. , . . I . . . . . . . - - tr . . . . . . „ . . , . •., . , - I .. . 1 , . . . -. 0 ! -•• ' • \-- ..._, , ••,.. 6 iy ,_ , . ...._ 5 . - , t , , ; . _ l• . . . BY APCLITRE & STONER. r. trattd,in %,,tro,itarg. I:NcIAL. We are under obligation to the auditor ilene . cal. for an advance statement of the fi nancial. affairs of the State. It will be - observed. that PennOvania. netwithstind• hg the heavy outlays for war purposes, has a. large balance in the, State Treasury. Sianmary of the Peceipts td, l the State Treas - iffy, from the Ist day of Peeember, 1.862, to the Stith day of November, 1863, both, days inausive. -;Ands Asedan cpukniiNsio us Auction duties. ~, Tax on bank •dividends.... Tai on corporation stocks, bkx on real and personal ebtute, inclu ding 3i mill tax 1,733,401 91 tavern liven es 215,20 09 nooilets: licenses 192,34711 Pedlars' licenses. ' 4.166 10 . 'Brokers' lieen - ses 9, 9 00 75 Theatre, circus, and menagerie licenses. 2,136 00 I fistillery and brewery lie.mses 7,553 91 Billiard room, bowling saloon, dc., li censes 4,851 53 Batinitbowie : beer house,.4c., licenses 16:266 42 rment medicine licenses 1,142 50 ' Pamphlet laws 179 40 dins tax ri• 5,545 35 illers'• tax......... 661 68 oreign insurance agencies 41,030 74 xon writs, wills, deeds. Arc - 01,7:. 96 ax on certain offices . 144:3 83 6.l:lateral inheritance tax i 187.002 39 v 8.. T. on enrollment of la . w, - ' f --..(_'•81.0. 00 . . . . . - 'Premiums on charters 15,644 85 Wyoming canal co. bUnds redeemed.-- 281,000 00 Tax on tonna?e, conanutation of 1 360.000 00 Ranks baying interest equivalent to eoin 1 3.004 74 treats ;_ 1.980 00 ree banking system 4. • 6;378 92 Dividends on bridgeatOcks 100 00 Pennsylvania railroad company bond No 6 redeemed 100 MO 00 Accrued interest 12.596 72 Refunded cash, ordinary 6.770 00 ti efancle d _ c a s h , military - 9.786 46 ;Enex on loam . ~. 147,756 31 Interest on loans 34.163 98 .onnuity for right of way • 10.000 00 nes and forfeitures' 18 (X 3 (Jolted Staten Government .... 36.221 84 Tax on brokers and private bankers.-- 23,041 20 KKees of the public offices 3,101 42 Kiscoilaneous (cases of conscience) .. 4-a) 00 &dance in the Steto TreasarY: Novem ber 30,1862. available ' $2.172,844 10 Ilknpreeinteil funds in the treaspry, una vailable • - si. ..96i:3‘?775 . Ilitvrtnartj of the Payments at the State Trea sury, front the Ist day of December, 1862, to the 30th. 'day of November, 1863, both days inclusive. Fixpenses of Government. .11,1litary expemes, ordinary Y411D.631 Val) la volunteers in the late war • with Mexico Military expehses f..r the defenee of the State and Union, per act of May 15, 1861 125,583 73 Military expei/Jes torthe defatiee of the State and Union, per act of April 16. paid out of the appropria tion of-May .05,1861 Military expenses for defence. ke., per set of Aprit 14 1863, and ne-'d-t‘ut the appropriation of May 15, 1861 2,430 66 Military expense; for defence, kc., per act of April '22. 1863. and paid out of the appropriation of May 15. 1661. Sc 25,983 Pensions and gratuities, ordinary 5,086 U r i Pensions under the act of May 15. 1851 '345 86 Charitable institutions 110.tr26 37 PosusylvaninStateAgricul rill 806 oty 2.000 00 earmers,' f 4 chool of Pennsylvania, 6,237 80 ate normal schools 10,000 00 Pnitacla..school of design for women.... 2.000 00 4lonsmon s.chnol4 317,506 37 ifoipmissieners of the Sink - - tag Fund, viz: loans, dm. redeemed . $351,608 78 Other payments - 6,803 33 loterest on loans . , Domestic crellitorecertificates, mem- ding interest /homages on the public works and old ,claims 1,204 t,4 Speciateornmissioners- 3,607 33 Etate library...... -- 3 ,165 92 P.ibiie buildings and grounds • ' 8,024 29 Howes of refugeS3,o29 16 Ponitentiaries - • ' 32,423 00 ii;•eheats 631 76 itirenue Commisgionels Free banking system -' ibatement of State tax. ereantile appraisers 4.. 40ellaseous 14tioneeirt the Treasury, November 30. 13&'3; $2,7-17,331 70 imepreeiated funds in the trezeury una mikado. The following applications fur Bank Char- Vint have been made to the next Legisla ture: Bank of Pittsburg. for a renewal, with its present cap a 1 of $1,200,000: Com mercial Bank of Pennsylvania, at Philadel phia. for a renewal 'with itr Y present capital $1,000,000; the Bank of Germantown, renewal with present capital of $300,000; Tradesmen's Bank of Philadelphia, renewal with . increeozed capital of $150,000; Far mar's Bank of Schuylkill county, renew-al with a capital of $100,000; Honesdale Bank, fig a re-chaxter, with a capital of $200,000; West Branch Bank, Williamsport, renewal With its present capital of $100,000; Allen town 'Bank,- extension of charter, with in a!rease of capital of $300,000; Farmers' and provers' Bank of Waynesburg, eXtgnsion of garter, with capital of $150,000; Miners' Bank of Pottsville; renewal with capital of $500,000; Harrisburg Bank, renewal with Ofspital of' $00,000: 'Anong the- banks ap plying for incorporation arc the , Oilmen's Bank, at Oil City, Venango county, with *vital of $lOO,OOO ; the. Oil City Bank, with capital, of $1,000,000; the Manufacturer=s Bank, at Columbia, Lancaster. county, with *vita' of $lOO,OOO. The Venango Bank will apply for increase of capital ffotn $lOO,- 000 to $300,000: The report of Secretary Chase gives a most sfstifving exhibition of - our government fi nances.. His estimate that the public debt Would reach on the 20th of June, 18G3, the sum of $ 1 ,122,207,463 24, was over the mark, the actual amount is found_ to be hut $l,- •058,798,181 , B . 7 ,CWhilst the disbursements for . the year were'. estimated at 5608,340,3= 48, but the actual total wits i 614,709,995 68. The actual receipts in the treasury from all sources were for the same period $5,329,044 21 more than the expenditures. The receipts from all ordinary sources of revenue, except the intdrnal revenue, exceeded the estimates; the revenue frOrri customs amounted t01569,- 059,642. 40, whereas Mr. Chase had estimated them at 68,04t736 50. The internal revenue fell far short of the estimates, °Wing, in a measure to the imperfect execution of the law, and principally ,iri the change, of tbela l w of Cengrass after the estimates we 'e Made. The recciptS for the fiscal year of 1864 (in cluding loans to the amount of $ 594 , 00 0 , 000 ) are estimated at $755;568,500 35, :and the eipenditures• to $749,731,050. 42•:.-this in eludes the interest on the public debt. The Report of Mr. litemminger, th rebel Secretary of the Treasury, gives al most gloomy picture of rebel finances. war on bands that is costing them pk less than from three to four millions per day; their whole- actual revenues _during- ten it - ninths have been less than seven millions. The rebel debt will reach the_sum of *.5:. ) ,400,- 000,000 by the end of 1864. Mr. Memmin ger thus foreshadows the failure of there hellion in his report: - • - "The continuance of the- notes as a eirgulating medium to their present extent involves the ruin of public and private credit. and will•deprive the Gov ernment of the mean?of defending thet lives and Property of its citizens. If the currency remains in the present expanded state, no tneasiires!of relief can be made effectual. Prices mast advance, and 'the means of the Government to pay tlieo prices must daily lose efficiency. Tares become fruitlessby reason of the depreciation of the money. T fie army can neither be paid. clothed, nor fed ; armsplod mu nitions of war can no longer be. supplied; officers Of the Got-ern/neat cannot be supporte , i 4iSD THE CoUNTELY mysT SUCCUMB."' • I. The following is - an -official exhibition of Our National Debt: • I The tunountoftlie National Debt on the Ist day Ju1y.1.562. was sso3' t 613,40 OS- The amount of the National Debt on the let day of July,lB63.was I.CAN.frP3,ISI :37 Increase during the year 590,2C4682 :29 Estimated amount of PublieDebt on L H July Ist, 18fil 1,686 :}5#3,64-1 44 Estimated amount ofthe Public Debt '1 on the Ist day of July, 1863, should tiro war last so long 2,n1,935,190 37 $18,457, 03 14.)82 45 '19: 1 6537 43%02 96 $4, 2 9,451 65 1 A charter of a National' Bank has been granted to citizens of West Chestert, in this State. 'and the IiCW State. of West l ern Vir ginia is giving proof of its loyalty. 'The stock in a National Bank, to the, amount of a hundred thousand &Bars, has been nearly all taken at Parkersburg, and otirei.i . ire talked of. 4 41,032 00 51.213.87 C) 10 The Richmond Whig says : "In Danville five dollars in gold werosold_at auctl i on allay or two ago, for one hundred and fort- dollars in Confederate notes," $443.458 85 4,312 50 is 00 The first National Bank-of New) Orleans ham received the proper papers, and com mences :operations with a capital of f;500,000 The First National Bank of Washington. C D. ~ it said, wHlVAtnefute tbOsstie of the new national currency this weiek. 53,661 99 One hundred and fifty-two National Banks have received authority - to i2ornmer4ce , It is reported that Gen. • Rose4rans will succeed Gen. Schofield in MissonrL The,President has nominated tb the Sen ate Commander Porter to be a Rear Admiral. I 94412 11 2,067,748 61 The Iliehmo Sentitza Rpezkks of tho t'oad. worn and attenuated feat+e of Jett Davis.'! , 13 00 Mrs. Simon Lutz,' of Bethlord.igave birth to tripl is last week. Two of them have since died. Gen. Schofield - has been removed from his command. in Missouri, and ordere . d to report at 'Washington: * I •,Adjt. Gen. Thomas is lying dangerously ill in the Mississippi Valley. andiwill return home as s()on as he is able tatraylel. 9,350 42 3.415 51 60,147 41 637 14 8.845 38 $4.314.M4 05 41,032 00 Senator Saulsbury, of Delawar., refuses to take the loyalty oath prescribed b 3- lnw, and it is likely to lead to trouble in Oe Senate. $2.188,361 70 $6,03,327 75 Goy. Brandette, c>f Kentucky declines p. nomination for the, - United States Senati., being eon .ent, at present with the station he occuple , The . official Ye.•ord shows , lliat - the only Border State man voting againstllha of Wood's peace resolutions was' Brulits- - J. I - Clay, of Kentucky.: Mr. Samuel J. Bast, reAding near :Mech anicsburg, lost all his childrn—four in number—by diptheria, week 'before last. They all died within forty-four Xours. Brig. Gen. Charles P. Stone, of Massachu setts, whose arrest and continen i rnt by the military authorities excited so Much atten tion, was rs•cently married in mew Orleans. Mrs. Mary Jackson, age.lsixtv'.vears, has been convicted in Richmond of partimpatton in the rebel bread riot last April • and sentenced to the penitentiary for,ifive years: Capt. E.C. Wilson, for a long 4nne United States Quartermaster-at Harrisburg, has re signed his position and Capt. E. C. Reichert'. bath, of Reading, has been appointed in hi's • 'I place. , , J. K. Calhoun, Esq., editor o the Arm strong Democrat, and formerly almember of the Legislature, dicil at his residence in Kittanning, of typhoid fever, on the sth instant. Gen. Henry Fetter died in Landisburg, Perry County, last week, aged 70 years. He wasonee.Senator , from the . Cumberland and Perry district, and was a useful and,respect ed United 'States Consul wampool died at Pue . ito Cabello' on the 27th ult. ,He was greatly respected at that place, Snd be leaves many friends in this. country who will deeFly regret his deFease. I ' 1111 - PEMIUINAL. CRARBERSBURG, PA., WEDNESDAY,, DECEMBER 230.863. Bernard Hubley, one, of the oldest printers in the State died hi Lancaster on Thursday last. Although Barney had not worked at the craft for a long tithe. he always claimed to be a member of the fraternity. _ Joseph Lumba, a revolutionary soldier, who died aged 100 _fears and 9 months, and who was One, of the'guard over the prisoners at Yorktown, was buried in Washington a• few days since. The• ceremov.ies were im-= posing. The report that Gen. Grant - is still suffer ing from his fall at New Orleans and from loss of health and strength from other causes; is incorrect. Letters dated the 9th frcim himself and his surgeon, say that he is in the best of healtivand spirits. The Clerk of the Senate Military Commit tee, the House Librarian, and several other minor efficials at the Capital, who have been suspected of sympathy with the Secessionists, were a few days ago relieved, and -their places filled with true loyalists. • Mr. 'Whitelaw, Reid, the "A:gate" corres pondent, of the Cincinnati Gazette, has been appointed librarian, of the House of Repre— sentatives, iniplace of Mr; Charles Lamnan, removed for abusing the Gevernment, in tho New York JOurnal of Commerce.. Mrs. Christian Crain died at the residence of her grand -daughter, Mrs. Mathews, in Carlisle, on: the 14th inst. She was the widow of Benjamin Crain, Esq., deceased, and had she lived 10 days longer, would have been one hundred and one years °IV William H. Washabaugh, son of Major Daniel Washabaugh, of Bedford, was killed in July last: in the fatal ,attack upon Fort Wagner. This inforniation comes from one of his comrades in arms who a. - few moments before the fatal ball struck him received a drihk of water. from his canteen. His grave though unkhown,.is not unwept. Mrs. R. Todd, step-mother of Mrs. Lincoln, the President's wife, and Mrs. White and Mrs. Geiteral Helm, sisters of Mrs. Lincoln, arrived in Baltimore on Friday week from Richmond, per the Norfolk steam boat. Mrs. Helm's husband was killed at the battle of Chickamauga, whilst in corn= mend of a rebel , brigade. She has resided in the South isince the commencement of the war, but .n`ow returns to her home in Less ington, Kentucky, with her "step-mother and sister. Maj. Gen. Buford, one of our most bril liant Cavalry officers, died at the residence of Gc4 Stimernan in Washington, on Thttrs..:; day last. )lis commission as Major General was attli4red . him on his death-bed. .11,e Was a graduate of West Point, and was bre vetted Setiend Lieutenant k the First Uni ted States Dragoons, July Ist, 1818. He was btrn.in lientucky„ , but was appointed from Illinois. Ilis commission as Captain in the Sechnd Cavalry was detect November 12th, 4861. In July, 1862, he was appoint ed a Wrigildier General of Volunteers. He was clnspicuous in nearly all our cavalry engat:omints - under Generals Stoneman. and Kilpairiclr. He was pioneer in that famous raid it Gen. Stonerrian — almost to the gates of HieliniOnd, and at the battle of Gettysburg be was the first to enconyter and drive the rebels from the WWII. His appreciation as an officer is proved by the devotion of Gen. kotonenian to him;during his illness, and in his ?arrest recommendation - to the President to appoint him a Major General, which was done and the dying hero had the pleasure of signing his acceptance, but remarked,' as his friends raisedyliim up in bed, 'that he feared he could not use it. His diease was typhoid fever. - BRIEF WAR ITEMS. - Five deserters wei;i3 executed on Friday in the Army of the Potomac, Gen. Burnside and his staff left 'Cleveland on Saiurdav for York. Brig. Gen. Orme has been transferred to Chicago as commandant of the post. Our cavalry , still Occupy Culpepper; and our pickets are some miles beyond that town. Gcn.; Merrill has been assigned to, the command of Gen. Buford's Division of Cav alry. Gen. ; Banks has returned to NOV Orleans. His command in Texas is making satisfactory progress The: 'rebels do not decline to forward money which 'may be sent to prisoners at Richmond, Belle isle-or Danville. ; Gen:r Grant has issued an order making the loises sustained by Union citizens from rebel raids fall upon neighboring seeesa ionists) Dispaeches of the 17th from Chattanooga say that the airily will soon go into Winter quarters, All is quiet; the situation un changed.. Gen: Washburne holds the coast of Texas : from the Rio Grande to within . a 'hundred miles;of Galveston. This place will shortly be attacked. - The , Washington Chronicle expresses the confident belief that Gen. Meade will not be removed from the command of the Army of the Potomac. A dispatch received from- Harper'a Ferry says that reports have come in that As•erill has reached Staunton with his cavalry, and has destroyed the railroad track for a distance of six miles. As Averill is a push ing akar, thAeport is generally credited. dpii. Sickles has asked for a Court of In qui& upon. the charges contained in Gen. Halleck's repprt.. Other officers have made ('similar requests. - Gen. John H. Morgan has beeh heard from safe in Dixie,. having crossed the Oliid River near Ashland, and made his way into the Confederate lines. The Secretary of jtVar has ordered Gen. 31eCiellan''s report to be printed. It malt* over four thousand pages, and will take sev eral Months to print. Upon the recommendation of Maj. Gen. Grant, Col. A. Chetlain, , of the 12th IlltOctie Volunteers, t has been appointed Brig. to command colored trooli. Capt. U. T. 'Anderson, 6f the 51st Indiana, and: Lieut. Skelton of the:ll7th lowa, escap ed from the Libby prisot a week ago and have arrived in Baltimore Goy. Cannon, of Delaware, has issued a proclamation calling for4egro volunteers in that State, and apfbifiting places' of ren dez.Vous in the several counties of the State. The 11. S. gunboat Daylight, while going in- shore to - take possession of a stranded blockade runner, was blown up by a ,shell from a rebel battery. Most of her officers and crew were lost:. Tho Morris Island correspondent of the New Redford Mercury `writes that the stew- m'er Plauter, the vessel which was run out of Charleston harbor by Robert Small, and turned over'to the blockading fleet, has been captured by the rebels. Richmond papers report that Fort Sumter has been set on fire, and the woodwork most ly destroyed. 'Several fires have also taken place in the'city, which may have been caus ed by Gilimore's Greek fire, though_ the Charleston•journals deny this. On the 20th ult.. 6,4. Slenip's 64th Va. regi iient was surprised by Union cavalry in Lee County, Vat, near Jonesville.. Slemp had his men in an ambush, but was 'surround ed and taken prisoner. A few days before a portion of the same regiment had been cap tured in another place. During ,the march of our troops from Chat tanooga against Longstreet at Knoxville, Granger's corps got in advance of Long street's ammunition 'train, while Howard's . corps was in the rear. There being no es cape for the train, 40 loads of ainmunit•on and two locomoli. es were run into the river at Loudon. Pgqlirtlit A xt has now a wonderful line of fortiiikatias. All the rebels in Rebeldom could not dislodge us, and the works are be ing strengthened every day. The colored troops, of whom we-have,nearly thirty regi; rnents there, are being , well disciplined, and by Spring , will take the field. Gen. Andrews is,in command. A cavalry raid. which was sent'out fro.o Williamsburg under the direction of Co'. \Vest, cros'sed the **he - Ft:tiny river, and succeeded in capturing - about one hundred rebels, at Charles City Court House on the 14th inst. They aliso captured about s•xty fine horses. Among the prisoners taken were several'commissioned officers: ' The steamer McClellan arrived at New, Orleans on the 3d inst., and brought the rebel prisoners' that were captured at Mustang Among them were A number of officers. - Gen. Hamilton, Military Governor of Texas, reached Brazos on the 2d inst., and would enter upon the duties of his office as soon as possible. Lee's - cavalry endeavored•on Sunday to cut 3leade's communications with Washington by destroying the bridgei across Cedar creek, near Catlett's Station. About seven hun dred made a dash at the guard posted at the bridge, but were' driven off after a short fight. The line of railroad froni the front to Alexandria will:be protectedby both cavalry and infantry hereafter. 41 The steamer Chesapeake was re-captured on Thursday last, in Sambre, harbor, N.S., by Steamer Ella and Anna. All but three of the crew got on shore before the arrival of the latter vessel, and escaped. Soon after the capture the S. steamer Dacotah arriv ed at Sambre, and the three vessels are now in that port. The Nova Scotian authorities have given orders for. the arrest .of the pirates. We have a startling ricce of news from Novsl Scotia, being nothing less than the. resale of the pirates of the Chesapeake by a mob of citizens at Halifax, N. S. The pris oners were landed from the Ella and Anna, when the government officials were seized and held till the pirates had been sent off in a boat, probably to some vessels lying in the harbor. The United States gunboats, of which there were five lying at Haliffii, immediately left for Portland and Boston. A New Orleans correspondent:of The Bos ton Traveller writes that the expedition of Gen. 'Banks to , Texas is k 'glorious success. The Union men are rallying.under the sten , dard of Gen..Aßanks in- large numbers. All the Texans required was a force to back them up, and they repeatedly said that if a .sufli cleat army was sent to assist them they Would soon have Texas all right again. ' Tbey have already proved the truth of their statements, for Gen. Banks, has recruited two • regiments. since he landed in that State, and the work is still going on, the Texans coming from their places of concealment and enrolling themselves in the Union' army, Advices from 'Gen.. Banks' army report the capture of a fort tiVSlatagorda,. Texas, and the occupation of the; town by the Fed mai forces. The Confedera r tes evacuated the fort - and blew up the magazines on the ap proach of the Union troops, all escaping but six. The fort mounted ten guns. data= gord.t, -situated on a bay of the same name, at the mouth of the Colorado river, has a considerable trade, and is the depot 1b... the produce of the Oolorad.N valley, which is one of the richest.parts of Texas. It is stated by a Washington correspond 'ent, that it has recenily come to the knowl edge of the Government that there are along the frontier of the Canadas Upwards of 10,000 deserters, most.of them in a suffering condi tion, and anxious to return to the United States and join their regiments. It is prob able that a proclamation will shortly be is sued by the President, offering a pardon to all who will return to their regiments with , -, in thirty days. The Government has assur ance that such an amnesty will gladly #m accepted by deserters. In reply to the resolutions passed in honor of Gen. Hooker's promotion to the command of the Army of the Potomac by, the' Oregon Legislature, that officer wrote 6 . 175 e Gov ernor of Oregon, under date of Sept. 20, as "It is ipadmitsible in me to refer to my official connection with the Army of the Potomac. That can only be _learned from my report; when made public through the prescribed channels. I can 'only add that I relinquished its command` frOm the highest considerations of the public good, and with the unshaken confidence of the Government and of the army in my ability to guide and direct its fortunes:" The Federal forces in East Tennessee have it is repork by ,telegraph, met with a re vere. A dispatch from Rutledge says ,that the troops of General Longstreet made an attempt to cut off and capture Gen. Shack elford's command—who-were in pursuit of them—at Bear Station, on the' Cumberland and Morristown railroad, on Monday. A heavy force of the Confederate cavalry mov ed down the left bank of the Holston river, intending to dross at Kelly's Ford, and take the Federal forces in the rear. This attempt, however ,: was checked by Gen. Ferrero, who sent the brigade of General Hilmfirey's to hold the ford. The Confederates fired across the river with artillery upon the brigade, but with little effect. General Shackelford formed a line of battle tit,Rear' Station, and after fighting until nightfall was driven back half a,mile. Generals Vance, Ransom and Vaugh had joined General Longstreet before, the conflict with General Shackelford. The Federal loss, as far as ascertained was about, seventy-five. POLITICAL INTELLIGENCE. The Union men of Pittsburg have . nomin ated James Lowry for Mayor ; The election is on the first Tuesday in January. The Legislature of Kentucky has postpon ed the time for the election. ed*United States Senator front that_ State 'to the 21st of January. • - Stiles, member of Congress from tie Le high district, in this State, got the unani mous vote of Ben. Wood for Speaker. Stiles must feel flattered with the compliment. The Supreme Court of lowa declares th© soldiers' vote of that State -constitutional. The question was raised to get thrlseat of Mr. Grinnell, Selith Congressional District. It is stated that for the first time since the Presidency of Gen Jackson, the administra tion has been'able to organize in its interest. the Congress elected for the la - st two years of its term. W. K. Sebastian arrived in Memphis on the 4th inst., on his way to attend the present session of the United States Congress. His term as Senator from Arkansas has yet two years - to run. Bridgeport, Conn., for a long time a thor oughly Secession place, was the scene of a Union victory last Neek—the entire loyal ticket for Charter officers having been chosen by majorities ranging from 80 to 113. The Ohio election was duly observed by the officers from that State (one hundred and sixty-three in number) confined in the Libby Prison at Richmond. The poll book and tally list have arrived at Columbus. Of the whole number of votes cast, John Brough received one hundred and sixty-two one be ing given for H. J. Jewett, and none for Vallandigham. Ames Reed, the acting Governor of Utah Territory, delivered .his annual address on the 14th. He congratulates the people of Utah on an abundant harvest, their general prosperity, the richness of the mines, and the peaceful state of affairs With the Indiana. He recommends the 'adoption of the California mining laviti, and the immediate preparation for the reception of a large immigration into Utah during the coming spring. The New York Herald has dropped ISl'Clel lan at last,' and seeks to render Grant-In famous by its fulsome adulatipu, Speaking of thu Presidential eandidutes, it says: . "Qf all men, in, this tiew, Gen. Grant is the man for the Occasion. What military availability is experience has taught us. The battle of-Now Orleans (a small affair, and of no consequence whatever in shortening the war, inasmuch as peace had been agreed uptin befortaho battle was Tought,) made Genera( Jackson a political dictator by OA ofttLe people," etc. • VOL. 70,....WH0LE NO, 3,636. The Rebel Congress is rather a ragged at just now. Their last Congress. bad futt delegations in the Senate and Rouse from all the; Slave States but Maryland and Dela ware. Now Kentucky has but a single m assuming to represent that State—H. Burnett, formerly Copperhead member l our' liational;,Congress. . Missouri has no representatives in either branch. Arkansas has none in the House and. Tennessee has bit' one senator and is not likely to have another soon. AMOng the Senators we notice bit- few of the Old Southern lenders. The origi-,2 nal secessionists, excepting so far as Dail/ has cared for them by Executive sippoint rnents, s have fared badly in the division of rebel honors. ,The people, although,as yet unable to throw off the Secession yoke have manifested their disapprobation of Se cession by defeating most of thoSe who thruit it upon them. Johnson, of Arkan9as; Brow* of Mississippi, Graham, of Nce-tt • Carolimp Wigfall of Texas, and Ranier of "Pr4tinis, are the only rebel Senators who held seats fir the U: S. Sethite; and of these Wigfall cat not go home to his constituents, and Gra ham is ranked as a Conservative, a re-con structionist. In the now rebef House there are over forty new members—a. result hitit erto unknoWn in Southern elections; And non be eiplaintil only on the ground that tie people- visited retribution upon• those wtte bad madly hurled theto into fraternal war.' But few of-the names of rebel Congresamle , will be recognized as Southern leaders. We subjoin a list of the rebel Congress as we Sad it in the Richmond,Examiner: SENATE. R. M. T. HUNTER:President pro tem. "Term Expiral. Term 44)14. 1 4 ; - ALABAMA. Richard_ Walker:AP .Ro bo rt. Semison . ARKANSAS, Robert W. Johnson...lB7o Charles B. Mitchell —lB6B - Jamas M. Baker • 1 A. E. Maxwell 1866 GEORtil A. Rersehel V. Joknson.lB7o Benjamin R. Hill 1863 Sgmluca.Y.. .1870 ~~. H. C. Burnett, LOUISIANA. -Edward sparrow 1868 Thomas J. Semmes...lB6G xississtret. J. W. C. Watson - 1815 ,Albert 4.1. Brown ' I 9T imp THOMAS S. Ilonogg, (VE ALABAMA. Diaries. -21. Thomas J. Foster. . 2. William E. Smith. 3. R. Wi It. Cobb. 51: H. Cruikshank. 5. litrancis 8. Lyon.. 6. W. P. Chilton. 7. David Chifiton. 8. James L. Pugh. 9..1. S. Dickinson. ARKANSAS. • • WP,lisre no informitima of - tee election of Repre sentatives to the tient:en graft EBEEM 1. S. St. George 'Rogers 2. IL B. Hi lton. • GNOBOIA. I. Julian Ilartridge. 2. William E. Smith. 3. Mark H. "Basler& 4. Clifford Anderson. 5. J. T. Sheirmake. 6. J. H. Echols. 7. James M. Smith. & George N. Lester. 9.41. P. Bell. 10. Warren Aiken. KENTVOKY. No election for next Congress. LOUISIANA. 1. Charles J. Villiers*. 2. Charles M. Conrad. i 3. Duncan F. Kenner. 4. Lucien J. Dupre. 5. Henry Marshall. 6. John Perkins. Jr. setssissirri. 1. J. A. Orr. 2. W. D. Holder. 3. Israel Welsh. 4._Henry C. Chambers. 5. Otho R. Singleton. 6. Ethel Barksdale). 7. J. T. Dauphins. sussdust. The present delegation were elected to hold aloe nutil their suacesaors were elected. The question of qualification will be dooil ded by the next Congress. DESOLATION OF THE SOIITH. A cotemporary publishes - the folloWing de scription of the misery produced in the South, Written by a lady, whose name, it is stated, would guarantee her patriotism and truth fulness : "The desolation of the Southern States beggars description. Destitution_ and pov erty have _taken the place of opulence and prosperity. Ken that we? worth hundreds of thousands are reduced to utter poverty. As for the luzuries of life, formerly ;go abundant' in the South, there are- nor's. Who were formerly the wealthiest haves' nothing to sustain life but what the coon= try affords, and riot enough of that; for'hy lmpressment it is taken from , them for the army. Their garments,' even their shoes,tho families havi3 to make themselves; they spin, weave and dye their -cotton, and homespun clothes rich and poor. Tea, coffee and sugar are not to be had; milk and water are the only beverages; Indian corn is their principal food. The families are brokeU up and ruined. You seldom meet with a male inhabitant', and if you do, he is either infirm or a crip ple. A. large portion of the male population are killed in' battle, many more crippled ,for rlifetinao; many patriotic Union men died it a broken heart,, What remain are in tba army, or in the'employinent of the govern ment. Nevertheless, press gene cross 1.13n_ country in' all directions in search of men; for the army. - All ties of social life are com pletely dissolved. No courts of justice and, equity are heldl—juatiee • meted out by tile, military. Universities, eollmes and schools. are all suspended. The country in many. places resembles a wkdarnees. Wherever,: the armies marels, there everything is ruined; —the brops destaledsifencea hurried; treat, cut down; doment}Q animals killed, robbed, or takeivy the'army. - Rut whatever-the southern pee* may Wife*, they- bear it with - h ero ism and4resignstion; they have littler hop'3' of:success. Under the impending aret-, gressiopal a,rid , presidential measures, that:. leadartaleern it impossible to, surrender disereliop;, arkd. ; are resolved toitater.e. t404.,,Dj] a .$ ~. ~_ .~ y NORTH CAROLINA. William A. Graham—ME' William T. Dortoh.„.l.BBt- SOUTH CAROLINA. James L.,Orr 10111 r Robert W. Barnwell..l66. TRNNESBRR. • Landon G. TEXAS. W. S. Oldham Louis T. Wigfall R. ISL Ailed T. Caportoii....A*l.- BESENTATIYES. • ) Speaker.- NORTH CAROLINA. Dietrket„ L W. U. N. Smith. 2. E. C. Yellowby. 3. J. T. Leach. 4. , Thomoti C. Fuller. ' 5. Josiah Turner. Jr. 6. John A. Gilmer. I. Samuel B. Christi:oh 8. J. G. Ramsey. 9. B. S. (hither. Ceargo W. Logan., 8011111 0,41301.11(r.,' 1. Jas.ll.Whitherstebox 2. W. Porches Miles. 3. Lewis M. Ayer. , 4, W. D. Simpsone 5. James Farrow.',"r 6. W. W. Boyce. TENNESSER. I. J. B. Ileiskell 2. William G. SW - 1113, 3. A. S. Colvar, 4. John P. Murray. . 5. H. S. Foote. 6. E. A. Keehle, 7. James M. ChDom.; 8. Thomas Menem. 9. J. D. C. Adkins. 10. John V. Wright. 11. Da rid N. Dania.: Ti XAS.. 1. John A. Wilcox. / C - . llortrioL 3. A. M. Branch. .) • 4. Frank B. Sexton. 5. J. R. Baylor. '6. S. H. Moranyi. 1. Robert 1.. Mon H tali. 2, Robert H. Whittled 3. Williatit C. Wick 4. Thoinas S. Gholson. 5. Thomas S. Bocock. 6. John Goode. Jr. 7. :William C. Rives. 8. D. C. Dejarnette. 9. David Fenster'. 10. F. W. N. 11. John B. Baldwin. 12. Waller R. Staples.' 13. Fayette MeMullels. 14. Samuel Miller. 15. Robert Johnston,. 16. Charles W. Rumen.