The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, December 16, 1863, Image 8

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    graultlin k4ptioittive.
- GOSSIP ' WITH Ott. FRIENDS.-A gossip
er has one, greiit adVhntage lit jotting down
his thoughts. He is untrammeled by time
or circumstance, can let thoughts run
free as air, and can prate of POMPEY or
?dui. just as it suits him. We, in addition
to this advantage Maim the female privilege
of chtmging our opinion as often as we please.
Doth not the world turn round once a Cay
are we not of and on and in the world? Of
a suety Then will we turn and change and
twist ad. lib.
We assume the responsibility of disclosing
what cannot always remain a secret—the
• fact that a board 21 . 21 k is , in process of build
ing on tho road leading from the north end
of our lown'to Shippensburg, (not the walk,
but the pike.) This same is a private enter
prise for the public benefit, and is very con
venient in wet weather, whici — we proved a
feW days k i ince.. Having occasioit to, walk
sortie distance out the road, we plodded 'along,
"our thoughts on gossip fairly bent,"-with
out-seeing the new walk. The mud and rain
were trying son one's boots and temper. To
mir surprise we were informed by a friend,
who needed but-a glance at our lower' extre
mities to appreciate our ignorance, that there
was a board walk: We tried it on our re
turn\ and are,prepared to report it a very
good\ institution—for Charribershurg ; and
with'alaudable desire that others May not
miss it as 'OM did, We here mention the FACT.
Philadelphia has her horse railroads, New
York her ; North and ~asst Rivek and Cham
.bersburg -her BOARD trALK. W©. must say
we would have preferred the' walk a little
wider, for now it is barely possible for two
small boys to walk abreast upoir it, but as
foi. two women; that is out of the question,
or even one woman and her husband. The
result will he the ) woman with her usual un
selfishness will take the _ thirty inches of
planning and leave all the rest of the road to
the men.
Should not the flourishing suburb,through
which this rind passes have a name! Loeal
politics have fastened upon two distinct names.
The Dethoerlits upon CLAP.KEI3VIF.E, and
the 'Rack Republicans LEwisro*N. We
confess t(ti a penchant for the latter name.
With regard to the first, we don't See why it
might not as'well be dubbed SnEPI I ERSBURO,
or U. tAnitsviLL*; but in
the I.. , tt'st we nii, that ALiXANDER
LEwl,, was the pioneer, We though youth
ful (?) can well remember when his modest
dwelling was the sole representative of the
. now do urishin - g settlement , The day has
`come when the children of darkness (a po
etic term for the negrow.) shall have their
just:dues. Stall the army and navy of these
titate , be all engaged in righting
them. and obi Inc, Lewis be deprived of Ms
right? Forbid it GP.F.ELY ! To one who
has -been al bent from C g, say ten
years. what a wonderful sight would be pre
sented in this locality ! A fine , large new
steam , saw-mill, fine new houses on' a new
street west of the railroad and on the Ship
pensburg pike, a huge straw-board mill as
long as a city block of houses near by; new
fences, new - stables and a school house. Soon
there will be a church, a hotel and two res
. taurants ; then anotherchurch and two more
hotels and some three or four additional res
taurants'; and then the ungratefpl foster
child, as did. the American • Colodes in '76,
will declare her independence, and will
through corrupt set up a separate
municipality, and will possibly elect for her
first Mayor a grandson of its. founder. By
that time you and we, gentle reaiter, may be
dead, but in• articulo mortis it will be pleas
ant for us to know of the future greatness of
Lrwterow.N. But in thus foreseeing the
greatness of the embryo city, there are some
sad feelings that force themselvesnpon us.
The oId•GATE Housg, with its once carefully
white-washed fence, its • homely walls all
covered with ,roses and honeysuckles, its well
kept yard a mass of flowers, the garden with
its dilapidated out-houses a miracle . of order,
the house itself internally the very perfec
tion 'of neatness and contentment—all this
must - disappear in the march of improVement
--44 appear fromi3ight; but will ever be dear
to memory, as long as life and
main, God bless the old Gate House !"
sax...we from our inmost heart and we know
thatmany' others will respond, in kindness
and synapatby,'" Amen!" - •
THE ?00p..--.ItAIOUId 11 ever:be forgotten
that, _'•the.Poor always ye have with you i"
but espeaially•ahould we be mindful of this
tauthz.when bleak Winter, with his inhos.
pitable snows, lays telentless siege alike to
tho'epulent and to y., Then, should those
who are blesssd with Comfort and plenty re ! ,
member that every hoarse sound of Winter's
lowest carries sorrow and suffering to the
'homeless, and we should spare no reasonable
effigti or sacrifices to make glad the many
children of want around us. '
Cherie is notra book of inspired-teaching
that does not remind us of our duty to the
Poor ; and in the' terrible 'judgment given
as the . finaboondonnation of thewicked, is
found the burning word.4.-- , ‘ I was hun
gerecland ye gave me no meat ;'I was naked
and Ye clothed rrte'noL' , ' It is taught as one
of the highest"of Christian duties; and none
will deny that it is one. of the 'holiest offices
of humanity. I Let us 'all be watchfUlthat in
this great duty we fail not.
The coming winter will be one of unusual
severity tothe..Poor. Labor will be scarce;
and,pery article of necessity unprecedently
high. -That ,there must - be an uncommon
slegren of stiffering unless there shall be
prompt and generous aid - rendered, eannot
be doubted. ; , .And yet liever before within
our — recollection, has a - 4 aneiourC i reat:Or so
larishlp best'civied his, gifts' upon our peep's.
4 1
Our barns and storehousesteem' with plenty;'
the producers are eommandirtg , extravagant
prices for everything ; and t r hosti prices, , t. 6
basis of the prosperity of ihe wealthy, art
the harbingers of sorrow to the Poor. Fuel
is now sold at rates beyon ' the power of
hundreds in our midst to each, and every
art - idle of food is correspondingly costly ?
while the enfeebled, the sickly, the suffering,
as a rule, are unable to secure anything like
a commensurate increase of compensation for
their fitful labor.
- Another class is added to the list of those
who justly claim benevolent aid. These are
scores of families in Ohamberiburg,- ant:
more or less in every district in the county,
whose head and sole reliance is either defend
ing our Flag in the field, - languishing in tin
hospital, or mourned by bereaVed loved ones
- amongst our martyred dead. , For these, the
legacies of fallen patriots to a Nation's grati
tude, there should be nq needless sorrow ad •
fled to their already stricken 'homes, and es
pecially should want be astranger to their
circles. It would be a blistering stain upon
any community, blessed with our; boundless
wealth, to allow. those who halve been widow
ed and orphaned to defend our persons, out
property and our Nationality, to feel the
cruel pangs of poverty in onr ' midst. We
may see them in our daily walks—
" Bow,'d and bent,
Wax grey and ghastly. witherin g ere their time."
And th y deserve the care and 'kindness ol
every lover of humanity afri of our coun
try. Many. wives and mothers are deprived
of their scanty support from the army by
delay in payments and in. transmission, and
only too many in bereavrnent and want
mourn the sad sacrifices of war. -
No man's abimdance is i l s own. It is the
fruits of the beneficence_ of Him who tem ,
,bets the winds and saves the bruised reed
unbroken, and he who hears not the appeal
of the stricken and suffering, is inhuman
alike to hirriself and his fellows, and invites
the just judgments of Heaven. '
This appeal is to all who are blessed with
plenty. Those to whom - Much is given, let
much be required, and let not the mite be
withheld, for however humble the offering. ,
it will relieve some want and mingle some
happiness with affliction: '
We notice in Bedford county that the far
mers in the vicinity of theit town have agreed
to bring their contributions of wood, flour,
meal, meat, &c., to theinior on the day be
fore Christmai. Why - Will not our people
do likewise? Who will - I start in this good
work ? -, ~..
Waynesboro - Record displays a discredittao
degree of ill temper because its editor has
been notified that the . .lIRPOSITORY claimed
to be the newspaper withi the largest circu
lation in the county. The proprietors of this
journal had nothing whatever to dd. with the
passage of the existing law;requiring all le
gal notices to be advertised the f*a papers
lumina the widest circulation in the county:
but'it is the law here, ai it is in most • coun
ties of the State, and we, simply proposed to
establish legally that the REPOSITOXY has
the largest circulation.
s rln order to do this.
it was due to all other; publishers to know
that we made the claim rind,accordingly the
publishers of the'Spirtt,l the the Rec.
ord-aud - tite Journal were asked by rule to
object to the claim if they . had good ground
for doing so.
This simple rule the Record construes into
a selfish effort of the REPOSITORY to deprive
it of advertising, although the sanie issue
contains a large advo:tisement sent by the
publishers of this Parier, at their own sugges
tion. In, this unkine assumption the Rec
ord is most grievously ? mistaken. The RE
POSITORY does not seek to deprive, any co
temporary of its legitimate patronage. When'
it establishes the fact legally that it has the,
largest circulation, it does not in any degree
deprive any other jouinal 'of advertising.—
Lega'l notices formerly could be published in
one or more papers, ds in the judgment of
parties was best. ikojw they must be pub,
lished in the two having the widest eireula
tion, arid in any other j s dictated by the 'oat
tion of the business to be benefited 'thereby.
'Every legal notice .wising from Estates in
Washington township should be published in
the ReCord ; so of the" papers in Greencastle
ant iercersblirg; and we have never sought
to interfere with then,, and never shall.
If the Record claims:to have a larger cir
culation than the REPOSITORY, its editor
should attend at next Court and make good
its claim ; if it does not, the . rule needs no
further attention, and its advertising will
neither be itimeasedi or diminished thereby.
Wp submit however that it should not do am
injustice to impute selfishness-to us, Or ale
sire to enlarge our business at the cost of the
Record, when its !own advertising columns
are living witnesses against its assumption.
Will the Record recall its harsh and ill-con
sidered language ? 1
311 E SANITABY.ICoIdbfIeaTOII.—We have
been handed an article from the Sanitary
Commission Buil4in, appealing to the -14a
dies of the North to incr ease
. their exertions
to meet the want of soldiers in the hoipi
tals, suffering prisoners, &c. The Commis
sion say that their jmachinery is now 'in ad
mirable order—their central reservoirs per
fectly adapted is their • purpose; and, they
assert with good reason that they can best
use the contributions of the generous, and
best guard against, imposition, as they have
carefully covered the whole ground. • They
know the necessities of soldiers and prison
ers, and the safest °baronets of reaching them.
They urge that with the opening winter, ev
ery village Sewing Circle, Soldier's Relief
Society; Church or Dorcas-Association, i3hould
set about a systematic contribution of sup
plies to the Central Associations at Boston,
New York, Philtidelphia, Cincinnati, Cleve
land,' Chicago and Louisville. They very
justly observe that if there is a jealous and
ering of these resources, a littleber and a
„7- h e .fraultliwiltpositorp, iDttnnber 16, 1863.
little there, the waste and abuse will be fear
ful. The sanitary Commission Bulletin is
sent to ;every association contributing sup
plies; to such 'Clergymen and 'others who
wish iVto guide their efforts, and its columns
contain all necessary inforMation relative to
bounties, furloughs, pensions, discharges, and
also give the best method of communicating
with prisoners in different sections. The
headquarters of the Sanitary Commission at
Philadelphia is 1307 Chehnut Street.
Caleb Cope is Treasurer.
Inns-mum—Our readers will remember
the incident of a dead and unrecognized'
Union soldier found on the Gettysburg bat
tle-field with a photograph of three children
by his side. Miss Shrivel, a daughter of the
Post Master at Graeffenburg Springs, was
:he first ono to observe the body, lying with
the hands folded on his breast, and the pho
tograph just fallen from his grasp. She took
the picture home, and her father had the
body interred and the grave marked; and
publicity was given to the incident with the
hope of g•ving the. family information of the
and fate of the father. Photograph copies of
the children were taken from the original
md'offered for gale in the cities. '
A notice of the dear Land unknown soldier
with a photograph of the childi'en reached
,he eye of a soldier's wife in Cuttarargus
:ounty, New York She had sent her hus
band such a picture and had not:heard from
him since the sanguinary struggle of Get
tysburg. I , \ ith - trembling anxiety she at
once sent•for a , eopy of the photograph, and
it contained the likeness of her own children
and told the painful story at she Was wi
lowed and her children orphaned by the
murderous hand of Treaon. The name of
the! soldier was Sergeant A. Hummiston,
184th N. Y. Volunteerk
The widowed mother ikleft without means
to support or educate her \children, and, it is
proposed to sell photographs of the children
md apply the profits to the: benefit of tht;
They can be had at Shryocys, and
we trust that they will have a liberal sale in
this community.
'Vines, published at Washoe city, Nevada
Territory, comes to us in mourning for the
loath of Gen. James Allen. its chief Editor.
lie was born in Chambersburg in the year
1800, but emigrated to Ohio 'when quite
young. and became'one of the Editors of the
Columbus Journal. He subsequently went
to Texas and participated in the war for the
independence of that State serving, under
Gen.' Sum Houston, and subsequently served
under-Scott in the Mexican war. He next
followed the-stream of adventurers to Cali
fornia. He was'connectedwith - the Sacra,
mento Tribune, the Marysville-- Herald and
the Marysville News.-in that, State, and was
chosen State Printer on the American ticket
in 1855. Within a few years he located in
Nevada Territory, where he founded the
Nevada Transcript, - and at the time of his
".,,death he was the principal Editor of ,the
Washoe - Times. He was justly called The
Nestor of the Pacific Presi. He leaves a
c' wife San Juan, California:, and a sonrand
zwo daughters.
ACQUITTED.—Capt. Clarence Clayton, an
employee in the Quarter Master's Depart
ment here, has been tried by a Court Mar
dal, of which Gen. 0. S. Ferry was Presi
dent, on the charge of " unlawfully selling
and disposing of property belonging to the
United States" on various specifications, and
I found not guilty - on every one involving .
criminality. He was therefore_ honorably
acquitted by the Court, and the proceedings
and findings have been approved by Major.
Gen. Couch. ; Capt. Clayton was ever cour
teous and - prompt in the discharge of his du
' ties, and we are gratified that a patient and
impartial investigation of, his case has re
sulted in his acquital on the merit•, and not
:! upon any technisal defence. John Stewart,
! Esq.,, conducted the trial on part•o£ the goy
; •rnment; and Geo. W. Broiler and F. M.
Kimmell, Esqs., were counsel for,the Defen
Fitom-Rtcumora.—A letter was received
'rom J. Porter Brown by his sister last week,
lated Castle Thunder, Richmond, Noiretn
.)er 24th. In it be says—" Our names have
.ust been called to go to Salisbury, N. C.
I have had a letter from Culbertson. They
'are all well and getting along very well. If
tnytbing comes here for me, it will be for
warded.. Keep' in good spirits -- ; every day
brings it one day nearer to my release." A
postscript to`the- same letter states that they
are to start for Salisbury ! at 2 P. M. • - on
'that day. Our citizen prisimers are all now
in North Carolina, and all the' advices re
cowed from them represent the condition of
prisoners - in Salisbury as much more corn
fortablo than in Richmond.,
BY reference to our advertising coluthns,
it will be seen that the Directors of the Poor
of Franklin county have passed a resolution
not to pay any physicians' or other bills con
tracted with the poor of the county, unless
said poor are in law paupers. It seemri
that some physidians, undertakers and oth
ers, upon orders•from Justiaoi of the Peace,
frequently presented bills to the Directors
which had no other merit than the fact that
the persons for whom the aorvice was ren
dered were unable to foot the bill. We en-.
dorse the action of the Directors, believing
.they have done right in the premises. -
MELANCHOLY DEATH.-,-Mr. Josiah Bea!,
sore, one of the most respectable citizens and
leading business men of Waynesboro, Com
, witted suicide on Sunday last. He shot him
self while standhig. before a mirror, that he
had put up intim stable s the ball lodging in
the brain. He Was doubtless laboring under'
a flt of temporary insanity. It has cast a
wide-spread groom , over the werneuility in
'which he resided. '
THE Fulton Re - pub/icon gives its prospec
tue for the new volume, inns hits off the e.-
travagant - pretensioni of city fll:sh journals
in exquisite style. It lilys - dotvn its platform
of principles in the following lucid style.:
Neither labor oar expense will be spared to make
Volume XIV a perfect paragon of perfection,
As heretofore, the Republican will be devoted to
-Religion. Politics, Temperance. Literature, the Fine
Arts, Early Marriages and Malting Money. -
Believing that the Rebellion should be crushed,
Slavery wiped out.and Traitors annihilated, we are
in favor of • Hemp, - Halters and Hanging; Emanci
pation, Foreordination. Colonization, Confiscation.
Eztermination.and-Civilization, and of A. Lincoln
all the time.
CONCEIIT.—A Concert of Vocal and In
strumental Music, will be given in the Cottrt
House, on the evening of Monday nest, the
21st inst., by members of the Seminary, as
sisted by a few others. The proceeds will be
for the benefit of the sick and wounded sol
diers. ,The selections are chiefly song and
choruses. Admission, 25 cents. -No half
price tickets will bo issued. , The doors will
be open at half plist six andthe Concert will
commence at seven. Tickets may be lied at
the Book Stores on Saturday and Monday..
MR. GEo. B. Aram is spendihda short
time with as, pursiting his business of ciildr
ing Photographs. Mr.. Ayres is an accom
plished gentleman as well as a good artist,
and we can cordially recommend him to as
such. His head quarters are at-Shryock's
where he and sainples of his work are to be
PARDONED.—We learn that Henry Mid
dower and John Kuhn, convicted of passing
counterfeit money and sentenced to the Pen
itentiary, 'have,be(M pardoned by the Gov
ernor. Nedrly if not quite all the parties
imniecliately intetestPd in their convict ion
joined in recommending their release.
• .02f A VOYAGE.-I—On Monday week, T. IL
N. McPhersob, left Shippensburg, for New
York, from whence he will take passage in a
feWI days for Eut;ope. Bis principal object
in taking a vO , Yage, is the restoration of his
health; which has become some what impair
ed in the military service of his country.
of Waynesboro . , has been - appointed by the
Provost Marslil, Recruiting Agent for the
16th Congressional 'District; and . is now re
ceiving recruits.' He will give every infor
mation desired by
_parties wishing to volun
SCHOOL HonaE.—The school directors of
Antrim, township have built a new brick
School House on the public road leading from
Shady Grove to Fayetteville, being about,a
mile from the former village.
},xE.mrr.—By decision of the State &Ter
intendent, sch;Dol teacher's are exempt fr6m
duty: on Thanksgiving days, :Christmas,
'Washington's! birth-day an the Fourth of
THE PestiVal held by the Ladies of 31er
cer1iburg on Thanksgiving day realiied the
sum of 1.A.235,1a draft for which wag sent to
the Christi Cotiniiigsion
W.L. 31941.1. AN, 'Esq., Assignee of Dr.
Walker,.late of Waynesboro, sold 33 acres
of hind near Waynesboro last week at from
$l4O to $21 4 2 50 per acre.
BA ti - K STOcß..—See advertisement of Messrs
Kennedy and Nill, advertising' 108 shares of
stock in the Bank of Chambersburg for sale
on,Saturday the 26th of this month.
BANE: N0Tt0E.,,,---J, Philips, Cashier, gives
notice that an election for nine Direoors of
the First ,National Bank of -Waynesboro',
will : lie .. hold January 13th, 1864.
TIIONIS PAST LING has Bold 'out his hotel"
property; iin Greencastle, to Alc3mrs. Samuel
Detrich Ittni David C. Brant.
There is nolustitution of learning in the cointry, nt
prriseut,tattructing as great an amount of attention as
this Students are flocking to it front all putts of the
country,on accoliut or the reputation it has stnong bud
nese men lor making thorough, pnwtiral and reliable
Its graduates take precedence over - those af,all other
Commercial Schools; a Diploma from this College being
c4tuiti passport , aisitccess in business life.
The'Fa L aity is composed of skillful and experienced
men, wh 'stand at the head of their Vrofession. and who
are well non uto be eminently fitted for the position
theyoccupy. Every young man In the country should .
try td avail himse'f a the advantages afforded by a
course of study In this College. Circular's of the College
containing full informstion, con be had on addressing
thoPrinSipals, Messrs. JEIsIKINS & 8.1.11 TH, Pittsburg,
Pa.* , i
I re,
Ir is, , not often that we come In contact
with au 1 article that we feel justified in recommending
to our numerous readers, but the article of Fatally Dye
Colors,! manufactured by flows t Stevens. advertised in
this day's paper, we feel we can heartily commend to all
who mil , have use for dyes of say colors.• For sale by
all druggists.
Faxsii Ground Pepper, Sweet Marjory
and eructs of all knlda, warranted pure, at Miller &
Ail4o ri preparation :or curing Beef and
Pori wliioh everyboily ehunld have. It 'impute a fine
ffaror to the meatand prevents reorhoi from getting in
H , EYBER CILESSLER have a fino assort
ment of Pocket Books and Purees suitable for Holiday
Di& Comm—The genuine Howe & Striate of every
color at Keyser t Cresslees Drug Store. "
'yVitsx you bave„ been every place and
an I t find what you want, go to sannwicus' cheap Whole
alei and Retell store. Ile keeps ecerything.
Gitwimrs keeps the largest assortment of
Grocpries and Honsakeepingarticles in town. Iret sells
cheep at Wholewd° and Udall.
11317 your Kerosene Oil from Go'wicks,' he
a!kgeii'tfor one of "the best 011 Companies in the State
and always sells the best 01l wholesale and retail.
READ Gelwieks' advertisement in 'this
weeks paper,.
and Dealers in
No. 434 North Third Street, Philadelphia.
Leather, Summiand Skims. bought or sold on Comm*
Alen; • Advances made-on Consignments. ideetitml
The following writs were issued in the
Court of Common Picas last week:
Emanuel Brocius vs. Daniel Ilawbecisor.
of Jesse Bowan, data. Amicable action on assumP
sit. Case submitted to Daniel Zack, Wm. Reed.
and David Wolff as arbitrators. Kimmel! fox Plff.;
Henry Lehner vs. Siroon Stak?. Appeal from.
judgment of Esquire Davison. Kuumell and Stens-,
er for Deft.
Joseph Shugart vs. Jacob Baughman. Replevin
for one Bay Mare of value of $lOO. Douglas and
Sharpe. for Piff.
Samuel Secrist vs. Michael Long.. Emign At
tachment in debt not exceeding $lOO. Levi Frits,
Denton Brewer. and Abraham Erisman summoned
as Garnishees. Kimmel! for Puff.
Abner Moll vs. John VA. Adm'r of John Molt.
dec'd. Appeal from judgment of Esquire Rammerl.
Stambaugh & Stewart for Deft.
_Hiram T. Snyder vs. Samuel Dysert. Summons
case. Rule to take depositions. Sharpe and Kim
mell for Puff.
Addison Imb i re vs. Wm. Mowery. Fi fa to judg
ment No. 56 Sanuary term, 1863. Short.° for Pa.
nabY.115313 of A. S. Moon vs. P, C. Dui
Fi. fa. to judgment No,il, August term, 1862. Kim
melt for Piff. •
Mark McAfee vs. Joseph Warner. Fi. fs. to
judgment N 0.3. January term, .1863. Brower (dr
Mary M. Reges vs. Samuel: Reasner and Benja
min Kohn, Garnishees. Fi. Fa. to -judgment No.
127 August term. 1863.
The -following letters of administration.
and letters testamentary were issued during last
week: - s-
Estate af Samuel Johnson. of Montgomery t let
ters of administration to Alexander M. Johnson.
Estate of Jeubb Oyster, of Chambersburg ; letters,
testamentary to Christian S. Eyster and Charles
W. Eyster. •
EState of Jacob &Atm.. of Peters; letters of ad
ministsation to JamesD. Scott.
Estate of Samuel Hawk. of Green ; letters of ad
ministration to Andrew P. Oyler. -
The following accounts 'were filed during
last week. -
First and final account of Jesse Craig, Adminis
trator of John IL Craig.
Account of Jacob Snyder, Administrator of Chris
tian Rosenberger. •
First account of Henry Omwake. Guardian of Jno.
W. McDowell, minor child of Jno. McDowell deo'd.
First and final account of Henry Omwake, Guar
dian- of. Ann E. McDowell, now deo'd, minor child
of John McDowell, deed;
itegai Retires.
isliereby given that ' t otters Testamentary to the
tatate of Daniel Shively, late of the Borough of Charm
bersburg, dec'd..huve been granted to the undersigned.
residing in said borough. -
AU panions k nowingth emselves indebted to said 'Es
tate will please make immediate payment; and those
having c talms will present them properly authenticated
for settlement'. PETER SHIVELY, Ezra.
novll LEWIS 11-AMPLER.
is hereby given that Letters Testamentary to tire
Estate of James J. Kennedy. late of Guilford towneht,
tiee'd,lurte been granted to the undersigned, residing In
Chambersburg. -
All persons knowing themselves Indebted to said Ea:
tate will please make immediate payment: and those'
having ^Mims will present them properly authentieatbd
for settlement, to T. 13. KENN EDY,l" reentors.
" nov2s J. L. KENADY,
Is hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the
Estate of. Elisabeth Study, late of Warren town/514p,
deed, hive been granted to the undersigned, residing to
said township.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Eel
ftate will pleare ra. , lte immediate payment; and the,.
having claims will present them properly authenticated
for settlement. JOAN ZIMMERMAN, Ex'r.
dersigned, Auditor appointed by the Court of Cam
lux fleas of Franklin County to distribute the Fonds
iu the hands of the Sheriff arising front the sale of tile
propirty of Samuel Wolff to and among' creditors, will
attend at his office on Monday, the 41st day of December,
VW, at 10 o'clock, A. It, for the purposes of his up. ,
puintment when and where all persons interested may
attend if they tee proper. ftior2s43] W. n FILM%
• L'
ROUSE..—,office of the Directors.—At their last
meeting the Directors of the Poor proposed the follow
ing rule of action ; that hereafter, orders issued by the
Justices of the, Pelee, other than for relief or removal,
will not be paid for, or recognized by the Board; nor will
they pay any physician's bill or any other biller account
presented by any one, unless it be in matters of accident
or emergency, and for necessaries furnished to those per
sons who in the law are paupers. "- • •
By order of the Board.
• dec 9-3 t W. 8. EVERETT, Attorney.
"Loot, *tam anb aSttanct.
rte REWARD.—StoIen from the
4 ;„„,e_y pasture field of the 'subscriber, on Friday
n ght the 7th Mat., 4 miles east of Chamberaloarg on the
Gettysburg Pike, a large Black llorse,S years old; me
flayed in the left shoulder, but does not go 'lathe ; walks
well in harness or under the saddle. The above reward
will be paid for any information lending to the - recovery
of the horse by ANDBEIF J. LOC.IIBAUM.
aug; 12
NOTICE.—Left,-at the Hotel of the
nfickirsi g ned. In Pleasant Hall, about the Ist of
August Inet, a BRINDLE STEER, rising two years old,
with a white spot on his forehead. The wirer is request
ed to prove property, pay charges and take him away,
or he will be disposed of according to lsw.. ~
dec2431 4, ABRAHAM KEEFER.
J-Iroti Top and new Fork of four or five inches. on
road fromr'hambersburg to ?font Alto. If returned to
this Office a liberal reward wilrbis paid. [nor2s)
WANTEIi,.- - -A Steam Engine of
about twenty hone power. Alen a Saw Mill
Carriage and gearing. Any person having any of the
above articles for sale will find a purchaser by addressing
this Office. [Dec. 2,4 t.
WANTED—An Apprentice to learn
the TINNING business. Noquire at the RE
PORTON.? Mee. - iep 9-tr
WANTED.—A Good Journey man
OABISET MKKEIL Steady employment gives
Enquire at this Office. oct2l '63-tf
LEAY. --Wanted; 50 Tons of GOOD
TIMOTHY HAY, for which the highest price in
will be paid on clattery. Edec24tl P. W.BEIBERT.
MARSHAL, Sizteenta :District, Pentuyleania,
mbersburg, December 7th, 1863.—Such Townships or
Boroughs Ls furnish their fuliqnota of Volunteers under
the recentcall of the Preside for three hundred thous
and men, will be exempt the pending draft should
one be rendered necessaryth January next.
The several Townships and Borough will receive credit
for all volunteers that may be mustered into the service
since the August draft, the number so credited to be d&
ducted from their proportion of the quota assigned the
State under the remota all.
Colored men voluntarily enlisting will be accepted u
e part of the quota. To snob, bcrwever, no bounties will
ba paid. . GEO. EYSTER,
dec9-3t Capt. &Pro. Mar., I6th Diet. Pa.
STOCK. -- The undersigned, Exealtori of Jame' ,
Catherine Beatty, late of county of Franklin, dec'd,
will offer at Public Sale, on Saturday the 20th, day of De
cember, infrout of the Court Muse, i a borough of Chem
berebnrg, 103 811.5.1122 of the dock of the Bank of
Chambersburg. I.
. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock, I'. 1.1., when terms will
be made known by ' JAMB NILL.
T. B. KENNEDY - , ,
ExeCutors of James Betty, deed. ,
deco.3t. , Executor of Catherine Beatty, deed.
TOE PRINTING,' in every style
tj deuesttheateeottheirßASELlNlSßPOSlTOßT
legal Iletites.
NOtiee JA hereby en that Letter's of Adtuittie -
t ration to the Estate of Philip Mataffigan, late of the
Borough of Charabarsbarg. deed, have neer, granted to.
"the ,undersigned. residing in said Borough.
All person ß lndebtedtotheeaid Estat e. are reqnem e 4
to tuake immediate pap , en t. end those having e t a i ti ,,,,
nr demands against the Estate of decedent, will mate
known the same, without delay. to
Notice is hereby given . that -Letters of Adminis
tration to the Estate of John r !ditto, late of Guilford,
township, deed. have been granted to the subectiber,
residing in said township.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Ett
tate will please make immediate, payment; and, tbosto
having Claims will present thSai properly authenticated
for settlement. [de 7 effi SAIIIIEI,OIIObS3I Admit.
Notice le hereby given that Letters of Adminhe
tratton to the Estate of Peter W. Stouffer, late of Gun
ford township, dec'd, have been granted - to the under
signed', residing in said township.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said
tate will please make immediate ptr,ment and - 'those
haying claim , . will present them properly authenticated
fur settlement, (decd[' -,JACOI3 STOUFPllll,Athre'r.
11 Notice is hereby given that Letters of &annuls. ,
tration ou ths.Estate of John Sleighter, late of tire.*
township. dee'd. have been granted to the undersigned,,
residing in :arid Township.
ifersons knowing themselves indebted to said it.
tatewill please make immediate payment; and no*
hayingamims will present them properly authenticated
fur settlement.
dino GEO. & HENRY SLY:WAVER,. &Ws* ",
Notice Whereby given that Letters of Adminit
tr.uien to the Estate of Samuel Johnson. late of slept.
genie: y township, dec'd. have been granted tu the na
dereigned, residing in said township.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Re
tato will please rn tke immediate payment ; and thoee
having claims will present them properly authenticated.
for senttletnent. ftlec9i ALEX. M. JOHNSON, Adler.
Notire is hereby given thnt hatters of Admitith ,
trillion on the Estate of Jesse Bowen, bite of the State of
Missouri, deed, have been granted to the undersigited,
residing in Montgomery township, Franklin. Co, Pa.
All persons knowing themselves Indebted to - silld Ed
tate will please make immediate paymetit mid,thessi
having claims will present them properly atithentiCated
for settlement. filee2l DANIEL lIAWBBCKBR. Adralx.
Notice is hereby given that Lett -e re of Administra,
o the Estate of Henry Unger, late of Waynesboro,
dec'd, have been granted to the undersigned, aesiding is
said Borough.
All person sknowing th emselvesindebted tosaidEstatp •
will please make immediate payment, and those having
claims present them properly nothetitlented &.t seitliss.
meet. [deco] SUSAN tlNilßlt, Adm'rx.
Notice is hereby given that Letters of Admitths ,
..tratitin to the Estate of Henry Gordon ' with the wit
annexed, late of Washington township.dee'd, have beets
granted to the undersigned, residing said township.
All persons indebted to the said Estate, are hereby re•
quested to make immediate payment, and those having
claims or demands against the Estate of said decedents,
will make known t lie same without delay. to ,
Notice is hereby given that Letters of Adminis
tration to the I:gate of therge Lehman, late. of Ores
tovtnehip, deed, have been granted to the undersigned,
veeldingin said township.
All personslnowning themselves indebted to said DP
tate will please make immediate payment; and aloft
havingelaime willeresent them properly authenticated
for settlement, ha ..)1,11.31AEL -WINGER.
n0v9.5 .
Notice la hereby given that Letterset Atlmintstnt•
tion to the Estate of Amanda - Lowry, late of Quincy
township, dee'd, have been granted to the embecribeit*
residing in said township.
All personskilowing themselves Indebted to said Bt..
tate will please Make immediate payment; and thole
havingclaims will present them properly authenticated
for BACHABL LOWRY; Adtrer2.
Notice tabereby given that Lettera of Admints
vration with the tiFili annexed on the Itstate of law'
31n1l, late of Green township, ilec'd, have been grilled'
to the subscriber. residing in said township.
All persons knowing themselvet , indebted to the said
Estate will please make immediate payment ; rind thoeo
having claims will present them propetlyAnthenticaaei
for settlement.
Notice is hereby given that Letters of Admints•
tration to the Estate of William 'leper, late of tbitt
Borough of Chambersherg. dee:Mrco been granted so
the undersigned. residint; in said Borough.
Alt persons knowing themselves Indebted tosaid PR.
tate will please make immediate payment ; and dm*
having claims will present ,toem properly autheutleittal
for settlement, WILLIAM lIEYSEIt. ,Aairera.
Notice is hereby given that Lgtfersi of Admints.
tration to the Estate Nancy 11. llirson, latw of tbs
Bmough of illercersburg, deed. hate been graisPfd to the
undersigned, esi ding in Philadelphia.
All persons knowing the elves tndabt S said ?a
MU, will pltmee make inunoesit - c - pt and thew
having claims will present them properly antbeutlestud
sor lettlemeni. THOMAS CARBON, Adger.
Notice Is hereby given that Letters of Admin.*
tratlon to the Estate: (1' Abraham Zahtmlate of Letter-
kenny township, deed. hare been granted to the nodes ,
signed. retailing in enid township. ,
All porarmiikntiwing theniselyes Indebted to said's.
tor will please make immediate payment: and three
having claims will present theni properly anthenticaied
for settlement, SUSAN ZAHN ,
, ISAAC S. 11111.7BAKElt,AdmIrs.
_ Notice is hereby given that Letters of Ado:ADAM.;
t in to the .I!...qate of Mary Miller. late of Montgomery
township. deed. have been grautea to the undersigned
residing in raid township.
All persons knowing.thentselvea indebted to said Na
tate will please make immediate payment; and (hobo
having claims will present them properly authenticate&
for settlement. ABRAHAM MILLI.II,I Admit.
novll ' DAVID .NEGLEY,
Notice ts hereby siren, that Letters of Adminis
tration to the Estate of Martha Vantear. late of Greer
townabip, dee'd, hare been granted to the subscriber'
residing in said township.
Ali persons knowing themselves indebted to said Et ,
state will please mane immediate payment; and thefts
having claims will present them } , reperly authenticated
for settlement. [novn . j
Wlif. 31. RUPititT.Adm's.
Notice'starchy given that Letters of Admizth
trntion to the Nstnte of Catharine Shaffer, late of Aunt"
township, deed. lorrebeen granted to the undersigned,
residing in Guilford township.
,Allpersonsknowing themselves indebted to Said Prep
tate will {dense make immedinto payment; end_ thesis
lowing claims will present them properly anthentlested
for settlement, jil r.vl I*3 .1 A COl3 81' ANGVER,
is hereby given thattetters TestaMentary to LIM
'state of Samuel 3. Cruakleton, late et Antrim. taws.
ebip, dec'd. have been granted to the nnderSigned,radll
ing In said township.
All persons indebted to these Id Estafe. are hereby pt.
qtested to make immediate payment. and,thoseltarizte
claims or demands against the Estate of said decederett
wilt make known the sem e without delay, to
is hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the
eof Diary Dakar, late of Greencastle, dec'd, halm
been granted to the undereigned, residing in said=har•
All persoristndebted to the said Estate are regneste4
to make immediate payment. and those haring, claim*
or demands against the Estate of the said decedent TA
make known the same without delay, to '
.18 hereby given that Leiters Testamentary ao`tlie
e or M ichael Little. late of Wash,figton townshiyy.
deed, have been granted to the subscriber. - toddled "M-
Waynesboro. • ; ,
All poisons knowing themselves indebted to said,
tide win please make immediate payment; and those
Wingclainui willpresentthem properly suthenticated
for settlement. [decal JOHN II ELMS, Ner.„
lIDATOII%, nn.'
dersigned, Auditor, appointed to distribute the
ante in the hands of Joins Itaxbeimer, Administra.
tor of Jacob Brindle, doc'd, will meet all!pa r tlee Inter
pelted at the office of W. Reilly, Esq., on Friday, thelBth
of December,inst., at 10 o'clock, for the purpose of his
appointment.. Nadi) T. Jt. CARL