The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, December 09, 1863, Image 1

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f franigin Nqlooitiorg.
The rebel journals are compelled to ad
;mit the defeat of Bragg to be most disas
ixotts and decisive ; and Bragg himself, in
his - offieial dispatch, says that his lines
il -
gave way in considerable disorder." The confess that the campaign for
the restoration of Tednessee to rebel. rule, is
ended ; and the greatest apprehensions are
justly expressed for; the safety of Georgia
niid Mobile. As every military disaster
theie'dayS must have a scape goat, almost
i with one accord the Richmond papers sin
gle out Bragg as the victim, and be has
been saperceded in the command by Gen.
Hardee. The Richmond Enquirer thus an
nounces the defeat at Chattanooga:
" 4, The meagre:details that reach us' from
`Geri. Bragg in no degree , lessen the magni - •
tube assigned to his disaster by
. public opin
ion on the reception of the first news of the
reverse. The loss' of .5,000 :prisoners is a
painful addendum to, the loss of the field.
Other -particulars furnished compel us to
think that the. defeat was little short of a
' rout, and it is probably due to the failure of
. the enemy to pursue that it lacks any feature
of tlutt most deplorable calamity that caa
befall an army. It is far from pleasant to
live to confess that the largest army we have
. owes its safety to the want of enterprise in
the enemy, but in this ease we may do so
Without disparaging the conrage that has
been displayed on too many fields to be
doubted. A more fatal want than. want of
Ourage-7want of confidence in their com
mander—unnerved and paralyzed that army.
• "But the safety Of the remnant of Bragg's
'wily, is only temporary, unless the command
is immediately changed, and re-enforeements
are sent to its relief. The least avoidable
delay• in the first of thlise steps is, a criminal
triflingwith'interests as important as were
ever committed to the keeping of mortal man.
If we.are not misled by information that no
aye would be apt to discredit, the army now
finder Gen. Bragg, discontented' almost to
iinutiny before - thate disaster, cannot be
kept logether:unds leadership.
The Richmond hig takes a more dole
ful view than the Enquirer. 'lt significant
ly asks what position can be held if Such
misLookont Mountain and Missionariltidge
imi be carried. *e quote": '?
- “For the first time in a greatlettle ' Con
fliderate troops have been put tOlightby the
anemy. ' There is no doubt we were greatly
outnumbered, ' put this disadvantage was
largely compensated by our superiority of
Around. We held Lookout Mountain and
Mission Ridge, ,positions very strong natur
ally, and rendered, we presume, still stronger
by art. Gen. Bragg must have considered
tg, len!. well nigh impregnable, else he would
tiothave chosen the occasion when the enemy,
all - along 'superior to him in
. purabers, had
been heavily re-enforced, to semi of a large
detachment of his own - army on a distant
expedition. There will hardly be any divis
' ion of opinion 'as to the cause of the unwont
ed and most painful spectacle of a whole
wing of a Confederate army giving Way un-
dor the onsets of their Yankee assailants,and
breaking into a disorderly flight.'
• "We are frank. to Confess that w.c are filled
With very grave apprehensions as'to the con
anquenees that may flow from 1108 reverse:
If the army under Bragg could' not hold
tbokont Mountain and Missionary Ridge, - we
are fdreed to ask ourselVes what position is
tteire between them and Atlanta, or the ocean,
they can hold ?" I
.. The following are Gen. Bragg's dispatch
' este Richmond:
"Mission Ripon, Nov. 24.—T0 General S.
Cooper —We have had a prolonged struggle
ik;r Lookout Mountain to-day, and sustained'
considerable loss in one division. Bliewhere
lite enemy has only manceuvreel for position.
`, (Signed) ' ' BRAXTON BRAGG, Gen."
.e . ' 4lnicr,,,i3tAtroA, Nov. 2.s.—Gen. S.-Coop
ar, A:. and I. General:—After several unsay
ooisful assaults on our lines to-day, the
gamy carried the left centre shoat 4 o'clock:
The whole left soon gave way in considera
hie:disorder. i The right maintained its
• ground, re . pelling every attack. lam with
drawing all to'this point. -
(Signed) :' - BRAXTON BRAGG."
The Baltimore American, the ablest jour
nal in Maryland, and one that is not obnox
ious to the charge of radicalism, thus ear
pestly and cogently demands that the des
truction of Slavery shall be thorough in the
Litton States as it:is confessedly in the
Border States.' After noticing the fact that
the Cotton• States had precipitated the Na
tion into fraternal war; destroyed Slavery
on the border and gathered the slaves into
the Gulf States, it says :
"And now, in view of all this—in view of
the wholesale, murderous swindle which the
Cotton States have perpetrated in getting
their . quotas of negrocs—the borddr states
beg leave to protest, against any peace or
cessation of the fie,lit in any shape which
Ataves the Cotton States to the quiet possess
ion of their ill-gotten spoiLs: Peace, now,
is just what they 'want. 5 With millions of
area of wild and fertile lands at their com
mand, and this additional •force of cheap ne
rves there, with the poor Whites_ killed off
.3att of the way, and cotton at a high price,
they would, indeed, revel in wealth; they
'would crowd into the most guilty of the
.Revolutionary States every element of pros . -
parity, such as they never knew in the past.
4..nd so it would result that to 'rescue a rem
nant of Southern Slavery' would be the very
41Varni ng good fortune over which
would exult, since, although they failed of
achieving their so-called 'independence,'
they would have accomplished the next most
desirable thing—have gotten plenty of negro
labor at cheap rates, without re-opening the
African Slave Trade, and broken down all
vorapetition elsewhere.
'so w , we say, make no terms with- the
Rebellion whatever, except on. the. ;na k e d
bads of submission ; and let the 'fearful' con
sequences •deprecated fall on those obstinate
sinon,g,tt, or stupid enough, to invoke these
- I
'consequences,' Let us have 'remnant of
Slavery' left, even if the conflict continues
as much longer as it has already done. A:nd
if the President were to cease to direct is
blows against the guilty Cotton States, for
fear of distressing the enemy, he tvourdlinz
ard, and more, lose, the labor already under
gone, and compromise the cause of the Re
publi-C and his own fame forever. - I
"Meanwhile, we reiterate the hope and
trust that the war may be pushed to lthe
uttermost; and, in urging this, we put in no
reserve plea to deal tenderly with the Cotton
States. They are the guilty ones, and, ifithe
infliction of war, which they invoked 'and
caused, is now coming home to them, all the
better, since they proposed, long ago,, to
make our own and other innocent communi
ties bear the brunt of the conflict. Let; the
National troops drive these guilty communi
ties, theie original revolutiOnisls, into a ,cok
ner, and, once within control, let suchnen
as Ex-General' Toombs have, their spoils
wrenched from them; let Governor liroWn be
made to re-consider his former words; , qo on
with your cotton planting, for the war iwill
Dever reach you!' - Let them be made to feel
that 'peace,' with Slavery undisturbed there,
is no longer practicable; that, as they have
broken up Slavery for us, they themselves
shall' never be permitted in cLuietto thrive
upon our misfortunes, as now they would
gladly do.
"But, flintily, there is no danger of this.this.
The latest intimations from WashingtOn as
to the. policy to be observed are conclub4-e on
this point. The President and his advisers
will stand' firm; and, doing so, the days of
Slisvery are numbered every Where. Could
Toombs and his fellow-conspirators stopniat
tersrjust where 'they .are, conceding thus to
the far Cotton States 'the palpable adilanta
ges they have gained, could Slavery (there
remain, we have not a doubt but thatl they
would consider the war, so far, a goodspecu
lation in better fitting the Gulf States for the
homes of a would-be 'aristocracy.' The, 'poor
whites' are—the bulk of them L-dead. They
no longer 'cumber the ground.' The trag
edy the leaders Bet'on foot is u frightful one,
and it is still for themselves to say whether
it shall be played to the end. 'And nb -sim
pler proposition could be made to relieve
them at once than the one already advanced
—the one steadily insisted upon by the
Government—' Let them lay downs their
arms. 7;
• We talc* the following truthful a. d do- 1 1
quent extract from a thanksgiving . -rmon
pfeached in - Lancaster on the 26th Ult., by
Rev. G. D.- CarioW, in_ .
'the Methodist
. I f
Church at that place :
. "A new race of nobles will sprin6 from
the war. Not the rich capitalists—not the
.landed proprietors of treasonable sympathies
—not the- traitor,sympathizing sons
t t l f those
who have learned their treason fro their
false and unnatural mothers, and are now
whisking about in the latest fashions, .bent
on small mischief it Igqine, or living
n. in for
eign countries, to dMlder and bet their
native land. No, no, no. Triumph tnt pa
triotism will spurn the crawling 'reptiles
from its pathlwith disdain and loathing. •
, "Then you will take your. places.), Then
you will brush another tear aside and proud
ly say; and a grateful - country will uncover
and attend, "My husband, my fatl er, my
brother: my son fell'under Grant on he day
when he laid Vicksburg- in the dust, nd re?
opened the fathers of waters. Mine tpll with
- Rosecrans, mid the iron hail of Stone river..
Mine fell with Meade on the heights of
• Gettysburg."- Lift . up' your eyes and see I
All that is glorious in this great countr y and .
Its institutions our darling braves Won by
their gallantry, and bought, with their prec
ious blood! That will be enough. 1 Wipe,
therefore, the tears from your eyes,
Mind, in
view of the past and the future, lift your
hearts in thanksgiving to the Almighty!!
"Lancaster was always a'quiet and goodly
city.' But she was never• immortal until
Reynolds, whom she gave to the - Country, '
had ceased to live. The day on' which he
fell, covered with glory, her imMortality
began. Lancaster has nothing in her arch
itecture to interest the stranger's O l e. Pu t
conduct him to the shades of her dead citi
zens. and. point htm to the grave ?of Rey
nolds. If he loves his country, the sight
will make him a prouder and a better man.
I may not live to see these blessings', nor the
end of the war from which they are to spring.
If I should not, bear me to rest with an-open
Bible on' my boson.rapped in the 'stars and
stripes; and should F
u atone be set unite, mark
the spot, inscribe upon it, ...Elis h Fart, was
with his country,' God preserve our coon•
try forever an -ever, for the sake of Thy
Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Ameri!i Amen!",
Our losses at ,Chattanooga are
'kited not to emceed 8200.
The 56th Regt. Pa. Vols., firedi
volley at the battle of Getttysburg.
At Jefferson City, Missouri, a
of liberated slaves is rapidly ftllin!
Gen. Cox has been relieved fro
Cincinnati, and 'ordered to report
Gen. Butler -has organized a
Commission at Fortress Monroe fol
of guerillas. -
Gen. Gibbon has been ordered fr ,
land to ihe command of the Consei l
at Philadelphia.
Out of the 850 - applicants for p
the colored regiments, 888 lave b
ed by the examining Board.
Jefferson county has been anneXrd to West
Virginia by an act of the Legislat u re of that
State, now in session at Wheeling.
Seventy-eight rebel prisoners es aped from
. i 7,
Camp - Douglas, 'Chicago,"on ednesday
night. About thirty of them we4e retaken.
. . .
Gen. Hayes, of New York, has been order
ed to raise five colored regirnent;ll. A regi
ment of colored cavalry is to be raised in
Massachusetts. I - ,
It is announced, upon the tstimany of
deserters from the rebelariny, that 3faj. Gen.
John C. Breekinridge died from! wounds re
ceived in'the fighting at Ringgo d.
The dead-loek in the exchange business
continues, brit it is believed that negotiations
are pending for a resumption of an exchange
of prisoners upon just principles.
Rear Admiltal Farragut, who has been on
leave of absence in the north - for some time,
has reported in person to the Navy Depart
ment. He will probably enter again on
'active duty!
The news of our operations in Texas con
tinues , mosi-faVorable. We now hold, Rad
mean to held, Brazos Santiago Island, Point
Isabel, Brownsville, Fort Brown, and Mus
Capt. Graham, of the first North Carolina
(Union) regiment, recently went on a raid
thirty miles into that State, and captured
seventy-five guerrillas, being the whole com
pany of a Capt. White.
- A- soldier of the 07th Ohio regiment has
sent to GoV..Tod a piece. of the first
. brick
taken by a Union soldier from the walls of
Fort Sumter, , ru brick was taken during
a voluntary reconnoissance.
Ger. Curtin has submitted for the approv
al of the President a plan tor raising troops
in Pennsylvania, which, it is said, if acceed
ed to, will place that State among the fore ?
moat in filling the required quota. Act
net Boston Traveller states that Lieut.
Colenan and twenty privates, (colored,) cap
tured ,in Louisiana recently, were bung._by
the RebelS. Theybelonged to Gen. Ullman's
brigade, and were captiimd on a recon- :
noissance to Jackson, La., by Col. Losan:s'
Rebel cavaliy.
The late fight near Cumberland Gap was
between Foster's and Longstreet's cavalry;
the latter attempting to cross the Clinch
river., lye lost fifty men, but captured four
pieces of artillery. In the last assault on
Knoxville, Longstreet lost one thousand in
killed, wounded and missing.
The Cincinnati Gazette has received ades
patch from. Chattanooga, dated the 4t14 ,
which says: Everything is quiet along the
entire line. Our .casualties in the
-late bat
tles, both in killed and ,w ounded, numbered
4,p00. We in all 6,450 - prisoner's
and 46 guns.
Official 'despatches from Gems. Banks and
Stone notify the Government of the occupa
tion and capture of Brazos, Point Isabel,
Brownsville, Corpus Christi, and Aransas
City, with the prize of three guns and one
hundred prisoners at the latter place. Gon.
Ban s' most'sanguine expectations are more
thankrealized: . -
While Gel. Grant's loss of guns has been
tory trivial, ho has captured within bhe pu, s t,
seven months four hundred rebel cannon,
namely : fifty two on his advance to Vicks
burg, three hundred ut that place, and,4&
before Chattanooga. Among the latter was
the famous Loomis Battery, captured by,the
rebels at Chickamauga. -
A despatch to the Cincinnati Commerciat,
dated at Cumberland 'Gap on the 4th Mat.,
says: " Gen. Foster has driven
,the enemy
from Clinch river, and is now in pursuit of
him; The check which our cavalry received .
yesterday,: in attempting to Cross the Clinch
river,. will - doubtless secure the retreat of
Longstreet's army.
The Richmond Enquirer, of December Bd,
says:—Bragg's headquarters is at Ringgold.
The enemy seem disposed to push the advan
tage they have gained energetically. The
battle will be resumed in a day or two be
tween Ringgold and Dalton. The enemy
gainOd what they fought for. Many field
sad regimental 9fficors are arriving wounded.
Great fears for Gen.. Longstreet's safety are
keit. Three thousand pf the.enemy are ad
vancing toward Knoxville:
th© first
duty at
at Knox-
the trial
om Cleve-
ipt Depot
sitions in
en reject-
It is a generally-admitted fact that thoen
emy allowed our dead to remain unburied
Scene of its Present Operations.
MATAMORPti% 7 . )
°I•1 •
0 _ mo ose
on the field of Chickamauga, though the
rebels spent days in picking up fragments of
iron, broken arms, and anything that could
possibly be made of 1.154, with which the field
was Strewn. Contrasting with this is the
conduci of Hooker's treops; who lately spent
many hours in giving
. burial to the rebels
who fell in the recent battle. And yet, after
the fight at Richmond, where one Union
regiment sustained such frightful slaughter,
dead bodies were found savagely- mutilated
by relA ha.. This' is' asserted with more
than usual emphasis;.' in a recent telegram
from Chattanooga. In test of the forgoing,
it may be remarked that Union prisoners
have been starved, to death . and killed for
looking out of windows in Richmond.
Crimes like these, perpetrated only by theA
worst: wretches in the Sbuth, reflect the cruel
,spiritiie rebel Government itself, whose
tyranny has awakened indignation • among
rebels themselves.
The Baltimore County American has
raised the flag of President Lincoln for re
The Indiana CoppCrhead State Convention,
called for the Bth of January, is to be post
poned until next summer.
The Copperhead State Committee of Ohio
have fixed the third Monday in March as the
day of holding their convention.
A 'Union State Convention is called in
New Hampshire for January 6, to nominate
a: Governor and railroad commissioner.
The Missouri Senate has passed a bill re
pealing the old State law which' prohibito
whitesfrom teaching slaves to read or write.
The California Union , State Committee
recommend Gettysburg as the best place
for holding the next National Union Con
The official returns of the late election in
Ohio show a majority for Brough of 10'2,000.
But eleven opposition representatiVes are
chosen to trio Legislature.
The Davenport (Iowa) Gazette says the,
State canvassers have so far completed their
work as to render it certain that Gov. Stone
will have 31,000 - majority.
The Union majority in Minnesota at the
late election was 7,000. The vote was very
light, and the Union majority is not as much
by 5,000 as it would be on a full poll.
Resolutions have been propoied in the Mis
souri Legislature to instruct Senators and
Representatives to vote for an amendment - to
the Constitution forever prohibiting slavery
in . the United States.
She Canibridge Inteiligencer names Judge
Thomas A. Spence for United States. Se,na-•
for from,Maryland, in place of Hon. James
A. Pearce, 'deceased. The position is at
present filled temporarily by Gov. Hicks, by
virtue of the Governor's appointment Judge
Sp e nce, is said to :be an emancipationist.
The Central Committee of the Ohio War
Democrats held' a meeting in Columbus late,
ly and resolved to call a mass convention at ,
the capital On the Stlf, of January next, the
day on which the-Jackson War-. Democrats
used to assemble when " Old, Hickory and
the Union" was the rallying cry of the
The Conference of War Democrats, beld in
Chicago recently, was attended by some forty
.persons, representing the States of Ohio,
Indiana, Illinois, Wistensin; and Minnesotit.
A declaration of vs'ps adopted, and
measures taken looking to knationalorgani—
zation. :. The platform declares unequivocally ;
in favor of the Union, denies that , the Con-t
stitution affords any pretext for secession„
providing, on the contrary, a peaceful reme
dy for every grievance that may occur in any
part of the country.
The eity,election in New York on the Ist
inst. resulted in the choice for Maybr of the
Independent or McKeon Democratic candi
date, 'Mi. C. Godfrey Gunther.- llis opponents
were Messrs. Blunt and Boole—the former
tke Republican, And the latter the regulkr
Democratic candidate. New York city has
now an independent . war Democrat for a'
kayo; who we 'hope will keep her in the
path of duty to the GoVernment.
There are a few States in the West that
allow their soldiers in the field to vote. Re
turns are „►early complete from the camps,
and the. result sums up as follows:
Union. Copper'
Ohio - 41.622 2.393 44.014
wi town sennain
rut) 16. 8, 7 85 91 1 - 904 19,695
622 9,475
s.llsionnl (in port) 5,639 293 5.932
Here is a 'Union majority of 66,690 in a
vote of 79,114; 'or more than ninety-two per
cent in favor of the old flag and the crushing
out of the rebellion. Yet the Democrats do
all the fighting—of course. 1
His Excellency Gov. Cannon, of Delaware,
has issued an official proclamation, announc
ing the vote in that State at the lust election
as. follows:
. 1 46
New Castle.. Kent. Einssex. 'Pose,
Nathaniel B. Smithers....4ol4 1837 2384 8216
Charles Brown 7 - .8 16
Joseph P. Comegys 2 2
Henry Ithlgely
John W. Houston— 1 —* 1
Charles Kimmey..• . ........
.. I I
William Townsend. 1 -- 1
The vote for 11r. Smithers is the largest
ever - cast for any candidate in the State of
Delaware. By way of comparison we ap
pend the votes at severafprevious Congress
ional elections: *,
Opposition. Dee:metal.
/858 Cullen, 8300 Whitely, 8111
1858 - Morris, 7452 Whitely, .7868
1860 'Fisher, 7733 Biggs, 7475
1862 Fisher, 8014 , Temple _ 8051
Gen. McClellan has taken the field. The
long incubation is over, andlhe comes out a
candidate for President. The Conservative
Union Nationul Committee "met on Thurs
day, at Cincinnati, its proceedings being
znanageih by such Union men as Washington
Hunt, Garret Davis, Leslie Combs,- J. Scott
Harrison, Emerson'Etheridge, Win.'Read.
13. Davb Noxon, aided by a host of unheard
ef fied}ings. A great number of speeches
were shade, and the Advisory
finally resolved to adopt the 'Kentucky Plat
form of 1862, and name - McClellan fir Pres
idential candidate, These proceedisgs were
,on Friday lfad before the latter body, who
referred the resolution to-the meeting to he
held in Philadelphia on the 234 inst. During
the proceedings about a dozen "Border - State
men were put down as candidates -for :Vice-.
The Secretary of War has returned froma
brief visit to Ohio.
' Queen Victoria bas organized a theatre, to
divert her mind, in Windsor Castle.•
Mrs. 'Lincoln's own. mother is dead. - It
was her step mother who recently visited a
rebel General.
Senator C(Tan has purchased a mansion
on .Capitol Hal, in Washington, and it is
said he will practice in the Supreme Court.
George• Swope, Esq., has been re-elected
President of the Bank of Gettysburg; T. D.
Carson Cashier, and J. IL McClellan Teller.
, M. S. Quay has been appointed chief
of transportation and telegraph of the Penn
sylvania militia, vice Major 0. W. Sees, de
ceased. -
Ex-Gov. Thos. G. Pratt and Col:
son, of Annapolis, were, sent -sonth lately_
via Fortress Monroe, by order of gel:Oral
Mrs. Jane M. Pierce, wife of Ex-President
Pierce, -died on Wednesday at Andover,
Mass. She had been in failing health for a
long time. .
George W. Newell is editing a compile,
tion. of the letters and papers of the late
William L. Marcy, which will soon be given
to the public.
Hon. Stephen Emery, of Auburn, Maine,
father-in-law of Vice President Hamlin,
died recently, aged. 73 years. •He has filled
many posts of trust and honor.
Rogers, the sculptor, of New York, is enga
ged on a new statuette, the subject of which
is, like several of his former works, derived
from the war. entitled the "Returned
Volunteer." •
The Empress Eugenie, in Seville, wore the
Spanish _costume of that -part of the country
—the long bleak veil, high comb, long gold
pins with large knobs at end in the hair,
embroidered corsage, wide skirt and fan.
Mr, Midhani Walsh, a member of the last
LegislatUre of Pennsylvania, and who was
again elected for the coming session,•from
Luzerne county,, was accidently killed on
the Pennsylvania railroad last week. - -
The President we are told, invaribly ad
dresses Messrs. Seward and Chase as ',Gov
ernor," Mr. Blair as "Judge," the Secretary
of the Navy as ' , Stanton." With others he
is more familiar, calling the Commander-i
n "Ilenry," and the Governor of Berm
• Mr, .Bunted, the nevili-appointed" Su
grans Judge of Alabama; has been puma).
Man printer, lawyer, corporation counsel,
brigadier-general, and -,is now about to as
aume the "ermine.", Ititklities he has al--
wriya been a Democrat, and during the war
has labored'hard-4t support of the
tration and.of the,unity of the States.
'eo JJatiueo.
Nieticels hereby given that Lettere of Eilmtalt
trntinn on the Estate of Jesse line en, late of the Stat. of
Missouri, dec'd t bay° been panted to,tbe aindsregy t ed.
residing_in Montgomery towniihip,Prtinklin
All persons knowing themselves indebted to Said Es
tate will please make immediate payment; and Own
having claims will present •hetu properly outhentiested
lor settlement. [dec2J DANIEL DAWDECEER, Ad •••r.
Notito ie hereby given that 'Lettere of Altutidetra.
non to the ..IKstare c , f Henry Unger, late of Waynesboro.
dec'd. baie been granted to the undereigned, ceaidipg
saki Borough.-
All personslenowlngthemselreslndebted U11410400*
will please make immediate payment, and these his Sing
cistern; present them propertynnthenticated for dettle.
meat. [deciJ SUSAN UNONR, Adqrx.
Notice Is hereby giCen that Letters of Adonenbe l
nation to the Estate of Henry Gordon, with_ the will
annexed. late of Washington township , deed, hare bee*
granted to the undersigned, residing said township.
Alipersons indebted to the said Estate. are hereby re:
quested to make immediate payment, find those havluE
claims or demands against the Estate of said docedeutt
will make known the same without delay. to
Notice is hereby - given that Letters of Admints;
:ration to tile Estate of George
,Lehman. late of Giieg
township, deed, have been granted to, the undersigned,
residing in said tow-nab ip.
All persons knovrnlng themselves indebted to said Sae
tate will please make immediate payment; and Ow
having elaimsirillpresent them properly nutbentleated
tor se , tlement, to MICHAEL R. WINGER. -• '
nov2s Adm'r.
Notice le hereby given that Lettersof Adminletn*
tiou to the Estate of amandit Lowry, late ottknineji
township, deo'd, hove been granted to the subscriber s
reeding in eaid township. -
Al. persens knowing thinneelves indebted to said DP.
tate will please make immediate pityment; nud titaili
having claim. will pr e sent them properly authenticated
for settlement. [nor7s] RACHARL LOWRY, A•iner.o.
Notice iabereby given that Letters of Adsnln
train)» with the Will annexed on the -Es tate of 11mM
Mull, late el Green township, dec'd, have been granted
to the subse; iber,.residing in said township.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to the itabt
Estate will please make Immediate payment ; and thee,
hating claims will present them properly authenticated
for settlement,
.Notice is hereby given that Letters of A/c - ninth
tratiun to the Estate of William lieyaer, late of Ste
Borough of Chambemberg, det'd. have been granted is
the undersigned, residing in said Bofongh. , -.-
- All persons knowing themselves indebted to said I*
tate will please make immediate payment; and thap*
having claims will present teem properly anthenticate4
for aottlement, JACOB ME „-
," :t
Notice is hereby given that Letters of AdmitsOr
nation to the Estate of Nancy H. Carson, late of thipp
Borough of 31 ercersburg, decd. have been granted to til+
undersigned, ins; ding in l!biladelphia.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to; said BA
tats will please make Immediate payment; aild the*
having clime will preient them properly ambenticateit
cur settlement. [nov11) efIIOM AS CARSON, Adm'r,
Notice is 'hereby given that Lettere of Admini4
tration to the Estate of Abraham Salim, late of Letter:
kenny township, dee'd, have been granted to the nudes
signed, reahlingin said tiownship.
•Allpersonaknowing themselves indebted to said BO"
tate will please m4te immediate payment; and
baviotrelaime wi4present theca properly antbant=
tlit settlement. A SUSAN SAll3l.Adtn'rx,
novll ISAAC B. BRUBAKER, Adm'r.A
Notice it hereby given that Letters of Adminstm
eon to the Estate of Mary Miller, late' ,Jf Montgombry.
township. dec'd, have been granted to the undersigns*
residing-Di said township. -
All personaltnowing themselves indebted to said be
late will please make immediate pa) ment ; and tho 4
having claims will present them properly authenticated
for settlement. ABRAHAM MILLERA Adtivr l
!Petite is hereby given that Letters of Adlnfnilli
trativiito the Estate ofMartha Vanlear, late of Greta%
township, dec'd, havo been granted to the aulascriber
residing in said township.
All persona knowing themselves Indebted to said DO.
statowill please make immediate payment; and those
having claims will present them properly authenticated
for settlement. (novl t l] "WM. M. RUPERT, Adm'r.
. L . 3„ 'Notice's hereby given that Letters of Admiral.
tration to the itetate of Catharine Shaffer, late of An
townshiP, dec'd, have been granted to the undersigns&
reelding . in - Guilkni township.
Allpersons knowing themselves indebted to said ElS
tate will please make immediate payment; and threat)
having claims will present them properly authenticated
forsettlement [novils) JACOB SPANGLER. Aden's`.
Nntir,Fu hereLy given that Letters of Adrniniatitir
to the Esterevf Dem. .8317T11, late of Laotithaimptoli
township. dee'd, have been granted to the undersigned.
residing in said township.
All persons Indebted to the eaid Estate, era her eby re.
quested to-make immediate paymmat,aud those ha
Oki MR or amends atminst the Estate of said decedent,
win name racrwu toe saiiie without delay. to
la hereby Oren thatLettors Testamentary to**
Estate , of Samuel J. Crunkleton, late of Antrim tow*.
ship, deed. hare been granted to the undersigned, rain.
lag in said tow/1011p. -
All persona Indebted to thesiid Estate, are hereby re.
Quested to make immediate payment, and thosehaviiig
claim or demands against the Estate of atdd decadent
will make known Mamma without delay, to
.... .
is hereby given that Letters Testamentary to gip
Estate of Mary Eaker, late of Ormmeastle, deo'd, him
been granted to the nnderetgned, residing in said bor
ough. - -s
Al persons indebted to the said Estate are rogues/11
to make immediate payment. andlho se having, claim,
or demands against the Estate of the said decedent milti
mate toga . a the same without delay. to - ,
nov 25 JACOB S. FLEMING, EzN.,
le hereby given that Letter's Testamentax7 to - tie
to of• James J. Kennedy, late of Guilford tom:ibis
deed, bate been granted to the,underaigned, main*
MI persons knowing themselves indebted to said Ihr.
tate will please _make immediate payment; and thee,
having elalms will present them properly authentimittid
foraettlement, toT. B. KENNEDY fl
to herebrgiven that Letters Testamentary to tliu
ware of ELIZABETH BOAL, late of Quincy township, - ds.
ceased, here been granted to the nudersignedEreaieldi
in said township.
Alipersons indebted to the said Estate, are requested
to make immediate payment, sue thoie having claws
or demends against the Estate of said decedent, wed
mote. known the some without delay, to
nov 4* JAMES MeILINLEY, Err,
.- .
BtXECUT • R'sNOTlCE.— . Notiie
is hereby giten that Letters Testamental • td this
e of Elisabeth Study, late of Warren to
dec'd, bare been granted to the undersigned, zee=
said township.
• All persons boost:lg themselwes,lndebted to said.llift
Iwo w in pleas. MOW immediate - payment; aid thews
baying claims will present them properly anti:outlasted
for settlement. Inovill JOHN ZIMILEHIJAN, Hat:
&reigned, Suditor appointed 14 theCoart of Ceti
moo Pleas-of Yranklin County to distribute :the rands
in the halide of the Sheriff arising from the 'sale of the
property of Samuel Wolff to and Mang creditors, I ptift
'attend at bie office on Monday, the Set day of ,roannsbon,
,1805,5 t 10 o'clock,. A. ht., for the purpceee of Mr,
pointroent when and where all pereona interested ow
attend if - they sae proper.. [zert26 't] W. ItilLl4.
MARY C. SMiTR,AdWrz.:.