Antral. 11XLTL319 RE LOCK ItOSPITAL DR . JOEINSONe the founder of this .Celebrated ~,,,,tfouolfers the most certain, speedy.- Find. Only ,anal remedy in the world Sir (fleets. Structures. Somiu il W i Nikae43,Pain in the . Loins,Constltittionid Dn. r.,ity..fieleite.i.ce, Wellieess of the , Duck ants Limbs. feeti,les - of the liideevs, Palpitation of the Ifeart, Diapopsia, Narrow; Irriialditty, Diseases of the Heed,,t, s,, so o r skin ; :laden those serious and melee ily disorders arising from the destructive habits ce ;nth, oitichilestrey bet h body and ;nine. These secret VII solltuiry preMices are mire fatal to their victims 1. 2 0 ,, t k o ,.eg of the Syreee to the ‘ marinar Ulysses, tilivhting their most hcilliant'h o p os , or utiripations Ciotti ieriug .narriaget.k.c„irrinossiblf;. . . MEN. YOUNG ~ • Young tilon especially, who have become the Tie tiros Vice,that dreadful and oestructire habit 'srhich annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young men of the matt exalted Went and brillian ntellect, who mightotherwise have entranced listening (mates with the thf rides of eloquence. or waked to iAta.ncy the living lyre; may eall with Lull confidence. MARRIAGE! Marr persons. - or .‘onng men contemplating mar riage.ii , •Vog aware of physical weakness, organic debility adformitios, &c.,shonlit Immediately consult Dr. Johns Cram "Mr who plhces Maisel inn tier the care of Dr. Johnston may inligtonsly Confkle in hishowir as a gentleman.aad crsaiideatly rely upon ilia skill as a physician. U1:6"-ANiC WEAKNES! lIIRIRDIATSLY CARD AO - D ITU VIGOR R./STORED This disease ls: - the penalty most frequently paid by those who have become the victims of impropet indul CIMCOS. Y•+un; personis +tre too apt to commit *zee:Tees from not being aware of the dreadful couseiluences that may emsue. Now, who that understands the eubjec Ti will pretend to deny that the power of Procreation i d /Ist sooner by those falling into improper habit than by the pratent, BSsides being deprived of the pleasure of liklltity offspring, •the most serious and destructive cyalipathy to mind alkyl body arise. The system become dotinged. the, phYsie,ll ant mental powers wealteued nervous, debility, dyiipepsiit. palpitation of the heart linitostlon, a wasting Of the frame, cough; of consumption Office No. 7. South Frederick Street, seven doors frame street, Bast side; up the the steps. Be porticular'in observing the name and tittntbermr you will mistake tee place. .:411ar A CURE WARRANTED-IN TWO DAYS.. No Me.rcnryor Nauseous .Irugs. DPI. J O HNSTON, Member of the li!.yal tlellege of Surgeons. London, grn dilate front one of• the most eminent Colleges of the United States. and the greater part of whose life has beau spent in the-hospitals of London. Pirls. : phitid e i phil.and elsewhere, has effected some of the mostmaton letting cures that were ever known. Many troubled with ringlngiu the head anti ears when asleep. great nereoas•isee. being alarmed at Fadden sounds; anti bash. fatness, with frequent Witching, attended sometimes with tlerangemeia of mind, were cured immediately. CERT4IIN DISEASE! When the misguided and imprudent votary of plea ante hails. he has imbibed tie seeds of this painful die esae,itA - oo often li.ipp.ns that an ilt.timed 'sense 01 shiunii,tir dread bf discovery, deters hint from applying to those who (root educAtion and respectability, Can alone befriend hitn,delaying•tilltlkconstitutionalsympi toms of this horrid disease make their appearance, such al ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose. nocturnal pains in the head and-limbs, dimuss'of sight, deafness, nobs ce-the shin. bones and arms. blotches on the head, rase. and extremities. progressing with frightful rapidity, till at last the palate of the mouth or the bones of the doss tall in and the victim of this awfuldisease becomes a horrid object of isommisseration, till &nth puts a pe riod to hie dreadful sufferings, by seniting him to "that bourne from whence no traveller returns." To such, therefore, Dr. Johnston pledges himselr to preserye the most in violable secrecy; and from his extensive jirac tire In the first Hospitals of Europe and America, be can Cintidently recommend a safe and' speedy cure to the astfotunitte victim of this horrid disease. It is a etelancholy fart that thousands fall victims to this h wrid dice-tee owing to the nnskilfialness of igno rant pretenders who by use of-thatdeadfdl poison, Mer dry. ruin the constitntion,and either send the unfortir nate to an uutinfoly grave, or make the residue of life Miserable, TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE! . addresses tLod e who have injured themselves by private and impropee indulgences.: - Thole are some of the sad and melancholy effects pro duced by early habits of youth. viz:—Weakness of the Back and Limbs. Vains to the Dead. Dimness of Sight, Loss of 3luacular Power. Palpitation of the Heart. Dye. Pepsin. Nervous Irritability, Derangtment of the Diges tive Functions,Gvnerul Debility, Sytuptonis of Consump tjon . HanrAt.t . r,tho fearfnl effects on the mind are much to e dreaded : 'loss of Mentury, Confusion of Ideas. Depren• Sion of Spirits, E:vil Forobodirms. Aversion to Society. Self-Distrn•f. Love of Solittteaintidity, be.. are tome f the evil effects. llionv.tuda of persons (4 . 