8 tranklin Stpoitorg, .AGI,?ICULTITIML. ACIRroU'LTHRAL ADS RTISHISI ENTS. —The attention of oar Agricultural readers is directed to late following advertisements in this paper : JiiilCOß HEYSEIt, Aftatklin Nproeries.near Cham homburg; Fruit- and Ornamental Trees of all kinds. Vineli and Strawberries. A STROCK. Chambersbarg. . Wagons and Agricul" _Aural Implements of all kinds. WM. L. BUYER Philadelphia. All kinds of Agricultural Machinery and Implements. . ABRAHAM METZ. Chambersburg. Ever, de actrintioir of Plows and Castings. DAVID LANDRETH & SON ; Philadelphia. Ag ricultural Implements and Garden Seeds. C. W. 'GRANT. lona. near Peekskill, Westchester airantr. N. Y. Grape Vines. PETER COOK. Tannery in 'Fayetteville, private -- sate. -. - C. M.ETCALP. Steam Tannery and Farm in Mont goitiery township, privrito sale. - A UGHINBAUGH & WORLEY. Tavern Stand.cor. Market and Second sta.. Chatubersburg. private lode. - • JOHN—W. TAYLOR, Indian_ Queen 'Hotel. Cham bersburg, on Friday, January 1,1864. _ 1 SAMUEL C. KRIDER, small Farm in Antrim tdwriship, _private gain. MARTIN HEINTZELM AN. Farm in Guilford • . ton-m.llin. on Tuesday. January 5,18(4. MAGDALENA POTT, Farm. Mill and Store Room known as " Hanover Iron Mirks," Fulton coun ty.private sale. JOHN MIDDOWER, Farm in Quincy township, private sale. OF.° YoE. Adm'r. Tin et of Timber 'attain Letter -,kenny township, on Saturday. January 2.1804. - GEO. STITZELL. Sr.. Howe and Lot in St.. Thom :v!, at private sale until Ist oflanuti-ry. 1861. . _ _ _ X.IL - AJ. L. KENNEDY. Mill Property in Dui!- . rArd township. nn Saturday. Janus's' 21864. • r-IDDE FIXSEN, Farm is Fulton county. Private Ail n. • WM. L. MACKEY. Farm in Metal township, pri .vi,te sale. ICE lIOUSF,S. • F..ver;.qfamily that can get access to Ice in the winter shOuld have an ~Z--4ce-house. It is a luxury in the sum '- tiler that no one should voluntarily ~r-(l.4weito • with; and independent of: its value, as a luxury, it is never once used in a -house-hold without eAer _ _ • thereafter being considered a neces sity. lts inestimable - value in many cases of sickness; its medicinal prop erties in many complaints incident to the :heated season, particularly in af feetiore• of the bciwels:. and its utility in the vreservation of meats, improve , mea t iqitter - &e., commend it high ly to all Hlie,seA of people, and they should„,eit 1.4,` tt ithot:t it. Ve - great difficulty that stands in tht wity of the general use of Ice, is Abe r error. that an Ice-house • eost PonsideraWemo ney labor. This is a delusion • that should he speedily dispelled.— Th...'grat difficulty in beeping Ice in • • the country has been that Ice-houses have almost invariably been construct ed - with too inuehlcare, laber and ex .pense. It was once thought that Ice could be prosorved only by a deep pit iu tle. ground; . walled- up, drained, lined with tan or saw-dust, covered with straw, and kept hermetically . sealed. Three years ago we - found just Buchan Ice-house disfiguring our -pr%- wises when" we took possession of them. If for no other reason, the nu sightly thatch over the squatted, ill shaped structure, within a few yaids of the house, doomed-it to destrne ' tion; but fortunately the proper pre servation of Ice demanded its remo val quite as imperatively as did its want of comeliness. Underground Ice-houses are just, the-worst possibleplaces to preserve it. They cost Ave times as much as a good Ice-house should cost, and waste fifty per cent of the Ice, while a chea per and properly constructed building will save half the waste, afford easy access, and can be made ornamental by a few scolloped boards, and the oc- casional introduction- of a little white- wash. It is impossible to keep an underground Ice-house dry, and no * one of ordinarY intelligence need be - told that moisture is the most destruc tive enemy that Ice has to encounter in the summer. Equally erroneous • and fatal to the preservation of Ice is the popular idea that it must be 'kept- closely confined from the air. Ice thus closed up in an air-tight buil - 'ding iii — destroyed by the moisture it creates itself, while the free circula tion of air-over the top of the Ice dis sipates the deadly moisture and adds vastly to its safety. Any man who can put up four cor- ,iler posts and nail boards on them can build" the very best kind of an Ice, honee. The location should be rather high, so that 'moisture-will not gath er about it. The posts can be sunk itothe ground they should be about ten feet high and four inches square will do ; weatherboarded closely out 4ide, and the, earth packed about the bottom boards so "as to prevent the circulation of air under the Ice„Ten inches of tan—or saw-dust is better if it can be had--shOuld be thrown into . the bottom of the house on the ground. Then a floor should be laid,not too elOsely, andinclining to the side where Water will most readily be carried away from about the house: . This with a roof completes an Ice-houFe that will preserve Tee ten-fold better than any of the old style housee,whieh cost ten fold more. It will improve an Ice-house to useposts eight inehei square, line the building inside with light boards, and fill the space between the weather-boarding and lining with tan or saw-dust; but it isnot necessa ry to tire preservation of Ice. The roof should project over the side ,of the building, and there should be an open' space of at least-ten inches un der the roof, by leaving off the top weather-board, so as to allow the freest possible circulation of air over the body of Ice inside. By project ing the roof the rain cannot blow in on the Ice, and thus ventilation is se cured without endangering the Ice in wet weather. It will rather add to the value of the house to have geed sized windowaineach gable end, closed up by slat shutters so constructed as tozadmit airand exclude rain. These should be hung on-hinges and in clear Weather should be thrown open, and in wet weather closed. Ever bear in mind that the circulation of air over Ice .cannot be too free. In filling a simple, cheap Ice-bodge such as we propose; it is only hecCs aary t) lay ten inelies of isaw-dust on the floor, then lay your ice compact ly, leaving a foot of space between it and the weather-boarding all - around. If the weather is very cold when you put Ice up, as it should be, fill the cre vices between the cakes 'as well: as possible and sprinkle water over each layer as long as it will freeze, • and thuS the whole becomes one compact body of Ice. When filled up within two feet of the top of the square ; It is full enough. _ ,Then fill the- space be tween the , weatherboarding and the. Ice well with saw-dust, cover the Ice atleast a foot with saw-dust, thata yourroof inside with straw to keep the heat of a low roof. from effecting the Ice, and you have an Ice-house at, a trifling expense that will keep Ice .in the best'possible manner. Such a simple, cheap structure is within tite means of almost every family, and we assure our readers'that the very sim plicity of the building is its greatest virtue in presekving Ice. We ask the readers of the REPOSITORY to trq it, and they call enjoy- the luxury of Ice all nest summer at an imperceptible cost. TREAD POWERS. To the Edits of the Franklin Repository In your issue of the 24th ult. you adVocate the use of Tread-powers by Farmers. I ha* , given 'them a thorough trial and will give you my experience. '1 have used the Tread power some eight months, and threshed over 2,500 bushels of grain with it in that time 1 I think them decidedly preferable to an lever power for driving Agricultural liflachi nery. With two horses weighing - 1165 arm and 1050 lbs, - 1 have threshed 102 bushels oi: white wheat in three howls in the month 14 August. In the month of 06tober I thre.shed! 112 bushels of wheat and 2S bushels 'of rye from 6 o'clock, A. II;, to 11}--,making 140 1 bushels in half a day. Thii machinery and; power were manufactUred by Wheeler, Me lick &Co., Albany, the largest manufactiirers i ii that line in tits United States. They hard manufactured and sold 'B,OOO of these ,Tread.) powers. Yours, ROBERT BL:AGIC. Greenwood, Dee. 1,1863. WE have heretofore, in thefie Col; unMatfully expressed our views as t17 ; 18:1.9 . 2 4 21i 2 2 „,, I . 2-1i)5 1 2t3127 , 28:29'36 1 , 23 , 24- ' )26 ; 27 282 U1 7 . :30131t...1...;...1...;--:j i 17 - i, -- 2;: -. 314.5 - 4•iiI 7-----, - 1 1. '; ; ' . 4' 'ii 8;" 9 . 10 , 11:12:13;14 - f V 8 . 9;10'11'121 3 ;Is ; 1011):14118;1920;211;1311.1 4,16 17118;19 . 21 tg. 12222 24125.2.1027128. 1 2012122 23 24`,25-26 : gi i i29.:30 31!...' ... 1 ...; ...I .27:28,29 30; ........!.,,, l i ;f.i 1 (...'„ ..1 1;..,...!...!...! 1; 2 1 ,. 31 0 4 ; (iI • 'V 8; 9;1011W 4,' 51 6; 7i 84 9110 g 1 itt 1213!14:15 . 10 1 17 . ,18:11:12i1311415110)17 ';'! :I 1 1 19 26;21 1 22 :::.'3 . 24125:1819;2021!• ) 2: 1-1 3124 'ie' 26_27 : 28 1 20 301....1... 1 12:Y26:27 1 28:29t30 1 31 'ql COURTS OF FRANKLIN COUNTY FOR 1864. COMMON PLEAS. J - ORPHANS_.' " ad Monday January 18: "2d Tuesday March 8. '2d. do April- 11. Ist do June 7. 2d do A_ugn -, 8. i let do October 4. Last do Onto :731. 1 All causes for trial mu be put on the Trial List four weeks previous to the first day of the term. All accounts in the Orphans' Court must be filed thirty days before the first day of the term. All amounts in the Common Pleas must be filed twenty-one days before the first day of the term. anal Rotitro. LIST , OF GRAND and -TRA vEast; .7111t0 I S. drawn for a Court of Oyer and t.,.-rodnar.Court of Quarter Sestdunm of the Peace. and a Coat t of C“1111110It PIC.IOI. to be held at f 'hwitherbburg, .liontky, the 18th lay of January. A. U. 1814. GIt.IND -J1;1L( RS. Robert Mack, Green ; Jonathan Quincy; S Col h, St.Thotuas ; Joeepli Cre.weleri Southamp ton tin Ode. Cluentbeislattg: George—Diet CUrtiel Forting, Lptterkenny ; .-teed. Flickinger. Metal ; At rit ham (.; ipe Lett et keuny ; Valentine B. tift ber t. W.talong. ton ; William A. lluntor, Lett erkeuny ; mete Welter smith. (1 RIK ird; John Johnston. NI .tyneettoro; dneah Kedttinaut. Uteen ; John Kit kuntrick. do.; Peter Ktiep per. Quincy; John W. Metz. Guilford; Janiee M'Ferrnn, Washington; •Ilenry Moatzer, .41reeii ; *avid Steftey, Weeht ,gton; Jacob Show. St. 'f bianne .1 John 'Wee!. Cniunbereburg; Jacob etzel, Waaltiumon; Frederick Zullingor. Lettorkonny, TRAVERSE JUR° RS. -IsT WEEK Jeremiah Ashway. Lettmkemay ; Henry It. Brindle. Antrim ; W iai.m Bo.sart. It intiltrin: Joseph 11.02 do.; ;John Itranthm er, Peters: Win. 5. Bald, Southampton; ',Tinian] Clark, tirean ; (too. it' ;Cromer, Pettis; Abra• hank Own:mgt. Antrim ; John S. Crawford, Guilford; lon ic Diller, - .-outhamptint : Christian Deck. Let erketa ny; John Detwiler. Green; Abraham Elder. Panuett. Q . Michael tor !: Adam Plnry, Washington , t ,l , meph Foltz, Lorterkenny ; Gabriel Verner, Guilf o rd: ' Itobett tlould, Peters; Thonins C Orme. Mercersburg;; , ‘ Mat thew Gordon. Greetietiatie; Anna tteibles. Metal: Lewis Gilbert, Antrim; Jame OHM, Metal; __Henry ' limlinan. Anti lui: W. A. Hart, *mtg., mery; Hiram 'Cliambersburg; Jacob Inlaid, Green; John Kisi.eker, Anti MI; Leti It‘wshner. Warren': William 1 Kromer. tinlncy ; John 11. Murphy. :i•lerrershurc John I 11. Marbly, Lurgatt: James Minten. Peteni; Wnt. D. MeKinstry. Mei eirstiurg ; Nrtbrturo. Metal ; Ba vid Over. LetlerkennY A. C. Phenicie, Muntgoutry; henry Moyle!. Peters; Joseph 544Lirely, Jr., lireenas tie; John .tinly, WltAingtim: Mary Snider Of Jacob) I ttuillord eary Walter, Washington: Wilson, Antrim; Jdhn Wynkip. Lurnan ; James Wolff. Murat: Jacob Yonat. Ore, n : Goo. W ;Zeigler, (4reencnstie. MEUEMMMETWM John •Ig;le Hamilton; Andrew lturges4, Peters; Hen ry lleeori . . Wishileon; 11. 11 Itonehrake, z, Pe ter Benedict, Waynealsoo; ,llatthlas linrkdoll, 'lout 'y; Johni Dowinan. Guilford ; J. lint ns. ash ington ;13 no Mtlt 11; Robert Clugston, Washint•ton; David Denim. ',organ; B. A. Cdrmany. St. Tho:nes ; Peters Wm. Deardorff, Lurgan; Andrew Doe trich. `t. Th mins: Jo•enh M. Doyle. rannett Jacob Ebersole, Guilford; 0. W.Elliott. Montgomery ; George Etchberger, l.bamlig; Jacob e Montg'.y;- -- Jose, h Elanly. Hamilton; John Finaho:k. eltamb'g Abradiam Frantz. Washing.on; gatterhotT. Guilferd; DaYid -0 Min, Peters ; Peter U. 11011nr. St. Thomas; Michael lioke. of IT., Peter+ , ; Jacob Hershey. Antrim; M. 11. Keyser, Moatg'y ; Wm. A'. Keyser. Petere; Porter W. Kegert lee. Metal; Ds rid Lone. !Argon; Samuel Leh man, Sr.. Letterley; John A.Lninaster,ellamb'g ; David M. era, (be e n; Joseph Newcomer, St,Thomas ; !ba. Prather, areencant'e ; Henry Reilly, Ilimilton; Speck, V‘ ash inaton ; Speer, Letterk'y; P., M. Shoemaker, Lotterkenny; Geo. W:Steft y,Washington; Chi istiAtt Stoner. I.t. Thmitee; Jobs S.Skinner, Metal; Henry Trile.tipilfrd; Fre.rk Walk. Hamilton; Sam uel Writ, Ilarniflon; A. B. Wingert. A tktrint. blec:2ll PROCLA.MATION.---To the Coto mot, the Justice' , of the Peact. and the Constables of the Different Townships in the County of Franklin, Greeting know all ye. that to pursuance of n precept do lur, diroetish , under the hand and nest of the EION. JAMES RILL, President of the eeverni Comte of Com mon Pleas, in the sixtetinth District, coniiisting of tile cous Gee of Sonioreet.iiesitlird, Fulton and Franklin, and by virtue of hie offlee. the Co , rt of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail oelivery fir the trial of Capital and other offenders therein, end in the General Court of Quarter seedions of the Pence, and Wittrax W. PAXTON 'and JAMES. G. CARSON. Eggs., Judger, of the sautecoun ty of Franklin, You and each of you are hereby requir ed to be and appear m your proper persons with your Records, Recognisance& Examinations, and other Re membrances before the Judges aforesaid, at Chant bersburg, at a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery. and General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, therein to btrhoidea for the County of Franklin awe said,on the 3d Monday in January, being thelBth day of the month, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then and there to ao those things, which to your aetrerul emcee appertain. Given under my hand at Cbambersburg, tbe - 2.2d day of December, 1863. SAMUEL BRANDT, dee 2.3=t0. Sheriff. HO! FOR THE DEFENCES OF WASHINGTON t A. CHANCE TO GET INTO Tlis "2n ARTILLERY," The largest and most complete Regiment from, Pa. $402 BOUNTY FOR VETERANS. $302 BOUNTY FOR RECRUITS. Comfortable barracks, no longinarches, full rations, prompt pay, warm clothing and a nice time generally. 'These are some of the extraordinary advantages of the soldiers who occupy the "-Poets of honor." I have opened a Recruiting Office opposite the Court liouespon East Market St., Ohamhersburg the same office occupied one year ago by Lieut. D. P. Winger and myself. Any one desiring to enlist In the above Regiment will have alt matter,' satisfactorilyexplained before sb doing. Call at once and -enrol yourselves among the brave de fenders of your country. I shall be here bat a short time, as the Regiment is_fast• filling up. Come and avoid the Draft. ADAM YEAGIISON, dee234l] Sere. 2d Pa. Artillery, Racraith% Meer- STAMP r „ 1 J LES, IMPOSED BY, - TUE ACT OF 1862. - And for every additional $lO.OOO or fractional part thereof in excess of $20.000 2 OD No conveyance shall lie stibi' - et to a stamp duty of more than/S:1000.00. Letial Documents- 1 Writ. or any other 9rlgintil pro , cears commenced ru any court of record Contracts— Broker's note, or memorandum of sale of any goods or Incr . chandise, stocks. bonds. ex- - chancre, notes of hand, real estate, or propetty of any kind - or description, issued by bro- kers, or pexsons acting as such. 10 Probate fiEjtiltartetters of Adminen— 'Where the estaiephnil be sworn or declared not to exceed the value f 2300 50 To exceed ..$254, and not ex ceeding &5000 00 To exceed .5000 and not exceed- 1 ins $33.0(N) oa To exceed $20,000 and not ex - -ceeding $.51;000 • 500 To exceed $50,000-and notTex ceeding*loo.ooo ' 10 00 To exceed $lOO,OOO and uot ex ceeding $150,00? gar 00 Wm-elms/Re . For any gootbonerebandise or proverb' of any kind liqd on storage ;Veer/age— ...Any. or Personal bonds for the • payment of Money. or as se curity fur the payment of any definite orcertain sum ot , mehi ey shall have a stamp o stamps affixed thereon de,not _ ing n duty upon evet $2OO. or any fractional part thereof...locts No mortgage shall lie required to pay a stamp duty of more than $lOOO. Where a bond or note is accom panied by a mortgage as secu rity hut one stamp duty shall be required prorid ell that such stamp is the highest required ' by jaw fur them, or either of - them. - Telegraphic Dispatch— When the charms for the first ten words does not exceed. 20 rents 01 When it exceeqs 20 cents 03 Certificate of i?rofite in Ineorporoteii Co., forst . = not thairslo or over $5O 10 - Exceeding $OO 25 PENALTIES. For making, signing. or issuing. no. eepting on paying any hillof exchange. draft, order. or promissory note, Rithout a stamp—SM. —tan. For not effectually cancelling stamp For buying, Paying or negotiating foreign ,bill of exchange payable in tini- , ted States, without first placing there unon a stamp-100. Telegraph companies not to receive messages unstamped under penalty of $lO. Legal flotices, EGISTER'S NOTICE.—AII per- XVons interested will please take notice that the lel toanig accountants hare settled their acc. , unts in the Registers oitice of Franklin county and that the scone Rill be presented to the Orphans Court for Confirmation on li , schirsday, January :24th,186.1, at the Court Ii luso, in Charaburabnrg: - L. First account ‘..l' George Weagiy. Guardian of Helen and PhareZ Weagly, minor etnidrou of C. L. 11 evicy, deceased. 2. Account of •Sulonaon Eueltper - .7 Guardian of Josiah and Obddiali Enepper. triltur gliildrou of David Knep par tale of Quincy twp., creed; 3 Thu account of Barnard Walter, .solusr on the es tate of George W.Patterson, late of Greencastle. deed. 4 first and final scdottut of Dauiel Simko, Adtier of John Kharchner. late of !Argon - twp., dec'tt. 5. The first end final account of Jacob Br••wer. Ex tor of Mary Bruiser. late of Bfuntunnterq d. Is. The account- of 1: 11. Slceauley. - AdinlniStrator of Thomas Prlceauley, late of the borough of Greencastle, deed. 7: The first and final account of George W. Brewer Administrator of John S. Kerr. . • The account of Samuel C. Filson,-Administrator of O. H. Kerlin, late of sannett twp dec'd. 0. Second and Snit account of Samuel Hershman, Jr Milian of Ann Amelia Lowery, as stated by his Ad ".'limstrator. 10. The account of Henry Sllller,Onardien of` he per. eons and emote of Henry and Spry C. Stmt._ 41. The first and droll account of 14 tn. It. Pottery. Al. ministrater of Ara Leda bluetay, lute of Farinutt t dec'd. J 2. The first and final 4ccOllnt of Dr. 31. T. Robison, Administrator d. b. n. c. t. a., of Robert Robison, late of Ant. im twp., deed. 13. The first and tinnraccount of Jahn llartaugh,Jr., Administrator of Henry Jacob., late of St . :tam/gm.' twp., deed. 14. First and. final ascaunt of Jesse Craig. Administra tor of John 11.0raig; hire of Montgomery t wp.. dec'd. 15. First account of Henry Omwalte. Guardian ut John IS. MeDowell, minor child of 4ohn 31cDuwell, late of Antrim twp d &Ai - It,. The first and final account of Henry Oinwake, tluarilion of Ann FAizabeth MclJu•-• ell. now oec'd. minor. child ut John McDowell.late of Antrim twp., deed. 17. Account of Juchb C. Snyder, Administrator of Christian Rosenberger. late tw p„ deed. ' IS. The first and Mull account of Daniel Cover. Ad ministrator of john Covet, Sr., late of Lurgin twl'e dec'd: 19. The account of S. A. Bradley, Administrator of tb,, estate of Peter Shaffer, lAte of Montgomery .twp., 20. First and final account of 8 A. Bradley, Adminis trator of the estate of Elizabeth Shaffer, lord of Mont gomery twp., decd. ' • - 21. Final account of Henry Good. Adtninistrator of Christian Good, late of Washington twp., doe'd. 22. The first and final ageount of Jacob W. liamsher. Executor of James Washington, late of Southampton twp., dec'd. 23 Fir s t anti final aeconwt. orjk,bert P. McClure, Ad ministrator d. b. n. of William Rodgers, late of South ampton township, doc'd. 24. Ace...loot of J. liartay Gordon, Administrator of Samuel Gordon. late of Waynesboro', dec'd. 25 f econd account of Jacob Garver, Guardian of Mur tha J. Waddle, minor child of James Wadilo, Icc"ti• 'A. Account of Jacob Garver. Guardi • n of Julia A. Waddle, minor clilltl of JAmes Waddle. dec'd. - . 27. Account of Wm. Heyser. Guardian of Lacy G. Nitterhouse, minor child of Elisabeth Nitterbonse. as stated by Wm. ileyser, Jr., acting Administrator of said Wm. Geyser, deed. 28. First nod final account of John Stouffer. Adminis trator of Jacob C. Henry, late of Guilford twp., deed. 29. Virat-iind Anal account of Andrew L. Cojb. Ad ministrator. with the Wilt of Solomon Weiner, late ofAlercreeburg, dee'd. 30. Final account of Elias S. Troxel, acting Ex,ecutpr of Tobias Funk, late of Washington township, deed. dec23-It. HENRY STRICKLER, Register. CAUSES FOR TRIAL AT JAN VARY TERM, 1881, commencing Monday; Janu arylBth, 1884. FIRST WEEK. Rebecca Morrison . vs. Onager. use of Miller's Ad- - • - miniatrators. William Gntshall vs. Jacob Harclerode. • Emanuel .Kuhn TB. W. Crooks' Executors. George W. Wolff vs. William Christ. Michael Zellers vs. James Rule. S. A.'Melloli, endorsee va.-Hobter Hughes. Solomon Heiser -. TB. Wm. McGrath. Matthias Philippi vs. John Ashway. - It. K. McClellan vs. Samuel Releher. John Brewer's Executor vs. Mary Ann Brewer, et. al. 8. N. Pennock k Co. vs. Wm. Reber, William Cline. ..-- - vs. - Joseph Etter. James 8. Roes Executrix ma. J. 8. -Ilesenn.sres Ser. John Triteh • vs. Joieph Prke. Malachi Drindle's Ex'r TB. Malachi Brindle. Margaret Rock vs. John L. Knepper. J. W. Sollenberger's Ilse va..11. Hughes, Daniel Kohler vs. George A. Belts. - - John Petorman- vs, Lewis Etter. Philip Caseman, Jr., 111. P. Cas man, Sr.'s Adm'r.r - Catharine Harmony's nee ye. George Talmer'a Ex'r. SECOND WEEK. Polly Piper vs. James Dyarman and Wife Reilly & Sharpe vs. Wm2MM3rath, et. al. Adam Aughlnbangh vs. Geo. Brandhayses heirs.' Sarah Bowman vs. Joseph Bowman. John Daaver's Adm•ra •s. Wm. McGrath, et. al. N. Jana Windle, et. al. vs. Mary Ann Clark. John. &Madden, et. aL vs. Rev. N. Thomas, et. al. , - dtc2:l] g . B. TAYLOR,-Prothonotary. Legal 'I OtiteS ' • Notice ieherehy niveri that Letters et Adininto tpktion an the Estete of Peter flyers, bite of Nieetgemery Vivrrehip. deifit hive Leon granted to the suinietiber. residing in said tow, ship. All perllol4 indebted to the said Fstate are hereby:nos quested t woke innatedhite psynient , arid three tu n i, g clitnis or demands iptinst the Estate of said deeedeut Will matte 'mown the mete tritirdle dein/ t" detlas - ISAAC Ws.A.GLET. Jtters- .4 1 / 11 LNISTRATOR'SNOTICE4-- 'Notice is hereby given that Lett ere otAdatinistre.. two t the E. moot Henry liesuiselerrer, late of Atari% wututhip, deed, hare been grantee! to The subserihrt, residing in said township. Allpertioni inclehted to the said Estate nre horehrts quested to make Immediate totyment, and those Nadas deists or demand* attnintit the Estate of said Mx:intent, will make known the 1411.111 e without delay, to . dee2.l. . JEREMIAH WEIIeiLIST, Anne,: All II NISTR.A T 011%-•• OTI Notice fa hereb3 given thin Lotter Advaihis. tritium on the Estate of I , .emnel flank. ht of itiv.evi totenship, deed, have hoe!) granted to tb t , residing in said township. - ATI Fenton:l knowing thernselfeA tle'Reit to sold tact", will please make immettinte ,I,l4lt,ent and th w ir having tiitiline. will preeont then, rrt vtrly antlmnitrativl 6kr s«rtle..ri f 61 t NtIIt . FAV P. I .)Yliklt, &.Iner- - ADIII.INIS I IIIA TOR'S liT OT It ;11,_:,_ • Noth.e is hong& Oxen thit Le tent of Adminh* tuition to the Estate . I 'Jacob Shatter. late of peters township. rier'll, hare been taunted to the untlersinellk rethling in Peteestnwhr•hip. All nees,n4 krom hag thentselv ea itolrbtett 101414 b► tote will ptertae make immediate payment ; and•thore haring claims 11.11 present thnro properly a Rthetiticat -04 `t,,r Kottlemenc. iderl6) J Artitzl D. SCOTT. Adner. A I)MINISTIIATOR'S Notice is horelly gri en tint Lettere of AtiMitthw tration to the &date of Pltiiip -- Zietitifektan, late of tLb Borough of Chambersbnrit, doeti Mute porn stiantec 4 la the tindorsiemed.reeidulg in sahrliorough. _ All persona indebted to the said Estate. are regneeteal to make jointed late. nt. tint those haring chain a or dementia against the Estate of clecetlentorill nuttl known the eame, without ilolay. to A LEXANDKft- ARM. Mtn', AD MINIST ItAT ()ICS N CE.•-•" Notice hereby given- that Letters or Admit:de traLion to the Estate or John , bilicu. Into c , loukltuld township. deed. have been granted to the aubscriber, residing In said township. - All persona knowing themeefres Indebted to said r. late will please make immediate payment; and theses bitting claims win present them properly authenticated for settlement. blecfki ElA3lllr,t, 01{08611-AN. Miu'r, A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- .43„ Notice is !dwell Oren that Letters of Atindnie. truttot to the Estate of Peter if. Stouffer. late of Quit. cudtuwnstup, decd, have been, granted to " pars siknefl: residing in said tt•wnship.- Allpetsuns knowing themseivf n indebted to said -Be tnte wit: please make immediate pa, went ; and these 'having chditet will proseut.them mroiterly unthentkased for settlement. [fleet( JACOB tiqtaliTElt, Adtter. A • - DMINISTRATORS'NOTICE. Notice is hereby gksen tit - at-Letters ot Atintinis. trotton the Estate of John Sleighter, I.t to of Given township,. 4sed, have 'been granted to the undersigned, residing in said Township. Allpersons knowing themselves'intlehteti to sale Es tate will please make immediate, intyment ; ''and thole' having claims will present them propellY outhentkattod for rettlemeut. the° GEO. k HENRY SLEIGIITER,. -Adm'ra. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICP.- Notice to hereby given that Lettere of Adnalnit, , timion to the Estate of Samuel J,ilinson, late of stout-) gummy township, dee'd. have been granted to the isw dersigned, residing in said townshir!. All persons kimwing themselves indebted to said Pa* tatowill please umke immediate paylnent ; and there Living claims will present them prgsirrly authenticated for senttlement. (dec9i ALEX. M.JUJINSON, Attlee. ADMIN 1 STI - tATOR S N Notice is hereby given that Letters of A_dinlnto t ration on the Estateof Jesse Bowen. hits of Bikis ex 31issouri. deed, have been granted to toe undersigned, residing id Montgomery township.Flonklin Co., Pa. All pereons knowing themselves Indebted to said 338 - tate will please make immediate payment and dm% having claims will present 'hem properly aetbenticati di (or settlement. [tlee2j DANIEL 11AIVIIECKEE. Ado+. ADMINISTRATOIiS' - - Notice is hereby giten that Letters - ol Atizninletti6 mu to the 1.4` tate of nears Unger. int. of Wayneaborp, deu'Ll. have been granted to the undereignui, -Inking De reit/ &woo*. All pereuneknowingthemselvet.indebted tt /laid rattail.* will please make immediate payment, and theft , having iioll3 present t beta properh ngthentfraied fur-sett/I. meat. Owl) SUSAN Adaterx.. 11)31INISTRATOR'S 4OTICE.- Notice is hereby given that Lefters of Adruinh, tration to the ilattite at Henry Gordon, with the wig annexed, late of NVasitington tou wain. dec'd, here hetet granted to the undersigned, resi ding said township. - Alf peri"nx indented ta,the said kistate. are hereby re que.t.d to utske lonocd into pa) ment,and those having claims or demands ngainet the %state of said Ilecedeat, will make known the same without relay, to' . dec2 - CATE' ARINP; GOIWON, Atitn'rx. ADM IN ISTIt - AT S OTI Notice is hereby give)] that Letters of At/minh tration to the Estate of tioorge Lohrnin. late of GYM* township. deed, have been granted to the undereignerl. reehl foe in said township. • ' Alt peneme knownlog themselves hpleliteil toaaid Bee tato will please make immeiliate payment: and th.dli hayinr,clalineyrillpresent them properly a uthentirawdr fat'Ae tlentent, to miettmed. It. WINDER. nor2s Atim . f. -• ADMINISTRA'I OR'S-N °TICE.-- Notice ie hereby given that Let tereof Adminfatt ti tian to nut Eatoitt of Mountie Loary, late, of %tine, township. deed. have been granted to the, sufwertlitk a residing in mid tow t othip. Ali nersonv knowing themaelyes intlelttea to aald El* tate will plant.° make itnnteiltate ita)nient: And theft, having claim* will present thent priltet ly authentieot•' fur settlement. [niiv2s] lucruAEL LOAVIIT, A tim'r . ARRIN ISTII.A TOltS' Suttee 1e hereby given that Letters of Admlitir traitun with jhe Witt itimexrd on the Estate of laic Mull, late of o reen towni,hip• dee th been granted to the subscriber, resitting in said town hag„ Altpersons knowing themselves itnlehttsi to the elool Estate will plelse mAke,immedifite pa) Wont; turd tlnags having claims will peestint them proper') ntjthenticatoi formittlentent nirtr WILLI .1M A LEXANDEIt. Adm., ADMIN IST ItA 9:oll'4;\UT] CE.- :Notice is hereby givsti. that Letters :n1" Arialintys tration to 'the Dante c,l 11llliwu II e)ser. lista iff Borough of Chsuilierslairg, deed:have I.ee n granted tb - I the undersigned: residing in said Borough. All persons knowing themselves indebted to sold Woo ta . .te will please maks Immediate pit)ment ; and Choi* having Alamo, witl pretett d t a em prd perly authentic/40J fur settlement, JACOB 1111VBIAL 1V11.13 ANL 111.11%-iElt. Adro'ssi. J. ALLT , t,N:E Te.lt: rma FjX Er UTORS' 1\ 71 5T1U.E.---Notieo , 13 hereby siren that Letters Teetenientsry to the ante of Jacob Oyster, late of the iloronµh o f ch o n, homburg, dee'4, - bnve keen granted to the nuilirtipied. residing lU'Ritill Beihnith -AU persou4 knowing themes/Nes ierlobtod to sold Er-. tate will pietist. home inanetlinfe payment; and the's') horing claims will pt pens them properl!. anttentiestool flt settlentebt. CHARLES WskIYSThR. ) Rxecatars. deele. . CUBIST' 4N S. EY-11CR , U'XEC UTOItS'. _N FrTlClll.—Notiiv Is iterebygiven that Letters Testamehtery to Am Estate of Samuel J. Crunkiet on. late • - et Antrim towb -414. deed- haso been granted to the nridensigmlid, rigid ,. lag in said township. . . , All persona indebted to thesaid Estate arshereby pew. grunted to to , ake immediate payment. and t hose bay il* claims or demanditagainst the .Estnte of said decolowt will make known illetiann 'without delay, to JOHN ROYER. -JAIIES CRUNKLETON, 1 Ih'.ll dee2* FXECUTOR'S NOTICE:—Notion is NOTICE:—Noti on hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the I 'state or Mary Esker, late of Greem , tatie, deed: have been granted to the undersigned, residing initaid Bet. ought. An persons itidebted to tit e sai d relate ere ?equation to make immediate payment and those having cla w l or dementia against the Estate of the said - dec e d en t make known the same without delay. to . - 1 Mor 25 • JACOB 8. FLESIINCI, Ex's. X EVIITOR'S NOTlCE.—Notiee i s hereby given that Lettere Testamentary to the tale o f 1,3 {easel Little. late of Washington township dee'd. hare been granted to the supscribur, residing he Waynesboro. ' All perawns knowing themselves indebted to said Pl tate will Wm's make immediate payment; And thee. having claims willpresentthem properly authenticated for settlement. Web') TORN H RERY., Re'r. F XECIITORS' NOTICE.—N-otire A is hereby given that Letters Testamentary to libvi - tate e James J. Kennedy, late of Guilford township, dec'd, hare been granted to the ureteral gned, reading ia Chambereburg. - „ = All persons knowing themselves indebted to-said Es tate will please make immediate payment; - and- theft hasing—lalmswill present them properly autlientiootted or Bettleznenti to T. IL KENNEDY, ~_., nos 23 ' J. L. K.F.StaillY, } 4kLecutofilk.