IME F.; tooko an't(,,Stationag. Q S. SHRYOCK, BOOKSELLER ticcupieshislims Stoat /1.1%614 4liatil prepared to transact busines with greater facilities than ever. ,BOOKS.—School Books. Miscellaneous Books. Toy Books . , Law Books, Medical Books, Sunday School Books. ' - Military Books. a martmeort of Podcet and Family Bibles. BLANK BOOKS of all BIW, qualities and styles of binding. fireTioNlNLy..—A great variety of all kinds of Writ ing and Printing rape rs, if French, English and Anieri vm 'Mau nfacture. Also, Envelopes of all sizes rend quali ties, Ink. Peciif,--• Pencils, India Rubber, -Tapes Seals, Quills. copy Books, Blotting Board, Knives, Rubber,-Tapes, • Writing Sand kr.. Sc., GOLD PENS.—The very bestGuld Pens in the market, fatly -warranted, made by Leroy W.Fairehild, of N. Y. BLIND PA FER.—A fall variety of patterns and quail- WALL PAPER,—Nearly 1000 different patterns. to gether with suitable Borderings, Plain, Velvet and Fel •et Q lit. PICTURE FRAMES—pi - al and Square Pramesffer Pho tographs. Frames made to order. FRENCH. CLASS, for Picture Frames, of any size. .CIIEAP NOVELS, much lower than publishers' prices. r i NORANINOS.--;Englisli, French, Oerniaumnd Amer. Enginvings. BASK F.TS.-:- . l...aney, Traveling, Book, Picnic, Fruit, Witife and Clothes Illskets. ZEPIIYR WORSTEDS.—SingIe and Double Zephyr, Tapestry and Spli Zephyr ,Shetiouil Wool, 4•.c a &c. NEWSPAPERS.—The Phitioleiphia And New York -Wiles recd. ed daily. Clubs or individuals Supplied. WEEKLY P.I,'E3S.-IFarper's Weekly. r Fritiik Leslie, N. Y. Morons", N. Y. Weekly, N. Y. Leilger, etc., ready- ea weekly. PRItIODICALS.—IIarpers Monthly. Atlantic Monthly Continental. (Coley, Peters in, Ballots., Ruitkerbocker, AU the Year Round. Cornhill, etc., etc., received as soon - as published. 'CIIEAP LITERATURE—AII the Dime Publications Weekly Nouvellettes. Song 800k5.,-to., received onily. ORDERS.—Wo take orders Fur all kinds iff goods.- . ' -EXPRESS--We receive goods by Express every day from the East. filank Deeds. Writing shit Printing Cards, Rulers, Paper Weights. Fancy Bu tee. Combeimid Brushes. Chalk Crayon, and all-standard goods in our line constantly on hand. - „ .„ .30111S1(1.—Sbeet . Music. fur Piano. Gititar.yiolin, Flute. PF kNO..i:--we purchase l'iatios on commis-ion, 80 as to save our cuitotners front Fifty to Ono Hundred and Fifty Dollars. ,C SIUSICAL Ilir-TRU3IEICTS.—We eau supply any kind of 3in~+cat Inatruluentii at pric , a fir lower than usual. PlIOTI:H RANI .11.111T51:4.—Wit can sell .Photograph /4.flotims at lower prices than thoy can be procured tor is tho cities. - FOlt THE HOLIDAYS. CARTES DE • Pertain! of Military Men eithe U. 8. Army and Navy, dlatingliehed Mon and Women. Comic l'icterree.ete. etc. NEW TOY ItOOES in great variety. New public:Mona of the A merkan S. 8. Union: Ameri can Tact Seclety, Presbyterian honed of Publication, ate., etc. ••• • PttES NTATION ROOKS of all kiwis for• the frolidayn. We have no he,i tatien in sad ing to our cwdomera that from our Mit{r experience. oar manner of doing business, and our great facilities, we do not fear corepetitiom'and -lave no doubt of our }being able to give entire satisfac-1 - Come and see our Now Store. our snow. and enlarged stock, and form your own opluloas. Chambersburg, do r D, TEW.STORE T.-WATSON& SOW have opened at their Store Roma, on the North w .st Corner, of the Diamond, opposite Franklin HMI, Chambersburp, Pa., an entirely new stock of goade, consisting of BdtIKS of altm,st every description. Sta tionery of all kinds, Envelopes, Steel Pens, Ink. Also a large assortment of WALL PAPER - . WINDO BLINDS. various prices, ntol a great variety of NOTIOi. AND FANtIY ARTICLES, Pictures. Fans, Vases. Ladies, and Misses Baskets, Ac.. Fancy Soap and ,Perfumery. Also a good Atsortment of Worsted, Shetland. Wool, An. and a ' great variety of goods too numerous to insert to which they invite the attention of the Public. and vs. apectlully Solicit a share of the public patronage. Pleads call and examine our stock. June 17,433 InAS. B. SMITH & CO. L , BOOKSELLERS AND PCBLISTIERS, ufacturcre of Blank and %letnorandttni Books, Photo.. irrit,ph Albums, Manifold Writers. Marble Paper, ttc., No. 2T South Seventh Street, above Chestnut. 'Blank wort of every description. for County Oißcene6 - lintels. Counting - Houses, and Public Offices done to or der. Orders left with S.S. Sax:rots, Cbarnbersbarg, Pa. promptly attended to. • ' . sent .30 '03.17 ° Sticanciai. . 9 S. :o-20'S.—The ,Sediotary of et the ti Treasury has not yet given notice- el any,. ...nth...withdraw this popular Loan front S tie at Par, and until ten dues notice is given, the undersigned. to "GRNERAL 'EA UIiSCUIPTION AGENT," will coutinte toanpply the public. the whole amount of the Loan authorized is Five Hundred Millions of D, en. NEARLY FOUR If UN WIND MILLIONS HAVE BEEN ALREADY SUBSCRI BED FOR AND PAID INTO TILE TREASURY, mostly within thiTiest seven months. The large i_ernand from abriiii,d;enti the rte idly h:rush:Thome demand for nst , ite the basi n for eircillationby National Assoolations now organizing in all pat to of Gib country, will. In a very short penal, absorb the balance. Sales have Ilite• ly ranged froneteu to fifteen millions weekly. trequ at, ly exceeding three al ill ions daily, and as it iS well known that the Secretary of the Treasury has ample and ian ailing resources in the Duties on Imports and Internal Revenues, any, in the issue of the Interestheiring Ltgal Tender Treiisury Notes, it is almost a certainty that be will not find it necessary, for a long time to come, IP soak a market for any other long or permanent Lonna, THE INTEREST AND PRINCIPAL OF: WHICH ARE P.TY MILE IN GOLD. Predemee and self interest must force the Minds of them oontemplaaing the formation of National Bunting Assoniations,.as well as the maids of all who have; idle monerin theli- hands, to the 'prompt conelusruir that they shout] lose no time in sttenerthing to this most popniae Loan. It will soon be beyond their reach; and_ advance tehandsome premium, 118 was the result with thit,"Seetiu Thirty" Loan, when it was all sold and conli no longer be subscribed for at par. IT IS A SIX PElt CENT. LOAN, THE INTEREST ANA PRINCIPAL PAYABLE IN COIN, THUS YIELD , ' ING OVER NINE PER CENT. PER. ANNUM at the present rate of premnnn on coin. The Citivernment requires all duties on imports ,je be paid in' Coln; these' untie.; have for a long time past amounted to over a t:er.rter of a Million of Dollars daily a emu nearly three tunes greater than that required In the payment of the interest on a , l the 5-21.'8 and other permanent Loam. '6.o that it is hoped that the surplus Coin in the Treasury, al so distant day, will enable His United States to resume specie payments upon all lia bilities. . _ The Loan Is called 5-20 from tlio fact - that whilst th. E tt tgl 3 niayr ug for 20 years yet the Government has a right to pay them of in 0014 at ptr, at any time.after years. TUE INTEREST IS PAW if A,LP-YEARLY, on tho tint day of Novembor and May. Subscribers cart lisve Coupon Bonds, which aro pays; blato bearer, awl lire $5O, $100,5500 and $lOOO, or Reg; letered Bonds of same denominations, and in addition, $5,000 and $lO,OOO. For Banking purposes and for in vxsitments of Trust-monies the Registered Bonds Are preferable. These 6.20's cannot be taxed by Statas, cities, to er co un ti e s, non the Government fax on, them is onli one-and-a-half per cent., ou the amount of income, when the income of the holder exceeds Six Hundred doi/ a rs per annum ; all cther invttruents, such as in come fro* Mortgages. Railroad Stock and Bonds etc, meet pay trim three tofivo per cent. tax on theincetao. Bunke and Bankers throughout the Country will coo thine to disp , se of the Binds; and all orders by mail or istberwisie, pr.mptly attended tn., The inconvenience of a few days' delay in the delivery €f the 80111111 - 18 unavoidable, the demand being ad great but as in teremt emnineneee from the day of Millserintka noloota he ocateleeed, and every effort is being made te, distiinlah the delay. JAY COOKY. ' , s u - bstfliption Agent, 11.1 tenth Third Street,Philadolplifa.. 113e2-3t YERS & BRAND.—RnaI Notice. persons °Wink She firta on Book' account Or etc. are urgently 'requested to call at the Storo and pay np before the let of Jannary,lB6l, as It is impossible for we to call in porsoa on 600 persons; many of whom would say call again. One visit from each will answor, Maitre( whom have bad a credit from -6 months to 6 years; have neither time not inclination to forbear long er with, those who have abused the :credit system. Those who foel ft a duty to call and pay will have my thanks, and titcdt, e who don't pall may rest assured that suit wil b e brought without respect-to persona. A,word to the wise is itutlicient. Come along lam wafting to 1864.. • uhiunleg, dec.'-5t SAMUEL MYERS. FARMERS' .. .A:ND MECHANICS' SeAT. I ,4OB BANS, Chanabersburg, Detember Ist, 6A,!The. annual Election for Directors will bo held An Beaurday, the 26th of December, between the hours of 1 . ixid4o'plock. Pi M., - , JOHN ARMSTRONG, , It..ft, FUMED., . resident. [doc2i , t( - Trensitter. NTOTICt OF PARTNERS.IIIp, Noticdisherepygiven that the undet'slgn . ed Vitve' tale- day enteredln to partnership, in the C , ach-liatiing lictinees, in nil its various branches. tinder the name of Pellet do Volts. The said firm trill do hnddineeb at the stand latery occupied by P. Henry Peiffe , r do Co., and would respectfuliy solicit a continuance of the polgaii patronage. - P. HENRY PEIPPER, Hay. 8,1841, • C.C. FOLTZ. Matrbes ant! 302E14. . • ATIGII.INBAUGEE'S CT e , WATC JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT, RAIN STREET, ADJOECING THE POST OFFICE, - Charnberiburyt. Perna. The undersigned would respectfully call atteutkm to his, present stock consisting of • WATCHES, Gold and Silver of American and European Mannfacftwe of all qualitiesand styles and at the lowest prices. ,C - LOCKS ' In great variety. Parloi. :Haute!, 0111ce;Acl, JEWELRY. The netievt and most desirable stylmeof (hip:. Coral trill Pearl, Gold Chains, bracelets. Finger Rings, Gehl Thimbles, Sleeve Buttons. Necklaces, Aruilett, kfasonic & Odd Fellows Breast Pins, &c.,&c. MODRNING AND JET JEWELRY. - A- splendid stook and newest styles. SILVER AND PLATED WARE. Consistini of Tea Sets, Casters, Mugs, Spoons, Fork); &e. GOLD PENS From the best and most celebrated mannfactorift. FANCY GOODS. - A very large and attractive stock. - - CUTLERY AND POCKET KNIVES.. Rodgers superior Pen Knives of different quelltfer and prices. GOLD.. SILVER AND STEEL SPECTACLES. The long experic , nce of The undersigned In the 'selection and adaptation of Glasses, - enables him to suit them to any sight. At no time have the people of this county had a more attractive and extensive Stock to select front than is now presented at the establishment of the undersigned. Every article is now and of the latest style and n ill be sold at the very lowest price. An examination ie solicit ed befbre purchasing elsewhere. it Repairing done at the shortest notice by compe tent and skilful workmen. E. AUOITINBAUOTI, acid_ . :3) 2d door Smith of Pont Office. Chanth'ir. C - IRIST bi A S AND BRIDAL PRESENTS. HENRY HARP.EI/4 No." 520 ARC'S STREET, PUILADELPIIIA. has always a large stock of WATCHES,for Ladies and Uentlomen—in Gold Silver. • PINE JEWELRY.of the most fitshionatilestyles. SOLID SILVER.W ARE, in great variety, and - I.ooEll'S Superior Plated Spoons, rot ks.etc., eta. Sept 30-4 m . • pats, Ow aub ',Om F.A.l\ia F i lißS ! FANCY YURS ! ! -.TORN FAREIRA, 18 ..4rc4 't., 'below Bth south side, Phild'a. Importer. 3fannfacturer of and Deafer In at kinds ,f FANCY FURS I for Ladies' and Children's Wear. I 'Mich to return my thanks to •my friends of Franklin and thesurrournitng Counties. for. their very liberal pat , runage extended to me during the lust few years, and would say to them that I now have In store, of My own Importatioi. and Manufacture a very extensive assort ment of nil the different kinds and qualities of FAN 'Y FURS. for Ladies and Children, that will be worn during the Fail Mid iriuterseasons. Being the direct Impoiter of all my Furs from Europe, and having them all litenufactured under myown super vision—enables me to offer my customers and the public a much handsomer Pet of Furs for the same money. Ladies please give me a call before purchasing I Please remember the name; number and street. JOHN PARERLS, No. 718 Arch St, Philadelphia. • sept 9-5 m GREAT BAIIGA INS IN LADIES' FURS.--I have a large and well selected stock of Ladles' Furs. consisting of Mink, Sable. Stone Mart.n, German Fitch. American Fitch, Liberian Squirrel. French Squirrel. French Sable. French Mink, Water Mink. and Silver Martin, which I am Selling at lower prices than they can be purchased for in Philadelphia. Call and ex amine before purchasing hisewheve,at the old lint, Cap, and Fur Store of J. L. DEM RAF. WATSON &SON. NOW IS THE TIME TO OTTAT BARGAINS.--Splendid Muffs, only S 3 Mat the cheap Hat, Cap and Fur Store of J. L. DECELERT. GREAT BARGAINS I 2 FURS. Only SO for a full set of Ladies DECIIERT'S gustier% Of tbe Veacc. TUSTICE .OF THE PEACE.