fßebiral. , - pct. .ALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL' nrc—ToirisoN, ibu . founder of this Celebrated. *citation, offers the myst . certain, speedy,`and only enal remedy in the world for Weds, Structures, Waal Weakness. Pilo in the Loins, Constitutional De. bintY. impot e . co, iv e rikness of the Slack ant, Limbs. /Zealous of the &lamp. Palpitation of the Mean, toxYspepsia, Nervous Irrit &Witty. Diseases of the radia head, ' oat, Nose or :kin; and all those serious and n oly disorders. arising from the destructive -habits cu uth, which destroy both body and mind. These secret and: solitary practices are more fatal to their victims *tin thee mg of the Syreus to tho mariner Ulyssus, bilieltieg their most brilliant hopes, or acticipations 'imploring marriage; Sc., impossible, •YYOUNG MEN. roung Men especially; who have become the victims 4-Boiitary Vice,that dreadful and destructive habit ofich anturtily sweeps to an untimely grave thousands young men of the most exalted. talent and , brilllan tstellect, who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the th Indere of eloquence, or waked to fifs!,iscy the living lyre; may call with full confidence. MARRIAGE! Knrried pectoris. oi• .{ g men contemplating mar tle, being aware of pi t yaient weak cow, organic rmitics,"&c., should immediately consult Dr. ohns ton. He wile places himself tinder the care of Dr.Johnoton soy relisjously connde in hi.honor as a gentleman,aad ftAdently rely uptat his Ain as a physician. ORGANIC WEAKNESS ! tirmentTztx ointED AND FULL VAGOD. DEVOE.= 'disease is the penalty most frequently paid by tißoee who have becomp the victims of improper indul Ounces. Yining persons are too apt to commit excesses Crum not being aware of the dreadful consequences that Wry ensue. Now, who that understands the subject ...twill-pretend to deny that the power of Procreation is twit sooner by thou falling into improper habit than by the prudent, ilesides being deprived of'thett pleasure of healthy onpring, the most serious and • destructive empathy to mind awl body arise. -The system become deranged. the. physical an I .mental powers weakened narrows debility, dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart Btdi es io n , a wasting of the frame, cough, symp.om de consumption Office No. 7 South Frederick Sti' - eet, 'wren doors from Raltiawre street, East side, up tilt steiis. Be particular in obierviug the name and ulautber,or you wilt mistake the place. a A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DATE. . -.We Mercury or Nauseous Drugs.' - ' DR. JOIINkTON,: bar of the Poiyal ~ 15Ilege of Stageons, London, gra ' to from one' of the most eminent Colleges of the sited States. and the greater port of whose life has - been spent In the hospitals of London. Paris, Yhiladel phi& an 4 elsewhere, has effected some of the most aston &Wog cures tint were over known. „Many troubled -With ringing in the head and ears when asleep, great akironanek.s. being alarmed at sudden sounds, and hash lildneas, with frequent hlrishing, attended sometimes ttlikttlitringemeut of mind, were cured immediately. -:- - A CERTAIN DISEASE! . ' 'When the misguided and imprudent votary of plea *ate ands he has imbibed tie seeds of this painful die Om it too often baptisms that an ill-timed sense of dhame, or dread of discovery, deters him from applying to those who from education and - respectabiiity c a n Moue befrieftd him,dolaying till the constitutional symp bins tif this horrid disease make their appearance, etch ai ulcerated or throat, diseased nose. nocturnal pains in the head and limbs, diumess'of sight, deafness, nobs Oa the shin, lames and arms, blotches on the head, fuse. led extremities; progressing with frightful rapidity. 1101 at last the palate of the month or the bones of the, noes tall in sad the victim of thiSawful disea s e b ecome . &horrid object of commisseration,,till d. ath puts a pe 'fad to his dreadful sufferings, by senoiag him to "that bourne from whence no traveller returns." To such, eilterefore. Dr. Johnston pledge's himself to preserve the most inviolable secrecy and from his extensive practice &the' first hospitals of Europe and A merica, he can recommend a safe c r ud speedy cure to the tbfwettenate victint of this horrid. disease. It is it melancholy f.ut that th:pusands fail victims to ets horrid disease owing to the iiriskilfullness of ignco• Tint pretenders who by ass of thatdoadful poison, bier *try, ruin the constitution,and either send the uu , ortn. uate to an untimely grave, or make the residue of life siaerabfe, TAKE, PARTICULAR NOTICE! Dr .J. addresses these who have injured themselves 14 , Ingrate and huproper indulgences. These are some of the sad and melancholy effects pro *teed by earjy habits of youth. viz:—Weakness of the Mack and Lambs, Pains In. the Mead, Dimness of eight, Lose of Muscular Power. Palpitation of the Heart, Dys pepsia, Nervous Irritability, Derangement of the Diger,- *lva Igunctione,Generui Debility, Symptoms of Donsurup Sion, kc. tztvativ, the fearful effects on the mind are much to dreaded: loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Depres lion of Spirits, Sail Forebodings. Aversion to Society, V.elf-Distra.,t. Love of Sulitude„'firnidity, ac., aro some olf_the -oil!. effects. _ - Thousands of persons of all ages can now judge what Saha cause of their declining health, losing their. vigor, becoming weak. pale. have eingular appearance about Mee eyes, cough. and symptoms of Consumption. Di. Johnston's Inrigorating Reniedy for Or ganic. IYsagness. 111t.lels great and important remedy, Weakness of ellie.Organs is speedily cured, and full vigor restored. Thousands of the most nervous and debiiitated ; who bad lost ail hope, have been inimelintely relieved. all mpediments to it'll - Hoge. Physical or Mental Diequ ali &elan. Nervous Irritability. Trembling. Weakness or Xahnustton of the most fearful kind opeedily cured by alr. Johnston. YOUNG MEN, rho have injured themselcra by a certain practice,in• ;algal in when alone—a - habit frequently learned fr to 41,11 companions, or at school, the effects are nightly telt, eren'when asleep, and if not cured. render ma . - -Hags impassible, and destroys both mind and body, /it Id apply immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hope of his coun- Isy, - tho darli f p iients, should be snatched from Sal prospects and enjoyments oft ife, by the consequenct edoviatin g fnatt he path of nature, and indulging in a solletahs secret habit. Smn persons, before contemplat • 1414 MARRIAGE "hyoid rpflect that a sound mind and body are the moscnete-salty requiniten to promote connubial happt nese. Indeed, without those, thejourney through life becomes a weary pilgrimage, the prospect hourly dark toe to the.vlew;tho mind becomes shadowed with de spair, and tilted with t Ito melancholy reflection, that happiness of another becomes blighted sfith our On 1,. -Orner. No. 7, &ATTE FREDEBICX 47, 3 ' BALTIMORE. ¶U• STRANGERS irany thoasands cured at this Institutiptilu the "citet fl rteen years; and the nnmeroue important; surgical aperlitluns nerfurnied by Dr.'', witnessed b' the re !petters of the papers. and many other person!. notices of which have appeared again and again heforiethe pub• 7-111 e, is * sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. N.B, There era so many Ignorant an worthless IR licks advertining theme (veil as Physicians, raining el health or t fie already afflicted.. Dr. Johnston deems lro necessary to sal- to those unacquainted with his rep , sitaklon, that his Diplomas; hang in his office: ga s TALC Norms—All letters must be post pald,and fsititsin a posta,m stamp for the reply, or no answer will beeent. Feb 25, '63-Iyr. 3800t5 anti' NE* SHOE STORE.—The Sub scriber takes this method of informing the gang of Chambersburg and vicinity, that he has lust returned 'rom Plaindelybils with an. ENTIRELY NEW jtroCK of Boots and Shoes, of every variety, style and pattern, and of the brat manufactures. Ife has ;zooid Sleipkeepers on hind. ills whtde Stock Orturta. Giro him a call—yen can easily suit yourself. 116 invitee the Ladies. especially, to call, MB he will take gdome kr e h t .sbowing his goods. Store -in the MOM fqr tistly occupied by Frederickßmi th, Esq., ris a Li* Office, and more recently wont for the pnrpose by Gebrgo`Eys- F.sq., two doors North o.! Fisher's Hotel, Main Stt eet; Nlbantbersburg. - Pa. fib large and well selected stock. he being a practical Shoemaker. consists of Ladies' Gaiters. Boots, Slippers Ind Buskins ; 'ffi&ses' rind Children's Boots and Shoes; Gontlemetes Gaiters, Slippers, hoots and Brogans. Do not forget the place. No trouble to show floods at theNEW STORE, two doors North of Fisher's Hotel, Wain Ttreeet,Chatabersburg, Pa.. by Jane 17 .1862. 'PETER BELIIMAN. C • LLAND SEE ?--THE:UNDER, • SHINED announces to his Munerons friends and 416stomers, that he continues to matmfacture to order. find keepi on hand a full and complete assortment of "rations loath lee and styles of 8110Z3 and GAITERS, - Cyr Ladles, Misses and' Children. His assortment of BOOTS, SHOES. b.e., for %ten and Boys' wear le com plete,.to which he respectfully invites attention. 'Work: Wall kinds glade to order. in a neat and durable man ner "and at elMrt notice. Call and see before purchasing edisierherei. and he will Bailey purchasers that he sells at Very email profits fur Cash. Don't:forget the place— Ikeare.;* .)alosite Uutz k Keefer'. Store. hamberebnrg, t ie - ' aEoRdE LERNER. ' ;one 174843. , Rif C. POPEINIE. I _ lONS latlN C. HOPKINS & CO. IMPORTERS .t.DPALSRS IN INA, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE, N 0.62.2 MERSEE SnUT. PHILADL2PHIA. Pnr further particular' apply to S. S. SHRYOCE alwobersburg,pa 1a0p.2447. Pats, Caps aub Sum! FANCY FURS ! FANCY Plats! ! .101 IN FAREIRA, 18 Arch Si., below Bth south side, Ph,i4a, Importer. Manufacturer of and Dealer in all kinds of BANCY FURS! for Ladies' and Children's Wear. I wish to return my thanks to my friends of Franklin and the eurrounding Counties, for their very liberal pat renege extended to me during the last few Sears, and would say - tit them - that I now have in store, of my own Importation and Manufacthre a very extensive mind nient of all the different kinds and qualities of FA . t i 'Y RIM, for .Latiks d Cbi'dren , that will be worn dung the Fall and Winter seasons. Being the direct Importer of all myFura fremßurope. and having them all Manufactured tinder myowu strper vision—enables me to offer my customers and the pnblic a mach handsomer Set of Furs for the sante money. Ladies plea, e give me a call before purchasing I Pleaso remember the name, number and street' .1011 N. FARBRIA; No. 718 Arch Sit?, Philadelphia. sept 94m RAC BARGAINS IN LADIES' gut , Furs h ave a large and well selected stnick of Ladlea' Furs, consisting of Nt I pk, Sable, Stone Mart.n, German Fitch. American Fitch. Liberian Squirrel, Feneh Squirrel,'French Sable, French Mink, Water M ink,and Silver Martin, which I am Selling at lower Prices) than they can be purchased for in Philadelphia. Call aad ex amine before purchasing elsewhere, at the old Gat, Cap,, anti Fur Stare of J. L. DECIIF.P.T. VOW -18 VIE TIME TO CiET BARGAINS.--Splendld Muffs, only $3 50 et the cheap Hat, Cap and Fur Store of J. L.-DEMI-EAT. GIRBIT BARGAINS IN FURS.— Only $9 for a full set of Ladles Furs. n t DECHEIIT'S 2ustireo of the Vearr.l JUSTICE OF THE PEACE..--H. B. D AVISON Justice of the Peace—t 'fßee immlediate• Iy opposite the" Indian Qneen MAC" AU busitiessett• trusted to his care shall reeeire.prompt attentiMi. in struments of Writing, of all kinds, drawn up in satis factory manner. June 11,763. 1 . ) HAl4MAN,Justice-of the Peace, Charnbereberg, Pa. Oiliceon East Market street opposite the Cmtrt House. in the °fate formerly Ocupied by A.H. McClure. Prompt attention given tol every thing In the line of a Magistrate and Scrivener. 5 wept 9, 'O3-tf. fiactirat. QCHENCK'S PUL3IONIC S YI,RUP L . 3 WILL CMS CONSUMPTION. • , z scuENews PULMOMC SYRLI" CONSUMPTION. SCUENCK'S PULIIONIC SYRUP IMMEM CONSUMPTION SMENCR'S PULMO2 , 7IC SYRUP =MEM CONSUMPTION ; BM:LEI:01'S SEA WEED TOMO I'LL CURE DYSPEPSIA. SCIIENCE'S SEA WEED MID. MEM DYSPEPSIA ECIIENEE'S SEA WEED TOXIC I= DYSPEPSIA SCILENCK'S SEA WEED TONIC 1E3E13 DYSPEPSIA. ECTIENCS:S DIANDRA PILLS WILL LIVER COMPLAINTS , SCHENCK'S MANDEAKE PIL NULL CURS ` 4 "_. LIVER 'COMPLAINTsJ SCIIENCKS' MANDRAKE PILLS WILL CURE LIVER COMPLAINTS SCMENCK'S MANDRAKE FILMS WILL ME _ LIVER COMPLAINTS DB. J. B. SCIIENCE has a largo Stilt ofEciornsatNa. 32 BOND STREET, NEW YORK,wherc be . Saiii be louisi every Tuesday. front 9A. DI., to 3P. 5.1 , and t No. 39 NvltTla SIXTH STREET, PUILADELPIIIA, PA., every Saturday. I Ile n keeps alarge supply of medicines ai his rooms, M Web can be Lutist all times. Those. wishing advicecir examination of the Lungs u ill do w,ll to call on himas & h u m Be makes no "Charge for advice, bu for a thor ough examination with the Respirometcr his price is . Nianypersons are afraid to har their lu gs examined by fir. Schenck fur fear that they will beounti inertia, - { ble, and by that means it is put off until tis too late. !low much better it would be to know tli it - condition at once, as by abundance of e-idence, Dr. S. has shown sufficient certificates in this city that he has cured ad vanced stages of I onnumption. i DE. SCIIENCE'n Principal Office is iNo. 39 North Sixth Street, Phillidelphia, Pit., where letters fur advice should always be directed. Price of the Putsosie STRII£ AM) BEIJ WEI]) TONIC each $1 per Dottie, or $5 tte half dozen. Hianiuits Pitts, 2.5 cents per box. For Sale by all DRUOGISTS'and STOE4EI2P F RS. oct. 14-3 m 1 . i WaONDERFUL SCIENTIFIC -DISCOVERY.—At the present time thOughtful mini everywhere are iookingforthe revelation of new and important discoveries In science, andwhen a theory is presented claiming to have discovered new light and to have removed the veil of obscurity &Om a aubject of the highest importance, upon which -Much has been written, it is proper that the claims ell this tliecky be presented and carefully examined and tested, which ,is destined to transcend In importance to at ffering hum*. i ty, all other discoveries. this lightning rod and telegraph not excepted. We bold that the human system is - bat a gadvanic'arrangement, with its acids and alkalies, con stituting the positive and negative forcesi.and that every mental arid physical manifestation, either toiuntary or Paroluntary,is the result of this antagonism; tbat diger tlon, circulation. secretion, and excretion are wholly at tributable to the law of • electrical influences; that the nerves are the conductors of liteetturrri. and that there is a polar action established through the nervonesyatem which connects with every part of the Maly. establishing and preserving a proper balance of the electric element, which constitutes health, and a 41stnibance of which causes disease; that there are st riot ly bat twocond it 101:19 of disease—the one positive, the other negative; and as Easereserrtpossesses these two inbertint principles, it, will; if applied according to the e/ectrie polarities aud requirements of .the system, arrest, or, in other words, nentrolize the disease by the restoration of proper polar action. We also assert that all drugs biker into the aye tein act strictly upon electrical principles; .that from decomposition the latent electricity is Set free, and that though the electrical polarities of the )nervous system all changes are produced either,for good or for evil ; that in the incipient stage ofdfsease it may tend to equalize the forces. and restore harmony; but after the case has become refractory, paralyzing the nervous communica tions, and changing the constituents a the fluids; and arresting the digestive action of the stomach and its power of approbaticm. no internal process of medication ever has, or ever can, succeed in removing the cause of the disease, its only tendency being to multiply and com plicate the symptoms. , On the contrary, ELECTLICIST being the vital element upon which lifedependa. can be - directed to any„part of the body, and even after the vital functions scorn pars. lyzed,posseases thepower of arousing the dormant en ergies, equalizing the circulation , and; the system to 1 self snstaining system. One very important feature of Mistreatment is, that no time Is lostin experimenting With disease. By means of- electrical test an accurate 1 diagnosis is given at orice, determining the locality and character of the disease, and indicating the treatment to be pursued. The cationta-are perfeqtly under the con trol of the operatorcitral can be regialated to suit the delicate nerves of a child without anY unpleasant sense- Wm: All theta who have long suffered irom painful and obstinate disease—Acute, C h thonic , l Itifiammatery or Paralytic—areinvited to calrand col:isn't. CONSULTATION FRU. Ornazin Franklin finilding,Weat ;Market Street,atk door from the corn or oftbe Diainond,rhansbtrabutp, Pa. Nor. '63-tf arg anli Sang eitabo. GRAND OPENING! FATAL AYE WINTER GOODEI Have lust returned from:the East, with a large and varied stock of seasonable Dry Goods, all of - which we Will dispose of at a small regard to the present Eastern prides, which on many articles is fall as high as our retail prices Ladies Cloths, all colors and shades. from $1 50, 75 Ladles Cloaks just received, of various styles and patterns—from $8,,t6 $25. Good Kids. Embroidered. 75 cents ; better quality $1 00; Joniins, V - 25 ; Alexander% $1 50. We have a fresh lot of the celebrated G. N. B. Corsetta--20 bones the very best manufae , tared ; and which we warrant to A line assortment of Ladies' and ChiWrens' Woolen Hoods. BR9C - HA:SHA.WLi; LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS Ilem-stitehed, and 3 Plain i which defy competition Crape Veils, all pricer :- Lace Veils. do.; Bom bazines ; Alpacas; 34 De Laines, 6-4 Do Lanes; Coburg's: Crape Collars: and everything desirable _ . 84 De Uinta and Cashmeres ; Long 'Mild. 41.. prices; .Long Repp Shawls—besutifutioode 16.18. and 25 cents. Do Laines, Fancy and plain; Coburg& and French Iderinoes ; 4 Plaids, and Stripes. FURS! FURS !1 FURS !I I FURS! ! We have just opened a large assortment of Furs. among which may be round ' BaissiAN SQUIRRELL CAPES AND Wt.upgs, ItUSSIAN,MARTIN CAPES AND MUFFS, All of which We will gel cri low as can bb had from In conelijaion we would say, that all the goods we' _ have are for sale—and at orleSs as low se 'thereon be had this side ofNew , • York; 'We make but owe' - price. and that the same to all customers, .wi t other judgelior condSer not. Drop and look at the stook before haying, elsewhere, ,0et.14-tf BYBTER 1 BRO. BROWN, Chi 'trim litepositon;Alitithibti: iBO. BYSTER & BRO advance on cost. What we have now on band. was purchased previous to thelaterise,,and will be sold without CLOTHS: tos6oo CLOAKS: KI'D GLOVES: The latter makes are the best im- 1. potted. Also, a large lot of Fancy Gloves CORSETS: fit,-and give satisfaction HOODS Juat from Auction. MOURNING GOODS: for monming 11017RNING SHAWLS: PRINTS FRENCH SABLE CAPES AND MUFFS, HUDSON BAY CAPES AND MUFFS, MOH CAPES AND MUFFS, the manufacturer. gstobto Mar Cintoire ST.OVE EMPORTIJM. JACPB -B. MILtER, AIAIN STREET-4'11)On Youth of the Diamond CHAMBERSBITRG. Would reapecifullYitkvite the attention of the pub lie to 103 largo and well selected dock - of STOVES, COPPER, TIN and lie has now the largest and best assortment ot PARLOR. HALL, GAS BURNERS and ever offered in Franklin eotnaty WASH-BOILERS constantly on hand Di all sizes, and. the beat ma- MI COAL RIICKETS. The largestrassortment,the heaviest iron and the best made in the coantS, Aleo—:.s. large took of T I N4W A RE; made of the best material and in a workmanlike manner. As he Is a PRACTICAL WORK- MAN; and has had many years ex perience in thi business; he feels confident that ho can give general satisfaction. ROOFING, 'SPOUTING, &c., made and put up at the shortest notice. Partieu- Tar attention paid to all kinds of MENDING AND JOBBING. Call and look, through our stock and get the prices, as our motto is 'Small Profits, Quick Sales Good Value." JACOB B. MILLER:- Fotri Doors South of the Diamond Nov.ll, 563 is HOUSEKEEPERS, READ I—Gal lagher's Sunrise.dtir-Tighl/--A New Flat Top Coot:LNG STOVE. The plates are very heavy, and the whole Stove is finished in a stmeriormanner. I warrant this Stove to be superior to any Flat-Top Stove now in the market, and respectfully invite my friends and the public to call and examine this Sfove, of which there ere several sizes. I have Mao a great variety of other MORINO STOVES of every sty/e; PARLOR STOVES, new and beautiful patterns, together with a heavy stock of STOVES for Churchek Storm Offices, Hotels. &c. JOHN 13. LUDWIG, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In STOVES, TIN AND COPPER WARE. N. o.