01 egeacan now judge what tatty; cause of their declining health, lasing their vigor becoming weak. pale, have singular appearance abou the eye 9, couch. and eymptoms of Consumption. Di'. Johnsion's Iniigorating Remedy for Or ,grznic Weakness. Nitsthis volt and important remedy Weakness o the. Organs is speedily cured. and full vigor restored Yhoosands of the most nervous and debiqtated.who had lost all liope, have been Inane hately relieved. All imps.lituents to)Nrria&e. Physical of Mental:Disquali fication. Nervous Irrita ' hility.Trempliffa. Weaktf en or r , :h.n.u.r, of the most fearful kind ,speedily eared by Pc. Johnston. - YOUgG MEN, Who 11.1,re injured themselves by a certain practice,in. dui ge I in when alone—a habit frequently learned fr m ell companions, or at school, the effects are nightly felt, even whoa asleep, and If not cured, render tart •• rl , Lge .imposAble. and destroys both mind and body, Mould apply immediately. What a pits that st young man. the hope of his coun try. the &olio . ; flits p ;rents, should be snatched from ‘ll - protpeete and enjoyttiente dflife, by ,the consequence derlatirtqfn.n be pa th of nature. and induigingin a yert3in 'secret habit. Snell persona, Lela* contotaplat frig MARRIAGE almUld'reflect that a sound mind and body are the, /11;i0 0 es.e.s,ivy - repiiiiteie , do promote connnbial happl nerd. Indeed •vithent these, thejourney through life becomes a w,earypilgrlnia:e. tho pripett hourly dark sins to th- view; the mind becomes shadowed with de -110,111;1er} with the tnelaricludy reflection, that Vie happiness Of another becomes blighted with our own. 01:F/CE'NO. 7, SOUTH FREDERICK ST., BALTIMORE. . TO STRANGERS She many thousands cured at- this Institutionin the. Nat tifloen year.; and the ilumerons important s rgical Operations performed by witneastd by the re !inners° f the papera.and many of her persons. notices of which tiara apt t enred again andagnin before thepub-. tic, is a sufficient guarantee to t lie afflicted . There are so many ignbrant an worthless Tit:ICI:S advertising themselves as Physicians, raining the health of thealready afflict ed . Dr. Johnston deems it necessary to say to thogennacqtrainted with his rep tt tiitionThat his Diplomas hangi ft his office. N'artcr-4111ettersTom4 be post paid .and comtfti ff .. % poTsta_es'ltnip for the teply. or no answer will beirent. • Feb 2.5,:63-Iyr. • • - "Ipots---apes. NEW SHOE, STORE.—The Sub ecriber takes this method of informing the eiti tens of Ch: inhershurOind vicinity. that he has just returned "rota Philadelphia with an ENTIRELY NEW' STOCK of Boots awl Shoes. of every variety, style and pattern. and of the_b_est manufactures. Ile heti 'zooid Shopkeepers on hand. Ilia whole stock is new . (jive him a call--tyon cat easily Nit yourself. 110 initt;ts the Ladies, especially, to call. as be 1011 take pleasure in showing his — goods. Store the room for mori* catetipled by . Frederick Smith, Esq.,as a Law : Office, and motiecently nand Pit . the purpose by George Eye tor. Esq., two doors North of Fisher's Mot el,Main St? Oct. Otiambersburg. Pa. • Ills large and well selected stock, he being a practical Miele:taker. consists of Ladies' Gaiters. Baas, Slippers and Buskins; Misses' anti Children's Boots and Shoes; 'Gentlemen's Gaiters, Slippers, Boots and Brogans. Do'not forget the'place. No trouble to show Goods at the NEW STORE, t wct doers North of Fisher's Hotel, li„dri t ttreeetiChambersbnrg, Pa.. by June 17.1862.- PETER FELDMAN. ALL AND SEE !-THE UNDER SIGNED announces to his numerous friends and tomers,that ho continues to manufacture to order, and keeps on hand a full and complete assortment 'of 'various qualities and styles of SHOES and aiIITERS; fir Ladles. Misses and Children". _llls assortment of Doll's, 8110E5, &c., 'for Men and Boys' wear is com plete, to.which ho respectfullyinvites attention. Irorlc of al Minds mede to order.' n a neat and durable man ner, and at short notice. Call and seebeforepurchasing, elsewhere. and he will salisfy purchasers that he sells at -leery small profits for Cash. -Don't forget the place-- tr.. • JI-rosito ,ilutz & Keefer's , Brore.Ohambersburg, GBORGE'LEIINEII. June 1,, 156.3. JOHN 0. 170 • EIFB. .701TII 'enmity T OHN C. - HOPICPSTS & CO. IMPORTERS &DEALERSTN CHINA, GLASS AND - QUEENSWAR4 N0:612 31ARIEET STREET. PHILADRLPHIA. Pnr farthnr particulars apply to S. S. SIIRYOME obambarobarg ,Pa roni.S34y. ME QOUT.FIERN HISTORY OF ,THE WAR. THE FIRST YEAR OF THE , WARI By E. A. POLLARD, Ed itOr Richmond Examiner: . 1 Vol. 8vo; 4eo pages; Cloth, $2.00. With tiutheatic portrtits. on steel, of DAVIS, LEE, BEAUREGAILD AND JACESON, - - _ - - This is an exact reprint of the oulv Mstory of the War published in the SA,nth. The came and importance of this connected. statement of all civil, military and naval operations for the year ending- Atli' 1. 1862, as pictured to Southern renders, cannot be underrated. It is welt written, full of details,with nutty narratives and incidents of perstmaindventure of 'the greatest interest. It contains interesting sketches of Southern Officers, the Constitution of the Confederate States, and, Chronolog ical kist of Battles and Events. SECOND YEAR OF THE WAR: • Br L. A. PintAlM Editor 'Richmond Examiner, and Au thorof ”First Year , of the Warp I Vol. 8vo; 400 pages; Cloth, $2. With Portraits, on Steel, recent', taken, of Vtes-PnzanDENT STEPHENS, GENERILLS , LONGSTREET, 11114 BRAGG AND ,JOHNSOY, AND ` , 4 OF BATT- ' This volume - bring; the History of tlle War; from. a Southern view, down to the close of the late' Invasion, (July. 156) of Pennsylvania. Written with clearness, independence and ablitty, and as the only connected account of all the civil military, and naval operations in the South, it idol grad - imp - in tence and interest.- It giveit nthrilling narrative of rltulPaiutV. which were filled with interesting incidents and brilli int action._ It contains a Chronological List of Battles_and Events. CQ%IPANION TdPOI.LARIYA ITIST6RIES. OFFICIAL - REPORTS OF BATTLES: Published by order of Congress, Richmond, Vu. 1 Vol. Svo: COO pages; Cloth, $2.50. • AUTUENTIC PORTRAIT OF. OEN. I.IESUREGARD . . An isact reprint ol the Official Confederate Reports of BATTLES. RAIDS and SIEGES, which are of the greatest interest and importance. They will command tho attention of multitudes of readers in all parts. wlm are de ß iren, o f Knowing the Southern Illstory of the - War. . • • The above works, bound liandsomely in half Morocco, gilt edgee. uniform, will be supplied at $l2 per set. - Copies of the above sent by mall, post-paid, upon re ceipt of prices: Agents supplied by ti.c23-3t) G. 31. 0, 400 Chestnut St_ Phil ads. - L - TE.RsT EDITION, 15 1 000.-TIIE 12 GREAT GENERAL OF THE SQUILL AN ALITHENTic LIFE OF STONEWALL, JACKSON. LIVE, SERVICES AXE , CAMPAI6SB OP - STONEWALL JACKSON,' , - Frurn Official Papers, Outemporary'Narratives, and Per ' sonal imivaintance. AT A 'VIRGINIAN.. One \ 01. 12rno ; 325 pp.; $1.25. Authentic-Purtraits of JacKaott, and his anccestl4, Ew- ALL, on Steel Reprinted from advanced fibres of the -Richmond Edit ion.- . . - Stonewall Jackson has nude two profound an impres [don for the public not toileyour with avidity an authen tic life. Poor compilations may be got up by authors without access to authentic documents, but this is a life written by a-Confederate officer (Ron. John 11 Daniels) who knew hint ,well, served under him hi his brilliant career..wats assisted in-the work by Mrs. Jackson, and had access to all his papers. It is written with great ability. and firms a volume of intense and absorbing in terest. unequaled by any other yet offered to the public. It contains the only authentic portrait of Jackson, taken from life...shyrtly before the battle of Chancellors: ;vine, for Alts. Jackson. Agents_supplied by G. 31. BIIIGGS, 'declV3-3t, _7 400 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia. VA('T I C E.—the Subscriber will publish in September, a PORTRAIT of STONEWALL JACKSON -. Wrra AN AtriCbGUPB, ENGRAVED ON STEEEL BY ONE .OF TEE BEST Ms copied from a photograph taken just before the battle of Chancellorsyille for Mrs. Jackson, and lathe on. ly authentic picture. The work will be dope in the Guest style of t.O art. The eize .f 'the engraving will be • PRICES, WITHOUT FRAME: Plain Pro;;44 ' $B.OO India Proofs f ;5.00 /Wan Proofs, before ,ettar, of which a very find led,nurnber will be printed 10.00 They'cnn be sent by express. Persons desiring this splendid portrait Of Jackson are requested to forward their nom s early to the Publisher. Copies will-be delivered in the order in Which the sub scriptions were received Copies of above sent sy, mail, post-paid, upon receipt of prices. Agents supplied by G, M. BRIGGS: dec23-3tl 440 Cbe,tnut Street. Phil utelphia. riU N.- tIE RU AMERICAT4w Best Pzper for rarmers and Fruit Growers—Eight ' , Wars Premium. for may Twenty Suhscribrra.L-I want 10,000 club agents to (initiate • the- Buda American. ica.N. , Volume VIII com mences January let 1864, paper free to club subscribers in December This is de cidedly the best awl eheipest farmer's and fruit 'grower's paper in existence. at only $1 a year, - and every subscri; ber receives two of the beet GRAPE TINES known exist. sent free of all expense. or ONE DOLLARb wort It of itusAlus GREAT PROLIFIC STRA WIIERRI PLANTS.—the Largest and most productive in the world. many of which are actually -as large as REX'S EGG 4 .19W- Every person who remits $1 will receive the paper FREE tai Jittalltry next. and through 18C4 f.,r his money! Samplecopies sent free to all appliCants. with full details. Positively I orer the hest terms to Postrun.sters and niv erclubagenteofany other pnblither in this country. EIGIIT DOLLARS in premium, for every club of refrstr snlitcribet el I have an immense supply of the eltoicee grape vines, all of which are to be FREE le , my -here! Send for speeinie*les immediately. acid repqnovl 8-4] . .Clinton,OnedtiCo.,N.T. .SCHENCK'SPI3 , LMN OIC SYRUP SCHENCK'S PULMONIC SYRUP BILL CI:RE SCIIENCICS I'ULMONIC SYRUP SCHENCK'S PULMO.NIC SYRUP V7,IIC:;CK'S -SEA WEED TOIC SCHENCK'S SEA WEED TONIC WILL CUSP. . DYSPEPSIA. ECIIENCK'S SEA WE TONIC SCHENCK'S SEA. WEED TONIC WILL CURR _l, I ci r - DYSPEPSIA. !. . -SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE .PILLS ant ME LIVER COMPLAINTS SCHENCK'S )MANDRAKE PILLS WILL CURE 't LIVER COMPLAINTS. SCHENCES' ISIANDRAKE PILLS ° WILL Mfg LIVER COMPLAINTS SCILENCit'S 'MANDRAKE PILLS • was clam LIVER COMPLAINTS DR. J. H. SCHENCK has a large Snit ofßooms atNo 32 BOND STREET, NEW YORK, where he c un he found every Tuesday, from 9A. 31., to 3P. At , and t No. 39 NORTH SIXTH STREET, lIIILADELPIIIA, every Saturday. • ly e keeps aiarge supply of medicines at his rooms, IP }nth can be hadat all times: Those wishing advice or examination of the Lungs will do well to call on hint as above. He makes no charge for advice, but for a thor ough examination with the Respfrometer, his price is . $3. Many persons are afraid to have their lungs examined by Dr. Schenck for fear that they will be found incurs, ble t ind by that means it le put off until it is too late. flow much hatter it would be to Iffiow their condition at once, ae by abundance of eFidence; Dr. S. has shown sufficient certificatee in this city that he has cured ad vanced stages of consumption.i: - Dlts SCLIENCR'S Principal, Office is NO. Z 9 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pa., where letters for advice, shonMalways be directed. _ PrfEe, )f the PULI(ONIC SYRUP AND SEA 'Wen TONI° each $1 per bottle, or $5 the half dozen. "MAMMALS PILLS; 25 cents per box. For Sale by all DRUGGISTS and STOREKEEPERS. 05t.14-312 publirations. ' PLANS OF RATTLES EMI PLANS farVirat. CONSUMPTION, CONSUMPTION MILL CURE CONSUMPTION MEM CONSIT3IPTION 13233E33 DYSPEPSIA 1333311 DYSPEPSIA. k. Zig ,tranittut iltepositorn 3caittaril 6 1864. , arg an Sang Goats. G. RAND OpENING! FALL kS'D WLICTE - 11 GOODS! EYSTER & BRO. Have just returned from the Ens. with a large and varied stock of seasonable Dry Gobds, all of Which we will dispose of at a small adva'nee on cost.. What we haire now on hnnd. was purchased previOus to tbelaterise, and will be sold without regard to the present Eastern , prices, which on many articles is full as high as our retail prices i CLOTH'S: Ladies Cloths, all nolors and shades. from $1 50, to $6 00. CLOAKS 1.• 5 Lridie. Clo:l.kij . rit-:±ocAired, of r 4 itrio'us styref and L pktterns—from SS, to.s2fi KID GLOVESt Good Kids. Embroidered, 75 cents; bettei quality $1 00: Jotvims, $1 25; Alexandors, $1 50. Tho hitter makes aro the best im- ported. Also, a large lot of Fancy Gloves. CORSETS We have a„fre2h lot of the celebrated G N. B t'oraetta--20 bones; the very best manufac tured, and which we warrant:o , lit7and give satisfaction HOODS A leb-ge azkortment of Laaies' and Childrens' Woolen Moth.. ROCHA sir.k.AvLss Just frrtra Aucticn. LIE-EN HANDKERCHIEFS Trem-stitched. AO Phan. which defy competition. MOURNING GOODS Crape all prices; Lace Veils, do. : tax Alpftear: 3-1 De Laine9,4De CobargA: Crapo Collars: ,and everything desirable for mourning. MOURNING SHAWLS 8-4 De Laines and Cashmeres: Long Thibet, .nll prises; Long Repp Shawls—beautiful:goods. PRINTS: 1.6,18.. and Z 5 cents. De Lainem, Fancy ►od plain: CohnrEts. and French Merinoes ' . Plaids, and Stripes. FURS! FURS !I FURS!!! FURS: :1, We bate just opened a large assortment of Fun, - among which may be found RUSSIAN SQUIRRELL CAPES AND MUFFS, RUSSIAN MARTIN CAPES AND MUFFS, FRENCH. SABLE CAPES AND MUFFS, HUDSON BAY CAPES AND MUFFS, FITCH CAPES AND=NUFFS, Ail ofwhioh we will sell as /ow as can be had from the manufactures. In conclusion wo would sa7, , that 1 the gm's we linve ao for sale—and at prices as tow as • tirey eau be had this side of *e. York, We make but one Price.-and that • -, the same to all customers, whether judges of goods or not. Drop and look at the stock before buying elsewhere. va.l4-1/ BYBTBR A BRO. *tubes alai Einmate • ' JACOB B. MILLER, 3f 112 STREET—I hooey South of the Diamond. • ' CIIAM#ERSBURG, PA.. ° Wu aid eatfully invite the attention of the put , i 1 li to his large and well selected stock of STOVES, 'COPPER; - - TIN and SHEET-IRON WARE. has now the largest and best: assortment of LbR, lIALL, 0 dAS BURNERS and 'orzred in Franklin county WASH-BOILERS stantly on hand of all sizes, and the best ma- terial COAL ,BUCKETS. largest assortme,at.the heaviest iron an d the .best male in the Bounty Alhr—Alargc stock of I N R E, made of the best material and in a wcrrimnnlike manner. As he is a PRACTICAL WORK- I MAN, and has had many years ex perienee in the brisinem he feels confident that he can givd general satisfaction 00FING,-SPOUTING, &e e and put up at.the,shortest notice. Purlieu lar attention paid to all kind! of MENDING AND JOBBING. I and look thrOngh our stock and get the prism tts'stir motto is mall Profits, Quick Sales and Good Value? JACOB B. MILLER, Four &fora South of thd Diagond Noir . .ll, • WESTERN HOTEL, Tirest Market i St., Near the Bridge, Chambersburg, Pa. - The subscriber would respectfully inform the Tra YJOI OI7SEKITAZS, 1 READ !—Gal-: 4 lug community that he has purchased and taken_vskl: posses• hz g hpes Sunruc 44 ir-TigAtt—l New, Flat To; ; stun of this Hotel.- lie hopes to make it'one of the most . KINO STOVE.. The plates are very heavy, and thr , desirable places for strangers and others to stop at that vdhole Stove is finished in a supertormanner. I warruns can he found in any country town. this Stove tole , supeiior to any Flat-Top Stove now in ; HIS TABLE will at all times be spread with the Wi te market. stud respectfully invite my friends and the ' uries and lubstantials of.thesiason. public to call and examine this Store, of which there • HIS OIIAM HERS are large, wellventilated, and fitted aci several sties. ' . up to modern-style. - - 1 . I have also a great variety of other COOKING lns BAR wilt be well supplied with a largeand choice S OYES. of every style: PARLOR STOVES, new and , selection of the very best.liquors. • 'l.lauttful patterns - together with a heavy stock 01 , HIS STABLE will always be provided with good s.. Or ES for Churches. Storek, °titres, Hotels. kr. wholeiome provender for stock, and attended by careful JOHN :4. LUDW IG, i ostlers. , Wholesale and itetall Dealer in - I No pains will bespared tcPrender entire satisfaction to STOrES. TIN .A ND COPPER WARE. , all his guests; and pleding himself to endeavor to please N. B.—l have been appointed Sole Agent for Galla- all. he solicits a liberal share of thepubtic patronage. iler's Cc irt.rat ed Sunrise Air-Tight Cook Stot einf'hant- i June 17, '63. - JOHN MILLER berKburjz. Pa. . - June 17. LS:I3 T ETTE'R, HAMILTON & CO'S Great Sierra and Tin Ware Store.corner of the iamoriti. can be Fern the largest,beat. and cheapest Nof tiowis in Charnheaburg. They have 1100E NO STOVES for Wood'atui Coal, of late.tpattern. anti ,,lt fair price... 1 (Juno v. 1863.1 QPOITTING DONE AT SHORT 0 NOTICE. of first rat e material and cheap.' I All work warranted. and cheaper than can bet:wilt/hi eleeWhere in the County. Call and see for yonrFelfei ETTELRAMILTON k CO'S. - i nelrly oppbeite the Ilemk. I TTEII. HAMILTON & CO. are J pre r amt to put rtp the best LiGIITNING Rokt at cheap rates. , NLWAYS ON HAND, A-LI)2GE nt.3rtment of the verybest Tin,Japanned add t.opperwu re, ke., sold tow nt ETTER. IT ASfILTON k CO'S.; A LL WORK 'WARRANTED. and X 1 cheaper than . can be bought elpentere in the county. Point and sce--then buy, at RTTER,IjA.II.IILTONk en`S,. OALL FOR PARLOR AND Di- N . ) ma ROOM COnK STOVES. They are orottY, good and cheap. ETTER, II INtILTON 11 VS. ' N few doors from Sltryock's Book Store, itanufactures. F 0 TITE PUBLIC GENERALLY, CIIAMBF,RSBURG FOUNDRY. Tei; undersigned bikes this method to Inform the pnblir that ho hits taken the FOUNDRY so long carried on by Wm. Seibert. with all the PATTERNS connected there. with, where he purposes continuing the business, and is now prepared to tu.Lke ALL KINDS OF CASTINGS that may be wanted by the totnomnity. Particular at tention will be pall to making and keepin on hand ev ery ,dest ription of PLOWS, CASTINGS, WAGON BOX 'ES, ate. All kinds of Castings made to ordar. ' • New Plows, of differunt 'magi* always on hand srt 'math, to order. OLD METAL taken in trade, for which the ;price will be given. Ity devoting himself attentively to businessr he hopes Ito merit and receive a share of public patronage. Junolt'l33: - • ABRAEAM -METZ. EVEN 'IIIARBIit '_Y . ' A•RD.--4•The undersigned respectfully announces to the citizens iof Franklin county that, he lute opened a New• Marble Yard in , the room formerly occupied' by Dr. Hamilton,' directly opposite J. S. Nixon's Drug Store; Maiti Street,; lin the Borough otehambersburg, where he will keep on hand or make to order all articles in his line of busluesi ;such as MONUMENTS, TO and HEAD STONES. !MANTLES, TABLE A STAND TM, Ac.onanufacture4l 1 ' from the very best Foreign and Domestic Marble. He respectfully solicits a call from those who may bet a - I I Want of anyarticle in the above line. He is confident is • his ability to satisfyall who may be pleased to patronise him, either as regards his prixes,nr the quality, beauty, and chastened of his work. • aulq 8,'83. - - ' JOHN A. GROVE. ,Tar ttent. VEDERAI 4 HILL FOR RENT.-L Thelindernigned will rent the FEDERAL RILL ROUSE, and ground immediately pertaining thereto. for one or more years from A pril next. It is the most DESIRABLE PRIVATE RESIDENCE for rent in the Borough of Chanabershurg. The House is very. gun. modions andin excellent order, and there he very Be Fruit on the lot. Ezortb-tf) A. K. McCLUBJL MEI ; ,43 . eiWioi,i $ I,ountt agettics. . JOHN :3i: POVEROY, .. .. : .- - - ARYL' AND Nit 171'21 GENCT, -204 SOUTH. FOURTH STREETi, .. ~ - . .. . . .rtat.&3>Etinn.A. • - 'The undersighed, having resigned his position as Pay ,./4'naster in the U. S.Arnly, has opened at No 204 SOUTH YOURTII STELKET, - nn . ALIENCY FOR PEOCUIIING I PENSIONS, and for the collection of °films', SOLDIERS!, and another CLeallSit,Tainst the Ocaternment. My long experience as Paymaster, has given me unit dud facilities for - Vecomingi thoroughly acquainted with this business in all its details. On the receipt, by mail, ' of estate - mint of the - case of claimants; I will forward t. Ihe necessary papers for - their signature. Personal at , :iention - will be given-tOthe mice at Washingtan.. No charge unless successful, when :5 : will be charged fur collect it g all sums under $BO, and $lO on :Oltenia over that amount and under $200.. Largo; claims taken on special arrangement. Fees in Pension Cases as fixed by tw. . . . , „ INFORMATION -- -..FOR AND, LVSTRITCTIONS TO' . _ . FLAI.M.S.NT-K, , '• - • All Soldiers of the present war, who have served two I years, and Soldiers discharged for wounds received in ..attle; without reference to time of service, are entitled wesides their regular pay, to $lOO Bounty; In case Soldiers or Seamen are discharged for disability or wounds received while. in the service, they are entitled to a Pension according - to the disability- _ , ! ' In case of the death of the Soldier before discharge, through disease contracted, or wounds received. while in service, his widow is entitled to receive the $lOO Bounty, besides arrearages of paland pension during her lifetim tr_ or widowhood. ' If the Soldier die after dischargo.from disease Call! ' I meted or wounds received while in service, his widow is -ntltled to a petusion of $96 per annum. • , . If no widow or minor children, the motlfer of the Sol , tier or Seaman will receive the Pension, if dependant err him wholly Ortnpart for-support. If deceased Soldier or Seaman leaves no - widow, his •hildren are entitled to the same benefits as the widow, except whew the c htldrett maybe over the are of 16 yesxfs: I If no widow or minor children x _the bounty and pay w ill descend to the heir as follOwitt_.: - First to the Fattier, second to the Maher, third trAlie I Brothers and Sisters, and then to the next of kin. Discharged Soldiers, whose clothing account waelln: ' settled at-the ttnie of discharge, can recover any balance ' due them. if the Company books are not destroyed. , To :raw this balance, write to your Captain for a „deserip 'l ice list, showing Clothing account, andforward it to use : ,Vit h your prelim ihary statement, giving also the date Ot : rout discharge Soldiors,who served with the nine'months' volpnteers, san recover $27 bdunty and premium ' without regard to • zime of service, if they have not already received it. , Soldiers who ' evere prisoners in the South, and Soldiers NIIO were absent on' sick furlough, are entitled to com xtutation of rations.: , - . In communicating with this offi n ce,State the nature of ; tour claim fully, and give the Company and Reg meet to which you or the Soldier for -whom you claim belonged, in wall as gent present Post Office valorem. • REVERENCES. ills Rxcelleney ANDirw G.Ctrarm, Governor of Penn .! Sylvania., , Ito:v.B'mm; Csamnori. ilairlaburg. Pa. . , l I liorr.joszen Cass; ChiefJuitice of the Cella of Claims; Washington.,__• . 3 How. E: 11. BisoOKX, Chief Clerk of Pay. Department, : 2 Washington. ' ; .-_ . . , - I los s EnwAan IlicPnEtuukt, Dr.c.. Washington. -: ' ' ' 11.61. JAS. P;Sig.RRET:, President Jusige,District' !Court, Pittsburgh; ; • . , .. . _ • (lox. A. K. McCtintr,Chamberaburg,,Pa. . ' i lON.TROMAS A. Scurry - Vice President Penn'a Rail Road. I ' l flo - X. - Wmuktx B.TriOXAS, Collector of the Port, Philad'a. rims. C. A .Waitions - , Post Master, Philadelphia. ; Istvan & Co., Bankers, Philadelphia. . . t . tants RUNUP, President of Union Bank, Philadelphia . : Itrxxrrr & FAmmonvc:Attornies, \., , a ' Itiron,`Wrisr & ERVIN, Merchants, - 2 .tmwm, Karcntxa & CO. Merchants, '''' 'arrearti. BATIGR & CO., 11,4sVD FArsr & Co., Merchants, :'. I EICTAILLV S. JANIVEY, JR. SS Co.- '• fer - ohants, ' li In , ,aus E. MORGAN Si Cd.„Merchants, 44 1 1 1TWOO.D, WRITS & CO4 . f.erchants,.. 4 ._ • JOHN M. PI7IIROY, 7 No. 204 South Fourth. Street. COOKING STOVES Jdne 17, '1334f., thPENSION, 130IINT_Y, AND WAR CLAIM .AGENCY.—Pensions procured for soldiers e present cs - ar who are disabled by reason of wounds • eceived. or disease contracted. while in the service of the United States; and Pensions, $lOO Bounty, and Arrears f Pay obtained for widows or heirs of those who have lied or been. killed while in service. Rety.2s;'63-1y UNION HOTEL.—This Hotel is situated on the corner of Hain and Queen Streets, near the Diamond .in the Borough ofehambersburg,Fa. The undersigned respectfully announces to the t ravel ing public that this Hotel bits been rernodled. It has been raised to THREE STORIES in beight. A fine three story Back Building has been added to it, giving en immence amount of room for the accommodation of the public generally. The rooms are large and comfort able. numbering in all, thirty=tive. They are all well furnished with 000 D NEW FURNITURE: Persons d topping at this Hotel can Nave either double or single roiims. with or without fire in them. - The Table is Al ways supplied with the BEST IN THE MARKET, and will seat over 100 persons. The Bar is filled with the CHOICEST LIQUORS.. The Stable is t wo.statits, of the most modern style, and the bestir' the Borough of Chambensbunt. .Intle 17;63. JOHN FISHER ,Propileter. FRANKLIN HOTEL—West side of the Puhifc Spate, Chambersburg, Pa. , The subscriber wonid respoctfully inform the Travel ing Community that he has leased and taken' possession of this Commodious Hotel. Ile hopes to make it one, of the most desirable places for strangers and others to stop that can be fund in any country town. H IS TABLE WM at all times be spread with the lux r es and subs tont fills of the season. RISCIIAJTBRI are large, well ventilated,and fitted up in modern style. II IS BAP will be well supplied with &large and choice selection of the very best Liquors. HIS STABLE will always lie provided with good, wholesome pretender for stock, and attended by careful ostlers. No pains will be spared to render entiresatlifaction to alehis guest; and pledging himself to endeavor to Please all. he solicit. a liberal, share of the public patronage. June DANIEL TROSTLE. HIT SWAN HOTEL ) Cham bersburg, MunAti.cinovr, Proprietor: Having purchased this well•knownllotel,(longknoWn as Miller's, and recently as•Welst Grove's.) the Propri• etor pledges himself that no pains shall be spar4d to minister to the Wants of hissuesta. The character heretofore sustained by the Hones. as a comfortable Home for the Mourn er, shall not suffer lu 'Jay hands if a constant effort to please and accommodate will sustain it. The proprietor, therefore, solicits, a - continuanceof the liberal patronap heretofore extend ed to the" White swan." • ' • In addition to large Stabling, he has TWO LOTS and a pair of liar and Broca ScALI39 for the accommodation aDrovera and Butchers. Jtine17,18 . 63 . REUSS Calmat's'. DAVID a ITUTOHISM VOVERLY & HIITCHISOIi k_,) Have become the Proprietors of the UNITED STATES HOTEL, near the Railroad Depot at HARRIS BURG, Pa. This popular and commodious Hotel has been newly refitted and furnishedibranunout its par. Mrs and chambers, and is now ready for the reception of guests. - - The travellingpublic:willflud thoDulted SkateaHotel the most convenient , in'all particulars, of any Hotel In the State Capital, on account of its access to the rail road,being immediately - between the two great depots in this city, [Hantsnttao,Junel.7,'634L IrNDIAN QUEEN HOTEL, Main Street, Clunbersbsag, Pa., JOHN W. TAYLOR, oprietor . Fine nedommbdationisaidlow charges: - M'S/tick Yards and Scala - are connected 'with: tile premisesforthe convenience of Drovers. Also—ksten- - sive stabling-and yards for Horses and Carriages. Jane 17, 'd3.,._ , lEIDELNAN; • • WHOLESALE GROCER 'A 1) P ODUCE COM I TISSIONMERCH No. 70 MAREET No. 2 NORT`II 7th ST., PHILADA. ' Invites the attentiomof Merthants to lila large and well assorted stock of Sugars, Syrnps,Teas, and Coffeeeall of which will be sold at lowest, market rates. Country buyers and sellers wiil find it totheir advantage to give him a sail.. Prise currents containing ail the varieties of th e mar , ket to be bed of 8.9. SHILTOCIE, Chambereborr sept. 24 IMM JOHN. R. ORR, Claim Agent, Chambersimrg. Pa Motets. MICHAEL GROVE *noitrante.- .i ii :MERICAN - LIFE, INSURAN,Ch : AND• - • TRUST COMPANY. , - • South-ecattorner of Walnut and /bora &reefs, Phila delphia. incorperatedl3s9. Charter Perpetual. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $500,000 00. , nip tip CAPITAL. $2:60,4)01) Ob. ASSETS, 41.837,7441. Insures tireaduring t% t natural life ' or for` short terms grants - ;mann' t ..nd endosoments and makes contracts of all kinds . epending on the issues of - life. Acting also fie Exe,utons. Trustees and (Mentions:— Policies of Life Insurance insured at the' 'usual mutual rates of other good Companies-.with profits to the lit sured—last Runes. Januiry.l36l, being 43 ;per' cent, of all pretulsluin received ors =anal, policies at joint stock rates, 2o per cent. lees than the above. - NON-FORFEITURD PLAN.' ' By which a petson pays for 5,7 i or 20 yearsotily,when the Policy is pawl up for life, knd nothinginore . to pay, and should he be unable, or wish to discontinue - sooner, I heCompany will iRBIII.I a paid-up policy in proporth.n to the amount oi premiums paid, as follows: r ' At 6 year:l I - At 7 year At 10 year ' Rate.. 1 Bates., Rates. iLlter payment, of , the annual prerni- - • . ums (on policy of $1000) fdr $4OO 00 • ssBs - 00 ' $2OO CO Oupay't of 4 an.pre. 800 00' . 67/ 40 • , 400 ; 60 a . 6 .4, - '• - ,857 10 ' 64 8 it • Annual premium for $lOOO. ' - - :.• . 2 , 70N-FORrEITURE TRY.. /*BAR. 'RA nr. . i Ate 20,• ~ - ' " $3O 50 25 ' 34• GO . - -38-40 " 85,..............., . : ........ ; ..... :,,, ' • ' '4B 01 , c' 40, . • - 11.1.,1••• 47 -00 45,__ ~. ' _ 53 f , O " 50, :::' ---.-- ' Go : 0 Insurance inizife effected. giving. toasty party, ea t the death of life Insureti frcertaln yearly juctimeby 6lid on - 'Tient for life, tintsavoliling all - contingencies of Invest ing llie earne, and 1.,a5 , be - double or treble tho early interest. ', ' . . —,....... ' . A'LEXANDER WIIILLDIN, President. 9451/11.11i - WORK., Vice-i'sesitient.' - . • JOHN 9: WILSON, Secretary and Treasurer. BOARD OP TRUSTEES. Alexander Wlllldin, , ' J. Edgar , ' Thompson,- 4, Hon. James Pollock, Eton. J °tier& Allison, _ Albert C.Sollettn, .Tonne Bbwrean, Samuel T. Bodine, , • fl H. Eldridge, tleOrge 'Nugent; John Aikman, Wini. J Howard, - , • : Chas.P.Henzlitt., , , Samuel Work; ' • .. : - _ I.IEDICAL Exemnumd.* 14.1 X, .1. NEWTON WALKER, fit, D. In attendance at the Company's owe , dally,„ at 12 . _ WM.G. Chambersburg, Pa.. is the authorized Agent a. the American. Lite Insurance and Trost Conn pang, and is always prepared ;to furnish pamphlets cr nnylnformattOn wanted, and to takeAnsuranees. • _ DR. J. C. RICHARD , Malice Exantittir. - REFERENCES—Iion. A. K. McClure, rolls, J. S. Nixon. Chamberstiurg,and Wm. M. Marsh 4 Cashier Hageptown Bank. out 21,6.44 f FiekRAINTIMIN. INSUIiANCE COM.I: - ZANY OF PHILADELPHIA, No. 435 and .43i tnut Street: Capital Perpetual Preminni, Unexpired Temporary Premiums.... Surplus. Total $2;392,116 39 §tatement of the Aeaeta• of the - Company on Januarys'. , , 1863. First Mortgagmi.aniply secured " $1,993,931 46 Real Estate, (present Tattle $138,322:17,) cost 1.28,970 77 Temporary Loans.'on ample Collateral Econ. Stocks, (present valneS9S,36s 18,) cost Notes and Bills receivable Cash Advance in value! of Beal Bathe over Pt Advanee in value of Stocks over cost Taint - ,Orir The, onfy Prof.•- l'euta , pany can divide by law, are . from 'determined. • ‘pxtiact from the !Marto.? of the romicony . "Belb•the 13301:10ye le , t•l‘ed a j • - • r [b. 1:& - . Which remain undetermined, and.. e • - 1., • ;i,e time of declaring such Dividend. Phan t voubotet. as part of the profits of said Corporal bahet divided um' PEEPE4•U.AI or LIMITED IN SUP made on every-description of property, in T. WT) and Country; for Owners, Mortgages. Ground. La di &c., de. itate4kaslow as are consistent with Pet' city_ Since their Incorporation, a peii. d-a. thirty years,. they. have jaid - over FOUR rammoNs OF DOLLARS costs - T - ItY FIRE; thereby affording evidence of the advantages - of Insurance, as well ni the ability and dis position to meet with promptness hll liabilities. . . , LOSSES BY FIB& Losses piOd during the year 1862 DIRECTORS. Chailos N. Bancker, David S. Brown, ' Tobias. Wagner, Isaac Lea, - . • '''. Sainnel Grant. Edward C. Dale, • dacob•R. Smith, - . George Bales,. - George W. Richards, Alfred Fitter. . 4 CHARLES N. RANCHER, President. i EDWARD C. DALE, Vice President. Jaa.W.ld'Ausataa, Sec'y pro tem: ' Ay? Application made to DAVID DMICIt.. of Chat:Lbw's burg, who is an autharisted Agent' for the Company either personally or by letter, will meet 'with attention iliarcit 4,1863, lEN - aI:TRANCE -- COMPANTI- OP , lII'MITH AMERICA. INCORPO.RATED 1794. - R ETUAL CHARTER. CATTTAL $6OO 000. - Orrker,--/Co. 232 WAINIPT:STMEXT, PRILARAPEIA- - ThiSCaMpany are now prosecuting the business of In surance frqm Loss or Damage by FIRE ori. Buildings , Merchandlit, Furniture &c., throughout the State, of Pennsylvania, on LIBERAL TERMS, for long or Short periods; ortormanentlY-on Buildings, by a deposit of Prapluto. • - - ThS PROMPT Psmcmie of Curms for Lesess during,tbe periodot bearIy:SEVMSTY FEARS that the Company - has beenfn oxfstance, entitles them to the confidence of lb* public. • Arthur 9." Coffin, Samuel_ W.JoneS, John A. Browni - Charles .Tkvior, Ambrose 'White, John R. Neff, Richard D. Wood, William Welsh; William E. Bowen, , CHARLES PLAIT, Seei: %ARTHUR G.CCFFIN,Pres. 'WAIL BUEHLER, central Agent; at Harritti47.9,..014 WM. G. REED, Ehambersbnrg, Ea., is the anther. zed Agent - of the ins:trance Company of North Ameri ca, and It alwa,ve prepared to give any information de sired. and to take Insurances. REEERENCE4 I —Chaj•Ies ff. Taylor and John Di drier". Esq''s..Dhembersburg. Oct 21. 'B3-tf /VIZ AGENT.—MR: Jouri GROVE; Njr-of ChaMberatiurg, is - the General •A gent eilgie Franklin Countyllutual Insurance Company. June 17.'63. . . • • WM. euttirierrba, tioding• f 0 OT I IN.I . G - ' _- , - - ~-, ~ HOOFING Read y to Isttirdoitin; Ii OPING niore ' cfurabie than Ilia. • ~ ~ ROOFING at ha({ accost°, Tin. - • . •.' • ' -., RogvNG: for 'Steep or kat,R+llll - READY R 00E4 N - a • .. . , I , 9B_IIOUSES, • ROE taititcrits, • • . .. ._ ; F9R.FACTORIES, • - • - FOR BARNS, . - FOR ~ A LL , BUILDINGS 1 - :- - This Roofing is made of the heaviest woven fabric eves' used far the purpoSeldanuflictured solely by oarselfes and secured by Patent. Put up in rolls and Shipped to all parts of tie Country, and usually for sale by hardware merchantsand builders.. It can be applied by any common workman. , .We also manufacture. - t ' LIQUID GOTTA PERCHA CEM:ENT, ' - ,_. Pea AMLICIUra • • _ ..- , : ..LEA'K'Y TIN it o o'P's".t CHEAPEN THAN OIL PAINT, ' HEAVIER BODY THAN OIL PAINT. ' MORE DURABLE THAN OIL PAINS!. It forms a permanetly adhesive, elastic coating ortm the whole surface of the tin. filling up all the Smaller _ - RUST HOLES,. . And often saving the expense of a new roof: ' OUR. COMPOUND- „ • - - _ . GTITTA PERCIIA CEMENT is especially adapted to roatrtng . , LEAKY SHINGLE BOOPS, _ , - CHINNLESi' , '-' ''r. : 1 RSTZIGHTS, il, , ; • • • • ...- • . ,:;'.: . , ife. r @C:, di,- We: This is a thick, tenacious compound, 'applied with a trowel or similar, instrument, and does-. not_drY sip . and crack, as do all other articles used fur thi= f i r : - CIRCULARS AND SAM I; S - • . Of the Ready It' °citing sentby mail whandesinil , d I Liberal arrangements made with' Agents. READY ROOFING CO„ 73 Maiden Lane, New York. ang.26-}y 2CENTS will liar for tho.REEC,. t/ SITORT three month ! to Ito soot to s Soldter a thesoroioe. ti 4 7 . y f . 4 - $400,000 00 895,024 6; /71425 65' 924,7e6 n' 84,625 99 $4,901'50 1.540 50 75,31:: ea iv 3 ' 9..1314 71) tAti P 4 02,118,139 i : • =SE= $69,798 1 James N. Dickson, B,3lorrls John Mason. George Ti. Harrisbn, , Francis R. Cope, Edward H. Trotter, Edward S. Clarke.. William Cummings,