- • Preventior of. Incrustation ii Steai7l Boil ~ r WINANS'ANTI-1 NCR USTATION POWDEH LE NOVEB AND FitEvENTB THE DEPOSIT OF SHALE, jufpWITHOUT INJ Ult V TO THE IRON. Szvatm YESAB is . References in aP parts of the country. viz: Albany Gas Co.; Eston. Gilbert & Co.,and others, Troy; Syrsi case. Ttoclie;ter, Auburn, &c.. &c.; John Gibson &)o Phelps-, Charles gnitan, 50,,, 8.. Evans & Co.,.Towett & Wint,andothers, Bnitsid: Cleveland, Csilurubus, settl e , sce„-Lc.; Geo- Shield. Miles G reenwood, Mitchell 4: RAmmelsburg, and 40 utherk in Ci nci nnat and through' out the West; Indianopoliv, Dayton, Terre haute, Lo glingport, Chicago. Springfield, St. Louis, Pt. pant, ke. k m, e tc : Cost about 40 Li) 60cents per week. Por vireo tar, address 11 Wast.Sr.,NEW Yons. Unly-22,'63-111n. P.O. not N. 6 -:IaPORT OP THE MARKETS = PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. PRILADXLPFLIA Dee.. 21. 1863. bbls found buyers in lots at $7 121 to 7,75 for common to good and choice Pennsylvania and western extra family.. The trade are buying slowly from •$.5 750,6 50 for superfine; $6 75Q/.7 forex ' tins ;'s7 25(0 for extra family, and $B5O to 101141 for fancy brands, as in quality. RYE nous. and Coit:i 311 AL are_ uiet at $6 50 far the former and $5 5070 bbl fo'r Pennsyl vania. meal. , Wrotivr —Sales of '8000e,5000 bushels at $1 6110/ 1 64 for good to prime Pennsylvania reds. in store :-$1 65 for southern do.. afloat; and $1 0;30: 7 52 for good and ehoieelie.ntucky white. RYE is firm, but quiet, with further sales of Pennsylvania at $1 37. COS* enntinnes .in active demand, and prices are better, with.sales of 14:,000 bushels. mostly new- yellow, at $1 08®l IS for damp and I:lrime - dry lots, the latter afloat; ineludin! , 1.6000 bushels $1 12. in store: 3000 bushels' • ; Weevilly old Curn at $1 23:and 1000 'bushels now white at $1 07: • OATS quiet,' - 'with fur • 'Amr sales of 2000 bush. Pennsylvania at 87e, ,a.t.which rate they. are wanted. PROD (ICE OM= Gild MB 5ri...... &Pis LARD TALLOW • SOAP BACON HAAS.. BACON Sour Bra:s9... so Isl 9 Ito 12 1 50 CIRAMBERSB LIM FLOUR AND GRAIN MARKET. CtOßggetED AT CJIAMBERSBURG MILLS Vionr-,Tted Si hest—White Whaat—Red.... gora poTA TO MARKET. Nbrevr. 'New Pink-Eyea ...... Reku aurttiscntento. ;~ FIN SOAPS, for, Christmag, at NIXON'S 12 . VNTATi SOAP„IND TOOTH D BRUSIIES:'at plixoN"s. DONT) LILY and Johnny Jump UP, now and exquisite Perfums. at NTXONT SPLENDLIY ASSORTMENT OF HAIR 1110/SLIES, at NIXON'S. POLOO NES and otiwi Nice Things j for liGliday NIXON'S. BITTERS.--Sorne iyx thing st'!pet i"r for,iu‘nlids.nt NIXOYE. CILYCE PINE 13A LSAM. a 110 W, thirm for Chapped Nati:l4.2lc.. at NIXON-S. DALINISTRATt)II'S NOT EC E.- Notice i 4 hereby given that Lett - erg -of Adminis tration on the Fst..te of Byers, tateof}lo'rtgomory Wwriship. deed, have beer grouted to the subs , :rilie,ts residing in said toter sltip. Ali persons indented to the en id Fstste are hereby re qqe‘ted t t make immediate p tymeat. and thocie having elsintsordemntyi , ninia.'t E F tate of paid d ece d e nt will niake.itnown the same withon! rielay to A .1 (), IV 1.; AG I. Admire _ A . THOUS A.NI) Y .—Work's rk 'S rrPat War Soot:. Words and Mimi(' in .7nnnsry No, MAtIA7.IN CLARK'S SCHOOL - VISITOS.---VOLUME: VIII. ' The Pnhlinher of this I'3w - wits. Monthly, in order to reach. all Scl6ols. will send t hi, VTSITOR 41110 year gratis tsv ono nersnat(wli will net AS Agent) at any post office (ti the Unitediiiates. - This is an unparalleled dfler. dildreas, with fice* , •onts enelo.e ,r r particulars, J. W. I) h. t'a It A DAY. Paldisher, 1303 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.- der23-2t] TIIANKSGIVING- SERMON.-L- Tllll TIIANIiS.'IIYING SERMON Pro,.. beef Deeetttlwr with. 1853, ill - the . Fre.byterian Church, by the . Rev. S.k.)TITEL .T. NICCOLLS, trill be ready . On Weaneway next, _ neatly printel In Pmnp',let Form. - , ' Single% enniel% . Eight copies.... Twenty copies Jdoe2:3-Ir3 IVO T I C E.—The . Subscriber' will publish Sn S. , itlnbrr, a PORTRA IT of STONEWALL JACKSON WITH k.;; ACTO , IRAPFI. R.NGRAVED ON STEEE.I., BY ONE OF TELE BEST • Ain T OF VIE COUNTRY; Itie copied flow a phot , t.traph taken just before the battle of Chaneeilonwille f .r ":lo , ..T.trktvnt.and ht the on. it authentic picture. The emelt Will be done in the finemt 4tyle of the tint. Tito ttite wt thu engraving will 'be PRICES. WITIIOCIT FRAME inittriPronfg Jo , ti3 Proofs. Aetist's Proofs, before .et tar. of which a very laud teal number will be They can be eent Ly expre:s. P.nsuns ilcAring this splendid portrait of Jackson are 'requested to forward tlieir mon s early to the Publisher. Coles will be delivered in the ,se der in which theitub iqiptions nerd received ' - Copies of above sent mail. thisl-prild, upon receipt of Rtirea. Agents supplied by 0. M. BRIGGS, • - dic23e3tl 400 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. TREES, VINE'S, &e..—The under -ILegna, Agent for B L. RYDEIt, has a number or paid gills hi his pos se :4,l o n, for Trees, Vines, ,tc.. de livered lost spring and Fall; persona knowing them *Ayes inuebteibwlll please call and settle without delay. d0c2,31t. It. P. HAZBLET. .- LIST OF LETTERS remaining in the Post Offiee at Chambersburg. Doe. 2",1863: --t — Bennyer Andrew Dellinger Eliz'h !Mornay Kate --- Ballard John :I Gar: ett Saeillu C :McCullough Levi - Giber Andrew II Gilmore Mary rertheraft John Barber AIL - Otl2 Geesaman Wm Nelling Catharine Bender Goy A Henderson Nellie fNfgb t e t t Chas IV Hell Bars . llatsOJohn 'Plummer Ann Bowen:Van:al Henderson Ifenr'ail'ilfor Elizabeth /14Iro Emery J Hess Jacob F - jParsons Geo IV \ • /Sutler Alfred Iless John 0 ' HliceJleorgo ,r-- Powers 4 J Hays J a istociot D ri Ghristinon Mira Jones Sarah !Shoemaker Harry -- 1 t hrlstinan Lib Keefer Jacob "Sollhatner Martha Carnalsen ttebcc'a Linthurst .11 , !Snyder John 'Cnir Anna . belimau Abram 'Thompson James Clark Annr 1 ., bola' John !Thompson II C so -- Kim Jaccibit Lehman :k Intl - IlVelch Chaides.: - - Vrymeyer John That Itnhama I West Jolla - 0 irszer Bo sO . Ililler Vie:or I)Washingtan Mary ". Woois 13daMol Miller Samuel S - :Wingert alt : Poisons &tiling for the-above Lettlers will .plesee say ~.. that they have been edrertioed. J. W.DKAL, P. M. 3LII?.IiE T. WEEKLY 5WURG.TW.22,1463 WA , HED WOOL (7; w - ED WOOL.:. CiilviA SEED TIMOTUY Step Vll7c. SEED PARgn Pgkvirs... 131p.m - D P E MISS DEL lED ttPPLILi, .. 6 50 2 ~0 3 Lt, ~. 3 00 .. 1 00 ... 100 V on „ 6 50 .. 1 60 .. 150 .. ICO -15 ctN. $1 00 2 00 S. S. SIIRYOCIt t 8 Po' 5.00 10.00 iletu abbertiorments. THE OLD CROUP SYRUP IS P'etrribed by Physicians. Prepared only by NIXON. . L'IRST EDITION, 15,000.-TIIE GREAT GENERAL OF - THE SOUTII.- AN AUTIIENTIo LIFE OF STONEWALL JACKSON. MEE. SERVICES AND C.NPAIGSk; OP S.ll ONTWALL JACKSON, From Ofhtial Papers, Ct tempotary Narratives, and. Per sonal Acquaintance. Brls VIRGINIAN. One Vol.l2rito ; 315 pp.: 51.25. Authelithe Portraits of JACEAON, and his successor, Ew ! l EU on Steel Reprinted from advanced , sheets of the Richmond Edition. Stonewall Jackson has mile bg) Kamm' an impres sion for the public not to devour with avidity an antlien tie Poor compilations may be. got pp by authors ithocit access to authentic. documents. but this is a life written by a Confodemte officer (ilon. John NI Daniels) who knew -him well, served tinder him in his brilliant careen was assisted in the work by Mrs. Jackson, and hal - access to all his papers. It is written with great abiliQ, and forms a volume of intense and absorbing in terest 4 unequaled by any other yet offered to the public. It Contains the only authentic .portrait of Jackson, takenifroin life. shortly before the battle of Chancellors vale, lot Mrs. Jackson. Alphas aupptied by G. M. BRIGGS. deetp-St] - 400 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia CIAUSES FOR TRIAL AT JAN NJ UAItY TERM, 1864, commencing -Monday, Janu. all' 18th, 1804. • ' I FIRST WEEK. Rebecca Mort ison; ' l's. Creager, use et Miller's A.d nunistrhtors. 'William Gutshall vs. Jacob Marclerode. - Emanuel Kuhn vs. W.Crtioks' Executors. George W. Wolff vs. William Christ. Michael Zellers vs. James Role. 'B. A. ,Mehisli. endorsee ' vs. linker Hughes. Solotaini.l6elser ' vs. Wm. Metirath. - Matthias Philippi • . re. John Aslitt ay. /Z. K, McClellan Vs. Samuel iteisher.. e. Johnltrewer's Executor vs. Mary Ann Brewer, et. al. - S. M..Pennock 4 Cu. vs. Wm. Helier. Willinut Cline vs. Joseph Etter. James 8. Ross Executrix vs. J. S. Rosenberg's Ex' r. 1 John Title', vs _Joseph Price. Malathi ltrindle's Eir TB. Mobight Brindle. - . Margaret Reek . vs. John 1.. K pepper. " J. W Sollenourger's use - vs. ii. Hughes. Daniel E.:Older vs. George A. Reitz. .Tol.M Petel man vs. Lewis Etter. Philip Casemap, Jr., vs. P. ca.; .11111.11. Slis Ailni . r. -.Cath l arine Harmony's use yd. George rainier's Ey:r. 1 SECOND WEEK. Pony Piper vs..lames 'Varmint and Wife. Realty ,t, Sharpe vs. Wm. Melirath. et. al. Admit Augintibaugh Y. Geo. BrAndhay.es heirs. ' Sarah . Bowman - vs. Joseph Bowmai i i. Johil Deaver's Adnfre vs. Wm. McGrath, et. at. E. Jane Wiudle, et. al. vs. Mary: Ann Clark. John B. Madden ; et. al. vs. Rev. K. Thomas. et. al. • deC..23Y K. 'S. TAYLOR, Protlionst.try. SOUTHERN HISTORY OF THE WA - R. • THE. FIRST YEAR OF THE WAR: Blf E. A. roitenn,Rditiir Richmond l.xaminer. ',— I V6l. 810; 40 pages; Cloth. P 2.00. With authentic purtrit ' on steel. of • DAVIS, LEE, DEAUREOIIiD AND JACKSON, AND PLANS OF RATTLES. This is an exact reprint of the only history of the War puldlshed , in the South. The value .nd importance of this connected statement of 4111 civil. military and naval operation* for the year ending 'July 1, 10tI2, its pictured to Southern readers, cannot he underrated, It ie Wel ) nrittep, full of details, with in my parrstities and incidents of personal adventure of the greatest intereot. It contains interesting sketehemof Southern Officers, the Constitution of the Confederate States, audit Clironolog icalList of Battles and 'Events. ;SECOND YEAR OF THE 'WAR: BY E. - A, Poi.i.ann, Elitar Richmond Examiner, and Au , - thin of • -First Year of the War," , I Vol. Soo; 400 Oages; Cloth, SY. Witn Portraits, on steel, rect.:till taken. of STEPHEN:, GEREISALS LONGSTREET, LULL, BRAUG AND JULINSON. ANO PLANS OF 11.1.'TTLE:t. This volume brings the Watery of, the War, from tt: Botitherir view. down to the doze of the late - invasion, (July. lii l) of Pennsylvania. Written with clearness, ill depeudence and ability, and as thin only connected account or all the civil military, and naval operatio-.s in - the South, it is ot great impor twice and interest. It gives a - thrilling narrative of campaizls. whidi were filled with interesting incitlerns' awl brilli gut action. It contains a Chronological List of Battles and Events, COMPANION TO POLLARD'S DISTODIES. OFFICIAL REPORTS OF BATTLES - - - - - - Published by order of Congress, Iticliniond, Va. 1 Vol. Svo ; 1300 pages; AUTHENTIC. PoitTICAIT carZ,;;NATIR.EG.A.BTI. An t xuet reprint rd the - 003eial Ourederatu Itulwrto of BATTLES, ItAlbS and SIEGES. which are of the greatebt intriest and impel tame. They will command the attention of multitudes of teatime in all rill% who are destrou.'of Knowing the Southern. History of the War. Tiio above works. bound liand,:emely in h•4f Ikloroc . ce, gilt. 'Ages, uniforni,will be supplied at SI2 ppr set phls - of the above. sent by 'mail. pint-paid, upon re ceipt of paces. Agents supplitq by G. M. BRIGIUSi 4uo Chestnut St., Philaan: pR 0 CLAMA T 1.0 N.—T o coro ner, the Justices of the Pence. a - nti thoCon , tablirs.' of the Different TON% mhips - in the County Of Friudilm. Ot eeti : Know all ye. that in pursuance of a precept hi ma throned, under the hand and seal of the flux. JA 41:4 N HAL, President of the mec'eral Courts of Com mon Pleas, in the Sixteenth 1/14tict, tom-lining of the cons ties of Somere - et, Redford. Fulton and Franklin. and by virtue of his office, the C 9 .rt of tlyer and Terminer and General Jail Lelivety fir the trial if capital and other offenders therein. and in the General Court of Quarter Se.o.tons of, the Peace, awl Wit LIAM W. Paxton and JAMES O. CAUSON. .E.sqs.. Judges of the sante collo ty of Irankatn...--Yerm Cud each of you are hereby.renu;r• ed to beana appehr in your proper persons witlr your Records, Recourniances. Examinat'ens, and other Re membrances before the Judges aforesaid, at Chem bersbut g. at a Court of Oyer and Teri - Muer and General Jail Deli vet. and Govral Quarter Se,SioTIS of the ' , ewe. t6el ein to be holden for th. County of Franklin afo e said. on the 2,1 Monda y in January. being the 15th -day qf the ynopth. at 10 o'clock in the f.irenoon of that' itLy, thou and there to uo those thing., which to Yourseeeral offices appertain.- Gi Given noilir my hand at fihamber.hurg. the 22d day of December; Pit 3. SAMUEL ,filtAN dee 23 7 tc. • . 'Ti[ T'OF GRAND and TRA - A ' VERSZ MO Vs, drawn for a Court of Oyer and Terntinar:Court of Quarter FesllollB of the Peace, and a Court of Common Pleas, to be held at Chambersburg, oi. Monday, the .Isth day of January, A. D. Ititi4. =' GRAND JURORS. 1 Roirnt Black, Green ;Jonathan Jonathan War, Quincy: Sun'l Coble,•St.Tlionnia ; Joseph CrrAsler.Proithampton; )tar tin Cole. CbarDbersburg; Gorge Die,, Green; Curtis Fortna. Lettei kenny ; Jacob Flickinger. Metal; Alva ham iiipe. Letteikenny IVaLentine B. Gilbert, Washing. ton; William A. Hunter, Let ttrkenny ; lI.VIC Llooker tgnith. (;upp rd; -John Johnston, Waynesboro; Jacob Kauffinah. Green ; John Kirkpatrick. do.; Peter Knop per..Quincy; John W. Metz, Guilford ; James *Ferran, Wa.4liington; Henry Mentzer, Green; David Stetfey, Washington; Jacob chew. St. Thomas• ' John West. Chainlierslinrg; Jacob Wetiel, Washington; Frederick Zullinger. Letterkenny. i TRAVERSE JURORS.—IsrWLEK Jeremiah Ashwny, Letterkenny ; Henry IL Britolle, Antrim.; William Bossart. II , milton; Joseph Beta do.; John Branthmer, Peters; i'Vrn. S. Bard, Southampton: William - Clark, Green; Geo.. W. Cromer, Petrie; Abr.t. - hant Clriatugh. Antrim; John S. Crawford, Guilford; Diner, Notthampton; Christian Deck. Let lerltenv ny; John Detainer. Green; Abraham Elder, Fannett ; Mi c h ae l Ebersole ' Guilford; Adam Flory. Washinuton: '.Toseph Lerterkenny ; Gabriel _Ferner, Guilford; ',Robert Gould, Peters; Thomas C Grove, Itlercershurg ; Matthew Gordon. Greencastle; Amos Gothies, Wu' 4; Lewis _Gilbert, Antrim; James Giles, ',fetal; Henry Hultman, Antrim; W. A. Hays, Muntg , tnory; Hiram Houser, Chltubersburg; Jacob mimeo, Green; John Khotcker, Antrim; Levi Kershner..Warren;' Willimu Kromer. Quincy; John IL Nat lazy, Mcrcershurg :John Maclay, Lurgan; James Mullen. Peters ;. Wm., D. McKinstry, Mercersburg; M0E613 Nusbaum, Metal ; Da-, vid Over, Letterkuuny ; A. C. Phetticie, Montgomery;' Henry Itigguel, Peters; Joseph &lively, Jr., Greencas -tier, John Stamy, Washington; Henry,Snider for Jacob) Gulliord: Henry Walter, Washington ;"William Wilson, Antrim; John Wynkoop, Lurgan ; James Wolf. Metal; Jacob Youst. Green; Geo. W. Zeigler, Greencnitle. TRAVERSE JUROBS.H2D NVSE3I. John ‘Agle, Hamilton; Andrew BtlifieS43,PeterA Hen ry Bc,wre. Washington; D. 11. fionebrake, G ttiliord; Pe ter Benedict, IVayneslmio; Matthias Itarkdolloiontg'y; John Bowman, Guilford ; M. J. Burns,Wavhirigton; Jno Cowan. Metal; Robert Clugston, Washington; David ,Bearn; Dorgan; Connally, St. Thomas ; G ee. Clap saddle, Peters, Wm. Deardorff, Largan ; Andrew Del. trich , . St. Th alias; Joseph M. Doyle, Fannett ; Jacob Ebersole, Guilford; G. W. Elliott. Montgomery; George Etchberger, Chamb'g; Jacob Hllott, Montg* y ; Joseph Eberly, Harnilton ; John Finafreek,Chambqz : Abre,hatn Frantz. Washington; Goo. "Fetterhoff. Guilfcrd - Ailmid Gillen, Peters: Peter C. Holler, St. Themes; _mine] Hoke. of W., Peters: Jacob Ifelishey, Antrim;' Ti: It. Keyser, Moatg'y; Wm. A., Ressii. Peters; Porter W. Regerries. Metal; David Long, Lnrgan; Samuel Leh man, Sr.. Letterk'y; John A.Latnaster,Chamb'g; David Mowers, Green; Joseph Newcomer,. St.-Thomas; Henry Prather, Greencastle: Henry Reilly, Hamilton; ifrod'k Speck, Washington; James P. Speer, Letterk'y ; P. N. Shoemaker. Lett erk enny ; Geo. W. Steffey, Washington; Christian Stoner, St. Thomas; John S. Skinner. Metal; Henry ; Fred'ir Wplk, gammon; Sam uel West, Hamiltoni A. B. Wingert, Antrim. Idec23 the franklin flepositort, ;December 23, 1863. \ NIX fOWDER btiVe been liE OLD COUGH SY.it T 1 D T EXPECTORANT—An ezieelinTit Inetlittine rot. re- cent Colds. IV , int cure .Cinsainption--octly prevents it. Made only bye NIXON. p-eb/ Rilbertioemento. OA D elf\ PACKAGES OF kil,l ON'S CATTLE POWDER baA , e been th:tli tw 3.oarx • HO! FOR THE DEFENCES OF WASIIINGTOS / A tiIIANCE TO ova:INTO TIIE " ARTILLERY," The largest and most complete Re.timent from Pa. $/02 BOUNTY FOR V IaRRANS. S3O2•BOUNTY FOR nEci.turrs. Comfortable barracks. no long !wadies, full rations, prompt pay, warm clothing and a nine time g”iterally. TheAu are corn.. of th. ext nOEIIIII.II y Itllvautagei of the aoldieri who occupy the,, Foots of honor." - A. have opoinq a Recruiting Office opposite the 'onrt Home. on EasrNlarket St., Chninbersborg the name office occupied one year ago by Lieut. 11. F. Wingia and tnyeelf. Auy one deglriug to enlist in the above Regiment will have all rmuter4 tutisOrtorily explained before se doing. Call at once and enrol yourselve, among t I e Crave de ft Toler:, of your country. I oh ill be here •but a short time, as the It-gimmitis fait tilling up. , ; Come and avoid the Draft. A OA %I FERGCSON'. • dec2d-tfl Sergi. l'lt. Artillery, Recruiting Officer. REGISTER'S NOTICE.—AII per -I,ons interested will please take notiee that the lA low fog accountants lut re settled their ace:mm[l in the liteghsteri office of Ft anklin county and that the same will he presented to the OrplianS Gain Cro Confirmation on Wednesday. January :20t/e,15t3-1, at the 6.)tirt House, in Cliattil4 , burg: ~- - 1. First account ~ , f George Weagly, Guardian of Helen and Pharez Weagly, minor child' en of C. L. Weeg:o3", deceased. 2. Account of Solonion Knepp.ir, Guardi.in of Josiah and. Obadiah Knepper, minor children of Da•iiil per late of Query twp., 3 The account of naf n.ird Ader on the es , tote of Georg° W. Vatters,n, lute of deed. 4 The tiret and final- Recount of Daniel Sykok.e, Jailer of jllin Kierchner.l.ttwof Lnrg.ui twp 5. The tiret , nil tival Account of Jr.teoli Br-Wer, Execu tor of Nary Di ewer. lute of M. H 1 t ery . 6. The account of 1. It McCauley. khnitlignator of Thoram 51c{2:tufey. law or the borough of tkeotteobtle, tlev'ii. 7. The first osl final account of GeegeciV. Brower, AdmiTilSt ator,of Johu S.. Kerr. 3. The Iter,olut of Samuel C. Nilsen, Aantinistrator. of G. ll:lik•rling.lnte.,,f deed.' 9. Second and final licconnt of timnurd Ilwrehnnn fittaithan of Ann Amelia Lowery, as stated try his Ad utinist tato:. 10. The account of henry Miller, Guardian of the per soni and eqate floury and ,ry C. Stall. 11. The 'h t.t end hriafaceenitt Pomerp.A4- Inchlet.nkter 31aulay, late of FaLinett 12. The first and final account of Dr. H. F. Bold Administrator d. b. n. c. t n., of Robert lt.Mison, late 1,4 Ant, int twm, deed.' 13. The tim and Mull account of .1, lie flarbangh.Jr., Administrator of llenry Jacybd, Lite .uf Iliazhingtott twp., deed. 14. Fit st and tin tl rtemnt ofJo.y.to ernig, Admfoistat -tor a .Ivlin 11.Cmig; Into of Montgomery twp.. deed. 15. in Nt aCCOIIIII, of Henry Onlwnke, (Inardinn Ui -John R. McDowell, minor child of John McDowell, lute of Antrim tArp.olee'd. 15. The first and, final, account of Henry Olio:Ake, (1%1113%h:to of Ann Eh-Label h lilcho , ell. now oec'd. intone child of .Tulin McDowell. Lite Of Antrim top., deed. 17. Account C Snyder, Administrmur of Cin tstinn Rosen lit rgor. Int e ef Aoilford t lb. The first and final account of Daniel Cover, Ad ministrator of John, Curer, Sr.. date of Lnrgan twp., (.1&!'d. 19. The :teem:int of S. A. Bradlee, Administrator of the estate of Peter Shaffer, late ota Montgomery twp., deed. 20. First and final account of S: A. livadtey..Adminii trator 01 the estate. of CliLabet4l,ilialler, Into of Mont• gornery tivp . deed. 21.• Final account - ot henry good, Adminiotrator of Christian Good, late of Unslungton 22. The first and final account of Jacob W. Ilainsher, Executor , of Jumbo; Washington, late of Southampton 28 First and final: account of Rbert. P. McClure, Ad ministaater n. bf William 11. - Agers, late a South ampton toe ashlp. 21. Account 0f,.4 Harvey Gordon, Administrator of Samuel Gordon, lore of Wayne,boro', dee'd. revond accounc of Jacob Garver. Guardian of Mar arc 11F4ddle, znizzOr child ~ f Janie.; IVadile, dec d. Acconnt of Jacob Garver, Guardi n of Julia A. 1V addle, chill Jame:, Waddle. decd. 27. Acc , ifint of Wm. 1.1.ei Nee. Guardian Of Lncy C. Nitterlionso. minor child of lili7.ibelU Nitterlmse, as stated by Win. Ilerher,J•r., acting Administrator of t , aid Heyser. *• 2s. Fiat acd final Rev - mat of John Stouffer. Adminis trator of Jacob C, henry, late of thilif,rd twp.. . Firgt and final account of Andrew L. Cable. /O -m ill] qrator, with the Will annexed, of Solomon Wei§er, late of MererPsburg. 30. Fioit fltma S. Traxel, rzting Ereezutor of Funk,la6 of Waillincton t wthip,doc d. :I . 111.:N1117 STRICKI.E . 9 1 11 E FIUNKLINI RE PO~ITUItY~ 'VOLUME. FOR aSu-I,—,SEVENTY-FIRSI TUE FRAN 4 II..LIN REPOSITORY, will com mence its screntlj-.firAt rwlurde with the new year, more widely readjand more liheradlysuPported, than any other journad in the State out of the leading It is the largest Union newspaper in Penn *lwatlia, and is 'turitalled by any other rural jour nal in its lavisld expenditures for reliable Corres- r.otHlenee, Editorial and other Contributions., Tele grilphimr, and everything. necess'ary to make a com plete General anklmeal Newspaper. Toe. ItneostmO l argives a cordial and earnest sup port to the AdMinistrations of President Liseot.N grol Governor CURTIN:; to the policy of a vigorous Prosecution of the War; to the Unconditional Re anion of the 'United Staten without compromisre with mordtronsTraitms; to the puliey that exhausts every means witiin the power of the Government to suppress the ,tcbelliOli of Treason and Slavery; to the cause of ;. , or bra , e Soldi rs in the field: to the preservatioU in unclouded honor, of the sa ered Memory ofi'oor heroic, martyred dead, Tut: REPOSMIRY Su,..toins the•Aoministration and tbot War becamel it has abiding faith in the .ueeess- Jul is - ;to of - thislgreat struggle, by whieh mad am kiition and unitoliy_thirst for power have, made a NA tiou mown. dt, , ate war as the sorest. the speediest,—indeed the e • road to lasting and ho ndrable Peace; the onl' nae of a preserved Na tionality; and i, will steadily-appeal to the PeSple to sustain the Onstituted authorities in every tnea- .sure de4igued give success to our arms and vic tory to the cause of the Union. Tneßreostilutv seeks no patronage as a matter , of favor. It aims to render the tallest possible re turn to its patrjus. and it amply remunerates them for the outlay oOts Gnbseription price. To the citi iens of Franklin and adjoining counties it is espe cially valuable for its f.,‘ omplete Local Reports, Cor respondence, 11Ritkets, ‘C.:r„ and we feel-well assured shat the inereasie of its circulation will be no less advanfageous tO the Union COUSC, and to the pro suotionef heaßhy loyal sentiment in this trying hour of ouremintry. than to its publishers. - To such ; is believe the Itkrostrouy right in a Faithful but ever Independent support of the Government; we on'tai with confidence appeal eor sympathy and posi tive aid in ext6.idini; our already immense circula tion. ' AW. There or very few subscribers to the Erns t It who aot add ONE Nfi.ll", responsible name to its list by the le, of Jail Let the ft iewls of Union awl :Ir'reethou inol,:e the effort 'THE ItgensrrOltY for 1861 will be especially valu able to YA fat 9.9. An Agricultural Department will be regularly sustained, under the immediate con trol of the Se4w Editor, who devotes much of his time to Practical Agrioulttirei .to the trial of Agri.- cultural Impl i ements - and Machinery; to the im- Prorcment of Stock, and to every method proposing economical Progress in the great Industrial pursuit al Southern Pennsylvania. BUSINESS MEN of all classes, will find the REPOS irroi.y the beg Advertising medium in the State cmtpf the cities. We believe that no country jour nal reaches so large a class of intelligent, progres-, sive, thrifty men as does the REPOSITORY. and it is invaluable to Advertisers. Tat jtEPOSiT3RY is furnished to subscribers at $2 Pvr annum inladvance; or $2.50 if not paid within the year. .0 subscription accounts must be settled annually. No paper sent out of the State unless paid for in advance. Trrg REPOSOORY is furnished to Soldiers in actual service at 25 chats for three months; 50 cents for six months, or $llOO for one year. This is less than the oust 6f the *bite paper. Ministers of Franklin counts. in elargc of congregations, are furnished the Paper at '1.25 per annum. _Subscriptions and Advertisements may Ids sent di rectly to the publishers; or through any responsible `linty Agency: Address M'CLURE k STONER, Proprietors. atbrttiotmento. ADMINISTRATOR'S NO ! 11RUSTEE'S SALE OF VALUA - Notice is hereby given that Letters of Admini gra- I BLE PROPERTY.—Theundeisigned, Trustee, nu t the Dilate of Henry Bendadefrer, late of Antrim, oer au order of the Orphans' Court of Franklin Con , ,tye -townfit, p.dedd, ! led to the subscriber, to sell the Estate of Samuel W. Heintzelman, deed; - residing in said townthlp, wilLexpose to sale, by•Eublic Out.cry. on the premises, All persons indelited to the said Estate are he , • re- , Tuesday.rthe Pith day of January, 1864, the following guested to no , immediate payment, and those ha% ing j described Reel - Estate : claims or demand- against the Estate of said Alecedeut, j A TRACT OF LAND. eitnate in Guilford township. trill make known the tame without delay. to ' . 1 Franklin Coun4, about 1% Itti les from Clutruberaburg. dee23 3 E 11 E411 Ali WEAU LEY. Adm'r. in the Greencastle road, nod- with the Dwelling Howie not more than 15U - yards from the Franklin Railroad, c4T BAUGII & CARLISLE.— 'l:adjoining lands of Win. Heyser, Peter Brough, Michael FINAL NOTICE. ' , liarkelrmle, and others, cuintainirg 113 ACRES And 57 All persons inilebto,l to the firm of Stambaugh & Car- PERCHES. About 100 Acres of the land are cleared, ether on Book lecoatit or Note, are hereby noti• under good fence and theland is Id excellent tillible or fled th it mules+ set, lenient be made on or before the nth aer. The balance of the land is set With good timber. day of Jan t4r3.1 46 4. suit will then be brought n u earl, The laud is the best of Limestone and highly productive; and every ie.:mint or note unpaid. Mr. Carlisle has having been well Limed and Manurial The improve been dead f,r more than two years, and in order that th e :nerds are a largb two storied STONE DWELLING. 1 business of the firm, and tire estate of said decedent. , HOUSE. with good Kitchen and good, 1 may be aid fled up, I run compelled to adypt this con, se, • order, part of it new, and tine whole La good repair dee2.3-3V:I P. S. STUMBAUGH., Alatua new BRICK- DWELLING• ROUSE, about 150 1 Surviving putter of Brumbaugh & Carlisle. yards from the Mansion House--good size and in excel- cot order. There , is a NEW ATONE AND FRAME ;ARK BARN, with Wagon-Sb ed, Corn-crib and all rise- iaary out buildings. The Barn is quite large, COMIIIO - apti fl u tithed in excellent order. The Barn is con- 1 eittent to both the Dwelling Houses. There are, two =yells of excellent Water near the Houses and Cistern optic!' Reuse. The Wells are never-54iling even in the ryest season. There is a email stream Mf Water runs 'trough the fa r m convenient forixatering stock. - There also an ORCHARD on the farm with Apples, Peaches, nd PEARS. Thu land is just rolling enough for pro uctire farming, and is free from rocks on the surface. Also--A TRACT OF 8 ACRES and 124 PERCHES, lent measure, sithate arm before, and adjoining the form hove described; and divided front it by a public road. eadjoine lauds of C. M. Burnett, Edward Culbertson ani others. This land Is all cleared, In excellent order, 4nd a very high gat emf cultivation. Also--A Tract of SLATE TIMBER LAND, containing - 25 Acres and 80 Perches, situate in Hamilton township. lying West of the Conococheague Creek, ono mile from the Wove described lands ; adjoining lands of Christian Martin; John Grove and others. TERMS OF SALE.—Ter , percent. of -the purchase money to be paid or aured when the property isitt rick en off; one•half, including the ten per cent, to be paid in tire let of April. 1864, when possession will be given; .n.I the other half in two 'equal - ennui' payments with ,nterest. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, on said day. MARTIN II EINTZELMAN. derS-ts Trustee of S. W, Heintzelmemdec'd. gay- Lancaster Examiner and Waynesboro Record .spy till sale +it'd semi bills to this office forcollection. ADJ oURNED SALE OF VALU. ABLE BAAL ESI7ATE,—Thc undersigned. Kl.ec• I. utoi nof Jame.' .1. Kennedy, into of Guiltad towitenip. , dec'd,,will offet at public sale, on the le•premblee. on 'it'd ' 'inlay thr 2d day of Jinuary, ISA all thut VALUABLI GRI6 r AND FLOURING MILL. situate on theVoittco che.4r,no Crio.k. • out half a mile, Southw tet of Chinn heceh , org. Th till is threetorled, part , frae - n mn. o ft part brick. has tree run of Stone, and has lately hem thotonelily t cpaned. It ii well situated, and hat , ala rg. town and country cti.toin ' , k'l tto e are attached to eon, IL ACRES and to PERUKE. OF LAND—part of whicl let ex. ellmit 3lvadow—a one-and n.half-htored, Elti%4 .purr DWEI.I 'Nil DOUSE atd FRAME STABL Sale to commei.ce at 2 o'clock. P. 11.. txt said day, n heti tectlis will he naade known by T. D.• It EN:: k.DY, ) ~ . dec.2.3.t .1. L. KENNEDY,f 61 rs• Crotatc RIVATE SALE OF 'TANNEM ti SAP. F.A.1.711:171.riLLE.,--The undersigned ./ ut Vrivatczale, the toliowu g described ILLAL LS TATE:to _ _ _ • -• • ACRES OF LAND. " All under good fehecaliutillable.with agooollrirkDwoll uurel telzug well of gu.od eater uear the •ducti, good Baru and thralhlug Flour, a tau Orchard beAriug the best Adv.) , • • A TANNERY _ of 3:2largeVatii. u large Lti.tehrir with times and poolw k uol ler, and Fullitti; 6tockd, all in lent ordt;r, tli whole opiwating by WATER. POWER. a 4.1.1 B unshed, all unsurpassed in convenienev :u:4 - .hove property will be show'n t oany person on ap Plication to Jacob B. Cook of Fayetteville, Sr John ti t.:ook of Chaminn sburg, Teruis will be real 3 J0n.17.'0:1-tf • P riT It COOK . ALTTA !ME - STEAM TANNERY - FJIt SA L:l.—file andersi ,, tied will sell at Private - m Sale. his TA N.s ty, known as the Corner,Tanuery, with and w ater-power. Saw Mill, Chopping MAL:locks for t.seaking .T be Tannery has S reetlies. 32 ' vats, 2 limes/ma water-pool. and is capable of tousling SkM heavy hides a year. There are two Log Dwelling (louse, U sru.Stablo and other nects.ary out build ngs connected with the Tannery. sndohote t tin ,Acresel rimed, _ with 4 . 00 d fruit.' He will cell any quantity of land Nu it h )4 nt, !eit. e ts r n i naisr,f an p,liui, 0 e 0 , t0070 1 y of ( Acres ii run din TaimerY for titty P iea yearn. It Is 'situated ahA t i c t miles 301101-Irerlt of neleelSbUrg,On Licking Creek Terms Made eisy. PeAsessSon wilt fie given this t i n n.,tvjary. For further parliculays address the under signe‘Lat Morcs3rsbnrg, Franklin county, Pa. , ang 1.2.1,3-it ' C. METCALF. VALUABLE TAVERN STAND Fort The undersigned offer at Ptivatc "S,tle, the tvelllCnoirn Tavern. shunted on the corner of , Market:um( Second Streets, nom , in the occupancy of Sherift Brown. , The lintel is a large commodious two story brick'building. The yard altaclied is ad m ir a bly :ix' ringed for t L.:Welters stipping Avail buggies and Thestablo it large and airy. and capable of accommoilating i from 50 to 60 head of horses. The ant buildings such IlEt Wasit [louse. tfpri ng [Louse .Ice Efonse. ; .tc. makes it the most desirable hotel in the county. !Its near locatieb to the Rail Road. Court ilouse, Itank. and business ulaces,rende. - s it the most pleasant ...tilti convenient stopping place ill town. Persons dedring tt, purchase.can see th °premises And ; learn the terms of sale by callin g on the undersigned . AUGII[NBAUOII, S. 31. WORLEY. Ch3mb'g.Rept.l-tf pU MAC SALE.—The 'subscriber, . intending to,reruquisti husiness, will offer a; Pub; lie .i ale. on feriday. tiicle of January. IS6-1. at 1 o'clock . P. 11 . the INDIAN QUEEN HOTEL, sithate on South Main ,a., , ,,,e, ci..,e3ificf,bric;-. ~:ene (PUMA it; a large lit WC Bat Itil Ilg.. with a Barher Shop, a 1 age Cegar and a good Cove eOlelitie Or-ilttlorng 5o barrels of Ale. There is A . large BRICK STABLE. Sheds. a ;ood bon Beam PLAT!' FOUM SCALES. Spring: Wash and Smoke Ilouse..n the the preill!SeS. The yard-is well paned, with a Heil of , good Water near the b tek door. The Lot bun front of , at r,et and rune back - 250 feet. ,This property has been kept n. a Public Haase for 50 Yeats, and has always had aWI .;hare of business. and has a good run of enqtne t • ' at thin tine. • j - iltieltir JoiiN W. TA-Y 1,011., ti 3IXLL FARM FOR SALE.—Tho subscriber will sell , bt Private Sale the EMALL FA Ulf on which he now rest es. sitnate in Antrim town ',hit,. Franklin( mint) , abogt aim miles from Greene:is tle. of, ;he Caditawn road. adjoining lands of Salinnei ~~~~tet•idffil others. contalningabont FOIITY ACRES-=alf (Novel land. in good order and under good fence. There is", YOUNG 011.C11 Mai of thrifty trees on tbeplace. and a Well of excellent n•aloe. The improvements consist of A tw ...dory LOG DWELLING lIOUSP.. a NEW BANK 11A111+1.iort)-t *0 feet long. and weal frnighed, and a lother nee eiotry out buildings. Possessum will viverron the lot of April. 18A. Terms will be mad* known on ApplieAtion to the subscriber residitur on the pterniseß. 4 .. 41CL '413-tf] EL CAM:IDE& Qrcbs. AGItIOUL-TURAL IMPLEMENTS AND • SEED WAREHOUSE 21 awl South Sixth street, Philadelphia I)I.I.IIIf,ViDiVETII & Som. Vroprietc•rs of Itlomusda near fnirliundred “crea, in high Oth. levJted to the proinction ~r SELDS, nre n o n ~,,,r,sl to snpplyConolry Met chanth, Druggihts and 41 o thers who deal In ;spells. with lame or 5111:111 .1111t11- litipa, by the puttitl or lnhel, and also in papers made re nly tar retailing. The I , l.tAhllsbutent represented by David-Landreth .5 0 o,has been Cant - led nearly% of a century, • The widespread popularity, and thederuand,;nct can ingfrorn year to 3 ear. for LANDRETH'S ITAH.RENTED GA_RDE'N gEEDS eh-Mance of the high valor entertained fcr them by pahlie. Landreth's garden Serol9 are not only favorably re. eivedthronglion? the IT: lon, bet ire shipped to MOOT foreign ports, -Indeed.tt may he stated . with nmtional nide that they como into tal t ve cumpetition ith' -zeed on nritish Soil. David Landreth ,t; ion invite al I whoare not alrwuly „„I„,,, er s ~P their Seeds. to task e a trial of h a m— l ssuredilott they Will he found fatly opt i 1 to heir high reputation. Lltolretit's Rurallb , : ri.ter %Rd Marline contruntoe • tni•.gue of Carlton Seeds , with frtAttimtionn. fun I4tod •nttia. Al+o--Cfattlogno of Aizricilltnna Implemontm. LANDRKTIrt SON. N 04.21 SouthfithSt.,ehiladtirhia. jf tnanctcal. Yt! Bßitl. nn '( ! t i e o ' s) sovi the tir ac: :Note. are urgently requested to call at the Store and pay np before the latof January, IS6I, as it is impassible for me to call in person on 000 perAOns ; many of whom would say call again. One visit from each will cnswe many of whom have had a credit from 6 months to itt years; have neither time nor inclination to forhear long ar with , those who have abosed the credit eyetenr. Those who feel it a duty to call and pay will have my , thanks. and those who don't call may - test assured that suit will be brought without- respect to persons. A word to the wise is sufficient. Como along lam waiting to 186 i. t.'hamb'g, dec2-5t SAMUEL MYER'S. VOTICR—AII persons knowing j 'Di ‘mselves indebted FOR FRES In the RFol, , TER AND RECORDER'S - OFFICE, will please settle the AVM without further botice, aa my term of nflice has expired. My books will be at the' Register's Mice or the. present. ' Wolf') E.' C. BOYD. SALE OF BANK STOCK.—Tbe utaleisigned, Exocutors of James and Catharine Bratty, ute of county of Franklin, Lier'o. will offer at Public Sale, on :mg:arc/ay the With day IV. cendmr, Infrout of the Court Tlamse borough of Chn., lll - bershurg, 103 SLIASES of the Block of.thO Dank "I Cbambersburg. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock, P. M., whenterrus will be made known by _ JAMEa T. 11. KENNEDY, • Exemriars of James Batty, deed. '' • , ' TAMES ' "Aec9-211. ' ExicritotoPCatliarine Beatty, deed. Wat glroutic-5:441t UB LIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE.—The undersigned, V:xecntors ~11k the Will annexed, of Jacob Oyster. ih ed, will sell, u porsuance of the terms of the said Will, on Monday, he 281/1 clay of hecember, 4. L., 18U3, the following de criaNd ItealEstate. w it : ! . The 110 USE, and LOT uow occupied by ILIA. dames L. Black as a store and dwelling house, froutink 'on Main ,treat, in Chatuhersburg, 32, feet in front, and- . runiiing Jack the aamo width to an alley. '256 feet, on which is elected a two story BRICK HOUSE, with Back Build ,ags, MpWing, kc. All of which will be shown to pet .ons dealt one of purchasing, by Hon. J. L. Black, at seasonable hours. , A lso—the Dll ELLING 1.10U.,§E now occupied by Mrs. ...torah "Oyster, widow of Jacob Oyster, deo d, and the ore Room ip same building. now occupied by Mr, TIMs. geicalf, situate on Main St., Chambersburg. bounded ny tot et Matthew Welsh and an Alley, being 40 feet in riolt, one 100 feet deep. On this property is a line two -tory BRICK HOUSE, with a neverfailing Well of good Water, it Cistern, Stable, kc. Persona desirous of .pur ..basing the property, can see it at any time by apply .tig to Sirs. Sarah Oyster at suitable hours. Also—The FR M E ME HOUSE and LOT,- now occupied by omit. John S. Efster, bounded by King Street on the Irma, by lot of Conrad Marmon an the West, by the the per Mill dam and Falling Spring on the East and South. Ms lot is about 40 feet fu front. on King Street, by about i4O feet deep. The property may be seen and examined any person desiring to purchase the same, by appli t ion to Capt. John S. Eyster, at suitable hones. A perfect and complete title will be given for the •dive property. . The said property will be sold as follows: The pro pel ty occupied by Judge Black at 10 o'clock. on the'lSth of December, on the pavement in front of the House. The property occupied by Mrs. Sarah Oyster, on the pavement in front of the house, immediately after the drat, and the property occupied by John S. Eyster on the pavement in front of the house, immediately after the tormersale. When the terms of sale will be made known CHARLES W. EYSTER, C. S. EYSTER. Rers of Jacob Oyster,dec'd. =I ACIIANCE FOR SPECULATION —VALUABLE PROPERTY AT PRIVATE undersigned, on account of advancing nears anti consequent inability tosuperlutend and man .ige the busines, will sefl at Private S ale her property, formerly knuwr as " UANOVEIt IRON WORKS" and now known es "ELYSIAN MILLS," situated nine miles South of McConnellsburg, (the conhty seat of Fulton county, Pa.,) OIL the road leading to Hancock, 31d.„ and distant t welve mites from the latter place. on the Chesa peake and Ohio Canal and the Baltimore and Ohio Lail Road. The property contains 600 ACRES,foor hundred of which is mountain Land welt timbered, affording . ex cellent range and pasture for cattle and sheep. Of the remaining two hundred acres, about one hun dred is cleared and udder fence and in a goat state of cultivation, comprising LIMESTONE, SLATE and. ROT rot LAND. The improvements consist' a a tines story Stone and Frame.FLOURI NO MILL, complete in aldits arrangements for either Custom- or Merchants work, with four run of stones and two Water id herds, and an UN FAILING SUPPLY OF WATER, situated on one Creek in a fine grain growing region. A SAW MILL nearly new ;it two story Stone Dwelling House, With all tho necessary and convenient attachments and mt-buildings, with a choice variety of fruits and shrub bery surrounding the whole, and with a never-filling Well of water at the door and under roof. A Stone building containing a STORE ROOM and BUSINESS OFFICE. Two Barnsl a Carpenter Shop, and it Black smith Shop. Two old fruit-bearing Apple Orchards and one young orchard just beginning to beer. There is an meahnuidable MINE OF IRON ORE on the premises, offering inducements to capitalists 'a ishing to embark in thedron business. any person wishing to engage in the Distilling bu -Mess this is a most inviting location. If the property is not sold by the Ist of February, 1864 it will liefor rent. For fin ther information call ()rime on thii tiretuises. or inlay in person or byletter, to James Pott, McConnells burg, Fulton count Pa. Elysiann ' lB4l] MAGDALENA POTT. ORPHANS COURT SALE OF REAL ESTATE.—The subscribers, Adininistra-; toi s of the Estate of George Lohnuoiter. late of the Bor- .[ ough of Cliambersburg, aec'd, will sell under an order the Orphans' Court of Franklin County, at Public! '4rtle, on the premises. on Iretliicsday, the 23d of Demitber., i 563, 1 u'elock, the following valuable Real Estalai,l, ate the property of slid deed : Furpar; Ist Consisting of half LOT OF GROUNDS situate on Main Street in thellorough o. Chambersbui 14,.?„ bounded west by Main Street, south by lot of Curti.. ittis tu Hetrick. east by a sixteen feet alley, and on thin north by lot of Angrotte, Milani:in, with a two Mum 1.1111 , •K DWELLING uousr., and Back Bighting there = ; ou cricte.L. Also, At the same tune and place, a TRACT OF MOUNTAIN . LAND, situate iu St. Thomas township , Franklin cu, a . bounded by lands of Ephilam Young, , Crouse's heirs, anti heirs of James Campbell, deed, rotri raining In ACRES and 59 PhROUES neat measuie. Tbsi above mentioned Laud is well coveted with Young alai Thu ifty Timber. Perscns wishing to view the premisua haw,: the day of sale. can du so by calling on the unitati. signed. Terms made known on the'day of sale, by !' PHILIP LEMASTER,t At min, JOHN A. LEM A ST ER. I rs. VALUABLE FARR FOR SALE'. —The subscriber offers at ivate : , ale,his FA It Di sit am about 3 / 4 mile twin Qui= y,coutaingl.sl ACRLS l4uf which is in Tl.llllSit. and thriving Chestnut. % of the Darin isolate bestquailty of LIALISTONE LAla and all in a high state of cultivation. The itnproTe mentsare a large BRICK 110.USK, with portico and porche s. a new BRICE BANK 11/11,N,80 feet lung, with Wagon Shed and Corn Crib attached, double Franfr_ "urriage Honse,Brick Wash House, Smoke House, flake Oven, and all necessary outbuildings, in good repair There is a large Cistern close to the Barn, used for Stuck and one near the kitchen. There is a Well of excellent water in the yard. There is also a variety of choke Fruit, !incline rears,Plumn, Peaches and Grapes In the yard._There isilso a good ORCHARD of youn gt hriving Trait on the prentises. Persons wishingto view the land can do so by calling on thesubseribet,oranyinformation respecting it can be obtained by calif agon Balaley, Cottaty 'Frei tr. urer. ' [sept It-tf.] JOHN HIDDOWER2 - ipty - VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF ,P the Orphans' Oaurt of Frauklin county, Pa., the innersigned, Administrator of peter Yoe, late of Letter kenny township, dec'd, Mrer at Public Sale, on tho' oremtees. on Saturday. the 2d day of January, IS/4,:at 10 o'clock. A.M., the fattening described heal Estate, V:17.:" A TRACT OF TIMBER LAZ , ill, situate in Letterkedny township, bounded by lands of Jacob Wingert, Hoary, Jereiuiak zußiuger, and Martin Landis, cpu tattling I 5 ACRES and 5 PERCHES, neat measure. The timber on said tract consists of Rock Oat, Chestnut.. 'Black Oak and Locust. The terms will be made known' on day at Sale. by GEORGE YOE, Aticeri. By ordor of Court—Wu. 0. 3ittcum.h, Clerk. [deciril VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATF) BALD.—TIie underiigned oilers; at Private Baby e LOT OF GROUND in the village of ,St. Thomas, havint thereon erected a two storied Brick. end Weatherboarded DVIILLINO HOUSE; coutalning nine rooms, a goodlog Barn and other necessary bni:dings. The terms will he made to suit purchasers. and powies- SiOn given - oil - theist dro 'of April "next; Personowlell in g to view the property,will plaaeo call onJohn Slit sell residing en the same. GPARGR STITIAILL, Sr. Atiirat the. above property Is not sold by the let. of Jouuary nextltwitt then be for rent. itleciti-Stj Erg" pitiresi A?D' MINISTRATOR'S.NOTICR-L- Notice is hereto given that Letters of Adininis• , ttatoin on the kstate of Foninel itauk..late of Green towntihip, deed. have teen granted to the subscriber, residipg in said:township. All} persons kubwing themselves ini)cbted to said les ,tate: Eriil please make Unmet/late payment ; and those having embus will present them properly authenticated for settlement [deo t6j a.NllittlVi P. Oi6Bli, Adm'r. AiDgINISTRATOR'SNOTIOE.- .1 Notice is hereby given that Letter* of Adminis anon to the Estate of Jaeob Eistrer. late of- Peters township, dee'ti. have been granted to theoandeisigneti. residing In Peteretown-hip. All 'persens lt.Zowing themselves indebted to said tate will please *make immeiliate payment and thosi• having claims w.tl present thew; ,properly anthenticai ea tor settlement. ideal - II JAiIIES D. hCtITT, Adm'r. A.DMIN ISTRATOR'S Notice is he) eby given that Letters of Adminie ttatearto the Eetete of Philip MoGeffigan, late of the ttoro4igh'of Chamben.lairg, decd, have aeon granteo - 1 the Undernigneri. r.daliug in sa id Borough: ,Ali per,,One indebted to the said Estate. are requesfe,a to !Mika immediate pay • ent, and those haying dein,. dimands ageinPt Ihe Estate of decedent,witt make kno‘in the same, AN itholl t (10111 , Y •to der9 - A L EXANDER MARTIN. Adm't - _ • DMINIST RAT OR'S NOTICE .-: A Notice is hereby given that Letters of Ailminia tratron to . the &rat, John r Irate of Guiliord township. dec'd. Have been granted to the snlrecriber, residing in said tut All means knowing themselves indebted to said Eis tateiwill please midst. Immediate payment: and Oasis having-claims will pi eirent them properly anthentivided for Settlement., jiteciii . SAMUEL GROSSMAN,,A6tI.4. ; DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- Notice.% ber - ehy given that Lettere of Adnanle toviMit to the• Estate of Peter W. Stouffer, late of Gun ford township, deed. nave been granted to the under signed, resitting in said towtiohip. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said tate wi,l pleasa make immediate payment; and time. , hav,ing claim. will pi euent 'them properly authenticated fur settlement. Pec9[ .1 Al.:0B - STOUFFER, Adm'r. 4DMINISTItATORS'NOTICEe-- , -- Notice in hereby given that Letters of Adminh tration on the Eelati of John Statelier, late of Green toWnehip, deed. have ',ten granted to the anderilgned. residing hi said - Township. All persons knowing; thernmelvee indebted to sato 1" t— tatp will Welts° Make immediate payment; and now haying claims will preeent theism properly authenticated forlrettlement. fJ.EO. & irENRY SLEIGIITER„ Adm"rs.' A DMINISTRAYOR'S NOTICE.- Notice is hereby kiven that -Letters of Adminis tration to the -:state of Samuel Johnson, late of Mont go4tieiy township. have been granted to the nu dersigned,reeding.in township. pll persouftnow ing tliern.elres indebted to said -Mk t* will please m the Imine , liote payment ; and those baying Ulaims will prevent them properly authenticated for aenttletnent. (ilee9. ALEX. 11. JOHNSON, Adnir. DMINTSTRATOR S NOTICE, Notice is het shy given that Letters' of Adminis tration ou the &Woof Jesse Bowen, late of the State of Missouri. deed; have been g mated to toe undersignsq, residing in Montgomery toUnship,Prankliu Cot, Pa. ,All persons knowing themselsei indebted to satd Es tite will,please tusk e immediate pa 3 meet ; and ti's* tidying claims will'present •hem properly authentitsted in settlement. (der2l DANIEL BAWBECKER. Adler. rnHNISTRATORS' NOTICE- Notice is hereby oiiven that Letters of AdMinistry.. t ti to the Estate fof Henry Unger. late of Waynestairk deed, have been granted to the undersigned, lesiding Is said Borough. - • ~. :. 1 .11 personsknowing tit emstivesindebted tosaldßatitte will please make iiimiediftte payment. and those bavity claims present thenf property mithentienti il for, settlf, ment. pet 2] SUSAN 'UNGER. Admix. __ ___ • A DMINIST R A TOR'SNOT [C E.-- , Notice le hereby jrivert that l,s:tirs f Adiniutw tratton to the Estate of. Henry (Jordon. IC the Nell! e.unexed, bite of Washington townehip. Leoft qabted to the undersigned, residing bald township. All persons indebted to the saidtEstete. ore hereby quested to make hunt ed int(' payment .11.11 those 111.171 r! 1 or dezintniim Aptinta the E.int. .4.1.: c Mew . Will make known the iitme without elny. to • dec2 • CATHARINE GORDON. Meer.. A DMINISTRATOR'S Ink_ 'Notice is hereby given that Letters of Adminit-- taut ion to the Estate of George Lehman. Tate of ()redo township, decd. have been granted to the undersigned, 4esiding in said township. . All persons knowning themselves Indebted to said Be tote will please make immediate payment; and then bavtn g claims willpresent them properly 'authenticated jhroleituent ktiellAßL IL-WIN - GEL hoc— • Atim's ADMINISTRA TUB'S NQTICE.--:- Notice is hereby given that Letteis of Administrtir ion to the Estate at Amanda Lowry, late of Qniney township, deed, have been granted to the subset - lb*, (residing in mid township. , - - Ali persobn knowing themselves indebted to said Re itate*will please make immediate paymentt and that* hasipgclaims will present them properly anthenticate4 .I*or attrement. (n0v251 RACJIAEL LOWRY, Adm'a. ADMINISTRA.TORS' NOTICE, Notige is hereby giverk that Letters of Adminto tration with the Will anuez'ed on the Estate of Issue Mull, late 01 Green township. dec'd, have been granted to the subscriber. residing in said township. All persons knowing themselves Indebted to 4he salt Estate will please make immediate payment and thaw having claims will presentthem properly authentication for settlement nor,s WILLIAM AtigMANDER,Adm'i A DMINISTRA TOR'SIN,TOTICE.- Notice is hereby given that Letters of .Itdmini tratiou to the Estate of William lieper, late of tb Borough of Cliamheritarg, decd, hay - 61*e¢ granted ba Mei nnders fined. residing in said Borough. All persons knowing themselves Indebted to said Fa tate will please make immediate payment ; and these having claims will present to viz properly authenticated for settlement, JACOB lIEVSER. 'WILLIAM TIMBER. Adaign.. ALLISON IIIYSTBR, . n0v2,5 V . A XECITTORS'. NOTlCE.—Notice N ber¢hy given that Letters Testamentary to the Estate of Jacob Oyster. late of the Borongh of Chem bersharg. decid. have loran granted tolhe undersigned, residing in said Borough • All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Es tate will please mese inunedlite payment; and those having claims will present them property anthenpeated for settlement. CHARLES W. EYsTER, ihicl6 , CHRISTIAN S. RYSTRR,I- Executory. XECUTORS' NOTICE.--L.NotiOe I , J is lierehyulyren that Letters TesMmentary to 1410 Fortate of Samuel .1. Crunklet in. late at Antrim towa- Whip. dec'il hire been granted to the underaigned; resin. ing in Raid township. All persons tided ed tO theme' d Estute.are hereby so (invited to in ake immediate paymen't. and those bawl* claims or demands against the Estafe of said dicaddist, will make known the Aame without delay. to JOHN ROYER, } Nen JAMES CRUNKLETON. IME - LIXECUT.OR' S NOTlCE.—Notice .s berebipveri that Letters Testamentary'to the :et.tto of Mary Alter, late of Oreencistle, dec'd him* been granted to tbo undersigned, residing to said Dm ough. Al! person iiindebted to tb e said Estate are requested to make immediate payment and those having Oilmen ordemands against the Estate of the said decedent .. .lß make linos' n the same wfthont d el ny. to I Nov 24 JACOB S. i'LEMINd, Blew FECUTOR'S NOTIC E.--Notioe ' is berebvtiven that Letters Testamentary to the. Estate of Michael Littie. late of Wash.ngton townehip. dec'd, hnve been granted to the subscriber, residing lir Waynesboro. - All porcine knowing themselves indebted to' said lb tato will plenee make immediate payment; and those havingclaints wilipresentthem woperly authenticatof for nettlement. [dec9] JOIIN A REAR. Ex'r. XECUTORT . ITOTICE.—Notiqe iv hereby given that Letters Testamentary to ito Mate or Jain es J. Kennedy, late of Guilford townahlpy„, .11en'd, have been granted to the undersigned,realdivg Chambersburg. All persona knowing themselves Indebted to said Rs tato will please make immediate payment; and those having.lnitnewill present them properly authenticate or settlement, to • 'D. B. KENN EDY.I ' J. L. KENNEGY4 'xecurgb FRANKLIN COUNTY, ALMS , nousz.—offlee of the Di , ectore.—At their latit meeting the Directors of the Poor proposed the. follow ing rnie cf action that .bereafter, ordere,issuedAy the Justices of the Peace, other then for relief or removal, will not be paid for. or recognised by the-Board; nor will they say any physician's Lill or any other bill or account presented by coy one, unless It be in matters of accident or emergency. and for necesalrits furnished to these Pet sons who in the L'OM are paupers. It order of Board, dee 9-3 t It y .* EV' the Ert, , Attorney. TIDITOR''a .NOTICR—The deraiinecl, Auditor, appointed to distribute the • 3 fume in the hands of John Maxheimes,, Administra tor of Jacob will meet all rlartiett eaten' at the office of W. Reilly, Ertl on Friday, .hellith of Dee embee,dMlLi alto o'clock, - for `the' Purpose of his app.:44llllqt, @Pair '"tT It. CMIAXII4I4. El