR kinds , of Agricultural Machinery and Implements. ' :ABRAHAM—at:Th. Cliambersburg. Every do seription of Plows and Castings. 'DAVID LANDRETH 44 SON. Philadelphia. Ag ricultural Implements and Garden Seeds. W. GRANT, lona, near Peekskill, Westchester oonnty,.N. Y. - Grape Vinw. 'PETER COOK. Tannery in Fayetteville, private sale. C. METCALF, Steam Tannery and Farm in Mont gomery township, private sale: • AUGBLINBAUGH & WOIiLEY, Tavern Stand, cot • Market and 'Second sts.. Chambersbnrg. private sole. JOHN W. TAYLOR, Indian Queen Hotel, Cbatn bersburg. on Friday..Tannary 1,1664. SAMUEL C. KRIDER, small Farm' in Antrim tonraiship,private sale. MAGDNEENA - POTT. Farm. Mill and Store Rolm known •as "Hanover Iron Works," Fulton coun ty, private sale. JoHN MIDDOWER. Farm in Quincy township. private sale. FEDDE FINRRN,•F.srm in Fulton county, private *sic. WM. L. MACKEY; Farm iu Metal township, Pri yore Fide. 111.1NRY HOKE. "'Fulton House," and 31 Acres rd' Land,'M'Connellsburg, private sale: SAMUEL. MYERS. Farm in Antrim - township, nriyete sale until Janunr.%. IS, .SAMUEL KNISELY. Lot ofXrciiind and' Brick Dwelling, Chambersburg: on Sliturday, Jan. 16. TUE AGRICULITHAL COLLEGE OE PENNSYLVANIA. We have the catalogue 0, cots and students of the gricultural College of Pennsylvania, for the yeai , 1863. This Institution las now been in' successful *ration for several years, and has pupils in the gradu ating class'; 29 in the second class; 48 in the third class; the fourth .class;' 24 in the prinfary department, and 11 resident graduates—in all 142. The faculty is headed by Evan Pugh, ,and embraces_ a Complete list of pro fessoris in the various branches of En glish eduCation. We believe that ev erything taught in our collegiate in stitutio9s. emtepting only the lt,,ngua, ges, is t- , u , ellt la the Agricultural Col- loge. 1t is under the ,direction of a u. rd -of 'Trustees. of which Hon. .Fr..derick Wat 6-- is President -- ;:, B. C. asurer, - and M. Thompson h '; ,, vcrnor and Seere tziry Cie Commonwealths and the President of - the State Agricultural ,Society, are ex-officio members of the Board. \ There are four chaplains con nected with the 'lnstitution, and NSn perintendents - for all - -the various de . partments on . the faliff, garden, nur sery Se. _ r , '^i The,lllll eourse of studies embraces four vears ; but students can enter at . • any time and any part of the course; depending upon their advancement. The college year for 1864 will Com mence Wednesday the 24th of Feb ruary, nnd'end on the 14th of Decem ber. 'Students intending to enter this Institution are advised to pay partic ular attention to Grammar, Geog raphy and all the common English branches. Applicants must be sir teen years old: must be able to pre sent satisfactory certificates of good. moral habits, and must conform strict ly to all the rules and regulations 44f the Inititution. The sum of $l6O must be paid in advance on entering, which, with the labor rendered, cov ers all expenses of boarding, tuition, Washing &c. for the annual term.— Applications may be made directly" to . Thige Watts, the President, or through the Agricultural Society of the coun ty. Students must rise at a parpen lar hour every morning, make their' own beds and put their" own rooms in order before breakfast; attend ptinetuully .to all their duties in = the recitation room,- laboratories &c.; at- tend devotional exercises every S da,y , In • the chapel, and pay for a daMages done to tools, implements •&c:. itvantonly. All intoxicating liq uors,are rigidly excluded from the stUdents._ All the labor of, the farm. 'containing several hundred acres, .is 'done by the students, who, spend, a, part,:of . each day at work and part_ at their studies. Thus the plowing, soiting, harrowing, reaping,- thresh ing/ hauling%manure, making fence, keeping the horses, cattle and stables in 6rder, are all performed by the pu pils;"so that by the time they are rea , dytsx graduate tliey should be excel lent Engli, scholars and thorough sefimtificfarmers. In the list of stu ivnts we notice but one from Frank lin county—J. A. Mc€lay of Green _ • village. The ,A.gricultural College of Penn sylvania is located in Centre county, toarßellefonte. Thu land is of th - • best quality and is in n high state of cultivation. The State has been boun tiful4n her appropriations, and excel lent Inildings for all necessary purpo ses have Just ,been completed, so that - the Institution can now, for the first time, be considered fairly under waY. It is certainly a most _creditable In stitution for our •State„ and as a place of education for tho'se who; intend to beeoinc farmers; it 'stands 'altogether _unequaled. With the usual collegiate branches are taught in the mostprao tical manner,, not only Ag,ricultura' Science, but also that frugaiity,methot and industry which are indispensible to the success of farmers. To Judi( Watts the State is very greatly in debted for this College, and it stil I remains largely under the direction o his comprehensive and practical mind Tent American Agriculturist is the best and cheapest Akriculturaljourn al in the 'United States, and-every far, mer should have it. We havo never seen a single number of it that tires not worth fully the subscription price fora year to any practical farmer. It contains thirty-two large pages in each copy, and is furnished at the low price of $1 le single subscibera; six copies for $5; ten copies for $8 -Or ange Judd 41, Park Row, -New York. the offi FC. BOYD, `Regititer and Reeor , der of Franklin County, in account with the laUla won weal th of Pennaylvania: , . 1882. . c In.: Dec. 11. Itec'dor Estate Christian Shupp..„ $lO 63. 186 " 4, Jot eph Kriner 42 84) , . 4 26. ' " .' 4 lcuts Dougal 112 5- 4. gr. 4, " Rub't H. 'Anderson 86 4 1863. • - Jan. 13. " - " - Wsn. D. Pattoroon 13. " . 4 . Henry Bites " " John d0wer5......... 34 " -" , David Royer 199 & fob. 5. " " , 'Samuel Itadebaugb 7400 0 . " 5. ' 4 " Jane Scott 12 May 5. " , " 'Animas L.81e5.... -147 2 " 13. " " : Samuel Badg.bingn 397 7 4S , 22 . 44 .' NdWilArd I, Secnot.. 42,6, if tl . Si 41 25 ~ 30. ~ ‘• Jacob Dime 28 V. Jane 4. . " - Mary Jack. 403 0 Jnly 2T. " „- " Julio Miller '49 9 , .. 27„ 4. .4 • " 4 . 51 44 . 241, " 44 Isabella Marshal... 59 0 Aug. 22. " " Henry Myer 5......... 105 8 Get. -- 4. " " Simon W Davies- 52 11 .. ~, 7 . 4. ,1 Catharine Beatty-. 4,590 7 James Beatty 2,478 8 o 27. 44 4 4 • Jane Burns • 109 5 • " in, 'a- .." Isabella Thompson ,59 6 6 20. " " Samuel Gilmore.— 292 8 Nev. 18. " " ' Susan Kline 59 8 . .21, 4 , " - Illizabeth Boal 213 9 4.• 23, o " Geo.Lebreaster...... 774 7. , -4 . George and Clara Wallace 135 0 i CR, Dee. &Raid Wm. 'E. 31'llusrell, appraising kstate of Christian 6 Imp? $1 l'u,'- " " 18. Paid P. IVGarrey, appraising .Ihistote i 1803.3 Joseph Kriner 3 lio Jan. 15. Paid Jahn Immel, appraising Rataie of George and Clare WaNace - 3 4t) Feb. 5. Paid A. N. Rankin, appraising Rstate -1 i ' of Jane Scott. 170 liar. 10. Paid State Venal:war 2,195 56 April 15. Paid Atckison Ritchey, appraising Estate of Thomas L. Ithes.t..— .... 31ar. 9. Paid George 11. DaTiason, appr aising 1882 Ilstute oiJobn Rowe. flay 19. Paidbam9M. Arinstryng surveying and appraising Fatal e1:41,11%u Jack " 13. Paid William W. Britton. appraising Estate'of Isabella Ifarshal— June 6. Paid-State Treasurer-- ..- .Itug.l2. Paid John Wilhelm, appraising Es tate of Simon W. Rup .. ... Aug. 10. Paid Ron. Jas. L. Black, appraising Batate of Nancy I. rawlbrd • Zep. 21. Pa3d 'Ron. Jolla Orr, appraising Es tate of Samuel (Elmore - " 23. Paid State Treasurer Oct. 3. Paid Jacob Garter, appraising - Estate of Isabella Thompson 3. Paid John tiyasong, appraising Z. tate of Sarah Bobo " 12. Paid David Piper, appraising Estate of George Pab.uutster " 17. Pald B. B. bavisea. aiprabing tate of Catharine Beatty " 17. :7 a. B. Davison, appraising Er fate 0f.7 amen Beatty " 26. aid W. Sind, appraising Zatate of Pusan Kline 28. Paid David. Piper, appralainc )state of Jane Btlthi 28. Paid Joan& Wingsr, appraising Es tate of Henry Myers Nov. 4. Paid A. L. Coyle, a ppraising Estate of John Nuance I. Paid David Wertz, Jr., appraLting Es tate of Elisabeth BoaL 25. Paid A. 8. iretallob, appraising Zs tate of Elizabeth . . ..... ." 27. Paid Col. James G. elder, appraising Estate of Mary Jane Water " 30. Paid John nowo, Esq., appraising Yr tate of Mary Raker - Dec. S. Paid State Treasurer - Commission on $12,5/3 /2 at 5 per ct. i lhe undersigned, Auditor &populated by the Court Of Catomon Pleas of Franklin county, hiving examined the aceunats of Yulward 0. Boyd, Regliter and Recorder of said county, in relation - to the matter of Collateral In heritence Tax, hereby certifies that the foregoing Is a correct statement thereof for the fiscal year ending the 3dth day of November, A.D., 1863, and that there Is new due Edward C..Doyd.fromtbe Commonwealth, t be above billance,s63,M. [dec3o] ,G. G. BEILHAMMIt, Auditot. rUMBAUGH & .CARLILLE. FINAL NOTICE. 15persons indebted to the firm of Stambaugh & Car dsle. either on Book Account or Note, are hereby noti fied that nniess settlement he made on or Wore the nth day of January, 1864, wait will then be brought on each • ery Account or note unpaid. Mr. Carlisle has been dead for more than two yearn, and in order that the business of the firm, and the estatest said decedent, May be settled up, I em compelled tostidopt this course. dec23-.3t.] s -N. 8. 8113184.1/011. Surviving partner of Stambaugh & Carlisle VOTICE.—AII persons knowin‘r I, th ottseives' indebted FOR FEES in the ItROI 4 TRit AND RECORDER'S OFFICE. will please sett'e the same without farther notice, as my term of Attlee hue expired. My books will be at, the Register's °dire or th 3 present. [doelel E. C. BOYD. WALNUT - Gs! FARMERS TAKE - NOTICE We will give 12 cts per solid _ T T or;cabic foist fur LARGE WALNUT LOGS of good quell , tyi.delivered at our Mill. The logs must measure 20 timbal - or more in diameter, fourteen feet from the stump -Fir which case we will take the whole tree up to 10 incip's diameter. We will also. make SPECIAL CONTRACTS fmextra good trees. Those terms are offered taut th e Ist ht. April next: dee 30.3 m ' SIMPLER, CLARK # CO. WANTED.—A Steam Engine of shOnt twenty name power. Also a 'Saw Mill Carriage and gearing. Any person having any of the above articles_ fdr sale will find a pnrchaserby addreesing thaii Office. [Deo.2,-Bt. W...k.NTED=An Apprentice to learn the TINNING business. Enquire - at - the RE POSITORY GEire. , , fl-tr. ANTED.---A: Good Journeyman CABINET MA KEIL • Steady employment given Enquire Millie Office. • 0ct21'63-tr ( 2 100 ' will pay fok the PEPOSI • TORY one year to bee e ti'4o Soldier in toe Berri... C ARDS printed in 'every 'eiyip, flt lowe.t rgee,,,t the office of the FRANKLIN /TOir• Sinancial $.2,.,55 1 1 $12.616 41 12.03 12 Wants. franklin Ittpcisitorp, janucap 6, 1864: ,ipig estate galto. ACIIANCEFOF SPECULATION -VALUABLE PROPERTY ..AT PRIVATE undetsigned. on ne oirtnt of adVancing years and consegneitt - inability to snperint end and man .tge the huskies, will sell at Private sale her, property. formerly knowt as HANOVER IIION WefltKB" and tow known as ' , ELYSIAN 11141,S,” a tamed acne mites. ,oath 01 McConnellebnrg, (the mainly seat of Fulton Pa.,) on the road leading to Rancock, - M d.. and listant twelve miles from the hater nitre, on the Mesa wake and Ohio Galata and the B.titinore and Ohio nail tout. The property contains (too AC:thS, four hundred 4' which is mountain Laud welt timiercd. riff ding ex- 'elleut range and pasture for cattle and PhePp. j - 0i the remaining twobtandred,lCTe3, alamt one htin .red is cleared atui under fence and inn goo,l_istato of ultivutiou, comprising LIMRSTONF., SLATY, abd ROT ,VM LAND. The improvements consist of a throe tory Stone and Frame FLOURINO KILL, complete is Il its 'arrangements for either Custom or Merchants rink, with four run of stones and two Water-lWhoel': ual anIINFAILINUSIIPPLTOF WATER,aititsatorlial ore Creek in a fine grain giowing region. A SAW lILL nearly new ; a two'story Stone Dwelling noise, • with all the necessary and convenient attachment. and • mt-buildings. with a choice variety of fruits and shrub.. •iery surrounding the whole, and w ith w neeer-fiiiiing Well of water at tho door and tinder roof. A Stone containing It STORE ROOll. and RESINESS iFFICS Two Barns. a Ifarpenter Ship, an.l a Mack , notch Shop. - Two old fruit-bearing Apple Orchardsand ono young orchard-just beginning to beer. There is an reexhaustable MINE OF MON ORE on the premises, offering inducements to capitalists wish ini,to embark in the Iron business. To any person wishing to engage in the Distilling bu. allleili this its a mast invitirtg location It the Ooperty is not to by the lat of February,lBl34 it eillbeforrent. • Forfurftrer informatfoireall on me on the nrtmises. or apply in person or by letter, to James Po tt. MeConnelle lirg, Fulton county. Elysian Mills, nov 18 1,10 IIIAUDAtENA POTT. - --r, ---- t VALUABLE FAR:II FOR SALE —The Subscriber otters at Private ,' a I e.his FA JIM situated about% mile front Quiney,eou [al ng 14 , 1 A t.:11.1.::- Hof which is in Tl3lllF,lt and thriving Chel,tunt. )4' of the Farm isof the bestquality of I,I)IESTON E EA , N .0 and altis a high state of cuttivation. rh§ Improve ntentsare a large BRICK lIOIISE, a ith portico and porrhrs. a new BRICK BANK Walt N.Sufeet long. with Vi ng ,, n shed and Corn Crib rittnehtelt deft ,le Frame Carriage House .Brick Wash !louse. Sinnkelleuee. !take f , Oven, a t elail necessary outbuildln s, in good repair Therein a largo Cistern el ose to the nrn.nseoNr Stock and one near the kitchen. There's Well of, excellent Water lit the yard. There is %ism*: variet:.! of choice i 'Emit, soca as Pears .. . Plums, Peaelo-e ein t G et i le ,.. e j n th e yard. There isalao a good OILCII.AIID ofyonrigihriving Fruit on the premises • versons wishing to vim thalami can tin so by calling f aub; ,, ribei a; any information raspeeting.' it cao obtained by call ingon BableY. o , linty Treas. irer. [s6p , t SliDpOWElt.' 53 7 396 5 41 tx TA - tuABLE FARM TN , FUL- TONCOUNTY FOR SALE.- 1 -The Subscriber °Reis t Private Sale, a valuable 'TACT OF LAND. situated tie-font th of a mile .eat of .11:Conueliburg. (In the nad aiding from Chambersburg to Merversburg.containing .bout 100 ACRES; 1.M.0f which is clearao and in a ,igli state of coltiVation and the balance is; well itim 1, ,eied. The Improvements are two Mori" LOU LOG and WEATHERBOARDED DWELLING HOU. E. Tenant louse, Blacksmith Shop, Batik BARN, W con Shirt, mu Crib and all nays/airy. out-buildings, !There are wo SPRINGS of eicellant water, Nevelt' known to fail, tinning through the hind. There is also oh the premises . YOUNG ORCHARD of choice fruit. The j,ropertyis lerirably located and well adapted to griming or herding :little. i Terms made reasonable. and 'possession Oven at any imp. Persons wishing to view the premises can do so .3N:idling - en the subscribor,•residing on the Farm.— E'er further particulars address dec 30 3t* FEDDE FIXSFN. t)RIVATE SALE OF TANNERY NEV FAYETTEVILLE.—The undersigned will .nt atPrivate Srile, the followiLg described. R. 13.111 ES r ATE, to *lt: 30 ACRES OF LAND. A 11 ander goad fengrandtillabls. with a gond Srick Dwell lag, a never failing well of good water near 'the door, a 4•nsd Ilartt and Thrashing Flour, a tine Orchard bearing the best fruit. Also - A TAN N, of 32Iarge Tate. - 6 large Leaches with linudi and pooh Bark Mill, Roller. Pump and Fulling Stoek.4 all in excel• lent order. tha whole operating by WATbR POWER. Al.n n good B trkshed. all uttentrplesed in convenience and labor saving. ' The above property will be shown toany Person on ap plieatitm to Jacob R. Cook 'of Fayetteville. or John B. Cook of Chanthersburg Terms will be nroonable. June 1.7,'63-tf PETER COOK. an EEI 10 20 1 70 949 ins VALUABLE TAVERN' ',STAND yon. SALE: , The undyrsigued Offer at PriTato Sale. the well known Tavern. situated on the corner of t*ltet and Second Strome, itowAL,4l,he occupancy of Sheriff Brown. The Intel is :t large • conutuution. two story brick bnibling. The yard uttachod Is admirably arranged for trareinrs stopping with buggies- and w..gons. The stable is large cod I* . y. and eap a hl o o fi icoommodatingfrom to tie head drlyirs4s. The ont• huddingssnelt as Wash House. Sp ri ug [louse ice House, utattea it the most desirable Intel in ithe comity. Its near toe:Wont° the Iliil Thula, Court Intim,. liank; and business places, renders it the most ploasan t amd convenient stopping place in town. OE MI 7 70 /b 7 bu EIE ESE Eal Perwonsthriring pnrchase.eun see thepretnimessurl learn the terms ui sal« by cal Ling on tho netinnigneq. AU(IIIINBA S. M. WO LET. 18 2J Chamb'g. sent.':-;f 1390 y c A.LuABLE STEAM TAINNER I FOB SALB.—Theundersidned will ell at Private So ,his TANNBlll7,known as the Corner Tannery. with steam and water-pew er Saw Mill, OhtmMilg3fill.Stocla, torbreaking hides, kc. The Tannery hmj 8 leethes;32 vats, 2 Hines and water-pool. and is capnie of tanning 800 heavy hides a year. There are t n Jog Dwelling II amea.Barn.Stable and other ruTesestryout build nga connected withtheTannery.'endubouttinAtlroveleasteql. with good fruit sell any quanta.) of land with the Tunnery, from 100 to 700 Ac res. 0. e 600 Acres art Tlmber.and an ample•supply of Chem tit j Oak Bark ft no the Tannery for fifty years. It is situated abut 'ies South-west of dlercersburg.on litcklitg Creels Terms made etsy. Pose;:sion will be given t (tit tiogessary, For Anther pArticnisrs tolclreia the muter 41;ned.flt . .Sfercersbnrg, Franklin coatuty,Pa, ang 12, 63-fl' e:',II.I.ITOA 1 70 I 70 MI EEI LEI MI EE3 1 7L 8,631 46 627 v. 6 -QMALL FARM FOl3 SALE.—TIae subscriber will sell at Private S.ale the SMALL PSIIM on NVlliell'he towrelides..iitnate in Antrim town ip, Franklin 'pun ty, abont six miles front ft ream:si. Ithe, on the Caslitown road, adjoining . lands of Samuel , Dyers and others, containing about FORTY ACRES—aII •hirtr..d hind, in good order and muter TVA fence. Thou. ; :1 - A YorliG 0 ROIIA RD of thrifty trees On the place. and Well of excellent water. The improvements c , •nsiett iof-a two,-story, LOG- DWELLING DOUSE. a NEW I DANK DARN.torty.twn feet long. ntui wed flnislie toil all other necessary out buildings. POASPFSII4I will ha irireti on the Ist of ApriL Texins will be none known on nppllcAtion to the 4fihserlber residing en the premises. [oct 21 V-tfi SAMUEL C. HAIDER. ME I CiTIERIFF'S SALES.