LATEST YEWS! BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH, - EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE FRANKLIN REPOSITORY. ORGANIZATION OF CONGRESS. HOB. MEM MAX CHOSEN SPEAKER. En. Edw. McPherson• Elected Clerk. THE OPPOSITION DEMORALIZED. Attempt of the Clerk to Defeat the !atoll Organization.. (MERINO 'NEWS FROM KNOXVILLE. gi — K)eistl Dispatch to the Repository WASHINGTON", Dec; 7 , . - The Senate oirganized at 12. The creden tials of new Simators were presented, when Mr. Davis, of Ky., objected to the:admission Atbe West Virginia Senators but finding but five members to sustain him, he finally moved that they be sworn. Thiy, were qual. • •••11r. Lane. Ind., gave' not* of a'• bill to repent, the $3OO feature Of the Con scription bill, and to increase the pay of vol ,untOers -one-third. • The House wns called -to order at 12 by Mr. Etheridge, the Clerk, and he omittcfd fromthe roll the members from Maryland. ' Virginia, West Virginia, Oregon, . Wiscon 4in and Kansas. This would have given the opponents 'of the. Administraton a majority and enabled them to organize pe House. _ - Mr. Stevens, (Pa..) called fdr the reading of the list of Members, an(CMr. Dawes, (Mass.;) moved to pltied the names, of the Maryland members on the roll.' Mr: Allen, _(D,1.,)-moved to hiy the motion on the table ' 1 •—.float 74 to 94. This deciiive vote broke up ° the Copperhead conspiracy,- and the opposi- . tlon broke up into fragments. The names of the regUlarly elected members were Waked on the list, w\thout further opposi tion, and Schuyler Colfax, .of Ind., was elec ted Speaker by 101 votes to 42 for Cox - of Ohio, 12 for Dawson,"of Pa. and 26. scatter ., leg. - The credentials of the Louisiana members were referred to a committee on •motion of Stevens. 130 n. Edirard lirPhersoniEleeteil Clerk of Congress. • WASHINGTON, Dee, Hon - . Idward M'Pherson, of Pa., has b n elicted Clerk of Congress, recelving.lolvotes to 09 for Mr. Etheridge, of Tenn., Mr. Mc l'her'son was qualified and-enteredTupon his duties. The Pennsylvania delegation are highly gratified at his success., - - The Army of the Potomac—Rumored Appoivitment of Gen. Pleasantim to the Command in Ettee of Gen. Meade. WASHINGTON, Dec. 8 'Rumors prevail which are generally cred ited, but as yet unconfirmed, that • General Pleasanton hs ben appointed to command the Army of the-Potomac. It is also stated that Gens. Sedgwick and Warren were pre vibusly tendered the appointment, but de r - Advieeii frern the Army of the Potomac - cm to last night report all quiet along the lines. The troops are working like bees on their camps; to make themselies comfortable during the coming cold weather. • Imagstreet Retreating from Knoxville— Poster and Sherman Pursuing.' IVAsIitNGToN, Dec. 7, 1803 At last the -long suspense in, regard to nurnsides position is at an end—Gen. Foster tblegraphed from Teasville, Tenn., last even ing that LongAreet was in full retreat up the 'Panay and that his cavalry was pushing him closely. Gen. Sherman 'arrived - at;.-157.noxville on Sunday evening—Longstreet raised the siege .of Knoxville on the night of i4ie 4th inst., retreating towards Bristol. His' retreat is on both banks of the Holston rive4--Foster!fol- Jowing him on the South, ands Sherman on tlia North bank. President/a Proclamation. WASHINGTON, Dec. 7,'1863. The President has issued a recommenda- : tion-to all loyal' people to assemble in their various placed or worship to render thanks to ,GOdNhat the rebels have retreated from East Tennessee, under circumstances, which sender it improbable that they can evtr again enter that portion of the Union. This Jis the first official information which has „boat, received of Longstreet's retreat. Ifebel prisoners. CINCINNATI, -Dee. 8 .1,180 Chattanooga rebel prisoners passed through Indianapolis yesterday for Rock Is land; '1,2,00 more are expected to day, and rebel officers, probably - from Breckin ridge's command, are cm ,their way. to John soi'a blind The Pres' d .tnt's Message. WASIIINGTON, Dec. ,8 The President will send in his Ann)nd Message to Congress at 14 o'clock to-morrow ofterrioon. Philadelphia ;Markets. PHILAbELPRIA, Dec. 8 Little movement in brewistuffs, and Flour fri7 quiet. Sales of 1000 bbls at $7 75 for .1:Th10 - extra family and 2608 60 for fancy brands. City consinners purchase sparingly. Market nearly bare' ofboth Rye Flour and Dora Meal. There is not much . demand for wheat and 'the market dull. Sales of 8000 buihels red at $1 64 (e)r. 1 66 - and white at $1 80e1 82. Rye is steady 'at $1 36. Corn is lower, with sales of:8000 bushels at 'sl 22 for old yellow, $1 18 for white and $1 04@1' 06 for mixed. WI tire in active request at 87c, ' In. Groceries and Provisions but' little SAPONIFER, OR CONCENTRATED LYE Soap Maker. WAR mules hick prices; Saponifier helps to rdUce them. It makes Soap for your cents a pound by liming your kitchgn grease. . . CAUTION i As spurious Lye' are offered also, btcarts ful and only builhe Patented article put up in Iron cans, all others being Counterfeits. PENNSTLYANIA SALT MANUFACTURING CO., Ifft Walnut 'Street. nov2s-3mJ Pittsburg—Pitt Streetaud Duquesne Way. LADIES' • AND GENTLEMEN'S PUBS: TFIELABOEST AND BEST STOCK IN THE CITY,AT CHARLES CAKFORD & BONS,' CONTINENTAL HOTEL, Pnrunst.pazA. ocrt.44m REPORT OF THE MARKETS PRODUCE MARKET. CORRECTED WEERJ.Y. 1 6 0 tr W nr Asn As e ir D z 7 , oo ,o ,. o _ ,. CHAMBERSBURG, Dec. 9,1 9 CLovz9 gcED TIMOILIY SEED 4 too Fit SEED 12 PARED PEACHES 8 trIPPARED PEAC2[ES..I 1 SO DRIED A HpLEs Burrzn, Ea 08... . LARD_ TALLOW, BACON lbats BACON SIDtS SOLT ......... WAMBERSBURG FLOUR AND G MARKET. . CoIIItECTED AT CHAMBERSI3URO MI Wheat—Rell. Oorri EMI POTATO MARKET. Pink-Eyes ...... Zttlarrtioment. CLOTH FOR LADIES CLoAKS. —A aplenty,' Black Gloat, 2.7s—Very lowiat A. J. WHITE'S. CAPE OVER COATS FUR 1 OS!Y Cape Over Coate for Boys! ! Cape ()Ter Conte for Boys I ! I Very low ! Very low, at A. J. WIIIITE'S. OLOTHING ! CLOTHING 7 ! ‘,...) Seal Skin Coats! Seal Skin Coats! Seri-Slyn Coats! BustnessConts I — Business Coats! Business oats I Sack Coats! Sack Coats! Sark Coats! Sacki Coats! Boys snits! Boys Sults! Boys Suits! Boys Suits! Pants! Pants! Pants I Pants I Pants! Pants 4 Pants! Vests! Vesta I Vests! Vests! Vestal Vests! Vests! Call and Examine! Call and Examiner .- at A.J.WIIITE'SIat A. J. WHITE'S! at A. J. %BITE'S! AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— he un dersigned, Auditor, 'appointed to distidbute the lance in the hands of John Ifaxbeimer, Atninistra tor of Jacob Brindle, dee'd, will meet all pa ties inter ested at the office of W. Reilly, Esq., on Friday, :he nth of Decomber,inst s at 10 o'clock, for the purnose of his appointment. [dec9] T. M. CARLISLE. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTiIQE.- Notice is hereby given that Letters of Adminis tration to the Estate of Philip MmantEgan, late of the Borough of Cliambersburg, - deed, have seen granted to the undendgned.residing in said theroneh. I AU persons indebted to the said Estate. are requested to make immediate payment. and those hia , jing claims or demands against the Estate of decedeut,lwill make known the same, without delaV. to Acc9 - ALEXANDER MARTIN) Adm'r AI)3IINISTRATORS' NO ICE.- Notice la hereby given that Lettere et Adminie tration on the Estate of John Steighter, late of Green .township, dec'd. have been granted to the #dersigned, residing in raid Township: All peraons knowing themeelves indebted to said Es tatetrill please make immediate payment ; and those having c hams wil I present them properly authenticated for settlement. GEORGE k An - I Y SLEIGLITER, dt c 9 Adm'r. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOtICE.-^- Notice is hereby given that Letters of Adminis tration to the Estate of Seavißel,,Johnsomda te of ;tient- Somers township, deed. here been granted to the un depritigned, residing in said township. All persons knowing theniselves indebted to said Es tate will please make immediate payment; and those having claims will present them properly authenticated for senttlement. 0001 ALEX. M. JOHNSON, Adm c, FRANKLIN COUNTY'{ ALMS HOUSll.—Office of the Di. ectors.—At their last meeting the Directors m. the Poor'proposeil the follow ing rule cf action t that hereafter, orders ISseetrby the Justices of the Peace. other than fur relief or removal, will not be paid fig. or recognized by the 11Oard; nor will they pay any physician's bill or any other Bill or account presented by any one. unless it be in matters of accident of emergency. mid for necessaries furnished to those per sons who in the law aro paupers. By order of tb Board, W. S. 'MEREAttorney. (1 ec 9-3 t ÜBLIC SALE OF !BANK . 11 STOCK —The undemigned. Execu4ors 'of James t Catharine Beatty. lute of county of Franklin, dec will offer at tublic Sale, on katarday tae 28th. day (f De cool.," in front of the Court House. im Lori ugh of Chain berebur;r, MARES of the stool: oil the Bank of -C-kambersburg. , nu.e-tocommence at 2 o'clock , P' M., wlien terms will be made known by JA 31 ES Ex , ro of JAMER BRATTY/dee T. B. K.ENNEDY TARES NILL, Ex'r of CATHARINE IBEATTY, deo 4 aZt RT" VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF jll the Orphans' Court of Franklin county, Pa.. the nutter - signed. Administrator of Peter Yue, late of Letter kenny township. dec'd, will 4fer at aPnblic Sale, on the premises. on atturday. the 2d day of Jarivary, 1864. at le o'clock-A.M.. the following describ ed Beal Estate. viz: A TRACT OF TIMBER LAND. siteate in Let terkenn,y township. bounded by lands ,of Jacob Wingert, Henry Hoover; Jeremiah Zullinger, and Martib Landis, con taining 15 ACRES and 5 PERCHES, neatlmensure. The timber on said tract consists of, Rock Oak, Chestnut, Black Oak and Locust. The terms will lie made known on day of Sale, by GEORGE ,Y 0 k, Adm'r. By order of Court—WY. G. Mrrotztt, cler [deo LETTERS r :e at Chambereburg. LIST OF the Post Other MeselngerJaa C Alexander John iliartloMrsAMelia. Maloy Mrs Vailirel Miller Mrs Mary bleCleary Daniel Martin NiisaMollie Neal Amos - Olnisteuallisa A 2 Alexander Henry Algire Andrew) 2 Bong Ilrs ElizaßCll Baker Win Ii 2' Blyatone Isaac Decker Mrs FiZJI Eleekelßge Anna Poe Jacob• Pool MeHambleta Penny Melinda Pefley Rinehart l'ifiateß RebersonkirsJohn Shriller MiasCathe Smith Stumm Eberly 8 Aglt Henry James ,Flenderson Upton Hurley Mrs Sarah ];[erring Lt R N Harman Jacob Hull Barnael sing Bernard' Persons calling for the above Lottt that they have, peen advertised. J. PROPOSALS.-o.ffice Depot mistary. U: S. A.. Chambersburg, Pa, December 7th,lB63.—Sealed proposals, ha duplicate, are respectful ly invited to the undersigned, until 1, T. M., Thursday, - December 17th, 1863, for furnishing the United States Subsi.teuce Depaitmont, delivezed Claamberaburg; Pa„ with -FRESLI BEEP, of a-goed and marketable quality, in eqhal proportion of fore and hind qrtertor meat, (necks, Steinke, and Kidney Tallow to be excluded) in ouch quantities as may be rt- Oired, and on such days as shall be designated at this office, commencing December 215t , „1863. i The ability of the bidder to fulfil the agreement must be guaranteed by two responaible vreene, whose signa tures must be appended to the guarantee. - In case of failure, the United States reserves the tight of purchase elsewhere to make up the deficiency, charging the advance paid over the contract price to the party-failing to deliver. Payments to be-made every ten daye, If funds are on band, If none - are on band to be made as soon as receiv ed. Each person, or every member of a firm offering a hid, mast accompany it with an oath of allegiance to the United States government. Bids must be legible, the numbers Written as well as expressed by figures ; and no member 'of Congress, offi cer, or agent of the Government, or any perepn employ ed in the Government service, shall beadmitted to any shire therein, or to any benefit which' may arise there from. ' The proposals will be opened at 2 P. If, Thursday, December 17th, and bidders are invited to attend. dec9-2t. - W. W. WILTBANK, Capt. kC. S. fteb3 . alibertiormmts. AD MINIS TRA T OR'S NO Notice is hereby given that Letters of Adminis tration to the Estate of Peter W. Stouffer, late of Guil ford township, deed, have been granted to the uudei signed, residing in said township. All person! knowing themselves indebted to said E. 4. tate will please make immediate payment; and those havingclalms will present them properly authenticated for settlenient. Ned( PACOR STOUFFER, Aditer. • MR. BRADBURY'S NEW MUSIC SIC KEY-Note," a new collection of Lumen and Singing Music, by W. B. Bradbury, is ready at last, and the publishers, believe will well repay the Many Singing Schools and Choirs which have Nun wait ing for it. Sonic indication of Mr. Bradbury's populari ty as an author is afforded In the fact that the whole of the fast edition of ten thousand copies of this new book were ordered in advance of publication. .Other ed*thms will follow immediately. One hundred pager are devot ed to the Elements of Music, with a gnat amount of new Singing School Music, and neatly three hundred pages to Snered Music. as tunes of all metres, Anthems, Chants ' and other but pieces, mostly new. 'The work is printed throughout front large plain type, one part on a staff. Price, per dozen. $lO. A single copy to any teach er, for examination, by mail, post-paid, for $l. Address MASON & IlAxiaN,274 Washington St.. Roston or MASON BROTHERS, publishers, deco-3t 5 A 7 Mercer St., New York. puBLIc SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE.—The undersigned, raecutors with the Will annexed, of Jacob Oyster. d. c'd, will sell, in pursuance of the terms uf the said Will, on Monday, the 28th da l , of December, A. D., 18b3, the following de eerined Real /sedate, to wit : 6 50 2 60 3 25 3 00 1 50 1 00 The I.I.OCSE and WA now occupied by iron. James L. Black as a store and dwelling laouee. fronting on Slain Stteirt, in Chazubershurg, 32 feet in front, and running back the tome width to an alley. 256 feet, on which is erected a two story BRICK BULTSB, with Back Build ings, stabling, &c. Alt of which will be shown to per- SOnd desirous of purchasing, by Run. J. L. black, at reasonable hours., = Also—the DIVELLIXO HOUSE now occupied by Mrs. Sarah Oyster, widow of Jacob Oyster, deed, and the Store Room in same building, now occupied by Mr. Thos. Metcalf, situate en Main St., Chambersburg, bounded by lot of Matthew Welsh and an Alley, beiug 40 feet in' front, and 100 feet deep. On this property is a fine two story ERICK HOUSE, with a nevet fading- Well of good Water, a Cistern, .table, &c. Persons desirous of pur chasing the property, can see Wat any time by apply ing to Mrs: barah Oyster at suitable huuts. Also—The FRAME lIUUSki and LOT, now occupied by Cant. John S. Eyster, bounded - by King Street "b the flont, by lot of Colloid Harmon on the West, by the Paper:dill dam and Falling Spring on the East stud t-outli. Thi4 lot is about 40 feet fn front on [(trig Street, by about 140 feet deep. The property may be seen and examined by any person n to purchase the same, by appli cation to Capt. John S.Eyster, at suitable house. A perfeCt and complete title will be given for the above property. The said property will be sold as f,llows: The pro perty occupied by Judse Black at 10 o'clock, on the :18th of December, on the pavement in front of the 'The ftropetty occupied by Mrs. harsh Oyster, on the pavement in front of the house, immediately after the first, and the property occupied by John S. Epter on the pavement in front of the house, immediately after the fornter sale. When the terms of sale will be made known Er 00 6 60 1 60 1 60 1 00 45 40 bsy dec9 TRUSTEE'S -SALE OF VALUA BLE PROPERTY.—The undersigned, Trustee, un der an order of tub Orphans' Court of Frankii.o Eunbly, to sell the Estate of t.andiel W. Heiutxelutan, deed, will expose to sale, by Public Out-cry, on the premises. on Turacto. the sth day of January, ISf4, the following described .Real Estate : A TRACT OF LAND', situate in Guilford township, Franklin County; about 13,4 miles from Charnbershurg, on the Greencastle road, and with the Dwelling louse not more than ISO yards from the Franklin Railroad, adjoining lands of .Wm. Heyser, Peter Brough, Michael Harkelrode, and -filters, containing 113 ACRES and 57 PERCHES. About 10 Acres of the land are cleared, under good fence and the land is in excellent tillible or der."- The balance of the land is set with - good timber. The hind is the best of Limestone and high ly product' ve; having been weiLLimed and Manured. The improve ments are a large two storied STONE DWELLING. HOUSE, with good Kitchen and Back-building—in good order, part of it new; and the whole in good repair Also a new BRICK DWELLING HOUSE,. about 150 yards from the Mansion louse—good size a'it in excel lent order. There is a NEW STONE AND FRAME BANK BARN, with Wagon-Shed. Corn-3'rib and all nec essary outdinildings. The Baru is quite large, conimo dim) end finished in excellent order. The Barn is con venient to both the Dwelling Houses. There are two Wells of excellent Wtter:fear the Houses and Cistern to each House. The Wells are never-f tiling even in the dryest season. There is a entail stream of Water runs through the farm couvement for watering stock. There is also an ORCHARD on the farm with Apples, Peaches; and PEARS. The land is just rolling enough for pro ductive farming, and is free front rocks on the surf ace. Alto—A TBACT OF d AORES and 124 PERCHES, neat measure, situate as before, and adjoining the firm above described, and divided from it by a public road. It adjoins laud.' of C. M. Burnett, Edward Culbertson and °there. Thin land Wall cleared, in exeellent order, and it very high state of cultivation. Also , --A Tract of SLATE TIMBER LAND, containing 25 Acreq and th) Perches, situate in Hamilton township, lying West of the C. eloeocheague Creek, pi tie mile trout the before described lands ;-adjoining lands of-Christian 'Martin, John'Grove and others. TERMS OF SA.LE.7--Teti per cent. of the purchase money to he paid or secured when the property is strick en off one-loilf, including the ten per cent, to be paid on the, let of April.lB64, when pos.ession will he given; and the other half in two equal mutual payments with interest. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, on said day. MARTIN II HINTZELITIk. tlec9-ts Trustee of S. W. lleintzelmen, ea'd. .oips Lancaster Examiner' and Nirayne.lboro Rctord copy till sale and amid bills to this office for collection. QOMETTIIICG NEW IN PHILA DELPRIA. COOPER'S PHOTOGRAPHIC & ART' GALLERY, No. I=S CIIEzTNUT STREET, Opposite U. S. flint. ,/ GnU!.ry,'Reception and Operafirw Rooms,' ALL ON T11.F.-FIEST FLOOR.. / ./ All styled and sized Plwtographs, Ivory,types. Fer• retypes or ...Tintypes"! and_ taken at pr,e's to suit the times. ' Pictures Finished in Water Colors-Qll, India Ink and Horses and other animals, Eqnipages, Country Seats,- Ruins. ' , hatels of Machinery, itc . „( for Patenting azeurate ly photographed. P.P. Cooper desires to call the attention of persona visiting Philadelphia to Ids new (ironed Floor Gallery, it here he has intrisinced newly patented cameras, capa ble of taking, in a few / seconds, one hundred Photographs from the small stamp or autographic, to the Imperial and Life Size. / Alter many / experiments he-11118 succeeded, in placing his tly-light at au thipria ed angle. diffnslng the light in equal proportions, and producing that suft, gradation of tune% hich cannot ho given by the side and sky-lights generally need. and whin is of se much importance to the beauty of a picture. It is made of Nrettch 41111 is the largest in Philadelphia: ' Mr. Cooper line been engaged More than twenty years In the study and practice el the Fine Arts: Ills long ex permute sea Miniature and portrait Painter is a suffi cient guarantee for the pet feeder' of the pictui es made at his establishment. onhaining in . Dec. 8, 1863: Shimk John $ W necub Mime W&Lvbr John II Wkver Jarnee H WFight lire Char lotte Wbodortb3llso The art of idealizing is well understood ; none but the most skilful artists are employed in the respe:tive de partments. All Pilturek Warranted:—the Ivorytypes will not change, in any climate, mid will stand the test of Acids. Particular attention is paid to givingli (ireful and easy positions. Daguerreotypes and all other kinds of pictures copied, from small medallion to life size, end finished in colors ur Indian ink - , to look equal to pictures taken from life. This thille-y possesses rare Liellities for taking .t.):/u4s-' Irian Pictures fromlife, in the tear building, where from one to fifty horses can be photographed at a time. N.B.—To Photographers, Colorists and others. Just Issued.—A new Work on PHOTOGRAPH COLORING, TVORYTYPING, ENA MELLING, IVORY MINIATURE --, PAINTINO, Ate. Complete instructions given for making Ivorytypes, with some valuable receipts, never before publithed, useful to all photographers, tor une of which a large sum .has been offered. Louisa %Mesa n Juba Watson Itendly Wickey Olive YSeang Miss Mat- Sic L Yineitey Nibtl I :Amanda C • re will please say Vi,. DEAL, P. M. By following the directions contained in this book, even those persons with - no previous knowledge of Paint ing cannot fail to color photographs in a beautiful and effective style. Price. One Copy, $5.00, Five Copies, $20.00. By remit ting $l2 one copy, with Box of Paints, Palette, Brushes. au d preparations complete' will be furnished free of Charge. Will be Published shortly, A VALUABLE WORK' ON DRAWING. With progressive Illustrations tf the Human Face and . Figure. Also, A HAND-BOOK ON POSITIONS; With Illustrations. Designed for the use of Photograph 31. r. Cooper continues to receive Ladies and Gentlemen into his Classes for Instruction in Drawing, and Pboto• graph. Ivorytype, India Ink,and Past!' Painting, ands beautiful process for Enameling Pictures. Cirbialars containing list of prices of pictnres and fur ther information respecting the Books and Terms of In struction may be had by enclosing Post Office Address and a Stamp to P. F. COOPER, 1338 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia. Calab 43 one, President Academy of Fine Arts. Dr. Thos. B. Wilson, Ornlthologbit and Entomologist. Rev. Thomas Miles Martin, P. E. Church. Ron: Victor A. Sartori, Consul of Leghorn. Robert It. Clarkson, of Firm of day Cooke & Co.. New York, Rev. W. A. Maybln,ltect.-St.A.lban'eChutth Boston, 3. E. Tilton & Co. Worcester, Mane, P. Dodge, F.sq. Baltimcre, Mons, Aniedee &mean, French Consul. dec9-3t fritnktitt itepolitonj,l,otienther CHARLES W. EYSTER, C. S. FASTER': Ex're of Jxeob Oyster,dec'd ere 'and Artists. = 0,03 abbertioentento: DYSPEPSIA, _ Aro DISEASES RESULTING FROM DISORDERS OF THE LIVER DIGESTIVE ORGANS. • are cured by BOOFLAND'S ,GERXIAN BITTERS, - THE GREAT STRENGEIXG TONIC. • These Bittershave Performed more Cures! Rave and do give better satisfaction! - Have more testimony! Have more respectable people to vouch for them! Than any other article in the market. - W e defy any one to contragict this assertion, and WILL PAY .81,000 - To any one who will produce a certificate published by us, that is not genuine. 1100FL I AND'S 'GERMAN BITTERS Will ctire.every taso of Chronic or Nervous Debility. Diseases of the Kid neys, and Diseases arising from a Disordered Stomach. Observe the following Symptoms , resulting fron Disorders of the igestive Organs: Constipation. Inward Piles, Fullness or Blood t. the Head. Acidity of the Stomach. Nausea. Heartburn. Disguat for Food, Full- - ness or Weight in the Stom ach, Sour Erueta- • - tions,. Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach. Swim ming of the head, hurried and Dif 'cult Breathing, /lettering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensations when in a 1:;in! _ Posture. Dimness of 'Vision, Dots or Webs • before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of • • Perspiration,Yellow ness of the • - Skin and Eyes; Pain in the Side, Back. Chest. Limbs, d:e., Sudden Flusherof Dent, Burning in the fflesh, Constant Imagin ings of and great Depression of Spirit: REMEMBER, that this Bitters is NOT ALCO-. HOLIC, contains no -Rumor Whiskey, and can': make Drunkards, but is the BEST TOSIC.iu thr World. sar- READ WHO SAYS SO: 'Ea From the Rev. Levi G. Beek, Pastor of the Ba . ptls 4 Church, Pemberton, N. J.. formerly of the North 1 Baptist Church, Philadelphia: * • I have known Hooftand's Gerinan Bitter: favorably for a number of years. • I have used then '- i n my -own family, and .have been so pleased with their effects that I was induced to recommend then • to many others, and know that they have operated in a strikmgly beneficial manner. I take great pleasure thug publicly proclaiming this fact, and calling the attention of those afflicted with' thedis cases for which they are recommended, to tgese Bitters, knowing from experience that my recom mendation Will be sustained. 'I do this more cheer fully as IlOofland's Bitters is intended to benefit tht afflicted, and is " not a rum drink." . Yours truly. LEVI G. BECK._ ! From nee. J. Newton Brown, D. D.. Editor of th. . Encyclopedia of Relig: ions Knowledge and Chris tan Chronicle. Philadelphia. Although not disposed to favor or recommend Pa tent Medicines in general, through distrust of thei, ingredients and effects, I yet know of no sufficien reasons why a man may not testify to the benefits hi believes himself to have received from any situp'. preparation, in the hope. that he may thus contrib ute to the benefit of others. I do this the more readily in regard to Hoofland . r German Bitters. prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, o. this city. because I was prejudiced against them taw many years, under the impression that they well chiefly en alcoholic mixture. ram indebted to my friend, RobertShoemalter, EsO., for the removal • , 31 this prejudice Ey proper tests, and for encourage ment to try them, when 'suffering from great and long continued debility. The use of three bottles of these Bitters, at the beginning of the present year. was followed by evident relief. and restoration to a degree of bodily and mental vigor which I had not felt for six months before, and had almostdespaired of regaining. I therefore thank God and my friend for directing me to the use of them. .7. NEWTON BROWN, Milled& From the Rev. Jos. H. Kennard, Pastor of the 10th Baptist Church. • Dr. Jackson:--Dear Sir: I tave.beeii frequently requested to connect my name with commendations of different kinds of medicines, but regarding the practice atreint ofn:ty appropriate sphere. I have=in• all cases declined: but with a clear proof in various instances, and particularly in my family. of the use fulness of Dr. Hoolland's Germnn Bitters, I depart for once from my usual course. to express my full :conviction that. for general debility of the silatem and claoecially for. Liver Comp/rant:it so a safe and vat -I«zble jlreparation. In some cases it may fail: hut usually, I doubt not. it will be very beneficial to 'those who suffer from the above Yours very respectfully, J. H. KENNARD. Eighth below Coates Street; Philadelphia. From 'Rev. - Warren Randolph, Pastor, of Baptist _ Church, Germantown. Penna. Dr. C. M. Jackson :—Dear Sir: Personal exp,cri ence enables:Me to- say that I regard the German Bitters prepared by you as a most excellent medieine. In cases of severe cold And general debility I have been greatly-benefitted -by the use of the Bitters. and doubt not they will produce similar eifects ou others. Yours truly WARREN RANDOLPH . , Germantown, Pa. From - Rev. J. 11. Turner. Pastor of Itedding 3i. -E Church, Philadelphia. Dr. Jackson —Dear Sir; Raving used your Ger mitt Bitters in my family frequently.l am prepared to say that it has been of great service. I believe that, in most cases of general debility of the system it is the safest and most valuable remedy of which I have any knowledge. Yours respectfully. J. H. TURNER, 726 11, 19th Street. From the Rev. J. M. Lyons, former Pastor of the Columbus (N. J.) and Millerstown (Penna.) tist Churches. NEW ROCHELLE, N. Y. - Dr. C. Ji. Jackson :—Dear sir: I feel it a pleasure th us , of my own accord, to bear testimony to the excellence of the tlerma.n Bitters. Some years since being much afflicted with Dyspetsin, I used thew with very beneficial results. have often commended persons enfeebled by that tor menting disease, and have heard from them the most flattering testimonials as to their great value. In eases of general debility, I believe it to be a tonic that cannot besnrpassed. J. M. LYONS. From the Bee. Thn*llea Winter:Pastor of Rombor out h Baptist Church. Dr. Jackson :—Dear Sir: I feel it due to your ex cellent preparation, Ifoofland's German Bitters, to add my testimony to the deserved reputation-it has obtained. I bare for Years. at times, been trmibled with great disorder in my head and nervous nervousssstein. I ims by a friend to try a bottle of your German Bitters. I did so. and have experienced great and u^expected relief: my health has been very materially benefitted. I confidently recom mend the article where imeetwith cases similar to 'my own, and have been assured by many of "their good effects. Re.spertfulle yours. T. WINTER, Roxborough. Ea. From the Her. J. S. Herman. of the Gertonn Re formed Church, Kutztown, Berke counts. Pa. Dr. Ci M. Jackson:—Respected Sir: I have been troubled with Dyspepsia nearly twenty years. and have never used any medicine that did me as much good as Hon:land% Bitters. I am very much im proved in health after having taken five bottles. Yours with respect. 3. S. HEIMAN . ' PRICES: Large Size' (holding net:o76lo%lbl° quantify) ' $1 Per /3'6Mo—half dozen $5 fr. Small Size-75 Cente per Bottle—half dozen 4 is BEWARE OF- COUNTERFEITS! See that the sinature of " C. M. JACKSON." is on the WRAPPER of each bottle. . should your nearest druggist not have the article. do nut be put off by any of the intoxicating prepara tions that may be offered in its place, but send toils. and we will forward, securely packed, by express. PRINCIPAL OFFICE_ • AND MANUFACTORY. No. 631 ARM! STREET JONES & EVA:NS, (Successors to C. M. Jackson .k Co.). PROPRIET6REL, FOR "SALE by Druggists and Desteiti in every, own in the United States. [dee 9,63-7 m elv abbr tint ; , , , ento, A DmriasTßAToirs NOTICE. , mix ECITTOR'S COTI, E.—Ndial IX Notice is 'hereby given that -Letters of Admit - Gs- t j 1 12 4 is hereby ' given that ' ' Ater* I'.. ,anientar l. yto the " tratnin to the Estate of -John t•hilito, late of Guilford , .bat Ate 01. Michael Little.' t to of West ngton township. township, deed. have been glinted to the actbocriber, -,s dee'd, hp yr been glutted t the subiO—.Ler, residing it residing in said township— .1 Wayneelt.Oro. ,- All persons knowing themselves indebted to paid .Es4 . l - Ali pers. us knowing tbe - etrestrti Wed to said BP tate will please make immediate payment; and those I tate will p .ala make hum late Pat..-Leliti and than having claims Will present them properly authenticated ; havingclant.s willpresentt to props• y Authenticate for settlement. fttee9 .1 SAIIITELIIROSSMAE, Adler. I for settlem , - t tdoctl) -JOHN I 11.ERIL Ex'r. 1 ftelv, mbertionnento. ITEADQUARTERS OF PROVOST !1 G SAL}' OF 1 : S.'CO.N, MARSHAL, Sixtvnta District, Pe nnsytrania,l P UB. DEMN : 0 GOVERNM NT PRO SRTY.—WIMX tibatabetsburg, December Ith, 1863.---Such Townships or I sold at Public a tictiou, at \ ttysburg.. Adams count' . lkwoughs as furnish their fall quota of Volunteers under 1, Penns on Th.. -d a y. ',teen% - - ift.byt pt. H. 11.MA:tor. the recent call of the Prestdent for three hundred thous- , A. Q. on a Is .;clot oft o „ deuthed HORSES &N ` end men, will be exempt from the pending draftihould 1 MULES, about : also a I ge tot of t nous, Wag. •i one be rendered necessary in January next. • - Beds. Scrap Inn .id other tz -irtermas 'es Stores, to 'The several Townships and Borough wilt receive credit eluding Camp au larrison .1. alpage,•A for_ all volunteer. that may be mristered.into the 'service '. , This Sale will k , ontiuued atil the . airs Property since the August draft, the number sii credited to be de- i and Stores are diet rd. ducted from their propartitin of the quota assigned thi i THRMS,CASII I United r tee Tree - .17 Nojes ! State under the recentcall.. • By order of Ilitl.l. .COUCEL • Colored Men voluntarily enlisting will be accepted to ' , . , A 3X:li. 1. IPLET, ; , a part of the quota. To such, however. no bounties wit i docit-lt. , Capt . &, _ Chief M., Dep't .4 . the Sue. be paid. GEO.. BYSTER, i ______ . -- .... ! dec9-3t • Capt. & Pro. Mar., 16th Dist. Pa. FOUTZ'g MIXTURE.—Is a sac -,--,-.7 2. ---- -- and reliable Remedy fir_the cure of Rhtumatisn ; randal Nervous Affections, Sprains, Barns, Swellint 'MILITARY C.1,A11 -I.—t minott-7 , and,all disease requiring an external application 'on Mal ." weaWt o 1863.—THE BOARD OF A 911.-. stiPsitS avnig in f Pinnsykarsia Ace of lit/ old 2111! 4,711, i On Horses it will never fail to cure Pole-evil Fistula . -sld running Sores, or:Sweeny, if properly applied. Pot - merge the Claims for Damages ill ill 41 by a ~ y ,,,,, on ' sprains, bruises, scratches, cracked hoofs, chafes, saddl. the southern Border ..t the State, le "•'ron oft e il.ebel or tollarGall, cuts or 'wounds, it is an infallible retried, . fry it, and be convinced of its efficacy. Redd, under Stuart, in 1862 and toe. `I": la the DeSES RHEUMATISM. ' - 4, AND DAMAGE- sustaiued by Mize. o the C. ismon . Persons afflicted With this disease, no matter of how . wea lt h; occasioned by the coettpancy s t,i and t sepias 1 • ung standing, can bepromptly and efteetnally cured by ; upon their lands by any part of the ifil. I Force ailed using this mixture. Into service In 1562. or the impressment ..: Iheinl -an s There is nothing in the worlcVso sure and so 'good 'to ' and other Property into the services f tiii-l'Ated S tos. ,k - aksitsway bad Corns andlcure 'Frost Bites as this prepar- for the use• Of the Anderemt Cavalry, in ,92, t %Ai. &ion. Tryit and satisfy yourselves. Price 26 and 60 NOTICE, that they arenow in session. at , he s sit .ents per bottle. Prepared by Bones, in Chantherstihrg, for the Boronghof t amb a &A. FOUTS A BRO., Westrainiter, 31d. burg. and the asNoisslng,neitt . h . ho ..... rhoos . I.: , . For Bald by 3.lfLLEit Ac HERSHEY, and J. 8. NIXON !. TILE STUARI RAID ta,A taw, sieving pno4 . •s 'n P ..) ;hambershurg. Pay and Storekeepers everywhere. ; will be the first iu the order of consideration, :1445.. .• m I befirstpresented ; the other claims deterring to st ens ; nVess occurring in one and the same - party yr in ‘ .1- I nal, who may, in such ease, desire consideration o. tlie ! slates -in fall.- ; 1 The Citizens of Pelee Township will be bard -it , Chambersburg, on Friday and Saturday, the 27th is d I 26th instant., - , st The Citizens of St. Thomas lbtonshin will be heard .it Chambersburg, on the 30th Met , and Ist of December. Those of Hamilton 'township. end the portions ;;I ',-- Greenund Guilford Townships, adjacent to ChaMbeirs ; burg, at Chtimbersburg. on the 2d, 3d and sth ofsisecetu r her ; and the portions of Guiiford and-Green 7bastatships • 1 in the neighborhood of Fa) otteville, on -the 7th and bt h 1. days of December, et Chambersburg. - Any other portiomi of Franklin and Fulton _ Csuntiee. ; not named, except a:MM./ornery Tconship, will be heard lat Chambersburg. on the 9th of December. ' ; - 1:, ' „Montgomery Township will be heard at Mercerstearg, heal the 16th and lath of December. !' THE CLAIMS UNDER THE ANDERSON CAVALRY. ' and ifititia Clauses of the Arts not connected with Stuart Raid Claims' will la , heard of a future day, and at places as convenient as practicable to the partite interest— ed) of which taws and, places due notice will be Ova, A. 0. MESTER, • a ACOB WEIDLE, Appraisers. JAMES WORE ALL, sluugh, NEWS BALSAMIC„COUGII - s x itr.—/br toughs, - °Ads, Croup,Wh ooPinft ithma, Broncliitis, Spitting Blood, Pain and Weakness?e, the Breast, Difficulty of Breathing, de. —This is no new remedy. It has been used for a num ',er- of yeirs in Maryland and parts of Pennsylvania, ~ nd Las wherever known,, acquired an unprecedented nputatioa for curing the various diseases for which it is •ecommended. It is used by all - dames of society, and the universal pinion is that it is good. Thu Syrup iipurely Vegetaz le °impound. Ii pleasant to take, and never does njnry. But, owing to ita purifying qualities, Must do food under any circumstances. Its effects' are 'truly •sronderful, soothing, calming, and allaying the most :Mien t coughs: purifying, streengthing and invigorating he whOle system, calming aim soothing the nerves, dding and facilitating expectoration, and healing the DISRA.SraI LUNGS. Chris striking at the root of diseases, and driving it from the system. .. CROUP. This disease is announced by difficulty of breathing, ihrill,whistlingor wheezing, hacking cough and threat !lied suffocation, 44 1 It mostly oecura in young chil. Irma. No child need die of croup if this Syrup is pro. party used and used in time. Mothers Paving croupy children should watch the first show of the disease.and Always keep tins remedy at band. For eerier after measles this Syrup lisimost excellent. :xperience has proven that it is equaled Py no other 'reparation. The price of the remedy is such as to place it within he reach of all, the pour as well as the rich, and every ,ierson should have it. Every-person should have it in the house. -It is a true ind faithful friend to all who value health and wish to •ecure themselves against _that most terrible disease, 'onsumption. It will be found the moat 'useful as well s the cheapest family medicine in the world. It has 'eon used fur the last four years with a success without parallel. Price 40 cents per bottle, or 'three bottles for $l.lO. , Prep areu by - S. A. FOUTZ & BRO., • Westminster;Md. For sale by MILLER & HENSILRY,and J. B.N I XON, lharnbersburg, Pa.; and Storekeepers every -where. .LIOUTZ'S CELEBRATED HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS:--These Powders have proved, after a trial of several years, to be superior to 'say preparation of the kind used. Thechiof superiority of these Powders arise front the fact that they ate com posed of Medicines that have fAxative, Tonic and Puri= tying properties. The Lazatise ejected crudities from the stomach and intestines; the Tonic gives strength to the system of the Horse; and the purifying medicines contained in them cleanse the blood, and lay the foun dation for a; healthy and vigorous circulation. The use of - them Lai:troves the wind, strengthens the appetite and giveirthe horse a fine, smooth and glossy sl= in—thus improvlne the appearance, vigor and, spirit of the noble animal. . / These Powders are not intended, as most powders are. to bloat the animal, so as to give him tee appearance of being fat when not really so—but to remove the disease and proniote his general health. These Powders will strengthen the stomach and intes tines, cleanse them from offensive matter and brinF them to a healthy state. They are a prevAntion of Lank Fever, sada certain remedy for all diseases incident to • the Horse, as Glanders, Yellow Water, Distemper • Founders, weaves. Slavering; Coughs, Fevers, Loss el Appetite, and Vital Energy, &c. These Powders if used two or three times a week, through the winter and spring, your Horse will never get the Lung Fever, Coll , or Botts. A few doses of these powders will remove Go worst Cough on any Horse. Were owners of Horses t= • feed a few of these Powders every year they might sav, the lives of many valuable Horses. MILCH COWS.—The properties this Powder posseseet in increasing the quantity of milk In Cows, gives it an = importance and value which should place it in the hand, of every person keeping a Cow.—ln fattening Cattle, it gives them an appetite, loosens their hide, and makee them thrive much faster. 11005.—1 n all diseases of Swine, as Coughs, Ulcers in the Lungs and Liver, &c., by putting from half a paper ton paper of these Powders in a barrel of swill, the above = disease can be cared or entirely prevented. By using these powders the flog Cholera can bo prevented. Pre= ' , Tared by S. A. FOUTZ-St BRO., Westminster, Md. For Sale wholesale and retail, by MILLER A arm SHEY, and .1. S. NLY.ON; Cliantheisburg. Pa.,and stoke . keeperes everywlfre. Price 25 cents per paper; or five papers for $l. [decnia-ly] S. SHRYOCK, BOOKSELLER STATIONiat. now occupies his NEW STORN Room and Is prepared-to transact basins!' with greater facilities than ever. BOOKS.—School Books, Miscellaneous Books. Toy Books, Law Books, Medical Books, Sunday School Bookb. Military Books. BIBLES.—A large. assort:gent or Pocket and Family BLANK BOOBS of alpizen, • qualities and ityleti of binding. STATIONERY.—A great variety of all kinds of Writ ing and Printing Papal, of PI elicit, English and Ameri can manufacture. also, Envelopesof all sizesand quali ties, Ink, Pens, Pencils. India Rubber, Tapes Seals, Quills, Copy Books, Blotting Board, Knives,iramera, Writing Saud &c., &c. 11OLD PEN B.—Tiae very best Gold Pens in the market, fully warranted, made be Lamy W. Fairchild, of N. Y. BLIND PAPER.:—A fall variety of patterns and quali ties. WALL PAPER.—Nearly 1000 different patterns. tee. gather with suitable Burderinge, Plain,- Velvet and Vet v et ililt. PICTURE FILLMES—OvaI Anti Square Framerifor Pho tovaphe. Framed made to order. FRENCH GLASS, for Picture Frames, of any size. CHEAP NOVELS, much lower than publishers' prices. gNGRANI.NOS.—EngiiHb, French, Borman and Amer• ken F.ngmcings. BASKETS.—Fancy, Traveling, Book, Plbnie, Fruit, Knife and Clothes Baskets. ZEPHYR WORSTEDS.—SingIe end Double Zephyr, Tapestry and Spll Zephyr .Shetiand Wool, Ac., &c. NEWSPAPERS.—The . Philadelphia and New York Dailies received daily. Clubs - or individuals supplied. WEEKLY PA t'EßS.—llarper's Weekly, Frank Leslie, N.Y. Mercury, N. Y. Weekly, N. Y. liedger, etc., receiv ed weekly. ' PERIODICALS.—IIarper's Monthly, Atlantic Monthly Continental, Godey, Peterson, Mallon, Knickerbocker, All the Yi3ar Round, Cornhill,,etc., etc:, received as soon as pnblithed. - • CHEAP LITERATURE.—AII the Dime Publications, Weekly Nouveilettes, Song Books. etc., received daily. -ORDERS.—We take orders for all kinds of goods. EXPRESS.—We receive goods by Express every day from the East. Blank Deeds. Writing and printing Cards, Rulers, Paper Weights, Nancy Boxes, Combs and Brushes. Chalk Crayons, and all standard goods in our lite constantly on baud. lIIISIC.—.Sheet Music, for Piano, Guitar, Violin, Flute. PIANOS.-We purchase Fiance on commis.fon, 800. , t o save our customers from Fifty to One_liundred and Fifty Dollars. MUSICAL INSTRUNIENTI3.—We can supply any kind of Musical Instniments at prices far tower than usual. PHOTCGILAPII ALBUMS.—We can sell Photograph Albums at lower prices than they can be procumi for In the cities. FOR THE HOLIDAYS. - „CARTES DE 'VISITE. Portalte of Military Men of this V. K. Army and Navy, distinguished Men and Women. Comic Pietures,,etc.-eto, 'NEW TOY-BOOKS in great variety. New publications of the American 8.8. Union. Ameri. can Tract Society, Presbyterian Board of Publication, etc., etc. PRESeNTATION BOOKS'of nil kinds for the Il olidays. We have no hesitation in 'raying to our customers that from our long experience, our manner of doing busineee. and out, great facilities, an do not fear competition, and have no doubrof our being able to give entire batiefatt lion: - Come and see our New Store, our new and enlarged stock, and form your own opinions. Chtunbershurg, dec 2,4/S. Ell Matta nov2l4t I MPORTANT NOTIC E IN RELA i, TION TTHJANUARY DRAFT.—flozdguarfers, Provost Marshat,',Siximnth District, I'enn itytrania,Chnrn bersburg,Novumber 2.s.ls63.—Printed alphabetical lists - of the names and residences of all persons, of both chisties, enrolled as liable to military duty in this . Die- tract, are being prepared us rapidly. aw„possible. Copies will at once ho forwarded to the several En rolling Meer's, at abuse houses as well as at Post fa, r ces and otherpublic places they may bi'3 inspected., - I Any person enrolled may appear before, the Bo a rd of ' Enrollment and claim to have hie mime stricken off the Lilt, if he min show to the satisfaction 14'th° Board that, . he is and, will nut be at the time, (JanuarysHO axed fir the next daft, liable 'o military duty on account of let Altenage. . ' 2d *lon-residence. 3d Unsuitableness of Age. 4th kfantfest Perte-nient bi.raNitty. ' The time for eó apiktai tog beftire the dnnrd nt.d clnim lng to have nantet at rieken off will uxpirit with the 20th of December, next, after which de) ne carer will lie heard. Persons who may bo cognizant of of lie r, persons Debi. to military duty, whose names do not appear on — a • List, aro requested to notify the Board ottnrollme:. . All persons enrolled on Information thus received a entitled to avail themselves of the privi.oge of appea.- iog within the time limited and claiming to have tliplL aanies stricken off, the milieu if they had been origin• illy enrolled. • "Eno Board of Enrollment will be in sesaien daily, until 20th prox., to act on such cases as mat be presented. GEO. EYSTER, Capt. & Pro. Mar.l6th Die. Pa. rtov2s4t Legal gotireo. A PPEALS!—Tax Payers take No n". - tice,—The Commissioners of FrankMnentultY:luid the Assessors of each township and Borough, will meat at the following times,:in the Commissioners Office in the Borough of Chambersburg, for the purpose cilia:w ing the Appeals from County, State and Military Taxes for the year, A. D. 1884, to wit: ~... . Tuesday, December Bth, for Chambersburg, Guilford, Warren, Fonnett, and Metal. - Wednesday, December 9th, for Peters, Antrim, Montt pmery, Mercersburg, and Greencastle. Thursday, December 10. for Letterkenny, Lurgan, -Southampton and Hamilton. Friday, December 11th, for Washington,WaypeahniO, Green, aincy and St. Themes. • . JOHN NITTERHOUSE,} - JOHN DOUNNY, • 1 • Commissioners. " IiigNII.Y GOOD, 010. Iroaxitan, Clerk. - OXE T ORS' NOT I (;:k 4 .-I;Dries to hereby given that Lettere Testamentary to the Eaten) of Jecos VANDILIUMFL. late of eouthampion tvep, deed, have been granted to the undersigned, residing lo said township. - , , All petsons knowing themselves Indebted tosaid Es tate are requested to make immediate payment, and thosehavingclalms,present them properly authiniti cated forsettlement. MARIA VANDERSA.IIL, Rem' DAVID SPENCER, - - nov4 EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notic'e is hereby given that Letters Testainentary to the Estate of Daniel Shively, late of the Borough of Chap bersburg, dec'd. have beengranted . to the undersigned' residing in said borough. - - All persons k nowingth emseives indebted to said Es tate will please make immediate payment; and those having claimswill present them properly euthenticated for settlement. PETER BUIVELY. novll • LEWIS WAMPLER, L9%4 *taint anb ,Strageb. (11 4 ‘); - REWARIL—Stoleh from ihe hie pmiture debd of the subscriber, on Frid . N night the 7th mst.,4 miles east of Chambersburg on Mit Gettysburg Dike, a large Black Borse,B years 047;.Owo neyed in the left shoulder, but does not go lame; wa/ka cell in harness or under the saddle. The shore reward will ha:dater any information leading to the recovery of the borne by ANDREW J. LOCHBADM.: aug 1Z ' "VOTICE.-Left at the Hotel of the undersigned, in Pleasant 11411, about the let of Xrigust lest, a BRINDLE STEW rising two years old, with a white spot on his forehead. The owner is request. ed tceprove property, pay chews and take him away, or he will be disposed of according to in*. itec2.3o AMIAIIAM KEEFER. TOST.-A HICKORY CANE with j T Iron Top and new Turk of four or five inches, on road from Cbamberebnrg to Mont Alto. If returnedie this Office a liberal reward will be paid. ' (nov2isJ Motto. • IIY ANTED.--a Steam E'riitte of about twenty Horse power. Also a Saw NW Ca age and gearing. Any person baying any of t i be above articles for sale Will find a purchaser b addressing Ibis Office. _ I ".2rlgt; WANTED—An 4pprentite to leara V V the UNNING ISpiluese. It quire at .the Itli mergerr Office.'aepPg j~jANTED. =A "Goiid Journepnan CA.niNET MAKE& Steady empkryruent giTes Enquire at this Office. , ' oct2l '6B4S AY. Wanted, 50 Toni" OrGOOD TIMOTHY HAY, for which the' highest paliirin cash will be paid on delivery. [dec24tl fIEIttEAT. „foe 3aent. yEDERA_L HILL FOR RENIA The underaigned will rent the - TEDERAL-IBILL t one, and ground immediately pertaining tlfereto, for one or more years from April nett. It le the most DESIRABLE PRIVATE RESIDENCE for rent in the Borough of Chambered:mtg.' The •ilollllo is very com modious audits etcellent order, and there is very Sze Fruit on the lot. [nov2ls4l] A, E. IIceLIIRE.„; 0 1 5* 1= [uoY26
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers