8 trautlin I'viltaitarg.. LOCAL . CHRISTfitAS.-du a few days Christmas will be upon us with all its festivities and merri-. meta,. as well as with its more serious and more earnest duties. To theyoti,ng,lt always brings mirth and jollity in its merry train. - It is the, grand gala season of the year—a time of freedom in its broadest sense—a pe riod of unrestrained enjoymeat,. when the quiet "old folks' are" respectfully requested by "Young America" to stand aside, and give place to the romp. the Sport and the dance. Just about this time the "little folks" are beginning to prepare their biggest stock inas, Pir the expected visit of - their ancient friend, Santa Claus, - NN ho always mnneges to creep through the most diminutive icey holes, and steal down the smallest chimneys, expressly for the purpose of filling their baskets with all kinds of treasures. Good, 'generous' soul! how inany has he made hap,- ,pier by his annual visitations—ho* many 'sleepless nights there Will be between this ,day and "thegood time coming"—how many innocent hearts wilb.beat high; with delight., as the happy dawn arrives, Which unveils the promised gifts of the munificent St. Icich ," °lasi In accordance with custom; we pub lisle below the charming lines Of Prof. Moore. which have become inseparably associated with Christmas times, and which are always read with pleasure by old and young : A VISIT - FROM ST. NICHOLAS 'Twas the night before Chris tin us, when all through the house Not a ereaturewas stirring, not even a mouser The stockings were hung by the chimney with care. In hopes that St. Nie'holas soon would be there: The children were neetled all snug' in their bed444 1 ,- . . Whilerisions of sugar plums danced in their head And Mamma in her 'kerebiof. and in my cap, Had just settled down for a long winter's nap; When.out in] the lawn there at am Such a clatter, I arose from my bed to . see what was the matter, Away to the window flew dike a lash, Tore open the shutters and threw upthesastr, The moon on the breast of the now fallen snow Gave thorlustre of mid-day to objei_tts below. When,. what to my wondering eyes should appear. But u miniature sleigh, and eight tiny reindeer, With a little old driver, so lively.and quick. I kilea , in a moment most be old Nick, More rapid than eagles his coursers they came, And he whistled, and cheated, and called them by (11141 C. . "No* Dasher! now. Dancer! now, Prancer and • lixen On, efmici on Cupid !-(in, Donder and Blitzert! To the top of the porch ! to the top of the wall P" Now, dash away! dash away! dash away all!" = • Asilry 1,-.lv,_iwzore the wild hurricane fly. reit} , oht•taclomount to thesky So ;do ~.osn-to.p th ~ , u sers they flew. With n 4 , 41.1 fair of toys end St. Nicholas too. And tuen - in n twinkling, 1 heard!on the roof. The prancing and pawing of each; little hoof— As I drew in my head, and was turning around. Down the chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound. He wa, dreeti - all iu fur fium his head to his feet. And his clothes Acre, all tarnidmil with ashes and /not; A bundle of toys he bad flung un-bis back". And he lookul like a• pedha just openiul his pack. His eyes how they twinkled, his dimples how merry! His cheeks were like roses, his wise like a cherry; His droll little mouth was drawn' up like a bow. And the heard of his chin was as irhite as the snow; The stump of a pipe he held tight I„,his, teeth, ' And the smoke it encircled his hearlike a wreath. He had a broad face and a little round belly, Thatshook, when he laughed, like a bowlful of jelly. He was chubby and plumb, a right jolly old elf, And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself; wlnk of his eye, and a twist of his head, Sotragave me to know I had nothing to dread. He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work. Andtlled all the stockings, then turned with a jerk, And laying his finger asideraf his nfise, And giving a nod, up the chitane'y he rose, And sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whlStle, And away they aH flew like the down of a this*, - But I heard hiui exclaim, ere he drove oat of sight, " Merry Chriatticucto all and to all a Good MAU " Guam. WITH Ou Fax.Eiais.—We once made the highly original remark that the weather is a fruitful as ,well as safe subject for gossip. Little did we imagine that we would have.such weather tolgoss, , ajout ns that of the past week. On the night of tle 16th it began to rain,.hail and sleet, and on • the - litli it great deal.morn of the same sort, , ahtil.Tthe ground. and trees and telegraph" wires were coated with bright, sparkling ice. The trees looked like ghosts of trees, glitter - ing like the eyes of a beautiful though heart less belle. The ground was very unsafe for some people that we wot Of. Even.the _la dies kept within doors. The cracking of trees was heard 'in 'every direction. Tele ..graph poles were like 11. Si Stocks after 'the battle of, Bull. Run, , and the wires drooped like a cock's tail in a thunder shower. tThe 'forests looked like Fairy land on the' thl .• i . lowng morning, with the glorious sunrahi ning.upon them, bringing -out,all the colors of the rainbow; but like rbarty abother"too - . ardent lover, destroying the beauty z „that , he reit ered for the time more beautiful. NOth in now remains but the disfigured stumps of what were oncograceful trees. ~ ' • Have we a police amongst us? Is there no law to protect quiet citizens who wish to • sleep? Shall we who live in town keep si lence because, forsooth, the' Senior resideth in the country? Who is it that maketli the outrageous noises throughout the once sober • ' streets of our goodly Borough. Their noise • a that of •lions and •? tigers, - of cats and o dogs, of hyenas and of jackals. Their num ber, appeareth to be, legion, thoughT ‘ we opine with a cherished hope that they be - but few in number. . , One day last week we were the unwilling witnesses of ; ofa horrible Outrage perpetrated upon a ry , gro, in the open streets of the city of BaorimiLy LOPE. A„ maligions white brother threw a bucket full of flour and wa ter into the face of the nnoffending 4 , man and a brother," plastering him in such a manner that he would have passed for white. :Er Tribune ptiase copy. In our free and happy country we are gen erally under the impresSion that Rim:a and kindred material have.none of the smallness ea of ourselves. Imagine the open-mouthed astonishment of &friend . of mine who hap pened to 11 - in a visit to the Royal Picture Gallery in Paris, to see the Sing of Holland carefully extinguish his cigar stump, 'about an inch and a half long; before entering, holding it in his mouth - for two bours,land then, having made his exit, pull ont a match and light the self-same Stump with an Ede& extreme satisfaction. Surely Kings are mor tal. Hereafter let. all jokes cease upon soldiers." ' Cannot something be done with the ahem- , : ployed boys who,congreg4e in and around, the Passengers' roam at "the R. IL Depot! each time the trains arrive t How would it do to hang one for thebenetlt of the rest? Did you ever travel in a car with a si•ying baby? We did, and can testify to the un-i pleasantness of it. It is• true we were all, babies once, and possibly we may have Cried; 'too; but it would do us infinite good to know now that wo had been well spanked for an-, noying our neighbors of a larger growth: The special baby we refer to, sat an its mother's lap, behind us; in the care, wze‘ about two years old, and this baby cried all the way from Harrisburg to PhiladOlphis;, from 51- P. M., to 1/.. It howled like ti pup -1 py that had his tail trodden on, meowei a tom-cat at midnight, and squealed Mice .stuck pig. It kicked and scratched and bit. It's mother talked ~ z u itty pet" talk to it. .tried to choke it maternally, and in lino did all but what she should have demi, i.e. given it a sound whipping. We lonked f(! ,the days of Herod, and bore our fate Withou grinning. Last . Saturday night we were waked froin a pleasant snooze about 11 o'clock by a fear. ful noise at a certain hotel on Main; street The noise was so great that we were not e 4 tonidted to hear a female voice froin ono the lnirriedlY opened windows exchtiM in' tone of unaffected terror ; "Is it a biatle ? - Again we ask, .1-I:lave we a police ?" Christreraiscoming ,Now is the timel forget injuries;taforgive our enemiesi to as pardon of God and of Man for the fu:ulti omission. and commission during the pa year. peace on earth, good will to men' be our motto-to all but rebels. 1 DISC/JAWED FROM -RICHMOND.-4-Amos Barnes, a colored 'resident of 31.ercersburg, was seized by the rebels on the 2d of July last, and' taken to "Richmond' when Lee re• treated across the Potomac. He was- at first confined closely in Castle Thunder, but after some time was taken out, with other cap4e negroes, and put to work in Camp Winder. Subsequently he was employed to labor on boat carrying wood to-Richmond, and was treated kindly—the Captain occasionally al lowing him to load some refuse wood for himself and sell it in Richmond, Where commended high prices in rebel money: He saw a number of free negroes tied up and flogged at different times ; but he for'tunate ly escaped by- his adroitness and his success ful efforts to pleaSe those who had chargelof him. Ho was with others all around Rich.: mond in the performance of his labors, always in charge of an officer,.and he had a good opP(')rtunity to judge. of the workings of the rebellion in its oapital. He tried various methods to gets letters north, but without success. Finally two men in Richmond called on him and:named him but did not give their. names, and told him that ho could be discharged by getting a certificate signed by several persons in Mer cersbitrg whom they named. They had evi dently been students at Mersersburg College More than ten years before, for among oth ers they named one man who had been ab sent from this county fully that. period.H- Barnes, itt once set himself to work to get it letter through, and finally got on the rebel guard to do it. for him for $25 in rebel money. That letter reached - Mercersburg, and. brought in reply a certificate .signed by nearly all the leading citizens of the duce testifying that be f was a free man, and *Rev. Dr. Creigh also wrote Rev. Mr. Mbore of the subject. Upon these papers he was dis charged on Tuesday of last, week, and h , tame by way of Fortress Monroe and reaqh ed omo on last Saturday night..., He had considerable intercourse with the rebel soldiers there, and represents them a eery tired of the war. He heard bitter mut terings among them at different times, ant. especially as to their currency. Greenback sold - for from ten to twelve dollars for one in rebel currency, and the rations often consisted of nothing but corn bread and coffee Made of, corn and rice. He says another bread riot broke out in Richmond week before lasty in which the women participated prominently but it Was quelled by temporarily supplying tliem with-food. • Hesays that there are very few troops about Richmond ; • that he never saw as many as fifty in one body in or about the city,: All have been sent to Lee and Longstreet. He says that-the tone of the rebel troops about Richmond is one of gen eral despondency, and that many despair of theauccesa of the rebellion. He is an uneducated but rather intelligent negro, And we regard his representations a: , entirely reliable. CHRISTMAS `FEsTivrOta.—The holiday s !mon, near at hand, promises to be observed with unusual intermit. _ To-morrow evening (Christmas y.ve)!the Hope Fire Company will have a splendid entertainment in their Hall. Song, and toast, and good cheer will prevail, and aide lightful time is anticipated. Hot coffee and cold water, we learn, will be the only liquids tolerated, The Burgess and Town, Council have been invited and will no doubt be present. I :Capt. Schelling's Co. D, 16th Iteg. '. Invalid Corps, will partake di' a grand banquet ken derecl them by the ladies. in the Conn Hall, at 2 o'clock on Christmas Day: The Hall will be elegantly decorated, and it is design ed to have the banquet on the most superb style. -Gov. Curtin, Adjutant Gen. 13.04 Hon. Simon Camoresi and various - othei• co- franklin•lll9o9lb:it% Ottembtr t 3, 1863. Ivbrities have been invited. Our Band will furnish the music. , We have been requested to say that those who have already contributed or who intend to contribute, will be kind enough to send in their gifts to the committee at the Court Hall on to-morrow (Thursday) afternoon. Per . - i.ons whom the committee have not been t able to wait upon need not on that I - ec 'tint be re luctant to assist in the matter, as any sup plies they may send will be thankfully re .ceived and acknowledged. The Invalid Corps is composed. of men, veterans in• the service, who have heroically attested their devotion to the 'cause of liberty and the perpetuation of the Republic on the battle- fields of the country, and deserve our kindest consideration and esteem The Court Hall will be open for public ill gwetion from 11,A. M. to 1 P. M. We undOstand that a dinner will be given by the ladies to the inmates of the 'Hospital oti the same day. SKY ERE STORM.—One of the severest and most destructive storms we remember to have seen in this region for years. occurred on Friday last. The rain, accompanied by sleet, came down in torrents, :freezing as it fell, and rendering walking on the btreets and pavements almost impossible. The surface walls of buildings became almost as brilliant as a Mirror and lee .pondants from cornices .were of a highly attractive and ornamental diameter. The troN •-were burdened- with ice of the most fantastic and beautiful shapes but very destructive in consequences. Some of the largest trees yielded to the immense weight upon them: . and fallen timber . could be found in every direction. In some places. the r a Is were so obstructed as to remind one o'. the abattis work of an enemy, and from a tlte number of trees and limbs con stantly crashing and falling, travel was really a dangerous business. Orchards and shade t roes malered considerably, and the destruc tive effects of the storm upon all kinds of tim ber will be visible in this section for years. GEN: E. B.Tl7Lint.—lt may - be of inte rvst to the brave soldiers of the 120th Begi inent, to know that'the favorite commande: of the brigade to which they -belonged, is in command at Baltimore, having charge and direction of the defences of that city. Gen. Tyler's record bea=rs date with the very be ginning of the war, and is of the most hon orable Sharacter.' Ha originally couituanded the ith.Ohio Regiment, a body of 'Men who have stood the brunt of several fights, and in late encounters lost their brave „Colonel, Lieut. Colonel and Adjutant. The kind so cial qualities, gentleinanly demeanor, and high thilintrY administrative abilities of the G,neral, we notice ,by Baltimore journals, are 14roperly appreCiated. RESIONED.—Capt. Benjamin Roth's, com manding- Company K, 107th Regt. .Penna. Vols., has resigned his position and returned 0o this place. The Captain was Orderly Ser geant 'of Captain - Doebler's Company in the three month's service. Soon after the expi ration of his term .ho was mustered in US First Lieutenant of Capt. Brand's Conipany, and upon the resignation of that officer suc ceeded him in command and was commissl Toned Captain. a promotion which faithful service justly entitled him. On many of the battle-fields of the' Army of the Potomac, Capt. Rodes has proved himself a brave and gallant soldier, and he how 'retire's from the army; reluctantly, on account of ill health. FRIENI)§IIIP FIRE COMPANY.—At a meet ing of the Frionchhip Fire Qompany held at their Engine House, Dec. 14, 1 1863, tli following officers were elected I'6r:the CP.FII/- ing six months :- President— B. Latrobe Maurer. Vice Protith.nt— John Aug. Seiders. Treoeurer—Solomon Huber. Smerstorp—JateobJarrett. Directorv—Stla. Garwick, Christian Henneberger, Jos. barman. Chit(' ripe man—George Laid wag. A Hqintnat Kn.: men—Barnet Earley, Samuel Bence. .9ra riding O r . 0 Inu ittre - -(kp. geom. Wan. Smith, It. H. Perry. John A. Sellers, 'yrus 11. Gordon. Rave Attachcee—fleo. Ream, it. .1. Perry, Ueo. S. W. Stambaugh. Theodore Light lip. John Bert. !lose Guarom—Johu A, Seiders, leo. Remp, Joseph Zarman, Peter Myers, Chris,- ion Frederick. Auditors—J. Boyd Wright, James tag, W an. Etter. A xcnten—Ch rist ian unee, hake, Christian Henneborger. OdimsYna --Jacob larrett. 4 , 'upernitelident—Christian Ilenrieberger. To SCHOOL DIRKCTORR —We see by the, *hoot Jounial, that in.at diately after' the tnnual appointment of teachers in each dis .rict, the Secretary of the Board'for the dis •triet is required to send a written list of their names, and the schools to which they have been respectively appointed, to the pro per County Superintendent, with'a notice of the day upon which the ensuing term of -ehoel in ,the district will commence, and the termination thereof, as directed by the Beard. .• FOREIGN ENLISTMENT'S.--WO learn that recruiting agents from Rhode Island and other States have been in Chambersburg, Greencastle and perhaps other sections of the county, enlisting megroes to till the quotas of. their respective States. This is in open vio lation of the regulations and the proclama tion of Gov.` Curtin, and it should not be al lowed. ,We would be thankful to any one for information respecting such• recruiting officers if they appear again at any point in this county. FROM Mortal°RD.—Letters were.received here on Monday last from a number of our citizen prisoners now at Salisbury, North Carolina. One from Mr. Thomas H. Mc , Dowell, dated the 11th inst., says that they received several letters from home, and two boxes otprovisions have reached them. He taus that "Rev. Dr. Moore has been very uttentive to us, supplying our wants." All of them write in good spirits, and are enjoy ing good health. IV the Waynesboro Record concedes that the REPOSITORY has the largest circulation, its editor need not be at the trouble and ex pense of attending court, and his advertising is much more periled by his wanton ill-tem per than by eilher the REPOSITORY or the new law. , RELIGIOUS SERvicEs.—Thecustomiry so lemnities will lake place in the Catholic Church at 5 o'clock on Christmas-morning, Rev. Mr. M'Cullom On . such 4 ' - occasions the church is decor4ted in the most tasteful manner, and the mate rendered in ;he fhcst style. 1 Rev. H. dosser, of Landisbur,g, Perry county, Pa.; will preach in ,the _German Re formed Church on next Sabbath morning and evening RECRUITS.—We invite attention to the adVertiscment of Sergeant Ferguson in' 'an other column, calling for recruits for Bat= 'tery B, 241 Pa. Artillery. This is a most excellent regiment and, it offers extraordina ry advantages to young men waiiting to en ter the army. Why don't the Counca, or citizens of Chambersburg make it systematic effort to fill the quota of theborough? Sergt. Ferguson could greatly facilitate the work if he had the co-operation, of our citizens. I.llt. EDWARD CA r, of this county, one of the subordinate oSeers of Congress, died in Washington on Saturday last, after ayery brief illness. He was a-very worthy young. gentleman:. TnE time for hearing claims for exempti o n by the Board of Enrolment has been exten ded until the sth of January next. Persons diafted in August last need not appear. Rom, SoLb.—The Franklin Hotel, in Greencastle was sold on last Saturday, for the SUM of $3915. Purchaser, Daniel Fore man, the present landlord. R. JOIIN Thomrsox has been appointed Post Master et Loudon, in place of Mrs. E. A.. Madden, reigned. • SiE. list of 'jurors iw our advcAlising col- MIEI3 A SEPERE ASSAULT, AND THEIR sjOLOfis Tux.—lt ix n)t often that we hear of a more chival- Mtn assault, and with such dyeing success. and so few :,i,lvd, a has been mmlet.n Howe & Stevens' Family 'Dye Colors, mid that, too, by holies wholly unneetnitomed to anything of tie kind. Every lady in the fountryshobld \ continue the !issatilt until these colors are fitind In er evy house. Sold by all druggists throughout the country. FR Ent Ground.;,Pepßbr, Sweet 3lhrjory andepic(( all kuids, warranted mt.,. at Miller & llenshby's. 'Also a epa ration for curing Beef and Pork which ererybodYshonld hare. It insyarti a fine flavor to the most and prevents worms from getting in IL i:INER aS; CRY:' VER hare a fine assort ment of Pucket uud Puna euitable fur Holiday Prebents. Pre Cocoas.—The genuine Howe & Stevens of eye.) , Color ❑t )I..yser h CreAller',l Drug Store. WHEN' you have been every place and -0 find whott you want, wb to ti ELWICXI . cheap Whole .d itetail Store. 11e ke.i.n rwerything. GELWII tilt` hte'.4i , t as , ,ortraon t of Grurerie4 and Ilau,ele.p;nglrtle.;o4 in t»w•n. lie sells rbenl, at illioloale and Retail, . Bur your Keroiew: Oil from Gelwick3, he agent for one et the hes? Oil Cnatpanies in the State and aiwaya 4,e1 le the beat oil whoh hale and Teta, HimAD advorti,enl,int .in this weelis paper. ' L E G IN TEL LI c'E ,/ COMMON PLEAS--WRITS ISSUED The following writs were issued• in the Court of Common Pleai :tiAt week: ~John'll. Martel vs. Geo. DittMan. Summons case trover and conversion. Stumbaugh & Ste - wart for Plff. ' , Isaac Shocky vs. Wm. hail. Fi. fa. to judgment 275. April term. Eystcr d Bonebrake forP,Pf. Mary Ferry, by her next friend Alex. Fahuestoek, s. Edmund Ferry. Subpoena in Divorce. Etc- I. for PIM John Funk (of II.) sm.% iving Assignee 6f H. unk, vs. Ilolker Hughes. Summons inUssumpla. Kimmel' for PDT. Augut,tine vs. ifoliter Hughci. ,Summons n debt not exceeding s:ithrr. Kinii»ell for PIM • Wm. S. Harris. use of Emanuel Kuhn. vs. Amos .GeVys. Fi. fa. to judgment lig. August term, 1562. Everett for:F.lff. ORPITANS . COURT-LETTERS GRANTED The following letters of administration and letters testamentary were issued during last week: - Estatiof Francis Pike, late Of Montgomery; let ters of administration io David, Pike Estate of liatthesr Patton, late of Peters; letters of administration to Rubeeea 31. Patton. Estate of Win. Archibald, late of St. Thomas; let ers testamentary to Wm. and James Archibald.•, Estate of henry Bemisderfer. late of Antrim ; let ters of administration to Jeremiah Weagley. Bstate of Peter Byers. late 4.llontgoinerY ; letters of administration to Isaac W4agley. ACCOUNTS,FILED The following accounts were filed during at week. Account of Jacob C. Snider, Administrator of Ghristian Rosenberger. Account of Daniel Convey, Administrator of Sohn lions-cr. • Account of S. A. Bradley, Administrator of Peter dijhatTer. Account of S.A. Bradley, Administrator of Eliza 'both ihaffer. , ACconnt of henry flood, Executor of Christian nod. • Account of Jacob W. liamsher, Executor of Jas. Washington. Account of It. P. M',Clnre: Administrator d. b. rt. of William Rodgers. - Account of J. Harvey Gordon, Administrator of ,Stmuel Gordon. I).oticr. FITEADQUARTERS or PROVOST MARSIIAL,- Sixteenth District, Dennsylrcr;nia, 10hantbessburg, December 7th, 31013.—Such ToWnships or Boroughs as furnish their full quota of Volunteers under the ree.ntienil of the President for three litindred that:l6- 'llnd mea, will be exempt from,the pending draft should onr be readerad necessary in January next. The bovcrai Townships and Borough will receive credit for ail voluuteere that may be mustered into the service :since the August draft; the number so credited to be de . ducted from their proportion of the quota assigned the State under the recentcall. Colored men voluntarily enlisting 'will be accepted gig q part of the quota. To such, however, no bounties will lx paid. QED. ETBTER, dec9-3t Capt. & pro. Mar., 18th Dist. Pa. 011 - Elitiii Fint7tdit.Th ANC ER . k i —Mrs. C• P. CARVIR, from Vermont. respectfully announce to the citizens of Greencastle and surround ing coon 7, that she has a sure remedy for removing ;CANCER . She does not operate with a knife ;her mode of cure h ing a PLASTER, which will effect a complete and perfect radical orterpation of the disease, without 'leavingmark or sign of its previous ezistenee, and will not in the least DISFIGURE the person. She hart at her residence a sample of several Cancer Tumors, where they can be lsin. • Slir Residence on North Street, at the %mime of Levi Hawbeeker, Greencastle, Pa. CdoelS-309 43soks and ',fait/Tem. S. SHRYOCK, BOOKSELLER .t. STATIONER. now occupies his Nair Stu Buoit and is prepared to transact basitses eritirgreaterfacilitles than over. BOOKS.--School Books, Miscellaneous Books, Toy BookeyLaw Books, Medical Books, Sunday School Books. Military Books. BIBLES.--A large assortment of Pocket and Family Bibles. _ BLANK BOOKS of all sisee, .qualitics alit] styles of binding. i . STATIONERY.:--A great variety of all kinds of Writ ing sad Printing Papers, of French, English and Anted sail manufacture. Also, Envelopes of all aizesand quali ties, ink, Pens, Pencils, India Rubber,apes, Seals, Quills, Copyßoard , Books, Blotting nives, Erasers, Writing Saud &c, &c. OM FENS.—The very beet Gold Pane in the market, fully warranted. made by Leroy IV-Fairchild , of E. Y. BLIND PAPER.—A full variety of patterns and:quall- VIVA. WALL PAPER—Yearly 1000 different - patterns. to gether with suitable Borderiuge, Plain, Velvet and Tel vet Gilt. PICTUBEPRAMES—OvaI and Square Framesifer Pho tographs. Frames made to order. - FRENCH BIAS'S. for Picture Framee, of any. size. CHEAP NOVELS, muchiower than publishers' prices. ENGRAYINI/S.L—EngSvh, French, liennan and Amer. lean Engravings. BASKETS.—Fancy, Traveling, Book, Picnic, Fruit, Knife and Clothes Baskets. ZEPHYR WORSTEDS.—SingIe and Double Zephyr, Tapestry and - Spli Zephyr ,shetinull Wool, &c. N I ,, WSPAPERS.—The Philadelphia and New York alai"receieeddltity, Globs or individuals supplied. WEEKLY Pd. eEßS.—llarpor's Weekly: Frank Leslie, N.Y. Mercury, N. Y. Weekly, N. Y. Lodger, etc, receiv.: ed weekly. 'PERIODICALS.—Itarper's Monthly, Atlantic Monthly Continental, Godny, Peterson, Balleu, Knickerbocker. All the Year Round, Cornhill, etc., etc., received as soon as published, CIIEA LITERATURE.—AII the Dime Publications, Weekly Nouvellettes, Song Ilooks.etc., received daily. .011.DERS.—We take orders far all kinds of goods. EX PSESS.—We receive goods by Express every day from the East. Blank Deeds, Writing and Printing Carrie, fluters Paper Weights, Fancy Boxes, Combs and Brushes, Chalk Cr.iyons, and all standard goods in our line constantly un band. MDSUL—Sheet Music, for Piano, Guitar. Violin, Flute. PI kNOza.—We purchase Pianos on enmmis.•ion. sues to save our cu4tonters from Fifty to One Hundred and Fifty Dollars. 3IUSICAL IN ,, TRUMENTS.—We can supply any kind of Musical Instrutuents at prices far lower titan usual. PHOT , GRAPH ALBUMS.—We can at4l plintokcniph Album at lower prices than they, can he Owned for ht-the cities. - FOR THE HOLIDAYS. 'CARTES DE VISITE. Portaite of Military Men of the U. S. Army and Nary, dietin,qii 'shed Men and Women. Comte Pietures,,etc. etc. NEW TOY Loma in great variety. New publications of the American S.S. Union. Ameri can Tract-Society, Presbyterian Huard of Publication, etc., etc. PRES: NTATION DOORS otall kin 's for l the Holidays. We have no hesitation in saying to our customers that from our long experience:our tuanuer of doing lautitiess, aid our great facilities, we do uut fear competition, and have no doubt of our•being able to give entire satisfac tion. Come and see our Now Store, onr new and enlarged stock. and form your own opinions. Chambersburg, dee 9,'63. NEW STORE !:--WATSON & SON have opened at their Store Room, on the Norld; vpist Corner of the Diamond, opposite Franklin Hal, Mamboristinrg, Pa.. an 'entirely new stock of guelit, sonsistim , of BOORS of alumst every description. Ste.. ttonery a all kinds. Envelopes. Steel Fens. Ink, & Also a large assortment of WALL PAPER, WINDO BLINDS. varions prices, and a great varietyof NOTIONS AND FANCY ARTICLES, Pict twee. Fans, Vases, Ladies, and Misses Baskets. Am... Fancy Soap ind Perfumenr. Also mgood Assortment of Worsted, Shetland -Wool, iftc. mud a great variety of goods too mime - eons to insert to which they invite the attention of the Public, and re specrtnlly solicit a share of the politic patronage , Flea .e call and examine onr stock. lune WATSON' & SOX. tIiA.S. B. SMITH & CO., - nooNsELLERS AN PUBLIS I nRS, kanuftcturers of Blank and Memorandum Books.Pbeto graph Albums, Manifold Writers. Marble Paper, dm., No. eT Sent ii Seventh Street. above Che,teut. Blank work of every description, for County Officers, !Jots's. Counting 'louses. and Public Offices done to a. der. Orders left with S. S. SIIRTOCE., Chatubersburg.Pll. promptly arteuded to. seta 30'63.1.2 Mptistrp. EETIE INSIMTED lON AMBER BASE.—DR.N.-CLIGOSSER. ID:De still at his tali: env) on EAST 3IATIfiET S_Tail ET. near the - Frankllll Anil rand. Dentistry hi all its la anchen attended to with nil the modern itnprov&ments. Having pnblialied this community for more than two years. that teeth lam AmVer ii in every way CIMA PER AND BETTItII thilas teeth on any otter material.l nould say that I still ate .no reason to rhan-re my opinion. for there 'are many pet, sons in' C.lmmher;hurg VIA vicinity for whom I have inserted teeth on ADIBIIis who can testify to t bin rsupa.. dor merit. - N.B. All work warranted to give antiafaction.or ixo charge. Teeth extracted without pain with perfect Rafe) , without takinz Chloroform. For further inftot matted) call at the (Mee. [June 1.7.i503: pR. W. W. scil - Los.s - ER, surygpi Dentist.—The underiigned hasrenwvv4 his Ofsise from the Mansion Lions° to the residence of.:11r Jaw' .NM)l.Northwe+t corner of the Diamond. and limpet - H. titel'y opposite the Franklin Hotel. OM* on tht cond-thsw—entrance through the passage, to thesis:Ai as you ascend [Vs stairs.:, June 17,1863. - - W. W. EirriLossET4 . . EMOVAL.-Dr. J. K. REID, Des ace. hs&ramovefi his office Irma the corn-Tar the Square. where he practised so many years. to t)pt corner of Main and Queen, Streets. above Wni. iisYseeti Drug t , tore.Chamhersburg. Pa.. whefe he will be pimpled to receive the calls of his friends. [June 17, 186.1. I,3bmitians. PR. JOHN MONTGOMERY Wilt attend promptly to nll calls in his Hoe. Offlee on . Iniu street. next door'to the Engle Rotel, and nearly opiseiite the resitienee of the Hon. George Chambers. Clintebersburg, June 17. 1563. Ti: BROWN, Electrical Phyti • ician. Office in Franklin Building, lii - bfr MARKET STRFRT. Chambersburg.Pa: The above treats rill.,Oltronic •Diseases by Means gg kI.VANISM and the different modifications of .F.E.i.V4 TIIICTIY.as discovered and taught by Prof. liolias.- • Nov 4, 63-tf DR. J. 0. RICHARDS will attend promptly to all esti ts.itt !inn. .021ce on Main St Feat . next door to Spsngler' s Drug, Stortf. ge:r Or rms horns—Front? to 0, A.M.; 12 to 2 and 6 P.M. Juno 17.166:1. Wanto. WAGONMAKER WANTED. The Wagontuaiker Shim and Dwelling owned by the aubscrlber, haring beco .e vacant by the decease of the late occupant, it ie now offered for rent, affording a valuable location for a good mechanic. Upton, docl6-3t^ _ol'o. COOK.' WANTED.—A Steam Engine of about twenty gorse power. Also a Saw Mfit Carriage and gearing. - Any person basing any of the above articles Ibr salevrill And a purchaser by addressing tide Office. [Dee. 2,-fit. WANTED—An-Apprenticito learn the TINNING Business. Enquire at the Rs- POBIIOII7 OffiCO. a ep WANTED.—A Good Journyman OAIIINET MAHER. Steady employmeut given Enquire at this Mee.- - oct2l 'B3-tf 'Lost, 55toleu out „Stravet. • . $ 2,15 paa 4E t Wtleld of . le —Stolen from. the n glite 7th inst., 4 Miles east C b h acrit amb )e e r At o l u rgon it t i Z Y s Gettysburg Pike, a large Black norse,B years old: ewe neYed in the left shoulder, but does not go lame; walks well in-harnees or under the saddle. The above reward will be paid for any information leading to the recover* of the horse by ANDREW J. LOCLIBAIIII. ang LI , , CARDS printedin every style, at lowest raira, at tae officre or the IntANKLIN BJ rueITORY. TOB PRINTING, in every style ," &neat the office of theIIitANKLIN NSPOSITOSIT 101 0 togr4Dir• QO,VETIffNG - NEW IN PELLA DELPHIA• COOPER'S , - PHOTOGRAPHIC At ART GALLERY, No. raosaF.STNUT STEM; _ M. 8.. Mint. • Gallery, ReeSpefon attcl Opernting Roma" - ALL ON THE FIRM - FLOOR. All styles and sizes of Photographs. Ivorytypes.fer. rotypiu or "Tintypes" and taken at priers tomtit tita Vines. 'Pictures Finished is Water Wats, Oil, India Ink and Putt'. • liontes and other aptinaht. Equipages, Country Seal*. Rupp, .Iludels of 31 4chtnery, ac for Y.it!euttug ttct;t4ratti ly photographed. I'. F. Cooper desires to call the - attention of p'C?ost visiting Philadulphin to Ins new 13round Vloor ry, where he has introduced newly patented corm:raw, e Pt" ble of taking. in:te» PfX(lftd, one hn•:e3red phetootipteli from the small stamp or autographic, to the lutPurfal and Life Site. Alter unthy experiments holies suceeedeif - In Oath% Ids skylight at en impreNed angle. diffusing - the light equal proportion.% and prodneing that Noft-gradition of tune which enurde be gi‘eu 1,3 tae trete and isky ! .lightlt generally need. and which 13 of 30 mu c h knpniinue. ,to the beauty of a picture. It is made of French glfuln. nun is the hugest en Philadelphia. 51r:tuoper. has teen engaged mere than twenty years lu tho study, and'practice of the Fine Arts. lite tupg ex perience Ann M. inisture and l'orttait Painter tilt aunt meld guarantee fur the pet feetlon of the plevarso matt* at his ostahlishuient. The art o•f idealizing is well Understood ; laiMa but this most skiltul itrttats are einployed in the respintiseAw. partnwurs. Pictures Warranted:—the Frorytyperi wtn itit change in any ("limas, lied will stand the tWit of fields. Particular attention is paid to giving grarettil and win positions. Daguerreotypes and nil other kinds of pictnrea colds& front smolt medallion to life else, and linisited in co orw or Indian ink, to look equal to *twos token fr.( ro We & This Halle-y possesSes rare facilities for taking l'Aptica tri a n Picture?' front life, in the rear bnilditig, where from One tofifty horses can be photographed at t, t lat.w " N. B.—To Photographers, Colorists and others. Aug issued.--A new 14 ork on PIIOTOGRAPII COLORING, TVORTTYPING, .13NA , MELLING, IVORY 31INIATVRE PAINTING, ac. Complete inetructions given trr malting Ivorytypea. 'with some valuable receipts. never before pabllehed. useful to'all photographers, for ono of mill& a large saga has been offei By nil owing the directions contained this book, - even those persons with no previ ins knowledge of Paint ing cannot fail to color photography in a beautiful ant, effective etyle. Price One Copy. $71.00, Five Copies, $20.00. Dy remit ting $l2 one cojiy, with Box et Paiute, Palette, Itruithee, mut preparations complete will be fiu 'fished free of charge - Will he Published shortly. _ A VALIJABLII•WORK ON DRAWrI4IO - • . With prop essivelustt 'dittos if the Iltimuat rim =at ' l'lgnre. Also, A WAND-HOOK ON POSITIONS, . ' With Illustration. De;iiino4 7 .l for the urkeof Photivapli ors all A rti.to Mr. Cooper continues toreceire Ladies and S . :tenth-mt* into his Classes for Instruction in Di-suing, stud -Photo graph. ism yt3pe. ludin-Init.suil Past il Painting, sad* beautiful process fur Enameling Hctures. Cirintiars containing list of prices cf pictures *ad for-, thor iiiformatioarespfeting the lioukt , null Terms • of lu steer-oun may be had by enclosing-3'ost Office Address, and a Stamp to— P. H. COOPXIt, - 3338 ChestnutEttoet PLibutelphisk. REFERENCES Caleb clOpe, 'President Academy of Fine Azts. Dr. Thos. B. Wilson; Ornithologist and Entomologist Rev:Thomas Miles Martin.l'. E. Church. - llon.Victor A. Sartori. Consul of Legborh. - Robt Clarkson, of Finn of Jay Cookeer k Co. Ntfw York, Rev. W. A.3lnybin, fleet. St.Albatest bract* Roston, J. E. Tilton k Co. Worcester, Mass., I'. Dodge, 'Esq. • Raltinicre, Mons. Aruedee Suursn, Fre:lolo<mnd. - decltZt & 11. T.-ANTHONY,. Manufacturers ?I' Phatograjshie Material 501 Breedwity, New York. MITA D 110TOGRA-PHS. On r 041MT:ow RIM entitrACCS CODBiderAbil over Pour Thous_aiicl_xlitT..r-uf subjects (to which additions are con tinually being, made) of Portraits . ' of Eminent Americans etd.. viz : - 72 Major-Generals, 525 Statesmen, 100 Itrigadier-tionmals, ' 127 Ithloss, 2}9 Colonels, 116 Au Caws, $4 Lieutenant-Colonels 20 Artists,_ an Other Officers, 112 stage, 60 Nally °dicers. 46 Prominent Wooten, 147 Prominent Foreign Portraits. e _ 2,500 apers of }Forks of Art, including reproductions of the most celebrated Betrav i»ga. Paintings. Mat es. it a. Catalogues sent on Teeelpt of stamp. An order for One thIVIII Pk:tures from oar Catalogue will be on receipt of $1.50, and sent eby mail free. . 1 PIIOTOGRAPHIC ALBIJ•MS. • •--...,, 1 • Ot these we manursctitre a great Yriety, ranging in price, front 50 cent ei.to ..ssu each. Our Albums Lay. , the' eput,,tien of being superior tn. benu'ty and durnbility to any other!. The sr:nailer kind , can besent safety by mail at a postage of six cent. per az. ' . Mei mere expensive can be sent by expresa. We also keep a urge its.ortinent of gTEltii;SCOPtis AND STEIZESCOPIC VIEWS. Our Catalogue of theee will be scut to any address ens - rectipt of Stutop. & TT. T. ANTONY: ' 2lanufacturernof Photographic 3leteriali - 501. //roadway, New Fork. Friends or relative., of protninOnt military men wilt confer a . f4vor by sending us - their likeneow to Copy. They will be kept carefully and returned unittjut ed. Pine 4(bume I,mA/eV) order for Congregations to pre pent to their Pastor. or for other purposes. with sultahlo inscriptions. &c. f wag cattornrgs at 'Lab). T`E N ED Y INILL.—L - aw Part wrildp—The midersigted bare asi.ccinted then - Reires in the practice of the Law in the 9eversil courts Frnriktixr County.e on Market .5.: tt eet, in the lOGSI herctofote occupied by T; tennedy. T. It T. J. HILL. ' . Juneli, '63 A.S TTORNEY---AT LAW:- TVIL- . SON REILLY Attorney at Late.—Office ort Mar -et t..foruterly occupied by Reilly & Sheri), directly app Rite tbc Court IleuseAbaniberetarg. l'a. Ail leol loptinein entt uste4 tab/in ililll receive prouTt sit tentga. Ile' will practice hi n(1301111 - 4 Counties. Julien, 'O. ': S. RTIIIIDALIKIII. JORN STEW/MP. QTUMBATIGH STEWART, At torneys at Law. Chnniberelkurg. Pn.,give their undi— vided attention to the Practice of their Profttadon. John, Stewart agent far procuring Botany blorrer, Pensions. awl arrearagessof Pay. rir Office in the Town Hail M. & W. S. STENGER, Atfor- Cre new at Law. Chitnberohnrg, Pa. Coltertkin promptly, atioaded tt).. W. S. Stenger. Iti.tiirt Altar ney and agent for procnriog Pendonc. B o unty money anti Arrears -of Pay. Office, in Franklin Balkllng. ifd door froni the cornor. Juno 1;, '6O. Av4"S. S. EVERETT ) Attorney at Late_,. Office in Mrs Bard's - dwelling., op site the (.., , ntrt HOUSO. eiittlilberSbrag. Pa. Will prnet in tb ("several Courts of Franklin and Fulton Count All legal business entrusted to Lis care will recei prnmrt attention. ' June 17,180- wpoWELL SITA.II . P . E. Attorney' . PP •at Law. Chambershum In. Offtre in Mrs. Dar" Building& directly oppcßitp the Cowl' Mare. June 17,186.1, a 0:- SEILIIAMER, Attorney* at Ajl irLaw, Chamberebnrg. Pa. Office—Main Streit., above Qcteen; hi the room formerly' occupied by.S. Beta. er, Esq. Junall. 1803. 6EORGREYSTER,;& E.;J. BONB - BRAKE, Attorneys at Law, tom _removed to ti, room on Main Street, one door South of Eyster's Stole. . 4,ane 17, 'OS. Tl; S. CLARK, Attorney at Law, has o removed bis Office a few doors Mast of hie foram' ocation, on Market street, {South-tide.) Jane 27,'G$ ALvIN m.D - trNo..c .N Attorney eft Cf Low. Office on Market Street, In Lavi7er'e oppoelte the Court House. 47 Jnne IT, 'ttS; TL'ETCILER. Attorney at _tali, • Chambersbnrg,Pa. Officeon EastMarketetnet, nearlyepposite the Conrt Home. inSel7, ALEX. K. 31.'CILURE, Attorney - 0$ Law, Cliambersbnrg, Pa. Ofileo in no , Frank? . bs Mpository Buildings. - upa lf, D WATSON ROWE, Attorney at . Law. Grefincafftle,Pa. - WV 30, , . FMIOR SALE.—A Full Course . Seriffti . SHIP I n tt i der . l' ty Bpslness college. Phila phis.. 4,p at this owe. - Etletleptlq Jnne 17, 'OIL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers