V GE erlotbing. 441-i FRANKLIN . CLOTIIING IttlVES'r STYLES , LARGEST STOCE—GIIRAYEST PRIOB. .• Tho undersigned 'murmur,: the Public, anddedes sue , easeful contradiction, that his recent purchases in• tbp ~ I bintetatitiesesmideB him to offer one of the largesture moat - attractive stock of CLOTIFING Mr the Foil and ;Tinier Seam of ISC3-4to bo found s n any similar ostabllsittnent in thits bection. Eybry Ira rioty of ' COATS„ . • ... PASTS, ' : t. ' . AND TESTS, Made in the very best Style and atthe lovrestpriste. - GENTLEKEN'S FUNNISI NG GOODS, uch' as Shirts, Dineen. Collars, Cravats, Neck Vail ilandaerchiefsote.“‘e. Special n tention is called Es this. Department. . ' CUSTOMERS' owbEas, I *wild fnyito An examination of my Stock of Fine Cloths ? &mermen... Tasting, Ac., - wh let I manufacture apon special orders. . ' SPECIAL NOTICE. I would beg to say that my.lioods are manufactured under my own supervision and by the very best:-werk. limn. Hy present stock IN the Most extensive I havi ypit ltd lit store and I rtipeetliillvi ask my fries-de and' the poblic zp give men call before purchasing, eisewhege. Hetriemberthe old Stand. 5. T. HOSKINSON, . _ • , • • Franklin Hotel Building, Corner of the Diamond and West hlarketStreet, . oet. 7. Chambersharg, Pa.. ELLIOTT, CLOTHIER, South _ju • •'went Uorner of the D. 1.4410 ..VD, next door to the • it ink, CHAMBFIRBBURG. lire just returned from the City with a large stock of superior and seasonable ibsals such as CLOVIS, CASSIM.IIRES. SATINETTB. for C O ! R and VELTBTS.,SATINB, • I,RSEILLES.and otberie.tings. Also—a very tint 'selection of READY.,3IADI: CLOTHING, which hei prepared to tell at the very lowest Market prices. CUSTOMER WORIf.—,I.I he employ's firstzrate cut ter. lie is prepared to make up all kinds of Garnients, f r Men and Boys, to order, in the best styles. ,Batis !scan* W lir hi guaranteed. - large assortment of GENTI.TIM:eB FITIOUSEUM/ 41001)8, ..s.„teh as Shirts, Drawers. collaii,illandkerchiefs, Sus -I;etulertf, Carpet Bags, Umbrellas. dm., &c., always on ind, Give him acall and save money. • [June 17, '63 R C. WALBORN & CO'S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL READY MADE LINEN , AND DRESS STOCK JIANUFACTORY" No. 'E. Q . North Sixth &rid, Phatielphia,:, .r .. -$1111 k, Merino Old CrittOir nder irts and Drtivers,tra , - v its, Scarls,Gloves,fintsikerehiefv. bc. ShirtstWrippem and Dress Stocks made to order by measurement, and wirranted to give satiety.* n. Orders may beieft with S. S. Sttavock,Chambersbusg. sep.23 AVESTON S BIiOTHER, • MERCHANTT TAILORS; - • - No. 900 .Arch Strait. Philadelphia, Pa. k•• ',Wiring received a liberal share of - D:l4meg° from Chant. berslinrt and vicinity,: we ate encouraged to ask for m. re. The tix.‘ellcuce of our goods and our work, and • be care we take to give entire satisfaction is aanfiicient • go Irantee that wr,val - 4e our reputation. le'/ 11, 03.1 y • WESTON .4 BROVIaII. flebira. iIIEAT DISCOVERY! 11 1,5 KUNKEL:Z . : 1117 TER WINE OF IRON, cure of IV:HAK STOMACHS. L4ENEILILL Dztinxtr, IN ", iLLIEMIES Or TUE NERVOUS Srsessei CON .triPArtoN. At IDITY or THE JTONACLI, and for all cases requiring ftti.ic • 'l.uno% must agreeable and efficient S I. of irtni w. t•tttt.e-n: tilt litte of Magnetic Oxide Com - In., •I, with the ut..st en. , roftie of Vegetable Tonics.. 'lit: iiw avian Nal k. - Tit, vilest in many eases of de s. hit ty, loss uf ttppetite prostratiOn, of an Hill ent Salta "Iron. combioed Niith uur valuable Nerve T. tie. is mist hay i n. It augmeil.ts the appetite, raises th. parse; tak... ati MI:J.4.IIIAT Ilibbiness ' removes the _.pait.,ref del/tilt) , gi el, IturT irigorl.o- the cotinse- i?,,,vnu want 'am •thing to strengthen yon? i• • yan want a ,••••••1 appetite? ••• I .:/;:u want td up your coustitutioril • • yau want t•:,11-el a ? . • yug want C. ,p•t rid of, aec•tottimess2 1•• • y•t want • rgy Agrik - ran want to -je e p well? •••• • 7• , -..t I. you want 1 , 11.4: and vigorous ieelingt If u k,try kil• EL'S untrEß, WIN) OF 111024. • I.*:ne truly ?Hunt-leT,nic bas beeti so thoroughly teat evl classm•••••1 the cotriumnity,tbat it is now deem, lie t 'etisable .‘,l Tonic medicine. It Casts butlittle puril.,4 Inn givt, tone to the stomach. renovates th•• ....stem. and pi...longs cite. I-now only ask a trial of valuable TESTINIONIALI—IIarrisIiurg, Feb 20, 1803. Emintr.„ Druggist:—Benr, Mr: I have great gr u te t r ll n n e te o ;lf i tsf n t , o ,iy th e e as c e eran a e ve sn . r e es en s a o f t; i y e o t u e, r i 'Oise - number of years vvith'weeknese, general debility. • . and giddiness. Bo mach so that 1 hive been conSned to . my bed for the greater part of my time and have had the attendance of our best physicians, but received but littlibertelit. I he'd despaired of ever regaining my health, until. hearing Q 1 your inestimable remedy. 131 - , ;can -Wrenn] , Iao:s. 'determined to try its - Virtue; and am happy to state ithas resulted in a complete cure. I ' ant iturerobnst and vigorous titan I have been for many years, which feeling 1-attribute solely to - your Bitter . Wine of Iron; •I have nollesitation in recommending it .to.others.oltallarly: affected, and shall be happy to bear pereurialfestimony. :Teary, truly, l'Aulden FRlfieft. PiJBLIC.—Dr. B. A. KussEci.:—Beitr Sir: • When-en my way, last summeri toJoln my regiment at .. "Virbinia, you were kind enough ,to giye nie eeyetal bottles of your "Bitter Wine of Iron," I found itinost valuable in the climate of the Peninsula and the diseasOs incident to it. No preparation of barks exceed , i in value. I believe that its use would prevent much sinuous ricvnic, and certainly prove ,a great value hi its cure. Yours. respectfully, H. P. HUNT, Chaplain 178th Regiment, P. D. M. Prepared and sold Wholesaierind-Retail, by Sutras:. & BRO ,Apothecary's,llB. Market Htreet. Harrisburg, Pa • J.S.NIXON, Agent, Chamtiertiburg, Pa. 0ct28'63-bin 'WCONOILY IS - WEAITIE! JC4 CURE YOUR COLIGEL FOB TEIRTZER O.ENT4 ; jest and C r eheapest HuBe7z4ld:ilerq..edy . in the ,World • • r, ;MADAME ZADOC PORTER' . cOlt Efg. - AEI& E D I . , . L, i Nadame Zactoo Porter's. Curative 'Balsam • -Id used Accordini 7 to the directions, to 'ern* Coughs: colds, ' hooping, Cough, Ast4rra. "litrefdlltiffeetlivas'of the Throatend Lunge: :Madame Z'adoo 1 4 orter's Balsam li, - litirepited with - all the requisite cure and skill, *pm "s'•*Mbinittion - of thehestremediekthe vegetable kingdom 41fiirds Its . reniedinl qualities are based on its, power thelwalthy •and vigocous circulation of" th* "•blobit;thiciugh the lungs. It is not a violent remedy. bat emollient, warming. searching and effectlie; coati* taliniikythd oldest person youngest Child . 'lame Zadoc Porter's Balsam • iitia'bro'n'a'aed by the pnblic for over 18 years and : has red leasirnply by being recommendedrecomme nded tl t ui hoae th l o Pr h e a 5 r e o u n ta s:d Lt, to their afflicted friends and PffitCs• "116 k IMPORTANT • I :;;Atalax4 Woe porter's Balsam Is sold •at r.4 ei t ivralt l n g Nt r u in j. " i Tt l e t tlmel ea :y n h se of og" e sZl D e a b t :t i tl e e7l i t i l • proy,p,4l,bo,rorth 100 times tte Oat. - .1. NOTICE. =I , c, .... 0 "'- ?Ikea yOnt Money . , tio not be persuaded to purchase F .. pt lef'dat . 3s, Co gl, which do not contain the virtues o I . .. - ,4 dt tiottle of Madame Porter ' s 'Curative 'Balsam, the ' ' 'ofrtianufacturing which' Is as, great ae that of . - * incesillny• other medicine; and the very low .pr .e at • i wilfclittle Sold, t4niiefi the profit tette seller . $ $ : rent •lYti), and Unprincipled .dealers will sem; .es re ; I:9;aMenri ether medicines ' on which their profits are ''. I ggIA TArilegs 010 CURtOnp3ra Insist upon having Madame '.* 'ftriet''s'ainfneneother. ' Ask' 'Lir Madam.. Porter's Cu . txt i lse palsam.price 13 Os" and in large bottles at 26 '' ets.:.arid' 'take' no other.' Illf :r4ll cau not getit at one „-Aitoreyon can at aneth'er. 1 , . • liflirloldbi a II Druggists and Store-keepers at 13 ate `lindln larger bottles at 25.cts: , : f '... . ' BALL lillCKEL,Proprietors. ''''.., Jan 28 ,' 83-Iv . " ' ', - New York . *-- ' tO..Por Sale by3filler Atllenshey and Jacob A .Nizois - iplipmbersbarg.. ... . „ . VOOK PINDERY.-M , & .00.1tave reinovedtheir BOON. BINDER.Y.to the rd story, ottbe 314.14510 N ROUSE, on the Plan3ond. Shryock's Book Store. • Entranee• between. the -,-hook Store end•Dr.Snively's office. Old-Books, Periedl -. Mats, 51usic, Die wspapers, &et, bound In any style. Blank Bookg made to order. Paper ruled to any pattern; • e:'NoTtl,t6n. . • : :N6TICE tO.SPORTSMEN.-All per4ons Are hereby forbidden to RUNT l oti"-the Itiropert . yOf the undereigned. Re does not kill' birds faietf; end does not sash it donn by others. , nor Vit. • A. K. M'CLIIII.E. gfrittik' . •,. 3 ett4itaii 'kr,. RV. REYBER, JR. I • t8M3.11. CERSSLEL9, r EYSER & CRESSLER. .1 -GAADIIATES:IN PSIIII3.I.ACY; Mtn B ,DRUGS,CHEMICALS,MEDICINES, Ate CHAMBERSBURG. PA. P - tr . R.E DRUGS. Knowing the imporance to the_ Patient, to wellas I. ; • he Physician.to.have pure reliable Medicines. wo mak , .urpurchases from first-class nouses. Allour Tinttpres , , ~ iyrups, Fluid Extracts, Pills - andl' other • preparatichisar , 3; made by ournelves,and every article examined before i ' s sold. 1 . - CHEITIOA - LS. . . We buy our Chemicals from the best manufacturers i. , the coutitry.and are satisfied they are pure and 'di ful sttength: We have a GRAPHIC CLIPAIICALSconstnt. supply of PI1011) ~ , , PATENT MEDICINES. - , , We have constantly on band all the Standard Patent t Medicines, and warrant them it:ermine, , , T • _V A.311-L,Y DYE C 0 1., 0.118.- 1 Black; Illne, Green, Scarlet, Magentor 'Brab, Brown ''l Slate and many other colors,viith directions -that any! one can ielor by, for lb and 25 dents. KEROSENE LA.ki'S AND .OIL, Shades and atimnies.all of liehntiful styles, of the be'st quality ttnd'Very cheap. I . A R - T F C A. ,TE E T, Artists' Oil Colora,C;anias and Brushes, fine Entracte and Cologne, fine and cheap fioao, Bair, Cloth end Tooth Brushes, Horn and rubber Cerabs. POCKET .BOOKS AND WALLETS. A large assortment dt all prOes. ' O'NIEL'S HOSE POWDER been main this OtablAment for lateen years. Webehero it tbo beat in use. B'e'have all the best HORSE MEDICIIiES OF .Tll, DA's. PR;ES-CRLFPTIONS The Prescription Counter is under our own especial care, and v'e humbly believe that we can give satisfac tion to all who will give their presCriptions to our ears. ps„. Medicines can be bad itt bight or on Sunday by calling at the Store -or at WI Ileyser`a residence, a INA doors South of the Store. 1 We buy all goods at the lotvest market rates, and sell affair prices . I 3 . Oct 7, 60 . . AIZENA.—A new article for des ltl and InTalkie, at • NIXON'S Drng Store. FAMILY DYES. -L—Every Colopand Shadeoit • NIXON'S Drug Store. PURE PEPPER—Ground - in the .Satablithreent, and sold in lota to suit, at - f NIX.OI'S Drug Store. • CONCENTRATED POASII.-LA eupefior article for ma74ing Soap, at • ; NIXON'S Drug Store. rpOOT.ll BRUSIiRS.—A superioi lotjuat opeued,Ut i NIXON'S Drug StUre. F ThrE ' REDDIN arl other Combe, at A FULL LINE ! OF SUPERIOR MONEY WALLETS, id IaXON'S Drug Sture. JU IQUORICE.—A large lot,of ; best quality, at Nj X 0 N'S Drug Store. . .. , FOR COLDS.—Nixon prepares a 'remedy which has the approval of, ail our '..Physi clans. Itis aafeiplciusant end.eflicasioua. Trrit. . . , r , . .• • . - • A FULL STOCK OF STANDARD 4a_ patent M..dicinesostl NIXON'S Drug&toe. jJATR BRUS4ES-ELEgANT STYLES, at NIXON'S Drug Sturp. `)RUGS AND CIIEMICAT_JS:-- i./ Stock ftalpu,(l. frepll, at , • , ° , QTJPERIOR - GROUND SPICES.- Warranted Pure, at :VINE - F13,4G-IcANT SQAPS, 12 sine Perfumery, t i - • Fine.linir Oils, 1 FinePomlidea, at ,• NIXO'N'S, aoir2+s-tf Ittiordiatteous. FAMILY ,DY; OM Black for Silk, • Light Green, Dark Blue; •i• ' 31N:tenni, : i ' Light Bine. , ' I -, ,7 hlaise, , ;; V „ , French Dine, Maroon, Claret Drown, Orange, , L Dark Brown, ' "Rink, . . . Light Brown, * ,• Purple, . . ,snuff 8r0wn,... „ - Royal Purple,,. - Cherry, Salmon,, Crimson.. ' - • Scarlet,. ,Dark Drab, I , ~ ' alatil, • Light Drnb, Solferluo, Favr _ Violet, ' a" Dra ti, . a Light FaVrnjltrab, • Yellow, For Dyeing Siliti Woolen , and Mixed Gnat% Shawls. Scarfs, Dresses, Itiblions. 0 lovee,"Benneta.Dats, Feathers,•Hid Gldves, Children's Clothing, And all kind* cif Wearing Apparel.. ~ /far A SAVING i O'F t 0 POD. C.M.ITTUft For 25 cents. you can; color as many goods 118, would othbrwtse cost five times! that sum.. :Various shades can kl 6 Produced from tho annte dye., The process imfunde. and any one can rum shq Jiyo with perfect success., Di rections in lilngliabj French and German, inside of each package... , - . 1 ' . , For furher information in Dyeing, and giving a per fect knovidedge whit colors are best adapted to dye over others, (with many voidable recipes, ) purchase Howe & Ste7ens Treatia. on, Dyeing Sad Coloringi t lietitfiymail on receipt of pitcer-14.1tents. hfanufactnted,b3 - " 1; • ' Howls •ASTEVENS, noN2S-Iyl''' ' • I, x 260 BroadWay,.Boston. For Sale by. dinggishi and dealers.generally.' :1111-EMOV.4./ ; ,.tFygm 433,3110 a t. thiNrgo Ire Building 513 Market: 444 510 amWee„Streata. • ' l. ' More Mods than 'trig House in tha Vrnitad Stater.- , E.;A: ' N.CI I'S CV'S; ;." 513 litAluT;Br m 510 coumer: - E6epsLamest -iitock lre, the trilled' 13 Wait of iluekets, Bz t oorrie. awn!), Boahota, ttrushea,l4fate,ldettaurea, Cloake:Loolting-fildasee, 01) Cloths aid' ( "Arnett. SFit,dovt Shades and Paper,: Bun. Cato. alllTAiiti ititt Twine/I,.Wick - lok,Bopes in , ' and potatte,,dcitton. Cotton and r/014!''"aln• gv Lower thao 6. 0 1 Other 13,oner . oe fur yDtirmtires. - 'dare apply to 3. S. O FLBIOUIC, sthfegt.23 onr Prices wilt ire in this chi.' CaMond', ;partle' Chambershing. - ' • Agft-orert4,m, 19ti , 'V17.F , T . 7.,,,t e d, 4 t the •:C REAP WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORE Mil , NECK, LONG NIXON'S Drug More. =3 COLORS. TENTED OCTOBER 13, 1383 Dark Green L l 'Airliit IrtinidittAftltioOtiT4 l3 t4iiitittrli 4863. WILLIAM .GELWICICS, ON THE DIAMOND. OlLet*l3 ER.SB UR G. FO . ll WHICH THS HIGHEST` CASH WILL BE PAID, 2,000 bushels Apples, 200 " Ch 200 " Shellbarks, 300 "r White Mercer Potatoes. 100 " Onious,, • 100 " White Soup Beaus, 100 " Dried; Peaches, 400 ' " " Apples, • - 100 " • Turnips. 2.000. quarts Dried. Corn, 5,000 pounds CountryAdap, Fresh Butter and Eggs. - Alio, FOR' BALL Wholesale and Retail, • - TIER LARGEST AND MOST Y I ARIRD ASSORTMENT OF MF'R-CIIA'N•DISR in Chambersburg, consisting in partor Brown Sugars, White Sugars, • Syrups of all grades, from 50 as. to $l. per gallon. Molasses of all grades and prim, Prime fresh Teas, of all grades and kinds.• Pickles by the dozen, ready for the Table. Pickles in Juni, - , Chocolate. Coffee, _ Excelsior Coffee, 20 cents per pciund, Essence of Coffee; Prime English Cheese, Pepper Sauce. • Tomato Catsup, Nos. 1, 2 all 3 Mackerel,- Fine Mustards, .• • • PEPPER CAREFULLY • CLEANED .• AND GROUND . tIN HIS OWN , • , SPICE MILL To his large assortment of GROUND and UN GROUND SPICES and BAKING ARTICLES he would also invite special attention, as ho sells none but what he knows TO BE STRICTLY PURE and FRESH, Also, QUEENSWARK, TUMBLERS, STONEWARE, articles in the'llAßDWAßEline,a full assortment of Brushes of all kinds. - Brooms, Wash-boards, . Buckets, Combs, Fano -, & Common - Soap, Pocket Knives, Siam Starch, Indigo, and 5,000 articley not namettall of which will be of fered atvery low prices. Itis my determination to make my business pay me by Selling a large quan tity of goods and not by large profits. Call and;examine for yikurselfand get a bagain. W. GELWICKS. S.-Persona wishing to Inv at Wholesale will find it to their interest _to call before purchasing elsewhere. Nov. 4, 'Ol-Sni ,f orlD arb ing 3ilousrs_ WUNDERLICH & READ, Fbrmarding and Commission Merchants. North Second Street. opposite the Cnnaierlaud Valley Railroad Depot, Cif AMIIIIRQ.I3IItO, Pa. Cars run t egnlarly - to and from Philaila, & Baltimore. AGENTS..--4t IConn. ZELL k IltscastAnpNo. SOS Mar ket street. Philadelphia. P.St—Lylteits Broken Egg and Nut COAL ;di rect from the urines). ISill44:sre end Vino Grnet FOUNDRY COAL. LUMBER and SHINGLES, SALT, PLASTER and HANCOCK CEMENT. kept constant/a on hand. FLOUR, GRAIN and PRODUCE, of all MIA., purchased at the highest cash nrices. ' sep 9, 9:3 WUNDERLICH & NEAD. CUMBL'D VALLEY *WA RE.- ER HOUSE. The Forwarding tntine:la wilt hereafter. t' conducted - by C. W. EY.STER & CO.. at thoWats, house of the C. V. Railroad. where they hope to ticredee a liberal patronage. DEPOTS—Buzby k Cm. :39.5.31ar1t0t at .Philadelphia 4 and John 13inghatn.1.91 Howard St . Baltimore. June 17.'63. c. EYS & CO. THOS. L. - OILLESPJB. JACOB ZEI.LBR. (IILLESPIE, ZELIM& C 0.., - PROMCII AND PROVISION lIERCILANTS, AND TVITOpESALE' GROCARA North West corner of Sixth and 'Nhirhet Sts, Philado'.- pLin • „-•- Nov 18, 831f.] Mutational. (111AMBERSIVURG S,EMINAVY: V) FOIL YOUNG L - ADIES.—The fall session has com mences!. but boarders tan enter at any time. and will be charged necralllitalV. there is room for two more hoar dors only. Dv-scholars, entering, the first or necon . d seek in October, will be charged for four-fifths of a Ems si..n . Those who commence shortly may not be too late for the new studies of the session. A large attendance. both inthe primary and academical departments, gives evidence of an interest in the 'school not surpassed In any former period. lifiss !Lentil's. msintant 'in the higherdepartment. bears testintonials of her eminent fitness to i ti,t rue t in the hi gl er b ranch es. from aSeTinttry in the West, where she taught for Epleral years. The primary department fs chiefly tinder' the care of lfisq• C B. Morey, the effects- of whose energy and efficiency appear in the flourishing condition of the department. NI ins Z. C. De Forest is well known es an able and els), riencel teacher of music. TDITION. I --From $8 to $1.5 per session of fire months, Boarding, SOO. •TEACILERS FUILNISAIEI).—SchooIn sod families In toed of teachers. can heir of yonng' ladies Well quailed, chiefly graduates of the-institution - , by addressing bop 304 i.) , o! EN R.REN . F.s. Principal. (lIIAMBE.HSBURG-- ACADEMY. REFITTED AND REORGANIZED., Vih commencea new quarter on. Thursday, ignir.l?„ Large additions have been made to its already extensive apparatus, p, full and ancient corps of teheliets has been employed and no paini or expense spared to render ours one of the diet Institutions of learning itt'the country. Part ;Miler attention paid to Toad:let's' add ' young men preparing for College, • - A Printsty Department for little 'DOS awl Girls. as been opened in; the Academy rinder'chtirge Rigs SclilYe- IY, in which the'ilttnetta of Spelling,Ttendfo; Wilting, titlimetic,ecigrapb,y, and 'Grimmer rill be Thoroughly imichi: -Tuition ihstbiadepaittilent*pet quarter: For further portionl4o,oml for circular or apply to tlur Principal , , R Nis' Ei:lnCtiNd J, N , .