—_-_-Th; virtue . of Rnndry writs of r , ndiffonirziom•t4destied out of the Conrt of CAY/11171011 PINISP , of F rne kn n e ., ma ty, Ps., to me directed there will be exposed to Public Sale, t t the Court Donee In the Borough orChnnaber.ihurg, on Frifloy the 15th dolt of Jct./ion', et -1 M.. the , fdlotrin,, ,o deeeribeal Real E4tate, : j AD that TRA.CT OF L t ND. xitnate In flrdiford twp.. o;j./initc, lands of Jere. I lartnon on the South, Henry .rataall on the fla•ft. Jere: 3/.oearge on the North. John 57,,,tkei on the West, vontainin gni) ACIIDS.,more or 1 e 4. 4 , with is Log Rouse. Log Darn an'd other linproreutints /hereon erected Seized and taken in execution WI the •.roperty of W. A. ereager and Jet. C. fle.ara;e. and will , 1 0 . sold Lyme.. (der 30) 11 . 11,0 DT. Sheriff. 0.1R.M, 'FOR SA LE.--The Sub. scriber offers at private Sale bis Farm. situate in eta! Township, four miles east of Famtettstairg, ud• .icing lands ofJolos Kensev, .latuea Kirkpatrick, James erk and the Mountain, coutain ACBSS of Slate on' Freeatone Land. about 00 of'which is cleared, the asisuce well net ulth Timber. There is on the Farm a mott LOG DWELLING HOUSE, Log Barn, Stone Spring ifonhe and other out buileings, an excellent never fail !ing'Spring of water near the house. A good Apple , ' Orchard and a variety of other fruit, Beaches, P 1 ,ms, j t.c. 'The Farm is under a gbod fence and running water In nearly all the fields. Any person wishing to purchase 11111 please call and 'clew the premises, when the terms 'Till be made known by the subscriber, living on the Premises. (dec 30 tf) WM. ISIACKBV. fitilitatt) Retie*. 1401 'FOR THE DEFENCES OF WASIIINOTON I A C ARCH TO GET INTO THE "2n ARTILLERY," The largest and most complete Regiment from Pa. $402 BOUNTY FOR VETERANS. - - $302 BOUNTY FOR _RECRUITS. Comfortable barracks, no long marches, fall rations, prompt pay, warroolothing and a nice time generally. These are some of trig extraordinary advantages of the soldiers who occupy the "Posta of honor." - I have opened a Recruiting. Office opposite the Court norm. on East Market St., Chamberstmrg : the same •dfice occupied oneyear ago by Lieut. B. V. Winger and _ . -myself.. , _ Any one desiring to enlist in the above Regiment will have all matters satisfactorily altidttined before so doing. 001 at once and enrol gottraeltres among the brave de fenders of Vour country. I shall be -here but a short time, as the Regiment is flat Riling up. . -.. t ,Come - and avoid the Draft. • ADAM FERGUSON. dec23-tfl• ' Sergt.24 Pa. Artillery, Recruiting Officer , Legal. ft otires. tGISTER'S NOTICE.— , -411 per- ILtrions intereateil will please Ltke notice ' ,that the fitf- L.O tog ;teeoltntants harp settled their acctinuts in the fteghtters Otlice of Franklin county "and that th7e 'same will he pro, ented to tho Orphalts' Court for Confirmation mt Wtontitio,sh;liznuary =tit, Itl6-1, at, the Court Rom, in Chamberaburg: 1. Kind account of George Wongl7, Guardian of Helen and Pinirez Wei%ly, minor chlluirn of 11. L. NYilagicy, drcraio.d. 2. Account of,Sidomon Knepper. Gnat-titan of Josinh an Obadiah Knel per. minor children of 'David Knep - per late( of Quincy top., deed, 3 The account of Btu wird trailer. Adner on the es tate of George W. Patterson, late of Greencavtle. deed. 4 The first and finalaccount of Daniel Snoke, Adrer of ii,'Mvelmer, late of Lurgati twp,. 5. The first and final account of Jacob Br-war, Bleed tor of Mary Brewer. late of Montgomery Mvp.. dec'd. _ 6. The account of 1. 11. McCauley. Adminiiitrator of Thomas McCauley - , late of the "borough of Greencastle, t'ee'd. 7. The first MITI final account of 'George W. Brewer, Adininisttator of John S. Kerr. • S. The account of Samuel C. Filson, Administrator of G. If. Korling, late of Fanuott twp., deed. , 9. sKanol and final account of Samuel Hershman. Gnat dian of Ann Amelia Lowery, as stated by his Ad ntirilstrathr. , 10. The a, count of !teary iller, 0 traratan of th e per suns and pstrte - of Fleury and Mary C. SW I. 11; Tlie first and final account of Wm.R. ?ornery, Ad ministrater of Ara:,ella Maeloy, jo b , o f g iamott , 0 , 1 , 4 deed. • . I% The lint and final aco.;unt of Dr. M. F. Robison. Administrator d. b. n. c. t u.,. of Robert Robison, late of Anti inn twp., dec'd. 13. The first and final account of .t.hn Ilarhangh.Jr.. Administrator of Henry Jacobs, Mtn of 'Washington twp., deed, 14. Fit at and final account of Jesse Craig. Adminintia tcr of John 11. Craig, Lite of Muutgonzetx - 2 up.. dm% lb. First account of Ilan y °ma Rite. linardiauld John • 31cDowell, minor child of John McDowell late of Antrim twp., deed. 16. The first and final accoimt of Henry Otawake, Gnu rtlinn of Ann Elizabeth 'kb, ell. now nec'd. nilnor chat) of Julia McDowell. late of A mem twp.„ deed. 17. Account of Jacob C. Snyder. Administrator of Christian ltosenberger.lateof il ni If; rt l twp., deed. lb. The tit st and final account of 1 aniel Clover. Ad ministrator of John Corer, Sr.. late of- humus twin, deed. 19. The account of S. A. Bradley. Adm Inlet rater of the estate of Peter Shatter, late of Montgomery twp.. deed. 2u. First and final account of 9 A. Bradley. Adminis trator el the estate of Elizabeth Shatter, late ~f Mont• geniery twp•, dee'd. 21. Phial account of floury Good. 'Administrator of Christimaibtod, late , of WaShington twp.. deed. 22. The nest and final account of Jacob W. ilatasher. Executor et James Washington, late of Southampton dec'd. 23. First and final account of Roberti'. McClure. Ad ministrator William Itudgers, late of South ampton township, Ilrefl. - 24. Account. OM. Harvey Gordon, 4fiministruter of Samuel Gorden, late of 11'tlyneshoru. deed. 23 t. wend account ofiacul. Garver, Guardian of Mar tha.f. Waddle, min , r child Jam, a Waddle, dec'd. 26. AcConnt of Jacob Carver. [}card( n of Julia A. Wa4Jle, minor clad 01 James Weddle. duc.'d. 27. Account , of Wm. Heyser. thnirdiati of Lucy C. Nitturbouse. minor child of Elizabeth •Nitterh,at+u. as stated by Wni. Ifeyeer, Jr., acting Administrator orEbaid Wm. lleyser, deed. 28. First and fluid account of Johu Stouffer, Adininis trator of Jacob C. Henry. late of Quiff - mil twp., des ii. Pirst'and RDA at:CA.IIIIC of Andrew L. Coyle. Ad- - ministrator. with the Will annexed, of Solomon Weiser, latr of Me; cresburg, deed. :10. Final account of Elias S. Troxel.niting Executor of Tobias Funk, late of Waallinitton township, dec'il. ILF.NRY STRICK LEK, Register. ,A MIST OF 'GRAND 'and TRA YEIL§E JUNO f S, drawn fur a Court of Oyer and Terminar.Court of Quarter .B , isioua of the Peace, mid a Court of Couunon Plena, to be held at Charobereburg, oa, Slonday, the 18th day of January. A. D. 1864. GRAND JURORS. Robert Black. Green; 'Jonathan Bear, Quincy; Coble, St. Thomas; Joseph Creamier. Southampton; Mar tin Cole. Chamberstatig; George Bice, Green; Curtis Fortna, Lettet kenny ; Jacob Flickinger. Metal; Abra. ham - Gipe, Letterkenny i ; Valentine B.Gilbert, Washing ton; William A. II niter, Let ti.rltenny ; Isaac Bicker smith, Guilford; Johii Johnston, WayneAliore; Jacohl Bann - man. Green; John liitkpnttick, do.; Peter %pep per, Quincy; John W. Metz. Guilford ; James IVl'Ferrati, Washington: Henry Mentzer. Green; id Steffey, Wiashlagton; Jacob Show. St. Thomas; °lin West. Cliambersburg; Jacob Wetzel,Wasbingto ; Frederick Zullinger:Letterkenoy. TRAVERSE JURORS.-IsT Jeremiah Ashway, Let terkenay ; Benry it Brindle, Antrim; William 13sosart. Hamilton; Xoteph Perm do.; Joint Branthaver, Peters; Wm. S. Bard. Southampton; William Clark, Green; Geo. W. Cromer, Permit+ ; Abra ham earn:mgt.', Antrim ; John S. Crawfupl, Giflford; Lynne Diller. , "onthampten ; Christian ID eplt. Let trken ny; John-Detwiler. Green; A r:JinniNfldor. Fannett Michael Ebersole, GuillorJ; Adam Washington; Joseph Voltz, Ler terkimuy Gabriel Verner, Guilford linhert Gould. Peters: Thomas C Grote. Mercers] nri;; Matthew 'Gordon. Oreeneostle; Alum, MOtal ; Lewis Gilbert, Antrim; James Giles, Metal; Henry linftman, Antrim: W. A. Bays, Montg, mery: Hiram Houser, Chankbersbnrs: Jacob Dante]. Green:. Jthh ni.seeker, Antrim; Levi Kershaw. Warren; William Kromer, Quincy ; John 11. Murphy. Wercernhurg • Jolla Maclay. Lurmut ;Wats -Mullei4 Peters; 1111111. D. Me Iciustry;Mereersimeg ; Mures N tub:11'111;M eta ; Da rhi Oyer. Lptierkenuy A. C. Plieuye. - Montganer); Henry-Itieszael. Peters; Joseph Sitirely, Jr.. Greencw- W; John Atanty. Washingt.on: Henry Snider (of Jacob) Guaira; Jimmy Walter, Wablingten'; Antrim ; John Wynkoop, Litman : James Wolff. Metal; Jacob y... 4. Gro'en Geo. W. Zei trier. Greencastle. TRAYERSE JITRORS.-=9” WEEK. John Agi 0. Hamilton; Andrew Burge,. Peters: Hen ry Besot% . Washington: D. H. llonchrake. Gothud; Ye , . ter - Benedict, Way mesh. , f 1: Mat th ins Barkdoll, 'Notify; Jo{ p Howmati. Guilford : 31. J. Burns. Washington ; Juo Cowan. Metal: Robert elm:sten, Wttsifittelon: Om id Bear n, Lui gnu ; B. A. Cormany. St. Thomas ; eo. Clap saddle. Peters, Wm. Deardorff, Lurgan ; Andrew Deft. triolt, St. Th ' , nuts ;,Jomph M. Doyle, Fannett ; Jacob Ebersole. Guilford; Ci. R. Elliott. Montgomery ; George Etchbereer. uhanalVg; "1 Iliott Montg'y ; Jove; h Eberly. Ilamilt 1;11 John unfrock. Chant ; Abraham Frantz. Washington. Cleo. k• terho I€, uilferd ; Gil lam Peters ; Peter C. Holler. Si. Timms; Michael Hoke. of W., Peters: Jacob .Hershey. Antrim; Si. H. Key , er, 31ontg'y : Wm. A: Keyser. Peters; Porter W. Kegerries, Metal: David Long; Litrgan; Samuel Leh man. Sr., Letterk'3 ; Joh reA. Lantaster,'. hamb'g; David Mowers, Green ',..Tosepit Newcomer. St. Thomas; Henry Prather, Greencastle: Henry Reilly, Hamilton; Vred . k Speck. Washington: - JanteetP. Speer, Letterey: P. M. Shoemaker. Letterkenny ; Gen. W. Stelfiey. Washington ; elirkt inn Stoner, St. Thomas: John S. Skinner. Metal; Henry Tri.de. Guilford : Fre,ll' Walk, Hamilton; Sam uel West. Hama - cm: A. B. Wingert, 'An , ri ['leen pROCLAMATION.—To he Coro nor. the Justices of the Pence. and the Constables of the Different Toe toships in the County of Franklin, Greeting Ktiow all ye. that its purtinance of a precept to me directed, under •the hand and seal of the non. Jl:llE't SILL. President of ,the several Conrts of- Com mon Fleas. in the Sixteenth Distritl, conqating of the emit, tie., of Somerset, itedtmi. Fulton and Franklin. and by virtue of ,his taco. the Cirtrt of 03er and Terminer and General Jail Delivery for the trial of capital and other offenders therein. and In the oen6ral Court Of Quarter ng of the Peace, and WILLI tU W. PArrON -anti J tutu 0. CAtumN. Fags., Judges of the same coon ty of Franklin. Yon and each of yon areherehy require ed to !wand appear in your proper persons with your keeOrds. Illlcognizance4. Etatuinat'und, and other Re metubrancen before the 3telges aforesaid. at Chant. ber.burgi at a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, and General Quarter Sessions of the peace, therein to be holden for the young? of Franklin etre said, on Mc 3d Monday in .61Huhry. fo.inp the lhth day of the neQnth, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, than and them to on those things, m Melt to gone several offices appertain. under my huml at Chamber-burg. the.22d 'day at December, 1663. SA3IUF,I, BRANDT, 4 23-te. cherift4 A ITI)ITOIt'S NOTICE.--ESTATE .CA_ OF HENRY FUNK.—The creditors of Henry U. Funk. of W.p.hington township, Franklin -county. Ferinsyliania, ominsolvoit Debtor. ore hereby notified that the Acconnik oT John Funk (of H.) and Dr. Thomas Walker, the Assignees of said Henry H. Funk, under a Deed of voluntary assignmenVfor the benefit of his creditors. have been TISALLT adjusted and confirmed-- that thhi is the LAST account the said Assignees will Bot tle, and that there is a balance in the hands of said ac countants for distribution amongst said creditors, and the Court of Common Piens of the county aforesaid have appointed the undersigned an Auditor to,marshal.and apportion the said assets amongst: said creditors, and make report tothantxt Court. ITO will therefbre meat the creditors of said 'Henry G.Funk at his Office, 'in Chambersburg, on Saturday, the 18th of January, 1884, at e o'clock, A. x., to bear and adjust their several claims. The Old creditors are hereby particularly urged to bring or Bend me their claims, drily authenticated, in advance of the day of the audit, and those who do not present their Claims on or before the said 18th day of January. 1884, will be forever debarred, from claiming or receiving any part of the fund for distribution, under the Acts of Assembly of this Mate. - docile, , : I. U. McpAITLIFF, Auditor. - . N OTICE.—The following named , ' persons have tiled petitions for License, in the C er 's Office, to be presented to the Court at the next term, commencing on Monday, the 18th ofJanuttry, 1664, to *it John Miller Hotel. Chambersbnrg, North Word. John W. Taylor Hotel "-, South Wexid. Alexander - Martin " St. Thomas, - . . S. S. Hays, " " Shimpetown, 'John Newman Iv holesale Liquor Store, Gfreencrtle, John W. Rattle a if 'it A. B. Seibert llotel,ConCord, , '.- Saint Fisher, Hotel, Shade Grove. • J. B. Ihunbaugh, Rote!. State Line, ' - deo 30 W. O...*ITIMALL, Clerk. "Legit - ,DMINISTRAT OR'S NOTICIi.- 'lx notice ix hereby given that Letters of Adminlei tuition to the Estate of Nicholas -tleck, la e of Guilford Mwnship. deed. have heen,granted to the undersigned, 'residing in said township.' All persona knoring thimselreie indebted to mild Fs. tate *lll please make immediate, payment; and theta haying clatmawill present them properly authenticated Ser Settlement, to SAMUEL FLECK, - dee 30 6t Adwer. DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- Notfce .hr hereby giren that Lettenr of Adminis tration on the Estate of Peter Byers, late of Montgomery township. deed. have been granted to the subscriber, residing in said tort ship. All persons indebted to the said Estate are hereby re• giested ti make immediate payment. and those haling shams or demands against the Estate of said decedent w)11 make known the tame without delay to I dec2:3 l . ISAAC WEAGLEY, IA DMINISTRATOR'SNOTICE.- Notice is hereby goretrthat Letters of Adraturstra. tion t' the BA , ate of Henry Bentisdefrer, late of Antrim township;dec'd, have been "grunted to the aubecriber, rissld"ng in said township. All persons indebted to the said Estate are hereby re tested to make immediate. payment. and those having aims or detuands against the Estate of said decedent, ill make known the same without delay. to dec23 ,JEEEMIAII WEAttLEY. Adm'r, IAWILNISTRATOR'SNOTICE, Notice is hereby given that Letters of trattun on the Estate of Samuel Ilauk. late of 9rpon township, dec'd, have been granted to the sabactiber, residiugln said township. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Es tate, will ;dense make immediate payn.ent ; and those having claims will present them properly authenticated for settlement Eddall3l riDItEIV. P. 0176 ER, Adair, A 0110 ;E.-• Niitire is hereby given that Letters o Admit'is nation to the Estate of Jacob Shatzer. late of Deters township, dec'd, have been granted - to the undersigned, residing In Peterstownship. All nersons knowing themselves indebted to Bald Es fate will please mate immediate paymeta : 0041 those having claims w,ll present them - properly authenticat ed for settlement. deel6l JAMES D. scorr, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.— . •Notice is hereby given that Letters of Adudnis trstton to this Estate of Philip MeGaffigan, late of the Borough of Chambersdnirg, deed, have been granted to the undersigned . residing in'snid Borough. . All persons indebted; to Us esaid Estate, are reveal ed to make immediate pays ent . and those having claims 'or aenosuds against the Estate of decedent, will make known the sante, with Out delay. to - deil AUXANDER MARTIN, -.Adra'r AD.NIIIV.ISTILA.TOR'STNOTICE.--- lcotice is berehi given that Letters of Adnifnis tratten to the Estate tlf Juiht rhidfo , Into of Ouiliercl township. decd. Lave been granted to the subscriber, i 'residing n said township. . Alt persons knowing themselves indebted to said Es tate will please make 3 imtnediate payment: and those haring claims willpre ent them properly authenticated for settlement. (decfl SAMUEL, 0 ItOffS.M.AN, Adm'r. IALDMINIST. ATOVSNOTICE.-: Notice is hereby giyen that Letters of Adminis tration to the Estate of Peter W. Stonffer, late of Gull ' ford township, dec'd. have been granted to the under signed, residing in said township. . All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Es tate will please make immediate pa 3 latent and times hexing claim. will present them properly authenticated for settlement. [tlecK JACOB STOUFFER, Adm'r. • - A DMINISTR TORS' NOT - ICE.- :Notice iss hereby given that Letters 01 adminis tration on the Estate H of John Meighter, late of Green township, dee'd, haTe!, been granted to the undersigned, residing in said Township. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Es tate will please 'make! immediate payment; and those havingclaintswillpresent,them properlyanthenticated for settlement. theh GEO. & HENRY SLEIGITTER,.Adm'fir!. DIVIINISTRA.TOR'S NOTICE.- Notice is hereby given that Letters of Adminis tration to the Estate of Samuel Johnson, late of ilont y township, deed.have beed granted to the un dersigned. residing in said township. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Es tate will please Make immediate payment ; sod those having claims will present them properly authenticated for senttlement. Nee.), ALEN. B. JOHNSON. Atlner. A DMINISTRATOR S N OTICE...:_ . Notice is hereby given that Letters of Adminis-• [ration ou the Estate of Jesse Rouen, late of ti.o3 State of .13 issouri. deed, have been granted to tee undersigned, residing, in Montgomery townshlp.-Franklin Co., Pa. , All persons knowing themselves I tul ehted to said Ea tate Will please make immediate- paythent; and those having claims will present 'hank properly :tuthenticatt d for settlement, [det4) DANIEL HAWBECKER. Adm'r. A D3ll I,s TrtkTOflS' IC 01 1 ICE,— i - a_Notice is hereby given that Letters. of Administra tion to the Estate of, floury Unger, late of ;Waynesburg, decd, have been grunted to the underbigued, esiding in said Borough. All pemonsknowingthemselverindebted t. said Estate will please make immediate payment, and those _having cLtimapreaeut them properly nuthenticnt, d for settle (dee2l SUSAN UNGER, Adnera. AI9IINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.— sone. is hereby given that Lettere of Adminis tration to the Estate of Henry Gordon, with the wni annexed,late of Washington township, deed, have been granted to the undersigned. residing said township. AllpensOus indetited to the said Estate, are hereby re quested to mike i min vitiate paymentond those having claitus or demands against the Esiateof said decedent, will make known the same without delay, to dee2^ Adm'rx. XECUTOIS NOTIOR - -=—Nofice is hereby given that Letters 'Natant •otary to the :state of ..lacob Oyker. late of the Borough of Chem bersburg,'dec'J, have keen geaute4 to too _undersigned, residing in said liorongh. AU peyons knowing themselves indebted to Fluid Es= tate will please ulnae immediate pa}nieut ; end those having claims will present them properly authenticated fur settlement. ' CHARLES WATtq'Elt, decl6 CHRISTIAN S. I.:INTER. Executors. ECUTORS' NOTICE.-Nopee iss hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the listate of Samuel J. Crunkleton.lato of Antrim town ship. deed. have been grunted to the undersigned. redid ing in said township. Aliporsousindebtedtothesaid Estate.are hereby re quested to.make immediate payment, owl thosebaring, claims or demands against the Estote of said decedent will make known thesame without delay,to JOHN ROY Ex7ro JAMES CRU:s.;KLETON, deco* LI Eel:ITO - WS STOTICE.—Notiee ^, j is hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the Estate of NielineLLittlo. late of Wash.ogton township deq'd,ttve been granted to the snWriber, residing in icaynesbaro. All persona knowing, themaelrest odelded to bald ts tate will plenae make .Imuiediate payment; and throe willpreeenttheni properly authenticated for settlement. .(dec9; :TOILS IL „ERR, Kx'r. 1 - 10TIIONOL.N.RY'S All persons Lntereated will take notice that the t ing, accounts have been filed and wft I be presented to the Court of Common Plen a on Monday, the 18th of Jan nary to;•_contirination : The account of Ferdinandthany, Committee- of Mrs Eilen De Armltt, a Lunatic, residing fu Faunett towneitip. - The final account of George A. -Cook, Committee 'bf Mary Jape Walker, of St. Thomas townelilp. dee 30-to K. S. TAYLOR, Proth'7. ei.A.USES FOR TRIAL AT JAN vi 'UMW TER* 1864, commencing Monday, Janu ary 18th, FIRST WEER. Ta. Creager , use of Miller's Ad ministrators. t William Gutehall vs. Jacob Munlerode. Emanuel Kuhn vs. W.Crooks' Executors. George W. Wolff vs. William Christ. 4lichrtel Zellers' - vs. James Rule. S. A. Melloh, endorsee - vs. Holder Hughes. Solomon Heiser -. vs. Wm. McGrath. , • , Matthias Philippi - vs. John Ashway. - •. E. McClellan vs. Spinel Reisher. „ John Brewer's Executor vs. Mary Ann Brewer, et. al. S. M. Pennock & Co. re. Wm: Reber. Willifiro Cline vs. Joseph Etter. James S. Roes Executrix ve..l. S. Resenberes Ser. John Tritch vs. Joseph Price. , Malachi Brindlee Ex'r vs. Malachi Brindle. , Margaret Rock ' vs. John L. Enepper, J. W. Sollenberger's- nee NIL H. Hughes. Daniel Kohler vs. George A, Delta. - John Peterman vs. Lewis .Er ter. • ' Philip Caveman, Jr., •03. P. eas man, Sr.'s Adm'i. - Catharine-Harmony's nee vs. G eorge Palmer's Ex'r. SECOND WEEK. Polly Piper vs. James Dyarman and Wife. Reilly & Sharpe ' vs. Wm. McGrath, et. al. Adam Anghinbaugh vs. Geo. Brandharcee heirs. Sarah Bowman ve. Joseph Boismin., . John Beaver's Adm'rs ye. Wm. McGrath, et. al. - E. Jane Windle, et. al. vs. Mary Anil Clark.' John B. Madden, al. vs. Rev. E. - Thomas, et. al. d&„...V] ' E. S. TAYLOR, Prothoturtary. - REbecca Morrison TOR PRINTING, in _every style EP dem st the office ofthelliANlLlN REPOSITORY 13oo#0 anb *tationerg. S. SHRTOCK, - BOOKSELIiEIt a STATION Ellnow mei/Meal& NEW &roar. Roos hod Laprepamd to teatinCt businco with itt enter facllitint than ever. - BOOKS.—School BookO: Miscellaneous Books. Tr'J Booko.lumr 1304.)ke, 'Medical .Bouka, Suitdity School Boa*. Xlitary Books. BIBLES.—A largo -assortment of Pocket *rid Fazgly , Bibka." • .' ' - BLANK BOOKS or nil 6izee, qualitlee and sty - Tea of binding. , STATIONERY.—A great varlelyef nil hinds of Writ ing.und Printing Puponr. of French, Engligb and-Ameri can tnanufirettuo. AI o, Earvelopesnf alit eizennnd tomtit. tim. Ink, Pens, Pencils._lndia Robber. 'Papos. Seats, Quills. Copy Books, Blotting BOard, Erives, Erasers, Vriting .and , GOLD PENS.—The very beet! old Pens in the market, fully marrautoll, made by Leroy NY.Fairrbild. of E. Y.. BLIND PAPER.—d. tLtt variety of patterns and quarl. ties. WALL PAPER =gnarly 1000 different patternn. tp gethet with «uitatite ilonierings,•Pltsin, Whet and 1 vet Gilt. • _-- • , PICTURE PR A NES—Crrat and Ei.quare Fnnnes,fi rPho tngraphs Frames made to order, eFRENCR GLASS, for, Picture rnmes..Teny. sine; CHEAP °TEL'S. meth lower than puldßene prime. ERORAYINIIS.--Ingildtt, Freed). tiermitts and Amer ican Engrayim.te. BASKETS.—Inee,v, Traveling, took, Picnic, Yrnit, Rnifeand Clothes 15,2.1;et5, ZEPIITP. 11 OESTY.W.—Str gle and Pottle - zeßbyr, istp,..ttry,,na sof Zephyr .Shetla Wail, &e. - • NEWS.PAPLIIS.— The l'ldlndelphin mild New 'full Dailies received daily. Clubenr Ind ividmise WEEKLY I , A e.EItS.-ITarper'e Weekly. rr.hk Leak , . N.Y. ?lei epry, Weekly, N. Y. Ledger, ete4 reeeit.; ed xeekly. - 1't:1110111CA LS.—Darger's Monthly. At (antic Mont lily Continental. Gurley, l'eterron. Dalton, Knickerto cher, All the Yiar bound, corialVll, etc., etc., received as sure um published. MEAL' LITERATURE.—AII the Dime Publication'. Weekly Nonvellettes, SUng Books.. te:. 'recited tinily. take sere fur 211 kinds of goods.. EXPRK: I I4.—We reer.ye goods by Main (.2.16 every du, from the East. Thank Deeds. Wilting and Printing' Cards, Itultre Paper Weights. Pitney boxes, Combs and Blushes. C balk Crayons. and all standard goods in nor line constantly ott hand. DlUSlV.—SheetPic, for Piano. Guitar. Violin, rule 'PI • NO:t7.--,We pm:lmm=los on couuuis.•ion. sieve to onvoour customers from Nifty to Ono Hundred and Fifty DI nom. MUSICAL INcTIIUMENTS:—Vie can supply any lch]d of 'Musical Instruments at prices tir lower than usual. P.ll(Yr. 01VAPII:ALTIVIIS.-:-Itre can sell Photvglitisb Albums nt lower Prices than . they can be procutcd. Styr in the cities.. CARTES 'DE VISITE Portaita of 3111itaryb:eri of the U. N. Arm an&Navy, dlatiegulnlied Neu and Women. ;Conic Plcturea, ete:ete. NEW TOY BODES In great variety.. --, New publiratione 01 the Amalie-an S . S.Union. Atnert. eau. Tract. Society, Preibyterian. Board of rubllcatiou, etc.. etc. e bare no Imitation in saying fo our euFtomers that from our long experience, our untunercf doing lateineat: and nor great facilitiee, We do not tear o•rupetition..ntid bare ta/ doubt. of our being.able to give'entiro tuitistre. lion. Come and see out New Store; our new find enlarce4 stock, nod form your own opinfous, Cl Q ounbersburg. doc 9.`. - . NEW STORE 1 .-WA'fSON & SON" bare opened at their Store Room, on the North. ae-st urner- of the Diamond, opposite Franklin lislL Chaco ersbnrg, Pa., an entirely now stock of goods, consisting of BOOKS of alimat every dean iption. Stu. tionery of all kinds, Envelopes. Steel Pens, Ink, &e. Also a large assortment of WALL PAPEN, WINDOW BLINDS, VATIOTIS prices,iand a great yer lety et NOTIONS AND FANcY,ARTICL.ES, Picturee. Fans, Vases, Ludic*, and Misses Iluskets. Sc.: Fancy Solip and Perfumery. Also a good Assortmot of Worsted, Shetland Wool, &e.- and a great variety Of goods too numerous to fuser to which they Invite the attention of the Public, and re' sptxttal ty solicit a share of the public patronage. Plea •c, call rind examine our stock. June - WATSON & SON. TA S. B. SMITH & CO.,_ BOOKSELLEIIS AND PVEL7 HINES, is I mmfacturers of Blank and Memorial:han Books. Plato. graph AlliomS,ltianifuld Writers. Sari.ie Paper, Ac., v.- 27 South Seventh Strtet. above Chestnut. - Blank work of every descrihfion. for County °Wets, lintels. Counting Mosses. and Public Offices done to hrl. der. Orders left with S. S. Stuttock, Clannbendcarg:l'a. proniptli. attended to. ' - - septa/V-1y • attomps at 'tato. •KEINANI.E.DY- & NILL.--Law Part nershiye-eThe undersigned base associated them twice, in the practice ,4 the Law in tbe "ever:a court. Of Frankiin County. 0111. eon market Street, in the room heretofore occupied by, T. D.Renneity. T. B. EClffibißDl. Junv 17,'63 A TTORNEY AT . 071 - - .o k . SON HEILL ittorni , y at Law.-01Ece in* 31 nr fornwwly (we-uplift by Ttetlly d• Sin ri4 directly opp mite the (butt !Nine, elmmberAbnru. Pn. bnitnau , entrustedtohim will receive prompt ;atrial/ft. lie will practice in uquiniug Conutics. June 17, P6a. P. S. 9 TVlniArtm. JOILY 811rAW1. Tll3l G & STEWART ; At- Chamberaburg, Pa.. givn their unit de(' nttentini. r i the Practice of their Proleseiwi. John Stepnrt, agent fur procuring Bon hiy htet i ew, Windom, end arreningeß of Pay. -OfceintheTuwnlt 1I TI G31'.4 W.. -S. STENGER, Attoi • net's' at Dm, Clinrubersbnrg.lierthore promptly.aifeaderi to; W. t. Stenger. District - Altor. neyand agent for prnenring Pensions, Bounty 310neir awl" Arreart , 7of Pay. Office in Franklin Building. NI dear (root the corner. Julio 17.11:1, Wt4._I4:ITERETT. attorney at Law. &ice llaM's dwelling. directly op' site the Ce dirt ITonse, Chambersburg. 3VIII prnut theseverni , :nnrts HI - Franklin and Fulton Corinth All legal business intrusted to his care will reeelvo prompt attention • June 17, ISitt. T 31.1)0W141LL SHARP orvey t y •at Law. Chaniberebnrrr, Pa. Wilco in Mrs. Bay" Buildinke, directly opposite the,Conrt Ilunno. ' 3nne17,1863. a ID. SETLIIAMER, Attorney ot vt • Law,. Chambersburg, Pn. 0111ce—Illstn 3troot, - nhoTe Queen, in the room formerly ocenpletl by S. It els& er, Esq. . Juno lit CLEORGE EYSTER & E. j".I3().NE Njl BRAKE. Attoinos at Mut, hove remmieti to the room on MainStiwt. one door South of klystor'a!Storee: Juno 17, i S. CLARK, Attor4ey fiat;.. In T, : m ns removed hiP Offices for tipples liaPt of hie (armlet Wation. on Market street, (p.ontl!-side.) CALVIN M. DIIINCAN, Attorney at L aw . onf c e on MI rkot Street. in Lawyer's Bow ? opposite tbe Court I [owe. - June 17.-'l%. TL.. FLETCHER., AttorneY at Immi • Chanil , eriburg.Pn. Officeon Eno. Marlutt syreot, nearly:9*x* the Conn Bonne. June , -11'. ALEX.IC 111'CL1JRE. Attorney: (li Law, Obarnbaribarg. Pa. Office in the. Pravkitin kepository Btpldings. - ..14110 17 ,T4l. W.WSON BOWE, Attorney at et Luso, Greene -I%Bor, Pa. ", fat* 3Q, 'll3 73entiotr,2. /PEE']ONSERTED ON AMBER BASE.—DR. N. SCHLOSSER, Ogle still at hhi real sure on EAST MARKET STREET, near the Franklin Rail road - . - Dentistry In all its branches attended - to with all the modern improvements. Having,publithed, to this community for more than two years, that teeth on Amber fain every way CHEAPER AND BETTER than teeth on any other material,' Would say That / still se* no reason tocbange my opinion, forthere are manyTer sone in- Chambersburg end vicinity for whom - -1 have inserted teeth on AMBER who can testifyto thetr sup*- riot., merit. N. B: All work warranted to give satisfection,or illy '. charge. Teeth extracted without .pain with perfect safety without, taking Chloroform. For further infer motion call at the Mice. ' -, (Jane 11,1883. Pmaß: W. W. SCHLOSSER : .81/rgeOZI , . Dentitt.—The undersigE7o has removed 116041 r e, the 'll(113111 . 011 House to the residence of Mr John Nool,Nortlitreit corner of the Diereond, and itraneali• ately opposite the Franklin Hotel. -Office on the se cond Door—entrance through the liaseage, to the right as yon ascend the stairs. ' Jane 17 - .163. . , w.w.scirthsgsit RIEMOYAL J. R. %ID, Den tist, has removed hie O ffi ce from the corner or the c Square, where be prat deed so many yenrs, , to the corner-of Bialg and Queen Streets, above Wm, Deysees, Drug Store,Ohlunbershurg-, Pa.orloee be will bepleasid to receive the calliof hie friends; ' [Junel7, 1203. • ._ , - June 17,'83