El irgra TUB IIEAUT BE to the - heart, the heart iss,_hos_Mtiful, I care not for the face; I ask udt form what the for Of dignity and grace ; , - If the mind be filled with g loistingqbeughts. And the soul with syMpaiity,-- - j. _ - What matter though the ehertiklOale. • Or the eyo lack brilliancy? • 1 Though the cheelt, the cheek is beautiful. 1 It 'scion may lose:its bloom. r- - ..ll'nd the lustre bf the eye be quenched In the darkness of the tomb; But the glory of the mind will live.. Though the bloom of life depart; And oh l the churn" ern never die, Of a true and noble; heart. • 14 The lip; that utter kindly thoughts I • Have j‘ beauty all their own; !• For gentle words are sweeter far Than ,musie's softest tones. ' , And though the voice be harsh and shrill. _That bids the oppressed go free, ' And soothe the woes of the sorrowing one, That voice isoweet to tne. THE BLADENSBURG DUELING a BOUND. • On the old stage route leading from Wash ington to Baltimore,a short half mile . be "and the boundary of District bf Colum bia, and within a mile of Bladensburg, a few years ago the traveler might, have obi , served on the right hand side of the read— just where he crossed a little bridge—a small patch of low, unieclairriedland, thickly over grown with 'tangled vines. There have been lifteen or twenty acres of it It was one of those neglected corners where everything badlheen so long permitted to have its own way that even a bold cultivator might well pauqe before it in despair. A rank vegeta tion had overspread the place in savage exur beranee, apparently defying all hUman ef forts to penetrate it. Great _groups of al- - ters radiated their stems , in every direction. 'Willows innumerable clustered -along the margin of the brook. Occasional sycamores displayed their unmitigated ugliness with impunity, While here and there the dark *one of a cedar crowded its way upward into the sunlight, rejoicing in its thrift, and look ing down upon the emaciated . corn fields if As vicinity with an expression of undisguised lantectii t. A heaVy growth of brambles ithuld themselves in impenetrable masses wndeineath ; while overhead, the long vines plambered from tree to tree, in wild and vig- Emus luxuriance, and seemed to revel in the enjoyment of weaving their fantastic drape .ries undisturbed., Altogether it was as for paken a looking spot, and one at little likely in-be sought by aken for any purpose what tier,: as would probably be encountered in a aunnnor's day, t -Apart from its wildness, however.t here was nothing about the place to attract the * attention of the traveler; •and unless it had been specially pointed out to him by someone so-quainted with its history, he would, in all likelihood, have passed it wholly unobserved. ~But yet the dark-looking jungle, apparently so void of interest, is a locality known all aver America. It is thecelehrated Bladens 'burg Dueling Ground. The ground usually chosen for the combat -,wlts that portion of the path which ran along ,the west margin of the brook, at right an gles to the road. One of the most desperate of those melan fttioly 'encourtters which have made this 'place so memorable, was that on the' tith of Febru ary, 1810. between General Armisted T. Ma- eon, previously a Senator in Congresi from Virginia, , and Colonel John M. 31 , Carty, .a iiitizen of the same state. The' difficulty between them had existed for 3034120 time. it originated in that most prolific source of 'personal enmity, politics. The parties were .second cousins ; but, notwithstanding this, their quarrel appears to have been prosecuted With an animosity as unsparing-as their rein *donship was intimate. Several months pre vious to the final meeting, a violent alterca tion bail taken place between them at the polls at' Leesburg, in consequence of Mason's having questioned M'Carty'a right to vote. ~lkt'Carty at once challenged Mason, but in his challenge he prescribed the terms and conditions - of the duel. This dictation of terms Masoti. would not submit to, arid con sequently, by the advice of his friends,- he declined the 'challenge. At the same time, however, he sent word to M'Carty that he 'swag ready to accept a regular challenge in a proper form. M.Carty paid no attention to message,e but forthwith published Mason is a coward. Mason then sent a challenge M'Carty, which M'Carty declined on the isvound of alleged cowardice in Mason, as abeam by his rennet to fight in the first Instance: At this juncture a number of Ma 'son's friends united in a letter, begging Yin to take no further notice of M'Carty. Al -though Mason was burning-under a sense of Ike wrongs he bad received, he' yielded to ,their ,entreaties, and 'the, affair was, to all appearance, at an end. • Sonic months afterward, however, while 'tiding to Riahmond in the stage, with a gen tierinn of high military - and political stand ing (General Jackson,) he was told that he .aught to challenge Wearty again. This he iecidecl to do as soon as, he reached Rich , mond. It was in vain that his friends now 'endeavored to diSsuade him., He would net listen to-their appeals. In the . language of the card subsequently published by them " he hnd resolved on challenging Mr. M'Carty in Ilipi)osition to all the advice which they gave ',and all the efforts which they made to dis 4nade_him." to free himself from the em barrassments imposed by the laws of Vir iinia" in regard to dueling, or influenced, perhaps by a determination not to violiste her statutes while holding her commission, he resigned his commission as General of Mi iitia,:made his',will, and addressed Ai' Carty an invitation to the field. In this note, which, 'better than description, portrays the spirit in which the controversy was conducted, be lays: "I have resigned my commission f(•r the special and sole purpose of fighting you, and I am now free to accept or send a eat lenge =and lb figh t a duel. The public mind has become tranquil, and all suspicion of the further prosecution of our quarrel has subsi ded, we can-now terminate it without being arrested' by the civil authority, and without exciting alarm among our friends. * * * I am extremely anxious to terminate at once and forever this quarrel:, My friends and-are fully authorized to set for me hi every particular. ' Upon receiving from you a pledge to fight, they are authorized and iiistructcd,at once to• give the challenge for me, and to make immediately every nee assary arrangement for the ddel, on any terms you nifty:prescribe." This note, which fully betrays Mason's in flexibility of purpose, and which, "it is stated was never read by M'Carty, was written be fore any interview had taken place between Genial Mason and his seconds, and was in- Allosed to them in a letter containing positive irisfructions for their government. He writes - .thaw : 'Y'on will present the inclosed com munication to Mr. John M'Carty, and tell him at once that you-are authorized by, me -fa' challenge hire, in the event of his pledg ng himself to fight. If lie will give the pledge, their I deiiirTh that' you will instantly challenge him in My - name to - flght a duel me.: *, *. Agra td any terms that he may propose. and to any; distance— to three feet, his pretended favorite distance '-=or-to three inches, should his impetuous and'rash courage prefer it. To any species of firearms—pistols, muskets, or rifles—agree at onto." Acting under these instructions, Mason's seconds called on M'Carty, as the bearers of his - ehallenge. . Kearty, again refused to're— ceive any communication from Mason, for the same reason as before. - A , violent-perso sonal altercation then took place bet Wee n, M'Carty and one of Mason's seconds, the latter insisting strongly that the challenge should be received and accepted, and the for mer obstinately declining -to receive it. The quarrel became so violent that the parties were neat fighting. At last, Mason's sec- ohds having threatened to post M'Carty as a coward unless he 'accepted the challenge, 31'Carty agreed to tiglA: It would appear from this, that though Mason's friends in general, and even one of his‘seconds, strove. to prevent the duel, it M as forced upon M'Car ty by the other. If the spirit which animated Mason in this unfortunate controversy: was headlong and uncompromising, that' which impelled , M'Carty was apparently none the less It is said.he would consent to no meeting that afforded any possibility' for the escape of either. Reckless of his own life, he'determ ined that if he fell his antagonist should fall with him. He therefore would only consent to meet Mason on such terms as.inust, in all probability, result in the destruction of both) , With this object in view _in acceptiwr e' the challenge, his first proposal is said to have been that he and Mason should leap together from the dome of the capital. This was de clined as wholly unsanctioned by the Code. lie next proposed "to fight on a barrel of powder,", "which was objected to," say the seconds, "as not according with established usages, as being without example, ' and us calculated to establish a dangerous wee dent." He next proposed to fight withM`k.s, in a hand-to-hand encounter. This was also declined for a like reason. His final propo sition was to fight.' with muskets charged with buckshot, at ten feet distance. These terms were hardly less calculated to insure a fatal result to both than those which had been previously objected to; but, desperate as they were, since they were clearly within Mason's letter of-instructions; and perhaps were not considered "as calculated to estab lish a dangerous precedent," they were finally,• with some modifications, accepted. The distance, it was agreed, should be twelve feet,. instead of ten, and a single hall was substitu, fed for buckshot. • In extenuation 'of the - unusual terms of combat proposed by , M'Carty, it is said that ho was exceedingly averse. to fighting his cousin, and desired to escaPe the acceptance of the challenge, if he could possibly do so without incurring the imputation of coward ice ; and that he could see no other way of escape than by naming such terms as Meson's friends were not likely to agree to. Mason appears to have been aware of his desire to avoid a conflict ; for in his correspondence he seems to have apprehended tome difficulty in extracting • from him a pledge to fight! This pledge, it seems, was given; but, even the desperate terms finally proposes did not have the designed effect of causing them to be rejected. On Friday evening, the 6th of February, the parties drove out to Bladensburg, accom panied by their friends, that they might be convenient to the pound 'on the following Morning. The intervening time was spent in completing their preparation. One man remembers that his father, a blacksmith, was called up at midnight-to repair one of the muskets. He suspected ih e purpose for Which the weapon was to be usi:d, and sturdily re fused to mend it. Hi 4 scruples, however, were flnally.quieted, and he was induced to exercise his craft uperi* by being told that it was to be used, in a shooting-match on thei following day. And SO it*was, but the wor-1 thy blacksmith little knew the stake that was' to be shot for. On Saturday morning, the 6th - of Februa-2. ry, 1819, at eight o'iluck, the parties met.; 'The contemplated meeting,it is said, was generally known at Blideiurg, and many, of the eitiens accompanied or followed them to the grohnd to witness' the encounter. 1. was snowing violently at the time. The ground seleeted 'for the combat was not the usual path,near the road, butanother and similar path just around the point of the hill on the right, about two hundred yard's . from the_bridge. Mas s on had.on at the time; a.large overcoat with long skirts; M'Carty," notwithstrading the severity of the weather, presented himself stripped to the shirt, and with his sleeves rolled up that he might have the free use of his arms: All the preliminaries having been *rrane :ed, the parties Were placcd—M'Carty facing up the bro)k, and Masan down—and then, at the - word, With the muzzles of their musica l s almost in contact; both- fired. Mason fell deadchis -life literally blown out of hini. M'Carty was severely wounded, his antags - ball entering his left wrist, -and tearing its way through the muscles of his arm to ward his shudder. That:both were;not kill ed seems little less than a miracle. t - Mason's musket is said'to have caught In the skirt of his long, overcoat, as he was in the act of raising it to his shoulder; and to this accident, us -it unsettled his aim, it cis thought M'Carty-was indebted for his life.i Masi:in never spoke from the time he took his place upon the ground. He lay nearly* he tell. On his person were famed letters ito his relutiyes and friends in regard to - the disposition of his body in case of his death. Three distinct Woundt were discovered in his left side, besides one in his. left elbow. This circurnstanca at first gave rise to a suspicion of foul play on the pert of 1411.3 arty ; but by a post-mortem examination it was ascertain ed that the ball' had struck the elbow-boner, and had been split into three parts, each of which had entered the body These parts were weighed, and found to correspond nearly with the weight of the lied that -had been agreed upon. il'Carty recovered from the wound in!his arm, but never from the more fatal woUnd inflicted upon. his.. mind by this 'unnatural encounter. He had escaped death, but, he' could not escape the recollection of that fear ful field. We have been told, by those-who knew him, that from that hour - he 'was changed,' and that the laws against dueling are provided with no penalties so terrible as those he suffered to the end of his existence. -rifarper's Magazine: 1 FoamERLT women were prohibited from marrying until they bad spun a set of; bed furniture, and till their wedding 'they were called spinsters, which 'continues to this!day ui all legulproceedings. • • SHORT DRESSES. -All the girls' with pret ty feet and ankles are it favors of the new fitshion of short dresses. All those ineat enough. t 4 like, clean, stockings, are in favor of the same fashion. • iraAktin tiepositor , titetnOir 34 1863. eitoco.orLE, xruVrlaro. Ramon •Paez ;has recently published in England a Book• of- Travels -in l South .America, which contains some exciting ad ventures. Here is a sketch of 4 1 CROCODILE LIFE 'AND DEATH. 14- W bile walking along the banks of the Portuguesa one may see these *tge lizards collected in groups of half a doZen or more,. basking in the sunshine near the Water; with their pkwa.:wide-open, till-their ghastly pal, ates I are filled with flies or other creatures alighting within them. We tried in vain shooting them with guns; the 'reptiles were so wary that the moment we took aim they rushed into the water. Being at a loss how to procure a subject for my pencil, I sought the advice of an old man, an angler by pro lessibm, who lived in one-of the huts near the river. He agreed to let me have his canoe, with his son to paddle it,-and the requisite munber of harpoons, providing' I could ob tain the assistance of an Indian boy from the neighborhood, who was a capital marksman with a bow and arrow. '`'What!' I exclaimed in astonishment, 'do we expect to kill oaeof these monsters with. so slight a thing as 'an arrotO"Nd, SenOr,' he calmly answered, 'but roil must first know where to find him nnaer water before you can strike him with the harpoon. - Tile arrow of which I speak is the kind we use in catching turtles.' "These arrows are constructed so as to al low the head, affixed to the shaft somewhat in the manner of a lance, to come off et the Moment it strikes an object in the water.-- - , A slender cord, several feet in length, con-- neets it with the shaft, which last is made of a 13110Aant reed ; around this the cord is wound 'closely until it reaches the point where th 6 head is, then fastened securely. The . shaft, being extremely light, floats on the surface of the water the moment it isset free frOm the head by the struggles of the.animal, thus acting as a Ride for its recovery. ,"The old angler then proceedid to explain , that the operation must be conducted by send inir, one:of these - arrows - into the body of thv crocodile to mark his position under water : and then, if practicable, we might plunge a harpoon into the only vulnerable spot we could hope to reach, viz; the nape of the • neck, after which the animul'could be easil3 , dragged on shore by means of strong rope: attached to the harpoon. - I "Accordingly, I went in search of the In - - dian boy, whom I found under a tree; seated like a toad, on his haunches, skinning a por alpine he had just killed. 1 "At my approach he raised his head and fixed on me his unmeaning, eyes. When sPoken to, be only replied to all my qua-., tons with the Monosyllabl ,s, fi, no. AM: - a little coaxing and the p mice of some e p e. fish hooks, he followed me o the canoe without' Uttering a word more. "We were not long in getting a chance to test the skill of my new acquaintance. As we approached the riverbanks a.large crocodile Move in sight, floating down the Stream like a log of wood., I , "Our position, was, most favorable to send - an arrow rattling through his scales, and my young Nimrod lost no tithe in improving the , opportunity. Stepping a few paces in -ad vance, and bending gracefully over the prec trace, he let fly at the reptile's head his slen der, -yellow reed, por elevacion, viz: shooting I the arrow up into the air at a angle of , for -1 ty-five degrees, which causes it to descend 1 with great force upon the object, 'after deS -1 cribing an arc of a circle in the manner of a i bomb shell. . . "Although the distance was fully 300 .pa ces, the arrow struck the, mark With the pre-- cision of a rifle ball: A. violent plunge of - the reptile was my first intiniat:lon that, the I trial had been successful and.o4 moment I perceived the. golden reed, noW-httached to him, swimming swiftly over the surface of the water.= We hastened' for the canoe, and immediately gave chase' up stseam, as the i - crocodile had taken that direction. We were rapidly gaining upon him. when, alarthed at the seund of the paddles, he sank-. in very deep water, as was indicated by the reed. L - circumstance rends.cd it impossible to employ our harpoon. We tried in vain to start'hinr; he stuck to the muddy bottom, whence neither pulls nor curses could:move him: We hoped that in time he would come to the surface to breathe, and then we might strike him with a harpoon ; but in this we were equally disappointed. ' • ' "After waiting 1)r him twahours, we gave him up, along with the arrow head sticking in his own. I made various other attempts to secure a specimen, but with no better re sult, as the river was yet too high to, sound for them. , " While in this place I was told_ several incidents in relation to the cunning and in stinct of these sauria.nc, one of which appear ed to be most remarkable in an animal ofthe reptile tribe. The ferryman here possessed a great many goats. Once he perceived that several of them had disappeared, and, not, be ing able to account for it in any other way, he at *nee laid the blame on the hated croc odiles, although these creatures seldom carry their attacks beyond their own clement.- His suspicions, he discovered in the end, were-well founded, having witnessed the de struction of one of his goats in a very singu lar manner. It appeared that a crocodil, had in some mysterious way discovered that' goats delight in jumping from place to place but more especially from rocks or mounds - Rocks, however, being rather . scarce in thi country, their treacherous enemy undertook to gratify their taste for this innocent pas-, time, and at the same time cater to his own. Approaching to the water's edge to.within few fast from the bank, he swelled out hir back in such a mariner as to give it the ap pearance of a small island or promontory. The stupid goats perceiving this, varied their gambols by jumping from their secure place, on r ,shore upon the seeming island, which th6y, however, never'reached i for the croco dile, tossing up his head at the right instant, received them into his open jaws and swal lowed them without difficulty. "No person can venture near the ,water without danger from their attacks, being so tretichcrous that they approach their intended victim near enough to strike him with their powerful tails before ha is even aware of their proximity. The bubbling sound of aTourd being filled with water by some imprudent. person specially attracts them. To obviate this danger, a calabash bowl with a long. wooden handle, is usually employed for the purpose; yet this is not unfrequently snatch ed from the hands - of the water-carrier. "if by accident a human being falls aprey to this tyrant of the river, the reptile is then called cebado, which appellation implies every that,is bold, feroci - 'us and treacherous in an animal of the species, as from that time they not only waylay personi, but fol low them in the canoes, in hopes of, again securing; this dainty morsel. There are, hoWever, men bold 6nough - to - meet the enemy face to face in , his own element. The man who makes up his mind to this encounter is well aware that this must be a conflict to the; death for one of the att-' tagonists. " The ferryman related to us a feat of o 1 gallantryfworthy of a better cause performed here by a Llimerb with one of these monsters. The . man -was on - h s - Way to San Jamie on . a' pressing errand. 3eing in haste to get there' the same day, he would ~not -Wait for the canoe to be brought him, - -but prepared to mina across, assisted by his horse. Re had already secured his saddle and clothes upon his head, as is usual on :similar occasions, when the ferryman cried out to -him to beware of a caiman cebado,, then lurking near. the,pass i urging upon him, at the same time r - to wait for the _canoe. Scorning his advice, the Llane:•ct replied with characteris tic pride, Let him come ; I was never yet afraid of man or beast.' Then laying aside part of his ponderous equipment, he placed his two edged dagger between his teeth and plunged fearlessly into the - river. .:'" He had not proceeded fir when the monster rose and made quickly towards him. The ferryman tressed himself devoutly, and muttered the holy invocation of 'Jesus Ma nicty Jose!' fearing for the life, and, above all, for the toll of the imprudent traveler. In the meantime the swimmer continued gliding through the water towards the ap proaching crocodile. Aware of the impossi bility of striking his adversary a Mortal blow unless he should reach • the arm-pit, he awaited the moment until the reptile should -attack him to throw his saddle at him. This being accomplished so successfuly that the crocodile, doubtless imagining it to be.some sort of good eating,, jumped, partly nut of the water to catch it. Instantly the Llanero plunged his dagger up to the hilt into the fatal spot. A hoarse grunt and a tremend ous splash showed that the blow was mortal, for the ferocious tm nster sunk beneath the waves to rise no more. "Proud of his achievement, and scorning the tardy assistance of the ferryman, who of fered to pick him 'up in his canoe, he waved his bloody dagger the air, exclaiming as he did So, 'ls there no otherabout here ?' and then turning, Jie swam leisurely back to take his hdrse acrdss: ' The canocro who - related this adventure then added, 'So delighted was 1 on that ocasio:n that I killed my fattest hen to treat the man to good saucoclin for the caitnan had devoured all my goats.'" TUE HEROINE OF GETTYSBURG. The country has already heard of John Burns, therhero of Gettysburg—of how the old man sallied forth, a host within himself, —to fight, on his own hook," and how he fell wounded after having delivered many shots :rom his trusty rifle into the faces and hearts of his country's foes. John Burns' name is already recorded amongtheirnmortal, to live there while American valor and patriotism, have an admirer and an emulator. But there t was a heroine as well as a hero at Gettysburg. •Ihe old hero Burns 'still lives—the heroine, " - sweet Jenny - Wade, perished in - the din of that awful tray, and she now sleeps where the flowers once bloomed, and the perfume-laden air wafted lovingly over Cemetery Bill. Be fore the battle, and while the national hosts were awaiting , the assault of the traitor foe, Jenn' Wade was busily engaged in baking -. bread for our national troops. She occupied a house in range of the guns of both armies, , and the rebels had sternly ordered her to leave ' the premises, but this she sternly refused to du. While she was busily engaged in her patriotiC work, a minie ball pierced her pure heart, and she fell a holy sacrifice in her . country's cause. Almost at the same time a' : rebel officer of high rank fell near where Jenny Wade had perished. The rebels at. once proceeded to prepare a coffin for their fallen leader, but about the time it was fin-' ished the surging of the conflict changed the -. positions of the armies,. and Jenny Wade's ' body was placed in the coffin designed for her country's enemy, and: thus the heroine -, of Gettysburg was buried.-The incidents of 1 the heroine and the hero o •Gettysburg• are A beautifully touching. noble, and sublime. o&John Burns was the only man of Get t. sburr who participated in the struggle to , t savertee N'orth front mvaSion. while innocent Jenny Wade was the only sacrifice that the people of that locality had to oiler:. on the shrine of their country': Let it monummt-be erected on the ground which Covers her. be fore which the pilgrims to the holy tombs of the heroes of Gettysburg can bow- and bless the memory of .Jenny Wade. Before the summer. sunshine again k* , es the grave of Jenny Wade; before the sou mer birds once more carol where she sleers in glory ; before the flowers again - deck the plain made fu mous by gallant deeds, let a monument rise to greet the 'skies in token of virtue„,daring and;nubleness. —Ha rrsburg Telegraph. Joss, since his• marriage, has token to talk slightingly' of the holy estate. brown -, t was telling him of the death of a, mutual whom, " the disconsolate" had ;icourted for twenty-eight years and then mar . She turned out to be a perfect virago, but died two years after the -wedding.— " There," said Jones, "thbre's lu&k. tiee what the fellow escaped bye long courtship :" AY English Judge, in India', is .reportejl to have thus addressed a person eonyieted before him, prior to passing sentence: " Pris oner at the bar, Providence has given yod a , 00d degree of health and s..rength, instead " pf which you go about the country stealing lucks!" . . A 'YOUNG medical student was thrown from qis horse at a late meeting at Epson , tnd upon a friend asking him, a few day, tfterwanh, "ly here were you hurt, .Fred was it near the, vertebra ?" he replied, imme diately, "Oh, no, it was near the race course." HEROES IT THE BrRENST.—Eggs have ) been tilled with whiskey and shipped in barrels. now a certain woman sports !mita percha breasts, filled with old Bourbon of best qual ity and greatest, ago. From these the sol diers quaff copious draughts. SD IGNORANT are some of the English pea • santry that they took the recent earthquake for`a sign that the world was coming to an end, and immediately packed up to emigrate to America to avoid the impending calamity. TuE avaricious man is like the barren, sandy ground,in the 'desert, which sucks - in all the rain a-id dews with greediness, but yields no fruitful herbs or plants for the be nefit of others. Tom MoonE"ectinpared love to potato, "because it shoots from the eyes." "Or rather," exclaimed Byron, "because it be comes less by paring." 'Ai Irish lady bought n lot of postage stamps,' and for safe keeping, stuck, them Oil the wall, and," said slip µ 3ivil a One ov them 9duhl I get ‘ offni-xt morning." THERE. is, no 'readier way •for a man to bring. his own worth _into question than - by endeavoring to detract from the Worth of I 1 other men. Publications. SOUTIIERN ,HISTORY OF TTTF, THE FIRST .YEAR OF THE WAR: Dr E. A. POLLARD, kaitor Richmond Examiner. 1 Vol. Sroi 4 1 6-pages; Diuth, $2.00. With authentic - portmiticmi isteel. of DAVIS, LEE; BEAUREGARD AND JACKSON, AND PLANS OF RATTLES - - This is an exact reprint of the only Iffetery of the War published in the South. The value Ind importance of this connected statement of all civil. military and naval operations for _the year ending . July 1. 1562, pictured to Southern readers, cannot be bedetreted, it is well written, full of details,with m my narratives and incidents of personal adventure of the greatest interest. It contains interesting sketchesof Southern Officers, the ronstitntion of the Confederate States, and a Chronolog ical Slat of Battles and Events. SECOND YEAR OF THE VAR: BT E. A. POLLMID, Editor Richmond Examiner, and-An- Char of " First Year of the War." I Vol.8io: 400 pages; Cloth, $2. Witt} Portintte, on Steel, reeentb taken. of Vica-Pnzainvxr STENIF,NS, GENERALS LONGSTREET, lIZLL BRAT G AND JOHNSON, AND 'PLANS OF BATTLES - - - This volume brings the History of the War, from a Southern view, down to the close of the late invasion, (July, 1863) of Pennsylvania:. Written with clearness, independence and ablli ty, and as the only connected account of ill. the civil :landau, and naval operatic-A(ln the South, it is of great Impor tance and interest. It glees a thrilling narrativo of campaigns, which were filled with interesting Incidents and brilli int action. It contains a Chronological Lister - Rattles and Events. COMPANION TO POLLARD'S lIISTORIES. OFFICIAL 'REPORTS OF BATTLES: Published by order of C,ongres.s.',Riuhmond, Va. 7 V01.8vo; 000unges; Cloth, $2.50. AUTHENTIC 'PORTRAIT OR OEN. REAUREGARDi An exact reprint ol the Official Confederate Reports of BATTLES, RAIDS and SIEGES. which are of the greatest interest and impel tence. They will command the attention of multitudes of readers in all parts, whir are desiron, of /mowing the Southern History of the War. The above works, bound handsomely in half Morocco, gilt edges. uniform, will be supplied at $l2 par set. C. pies of the above sent - by mail, post-paid, upon re ceipt of prices. Agentssupplied by dec2.3-3tl G. M. BRIGGS, 400 Chestnut St.. Phil:lda. ,MIST .EDITION, 15,000.--THE •J: GREAT GENERAL op THE SOM. AN AUTHENTIC: LIFE *STONEWALL JACKSON. LIFE, SCltricEl3 iI.triCAMPAIGNS OP STONEWALI;'JACKSON, From Ofticial Papers, Cbtemporary Narratives, and Per _ sonal Acquaintance. BY A ,Vntauvall. One Vol. 12nm ; 325 pp.; $1.25. Authentic Portttal•s of a ACH,ON. and his successor, Ew. ELL, nu Steel Reprinted from advanced sheets of the Richmond Edition. • Stonewall JaicksotOhitimhde too profound an for the public not to devour with avidity an authen tic life. Poor compilations may - be got np by authors without access- to authentic documents. but this-is a life written by a Confederate officer (lion. John M. Daniels)' who know him well, served under him in his brilliant career: was assisted in the work by Mrs. Jackson, and had access to all his papers. It Is written with great ability. and firms a volume of intense and absorbing in terest. unequaled by any other yet offered to the public. • It' contains the only authentic portrait of Jackson, taken from life. shortly before the battle of Chancellors rifle, for Mrs. Jackson. Agents Applied by - G.-M. BRIGGS. tlec23-.3t] 400 Chestnut Street. Philtulelphin 10 . - - ---0 TI C 8.- - ---The Subscriber will. 1.1 publish in September, a PORTRAIT of STONEWALL JACKSON 11- W/ MIsTH AN AUTOGRAPH, ' ENGRAY . A' ON ERL BY ON O 1 TUB - BEST ARTISTS OF THE COUNTRY. It is to led from a photograph taken Jost before the battle of C iancellorsville for Mrs. Jackson, and is the on ly authentic picture. The work will be done in the fluent style of the art. The size of the engraving will be 13516. • . PRICES, WITROUT 'FRAME: Plain Proofs PAO . India Proofs ' 5.00 Artist's Proofs, bOfore ,etter, of which a very limb. ted number will be printed 10.130 They can be sent by express. - -.•-..-' Persons' deAring this splendid:portrait of Jackson are requested to forward their nam s early to the Publiahor. Copies will be delivered in the order in which the sub scriptions a ere received . Copies of above scut by mail, postpaid. upon receipt of prire4. Ag,ents supplietrhy G. dee"23-3t] 400 Plielituat Street, Philadelphia. T HE RURAL AMERICAN.—The Best Paper for Farmers Saari Pewit Growers—Rigfa T HE for onlrTepenty SulAeribers.—l *lilt 10,00 h chits agents to circulate the Rural American, Utica. N. Y. Volume VIII commences.Tanuary Ist 1814, paper free to club subscrAtrsin December I This is de cidedly the best rstrchermer's and fruit grower's paper in-existence. at only SI a year, and every snbscei her receives two of the hest GRAPE VINES known to exist. sent free of all expense. or oNE noLtAn's worth of It Ut.zs ELL'r.i GREAT PROLIEIG STItAIV B ER RA P LA NTS,—the largest and most productive in the worifl i many of which are actually . as large as sex's Enos Every person who remits at will receive the-paper FREE to Janunry next. an , ' through 156.1 for his money I Sample copies sent free tonsil applicant?. with full details. Positively I offer the best terms PI Postmasters end oth er club agents of any other publiriher - its this country. EIGII I' DOLLARS in premiums for every cluh of TWEIIPrr sub-well).- a! I have an Immense supply of the choicsseS grape vines, all of whirls are to be FREE to my subsori bens! Send fol. specimen copies immediately, and :C -ress [n ovl S-Est IT. B. MIN ER. CI int on .0n eda Co.,N.Y. AIR. BRADBURY'S NEW MUSIC HOOK.---ThE KEr Nero." a new collection,i of Clint eh and Singing Music, by W. 13. Bradbury, le ready Ott lost. end the puldi4iiers, believe will well repay life many Singing Schools and Chairs which have been wale.. ing for it. Soma indication of Mr. Bradbury's populari ty a+ :mouth is afforded in the fitct that the whole of the fi at edition of ten thousand copies of this new book were ortill'r,•ii in arlrann! or pub/Until - on. Other editions will follow immediately. Ono hundred lingo, are devot ed to the Elements of Music, with a great amount 'of new Singing Sehnert Music, nod nearly three hundred pages to•Sacred Music. na tunes of all metres. Anthill:els, Chants. and oilier set pieces, mostly new. The:work to printed throughout front large plain type. one part on a staff. trice, per dozen. $lO. A single copy tunny teach er. for exanunaron. by mail. p,ostpabl„ for Si. Addritsu Mssox k 11a3t1.t5.154 I.Vviolliogroo St.. Buston,or . MASON BROTIrERS. Publishers. deeo-1t 5 & 7i Mercer St.. Now York., A TIIOUSAND YEARS.—Work's groat War Song. Word' nnd Mnsjo in JnntinryNo. A SCHOOL MAGAZINE r REF.I - CLAIM'S SCIIOOL . TOIL—VO LITHE VIII. ' The Publisher of this favorite Monthly, it( order to reach all Schcailif. will send the VISITOR one year gratis to one person (who will act as Agent) at any post tare in Mt , United States. This Man unparalleled offer. Address, with firo_centa enelo.c , .f r particulars, • J. W. DAUM-JAL/AY. Publisher, dec2il-2fl 1308 Chlestnut St.. Dentiotrp; T.EETII,INSERTED ON AMBER BASH.—DR. N.:-CIILOSSE,R. Odle still at his real , iglei, on EAST MAIIRET sTittier. near. the Franklin Railroad. Dentistry in up it,s brunettes attended towith all the modern Improvements. 'laving published to this community for utore thio two years. that teeth on Amber k In every way CHFIA DER AND ll IiTT ER than teeth on all . other materia4 I e.nnld say that I still see no reason to change my ophilon.-for there are man) per sons In Chantheklalrg mid: virinfty for whom I have inserted teeth on AMBER Whocau testify to their !wipe rim. nterit. - , N.B. All work warranted to give aatiafactltm.er no charge. Teeth extracted *Malta pain with perfect gatety,without talcum Chita - 016ml. For fel they* infor• oration exil at the of Rune 17,1863. frlli.. W. W. BCELOSSER, Surgeon .Dentie.—The undersigned has removed his Office rum the 41anelon Douse to the residence of Mr John Noel. Northwest corner of the Diamond, and Immedi ately opposite the Franklin Hotel. Office on the so. cond floor—entrance through the passage, to the right as you ascend the stairs: June IL 1863. _ - W. W. 411LOSSED, EMOVAL.'--Dr. T. K. REID - , Den— eat, line removed hie o fficefrom the corner& the Pull is Spode, where he prsictißed so many yerirt. tothe corner of Main end Queen Iftrect e , above Wm. Ileyser'e Dru g Store.Chrfruberibur g , whote he will be pleased to receive the calla of blefrlonde. [Junel7,lB63: A ELTON & • C 03.4 iSION MERCILIANTFy and Dealers in LEATHER. SUMAC; Mitt:P.4ND CALF MIN, ' • No. 434 North Third Street, Philadeinbia. Leather. Sumac and Skins. bought or eold on Commis -6ioll. Advances made. on Convignments. • [deed dm) NOTICE OF tiutice IR hereby git ( 4l that the nutlei signed hart this day entered into partnership, in the Cosh-Making buNinees. In all It s various brituuber. ni•der the name of Paint & Foltz. -Thu said firm will do business at the stand lately occupied by P. henry Peite-r and would respouttailysiolicil a continuance of the Pablic paltutittge.L . P.ILENRY P.MYYL,R, Nov.o - ,1881, b:c.FOLTZ 4 1,rult#tua. - T FitixKLIN OtOTIIING 131POR*Iii NEWEST STYLES. - Lb. : ItOE'S.T ST tigx- -, :c . R.,E A PEAT Pill C.R. -- The undersigned ean aesure the Public, and doe els %ft. cessful eArntradietion, that his recent purchases In tlik -Easter° citiesenables him toafTer_ •)ne of flop largeet most attractive melt of OLOTHINQ At the Pail and Winter &own of 16E3-4 to be_ l'onik, in any sindlareatabUstment ttiis suction. ivtAr Jr% riety COATS, 4a.2,PANT'S, AND VESTS, • Made in the very best 3tyleand at the lowest prtes- • GENTLEMEN'S run's-wino GOODS, - - Stich as Shirts," Drawers, Collars. Cravat*; ,Nock?Tha Ilandkerchiefs t dce.otc. Speed! attention is called - thi EDspartment. - CUSTOMERS' ORDERS. I would invite an -Examination of my Stork of • Cloths. Kessenners .Vestiugs, le., which -1 1 rdann upon special orders. SPECIAL NOTICE. - - wouldbeg to say tna . t.,,my Goods are manufactured under my own supervision and by the very, beat worts,. men.. .My present stock i 9 tho most ex tensivelhale-yet had in store and I respeciluily ask my fan. de and e Public to give me a call before purchasing ilseet te a. Ridnember the old Stand. , J. T. 11.04KINSON. , • Franklin lintel Building. Corner of the Diamond and West Market Street„ Oct- 7.Chambersbnrg. Be, _ - -JFELLIOTT, CLOTHIER, South- • watt timer of the DIAMOND, nes; door to th• ante. CH AMBERSBURG, bee ii-st retnrned in mth i City with a large stock of superior and seasonsb Goods,encle as CLOTEIS.CASSDIERES. FATINETT JEAN', CORDS. k e.: for Coats. and TELYET;‘, SATIN .51 4.ltisElLLES.eind other Yestiogs. Also—a very Itiiiii selection of READY-MADE CLOTIIIING. which lag , prepared to sellat the very lowest market prises. r - CUSTOMER IVORK.—As he employ s a tirst-rate en,- - ter, he is prepared to make np all kinds of (: amen ts: for Men and Boys, to order,in the best styles. Salle (action will be guaranteed, . ' A large assortment ot GE'S TI.P.I4EN'F FtrAitll3Bll.o 011VM. Inch ns Shirts. Drawers. Collars. Ilandkei penders.Carpet Bags. Umbrellas. &c.. Alwayecot hand, Give him acaG and save money. [done 17.'014 - - - R C. WALBORN & CO'S NV HOLES kW: AND IMPA, itak READY MADE LINEN ' AND DRESS STOCK MANUFACTORY. No. 6 tt 7 North 'Sixth Street, Philadelphia. Silk,nerino and cat torittndrr Ski tr t a ni,d Dra wers.rlea vats. Scarfs.Oloves,ltansTkorchiefs, &c. Shirts: WrapP** , and Dress Stocks made to order by messnrement, and warranted to give satisfaction. Orders may beteft with S. S. StTrocs,Cbrunberstavik. sep, 23 WESTON & BROTHER, - M.F.RCIIANT TAILOES A - No. 9do Arch &rect. Philadelphia. Th. 11:aving received n lihoral ahare of patronage from Chttut biwalturg and vicinity, we are encouraged to aak 'more. The excellence of our goods and out work. said the care we take to give entire satiefaction is a engleiesta guarantee that we value our reputation. nov 11, 61.1-ly R.STOZ4 , do 811 CallEll,- *anterg t 3Parneoo, PVer ADDLERY ! S A DDLERY JO dies. Ikidlea, Harness, Collarit,Trunks, Valises." sign of the HORSE COLLAR. JEREMIAH OYSTER respectfully returnebie Outwits to hie potions for the liberal encouragement rereistail from them heretofore.and be would invite them aindtliat community generally, who may need any thing - in hitt line, to giro him a cal) at his OLD STAND*, on the East aide of Main Street. Chataberalnarg„ live dbore South of lluber &Tolbert's Hardware Store, where he keepa etantly on hand every variety of SADDLERY ANI HARNES.S. of his own M.tnitfacture. and he is prepared to sell thesame at terms that defy competition. Ettecw articte offered f.,r wile is warranted to be made of tft, .best material and by competent workmen.which will Ds frilly demonstrated on an examination thereof. TRUNKS AND VALISRS.--lie would tile() call attentionnf persons wanting good, neat, cheap and sulistanial Trunk or Valise, to his assortment. June 17. '63 SADDLE AN!) ItARNESS UFACTORY.—The undersigned would respectfully announce to his friends and the public generally, thilk be has taken the SADDLE', AND If AIINESS SIIOP los merly carried on by Matthew-Gtllao, decM. on WEN, MARKET STREET, near th e Conacolheugtm Creek. to .the Borough,of Chrunbersburg, where ho manufact uses Saddles. Bridles and Lltirness,and has constantly on hated an excellent assortment of Collars. Whips, Ile employs none bit the beet of Workmen, mid 'mile • .struCts all work from tho best material. TRUNK: , and ALISES constantly on hand. all of which will he sold e• cheap as the cheapest. A coutinnatwo of the for Mer yA tronage of the shop.ls most respectfully solicited. June 17, 63 JAMBS B. GILLAN; WHIPS ! 11 7 1111 1 8 'fr- TVIISTAN SAILLITO 4" - SON, corner of Main - and Washington Streets. Chamhersburg. Pa., mannfsetnt en, of all kinds of WHIPS. such as Wagon- Carriage awl Riding Whips of various sizes and of superior quality, which they offer io the public, either by Whole.esh , or Retail. at very moderate prices. LASHES of all lengths kept constantly on hand and forsale Fy the dozen very cheap. They also manufacture superior 001.- LAWS. to which they invite attention. Ordere from a distance.solicited and promptly attend ed' to 411411,T:3. RI ROAD GEARS,GOLLARS, HA TEHS,and anything in the Leather line beln»g/nx to the Saddler's business.aleatys on 1171114-81111 mole to nit der, and on reasonable terms itt lieiltDON:S, opposite the Indian Qneen Hotel. - Main et. Cri H. G 0 R D-0 N—successor to J. ntranALOoßDON—gives notice to hts customers and others. that he is still et the OLD STAND, oPlu the Indian Queen 'flute'. nitin street;Chianbeisbnik LS. ("CORDON HAS - A - SUPER-10R lot ht . SADDLES, HARNESS, BRIDLES, FDA RUTS. SPURS, thich he will sell cheap for casiner peel trade. inItEPAIRING DONE AT SHORT notice, on reasonable tempi; by C. H. 013.11 1 0,r le vites hi' frlendp , to come to Nee him. notograpbtr. ti & H. T. ANTHONY, j - • . Manufacturers ce:Phntogritphic Materiels 601 Broadwa. York CARD I'IIOTOGRAPHS. ---- - - , Our Catarogne now embraces considerably over Prom Thousand ditrrrentilubjects (to which additions are vote. tine:l.lly being mtido) or , Portraits of EminentAmerics' sae etc., viz: 72 1-Iz , !or-41rnerale, 525 Stalest:an, ' 100 Itrign , iier•Oenerals, - 127 2: 0 ll6 Authors, 84 Lientenant.Coldnels 30 Artiste, = - 207 Other 011irers, 112 - Stage, 60 Navy (Aileen+, 46 Prominent NPonsen, 147 Prominent Foreign Pm-trails. ' - 2,500 °Tics qt Works of Art, Inclu 110 eprodnetions of, the mat celebratral Monroe ince. Paintinge.Stablei. &c.. Catalogue' sent oa trabrta of tan l P. An order for One Dozen Pictures from Catalogue wilt be filled on receipt of 31.b0, sod nen!. by mail free. PIIOTOGRAPIIIC ALBtlliS Of these we manufacture a great vriety, ranging to price from 50 cents to $5O each. Our Albums have the reputation of being superierts bounty and durability to any others, The smaller kind can be sent safely by mail at a - postage of Six cents per oz. A The more expensive can be gent by express. We also keep a large assortment of • STFRESCOPES AND STERNSCOPIC TIM& „ Ohreatalogue of these will be sent to any address, es receipt of Stamp. - • B. &H. T. ANTONY, • '- Manufacturers of Photographic Material, , 501. -Broadway, New York. • Friends or relatives of prominent military- nt'ieir will confer a favor by - sending us their Ilktnesdto cote. The', will be kept caretuby and returned uniejated„ Fine Albums made to order for Congregations to trir -sent tat heir Pastor, or for other purposes. with snitabii inscriptions o te. fort 19-6.11%., Loot, g etoion ant *tratelt. rlk ° ' REWARD.—StoIen from the pasture field of the subscriber, • on tridaj night the 7 tit inst.,4 Wiles easi`of Cluunbersturgen urn Gettysburg Pike, a large Black Ilorno,t years old; ewe novel in the lett shoukler, but does not go lame; walk. mall in barness or under the eaddlo.--alie above restart all be p.sid for - any Information leadfug to the recosciry . urtbe horse by ANDBEWI.J. LOCRBAV*. aug 1.2
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers