6 II I N Xel3trat. DYSPEPSIA; AND DISEASES RESULTING FROM . DISORDERS OF THE LIVER EEO DIGESTIVE OR.GANS, • -- are cured 'oy HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, THE GREAT STRENGHING TONIC. These Bittershave performed more Cures! - • Have and do give , bbtter satisfaction: Have more testimony! Have morerespeetable people to vouch for them!' Than any other article in the market. • We defy any one to contradict) this assertion, and WILL'PAN $l,OOO To anyone who will produce noertificate published by W. that is not genuine. 'HOOPLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS - Will cure every case of • Chronic or Nervous' Debility. Diseases of _the Kid neys, and Diseases arising from-a - Disordered Stomach. .Observe •the following - Symptoms, resulting from . Disorders ef the Digestive Organs: Constipation. Inward Piles, -Fullness or Blood to the .11ead, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea. --- Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Full • tosser Weight in the Stein- . , . ach, Sour Emote . • Gans, Sinking or Fluttering at the . Pit of the Stomach. Swim . ' ming of the head, Hurried and bit- ' cult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensations when in a ring • posture. Dimness of Vision, Dots or' Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Head. Deficiency of ) • Perspiration, Yellow ness of the ' . . . Skin and Eyes. Pain • - , in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs. &c., Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imagin- ' ings of Evil, and great Depression of Spirits. REMEMBER, that this Bitters is NOT ALCO HOLIC, contains no Rum or Whiskey, and can't make Drunkards, but is the BEST TONIc in the World. , - -i, 0 - READ WHO SAYS SO: . . From the Rey. Levi G. Beck, Pastor of the Baptist Church, Pemberton, N. J.. formerly of the North , Baptist Charch,:Philadelphia: • • • I have known Hoeft:m(l's German Bitters favorably for a number of years. I havens d them in gig own family and have been so pleas 1 with their effects that f was induced - to recommun them to many others, and know that they have op rated in a_ strikingly beneficial manner. Ito great pleasure in thus publicly. proclaiming this t, and calling the attention of, those afflicted with the dis ases for which, they ate recommended, to these ,Bitters. knowing fr0m,..15./tperience that my recom mendation will be sustained. Ido this more cheer _luny as Hootland's Bitters is intended tO benefit the - • aMictud, aud is "not arum drink." Yours truly. - LEVI-G. BECK. rettrtT c. . J. ' Newton Brown. D. D.. Editor of the . ‘.t . Poligious Knowledge and Chiis tiau . Although not disposed to favor or recommend Pa tent Medicines in general.,,through distrust of their it.ints and °fleets,' P Yet know of no sufficient reasons why a man may not testify to the benefits he .believes himself to have received from any simple Prepnr.i'ifql. in tl hone that he may thus contrib ute t) tit, benefit of others. t ni ire r'- Illy in regard to Roolland . s prelparta 1,), Dr. C. .11. JitOkSOD, of this (icy. because I was t!rejudleed against them for mnov eat, ender the impression that they were eh ieib an nic.iholic mixture. lam indebtechto my friend. Robert Satientalier,'Esq.: for the removal of this prejudice by proper tests, and for encourage ment to try them. when suffering from great and ,long continued debility. The use of three bottles el `these Bitters. at thebeginning of the 'present year, Was f 'flowed by evident relief, and restoration to a degree of bodily and mental vigor which I had not felt foi six months il'etbre; and had almost despaired of reit doing. I therefore thank God and my friend foidireeting me to the use of them; _ . NEWTON- BROOWN, Prot:wale Rev. Jos. 11. Kennard, Pastor of the aOth . Bapliz,t Church. Dr. Jackson:—Dear -Sir: I kave been ireetently requested to•colinect my name with commendations of different kinds of medicines, but regarding the practiceas out of my appropriate sphere. I have in, all cases declined: but with &clear proof in various instanees,and particularly in•my, family, of the use fulness of Dr. Hootiand'S Gerninn Bitters, I depart for oncefrom my usual course, to express my full conviction that. for general debility of the spatem and especially for Liver Complaint. it is a safe and val uable preparation. In some cases it may . fail; but tumidly. I doubt not. it will be very beneficial to those whoauffer from the above cause. Tours very respectfully, J. H. KENNARD. • Eighth below Coates Street, Philadelphia. :Riom Rev. liTarren Randolph, Pastor of -Baptist Church, Germantown. Penna. • Dr. C. M. Jackson :—Dear Sir: Personal experi ence eriablesime to say that I regard the German Bitters prepared by you as a most excellent medicine. In oases of severe cold and general debility L have been grafiy benefitted by the use of the' Bitters, and doubt not they will produce similar effects on others. tours truly, WARREN RANDOLPH, Germantown, Pa. From Rev. J. H. Turner. Pastor of Hedding M. E - Church, Philplelphia, Dr. Jackson:—Dear Sir :liming used your Ger man Bitters in my family frequently . l am prepared to say that it has been of great service: I believe that in most cases of general debility of the system it is the safest and moat valuable remedy of which I have any knowledge. Yours respectfully. - J. H. ILTRICEIL , 726 . N. 19th Street. From the Rev. J. M. Lyons, former PastOr of the Columbus (N. J. and Millerstown (Penna.) Bap List Churches. Nina RocnELLE, N. Y. Dr. C. M. Jackson :—Dear Sir: I feel it a pleasure thus, of my own accord , to bear testimony to the excellence of the German Bitters. Some years since *ring much afflicted with Dyspepsia, I used them with very beneficial results. I have often re commended themito persona enfeebled by that tor inenting disease, and have heard from them the. most flattering testimonials as to their great value. In oases of general debility, I believe it to ben tonic that cannot be surpassed. J. M. LYONS. • Prom the Rev. Thomas Winter, Pastor of Reibor ' ough Baptist Church. _ Dr. Jackson ;—Dear Sir: I feel it due to your ex , tenant preparation, Hoofland's German Bitters. to • add my testimony to the deserved reputation it has --obtained. I have for years, at times, been troubled with great disorder in my head and nervous system. I was - advised by a friend to try a bottle of your barman Bitters. I did so. and have experienced • gnat and niemieeted relief: my health has been -very materially • benefitted. I confidently recom mend the article; where I meet with cases similar to • 1 1 1 1 1 F fwiri, and have been assured bY many of their good effects. Respectfully yours, T. WINTER, Roxborough. Pa. From the Rev. J. S. Herman, of the German Re - formed Church, Kutztown. Berke county, Pa. - Dr. C. M. Jackson:—Respected Sir: I baN;e been trembled with Dyspepsia nearly twenty years, and ' have'never used any medidine that - did me as much 10,04 asitiooftand's Bitters. I am very much Ira-. „ V ' oreditt health, a ft er having taken five bottles. Yours with respect, J. S. HERMAN. PRICES: Large Size (holding nearly double quanta') $1 per Bottle—half dozen $5 00 Small Size—is Cents per Bottle—half dozen 4 00 'BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! Seethatthesignature of " C. M. JACKSON," _is on the WRAPPER of each bottle. Shenld your nearest druggist not have the article, donut be put off by any oldie intoxicating prepara tions that may be offered in its place. but send to us, .and We will forward, securely packed, by _express. PRINCIPAL OFFICE AND MANUFACTORY, No; 631 ARrai STREET JONES & EVANS, • - (Sticeessors to C.M. Jackson SE Co.), PROPRIRTOPA '71'031..84LE by Druggists and Dealers in every own in the United States. [dee 9,63-7 m, Drugs, ittelfitineo-1 WM. HEYBIZE. J 11: HEYSER & CRESSLER, GRADUATES-Di PILA.II3IACY, DZLLEISS I% DRUGS,CHEMICALS, MEDICINES, &c. CHAMBERSBURG. PAT PURE DRUGS. Knowing the importance to the Patient. as well as to the Physician. to have pure' reliable Medicines. we make our purchases from lirst•class Houses. ',4.lfilur Tinctures. Sy raps. Fluid Eitracts, Pills and -other preparations are made by ourselves,and every article examined before it is sold. CHEMICALS. i We buy our Chemicals from the best manuttctu rera in the country. and are satisfied they are pure and of full strength. We have a constant supply of PLIOTCt• GRAPHIC CIII 3IICALS. , I PATENT MEDICINES We have constantly on hand all the standard - Patent Medicines, and 'Warrant them genuine. FAMILY pTE. COLORS: Black, Blue, Green, Scarlet, Magenterf Drab, Brown Slate and many other colors, with directions that an oue can (Thor by, for 15 aud•2s cents. ". KEROSENE LAMPS A,ND OIL, Shades and Chirunies, an of beautiful styles, of the bow quality and very cheap. ARTIFICIAL TEETH, 'Artists' Oil Colors, Canvas and Brushes, fine Ex tracts a tp , Cologne, fine and cheap Soaps, Herr, Cloth and foot) , Brushes, Horn and Rubber Combs. POCKET BOOKS AND WALLETS. _A large assortment at all prices. O'NIEL'S •HORSE POWDER Rae peen sold in this establishment for fifteen years We believe it the best in use. We have all the bear HORSE MEDICINES OF THE DAY. PRESCRIPTION - S. The Prvfcription Counter lit under our own especial care, and we humbly believe that we can give satbditc lion to all who will give their prescriptions to our care. VI. Medicines can be had at night or on Stinilay: by calling at the Store or at W. lleyser's residence, a feu doors South of the Store. • We buy all goods at the lowest market rates, and sell at fair prices Oct 7,03 F LNE SOAPS, for Christmas; at ruxoys DENTAL SOAP AND TOOTH BRUSHES, at NIXON'S. POND LILY and Johnny Juinp UP, new and exqnlette Perfumea, at NIXON'S. ' I • SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF HAM BRUMES, at ' NIXON'S. riOLOGNES and other Nide Things VV for holiday Presents, at 1 NIXON'S.. ATL:SIILER'S BITTEP.S.—Soine- Iu thing superior for instals, at NIXON'S. (mot LYCERINE BALSAM,. a new Vi thing for. Chapped Hands, &e., at NIXON'S. VAMILY DYES.—Evers Color and Shade, at NIXON'S Drug Stare. Anew article forges . 1 1 1 ./faert Z a E nd l intai . ds at NIXON'S Drug Store, PURE PEPPER—Ground in the Eatablishment,and sold in iota to snit, nt ' . NIXON'S Drug CONCENTI.IATED POVASILL-A superior article for making Soap, at NIXON'S Drug Stine. HE OLD CROUP SYRUP IS T prescribed by Physicians. Prepared only by NIXON. n PACKAGES OF NIX -3.50v ON'S CATTLE POWDER. have been told in leas than two years; THE OLD COUGH SYRUP AND EXPECTORANT.—An excellent medicine for re cent Colds. Wont cure (79tarwmption—only_ previnits it blade only by MILLER lIENSHEY, D R STORE ON -THE. DIAMOND, Have just received a large and' fresh stock of - DRUGS, CHEMICALS, s . AND SPICES Purchased from raliable=llonies in the Eastern' Cities and offered to the public as strictly pure. Hail's a Spice Mill; upon'which is , ground all the • PEPPER, CORIANDER, CINNAMON, CLOVES, SWEET MARJORY, &c.. • sold by ns. These Spices Are always flesh and pare. Remember this ; as the butchering season is now here and to make good puddings and sausages you =lSt has.- goad Spices. FOR CTJRINtr- BEEF AND PORK. —Don't forget to call at MILLER & RENSREI2:- and get the preparation they make for this purpoie,D you would hate rwed Hauls and good - corned Beef. FAMILY DYE" COLORS.—.i new article and just what is needed In every Witty, al MILLER & MENMIRY'I3. TOILET ARTICLES, STERLINCpS , AMBROSIA, COOOAINE HAIR DYES, POMADES, EXTRACTS OF ALL KINDS, HAIR BRUSHES, COMRSi TOOTH BRUSII2B, an( atoll nesanment of every thing in the Toilet line, cal be bad at MILLFR & HENSIIRY'S, PATENT MEDICINES.—AIways on hand a coenplet'a stoclof ail thepopolaiPatent Medicines etthe day, at miLLER & umisuurs. ENE K ER°B EROSENE °I j KLAMPS, CIIIKKEYS AND WICKS. ALCUROD, YLUID I AND A fall aanortnient of such articles uaually foUnd to a Drug Stare. can be had at MILER & HRKSDErS TERMS CASK. [dpp. 2.] ANUFACTURERS`can reach a larrechies of thrifty iliwaora by arrevilltarvi ID El • FRANKLIN REPOSITORY. f - ._*.fr ', , ,fp*iiiiiv- pepoolloxvi : , ,,glegonher-1300,1863. • .. THE DR .Al 7 WILLIAM atEtwrcKs, I I I W110L.R13413 AND RETAIL I Gr. , I OCER, and Dealer in aklkirela of Merchandise has MADE ANOTELER DRAFT I ' 1,• on Philadelph ia and New York for NEW GOODS, CHAS. H. CRESSLZE. PURE, FREW, CIRCOND AND UNGEOUND SPICES, I 7 AND D I AN . INSI ARTICLES. ill I spices s'olq are' carefully cleaned and ground on his!,own vice mill. :Alec, a full variety', f Bn , ome Q.4,Leneware, lerey Soaps, I Common S..mps, AND 5000 )SIRTIOLEB NOT NAMED, all of vrbich r will be eeld at cheap figures ': WHOLES,A.L . AND RETAIL Call and examine for yourself Irad t iFe convinced ibat a. ti ! "GELWIO I K'S CHEAP STORE . . is the plate for bargains, P. S.—l bare n 10311.10 Bottles ocdtmestic innonfac tine of at ricily loire-Grape Wine for sal.. peel o;r3] NIA S . OT RH AM I, N'S CABINKT ORGANS', oNr.!,oR TWO sirs OF REEDS, 1 Containing the AUTOMATIC SWELL. DOUBLE BELLOWS., KNEE : nTOP, AND COMBINATION VALVE. Every instrument lEari t nted for Pine rears. ISM PRMad PROM To $450. " - The Cabinet Organ is. the only instrument which combines the requisites. for church And parlor music; air schqcl robin Rm.t the social fest,val gathering gor while It possAwcs sufficient power fur the accompa rtiment of alarge; chorus, it Is. from its 'capability of di 1 shades of expression, and its wonderful cow, mde Mid dissinuenaro, must effective as a solo instrument. It is capable of orchestral effects. and rapid music...s rrills, arpeggios, etc. From its sustained touAs.it has decided advantage over the Piano-f wte. for th; render trig of many of the choicest morceang of the masters, 4ticli as 4yuiphoiiies. quartettes. etc.' , R. A. 31cCLUlt E. Charabl ,, herg. Pa. General Agent for PAntt4ylvanin. N.- be undesigned will sell and "deliver. In cooll get -an, Cabhuit Organs anywhere in this State, at factory prices. All inquiries by letter'proniptly an wered. • [June 17. '63-tf.] It. A .Me. lANOS is I R. A. M'CLURE, sole agent for the rel.brated 1 DECKER 'MINIM El 8' (NEW YORE) P !ASO, PiNTl(ol , lelivered, {tad put up In perfect condition, in any part of the State,4t FACTORY RETAIL PRICES. All instramenta'warranted for five yearn. Pianos from other fabtories will be futinished, 'idesired. R. A. MeCLIIIIt. :tune 17,433. i Chamhershurg. i pitINCE 4; CO.'S WELL KNOWN ..lELODEONS AND HARMONIUMS! 'introducing the eirect of Pedal Baas on every Inet run' ant. E. GABLER'S nmurpase. d PIANOS thr" cash at a lib .rral deduction. oz on )lonthly I netalments. 4r Over 30,900 cold in Philideloil In, JAMES BELLAN, Sole Agent, 1 279 and 2Sl*atth Flith street, above Spruce et., i Rep 16. 63-ly j Pim. ingLPHIA. ,T(LEMNii& BROTHER, - f lmporteril Mankcadurers and irliabwz7.• I>alirs IN .1 4 ,II7SICAL I.NSTRINENTS, 1 GERMAN. FRENCH AND ITALIAN STRINGa No. 706 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA:. Orders e4retnpy attended to by 8, S. SORYOCK. !Charnbersbnrg I- [sop 23-Iy. V OCAL ATUSIO2—R. A. McClure,will teach Classos and private Impits,'itt art of Singing, Musical N'otatfou, Harmony, and Mnsfrill Coln rueltion. i. [114+1254f! 3MILY'DYE COLORS. a PATENTED OCTOBER 13,1803, i Black, . . ! - , Dark Green .: i Black for Silk, I : . Light Green, I ' , Dark Blue, 1 Magenta,' .' Light Blue. ~. Maize, French Blue, Mercer', - I • ' Claret BroWn, Orange, Dark liro*n, Pink, i Tight Brawn, Purple, - . Snuff Brown, Royal Purple, . Cherri, Salmon, . , ~" Crit Scarlet, Dark' rab, Slate. - 'Lig t Drab, . Solferino, FaWn Drab, Violet, - Light Fawn Drab, " Yellow, For Dyeing Silk, Woolen and Mixed Goods, Shawls, Scarfe,Dresees, Ribbons, Gloves, Bonnets, Gets, Feathers,llKid Gloves, Children's Clothing, and all kinds of Wearing Apparel. , - , ins- A SAVING OF 80 PER CENT.'* - For 28 cents you can color as many goods as would otiorwise cost five times that sum. Various ehadea can be produced froin the same dye. The process isaimple, and any one can use the dye with perfaCt success. Di rections in EnOsh, French and German, inside of each , package. , For further information in Dyeing, and giving . a per fect knowledge what colors ere best adapted to dye over ethers, (with many valuable recipes,) purchase Bowe & Stevens' Treatihe on Dyeing andCoToring. Sent by mall on receipt of pr s 'ice-1.0 cents. Maintfactured by HOWE & STEVENS', , nov2s-1:01 . • • 260 Broadway, Boston. For Salo by driggiate end dealers generally. - ' TOB PRINTING, in every style, doa. attheiAlioofthiFßANKLlM Export.= • Oroqcrigo, L and succted in bringing to CR- BERSBVILG 1 1 the • 1 largest - . . nlssortusent of, ' . ' 31eliuhandise'effered In this ii)lzice. As this large' stock embraces such a vest variety or articles, ii. would be Impossible to /numerate artiche and give prices. Suffice to say that this variedassertmeii of goods embr6es a full and complete assortnltlut of GItOC.SIIIES froini the common to 1 1 l the most 4 1 choice .•1 . - I i. acid - , _, •i , finest ir -- ad" known , .ta the market. , ' • Choice i green andl3l.ldlc Teas.' COocolate, rule Sy'l ups, ' Sugars, Coffeeq, Salt, Fish, Pickles, Ake, Cheese, ',fresh Cracknrs, I dried ' r Deana, llomiay. Catsup, i Peer Sauce, Vine -1 gi . , &c., ac. Also 1' i - 'complete as 1i ' 1 sortment MI Barksts, • Was . Boards, !I Twines, Cards, Stonowaie . Britshes, H Pocket Knives, Articles of Ilardware, , , . Lubricating Oil) Ru icaL. . ftlitellanrous. Marbkua*, Cully* Vic. COACH D SADDLERY The subscriber respectfully informs, his friends and the Public, that lie continues to carry on .the above intsioess dt hia,oid stand on Slain Street, op- polite the German Reformed Church, Having enlarged his bit,iness, &dc/ters and Mach make?: 1011 find in Lis istorelZoom a postal assortment of Goods suitable to their several requirements, such as Fair and Country llogskins • Patent Leather, • • 1 . ;.0./ saddle Trees and G trilling, Gig Trees, full Plated, Tinned and Japanned; Goat Hair, Straining Wel! and Worsted Bain Wed, lower than Cotton, new styles ; Curtin Frames; flub Band.; Bridle .'louts; Roseates, Swivela and Ornaments Iron Plated and Wood Gig flumes; BUCKLES-BRASS SILVER AND Japanned. all stylesand Patterns; Ivory and Woodea Martingale Binge, Stump Joints, and a variety of other! Goods snitable for the trade. All kinds of Plating, itx.7, done Nyit.h. neat= ntsw and despatch. nov 4 63 tf Ff ARDIVARE!. - MUTH. RICIIARDSOS 611 Illarkff St.,, Philadelphia. .r . nun. extrifi. I cuas.RICHARDSON The undersigned, would respectfully calrthe attention of COUIVTItY MIitULIANTS to their large.teml u ell /Jo inted stock of . Ch :43 Tobacco, lialte.s Haying madespecial arrrinueinetits for ti-e Fa II DV*, We flatter ourselves we can offer inducements to pur chimers that will fully remunerate the trouble of filinc our stU , ..k. ife ask out a trial. to convince the thuntry Trade, that we are prepared to sell low and accommodate., Rom Polish, - oar stock of Table and Packet Cutlery is unnsviail, large.selected with care: and including a variety ufst t yli[ . that cannot but snit all' astes, t ,- , We have constantly on hand a large assorttnen3 of - • Building Hardware. . i Tools, t. utlery, .• • -Files, Tool-Boxes. and Chests. Saddlers, • . - - and shoernaters Toot s , , • Screws, Nails. everything in short,o4sinfng to a first class Hardware Store. . Choice Segrs, Starch Pat tieular attention paid toPortutry orders. It is onr dim To .teenre the confieirnce ofour tu, , tunzers, and to this end we we partirular. in fitting orders. to give the best •tud as cheap as though the euturners were ho: iug itt person. (Jive 114 a triat Ht FARENCESi-4. K. ' 4 laryock, Esq.. A. K. McClure, t. Eyeter,Chambersburg. . . _ Kerosene Oil, aug. 5, ',13-t I - v - Ew HARDWARE STORE. L. B. EYSTEI w.gildrespeetfittly inform his friends, and the ittiW generally. that in ezmnesti..n with his PROSSSE OIL ..kNO LA3IP STORM, he bas commenced the TIARDWARE bu+iness. at bis new Storeroom, one door n,n-th of 01. lluber a Orucery: c.,nsit‘ts in the following articles., viz : Bittiiini: Hardware, Ynrnislong ficw.fs, . ' Table and Pocket Cutlery, . Mtechsnics• Took,- Nails by the small or keg, Farming Utensils, such as ;:zhns es, Also, Olaes, Paints,Benzoic. Kerosene. and Lubricating Oils, Lamps of all discriptions, Cband•iiers for Gas and Kerosene. Frui t Jars. beSt quality. &c.. & t Agent for Sale of EVANS & WATSON'S — Fire Proof Safes. [July 23, '63.Yr. H.A.RDW vited to cal lardwure. Cutler ' t.f good in our lit which we Iron Steel 11 , cka Ilingen Marley , Firer Mt-ilmva Paiute Oils Turpontine lloeg Call and examin fered fpt ca.h, HARDWARE AND CUTLERY W. W. KNIGIIT d: SON, Importere and Deniers i n AMERICAN, ENGLISH AND GERMAN HA RDWA,RE, 509 Commerce Street, . Between Sih and nth and Market and Arch Ste - Philadelphia. augoll. '63-tf etairs, eabinctzMatr, PREY PREY. WILLIAM H. MO:10 F REY - 310 NG, UNDER.TA,K.ERS 3fA NUF.ACTT.IRERS OX CABINET WARE CA&MBETISMIEG, PENNA. The undersigned. respectfelly_annotinces to the cit c l zons Chamberaborg and surrounding country, that. they have levaxl the Cabinet Rooms of Mr. Wm. OR$. deed, on Main Street noar Washington. and bought get all the material of Mr. Wm.A.II kZEIXT pertaining to the UNIERTAIUNG, including histwo Brom*, where they intend to give special attention to this branch of the busine,s. COFFINS of CI, th, Walnut. Cherry, 1 - e., made toorder at the lliorteit notice and un meet reagonable terms. They will alio attend to the," laying out of Corpses, *bleb will be done in a Batts factdry manner. Funerals attended in town anil country. • VF.NITIAN BLINDS made di order. la. All kinda of Cabinet dare 'repaired neatly and cheaply. The public are respectfully referred to Mr. Wm. A. Rum?. Remember Wm. Flory's old stmt. nov 4,'83-3m "REY &.31ONG CHAIR AND CABINET Vv WARE ROOMS.—The subscriber informs the pub lic that he continues the Manufacture of the various ar ticles of FURNITURE in bie line, at-hie Shop, on Main Street.three doors South of Huber and Tolbert's Hard ware Store. He has always on hand, or is prepared to manufacture upon the shortest notice, Spring Seep, Cane Bottom and Windsor Chairs, Sofas, Plain and Fan cy Tables, Bureaus, Dressing and Crmmon Wardro*.a., Wash Stands, Book Cases, Bedsteads. VENETIAN BLINDS got up in the beet style. Particular attention will be paid•to ROUSE PAINS] ING AND PAPER RANGING, and entire satisfactitrn in every instance guarantees. REPAIRING of all kinds. in his line of business p •omptly attended to at moderate prices. -JUNDERTARING.--.Having purtased the Hearse of Mr.W3u.norty, deed, he is able to attend funerals an • manufacture Coffinsat the shortest notice,ofCloth,WM nut or Cherry. A Layer-out will be inattendance. nov JOSIAH E. sosoFiara. 910 MERCHANTS.—The way to wire profitau.r costuut le to it2ll=B2 ta the FRANKLIN RRPOBITOKY. HARDWARE OfiAMDFIDSBUIVI, PA Ilautes, Bits and Stirrups. Plated,-;. Tinned and LEWI3 WAMPLiat, Chambersburg, Pn, HARDWARE: \ 6311 T 11& RICITARDSON. ell Irtrket St . Philadelphia ARE.—The public are in -1 and exsmine our extensive stock of . &e. We kfop 011 hand a large stock tie romp.o,ell ru-tly of the following er very chest.. . Fib li 'r LMk i n g Glasses limps . Ivarnt Bells Halts . , Sprities and Axles 411e , 44 Boot Trees . Chains iShaeruaker Hit Wh , ps, j4.o.lloraTools Bolts i - " Trimmings Saws. ;Coffin Trinunlugs Brush'es -1 0 rind Stones !famest'erfir Ware I Shovels illasl,ing Povr+k , s Rakes - ~ Ishot and Leal Spailel4 p.wkot Knives e our stack, Special inducernonts of [oct.2l 't3:l! .. BRAND k FLACK. LIE IMPORTERS WINES•' AND LIQUORS G.to. M. LAIIMAN,} A. M. SALLADR, J. D BITrING. SU.PBRIOR COGNAC BRANDY, - VINTAGE OF 1539, EACH BOTTLE SEALED WITH (MEWS WA, WITH THE INITIALS OF THE FLEX.' - 'Brown° Bi • ; LAIIMAN,SALLADE &CO. SUPERIOR OLD MADEIRA WINE Japanned, Conch flandloo, EACH BOTTLE - SEALED WITH YELLOW WAX, 51 11- WITH T E INITIALS OF THE FIRM. . I'MPORTFD DT .t., -.. U . BAN, SALLADEJ: CO., tiu L'S SOETILNINTII STREET, PHILADELPHIA FOUST WHISKEY, WERTZ'S WHISKEY, TAYFEY'S WHISKEY, AND, READING WINES, LAti•MAN,SALLADE &C 0.," • 1% SOUTH NINTH STREET, - nor.l§-ly PHILADELPHIA GREAT DISCOVERY! KUNKEL'S BITTER WhVE OF IRON, Fur the cure of WEAN. STOMACHS. GENERAL DEETLIZT, DIGESTION, THSEABES OP THE NEAVOCS 'SYSTEM, CON BTIPATION, ACIDITY uP THE STOMACH, and for nll CH13013 requiring a Tonic. This Wine includes the most agreeable and efficient Salt of iron we passess; Citrate of Magnetic Oxide com- Lined, • with the must energeftic nl, vegetable Tonics, Yellow Peruvian Bark - . The effect in many cases of de bility, loss of appetite and general prostration, of an :alt a Iron, combined with our valuable Nerve Tunic, is must happy. It augments the appetite, raises the pulse. takes off muscular flabbiness, removes the palorot debility.audgivesa Maid vigor to the countts -1131.1.10. V° you want something to strengthen y6u ? Do you want, a t .uod appetite? ' Do You Want to build up ) our tongtitution? . Do you want to feel welt? Ito you want to get rid (41' nervousness? Ito you want eutrgy ? . Do you want to sleep well? ' - Do you Aunt a brilk and vigorous feeling? If you dory KID SK KL'S inTr tut W 1?. r; OF IRON' This truly uable Tuniclist, been Su thoroughly test' ed by all classes of; the ecilitr.s.liat it Is now deem ed indispensable as eTonic medicine. It costs but little.- purifies the blood, gives tune to the stomach. renovates the system, andprolongs lite. I now only ask a trial of this valuable Tonic. 47er TEA, )10NtAl.!— Harrisburg, Feb 20, 1863.- - . Mr.t.t. A KUNici.e. Dru4gint Sir: I Lave great pleasure in testiing to the' complete success of your Bitter Wine of Iron in my case. I have been afflicted for a number 01 years with weakness. general debility giddiness. su touch so that I have liesm Confined - to my bed fur the greater part of iny time and have bad the attondstice orour best physinans. but received but little benefit, I had Unpaired of ever regainieg my hehlth, until hearing 01 your in-Ramat:is remedy, Du nn WINE OP ITtON. I determined to try its viitt.e. and Mr. happy to state it has resulted in a complete eure. 1101 'lmre robust and yigerous than I have been for many yesirs. which feeling I. atti-ibute solely to sour Bitter Wine of Iron. I have no hesitation in reconiniending it to others, similarly affected, and shall be happy to hear personal testimony. 'Teary, truly, HAIIMAN Frasen. seal' TO T 111? PUBLIC.—Dr. S. A. Kt - ski:Li—Pear Sir: When on my way.lant summer, to juin my rez.iment at Yorktown. Fir b inia..you were kind enough to give. me several bottles of your "Bitter Wive of iron." I found it most v linable in the clininterefilieFehimula and the diseases-incident toil. Ni pt paration 'miks exceed it „in value. I believe thit its use would preVent, much UILLIOUS• ruyEn. and a ertaiuly prove a ggent isalue in its cure. Yours.respectfully. 11. P. ItkiNt. Chaplain ]7Bth Regiment P. P.M. Forks, Potato Litters, Prepared and sold Wheles.tla and Retail. -1w HIINICRI. Brto . A pethecary'e.l.lB..Market ;Arcot. I larriaburg. Pa J. S. NIXON. Agent, Chambereburg. Pa. (11328'6:Him ECONO3II.' IS ! CURR, YOUR CM II FOR THIRTEEN' CENTS Tht, Best and Cheapest Household Remedy in MADAME ZADOC POUTED' - GREAT COUGH REMEDI7.:! Madame Zadoc Porter's Curative Balsam b. warranted if used according to tit e di ructions. to,cu re In all cases. Coughs. , :olds ' Whooping Cough, Asthma, Otle,l4ll3ffections oftlieThroittand Lungs. - "Madame Zadoc Porter's Balsam i., prepared with all the requisite care and skill, fromoi ombinationof the hest remedies the 'vegetable kingdom affords. Its retweslial qualities are based on Its power to assist the healthy and vigorous circulation of the blood, through the'lungs. It is not a violent remedy, but ensellient.wqrining,searching and effective; can be t aken by the oldest person or youngest child._ _ Madame Zadoc Porter's Balsam basbeen fised by the public for over 18 years and has acquired Its presen t sal essimply by being recoturn ended by t hose who have used it, to their Isillicted friends and oetisrs. MOST IMPORTANT. Madame ZadocPorter'aCnrative Balsam is sold at a price which-brings itin the rea , li of everyone to keep it convenient to nec. Thetimclyi_nseofasinglebottEliwill .- prkore to be worth 100 timests cost.. 4 - - NOTICE.- . Save your money. Do not be persuaded to purchase articles at 3s, to $l, which do not contain the virtues o a 13 c t Bottleof 'Madame Porter's Curative Balsam, the oost of manufacturing which is as great as that of al most any other medicine; and the very low price at which it Is sold, makes the p rolitlothe sellerapparent ly small,and unprincipled dealers will sometimes re commendother medicines on which their profits are large r.O nless the customers insist upon having Madame Porter's andnoneether. Ask for Madame Porter'a ratite Balsam,price ihcts.,and io large bottles at 26 sta., and take no. other. If you' can not get it at one store yOu can at another. Alii•Solil by a il Druggists and Store-keepers at Hots aadja larger bottles at 26 etc. HALL & R DOlCEL,Proprletors Jan 26;63-Iy. New. York. 1k3..1'0r Sale byMlller lloashey apd Jacob S.Nlzon C hambers burg IT. W. SCOTT GENTLEM]N'S , . - m FURNISHING STORE, and SHIRT MANUFAC ORY, No. 814 Chestnut Street, Pour doors bolo* the "Continental," Philadelphia. PartienlarattentiOn glees to ordered Shirts. A perfectfit guaranteed. Personage, a distance can order by the following Shirt Measures • Size around the Nock': " " " Chest under the Arms : d‘ - " " ' Waist : ~ " " 'Wrist : . -- Length of Arnie (bent) frOmcentre of back to middle of band : , Length of Bosom at Side : , - 0 0 iSh. irt :Lao,' . n'ill Liquoto. LAIIMAN, BALLADE & CO., N 0.128 sown NINTH STREET. (BEV1:1F-It CIIISTXIIT AND WALIVV7,) PIIILADELPUIA XLIVES4, OARDRAT & CO'S FINE SIIERRY,,CLAILET, AND ItOCE WINES, AND AN ASSORNXENT AY yr:cs BRA-n.. 3 CHAMPAGNEO OSBORNE & CO.'S OPORTO. 'VERY FINE AND DELICATE OLD PORT WINE OLD EYE WHISKEY, OLD "WHEAT WHISEMV; I= OLD JAMAICA SPIDITS, 013EIHIOLTZ WHISKEY, Aebical. Me World I 1 =MEI -- • - - ---: s ViTarliCaD ' S GENUI ' NETI.t.ts• P:4.11.4.T10N S.—COMPOUND-• FLUID liiTHAUT U. HU. a Positive and Specific Remedy for diseases 'a the Blades, Kidneys, Gravel. and' DropsicA Sorelling4 - 'This Medicine i fivreoe s the Inver of Digestion fird ow cite the Absorbents into healthy action, 11 ,h ;he Watery ir Calcareous despositimm and ail Ilinattoral Enbirgenienis are reduced,. as well as pain and ... "1 olui l s, illation.- • - Nor WeaknOvess arising' HE'LISIBOI 4 D'S - EXTRACT BIICIIU. sipation, Early‘lndistretion of Abuse, attended with t'lla to, luwina. oymptvis ..._ trop? . Exces:es. 7a,13 , 1t: _7_7 • .••• ' "-..-, Indispootticiu to i'wertion. , - ' LossorPowor. Lassa' Memory. • Dillicultyur irmtbing r . Weak Nerves, TrenddlnA, 'Horror of Disease, _ Wakefulness. Dittinefut of Vfslou. . -„- - Pain inAlitilikt • .Universal Lassitude of the Mnsenlar System. Hot !lands,- • Flushing of the Bey, - • Dryness of OeSkln.- :... Eruptions on the Flow,. Pallierntlnten:h o ;. - These - ay nip tons. it allowed to go on, which ihistrietli clue invariably removes, soon havotsneiy, Flttutly, Epiteettc Pas,. In one of which the Patient may expire. - . Who cau say that they are not fretpiently tulrowed by those - .Direful Disc:ewe:" INSANITY - AND ONSInif.TioN,?, finny are mean) of the emote of their rotiTorittg, • • - Dux :rosy %at. C0:11 , E8.4,'111E RECORDS or 'Tag tolaism And Milanchnly Deaths 42, Ontsionption beat ample witness to-;be Truth of the est,ertion. The Constitution otce .fiend with Orviaic-.Wiestaisa reytires the aid 01 Medicine to .Strengthen and Tavia ovate the System. Mich Ltr.cmoop's EXTRACT DUCH!! itte , ttyabyitees. - • A Trial will convince- the timed skeptical. TENIALES-FEMALES- , -FEMALEEL Jn many Affections peptliar to Fet.naks the Xtrnhot• Itneutr is unequaled 2,y itny other remedy. air'in Cldo rosis or Itetentmni, Irregularity, Painfitineeti, -uiFtrp pression of Customary ttracntians. Ulcerates or.Feirr lions state of the Uterus.. Leuchorike i or Whitey Sterllity,•and for"”11 complaints iticidetit to the sex. whether arising from Indiscretion Habits of Itlssitlatitni, or in tho • ' DECLINE OR GRAMME OF LIEF. Take no more Ralsam,:lercury, or unpleasant AWN tines for unpiezar'int and dangerous dieeuees: BELMBOLD'S EXTRACT RUCIIIT AND lIIPIA*E6 ROSE WASII CURES . . SECRET DISEASES In all their Stages f Littlutir nu change in Diet. ' - died no Exposurf It causes a frequent desire and gives strength t.O Val uate, thereby Removing Obstructions, Preventing end Curing Strfatures of the 'Urethra, allaying Pain aud In tlanKtion, so frequent in-the.cines 'of disease,. and• ex pelting all Poisonous, Diieased and amrhout mailer. Titers INDS trpori 12BOUSANDS WOO krAvs , DEZ:t 4IIE VC- Mee or QrAcx, and, who be r Ve paid heart' fru to 'Tiki cured in a abort tinie. have found they were deceived, and that the '•POISID.i" has, by the nee of "PeWrltlrt, ASTRINGE:M." been dried up 'tithe s 3 Mimi. to bri alttunt in anaggnivated foini,tind perhaps after Itarriatie.: Uae iiEMBOWB EXTILACT ittnim fur all affections and diseases of the URLNART ORGANS, whether ealating in MALE or 'FEMALE. from 'whatever canoe originating and no matter of ROW LONG STA - li Mamma of these Organs requires the aid of it DIURET 10. W.lllllOEO'3 RETRACT DUCIIU 18 THE tIREeT DIURETIC, and is certain to hare the desired effect in tti Diseases for which it is Reeoallnendeci. 'Evidence of the most reliable and' responsible Owlet ter wplaccompsny the niediejee. PRICE $l,OO PER BOTTLE, OR SIB FOR sslto De'tiered to any Address,' securely packed from olforra ton. Describe 3.kmptcens in ail Coanunicationr, CURES GUARANTEED! ADVICE CRAM - Address letters for Informatiou to H. B. BELMBOLD, Chemist; 104 South Tenth st., be!. Chestant,•"2lAs. - HELMBOLD'S 'Medical Depot. lIELMBOLD'S Drug and Chemical - Warehouse, 5P4 Broadway, New 'pat. . , BEWARE Cfr COUNTERFEITS AND 1310111.NCE PLED DEII.LERS who endeavor to dispOse "of liketr.dtwar and "other" art fez on tl.r-putation attained Alf . . Genuine Preparations. ", Extractilochri. , 11 " Improved Rose Mash.- ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWITRRE. ASK FOR ..LTELMOOLD'S TAKE 3rO . mIISiR Cut nut the Advertisement and send fur it. AND AVOID 131NASITEONAND EXPOSIME , 0 S, TETTER'S ST OMACII BITTERS', A pure and powerful Tonic. corrective and alteCative of wonderful efficacy in diseases of the • _ STOItACII, LIVER AND BONTEIIi.. Cures. Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint,llentiachi, Getuoinl _ Debility, Nervousness, Depression of Spirits, Constipation, Colic, Intermittent Re-. vet's, Cramps and Spasms, and all Coinphihatiiof either !,ex, arising from Bodily -Weakneeis ehether inherent ifl THE z. , YSTEII Olt PRODCCED 1 Y SPECIAL CAUSES Ncernma tbgt - b not. wholesome, genial nnifilietors 0-Ye in its native enters into the coMposition of HOS TETTER'S STONdell BITTRItS. This "opulnr pio paration contains no mineral of any kind, no-deadly bo tanical element : no fiery exritant tut it is a comb, nation of the extracts of rare balsami herbs and plants with the purest _AlTtii iniblent of nll iliitudiro stimulants. It is well to be foreanited ' against Iliseitse,riit,so far as the human system can be p:otscled by human means against maladies engendered by an miwbolesovito atmos phere, impure water and other external, cotes, HOS TETTER'S BITTER'S may be relied on as a safeguard. In districts infested with PETER AND .1011 E, It has been found as a preventive Anil irresistible RA a remedy, and thousands wh.) resort to it under arlprelain sion of an attack, escape the scourge; and thensamitt who neglect to avail themselves of its protective quali ties is advance, aretnred by a 'very brief coarse afiltin marvelous medicine. Fever and-.4.!cne patients ; niter being plied with quinine for•nionths imyain, until fairly saturated with that daumemis alkaloid. are not unfre quently restored to health within a few days by Um Üblil of HOSTETTER'S BITTEItS. The weakatoniach ia rapidly invigorated and Itse ap petite restored by this agreeable Tonic, anti_ hence it works wonders in cafes of DI4I.PSIA and In laza confirmed forms of INDIGEST*. Ac ting na a gentle and . painleaa apperieat, as wells i . upon tree liver, it also invariably.relleves the CONSPATION superinduced. by Irregular action of the_digesi l ife and aacrative organs. Pe rso naof feeble habit. I i able to N Elit'VOUS ATTACH LOWNESS OF SPIRITS and FITS OF LANGUOR, 'Bud prompt and permanent tenet from the' Thelestimony on this point is moat conclusiVc, aad frumEboth ilexes The agony of BILOIJS COLIC is immediatelY aeons gad by a single dose of the stimulant, and by oaths "slonallfresertLug to it, the - return of the eompiatitt may be prevented.' As a General - Tonic -110STPT, TER'S BITTIRS duce effects which must be experienced or witueeee:4l before theyeen be fully appreciated. In cetieeofpbbr. SITITTIONAL WEAKNESS, PREMATURE DECAY and , DEBILITY and __DECREPITUDE arising frOM OED AGE, it exercises the electric influence. In the coisra lescent stages of all dlseases it operates as a delightful Invigorant. When the powers of nature are relas,k it operates to re-enferceand re-establish them. Last, but not legist, It Is TUI ORLY MU STMIII - being manalbetnred from sound and tnn.ocaort materialsolnd entirely free from the acid elements pre sent more or less in all the ordinary tonics andsUasimet ice of the day. a 4 No family medicine haa been so ianireraally, andoit may be truly added, deservedly popular with the Mel• ligent portion of the 'community, as .AC'S BITTERS. - . Prepared by - . 7 • HOSTETTER t 13311TG, . Pittaburg , R i . Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and Sloe ekeepisra.olrer wnext: fatbital MEM At little Exptipe Noineenteniture SOLD Dr CELEBRATED 11