-H. Ty B. DA VIt3ON. Jadice of thifazce—Cince' iy opposite the " Indian Queen Hotel." All business en trusted to his care shall receive prompt attention, in ortruments of Wilting, oral, kinds, drann up in , a satis factory manner. - Junell.'63. HAM3IAN, Justice of ,the - Peace, 1 . • Chamber sburg. Pa. Office on 'East Market street opposite the C✓.urt Ilonso. in the offliefamerly occupied by k. K. McClure. Prompt attention given to every. thing in the tine of a Magistrate and Scrivener., sept 9, '63-tf SCHENCK'S PULMONIC SYRUP WILL CURB SCIIENCKW MANDRAKE 'ILLS WUL 43U88 - • •! ;" • LIVER COMPLAINTS. . , DR: 7. D. SEDENCR. hes a large Suit of Roarer at Nq 82 BOND STREET, NEW YORK, where he can be found every Tuesday, from 0 A. K., to a P. M ,'and .t No.'all NORTH SIXTH. STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA.' every Saturday. - , . , lie keeps alarge supply of medicines at ttle room, which can be bad at all times. Those wishing advice o examination of the Lunge will do well to call on him above. 116,-snakes no charge for advice, but t tor a tbo ough examination with the Respirometer,` his price $3. . 3fany persons are afraid to have their longs examine by Dr. Schenck for fear that they will be found incur ble, and by that means it is put off until it fa too lat . Flow much better it would be to know their conditto .at once, as by abundance of evidence, Dr. S. has oho sufficient certificates in this city that ho hat cured - vaned stages of Consumption. SOIIENOK'S Principal Office is No. 39 Nort Sixth Streot;Philadelphia, Pu., where letters for advice should always be directed. I: PrICO of the PEFLXON I O STECtrp Arrro BE4 Wexn T o. c each fl per bottle, or $5. the headozend „ . Pu.t.S; 25 cents per bolt. ' ' 'Pot:Brae hyaII.DRUGUISTS and STORP,S.SEPERS. !0ct.14-3m Arbitat. CONSUMPTION SCHENCK'S PUL3IONI srftur LIME= CONSTYMPTION iSCIMCK'S PULMONIC SYRIA, MEM CONSUMPTION SCIONCS'S PULMONIC SYRUP Wit CURE CONSUMPTION SCHENCK'S , SEA WEED TOMO unt cent DYSPEPSIA OCITENCH'S SEA WEED TONIC EMI= DYSPEPSIA ScuE,NCWS SEA WEND TONIC WILL CUBA - DYSPEPSIA: SCHENCK'S SEA WEED TONIC I. DYSPEPSIA SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PIL:.B I= LIVER COMPLAINTS.. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE DILLS WILL CUSE LIVER COMPLATNTS, SCIIENCK'S MANDRAKE,PILLS WILL cms . LIVER COMPLAINTS. tip!fratikiin Atiantba'j6oB43. larg anti . jFattrg 015130b5. GRAND OPENING ! FALL AN,D WINTER GOODS! tYSTER & BRO. have just returned from the East, with a large and varied stock of seasonable Dry, goods, all of. which we'trill dispose of at a small advtinee on cost.' What we have now on*haial, _was purchased previous to tbelaterise, and will be sold cithont ' regard to the 'present Eastern prices. which on many articles is full as high as our retail prices ;CLOTHS Ladies Cloths, all colors and shades. from $1 50, to $G 00 'C L 0 A KS 75 Ladies Cloaks just received. of various styles and;pattoras--from $B, to $25. i KID GLOVES Good Kids, Embroidered, i 5 .cents better quality $1 00Jottvins, st2s; Altaauders, $1 50. - The latter mates are the best im ' pOrted. Also, shLrge lot of Fancy`Gloves • CORSETS We have a fresh lot of the celebrated G.. 11. -B. Corsetts-20 bones; the very best ra*anisfse tared, and •witich we warrant to fit, and give satisfaction HOODS A large assortment of Ladies' and anthems' Woolen Hoods. - , f 1 t BROCHA SHAWL'; -Just from Auction LINEN ECANDICERPFLIEFSi Hein-stitched, and Plain, which defy ceznpetition MOURNING GOODS Crape Vella. all prices; Lace Valle, de.; Born baiinee 1- Alpacas . : 3-4 De Lainee, 6.4 De Lain'es; Coburg's; crape Collars; and everything desirable' for mourning. MOURNING BAIA WLS 8-4 De Leine! and Cashineres ; Long Thibet, - tll prieee;.Long Repp Sipmis--beantifungoode. PRINTS: IG, IR. and 25 cents. Do Lathes, Fancy niad plain; Colyarge. and French Merit:wen ; Plaids, and Stripes. FURS ;FURS U -FURS! 11 FURS!!! I We have just opened a large assortment of Pars, einong which may be found RUSSIAN; SQUIItRELL CAPES AND MUFFS. RUSSIAN MARTIN CAPES AITh MUFFS, ERENoII SABLE CAPES AND MUFFS, iIUDSON BAY CAPES AND MUFFS, PITCH CAPE§ AND MUFFS, All of whioh we will 'sell ae ic;to as can be had flim the 'manufaotttror In eonclusion we would SZY,thq_all the geode we ha 4 leiii for sale—and at prices iUS low its . ' cab 'be had MIS !ilde - ef;:*irT ' York, We_ make bnt one price, and that • • . - the same to all eistoin+Sie,' whetherjudges o 1 goods Vot. 'Drop . and look at the etoCik before :buying elsewhere. Igrot.l4-V BUTBR k BRO. „etobes mar Einivare STOVR:EM.PORIUM • JACOB B. ItIT,LER, MA IN STREFT"! Drew South if the Diamond, cliA,4optspußg, PA.. -Would respectfully invite the attention of the pub • I I lie to his large and well selected sto4 of ill STOVES, CO ,PER, TIN and SHEET-IRON WARE He has nowthe largest and best assortment o' PARLOR, HALL, GAS BURNERS and • COOKING STOVES ever offered in Franklin county WASH-BOILERS ennstantiy on hand of afl l Fizes, and the best ma- terial. COAL BVCKETS. The largest assortment,-the heaviest iron and the best made in the county Alerr—A large 'stook of T I N-W 4 %. R E f made of- the best material and in a workmanlike manner. As ho is aPR kerlC IL WORK MAN, and has hiuimany years ex perience in tpie ; ,lsusiness, he feels confident that ho can girt iencial. satisfactiori ROOFING, SPOUTING, made and put up at the sbortest notico. Particu- lar attention Paid to all kinds of MENDING 4ND JOBBING. Call and look through our stook and get the prince, ' as out motto is P;ojlts, Quick,Salcs l and GoodValae." JACOB, B. MILLER; Four Doore South 'of the Diamond WESTERN HOTEL, West Market St., h'ea'r the Bridge, Chamberebrag,Ri, I I OKLINeiII The subscriber•would r ectftill inform , the Travel OUStK EEPERS, READ I-6'd- ' ' eSP T ! lug comrounity that he, has purchased and taken posses. he s r r 's ov l :. nri T s h e e; Air-Tighef—A New , Flat Top : Mon of this 'Hotel. lie hopes to make it one of thu most plates are very heavy, and the desirable places for strangers and others to stop at that whole Stove is finished Ina superior manner. I warrant , ran be found in any country town. - this Stove to be superior io any Flat-Top Stove now in • 'HIS TABLE will at all times be spread with the luk the market, and respec tfulLy invite my friends and the , , uiri esand subatantiala of the season. . public to call and examine, this Stove, of which there HIS CHAMBERS are large, wellventilated, andfltted are several sizes. i - - ; sap In modern style. • I hate also a great variety 10 f other COONING ; I HIS BAR will be well suppliedwitb a largeandehoice STOVES of every style= PARLOR. 'STOVES, new - and ; seleetion of the - very best liquors. beautiful patterns, together with a heavy stock of , I HIS STABLE will always be provided with, good STOVES for Churches, Stores, Offices, Hotels. &c. wholesome provender for stock, and attended by careful JOHN B. LUDWIG, _ t'-eatleris. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in, , No pains will be spared to render entire satisfaction to • STO rES , TIN AND COPPER WARE. t . all his guests; and pleding himself to endeavor to please N. B. --I have been appointed Sole 'Agent for Galls- . all, he solicits a liberal sbareof theptiblic patronage. gher's Celebrated Sunrise Air-llglit Cook Stove I n eham. ; June 17, 'f3.. JOHN MILLER bersburg, Pa._ ; Nov.ll. '63-15- AT t TTER, HAMILTON & CO'S Great Steve and Tin Ware' Store, corner of the AT be seen the largest,best, and cheapest , stock of Goods in Chambersburg.t They have COOK. 1 ING STQVES for Wood and Coal, of tatestpatterns and all sizes, at fair prices. , . ! [June 77,1863. QPOUTING DONE IAT SitORT NOTICE, of first rate material and cheap. : All work warranted,abd eheaperthan can be bought elsewhere in the County: ,Call and see for yourselves, at _ ETTER,IIANIILTON & CO'S. , nearly:opposite the Sauk. VTTER, HAMILTON & CO. are A prepared to Put tip the best LIGHTNING RODE , at cheap rates-. ALLYAYS ON. HAND, A LARGE , assortment of the very beet Tin, Japanned owl ; Coppervirure,&c., sold low at ETTER, HAMILTON k CO'S. A LL WORK 'WARRANTED, mild IX cheaper than can be bought elsewhere iu th. county. Come and see=-then buy. nt ETTSR, HAMILTON& CO'S. C ALL FOR_ PARLOR ASD DI NINO ROOM COOK STOVES. They are pretty : good and cheap. ETTER,II.AIdILTON A 00'S, A few doors from Shiyook's Book Store. I Xattufacturco. TO TIIE PUBLIC GENERALLY. CHAMBERSPURG FOUNDRY. undersigned takes this method to inform the public that he has taken the FOUNDRY so long carried on 6y t Wni. Seibert, with all the PATTERNS connected there. 1 e Ith, where he purposes continuing the business, and is I now prepared to make 1 , ALL KINI)S OF CASTINGS that may be wanted by the community. Partici'lst MI tentiou will be paid to making and keeping on hand ev ery- description of PLOWS, CASTINGS, WAGON Ii.OX • ES, ite. All kinds of Gastriaga mule to order. ' New plows, of diffrrent patterns, always on hand •t. made to order. OLD METAL taken. In trade; ,for which the highest price will be given. s devbfiug himself t!ttentively to business hi hopes By de , to merit iunl receive a share of public patronage., June 19,'63. ABlt.muat DIETZ. - 1 1 1 1_EW MARBLE YARD. The _LI undersigned respectfully, announces to the citizens of Franklin county that he has opened a New Marble Yard la :the room formerly occupied by Dr. Hamilton, directly opposite J. S. Nixon's Drug Store, Main Street, lathe Borough of Chambersburg, where he will keep on hand or make to order all - articles in his line of bush-leas. such as MONUMENTS; TOMBS and HEAD STONES, MANTLES, TIME &STAND TOPE, Ac., Manufactured from the very best Voreign and Domestic Marble. lie respectfully solicits teen from those trbemaybein . want of any article In the aboveline. He is confident is his ability to satisfy all who may be yleased to patronise hitn, either as regards hisbrices,br the quality, beauty, and austeness of his work. July 8,'63. - TORN A. GROVE. jut UM. , . y ._, E . DOAT4 MALL FOR, ItENT.- - The undetalgn'ed rill rent the FEWERAL Mil I 17811, and ground immediately pertaining thetetn, for one or more years froin A pril next. It is the most DissifIAriLSTRIVATEI ItEgitaNtlS for' rent in. the 13Orough of Chamberebarg. The Honee,is Very •conv Medians audio excellent order, and there is very fin Fruit on the lot. A. K. ifcCLUItE.- i►.enoian 4 mount ,4genries. U . L PoArgßoy; ARMY AND NAVY Adzycr; 204;SOUTH FOURTH STREET,' The undersigned, having resigned his position as I?ay master In thh U. S. Army. has opened at ,No 204 - SOUTH FOURTH STR&F :.en AG.ENOP FOR •PROt.:URING PkiNSIOSS,And for the collection of Onions', Sor.mitste, and: all other Ctmiii against the Government. ISS longexperience ae Paymaster, bee given ore unm, mai facilities for becoming thoroughly acquainted with this business in all its d4ails. On the receipt, by mail, of a statement of the cure of claimants, 1 will forward the necessary papers for their signature. Personal at tention will be given to the cases at Washing tem. No charge unless successful. When $5 will be charged fur wilectir g all sums under $Bl3, and SIO on all sums over hat amonnt and under $2OO. Larger claims taken on pedal arrangement. Pees in PensiotiCasea as Axed by NFORAiA.TION FOR AND = INSTRUCTIONS TO CLAIMANTS Ali Soldier% of the present war, who have served two years, and Soldiers discharged for wounds received in, male, witbont reference to time of service, are entitled ;,esides their regtilar pay, to3loo Bounty. In case Soldiers or Seamen are discharged for disability or smear received while in the service, they are entitled to a Pension according to the disability. In ease of the death of the Soldier before dischargdy .brough disease contracted, or wounds received while in iervice, his widow is entitled to receive the $lOO Bounty, iodates anearages of pay and pension during her lifetime Jr widowhood. If, the Soldier die after discharge. from disease con• t meted or wounds received while itt service, his widow is entitled to a pension of S9O perannum. If no widow or minor children, the mother of the Sei ner or ..?eanaan will receive the Pension, if dependant on him 'wholly or in part fur support. . Ifi deceased _Soldier or Seaman leaves no widow, his hildreu are entitled to the same benefits as the widow, except when the, children may hoover the age of 10 year. If, no widow or minor children, the bounty and pay . n ills descend to the heirs as follows: First to the Father, second to the Mother, third to the itrothers and Sisters, mad-then to the next of • Discharged Boldlers. whose clothing account was nn settled at the time of discharge, can recover" any balance leo them. if the Company books are not destroyed. To lraw this balance, write to your Captain for a descrip tive, list, showing Clothing account, and forward it to me with - your preliminary s tateraent, giving also the date of oar discharge 'SOldiers, who served - art th the nine months' volunteers, mn'recover • bounty and premium, without regard, to time of service, if they have not already received ft. Soldiers who wereprison ere in the South, and Soldiers whq were absent on sick furlough, are entitled to com mutation of rations. , • In communicating With this office, state the nature of On* claim fully; and give the Company and Reg , ment to which Yon or the Soldier for whom you claim belonged, ax well as your present Post Office aduress. REPERENCP.E. • ,ilia Excellency ANDREW 0. CuWRiN y G0491:10r1 o f Penn ' Sylvania. nos. Susos CAmmtos, Harrisburg. Pa. dIfoN. JOSEPH CASEY, Chiefjustice of the Court of Claims; Washington. E. H. Enemas,, Chief Clerk of Pay Department, Washington. • :Ifox. Kuwaiti) MC:PHERSON, M. C., Washington. Aloe. JAS. P. IST ERREri President Judge, District Court, Pittsburgh. - - [lox. A. H. McCtram,Chtunhersburg, Pa. "lloN.Tnostes A. Sewn, Vice President Perin'a Rail Road. lbarr.-Witusx E. TEIOXAS, Collector of the Port, Philad'a. C. A .W.AinonN, Poet Master, Philar....iphia. lls.txst Sr Co., Bank*re, Philadelphia. - JASIESTIORIAP, president of Union Bank, Philadelphia 11uLarr & Fhaarnovra. Attornies, -4 4 Blum, Was? k Fawn?, Merchants, ti LUDWIO, , KNEEDLES. & CO. Merchants, di PRItCIIETT, BAUGH. & Co., tt ". 1) knr; Feu's'' , & Co., Merchants,' - • 4% .. 11ENJANTN S. JANNEY, Ja. & Co.. Mereliants, " E. Mottayor & Co., Morchatitsy ' -" IATIVOOD, WOITE & Co.,Merchants, 41 JOHN M. PIIMROY, No. 20.4 South Fourth Street, June 17, '63-tf. • DENSION, BOUNTY AND WAR L CLAIR AGENCY.--Pensions procured foi soldiers of the present war who are disabled by reason of wounds ;received. or disease contracted: chile in the service of the 'United States; and Pensions, $lOO Bounty, and Arrears f Pay obtained for widows or heirs of those who has( klied or been killed while in Service. JOHN R. ORR, Claim Agent., Chathbershurg, Pa. Pot.. 25, '63-ly potelo. rTNION HOTEL.—This Hotel is ,k) situated on the corner of Main and Queen Streets, mar the Diamond. in the Bort ugh of Chambersbnrg,Pa. I The undersigned respectfully announces to the travel. rig public that this Hotel has been remedied. It has neen raised to , THREE STORIES in height ...A. fine - breestory Back Building bas been added to it, giving u immence amount of room for the accommodation of he public generally. The rooms are large and comfort. dde,nuMbering in all, thirty-five._ They are all well iurnished with GOOD - NEW FURNITURE.. Persons topping at this Hotel can have either double 'Aar single toms, with or without fire in them. The Table, is al. ; rays supplied with the BESTIN THE :11I,LREliT, and 4 ill seat over 100 persons. The Bar is shed with the CHOICEST LIQUORS. The 'table is two.stories,ofthe most modern style, and the 'estin thellorough ofOhambensburg. Juno 17,'63. JOHN FISHER .PrOprictor. pRANKLIN HOTEL— West side of L' the Palle Square,Chambentburg, Pa. • - The subscriber would respectfully inform tlie Travel g Community that he haslos.sed and taken possession .fthis Commodious Hotel. He hopes to make it one of ho most desirable place 4 for strangers and others to , top that can be found in any country town. " NIB TABLE will at all times be spread with the km tries and substantials of the season. ILLS CHAMBERS are laTge,, well ventilated,and fitted tp in modern style. HIS BAB will Go well supplied witli alargeendcholos election of the very best Liquors. HIS STABLE will always be provided with good, wholesome provender for stock, and attended by carefut - No paint will be spared to render entliesatisfaction to his guest rand pledging bbn.eirto endeavor to please 411,be solicit. a liberal share of the public patronago. Jane 17.'83. DANIEL TROSTLE. WHITE SWAN HOTEL,. Ch am berstrurg,Pu..-- ?liken A ht ORM, Proprietor. 'laving purchased this hell-known notel,(longknovrn es Miller's, and recently as Weist & Grove's.) the PrePrh etor pledgeslimsell that no pains 0011 be spared tcl inisterto the wants or his guests. The character heretofore sustained by thcalouse. as ft comfortable Rome for the Sojourner, shall not suffer in toy hands if a constant effort to please and acCommodate will sustain it. The proprietor, theretore v . eolielts'it continuance of the'libcral patronage heretofore, eitend. ed to the" White Swan." , • In addition to largo Stabling, he bas TWO LOTS and pith of RAT and Ssoox, fot the , accommodatioel. of Drovers and Butobere. Juno 17,1863 = C • o - vERLY , &111:1-1`011.1.SON• Rare become the Proprietors of the 'UNITED SPATES ROTEL, near the Railroad Depot' at HARRIS DURO, Pa. T)if pOPular and, - commodious Rotel has been newly refitted and furnished througnont its, par. lore and chambers, and is now ready for the reception of guests. The travelling p nblic will find the 'United States hotel the most convenient, in all Rarticulars, or any Rot el in the State Capital, on account of its access to - the rail road, being immediately between the two great depots In this city. - , LllKEtwattußof. Anne ,' MAL .ccir Waynesboro' Pecord,liarcersburg Journal, and Greencastle Pilot, copy 3m., and charße'RePotifory. INDIAN QUEEN HOTEL, rain Stred„Chtunbersburg, Pa:' JOHN W. TAYLOR. Proprietor. Fine accommodations and low. charges. Sir Stock cards and Scales are connected With the promises for the col:monism:o of Drotetei. sive stabling rind yard s for Horse, and Carriages. nne 17, ,oz. adrPORTANT 'TO THE PUBLIC. The Grover Baker, 8. hi. do., mahufkitaare iticat to their celebrated Glover Baker STITCH MACHINES.- the 'most• perfeet SHUTTLE or L. ,LOCX STITCH' , MACHINES In the market. acid afford par chasere theopportanity pt selecting, after trial and ex aminetion of both, the one belt suiteilto their wants. EIGKE, N. Z. corner of the Diamond, Chesil tersbnrg,Agent. - Call and examlnethe madam.. EMISII a iMERICAN_LIFE INSVBANCE • " AND - TRUST COMPANY. SosU~e ai g cipr n er of IVainut cinctiburflt areas, Pkik daphia. incorporautdlW. Charter perpetual THII;ADELPE(I/ AUTIIODIZED CAPITAL, $500,000 Ott PAID. UP CA.PITAL.I2SOA ,OO W. ASSETS, $1.897,745 50. - Insures he during the natural life., 'or for-Short, termr,,grants annnuities and endowments. and makes contracts all Ulnas - depeu.Ving en the issues of lit- Actingalso as rxeenturs. Trustees and Guardians.-- Policies of Life insurance innt^ed 'tile usual mtrtnaT rates of other good Coutimriles—Avith profits to the In- , eared—last Donna. January, - 1.561, being 43 per cent. of all prerainins received On mutual policies at Joint stock retes t :Xi per cent, less than the above. ' NOS.VibIWEITt; PLPsN. By whiclra person pays for 5,7, or 10. years only;whee the Policy IS patd np fir life, and nothing more to pa; and should hi be ttnahleZ, or wish to discontinue sooner. the Company will issue n paid-up policy in pcoporuo n to the amount 01 premiums paid. as follows: ter payment of , - - ' .. the annual promi-. nine (offpoliey of " ' $ 1 00 0 ) for . - $ 4OO 00 • $285 00 $2OO C 4 Onpay't of 4an.pre. 800 00 • 871 40 400 t.' , n .887 10 as 8 <4 - 800 00 Annual premium fol.. $l6OO. . _ Age 20,fitiO cAit . . " " 25 - t - =B4 00 44 30, 4—. SS 46 64 35 , ' 48 OA . . ' ~ 40, ' ' 47 OA .s 45 , 53 .9 , a 50, ' ' -60 tit, . Insurance may he, effected, giving to any party, on the death of life insnre.lia certain yearly income by endow ment for life, thus avoiding all contingencies of invest ing the same, and may be double or treble - the yearly Interest. ALEXANDER WUTLLIMN, President. SAMUEL WORK. 'per-President. . JOHN S. WILSON; Secretary ond Tieasurer. ' • BARD OF TRUSTEES. Alexander J.. Edgar Thompson, Hon. Jtiroes Pollock, Ron. Joseph Allison, . Albert C. Roberts, JoOns Bowman, ' Samuel T. Bodine, 11. A. Eldridge, eorgeyngent, John A ikrnAti, _ , Win. S. Ihneard, Chas.F.-11erali1t. SomnetWory, - . Itt.EIGCAL EXAMINERS. - - - J.F. BIRD, M. I J. NEWTON WALKER, M. D. In-attendance at the Companftt office daily, at 3:: o'clock, M. . - • , WM.G. REED, Chninh orsiturg, lift., is the authorised Agent orttos American Lite Itisuranco and Trust• Com pany, and is always prepared to furnish pamphlets or any informatiori wanted, and to take Insurances. DR. J. C. RICRA aDS. Malice Examiner. REFERHYCHS--Hon. A. .11; McClure, Hev.S. J. NIP- JjB.l , lixon,Chaathersburg, and Wm.3.1.'31ar5h..1 Cashier Hagerstown Bank. oct 21,634 f FRANILDI INSURANCE COM PANY OF PIIILA.DELP . 4IIi, No. 435 "arid liit ' :hestnut Street. X - i 4 Capital' r Perpetual, Premiums, ITUexpired Temporary Premittme—...— Surplus, Total $2,392,11.6 Statement of the Assets of 'the gompany on January 1. „ . • . . • 1803 First Mortgages.amplj , secured $1,993,931 48 Reid testate, (preeent.value . sl3B,B22.47.) cost- 128.970 77 fierupurary Loans. on atutanCollateral Secu- _ . rites" stocks, (present Tidne $98,385 16,) east Notes and Dille receivable/ Cash • - A dvance in Tithe of Iteal Emtitte Qwr 1 Advance in value of 1:31.0e10 over C