—l have been appointed Sole Agent for Galla-. aber's Celebrated Sunrise Air-Tight Cook Stove in Chum beral ' rg. Pa. June 11,1863. AT ETTER, HAMILTON & CO'S Great Stove and Tin Ware Store, corner of the biaitiond.can be seen the largest .be at. and chemical s stock of Goode! in Chaniberaburg: They have COOK .IING STOVES for Wood and Coal, of latest patterns and all sizes, at fair prices. [Jun4317.180. POIITING DONE AT SHORT S NOTICE z uf flrat rate materiel and cheap. AII work warranted, and cheaper than can be bought elseurhere In the County. Call and see Or yourselves. at _ ETTER,IIANITRON4 CO'S, nearly opposite the Bank. TITTER, HAMILTON & CO. are I s prepared to put up the best LIGHTNING RODS at cheap rates. ALWAYS ON HAND,, A LAD assortment of the very best Tin, Japanned , - Copperware, &c., sold low - nt ETTEIt. k CO' CALL FOR PARLOR AND DI. NINO ROOM COOK STOVES. They are pretty good and cheap. ETTER, HAMILTON L- CO?S, 41. few deoraTrora Shryoelgo Book Store. Maitufactur* rO THE . PIIBLIC GENERALLY. CUAMBERSDURG FOUNDRY. Th. undersigned takes this method . to inform the publi. G 66 that be has taken Gm FOUNDRY long carried on be Wm. 'Seibert, with all the PATTF.RSB connected therm with, where he purposes continuing the business,'and now prepared to make ALL KINDS OF CASTINGS • - that may be wanted by the community. Particular at. tention will be paid to making and keeping on hand ev. cry description of PLOWS, CASTINGS, WAGON BOX ES, J:c. All kinds of Castings made to order. New Plows, of dilferent patterns, &WIWI on hand of Made to order. - OLD METAL taken In trade, for which the highest price will be given. • , By devoting blinself attentively to business be hopes to merit and receive a share of public patronage. June 17,'63. . ABRAHAM METZ: ONEW- MARBLE YARD.--The'undersigned respectfully announces to the citizen! Franklin county. that he has opened a New Marble Yard to the roorti formerly occupied by- Dr. Hamilton. directly opposite J. S. Nixon's Drug Store. Main Street. lathe thsruugh of ChamVeraburg, where he will keep on i hand cir Make tOurder all articles in his line of business, suc h as MONUMENTS, ?TOMBS and HEAD STONES,. 111ANMES, TABLE & STAND TOPS. &c., mlinniac lured the very best Foreign and Domestic Marble. lie respectfully solicits a call from tliosembo mllbein wan t of any allele in the above line. - He it:confident In his ability to satisfy all who may be pleased to patronizt, hi in,=ei ther as regards his prices, or the 9nitlity, beauty.. and chastenesa orbit! work. July 8 ,' 83 ,- , • JOHN A. GROVE. ' , . . . . R OOM MAIstr(FACTOBY.—The underelftked stM carry On their BROOM MANI! FACTORY, ar,thelr old stand, on Diet Market Ettreet, ChamberNburg. They would inform the public tbst they MA* provided themselies with a' Machine to take olp Broom at i ed, which they will do for snob as do not want to do it themselves, and 'Make their Brooms cheap j e t-' rash, or on the shares. t. They will also pay CAM FOR BROOM (301 IN if wet., Fut up , Leapt 164m] B. It 8..1. LITTLE, putoitnt ' Mount) agent . TOIEN. M. PDXEROY, • , AElf Y AND NAVY AGR tIF 204, SOUTH FOURTH STREET_ PHILADELPIIIA. The undersigned, having resigned his position as Pay master iri the U. S./Islay. has opened at No 204 SOOTI I ,* ifOORTII STREET, an AGENCY FOR PROCURING - PENSIONS, and for the coliectiOn,Of OPFlnaltS', 801.111.138% and another CL&JUIS against the Government. - iy liing experience as PriYmaster, has given me unn mai facilities for beComing thoroughly acquainted with this biasiness in alt its details. On the receipt, hymen. 4 a Statement of the case of claimants, I will forward I.the necessary papers for their signature. Personal at lention Will be given to the cases at Washingt. n, ! No charge unless successful, when $5 -will be charged for collectit g of sums under SSO, and $lO on all sures over that amount and under. Larger claims taken on +pedal arrangement. Fees in - Pension Cases as fixed by taw. • Ali Soldiers of the present war, who have served two years, and Soldiers discharged for, rounds received In • battle, without reference to time of service, are entitled beiddes their regular pay, to $lOO Bounty. In case Soldiers or Seamen are discharged for disability or wounitl received while in the service, they are entitled ,• to a Pension according to the disability. . 'ln easel of the death of the Soldier before discharge. , through disease contracted, or wounds received while in service, his widow is entitled to receive the $lOO Bounty. besides arrearagea of pay and pensigb during her lifetime or widowhood. •.• If the 'Soldier die after discharge, from. disease cos , traeted or wound received while in service, his widow is entitled to a pension of $O6 per annum, - • If no widow or minor children, the mother of the Sol dier or Seaman will receive the Pension, If dependant on ' him wholly or in part for support, • -If deceased ~ Soldier or Seaman leaves no widow, his children are entitled to the same benefits as the widow, ,• .except when the children may be over the age of years. ' If no widow or minor children, the bounty and pay ^will descend to the heirs as follows: SHEET-IRON WARE COOKING STOVES First to the Father, second to the Mother, third to the Brothers and Sisters; and then tothe next of kin. - Discharged Soldiers. whose clothing account was mt. • settled at the time of discharge, can recover any balance 1 due them. if the Company books are not destroyed:-.Ale draw ,this balance, write to your Captain for a descrip tive list, Showing Clothing account, and forward it to me with your preliminary statement, giving also the date of ; your discharge Soldiers,who served with the trine months' volunteers. .1, can recover 427 bounty and premium, without regird to 4 time of service, if they have not already received it. Soldiers who Were prisoners in the South, and Soldier who wereubsent on sicklurlough, are entitled to-com mutation of rations. - In communicating with this otlice t state the nature oi lour claim folly, and give the Company and Reg meut tr which you or the Soldier for whom you claim belonged. tis well as 'your present Post Office adtAressi nig Exrelleney A NDRXW G. Owens, Governor of Penn. sylvan's. • 110. v. &von Cannon, Harrisburg, Pa. lion. JOSEPH Cant, Chief Justice of the Court of Claims; 'Washington: ' lion. E. R. Beaoss„ Chief Clerk of Pay Department ; Washington. ' ilost.Entrann iloPutasott, 111. C.. Washington. os.J es. fl.Srattear, President Judge, District Court. Pittsburgh. lion. A. K. Mcauna,Chambersburg,pa. lion.Tuousa A. Snort, Vice President Penn's... Rail Road Waussi B. THONAB, CollOttOr of the Port, PhilaiPs. /tort. C. A. Watnosn, Poet Master,,Philadelphia. • Patin & Co., liank.rs;-Philadelphia. Jams Duns?. President of Union Bank, Philadelphia liourrr & FelatltOßNE, Attornies, fittest, Waxer & Earn, Merchants, I.rnawnt, & CO. Merchants, Pltrrefirrr, BAIIOII & CO., DAVID FAOlif...& CO., Merchant,, „ S. Jattarr, JR. & Co., Merchants, CRARLES E. MOILMLI k CO., Merchenta, ATWOOD, WEITZ& Co., Merchants, JODY M. PCMROY, No. 264 South Fourth.3trecf, - pENSION, BOUNTY AND. WAR CLAIM AGENOY.—Pensionth procured for soldier, o the present war who are disabled by reason of wounds teceived. or disease contracted, while in the service of tin United States; and Pensions, $lOO Pointy; and Arrean f Say obtained for widows or heirs of those who hay( Vied or been killed while in service. JON B. ORB. Claim Agent, Chamberabnrg, Pa. A Feb.25,N61.1y.i, ESTERN HOTEL, West Market - St., Near the Bridge, Chambersburg, Pa. he subscriber would respectrallylnfario the Travel. ing community that be baspurchased and taken posses don of this Hotel: - He hopes to make it one of the most desirable Vases for stringer's and others to atop at that can be found in any druntry town, HIS TABLE will at all times be spread with the lax Hiles and substantial s of the season. MS CHAMBERS are large, vell ventilated, andiltted up In modern style, / 4 , HIS BAit will be well supplied with a large and choict selection of the very beat liquors. - Ills STABLE - will always be provided with good wholesome provender for stock, and attended by careful ostlers. • , No pains will be spared to render entire satisfaction tc alibis guests; and pleding himself to endeavor to please all, he solicits a liberal share of the public patronage. June 17,'63, JOHN MILLER. INFORMATION FOR AND' INSTRUCTIONS TO CLAIMANTS. ' REFERENCES June 17, '634f. Vote's. UNION HOTEL—This, Hotel is situated on the corner of Mile and Queen Streets, near the Dkuuondlin the Borough of Chatabersburg,Pa. The undersigned respectfully announces to thetravel ing public that this Hotel has been remodled. It has been raised to THREE STORIES in height. A fine threestory Back Building bait been added to it, giving an immence amount orrOom for the accommodation 01 .the public generally. The rooms are large and comfort able, numbering in all, thirty-five. They are all well furnished with 60011 NEW FURNITUIVE. Persons stopping at this Hotel can have either double or single rooms, with ot without fire in them. The Table is al waysaupplied with the BEST IN THE MARKET, and will seat over 100 persons. The Bar is filled with the CHOICEST LIQUORS. The Stable lie two.stories, ofthe most modern style, and the best in the Borough of Chambbnsburg. • June 17,43.9. JOHN FlSHER,Proprietor. FRANKLIN HOTEL-- West side oj the Public Sguare,Chambereburtg, The subscriber would respectfully inform the Travel., ng-Community that be has leased and taken possession f this Commodious Rotel. Re hopes to make it one ct to most desirable places for strangers and others to top that can be found in any country town. li IS TABLE will at all times be spread with the lux uries and substantiate of the season; lIISCIINSIBERS are largeovellventilated,and fitted up in modern style. RIB BAR will be well, suppliedwith alargeandohoice -selection of the very beat Liquors. - HIS STABLE will always be provided with good, wholesome provenderfor stock, and attended by careful 3stlers. ' -- No pains will be spared to render entirtsatisfaction to all his guest; and pledging himself to endeavor to please, he solicit, a liberal share of the public patronage. unel7., '63. TROBTLE. 7HITE SWAN HOTEL, Cham bersburg,..Pa..r. MICIIAEL G Bore, Proprietor. Flaying Purchased this well-known Hotel,(long known ts Miller's, and recently ati Welet (trove's. ) ) the Prepri. 3 tor pltdges himself that tno pains shall be spared to minister - to the wants of his guest's: The character heretofore sustained by the noose as a tomfortable Home for the Sojourner t ahall not suffer in my hands ifa constant 'effort tapletute and'aceomaiodate will sustain it. The proprietor, therefore, solicits a continuance of the liberal patronage heretofore extend. ed to the White. *wan."_ ' _ In addition to large Stabling, be bee TWO LOTS and a pair of War and SrOct. SCama - for the accommodation ofDrovere and Buicbeni. • • .... Junel7:4BB3 wzma COVEALT. ' (OVERLY A HUTCHISON nave become 'Mei Proprietors of the MOLTED' ST ATEA ROTEi,, near the Railroad Depot at H4I.ItRIS BURG, 'Pa. This popular • and comModione" lintel has been newly refitted and furnished throngoout its par. lora and chambers, and is now ready fur the reception of guests. ." The travellingpublic will find thetinited &steal:10o the most ccinvehient, in allparticulars, of any Hotel in the State Gapliatl. on account of its access to thh rail. road. being immediately,between the two great depots in this city. - ' Ilisuitastrao, June 17,'634f. .416 r. Waynesboro' Bicorri, eriersburg Journal, awl Greencastle ff'Got, copy 3ta., and'pharge Repository. IIiDIAN: QUEEN HOTEL, Main Street, Cliamtansbnrg; Pa. JOHN t Arl.oll, Proririetor. Fine adcornraodationsnrid low charges. ir Stock Yards and Scales are ; cfonnected -with the preMiseetor the eonveniente nt Drovers. Alga—Pate* sive atabling and yards for Horses and Carriages. - June 17, '63. • - IMPORTANT TO TAB-PUBLIC. —The Grover t Maar, S. ~ mann seta re fis 111 - 41 to their celebrated Grover it Kaker STITCH MACHINES, the most perfect SHOTTI.X. or " LOCK STITCH" MACHINES ln , the market, end afford pur chasers theopportnnitTnf selecting. after trial and ea amlnation of both, theone best Rutted to their wants.. 11. E. HOSE, N. B. corner .otthe ASltunond. Chaco bershorss, Agent. Ceti and examinethe mach!nee. att. I-tt . . A MERIOARLIFE INSTTRALN CB - . AND • , TRUST -COMPANY, awl-east corner of lialnut and Fburth Streets, ,Philitt• t delphia. Incorporated 1850. Chserter fkrpehtaL AXITIIORTZED CAPITAL, :Mame 00 . , pm]) up ' •CAPITAL. $250.000 OU, ASSETS, $1,§07,748 50. I . Insures lives during. the natural life, or for ihoit tenter gran taanuratitiesUnd endowments, end =kit rontraots of all kinds depeuding on the issues of lifln, • Acting. also er Executors. Trustees and Etnirdiatuti.... Policies of Life Insurance inbured at the usual mutual k , rates of other goollCoraPetaiee—;vitt profits to the In , sured—last Bonus, .lanuary,lBol, -being 43 per cant. of all premiums rc•ceived on mutual -policies at joint stock tiles; 20per cent. less than the abovo. I . ' • .NON-FOREEITURE PLAN. . • - By which a person pays for 5,7, or 10 yearsonly,wheis the Policy is patd up for life„rind nothing more to pay, and should he be unable, or 'wish to discontinue sooner, ' theEompany'svill issue a paid-op policy in proportion to the amount an premiums paid, as follows: t• Aft th el ; apnanyumaleaptremoir... ' , urns (on policy ot $1000) for ' $lOO 00 . $285 00 $2OO 00 Ortpay't of 4an.priCBs7 0 800 00 571 40 40 00 1 .. 8 it - 800 00 1 A nasal premium for $lOOO. - - i ; NON-FORFEITURE TRY FEAR RATS. - 1- - Age 20 i • - ss6' SO ' 25, 34 00 NSO , 4. . 38 40 .. 36, • - • 43 00 , .r. 46 2 . 47 00 :ag. 48, -- 53 50 U 60 - " ..... .. 60 39 . Insurance may be effected, giving to any party, on the ,'....leath or. life insured, a ct3rtnra yearly income by endow : met for Ilfts One arotding ail contingencies of invest,' ' sag tbe same, and play be double 'or treble the yearly interest.:.. —„ . , 1 t ALIMANDER liIITLLDIN, President. , 3811111 EL WORK, Vice-,Prcrident.! • , ; JOLTS B. WILSON, 6e,cretary and Treasturet.,'` ' , ' BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Alexander Whllidin, J. Edgar Thompson,. Ron. James Pollock, - Ron. Joseph Albert C. Roberts, Jonas BOWIIMII, Samuel T. Bodine, IL 11. Eldridge, ileorge Nugent, John Alkmaar, Wm. J Howard, • Chua s.llentlltt. Samuel Work, ' MEDICAL EXAMINERS. J.l O BIRD, M.D., I J. IS E:tl' TON WALKER, M. D. In attendance at,the Company's office daily, at 1:4 e'clotk, M. WM.G. REED, Chambersburg, Pa., is the authorised Agent of the Amer.ean Lite Insurance and Trust Com panhand is alwsys prepared to furnish pamphlets or any information wanted, and to talc.. Insurances. RICH A ititit.; Medical .Ezamirier. REFERENCES—Iten. A. E. McClure. • Itee.S. J.Nts colts, T. 8. Nixon, Charaberstrurg, and Wm. Di. Marshvl Duskier Hagerstown Bunk. .. 0ct21,63tf Alsn TIIN INSURANCE COAL: PHILADELPHIA, No: 436 and 43T uluntnnt Street. • Capital ' Perpetual Premiums, Unexpired Temporary Premiums, Surldna 4-, , • Total ' - ' • ' $2,392,116 6 Stittemnt of the_ Assets of the , Company on January 1. 7 - _ 1463. , First ldertgagee.aMply enured.. -$1;993,931 Real Estate. {present value $133,31;.47:) cost 128,970 77 Temporary Loam, on ample Collateral 8. ecn . . U .4 titles Reeks, (prevent value 5./8,36516j cost Natal and Billv receivable ' - Nab 4 Advance in talne of ft el , 1 'Estate over coat Advapre in value of blocks ovrr coot • -The only Profits front Premiums which this CO*, pany tan divide by law, are front Dints which have beci determined. Extract from the Charter of the Cbrap any. "But the moneys received as - promiums upon rielri which.remaiu undetermined, and are outstanding:at fb'e rimb of deelating.such Dividend, shall not he considered Isparta the profits of said Corporation, or divided xi PERPEi UAL Or LIMITED INSURANCES mat , every description of property, in Town and Country. for Owners, Mortgages. Ground. 'Landlords, &c., to. Safes de low as are consistent with security. Since - their Incorporation, a period of thirtyldar‘ they liave paid over Fan MILLIONS OF DOLLAItS LOSSES BY FIRE, thereby , affording the of Mimi idvinitages tif Insurance. as 'well as the -ability and Mit. position to meet with promptness all liabilities LOSSES BY FIRE, tositeipaid daring the year /862....,, , . .. ' - , . DIRECTORS. Charles Sr. Intric!ter, I David S. Brown, Totdas Wagner, Isaac Lea, .. gunnel Grant. . Edward C. Dale, ' _ ' ' ,igaeOtrlt.,Smith,, .. IGeorge Bales, - - ; George W. Richards, j Alfred Fitter. - 011ARLES N. BANCRER,PrestdenV: . • . : EDWARD C.DALE,YicePreiddefit4 ‘,.;- isi,W.IVALLISTEE, Sec'y pro tem. " AB- Applidation made to, Davin OAILti.: of Chamber, berg, Who is an authorized Agent for the Compels/ either personally or by letter; will meet with "attentlal March 4,18 :3. '- - INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTIVADERICA. INCORPORATED 1794, PERrETUAL CHARTER. CAPITAL $5OO OW Orinca—No.232 Wrsxtrr Srairt,"PFMADkLiftLl This Company are now prosecuting the business of In surance from Lose or Damage by FIRE on Buiidingli t Merchandise, - Furniture , - Furniture, de. throughout the Stade Allf Pennsylvania. on LIBERAL, TER.M.fi, for long or short perioft; or permanently on Buildings, by a deposit;tdi Premium. - . , The PROMPT PAIR:ENT ofCtAins for Loma during tbk peiiodnl nearly SRV2ICTT rLtss that the Company -bee been -in existence, entitles them to the confidence of ttio ,‘ public. Arthur G..Coffir4 Jame! N, Dickson, - --. /Seattle' W. Jones, S. Morris Wein, . . John A. Brown,- Johnilltulon. Charles Taylor, ' Georg?. L. Harrison, Ambrose White, '-Francis R. Cope, Jolla R. Neff, - - Edyrardli,TrOtter, ' . Richard D. Wood, Edward S. t Luke), William Welsh, , William °draining's; - William_E. Bow,en, . . CHARLES PLATT, Seey. ARTHUR 6:dorprig, riot, WM. BUEllkgid,, Central .Agent al :Ifsitrisburgi fts. - - Wfif ja. Charaberebtirg i Fa, lie the Itntheii. ized Agent of the Ingurancetompanrof North. Amu* ca, and fa away's' prepared to give any information die eired,andleptake Inanmees. RETERENCES—CharIes U. Taylor and Jobn , D; Et - rim Cbanibentburit. ore .'l'63 t[ OUR AGENT.-Ithi. ‘JortruGuirtir s ; of Chambersburg, is the General Agent. of ffs Franklin County Mutual Insurance Company. " June 17.'63: vnt.mettladit, 00FING. RiVAING` Ready fo' qsa dos* -ItOOPING more durable than Tin. . • ROOFZZ(O atha(f theeatof BOOFiNG for &tenor nagßovo READY - ROOFIIi FOR nouns, FOR cuunauts, FOR ticrthati3; • FOR . BARS % FOR ALL BIT,ILMNGS ! This Rooting is =door thoibenviest woven fabric as* deed for the purpose.-2danufattured solely byrnaisholat and secured by Patent. . pat up in rani and shipped to 'ail parts of the cOt . and venally for Sale hardware me rchants and tn= Ircan be applied by any common ' workman. its alsOmatratacture. . • - LIQUID GIITTA. P.I3RCELUCEPIIIITT, - . 70R nasAnusa MIGIIAEL GROVE 'DAVID 11 AUTCIinSON . . • LEAKY TIN ROOFS 4 CHEAPER THAN OIL PAINT, HEAVIER BODY THAN OIL-PAINT. 'ROBE DURABLE THAN OIL _ It forpas'a:pertnanetly adhesive, elastic .coating egg* the 'who] ifilrfacer of the tin. filling noon the AU-ST HOL, kaolin saving the expense of a new roof. - ' OUR COMPOUND • . GUTTA PERCHA CEMENT • -is especially adapted to repairing, _ LSAILYEHMOLE ROOKS, • arrzrotrrs, it, ate., 4-4, 4W, this is a thick, teusciOns compound, applied With s trowel or similar inert:lntent, and does not dry tifi, leed track, as do all-other articles need for thieporp, CIRCULARS A'ND SAMPLES Of the' Ready Roofing setit-* titan 'when dedgeill Liberal arrangnmente mule 'with, Agents. IMADY BOOTING CO. r: Zaideta.:ane,ltinr York. a1ig.26.1y 2CENTS licit to' tbe REPO., ty lIITOBT three =belt te settle the serviss. Ensittante. I 5 year At 7 year At 10 year t 1 Afars. I" _Rates. Rates. Toial...— eutta4lerr4a lasoUng. El II lIVI EU $409,600 00 ' 896,824 65 171,626 66 -924,766 13 ME •••• 84 , 626 EC* .... 2 84,901 le .... 1,549 a 76,312 04 S.payS9lNa . 13,4Vt'tie 2.3e . ;116 Sp - V39,?611
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers