The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, January 06, 1864, Image 5

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    trauldin gepositorg.
Sloppy, !badly day, and,the frozen . rain•drips
lazily from eave and branch. All nature
leeks miserable. Even the ducks quack
mournfully as they paddle their weary way
through the thickening mud. The • sky is
murky, no clouds to be seen; - but one thick,.
dark curtain covers the heavens, while
the earth reflects back the ' same lugubrious
hues, with a sameness that: savors of a ludi
crous attempt at making faces. We are seat
.ed beside a bright coal fire; with a ruddy
lightreflected upon our clean white paper,
and is we scribble, it does us good to hear
the plasbilg,pedestrians plod along under our
very noses. It is glorious; and uider the
• - genial influence of light and heat we are dis
posed to be peaceful- and pleasant. O that
some good friend would Venture' out this
wretched night arid condescend to spend a
sociable evening with us, some friend of our
early boyhood, - that We might together gos.
sip over hdnie of our school boy reminiscen
eas. Bap, tap; goes some one's knuckles
against our door. ' " Come in," we say, and
lo who should.enttr but the very friend-We
should have preferred beyond all others. ' Off
With your over-coat, my bay, draw up toile
t'fire„ There , —inicv let, our talk glide along
in an easy murmur, and let
t us call up old
limes. "By the by," says mywelcome vis
itor,- "your gossip of last week about Ed.
rmninds me of --." "-None of your
.Lineolnisins,' cried we. ' , ..NOnserise, Jet me
'go on;—reminds me of the time when he used
to sit'S;ide me at Mr. B's school. more
wr Ached boy tuna I,never, existed alongside
of that scamp. 1 gOt,..plore.-whippings and
Hall into more seraphs' through him at that
time, than in all the rest of mg life put to
gether. 1 rementber being ferruled three
iiinel e ;onthe palm of my hand in one' after
men; thanks . to -him ; and to see that bay
grinningnt me as I returned each - time crest
fallen to my seat, was perfectly maddening.
His face, when Mr. B. looked at
,him, was
the very picture of solemn studiousness; and
the - very- epitomC of roguery at alt other
timer; He used to bore holes through the
benches, and had an ingenious apparatus
formes or'a crooked pin and a string, by
_which, at any distance along the bench, all
ho had to do was to pull the string, and up
would go the pin into that part of the unfor
tunate boy's body where the learning was,
in our school, supposed to be pituated, " reno
rare do/orcliz.." The poor boy would utter a
yell, and shake his fist; at the studious Ed.,
and would of course be called up by Mr. B.
to receive a ferruling. I was as fond of ma
' king balloons on my slate as was ever Tom
- my Traddles of drawing skeletons. Once I
4 had made a magnificent one (instead of per
forming my questions in arithmetic) :and as
Mr. B. was examining the right side of my
E&.. who happened to sit in front of
me, saw my hallcyon.cords; car, aeronaut and
all,' and most denlrely , said :- Mr. B. ain't
that a nice -balloon that has on this
side of his slate;" which of course directed
Mr. B:s attention to it, and procured for me
a trimming. I shall never forget the time I
asked permission to go down with Ed. an
'hour before afternoon dismisal, fur the pur
pose of helping him "bring come the cow."
What is the use of two of you going fur the
cow," says our oldteaelier. Ed. spoke up
sad answered for me. "He goes before and
I go behind—you see, sir, the cow is so e6yi
trary that she runs past the , house unless
there's some one to st6p her.:' didn't get
out that afternocjn. * *
A philosaphictil friend of ours was COll
- by a lady as,to what was most bee -
ing "to go into that detestable . 'bonnet 'of
hers," and was answered " a contented face."
He has not been consulted since.
The money market was very unsettled one
day last. week, owing, to the issue of search
warrants , for looking throUgh„ some houses
inhabited by "Arc we not men and brOilers?"
It seems that a couple of boys - were discov
ered ,with their handQn Shryock's money
drawer, were pursued and captured in a
public building belonging to the Court House,
where in , fancied security they were-sharing
tlr.dr ill-gotton booty. They were immedi
ately taken before Justice Davison, and after
hearing were solemnly marched off to jail-,
accompanied by the Borough Constable and
1111 • admixing crowd of little boys. Some
houses were then searched, in which were
found several suits of new clothes, about SO
iri money,-and so forth. Two colored-indi
- riduels were overheard conversing- on the
probable punishment of the young offenders.
One of them remarked, Five yorais-a long
- tame," 4.0 h," says the other, triiimphantly,
- " Why just look at my Uncle. Look how
long lie was in jail—that's nothing." Let's
have the whipping post back, by all means !
This is the same party, doubtless, that has
Wien carrying off gold pens, paper and sun
dry odds and ends out of the lawyers' offices.
' What an awful position these four boys are
if,. (for alas, two more were added to the
blacklist.) What chance for mercy, having.
- r9bbed the men 'they should now depend
ni)opil Well, Well, they'll get justice. •
A GALLgT SOLDIER.--On Thursday last
&week, Ist L dohn S. Hatch, second in
- ceminand of the Invalid . Company recently
this place, received a commission as Cap
tain. It was an agreeable surprise from the
fact that ho had never solicited it, nor is he
aware of any parties interesting themselves
for him.. Capt. Hatch has displayed quali
ties truly deserving of credit, .and though
young in years, has passed through scenes of
peril and strife sufriciept to shake the firm
ness of the bravest of veterans. He enlisted
as a private in the First Michigan Infantry'
to July, 1861, at Ann Arbor, and passing
through all the grades of a non-commission-
ed officers, was commissioned 2nd Lienti in
May, 1862. 'He Was With McClellan throfigh
the4nlire Peninsi3la "canipaign", and for
lent service at Gainei' Hill, where he bad
command of, the company; he was pronioted,
tiilst Lieutenant. In the memorable fights
of, Bull Run, August 20th an - d - 36,th, 1862,
he active participant, and when the
last terrible effort was made to carry, j the
enemy's batteries by a charge 'of Infantry;
on the evening of the_3oth, he Was wounded
five times—first his left hand - Was torn' to
pieces by a musket shot; it was bandaged on
the field, and in ten Minutes he was again at
the head of his command.' He then received
a musket ball in his 'right hip,land
minutes after was struck by a musket ball in
the left breast, which passed nut through his
shoulder blade. He still conatted with his
command, and it was only when - the frag
ments of a shell, which had burst alniost' in
his face, and tore the flesh from_ 'his right arm
below the elbow and terribly mangling his
already shattered left arm;did he fall to the
ground fromrexhaustien and loss of blood.
He was conveyed to Alexandria and suffered
amputation of the left arm near the elbow.
In January he rejoined his regiment, but
his wounds breaking out afresh- - he , was
again sent to the hospital. * Obtaining thirty
days leave of abseneehe visited his home in
Michigan and while there received a comis
sion as Captain. He again rejoined his com
mand in' March and - was with it in all the
subsequent movements of the army of the
Potomac and was among the gallant spirits
nt Cliancelorville and Gettysburg. Such a
record of bravery and endurance is seldom
presented. While in Washington under:
Medical treatment he vos appointed Ist Lient. e ;
in the Invalid Corps, yielding reluetant,
to a separation from his old comrades. 110
came to this place temporarily iii command
of the Invalid Conipany and as stated has
received a commission as a Captain. He;is
subject to assigning orders,frorn the Provost
Marshal General. •
in the
record we have made has proved himself one
of the bravest of soldiers, but we must add
that he h as . exhibited qualities since sojourning
aniongns, not only indicating the gallant
soldier but the true gentleman and the most
genial of companions.
B. Ward has opened a new recruiting station
in the office formerly •ccupied by snively
Strickler, Esq., on East Market street. Cap
tain Ward is the popular and gallant,co'
mender of Company "D," llth Pen - nsyl2
vania Cavalry, now near Suffolk, Virginia,
and-whieh 'is considered one of the best Regi-
Meats 'in the service. The Captain's com
pany is composed of young:rn.en almost ex
clusively from this town and neighborhood,
and the• flue, gentlemanly appearance :of * a
number recently home on- - furlough bespoke
the 'excellent- discipline - prevailing among
them. TO those desiring to enter the Cavalry
service no better opportunity could be offered
than: to enlist with Captain Ward. Veter
ans who have seen nine menths or more ser
vice, receive aßounty of $402 from the United
States and . sloo from.the Borough' of dam
beriburg All others receive $402, which
includes the Borough Bounty.
'RED - . W. "WRITE WILLIAM, A. M., of
New York, will deliver-ature in the
Presbyterian church on Thursday evening,
January ith, on' The Holy Land. Mr. Wil
liams hastrnvelled extensively in America,
,Europe, Asia and Africa, and lived in . the
city of Jerusalem forty days during March
and "April, 1861. His Lectures are cordially
recommendedi as pleasing, ;interesting and
instructive by Rev. Drs. HOpkins; Spring
and " Hutton, Ex-Gov. Pollock, and many
other eminent authorities.: In the Lecture
Mr. W. will exhibit speclimens of the 'orien
tal costume. a case of flowers rom Palestine,
Hebrew coin, among them . the "widows
mite" and a "crown of thorns' from the
Holy city. 3lr. W. has addressed nearly
8000 `persons at olio time. Tickets 2 cents ;
Sabbath School S,cholars, 10 ets.
Ihr.ros.—Mt i ny persons are doubtless i..:-
norant of the lftW requiring deeds for land,
made within the State, to be recorded within
sip months, and those made out of the State
within twelve monthS, or they will be - de
clared void against subsequent purchasers or
mortgages -for value. Ignorance of the law,
however, eicuseth no man, and owners of
propePty would do well to nob:iv', and act
promptly upon- the suggestion of Recorder
Strickler in our advertising columns.
THE Icx HARVEST.—The present "cold
snap" has been producing ice in abundance,
and the ice houses are being rapidly- filled.
We notice Mr. John Reasner filling a num
ber of houses with a splendid article, from the
ponds oh his premises near town. Ice }His
becoMe an indispensable article, for Summer
use, and as the demand is constantly increas
ing the cr(ip harvested the present season
will. be unusually large.
The extensive distillery of Messrs. Brough
and Harchelrode on the Coneococheogue
Creek near town was totally destroyed by fire
on Monday last. It was a new concern and
almost completed for •an extensive business.
The' fire originated by accident and the loss
will be about $7OOO.
FRIDAY next, the Bth instant; is the 49th
anniversary of the Battle of. New Orleans.
In former years it was appropriately observ
ed by feasting, salutes and military displays.
For, the laA few years, however„our nation
al troubles have been ,so absorbing that the
days commemorative of our early achieve
ments pass iby almost unnoticed.
SALE OF PROPERTY.—The Messrs. Fahn.
esteek, sold at private sale, their brick prop
erty comer, of Main St. and Cheapside Alley
test week, to Mr. Christian Burkhart for the
sum of $7BOO.
`ilt). - -frititklit'ttrepoito*o, 30iiiini'g';'-1864.
, RELtators.t-Ei)ise9palseribe will be held
in the Masonij. Hill, On next:Sunday morn
at 10 ; 1 cieg'N:k.
FREEui Ground Pepper, iiweet MarjOry
and splits of all knids, warrantediptifre. at Milirr
Ilenshey's. ilk a preparstion :or ming Reef and
Pork which Pv eri body should have.; It imparts a tine
fhiV.,r to the mea and prevents worncs from getting in
'wholesale and retail store yoil can 'obtain the hiekest
Wee for dried fruit and all kit:idiot country produce.
and also see the largest and fined stock of goods at low
COUNTRY PEOPLE, when you visit Charn
berabarg. call at • tielwicks' wholesale and retail etere,
examaine the large stock and get a bargain. -
IF you want pure Black Pepper, Corrian
der and Sweet Margnrani,yon can be supplied at Hey.
ser,/k. Creasier's.
qm.wtex's expects to Ingo 'his business
pay by sellinv, the largest quantiti and not. by lar;ze
the place to • get pure medi
cins, the best ,§.cinp and Perfumery 1¢ at Ileysee
Gen. JoF. E. Johnson hai ns!.unte!lcorn
manti of the rebel Army of the Tennessee.
Gen. Robert O. Tyler succeeds to the com
mand of the division recentlY under General
t Sorcoran:
.T. I). Stover. a general contractor for the
Navy Department, has been, arrested and is
to be tried etbre u military court' in Phila
delphia. Th l e , charges are ofi an exceedingly
grave character.
Town:43nd Sharpie:is, one of the oldest did
most successful merchants of Philadelphia.
died in that city on Wedneday, at the ad
vanced age Of 'seventy-one Years. — The dr
ceased w as a Member of the Society of Friends
and devoted much of his time and means io
works of benevolene-e and philanthropy.
Maj. FranCis Jordon, - of i3c,.ford count:
has been appointed by Gov. Curtin, Military
Agent, to represent the Pennsylvania volun,
teers in the city of Washington. Maj r s r
Jordan is at present a Paymaster, stationed
at St. Louis, but having' accepted the - al -
pointment in questiok heJ wile resigfli the
duties 'of his paymastership to enter upon
those of the -State Agency, gentles
man highly qualified to discharge any duty
involving great and important service. in
his-charge, the interests of our volunteers at
Washington will ,be faithfully guarded.• We
congratulate Gov: Curtin on his appointinent.
The following writs were issued iii the
Court of Common Ploaq last week:
finks: &Caufmen vs Charles Brown. Si.e fa. to
revive'judgment 101 of April Term, 1859.
Michael P. Schrader vs Frederick Zullinger.—
Summons ia Slanler. Stambaugh 1v Stewart. for
Michael P. Schrader vs Geo. Foreman. Sum
mons in Slander. Stambaugh St Stewart for PM
Melchi Brindle. Jr.. A s John ltri , .dle. Attach
moot execution to judgment 147 of April Tenn,
1859. McLellan 'or Piff.
Greerawa tdd: Barr vs H. Hughes & Co. Sum
mons in Assainpsit. McLellan for Plff.
The following letters of iulrninistration
and letters t&tarnentaiy were' issued during last
' Estate of John T. Renfrew of:Guilftni; letters of
administratioti to S. R. Burns.
Egtato of W. E.. Camp, D. C.; !ottani
of att-ninistratlon to !lasting+ Gohr.
Estate of Rebecca Treher. of :liar:111ton; lt item of
a Iminititration with the will annexed,to William
Bomart. '
Estate of Wm. Ovelman, Sr.: Antrim: letters of
administration to Wni. °retreat - 1, Jr.. and Abra
ham Carbaugh. .i
i AcCOILt:T6 F71 4 ..F.D.
The following - accounts were Ailed during
last week.
Final account of David Wilson, Executor- of
Matthew Patton, late of Hamilton township.
First and final account of John Miser, Adminis
trator of Daniel Cayman. t
A REnEt. taken at Chickamhuga, said of
our artillery that he -didn,l think that the
-Yanks would use them big:guns much long
er." "Why not V' inquired the Fqds.—
"Beeause,"lsaid lie, "the Confederacy is et
g so narrow that you'll ;tine cleat over it
and hit your men on the other side."
.PaocEtniNos are now far advanced in the
territories of Nevada and ,Colorado toward
perfecting their organization . as States, and
presenting themselves in that form thr ad.
mission into the Union at thepresent session"
of Congress.
On the 43th inst.. by the Rev. Thomas liarnhart,M.
TROMAS METCALF t, M ARM! L., daughter oc Hon. W.
W. Patton, all of this place.
On the 29th nit., at the Montgomery Mope- in MN
o w e. by the sOM.4, Mr. Joint_ L. tiILBEPS, to 1148 MART
A. 81111 TB, both of State 'Line.
Un the same day by the same. 3tlOfiritlEt Ittintß, of
Peters township, to Mins JINNot Falz. of Warren tVp.
On the 21. st Ult., in the Presbyterian Meech of Dele
y....n Di . by the Rev. S. M. Templeton..TonN McKtamr,
to Mice 11,11T,' daughte - of John Rail, Eng.. of Franklin
county. Pa.
Ou the 24th nit., at the resitlenCe of the hrido'R father ,
by tho Rev. 11. W. Itebok. Mr. .to . ux FSELLI,Y. Mist
CLEME3T 'Wztht.t... both of this com i ty. •
Otto the 29th ult., at,,theresidenre of the bride's parents
14 , the Rev. W. It. IL Ilestridh.
M R. Dsvisow. to
Miss Mauna A., eldest daughter of Jacob Toting:Esq.,
all of Antrim township. this county. . -
Oa the 24t1 .
ult.. by the Rev. W. E. Krebs. Mr. JACOB
WOLF, to Miss A7iN MART MARTIN, both of this county.
On th e 24th' tilt., at the r , olden.° of Capt. ' , will. W.
Walker, by the 'Rev. A. M. Heiler, Lieut. ORO. W.
WAVERS., to Miss Maonts 8. Ennis.
On the 29th ult., by the Rev. , J. F. Oiler, at the resi
dence of the bride's father, Mr. ORO. W. KRAGET to Miss
Louts& 82towanuoitt, both of this' county.
ton the 24th ult., by the Rev..l: F. Campbell, Mr. J. R.
GEARIIIIRT, to Miss SARAH am.m, all of Quincy twp.
On the 30th tilt., by the same, Mr. M. L. Rau, ofMary
lend, to Miss LYDIA ANN OAKS of this county.
On the 31st ult., at the Ger. Ref. parsonage In Loudon,
by Rev. R.E. , Thomas, Mr. DAVID Limn, to Miss StISAN
SNYDER, of Peters ton nehip.
On the 22d tilt, at the residence of the bride's father,
hvtbe Rev, Henry Martin, Mr. JAoou B. BROUS?, of
Welsh Run, to ENII4. C. Wntozn, of Clay Lick.
. -
On the 210 ult., near Way re, lire. NANO'S' SUL.
LY. aged 69 years, 5 months an o days.
On the 234 ult., near Waynesboro', Mr. Dom ROL. ,
131 1 0iRt m the 55th year of his age• '
' On the 26th ult., in Mercersbnig, Cole BTR NE ,
ter of Dr. W. T. Smith, aged 6 years, 2 months and 15
On the 22d'ult:, near Welsh Run, Mrs. C. A. Drvitiluss
aged 28 yearn,-9 months end 18 days.
On the 29th ult., at Strasburg,. Die. DAVID OVER, in the
59th year of his age.
On the 3d Inst.. in Fayetteville, Private W. H. COLD.
sutra, Co. L. 21st Penna. Cavalry, aged 18 years, 10
months antrs days.
By the Ohio and" Atlantic Telegraph Line.-oificea
• at Shryock'l Book Store and R. R. Depot.
From Japan,.
SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Jan. 2, 1864
The ship "Onyttard" has arrived here with
Kangawa dates of the Ist of December, and
Shanghai dates to Icovembet. 22d. Kangawu
wai, still guarded by men ffom the- fleets.—
T 4 French are fortifying the - heights and
daily expecting the arrival of two regiment::
of :i.nfantry from Kong Kong. . There was
a general belie that a peaceful solution will
lie 'on rid Seer the troubles betiveen the foreign
governments and the TycoOn,"although the
civil war between the latter and. Darnias is
alritady progressing. • The Tycoon's Minis
ter' had waited on the American Minister, -
,Str ring to pay the indemnity demanded fur
ill attack on the Steamer Pembroke, in
June,last, during her passage through Island
SO. The propostion • was accepted, but
ppi ter"Prin•n will refer the terms of settle.
tit: for the subsequent attack on the
itmer Wyoming,-to the Home Govern
undeir the jnereuiecl prospect of un
ken race.
Sic? me
From the Shenandoah Valley—The Iteb.
els Driven from Winchester.
HARPER'S FERRY, January 4,- 1864 —Col.
I,K; IL Boyd, commanding `list Pa. Cavalry;
ha returned with his command from :,a scout
expedition in -the direction of Strasburg.ll . C. encountered &body of rebels at Winches
ter; Yesterday, and after a brisk skirMish,
suteeded in driving them from the town.
The expedition WrCts successful, and the man
ncti in which it was cmdpcted has ,brought
forth words of praise and high commenda
tion from Brig. , Gen. Sullivan, commanding
at this post. It will be remembered that the
214 t Regiment iscomposed of six months'
tro i oys, whose terni of enlistment will shortly
e4tre. Many of the men "are 're-enlisting
fon the war. and it . i 4 hoped that all means
mAv be taken to till up the -regiment to its
orii; hull standard. The rebel General Early
is- reported at Middletown, "with about-live
thousand ins3l,
1 'Arrival of the Ocean queen.
- NEW YORK, Jan. sth:—The steamer Ocean
Qleen from Aspinwall on the 27th arrived at
this port this morning with $250,004 in
Treasure. Our Panama letter of the 2Alth
contains 'the following item of intelligence:
Tlielrouhle in Chieriqui continues aria Gov.
011alda has lied to Panama.
Philadelphia Markets.
-PHILADk:LPIIIA, Jan. 5, 1854
The Weather is too unfavorable for out of
doors speculations, and business is
There is but little export demand for flour,
ald only 1;200 barrels extra family sold at
$ 12ga,7 621. The 'receipts are small.—
Stock is estimated at 116,000 barrels. No
change in Rye tbiur or, Corn meal. There
-isino demand for wheat. Only SOO bushels
of red sold at $1 60®1 G 5. White dull at
$1 75;i1,1 90. Rye is 'wanted at Si 40._L.
Oen is in fair requeStLs,ooo bushels yellow
F. - 0d at $1 13q . 1 14. Oats dull. at 856;,,86e.
BhrleY ranges fro $1 45-to $1 50 and malt
isltirm at $1 60(0' VO. Whisky is steady
14 04c. for go. d and ittla,93e. per gallon, for
Clark packages.
11loRTm's Ports aro now sold at the
mine prictsi as before the commencement of the war :
this is entirely owing to the Manufacturer's Improve
mmts in machipery„ his present large Retail Brisines4
add Cash-in. Advance System; for, until he commence:it
ertißing. his business was done on Credit and strictly
with the Tratle.
rthe Morton Gold Pens are the only ones - sold nt old
ptices,aa the a kera of all other geld pens ebargu that
Pi.ern ne l en the Gold, Government Tax, &c.; but Mi-rtoo
has in no cane Chank.d his prices, Wholesale or Retail.
Of the great numbers sent by mail to all pants d thin
w i ped during the pant-few years, not one in a thousand
has fiiksl to teach its destination in eafrty; shelving
tijat the Morton Geld' Pen can be obtained by any on. ;
ill every part of the world, at the name price, pining
o ly excepted.
Reader, you can have an cndttring,always ready. an j
• liable Gold Pen. exat tly adapted. to your, hand Rut
vie of writing, which will do your writing TAMP
C wailer than, Steel Pens; and at the present ahno I
i ntivet sal lliglopiessure Price of everything. you ea •
.luve a Morton Gold Pun Cheaper. in proporttou to tl I
Wan. spent upon it and material used, than any oth, ,
Gold Pen in 'the World. If you want one, call , 4
445.1 ETON, N 0.2,5 Maiden lane, blew York, 'or ludo 1
stamp for circular
Peeouttion. of LP:natation in Steam Boi .
1, U.
ilteforencrs In all parts of the country t ylzi Alhni
Gas Co.; Eabin, Gilbert & Co.,and others, Troy; Sy i
ruse. Rochotter, Auburn, &c..- &r John Gilson &
['brit's:Charles Enattm. Julio IL Evans & C0..J0w.4 t ;
Doot.andorhora,BuiMlo: Clevelancl, Columbus, ltan,
km; Ue.eouwwd,biite'. ell
ltammelsbrirg .11 , 1 40 others in Cincinnati; and tbrom -'
Out the we e ; Indianapolis, ,Dayton, Terre 'Haute. 1 ,
cannport. hicago. Springlield, , St. Louis, St . Paui. fI
.c., &c, lost about 40 to 60conte per iveek. 7,4. dr, 1.
ler, fuldre a IL N. WINANS,
PdX Nh. (. [julyi2,43:Wttl.
i 1
/ Madame Porter'.s Curative Balsam has lung'
meted the truth that there are first principles in Mn,7 '
,lee as there is in Science, and this Medicine is con i
ifoundcd on principles suited to the , manifold nature
Man! The cure of Colds is in keepingypen the port, ,
and c ii „tip a gentle internal warmth, and this Is cam .'
rid b he se this Medicine. Its remedial gur t .
sire , tact!) its power to assist thebealthy and vigor
(Ms circa ;tam of blood through the lungs, it enliven ''
the iiiiivele - p amiasnlicts tile skin to performlt3 illltieß I.
rlegnlat ing,the heat (Attie eystom. and in gently throw
ing off the waste substance fromt he 'mutate of the body
It is not, a violent, rediedy, but t mollient, wan ming
Parching and effective. Sold by all druggist at Iti
end 25 cents per bottle. . ..' ' fluiy22.
The Confessions and Experience of an :In
vatid.—Publighed for the benefit, and as a warning and
hosuffer from Nervous Debility,Premature Decay-in
k an h oo d, - e tc,, supplying at the same time •
By one who has cured himself after heing put toe great
expense and injury through medical humbug mad
By enclosing a pdat-paidaddressed envelope, single
copies may ballad of the author.
may.2a,B3 " Bedford, Kings county. N. Y.
ly Soap Maker.
WAR makes bleb Kees; Saponifier helps to reduce
!them. It Makes Soap for Pour cents a pound by nalun
iyour kitchen grease.
0,1.17710Z 11- An spurious Lyes are oreredalso,beCeri,
ml and only buy the Patented article put up in Iron
'Gans, all others being Counterfeits.
Philadelphia—No. 127IValnut Street.
n0T23.9m) Pittsburg—.Pitt StreetandDuquesne We/
nen Id The ninny!! No Sichneei In 'The 'Family" S !=
pamiliesthat understand the use of Sadway's Ready
Relief, are never troubled with ...sickness. Whenever
pain or discomfort seizes the patleut they apply it at
oae, and that is the end of the difficulty. Those who
are seized with ?are Throat, Hoarseness, Diptherbt, In
fluents, Colds, Coughs, Paine, and Aches, Rheumatism.
Neuralgia, Chills and Fevii,„'in any other disease where
therein Pain or inflamation,should apply the Ready Re.
lielre at once. thiland a mare will [quickly follow.—
Thousands of &Mina have been saved by its use in
Croup, Scarlet Fever. o°nm:di - dons, Diarrhoea, &c. Keep
this remedy in the house, and use it when pain is com
plained of, and no serious: sickness- will follow.: For
Sale by biLLLER & BRIQUET .
HELmitoires EZTEACT Bodutr.=-The
lielmbold's Extract Bodin. The great Diuretic.
lielmbold's Extract Enchn. The great Diuretic.
Helmhold'e Extract Buchu. , The great Ware tic
-And a positive and Specific Remedy tor Diseases of the
Mader, Kidneys, Gravel, Organic Weahi3ess, - Drapay, and
all diseases of the Urinary Organs, See Advertisement
n another Column. Cat it out, and send for the Medi
eine at once. Beware,of Counterfeitti.
$25. 875.
Employment !—Agenta Wank- d e will
payfrom $26 tos7s per moiith,and all expenses, t4activ.
A gentcor give a commission. Particulars sent freer—
Addiesm Ems Szwirro Mtcrus,ii COIPANT. B JAMES
ti on eral AfgeniOlilan,Ohfo. apr/129,63-1y,,.
liGaS ... , ........
II %CON ib;318...
Wheat—• White
Mercer, New
- A SUM OF MONEY, was left at'
ll this office for 31. r. Jacob Krider; from a member of
the 26th Pa., Battery, which he will recel. by paying
6)r this advertisement. (Jan 8-3 ti.
?I‘HE UNDERSIGNED, have this
dny, (Dec. 1. iSai) entered into Co•partnership in
t le L 11 Af B E It B U 3 I N ES .4, underthe title of B. L.
MAURER & Co. Shay can be found .at their office,ln
Wunderlich & Need's new Warehouse, where they will
be pleased to wait upon all who may favor them with a
call. . , B. L. MAURER.
• jan 63t' . D. K.-WUNDERLICH.
J The subserlber wlll allbrat Public Sala rryi
Saturday. the 9th of January, 1804, about TWENTY
3 young Colts, about 3 years old.
10_ Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. 31., at the In
dian Queen Hotel, Chambersburg.
Jan 6-I.t ELI SHELDON. .
()TICE is hereby. - given that
I hare applied to the Judges of the Orphans'•
Court of Franklin county, Pa- to be discharged from my
trust as Administrator, with the will annexed of Mary
Jack, late of the borough of Chatabersburg, dec'd, and
that the application will be heard by said Court on Mon
. day. the 261/1 January, A. A,1864, when and where all
, persona interested can attend if they think proper.
jan 6 BENJ. CHAMBERS, Adm'r.
Notice is hereby given that Letters of Adminbstra-
Eton to the Estate of John T. Renfrew, bite of Guilford
townslup dec'd. have been granted to the undersigned,
residing in - said township.
All persona knowing. themselves indebted to said Es
tate will s please make immediate payment ; and those
having claims will present them properly authenticated.
forsettisment [jan SA‘IL. R. BURNS, Adm'r.
Nut ce is erehy given that Letters of Adminis
tration to e E tate of W. E. Camp, late of Washington.
D. C.. doc ad; Intve been granted to.the undersigned,
residing in Chambersburg, Pa. „ •
All persons knowing themselves iadebte'd to said
late will please make immediate payment; and those
having claims will present them properly authenticated
fur settlement. HASTINGS GEHE,
Jan 6-13 t Administrator.
AT PUBLIC SALE.—The subscriber will sell at
Public Sale, on the ~premises, on Saturday, the 16th of
January. all . that LOT OE' GROUND and a two story
Brick Dwelling louse, situate on East Queen street, in
the Borough of Chambersburg. adjoining reedenee of
ilanunan, Esq. There is a two story brick back build
ing. attached to said hones, and the property is well
adapts(' for two families. There is also upon said lot, a
rood well of water, Cl•tern, a Stable and 'caber improve
meets. Sale will commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., on said
day, when terms will be made known by
jan 6 [C. Splint, Auct'r.] " 81111,i KNISELY.
The subscriber having determined to remove to the west
offers at z•rivato Sale that well-known Hotel, the -Dal
'ton House," Situate in the borough of *cOonuellsburg,
Fulton county. This lionsels the largest and most com•
plete Tavern House in the county and has a run of cm
! tom unequalled in the county. '
Ifs also will !WI at Private Sale a Tract of Thirty-one
! Acres of highly improved land adjoining the borough of
Ilcilonnellsburg, ell ender new and superior fence, and
' having the@mm erected a good two-story Frame 'Haase
and otber-ont buildings. There Is an excellent young
Apple orchard and running Water on the Premises.
Jan 6-Om HENRY 110KE.
XI) for land are reqnlred by the laws of Penney'rani,
co be recorded within is months after their executio
if mode in the State. or within twelve months if made
nut of the State, otherwise theyare deetn'ed in law fraud
ulent and void against subsequent purchasers or mort
gages for value. ,It recorded before the deed under
• hich subsequent, purchasers claim, however, It will
make the deed good lu law. Nu title papers are there
t4e perfected until they are recorded in 4 the Recorder's
office of the county. Persons having unrecorded Reeds
should present them to the Recorder without do7ay.
Jan 8-at HENRY STRICKLER, Recorder.
I will sell my Farm. in Antrim township, Frank
lin county. on the Conococheague Creek, 8 miles from
Chambersburtr, miles from Greencastle, - containing
200 A011E13,50 Acres in DiRADOW and about 50 Acres in
TIMBER, or in small lots to 'Fuld purchasers. One of the
best Grazing farms in the county. If not sold by Mon
day, 18th of January, will be Sold at Public Sale in front
of the Court House, in Chamberebarg, betvreen, the
hours of 12 and 10 o'clock: For particulars see hand
bills. or enquit eof .1' G. Bhcible on 10 aTIII or
SAMUEL MYER& Clambersburg.
Terms—One fourth In hand and balance in two or
three payments, with interest. (Jan flat]
I the Poet Office pt Chambersbnr
Albert Mary A !Gable Miss Mary
Byors Daniel S Hike J. S.
Bray Ralf Harmony David
Bighorn A. P. Jones John
Banks Solomon - Jordan John
Craig William Kohler Lizzie
Coe John Kunkle Mrs. E.
Cook Adam Maxon William
Carpenter Baih'y McDonough RevJ
Elliott Jog. J. Mathews M
Forney David Mille Miss Sarah
Fleck John Norris Jesse
Gives Kate Petlinberger J. H.
Garman John Pratt N. M.
Per one ealllnglor the above Lettt
that ;bey have been adveitiaod. J.
CH_4 MB EHRII TIRG. JO. 551.864. ,
.. 20 WOULD Wool. 60
. 18 UNWASHED 40
..4t06 FLAX Sara) 2 50
.. 1 30 Dann APPLES.... 100
fteto atbertioemento.
eth Rlibf &salient's.
BL. Si CO have on
e hard a large awl variotrAssoittnent of well sea&
theyoffer to thPalilicat re2mlar market prleee.janB,4t,
,L - A. Notice is hereby given that Letters of Admidia
tration _to the -Estate of William Ovelman, late•of An
trim township, deceased. have been granted to -the on
dersignio, residing - in said township.
Ali persons knowing themselves Indebted to the said
listate will please Make Inunediate payment; and those
having claium will prvaent them properly authenticated
for settlement. OV HA MAN, Jr. • ,
SALE.—This undersigned will offer at Public Sale,
on the premises. on Friday, Janvary 29th,1884, the Ib
lowing described real celiac.- vii t. 76 ACRIN of, MOOD
LAND, located in 'Sennett township; Franklin conhty_
one mile South of Spring Run,with a threestory STONE
and FRAM?, FLOUR' MILL, - containing two run M.
brans and one pair of chopping stones, and a SAW MILT,
both of the them in perfect running. order, a FRAMN
HOUSE, and a Bank Barn, Corn Crib. Hay Shed, and ail
necessary <mt-bnildings thereon erected. - The lima will
tecsold separately,. or. the whole property together to
suit pnrcbasets. Persons wishing to boy will do well
to examine Om property, as I ani determined to Sell. I.r
, the purpose of gi)ing into another business. Tern/twit
be favorable. and melo kabat. by ttndreasine the sub
scriber. Dan S•tc.l - - DUTTON MADDEN.-
lIBLIC SALE.—The subscriber
will offer at Puldic Sale, at his residence, in (lull.
ord Township, cue mile East of Malian. toad two milt*
of New Franklin. on the Bropm'a Reid. on Satire
day, tte 9th day of Jamul*, 10613, the following person
al property. viz: 1 M'CORMICH REAPER, with the
latest improvements; 1 Threshing Jilachine and Rot to
Power ;1 Gam Spring Grain Drill: 1 Rolling Screen;
3 two horse Plows ; 2 eunble Shovel Plows; 2 Mutual;
1 Corn Coverer; 1 new Grain Cradle, 2 Mowing Seytliee.
Also 2 PLANTATION WAGONS, one tif which to broad
treiii, the other narrow -1 SIM; 1' set of Hay Ladders;
I set of Dung gourds ; lh rre Gears. Pow Gears, 2 Fly
Nets, I Riding Stalks.' Bridle and Collars, Spreader,
Double and Single Trees: I Log Chain. Butt and Breast
Chains, Ac. Also. I BED and BEDDING.' and a nntubtr
of articles of Household Furniture not necessary to
enumerate. Sale to commence nt 10 o'clock A. M., when.
attendance awl.a credit of Tax Mourne. will be given
on all sums,over EA, the purchaser giving his note with
approved aecurity, by 'MICHAEL SEGE.
jan 6 [C Spume, Auctioneer.]
um/colts Neren!y-firmr ',ciente with the new year, -1
more widely read and more liberally supported, than
any other journal 'in the State out of the leading.
cities.. It is the largest Union heweinlpor in Nan
sylvania, and is unrivalled by any 3eller rnraljonr
nal in its lavish ;expenditures for reliable Corres
pondente, Editorial and other Contributions, Tele
graphing, and everything' necessary to make a corn-'_
plete General and,Local Newspaper.
Tax,REPOSIT(iRY Rives a cordial and earnest sup
port to the Administrations of President Liscomt
and Governor CURTIN; VS the policy of a vigorous
'Prosecution of the War: to the Unconditional-Re
union 'of "the United States, without compromise
with murderous Traitors: to the policy that exhausts
every means within the power of the Government
to suppress the Rebellion of Treason and Slavery;
to the cause of our brave Soldi'rs in the fteld; to
the preOrvation in unclouded honor, of the en
&ed memory of our heroic, martyred-dead.
$7 00
6 50
1 60
1 00
1 00
Tux REPOSITORV sustains the Administration slid
the War because it has faith in the success
ful issue of this great struggle, by tivl ieh mud am
bition and unholy - thirst lorepower hn mode a 1n- =
tion mourn. It advocates war as tie h -- ate,A. the
speediea,—indeed the only road ,telo,fi nn , an d ho
norable Peace; the ,eily ho ; -..! or • e •
tionality; and it will appeal 'deadline we 1":
to sustain the constituted authorities in every rove
sere designed to give se...ces3 to ear ;orb-, ie- -
tory to the cause of the Union.
,IterOSlTOTtr' seeks no patronage as a matter
Of favor, ; It aims to render the fullest pot sible re-1
turn to itstrittroni:and it amply remunerates them
for the delay of its subscription price. To the citi
zens of Franklin' and adjoining counties it is espe
cially valuable for its complete Local Reports, Cor
respondence, Market'', &a., and we feel well assured
that the increase of :its circulation will be no• less
advantageous to the'. Union Canso, and to the pm:.
'motion of a healthy royal sentiment in this trying
hour of our Country, than to its publishers. Tomah
as believe the REPONITORY right in a Faithful but
ever Independent support of the Clovenzment, we
can with confidence appeal for sympathy and peal- •
tive aid in'extending Mir already'jmmense circula
tion. • -
Aar There are eery few subscribers to the REPOSI
TORY_teka could abt add ONE saw. - resptmeibte name
to its tist-by the lit of January. 1864.. Let thefriende
of Union and Freedom make the effort ! ' -
Tag Reroerrour for 1861 will be especially vain
able to FARMERS. An Agricultural Department wEI
be regularly sustained, under the immediate con
trol of the Senior Editor, who devotes much of his
time to Practical Agriculture; to the trial of Agri
cultural Implements and Machinery; to the im
provement of Stoat, and to every method proposing
economical progress in the great Industrial pursuit
of Southern Pennsylvania.
BUSINESS Mss: of all classes, will find the RsPna
worm the best Advertising medium in the State
out ofthe cities. We believe that no country jour.;
nal reachesso large a class of intelligent, progres
sive; thrifty men as does the REPOSITORY, and it 4,
invaluable to Advertisers.
/ TER Itv.Posuraav is furnished to subscribers at $2
per annum in advance; or $2.50 if •notfpaid within
the year. All subscription accounts must be settled
annu=ally, No paper sent out of the State unless peld
foin advance:: .
TEE RE - POSITORY is furnished to Soldiers in actual
service at 25 cents for three months ; 50 cents for six
months, or $l.OO for one year. This is less than the
cost of the white paper. Ministers of Franklin
county, in charge of congregations,are futhitilted
the paper at $1.25 per annum.
Subscriptions and Advertisements may be sent di
rectly to the publishers, or through any responsible
City Agency. Address
IrCLITRE & STONER, Proprietors.
_Loot, „etolen anti' *trageb.
595 REWARD.—StoIen from the
It t
.nst r , e 4 fl m el u d es o e f a t s lr
o ra e b b sc lui ri t tr 4vu on r F o rly
ttysbnrg P l ike x . a large Black liorse,B years ofd; li sw:
•yed in tholeft shoulder, but does not pi . lame; walks
► eilln harness or under the saddle: The above reward
II be paid (or any information leading to the recorgy
of the horse by - ANDREW 1. LOCI:IBM:ME
FSTRAY.--Camerto thi3 residence
of Ole subscriber, in Danford township, one mile
East of Chambersburg, a email WRITE and REP SPOT
TED COW, about the let of November last. The owner
Is hereby notified to tome and prove property and pay
chutes, or she will be disposed of according to law.
dec3o.3ts _ JOHN R. EBERLY.
Wae left at the Franklin Motel, in Chambereberg,
on Friday, evening.- December 26th, 1863, a GRAY
HORSE, Saddle and Bridle. ' The owner is requested to
came forward, proveproperty,pay chargeaandtake him
away. (dee 30.3 t) DANLDL TROSTLL
attend promptly to all oldie In Ids line. °Moe en
lain street, next door to the Eagle Hotel, and nearly
opposite the reeidenee of the Flon.(leorge Chambere.,
Chamberehnrg, June TT,
entanung In
, Jan. 5,1864:
Ramsey Sarni. •
Robinson Frank
Slyer Charles
Sootb Sarsh Jane
Stockton D
Stiott Sirs. Nancy
Sellers Henry
Sbatzer Annie C .
steel Mrs. L.
Slick D. F. '
Winters El 49
WalketJoli ti 4
Waisinith John
B. BROWN, liZectrical ysi
ician. Office In Vial:Alin 'Building, WysT
MARKET gTREET, ChinibersbUrg, Pa.
She above treats all Chronic Diseases by mama e.
GALVANISM tuld the diffeiont modificationa of lILEC
THICTIV.aa discovered and taught by prof. Hellas.
Nov 4, 63-tf : .
R. J. 0. RICIIARDS will attend
promptly to all calls In his line. Office on Mein
%rest, next door to Sfutngler's Dreg Store. '
gar OFTICZ Iloess—From 7 to 9, A.M.; 12 to 2 Rod 8 1 1
P. M. Tunel7 18611.
.rs will please say
W. DEAL, P. M.
_-_.4- -
13 bpoiciatto.