D ex! t litijr • ' and precious o.4finet—lhe iiiiirants on' which raILVO• • yre dare seize a mortal at any minute, in spite, of the habeas corpus act.." l / - 1 I did not exactly understand him, and pre ! sumo my countenance be i trayed ignor ance, for he at once resumed; "Come, I pur pose showing you. something this morning that will explain my "menning." Here the spirit whipped out of his queer pocket—not a rope as I expected—but his tail, which he coiled around, me someihing like a swing, and with . a leap upon thewindow sill, sprang out of the window with Ime, and iti a mo ment I was standing beside him upon the cupola of the Town Hall. I gazed about roe in wonder, for I. could seelwith uninterrupt ed vision through wood and brick and stone and flesh, througk roofs and through hearts. Acts, words and_ thougliti were exposed to, my new sight. My' head swam, my knees ;mote together, and I would have fallen head iong had it not been foi.'she spirit's tail, which proved a sure suppqrt. I, was aroused . 'rom my half fainting condition by hearing :he spirit remark; "Mortal, you were ')rought hither to use your eyes and your 'ars—look and hearken."l - Involuntarily I raised My eyes, and on the :nstant saw. an old grey aired man of - four score years and upwards kndeling 'by his Titantliu AOCA G ITEMS!. Gosste Wrrn Ott. F RIXISDS. —How easy 'ft is to gossip ilinaturedly, and yet howdiffi• *kilt to do it amiably. - We don't exactly mean to say that it is bard to say amiable things, but that the field for fault-finding is : I tio much greater. Franklin, among many Ifoolish remarks, mtide the one so much. quo. red b. ail but4ditors, " that he was in fa= 'vor of the liberty" Of ` I!us Press. but itlo of "the i ildgel'" Were helilive now, he donbt, lei would, be, mean ctiough to hang ipmell `tn , •ii in this town " fot 4 giving aid and cern- fort to the enemy." What a prolific subject .tor gossip ,is the Weather ! No danger pf slander suits, not evcii a risk of losing char acter by lying about it. " Good morning," cries a blUif looking individual, "glorious weather this; makes a ma n's blood circulate." .4, Yes," says you, with sourieeth chattering i ' your ' lanthorn jaWs, ii?Yery cold ; " pipes 'poor little Mrs. A., with h thin weazen face perfectly blue, and you "Yes, ma-am, very: * . Thus it goes. IN . .1 lie all night, and then lie all day.: The n 'or womati . that won't lie about the -•ithq is ignorant of the first•principles of tr a sopial politeness. • We tr ere very glad to hear of Capt. John B Re d's appointment to n. Captaincy in-the I valid Corps, but sorry that he was ordered a ay * to David's lilvd, New York. 'He c.' 11 dO himself and his country credit miter- e er be goes. -- ti'iTe tremble in, omYboots as we piss the theersirigaged in the t 7ourt Martial held at ..resent in our town. Every man wears ,at side a sword of justice, and 'dressed in lull uniform looks "very like a male.Nerne- MS Our fairners have had a glorious 'Fall, to malse ap . pr their losses by the Rebel inva sive:,, We hope for better luck nest time It is bard to believe Plat the Holidays will l-o ppon ns in about two weeks. The nation ould, be, pleased to receive Charleston or RAmond by way of a Christmas gift's, B..dcs, pitures, photograph albums and fan cy foods can be bed'at SilltYoClC.'l3, but we'd pet z'r to have Charleston: r several years past there \has een a ban- of young reprobates stealing Win stores and Zees, yes, even' from Law offices. d i Thee have frequently been- caught, but Arm; h mistaken philanihrophy they haie been ilowed to escape. Would it not be a 'good i lea to publish the names for the ben efit of the community and their parents? • Que r things happen now and then, so queer sto surpass belief; but what one sees with ,• 'e's own eyes a body is likely .to be lieve. I had a most extraordinary experi erice 1-' , t Thanksgiving, day. and feel it my bound n duty to publish the same for the beinefi "pf .the public. I shall tell my story. with(' t exaggeration or exte , -i nation. Ihr retired to bed as usual, the nightbe forp,V,ahksgiving, and must have overslept rnyscl , for I awoke with the sun shining brigb yin my face. lam positive I locked m y d.-or before retiring, whi , lll I have never ''failed to do since I.wai robbed of seventy four dollars and a half, ten years last Ohrist mas. Imagine my surprise then to and at, " my bedside a gentlemanly looking old man, dtowed in black broadcloth from head I o foot, with' black gaiter' "and a black silk bat, a , hand..ome meerschaum pipe in his mouth, tituable rings on his fingers, a diamond breastpin, rich looking shirt-studs, and a gori•onaVatch chain.of the serpent pattern with an opal of wonderful size and brilliancy 'Pendent therefrom. Strange 'to — ley,.l felt rio uneasiness at the unwonted appearance, though he looked unlike any other man I had ever seen. His forehead was high and broad, spwfted with long straight black hair, his arise was' of the Roman type, with the pain' nostril that 'belongs to high breeding; his mouth was large but well formed, and, excepting when he smiled , was decidedly" handsome, at which time the - upper lip bad a haldtof curling in a very supercilious man ner ;his chin was broad and admirablYround tA. I could not judge of his ears, for he kept them 'studiously concealed under his hair. eyes were deepset, piercing, and of a bbighti fiery red. I never before ' saw such a raY ofimoking. He seemed to draw in flame insteiai of smoke, for ever and anon he-blew (54 of . kis mouth, nose and eyes short puffs of - light blue blaze, aloft` puff causing his eiei to .wax more and more intense in their red- Pgiiritil they looked for all fhe World like 'two globules, of "molten iron. , must not' taget to mention that his coat-tail pockets lr - oked to be full of stout rope._ • .4. - repeat it, this strange figure did not fright ' en me in the least—on the contrary he seem an old acquaintance—though I sol- Ilydeciare that I never saw him in all • '3l . .ife till this moment. ,fig.' yams," said he in a brisk business-like, ic I've no time to wait—let us start." • 1 1 .. w! Stazt!" I said as naturally as though I. iirioten him all my life—"start: where?", -'l 4 -irl.."!e•ff , .• smiled that idiosyncratic smile or I.:s, mhich consisted of a curl of the lip like: . I; ol raper shriveled by .the fire-=it was; (.- celsitely ~ lisigrecable--•-and in a pleasing; ;`•It: iinnei.e...A3ary" for me to tell you that . ns±t a spirit, anal not what the church Pro- , nou - c•es orthodox. ..itber—to make a, long . stori shot, lam noi—hem! the Devil act 4 'btit t rank high couneil;ind aMf in fa, t hia:,..ecretat..y of ti..e T'reasury."- • . "St.vretary of the T:cusuri-: " I exclaimed. ..4 1 Whai dOci the De—:-- me,—his ivajesty want with- money! •• .• here-be laughed an ugirlipgli;: op . nay! cieilon't keel:fro:Limey' t's grua a every dpilar that vrorld.,ior it is our best buit—nu .w 4 ' k-in our Trensury ,BPUltterua pgA=v . 144.4 . %:•h we ;value far loivontli3ifYir arid go: e. tonely'bed-side and praying', "Lord, I thank Thee that I am hot as othbr men. I am rich. and owe -no than anything: . I have a pew in church, -am an Elder inlthe same, and am looked up to by the most of the congrega tion. I an - t a terror to evildoers, 'am liberal' to the poor both with money and advice. I admit that I am mortal, and subject to the weaknesses of mortality, et my feet do sel dom slide even upon sliptery places. I an, thankful for all Thy mercies, particular) for my positi,c,m'in this world, and have con ftdence that Thou Wilt make it equally goo in the world to come. Wilt Thou bless my daughter, whom, unlike the daughters ot the world, I have - sold to hilt one man. Wilt Thou have pity upon mylunfortuate son:whe yet riots amid the flesh pets of Egypt. It t true he is not as commen then, for he riot, in the best, and never is allowed to lie where he falleth. May his eyes be opened to his possible loss;of social position. Bless me in my houses and - barns, my .mortgages - and stocks, my notes and-judgments, and may I grow richer and richer, and may men gra& upon me and point to relc, as I pass by,' one especially selected by Thee as the recip ' ient of all temporal blessings, and when. my time comes,to die--which I trust is far dis , tact, foeriftm;s:it Moses live to his hundred and tweitieth year,—may I have an exceed ,: thg large funeral, and * * *" here the spir 'it madela divest the prayer, squeezed - it- to the aim of a grain of mustard - seed, rolled it ' in something like tinfoiland ptaced it in his portmonnaie with - a snap. In another house I saw a Lawyer, praying, " Lord, bet my neighbors to, logger-heads, that I may get clients. May my rich friends die; that I may settle up their estates ; may the . Sheriff, and* Constables, and 'Squires prosper, that I may - gain much employment; —may * * " This - was enough- for my companion, who rolled' up the fragment carefully with a gesture,of satisfaction I next observed a government contractor at his x devotions: "0 LAI," prayed he, "suffer this war to last just a little'while „ i . longer, if . it be Thy will; and if it be not I Thy will,"let it last a !cry little longer." * * i The spirit with a smothereiyaugh pocketed 1 the prayer, remarking to me, " we. have 'a lower deep' for such fellows." , Then I saw a minister of the gospel pray,:' " that he might haVe hit sphere, of usefulness'; increased in a larger and wealthier copgrega-: tion, where the salary would be comniensu-• rate.". This petition was - cut off summarily and bagged like the rest. After I became accustomed to my new position, I discovered that I could see a great-many prayers :at a time. A fast youth prayed " that he might be successful in his bets, his appetites, and amours.": A weak yoUng man, "that he i might achieve notoriety of any kind." A ; foolish girl, "that she might have an abu.n- ii danc,e of fine clothes and beaux." A silly ,1 mother, " that her boys might get fame, an ;; her girls" husbands without labor;" A poli- I tieian, " that his party might win, whothet t, the country lost or not.i' A poet, "that hi: 1: verses thight please theladies." A specula- t tor, " that gold would go up to 200." A girl withouta heart, " thatshe might make others - like unto herself." A; Copperhead, " t, that ' his deaf, this darling, bountry might be at ii peace with all the world and the rest of man , 4 kind, and the slave be 'forever a slave." At, doctor ; "that measles, whooping cough. 1: small-pox, cholera, yellow fever and all th- 1 ills of Pandora's box Imighi abound." A :.. flour merchant t , with al large stook on hand, . " that a famine might Overspread the land." i A pedagogue, "that all other pedagogues 1 might go crazy, andl'he alone be; oft to teachl the young idea how to shoot." A liquor 1 dealer, "that,a law shOuld be enacted com pelling men to, take not less than four drinks' a day." I , One prayeriw particttlar amused me might ily—by an old lady who had been to church the night before—"" hat the Lord Would grant her two daughters two bonnets exactly like thoselhe Misses EL were'; and a set - of 1 furs for herself hand4mer . than Mrs.; A's; I for 0," said she, "I don't want 'em unless] they be handsomer."t A good Protestant supplicated heartily "that God - would damn the Catholics to a min'," and a devout Oath-, olio lamerited grievouslYthat the palrky days' ; ) of the good old Torquernada had passed away." : A fellow inthesubstitutelineprayed "for en-i 1 other draft," and a hOspital Surgeon " that j the hearts oftheborttrupnitymight be, moved,' to send unto the poor-aick and wounded sol-' dier all Manner' of delicacies." . Each and -every Of • these petitions wall .'eedily intercepted by the spirit, before it; '.17 .e to - float into space. Ino longer .. ,twhy so litany prayers never reached: I 1 , ,ranfifin iltposZip fitgv, rittembet 9, 1863: TilTnztorit. By thebyeithe following little incident may be - as much of . a .relief)to my reader as it eras`te me.' r observed a shabby looking creature, his room all littered up with scraps and clippings of paper, kneeling on his lank knees, with a huge pair of shears pro truding from his pocket. Re was mumbling some inarticulate words, among which I .could distinguish, " Palladium of our„liber-. ties bloody and atroeidus—damning crime —black-hearted villain—our vile and men dacious cotemporary—now's the day and - now's the hour—freemen ari-s-s-se! !" etc., etc. I turned with some curiosity to my comrade to see hoe: he would take it, and found his nose turned upward with a con tempt that made him look positively uglY, as he said : `"Nugce! Don't listen to that -he's an RDITOR. Edito:S' prayers are too, light to sink and too heavy to ascend. Vox, or - eterea nil! the motes you see in the sun ,bine."- A fit of coughing seized upon the speaker, caused by. his violent remarks, giv ing me time to observe a few prayers of a dif ferent character. The Literior of a misera ble cottage, occupied by a lone widow was opened to my view. Its occupant was seat ed .on a rickety chair, her head in hor hands, and resting on. her knees. Scalding tears trickled through her wasted fingers. An pen newspaper - lay upon the well-worn. ta de. I could read "G.Lonlons Vic:roar - !" . tit, the head 'of p column, and at the foot, ,mong the killed, the name of her only' dar ing, son. " 0 God ! 0 God !" she cried, and lothing more. The holy words floated up :ford unmolested, apd'disappearedina bright unbeam. turned my moistened eyes to another Acture: a ragged, hungry looking family zneehng before taking their morning meal, , v'nich consisted of nothing' but bread and ,rater. The father raised his eyes humbly zu,,Lteaven, but opened not his mouth. The hOughts of his starving children and their lend mother made him almost an unbeliever. iris youngest . boy said, "Father, t can pray —mother taught me;" and raising his little 'winds and voice,le recited— "OUR FATHER WHICH. ART IN HEAVEN, Peace fell up7in the wretched family, the fa- Ither's heart was softened, and Faith assumed its wonted sway. - ~ • My guide had by this time sufficiently re i :overed to observe what engrossed my atten .l tio'n, when a violent tremor agitated him - I' from head to foot. " The Loan's -- Prayer !" *he gasped ; and as he unnded his tail from 1 about my body, he spread a thin 'bat-like $ pair of wings, which I had not previously observed, and whirred away out of my sight, 1 leaving Me shivering and shaking in my yet warm bed. ? lied this happened to me the night after 4 Thanksgiving, I. - could have accounted for 1 i it, but as it was, I believe itto be true, every, .! Word. * SUPPLIES FOR RICHMOND PRISONERS.- Dr. J. K. Reed, of this place, who has taken such a generous and zealous part in afford ing relief to our unfortunate prisoners in the Richmond prisons, requests us to acknowl 7 edge the receil•t by him of the following sup plies and which he has duly forwarded: From Mrs. M. A. Reid : dry beef, 5 IDs sausage, 2 1 / 2 ths coffee, Sibs sugar and tea, 1. ham, 1 bushel apples, 1 bus. potatoes, 3 lbs butter, 1 peek onions, and 2 jars pickles. From three of the Mrs. Reefers: 3 bus. apples. 1.34 bus. potatoes, 3 peeks dried ap ples, 11 qts. dried cherries, 6 qts. dried blackberries,. 5 cans apple butter, and a lot of tomatoes. From Mrs. J. S. 'Nixon: 10 loavesuf bread, dried beef and anions. From Mrs. Huber: 10 loaves of bread From Hon. Jas. Black.: potatoes andapples. From Mr. Jobh !Asher : 1 barrel of flour. This was for warded to the American Relief Association at Bal timore. From Capt. Jas. Brown: 1 bush. potatoes. From J. S. Nixon: 1 bushel potatoes. From Jacob Stouffer: 134 bus. potatoes, 134: bus. apples., From Mr. Kauffman: 1 crock: apple butter. 1 bushel po tatoes, 8 lbs ham, driedtbeef, 6 qts. dried fruit, 31b3 coffee and 13 lbs crackers. The sum of $lO was also received by sub geription to pay the freight on the above sup plies The total weight of the supplies Was 1,510 lbs. The Doctor forwarded the supplies to Rich.: mond for prisoners confined in Libby. with the exception of rone lot intended for those in Castle Thunder.. He has most undoubted assurance that the donations are duly received ind properly distributed. It.. is hoped that the good work is only begun; and that our odople, realizing the condition of our bray nen enduring the pangs of , hunger and in leScribable other miseries in Southern 411- .ons for the cause of their couatry, will re pond •promptly and generously to the ap i)eals made. Mr. Ould, Rebel State Com missioner of Exchange, may denounce as infamously false" the storms of the suffer rigs of our prisoners circulated through the North, but the evidence that these stories are ,ieither coined or exaggerated comes to us dmost daily. We have -before teOrt: letter 2rom one whom we knote to bii a brave sol dier, an intelligent man and whose veracity cannot be doubted, in which he says " those officers captureditnd without funds, are in a starving condition," and urges immediate relief. Again, " the rations issued to the prisoners is nothing more than corn-bread. and that not fit for a dug to eat." The lettur bears date-November 22d, and did not come through Rebel hands. We trust, then, that for the sake of . hu: manity t for-the sake of the cause and for a sincere. expression of appreciation and sftn pathy our readers will remember in a sub stantial manner our Richmond priioners and hasten contributions to their Dr.. Reed will forward boxes or parcels weekly, and persons wishing to contribute will leave their gifts at the stores of Messrs. Eyster & Bro., Mr. James L. Black, Messrs. Hoke & Co. and Mr. William Wallace. Nxw Orsacxxs.—The new county officers ,chosen at the late election assumed the du ties of their respective positions on Monday bud. Maj. K. Shannon Taylor has retained Mr. John Glosser, as clerk, and be also assists 0. Mitchell in the office of Clerk of the Courts.' Mr. Strickler has been duly in stalled as Register and Recorder; 'and Mr. Good' was . qUalifted Commissioner some time ago. Toßacco enter TBS.--The tlreencastle Pi lot gives the' experiment of Mx. Christian Hoover, - of Antrim, in the culture of tobacco last season: He prepared, abOut taro dares and a-half of marsh ground, upoi'l the farm of Mr. J. B. Witmer. In the beginning of June last he set out his plants, in square rows; the_ hills being three and a-half feet apart. The plants consisted of the following varieties, viz : Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Havana. The tops were fre quently cut off seas to allow the leaves to grow large. The labor expended in hoeing, etc.. was equal to the daily labor of two per sons during the three months or more of the tobacco season. The first ere!) was cut off the ground in the latter.part of_August; and when dry it wif make "about 000 lbs. The tobacco is of very good quality. The second crop was easily worked; and timed out tol erably well. The whole; 'hOweVer, made several hundred pounds. Season§ when the frosts do not come early, the : second crop can be made to pay considerably more than 'the expenses incurred in working 'both crops. Prom the foregoing, it will he seen that rai sing tobacco in this county will pay. Other anti larger experiments will be niade next summer. Music CLASSES.—Protßobert A. M'Clure desigps raising . claSses in Vocal Music in Chambersburg, Greencastle and Shippens burg. Ile is thoroughly master of his pro fession, and an experienced and successful teacher. - He will teach both adult and ju venile classes.: Persons who cherish the popula' r error that Lave cannot learn to sing well, Will have these -delusions dissipa ted by -witnessing the improvement of a class under the care of Mr: M'Clure. CousTETtFlus.—The new fractional•eur rency has not -As yet obtaihed much of a cir culation:in this section, but it is perlinpswell enough - to state that the new fifty cent de nOmination ,has been 'counterfeited. The counterfeits are made by splitting ten and fifty cent notes, and sticking the halves each together. To guard against them both. sides should be examined. tIltE COMPANY ELEGIION.-At tmi annual election Of the Hope Fire Cony; held at their Hall on Monday eva,ast, S. Miller Shillito was;re-elected President, and B. F. Snyder, Secretary. PROPOSALS FOR BEkp.—Attention is in vited to the advertisement of .Capt. Wilt bank in to-day's paper, asking proposals-for fresh beef far arni-y purposes. Fox ONCE, we take-pleasure in calling the attention ,of our readers to an•ndrertleement—that of .I.l.Ave 34tevens' family Dye Colors," in this day's paper. These Dyes have becomn a household necessity, and so general In their. use that many a well dressed lady finds that many an article once rejected as out of date, is, by the aid of these Dyes, made naval as new. JUST received, n lot of small Kerosene Lamps, convenient fur carrying about the house, very cheap, Also, the beet Coal Oil at 20 cts. a quart at Herana & Ca vsst at's Drag Store. IVriEN you have been every place and can't find what you wan t, golo OstAncEs' cheap Whole sale anti ftetall Store. 'Le keeps everything. Vr.i.wiczs keeps the largest assortment of Groceries and lionsekeeping, articles in town. Ise" nails cheap at Wholesale and Retail. ) , Bi your Kerosene Oil from Gelwieks, he e agenifekoae of the best Oil Companies to 'the State and atways sells the best oil wholcsule and retail. READ Gelwiel - i? advertisement in this weeks paper. LEGAL INTELLIGENCE COMMON PLEAS—WRITS IbSITED The following writs were issned in the Court of Conimon Pleas last week: Wm. Morerron.- vs. Jacob Middower. Replevin for sorrel horse of the value of $lOO. Brewer for Maria - Keefer. by her next friend Lervislynmpler; vs. Benjamin Keefer. Sohnoena in Divorce. Sell hatucr for PM. , Martin Myers. vs. Eliza Rowland. - Foreign At tachment in-debt not exceeding $3OO. Jacob But terbaugh. Garnishee, BrOver for PDT, - Abraham Saylor, vs. L. "B. Brenneif. Sammons in assumpsit. Stambaugh S Stewart for Plff. • Christopfier_Lehman, yi: ! ...T,oseph Shugart and Ja cob Baughman. Replevin for ono -iron grey horse of the value of $lOO. Stambaugh L,Btewart for Plff. ORPHANS . COURT—LETTERS GRANTED. Th - o following letters , of administration and letters-testamentary P. , ere issued, during last week: Estate of Philip MeGaffigan. late of Chambers burg; letters of administration to Alex. Martin. Estate of John Sleighter, late of Green township:: letteit of administration to Geo A - . Henry Sleighter. Estate of Samuel Hollebaugh. late of Guilford township ; letters of administration to Win... Boyer, Estate of Peter W. Stouffer, late of Guilford town ship,: letters of administration to Jacob Stouffer (of Abraham) ACCOITET3 FILED. The following accounts wore tiled during last week.' Account of Wm. Pomeroy. administrator of Ara bella Maclay, dee'd.. Fannet township. Account of Dr. M. F. Robison, administrator d. h, in, c, t, a. of Robt. Robison. late of Antritn town- Accoint of•ino: lierbaugh, administrator of Hen n' Jiets, late of Washington township, deed. GUARDiAI.IB APPOINTED. WrO.lll. M'Dowei.l appOinted Guardian of Elliott and itiohard Bard. Jr. ORDERS OY Orders, granted for sale of Real, Estate of Matthew dec'd. Order granted for sale of Real, Estate George Le master', deo'd. INQUISITIONS GRANTBD Inquisition granted on the Real Estate of Daniel Monn.- Inquisition on Real Estatebf Michael Cobel. late of Hamilton township. Inquisition on Real Estate of Joseph Van Lear, late of Fayetteville. • Inquiiition on Real Estate of Daniel Cobel, late of St.' Thomas. Inquisition on Real Estate of NanefE. Carson, /late of Mereetsburg. ' will pay for the REPOS.' 1100 TORY ono year to ba seat to a eoldiar is $ the gerviee. - --,_ O' CENTS will pay for the REPO kiSITOKY six tacathis to be as t to a Solate to service. • Beal exitate *airs. VALUABLE RFAT, ESTATE AT PUDhIC SALE.—ThiTemill be exposed at Puts llc Sale, on the premises, is W.Vren township, Franklin county, on Friday, fki lathday of December. 1863, the fdlowing very desirable tracts or parcels of Land; late the Estate of Jacob Zimmerman, dec'd, THE MANSION FARM of said deceased, contaluingl96 Acres and 49 Perches, nest measure, adjoining lands of P. W • Cook, Jacob Zimmerman, Wall Brewer, and Peter Zim merman. The improvements consist of a two storied BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, large Brick Bank Barn, and other out-buildings. The land is welt watered— " Down Cove Creek" passing through the acme. About 166 Acreiarecleared, enclosed mostly with goid post and-rail fence, and under cultivation. There is, also a good Apple Orchard on the premises. This tract is known in the Sheriff's Irquisitiou as Purpart .1. Also, A TRACT OF LAND, containing 210 Acme and 116 Perches. neat measure, adjoining Jacob Zimmerman, Peter Cook. Henry Brewer and Peter Zimmerman, About 150 Acres cleared, well fenced, and under caitiva- Hen.% The Improvements area two-storied DWELLING MOUSE, Log Barn, Saw Mill, Tenant House, sod other buildings.. There is. also, on tints tract a thriring.young Apple Orchard. This Farm is well watered—" Mountain Run" passing through it. Known as purport No. 2. Also, A TRACT OF LAND, containing 10 Acres, , and 61 Perches, neat measure. adjoining lauds of A. Ward John Zimmerman,Poter Zimmerman and others, the Mill Tract. On title tract there is erected A FOUR, STORIED GRIST HILL, capahi t e of turning out 30 bids of Flour per day •,n three storied Brick Dwelling House, wlthan excellent Spring of -Water in the cellar; 2 Log Dwelling Houses: Saw Mill ; 2 Stables, and otherbuild ings. Known aspnrport No. 4. TERMS:—One-third of the purchase money to remain for the use of the widow, theinter tat thereof to be paid her semi-annually, at her death, principal to heirs Bal. ance--onethird iu hand and two equal annual payments with interest from 1 April, 1864. Possession U. begi ven 1 April. 1864. Payments to he fleet:red in the land. S.,to to conimonce at 10 o'clock, A. JOHN S. ZIMM PAM AN . Admre. not , 18 ' JACOB S - ZI1111111101AN: I CHANCE FOR SPECULATION —VALUABLE PROPERTY AT PRIVATE BALE.—The undersigned, on acoonnt of , advancing, years and consomient inability to superintend and man age the huskies, will sell at Private S ale her property, formerly knowt as " HANOVER IRON WORKS" and now known as "ELYSIAN MILLS," situated nine miles South of McConnellsburg, (the county seat of Fulton county, Pa.,) on the road leading to Hancock, Md., and distant twelve miles from the latter place, on the Chesa peake and 01110 Canal and the Baltimore and Ohio,itail Road. The property contains 600 ACRES. four Itundrixt of which is mountain Land well -timbered, affording ex cellent range and pastuie for cattle and sheep. Of the remaining two hundred acres, about one hun dred is cleared and - under fence and in a good state of cultivation, comprising LIMESTONE, SLATE and BOT TOM LAND.. The improvements consist of a three story Stone and Frame FLOURING MILL, complete in all its arrangements for either Custom or Merchants lot k, with four run of stones and two Water Wheat, and an UNFAILING SUPPLY OF VC, ATER, situated - on Cove Creek in a fine grain growing region. A SAW MILL nearly new ; a two story Stone Dwelling Bowe, witk all the necessaryand convenient attachments and out-buildings, with a choice variety of fruits and shrub bery surronuding the whole, and with n never-failing Well of water at the door and under root. A. Stone Building containing a, STORE ROOM and BUSINESS OFFICE. Two Darns, a Carpenter Shop, ani a Black smith Shop. Two old frnit.bearing Apple Orchards and one young orchardjust beginning to bear. the is an inexhanstable MINE OF:IRON ORE op the premises, offering inducements to capitalists wishing to embark In the Iron business. .• To any person wishing to engage In the Distilling bu siness this Is a most inviting location- I f the property is not sold by the let4Febretary, 1864 it will be for rent. - Forfprther information call on me on the premiere, or apply' in person or by letter, to James Pott, McConnell-- burg, Fulton county, Pi.' Zlysian Mille, nos . 18itf.] MAODALENA POTT. ADJOURNED SALE OF VALIT . - .4.11L1C REAL ESTATE.—The undersigned, Ad mitustrators of John Beaver, late of Peters township, county of Franklin,, de'ff, will offer ; at Public Sale. in London, on Thursday, the 'loth day of Decentbex, 1863. the following described Itiva Estate, to wit: A vain blo STONE GRIST MILL, awn/tame Saw Mill, situato on the Conocochengue Creek, Di - Peters township, and adjoining the town of Loudon. These Mills are in good condition, are vreillocated for custom, and have a superior water power. Therm are attached to said prop arty 55 AC UES and 1 PERCIIES,of land 'two Dwelling Houses, and other improvements. 'Usu.—A FARM or TRACT OF LAND. situate In Peters township, bounded by lands of Daniel' Trestle and other hinds of said deceased, containing 215 ACRES and 22 'PERCHES, and having ;thereon a -STONE and ROUGH CAST DIV CLLING 1101/SE, - a Stone Barn and two Orch ards of good fruit. Also.—Another TRACT OF LAND, situate in Peteri township, bounded by lands of Daniel Trestle, Samuel Hollinger; Jacob Barger and other lands °Dodd dec'd. con taining 218 ACREs and 111 PERCIIIIS, 'with a FRAME DIVELLLNG HOUSE the eon. Tenant Hon* a Log Stable and small Orchard thefeon. The above Farms, wfflbe divided, prior to the sale, in to smaller tracts, : There will ale. be offered on same day. about 50 ACRES of valuable CHESTNUT TIMBER LAND, in tracts of 10 to 15 Acres. Alat- Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, F.:41., on said day, when the terms will be make known by PETER EUNELEMAN, idner. M A BY JANE BEAVER, Adnerx. nor2s, of John Braver do'c'd By order of Court.—Vnr. G.•SUTen Lt. Clerk. • • VA.LUABLE FARE: FOR SALE. —Thesubscriber offers at kirivate ale,hisFAit3t situated about IA mile from Quincy,containglsl ACRES 14of which is in TIMBEIR and thriving Chestnut. of the Farm is of the bestqual ity of MILESTONE LAND and all to a high state of cultivation. The impiove mentsare a large BRICK lIOUSB, with' psatice and porches, a now BRICK BANK BA R.N".80 feet long, with Wagon Shed and Corn Crib attached, double Frame I`arriage llonse.Brick Wash House, Smoke !louse, Bake Oven, and sal neessary outbuildings, in good repair There is a large Cistern closet) the tiarn.usod for Stock' :Lad one near the kitchen. There is a Well of excellent water in the yard. There is also a variety of choice Fruit, such as Pearl;, Plume, Peachss and Grapes in the yard. There isaiso a good ORCIIARR of yhtingthrixing Fruit en the premises. Persons wishing to view the land can de so by calling on the subscribe! or any information respecting it can be obtained by calling on Gee. J. Balsley, County Treas urer. [sept 7.7011 N lIIDDOWER. RIVATE SALE OF TANNERY _IL NEAR RAYETTEVILLE.—The undtreigned will self at PrivateSele, the &limit g described.REAL 'PATE, to wit: • 30 ACRES OF LAND.. Allunder good fenceand tillable, with a goodl3riek Dwell fag. n never failing well of good water near the door, a good Barn and Thrashing Floor, a fine' Orchard bearing the best fruit. Also A TANNERY of 321.argoVate, 6 large Leachea with limes end yebnle Bark Mill, Roller. Pork) and Fulling Stacks; all tni.ze e t lent order, the whole operating by ,IVAT.ER POWRR. Ah.4a a good . Barkatted, all unsurpassed in convenience and labor saving. The above property will be 'bowl; toany person on ap plication to Jacob B. Cook of Fayetteville, or John B. Conk of Chembereburg: Terme y ill be reaeenable. -June 17,!63-if PBT ER COOK. PPUBLIC SALE.—The undersign oil. Executor" of the lest Will and Testament of Daniel Shively. late of Chambersbarg, dft'd, will ex pose to Public Sale, on the premises. on Friday, the 11th day of December. 1863, alt the following described Reel Estate, to wit : That DOUSE and LOT °FORUM/. the late residence of the said deceased, situate on Main St. of the said Borongh, and bounded by' the lot of P A. Zarman on-the north. and Philip Byers nn the Sonth, being 3 1 6 feet in front and 266 feet deep. The House is 'built of Brick, two stories high and in_ excellent remit. tion Persons wishing to purchase can slew the property by calling upon Lewis Wempler, one of the Exectitore, re. siding in Chambersbnrg. Sale to commence at 10 o'cloot on said day/When the terms will be made known by PETE& SHIVELY,I n0r.2.5-te ' LEWIS WAMPL - ''• TWO HOUSES FOR SALE.-=The undersigned offers at Prirate Sale, TWO LOTS in Fayetteville,one of the lots having thereon erected* new two storie • double FRAME HOUSE, and the other sone and a-hat fs tort ed house. The Property ledesirably located for business,oras a private dwelling,heing in the -neighborhood of the -Academy and opposite Brown's Rotel - Portions wishing to view the property can do no bycallingupon Dr.Fahrney, tb e present occnpant,orthe subscriber. Tonne made to snit purchasers. wept 9.tf • _ JNO. G. BIGRAM • personal. Vroiertg Sif> des. 13 TIBLIC SALE.--The undersign.; ed,Adrnlnfatrator of George Lehman, late of Green eatable; dec'd, will offer at Public Sale, at the residence of mid dec'd, about 234 miles north of Cbutmbersburg. on Friday, the 11th day of December. 1663 the following personal Property, to wit: 1 -TIMER MARKS, two of which are with iced: 9 head of Cattle, two of which are Cows with calf; 4 fat Hogs and 6 Shotee. Ala 1 NARROW-MAD WAGON; 1 Spring Wagon; 1 mock/away Buggy; I Sleigh.; Plows and narrows ; 1 Windmill ; Perks and Bakes; Harness; Collars and Bridles ; ISaddle; Single; and Double Treat ; KAY -BY THE TUN; Cora by the barrel; Grain in the ground; Potatoes by the bushel; a lot of Corn Fodder; gam a general variety of Household and •Kitchen FUR NITURE, consisting in patty of Bede, Bedsteads; Tables, Chairs, Stoves and Pipe, (Meerut, Tin and Crockery Ware, and many other articles. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, when' the takes will fie made known. MICHAEL R. WENUER, Adni'r. , '. dad C. Banana, Auetioner. . . real (state Sales. P m SALE-OF VALUABI,B REAL ESTAT.E.—The undersiimed, Executors el ee J.Acerinetly, 1 - ate of Guilford tomasi,i p d i e , will offer itt.Pablic Sate, on prereisesPon ~the Pathday of De,e..ber, 1663, the following tteserib e k Real Estate,to wit. ' .k All that valuable GRIST MILL, Minato about li, mile South-west of Chambersbuvg,on the Conococheigue Creek. The 3111. L is two story. part Frame. and par* Brick- has three run of Stone, and has lately been thoroughly repaired. There are attached to said Pro' petty, Ii ACRLS and 10 PERCHES of Land, putt a which is excellent 'Meadow • and it.one and a hall story Roughcast DWELLING HOUSE., and Stable. The Mill has a 1a4.6 town and country custom. Also, At the same time and place, a TRACT 'OF TIMMER LAND, sitnateintlLmilton township. abdat 534 nitle4 from Chamberiburg, and about half Milo from tbst Warm Spring road, bounded by aunla of James Andrews, John Shaffer. Charles Lightner and others, coutninlng 30 ACRES and US PERCHES, neat measure. This truer la well covered with Pine, Hickory and 00. Unifiers slut if desired at the sale, will be subdivided in innadl tracts. Sale to take place at the still, at 1 o'Cltii:k, P. M said day, when terms will be made known by T. D. KENNEDY, J. L. liEY:lP.try,l Executors. 019 fIRPHANS' COURT SALE 'OF Ll RKAL ESTATE.—The sultscribeis, Adminlyttlei turf of the Estate of George Lehniaster. late of the Bur %ugh of Chamber:4ring, ce d, wilt sell tinder (Inlet of the Orphans' Count of Franki u County, at p a blb s Sale, on, the premises.om Wetineeetam the "23.1 of Dec im a l , 1863, at Iti cluck. the following Ininablp Etat Estate, late the properiy of n*id dec'd Yurpart In Consisting of halt •IXYT i OP OBAITIfti, situate on MairiStreet in the Oorinigh u. Cll&Mbirrsbarg. bounded west. by 313i10 Street, - south by Ipt of (Artie k, Susan iletrick, east by nsixteen feet alley, and on the north by iotof Augustin Rinentan, with a two putty 131110 K DWELLINIIIIOIIBS, and Back Bantling WOOF. on trt.otul. Also, At the same time and place, a - TRACT 0Y . 51017NTA13 LAND, situate in St. Thomas township, Franklin co, I 1 .1 bounded by lands of Kph itun Young, Geo. Keller. Jam ertinpe'a heirs. unit heirs of James Campbell. deed, con. toinHigl6 ACRES and 59 PERUILEg neat measure. .Tlmi above mentioned Laud in well covered with Young and Thiifty Timber'. Persons wishing to view the 'premien', before the day of aide. can du no by calling on the mane aigned. Ternta made known on the dny of sale, by PHILIP LEMASTIDL JOHN A. LRMASTER. ES ORPHANS' COURT SALE, OP - , REAL ESTATE.—The subkriberie- Admintstra• tors of the Esinte of Matthew Gili an, late of the Bor. ough of Chong/ere - berg, deed, will soli under. an or der ;4 th,eorphaute Court of Franklin CUunty. on Tyre. day, tlikr2d of December, 1863, at 1 o'clock, D. 11., a LOT OF GROUND, late the property of said dea l & situate up West Market Street In tho Borough of Chambersburg, bounded by Market Street on the north, lot of Alexatt. der Fritz on the west, an Alley on the south and lot of Robert E. Tolbert en the east, having thereon erected a three story BRICK FRONT BUILDING and 2 two.story- •-• Brick Bulk Buildings. The Front Building, beside thi DiVellingllloll9er MAR/YU; It good Store Boron and a larga and commodloraSaddle and Ilornew Maker Shop, with a large run of custom being :mold Establislkd Stand. in the hack pant there is a Civtern and no excellent Well of Water. There is alsoerected on the lot. ri large Brick Stable and other improvements. The buildiugs axe 114; new, baying been built but a few years. - A good opportunity is now offered to poisons seal% Investments In Real Estate. Terms made known on 'lay of Sal PKy ' CATHARINE C. OILLAN, AditOrs. THOMAS GILLAN, Adm'r. dec2•ta • ÜBLIC SALE,—Franklin Hotel, ' - Greencastle; Pa.—The subscribers will offer al 'u lie Sale, ou the premises, on Solurday, the lila dam of Da-ember, 1.553, the FRANKLIN IIIYfEL, and LOT 01? GROUND, now occupied by Daniel Foremen, situated on Carlisle Street, near the Diamond. The House con tains two Parlors, one on the first-and one on the second floor: Dining Room - , 14 Bed Booms. Kitchen, Baritooni, &e. ThCYARD is large and well arranged for poisons stopping With buggies and wagons. The STABLE -Is in good condition, and capable of accommodating 4u to 50 horses- There is a good Cistern on the piemtsee and s Well of excellent water near the kitchen door. - ' . There is a new pair of Root & Case's RAY AND STOCK SCALES In the Yard, The yard is well adapted log weighing stock, being large and entirely enclpsed, with a good fence, • Persons'desirous of viewing the property will phsJl call on the present occupAnt, who will show the vane. Poissesiiion and good title will be given on the ,le dill uf Apri1.7.364. . , sale to oommonce at 1 o'clock, when terms twill hea made known by, . C. C. FOLTZ. ~- _ . .. tlec2 at .INO. V. CItOFT. - .. VALUABLE STEAIkt TANNfiRY Fon SAbM,—The undersigned will sell at Private e.his TAIIN ELY, k now it as the Corner 'l'suier)i, with steam and water-power. Saw Mill, Chopping Mill.Stueks tor breaking hide... 4 c. The Tannery has b leerbes,S2 vats. 2 limesand water-pool, and is capable of tanning; 800 heavy hides a year. There are two Log Dwelling House , Barn,Stable and other necessary out build tws coon ted with the Tannery. and about Sti Acrescleaseds with d fruit- will sell any quantity of land *hit the T nery. from 1:00 to 700 Acres. o.er WO Acres writ •Tlnthe and ple supply of Chesnut Oak nark to run the fur fifty years., it is situated 'about 7 miles 130 -west of Mercei abng. on Lickiprereek, Terms ran easy. Pose..sahib will be given this ?all: necessary. Fur further partfculers anuses* the under signed, at Mercershurg. Franklin county, PR. ring 12, 11.tf C. lIETCALV. VALUABLE TAVERN ,S-TA4I(D -FOR SALE: , The undersigned offer at ..Prititui SAle. the well known Tavern, situated on the corner 01 Market and Second Streets, now in the occupancy of Sheriff Brown. The Hotel is a large commedionir tw story brick building. The yard attached is admirably arranged for travellers stopping with buggies and wagons. Timetable is largo and airy, and capable t 2 .1 necommodati4front 50 to 00 head of horses. The our, buildingssuclr Wash House, Spri n g Houselee Hones, 0 he. makes it most desirable Hotel in the counts. Its near locationto the Rail Road, Cottrt Bows, Baniii; auil businassplaces,ronde 8 it the most pleasant sod consenientutopplng place In town. Persons desiring to purchase, eit n see th ep rem lees wad .wirn the terms of sale by calling ou the undersigned. BD. .4.11 G BINH/LBO 11:, S. M. WORLEY. - , -- ebnxnb'g. gep t.2:4 f ' • MALL FARM FOR SALE.—The subscriber , will sell et Private Bale the SMALL le NM on which he nowresides l situate in Antrim torn * ship, Prtinklin rounry,ahont six miles from Groomes*. tie, on the Csshlown road, ad pining lands of Sturmil Myersand others. containingabout 'FORTY ACIIEP—ad cleared land; in good order and under good fence*: note is a YOUNG ORCHARD of thrifty trees on theplate. aret n.Well of excellent water. The improvements consist of a two-story .LOG DirtiLLING IiOUBM, , *_NEW BANK BARN.forty-two feet long. and writ finished, and allother necessary mit buildings. Possession will be riven on the Ist of April. 1134. Terms will he made known on application to the mabsetiher residing on tiro premises. , [oct 21 68-tfJ SAZGUEL C. EltlDUe- TANIN.TERY F ORSALE.-i-Tb e • scriber offers for Salo his TA IGNBRT, situate-1p Nc.,onnellsbnrg. Fulton Cennty. They and contains - 40 'VA's S, 9 LEACHES. (all wader roof). with gootiBMAN -sllol'. BARK SHEDS, and everything convenient for carrying ott the business. Au abandanceof Mark cog ha had for $3.00t0 $3,50 iser curd. Large andgoodDWßinle INGHOUSR and Tenant House. trgethev with all nee. essary buildings. and abundance of FRUIT. on the lots of the choicest kind. In connection with the above w ifl Ins sold. if desired. 21 ACRE'S of:prim. LIBIZBTOBa .L AND in ti high state of cultivation. - - oct.7.3nt - - - - - • WM; MORE.- • DEAL •ESTATE AT PRIVATE IA stthseriber will sell atTrliste Fa*, a tart of the lower end of tho OLD 3IANSIO9 - FARILy situatt.d about.. 3 miles front Oreencastle. rontaining about ACRNS, t ofultich is TlMBFRouijoining t. natio on the South and the Franklin Railroad tdi the, Fast. The improvements are a 134 story LOG /101.1 kit and small Stable. A Stream of Water passes thrtatiat the eentreof the land. _ . • • Perso4 wishing to view the premises cif do 040 tatting et the eld :Amnion Farm. n•ov q, '63 tt ABRAHAM KAITINMAIL ANIL — L PROPERTY AT PRTVATII BALE—lllathbscriber Kilt offer at Private Salt 19 ACRES of LAND, situated at Clay Lich, 4 Milos tenth of -Mercersburg, on , the Williamsport read, on which -11 erected A GOOD BRICK KILL; calculated for a -periPn of moderate means.-: There la oleo erected on the preze, leesa stors LCII noun, Stable and other newest? out-buildings. < 2.- . - Term& will be made moderate. norlB-41t• - JOSEPH WIINGRIL ivIA N DJOURNED ASS I G ER!, BALE.—AB the Assignee of Dr. Thomas Walker, c a offer at Public Lase, on theprendees,,itnntedlgte euljoining the Borough of Wahleshoro, Franklin eonnt p a , z% Tyzylay, 'URA day of DaYraber,lB63, at R a! A. Id., several LOTS OF G 1 OVND. well adapted for towst lots which which were left unsold at the last sale of Beal Estate. These lots adjoin lots euld to Lewis F._Pony, ohn Philips, and others. WILLIAM B i LELLAA , nov2s , Assignee. • -f O R -SALE.--1. :will . sell or :elt ,.. change for property, in Chamberaburig.or viciniq s t e INDIAN QUEEN HOTEL, in the Bona WardOf fk. Borough of Mambo rebui•g. This is 05 6 of the b a t stands in Franklin county, with a good run of zustopk; Possession Can be given at any time. -n0v25.. -- - • . JOEIN 1if..111 Fteafi-. U 0 USE AND LOT AT PRIVA BALE, -- I will son at Prkate Sale, tinlat thetttli eit treartooth, the property of Mrs. Mary McKeehan, near the Saw Mill of Shepler, Clarke & Co. pamp a given the Lit of Aprll next. JOSSPII CLAREVI: • " doell4l- v Agent of Wm Mary Mozoilimm