The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, January 06, 1864, Image 2

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THE CAR-RW :: #..
grantliu NaltodtraT.
A`iiiinaering hunter spied iheSpcit
:Where the Falling Spring. a limpid stream
Which glides on its course like a fairy dream, ,
A:Moment's joy and then forget
*ails laughing over its rooky bed: •
WmoMent pure ancta morricnt free,
Llagging moment forever sped,
, 4 1'hen hurried onward toward the sea, -
gii4pt off the victim of wild intrigue
Twist the ripples and waves of the Conobocheague
OA that spat now rests tiquiet town.
__Called after' a Man attracted there
By the banter's tale, bewitching fair,
lithe water-fall which tumbles down•
-in foam' spray o'er its rough-hewn stair; ;
The spot I have learned to love so well
" ',Where fancy Oan revel without restraint, -
And hercreations are wont to dwell
• And fill the mind with pictures quaint;
And:there I, muse on a thousand things _
Which. come on Imagination's wings, •
And the well;known legends fondly trace -
Tat are told of the Indian haunted place.
"Turas on - this spot stood free and wild, •
Thu Shawanese and the Delaware savage.
Errantlian warrior taught his child
To scalp arid murder. burn and ravage.,
Mid as I stood by the stream ohe day.
- À thousand.visions sitting o'er me,
I-thought of times long passed away
And buried chieftain's - rose before me;
Dttt Vain are the dreams we would fain recall, ,„.•
For oblivion's mantle is over them all. -
And then I thought of the old'-time fort
With its blunderbuss ant its swivel gun,
Its cracking firearms' loud report
And the name bold defender won; •
How be savage ventured not too near
It's elf ckade sides, from a wholesome fear
Of tht bull-dogs laid at rest within,
But op'ing their mouths with-a ghastly grin;
And how'whenthe Governor's mandate came, -
"Forthwith to denim' up the same,"
Old Colonel Chambers bristled with pride,
And declared that "the guns should stay by .hisside
For his guns had stood by him smile .
Wonidatand by his guns as they should see."
Then followed visions of tronbleind strif e •
°tithe tomahawk and the - scalping knife.
The war-whoop wild and the scene of elaughter.
And of human, blood in, the limpid water. -
And then from the buried past we fly - •
To the living present whi2h vividly seems
The realization of myitic dreams
That.are wont to fleck our Drearaland's sky.
Miti.the time on Freedom's natal day
When Craighead urged the youth away,
And our pat;tisitsires a martial band,
Shoulder to.AVulder and hand to hand,
I,4irched forth to consecrate the land
At Liberty's shrine and on Freedom's altar;
Up to the day when marched the son
To end the Work the sire negun,
And not a man was known to falter.
From the fields where Steele and Chambers fought
At the nation's first baptismal, -
To - the gory spot where ilearog wrought
And died 'midst the deep swampt dismal;
Audit-0m where our patriot fathers bled,
And their conirades,moaning, "dead, dead, dead,"
Consigned-them to God's own keeping,
To the:far-mT hill-side's thorn bush shade
Where the gallant s ligaNs to rest is laid
As one who is gently sleeping.
The past, the present: the futuriivall
We have known in life or loved in story;
. The'dead, the liking, ths,great. the small, '
• Obscurity's son and the child of Mors'
•, In vision arise before our eyes,
Arid troop through brain in wild disorder. a
Aiid we look in the stream with strange surprise,
When we recollect we're on the "Border."
11. • \
And thus again as I lay by the stream'
A which murmuring rolls its waters.afong,
Iknd drips o'er the Falls in rippling song,
lly'fancies were shaped and this midream
Minerva-like sprang out of my.brain,
. -Ahd bore away the triumphal ear
Of terrible, glorious "Border War :"
*ldle rose to my ears a swelling strain,
Which seerdedlike the voices of herdes slain
And this was the burden of what they
ItsLeadeace wild with the waters ringing.
Away, to the Border, away,
Where your brethren .are
Away. and take part in tke fray,
Where your children are falling.
Pall in, men, fall in, and forward in order,'
DO you not hoar the cry cornieig up from the Border.
Away, to_lhe Border, away,
- Where stout hearts are contending,
. Away;'and take part in the fray.
• Your own hearthstones defending. • fall in, and forward in order.
Thefoe's atyour doors almost, his foot on the Border
.Away, to the Border, away,
. Where 'nave men aro dying,
- -Away, and take part in the fray,
Wheregear kinsmen are lying.
}Win; men, falrin, and forivard in.order,
The blood - of the slain is calling, " Come to th•
Border." .
Then cinickly before my astonished eyes—
For dreams are like clouds in summer skies—
?asap(' visions of men in warriors' guise,
Of men who wore going to battle:
And_mixed and mingled with my dream
Waasahre thrust and bayonet gleam
And the fierce artillery's rattle:
There was the Home Guard's steady line,
The "State Militia's" martial front,
The Anderson Troop" in clothes so fine.
Andlinen who had borne tho battle's bract.
The Home &muds marched like men who knew
Their dinners were safely cooking behind them,
Andlike,men who felt quite conscious too,
Of where th; dinner hour would find them:
And I'marehed along with 'my gun by my side.
Arid Isimaised my Captain so kind and clever.
Who looked at ':theboys" with a soldier's pride,
And called time, Rtotrr, Banat, whenever
lie meant the loft foot •
On the earth should be put,
But hum far our Captain forever.
- Y can-never forget. nor could I- desire
That acoene like that which is oOrtainly worth
'.llifellong pilgrimage here on this earth
Prom my : Memory should ever expire, -•
When oar Sergeant lead outlaw squad in the night,
Our hotnes to defend, for our hearthstones to fight.
And instructed us thus, "if the foe comes don't fire,
' For you see if you should and a rale' ' bites dirt.'
It would end our organization's;
Yes' you know that incase there were 'somebody
• hurt,' , •
"Twould conflict with the Regulations." • :'
Then behind a stone fence we were planed when•
we slept
rill we heard the approaching relief,- • -
Whim we marched book to camp and like soldiers
,we Steyr.,
only stopping to drink to our chief.— '
The Provest.wh'd shut up the bare,thongh by stealth
We still had enough to drink to hie health. ' . -
,The Provost (I dreamed) I could never forget.
his Aids I would always remember. ,
- -i! •'. ,
....; ' , • ~
alio - from th Orniniutliaight - tliey. we'r!e - Poely-beibt
, -
In that terrible month of Septeraber; ; {,
When the foe id Micitll,totriflrliilei , was seep. ; 1
:-..-As the,stin Went down in the west,
- And attlarlthadAdvineed already between' , 1
- Greencastle and Marion, at least. ,
But the Provost (I dreamed) was a . man who would
have -
His will and his his station,
And to show that the town he weuld,e l •
IfelastiedhiTriitYreeTainaiien '
" No citizen armed. for theecnmonttsfence."
His bitters could get of a mornitig.
But the citizen-soldiers scornedabstinence
As their mode of attack - was lay B urning. -
"In case the foe'approaches the town,"
The command was "destroy all [the brandy,"'
But it did not say hole, so my friend Mr. Brown;
Thought to drink it were far the most handy t
- And guards will be placed, "it wak th us run the text,
"At every approach to the Borciugh."
So away trooped a crowd excceingPerPlexed
Lest they should bear arms on he morrow.
I can never forget what the Gnards have achieved,
And how closely. they, looked al the "passes."
Of honest old farmers who "spies" were believed,
While they kiesed and passed Out all the,
Then tho "Anderson Troop" cane riding aloilg
On horses impreSsed from the farmers,
Their clothes were new and their 3abres wire strong.
So they thought themselves "Perfect charmers,",
And I looked at their steeds when I saw the mark.
Uncle Sam puts on nil of his fo r ices,
And "I laughed in my sleeve e t as cried out isome
- gas lark. -
" They've been branding borrdived horses.".
These "Anderson follows" hid drilled for a while,
And moreover were splendid blowers,
So with sabres like scythes theyleame in style,
To show Rebels some excellent mowers :
And I saw in my dream. I ean'tivouch for its truth
That With dauntless and terrible blows,
They inowed forty. thousand Rob's down, forSOoth,
When at least thirty miles from their foes,
Thus ended this part of my dream when behold,
.As the danger was past and as bloodshed waS over,
The "State Militia," in numbers untold, :)
The ""War on the Bord , 3r " began to discovier,
So away theyniiirched with but little persuasion,
To protect "the line" from threatened invasion,
Unluckily for the " Militia," their fate,
'Twas to be right in time to beteg late,
Unless they meant not to fight where my rhytne
Will bring them just in the nick of time. .1
. , .
Thus peace again reigned,.not so much I sunimso,
That the 'Rebels were fearful we'd beat 'ern, '
As from a deep-sated conviction that rose
In their minds on the banks of Antietam.'
° .
The quiet town in its still repose,
Not a whisper heard from the whispering trees,
Not a rumor borne on the passing breeze,
Bat little reeked of the coming foes, =
The clouds were low:ring and pat:ring ram
Began to plash on the window-Pane;
And darknesi'to veil all scenes from the light
O'ereasting the;earth with•the mantle of night
An anxious horseman with panting steed 'Ay.l
Rode into the town at his utmost speed
With the Word that " the Rebels woreeoming ;'
Bells rang and drnnis beat in that hour of need,'
But all smiled at the ringing and drumming;
'Tvrere absurd men argued that here, so far
From l the Ariny that lay, on the river away, ,
The Rebels should come in a single day ' I -
With all the paraphernalia of war: •
Yet while they argued the guns ofthe foe
Oped their mouths with a grin on the town below.
"They're here, they're here," was borne on i
th °lair
Through street and alley. "The Rebels are here
Don't you see them down in the Diamond there'',
I heard their trumpet tones calling cletir."
And I walked the streets. and I felt the pain
Of "surrender":thrill me through every vein
When I heard a heroic woman declare - .
"The dirty Rebels they won'elfight fair,
But come when they know-ire can't boat the 7,
instead of giving us time to piepare, 1. •
As we do with them ere we Meet them." ,"
Then into the town incessant poured
The hateful stream of the Rebel horde; ' I
"They hadnowjust come' they deigned to sax.
"A hasty visit the place to pay," i .1
And kindly promised for .hurry this once ; 1
To come again and stay for months ;f
We told them no doubt 'twasi4rcil designed, ;
But still we were sure they Were quite too kind
And assured thaw one thing as very clear, 1
We were not at all fond of " utternuts" here.
- 1
And Gianeral Stuart, the Rebel chief. ' i r i,
Whoni the farmers call + 'thd, great horse-thief,"
Who c i aptured "the city withont delay," ' [ -
(Or "'quiet village" -as Harpers' say,) ' 1 I
Inquired n'extinoraing with pride, "if hislmen
Were bad as was represented,"
. :
" But the Devil ne`er," he wkis answered then.
" Was bla4k as ho - -stea pai4ted.." '
But up and away with the etLriy morn r :
Were these defied Rebels bOrne,
As fast as our horses could!carry that t:
As the flame and smoke to gear.= arose; •
We declared our purpose tq follow our foes,
To strike them hard, and as to their blow 4
Wo Swore long and loud we would parry; thorn.
So we l shouldeted our guns and went o'nt 1;4,
Where the infernal Rebels Might be,
'But the DoMI himself coUldn't find them;"
For " over the river and far'• away,"
They had gone as, they had'tit " the time to stay,"
Leaving " - flaming regretii# behind them.
The autumn bliak and the Isinter,cold
Peslterl slowly by while afarioff rolled ,
Wa'r's tide and train of desolation
On the Reppahanneek's blondstained.shore.
WheOthe Yazoo's dztrltsozne - waters pauri,
Or Stone River's waves are mingled with ions,
Stood the bulwarks of the Nation
Our fathers, brothers, sons Were there,
-While a sister's sigh or a trinther's prayeii. -
Went up to'lleaTen, " Oh. Father, Spare l l"
The rine Dash and bayon et !thrast,
The ranks of men, the colu i Mns of dust;,
The musketry crash, the cannon's Font..
And all the ominous sonncl:of war,
Waathcionlynns'sier the'liihtning brought.
From where contending thousands fought.
The only answer; Ah, no I ho rod
Upraised to punish', Nation for sin
Is felt in the ory. "My Aon 4 oh• God I" .
Al the one little name in k tho bulletin;
And this is envier etiough, for her,' ,
Whose hopes and all that he loved on eirt,
Are a soldier's sePulehr* •
And buried'ufar from the plaekfof his birth;
Or brought in sorroviend laid toSleep,
• Whereits vigils silently li
a' eepi
The dreadild sounds•of WA`lt. Win. Win, I
Still smotO on the ear, yeewhile
Our loved oueslhome and mournfully laid
Their bodies at rest in the earth at our feet:
Mourned over their graves and solemnlq played
' Funereal dirges for heroes mett:
Mon black is Erebus spring forth, ••
And I saw thorn ming at their Country's -all.'
Raised up the panner - of the North "
And placed high on 'o,tragner's wap;
Front the dene,where burbly a subject rue,
Math:cough t I saw theatre:co to face
With . the monster Death on Wagrier's towers',
tgociming,-" THE FORT; IT Must PE'OticltSil t
And Ltursted and pointed where heroes lay I
And pronounced a bonedietio4 or sorrow:
-81inip sweetly, bravo mon; foifie this 'day I •
Hare gained for your child:o4 a glorious tit-mor
_ row."
Repositorn, 3appx,ll, 6,4864.
But again the rin4or is borne z on the Inane,
(We often before had ruin Ors like these)
' That-Lee is moitingintent on invasion:
Bittwe heeded it 'hot until it-was clear
That Jenkins hat come unpleasantly near;
AMlLee himself would surely be here
Before his head had mans more days on.,
Then away'the claims 1 911#1.04. ,
icited,frightehed flastefed; - 11 - firried, - L,,
On horseback, ",On foot," by all manna! of arts:
And devices;
Ana . all kinds ofi people—Smith, Jones,
Roberts, Robinson, Brown and Bones;
- And the Rices l ; . •
While away in Olvance of the hetullont race , -
Was a carriage that looked like R—ri's,
Which seemed lfke he gwine ter Ica de place,"
- Through fear of the mighty Jenkins,
'Mid shriek; and yell, and cry, and sho!lt,,
And peals of winked laughter,
On;hurried on,the rabble rout,
With Milroy's wagons after.
Toss and 'tumble.
Roll and'amble,
And dust to make us blind, most;
Thus Milroy's trains -
Came over plains,
And rills and ridges, •
Brpoki and bridges, •
Let worst be worst.
The best man first,.. A - -
And Devil take the hindmost.
And sure endu', when all lad gone,
And night put, her sable' arments on,, •
Came Jenkins, the guerilla Chief,
And arrant traitor, and braggart and thlef,
To pay us that long threatened visit; •'
His Rubs were dirty as dirt could make 'en,
And'Jenkins'himself may have been a sachem.
A man or gorilla, a monkey or fairy:
Or p'rhaps the famous "What-is-it?" • '
Which usually goes with "travelling shots,"
IBut whatever he was, no one I supppse,
Will deny he was wretchedly dirty and hairs.
Now JpainS "put up " at the best 'hote.
And as everything looked uncommonly veil.
He grew quite communicative;
No foe on his front, no foe on his rear. --
Though he found on his flanks two glassy of beer,
He soon threw them off like a "native"
'Tis.Wondrotts to tell how.he soon soughthis way:
From the house with the sign of the Etgle,
A bird which he found he could ne'er lead astray,
'However lie tried to inveigle,
To that spot on the Spring whose water are clear
Transparent and lucid-as lager or beer, - -
Where our good friends the Dutch delighbv,erm.uch
To hear their mugs jingle and "Emile" atthe touch
While they fight o'er their battles "Int Sigel."
"Dear Harmon," says Jenkins," I'm glut to be here
And to know youes-a great delight. si,
I confess I'm remarkably fond of your per: -
And relish your 'kasei and Yoni"swetzere
Your people shall all be tteatedas well
As I this. day have_been 'treated ;', '
I'll see they are paid for all that they eel,
-And will Suffer no one to be cheated ;
But then they must all be content to reeive
Such money as we are able to give,"
duipressed, no doubt, with this honest felini,
(Foi Jcnkitn; was morally hostile to sterling.)
He orderednll business men open their bars,
And ho world send Officers round to thei stores,
And these he assured them " would cannily make
A correct,catalogne of their stock ; •
Such things as they wanted was all they itArld take,
And the balance erase from the book;
Extept wh i atever 'the men' might find.
To tickle the fancy or please the mind;
Thus pleasantly chatting when all was 4alc dOwn
Ile looked at the bills and bought rat
Still Jenkins had terrible griefs to tear, -
And as Jeekinses never - were known to near;
He affirmed, " he'd be d—d if he'd stud 'em zu
And so he ;launched - forth in a speech at 44 rate.
Of PheebuS's horses, when,Phteth e on.ea4
On the 'box and,droi•Wein-tandem.
"In a peaCeable way he had entered the tom,
Yet we had a hostile_ spirit shown "
If he had Said " horse-steal to me it appal's,
The kettle had had the pot tir the 'ears—
" Had stolen his horses. and tried to shootiown
Hiamen in a charge inoffensively made,
Which grtiatly displeased his entire Brigae,
Who sivoie that unless we paid all thelrlotes,
Or begging their pardon returned them theithosses,'
The d=d little town should in ashes beaid.
Ho felt for his men, he was bound to confet it,
And whatever their wrong wascompelled teredress
And to settle tho mutter desired to mil
Our worthy Town Fathers togetbsr"— •
Such was' the substance of What he far—
From "the change in the wind "iwe auured
" scOmll," '-
And not wishing a " change in the weathr."
Concluded to send our Burgess right down.
With the:onerous duty of "saving the towi' -
Who managed the btipitteas he found to be one,
In atriede that did."credit" in niore - irays tin erne,
To our 'ancient and goodly Borough;
To the knowledge of these iiyou Wish to
Go, ask certain lenders of scrip to explain—:
NOW; Gentlemen, please don't become so prattle,
'You all shall be paid—to-Morrow. •
Now Scrikins cleteitini»ed to leave us a while
But first thought it best fd disarm us,
Believing-, perhaps our powder might
Or that pistols and guns might harm mi.
And henhe he issued an Order requiring
All persons within the precincts of the tow ,
All righ6 being forfeited is, them by firing,
(And. eh, how we trembled at Jenkins' frog,)
ponth e, benignant Confederate forces,
And•wieisedly stealing the best of their horse
At onee.ra arms and 'munitions
To officers named to make proper dispose],
On pain-Uf for any omissions, .-
And punishment dire for every refusal.
, •
But whetber compliance was honesty? made,
Or a feigMed respect to the Order was paid,
We all were swift his eommandefte obey,
*And htivo our names on his books "put do'd," .
'Twaaraally a.laughablo fame to play, ' - '
Though dons of course to rtraserye the ton."
Snob a:motley collection of firma Fewest',
Has never before been exhibited here,'
There were swards without hilts and guns w ibnt
Steam without barrels and baixels without stoat,
Pistols 44 big as your linger and &an -';
- A:two-ounce vial of powder Rft9 seen.
And T stood and looked, on as my friends passeo.
And to whatc'er they Carried I give "half-an-es."
"Hello; dear N—, what is,that you - hare that!"
" Oh nething7-or only a tritio,", •
I caught f! . 'slikht glimpseM4 it was I declare k •
' A teleigeopie
And then friend came along and got boded
For a;load that would break down a Mason. ,
Five muskets, two sabres—astonishedT looked,
'Tor howitzer, cannon and caisson. , ;
But Jenkins now returns agajp,
And Lae and his army following then.
thief:tett& and desolation
, runabout our lovely Venni fling,
And neareri ;tearer, nearer bring-
. 14straetiou tothe Nation. •
The6l-fit to come - over the roads was Rhodes,
And then brigade, division and oorp,
Into the town with clatter and roar,
-In tine uneensitigintreet Pont; •
Divisions almost half a score :
Johnson's Anderson's, Picket's and Hood's, •
aitcfon.'and.onward still, , • • --- •
31'Claw's, and Pender's, and Heath's, until
The Corps of Ewell and A. P. Hill,
. "Bull -dog" Longstreet, all were found
Encamped throughout the neighborheodrqund.
Thete Beheld werit flushed with insolent
B °flaying: atrirtegistible tide -
- Like the waves of a deep-flowing river, 2 .
Was sweeping the Nation far and wide,
Engulphing us 'ncath it forever;
"We're brick in the Union agein," they. cried,
And endless their boasting and vaunting,
You'll in it reninin:' was all we replied, -
'Though endleii their gibes and their taunting
While Hood's Division was passing through.
A lady sporting the "Red. White and Blue"
From a bosom whence traitor ne'er won it,
Was bailed by an insolent Rob who cried;
As he our own loved Emblem
spied, -
" A breastwOrk, lady, please bear in mind:
food's boys delight to storm when they find
The Yankee colors on it."
These Reba were an ignorant set to be sure,
Nor Was their language always pure,
For reading, and 'writing, and such little arts,
Are not esteemed "essential paits,'.' •
Among our Southern cousins; - •
And one of them asked, in a drawling tone,
A dirty, lousy son of a"wk. -
" Whatfur do you'ns fight us'ns4"
A ladY,Bk,sogwoon says and knows,
Ciied out as the Rebs passed by,
"To the Red Sea Pharaoh's army goes;"
But things since Teered , ilwry,
Tor when old Pharaoh led before,
His army to the Red Sea's shore,
Moses was passing tbriyugh ; •
But this time " Moses " might be seen
On Pharaoh's side, sufficiently "green,"
To enter the Red Sea too
ow Moses (I dreamed) went round to eco
That all our merchandise might be,
(In Blaektrood find the text)
Carefully packed and marked "supplies,"
While we looked on with sad surprise.
To see our foods "annexed."
Bat I suddenly from my dreams awoke. ,
As a distant sound of thunder broke •
Upon my startled ear:
And I•looked around hut the foe was gone,
My dream of " Bowler War" was done.
While the Falling Sprirg went singing on
'O'erthe Falls in accents clear. -
lir.tpn PATRON.% please open the-strings or your
And gladden thO Carrier Ifoy's heart,
,In honest return for his blessing and verses,
With sera:Wiling that jay can impart. • 2"
Bight smart,
And will mike hithself shake himself,
In 'glee, the elf, to see the'pelf,
That,gladdens th ier Boy's heart.
Tne editor of the West Chester Republican
who holds an office in, the Capitol at Wash,
gton,• writes to his f Paper on the 15th as
follows in relation toihe late speech of Rev
erdy Johnson of 'Maryland :
For the .first tim e ` since the session - of
Congress commenced accidentally dropped
into the Senate on TiteSdav afternoon last
and was well rewarded for my visit.. I
heard incidentally that Senator Garrett Davis
of Kentucky bad been speaking, and as he is
celebrated for making frequent and long
speeches I went in m.rely to ascertain
whether he had closed his remarks. When
I entered found, 'Reverdy Johnston -of
Marviond on .the floor of the Senate, replying
to Mr. Davis. - -He was speaking in rather a
conversational manner, with the Constitution
in his hand,. and I Nand he was answering
some objections made by th 6 Senator . from
Kentucky. it - appeAred ,tho latter had art
reigned the President -for unconstitutional
usurpations of authority in enlisting negroes,
issuing his Proclamation of Emancipation
and all- the. other charges set down against
those who would save the Government from
destruction. One by. ane, Mr. Johnston was
answering Mr. Davis' objections, and the
deep attention of the Senate showed how suc
cessfully he was doing his work.
In the midst of the speech the Souse ad
journed and large numbers of the members
came into the Senate. tome of-whom I think
got to see an unexpectedly-big whale. before
they left, Mr." Vorhees -for instance, who
was there, must have rubbed his eyes when
he found a Border State Senator- talking at
did Mr. Reverdy Johnson. The Kentucky
Senator was answered by the right man and,
the answer Was as demolishing as it well
could be. \ While the speaker did not approve
of some of the acts of the President, he nev
ertheless stood up square for any and all mea
sures that Would destroy the rebellion, and
he said if it wasnecessary-to subdue the-re
volt by Union
slavery in every State
of the Union - now,.he was for it without the
-hesitation of a moment! Mr. _Johnson re
ferred to a remark made by him on the floor
of the Senate in 1847, when he wiis Senator
in Congress from Maryland. «I took occa
sion'to say at e that time," said , he, 4 , that Sla
very could not be defended as a moral or a
Christian institution, much less - as an econom
ical system of labor, and I repeat those views
here to-day with new assurance of their en
tire truthfulneg!" Toward the conclusion.
of his remarks he became exceedingly ear
nest and very ',animated. lJet rose from .a
highly effective conversational style to that
of the orator, and so - pungent.,ivere' his criti
cisms on what bid previouslY been said, that
ho last br:ltiglit thaXentuckian to his feet
in explanation. .11creferred also to- Jeff.
Davis,- and poured upon-him a quietbut with
ering tide of censure .which, I -venture to
say, if it reacheshis eye, will make him wince
if there is env feeling in him.
This speec'h of Reverdy Johnson's shows'
that the true leaven is quietly working its
way. It is ail unmistakable evidence of the
popular sentiment in Mrryland on the sub-_
sect of the war and the institution of slavery.
Three years ago a Maryland Senator dared
not deliver such
. tt speech. To-day if he de
livered any other kind on the topics discuss
ed he would find himself stemming a cur
rent that would sweep , him tin to - a speedy
political death.- -
KiBSING STINBEA-11.--4 babe, not old
,enough to speak or walk, was creeping on the
floor. BY-aid-by 'a bright ray of sunshine
fell upon the carpet. Baby saw it, and Crept
toward the, dazzling object. She looked at
it, and crept all around it, with the greatest
interest in her sweet face, and., then putting
do'wn her little lips she kisbed it. Now -was
not that beautiful? The 'bright little sun
brtm lighted up joy in her baby-heart, and
she expressed that. jay with a sweet kiss.
. „
.x .
Xli. OPP, of Poppyille, in .Popp county;
fancying hirriseltio be' very popular with his
lady love, popped the 'question, td her tinder'
tipoplar tree, when she referred him to her
py, who, when Asked for his consent, le
ering under the influence of ginger pop,
popped Popp out of the door to the tune of
' ?op Goes the Weasel." . '
OtOntr 3eoelrp.
303 Broadway, New ibik - .4Corner Duane Street.)
CILS, &c., &c , worth' 0,000, to be sold at One Dollar
each. without regari. to value, and not to be paid until
you know what you will receive. •
100 Gold Hunting Case Watches .$lOO.OO each.
100 Gold Watches • ' 60 00 each:
200 Lathes'Watehes ..... ...... 35 00 each.
500 Silver Watches- .115 c 0 to 25 00 each.
600 Gold Neck and Vest Mains-, 12 00 141'15.00 each.
1,009 Chantelaine &Guard Chains' 5 00 to 16 00 each..
9.000 Vest and Neck Chains 4 00 to 12 00 each.
4,000 Solitaire Jet d- Gold Bro.aches 4 00 to 8 00 each,
4.000 Coral, Lava. Garnet, 8 . e. 4 . 3 •
00 tO • 8 00 each.
7.000 Gold, Opal, fie., Ear Drops... • 300 to 8 00 each."
5.000 Gents' Breast andScartFins 3 00 to , $ 00 each.
6,000 Oval Band Bnicetets 3 00 to - 800 each.
2.000 Chased Bracelets. 500 to 10 no each.
3,500 California Dikniond Pinsand
• Rings •
2,000 Gold Watch Keys
5,000 Solitaire Sleeve Battens and
Studs 200 to 8 00 each..
3.000 Geld Thimbles 4 00 to 6 - 00 each.
5,000 Miniature Lockets -200 to 6 00 each.
3,000 Miniature Lockets. Magic.— 4 • 00 to 900 each.
2.500 Gold Toothpicl.ll,Crosses, &so. 200 to 600 each.
3.000 Fob and Ribbon ...... 2 00 to 5 00 each.
5.000 Chased Gold Chains 2 00 to 5 00 each.
4.000 Stone Set Binge - 200 to ' 6 00 each;
6,500 Sets Ladies' Jewelry—Jet
and Gold
5,000 Sets Ladies'J ewelry, varied
800 Gold Pens, Silver Case and
Pencil. ............... •
4.000 Gold Pens, Gold Case and
Pencil 500 to 10 00 each,
6poo Gold Pe n s, Gold mounted
Holder • '
• 2 00 to. 6 00 each.
All the goods lh the above List will be - sold without
reseCvation, for ONE DOLLAR E +CIL Certificates of
• ali the various articles are placed in similar envelopes
sealed.and mixed. These envelopes will belientbyansil
or delivered at our office, without regard to choice. On
, receiving a,certillcate, you will see-what iirticle it rep
-resents. and leis - optional with you• to send one dollar
and receive the article named, or any other in the list
of same value." By thismode we give selections from a
varied stock of fine goods, of the best make and latest
styles, and of intrinsic worth, at n nominal price. while
' all have a chanceot securing. articles of the very highest
In all transactions by mail we charge f.w . forwarding
the,Certific,te..pnying rostage.and doing the butanes&
tis - cents eiich. Fire Cerli /leaks will be sent for $1: Ele
ven fer $2; Thirty fee ; Sixty : pre for $lO ; and One
Hundred far $1.5..
. .
We should supply your wants : Oar facilities are unsur
passed ; our work•of - unrivalled excellence; our orotni:
ses . pn nct ly observed. Our central lon.ition brings ns
near the most remote points: Our goods are now from
the manufacturers. and of the latest and most desirable
styles._The go:ds nine be sold, and the termsunegnal
led. Al articles ordered are forwarded by return mail.
We guarantee entire satisfaction in every instance,
and if there shetild be any person dissatisged with any
article they may recetre,they will immediately return
it. and the price will be refunded. -
AGENTS.—We allow those acting as Agents Teißents
on e.tch Certificate ordered, provided their remittances
amount to One Dollar.
They will collect ,25 cents for eTeryCertificata and,
retaining NYC cuts, remit to us 15 cents far each.
ifriY- Address • - GIN). BEIM lar -
dec3o4t • 40.1 Broadway,- New York.
- .Chambersbarg, Penna. -
The undersigned. would respectfully call - attention to
his Rresenfstock.consisting of- •••
W. A T .C.ll E S ,
Gold and Silver of .Americanand European Manufacture
-of all qualitiesandatyles and at the lowestprices.
_ • •
In great variety. ParlOry Mantel; Office, &e., Ao
The newest and most desirable styles of Onyx, Coral and
Pearl, Gold - Chains, Bracelets. Finger Rings. Gold
Thimbles, Sleeve Buttons, Necklaces, Armlets,
Masonic & Odd FellOwsDresst Pins; he.. &e.
A - splendid stock and .newest. styles.
Consisting of Tea Sets,Casferei, Mega, Spoons, Forks, .re
From the best itna most celebrated maiAfactorieo.
A very large and attractive Stock.' '
Rodgers superior Pen ladves ... •of diterent qualifies
and prtee's. •
The long experience of the undeialg - ni•d in the selectltia
and adaptation of GII/BSCS, enables him to suit theta
any sight. • • -
At no time hive the people of this county bad a move
attractive and extensive Stock to selett from than is now
presented at the establishment of the undersigned.
Every article is new and of the latest style and will -be
said at the very lowest Woe. An examination is sclliett
ed before purchasing elsewhere.
47 - 4 - - Repairing done at the shortest notice .by comp°.
tent and skilful workaien.
sept 233 21 door South of Posethfice,Chamb'g.
Nu. 020 ARCII pturGA DELPHI A.
has always a large stock of -
WATCIIIES,for Ladies and Uentlennen—in Gold and
FLNI.JI3IVIIERF.of" the most thshfonnblest.Ytes.
SOLID S. E It. IV A RE, in great satiety, and -
1t(Xllill'S S uper tor Plate* Spoons, Forks, etc., etc.
Isept 30-4 m
'Oats, etapo ant Suro.
118 Arch St., below Bth south side; Plaid a.
' Importer. Manufacturer of and Dealer in aft kinds of
FANCY FURS ! for Ladies' and Cliddren's War.
I wish to return my thanks tomy friendsArFratiklin
and the surrounding Counties, for their very literal pat
ronage extended to me during the last few iyears, and
would say to them that I now hare la store: of my own
Importation antl.Mantifacture a very extensive assort
ment of alt the different kinds and qualities if FAWN'
FURS, for Larliiisand ChPilren,tbatwilllie wcirn during
the Fall and Winter seasons.
Being thedirect Importer of-all ray Furs from Europe,
aird Laving thein all Manufactured under myown super
vision—enables me to Otter my customers and the public
a much handsomer Set of Furs for Ake same money.
hadies pleats give me a call before purchasing I Pleaso
remember the name, number and street.
N.*. 718 Arch St., Philadelphia.
gept 9,,5m
FLTRS.=I have a large and well selected stock of
Ladies' Furs, consisting of allnk. Sable. Stone Martin.
'German Fitch. American Fitch. Liberian Squirrel. French
Squirrel. French Sable. French Mink, 'Water Mink. end
Silver Martin. which lam Selling - at lower prices thin]
they can be pnrchnseil for in Philadelphia. Call and ex ,
amine before purchasing elsewhere,at the old Mist. Cap,
and Fin. Store of J. L . DF.CIEFItT.
liAßGAlNS.—Splenthd Mare, only ta 50 at the
- cheap Rat, Cap and Fur Store•of 3. L. DRCHERT.
IL,II Only $8 for a rall sot of Ladleit Furs. t
gustites of tbe jicare.
13. DAVISON, Surtice of the•Peac--Cifice immediate
ly opposite the "Indian Queen Hotel." All builuess en;
trusted to hit care shall receive prompt attention. 'in
_of Wri(ing, of all kinde, drawn up in a antis
thctory manner. - -lupe 17,'63.
p$ . . Allllll,iN,Justice of the, Pe ace,
• Chntnheisbnrg. Pa. Office on East Niarket street
opposite the Clonet llonver,in the . oftketortnerly occupied
by Ll3...llleCtore. Prompt attention given to every
thing in the Linea a Magistrate undSeritener.
Sept 9, '63-tt.
and :Dealers, in
No. 424 North Third Street: Philadelphia. -
Leather. Summand Skins. bought or Bold on Commis
slam Advancea made en Consiunmenta. [dec2 3m]
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have
=this day entered into partnership, in WO Coach-Making
business. In all its various branelies.nnder the name of
, Peiffer & Feltz. Thu said firm will do business at the
stand lately occupied by p. Henry Peiffer & Co., and
would respectfully solicit a continuance of the public
, patronage. —P. R NIIY PAIFFER,
N0v.8,1861, • - C.O . FOLTZ.. --
The ulAersign, eantissure it's PnbUc, and detieti tl
cesifid contradiction, that hie recent nurchases.,inttfil
Eastern cities enables tooffer ',no of the largest ssal
most attractive stock of
• cuoTAINll,_`:
iibr the Falf and 'Winter &name/1863-f to be loma
.in any s imilarestablishment in this section. Every 111
riety of
AND 'VESTS; „ ;/
made itt the very best styleand at the lovresi
Stich a 5 - Shirts, Drawers, Comm., Cravats, NockllartdkerehiefS4c.,,kc. Special altention is called
thi Department.
I Would invite an examination Of my Stock of
Cloths, fteetsertners ,Vestings, &c., Which I. mann
upon special orders. -
would belt to say that.tuy Goods are manafeetired
under my own supervision and by the very beat worls.
I men. My present stock is the most extensivelhave yet
;had in atom and I respectlidly nak,my friends and .tai
Public to give me a call beforspurchaqing elsewhere:
Remember theoldStand. J. T.:GOSSIP/SON,' •
Franklin Ildtet Doilding,.,
Corner of the Diamond and West Market Street.
oct. 7. Chambersburg,Pc •
2 50 to .8 00 each
250 to , 6 00 each
500 to 15 00 dub
3 00 to 15t00 eatli.-
. .
• 'mat Corner rif the D1A.41016, next door 'to t 1
ank, CHA 3 IBERSBIIII.G; has jusf returned torn
City with a large stock-slf superior 'and .attaraittablb
Goods,such, as CLUTtiS , CASSIMERES. SA'rINMa,
JiIAN S .CORDS..4c..,for Coats. and 'VELVETS:4IINA
MARSEILLVS",and other Testings. Also—A 'very tait
selection of ItCADY-3IADE CLOTGING, he,t
prepared to sell at the Very lowest mark.t priCes.
CUSTOMER WORK.—As be employs a ftret-vate ento
ter.he iaprepared to make up all kinds of barmen%
for Men affil Boys, to order, in . the best stylee. - 134 , *
faction will be guaranteed.
A large assortment of OtaTl.EXEN'B"Frwrirtifica Gotiika.
such as Shirts, Drawers. Collars, Handkerchiefs. Suss.
pendertr,Carpet Bags, Umbrellas. rtc., rtc. 41ways
hand, Give him acall and save money, f.tnne).7,'Olt
4 00 to 800 each
- No: 5& 7 North SY xth Street.
SOk,Nterinoand Cotton UnderSbirts and Drawera,tra-,
Tate. Scarts,Glorea, liatufkerchiefs, &c. Shirts} Nrippeta
and Dross Stocks made to order by metarurement„ arid
warranted to giVe"Tatirlfactien.
Orders may Lei eft with S. S. Saarocx,dhamberatraM.
• :1_o.900 Arch Street,PhOrldel/ihtits, Pre.
Having received a liberal share of patronage from chtm
bersburg- and vicinity, we are- encouraged ;to ask ftki
more. The-excellence of our goods and ou iiwork . and
the care we take to give entire satisfaction ie a inf9citnt
guarantee that we value our reputation. • -
nov 11, - IVHSTON &
*atiblerg, Marttess,
dles. Bridles, farness, Collars, Trunks, Valises, be
Sign of the HORSE COLLAR.
IJEILEAIIA /I OYSTER respectfulfyretnrnab is thanks
to his pat Cons for the Liberal Oncourageruetif welt*
from them • heretofore, and he would invite them and tlbs -
coinnuanity gene - ralty; who may need any thing' in his
line, to give him a call nt his OLD STAND, on - the Rea ,
side of Main Street,,Charnbersburg, live doors South of, -
Haber &Tolbert's Hardware Store, wham he kimpeCtile
stoutly on baud &miry variety of SADDLERY AND
HARNESS of hie ovo Manufacture; and hei prepared
to sell the VIM oat terms that defy competition. Every
artioie offered for sale is warranted to be made of tlft.
best material and by competent workru en, wilt& will Ifie
fully demonstrated on ah examination thereof. •
TRUNKS AliD TALLsts.-11.0 would also dull 'Mg
attention of persons wanting a good, neat; cheap mid
inabstanisil Trunk or Valiae c to his assortmeht. -- -
Juno 17,'t$3,
UFACTORY.—The undersigned would respectfully
announce to his friends and the public generally, that
he has 4 takTeb the SADDLE AND HARNESS SilOrfor
merly carried on by Matthew Gillen, dec'd, on WEST
MARKET STREET, near.-11m OmecOnheersar creck. - tri
the borough of Chambersburg, where be manufactures
Saddles, Bridlesand Elarness.andhas constantly en:that'll
an excellent assortment of Collars, Whips, Lc.
Ilde m
tips none but the best of Workmen. and con
strue work from tho best material. 111ENN.F and
VALI constantly on hand, all of which will be sold as
cheapaithe cheapest. A continuance of the former pa-
Aronage of the elfop 'is most respectfully solicited.
June 17, 63 JA5.1111.6 IL GILLEN
Tiruxtm Strrturo & Sore, corner; of Main and
WashingtonStreets,Chambersburg.Pa. re anufac tui et a
of all kindsdt.WHlPS , such as Wagon. Catriage" and
Riding Mips of various sizes and of superior quality,
which they offer to the public:, either by .Wholearde ar
Retail, at very moderate;prices. L AS.II ES 'of all lengths
- kept constantly on hand and forsale by the dozen. very
cheap. • They Mso Manufacture superior 11011S.E
.LARS, to which they invite attention.
Orders froni a distance sollcited and promptly attezal
'ed. to ; Jima 17.'63.
TERS,and anything in the Leather- line belonging
-to the Saddler's ways on baud and made to or
der, and on reasonable terms. at GORDCiiili,
the Indian Queen Hotel, Main et.
kJH. GORDO N—snci'pe,ssor, to
• DIEHL& nonno's=gives notice to his ensteniets
and others, that bo is still at the OLD STAND, opp.4lte
the Indian Queen Hotel. Main street,Charbbersburg, PA.
R PSSPURS, which be will sell chedp for ;ash,tir
good trade.
notice. on it ensonable terms, by CJIL-GORDON ,
e in AT'
vites hie frienclit to come to see him. - -
Manufacturers of PhologroAhic Materials
501 BiondWay, New York.
Our Catalogue now embraces considerably over Pons
Thousand different subjects (to which additions are cot,
lineally being made) of Portraits ofFimitient Areericows
etc., viz: •
72 Major.° en.erals, 525 Statesmen, .
219 Colonels,ll6 Authors,
84 Lieutenant-Colonels - • 39 - Artists,
207 Other Officers, 112 Stage,!
60 linvy Officers, 46 Prominhnt *men,
147'Prominent Foreign Portraits.
- 2,500 Copies of World of Art,
- •
including reproductions - ofllle most celei,roed Engrav
ings, Paintings, Statlies, &c. Catalogues sent on receipt
Cr etamp. An order for Ono Dozen Pictures from our
Catalogue will he felled on receipt of-$l.BO, and sent
mail free.
Of these we 'manueLeture a great vriely, ranging . in
price from 60 cents to $5O each.
Our Albums have the reputation of being. superior hs'
beauty and durability to any_others. The smaller kind
can be sent safely by mail at a postage of six cents leer
The more expensive can be sent by express. -
- We also keep a large assbrtment of
OurCatalogue of these will be sent to any addiaan of
receipt.of Stamp. • ,
E. k 11. T. ANTONY., ; .
Manufacturers of Photographic Materials
- 501 Broadway, Wew York - -
• -
friends or relatives of prominent military .men•
confer a favor by sending us - their likeness to
They will be kept carefully and returned uninjurna. ,
Pine Aibums made to order for Congregations to prr
gent to their Pastor, or for other purposes, with suitsbW
inscriptions pl.e. - • ; [angle-ern.
e;PpAii,ENTS "of Soldiers in the 'Ser
vice. or in Hospitals, can furnish them with - AM
OSITOILY three months for 25 couts; Biz ocr_
50 cents. or one year for $l.OO.
S will
D O A e r r Fj o irs itv:efi.ortttheestElsphi
PAMPHLETS printed in best style,
rates. and lowest at the dike of the FRANKLIN
OSITORY. . ' '
4 gUittutg.
43botogra4 tir.