LATES Iftteresting Yrom North Carolda, Penitent (Rebels Cialtnin'i' the President's Pardon. MORE - ABOUT IL BLOCKADE N RUNNING AT WMINGTO, AFFAIRS IN WASHINGTON From North Carolina. NEW YonE; Dec. '2B..—The following in tellbrenc,4 from North Carolina ha+ been re uttivZd by an arrival at this port: Thel new Oath of allegiance has been ail ministired to a number of rebel Officers and euldiens who have recently come into our lines, by which they ace* the pardon offer ed-by the President. They bring intelli gence that a large number who are still in the rebel army will do likewise ,at their ear liest opportunity. The plan of leasirg out the l , abanioned plantations Eastern North Carolina, .ais adopted by Hon. David Heaton; Supervising agent of the Treasury Dopartinent at this' place, is proving a great success to the De partment ,as well as of great benefit to Vie laboring teases of both colors. - • • in WinMington. WAsEttrox, Dee, 2.B.—The property of forty perstMs in this Dist,riet has been confis cated. Among t:ie latter eases are Gov. Leteher, orVirginia, and Judge? Campbell, tutu of the Supreme Court. The - trains arc e running regularly to the Army of the Potomac. Army of the Pototrine. WASHINGTON', ice. 28.--LAdvices from the army 'this 'naming, state that all is quiet there--nothing of note trunzptring. TUE Boston Traveler publishes a letter from Beaufort, South Carolina, dated the 2:1-d inst., which says) Au expedition is about statting; all in a hurry and uncertainty. Yo-one knows its destination, but the fact. - that it-is commanded by Gan. Seymour in dicates that it is of importan..e, as he is a dghting Man. The order to-strike tents was gtven at ti o'clock, and at it) o'clock they were ,otf..; The expedition is formidable,• 'both in men and nu-boats. Two - Monitors accompany the That, and some heavy work is looked for, It is kenerally supposed that a movtinent is designed upon Savannah, in connection with an attack upon Charleston. MAIi!RIED. • On the 22i1 inst., by the Rev. p. Rth, Mt. JOHN to Mist Situin A. d utzhter of Dr. Thomas Max- Jackiott Ifitll, - Fraidtliii county. On th,e 34th bst- at the residence of the bride's went'. by; the Rev. W. R. If. Deatrich, I. N. S:tzvatr, M D. of Chamberiburg. C, ?dm Auer. 8., eldest dough. terbf A. Barr, Esq., of the vicinitY of Waynesboro, this ettuntyi Ote the same day, in -Chambeisburg. at the "Indian Qtteen Hotel." by the same, Mr:O4I4IUL HOLSINGER, to Mies Ass SWEDE% both of Guilford township. this Co, Ott the 10th inst., by the Bev 8. Young. Mr. JOHN G. Coast. to Ulm ELIZABErIi 51E61:IMO:VD, both iirFannett township, this ceutity. On the 22d inst., by the Rev. S. Toting. 3k. Attn.( 111011.1, to Miss Suss ItOLLEBAUG-11. both of El anklir, co. On the' 4th in et., by the Rev. Wni. McElroy, Mr. Jons Mostoowsay, to like ELIZABETH SHEO,PEE, all of the nelighborhaoo of Fayetteville. Op thu li th lust., by the Rev. J. F. Campbell, at the tWeldencli Sr the bride's father, near Wily ['exhort'', Sir. Geo. W. COULE. toy let REMIT/ S. CLUGSION, all of this On the 21st Inst., by the mine. -- tit the residence of .t,cub C. Seoriet, Esq.. Mr. Elision Eaavpeie, to Sties Mcve S. NtcoDEmos, aI or Qui Bey *ftrictlbin. At the residence f the -bride's titbit'. in Washington County, Mil- on the 10th inSt.. by the Lev. J. F. - Rohrer, Mr. DANIti. GA'avxr., to Slier 111ABIA STBEPPIT., daughter of 4r. Alpha. Stouffer. On the Inth inst.. nt the residence of the bride's Path. the,Rev. Samuel J. !sterol's. WILLIAa 5. 2,TENGEE, Seq.. to 3lissllti.r.N 51. ItEtti all of Chnnibershurg. - On the 24th Iraq-by the Rev. S.ll - Henry, Sir D' -" lets Litteti7. of J.lckson Hall. to Miss SABAH C. Broirra, Camliter4). Adams county. On the 24th inst. by the Rev, J. Diekßorr:' Mr. Ilexat 01-livo...istr, of Adams county, to M ins SARAH J. J. 116 tots of New Ekanklin. Etanklin county, DIED„ Near Ittyneshoro'. an tho 13th of December. 'of-Dip theria, MAUVE, daughter cf olonion and' Mary 11/1:1 Shzaballa Ilarkiugh, ;ed 3 years, 10 months and zt days. :fear Whrocsbard, on tho oth Inst., F.LTICA LAVTNA, daughter of Samuel ; aril Sarah Gondar, ago( 8 years; 5 •monthor and days. Nair Waynesboro'. on -the 13th nit., MART FJIMA I 41313,1ht0r 'of .lacab and Prn lance Price, aged 6 ye.irs, 11 Month and' :15 d we. Off tka2lKt LVDTA, wife, of Solomon. Shaun.. Much, aged 57 pearls, 3 Inonthis and ti days. , 04LV TRITE PVItGATIVES The Only Abe Puf...ativesi The - Only Trnn Puigetives t DIL BADWO'S REGULATINti PILLS. would rather have 0120 box or-Dr. Midway's Pills, UAlLalintlicr pills in the I% orld. ' They :arepills that cure. *hen yon tdlic . :adose ot these pats, you can di ;Vend upau the expulsion of the dill - Peril hutnors from Ctienystpu : the Liver,Boaoh,Stomach, Kidneys, Syr. tore. Skin and Moud nre acted upon, and the bowels, alter an l operation induced by Dadway's Pills, are'lett as clean arid htmithy ns the stomach would be alter a dose of Whale. No straining, wmikness, or wrenchin; pains pliec'er Jet:tenants, but a thermigh and natural evacu' ation le the result:" This its the testimony of one of the dist itigufshed phy sicians in the world. Never were truer words tittered.— "Itadway's Pills are pills that cure " The sufferer of Liver' aomplalut, ny-pepsia, Coastiotion, Dilieu.saeosi t3te ti&efteat..tatnlice, Dropsy, &c., may rely upon en absolute cure. ty the use - of one to six tioxei. It is not nectiriatry to take these pine fer months or .years to tte 'contilish a cure. They should b Ivied Inall CAHC.4 where enthtitic is requirtol. 2, . Pultnonary ants ampti - On a Curable Disease. Cattn.-1 1 ) CONSlSurnyti.—The anderslined baying been restored to health in^ rew weeks. t y a very trirapier.ritody. after haring suffered several years n its • IreVeili Wag affection., and that, dread dieeaee, Corp anmptlOn,is anxious to tnaae knottru to his fellow•suf ferere ihanteans of cure. Toed! who desire it, he wilLsend a copy of the pres• *Option need (free of charge), with the directions for *sparing and using the same, which they will And a a►ee cure for Consumption; Asthma, Bronchitis,Conghs &c, The only object of the advertiser in sledding the Preiscription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread in t.mmatlonWhich he conceives to be invaltuthrs; And be Dopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as. It will cost ,them 4othing,and may prove a blessing. Dartfes wishing the preecriptton will please address Rev. EDWIt An A. WILSON, lagrf,394m Williamsburg, liings`Co., Nosy York Mizdarite Porter's awaitre Bats= has tong fasted the truth that there are drat principles in Medi' glue aY there le in Science, and this Medicine is com p o u n ded on principles suited to the manifold nature TbeenrO of Colds is In keeping open the pontiff and creating a gentle internal warmth, and this Is cans, *4 by the toe of Ole Medicine. Its remedial ill:Arnie lire bilged on its Power to assist the healthy and vigor' eua cliunlatiewof blood through the lungs, it enliven; the mit/icier end assists the skin to perform its 'duties o moiling the heat of the system, and in gently throve 'Mg off the waste substance from the surface of the boil y It is not a violent remedy, but emollient. warming earelilng and effective. Bold by all druggist at 13 sulli Ilb eenteper kettle. • - UnlY 22. MI MYS! The Confessions and Experience of an In- valid.—Published for The benefit, and as . a warning and - • A CAUTION TO YOUNG URN • 'Who guifer from Xervone Debility, Pri3mature Decay oz Manhood, etc.. 891 , 0i/rig et the same time • . THE MEANS OF SELF CURE, - fly one who has cured himself after being put tna great expense and injury through medical humbug and quackery, . 73y enclosing a post-RAM addressed, envelope, singli copies may Le had of the author. NATILANIVIL IA F ' May20,6:1 13 Bedt'sd, Kings eau N. T. SAPONIFER, OR CONCENTRATED LYK Fami ly Iknap Maker. • WAR. nvtkes bleb prices; Saponifier 'helps ti, rednoe them. It niak•s Soap for Four cents a pound 1,3- using your kitchen grease. CAUTION' As spurious Lyes are offered bel4n re 1 4, 1 fill and only buy the Patented article put up in Inon cans, all others being Counterfeits. PENNSYLV A NTA SALT lIANITFACTIittING CO., Philadelphia—No.l2.7 'Walnut Street. nov2s 3m] Pittsburg—Pitt Street nrubDuquesne Way HXLMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCRII. —The great Diuretic. • • Ileintbolfre Extract Barba. The great Diuretic. Ilelnibokra Extract Barba.' The great Diuretic. II elmlaihEe Extract Enchu, The mat Ditire tic An, p n ,oti ve f i n d Specific Remedy for DisNiset. of the Binder. Kid nevi. 0 ravel, Organic Weaknesa. Dropsy. and all diseases of the Urinary Organs. Seo A drertieentent ,n another Column. Cut It .out, and "end fir the ?if edi eine at once. Beware of Counterfeits. biecl.6-Iml $25.. $75.. Employment.'—Agents Wanted!—We will Niy t ram $25 tos7s per month.and ell expellees. to act le, Agente.or give a commiselon. Pertieritare molt frev.—:" !Wares!! ERIE StaTNG NIACIIIIVE COMPARE. It kNI R‘z General Agent, Milno,Ohio, apr1129,63-ly LADIIN' AND GENTLEMEN'S -TIM LARGEST AND BEITST , ICIi 15 TIM CITY, AT CHARLES &Mini) & CONTINENTAL 110 TEL, - nor.44rn PrtITADELPIIIA. REPORT OF THE MARKETS Flour is held firm, but not much demand. Salk of MOO bbls extra family at $7 2561.: 7 50. Rye Floufscarse and worth $6 . 60. Corn Mearheld - at $6 50. Wheat dull : . sales 30.000 bush. at $1 62@.1 64 for red, Si 75(i; 1 95 for White. =Rye scarce-and commands $1 40. Cbrn comes forward slowly; sales 3.000 bush. at $1 13 for new and $1 25 for ola. Oats dull at 86 cts. • EQOB t.kRI) T U.LOW SOAP Bkcox llor4 134c0N Sams, SOUP BECYS,.. OTIAMBERSBURG FLOUR A ND GRA lA' 'Mont —Vo^ite flour—Red Wheat—Whito Wheat—Red horn Cate POTATO M4RKET.. )fpicer. NeW 10100C_K_ET BOOK ForNiY.—c7m. taing a email onm of mr,ney. which the owty'r elm hart by applying toJohn Mull. At the 'flank. Nee ?Alt. WLECTI?ICITY.—Send and izet _kJ Pamnhlet. gratis. cnntaining cnres rented at the Klertrical Office. Chantheroirg. Pa Aqre‘s 'W. B. !mows. Elect, toll Physician, Chautheisburg, Pa. dec3o It* QTRAY OR STOLEN HcIRSI,.--- t, - -yva, left at the Franklin Tfotel. in el mann-4mm on rrid-,y, evening. December 25th. 154 ' 1.. a GRAY BOR' , E. Saddle and Bridle. The owner isirequented to came forward .prove - prove charge% tn 4 take him away, - - (dee 3n It).PANTEL !TRO 4 -TT.D. - VOLUNTEERS WANTRD.-7-The Bor.ngutni enarnhembnrg will PAY A TIOUNTY o rtzon. in a ddition to the royale Gqvetmtnent bounties to persons de•iring to volunteer under tho rpresent cell. An appeal iv mode to patriotic citizens , (white or black) In accent thin liberal carer. and thn, to flit nn the Armies of the Union. and at the Came time avoid the coming draft: • By order of the Town ronneil. deo 304 t (10. SULU AIVEIt. Secretory. . MONEY WANTED .—The Bor . ouch of Chnmhersbnre desires P. loan of V; non immediately. in sums to omit lenders. for tho purpose of poyine' a BOUNTY Tr) VOLUNTEERS 'to - ICM the coot" =of the itoroneh nadet: the last call. It is - hoped patriotic citizens win come for nt once and tdite the gm, intim ForThrther information tall upon' the Beirongh Secretory. fly order of the Town Connrii. dee SG-lt (1.0. SEILIIAIif ER. Ser'y. NOTICE.—The followino- named persons h i ve flied petitions for ' Licence. in the Clerk's Office, to he prAsented to the Conrtat the next term. commencing on Monday, the 26th of October, 1663, to wit:— . John 'Miller Motel. Chamh - ersbnrg,'North Ward. John W. Taylor Hotel " South 'Ward. Alexander Martin " St. Thomas, ' . S. S. Mays, " Shimpatorrn, John Ns - um - ran svliolesale Liquor St. - me, Greencastle, John W. Castle - at 4 4 . A. B. Soihert Motel, " flimeord, - Sam! Fisher, Hotel, Shade G rove. der no W. G. MITOFIELL. Clerk. QHEBIFF'S SALES.—By virtue ► - 7 of .undry writ. of renditioni expentir, boned out of the Court of common Please of Franklin county. Pfl.. and to me directed there 'will be expoited to public Safe, at the Court Home In the Borough of Chembersbure. nn Priddy the 1.501 day of January. 166.1, at 1 o'clock, P. M.. the folimvlngdeseribed Real Estate rie All that - PSACF OF LAND . situate in Guilford two.. adjoining lands of Jere. Ilarroon on the South. lienry - Small on the East. Jere. M. George on. the North, John Tooke.. on the Wert. containing 00 ACRES. more or less. with Log Iloule, Log Barn and. other improvements thereon erected Seized and taken in execution . 411 the property of W. A. Crenger and Jet. C. George. and a Ili be gold by me. (dec 30) SABI' h. BRANDT, Sheriff. READY- ON FRIDAY. ° IIST OF • the Post OM sander Men Brent Josiah - ,Bendet Geo. A. S. Bray Rafe . Mns. Meth Batdney 1141$8 M. tsniard John Bryn° . Richard enoper Philip ClartCharles Davis Marry 11 Dornherger Leon Fleming Mrs. 8. Forst George Goelierd Susan Grove Mrs. Marg Person; cilling A thatithey bare bee PI7II,4IDELPITIA 3f AR K O•7'S PIIILADELPATA Dec:,.29, 18W PRODUCE MARKET. COBWECTED WE.ERLT CHAMBERNBURG. • 2;0 WARD ED W.OL.-. , INWASEfED. WOOL. r!LOVER. TIMOTTIT SEED..... ...4toP. PLAS SEED _ 12 NE ED PEACITES....?4 , 8 00 ... S 11NPARED PFACILEB...:- 1 50 1 50.DmEn APPLES 1 00 MARKET. OURIVECTE,D AT CIIAMBERSBURG MILLS 110x1 alitertisentenlts. January 1, 1881. THE THANKSGIVING SERMON Rev. B.SMUEL,L NICCOLLS, - Preached in The Presbyterian Church IN CNA liIiERSBURG, DEMO= 26,1883. Single Copies.... Right Conies Twenty Copies.. dec 30-It' LETTERS e at Charnberebur, attz Elijah Henninger Frank lievilly Anna M C Hunter Mary Honddeshell Geo. Kelley John Kimball John Krider J of Henry Kuntz Rebecca Kline Joseph Lidig Mary C. " Laidig Sarah Lathe John Martin David Newnan J. L. B. Nettman John W for the above Letttb al advertised. I, iti)e ,franktitt ttepositont,i Weetinbet 30, 1863. ELECTRICITY—Send and get a PomoMet. gratii, contniffing . cures pet r Tinpd at the electrical office, Cif ornben,burK P.'. Address, W. XI. unowN. Electrical Illysiciati. Cliamberebutg, Pa.- - clec ..tOlt* ; - • WAL NUT • 1A)G8 ! FARM_ MRS TAKm NO CIO:II—We will give 12 chi p , r solid or cubic foot for LARLIR WAL,NI.3 r Wittier gbod tY,:.dellvered at our.51:11I. The I°g must ntraiuie 20 inches or More in ttifillieleV, ftturteen Pet from the stump in which Case we will Make the whole tree up to 19 inehee dimueter. We will filln undie CONTRACTS rirextrit goal ?teen. ;These terms are offered until the tit of April vest. des 30.3 in . SIIEPLEIL. CLARK k CO. . _ pROTHON)TARY'S NOTICE.- A II penomP int ere.ted will tuke notice that the 1' az cowing account. haveibeen tiled - and wdl - be presented to the Cou rt of Oleos on .traualoy, the ISth of/un wary for co:dirt:tat icni: The account of Felqinand MeEllottly.lCotintit tee of Mrs Ellen De Arnitte a Lunatic, residing in Fannett too todatp. The noel 'account id' George, A. Cook, Committee of Mary June Walker, or se. Thomas township. dee 3() tc !K. S. TA Y 1,0 It, Pratte.Y. . 1 ECIMICLIT---Send 'and get a u Pamphlet. gratis. containing cues terfortned at the I lectrie4l OfticeClinmherobnrg. Pe. Adarefot„ W. B. BROWN, Ekrztricil Chankberbou rg . , Pa: de , 30 11*; - ADMINIStiI.A. TOR'S .N C B.— lioCce la iterci/y given that „Letters of Modals. trot, , n to itie Es'ateioftiichnlas Flevk. la e Cluilfora tutruship, litkid, have been grunted to the understmasi, rositlibg 111 fhid tmem,hlp. All persons knowitlg, themselves indebted to said Es. tate will Weise Matte immediate payment; au& those hari n g clamp; will piesent them properly authenticate(' fur sevloment, to ; SA 113.1i1, FLECK, dee FA RAI F 0,1?, SA L E.—The Sub For:list. offers nt ',dente Stle hi+ Fatlli, Sitthljg, In cud Tom *tip. Can't. miles east qf Fitnnettsburg. ad. juiping lands,ut John; Keato, James Kiihirttriek. 3antes Berk and the Nlouttiton, omitting It '-ACitlitt of tilste and Free-lone Latisl.J about 90 of which 1,, den - Fell. the , bale nee well yet .it h Timber. There is Mt the Farm ti ;mud LOO I)SX.F.f.LINtIIIOI.'SF,. Log tarn Stone Apr ng Mese and 4ther our, buikings, nu excellent newr fail ing Spring wutan near _the home. A good Apple Orchard anti a variety of other foiiti" resales. PI nts kc. The Flrm 10 ruder n goid fence owl running ~,,te r in t.atrly all the Beloe. Airy person *tilting to purchase will pieut-ie callAlltt kielv the prenti , eF. ;ellen the reruns will hemulekuuttn by the sub:writer. living on the Premises. (den - 30 tf) IV it A. MACKEY. ITALLUAtLE 'FARA IN Fiji.- , ToN'COUNTT Falit SALE.—TIie Sulowt GAT offer. at Private Stale. a t'aluable TatACIT IF LAND, situated one-font th '!af a mile eof of Sl'emalle ilattag. on the r, ad louling !rota Clanml i seralwarg to More( raloarg. containing about 1. 0 ;ACRES:-1 oof whirl/ IN !cleared awl ha a high state 4 f cultir M I tri anal the in note ii well Tim bered. The improvement• are R taii monied 1.,0G and W EATII Kltlla 1A lt .10) . 13 %YELLIN a'i , 11015 iH. Tc rant !louse, Blacksmith.' Shop, Thank wa/RN. Wileo7l She". Corn Crib aind all necve-ary out-buildings. There ore two SPRINISS of excellant 'voter, never known t,. fall. running through the land. Thorn is oleo on the premises a YOUNG 011CILARD of choke fruit: The property is derirably located and well adapted tazi 'grazing or het /ling Cattle.. I: ' Tcrwa made reasConable. and poeselseion given at any time. l'e:eons 'Melting to view that preanieee ran do .ha by calling oat the Rabscriber, retillink on the Farm.— For further pat tient:us whim:re ;,- - dee 30 3t*O4DDE FIXSI. N. 60 43 7 09 GENERAT, ORDERS, NO. 26.- RTZTO. DEPAUTISE!..iT Or VIZ SOSQUERANNA. ChaTilberOtirg. Doi-ember 1:363.-41ii accordance with instrnctions received from the War Department,the only bounty to be paid fir enlisting; in the United Statex vice for Three yenti, is thatfanthorined by law. which is fine Hun Weil Dollars, to ba paid at the expiration of Two Years' Service.' Until:January 1354. the bounties offered by the United States Government. ninountingto Four Hundred and Two On) hollers, will Is• paid for the rr-onlistment of Veterans, viz: those who are nOir. or have been in the military service of their countr,t; nine months and upwards. All per Sons desiring to re-enter 11)0 service will apply to the 'Provost Marshal of the Dtstri-t in which they re 'side, or their Recrhiting Agents. who are nuthdrized to enlist, and will gibe all Information!in relatibn to the payment of bounties, kc. t 'The Commsntling General. therefore, calls upon nil Veterans in the Department. who have so nobly sustained the reputation of their State, on hard fong - t battle fields, to enroll themselves at once in the 1401cier, that rebellion nnl civil:war may reccive ite death blow. Ity commend of .Major General Pobert. ticIIULTZF.. : 1 / 2 0-1 Assistant X.ljntnnt Genera'. 2.0 2 P $7 00 160 ..... .. 1 50 .... 1 00 U OTICIT,":.--ESTATE HNRIt r,, FUNK.—Th4lett - editors of G.Funk. of Waltington . township, ,Franklin county. ri kensylvania. mails-ea Debtor.; are herd') notified that the Acrottn's,of John Punk (of di.) and Dr. Thomas ltalher, the Afisiluee..‘ of said Henry (1. Funk. untlet, Deed of Volution , 'assignment. for' the bettat of file creditors: have been FIN'ALLY adjusted and ecintirrned— that this is tne LAST account the i•ahl A•rigiteel wilt Rat tle. and that there is a balance in the hands of said ac countants for distribution amo,.gol, said creditors, a n d the Court of Conthion Pleas of the c;,lituty afiresind hare appointed the undersigned an Auditor to imushal and apportion the Ini.l moiets amongst; sail oraditors, and nplie report to the n.xt Court. Haiwill therefore meet the creditors of Said Henry G. Ftiiik at his Office. in Chambersburg, on Saturd.ty, the Idth of January, 18'14, at 9 o'clock, A. 31..it0 beer and teljostltheir several claims. The said creiliture are hereby ilikrtieultirly urged to bring or atm{ me', their claims. duly ituthent tested, in advance itf the day of the audit. atid Orate who du not present their claims on or before ho said 16th ,I,y of January, 18“, will be forever det,Wrreil from claiming or reeeiving any port of tlue'tnnd for distribution, under the Arts of A*ensbly of this nate; dor3O. I. H. Mck7AI7I,EY, Auditor. ;• GEt).E DMERI.T &;CO.. - 3: JEWELERS, 303.Braadte tit ..Vme York. i Cbriter Duane .Street.) 1C0:000 W A TellES, CHAINS.. 1 - 40! . .D PENS AND PEN. OILS, AIL. Ac , N orth $500,0t 4 '. to 'be :sold at One Dollar each. without reg Arc. "to yaine, and nnt to be paid Until you know whet ;von will receive. 1, SPLENDID LIST OF AILT.CLESLALL 'lO BE SOLD • 1 Fap. ONE DOLLARIEACII: 100 Dal Iruntinyrrage Watrliesi.. ..... ....suo 00 ea , h. ' 100 (bid Wattlte. i. 1.. ....... .. 00 00 each. 200 Liirliee'lVAtches 115 00 each. 500 Silver Watches cti to 25 00 each Bno On Neck and Teat Chainoi 12 00 to 15 Otf each 1.009 Chantelaine Guard Chianti 500 to 15 10 each 3.000 Vest and Neck Chains .......4i 4 00 to 12 On each &MO FolitaireJPl& Gold llroßcheF 4 00 to 8 00 each 4,000 Coral, Istsa. Garnet. hr. 8 00 to 8 00 oach .ficto anift, Opal', he., Ear Drees— 100 to 8 00 each 5 000 dents' Breast and Seart PinA :t 00 to 8 00 each 4000 Oval Bain! Bracelets 1 00 to 8 00 each 2.000 Owed Pronely& - 1 5 00 to 10 00 each 8400 iforn itS Diamond Pine anti ' 9tinks.-.1 ,i; 2 50 to 6.00 each. 2.000 OM il'attil Keye .!. 250 to 6 00!ench 5.000 Solitaire Sleeve Buttons and Stride ' ! 200 to $OO each. 2.009 001 d Thimble. ! 400 to 000 each 5.900 htininture Lockets ' 200 to 600 *no, 2400 Siinistnre Lockets. Sissie..l; 400 to 9 00 each 2.500 CloldTootht•ici.s.erosses, Sc. 2 00 to 600 each :woo Fob and gibbon Slides i. 200 to 500 each 9,090 Chased Gold Chains. .' ' 2 00 to 5 00 each 4 4.000 Stone Ser Rings .. 200 to 6 00 each 6,500 nets Ladies' Jewelry—Jet ' and Gold'.,' 500 to 15 00 each 5,000 Sets Ludies'arrireiry, varir'd • styles' ! 00 to 15 00 each. 8,000 Gold Pens, Silver Cast and Pencil! ' 400 to 800 each. 4,000 Gold Pett s, Gold Coo add Pencil. ;••• 500 to 10 00 each. 6,000 Gold PSp s, Gold mounted Holder ' 200 to 000 each. All the goods In the above that will be sold without reservation, for ONE DOLLAR; E 'CH. Certificates or all the various articles are placed In similar envelopes sealed and ',Pied. 'These envelopes will be sentby man or delivered at our office, withopt regard to choice. On receliing a certificate, pop will! see what article it rep-' resents.and it is optional with !you to send one dollar end receive the article named, or any other in the Hit of same value. By this mode we give selections from a varied stock af flne goods, of the best make and. latest s t y l e d, and of ! intrinsic worth, at a nominal price, while all a chance of securing articierof the very highest Takla. • In all transactions by 'Mail we charge for forwarding the Certiflcatti, paying postegejand doing the bust nees. 25 cents each Rue certificatei will be staffer $1: Ele ven for 0; rhiriSt for $ 5 : Sixty-five for $10; said One Hundred for $l5. REAEONS !WRY. ..... 15 cis $1 00 .2 00 ta. 8. 811RYOCK emaining in . Dec. 29,1883: IPane Jimmy Robinson John A.. Scheilley Geo. Shutter. Rlizaheth ••xtonfret Daniel_ Smith Lydia A. 8. Spoonbour Stunl T rinlienberger H. Snow Maly C. Turner George Walkor Dennis F. IWilard Mrs Ann S ! Watson Richard g Walter Henry IWordny Wm. Wenger H.ll • Zimmerman J L • will pleats say `W. DEAL, P. 11. We should supply your wants ; Our facilitiet are unsur passed ; our work of unrivalled excellence; our oromi• :sea punctually observed. Our central location brings us near the most remote points. Our goods are new from the manufacturers, and of the latest and most desirable styles. The goods must be eold, and the termsunequal led. All articles ordered are forwarded by return mall. We guarantee entire satisfaction in every instance, a n d 1f theresheuld be any person dissatisged with any article they may receive, they' will immediately return it, and the price will be refunded. AO.ENTS.."-We allow those acting - as Agents Ten Cents on each Certificate ordered, provided their remittanees amount to One Dollar. They will collect 25 cents for every Certificate : and, retaining Z 8 cent., remit to nilfickata for each. Addr ~. GEO. , DEMERIT & dec3O4t 808 Broadway, Now York. ameba abbertioemeitts. , gon.abbrttioeptents. TISTRAY.—Come to the resident. of the subscriber, in (Wilford township, cne Lost of Clianitierslinrg, a small WHITE and Re • SPU TED cIOW, about theist of November last The own .• is hereby notilVvl to come and prove nmpertY. and p. t charges, or she will he disposed of according to law . JOHN R. MISERLY. E.c. BOYD, Register and Recot• • der of Franklin Comity, in account with tl r eolutnonwetilth of Papua),lnsolo: 18w. U 8 : Dee: 10. geed, of Estate of Christian * Sbupp - -... $l9 6. 16. " " Joe epti Kriner....—. 43 Bt, 20. " Dongal 113 65 14 27. 4. u nolet 11. Andcrouti S 6 41 1863. , Jan. 13. " ti Wm. D. Pat t neon " 13. " " Henry Sites asfi bU " " Jt.his Bowen 44 % •" 3t. " " Dsvid Royer 100 t*, Yeti. 5. " = Semuel itatuebaugh 14u , t Ou .•ti. "- " 3400 Scott.— ...... 1 May 3 . " " 'Lluatuss 147 25 " 16. " &name' Itadebangh 307 70 •. Edward F. Sacrist.. 42 60. 2 5 5 " 30. " " nab -Mute 21 72 Jrinn 4. " " = Mary Jack. July 21. " " Juba 18. Isabella Maraud— SO 0,1 Aug. 22. " lAprity Myers .10 80 Oct. '4. " Slums Vi Rapley.. fy:2 11 Catharin ISe.itty... 4,860 76 MER Janes 'Beatty 3,478 84 June Burns. lod Isabella Thurapem 62 60 Samuel Gilmore.... 292 86 Susan Kline u 9 66 Elizabeth Boal 233 90 • G eo. Lebruastei 774 73 George and Clara Wallace r. . 10 . -- 20 .. N..y. IS. " .. 2 7. kV 1862. • - CR. Dec. 3. Paid Wm. U.. ACDowell, appraising 11,tate of Christian khupp $1 7i .... 1s , P *ld P. }l - Garrey, appraising Estate 1863.1 Joseph K.clner 3 3 , Jau. 15. Paid John 'aim]. appraising Estate ul Coerce and Clara Wallace 3 41 Pah. 5. Paid A. N. Rankin; appraising-Estate - of Jane ScOtt 1 7 War 10. Paid ;hate '4lre:saucer 2,135 1. Aprills. Paid Atchison- Ritchey, appraising . . Nstste of Thoinfts L. Mar._ 9. P. 11,1 Orar n ti. DaTtrisk,n, appraising klmuitin [lowa May JP. Paid bain , a Id. Armstrong surveying sad aisiug Eidatour nTy Jack '• 13. Paid 11 ilium 11 , .11rittun. appraising it:State ot latLullv Marshal__ June i.Paidtt , teTret s uror AVg. l'l.. Juba V.lfll.:ltu, tsi)pro.i.sing Er, . tate ...f situou W. Rupley Ang.lo. Vaitl Hun. Jus. L. Muck,apprnining - kortitte ot Nancy( rawford =IDZII=2II tate of Sapuel lilimw e " Patd bt.tte fit e titer 4 Oct. 3 knid ;Inca) I;art•cr. appraising Illstate of Isabella Thompson 3. Paid Ala A. 113 Along, appraising Es• tate ol thrall Robs '• 12. Paid David Piper, appraisiug estate 44 ()serge Lebmalter " IL Paid H. H. Davisen, appraising Itie tate of Catharine Beatty . . " 17. Paid H. B. Davison, applaising, Es tate of 3ainei Beatty " 26. Paid Wm. Auld appraising Estate of Susan Kline • 28. Paid David Piper, appraising Estate of Jane Burns " 28. Paid Joepli Win..,,7er, appraising ks tatg of Henry Myers , Nov. 4. Paid A. L. Coyle, appraimag Eatate of John Derrance. " 7. Paid Inwid W tmtz, Jr., appraising Ea- tats of klizthath Dual ", Pahl A. 8. IR:allot', appraising Es tate of Elizabetb Study " la. Paid Col• James O. Elder, appraistng testate of Mary Jane Walker " 30. Paid John Rime, Esq.,Uppraisiug Ea tate of troy Enker D.,. S. Paid State Tren•urei Commission on C 2,853 12 at S per et. The undersigned, Auditor apppolnted by the Court of Common Pleas of Franklin county, h tving examined the accounts of Edward C. Boyd. Register and Recorder of Gam county. In relation to the matter of Collateral In heritance Tax. hereby certifies that the foregoing it a correct idol lit thereof for the fiscal year coding the 110th 4,1 7- 3 ( 'her, A. 1).,1e3.3. and that there ia slow Jue Edward C.'ftoyd, from the Commonwealth. I heabove deo.o) . (1. 0. SEILITANIER. Auditor. THE FRANKLIN REPOSITORY FOR 1964.-SE VENTY-FIRST VOLUME. THE FRANKLIN. REPOSITORY will corn.- - mence its ireventp-firet egiunie with the new year, more widely read and more liberally supported, thau any other journal in the State out of the leading cities. - It is the largest Union newspaper in Penn sylvania, and is unrivalled by any other rural jour7 nal in its lavish expenditures for reliable Corres pondence, Editorial 'and other Contributions. Tele graphing, and everything Accessary to make a eons ple General and:Local 7'.ews.tpaper. Toe Rxrost TOR . egives. a cordial and earnest sup port to the Administrations of President IdaeoLN and Governor emir's; to the policy of a vigorous PrJeccutiou of the War ; to the, Unconditional Re union of the United States without compromise tvi..htnurderous Traitors; to the policy that exhausts every means within the power of the Government - ITUMBAUGH to suppress the Rebellion of. Treason and Sim ery ; , FINAL NOTICE. to the cause of our brave Soldiers in the field; to persona indebted to the Arm of Stumbiughl Car: the preservation in unclouded honor, of the su- dale, either on Book Account or Note, are hereby nett °red mentors of our heroic. martyred dead. had that unless settlement be made on or before the 11th ray of January, 1864, suit will then be brought on each THE V.V.POSITORY 13U4itillt5 to Antnittisttation and : e n d every Account or note unpaid. Mr. Carlisle has the War became it has abiding faith in the imoeess. been dead for more than two years, and in order that the ful issue of this great struggle, by which mad am- n nuts ßl nettled o r the 'tm, m andChe"tatati:Plldeeedentl u I ant compelled to opt t course. bitinu and unholy thirst for power have made a Na- - cz.541.1 ' E. S. STU3fBA,I7OII. tion mourn. It advocates war as the . surest. the s Survivink partner of Stumbling' & apeediest,—indeed the only road to lasting and ho- • notable Peace; the only hops of a preserved Na- VOTICE.—rAII persons knoxving tionality; and it will appeal steadilyto the pe Tie Ll thqueelrea Inneht‘d ItOrt WEBB Iri"the BdtodA to sustain the constituted tiuthOritics hi every luta- illplease goef settle AND ' D ‘ .. a r i r rot?t il f p ur E tte S r ToTiCe ilE a'a my sure designed tk. give success to our arms and vie- I: expired. My books will _be at the Register's Ottice tory to the cans% of the Union. .r the present. tdoclo p B. C. BOYD. THE Rtrostroitv seeks no patronage as a mitter •f favor. It aims to render the fullest possible re- ; turn to its patrons. and it amply remunerates them . for the outlay of its subscription price. To the citi- _ eons of Franklin and adjoining counties it is esPe- T) R. JOHN MONTG-OMERY will *tally valuable for its complete Local Reports, Cot - attend promptly to all calls in Lis line. Office up respondence, Markets, Av., and we feel well A...lend; Rain street, next &air to the Eagle Rotel. and near/3 . taint the increase of its circulation will be no less Ipposite Lite residence of the ilon.George Chambers. advantageous to the Union Cause, and to the pro- Chambereburg, Juno 17,1863. tuotionof a healthy loyal sentiment in this trying W B. BROWN, - .E'lectricia Pltysi , hour of oureountry, than to its publishers ; To such• felon. Office ln Franklin Wm. as believe the Rgamstroav right in a Faithful but' %room Stnerr;Cliambershurg, Pa. ever Independent support of the Government, lei The above treats all Chronic Diseases by Paeans o. can with confidence appeal for sympathy add post- tAINAWItiM and the different modifications of ELEC. C 114 7; I Y,as t ll e coveied and taught by Prof..Bolitts. tive aid in extending our already immense 44 - There are e.ry Are - subseribere to the REPOHI- 1 - 1 -R. S. C. RICHARDS will attend Tully ?oho not add use NEW. Tettpoit , ibb! Wont • If promptly to all calls in his line. Office OR. Main ae,l4sij jnovuu . v. 1864. theitiend? street, next door to Spangler's Drug Store. to its liar Lp Orrica idonas—From 7 to 8, A.M.; 12 to 2 and 6 of Union and Freedoui make the effort 1 • P.M. June 17,1863. THE Rgrustroav for 1861 will be especially %min- • • able to FARMERS. An AgricultundDeparttnent will be regularly sustained, under the immediate con trol of the Senior Editor, who devotes much of hi • . time to Practical Agriculture; to the trial of Agn cultural Implements- and Machinery; to the stn W The Wagonmaker shop and Dwelling• owned provement of Stock, and t o ever y me th o d proposing . by the subscriber , havingbeeo e vacant by the decease economical progress in the great Industrial Pursuit of the late occupant, it Is now offered for rout, affording of Southern Pennsylvania. r a valuable location for a good mechanic - . ' BUSINESS MEN of all classes , find thelteros-- Anton ' decl6-3t* ' - norm the beat Advertising medium in the State out of the cities. We belieVe that no country jour-1 nal reaches so large a than of intelligent, Progres sive, thrifty men as does the REPOSITOET, rind it is Invaluable to Advertisers. THE REPOSITORY is furnished to subscribers at $2 per annum in advance ;.or $2.60 if not paid within I the year. AU subscription account/ must be settled annually. No paper sent out of the State unless paid for in advance. THE REPOSITORY is furnished to Soldiers in actual service at 25 cents for three months ; 50 cents for six montful, or $/.90 for one year. This is less than the• cost of the white paper. 41histera of Franklin county, in charge of congregations, are furnished the Wilier at $1.25 per annum. - 13nb9ctiptioneand Advertisetoentstnay be sent di rectly to the publishers, or through any reaPaniibl City. Agener. Address • M'CLIOtH k STONF•P, Proprietor". ,1 = Ufa! estate f,ales: VALUABLE TAVERN STAND FOR BALE: , The' undersigned offer at Private B.oe, the well known Tavern, situated on the corner of Marketand" Seem:id Streets, now in the occupancy of Sheriff Brown. The Hotel is a large colunioniuus two story brick building. - Tao yard attached is admirably arranged fur travellers stepping with buggies and wAltans. Unstable is large and airy, and capable of accommodating froni 50 to 0 . 3 head of horses. Thu out. buildings such as Wash !Louie, dining, liouse,loo Rouse. .4e.„llaaked it the moat desirable Hotel iu the , Couiity. Its near location tu the Rail W Court as , Bank. audbustuessplaces,rende.s it the most pleas ut end convenient stopping place in town. Persons desiring te purchase,can see tbepremiiiesaad learn the term s tit sale by calling on the undersigned. Ell. Chamb'g, R. K. 'WORLEY. 63 74 DJOURNED SALE' OF VALT3- , - ADDS KRAL ESTATE.—The undersigned, Exec t.o,s of James J. Kennedy, late of Guilford towusuip, deed, will allot at public sale, on the premises, on Sat urday the 2d day of la nuary,lBtiel, all that VALUABLE GMT AND NLOUKLNG MILL, situate on the Conoco choague Creek, aeout half a mile Smiths:lst of Chaps hersburg. The Mill - is three-storied, part frame and part brick, has three run of Stone, and has lately been thoroughly repaired. It is well situated, and hus a large town and country custom Thero-are attached to same 11 ACREn and lu Pk:HOLIES OF LARD—part of whirli is excellent Meadow—a one-and a-half-stored, It-.ugh cast DWEbLING UOUSE and FRAME, STABLE; .. 403 Otr . 49 90 . 510 Buie to commence et 2 o'clock, P.M., On Buhl day, when terms will be made known by T.x. ERN, EDY, tiet223-t ELENNEDY t J attornego at ,ato. VENITEDY & NILL.—Law Part 131,_ nevi/tip—The undersigned have associated them ,4eires In the practice of the Law in the severalcourts of Prankifn County. °Kim on Market Street, In the room heretofore occupied by T. B. Kennedy. T. B. KENNEDY. T. J. NILL.. 135 Ot. $.2053 1: Taize . l7,'<33 ATTORNEY AT -LAW.-WIL . SON REILLY, Attorney at Law.—Otilee on Mar tet at.. formoriy occupied by Reilly Sr ib, rp„ directly TO site the Court 11 , 3 use, Cbambershurg, Pa. All le nrdness entritsted to him will receive•prompt attenti Is will practice in adjoining Counties. June lit, 'B3. F. S. STUNDA,CGII. ;TOMS STKIVAILT: ^ITUMBAUGII &, STEWART, At torneys at Lau?, Charoberebitrg, Pa.. give their mitt added attention t) the Practice of their Profession, John Stewart agent for procuring Bounty Stoner, Pensions, and arreamgee of Pay Jar Office in the Town Hall. 10 2‘ 17 941;1 0 G. M. & W. S. S,TENGER, Attor . nests at Law, Chambersbarg, Pa. Collections : .romptly, atteaded to. W. S. Stenger, District Attar . my andagent fon procuring Pension., 'Bounty Moms , end Arilmrs of Fay. Mlles is Franklin Buliding, 3d !oor from tbeceorner. June 17,133. 77 IS7 MEI . EVERETT, Attorney at Law. - - ; t Otlice tu 'Mrs Bard's dwelling,' directly op f , site the Onurt House, Chambersburg. Pa. Will prnet f n eeveral Courts of Pranblin And Fnlton -Count till legal business entrusted to his care will reeeire urontpt attention. June 17, 1863 8 20 111211 .ICDOWELL,SHARPE, Attorney ; ey at Las's. Chambersburg. Pa. °nice in Mrs. Bard's ;Waft go, directly opposite, Sti e Court House. inn e 17,1863. • MI ILI GO. SEILIIKMER, Attorney.. at . L. Cliambersburg, Pa. Office—Main Street ? libove Queen, in the room formerly occupied by S. !With er, Esq. - ..lune 17,1883. [EI IMI 1 70 LIEOEGE EYSTER & E. J. BONE SLUICE, Atarneys at Law, have removed to the roo on Miiin*treet,one door South of Eyster's Store. Jima 17,.'63. ItEB IE3 1 70 S. CLARK, Attorney at Law, hal* .0 removed Ws Office a few, doom Batt of his former ocation, on Ilarket4street, (301111141de.) June 17,'63._ 8.631 46 627 66 102.61 6 40 11551 12 $63 CALVIN M. DUNCAN, Attorney ad L a w. Office on Market Street, in Lawyeee Row, oppoette.the Court Mouse.: - June 17,'t13. TL. FLETCHER, Attorney at Law, • Chambereburg, Pe. Officion Eat Marketstreet, nearly opposite the Court House. June 17, '63. ALEX. K. M'CLURE, - Attorney at Law, Chamisuaburg, Pa. Office in .the Franklin Repository Buildings. JUtO3 T) WATSON ROWE, Attorney at Law, areincisitle,Pa. feep36, '63 MYERS &BRAND:—RnaI Notice. —All peesnis owing the firth on Book account or NOM. are urgently requested to call at the Store and pay up before the let of January, 1864,as it re impossible for me to call in person on 600 persons; many of whom would say call again. One visit from each will snsweg many of whom have had a credit from 8 months to years; have neither time nor inclination to forbear long , er with those who have abused the credit system. Those who feel it a duty to call and pay will have my thank's, and those who don't call may rest assured that suit will be bruUg4t without respect to persons. A word to tits) wise is sufficient; Come along lam waiting to 1884; - Chamb'g r dec24it SA3IIIEL AMERS. WANTED. --4 Steam Engine of about twenty tiers° power. Also a Saw Mill Carriage and gearing. Any person having any .of the above articles for sale will Sod a purchaser by addressing this °glee. '(Dpo. 2,4 t. • ANTED—An Apprentice to learn the TINNING Isnsieees. Nnquire at the ND rommay Mee. eep 9-tf WANTED.—A. Good Jourrieyman CABINET MAKER, Steady employinetit Wen Enquire at this Mite. ott2l %a-a • tRENTS of Soldiers in the Ser viCe,orin Hospitals, can tarnish them with :the ITORY three months for 2.4 cents; Or, ment,he I 50 cents, or one yner fur ELM TIPAM,FTEL,ETS printed in best style, i tg E aM e A t i ns t ea s at t4P ofh9e at the VUANAVIK June 17. '63 sinantial. iiiixisitiatts. - Manto. (3EO. COOK Vaal Ostatt *aim. dTRUSTEE's SALE OF VAL. A BLE Plttli.Eitll--The tirsieritigned, 'Ertretdes no er nn order of tar Orph.ttoe Coast tit Premkiin Clonoty, to se-11, the Estate of Samuel IV. lisintzeiroart, deed, will expose to sale, I , y• Pobtic Ont-cry .on the prep:Uses, rm Tue_day. the sth day ./ „Tonwsry, 180, the following described Rest Estate :. A TRACT OF•LAND. situate in OMltird township, Franklin County. about miles front 'Charnbershurg, on the Greencastle road. and with the Dwelling Moue not more then 15% yards f rom th e Franklin Railroad, adjoining lands of Wm. Ileyser, Peter-Drough, Michas/ Ilarkelrodia, and others. containirg 11a ACRES and a PRRCRES. About IbilAcres of tiro land are cleared, neder_good fence and the llnd is in excrlleza lillible or der. The Mdmice of the Ismd is set with good timber. Tbe land is the beet of Limestone and highly productii.; lth.ving been wellAdilied and Manured The impros,- meats are a large two storied STONE DWk.LLTht - i. ROUSE, with good Kitchen and Rack-building—in good order, part of it new, and the whole in good reps r Al s o a new MUCK DWELLING 110IISR, about DO yards from the Manion ilouso—rod size and in facet lent order. There is ti NAW STONE AND FRANI RANK BARN, with Wagen-Shed ; Corn-"rib and all nec essary out buildings The Rant is quite large, coin it•- dionsand flulshen in excellent order. The Barn is' con venient to both the Dwelling Houses. There are Imo Wells of excellent Water near the Rouses end Cistern toaath house. The Wells are never-falling even iu the dryest season. There is n small stream of Water rims through the farm couveitient Mr watering stock. There is also an ORCHARD on the fortn with Apples, Penehen and PEARS: -The land is bat roiling enough for pro -ductive farming. smi is free from rocks on the b - nt ace. Also—A TRACT OF - 8 AJIIF.B and 124 PERCHES. neat measure, saunter as het ire, and adjoining the Wm above described, and divided from it by a nubile toad. It adjoins lands of C. M. Burnett, Edward Culbeitson and others. This hind is all cleared, iu exeellent and a very high state of cultivation. Also—A Tract °ft.:LATE TIMBER LAND, containing, 25 Acres and 80 Perches, allstate in Hamilton township, lying West of the ti mocuchesgue Creek, one mile few" the before described lands ; adjoining lands of Christian Martin, John Grove and others. TERMS OF SACK—Ten percent. of the pnrtha•W money to be paid or socitred when the property tests irk en oft; one-iv:dr. inclinling the ten per cant, to be paid on the Ist of April, 13r4, when possession will be giver.: and the other halt in two equalssonnal payments with interest. - We to commence at 1 o'clock, on said day. ;' MARTIN titaNTEELSIAN. dec9-ts Trustee of S. W Ileintzelmen,dec'd. Or Lancaster .P.e.tniiner and Waynesboro Record. topy till sale end send bills to this °trice for collectio4. ACHANCE' FOR SPECULATION : —VALUABLE PROPERTY AT pIuVATI.: NALB.---The undersigned. on acoount of advancing years and consegnent !nobility tosnperintend and man age the busines, will sell at PrivateS ale her property . formerly ioniser as " ti ‘NOVER IRON WORKS" am:- now known as "ELYSIAN MILLS," situated nine miles South of McConnellslatrg, (the county, seat of Fulton county, on tho real to Hancock. Md.. ant distant twelve mites from the latterplace, on the Chesa peake mid Ohio Griot) and the Baltirmire and Ohio Rail Road.: The property contains duo Acrols, four hundred , of which is mountain Land well timboreq, affording ex cellent range and pasture tor cattle and ' , beep. Of the remaining two hundredperes, about one hun dred is cleared and under fence and in a good state of cultivation, comprising LIMESTONE, SLATE and BOT TOM LAND. -The improvements consist' of a three story Stone and Frame ELOURING. MILL, complete fa all its arrangements for either Custom or Merchants work, with four run of stones and two Water-Wheels, and an UNFAILING SUPPLY OF WATER, situated on Cove Creek in a fine grain growing region. A SAW MILL nearly new : a two story Stone -Dwelling Rouse. with all the necessary iitol convenient attachments and out-buildings, with a choice variety of fruits and shrub bery surrounding the whole, and with a never-failing Well of - water at the door and under roof. A Stone building containing n :-TORE ROOM and BUSINESS OFFICE. Two Barns. a carpenter Shop, a Black smith Shop. Two old fruit-bearing Apple Orchardsand one young orchard just beginning to beer. There in as inexhaustible MINE OF IRON ORE oil the premisio-, offering inducements to capitalists wishingto embark in ' the Iron business. To any person wishing to nozage in thiii.,flt-tillintsliits siniss this is a most inviting location - If the property is not s .I-I by the Ist of o4r,e. it will be for rent. For farther inform it ion ettll.on me on tin ornnlnen.Of Apply in person or by letter. to ~,,, burg, Fulton county, l's., Zlysitin 11111 s, nov 18 tf VALUABLE FARM F() R . 8 A I.E . —The subscriber offers at k ~.s ‘.. . . , . q. situated about% utile from Quincy, cou ‘ . .._ .. ... aa l4of which is inTISII.IP tt _and thrivio6 i 1,, , „ i n. s . , of the Farm is of the bestquatity of LI 31 hz. 1, .. i, LANiI and aim a high state of cultivntioli, . to: ,uniros, tnentsaro a largo BRICK 110US1:, u ito w o t...•.. hod porelleg r it new ARICIi BANK MALIN -.,,, 1,- .• 1 holf.", yid. Wagon Sited and Corn Crib attUelieiL 4-1 , 10 tO k rule, tkri iuge House,Brick Wat.h Rouse. Stn. at. I i..d.e,liek t. Malin, and ail necessary outbuitiling,s, hu goiJd repair 'there le a large Cistern closet° the itarn, th.,ti for Stat. k and one near the kitchen. There lea Well of excellent - water la the yard. There is also a variety of choice Fruit, such as Yeara,PlltinS, Poachl..s end Grapes in the yard. There isalao a good 0 fICLIARD ofyoungthriving Fruit on the premises. ° - Venous wishin gto view the landtun. do ad by. calling on the subscribe r ,or any information relniecting it can be obtainedby.callingun Pe*. J - . Paisley, aostaity Trews- - urer. (snit 9-if..) . -JOHN JIIIDDOW.KII. ,--. . DRIV.ATE SALE OF TANNERY NEAR FAYRTTEVILLE.—The undersigned will Stia at Private Sale, the fellowiLg described REAL 118 TATE, to wit: 30 ACRES OF LAND. d 11 under good fen ceandtiiiable. with agood Brick Dwell lag. a never riling well of good water near the door, a good Darn and Thrashing Floor, a fine Orchard bearing the beet = _ - - A, TANNERY _ _ • of= argeVars, 6 la_ rge Leaches With limes-and pools Bark Mill, Roller, Pump saw, Fulling Stocks, all in excel lent` order, the whole operating by WATER POWER. Also it good Berkalied, all unsurpassed in convenience 'and labor saving. • The above property will be shown to any person on ap plication to Jacob B. Cook of Fayetteville, or John B. Cook of Chamb ersbux g. Terms will be reasonable. Jene17,133-tf ?OPER COOK. ITALUABLE STEAM TANNERY FOR SALE.—The undersigned - will sell at Private his TANK ERY,known as the Corner Tanneryorith steam and water-power, Saw Mill, Chopping Billl,Stocke for breakinghides, &C. The Tannery has 8 leeches 82 vats, 2 limes and water-pool, and is capable of tanning 800 heavy hides a year. There are tco Log Dwelling Rouses, Barn. S t abl e and other necessary out buildings connected with the Tannery. and about 60 Acrescleaaed, with good fruit. 116 will sell any quantity of land with the Tannery, from 100 to 700 Ac res. Os er 600 Acres are _ Timber,and an ample supply of Chesnut Oak Dark tc" tun the Tannery fur fifty years. It is situated about 7.miles South-west of, Mercersburg, on Licking Creek, Terms made easy. Possession will h e given this fall, necessary. For further particulars address the undee signed, at 3fercersbnrg. Franklin county, Pa. ' an g 12, 63. ti C. METCAL2, PUBLIC SALE.—The subscriber, intending to relznanish business, will offer at Pub icale, on Priday- theist of Jeauctry,lB64,at I - o'clock P. 61 , the IN DIAN QUEEN HOTEL, situate on South Main Street, Chambersburg. The House Is a large Brick Building, with a Barber Shop, a large Cellar and a good Cave wahle of hold'ng 10 barrels - of Ale. -There is a large MUCK STABLE, Sbede,a Aood Iron Beam PLAT FORM SCALES. Spring. Wash and &Ake Rouse= the the premises. The yard la well paved, with a well - .of good Water near the back door. The Lot has a front of 6-I,feet and roue back 266 feet. This prOperty has bees kept as a Public House for 60 years, and has always had %fair share of business. and has a good run of custom at this time. [decl6l . JOHN W. TAILOR. *MALL FARM FOR SALE.-The aubsexiber will sell "at Private — Sale the NULL F BM on which he now resides, situate in Antrim town ship;Franklin eonnty, , about six miles from Greyness tie, on the Caslitown road, adjoining lands of Samuel Myersand,others,containlngabout FORTY ACRIOS-4a12 cleared land, in good 'order and tinder good fence. There is it YOUNG ORCHARD of thrifty trees on the place, and. a Well of excellent water. The improvements comae* of a two-story LOG DWELLING DOUSE, A EX:. DANK BARN, torty.two feet long, and well - finial , and all other necessary out .buildings. POWIBBI,OO be given on the let of Aprll, 1884. Terms will be to known on application to the subscriber residing ow premises. [(xi 21 'B3-tfl - SAMUEL C.F.1./11DES.. "iotT VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OP .1 JP - the Orphans' Oonrt of Franklin county, Pa., the undersigned, Administrator of Peter Yoe, late of Letter kenny township, dec'd; will offer at Public Sale, on the premises: on Saturday, the 2d day o e f January, 1864, at 10 o'clock. followingd ascribed Real Beats, l a m I A TRACT OP TIMRER LAND, situate in Lettarkenny township, bounded by lands. of Jacob Wingert, Henry Hoover, Jeremiah Zollinger, and Martin Landis, ton taining 15 ACRES and 5 PERCHES, neat measure. Th e , timber on add tract consists of Rock Oak, Chestnat, Black Oak and Locust. The terms will be madainown on day of Sale. by GEORGE YOE, - Adnelt. By order of Court—Wsr. o.3iiicaZlA, Clerk. Webs] VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE.—The - undersigned offer%' at private gels, a LOT OT GROUND da the Tillage of Thornax havlnr thereon erected a two storied Brickand Weatherboarded DWELLING ROUSE, containing nine rooms, a good log Bari and °the: necessary buittlidgn. The terms willhe mule to *nit patentor*. and Vase, 'ion Oven on theist do of April next. Persons wih ing to view the, property will please tali on John Mac' residing on the acme. GEORGE STITEELL, Sr. - itir•lt the above property is not add hr the let January ne..nt It will Wen fox teat. idecle4t.l o 5 - ~1AGL..i...\:.. , i i