r Actinit, ALTNOitElid'elt liO A SPITL _ " • Dll. 4 4 / 1 148:3N, the founder crti this C ebrated otttutionoitters the twit certain. epdeilyolnd aradtatl rremedy in the woriii for tileets, Structures. : rilinftl P In in the Leins.Cqiistitutienni De., batiMulkinte,ee,:Wealtness. of thri „Haat. Limbs. Ait,Setieni ot- the Kidney., Palpitation -Or , the 'Heart, 4P.SPeizsia, Ntaous Irrifabidty, Diseases et . th e il ead; I:.roat:Yose or :sand those - serious and tifelait., limb , disorders arising, front tho destructive habits ie. Youth * which ikistros both body and mind. These secret Ott) .titnry pstrtictis aro more fatal to their victims titan thee ing of the Syreita to the mariner illysaus, ltixbtitig thoir.inostfic . t llitt it ho ble.pe, or actielpations sowiering marrie,si •i• • - YOUNG 31EN. • onnu-Stene,vecially. who have'beco'me the alctims B„;;e a ry Vice,that dreadful and .testructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands ef, young men of the most exalted- tiOrnit and brillian, listellect, who nal.-IKotiterwise have entranced listening -114wrates with the th'lnders of etequenee, or waked to anifstacy,the living lyre; may call Kith full confidence. MARRIAG - E! • - Married persons, or young men contemplating mar gingn,being aware of physical weakness. organic debility, &c., should immediately consult Dr. Johns -.. Ile wto Warta hinisslf unilsothe care of Dr. Johnston raktainusly contide In hisM;nor as a gontleman,and rinMrutty rely upon his bklll as a physician. • ' %- • ORGANtO WEAKNESS ! . CCRED AND TIILLTIGORRESTORID. _This disease: is •the penalty most frequently paid by ghosts who have •become the victims of improper indu9 *micas. Yuang, persons are too apt to couunit excesses from nut being aware af_.the dreadful consequences that ittiaT ensue. Now, who that understands the subject wlll-pretend to deny thrift - the power of Procreation is tedt'sooner by those falling into improper habit than by Vie prudent, Resides being deprived of the pleasure of healthy offspring, the most serious and destructive sympathy to mind antibody arise. The system become , deranged. thc physical and mental powers weakened borrows debility, dyspepsia, palpitation oft i hef heart -Indit °mien, a wasting of the frame, cough, itythep.om cunifronptiou • Office No. 7 South Frederick Sired, Awe elv, doors from 'Baltimore street, Bast side, up the *te steps. Be particular in observing the name and ,banaher,or you will mistake tbe,place. irslT ,A' CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS.Eff • No Mercury or Nauseous Di-ugs. DR. J 0 HNSTON, tire:mbar" of the 'Royal college of Sturgeons, London, gra listitte from, one of the most eminent Colleges of the --Malted 'Btates. and the greater part of wboae life has Weil spent in the hospitals of Londois. Paris, Philadel 141aRTIli elsewhere, has effected some of the most aston cures that were ever, known. ktiin-y troubled With ,ringing in the head and ears when asleep, great ',:tierronanees, being alarmed at sadden somfda. and bash- AlitillaelfS, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes selett derangement of mind, were cured immediately. • A CERTAIN .DISEAE! „When the misguided' and inepruderk votary of plea sire finds- he has Imbibed tl e heeds of khie painful dis `euttae, it too often happens that an-lib-limed sense of r dates, or dread of discovery, deters hide' from applying 4}} those who from education and respectability can befriend hintoleheying till the comtitutional sirup llama of this horrid disease make their appearance, leech at ulcerated born throat, 'diseased nose. nocturnal - pains In the head and limbs, dimness' of sight, deafness. nobs en the shin, Lime& and arms, blotches on the lead, fame. , send extremities, progressing with frightful rapidity, till at last the palate of the mouth or the bones of the noes tall in and the victim of this au ful disease becomes trheorrideebject - of commie:aeration, till death puts ape , his dreadful sufferings, by seuning . him to "that bonnie from whence no - traveller returns.” Ta- such, therefore. Dr. Johnston pledges himself to preserve the „tneatlreviolable hoc recy and trout leis exdeusive practice = the. first Hospitals of Europe and Nteierica - . he can • nfidontly roconimend a safe and speedy cure to the anfurtunnte victim of this horrid disease. 'Musa ,melancholy 4A :that thousands fall victims tc illititheirrid disease owing to the untekilfuliness of igno rant pretenders who by use of thatdeadful poison, .blei wiry, ruin the constitutioWiend either semi the un'ortu• nate to an untimely grave, or make the residue of - life admerable. TAKE 'PARTICULAR, NOTICE! iir.J. addres4esilioar who have injured themselves by "Ovate; void tutor:epee indulgences. t - • h thestefere some of the sad and Melancholy effects pro &need by early habits of youth. viz:—Weakness of the Beek and Limbs. Pains iii the !lead, Dimness of Sight, —Lowe of Muscular Power. Palpitation of the Heart, Dys• pepsin, Nervous Irritability, Derangem ent of the Diges ' 6.1,6 pulictioni,Generul Debility, Symptoms of Consturep 'Stott: dec. • - Httyraddi, the fearful effects on the mind are much to I edrealeil : loss of ticeinory. Confusion of Ideas, Depres- Con Of Spirits, Evil Forebodinp, &vet - don to Society, Self-Diatruht. Love of Solitude.limtdity, &c., are some wif„ the:evil effects. Thousands of persons of all ages ran now . judge what itetheiNuse of their declining health, losing thed vigor. becoming week. pale, have singular appearance about the eyleqcougli. and symptoms of Consumption. • be- Johnston; s Inxi?jorating Reined!, for Or . ganic 4 Weakne.s„3 this groat and important remedy, Weakness of alete Organs is speedily cured. - and full vigor reatored. Thotaands of the most nervous and dcbilitated,schn letd - loet all hope, hare been immediately relieved. All 4rtkpediteents to Marriage. Physical or 3lental Dieguati - ticetiog i Verrone Irritability. Trezn Ming. Weakness cm Ezhanittion of the most fearful kind speedily cured by licJghnston. - YOUNG MEN, ....Whorhave injured t lieni‘elves fry a certain practice, In dulgo.bin when atone—a huhit frequently learned fr nit iril companions. or at school. the effects are nfilitly -Melt,' even when asleep, and if not cured. render, Ma - - rlage iinpossible, and destroys both mind and body, eitontd apply immediately. What a pity that .1. yeuii?.-yman, the hope of his coon dtrling otitis p 'rem ts should be snatched from .ettlprospects, anti enjoyments of life, by the conSequencs .o(deriatingfr ..ar. he palltornature. and indulging lit a cantata secret habit. Such persons, before contemplat • lag • MARRIAGE feu d reflect that a sound mind and body are the • Utast ne ,a•stiry iegnisitee to promote connubial happi • meas. Indeed. without those, the journey through life •tteteumissalweary pilgrimage. the prospect hourly dark ' zees to the view; the mind becomes shadowed with do mair, and filled with tbe melancholy reflection, that e liappinesi of another becomes „bligh,ted with our — I3.7IPICE No, 7; SOUTH RitEDERICK BALTIMORE. , .., —4;., TO STRANGtES. ; Thk e . . '- any thousands cured at this Institution In the 'heat n years; and the numerous important surgical ‘.. board-Nuns performed by Dr. J., witnessed by tie re portersof the papers. and many other persons. notices of wiii..clilinve tipprared again andagain before the put, 11c. is Il "ifficlettt guarantee to the afflicted . N. B, There arc so many ignorant an werthless *necks advertising themselves as Physicians, 'ruining dee health of the already afflicted. Dr. Johnston deems - It necessary to say to those unacquainted with his rep- Agitation. that his Diplomas hangin his office. iir WA LE Nonce.-A 11 letters Vase be post paid .and ...lantana it posta,o s amp for the reply, or no answer will toe qt. tit. Feb 25,•8.3-Iyr. 13noto .anb ,*toeo. ..~..~.,r,.,,,., ~,,.,,,.Mr VEW SHOE s- STORE.---41%, Sub scriber takes method of informing; he rill= itens of Chambersburg and vicinity, that heehaw Just returned • - roin Philadelphia with an ENTIRELY NEW noc f Bout s a n d Eimea, of every Tarlety; style and patteni, and of the best manufactures, Trei had road Shopkeepers on hand. Ilia whole stock is new. Give him a call—you can easily suit yourself. Re Invites the Ladies. especially, to call, as he will take pleasure in showing his qoodg. Store, In the room for . tinkly - occupied by Frederick Smith, Esq.,as a Law 018ce, ' mike rreently need fur the purpose hy Cleorgo Eye * ‘sr, two doors North of Flsher's Ilotel,Nlain tn. eet, Ohattibershkg. Pa. large and well selected stock, be being a 'practical Ilbdfrltieker:consiste of Ladies' Gaiters. Boots, Slippers " „l#8:1-13iiskins; M4seie and Children's Boots arid Shoes; ientlemen'ls Gaiters, Slippers, Boots and Brogans. Do not forget the place. - No trouble to show Goods et the NEW STORE, two doors North of Fisher's hotel, IlisinStreeet, Chainbersbtirg, Pa.. by - June 17.1862. PETER FELDMAN. - CALL AND SEE'.—THE UNDER • - 131 G N ED „ it: i t :n. 4 ,B to his numerous' friends and 40,1listomers, that he continues to manufacture to order, =id keeps on hand a full and complete assortment' of various qualities and styles {)f MOBS and GAITE49. for „Ladies, Misses and Children. His assortment of , TrBOODS; SHOES, Az.; for Mon and -Hoye wear, hi cam , Pletei to which he respectfully invites attention . .. Work -of all kinds made to order. in a neat and durahle mhn ner, and at short notice. Call and see before purchasing f l Osstrk ore. and ho will saiisfy. purchasers ttlatliefsella at very small profits for arith, Haul ,forget ,the Ifntz k Hunter's Store. Ohnmbenrburg, d. °HOWIE i.sakmx. nite 17,1883. , , !! Q. R 7 1StROPKIN8. • Joint letr.tizzirr 40,11 N C. HOPKINS & CO: • • IMPORTERS DEALERS iN lITNA;GLASS AND QIIDENSWARE, • • No. 612 MART= STRUM, intrlurtber particulars apply to S. S. SHRTOCK aliabersbnrg,Pa fiquazly.- ME Aato,'4llaos attlf-Sur. ANCY FURS - ! FANCY Fug' • FAREIRA, ' rlB Arch St., , below Bth south side; Philtra.. Importer. hfarruftcrurer of and Dealer in di kinds of FANCY FURS 'for Ladies' Ctitti Children's Weak. I wish to return my thanks to my friends of-Franklin and the stutennding Counties, for their very liberal pat ronage extended to Me during the last few years, and would say to them that I now have in store, of My own Importation and Manufacture a very aitensive aseort, ment of oil the different kinds and qualities •nf I ANt 'Y FURS, forLaci ies and Chi'dren,that will be worri the FAD and Winter seas(!ns. • being the dit cet Importer of 'all my Furs from Europe. and baying them all Manufhctnred under myoum super vision—enables me to offer my euqomere and die public a mach handsomer Set of Furs for the Hamel money. Ladies pleat° give me a cell beforo pnrchaaing Please remember the name, number and street. JOHN PARERIA, sept 8 7 8 m No. 718 Arch - St., Philadelphia. ' REAri' BARGAINS IN ADIES' 'kJ! FIIttS.—I have a large and well selected stock of Ladies' Furs, consisting of Mink. Sable. Stone Martz:, Oerman Fitch. American Fitch, Liberian Squirrel, French Squirrel. French Sable. French Mink; Water Mink, and Silver Martin, which lam Selling at lower prices than they can be purchased for Philadelphia. Call and ex amine before purchasing elsewhere, at the old -Bat. Cap, and Fur Store of J. L. DECIISRT. icILILI)REN'S FURS.-1 have' a large assortment of Clltltirene Fare. which 1 . will eel at verylow prices, at DECELERT'S. 2uotires of t'Oe JUSTICE OF PEE PEACE.--11. B. D.VVISOZ , I. Justicaiif the Pet:et—lA:lice itruned late ly opposite the "Indian Qneen Hotel." All Liminess en• triteted to his care shall receive prompt attention. 'in. Strum-Ws of Writing, of all kinds, drawn up in a eat's factory manner. • June 17,-.63 13 HAMATA.N, Justice of thei Peace, • Chrunbersbnrg, Pa. Office on'East Market street opposite the Court Rome. in the °trite formerly occupied by Ai. K. McClure. Orompt, attention given., to every thing in the line of a Magistrate and Scrivener. Sept 9,'63-tf SCHENCK'S PULMONiC SYRUP CONSUMPTION. , • scumers pihmorac SYRIA' I= SCIIENCK'S•PULIIONIC SYRUP BCILiNCECS PpLMONIO SYRUP SCUD CH'S SEA WEED TONIO SCHENCK'S SEA WEED TOKIO WILL cvuz -DYSP.BPSIA. SCIIENCK'S AA WEED TO.NI WILL CURL , SCILENCKt SEA WEED TO.NIL" SCH}NCK'S MANDRAKE PI-ILtS- MILL CCIIM LIVER COMPLAINTS SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS - WILL CURE LIVER COMPLAINTS. ECLIEUCKS'•3IANDRAII.E PILLS RILL CU LIFERCOMPLAINT- SCLIENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS RILL CLICE LIVER COMPLAINTS I DR. J. SCBENCKDas a large Suit of Rome at Wo 32 BONDB.'REET, NEW YORE, where 14 car, be found every Tuesday, from 9A. M.. to 3P. M , and t N 39 Nolan SIX= STREET, PLIALADELPIIIA, PA. 'every eatunlay. lie keeps a large supply - of medicines it his rooms, Wilkll can be had at all time& Those V. feting : advice or, examination of the Lungs will do to tail oD bin - as above. lie tastes no charge for advice, bat for a thor- ouch examination with the Respironieten; his price is $3. - Many persons are afraid to havibeir lungs examined by Dr. Schenck for fear that thelnill bel found Incura ble, and by that means it is nut. off until it is too late. blow much better it would be to know their condition at once, as by abundance of p• 'deuce, Dr. S. has shown sufficient certificate in this city that he has cured ad vanced stages oft onsuniption. - DR. eICIihNCK'S Principal Office i N 0.39 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia, where letters for advice Should always bedirected. Price of tile PULSIONIC Stare 0 5D Scil. WEED Tom , : each $1 per bottle, or $5 tie half doz n. iltannAxx Pats, 25 cents per box. For Sale by all DRVIGISTS and STOIVIZEEPF RS. 0ct.14-2m WONDERFUL SCIENTIFIC DISCOVER-IL—At the present time thoughtful minds everywhere are looking far the revelititm of nen and important discoveries in - science, and 'when a theory ispresented claiming to have discovered new light and to have removed the veil of obscurity.fnom a subject of The highest importance, upon which'sruch has been written. it is proper that- the claims of this theory be presented and carefully examined and tested, which is destined to transcend in impel tance to suffering human ty,all other disco% cries. the lightning rod and telearirph not excepted. We bold that the human,Systeni is but a galvanic arrangement, emit Its acids and alkalies, con stituting thepositive and negative forcert, and thatevery mental and physical manifeitatlon, either voluntary or involuntary ,is the result of this antagonism; thatiliges tion, c I rettlation, secretion, aud excretion are 'wholly at tributable to the law of electrical influences; that the nerves are the conductors of Etzczatelvti, and that there is a polar action established through the nervouasystem which- connects with every part of ti irYbi?dy. establishing and preserving a proper balance of the electric element. which constitutes health, end a ilistuthance of which causes disease; that there are s t rictly but two conditions of disease—the one positive, the other negative; and as Er.tCratrrrit possesses these two inherent principles. it will, if applied according to the electric polarities and requirements of the-system, arrest, or. In other words, neutrplize - tbe disease by the restoration of proper polar action. We also assert that ail drugs taken Into the sys tem act strictly upon electrical principles; that from decomposition the latent electricity is set free, and that though the electrical polarities of the - !nervous system all changes are produced either fur good or for evil; that in the incipient stage ofdisease _it may tend to equalize the forces, and restore harmony; but after the case has become refractory, paralyzing the nervous communici tions;and changing the constituents of the-tinkle, and arresting the digestive action of tire :stometh and its power of approbation, no internal process of medication ever has, or ever can, succeed in removing the cadge of the disease, Its only tenddney being to Multi ply and com plicate the symptom& On the contrary, EXtczttlerrt being he vital element upon which life depends, can be directed to any part of the body; and even after the vital functions seem para.. lyzed v posseasett the power of arousing the dormant on ergies.Mmalizing the circulation, and the system to a self sustaining system. ,One ,very impOrtant feature lot this treatment is, that no time 11% lost to experinionting with disease. By means of electrical I test an accprate diagnosis is given at once, deterniining the, Aectility and character of the disease, and indicating the treatment,to be pursued. The'curients are perfectly under the c trot. of the operator. and can be copiloted to suit e delicate nerves of a-child .vvithou t any Uttplassantlen All those who have long suffered from painful Oicl t obstinate disease—Acute, Chronic, 1 1 .ndammatory or Paralytic—areinvlted to call and consult, CONSULTATION FREE. W. Orrzo2ln Prankiln Build ing;Wist Market Street, 4th doerfrom the Corneroftile Diamond,OltaMhersburp; Pa . . Nor. 4, '4544 f , d.NTS:Wiltrpay, fci ' tlio. REP I.; Ami ty SITO/itT throe months to *a Pent to* Bolifir, it tboloroSi*,!* ' • •-' l• " , - IY. iltrlitrai. MEM CONSUMPTION {SILL cunt• CONSOIPTIGN . LAI CONSUMPTION. VILA, CUR% DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA. EMI= DYSPEPSIA =I .':vie "ratimitv!,,ucpqa., ZEitt) aft 'faittp 405. GRAN:b' OPENING 'AND *ISTER GOODS! tYSTER & 13RO. - - ' • Have just returned from the East, with a large and varied stock of seasonable Dry. Goods, all of which we will dispose of at a small advaitee on cost. Whit we have now on hnnd.. rime puichased previews to , tb a 1 ati7lB6, and will be sold witliont regard to the present Eastern prices, whici on many articles is full as high as our retail prices CLOTHS , Ladies Cloths, all colors and shades. from $1.50, .to $6 00. CLOAKS 5 Ladies:CloOks.past receire4, of various sty/Os and patterns—from $B, to $25 .SID GLOVES: :Good Kids, Embroidered, 75 cents ;. better quality $1 00i Jouvins• $1 35; Alexanders, $1 50. The latter makes are the best im- ported. ,Also, a largo lot of FanorGloves. dORSETS n : We have a fresh lot of the celebrited 0: N. B ,Corsetts- 1 •20 bones; the very best manufac tared, and which we warrant to at, and give satiifaetion -HOODS A largo assortment of Ladies' and Cbildrens' Woolen Hoods, • BROCHA Jut from Aortic n LIVEN HANDKERCHIEFS: Hem-stitelicd, and Plain, which defy eompetition M . OURNIN.G GOODS Crape Vells—all prices; Lace Veils. do.; Dom bailnes ; Alpacas; 3-4 Do Lilacs. 6-4 De Lathes Coburp3; Crape Collsn ; and everything deairalN for mourning -140tiRN - ING SHA,NLS: 8-4 Do Lainea and Cashmeres; Long Thibot. all prices; Long Repp Shanin—beantifutgood;i PRINTS 16,18, and 25 cents* Dc LffirlCT, Fancy and . plain ; CoSurge, and French Merino'es ; Plaids. and Stripes. • FURS! FURS!I FURS!!! FURS!!!! We have just opened a large assortment of Fun, among whit% may be found RUSSIAN SQUIRRELL CAPES AND , MUFFS, RUSBTAN MARTIN CAPES AND MUFFS, FRENCH SABLE CAPES AND MUFFS; HUDSON BAY CAPE&AND MUFFS, FITC.4•CAPES.AND MUFFS, All poo l ieb we will sell gsa low se, j ea4l be had fro'm the•n►anufacturar. =I Xis conclusion we would eay, , that ail the goods We thsi4craro ri n e * , • ihey ea c m bs had thii,,sidtt of •New l . • 1 Xork, make' but one Price;atid that . the seine to all onftomerni •-whithariodamot goodios_ uot.;DroP - , AO 04) st4OVligtotif bytylor eleefh tire; eet.R44t EYSTRIC k *r.d. ;111lectiittnr 1863. *tobotnUc ST-OVE tIIPORIUM JACOB B. MILLER, MAIN.STREET-4 DOora South otiliePiumond. CHAMBPRSIWRG, Would respectfully invite the attention of the pub- tic to his Iwo and *ell selected stock of STOVES. COPPER, . TIN an'd ). SHEET-IRON WARE lle has now the largept and hest assortment of PARLOR. ;HALL, i GAS strßnats and ever offered in Franklin county. NVABIL:B\OILkRS constantly on hand of all sizes, ,and_ the beet ma- MEM COAL 13-6-CKETI3.I The largest ate , ortment,tbe heaviest iron and - the • I best matte in the county. etock of TIN-WA R'E made of the beat material and is a itOrkmanlike • t manner. AB he hia PradTICALWORK-. MAN, and. has had many yiars ex perienee in the business, he fesis confident that he can give general ttatisfaction. ROOFING,:O I OUTING, made and put up it the 'shortest notice, d'attion- tar, attention paid to all kinds of MENDING AND JOBBING Call and look through our stock and get the prim.- as our motto is Small Profits, Quick Salcs and GoodValge." JACOB B. MILLER; POtir Doom South of the Diamond Nov. 11: '63-1Y: U 0 IT EEP E RS, READ ! lagher's Sunrise Air-Ti g ht New Flt 4 Top The lfitesjere very heavy, and the I , whole Sf ore is finished in a superiormanner. I warrnnt this stove tube superior to any Slat, -Top Stove if nis , in the market. sod respectfully invite my friends and the public to call find examine this Stove, of which there are several sizes. ' - • I hare also a great variety of other COOKINO STOVES of every style; STOVES, ne w and beautiful patterns. together with a heavy stock of STOVES for Churches, S t6rei, Offices, Hotel a. &c. JOILN tDDWiti, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in RrOVES.TIA AND COPPER WARE. N . have been ninieintad Sole Agent for Galin gber'n Celebrated Snnrise Ir-TightCook Stoveln chain bereburg. Pa. Jnno 17081E3. A T ETTER, HAMLLTON4,CO'S Great Stove and Tin Ware Store, corner of the Diamond.= be seen the largest ,best, and cheapest stock of (Mods in Chamitersburg. They have COOK (.G STOVEtifor Wood and Coal, of latest patterns and all sizes, at fair prices. [June IT.ISC3. CPO TING DONE AT - SHORT NorteE. of first rate Material and cheap. All work warranted, and cheaper than can be bench t elsewhere in the County. Call and see for yourpelcen at ETTER,IIAMILTON k CO'S. • nearly opposite then:ink. Ft TTER. 11A3EILTON &:, CO. are t prepared to put aP _the best LIGIITNINO ROD)• at e leap rates. . 4 LWAYS ON HAND, A LATME As.ortment or tho very beet Tin.Japannitt and eupperware,gc., nob) low nt ' ETTEIIt.RAMILTON & CO'S. ALL WORK :WARRANTED, an cbenper thnn can by bought elsewhere In t` couuty. Come and see-Lrben buy, nt ETTER, HAMILTON & CO'S. PALL FOR PARLOR ANI) IY KING most O)K STOVES. Th.y are prett good and cheap. L'TPER. HAIIILTON & C )'S, A. few abort troth Shryork's Ttook Store itlattufartureo. T e O THE PUBLIC'GENERALL) S BURO FOUNDRY. undersigned takes this method to inform the pub , that he has taken the FOUNDRY so long carded on ' • Seibert. with all the PATTERNS connected the, • with, where he purposes continuing the business. and tlaw prepared to make ALL KINDS OF CASTINGS , that may be wanted by the community: Particular - ,teation will be paid to making and keeping on hand ery description of_FLOWS, oksTusos, WAGON 130. BS, Ae. All kinds of Ctuqinge made to order. New Plows, of 'different patterns, always_ on band made to order. OLD MITAX, taken in trade, for which the bight price will bo given. By devoting himself attentively to business he hor to merit and receive usher° of public patronage, June 1W0.% ABRAHAM METZ. MARBLE YARD.-T 1 undersigned, respeCtfially announces to the ails. o renklin - countY that he, has opened a New Mar Yard in the room formerly occupied by Dr. Hamilt directly opposite J.. ff."Nizon's Drug Store, Main S tr. • lathe Borough . 01 Chambersburg, Where he will keep bend or malts to order all articles in his line of basin, such as MONUMENTS; TOMBS and HEAD STON mANILES, , TAHLWA STAND TOPS. &c. mounter tut from the very best 'Foreign and Domestit ' afarble. He respectfully solicits n Confront those who may b, •want of-pup:l..oloe in the ebovellne. He is coalition+ his ability to satiefy all who may tie pleased to patror him, eitberas regards his prices, or the quality, beat and chttoteness of his work. July 8.'43 - JOHN A. GROTE y Ac tßoom MA.NVYACToitY.—Ti. , . • iandersiined still carry on:their, 11110011' MA? 1 . on,y,,at their via ptand,- on ;Emit ?Market Mr t;bamberehnrg, They wenidinform the public that I kayo proeisied themeeliek with a .11richine to tak. aroem,SeillYhtch they NM do for melt as,do not 'a to do it fhelneigrest and make their Broome cheap cog, or on 440 #l4rea.: , They witiiiiso p ay DA4OIOII DILOOD aim; ifs 3154. 1 M 4 -Leflt lB -3m) D. 4 S. J. LITTLI • The undersigned, baying resigned his position as- Pay usasterhythe. iL S.driny,hasopenedatiVo 204 SOUTH 11'01113.111 STREET,.-an FOB. PROCCIZINO PENSIONS, and for ibecolleefion of Oknags', Sozzan4', and all other Ciaine against the Ocivernment. My longexperienee -as Paymaster, has given me tine- - snal facilities for, becoming thoroughly acquainted with this branneasin all its 'details. On the receipt, by niail, of aetsiteatent'of the mieti of claimants, I will forward . (Liz, necessary-papers for. their'signature. Personal at tention will he given to the cases at Washing p.n. No chargetinlessiticcessfal, When $5 will be charged for collectirg allsums under $BO, and $lO on al/ sanurover that amount and under $2OO. Larger claims taken on special arrangement. Fees in Pension Casesas fixed., by law. - ' „ , . AB Soldiers of the present 'war, who !ince served two_ ,years; andluldiere discharged for woundi received in battle, without reference to time of service, arc entitled hides their regular pay, to $lOO Bounty. In case Soldiers or Seamen are discharged for disability or wounds received white in - the smoke, they are entitled tu9a Pension according to the disability.. -In case, of the death of the Soldier before discharge, through disesSe contracted; or wounds received while in , service; his widoiv brentitled to receive the $lOO Bounty, lusiides arreanws3 of pay ansipem3ion duringlerlifetiose or widowhood. COOKING STOVES First the Father, second to the Mother, third to the ilrothers and Sisters, and their to the next' of kin. 4 ' Discharged Soldiers. whose clothing account was an 'Bvttled*C.the time of discharge, can recover. any balance duo them, if the Company books are not destroyed. To draw' this balance. write to your Captain for a tleserip t ive list, showing Clothing account, and forward it to me with yOur preliminary statement, giving alto the date of ydur discharge . Suldiers,Who served with the nine months' volunteers, ran recover $27 bounty and premiutn, Without regard to time of service, if they have not already received Soldiers who were prisoners in the SoutE, and Soldiers ho were absent on sick furlough, are entitled to com ridtation or rations. - In communicating with this office, state the nature of -your - olefin folly, and give the Company' and _Reg merit to a hich yoUnr. the Soldier for venom you claim belonged, ' lls well as your'present Post Office hduress. I).t cu. litsr IL Co., Merchants, lissrmarrs, JR. & C0.. - Merchants,.' : ; ". Curuu.EsE. Moaosa .t Co., Merchants, A MOOD, Wnrrg & Co.,Merchants, Ca . JOHN M. MIMI", N 0.204 South Mirth Street PENSION,. BOUNTY AND 'AR W CLAIM AGENOY.--=Pensions procured for soldiers of the present warwho are disabled by reasoa cdWounds received. or disegsb contracted, while in the service of the United States; and Pensions, $lOO 'Bounty, and Arrears ot Pay obtained for widows or heirs of thostowho have died or been killed while in service. 'TERN HOThL, - West Mitrket "ear the BridgC, ‘ Chambershurg, Pa. _ The subscriber would respectfully inform the' 7'raiel. ing community that he has purchased and sakes posses sion of this Hotel. Ile hopes to make it one of - „the most desirable places for strangers and others to - stoit'at _that eon tie found in any country town. His TABLE will at all times be spread with the lux uries and substantiate; of the season. „ iflß 0112418ER8 lers large, well ventilated and fitted Up in I - WOVerziletyle. HIS BAIL will be well suppliadveith ft large and choice selections:if - the very.beSt liquoisf '7 • His STABLE will - always be provided with good Wholesome provender for stock, and attended" by careful ostlers. No pains will be spaVed to vendeftentire tides - Notion tc all his guests; and pleding himself to endeavor pleade all, be solicits a liberal staaroof the public patronage. June 17, 3 1 63; JOHN 4ILLEft. FHOTEL—West side oj . j: fonbit'S .§zuore,Chtunbeniburg. Pa. 'L! he subscriber would respoctlully inform the Travel jun Community that he lout !cued and taken possession of this Commodiorni Hotel, Ate hopes to make it one ct the most desirable places for strangers and others to stop that can be 'found in any country town. Is IS PAULL will at all times be. spread with the lux ut lea and autsataattatd ofthe season. 11IS CIIAMBE R S are larg,e. well rentliated,and fitted up in modern style.- • 1118 BAP will be well supplied withalargeandcholce — selection of the very best hignors: Venstint Scilionnv agentits.:4: 1 00 IS., POMEROY, ' AR if r zirD prA vr ACZNar, 204 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, licsongeTiox FOR /“NA 11^,r8TWTCTIONE3 TO CLMMiNTS If'the Soldier die after diseharge,from disease con; racted or wends received while in service,his :widow is. entitled ton pension of 06 per annum. - If_no widow or minor children, the mother of the Sol derer Seaman - will receive the Pension, if dependant on hirn Wholly or in part fur support.-' • If deceased Soldier or Seaman leaves no widow, his ,dildrilrare entitled to the same benefits es the widow,- exceptlrlien the children may be over the ore of I 8 - years.i. no widow' minot children the bounty and - par will descend to the heir& as follows; E N CT, S. tlti Ereelleney A Nnarm G. Cuirritr, GUVernitr: of Penn . I los.=Sznott CA.IIRMON, Harrisburg, Pa. . , lioN.losteu CABE; ChlefJustico of the Court of Maims; • Washington. Hot. E. H. lErs.ootz, Chief- Clerk bf Pay Department, ..Washington. , , , • I lON. EDWARD MePansimr, Si. C-Vashingion. " JAa. P. SiERRET, President Judge, District Conit, Pittsburgh. - • Host. A. H. McCurnr..Chambersberg, Pa. • , 110N.T110314S A...-Rcovr, Vice President Penn's Rail Road Rai. WILLIAM B. Taostas, Collector of the Port, Philad'a I loN. C. 'A. WALttorug, Post *aster, Philadelphia. Efant, At 3.4mEsiitrAiAp; President of Union ]auk, Phltidid . pliis Ilowzrr k FAIP.TLIOUNE. Attornies, • • :4 4 l'irsor4.l% - erer ttZilvtrr,lderehants, !Aroma, H.cEEoLask cti. Ilerchiu4s, Nun!'Err, Betrorr&T.o., - Inn '634: JOHN H. ORR, Min Agint, - , • ' Chambetsburg.Px.: Reb.25,'634y Ji)otclo. j7NCION 110TETr:—This Hotel is. o . Isituated on thquornor of Mein and Queen' Streets, near the Manama the Borough of Chambersbarg,Pa. The undersigned respectfully announces to the travel ing publlc that this Uotel has been retnodled. It has been rained tq.TIIREE STORIES In height A• fine three story Back Building has been added to It, giving en immense amount, of room for the accommodation of the public generally. The rooms are large and comfort able. nUmbarlng In all, thirty-11m. -They am all well furnished with GOOD NEW FURNITURE. Person. stopping - at this llotel can have either doable or 'final, roOms, with or without ere in them. The Table is al ways supplied with the BEST IN TUB MARKET, any, will seat over 100 persons. The Bar Is filled with the CHOICEST LIQUORS Th. Stable is two.ttories, of the most modern style, and the hest in theltorough ofChambereburg. June 17 . 2 611. JOHN FISHER .Propriet or. HIS STABLE: 'will always be provided with good, whelesopiepresipder fur st oe k, and attepded by careful ostlers, - No pant; will he spared to rooster butiresatisfaction all his guest: and pledging bitnanif to endow/Or to plmosc al I. he solid t - 4 lintnl share of Ike public patronagp. June 17.'63. • ' . - E DANIEL.TROSTUE. WRITE SWAN 110 TEL, Chant , basburp, Pa.— MICHAEL Oilers, Proprietor. Having purchasedthis well-known Ilotel,(loneknown as Miller's. and recently as Weist & Orove'silthe Prepri etor pledges himself that no pains shall be spared t 4 minister tothomarits of his guests.: • , , The character heretofore sustained by the novae as comfortable Dome for the &learner, shall •not Suffer t it my hands ire conrtan t effort to please and accommodm I will sustain It. The proprietor,. therefore, solicits continuanceof the liberal patronage heret.fore extem I ell to the" White Swan." In additiontolarge Stabling„, he has TWO LOTS a - pair of War and StOCE. Scats for the acconunodatii of Drovers and Butchers* inn° 17,1883 - • 'MOH/LEL GROVE. -. iiELLLB 'CONERLY. ' DAVID U. HUTCHISON. clovEßLv. & lIUTCHISO.V Have become - the Proprietors- of the Mal STATES HOTEL, near the Railroad Depot at lIAR.RI BURG, Pa. This popular and 'commodious Hotel b been newly refitted and furnished throngnout its p,, lore and chambers, and Is now'ready fir the recepti I of guests. " The pnbltcwilifindtheUnitedStatesßotl tates Rot the most convenient, to all particulars, or any Hotel the State Capital, on account of Its accent tothe road, being immediately between the two great dep. in this city. ' Illastusaimo, Jobe 17, , 63-tf. Waynesboro' Attorci, M srcersbnrg Journal, a t - Greencastle Pilot, copy Sm., and Charge Repository. INDIAN QUEEN - HOPE-4- - Ma I, &red, Chrunbersbnl7,.Pa.';' - #1,01.1N W. TATL( I. Proprietor. ; Phiedmimmodationa and low charges. 04- Tardy and Scala ere connected with premisesfor the convenlenceof Drovers. Also7Ext sive atablifig;andyarddfoi florae' atid'eartliges June:l7, 'Oat > ' - aIAIPOETANT TO ,TRY, PIT4III t• - —The Grover & Baker,B. M. Co.,- innnufactur, .f 1 dition to their celebratd Gro over . k Baker ilTri 11 . .MACHINES; the mostt-perfect BRUTUS or "LO *l. STITCH" MACHINES in the market, and afford r ~ • chasers theomiortunit of. sidettitig. after trial and t arnination,of both. the one ber t Stilted to their wants - - II: E. B.OEB, N. 11. Corner 'et tha Diamond. oui 4 banitinig,Atent. - Call and examine the machines. get. 'Mt v . - 11X RICAN LIFE. DISITRAIScg A_VD , TRUST COMPANY. crough•taitcornerof IValaut andfoura Streets, PADA dAphia. incorperatedlB3o. Charter PsrpetuaL Arise AA) CAPIT AL, , $500,004 00. PAID CAPITAL. 5250,u00 00. ASSETS, $1.847,746 ' insnees lives during the natural life, drier abort teem; grants annunities and endowments and makoe contracts of all kinds depending on Ihe &sues a lite. Acting ale. so Eke. ntois. Trustees and Guardians.— Policies of Life Insurance insured at the usual mut ual rates of other good Companies--with profits to the In sured—lest front's, January, 1864 being 43 per cent. of all premiums received un- mutual policies at joint stock rates, 20 per cent.les than the above. NON4OItFETTUItE 'PLAN. katrA . lnttrink 13y which a pprtmu Inlys fur 6,1, or 10 years only - ,whea the Policy it paid tny fir life, and nothing more to pay, and ebould he be unable,'or - wish to discontinue sonnet, the Conitgany will (squill a paid-up policy in: proportion to the -amount of prenihune paid; xis followit Afte'r - pktmeut 'or the annual pikur- - ' - suns (on policy of , •-• c , $1000) for ' ' • $4OO 00 11255 00 $2OO fie On payl. of 6 4 au.pre. 800 00 807 /0' 571 40 400 4.6 - 0 .• " I • 1 , 4 ,8 "-.. I , •• r . .- , 0 Annual preminnifor iuogo. ' ...- -: ' -- - • , 'NOX-FORPELtURE TEX YkeLit :RATA% Aga 20, ' .......•.et4 ... f•+ , 4 416 56 25, .34 Oft a 30,.;.:C•41,1 4". ' - . ' I***. 88.4,, • *s '35,...i‘ c.a. 43 0 ,, - " 40,' .. ...i.... 47,be , 4 ti so, ~.- • -60 ao' In prance maybe ellested,.giving.ttomly 'party, on tbe --- ,teat/1 - 01,We insured, a certain yearly income by endow , ment for life, thug avoiding all contingencies of iliVext iin; thnsame, and, may be double or ,sreble tim,,yeas sy interest:. ' - , , • „ AI.P.XANISER WHILLDIN, FVesident. ' SAMUEL =WORK. Fice-President.; , - 7CIIipI.SI;MILSON, Sicretury and_Trecisurer. - - ' - - ' 1 - i - ' BoAlltt OF TBUSTEES. • Alexandei Whilidin. J. Edgar Thompeon, Lion. JaMes.P.Alopk, lion. Joseph Allison, Albert C, Boborts, , Jonas Bowman, Samuel T. 'iodine, II. 11. 'Eldridge, tleorge Nngeat, John Allman, Wm. 4 -Howard, , Chas.F.llearlitt. , Samnel-Work, , - , . .. . . " • .MEDICAL EXAMINERIC r , e 411`.. BIRD , M. J. NEWTON WALKER, 31.1). Inlierndance at the CAimpaorti office days •at t o'clock, M. :L. WW.G: REED, Charnberstin rg, Pa., is the titithorlied Agent of the American Lite Innurance and Trust Conti- May, and is always prepared - to Daniell-- peaphleta er any information Wanted, and tri take Insuraties. DR. J,,,ItICH A itDs. ifedital Examiner. " REFERENCES—Iton. A. K. - McClure, Rev.S. J. Nie coils, S. Nixon, Cliamberabui g, and Wm. M. Mitreh, Cattier Ila,gernown.lhmk— , act:11,434f yRANKLIN INSURANOE'COM . PANT OP PUILADELALIA, No. , I 5 and 437 Meatutitdtreet. capital' Perpetual Premiums. Unexpired Temporary Premiums...., tiorplly! . . , Total $2,392,116y1 Statement ot the AKAeti of the Company on Jtumary:l„ First - Itortgagis. amply secured"... .. . .... s $1.998,931'46 Real , E,state, (present v al ue $13.3,322.47.}cu5t 128,979 77 'Temporary Loaxrd. on ample Collateral Seen- 84,82 i 00 84.907 60 1.440 - 0.301 70 13.473 00 Toial• $2.302,11640 Air Thannly Peofitelrom Prendurna which tide CoM patty can divide by law,urelrum Risks Which-have bent, determined. •• • • - • • rifles Stocks, (present value $95,366 18,) cost !kitercand Bine receit-d,le Cash Advancei In Value of Re.' lit4tltt e over coat, Ailvanre In value of scud. 6 0% et cost • "But theimone7s rmvived ea premiums' up - uti • rig.* which remain undetero.iued,audare-untenaudiugattl.e time ordeclaring Such Dividend, shall nut lie consideti4l AS part Of the profits o 1 said eorPoration,or divided ee ittcht ° • - PV2PE7I7AL or LIMITED' ligURANcES made tai Sierydescrintion of propel ty, in Town and Country. -ror , Ownerap Mortgages. Ground, Landlosda, dm., • ticl Rates as low as are cons istrnt vs ith security. - • Since. their' Intorporathm, a period of thirty years, they have paid over FOC It MILLIONS Or DOLLARS IsOfiSBB• BY FIRE. tliereby affording evidence of the advantages of Insttrance. as well as the ability and position to meet with promptness all liabilities LOSSES, BY FIRE. Goseettiudilduririg the year 188' - D I R EC TOR S. 1- CharTeel,: Thatcher, - David 9.13n:0wn, -s,- 4 —Tottires. Wagner, . ~ Isanc,Les, . _ ~„ . Samuel Grant. Edward O. Dale', JeCob 11. Smith, George Pales; _ - -' ' - George-VIC Metairie,- Alfred Filler: ----' .•- ' 4 CHARLES N,BANCEER, Presider/it EDWARD C. DALE, Vice President. Jas. W. rimasritt,'See'y pro tem. Ira- Application Made to' DAVID Okitd. of ChernbiLii burg, who: i4-an authorized Agent for-the Optimality either personally or hyletter, wilt meet with attention March 4. 19oil. - _ ' s PtNSURANCE , COMPANY OF NORM AMERICA: INCORPORATED ITN: • RPETUAL 01-1,11.12 TER C4PIT4L $5OO OW enact—No. 222 WsListri Smarr, _Pmliaisuriza. - This Company' are now prosecuting the lmsiness eta ~ a ritnee frotnUes or Damage by FIRE. on Buildings, Merehandlse„ , furniture, Ac.. throughout the State of penturylvanich on LI ,BERAL TERINIB,' for long or Abort periods; or permanently'onßuildingt, by a _depo sit at Premium. - - --• Thersorer PAYVIMir olCurns fortLoasxs during the • 4ericaor - nearly 'SarrNrr iftsna that4he 'Company has been in nxis public. r m ce; entitles them to the cOnAdence tit Lin' L., • -;• Arthur thiCoffin, J eines :N. Dickson, Srimtiel W Jones, S.llorris Walt, •,,, John A. roars, • • John IJason. - • Marl Taylor, • G earn L. Itarrlson„, Ambrose White, Francis R. COO, - Johnit-Neff: - ' ' Eawardll:Trotter; Rittard D;woo4, IMicaTtl 8. ( WMlttli Welsh, • • Williaux cu mr o z „ g ib , William E. Bowen CIIABLES PLATT, Bowen , Arrnitn, WM.IitUEELMItiz antra ' JO& :4drrisbuivi, . . , *CI G. REED, Chambersbarg,„ the - anthem lied Agent of the InstraheeCoinpany of gorill-Ainivi ea;Andis'alirays„Orepared to give , any infertnatfolvids. ,aired..antl to take Insurances. REFERENCES—CharIes U. Tayfor ant./Ohni):Cirleir, Esq.'s.,..ghanlhersburg, - 0ct21434.f uR. AGENT.--Mg: Annr.Gß EFint ip a of annitieriberg, 11 the tfenetat- Agent ot the Franltlie County hietnal Itteerance Compant:__ tt - e, June 17 '63. , . • IY3r.4IOI+E• - eutta=lierclia Unottngi ni ykooFix G. . ~..: 3 ; ; - ROOFING' Rieury to r fiiiii Avite, ROOFING more databiel than' Tin., .' -. ' kv - R.ool7ll 7 o'athalf :he costof Tin. . . - .ROOFING for o r Ejal,Rovi 7 - -'ittA D Y, ROOF - - E 9.11 110W3E%. - , - • , •. • ' vcpi, CIIIIRCIIE§, • : • - k , ' ' • : IFOlt PACTOR.IIIi *. • t ' 1• . 1 . rear: ' , • YOB . 4 XiL SUXiaril.l93B.l, This Roofing is made of thelacavicst woven tab*. need for theparposb. 4 —Manwiltettired ealelyAtontsBfver andoeCured by Pilfent: • • • - . :,. ... =a. . , Pat up to rullantut shipped to all parts of theclaltitri• luld lialiallY ;Wade by bardwaremerchantaandbnirnict. It can be wife& by Ai? . con:tine - a world:UM: ' 'Wealsomanufa.ctitri.. , •- , . ' ,• . - . i LIQUID .tiIITTA' PEROTIA qt l itEXT, , .L. ~: r INZR REPAIRING 1. . . IEA - K, ," T - I N IVO ii IFS t:: - 1 ICHEAPER TIIAN - OIL PAINT, " ''"-. HEAVER 1507)Y 'IRAN OIL PAThrf."‘" MORE DURABLE THAN'. OIL Wiwi It forma a pennanetly'adhosive, elastic coating cm the- illioleaurface of•thothillillingi3oll4thesmAes B. U SI-T H 0 .L.E 5,.. , And Often aav pig the axpenae of a new, rarer, ' - , . ' OM CO3IPOCIOD - •• , r -, OUTTA . PERCHA CEMENT:v/ _•- , , hp-.giecially•sliapted to *airing ;'• oth ZILLICY SRINGLE:ROOLV - .) 1 , , ~.,; y sritrais, , oc.,'tee:,iii4 eta. Thlisla athielt, teoaciotta compound; applied With a _trowel or iliallur inokuniontiand .does not dry, elp-toft 'crack,.aadoall other articles need fur thie_purroe. • CrEcULAIS AND SAMPLHEC " I*- ' Of tins Ready Roaing ilea by mail 4elien &atrial Liberal arrangeMenta made with Agent& , -.•, '- ,:. •., ,•••• MIDI ROOF IXO 00, .:. sug,2B-1.y., . ....„,„ . 7p,Maidon LoP. i - w. .. JOB 'PRINTING, in et-erjr stylp &neat &fie diet lifthe F . It A NKLIN El:o=n J`tFltiUECß._ ' c As 5 year lAA 7 yowl At 10 yr.tr Rate. t. Rates. ~Itntee.) 800 Oe Extract from tire. ohart•r of therom y, El ... $400,000 410 -. 695,824 63 L. 171.525 66 924,7t560. - 869,196 9
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers