II Cites, luts 40 "Fines. irIESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE - • OF lONA Wt-tU NVII3L FAA LE- AND DETAIL PRIOE-LISTS ' iron ISG3, taidecibiug anti exhibiting the rotative importance of all our valuable Native Vines. COS fIINTS Tcreoungsposnvirs. stating the advantage and im *eitasce of elm now kinds; An account - of -the. Tons "tuck the pre , cnt ee:11 , 111 Pr01Y.,15,11 to sell to- clubs at wholesale prices, by Which plan purchasers wilt obtain Tine* at very little advance un atctual cost of production, nod always receiregOshl plittlfS In perfect condition; Kt -4141 of the Lo i la Ctltdt)lishmeut ; Method of producing boat vines. 1 , Dos,:ription of the different kinds, with a full account id the distinctive characteristics of Ali those which are • -worth attention. Au account of the production i . 4" the two new seed lings, lona audlsracila, with their history,and accurate Aescriptious ; ',otters from Mr. Y. B. Mead concerning them. giving his opinion of their merits. - How to keep grapes in Winter, with engravings show ing how It may be easily and cliciently dine. Some of Apr best new kinds may be kept as easily as apples, n laW vinous life and Savor. • The quality of vines as effected by the age' is. the plants and different in sl,;s of propagation. and toe eeuno my of the different.kiuds to purchasers,cwith many 'en. `ggsortngs. selection of varieties to plant for the table and foi fitoily 'use, with the- c o nsiderstlions which determine -the prlmur choice. Tattles el selections far differentlatituclls for any nuni• tar of plants, fr.on six vine{ tor a very small yard, to hundreds for a fruit garden for f coolly supply. - table of selections Ity, Sread, with the conshlern tions which influence-his choice of a - selection of ono hundred. The value of plants according to the teethed of props,- gution, 1416Wilq.111dO. how and what plants to use for clothing the troths the lirst -year. and obtaining an Mi n:diets production of fruit. . Nor Descriptive Cat argue send two cent stamp. il- Htit4stell tutologne, three 3-cent stamps. • C. W. GRANT, I011:1. (near Peekskill), Westchester Co.. N. Y. -- lefie Descriptive ,Catiilave is prep tred newt the icairts of the present time. when therierstioes are ask. : "Whitt are the kinds of grapes to plant, and what etti_their value?" drape Vines tor flarden and Vineyard, of surpassing wirtity, mut at lowest prices. Vines for immediate bearing. which Will cover a trellis *tan lirst 413aziouwith bearing wood and a great quantity —dit Tinos for Vineyard planting of excellent quality. and st~peicesscarcely,dwve the cost" of production. I offer ittues which I behove cannot be approached in quality -Pcheapneas.• — ais strasou,th&now kiuds of grapes have everywhere shown the degi eel of their superiority over our former be,t kinds to he en great that Isabella and Catawba have inmost passed froutconsideratium and it was not a little gratifying to ins to learn from all quarteri that the *tapes which received the premiums were generally &sone ou vines of my productiou, and I have hundreds of letters giving ;it:coil...LS of trials melee! nap vines In 11 , 4upetitiou wadi others for production and hardiness, all awaking the same tWing. I make an extract from a letter by one of our most 4.tatingnialied horticulturaliste , u a visiting tour in the vicinity of ti trtford: •• Although I shalt see you soon, and tell you now gratify big the eight which the excel lent perform-taco of your vines has almost uniformly utta:italed and always when your directions hive been fol lowed, I cannot forbear mentioning a few itiStaliCeS in Ws letter. One is a C.:W.3in Maticaster Where vines of your prialnetiou, three yawl (corn planting, are cony- Mg a cnip of Delawares that are worth tijourney to be lurid by the Side of those from another quarter, five Years old, fear which a much larger price was paid, and which Lave nut ontsdifili as much weight of *nit of as , itn rnitustinthly inferior quality. Thepurchaser showed sue, by' calculation based upon the value of the fruit now on the vines-, th it your vines were cheaper at the price which its paid than the others would have been if he had received thou free with,a gratuity of $2 each with every vine. Nlr..l.l,ottier. was. right when he decided to plant none bat youl• beat Delawares." Dated Hartford, dept. 4,,1863. I make another short extract frOM a letter from Mr.Cliarles M. Beach, also of Hartford: "I did not begin to plant lily vineyaid until after thorough investigation, wheirit had la come clearly apparent that sly heat counic was to treat fully to youryudgment. and - I determined to follow your ihri•ctioas implicitly in all latritters pertaining to the vineyard, and I have only re. vetted that I had not taken this course unifer two years isemer. I have not been disappointed in any One point -except that the performance has nniforffily surpassed my most A alglliue expectation, as well as your prated:cm. 11. AM using my utmost diligence to get another acre red roe. the lull, and must elainryour promise totall and Rao that all bright before I begin. The bushels of Dela wares anti Dinmis with ighith the vines are now loaded, %rhea only on theoseciondgear. and the care:lmmo and homey of the frtyl.C. have,Warititsl me with an cathusiastu 14 the undertaking *at 14 110 t untuingled with grati tude to you for theft% and explicity directions given iu your,llleistr tted Catalogue and Landmarks." Arid also try letter. datettllartford. Sept. 13,1863. 'A loon extrint from another Mr. Beach or- Bingbamp trust : "I may siunhip all Mono word: the vines have perf..rated as only vine 4 of •Or.V. IV. Grant s best selee. dim can do.and tirse from other quarters are not to be mentleued to contieetiort,with them I wish iny,ground would accommodate IMO instenq of 10e. I followed your C:taloiruo I:unlit:MY. and also studied Landmarks. With such guides I did not fear the result. •Dated Sept, 14. Truly and gritiefudy youni." fdyTiacriptivoi3ittalogne is printed on very fine pa pm', and consists of 211 very large pages tilled with just anch Matter as I have thought inquirers concerning Moos would Wish to Sad. I append the table of con-- tuots'by which swag Idea of it may be formed. lids il lustrated With 23 ongi avid gs. It is sent for a two-cent stamp. ILLUSTItATED CATALOGUE. Feventh Three three-cent stainpb, or lens than one-half its cost. No work has been putuislied its this country. of what aver size, which can conspire with it in amount of prac tical informatiou. It is newly written anti contains teeny new,engraviurs. A pamphlet of Ala: ty-two pages called TIINI GARD VIM'S MANUAL Of THE VINE, will be published ltwing the month-with hill and definite directions for the management of Vines at their reception, and during he first yeiri of groWth and e trolly hearing. Illustrated with many engravings' for different circumstances of trainiu,g. C. VV \ GRANT, lONA. near P br. K.'S' RILL: - Wt•stetteryt,”: \ c , lllllty. N. Y. L'. B.—l would say to subscribers to 166,1m:irks, .thrit 10Aktiass and events connected with the war have render ell St impomble fn. me to keep my engagements to, them. The two next numbers have been !yin , *" in type, and also a.lat-gn pnet• e f the thirdfq more than three mantlt, fait '1 could not command the One to complete the pnb lheition. It required weeks of uninterrupted attention. _suet until after the IKr..faieceniber I shall not he able to comman7l hours. I feel my old ig..ttiona to them, , ,and haveateiveu, with 411. of tug ability, to fulfill thetit,— anti number may be expected during the month of 1 1.0113N111.. Inov C. W. 0. \ FRANKLIN NURSERY, " - Cf IA If HERS/HMG., PENNA. Toe subscriber would invite the attention of the public r..sis very II ne ssmortmeat of Fruit and ornamental TWOS now ready for side, . Ac an inducement to plant APPLE. TREES.I Will plant t• em at tc2s per hnodri,l:(the selection left no Mitch no teseillsle,to titre% 0 from 3 to I feet high. and well formed. I will further gwtrantee the growth orthem, the put , alui t ieir todig the holes and `give the tree the after treat moat that r ivy direct. APPLEt TREES Yearn 6 tu7 r&q, high. 35 cis each. $12.50 per hundred. 4 (45 feet "my own eel eel ton. sl.4lrrer hundred. IsUctralark 0, from S to 10 s:et. 25 etc each. PEACH TREES. . A. inn %mart meta of well grown healthy Peaehl Trees. i itOnding all the late varieties. • 15 CENTS &tell, Olt $8 PER HUNDRED. Auestra lut Seedling Peach Trees, $5 per hundred. CEEERRY TREES. K ist of the leading Tailottes now cultivated, andlinown ta•du well In this litttuile•••-one year old-15 cents .03..dx. ter SI.SU per doz.—Lama and ulder tree • 30 to 500. each. PEAR TREES '4l.w . Pear Is now more extensivel; planted than any striter fruit tree, on account of its regular bearing. larger ertrps, and longevity. Dwarf Trees, from 20 to 50 cents 0,11 1 ,4 Standards, from 40 to 75 cents. PLUMS, Prom 40 to 60 cents each. APRICOTS, From 25 to 50 cents each. GRAPES. . . . zw,eFy than now begins . to feel the'necessity of having eneor more Grape 't Ines in hie garden; and no fruit can i ~.ba'planted that will mere certainly remunerate him.- • I cultivate most' of the Lardy varieties of the Native , ,Grape awl suet} as have proved themselves valuable ' In this - latitude: , Isabella, Catawba, Diana, Clinton, Onward, Delaware, and others. One year old Vines, *con 25 to 75 cents each; twoyear old, from 50e. to $1.00; .streusglayers, many of which; have fruited this season, .from ise. to $2.00. -,- , glit*BARR PL ANTS -2e. each; s2.ooperdens. , e i ASPARAGUS SETa.,_-$l.OO per hundred. ~. . IILACKBRRIIISS (favrton}-$l.O per dozen. RASPBBRRIBS-in zariety--arom 50c. to $2.00 per dritett• • t 1 ;• OGRRANTS(In variety)-..-from tiOc. to $2.00 per doSen. t I-have a choice collection of EVEROBEE:t7S,Orna kie" ntal Trees, and hardy -Shrubs, which I -will sell ea ~ &Dap as they can be procured elsewhere, of the semis efttalitY. The following are some of the varletiesi . Nos. , *Sy Spruce, White Spruce, American Balsam. Pic. Arbor Vitses-American, Chinese, Siberian. Nepal and Golden; Trish Junipers; American and Enropean Lindens. Ma - pies, Spires's. Wiegoliss,, Dentzias, Maltonims, Roney ,r suckles, and Roses. Ail orders will he Promptly attended to, anddelivered -,-.: Chamberebnrg. or at the Rail Bowl, iiithout any other than the slight cost of puking + 2,186. , JACOB I.IEYSRIt, Aguas." Coal, Lunt* A. DEITZ DEITZ Sr. If'DOWELL WILL PAY 771:L" RICHEST I'RWE IN CASHFOR FLOUR, WHEAT, RYE, CORY, OATS, CLOVEI . ? SEED, Ofr'HY SEED, And all kinds of P R• 0 D U G E ALL KINDB OF SALT, COAL, L UMBER, CE2ITENT, PLASTER, AND SA ND, FOR SALE, CH - EAP FOR CASH, EEI DEITZ ,j• 3f DoWELL:S WAREHOUSE AND COAL YARD, Near the Railroad Depot, C HAM • BERSBUB•G, PA., AND On North Carlisle Strad, GREENCASTLE, PENN'A June 17.'&Z NEW FIR AV.-COAL rCOAL LUMBER! UNIRFRI—LBO. Ent* & SON, having pnrchased the Gol and Lumber Yard of Oeorge A. Deitz, will continnelto'ear ou the same badness, and will always have on hand a large supply of [Amber and cool. They will be prepared to All all orders at the, shortest notice. They reepectlully solicit the patron age of the late firm and the public gerierally. and all who may desire Conk and Lumber to givs them a call, feeling assured that no means will be spared to accom modate those on the most reasonabla terms. June 17,T3-tf. LEO.IIISERT ct SON. Sorlmarbing 3ouoro. WUNDERLICH & NEAT), Fomcarding gnd omin:is:inn Merchants. North Second Street. opposite the Cumberland Volley Railroad Depot. CIIAM BER' , IIURG.. Pa. Care run reglitarly to and from Philada: Baltimore. AD ElSlTS.—P.t.taecg...44ll.lnrgeritert, gOS Mar ket Street - P. S.—Lykene Valley, Broken Egg, aneNnt COAL (di rect from the atines). Wilkeebarre and Pine Grove FOUNDRY COAL. LCHBER and SHINGLES. SALT. PLASTER and HANCOCK. CEMENT. kept ronstnnt on band. FLOUR. GRAIN and PRODUCE, of all kinds, purchased at the highest ciedt price 4, eep 9, 63 • WUNDERLICH k NEAD. /lUMBERL'D VALLEY WARE IL/ fftlU R. _ The Forwarding litl'fillesEl Will hereafter be conducted by C. W. EYSTER k CO., at the Ware home of the C. V. It:inroad, where they hope to receive a liberal hatronqge. DRPOT- , —Btaiiy a Co.. :165,31arket St ,Philad‘dphia., and.laltu BinzhaTu,lsl Howard St.. Baltimore. rune 17.'63 THOS. L. GZLLESPIE. I JACOB Z ELLER GILLESPIE, ZELLER tVz, CO., PRI - Th . (3OE Ant PIOT% I - , loli MEBCIUNTS AND RHOLES.fLR GROCERS. North W.Ft corner (,f Si xth and Matket S ts.. — Philvl el pion. p u t v .634 f _ Rgricuiturat. STROCK. MANUFACTURER .01? AGRICULTURAL IMPLEM 00 met. Street, betv. elm, queen and Washington, Chant berslairg, Pa. WAGON M AKlNCV—lfavinr, connected with his Dril and Rake Factory that ul Wagon-Making, and having employed one anti best practical Wagononakers in the county. he feels confident in assuring Farmers. and oth ers needing this kind of work, that he is prepared to t ender wain; sattsfitction to all v. ho may leave their or ders.: 4 4.11'wort: entrusted to him will be promptly and neatly executed. at moderate prices, el the r for now °cold work. Farmers arei nvited to call;gaehim a Via:, and get the worth 4;f their money . `BLACKSMITIIINUI—JIe also carries on the Black smith ing. and employs a skillful worlinitn, who is able to do all kinds of ....malting which is required for' Wagons, c. GUM-SPRING GRAIN AND lIAY RAKE. Tie eolith ties to constru^t his unsurpassed Patented Gam-Spring (train and nay flake. tit." State and County Rights for sale. June 17.5t13. D. STROCK. I 4GRICTSLT URAL IMP I.InIENT MASUFACTUR.ERS.—MtN, L. BO l'Eft it , BRO., sixth Et. and Germantown Avenue, ' Philadelphia, - ' Manufacturers of tale - Premium Farm Grist Mill, Horse Pimersand Threshes a, . . Circular Saw Machines, ' ' Corn Shellers, Grain Fang, • , 011itiVUtors, Harrows, • - , Plows. and every variety of approved , . A ericultural Implements. .tend for Cittniar and addrces W.M. L. BOYER & BRO., july 1.5.,'64--7y. .Philadelphia. PREMIUM FIRM GRIST MILL; The only reliable Farmer's Gliat N 1111: Is simple, dnimble and efficient. Grinds all kinds of grain rapidly. - Ie adapted to Horse - Powers. Every Farmer should - have one,. Price moderate. - Send for descriptiv e Circular and address WNI. L. 'BOYER & BRO., • Agriculturalrinplement Mann acterers. Sixth et. and Germantown Avenue,Philadelphia. • inlyls. - rTRAVBERRIESI AUGUST A.vn SEPTEJIBSii • ce ictiul months for planting STILAWfITIRTIIES. Geed plants of leadiug varieties, WILSON'S ALBANY, - - TBIOMPH - DB GAND, HOVEY'S SEEDLING-, ete4, t-ta be had at the, Fran lip .4 1 rararn'rr. or by addrolnilig t ie undersigned GY order. JACOB lIETSER. gag 19 Agent,', A ILBANDOLS, MANUFACTURED. OF rostwooii A , • - G,ILT LOOKING GLASS AND P [Mini& IMMO!" of every description. N.W.CotortierTutar. AND CALLOWItIiSTS., Pm LADLIPtY~ Orden! to tbolargest extent promptly gxecuted. Order! b S. B..SHRYOGE Cliamberobarg, Pe. 5.t7t.:13 Ii'DOWELL p - ENNSTLVANTA RAIL ROAD! SEN.VER TLME TABLE. Five Trains Daily ;',O and from Philadelphia, on and after .I(O r DAY, 20th, - 1863. The Pwengier Trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad Conip.tny will depart front and arrive at liarrfaborg and Philadelphia as follows: ; EASTWARD. THROUGIF EXPRESS TRAIN leaves - Harrisburg &Hyatt 2.00 Li;x.,aud arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.10 S'AsT LINE leaves llarrisburgdaily - (exceptMcaulay) at 5.45 L. Y., and arrives at.Weat , isitanelphia at 9.55 A.M. Passengers take breakfast at LaLtaster. WAY AO 'OMMODATION, via Mount Joy. leaves Harrisburg. at 1.00 A.M.. and arrives at West Philadel phia t:t 12.25 P. M. r 48T 5f AIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburgdaily(eseept Sundtiy) at 1.00 P. it., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.09 p. at.-1 HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. via Co fumble,. leavett Harriabur„ , . at 4.00 P.M., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 930 P. Y ' • WESTWARD. TIANTIMOSE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 2.00 A. M.: Altoona, 7.1 r, )t I aka breaktiat.and arrives at Pittsburg, at 12.00 noon. PIIILADEI.PIIIA EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harris burg; daily at 3 00 A. X.: Alteena at 8.00 A. M.. take breakfits., and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.30 P. M. Mita TRAIN leaves Hai risburg at 1.15 iv. 31., take supper. and airlves at Pittsburg at 12.30 A.M. • • FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 3.50 P. M.: Altoona at 8.7.5 P. M.: Itufi arrives at Pittsburg at 1,00 A. M. lI.ARDIDDRO ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 9. 30 P. M., and arrives at Ilarrisbarg a> 3.90 P. N. WAY A.CCOMMODATION TR AIN leaves Philadelphia a at . 4,00 P. 41.4 s nd arrives at' liarrisburg at 9.40 P.M. This traitiitias via Mt. Joy. SAMUEL D. 'YOUNG, Supt. Micidie Div. Penn'a, R. R. June 17,1.63.-tf. IVORTRERN CENTRAL RAIL -11 WAY 1--SUMIVER TIME TABLE. Three trains daily to and fron. Balthuore and Wash ington City.i Connections made with trains 'on Pennsylvania Rail road, to and from Pittsburg and the We s t. TWO TRAINS D %ILE to and from the North and West Brunch Susquehanna, Elmira, and all of Northern Nell. York. On And after Monday. April 2061,, 1063, the P;isse - nger' Trains of the Northern Central Hallway will arrive at aud.depart Dom Harrisburg and Baltimore as follows, vii: ' SOUTHWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunda:, 1.. 10,10 A. X. •• r leaves liarrisburg 1.10 P. X. •• arrives at Baltimore P. e. EXPRESS Mit AIN ' l oaves Snub:try daily , • • (except Sunday) 11. x : 4 c; P. 14 "- L i leaves Harrisburg (except Monday) 2.00 L " arrives at Baltimore daily, - (except Ninndnyl /I \ HARRISBURG ACCO4MODATION,Ieaves I ' It trriibtreg i 6.50 I. a 1 -NORTHWARD. MAIL 'MAN leaves Baltimore daily (ex- - " i cent SI) 149+ ) 9.15 A. )1 " i Naves Harrisburg 1.15 p.lf nrriveg at Sunbury 4.05 P At EXPRESS i ILA IN lam - ... ltal t iniore daily... 9.15 P. .. . arriVe, ni Harrisburg • 1.35 A. If " i fumes Harrisburg daily (ex 4,- rept Monday) " I arrives atSnubuty HAUB:16'1111 W ACCOMMODATION leaves day) 255P.3t 4 4 : art:lces at ..... 7.30 P. For furtlier information apply at the Office, in Perin sylvattia Railroad Depot, Ilarrlsburg. J. N. DuIIARRY, Gen Supt. Xnne IVENV, AIR LINE ROUTE,Thret TniipsDaily to New York and Philadelphia. Oil and lifter Monday, A ITO 2rith. ISC.3. the Passenge• Trail's w Il le.tre the l'hiludelphin and Reading Railrenx. Depot. at 113rrie.burg,fut New York and Philadelphia, ro• follows. - EXPRESS LINE leaven llarrilburg it 2.15 A. x..c.), nrrivai of the Pennn•ivnnia loilrond Expresi Train fron Nle West.ani ring in NeW York at 9.:A/ A. )I..and PhD. tlelphitt 8,20 ... 51. A bleeping car In attached to th' train thruitgli from Pittbborg without change. \ ;MAIL TRAIN loasea llarriihurg t '3.00 A. x..nrrivina tt Nix/ YO•li at 5.30 I'. )1., and Philade'pltla at 1.50 e. FAST LANE 1 , ,, 15e4 - tlttrri , diurg vit 2.60 P. Id., arriVilfg u New Vrk at 10.25 P M.. And Philadelphia nt 7.00 P.ll WEgTWARD. -FAST LINE leaven Now York at 6.00 A. M., and Pldla eltdilaat,3.ls A. M., an at Ilarriabarg at 1.10 p. MAIL tRAI!ki leaves New York at 12,00 noon, and Philadelphia at 3.30 P.M, arriving at Ilarrlaburg at s.2t P. N. EIs:PRY:SS TRAIN leaves New York. at 7.00 P.M.. 11, 1 - ricinaat Harrisburg at 2.10 A, M. nod connecting witl the Pennsylvania Eipresv,Train Pitt:Aborg. A sleep iitg car is also attached to this train. Connections are made at Harrisburg with trains of the eendsylcanin. Northern Central and Cumberlan• valley railroads, and at 'leading far Philadelphia. Pont. Wilkosbarre. Allentown. Eastna.&.e. - Baggage elteelted through. Fare between New "Vol :tn.l Harrisburg. ; between Ildriisburg and Phil:, del ph in. X 3 35 in ;to.l earg. and $3 in N 0.2. Far t ickets or other information apply to (•. W. eYstER. a CO Jnneli.'63.tt 1862: 1868. WINTER ARRANGEMENT, Ormil ER,L -LS D VALLEY A YD FR A NKLEN II ILROA clik,NiyE 1 . 011118.—0 n and after Monday. hn 'verulier 17.1809, Pax , •enger Traitis will run dally. a. pt : FOI. ,CIi AMBERS6URG AND HAR RG : Lease Ftagerstown •• Gfrouncastle krrive nt 'Cliambe,rsborg Lenvc, at. 8.30 12.55 L eav o Sitippenk burg 9.% '1.28 Nowville 9.32 2.00 Carlisle 10.10 2.42 " Mechanicsburg, 10 42 3.12 Arrive Ott llarris hum 11.15 3.10 FOR , OIIAMBERSBITRGAND }LAGERS ! TOW • 1 ; , A. P.M. _ Lenvegfarrishurg , I' 8.05 -13,5 •• 1M ecbanicshttig_ 8.4 7 -, 2.13 " Carlisle.,..{.:. t' 9.27 2,55 ' 4 ‘ INewvlik...._ 10,02 • 3,29 4, Icippensbnrrm '0.33' 4,00 Arriv t, ht Cbambeta4trg.........l. ......... 11.00' 4.30 Leave ,t liainbersbUrg 11.10 4;40 4, 10 reencastle...i 11.35 5:30 Arricelat Tiarrisburi - - 12.35 . 6.10 scir Making doge connections nt Ilarrishnrg wi‘l trains for Philadelphia, New -York and Pittsburg; stir. with trains for all points West - 0. N. LULL', Supt, R. It Offire. Chrmfinr.burg. Npv.l7. 1862. HO. 18G8. .11110ILI,LADELPHIA AND ERIE ,j_ R'AILROAD.—This great lihe traverses the North erh and Northwest:counties of PennsYlvanla to the city of Erld, on Lake Erie. It .Idle been lease.] by the Pennsylvania Raarmd Chingrty, and under their anstifces is being Apidly operikil thfougliont its entire length. It Ie new In use for Passenger and Freight business 'Tom Garrishurg t4,Driftwood,(2d Fork.) (177 miles) on the Eastern Division, and from Sheffield to Erie, (73 tililesin the Western Division. TI3IROF PASSENGER TRAINS AT HARRISBURG. Wail TRAIN leaves North 1.16 A.m. RN:PRESS TRAIN leaves North 3.00.tas , Crtrarun through WITHOUT CHANGE both ways on these traine between Philadelphia and, Lock naven,and be tweed Baltimore and Lock Eleicant Sleeping Caren the Expresstrain both ways. .Ebr information respecting Passenger business apply at he Si E. Corner llthlutd Market streets, Philadelphia. . . . .. And for Freight iillailletlii of the Company's Agents: S. R. Kingston, Tr. Cor.l3th and Market es ts.,Philada, .I:W . :Reynolds, Erie. .1. if. Drill, Asent N.C.R.R..l3altimore. Md. 1 IL R. HOUSTON, , GeneralFreight-Agent, Philadelphia. iLBW'S L. 110UPP, , ' I , GeneralTleket Agent.Philadelpbia. JOB. D. POTTS, Juti l iii IT, 83j Generallfanager,Williamspor, t . t _ VEIT TOBACCO AND SEGAR STORE.—To the Citizensnf Chambersburg and Vicinity: The undersigned, having been comp'eUed to leave 'Virginia on account of his Union sentiments, has c o me among- yon to establish a business, hopingf-om his long - experience, and by close attention. he will meet with a generous support. Ills stock will eoftsfsi of all he best brands of TOBACCO an d BEGARB. whichhe Bill sell's,' alma p as can be hadanywherein t own. lion't forget theplace. sign of the .f little Virginia mgger,"opposit• he pranklin notel:neit door to ithryoelee Book Stars, Botdd-east corner of the Diamond. J'Aplte 1T,1803. .f.iokliii lkt,o sit r. Lines -of • Baltimore daily (except Sun- EASTWARD J, J. CLYDE, nproral Agt4t, tiarriAburp, tobacco anb ,Segaro. goi ,- :. , potinktvif3fliSt READING RAIL ROAD.-WIN- - TER AhItANGEMENT. ' tiItEAT TRUNE. LINE from the North and Nortk west for Philadelphia. New York. heading, Pottiivithw, Lebanon, Allentown,Easton, • Trains leave Harrisburg for Philadelphia, Neat York * heading, Po t tavilte,and al I intermediatestnt ions at 8.00 a. 51 . awl 2.00 W. M. :(3w York Express leaves Harrisburg. at 3.00 A arriving at New York at 10.15 the same morning. gases from Harrisburg: To New YurkSs.ls: to Phan - - dolphin $3.35 and $2.50. Baggage checked through. lleturniug.leave .t:iew York at 6 A. vt..12 Neon.aud 7P. 31., (Pittsburg Express Arriving at Harrislturgat 2 A. 31.) Leave Philadelphia at 8.15 A. at.. and 3.30 P. It. Sleepingcars in the New York Express T rain a through to.li MI from Pittsburg without change.. Passengers by the Catawissa Podlrond tear eTamaque at 8.50 A 31 . and 3.15 P. X., for Philadelphia.NeW York, and all Way Points. Trains leave Pothlvillor at 0.15 A. 11.. and 2 30 P. t. for Philadelphia. Harrisburg rind New York. An Accommodation Passenger train loaves Rending at 6:60 A. it.. and returns from Philadelphia at 4 30 P .11 . rs i t-,All the above trains run daily, Sundays ex cepted. A Sunday train leaves Plittsville at 7.301. X., and Philadelphin at 3.15 P.' 31. Commutation. 3111eage.Sesumn, and Excursion Tickets at reduced rates to and from all points. , 80 lbs. Baggage alloWed each Pashenger. G. A . MCCOLL% f Dec 16, 1563 -tf. Clem - rail Superintendent • lIRINER'S BALSAMIC COUGH ).3 SYRUP.—Fur toughs, ClAds, Croup, IPhooping tough, Asthma, Bronchitis, Spitting Blood, Pain and IVeakncsa 4r the Breast, Difficulty of greathing, sty. —This is no new remedy. It hoe been used fora num ber of yeArd is 51arylimil and parts of Pennsylvania, and has wherever known, acquired an 'unprecedented reputation fur curing the various diseases for wide - lilt is recommended. .4 opiAis used by all Classes of society, and the universal ion is that it is goi. This Syrup ispurety reuela ble compound. It is pleasant to take, and never ddea injury. But, owing to its purifying qualities, toast do gutal under any circumstances. Its effects are ,truly wonderful, soothing, calming, and allaying the most violent cougnk. purifying, st teengt Wag and invigorating the whole systeni4calmlng and - soothing the nerves, aiding and facilitating expectmittion, and healing the 013EASOD LUSUS. Thus Farthing at the root of diseases, and delving it from the system. CROUP. This disease Is announced by difficulty of breathing shrill whistling or wheezing, hacking cough and threat, miedonffocation, &c. It mostly oecurs in young cid:- tren. No child need die of croup it this Syrup is pro perly used and used in time. Mothers haring croupy- Naas] should _watch the first show of the disease, and dways keep this remedy at hand, • . - For cough after measles this Syrup is most excellent. s;xilerience litta _proven that it 18 equaled by no other ,treiberation. , The price of the remedy is such as to place it witblo . 0 reach of all. the poor as well as the rich, and every perstin should have It. - Every person should have it in the house. It is a true. ind fairlital friend to all who value health and wish to ,ecare themselves' against that most terrible disease, "onsurappon. It Will be found the most usetul as well is the cheapest family medicine in the world. It has been used for the last four years with a success without a pat-alter." Price .46 cents per bottle, or three bottlas for $l.lO. _ Prepareti by S. A; POINT. & 11110... ' Westminster, Md. For sale by MILLER & and J. S. 91 XON, lbanibersburg, Pa.; and Storekeepers every-where 3.00 A M 5.38 a.m VO UTZ'S CELEBRATED 4011 SE AND CATTLE POWDERS.—These PoWders have proved, after u trial of several years, to be superior to eny pre*ration of the hind used. The chief superiority f these Powders Adele , from the fart that they are com posed of 'Medicines that have Laxative, Tonic and Puri fying properties. The Laxative ejected crudities from the stomach and intestines; the Tunic gives strength to the system of the Eloise; and the purifying medicines contained in them cleanse the loloodoind lay the tboh. lation Lr whe4lthy and/Viltorous circulation. The use of them improves the streugtMms the appetite .tud gives the horse a 4,6 e, saiwth and glossy slain—thou improvink the appearance, iigor!and spirit of the noble These Powders are not intended. as most *powders are. to bloat the animal, so Rd to give hint the appearance of being fist w hen not really so—but to remote the disclose tad promote hitt general health. These Powders will strengths- , the stomach and intes tines, cleanse them from offetivive matter and bring them to a healthy state., They aro a prevention of Lung Fever, ant a certain remedy tor all di.eases incident to the Horse, as Olandens, Yellow Water, Distemper. Founders, H alves. Slavering, Coughs. Fevers. Loss. of Appetite, _allOSlSltal Energy, it c. These Powders—if used two or terse tinted a week, through the winter and your Hoist will never got the Long Fever. Colic e. butts. A few doses of these powders will remove the worst Cough on any Horse. Were owners of Horses to feed a few 4,1 tLese Powders every year they Ati e llt save the lives of many valuable Horses. MILCII COWS —The properties this Powder pOlSSeneli in inerotsing the qu intity.ef milk in Cows. gives it an importance and 'value which should place it in the hands f every person keeping a Cow.—ln fattening-Cattle, it ;ices them au appetite. leit4ns their hide. And makes them thrive much faster HOGS.—In all diseases Of Swine, as Coughs. Ulcers in the Longs and Liver, &c.,: by putting from half a paper a paper of the-, powders in a barrel of swill, the above Ilse:tee can be cured or entirely prevented. By using these powders the Hoe' Cholera can be prevented. Pre pared hy S. A. POUTZ BRO.: Westminster, For Sale wholesale and retail, by MILLER gt HES , z HEY, and J. S NIXON. Cliambersburg. Pa., and store keeperes everywhere. Price 21 cents per paper, or five tapers for 81. „ Ideal:l3-1y) FOUTZ'S safe . and reliable Remedy for thueure of Ittournatism AtreCtitlill. Sprains, Burns, Swelling and all disease requiring an external application on Alan On Horses it will iteli.r fail to'cure kole-eril Fistula, old running Wires, or %%early, if properly applied. For ,prains. grratches, cracked hoofs, chafes, saddle T collar Oall, cuts or wounds, it is an Infallible remedy. fry it, and be , ctolviticed of its efficacy, 11:11411:111AT1831. .A. M. P.M. 7.00 2.45 7.37 3.35 8.17 425 1 . • Persons-aßlieted with this disease. no matter , of how ong standing. can he promptly and effectually cured by tying this mixture. There is nothing in the world, so sure and an good to , nke away bad Cern n . ftndleure Frost Rites as this prepar ation. Try it Ana satisfy yourselves. Price 2. and .tO •:ents per bottle. Prepared by S. A:POUTZ tt BRO., Westminster, Md. For sale by MILLER & lIIINSHEY, and J. S. NIXON Thambersburg. Pa., and Storekeepers everywhere. • Vainting,liog t &c BARNARD T. FELLOWS; .b us AND , SIGN PAINTER GRAINER, GLAZIER, AND PAPER HANGER, SHOP In the Old Armory Building, (up stairs,) next Poor to "Old Jail," Peiffer Folas , Carriage Manufactory, opposite • . - Breeen's Hotel, and CORNER OF SECOND AND MARKET STS., • etambersbuig, Pa. I respectfully take this line tidbit. of thanking the eiti. %ens of Chaniherstairg and vicinity for the rery liberal patronage I have received at their handa for the plat year, (my first year in this place.) and flattering mytieff that I - have dono, and and am still prepared to do, its very best work iu my line. I solicit aconthimince of peat favor. B. T. FELLOWS. P. S. I respectfully refer to any of my patrona—Jansee E M Wm. MeLenalmn, CoLA. . McClure. it er. Merolla, Presbyterian Church, Dr.hichards:Dr.l l i ohm, of ist. Itiefferot Co.. Gertnau \Rerd Messenger. J./Oboes 'Plater, Wm. C. Plater, and any others for whom I have done work—fnreharacter of work done, and expert Mai Junol7, '63 tf. B. T. - ilestauranto. yRANKLIN HALL RESSA.IIR ANT.--MARTIN BROWN, Proprietor. i This well own Eating Saloon is fitted up in elegant:: style ' and the undersigned is prepared to serve 'op' FR EMI 114$ TERfi,PISII, FROGS, TRIPE, CRICKIMS, TURSIX a ndfiLAM SOUP, and Game of all kinds. _1 WASH AB AUGIPI3 AND LUDWI3'4LE, constantly on hand. . lie respectfully tusks a continuance o f the patronage so I thornily bestow ed by his friends and the public. June 17,'83. MARTIN BROWN. 00K. BINDERY.-hi KEEFER. & CO.Lave removed their BOOR' BINDERY to the 'bird story of the MAN:ION HOUSE, on'the Diamond, 1'b :1 above Shryock'e Book Store. Entrance between 'the Book Store and Dr,Snirely's office, Old Booke, Po riodb. on imansic, Newspapers. &c,, bdnnd in any style: Blank Books made to order. Paper ruled to any pattern. Noir.lefoO. PARTNERSHIP.—Notice is here by given that the undermined hare entered into partnership In the Hardware and Cutlery business atila o ld s hwa of Myers & Brans, where we are prepared lb furnish everything in our line as cheap as any other house in the county. Special inducements are offered liar cask asourpotto will be quick sales and abort profits: est .I,4lB—ost tines of Efate", facticat. JACOB S. BB ANIL GROBaB:11140/1. • *eats. Dittrit'S - , AeRICULTURAL IMIPLIVAZNTS AND SEED WAREHOUSE, 21 an 4 23 South Sixth street, Philadelphia: Myra LANDRYfa Soi, Proprietors of Elloomadme, which coutaiusncsr fonr hundred acree, in high lath, loyated to the production .of GARDEN SIMS, are now. arepared to supply Country 'Merchants, Druggists and :ill others who deal in Seeds, with large or small qnnn titles, by the pound or busbel,and also in papers maid ready tor, retailing. The Establishment - represented by Omit' Landreth ‘ll. Sen.has been founded nearly,a of a century. The widespread pdpfilarity, and thedetnandyincrear• iugfrora year to year. fur LASDRETH'S WARRENTED • `GARDEN SEEDS evidence of the high rainc entertained I'm theta by the public. ltodreth's Garden Seeds are not only favorably re :eivod throughout the Union.but are shipped to many foreign ports..; Indeed,it maybe stated with national pride that they come intoactive competition w ith .Eng ieh Seed on British Soil. . David Landreth A Son invite all who tiie not already ,iurchmers of their Garden Seeds, to make a trial of lierrestfred that they will pn found fatly equal to heirhigkreputatinu. Landreth's Rural Register and Almanad containing •atiuogde of Garden Seeds , with instructions.. furnished ,Tra tie. Also—Catalogue of Agricultural Implements. DAvroktA SDRETII 44 SON; N 08.21 aad2Bl3ooth 6th 3 t.,Philsdelphis. sag. 12,'0u-ly ittebiral. T9',T.tiE LADIES OF Am-BRIGA, LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS, LYON'S - PERIODICAL DROPS, LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS, LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS, THE GREAT FEMALE IIX3IEDY! - • = TRE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY I THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY I • TILE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY I LYON•I4 PERIODICAL DROPS LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS - LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS ' ARE BETTER THAN PILLS ARE BETTER THAN PILLS I ARE BETTER THAN PILLS! ARE Ilk - Tkit THAN PILLS I Lyon's Perjodicsl Drops are TUE ONLY FLITLD,PREPARATION, - THE ONLY FLUID PREPARATION - TILE ONLY FLUID PEFTARATION ' TILE ONLY FLUID PREPARATION ever:brought bhfore the public, and. as a, diuretic and artcific fur irregularities, Oltall.nge, the world to pro. duce en equal; they are, in themost obetinatq cues, , RELIABLE, AND slum TO DO GOOD! RELIABLE; AND SURE TO DO GOOD! RELIABLE, AND SURE TO 1)0 GOOD ! . RELIABLE, AND SURE TO DO GOOD ! AND CANNOT DO HARM, AND kANNOT DO HAM AND CANNOT DO RABA AND CANNOT DO RAAIX, ' IF THE DIRECTIONS ARE ADHERED TO, - IF TILE DIRECTIONS ARE ADHERED TO! IF THE DIRECTIONS ARE ADHERED TO'! • IF THE DIRECTIONS ARE ADHERED TO! SAFE AT ALL TIMES! SAFE AT ALL TIMES!' SAFE AT ALL TIMES! SAFE AT ALL TIMES! °mint When expressly forbidden in the directions which are wrapped around each bottle. and have the written signatnre,of Dr.JNO. L. LYON upon them NONE OTHERS ARE o=itni - E! NONE MILERS AEI! ' GENUINE! NONE MURES ARE GENUINE! .. NONE OTHERS ARE GENUINE! BEWARE OF 00UNTERFETY8 BEWARE OF cotiiiTEßyzrrs I BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS I BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS I They cure all those ills to which the ferrate, system to subjected with dispetch and aVegree of certainty which nethii, g hnt a scientifically compounded fluid prepare- tioa could reach. USE NO OTILER USE NO °TIME I USE zio. OTHER USE NO OTITER I For my DrCps stand before the world ne the ne plc ultra of all remedies, for the cure of all disemel "of the kidneys a^d bladder, Loucorwth, Prolaparts, wad the mild but positive correction of all irregularities, - DO NOT BE IMPOSED UPON DO NOT BE IMPOSED UPON - DO NOT BE IMPOSED UPON! DO NOT BE IMPOSED UPON nv those who have ether preparations, which thizy de sire to palm off upon the strength of the popnianly o my Drops, and who recommend theirown nostrums, thus gypropriating to themselves the constant demand fore my Ber:odleal Drops,aii a medium for selling something which is worthless an Inefficient- But whelithe Drug gist you apply to has not Trot them, either make him buy them for you, or else enclose one Dollar to tie near. est , general wholesale agent, who will return you a bottleby return Express. Yon will thus sa re yourselves trouble and 'obtain re lief from the greatest Female Regulator of the Nine teenth Century. 0vcr26,,000 Bottles of this medicine bare been sold within the last six months, and every, Lady that battened them, but for the nature of the cure - would furnish us with her sworn certificate of their efficacy. Makes' but one Dollar to make the experiment, and 'appeal to those of your sex who are suffering—will you waste away when a single Dollarwih give you instsir Prepared solely by Dr. Jno. L. Lyon, PracticingPhy siciau. Price $1 per bottle. - C. O.OLAIIIK at co., • Wholesale Druggists, New Raven, Conn. General Agents for United States and Canedat. For Sale at Wholessle by D. S. BARNES & CO., New Fork. gm. C. OCODWIN & CO ,Boston. 3OHNBTON, IitALLOWAY &COWDEN, sepi 23,1i3-eow-11] ' 23 North simth F hill , AorntnEMOVAL.—Prom 433 Market St. 'to the:large Iron Building 513 Market and 40 eree Streets. , More Cood.t than any Muss in the United Skate. A. 11. _FRANCISCITS, . .. t r 515 MAR ET & NO COMMERCE STS., Keeps the Lex t Stock to the United State! elf ' Buckets, Brooms. übs, Churns. Baskets, Brushes, Idats,lfeasures, -ClOcks. Looking-Glasses, Oil Cloths and ' , Carilets. Window Shades and Paper, Bud (Awes, Japan War,. and Whit". - Auto. Gorton Dattine. Wandink, ' Twines, Wicking, Ropes in Coils • and Dozens, Cotton Yarns, Cotton and Linen Carpetroisaist, , Our Price& will average Lower than anyotber Times in thiscity. Call and see for yourselves. For further partictlirs anP l 7 to S. S.SRltyoce Chambsrsharg. . . CURE RE3.IIIDY FOR CANCER. —l4lrs.C. P. Canvas, from Vermont. reepectfurly announc.es to the citizen of Greencastle and surround. ing country, that she has a - sure remedy for removing CANCERS. She does not operate with a knife; berznode of cure being a FLAB BR, which will effect a complete and perfect radical exterpation of the disease, without leaving mark or sign of Its previous existence, and will not la the least DISFIGURE the person. She bas at her reeidence a sample of several Canter Tumors, where they can be seen. . . .1143$14finco on North Street, at the harm of yoi Ilawbeeker,Xtreeaeaatta,Ra...,..„. tdeatlttej DARENTS Smiers'in ;no Sdr Tice. or in Hoepitsle, can furnish them with the 4tIIPOSFTORY thive months for 25 cents; els ut-uthe 50 ewate,et otottlees,totql.oo. elintatio!tat. 11 PITY , s • BUSINESS OMNI* Y. E. thrner of rinti aid Chesnut Streeteb` • PIIGADBLPIIIA, trl4D33 THE 3111CtriEXENT OY FAIRBA-NKS, A. 31:, for the last fonr years Principal and chief bush:Maw manager of Bryant bt Btratton.tiCenunercial C 011.44 A MODEL iIIISINESS COLLEGE, eqndtmted on anew system of Actual Tinniness Tramiel; through the establishment of legitimate Wilma 'ski C r Oating-lionse, rep resbntieg different departmenta of Trale and Commerce, and ' a `regular Bank of Dele and Done, giving the student all the nay:luta - gee ottititt al praet ice, and qualifying Mm In the shortest poleft4 - time and mat effective manner for the various and employments of business life. , The Course of instruction In the Theoretical Deport ment embaces Lie;ok-keepilig.' Commercial thiculalions. Lectures on Business Affisi:rs, Pennianship, ClonnisatAdl Laws, /forms, Correspondence, ete. In the 27.1 ZISSINESE DEPARTMENT the student enters upon the Graduating Course, whit* includ4s a continuation in the aben studies, with their practical application in all their details. le will le turn fill the position of Acconntant and Proprietor in Ass varietts Departments [of frwieshle and Rd4ii 71%144 orwarding..robbing, and Commission Business, Bank _ - 'ing, Jrantifacturing, Alining, Steamboating, (lc:, and tually Vitt act as Cashier, Bank keeper and _Tear,* the Bank, in et.clief which positioiis his previous kobwledga. Will be put tO4lie fullest practiMi test. - This Instittit ion offers to young- men nnmerotat4l. ...vintages not possessed by any other commercialcollfge in the State. It is complete in all its appointments. It is the only Insti tutted in the State conducted on serail business principles; ThiCATITIC' of instruction is an sprpassed, and may be completed in about One half the tine usually spent in other inst itutions, in - consent:led& of an entirelyttear arrangement, and the Adoption -I4 the new practical system. POPlonatil awarded upon the .completion of the Cbs. Irnerciai Course, which embraces all except the- bighsr' nets of 'Ranking; Manufacturing, Railroading Ala ` decd-ly - Send for a Circular. CHAMBERSBURG. SEMINA,RX . FOR YOUNG LADIES.—The fall session has cam msneed.-bnt herders ran enter at any time. and willis• charged accordingly. There is room for two more bier dersonly. Day-scholars, entering the first Cr seCtlcid week in October, will be chargodfor four-fifths of a ses sion. Those who-commence - shortlymay net be too lets for the new studies of the session. A large attends*, both in the culinary and acade,mical departments, abatis evidence of nn interest in the school not surpassed ta any former period. Miss 8. H.Cartis. assistant In Os higher department. bears testimonials of her eminent fitness to instruct in the higherbranches,frotn aSemineq in the West, where she taught for several years. 'lse primary department is chiefly under the care of 31* C. IL Itoxey, the.effecta of whose energy and efficiency appear:in the flourishing - condition of the departmeigt. Miss Z. C. De Forest is well known as an able and expo rien,p4 teacher of music. : TUITION.—From $8 to $l5 per session of five mouthy Marling. f TEACHERS FURNISHED.—SchooIs And families to need of tenchers. can bear of young ladies well onallily4 chiefly graduates of the inirtitotion, by addressing sep 30.411 Rev HENRY REEVES Printipat, C HAMBERSBURG ACADEMY. REFITTED JL'VD REORGANIZED. . . ill commence a new quarter- on Thursday, Ner.l9.' Large mlditionshave been madoto its already extensqa appnmtus, a full and efficient corps of teachers has hgea employed and no pidns or expense spared to render ourt one of the Bret insfitlitions of learning in the country., Particular attention paid to Teachers and young Aga pr e pax ill I.; for College, A Primary Department for lade Boys and Girls hay been opened in the Academy undeCcharge of Miss Schitra ly, in whith the elcments of Spelling. Reeding, Writing, Arithmetie,Geography and Graranar will be thorogedg tenet t. Tuition in this department. $3 ger quarter. Par farther partictdarssend for circular or apply t• the Principal FACULTY 3.1 t. RitesrLY, Principal.. . C r . A.Orgarmtn, A • p., Latin and W. E rr n ish. A. 11. 'lmmune, Commercial Depart eat, - Miss 11.11.Sarrtyr, Music, Drawing and Principal of Primary Department. IfieS SARAH FLOW", Assistant in Primary Department. Chambershurg, ang..1.2., '63, . arg anti' jfaug , Goaw GREAT BARGAINS FROMNEWYORKAUCTIOhS!t. AT WALLACE'S, CORNER OF MAIN AND QUEEN STREETS, New style Mosambiques, Diana cltene Plaid, - MosambiqUes for travelling dresses, Superior Muslin Detainee in colors, Colored Lawns and Crape de Pany, Black Silk, superior quality, Superior Lyons Radsemer Silks,(aublircie qnality4 A large lot of Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, • A large lot of Irish'Linen, Jaconet Collars, new style, 500 Dozens v_Adies,bliss,es and ]fen's Cotton Has White Linenand Cotton Duck, Superior French Doeskin ; Superior solid color Pointille Fig Silks. . Superior Grey Leonaras, Superb Grey Poplin, Best quality Grey Leonorne, Silk N ock-Ties and Collars. Ladies and Misses' Fillet Mitts; Marseilles Vestinga, Super Ladles and Mena' Kid Gloves, Handsome New style Prints andGiughams.V ' CAR - PETS. Brussels,Velvet.Threi-ply(superiorfine)and onitator - Carpet, Four-four five-four Cocoa and Denton Matting, 4-4 5-4 6-4 8-410--Floor OD Cloths, Superior Bolting. Cloths, . Ronan ltibbons ' - Balmoral Skirts. SKIRTS! SKIRTS.!! SKItITSiti A. JONES _ CELEBRATED "NE PLUS ULTRA" SKIRT, 1301 D ONLY AT. No. 17 NORTH Bth Si. ,-PHIL ADE IRMA. Skirts of all lengtha,and any size waistmade to - 00hr, and eatisfaction gnarranteed, Ladies, Misses and Children's Skirts of every gin WI shape, constantly on hand: 'Every Skin t warranted for Six Months. READ HOW WE DO BUSINESS. - We do not make any sheap sktrts ittthsicommonicoep tatlon of the term, but we make THE CHEAPEST SKIRTS, MADE; because wo make THE BEST AND DEFY 0031PETITISMI Wo warratitpery skirt we sell to be exactly as, ;sp. resented. We Make aa we sell, and knowing hoirthey are made we guarantee thorn with full confidence. 4r we sal a bad skirt we will exthargeit for a netoone; wad if they get out of order or break within six Wan ffie-, we wit/repair theta free of Marge. We mean to glee oar customers fall eatlefactiosi bat we cannot do so and compete with the low priced anetiou oxide. Wedepend entirely upon the superiority of-the goods we offer, and the fairness of our method of eioW.ig business. ' Orders left at auryomf's Boolg. Store. DIRECTIONS FOR MEASUREMENT. - Take the exaOtsixe of the waist, without any allow ante. The exact length required and the six, arduad the bottom spring. Also if the skirt is to be large, small, or medium else atthe top, and 'whether a trial a . plain round skirt: M. A. JONES• Noll North Sth - St.,PhiladelPhla: Over the Wax Agnew. aug 19-t( ALL AND WINTER MILLI NERY.—!Iine. H. GROWS would inform her. Mow% an the Public generally, that she has just returned ikons New York lindhiladelphin with a large and vaiiiid as sortmerkt of Niillinery and Fancy Hoods, Ladies_ Dress and Milt Trimmings, kc., k.• Her amortment conetitsof Velvet Bonnets do ••Monrnin 7, Collo , * Silk do , Ribbons, Silks and Velvets Straw do Mourning do . English, French an d Aaesi Ladies rtidel Hata can Flowers - do SpaniSh do Laces Misses do - do Bunches, Childrents Wool Hoods French-forms do Fancy. do - 7Aphyr Wool • . 'do -Mmbrolderedesps Shetland Yarn Read t Nets , Jets (ninli line) , - Rend Dro6BoB • Brad Trimmings ,Plumes-al I colors Grenadine Teila . , Ladies Drees Caps Dolts and Belting ..„. :le Mourning Caps ' Silk Cord and Tarseli- Stamping tir araiding or Mmbroidory donstotoSar.-- All ate invited tonsil: - , oct as sato ATIOTHERS of - Soldiers in the.Siall rico. or in hospitals. ran item 0131TOTtY throe months fbritodentS; sls. militia foe 50 *oat!, or ciao par tor4Loo. 0 E [June 11;4* Tetra gibbons— nll Co w /~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers