The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, December 02, 1863, Image 8

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On the 2.:14 nit .by the RA. v. C. L. Ehrenfeld, Mr. divot
O. 11133t1.111:1:, hair a littippent.
burg. „
o e th e 21th. nlt„ by the It4l. If. mile, Mr. WILLIAM
but ,311ss 3totn.l. th. , ,DaTOX. 1),t11 of ,:zihippeasburg.
' the atihe tedAciice the bride's father,
by the ROY. Chlrloi A. Hitt'.VARD ff.-fit:MEMO,
Isrotbity of Will place; to 31Ata as lint
. .
ricYttyg: •" • -
On the 2ith ult.. at Burnt Cabins, :Fulton co., by the
.ner. J. Smith Oorden 311. Iltun &hi, S. WILT to Miss Elirs-,
LINE C. WWI. both ve Burnt Outline. .
On the 2Sth nit.. et theteslideneent Br. J.S. Skinner,
eauneth.burg, by the Ber..J. Smith Gordon, dr. S B.
1. .514 t i AIM gi.k l / 1 1181.,E. K 4, both or Bloody
s itu n. Sodfird cu.
. -On the 2,51 h Wt.., at the re.i deuce of the bride's father s
rcni. Witlgon. llege bear Carrick. by the Rev. J. Smith
11-.1.1.n. Hr. D-tvw H. WY Vkl., licedysrilie, NU, to
, Mt At K7ett,E , SlfiSON., .
On the 24th ult.. by 'the Bev. S. Brehlenbangb,
SVCS= Puu.t.tet r ilr., to Xis. MART Gnovs, poth of An
trim tlseti4hip. ,
Oa the I.oth tho same, llr. Gto: W. DURBAN=
to Hiss .51Atestarr k. Surto:ext., Leith of Antrim twp.
the 24th ult., by the fixer. Win. A. West. Ifr. ettriti
1. Gutnile, or the vicinity of Dry Run, to gist; 1 , 116018
A., daughter of Mr. Wm. A. 31acitey of Spring Rnn. -
~9ti the `MI Fayetteville, at the resideneea
INiller,i•ergeant Wu. 11. Sill V14.1t. CO. D, 11th OhloNol.
1440 22 years, 8 nic , tha mid 14 days.
liviitt•liat rilt.,'at Spring, Run. JACOB iIINDTBSON. sot
.fiteelt andltabals IF4yaus. nod ayeata,D montlran ,
16' tl.iya. • -
24th ult., at Spring 'Rau .GIDSON Kum. on o•
shun 81. 'and-Klinabeth Nesbitt, aged 3 years,
to Attila and 8 days.
ee the 28th nit., ANN ELIZAi3 gill FLECK, . aged 2 years
2 , ',o - dlts and n days.
llonTozeis Gold Pens are now sold at thr
e prtees as befoi 2 e the commencement of tbe'*ar
ia entirely mink to, the Msnufacturer's , hniwarti.
mentAti machinery, his prvsent huge tietaiLßusines.
a;-„i elish-id•AilvandeSysteui; fw, until tie Commence..
wv..rt•eing Ails business was done on Credit and . strictil
16:+e {hr ..7)•ade.'
Mortoia Orildi'ens are the only ones sold at olt
Tit-ie.-Nes the makers ix all other gold Pens charge thr
I'. ebrium on the Gold,larnterum mit TOM ac.; but 2dorton
tor. in unease Changed his prices.. Wholesale or Retail
fir the great nunrbers Sent by mail to all pmts of th.
'A.h et during the past few year., nut one in a thousand
b'- to'reach its deetination in salty; showing
that the Morton Gold Pan can be obtained by any one,
in r‘et - ypart of the world; at the same price, postagt '
ouly oxeeptod.
• lt..ader e you can have an iindnelog,alwoyo ready, and
ecii.ii•le (Auld Pen; cxDstly adalitad to your hand and
alyie of writing., which will do yunr *writing. vatitly•
cheaper than. Steel Pona; and lit the present almost
ul,leersal Illgli•Ptetiure Nice of everything.' you can
.19,,f! ) alkIn!tou Ilotd Pen cheaper, in vroportion to the
speut upon it and material u.,ed, than any other
Geld Pen in the World. If you want one,"/Me " the
%Pun is Ml lttier than the Sword," in another column.
--I'-)PuLAtt - C Lint:n*43 Houtis, Sixth 'arid
oVai - .4 Slreels. Phileth;lphia.
p6l,fit tr Ch , thing Barre, Sixth arid Jlarket . Streets.
rP , ii,iiia • Olutbing !Leese, Sixth anti Market Streets.,
- Pvi•Jr•-t - . a.. 1 -,.; Lipase. Sixth a n d Market Stkeets.,
.tn t bualivr, & r,
, W sl).Litm6er 451 Brown,
4thiulaker firown.
, P . 1 ,, ,Nr (I..tikiltg Henna, Sixth mid Market Streets
l'ispti,tr 4`.totitillg Ifowe, sixth mid Market Street*
Pop ler Ciiitiiii, 1 'l.e. tzikth and Market Streets
-oak* lli k i:. -0 ii, Will, Oak Hall, .
1 -- 0 ik It tit„ - Oak 7 ...t1i. Oak Hall,
• ihk Hill: - OA.illail. Oak Hall.
p 4 1,,,, • 1 tti'.f,,, : , tir,,u,.... siktii and Market Streets,
-)Vdpula Outnunt Waite. Sixth and It •rket Streets. t b-ditnne. Ht 111 1 ,(.... , ixtb and :Nlarket.Streets.
I .
YV , IllillinK.o A Ikt/Vitl.
. ' - SS I.ltltitilker & 1?T(INVIS. •
IS tit, MI titer t: Itrown.
, topular elnOtqlsc (louse. Sixth and Market Streets.
- Pniad , r fltrdonglllt and Market Streets.
Pointer 1:114.111 , 1$. Sixth And:Mark.t Straits.
•, Oak Halt, Oak
Flak Il,lf , itak Hall, Oak Hall,
(JAIL Otk Ifni!. , Oak-Belt. •,
II a, v. ni men n• ywrk of IISADY4TYLABB
'CI:311111W that oninrit be stirp limed for style, work
tot-`+ i".r boarneN in price: Al.o. special Department
Asir B. s4' 01 ine anti dente' FUILNLSIIING - GOODS.
• it 'lv re is no Clothing Store in Chain.
e•lisees!'osts, knot hai fo , vale nay Kends. manufactured, by
W. B,
f,.,,‘ , 1•1 in'
Cansumptiona curable Disease.
—A Ctnn.—TO copiqueurEs.—The undersigned
having beer. restrzed to health has tow weelm, ty ftveri
simple remedy, after having suffered several yews v. its,
severe ling nitrtiOn, and that dread' disease, Coup
sumption—is anxious t(i,maike known to his rellow-suf
keens theiniaans of Curd. -
. . .
'l° all who desire it, he witl 'send a copy. of the' pre--
, cription used (frog of chst : ge), with the directions for
vcsireparing and uslngthe same, which they svill ,lind cr:
Suit iwre far donsumntion, dathina, Bronchitis,Coughte
Colds, &c. The-old?' object of the advertiser In 'Bending
ti& Ueda t the afflicted, and spread in.;
furtnationwhieb concelves'to be invaluable; and he'
'% - tioneseverY ‘soflerer will4ry his' remedy, as it will cos*
• ..tbein nattling, and May proven blessing.
•_; • `Parties wishing the prescription will please address.
• - • Rev. EDWA RD A. WILSON,
netit go-Sm 'Williamsburg, Kings*, New York.f,
iSECARE ANb BuEzi! ShAke and Bu
e'Lllbake'and Burnlii—This is the .life of agony endured
, Fty the sufferer from. Fever and Agne. Ile wandera
.'an Uncertain shadow, never knowing what momept ho
may be prostrated, toad therefore disinclined to giro any
Beritipiattentiim to business. This is the condition of
thonsands in town and country.- It is no exageration•
to say that Fever and Agne kills more people than any
„_'tw*rtty other diseases ln America For a antenna sPeed
•.„ CFO of this terrible affilction,yre take great pleasure in
vvhich.have at early achieved a wide reputation for rapid
4 . 7 BBil powerful effects in renovating the system prostrated
•i - kbgAltis disease. *or salo by Druggists and dealeragen.
4srally everywhere. not 11-lm
_l7w Confesaio?is and Expei•ien:a‘e of' an In
- :,310taft:4•41 1 n4lished ter - the b °hat, areS ae a li•ariatn gan d
,74.1 • • A CAUTION TO YOUNG M N 1 - ,•
IrliLTikaffer recta Nervous Debility, Premature DecoY
- -
By crECiihcilite cnrediainicHattetheinitiottOo a gteat
_encase and injury through Medical humbug
- and
- quackery.
Hy encloalng a postlaid addres'aed anyelope,",eirigla
copies May hetad of the author:- • , r,-, .
I . l^ ' `nisygp,R3 t Redford,,Einga county, N. T.
Ormimentil Iron Works.- 7 -WOOD l'Eit'OT,
'MO Riape;Arentle, Philadelphia, Pa., offer for sale
11441aitlie'raimc favorable Torre,,NEW and BEAUTIFUL
groat 'variety. of - IRON RAILING for
an SVors of a , Decorative horse:ter
Dehiiitri'orivaideaforselection:'Perso'ral applying for
mama, lOU please stair. the Lind of work needod."
:=l:farel fo'therStefferpil. 7 :—The Rev. William.
dengrove t ahilBlabdrlngas ti Missionary in.lapan, was .
sated ofeonsuMption:alien all other means bad failed
by a tapirs obtaliled from ft learned physieinnin thegreat
al ty of .I!dde. This recipe has cured great numbers mini
were suffering ftoin. Consuiaption; Broneliltitt; -Bores
Throat, Coughaand tlolds, and the debility and nervous
sitTtsiun 9tuseif by theim disorders.
. . .
e Di"gr ou sof beneflttiag others, loir ill' gaud till' , r'ciPe,
?'• ,, wiagict h axe hroaght home with Too, to all who. nfecilt,
fai,ai aliaree •, Ahlrass ' Ra 9 ,Vl. goserkovz;
, y.. ..e0 3 • •LI, ' 4414110 . eaa ,Brpo klya •b "
, T.iiim,tts' A.lkitt ''s Fygs.
.:jaillrfigrAili 4N D BEST STOCK, IN agrATY , AT
.k - • 1 , 1 , , •
„, airI&AFFA 7 r. kicyaL, • •.,..,
atot. 44m PHILADTISQI/1;-'
" PP6ti114 4 04, 0 /00;14.,SIfittkr..e642 : '
. PUBLIC, SALE,—There Will be exposed at Puts.
• ' it Sale. on the premises, in Warren vormitip. Fr t okt in
References in all parts of the country. viz: Alban) 'minty. on Friday, the 78th day of December, 1813, the
Gas Co.; Eaton, Gilbert & Co.,and; others, Troy; Syi e .: • hoeing very- deeirattle 'tracts or puree's of lend. /Ate
'CIIIIC.• Rocheater, Auburn, Sc., Ac 10ohn Gibson & ".10 i. ,he Estate
N r S s l t Ol e F o A f .Rt t oTsall -n c l e er ns man e' : ier i 'd! n ' g v l l ;6 :fg, ' :,
,Phelps, Charles Ensign, John R. FoOms & Ce.,3ewett I f Vld 49 Perches, nnm measure, adjoining n i j auos of E. W.
'Root and others, Buffalo: Cleveland, Columbus, Bane,. . took. Jacob Zimmerman, Isaiah Brewer, and Peter Elm
ville.&e., &c.; Ged-Shlchl.Miles Giventrood, Mitchell a i: ;i:t i lSiri DN ln e l i e Li x 'rnalt n e , 4 iisist , of a• i r a lle t t r e ' i n,
itaininelsburgland 40 °therein CinSinnati; and throngh : • nd other out-buildings. The rard l i l a rie w k ell watered—
. ont the West;, Intßanopolis, Daytcin, Taira II auto, L' ' 'Duwn Cove Creek" passing through the same. About
. 'Acres are cleated, enclosed mostly with good post
gitnaport, Chicago. Springfield, S. Louis, St. Pant; Ac
i, r ‘ i i tyl . l l, fent.,...e,and_under cultivation. There is, also a
Ac., fie. Coati about4o to 60senti pet week: For circa
6 . 6 Pit , Orchard on the premises. This , tract is
tar, address- 1 El. N.IVINANS, ,
~ 1 mown in the Sheriff's Inquisition as Purport No. 1.
D . if ax s r., Naw YolK . f, Use, A TRACT OF LAND, conta 'ling 21.0 Acres and 116
. . ,i 'arches, neat men-sore. adjoining Jacob Zimmerman,
I . UillYtV 63-6 m. , 1 , ''ter Cook Henry Brewer and Peter Zininiermau.
„ ; i : 't io l3: l •at T l l s , 6 Acm cleared, well fenced. and molar cultivii•
31iiiiame Porter's Curatzve Balsdni it ds ton: e Improvements area two,shwie,l DWELLING
- 1
.LOUSE, Log Barn. Saw Mill. Tenant transe , and other
tested,tho truth that thorn aro fitct principles ,In sled, otiblintrs. There is, ' , lse, on this tract a thriving young
elne as there is in &tone°, and this Medicine is con kepi e Orchard. This Farm is tvel witterel—” Monntain
pounded an pHnciples suited to the manifold' nature o. Eno" passing through it. Known as VIII pat t N 0.2.
Slant Thecure of Colds is in keeping open the pores d' AtlC:re l l i kes ,Tit nea t t' 1
measure. adjoining itedjeolbrinit: w'ani'ng
lunch L .6
anti t i , l f c l eg iVnr d
Ind treating a gentle internal warmth, and this isms .t(ihn Zinime - rninn,Peter Zlinmermat and others, lath%
•od by the use of this Sledieine. ' Iti remedial (retitle the Mill Tract. 'On this tract there is erected A POUR
are based on its power to assist the healthy and vigor- I * :: ')ji P Q g'"lllt ca:lrningaut I
,liolper ~. a .tTgi(TuwengV?
ins circulation of blood thrmleh; the longs, it onlivmis will, in Iscelient Spring of Water hi the cellar; 2 Log
the muskies andasslstatboskin to perform its duties o Duelling Rouses; Saw Mill ; 2 Stables. and ether/mint
regulating Ihe heat of:the system, and in gently throw-' il Tf " l . lll4S7gre- P tl i i r ir P d ar o t f N tl:O 4 ;:nrclise money to rc main
I ing off the•waste substance fromt hesurfaceof the body '• fir the use of the widow, the interest thereof to be pid
It is not a violent remedy, but emollient, warming, her rent'-annually. at her death, principal to heirs B
'marching,. rind effectirs. Sold $y all druggist at El a! i ,e n i,---. ne-thlril lu band and two equal annual paymrn n
interest from 1 April. 151.4. POSSCgtIiO3 to be given
and 25 centsper bottle. . - I ' [July 22. -1 Apr 11,1364. Payments to he.secured in the land.,
, rf.le to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M.'
' 0 corge Steck 4. Co's iPicino3.—CiltSSON‘ " JOHN S. EI 6 M ERMAN• }Adtrers.
, Pattams, Aug. 18C8.—Mr. J. B. GrOULD, Seventh and'
Meat nut, streets, Philadelphia:LT/tan fint.—Havinghed
; I foment opportunities of exampling the Pianos tint& luy ' --VA L VIA ILL E PROPERTY AT PRI rATE ,
'lssas.-. George Steck & Co., New York, during the past • t!,''' r ,, 4 :', --- n l c h , ° , ' e ln :::: -B it i f n u gn it ' In t - ne ' ' ,, l t teoff2,lanti" man
scii's; few years, in the practice of-my profession 'as Tuner, f : }'ears
Site bus . in ' e b s, q will sell at 14 : 14t. ' n tt r ie k ' her property,
* '
oronounce them the most • correct instruments I have ' formerly knowt as " HANOVER IRON WORKS' and
' met seen: now known as "ELYSIAN MILLS." 0111,00 nine miles
. . i .
• South et Mcennnettsburg, (the county seat of Fulton
; - In point of touch, equality, and singing fon they MAY
- - • -e ----, ---, '-' Comity. NW on the road leading to danced:, Mit, and
• tety comparison with any and ail other makes, while In dism nt twelve tidies from the latter ptice. on the Chess.:
. the upper two octavo (trehl e notes) they aro tricempara. : P trtke and Ohio Cinal and the 11 iltiin-,re and Ohio Rail
, I !
Road. The property contains NO ACR /Pt. fonr hundred
i Wy the finest I have any 'knowledge of. ,
C. B. SARGENT, Tuner Of Pianos, , ' collent rail geand pasture Inc cattle and sheep.
• . '''' 93' Chestnut St., Philada. I Of the remaining two hundred acres, about one hon.
ye ; , died is cleared and under fence and in a Owl state of
, .
I ..,. ,-,, .: cultivation. comprising LIMESTONE, SLATE and DOT
-ONE WORD TO THE i .aIISEB.A. /ILE.-- 101 l . , TOM LAND. The ilnltrovemants consi,tt. of a three
:. that -ere ce'verel wit*Sores;l4errs, andskin eruptions, -• ; Merl' Stone and Fr ime FLOURING MILL, complete in
r sufferers froth Salt Rheum, Iting-wortits,Pustules, Tet- ' all its arrangements for either Custom or Merchants
i • NCOI /C. with four run of stones and two Water Wheels
~. ters„lllotches, and other marks of disfigureman t that i, and an UNFAILING SUPPLY OP WATER, situated on
! aro repulsive to the sight andlcompanionship of society; -,: cove Creek in a tine grain growing region. A SAW
: you that have tried the many" mixtures of Sarsaparilla...l' ar 3l ; i t i h j' all e the necessary
new ; a two d story State Dwelling House,
fruits and rax
:'and which failed co cure you, Viol] would berated. take on t.h u ihii i i g n ‘ 7, e g a ry 4
RADWAY'S CI.EALSSING• SYRUP, called Radway,s, . bery surrounding the whale, and with a never-Liiiinz-
Renovating Resolvent. We arantee 'that from One to
: Wt . "ll
. of water at the door im-1 tinder roof. k Stone
i , - i bedtime , containing n, STORE Room: nn.l IIUSIN ESS'
1 gu iDi
six bottles will cure yen. Dr., dway's Hiroo . is, that -I OFFICE. Two 'Barns, a Carpenter Shop, and a 'Slack
: if sic bottles of any atlyertisCd medicine does not far- 1 smith Shop. Two old fruit-bearing Apple Orchards and
I nish to the sick satisfactory evidence of cure, it is worth- ; ' OW' young airehardj (Ist twinning to hear. There is'an
' le• vis. For sale by Miller & litinsheY, Chambersburg. i mexhoustable MIN EOF IRON ORE on the premises,
• ,
.., , , t °tiering inducements to capitalists wishing to em hat lz in
• ' the Iron hnsiness.
t I
~ „
"Po any person wishing to engage In the Distilling lan-
," sines this is a most inviting location.
Iry Avap Nader. ' • - 1 d If the property is net sold by theist of February, 1864
1 WAR makes high prices; ;Saponifier/wipe to reeneo; , it wilt be for rent.
l them, It makes Soap for Font . comas pound by usin g. For further information call on me on the nrendses ' as.
~. . ,:,' apply in person or by letter, to James Putt, McCone
i lls- ;
' ri
your kitchen grease. I - .
,d burg. Fulton county, Pa.
• . CMCITIONI• As spurious Dyes are offered also, be cans- i SlYsian Mills, net 1840
'fel ar'd only buy the Patented articlh put, up in Iron
Cana, all others being, Counterfoita...,
P.O: Box Nci.
Plitlaktelphia—No; 127 Wilma Street.
iiriv2s,3ml Zitiobtirgitt Street arztl Dtuitzetile-W4ty
fF Carricix.—We have' :this '.4ay obtained
!•a Patent for -our ilaiafactres, knossn'ste" FAMILT
cpLoits:. •
The Dyes manufactured by other persOne, under the
name of '.'Doinestio Dyes," }&c., are made In violation of.
We caution all Persfas,.4oaking dr ceiling the game
~ . hereafter, that we ehnliptasitisto for all fufringernents
1 of oorrights. - 1
1 Boston, 0ct ! .3.3,183. t . lic , sv;24-3t) )105VB#„ST.EVEN9:
. . ,
$25. • 1 ' , sl
Emplakinent !--Alent; Wanted!—We will
payfrorns2s tc4lspeimeuth,andallexpensel,to.tctrve
Agents.or give a commission. Particulars seutfree:"-:
Address Etna 'ammo Mscrrnts _Cox - sant, It JAMBS
.; General Agent, Milan, 01lib.' ; • April 29,,63-iy
failitaigt getireo.
• 'It i fitITARY mon
-1 1 wealth qf Pennsylvania :nets of Ilfh and 22d
j epnt ,l363.TllE BOA RDOF APPRAISERS baring in
charge the Claims for Ddinages sustainedly citizens on
; the SunthernitSrder °lithe State, by reason of the Rebel
Rad. under Stuart, in 1662 and to ascertain the.LOsSES
AND DAMAhEis sustained by Citizens of the Common
! wcalth,occasioned by the occupancy of, .and trespass
t upon their lauds by any !part of the Militia Force, culled
I into service in 1862, or the Impressment of their iloisee
4 ; and other Property into ;the service of the United ;Antos.
for the use of the Anderson. Cavalry, in 1862, 'CI IYE
t NOfICE, that they and now in session, at the Court
Rouse, in Cliamhersburg. for the Borough of Chambers
burg. and the adjoining rneighborhood.
THE STUART ItAIV / CLAIMS, having priority in age
will be the first in the order of consideration, and must
befirst presented; the other claims; deferring ,to them.
unless occurring iii onel and the same party or ind I
I Intl, who may, iu such case, desire cousideratiou .of the
elatm in full.
; The Citizens of rehm.s Township will be heard at
Chumbersbnrg, on Friday and Satuxday, the 27tb. and
; 2Sth instant. -
The Citizens of St. Thomas Township will he beard at
Chambersbueg, on the 30th inst , and Ist of December.
• Those of klantilton /Township. and the portions of
J Green and Guilford Townships ' adjacent 'to Chambers.
burg, at Chambersburg. on the 2d. 3d anti Atb of Decem•
I tier; and the portions of (Milford and Green Pruiruhips
1 , in the neighborhood of! Fayetteville, on the 7th and Bth
days of December, nt Chambersburg.
Any other portions , of Prank/in and Fulton Counties,
not named, except Alontgomery Township, will be beard
at Chatnberst.tirg, on the 9th of December.
Montgomery Township will be heard at blercersburg,
on tho 16th and 16th dt December.
and 311litio Clauses of the Acts not connected with ...17itort
Raid Claims, wilt be; heard at a falure day,' and at
' p/aces a.t convenient as practicable to theporties interest:
ed. of which times ,antlplaces -due notice will begicen.
A. 0.; MESTER.,
JACOB DLE, Appra is e rs:
J.411Ei 4 WOIIR A LL, _
NOTICE RIFT IN .ata n d EL Tier A.;
Procrist Maraca, Sisteerth District. Pennszaranta,Chm
bersburg, Novernber 25,1861—Printed alphabetical lists
of the names and residences of all persons. of both
classes, enrolled as liable to military ditty in this Dis
frlct, are being prepared as rapidly as possible. : •
Copies. will at once be forwarded to the several En
"rollingOfficora, at whose houses as well as at Poit Of i
-Ices and other pablieldnees they may be inspected.
' Any person enrolled may appear before the Llclard of
Enrollment , Mid claim to have his name stricken ratio ,
r List, if be can show Co the satisfaction of the Board that
he is and will not be at the time, (January sth,j liked for
the tfeit draft, liable' to military duty on account of ,
' let "Aliennge.
2d Non-resideude.
3tt Unsuitableness of Age.
4th Manifest Periiitinent Physical Disability.
The time for to appearing before the Board sod claim
ing to hare names ttiieken off Will expire with the Inch
of December, next, iafter-,Which day no cases will be
heard. • ,
' Perrone-who may be cognizant of other periont
tea:unitary dnty, whose names do not appear on the
List, arexeguestad to notify the Board of Enrollment.
All persons enrolled 'on information thus received are
entitleitto avail theinselres,of the prirlege of appear
ing within the timelimital and claiming to hare their
names stricken Off, the tamest if they had been; origin.
ailyonrolled, •
'Phelloard of Enrollment will be in seleden daily, until
29th prof., to act on such Cases same 3 be presented.
rapt. k Pro. Mar.l6lb: Die. Pa.
Sol. Unit.
The un4r.i6ed will rent the Pal/ERNI. MILL
ffSgiand gioniid Itiniedraferf Vertittritng ;ther'eto.-
for , one or morelenre
: from A pri, ext. Tt is the most
r6fOno3 of Chathhers/forg. VIE( House is very emu
ntodions +untie exeellSnt order, and . there Is very fine
Ftillt on the lot: ; [nov2s-0] • • 4. N. MoCLITIOL
Fon RENT... 7 g belorrge 3toreltooni and Cellar. oor•
1111.1" Maar! Ana wmaan g enn nttatn. la offered (of Rent.
Possession sicOntriOniedfately. . Apply to • •
sopa B. P. itAlliaT.
Vie Yretnktittr tlepos.
UV:a Votitte *4O;
.,. dBLE REAL ESPATE.—The undersigned, Ad.
i ministraturs of John. Beaver, late of 'Paters township.
1 county °Ulm:Min, deed, will offer at Public Sale. iin
taitolon,on Thursday. the 10th day of Ds:Amber, 18133,
I Opt following. described Real Estate, to vi it: •
' A valuble SCONE GRIST MILL, awl Fame Saw Mill,
isituate on the Conocochertgue Creek:ln PrtErs township,
i and adjoining the town of Loudon. Thee M lls are in
good condition. are well located fi.m.cumoni, aid have - a
i superior water poWer. Thor' are attached to said prop
i arty 55 ACRES and 24 PERCHES of land two Dwelling
i Houses, and other improvements.
1 Also.---A FARM or num OF LAND. sit toile in Nem s
1 toe nsblo, bounded by lands of Daniel Trostle and other.
I lauds of said deceased, containing 215 ACRES and 22
I PERCHES, and having thereon a STONE and ROMill,
CAST DAV, LLING HOUSE, a Stone Barn and two Orch
arils of good fruit.
i Also.— Another TRACT OF LAND. sit wit ein Peters
township. hounded by lands of Daniel Troutle. Samuel
Ifolling.r. Jacob Barger and other lands of 4aiii dec'd. con
taining 211 ACRE • and 111 PERCHES, with a FRAME
DWELLING 1101;SF, and Tenant Ronne. a Log :table
and small orchard thereon. ,
The alwre Fartnii will bedlrldeitiptior to the sale, in
to mita; ler tracts,
There will alen he offered no sarneilay.about 50 ACRES
of valuable CIIESTNIIT TIMBER LAND, in trects of 10
to 15 Acres.
ZS - Sale to commence at 1 o'clock. P.M., unsaid dai s
when the terms will be make known: t,
M t 11.17 'JAN E BEAVER:Adm'rx.
of John Bearer, deed.
By order of Court—Wm. G. MlTelliti. Clerk.
CRY County,Nana This celebrated Ito-
Hunan on grit
tel. situated on the top of Broad Top Mountain. one of
the Buest loaatiotis in the State f-,r pare air, grand
mountain - scemery and fine water, is Micro l for sale at a
greot bargain. or to rent to an enterprising tenant.•
T:te House is crowded every season and presents an
app trtniiity of tanking money in the bands of a !nisi
. Hess roan seldom to bo met with. It is ftirttished through
! out with !MEGAN FURNITURI: from Philiidelphia; it
I isa very substantial Steno Budding. thine Stories and
basement.l.l4 by 61 feet, with kitchen 17 by 27 feet.—
ire dense, Carriage. Rouse, Stables and other out build
, lugs. a pie 'sure garden and ample ground for vegendile
gardens. There are nigh Meadows and cultivated fields.
1 The I trge cord trade of the neighborhood and the very
salobrions atmosphere of Broad Top ttity wilt ever till
the (louse with visitors doting tie Summer Months.
For terms, .kc.. apply to HENRY D. MOORE,
I President of the Bread Top Improoontont Co.,
225, WA] nut St., Thiladelohirt. iper2r63-6t
—Thesubstriber offers at Privdte - a le.ltiv FARM
situ %tent about 1 ,4, mile front Quincy. cuntaingla AClt
14.0 f win& is 111'711111MR and thriving Chestnut. )1
; of the Farni is of the bestquitlity of L WESTON h LA hp
mud ail in a high state of cultivation. The irapru%.
' nien ts aro a large BRICK. (101188, W ith portico. aril
norchet, a new !MICK 'SANK ItARN.Su feet long, with
Watrnto Shed and Corn Crib attached; &mink. Frame
°string.. lionse.l3rick Wash Ilsotie. Smoke Ilonsesßalte
baron. and ail necessary outbuildings, lift good renalt
Thera to a large Cistern close to tbb Barn, used for Stock
and une near the kitchen. There is a Well of excellent
n water in the yard. There is also a variety Id chunk
Front, such as Pests, Plynis, {'caches and GraPcs In trile
yard. There teals° a good (AWARD uf young thriving
Fruit on the premises.
•'ersons wishing to view the land can du so by cuttin g
• on the subscribet.or any Information respecting it cagt
be obtained by callingun Geri. Balsley. ComatYTreaa
liter. [sent (oil.] JOAN MIDDOWER.
NEAR FAYETTETILLE.--The undersigned
eell'it Private Sale, the fellowii g_desertlied ItEdlt E*
TA - 111;tu -
All nder goadfence;andtdiable, with a good Brick Dwelt•
ing.'a never failing well of gOod water near "the door, a
c'eud and Thrashing Floor, a fine Orchard bealkog
the best fruit, Also
of32largeTate. 61arge - Leaclire with liniea and pooh;
'Bark Mill. huller. Pump and Yelling Stocker, ail In excel
lent order: ilia whole operating LI WATER pormu.
Ale a good liarkelred, all tniarirpaseed in eon - relian&
and I ihor caving.
The above property will be shown to any person ,n ap.
plicatirm to Jacob B. Cook' of Fayetteville, or John B.
Cook n feltimbersburg. Terme will be renaonable.
3nne17,'03-tf PETER. COOL
DUBLIC SALR—The: Audersign
' L - ed, Enecutorn of the last Will stsment of
Banta Shively, late 'of Chambered) rg, dec'd; will ex
.. pogo to BubilciSalit, on thwyrreadses, on Mddy, 140,
dap E - teconber, 1883, all thb following denerlbotritent•
Estate, to "wit : flat HOUSE and LOT OF cutout; V, the
late residence of the said deceased; situate on Main St.
of the Bahl - Borough, and bounded by, the tot of P A.
Zarman on the north, and Philip*Eyers tin . the ,Scmth,
being 30 foot In front and 636 feet deep. The Homo: is
built of Brick, two stbries - high and in excellent
. .
t ion. • •
Persons wishing to purchase can view the'proierty by
calling upon Lewis Wampler, one of the Etteoutorri re•
siding in Chatabersbnrg.
Sale to commence' tlO o'clocl on said day when, the
terms will be made known by
thidoraigbod,offer's at Pr6 , ate Sale, TOTO .14YrS in
Faye tteville, one, of the iota :having "therpon , Oieeted a
DoUr two etorie' -double PP:AIdE ROUSE, and the ether
a One andaAallatoriedhoute. :The proptrty 184011%14y
located for brush esti, orati a nrhate dw elling,baing inthe
neighborhood of the Academy and' opposite •BrOvra'a
Hotel Peraoni*iehlng to view the propurty can do HO
by tmlling . upou Dr.Fahrney, the nresont occupant)or the
9ubottber. Terms made to suit toirchastre.
'aept•t34f - - • .350. Q. DIGUA24.
latettubtr 1, .1863.
FOR SA Lli.—The undersigned will sell al Private
T - ANNERY,knon n as the CarnerTanilei nwltb
steam and wittoinpower Saw 3111i 3 Ohoppiugylill,Stocke
lar breaking hides: C. Ihe Tannery has b leeclicn, 32
vats, 2 Dian, ,ind water-pool. and is capable of tanning
800 heavy hides a year.- There are (nu Leg Dwelling
Muses, liarn.Stablu and other necessary out build nags
connected with the tannery. and algal t 60 A cresclenned,
with goad fruit lie will sell any quantity of land with
the Tau nery, from 100 to 700 A •res. 0410 Acres art
'Timber.antlllll ample supply- of t.licsaut Oak ' - Dark ft
nth the Tannery tar titty years. 1t is situated about
7 miles South west of Mei cm sburg, on Licking Creek
Terns made u tsy. Possession will be given thin fall
to.cessary. For tutting . particulars adorers the under
signed. at Dercersburg, Franklin county, Fa,
,nag 12, 63 4f C. 3LETCALF.
FOR - SOLE.-The, snliscriber, desiring to retire'
froin b u siness,olfers at pri safe sato Ills 1.0 L Lt.
Proi,ty, shuttle tin the Comeocitedgue Creek. at
Seetfttl. ti.'e miles North of ithambersburg. Tile Mill
has three run ol Burrs and is in good order for home and
merchant work. -It is •iltuated in one of the best grain
growing regions of tionthern Pennsylvania. and conVe
nient to churches and schools.- There are about seven.
teen Acres of Mud connected with the. 61111. nearly all
cleared and goodlleadow Land, and under god fence.
A large two-story treathetbortrded UW ELM:VG HOUSE
awl other out bnildi Ts:and considaralde frith - are on tha
property. Tin price Asked is $5,000, while the nett
earnings ofthe Will (Indite the last year WAS above WO.
For imrtiettlars amity to}he sub.eriber lesiding on Um
premises.jautrl94ll • JOHN SLEICIIT-Elt.
FOR SALE.-:The undersigned user at Private
S ale. the well known Tavern, situated on the corner of
Market and Second Streets. now in tae occupancy of
Sheriff Brown. The Hotel - is it largit commodious two
story brick building. Thy yard attached is admirably
arranged ter travellers stopping with buggies and
wagons. The stable is large and airy. and capable of
accommodating from 50 to GO head of hersea. The out. , as Wash Ilousd, Springliouse.lce House,
&e. makes it the most desirable hotel in the 'county.
Mincer la:alien to the Rail Road, Vonrt Ilr nee, Bank
and bustnessplaces, rend° s it the most pleasant and
convenient stopping place in town.
Persons desiring t v pu reliese, can iteothepremises and
learn the terms ufsale by calling ou the undersigned.
amb'g. sent. 2-t .S. M. WORLEY.
subscriber will 51 , 41 nt Pt ivate Sale the SMALL
FARM on which lie now resides. situate in Antrim town.
ship,Franklini minty, abont,SiX miles from 0 reencao.
tle. on the Caslitown road, adjoining lands of Samna
Myersand others. con tai itingabouf FORTY ACRES—aII
cleared land. in good order and tinder. good fence. There
lee YOUNG 011 CH AM.) of thrifty trees on the plate, and
a Well of excellent:water. The, improvements con-(ist
of tw (-story LOS. DWELLING HOUSE, a NEW
BANK 11 ARS. torty-t wo feet long, and well finishe.A,
and a lothor necessary out buildings. Possession will
be riven on the let of April, 1S(:4. Terms will be matte
known on application to the subscriber rt siding on the
premises. loct SAMUEL C. KRIDE'R
scriber offers for Sale his TANNERY. situate is
c onnellsluirtr. Fulton County, The yin dconta ins- 40
'VAIS, 9 LEACHES. (all tinder roof), with good 13E.431
SHOP. RARE SURDS, - and everything convenient for
carrying on the business. An abundance of Dark can he
bad for S::.1 oto s3.sUper eortt. Largeand gond DWELL.
ISO 110IJSK and Tenant blouse. te,gether with nll necs
essary bfiildingi. and abundance of TRIM. on the lbt4
.of the choicest kind. In connection with the above will
be sold. if desired. 2t ACRE'S of prime LIMESTONII
LAND in ;thigh state of cultivation.
, oct i 3m WM. HOKE: _
dersfinno4. Trustee to sell :he Real Estate of Tem"
man Cosgrove. will expose nt Public Sale, on F`ricialf,
Dec•mbrr 4th .1g63 , at 10 o'clock, A. M.. on the prenitses;
a ceetain Lot or piece of Land. alto:de in the'Borotigh of
Chambersburg, bounded and describeiLas follows: on the
• North hy King Street. on the East by lands-of WeraCks
en's heirs. on the-South by lends of Daniel Tensile. and
on the IV'st by grounds of ffeifrick's heirs, with a two
LOG DWELLING HOUSE thereon erected.
Trustee to sell the Real Estate of Truman Cosgrove._
By the Courti—Wm. G. 3frreiTELL. Clerk. !novtl-tal
SALE.—The subscriber sill sell nt Private .Sale,
a part of the lower end of the OLP MANSION PAR%
situated about 3 miles from Greencastle. containing
about 30 aCRES, 8 oil... Melt is TIM BER. adjoining .los.
Haile on the,South and the Franklin Railroad on the
Haat. , The improvements are a 1 1 / 2 ' story LOG 'HOUSE
and small Stable. A Stream of Witter passes throsgk
th's centre of 0115'11.nd. 1 ,
Persons wishing. to view the premises can do so by
nailing- at the ild Mansion Farm
IYI SALE —The subscriber will offer et Private Sala
19 ACRES id*LAN - 11.3sifunted at Clay Lick'. 4 miles south
of Mercer:Mont, nu ihe Williamsport road, on which it
erected A GOOD BII3CE MILL. calculated for a person
of moderate means. There is also erected on the prem
ises a 1?:: story LOG lENSE, Stable and other necessary
out-builaingi. •
Terms will be mi s de moderate.
_SA IS. —A• the Assignee of Dr. Thotiias Wreker,
I ‘‘ ill offer at Pnblic sale. on thopremises, immediately.
adjoininT, the Bin - out:la or Wnynosboro, Frnnklin county.
Pa.. on Dasdny. thr fgh dap qf lke.mber,lBl33.nf9 o'clock
A. M.. several LOT.itst , GROUXD. well adapteCtfor town
lots Which vb bleb were left nncold at the last sale of 'Real
Estnte. These lot• adjoin late !old to Lewis Forney,
Joh" Philipl, and others. WILLIA3IIPLEI.II,AN,
n0r2.5 ' Assignee.
OR' SALE.--t will sell 7 i)r ex
etinnzaa for property. in ehatithershurwor sicirity,
the f \TIAN QUEEN HOTEL, in the South Ward of flto
Borough of Chambersbm r. This is one of the heat
statAiin Franklin county. with a good run of custom.
Possession can be glyell at an time.
1101 - 25 JOLTS W, TATLDR.
prrzonat Vr_tiprrtg
DUBLIC SALE.--The uucleraigned
it Administrator. to till Eet.ste of JOlln Iterman,
ate of Guilford township, deed, will offer at Public
S•de at the I tie redden• e of said dec'd, on the oli Farm
Of Jeremiah Herman, one mile Weet of New Guilford,
and oue stile Ett.t of Now leranktpi. on Thproviag.
3rd day of December, 1803. the following Pei soual Pro.
party. viz:-4 OltK 'HORSE:, vivo of which aro Brood.
Matot; I Cult: 20 head of llornetipttle, 6 Milch Cow*
3 large Stsers.J entail Steers, I Bull and , 7 Ifelfere; 3
Sows, S iloga, and 13 Shunts; 6 bead of Shoop, &Iso
-2 PLA.NTATION WAGONS, one ot Which is nearly new,
with Bed; I otte•horse Wagon; I Sleigh and ';feigit
1 Wheelbarrow; 2 pair of Hay Ladders,• nearly new;
Claydienter;-2 sets of Dung Boards. AT., AT. Also-1
Grain Drill, Feed Cutter, Grain Cztalle„, 2 Mowing
Scythes: 1 three-horse Plow; 2 two-horse Plows; Single
and Doub.e Shovel P10w5.: ... 2 Harrows; 1 Corn Coverer, 1
Cultivator; 3 new Springs; a lot of Forks and Rakes; 1
1 Log Chain; Fifth Chain and Spreaders; Doodle and Sin
' gleTreescßutt Traces; Bre tat eh:tine; tow Chains; 2 sets
;Hind Gears; :Sias Front Gears; Fly Nets; I housings;
Bttnd ilridlos; Collars; - Riding and Wagon S Odle% A.c:
Also, It lot of Bags. Aloe, a general assorthent of house
hold and Kitchen ruicNITU4E, consisting, in par?, of
Bedsteads. Beds and Bedding:l , Safe; a lot of Chair;
Qtrens,Crockery, and Tinware . and a great many at+,
ticles not 11CCe311: yto enumerate. Alen. t bbi, Vinegar;
I Rifle; 1 Flour Chost..6c., die. ino,Grain in the groitne,
Corn by the Barret Potatoothy the Bushel.
Sale to commence at 9 &cleat, A.M., when attendance,
and n credit of oneyear will be given on ail
.aunti over
$5, the pnrchn4Orgiving Note, with approved security.
sopa:A TIER:URN, Adattnitittatrtx.
nov.ll DANIEL lIERMAN, Aslminiet tutor.
APPIALS Tax- Payers take 16-
tice.—The COMA Issionersof Franklin County,"and
t e ssessors of each township and Bortingh, will meet
at the following times, ig.the Commisaioners Office Itt'
the Borough - of , ltambersiatirg, for the purposis cf hear
ing the Appeals from County, State and Military Taxes
for the year, A.'id. 1864, to wit:
'Tuesday.December Bth, for Chambersbnrg, Guilford,
Warren.flannett,-and.Metal. '
Wednesday, December 9th, for Peters, Antrim, Mont
gomery, Mercersbueg, and Greencastle.
Thursday, December 10, for LetterkennY, Lumen,
Southampton and liaroilton.
• Friday . . December 11th, for Whihing ton, Waystesborg
Green, Quincy and St. Thomas.
' •
JOHN DOR NET, Commissioners. .
Gro. Porrauat, Oldrk. .- • -.: ,- ' inolaq
.L.l &reigned, Anditorappointed by the Court of Coln
woe Pleas of Franklin County to distribute the Funds
in the hands of the Sheriff arising tram the sale of fhe
property of SamnelWolff to And Mn'ng breditors, wilt
attend at his office on Monday, the Mt day of D°c ' ember,
1863, at 10 o'clock, A. lit. for the purposes of his iip7
polntment when ma:where, persata interested may
attend if they see proper. fikor:s-3e] W. R HILLY.
- -
TOR:PRINTING;- in every etylet
fj iit tba Office of the Hit AS EC LUSARP,OfiIIY*T
Ileta C' sate -q,alco.,
Ittgat jloticeo.
~:,.4,csui 11,04.0,4,,.:.-:
INotice is hereby given. that Letters of AdmitUs
trarain to the Estate of ticorge tehinal*: bile of Green
township;ileed. have been ;granted to . ,the nudeisiguciL
resiiinnin said township.' • I -
All persons linownin thetrenilves indebted to said Es
tate •will please 'make immediate payment; and throe
having claims willptesent them property authenticated
for ge tlement, to 31.1taLtr,L rt. WINGER.
ne+2s • • Adnfr.
Notice is hereby given that LettersofAdministra
;ion to tars Estate or Amanda LorrrY, late of Quincy,
township. deed, bare been granted to the subscriber,
residing in said township.
Alt persom.knowing themselves Indebted to, said
tate will pious make immediate paynten4 and those
havingcluimv will present them property authentimte
for,dettlenieut. [nciv2,sl RACIIAEL LOWRY, Adin'rx.
DM '
Notice is hereby given: that I.etters .01 Adinirde,
trai ion with the Will - annexed on the Estate of Isanc
Mutt, late el- 0 reen township, dee'd, bare-been -granted
to the subscriber, residing in said township.
• Allpersene knowing themselves indebted to the said
Estate will please m ike itunte'linte payment • and those
haring eliding will present them properly authenticated
nov2s ' mixt 131 ALEXANIiEIk . A2Inzir:.
Nutted is hereby given thitt Letters of Admitils
trntion to the Estate of William Ileyser. late of the
liorough of Chatnbetubarg,rdtic'd,-haye l,een granted to
the unapt-signed. resitting in said Borough.
AU liersansini,wing themselves indebted to said Es
tate Wiliplense 'make Immediate pity:tient; and those
having clnimswill present trent properly authenticated
for settlement, , JACOB ttEvstat.
nov2s J.ALLI 4 t.t.N BYSTEEt '
Notice iff hereby iiven .that Letters of Adminig.
ti - ation to the Estate of Nancy 11. Carson, late 01 the
Borough of Mercei sbneg, deed. have boo u granted to the
undersigned; regidingin Philattellshia. • ,
• AU percent; knowing thenigelres indebted to said:dlg
Inteavill please make immediate' p pyinetit ; and ,those
havingclsims Will present them prlierlynunbentirated
nor settlement. toovil) CABSON.
La_ Notice i hetet") given that Letters of /Unlink=
ttation to thr llstate,of Miyaihro Z tpm, late of Letter
kenny t ,, wriship,dee'd. have Leta granted to the under
signed.residing in said t nrtfihtp, -
Allpersom knowing "thenterelers indebted to said U
inta will please Make iirimediati , payment and these
having CittitilB willpz:esent them propel ly antlient feared
for settlement. 'SUSAN ZAII3I. A(I Dirx.
anvil ISAAC 8. MUMMIES. Adm'r.
Notice is hereby given that Letters of Adminstra.
lion to the 'Estate of Mary Miller. late i.f aloutgonterx
township. deed. have beeti granted to tbo uudersigoed,
residing in said township. -
Ail persons knowing themselves indebted to said Be.
.{ate will please make InimetMote pa)ment t and those
having claims will presentlidon properly authenticated
for.sottlement. ' ABRAHAM% I%IILLER., }
Adm r.
Notice is hereby given that Letters of Adminls.
tration to the Estate of Mat thn Vanleer. late of Green
township, have been granted to the subscriber'
residing in said township. --
All persona knowing thernmelsee indebted to said Es.
state will please make immediate payment; and those
having claims will present them properlfauthenticated
for settlement. [noun] WM. 51. RUPERT, Adm'r.- •
. .tx Notice is hereby given that Lett ors of Adminia.
t ration to the Estate of Catharine Shaffer, kfte of Antrim
township, deed. have:beta granted to the undersigned,
residing in Guilford township.
All Persons knowing themselves indebted to said Es.
fate will please make imme.liate Paynient ; and those
Laving claint4 will present them properly authenticated
fur eettlement. Lhor,lll - JACOB I.'AliGLEß.Adln'r.i
NOP e ,ll nerehy given that Letters (.! Administra
tion to the Estate of DAVID Strtvit. late of Southampton
township. deed. Lose been grunted to the undersigned,
residing in said township.
At( persons indebted to the said Estate. are hereby rd•
gitesp.l to make i'Mmodintenity nerit.and those having
;taints o.mandrytrainst the Efatta Vti't decedent
tnrote.a.atwhtne smut %salt:A doinv, to
nov4.* ' NARY C. SMITII,Adm'rx.
Notice is hereby given that Letters of Admtnis
tintion on:the Estate(); Only Iletso.r: late of Guilturit
township, dee'd.,linve been granted to the undersigned,
residing in said township:
Ail personskno*lngthemaelres indebted to sale Fs
satewill please make Immediate payment: and -tho2
haring claims will present them property Authenticated
or eet tie/tient: " • SOPHIA HERMAN. Acltette.,,_
oet 2.8 DANIEL lIRENIAN. Adm'r,
Notice is hereby given that Letters of Ai:minis.
rst ton on.tbe Estate of. 3IICaAEL COM?, IMO <4 . Handl
er' twtiship, dec'd. have been granted to the under.
signed, residing in said township.
All persons Itnowingthemselvea indebted to mild Es
tate. nreregursted to make immediate payment: an
thoee having claims or ik.mends nrainst the Estate el
decedent. wilimake known the demands .
May. to
ort 18'63 - GEORGE OMOTE, Arretr
11J is 'hereby given tint Letters Testunentary to the
Frettteof Mary Baker, late of Greene lotto. dee'd, bay*
seen. granted to the 'Undersigned, residing In said Bor
. AV.peraene indebted to the ailid Estate aro requested
tp make immediate payment and those having claims
vi domande egainat the biatate of the said decedent - will
make known the same vat flout day, to
boy , 21b JACOB S. FLEMING. Eier.'
Is hereby given that Letters Te•thnitntary to the
EAtate or James J. Kennedy, late of Gaffes/ township,
eted, have been, granted to the undersigned, residing, in
All persona knoWing themselves indhbtid to said: Fit
tate will please make immediate payment; and those
havitirditimswill present them properly authenticated
fur settlement, to T. B. KIINNS,DY.)
novaJ. L. KENIaDY, " x u "
. Notice is hereby given that Letters of Adminis
tration on tho liktate • of Asstists J. STEVENS, late of
Green Townithip:tio'd. have been granted to tho under.'
signed, residing in Lancaster City. - -
All persons indebted to the said Estate, are requested
to make immediate payment. and those having Mattes
or demands against the Estate of decedent oriti make
known tho same, without delay, to ,
oct •28 TiIA.DDEUS STE VENS. Jr., diciner.
ti Nptice in hereby given that Lettere of Adminit*
trattork on the Estate e..Saltust llettsnatax. late of Quin
cy township. deed. have h •en granted to the undersign
ed. residing in said township.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to Raid Es
tate. arehereby regisested to Maize immediate pftyteent
and those having claims or - demands again t.t the eta
acid decadent, will make kiciwn'thesatne Without dei
lay. ' Agi,V 11ARSIENFAX, -L4dni'rz. -
oct 28'111343t JAMES COOK, Ades'r.
irxEcTJTORS' NOTI( ;15.-z; i v ieje,e,
12,4 is hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the
Estate of JACOB Tilfrintgkia., late of Southampton tu'p,
have been granted to the undersigned. residing
in end(' township.
All pet sone knowing themselsell indebted (mid Ee
tale are requested. to make immediate payment. and
thosehaving eldtma,present them properly authenti
cated foreettlement. .
noir& DAVID SPE:, CER, Ex"r.
is hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the
testate of .EUsisnelit BOLL, late of Quiney township, de,
ceased, hare beettAtaatett to, the ,undersigned, residing
In -midtowns*.
All persons indebted to the skid Estate, ai'e :requested
toyeake Immediate ;inytnent; and those having claims
or demands against the Estate of said decedent, will:
"make known thesame without delay, to
noy 4* JA3.111 li'r.
1111 litherehiniven that Lotteri Testainentary to the'
Estate' of lelizsbeth Bendy, late of Warm township„
deed, have Wen granted to the undersigned, residing in
said township. • ' - .
All persons knowing themselves• indebted to Said E
ftate will please mike immediate payment; and those
hiving claims will present them properly anthonticated
for settlement. [inerlti .1011 N. ZfltiftftillA t, Bk'r.
kis hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the
katate of Daniel Shively, late .r.f the Borough of Chan,
petsbusg, deed, hare boen_grantod to the . natereigned ,
residing in said borough,
persona knowing themsetres lobbied to said Es.
,tats will please make immediate , payment: there
haiing traimsWiliptesent them properly Mithentjeated
for settlemerit. • PETER se..
twrtl - mons IVA BIPL.Liti •
Expressly"for - the Franklin
Latest From Geaerai Burnsidv,
There bas been. no tiglating in Nneth'eqi
Virginia for,,the past two days. .Our troarti
hold the equtitty es fur :is Bing.old and
ClevLl and ; the enemy are belowTunnelvill
The eampni , m has prebrbly ended. - - Thera
is no hews from Burnside at head quartet*,
but the siogi. of Knoxville has undeitbtedbr
been raised ere now, end the rebel terms" in
East Tennesee can only escape by a tairitefe,
orniiraeulouS fig' hting.
The fruiti of therecent *battle 10 43,00%
prisOners ; 48 pieces of artillery ; Tooopt ut d
of :inns and ;number of stores. - Our eaB4)..
ties will not exceed, 4,000. - - •
From Oen. Itleittle's Arrnjr.
WAsniNGUIN, Nov.
.It is stated that Gen. Mende in his present
movements is left to his own discretion and
that be has slated it
- - to be his purposCto
strike at the Most prominent polnt On
Southern Confederacy. wherever in, his-jadit
meat- that may be. His supply of ration!,
and forage will not be exhausted until -idler
the 10th of December, end before that tifrO
he can make heavy recOnot-saneri,- Meat,
- damaging in its consequences upon the silt
A refugee from Richmond recently. arrived
within our lines and now confined itrtlia
Cariioll prison here, furnishes the followingestimation of the prpsPnt force -of Lee's 'ar
my: Ewell's corps now coounanded by Ear , .
ly, 20 to 2:1,1.10, infantry and 0 batteries..,of
artillery; A. P. Hill's corps 20,000 infantry
and .5 batteries of artillery; Btuart's cavalry
8,000 cavalry and 2 batteries of fl,ying'artil•
lery, making in 'OW 41,000 infantry, 8,000
cavalry, and 78 cannon, provided - On
batteries arc complete. lie alio centirms Eis
death of the rebel General Posey and -thrt
statement that Ewell has retired to -Chat
lotteville on account of ill health. . :
the Dimly concintxated-Near Dal
Wheeler's Cavalry Rented at Cleveland, Tinitsateg.
, - •
CIIATTAXOOPA; NOV. 28.---There 73&4 btht
no 'fighting at the
-front to-day. • The - fltenty
is concentrated below and mitr Dalton, with
the•viety,:to make a stand. 'Ourlino'ie be
An order from Bragg recalled Longstreet
from before Knoxville on the morning oftbo-
Nth. lie is now endeavoring to join
chieftain, near Dalton, 1.3 - y a circuitous route.
The situation from Knoxville to Britlge
port is all that can be desired. • ;
- Cavalry Fight at Cleve Tattle& .'-'
:Nov. 29.—Capt. Cox acid tits
mate and clerk of the steamer Duke *writ:ar
rested to-night. and will be tried by military
commissioners, Charged with crossing BOIYof
liawkins' rebel cavalry from the nortlittithe
south side of tire - Cumberland river near Port.
Donelson. -
Ctil. Laugclon, of the 10th Opio, who *n,
severely woimdcd-in tho late ftgllt,,Will 'not
Col. Long eneountc , re'd a portion ofYhtle
lor's eayally at Cleveland yesterday. After
a severe fight the rebels were rouietti .;it*lr
lossr. is notiithted.
North Part of Knoxville Burned:
Ctiveirts.en - , Nov. 25L—The latest - .nears
from 'Knoxville is to - Wednesdnr. •
The north part of the town is burrefl„An-' ,
eluding Abe railroad depot. ' •'
Burnside is chrerfui And confident. , •
Thera was a severe rain last niglii;ortallte
Cumberland is rapidly rising. Thep i f , nine
feet of water on the shoals.
West Tennesso nut' 4ezlitteky.
• ICE:cs- - YoTtu, Nev. '29.- - ---RumOs at Paducah
state that - Gen. SitOddy, with: ,froniliAlct to
6,000 rebels, •made his appearance recently
on the Tennessee river. below Eastport:
There was great excitement nt Co umbua.
Ky.. yesterday,-,owing to Gen. Smitlienforp
ing Gen. I,lM‘lbut's conscription order:'
There. biLi been a large,,number,cCiiiresta
for military. purpose S- -
The steamer Nellie Moore, bound for
NaSbville' vitb Government" stores; Slink
on--Friday, in, the- (hie river, beer
John U.-Itioltan in Canadj-ik.,
.Tottorro, - 1,g0v4 30.-4The:delehr4ed - John
B. Morgan arrived here by the Great ';7l,y,t
-em railway -to-day. .
'toot ) . lirqvizu an aNtratifb.
41 REWARD. - -:-Stolen from, fhb
0.74, 1 _, pastime field of the ieubecribor. on /Way
night the 7th -I miles east of Cbanibereturtori,tbo
GettYeiburg Pike, tt huge (thick liorse,B,yeitraelefOrwe
rieyed Art the left eboulder, Irnt eoc3 not go lame ;17telkS
;yeah!' harness or under th6eaddle, The...aboYe rewertf
wili bepaid for any information leading to the receiver,
of the horse by 'ANDREW J. LOClnlAtip,
• angl.2 a , - •
Tien Top and new Patti+ of four or firo indice s nQ
ro from ( hemboreburg to-Mont Alto. If returne4 Sir
this Office; kJ - Iberia =Word will be pitid. itire • )
„ .
ANTED.--.An Apprentice foliar!:
`the' TINNING- Bisincas. Enquire at the` Elt•
POSiIVILT Offico. • 'aro
Good Journorillus
:CAVINITi MAKER. Steady ernplorinerd Ares
Enquire at this Wee. • ;)ettll'eStf
a A R TNERSICIP.-L= . •Noti(.6
bq,giten that-the 'Undersigned hale "entei.eiClatO
partnership hi thelfardWare and Cutlery hasinesiii MS
'old stand of hlYersk Brew'. where we :ire ?meted to
Ihrnish everything In our linens cheap iisAkm , other
'house fu the county. Special indncernintiareotreVed
44131:ritiirinir incitto Zcill be'qutok Sales end whortprollts.
. ,1 s .:3 lAeon S. 41111011).
'''atikVAS^-oet 14 - GEO,RUJULAM