. f . • . . , Irtil• Pf -• . . , -1- '' s ';"'' , ' ,- .:0‘• ''''- "t -...;"-‘ 1 -- , -.1 ,), • ' , : ; . , • .1 fl', - ::: , f '' •.“.. , ,,,, i ' ,, ,, f .,e li1" ,- ' ifijiiti. . . , ,i - U . -. :-,, 1.;...... , :4 , •-• . 1 ''',.- - .• .. . V . 4...-_ _.- , I'. .._ I .' , '' , 1 _. , ' -:-. ••\--.. i :5 • '. . -:!. • 11 . it 11 't 0 ''':'--\:- il l ' l '7 l ' l • , .._ . . . ,• . . . ..• • ..., 1 ..!... v 1 1 ., .- .: ; 4- --- N. ' 'l.• , N, . . . . --,- . • :, : I - - , . BY rams s:7 - STONER, tleFroitcerg. CCM . BERLAND VALLEY EAAROAD. 'We have before us the twenty:ninth An nual Report of the Cumberland Valley Rail road Company; giving the operations orate road to r .the Ist of October last. The losses • aastained by reason of „the rebel invasion me . thus given in detail : • froMporary construction of Bridge at Carlisle $3,410"55 Bstimate for' permanent structure 3,566 1 00 First temporary construction of Orilge at Scotland 727 35 Secon temporary construction of Arne Bridge and relaying sec thin 8, including expense of re- ". moving the temporary roadlaid .33,743 '96 Repairs of damages on sections • 0 &-7f _ 75 00 Reconstruction of buildings at Cliambersburg and putting up and repairing machinery 6,964 68 New T iron, lumber and wood, destroyed by fire and stolen . ' " • 0,628. 00, If 01,115 49 Leas Trait left on road 224 tons and 1410 lbs at sB'6 per ton 7,855 78 $58,259 71 • Of this sum the 'United States Government claim to have. paid $23,799 58 'D.ICSIAGEa TO THE FRANKLIN RAIL ROAD. COeit et re-construction and esti mate for completion of road, - water station, Ste $20,084 07 Lesa T rail left on road 147 tons awl. 1450 lbs at $ 35 . 5 7 16,7 65 Total loss $14,916 42 Aitich sum the United States Government claim to have paid $ 1 , 0 6 5 79 The total amount of actual damage to pro ‘nporty on the two roads is thus given at $68,- '276 13 ; and the claim of the government terhave paid $23,799 58 on the Cumberland Valley and $1,955 79 on the Franklin, is earnestly-resisted by J udge Watts, the Pres ident of the Company. The credit is claim , ed on the part of the gavernment for work done to meet its own immetiiate necessities ; not; as '4utige Watts say, "intended to serve the permanent roact,VNy, but the tem; porary Purpose of carrying 'troops and sup.- plies for the army." . He adds that "doubt less the authorities of the government - will -take a proper view of the subject, and re lieve our Company from a Claim which has in it so little justice." We presunie that the repairs done to the .roads' by the, gov ernment will not perceptibly 41iminist the cast to .the Company in making their per manent repairs—hence. the protest of the President against being charged with the expenses incurred for t?inporary repairs in (Oder to pant -tiro- pressing wants of the arwy. ' He also urges the justice of the . government making reparation for dammei inflicted upon the. Company by the r*ls. _He says that "private property was in a measure respected by the rebels, but the property of our Company was destroyed be cause it was in service of the country, and rendering a service, too, so essential to its Protection and safety f" The, report announces officially that the' business of transportation on the road will henceforth be done by the Company instead of individnai.forwarders as heretofore. It alleges that Mann&turers justly complain that middle-men have thus been interposed between them and the market, and that . they demand to have the responsibility - of the Company, and - their products carried - at their tariff rates. It states that " many instances of detected fraud in manifesting one class for another, and misrepresenta tions as to quantity, whereby honest com petition in the business is defeated" render the change necessary, and, the report adds —"it has been determined to change the whole character of the business and become rArriers ourselves. ". The - change will, how ever, be made gradually, for the Tollowing reasons, as stated in the. report: "First, because there is a very large auteunt of money,invested by individuals in' rolling stock,, ware-houses, and the neces - sari conveniences of 'common carriers. This interest should be cared for, and its owners not forced suddenly outof business atso great - a sacrifice of property as ifivould necessarily cau.se. And again, the Company'should riot be 'called upon suddenly to incur so large an• expenditure us will be required to furnisk 4 .1 rolting stock enougl of their own for the transaction. of all tl c b 'siness Df the road. rho 'transition is easy y a gradual change the owners of rolling stock will have the op tiOn of soiling to the Company at an agreed • price, (m a to make such other disposition of 'their ears as will best promote their interest. A.! resolution of the Board of Managershes cdnunitted to the President the authority so iii, menage this change and so increase the rolling stock of the Company as wilt best eOmport with individual interests, and the. '.determined purpose of the Company to do the carrying business upon'their OW4 road." - - The Cumberland Valley Company leased -the Franklin-Itailroaa last spring, upon the terms that they would keep up ordinary repairs and pay over one-third of the gross neome.- Soon after this arrangement was made the , rebels ,destroyed ,the Franklin .road to the amount of $15,006, and stopped f a business - upon it for nearly ninetrdays, , sO that the Franklin road furnished nothing like an adequate revenue to meet the into rest*ita bonds. The Cumberland Valley Company, then-voluntarily proposed to giVe 'their 14, per cent bonds in exchange for , the Franklin seven percent bonds, and the report adds that most of the holders " have willingly accepted the pioposition and trans ferreA their bonds to,us, whilst a few deem the Franklin Railroad bonds, secured by the same mortgage, as adequate security far them, and Seven per cent unpaid better than. six putictually paid." The report closes with a Compliment to "the good_con ; duct and steady, habits - of those who are employed in the businessof the Company." We subloik, a statement of the financial condition bf to Qom Pall 7, Which shows the '.handsome stun of $97,475 53 on the right .'side of the balanae-sheet : ;Statement of CuMberland Valley Rail Read Convany t . 004ober Ist, 1868., ' DR CostofßoadandAppurtenancessl,l3l,oB7 05 Xaterials on hand 13,171 01 Sinking Fund 155,852 76 Due by Franklin R. B. C 0... 10.353 52 Ralanees of acomMts receiv abie 10.504 27 Cash 68,538 49 $1,389,457 :10 - First preferred sto.;lt .......... . .......$241,900 Second preferred stock 243,000 00: Unpreferred stock held by individuals ', - 897,000 Unpreferred stock held by ' the Company 75,000 . .472.000 00 First mortgage bonds 161,000 00 Second mort,,mage bonds - 10,500 00 Due for dividends 35, •275 00 " interest qn bonds 1,820 00 'Unclaimed Aivideffas and interest 2,004 2(k Accounts for September • - 16,481 37 Profit and loss 97,975 1,889,457 10 ; Receipts and ExpendituresOf els Cumberland Valley Railroad Compaux,rbr the year end . ' ing Stilt Septeniber 4 lB6B. , . , • IttakiPts. Cash and cash items Ist Oct. 1862 - $69,376 82 Revenue—Cumb. Vatlt. Co: 255,365 56 - " - • Franklin R. -R. Co. 37,751 64 Rent 872 00 Sundries ' 184 82 $863,050 84 rIPENDITVItES. Dividends '570.294 50 Interest oil bonds - 21,234 80 Trustees of Sinking Fund 6,454 84 Expenses - 158.044 38 Exchange * 189 82 Franklin Railroad Company's • share of earnings 17.436 22 Cash on band 68,538 49 Accounts receivable 20,857 70 $363,050 84 —The Cumberland Vallsy Railroad is perhaps the "lost carefully and economieall i y managed road in the. State.: believe that since it was relaird there-has not been a single fatal accident on the road 'to a pas- smger. excepting only the collision when the Corn Exchange regiment was being transported, rd road Was in the hands of the military authorities. Had it been under the immediate management of dor Superintendent, Col. 0. N. Lull, we hazard little in saying that no such accident, would have lfappened. Judge Watts has been the President tbr many years, and has administered its affairs with great skill and success. The Directors for the year 1864 eomist of Bon. F. Watts, President; Josiah Bacon, Edmund Smith, W. M. Henderson,' Thomas B. Kennedy, Thomas A. Slott, Thomas A. Biddle, J. Edgar Thomson; H. Lombert, D. 0. Gchr, Wistar Morris, John lime, E. C. Knight. Directors; Edward M. Biddle, Secretary and Treasurer; 0. N. Lull, Superintendent.' DEATH OF _ARCHBISHOP REOLIFIC detni..e of so ctninent a man ak arch-• bishop Hughes, ,naturally causes the most feeling of sorrow throughout the country, anclmore es.peciaily among the Ro man Catholic - denomination of which he wa.s a mostprominent dignitary. He expired at his residence in :stow York City on Sunday evening . 11 , ‘t at 71 o'clock. aged.G7 years. The career of Archbishop Hughes will form an important9nd conspicuous page in the. record of the illustrious and good men of our country ; and furnishes an additional illustration of what ja talent and Well directed purpose, can accomplish. To our own community his life is full of interest. There are few among us who have not heard the.simple story of his early manhood,‘ and then his elevation to the highest honors of his church ; his - inatchh-ss oratory ;;his re markable controversies, and through all his successes and wonderful influence pal, social, and political affairs always evi dencing the truest desrotion4to his adopted country,, While oftentimes he was- the ac knowledged champion of his faith. He was born in the North of Ireland, in 1798, and emigratedto America in Isl 7. . His first regular - residence after his laiuling was Chambcrsburg, where his parents, brothers and sisters tesided,who had some timeprevious preceded him. He was brought up to the pro. fession of a gardener, and was employed while here by a number of our wealthy and promi nent citizens of that period. It is known, however, that ho was also engaged with his father and brothers in grading and piking our streets,, making excavations, and per , forming other work of ksimilar character.— I From this place - ho went, to Mt. St. Mary's College, near gniiigtsbur g , Md., to pursue his occupation of gardener. He soon attract ed the attention -,of Rev. Mr. Dubois, Presi , dent of ' the College, and aftfirwaeds Bishop of New TOrk,2who,discovere_d In the humble . young gardener unmistakable title l nt, a most amiable disposition, and.most devoted piety. L . Asttie from his labor,was close application CHAMBERSI3ITRG, PA. I WEDNESDAYI MUARY 6, 1864, to his tooks;an& 'When he entered the insti tution - i as a student in theologY, he was an accomplished AO thorough scholar. His subsequent eare4 as-Priest, Bishop and Arch. bishop is Well known to the country. Brought prominently fort,vard in his remarkable I • ' dis cussion with - the Roy. Dr. BrFekinridgp, in 1830, he established his abilities as a contro versialist, of no! ordinary power: ' From hie first entrance upon the' duties of the priest hood, his splendid oratory and logicalreason- , : ing gaVe'him a pre-eminent Iposition. He was consecrated Coadjutor Bishep of ;New York in 18g1,, and was elevated to the Arch episcopate in 1850, going to Herne to receive the emblem of his dignity for the latter'posi tion from the hands of the Pope. " In what must necessarily be a compara tively brief article, we cannot even' give a full synopsis ot,the many important events connected withhis life or make reference to his volunlinions writings. He N '- as as inti mate personal friend of most of the distin guished men of Lis day, anespecially of, i: Clay - and Webster. Upon the almost-unan imous invitatit n of both Houses of Congress; in 1847; he delivered a sermon in the Senate Chamber of surpassing eloquence, his theme. being, 3,.Chrisiianity,'the only source of Ho ral, Political dad Social Regeneration." In 1840, we think it was, he made his last visit to this place,-the scene of his early phytioal labors. He Was received in the most Cordial manner by many of our most eminent citi zens of all deominations, and was requested tO deliver a lecture on Temperance, He .complied with the request, and the lecture Was delivered in the Ger. Ref. Church to a crowded autist,?ry. A. more effective or 'More - el i . quent appeal in behalf of the cause has been Seldonilistef , ll to. It is known, no doubt, to most of our readers, that thO Archbishop, at the req oest of President Lincfoln, proceeded to Europii, though atthetime in feeble health, as an Assibassador of our difficsilties to the vars. ous . goverments. On his, return he unoffici 'ally gave his i views and 11 e iences in a ser mon in which 8 the action'ofi he expres belief that in most Euro sovereigns we would find bit tittle sympathy. He advo cated drafting as the most humane and fest sible, measure for a speedy conclusion of the war, and no!doubt his statements bad some thing to do with the adoption of thist re sort by tbelpowers at Washington. How- ever much he was as,-ailt.4 l for his zeal in what he cone l eived to be the truest and best method fore speedy termination of the. Ile bellien. he Subsequently defended his posi fie most powerful logic, and with the dirt . i z t t h p t a l triotie devotio{s to the interests -- of his adopn i xl country. Recently, he had a I controversY with 11t5h0n..4.2,-nch, of Cherles-• rtor ; , - on the Wiject ~ -)f the Rebellion, and al ! though that divine is regarded as one of the most learnt-id in the church of the South, his rarguments ( were rapidly demolished by the 'I ° formidableiren of the Archbishop. In his i plan of a ni>w -cathedral, the corner stone of , which be 'aid a few years ago, he designed the edifice to be the largest and grandest on she contin4nt. His first! subscriptions for it were from !tine hundred 'and ten gentlemen at one Omits:ma dollars; each, and some of the-rs not f his own religion: In truth, in nil his Undertakings, whether ore mental or physical ebaracter be was alarmed at no ob. steele and' labored with a zeal' and 'energy. snaking sticcess a certainty. . The re stns of the Archbishop parents are interred in the Boniest Catholic burial ground inithis place. lile, has a brother sur viving his i residing here,.and one of his sis tens,- Mot i ifer Angelo,' formerly Superior of the Sisterl,' of Charity has cluirge of the prin cipal _Military Hospital at New York. In the &lath ofArchbiSliop Hughes along life has twen brought to a close—a life full of use fulness and' boner, spent laboriously as con science' dictated for the salvation of men, and contributing no little to the best interests of humatsity. He red earthly rewards in the most dignified of eeclesiatical stations, and in the affection and'este r em of his people, and bus gone to receive the imperishable crown which is the rid:inr reward of the knit . and the; blessed. WAS lIINGTON. • Arrest el - Dishonest Contractors—Seere. tary Stanton—Effects of the Fall Elec. lions on the Copperhetul Congressmen —The National Union Conservative Convention—The f Draft—lncident in the Eitamlnat/on or Otlicers for Color ed Reicitnents.• , • Currenpun/ence of tho fli.ny,lln Itepositorf. WASHIN6TON, Jon Ist, 1864 , Great; excitement reigns in Quartermaster circles, hot only among officials init also among aiallonest contractors. Two of these harpies ,'have been jugged and are lying in the old Capitol prison, for the present,, without benefit of habins corpus. A contractor also hes been: incarcerated 'lbr, furnishing lumber in too limited quantities. His,mode was to deliver 700 feet of boards . for , lo6o feet. It has been a matter of xvonder - for some `time how wien,could deliver lumber here at s22' per 1000 feet, when it; was selling in Wash ingtonto private parties at $25, but this will account for the milk in the - cocoanut. It is unqueritionably true that there ire many dishonest men in,the 'employ of he Govern *tient, :put it is some satisfaction to know that. when they are caught at their trick's punish ment lipeedy and condign is sure to follow.— The head of the War Department is ,not to be trifled with. In all' the stream . of detrac tion and abuse, there is no copperhead so base as to hint dishonesty of Mr. Stanton.— He stands-like Cotsnt.'s wife, above suspieton, and df all the other'men who could be named for the place, who'can say more? He per forms his duty fearlessly and generally ,with• out flatterz, and when the history of this 4 great tali omen to be written, the page that .? recordsq , unselfish' and herculean efforts • ,, or VAC , . Stanton will be a proud inheri tance for countrymen. It is asbitishing to notice what 'a salutary effect the fill elections have. bad upon the copperheads in Congress, You hear none of the treason uttered last winter, and although theimustleep right on the record ' for the sake'cf therepti/es at-hotne, still occasional ly even Ferinando Wood Will give a vote that I can he • eoustrued loyal. Poor Vallandig ham's mune is not even Mentioned . . How : low he liar sunk 'among his worshippers, when he is suffered to " watch and wait over the bolder; " without so much as a resohition of condolence being (Aired. The lesson of last fia, has taught some sense to the Penn sylvanis delegation of copperheads, except perhapsto Phil. Johnson, whorepresents the Tenth Itegloh, and Ancona, the Democratic Gibralbr; ' ' They can go ahead without fear of the nu.tritions of parties and might even endorse Tallandigham. John Lecompton Dawsonis itt heart as real a sympathizerd with Jeforion Davis . as Judah P. Benjamin,l himself, ,itit. .he is a coward and afraid, to shoti it 4penly.. The resolutions ofeendol ence it ofbred at all, will have to be by John sm or Ancona, • They arebold and fearless, and haveconstitutions ready to swallow any thing; but--the draft. —; : 4 . The acton of theNationalrnion Conserv ative Contention, held in the Common Coun cil Chardinr of. th64ity of Philadelphia last Thursday, and composed, of eleven, august' nobodies, has excited considerable derision'• here, as nuch from the composition of the "ConVenion" as fniarn the candidates named. The fossilferous remains of a .nee prominent.' politician who acted as 'president is too well known. lt, was of him that Harry Clay said . in a speed a quarter of a century ago;_ in :peaking o the leading characters of the day, " Amos BM:ill—the, sun in all his course, around 6- -globe, shines not on a meaner P - man." 11. helped to raise him and knew all _about the ran. It is barely possibly that Amos mayhave improved some in the last twenty-fly, years, and-that they are now a few mean men, but they could be carried inside of al om'nibus. - The other distinguish ed charactr who figured as a conservative big gun tas (}en. J. Banning Norton, of Texas. Teo writer of this knew Banning in Ohio ten tam ago, when he edited a one horse pare, deCote.d to the interests of the 1 Whig part in general, and Banning in par t ticplar. _stversekud suppeary:nce he resembles' George Mmday, but without one spark of the originalityand genius of the hatless Prophet. These arethe conservatives Who are trying to save tit country -ou t of the bands of the Line )Iq-dieals : We wish little Mac: joy over his hekent. They will make a great party wlin fused with Gov. Seymour's " friends.' Very fcv volunteers are obtained here in the DiStrit of, Columbia. The draft will take pine here as early, perhaps, as any where, cc the public seeiu to think it will not COMIRtIM quite so early as the sth of January. A great many " almight,y tiegroee have beet enlisted here and tranSported to the rankt ot the 14th Regiment of Heavy Artillery,nearly filled in:the: State of Rhode ome 15 left for that Regiment last week. I does 'not require even ordinary in telligeneao divine the cause of this migra tion-of ecored neon , from, here; for, the pur pose of enering-thy army, When The fact is known, hat in Washington only $3O as bounty is paid47while iir Rhode Island $3OO is gve'n both to white and -black sol diers. "% Willi a few days a new order has been issua which visits with severe punish• merit theecruiting brokers coming from the Stetes - lo' spirit away" colored men for the - purpose , f _filling their quotas. , .. , It is true that the hpending draft Compells'able-bodit4 colored lento carefully consider the quei- Hon and rigenerons stipend df $3O bounty in connition with the.:holding back and standing, chance of escaping the - draft " At a rietA meeting of the board of exam iners hel in. this chi . for the purpose of ex anainingrilicers for coloreil troops, of which Gen. Sib Casey is President and Major •C. IC- post is.chief of Bureau, the-,following in eide nt appily exemplifies the thorough ust rid inlytial nature of:Abe examination conduct! by these, gentldmen. It so hap pened tit a certain Leiut. Cot. of a New York' igiment, now in the Army of the Potoma and at the same time en Orderly Sergean of the seine Regiment presented themseles for 'examination. The Ebiard eaminl the two with the following result, viz.: ti Lieut. Col. _was rejected and - his meritocus Orderly Sergeant was passed and comissioned AS Lieut. 'Col. in, the service. • As stain papers in the State of Penn sylvania the :election of some of 'their profiling owners for „ future eteeaticoi."— hae bin writing long letters on Negotiam, we Woti stiitelthat President Lincoln - told a gentlifan a fe7 days ago, that among the hundres of Offices and situations which he bad glen out since his inaUgiration'. as - Presid4, not one /lee been awarded ten are iettion phis. Verily, the evils of Negotiant can noljustly be prefaced against • Honest Abrala: • • 'B. C. RIII:EP WAR ITEM. Recruitipg -for. the Union armies i 3 ac tively progressing ih North Carolina. . The notorious guerilla 3forgon passed through Columbia, South - Carolina, on , the 24th ult. Gen.lfTlellan'S report cannet be issued far s.overalZ weeks = yet, As. them am to be twenty, maim engraved for it. Lord Lyinis,in a dispatch to Earl Russell; is said -to. hitve predicted the termination of the American war in three months. The Richmond Enquirer of the 25th ult. snit that there are• three hundred cases of small-pox among- the Union prisoners at Danville, Va. ' Large numbers of rebel officera and sal: diers 'Ave come into Newbern, and"l4re taken the oath of allegiance and ,ficetpt9d the pardon offered by the President. Tennsee has furnished 83,300 men to the ,Federal service„ distributed as follows: : Cavalry, 13,300 infantry, 11.000 ; '1,100; negro infantry and artillery, 7,90. • A correspondent of the Boston Herald, 'writing - from . off Charleston, says : If every thing works according to the_ pinn laid.,ent„ 'Charleston will be occupied by Union troops 'within sixty days." From Southern sources it is reported .that the rebel. artily of Tennessee is in winter planers, and that Longstreet is wondering about among the Mountains, with a barefoot ed and suffering army. • A dispatch from Harper's Ferry, of. Dec. 25, says that Gen. Sullivan's column has re turned 'safely, bringing in 100 prisoners and • p 0 horses. Gen. Kelley says that his•se,ver kil columns are all safely back, baying taken in all 400 prisoners and a large -amount of property- Private advices from the lower counties of Maryland and the counties of Virginia this side of the Rappahannock, state that the Amnesty Proclamation of . the President is received with very general satisfaction there. That thet,time. for such• proposition had ar rived is.believed. The Army of the Potomac has finally set tled down - mud-bound into winter quarters, at Cedar Mountain. ,The key to the posi tion there is held by our forces. The people all over that section are in a State of starva.. tion, and daily throng our camps t.,% procure provisions, which our 'commissaries are or dered to sell them at g,overnmeut prices.' The flag of truce bout which mite down the *tames river yesterday, brought five bun-. Bred released Union prisoners, exchanged fo:• those sent-to City Point- The rebels refuse to exchange and more prisoners till all the questions in dispute in regard to . the equiait za lion of exchange are settled. They also refuse to receive anymore flags of truce from Butler, ,or to communicate with him on tiny subject, because Jeff: _Davis outlawed him last year. This idea did not strike the rebel leaders, till after they had consented . to re ceive medicines from the outlaw. Advices from Folly Island, received per the Arago. state that our guns at Cumming's Point opened on' Charleston on Christmas mornimr, lasting from one to three o'clock. Several tires were kindled in the city, which burned* a considerable amount of properly., The rebel batteries replied, without damage. The "C. S. gunboat . illarblehead was fired into bra rebel battery in Stone Inlet, and two men killed and five wounded. Assisted by the Pawnee, she compelled the rebels to leave their works. Gen. Gordon, with a detachment Of men, landed, later in the day,. and took peksessieri of the works. The guns_ were subsequently brought off by Command er Balch, of the Pawnee. They are two 8- inch sea coast howitzers. The rebels had ono killed and five wounded. The steamer Evening Star, from New Or leans, with dates to the 2.7t11 tilt, and'Havana to the 29th tilt., has arrived. General - Fitz Henry, Warren, with-a considerable force, had embarked on the steamer Warrior, and crossing Matagorda Bay, occupied Indianola, without opposition. Some important rebel documents were- - eaptured, among them Gen. Magruder's address to the people of western Texas. An expedition of three negro regi ments and one white regiment, and a bat terY of artillery, under Gen. IJllman, had gone from New Orleans to the mouth of the Re'd river. Gen. Herion had been assigned to the command of the district of the Frontier, bOrdering on the Rio Grande. gen. Dana's headquarters- had .been removed .to Mata gorda. The latter cOmniands all the foices in Texas. , Col. tong reports' from Colhoim, Dec. 28, that the Rebel Gen, Wheeler, 'with 1,200 or, 1,-500 cavalry_ and mounted infantry - attacked Col. Stehett and captured ssupply train frona Chattanoogia for iCnoxville-,, about 10 that morning, at Charleston, on the south bank vcif the ILiawissee. The train escort had reached the encampment at Charleston on the previous night, and Col. • Siebert's ;skirmishers were engaged with the enemy in the miming, before Col. Long was•_ ap prised of their approach. , immediately noved.the Smell force , for duty in his camp (at the time 50 men,) and crossed td General Siebert's suppoif. The rebel's shortly after gave way, OW Long pursuing theta closely. Discovering a portion of their force cut of on the right, he charged them with sabres, oom- Tietely 'demolishing and• scattering-them -in great confusion and every' VOL. M.-WHOLE NO. 3,638. S .veral of the enemy were killed and wound ed ;. 121 prisoners were captured, inelinlizig 'five commissioned officers. 'The main rebel colum fled, and was, pursued for five Miles on the Dalton Road,and when last seen yeti fleeing precipitately. Col. Long's loss was one man slightly woundE:d. GEN. AVERILLIAS RAID. The ,Rfehniond Eiatniner, of the 28th says: The gßat Gen. Aserill has gone not "up the spout," but back into his den. Cast your eye upon a map, 'and I'll tell you ho* he went and how he came. _ He came from New Creek, a depet upon the - Baltimore and Ohio, Railroad.. in the county of Hardy, along the western base of-the Shenandoah mountains.' through Covington to Salton, burnt things' 'generally, and returned over nearly the semi . , route. ' Imixalen seized the gap w_here'thei 'Barkers:burg turnpike crosses the Shenan - ah, and.preVented a raid on Staunton. v lerill left 500 men to hold Imboden there. and 'pushed on toward Salem. That 'General could not piirsue without uncovering Statm-4 ton—the force- threatening nearly equaling ,his own. Gen.. Lee was informed of the sit._ Won of affairs. - Hero commencePthe reign of Major Gen rals and military science. Maj. Gen: Jubal A. Early came. Maj. Gen. Fitzhugh Lee !came. Brigadier Gen, Walker came. Brig. General 11 . ' hotn it 8 cara. Their staffs cattle. They-all took a drink. General Early took 'two. Brigadier- General' - Wickham came. Col. Chambliss, commanding brigade, c .e. They smiled also. -' I :AN'hen Gen.' Averill was opposite Stßun ton, Fitz 'Lee was at Fry Depot, on the Yir-; ginia 'Central Railroad, a day's match from • that town. A fortunate occurrence indeed. , Everybody thought' Averill was "treed" holy. He _passed through Brown's Gap, and, struck the valleY Turnpike at - Mount CraW ford, eight miles above HarrfSonburg, a miser table mistake. One day's march lost.- - He then marched toward Harrisonburg, then toward Staunton. Another daygone for noth ing. He finally reached Staunton, where he . ought to have been on the first night. Still there was plenty - of time to cut, Averill off.' - Lee and Imboden marched day and night to Lexington, and then toward Covington. Here was committed the fatal and &toilet' blunder. While Lee_and Imboden were on' the road to - Covington, in strikipti„ distance of that place, word was sent,-„ tile- Yankees are'marching, toward Buchanan, instead oi l ' Covington. No man ought to have put cre dence iii a statement so utterly absurd as that the enemy were going from Salem to that place. Such a statement pre:supposes Aver -ill deliberately placing himself ‘ past escape, and therefore run raving mad. Such impro bable rumors should never be entertained a moment, much less made the basis of inipor tant military movements. The order was - obeyed. The - troops turned and marched back, and at_night were neither at Buchanan or Covington. The story is told in a few words. The Yankees passed through Covington, and,lo their great amazement escaped; The rumor , about Buchanan was the tale of some fright ened fool.: The enemy, in terror and demor alization, fled from Salem . at full spei.;d—de aying trains and artillery. Jaekton knocked some in the-head; the citizens beat the brains out of other's ; one farmer in Alle- . gheny 'killed six ; some were scattered in the mountains: and are.being picked up here and there; the rapid streams drowned many ; but the main part have gone whence they came, wondering- how they did get awa y . It is - hardly necessary to addi the humblest private in the ranks, if he possessed sense enough to eat and drink, nal only could, but wouldlave done better. Old Stonewall would have = marched. on, caught and killed the Yankees. What Lee thought this writer' don't know., They who know say Imboden'.begged to go t? Covington. He made it-plain to the dull- • est 'mind that the' Buchanan story was past - belief. What's done is done. _ No language can tell the sufferings of our men. They were in saddle night and day. save a few hours between Midnight and day. They were beat up by their officers with their swords—the only means of arousing them— nurab'ana sleepy. Some froze to death ; others were taken from horses senseless. Thev forded swollen streams,- and their eloth4, stiff frozen,.rattled as they rode. It raided in torrents, and froze as it fell. In the mountain pathsthe ice was cut from theroads wre they ventured to rideover. One horsei slipped over the precipiceu—the rider was lead ing him ; he never looked over after him. The 'whole Matter is summed up in a couple of sentences. - Av_erell was penned up. Mc- Causland, Echols', and Jackson at one gate, Lee and Imboden at the other. Some ass sugkeited he might escape by jumping down the well, and coming out in Japan—i. e., go to Buchanan. Early ordered them to leave a gate open and guard the well. He did not ' jump in.. Meanwhile, the Yankees coolly came up - the Valley , through Edenburg, New-Market, - up to Harrisonburg, within 26 miles of Staun ton—" these headquarters." This was beard-- ing the lion in hie den. Jubal took- the field' at the 'head of Company Q and' a party of substitute men, farmers and-plow-boys, called " home guards." The ; Yankees got after and.he. , " Major General commanding" , lost his hat in the race. The last heard of him he was pursuing the enemy with part of his division—foetmen after cavalry—with . fine prospects - of bye •, g em somewhere in China, Imps about the "great wall.", • The Yanke were retreat'ng • toward the • "Devil Hole , 1 " Early bo 4, d fol.• the same Place: ' They very lit e damage in the • " Here is the more . e marshals under Napoleon's eye were invincible—with separ ate commands, blunderers. A general of 'division, -with Gen.-. nobert B. Lee to plan, and put, him- in • the 'right, place, does well,' : 'Moseby would plan and execute a tlght -- 43i4 strategic movement better than Lon_getr*l , t' at _Suffolk 'and Knoxville, Jebel Early at Staunton. Jackson's blunt response -to some'parlor sir bar-room.. strategist in Richmond, ~m o re, , men but fewer orders," was wisdom in 'tub axioni--:true- then, just as true now as wheal, the Hero of the Valley uttered it. It isdlt ficult to direet, - especially by couriers, the. movutneta. ;of troops a hundred- miles: distant,. - among ,Mountains the "ranking" general never saw, except on aninanearate map. It I,3'nnt er.verycommander that, tan. point roads he never heard of, ar.,d by-paths ho _ never dreamed of, rii-the propei . 04%4 to . t Off atteneraff' , Ballets, not hnsliks are s negyi*.' ' a h er e . . . r