K 3 Nl=s:l taWin s,,tpozitorg. wvnNESDAY, JANUARY 6, Is 9 Tin Ms—s 2 per annum, in advance; or , 4240 if not paid within the year. All subscription °ante must be settled annually. No paper will be . ' t out of the State unless paid for in advance. DVERTISEMENTS are inserted at TFA cents e for first insertion, and FOUR cents per line for-each, subsequent insertion. Advertisements of Eve lines or less ELIV charged 50 cents for first - insert ,ben and 25 cents for each subsequentinsernon :, arid ,Advertisements exceeding five lines and not ex feeding ten lines, are'charged $1 for first insertion tad 40 cents for each insertion thereafter. All Obitoary'and Marriage notices exceeding five Aries, and all communications, resolutions and other notices of limited or individual interest, are charged ten cents per line. ' Ady9rtisements or aubseriptioris may be sent di really to the Publishers, or through any responsible II kr AgenoY. 31'CLURE it STONER, . • •i . - :Or Joint K. IBErasocs is authorized to t!siidve Subscriptions and contract for Adrerasements forlheltsposrron: in the Eastern cities. , ; MEmnEns of thd 'Legislature will. be fur wished with the ARPosrroßY during the passion for 75 cents per copy. SINGLE copies of the REPOSITORY can 1311/ L, bad at the counter, with or without wrap pers. Price. five cents. Persons ordering single copies to be mailed must enclose a two cent postage -stamp. THE LEBSONS„p*,A YEAIt. An eventful year •has'Oosed. Inexorable Time has consigned it, with its crimsoned and thrilling-history to the eternal past; and upon the chequered can'vas ckf man's iinperfect record of himielf, it° must ever stand.as the mightiest of its century.: It, opened upon the Republic shrouded in gloom. The. National heart had "sunk. to . the very verge of despair as it turned to the • long list of indecisive or positively disaik txous battles, whereby Treason - had "grown insolent, and appealed to the world for re- cognition in the name -of its triumphs. Save in the victories of the South-west, the year of sixty-two bad shown no Oogress for the Republic, no hope for 'Freedom ; and excepting the few pages. illuminated by , Henry, Donelson, Nashville and Shiloh, there was.nothing in the year's record but humiliation and disasters to the friends of our t honored Nationality. The Peninsula was mils a historic ground by the heroism . of the Union troops who braved the foes of • Freedom-and the more deadly miasmas of -the Virginia swamps; but our Flag floated in sight of the rebel capital only to be trailed • back discomfited, and thouiands of name less tombs tell how sad, how appalling were , the-blunders which wasted a - gallant army in ill-directed and fruitless conflict.. Banks' retreat, Cross-Keys, Cedar Mountain, the . second Bull Run, and the final retreat of the 'Artily of the Potomac into the fortifications of Washington,, with its ranks thrice deci mated, its spirit brokeni its leaders paraly - sed by perfidy, and a victorious and defiant foe confronting our capital, were the thick.: eriiiig shadows which enveloped the Nations sl causd in the summer of 1862. Madened by its triurnnphs, the arm of wasting Trea'- s eon reached from its °Nip desolated land to • the free North, and invited battle on our own green fields and heartsome hills, In spired as if new life had been given to our - defeated and despairing troops, they closed - up their broken ranks,.and with weary step they marched to avenge the pollution of loyal soil. South Mountain and Antietam more than vindicated their heroism, And if but bravely led, would have made Richmond own, and left the chief army of crime to ex ist only in its own fearful =history. - The God of battles invited the sluggard chief to decisive victory, The autumn smiled with bright days as the defeated foe sought safe . ty from conflict ; but theimpatient'Columna meted not in pursuit, and the gory field of Fredericksburg fitly crowned the •felly and closed the yog. , The Nev, Year of. sixty three dawned upon the Nation thus_sorrowing and humil , iated. Mourning was in half -our house 4 holds for cafes sacrificed in what seem ed hopeless war. In _the hour of wide • spread gloom; -perfidious men had gained power; treason was boasting of its prom . _ ised supremacy in the popular branch of one National 'legislature, and two great States had confided their Executive rune ' dons to men who condemned. their own— not the traitor's governieent. But loyal men still hoped, still trusted, still sacrificed; - and with unfaltering faith stood ABILAIIAM LINCOLN, as 'the treacherous, the weak, and the selfish plead our sorrows and dis eomfitures as a justification fOr National suicide. Instead of bending beneatlithe weight of disaster and shrinking from the _gloomy future that seemed to confront him, he rose to the full measure of his du ty, and resolved then in the darkest hour of our history, with the very life of the Re publio trembling in the scale, to disenthral o continent. Appealing to a just God, and to a loyal People, 'he smote the colossal grime of Slavery—the fruitful parent of dis .eord end of death—and bid the 'Nation . prove itself worthy of its own deliverance. Mice:melt had grave misgivings; faithful .inco,were-ri with painful doubts; but the bold masterstroke was in the cause of • theaight.; Nos ;true to the t e achings and great ulaarter.of,thekomaders of the govern meat,. cud rstithiunehukon purpose and ,un fadingsaimige_its_bnnoTed outhor Aped as disoster actor,dioister still ,eome.to add to Qur hurniliatiun.and.peril. Tile Iron-clads mere repulsed at Obatle•ituu,; Booker re. turned defeated at ChiniCellorsville Grant and Banks in 'vain assaulted the titiong. holds of the Mississippi: - and mid summer came ere there Was so Much as a silver, fin ing to the cloud that enveloped our Nation-: I al life. Again the insolence, of Treason, grew boundless, and as.our golden harvests! were ,about to invite the reaper to gather in thek fulness, the -hordes of Lee flaun-' ted the traitors flag defiantly in the very heart of our State, living upon our abun dance and demanding tribute as the price of fidelity to . the government, Again the heroic but ill-starred Army of the Po _tomac took up its march 4o repel the in ci,asion of their own hoines and avenge the insult to their own loved ones. By forced - marches, weary and foot-sore, they encoun tered the foe at Gettysburg, and after three. days of matchless bravery, the pride of Treason was humbled, and its broken,, dispirited columns reeled back „upon she Potomae, leaving one-third their number behind them. -Their dead were left to find sepulchres in the land they sought to late, and at the hands of thmie they had fl made enemles by causeless war.' their wound. ed were committed to our humanity, and thousandsfound refuge - from rebel desola tion and tyranny-by fleeing to our mountains until they were compassedby our lines. On the same - day—the natal day of the Repu b.- lie, when loyal hearts everywhere were unit! ting their prayers for its long continuance as the returning anniversary of our National existence—the stronghold of rebel poweri, on the Mississippi was surrendered ; and the day that witnessed the birth of a great Republic eighty-Seven years beffrre, nessed its 'deliverance from the poiVer of traitors. Soon the „Last rebel fortification on the Mississippi was given up, and the great Father of Waters severed the bonn chafes of crime, and coursed its way " un vexed to the sea." Since then the doomed city of the coast has been encircled by loyal, troops, and to -day it kat the mercy of Gen. Gilmore's artillery. tre.n. Banks has reco. vere - d-the Rio -Grande, with its fortifications, and:holds the French Under observation ip Mexico and is penetrating the heart Of Texas. East Tennessee, with its thousands; of loyal men, who have suffered untold brn-, tality under rebel tyranny, has been perma- i nently restored to -the Union, and its*braVe sufferers are. now swelling .our ranks and bidding defiance to their oppressors. Chick amauga vas lost, by rebel. perfidy in swell, ing the - '4rmy with prisoners of war; but 'Gen. Grant has more than avenged it by the utter route of Bragg and the possession of his strongholds, thui - ensuring safety to his command and ' lines until he is fully prepared for a final blow- in. the Cotton - States. Arkansas and Mississippi have each surrendered_their capitals and Louisi ' ana, Tennessee, Texas, Florida, North .Car olina and Ea'si Virginia, will soon be within the folds of the Union again, with loyal rep; resentatives responding to the noble senti m-ents of Maryland, Delaware, the Virginiaa, Missouri and Kentucky, in behalf of Free dom. Proprietors. Thus closed the eventful year of sixty three. The Union armies haie won deci• sive fields in every section ; and redeemed States, unshaken credii 4 t a confident Army ' and Navy, a preserved Nationality, and an accepted policY of Universal Freedom, are the rich fruits ,pf the heroism of our troops and loyal fa4b of the people. The once slave is now the - enlisted soldier, and has dissipated the fiercest prejudices as he vipil for his race imperishable fame at Milliken's Bend, at Port Hudson aid at Charleston ; and the New Yer dawns upon us with the bright promise of vindiTtted Right; Of a perpettiated Republic ; of a Nation rescued from the withering blight of slavery. Such are the lessons of memorable sixty-three); such the noon-day of promise for sixty-fouril Who would erase from' our triumphs, an 4 their rich fruits in National Freedom and Pfogress, one jot or tittle if he could ? The adjournment of Congress for tyre weeks of holiday festivities, without provi ding all necessary legislation for filling ,tip our depleted armies, was utterly unpardon able. It was an imperative pressing 'duty when Congress convened, and no adjourn ment should hav'e been assented to until the wants of the government were fully met. Instead of this a full month of the sessien is gone, and beyond a hurried, ill•digested and most imperfect appropriation bill to promote enlistments, nothing has yet' been done ; and what they did will have to be measurably undone as, thousands of vete rans will be lost to the service. A' draft has been ordered by the government to take, place on the3th inst., -and in the face!of - the admission of every' member of, the nail nary committees that the present conscrip tion law needs - amendment, no , earnest ef fort was made to effect it. New enlistments are practically arrested r by the withdrawal of bounties, and the Oft must be delayed to give Congress time, to make amendments which should have been mado during the last thirty days. We have heretofore earnestly urged Con gress to call out; at once, the entire enrol ment of both contingents, not heretofore drafted; exempt from present service all who' pay $3OO and papa like sum to all who accept service ; and while the claims , for exemption are being heard, the rolls could be perfected by such additions as would , be just , ---Or iPstaine, soldiers who lAye Aiat been two years ip service, aliens who have voted, and others who are now unwisely excused. This would throw the burden of =MI FILL VP TI ARMIES! EI 14uktiti 1804, MEI the war justly ttPon an! would fUrt;iah an ample supply of men, and it would , give such heart and confidence to the veterans, in; the field that they would re-enlist almost: with one accord. Our war-worn soldier's whO have been fighting sanguinary battles _without decisive results solely because •of want of piimbers, will be slow to re enter the.service until they have positive assur ance that their ranks will be filled and their numbers be swelled until they beC,ome in vineible at every point. • Give them eon& deuce itt this, and the army will retain its heljoes, and with the prompt. exercise of the power of the,government to give them plenty of recruits, the coming campaign need 'not be looked forward to with appre hensioikA.. If ,what we suggest is not the best mode of filling up the army, let Con gress do better in its wisdom ;• but the one great, overshadowing , necessity must ever be` , borne in mind--we Must have armies ready and strong enough for every emergency within the next• ninety days. If there are better,• quicker and more certain and equi , table methods of attaining the.desired end, let theta be at once adopted; for the pen ; pie will so.stain any demand - made upon them that ; gives reasonable promise of a preserved-Nationality and honorable Peace I during the coming summer. Let it he borne in mind, also, by the powers that be, that if they fail to employ the vast neans. ;placed at, their disposal by a loyal and con fiding people, and thus fail. to terminate this war`by the destruction of the military power of the rebels, they cannot be held guiltless—they will not be excused by the Nation. The people have declared most emphatically for a vigorous .prosecution of the war; they are ready to sustainfall just measures looking to that end, , rather than the weakness that refuses to grasp the issue in all its magnitude, and seeks to temporise when decisive success is within our grasp. The coming spring campaign will be re markable either as the bloody or bloodless • . campaign of the war: It must be one or the other. If the government cio•e , its duty fearlessly and makes our-armies overvhelm-•I jingly strong, treason must recede befire the march of the Old Flag until it fades out in the Gulf; but if the government should prove remiss, and fail to wield the power given it 'Unequivocally for the ptirrose of ending the war as speedily as possihb, hope twill still linger with the now des airing traitors, and they will crimson fresi fields with loyal gore, and make new heticombs ofloyal dead. It will not do to sai , bat the people should volunteer. They will not volunteer, and that is enough for the gov ernment ; but they will- cordial 4, sastain Conscriptions, pay taxes, maintain .'!.redit, and do all things necessary to giv4 tie gov-.. ernment resistless power. It has !but to call for it wisely and promptly, and the tinr will be compassed and can be closed by another autumn. We entreat Congress and the ad- Ministration to look this question squanly in the face ; to act speedily and' to err on the side of large rather than small numbes. Fill np our gallant armies, and the flat - Ampnign will end in the positive triumoh of the government, without a single gra' t 'battle being 4glit. It will be eecnioinyof life, of men, of money, and an enduring and honorable Pep.ee will dawn upon he Repth lie in strengthened bonds of ljnion aLI Freedom. ' - THE EXCHANGE OF PRISONERS The Bedford . , Gazette thus falsifies A apologize for the rebels in their barbarais refusal to exrhange'prisoners .1 It is . about time that the soldiers in he army and their friends at homi, are rade acquainted with the reason why:Union pts oners in the hands of the rebel! anthoritis, are not exchanged. It is simily because be rebels hold a few niwro prisonerS whom thy refuse to exchange for white rebel prison's in the hands of the" U. R. authorities. Li- eoln and Stanton' haye resolved that the e. change must he made without any discrit- perform the functions of organs; no stump ination as to color. and that white prisoner must be exchanged for black. This deters- spdakers to whom any live mac would lis ten; no electoral ticket's for which to vote, ination of these color-blind negro-maniac, has cost the lives of thousands of our bra' and no constituencies to play the rather im soldiers in the dungeons of the Libby al portant part of voters at the election ; but Belle Isle, sind'is filling with sadness a they have done a good work and we shall despair the, hearts of thousands bf the Noll whose daily prayer ascends to Heaven for a 'encourage their ghostly efforts with all the safe 'return of loved ones in captivity. Bt little energy we possess. Ger. M'Clellan Lincoln and , Stanton 'must first have tbei will of course accept the nomination—he negroes exchanged, though t.n thousam white men languish and die iin Souther' certainly should as it is about the only nom prisons, ere this be accoMplislieo. Oh, mei .ination he is at all likely to receive; and of the North I ' Oh, friends lof the sot then he will of course resign. No principle dier l Have ye no ' bowels of compassion . isbetter settled than that the incumbent of to urge you to such union 1112 i will comps the madmen important _at Washington I to do juste one office cannot be an adeepta to the white prisoners in the hands of the ble candidate for another responsible posi enemy ?"i 9 . tion. ' Scott , tried it with the commission of The foregoing is but one of the many sim Commanderin-chief as substance and the ilar editorials to be found in thC Democratic presidency' as shadow, and lost. Wood journals, justifying the brutality of the re• ward tried the same, with "Little Mae" as bets in starving and maltreating our brave eleventh-hour bottle-holder, and the sponge soldiers who aro prisoners. - :No falsehood both of went up together; and Longstreth seems to be too apparent or !contemptible tried it in 1848, and Johnston took the l'orthe hse of such journals,; in defaming Governorship. Clay resigned his place in their own government ;and 'screening the the Senate for the Presidential race in 1844; reMorscless atrocities of theirirebel friends. Crittenden resigned for the Governorship They will justify the murder of our heroic of Kentucky in 1848 as soon as he was no prisoners by, want and wasting disease, by minated, — and both Davis and Foote resign withholding the truth, and? persistentlyed when they ran for 'Governor of Missis putting forth the _most malicious misrepre-sippi inlBsl. M'Clellan having,high loyal , sentations of the administration. While Precedent for it, and having also the exam rebel Senators and Congressmen arraign ample of his wayward "friends') Davis and rebel authorities before the *arid for their Foote, in vulgar, anti-constitutional par inhumanity, in refusing to observe the ac-lance called rebels, he will certainly . resir cepted rules of war in thei treatment ofand the government will be spared the / Union prisoners, the Gazette, and kindred of increasing its taxes or swellY petty apologists of Jeff. Davie, throw all the debt to, pay himor eight thorn blame upon 'their own government, and ion a year for-writing school-br have not a word of censure fOr the murder- bead letters. We beg the ous foes of the Republic who are adding his acceptance and resignat' .horrible brutality to their Wanton, wicked 'p' ut , delay. treason. • - - ' —Now that the spirit There is not an essential statement in the al nags have started,/ article of the Gazette that is true. It is fused tip and usel/ .•.. . fr. • Wholly; 'sh am elessly, maliciouslyfalse,i false 'in its conceptiOnandstudiously false in the' construction of every sentence tojrching the main question. It is not true that our gov ernment has imposed any terms precedent to an exchange. •Perfidious as have been the rebel's in putting into service thousands of men in violation of their parole at Vicks burg, and treacherous as they have been in . adjusting the balance-sheet of prisoners be tween us and them, still the administration haswaived every question for the time being to procure' the release of our thirteen thou sand suffering heroes now languishing in rebel prisons. Had the administration been severely just it would haVe executed every prisoner captured by G-en.'Grant . ilici . had violated his parole, for it- vas solely by, such additions to Bragg'& army, that Rosecrans was driven back from Chickamauga with , great slaughter ; and it would assign to close confirienient for retaliatory purposes, man for man and officer for officer, to cover the murdered negro troops and their captive officers who are denied the advantages of being prisoners of war : i but guided solely by the ,dictates , of humanity, the govern ment has subordinated every question - to the relief of our suffering captives. We now hold fully three prisoners to their one, alike officers and men, not counting the 'violation of the 'parole at Vicksburg, and*me thousands alleged to 'be added to the rebel side of credits for citizensarptur ed and paroled. The aduAnistration -made every effort to adjust hese matters, but every attempt has been met with insolent disregard of the cartel; the most reckless denial of facts, and the most impudent as sumpticin,of having captured and paroled prisoners' (citiiriis) to a large amount, in order to swell their side of the account.- Whenever we refused to - concede these pre posterous claims, and demanded a just ren dering, arid also justice to ne6O troops and their officers, they—not us—abruPtly -ter minated-the exchange, and relied upon the destitutiOn of our prisoners as their strong egt argument to coeres into an issent..to their monstrous friuds. For all these things the Gazette has not a ord of cens e ; but it falsely charges nitia the administ ation the crimes which arejustly laid e door of the rebels. - But the government went still farther. Gen, Butler sent to the rebel Commissioner 500 prisoners, and- asked 500 Liniort- pris oners in return. He imposed no conditiods, asked no questions, and sought in no way to commit the rebel authorities on any of the pending issues. They returned 500 prisoners, but with them- came the official notice that no more would be sent under any circumstances while Gen. Butler com manded' in that. Department,. They had, .up to that time, correspOrided with General ,Butler, received medicines, food, clothing and all kinds of stores from him, without protest or complaint; but when they were utterly driven to the wall to find a pretext for again refusing to exchange prisoners, the chief of ont-laws, Jeff 'Davis-;--an out' law nd a perjured, fiendish out law—ar rests the humane efforts of the government by declaring Gen. - Butler an out-law, and the mandate goes forth -that our prisoners mustjstarve and die; that they shall not be fed by our government or by their friends, and that their inhumanity is now the last hope of their waning cause. For all this the Gazette has no complaint—no word of reprobation;- but it prefers to falsify -his tory; to justify treason and to apoligize for i rebel atrocities, rather than fail to Ifssail the humane, patriotic and suceeNsful tratiOn of President Lincoln. ROUE WORK. FOR . 111 E GHOSTS. We are profoundly grateful to the de paited political sPirits who nominated :SW Gen. George B. N'Clellan for ,the Presi deney., *True, they have ao newspapers to _... ( 41 .1 1 Jo J, ' or / 7 of departed polit ., e trade of disposing ,e as Generals, we would . . • call up ,from the vasty deep all the wander`' ing spirits and employ theta inlike mating. We should like to have a score or so .of Presidential tickets of die) same sort made up with the least possible delay. We can't exactly offer very positive enoaniagement that they will ail be elected ; but we can give this assurance with entire Confidence —they will all come out about even in the race—even in popular and electoral votes—. wen in prospects, poWer and spoilt. We beg some . spirits not already committed, to nointnate Gen. Fremont for the Presidency, and if bad off for a hindirider, they could take gen. Stahl for Vice President. - Spirits of "sweet German accent" proclivities could take chances in this Presidential lot tery. Spirits 'of the sluggish order who have a , taste for, doing nothing , and little of that,, could find a congenial candidate in Gen. Buell, and a grab any dark night on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, could hardly fail to bag a suitable 'Major or Briza diet.' General for Vice President. If ,the tastes of the spirits are various and conflict ing they can all be accommodated. Gen. • Hunter would suit those of the ultra sable !shade ; Gen. Pope could take charge of the perturbed ghosts as their candidate, with head-quarters in the Saddle ; Gen. Milroy Weald be a capital rallying cry for such as ;wanted chaos in the spirit spheres; Gen. Dow would fill - the , measure of anti-tippling ghosts, and others, such as GCI).9. Busteed, Van Allen, Ullman, Porter and a score or so we cannot now recall, including a few ,corps commanders, and several subordinates with great expeetations as corps comman ders, in the -Army of the Potomac, are all available for ghostly political conventions , and their nominations for the Presidency or Vice Presidency, or- for any other office requiring their resignation, would be a most gracious act on ;he, 'part of the entombed and forgotten in politics—such as tore the mummy shreds from relellan a few weeks Pg°- -Vie bid the politically departed speed in their work.. Let them push along the nominations_ and vacate commissions, now only held to make mendicants for the gov, ernment, until all the old military rubbish is cleared awaY,'and bloodless shoulder-straps surrendered. Forward spirits, black ) grey and ' , There are Generals enough and more thamenough for all. Come to con ventions by squads, companies, regiments, brigades, divisions or corps; but come along, - for there are plenty of entombed po liticians to make the , gatherers many, and the harvest is great. HON. FRANCES JORDON, ofßedford, has been tendered and accepted the position of Aid to Gov. C,urtin, with the rank of Lieut. Colonel, in order to be assigned tri the duty of ..Military, , State Agent, _at Washington. Col. Ardon is peculiarly fitted for his new official duties, and his appointment will be most acceptable. He has been prominent as a politician and Senator ; has a wide ac quaintance throughout the State; and his untiring industry, and high perional char acter will make him a most respected and efficient representative. He-lies been.in the service as a Paymaster for over two years, and had - won the confidence Of his superiorofEcers to such a degree, that_when he resigned togo to Washington in the ser vice of his State, he was in Abe most respon sible position that could be assigned him in the West.. His experience will be invalii; - able in meeting the wants of onr soldiers at Washington, and we novilook for the Penn-, sylvania.Agency to acquire that pre-emi nence the State so well deserves in all things pertaihing to the war. , The Continental Monthly for January, opens-with an able article-entitled "Retros pective," •by Rev. Dr. Henry, in which the . progress of the war is reviewed with great candor and ability. It assumes that the war hat -not progressed too sloivly with refer ence to its great end, for the reason that had the rebellion been crushed - by overwhelming force, Slavery-, would have b,een Unimpaired, and entailed another great conflict upon the Nation.- It - has also another article from the pen of Hon. Hobert J. Walker on "Amer ican Finances and Resonrces ;" a significant paper. written with great power . by S. J. Bayard, on the "Decline of England :" ono/ n by Hon. F. P. Stanton on -the' propositi , " Union not to be Maintained by Fe ce,P together with articles on 44 The Great_ mer •ican Crisis;" -" The English Pres ;"." The Conscription Act," with poetr • , -literary notices, &c. The Continent, has- won its way to the first rank of our A riodical 'item- - .ture. John F. Trow, 60 Greene;St., - New York. Godey's Liulf:g 80. with a beautiful en. : - leau Picture," fol :y ing the bright s.,e vie have the ‘. nearly a c sleighing almos wqr ••• t; • opens the new year .ving entitled "4 Tab owed by :another illustrat Ale of winter; and with these x.quisite colored fashioni S and iord: of wood cuts representing •parties, architecture, patterns and everything a lady would want in her .4)asket. Its literary articles wen sus- . the high character of Godey. His dub fates have been reduced to the old prices. L. A: Godey, Philadelphia, • The Knickerbocker Monthly for January, is replete with contributions of the highest, literary merit. We miss`somewhat thegenial htniuir'of Clark hr it, bat Cornwallis fills his place well and we 'read "Kniek' 'with the same interest we learned to yield to it many yea,is 'ago. It sparkles' with freshness ull through from cover to cover, and the man or Woman is to be pitied Nebo cannot be .well entertained and instructed by it. K. Corn— wallis, New York. ig its d dol- Copper Arita to rap n along with- - , THE MAGAZINES. The s Friend is a now canditlate,f4 t popular fayor, under the editorial direction of3lrs. Henry Peterson, an authoress of eon- siderable celebrity:, It is' a neatly pristod Monthly of 88 pages, devoted to Liter s re and Fashion and gives in its list of contrilve tors most of our distinguished autliorea'.4. The number before us bas a fine: steelen-, graving of " Gabriel Wilkes' Return,'". companied with a clever story, "by Miss nelly ; colored fashion plate; Music entitled "After the Battle," and variousillustrations of patterns &c. Jt- merits a generous stip ; port from the Mies. Price, $2; Deacon & Peterson, Philadelphia. , • i Harpers' Magazine for January, - brings its , usual rich freight of literature andleautifut illustrations; its carefully eompleid Month. , ly`lteCord of Events, its_delightful Editor's, . Easy , Chair, and its mirth provoking Et.: tor's Drawer. Its illustrated articles. are No; '7, of Scenes in. thoWtir of 1812; A-Ciule e Among the Fuegians; Pictures of the Japan-, • ese, and several chapters-of "The Smallilot ,at Allington". Its Other articles are quite up to the Harpr standard, and more need not bts !said. ---Harper & Bros., New York. " The American Exchange and Review foi December has leading articles of masterly Ability on Authbrs and Publishers; Atnericap Illbitory—Fourth Era; ,Antiquities of , tbst ,Mis'sissippi Valley; • Memory and Metallic Productions in the United Stay and French, :Finance and Politics . In addition it luta An - Insurance Department; Department of Patents, Arts and Sciences; Monetary De.-_ pertinent; Notings and Commentary and the usual Reviews. It is a valuable periodical to the business man. WhitingA Co., Phil-, adelphia. - , The Illgstraied Annuai Register for 1864; 'Railed by' Luther SuckerA Son., Albany, New York, is worth its price ten-fold to any . family. It is"repleto with hints and sugges= fans of interest 3 to the farmer, horticultur►;- ist and housekeeper; and has 13Ci fine en - irayings of buildings, implements, " There - is no other publication within oil? knowledge that furnishes so ,mtich . Ostia tiseful , for so little. Single copies 25 cents', WEEK 01 PRAYER,—The Evangelical aIL Vance of England have issued an annual ad dress for a-, week of prayer; to commence on January 3, 1864, and Christians of all lands , ' 'are affectionately invited to observe a week of special and united prayer at the beginning of the . New Year. For four preceding years the commencement of each has boon thus ludtr._ lowed: In almost every country—in every quarter of the globe--=Christians have met* present one offering of thanksgiving to God, and to plead with him for blessings both for the church and for the world. A list a- te,- pies suited to have a prO'ininent place.in'the exhortations of the several days is-given-- among them the - following : Sunday, 8d— Sernions on the work of :the Holy. Spirit: . Monday—Confession of sin and acknowledg ment of personal and national blessinges ; Tuesday—Prayer for conversions and for thi success of missions ; Wednesday , —Prayer for the Christian Church, Sunday Schools - ,and Other - agencies of Christianity ; Thursday Prayer foi the afflicted, for the abolition of slavery ; and for the Christian comfort and relief of the . oppressed and destitute . of all lands; Friday—Prayer Poi nations and all Who are in authority, for the cessation of war, prevalence - Of peace ptinciplm, and for the observance of the Sabbath ; Saturday. Prayer for revivals and the extension of Christianity throughout the world ; Sundt, 10th—Sermons on the unity of the Christian Church and the duty and desirableness 0 • manifesting it. Tux news of Grant's victory causes a great deal of comment in the European journals. The London News styles - Pen. Giant most active and successful commander whom trn:ortistspossess, whose presence has turned the fortunes of the campaign," but comfdits its secession friends with the assurance that the victory-is °Wing to the - weakness of the Southern armies. The 31orninv Herald. rebel sympathizer, hopes that the disaster e Bragg may not prove irretrievable, but adds "Friendly is' we are to the Confederate cause we are still prepared to look the very worst in-the face, and that worstsomething far beyond arty thing thatTlfis yet befallen." The Examinii; which has - ,beell - sfrongiy se-. cessionist, says that the defeat of Bragg is not decisive, but nearer to the decisive than any'reverse of the fortune of war that has yet , occured. The 31 - oi eing Star, friendly to the Union, *sayi the victory is the ‘‘ Waterloo:of the South." Though the opinions of 'the various journals are-all more or leis affeeted by their ,sirapathies, they all agree that Bragg's , ,defeat is the heaviest blow secession has yet felt. , . - A United States Cemetery, like tbarat Gettysburg, is under way - at ChattanuoW Rev., Thomas B, Vanhvrne has the supeivit. ion ; Seigt. Seth Weeks, Co. A, - 100 Mao - Volunteer Infantry-,' is ge.i.ten._ CoPies of the plan of the cemetery, with the/location of graves,tdarked, Will_ be brwayded to thti; nearest relatives of any soldier b‘uried there. .' _ , Sorne live'hundred bodies ariYalready inter red there.' ' REBELS OAPTBREIL—The friends of Lieut.. Wm. E. Gayton, who was stationed here ring=the month of September last, in cotn. mend of a portion of Co. D, 22d Penna. Ca. ! valry, doing provost duty, will be pleased th s • learn that he, with the assistance of Sergt.i B. Taylor; S. F. Myers and EL Strasbaugh, Of this comity, succeeded, on the 17th inst:, in capturing the notorious Col. Carter, of the 'Black Horse Cavalry, Capt. Carte; Capt. Moore, Lieut. Carter and two privates be longing to White'sßattalion, Rebel Cavalrr, near Upperville, On the night preced— ing the capture,. the pickets of, the 22d Regt,. were driven in, one of them being captures and brutally murdered. At the time of the "gobbling up" of tyelbove Greytacks, Gayton and the three members, of his 'corn. pany above named, were in advance of the command, acting as videttes:—Fulfon Repub. MEI