„ A.Ovratrutn, A. R, Latin an 4 R. English., A.3l..Trambiza„Pornmercial Department. - Miss R.ll.Siirrair; Music, Drawing an 4 Pilncipalof Primary Department. Miss .5.47t..an PioaT, "Assistant In Primary Department.Oambersiiiiig, Rag: 12, '63, DBEIDE . LMAN--; - • "CIIERAtiE GROCER AND PRO DUCE COMMISSION MERCHANT; N 0.103 MARKET kNo. 2 NORT“ 7th..BT;, - PIIILADA. invites thelatoriticgrotmerthmitequiderlanre - andtwoll . ap4orted stock of Sugars, Sprapi,Teas, and Coffees Fin of whicknilftber:lld pit-losVeSirroarket-litts. Country' huy'era tbtteit'adraittage to give him a call. - - - - - - - -- rrico•cnrrenSSs containing the varieGils, of Vaamar; ket to bittai of 8.5: 8118100E,'Ohistilbei-atiutg4 %opt. 23 - • - • . - ; MAN:UFACTUABII O , tan leach a larite'cliso of thrlttY ,deintero by Ali!stniirfo in the FRI'S KLIN Ist posnoty. pattbiart, grutteq, str. COACH ANI) SADDLERY - ; HfARDWARE ~i ~~__:__ -The subscriber eskectfully ihforma his friends and the Public, t*.' he col/tunes : to catty on the above inteineseat hiantd stand on Main Street, op- polite the Gemara Reformed Chureb, CIIAAISBUSBVIIO, PA Flaying enlarged' biz hi:Lanese; Saddlers and Coaeg mike.: will find hi his Store Deem a general assortment of Gniids snitable to their several regriiierfients, such a. Fair and'Counery Patent Leather, , , SatldhOrreee,attd Girthlngi Gig Trees, full Plated, , Tiartid and Japanned; Peat il§traluing Web and Worsted Mill Wadi lower than Cotton, Ramos, ; Bite and Stiirups. OM Dow etyles ; - Curtin Fratniii ; flub handy; Bridle FFouts; Roseates, Byrne ls and Ornaments; Irma I'latecl and Wood Gig Flames; BUCK , ..LES-BRASS . SILVER AND Japanned, all stylosand Pattorne; Ivory and Wooden Ilartingale t liinita,,Strap Joints, and Varley of other Goode suitable fbr the trade. All kinds of Noting, Sae., dono with neat mess and despatch not , 4:'63,tt 1 -_, ][i ARI}WARE I - SMITH k RICHARDSOO .611 Market St„ Philadelphia. • T. PHBD. siOta. .1 CRAS,ILIeITARDSSM The undersigned would respectfully call the attention of COtNTRY MERCHANTS to their largeand wellse !octet, stock of • BARDWABE! flaying Madespeclal arrangements foi . tte Fall ?fade, we tiattet Ourselves we ,can offer_ indneetnents to pur chasers that will fully remunerate the trouble of exam ining on: stock. We ask birt g trial. to convince the Ginter!, Trade, that we are prepared to sell low ant, acconunotlate. Our. stock of Table and Pocket Ctittery is unnsualki large.selected with care. tutdOcluding a Variety ofstyli that mtn not but stilt all tastes,' We 'have, emista nil y on Mull a large assortment of Building Hardware, • Tools, Cutlery, Files, Tool-Boxes. and Chtetts. Saddlers, end Shommtkere Tome, Screws, Nails, everything In 'short, pertaining afirst class Hard were Store. I Particular attention paid to Country orders. It is our aim to aecine the confidence ofonr customers, and to this end Nee are particular, in filling orders, to give the beat and as cheap as though the customers' were bur ing in pers.m. Give us atrial. • itiI'ERENVBS.-3. K. ithryock, Bag.. A. K. - McClure, t. B. Eyeter;Chamberehurg. SMITH to aug. 5, •'.53-tf —dll ItlarketSt.,. Philadelphia. . , NEW . HARDWARE STORE. _ L. B. EYSTEE wonldreSpectfully inform his friends, and the puVlie generally, that in connoxtion with his KhKOSENE OIL AND LAMP STORE, he has commenced the HARDWARE I.;uliness. at. WS new Store room. one door north or ol.llnber's Grocer). IliA Stock consists in the following articltli, viz : Bu'ldinp, Hardware, House Furnishing Goods, - - . . Table and Pocket Cutlery, ' ' Meehan ics"fools,, Nails by the small or keg, ' karmiag-Utensils, such as t ' Shoves. Spades. _ Forks, _ - Potato Lifter* Scythes, etc„,etc. Also, Glass. Pointe. Benzoie. Linseed, Kerosene..aud Lubricating Gila, Lamps of all discriptious, , . Chant] lierstfor Gas and Kerosene, : Fruit:fare, liestquality, &c.. &t. .gf - ,Agent for Salo of EYANS & WATSON'S Fitt 'Proof Safe,. [July 2i,'&3 tf. ARE:—The public are in- Il and examine our extensive -stock of We keep on hand n large stock le gornpused partly of the following r‘i• iery cheep. Ells Rasps HA.EDW.: lyited to call Ilwrilware. Cutlery of,iroorls in our lin pkol which WO of Iron ' llasts tllsss Wh•ps Rolls SAWS Brushes Ilnmes Shovels R Ikes 4 ztoti Ilt iss litggep PlAnt.-; Anvils Virei Belluwo Pnants Turp, tathe Boo.' . Spl - ules Call and cssal:nine our stock. Sluri frrrd far rnsh. roet2l '631 - H ARDIVA:RE ANA?C U TLERY W. W. KNIGHT tr. scri, Importers ;and Dealers "AMERICAS, ItNGLISII ABB GERMAN H,AII..tiWARE, _‘ 51)9 co fl Street, Between sth and 6th and Market and Arch Ste mt'k.s;'63.tl ebairs, eoinct:-'Macr, Scr. =1 .TOSLI'LI PP.F.T. V ILLUU 11, MONO -. F REY. & VOIS - 0, CYDERTAKERS . ,11.ANVFACTURE.11.3 OF .CABINTa WAltr, CHAMBEIIBII6IG. PENNA. , ~ ... „ . , ... The undersigneri,respectfnily announces to the 0414 rens of Chembersburg - and enrrounding country. - ChM they have lensed the Cabinet Booms of Mr. Wu. 1 ,1 41 r, dec'd, on Main'Street near Washington, end isoughtt all the material of Mr.‘Vw.A. II AZtLET pertaining to be UNTIETtTA . KING, including hisitto Hr arses. wh'ere th,yy . 4.ntend to give special ettectien to this branch of tile' liminess. - 1 • . COFFINS' of Cl, th, Walnut. Cherry, tc..tentle bionic' , at the shortest notice and on most repudiable terms They will also attend to tbo laying _cut of Col•- , psft, which will be donoln a satisfactory - manner. ' Furierais attended in town and country. ' 1 - I , ltilTtiN 81,11.08 rcoolCfoordirl VS. Allikinda of Cabinet• wore repaired neatly and cheaply. .. . . , The publlo are rospeetfixllyreferred to Mr.Vs..A.- .. liazEfrr. - . .., ... , .•. . , Remember lires..rterfoOtel.ttarol. ' nos 4, 'fasam ; , — FREY-, & MONO. HEAP CHAIR AND CABINET kJ WARE ROOSTS.—Tbe subscriber inforins the pub lic that be continues the Afanufaettiroof they-milord, ar ticles of FURNITURE at his Shop, on Main Stroet,three doors South of Umber and Tolbert's- Hard ware Store., He has always.on hand, or is prepared to manufacture upon the shrirtesf notice; Spring 'Seats, Catfellottont flint Wtraisor Rhatesi-Sofasi "Plain and Fan op :fables, •lgureaps, Dressing and.ecroinort Wardrobes, Wash , Stan of,- Book Crises, TReorsteade.. VERIETIAN, BLINDS ot up , in the best - style, . Particular attention will: be paid to MERE PArNM ING AND PAPER RANGING, and Putire gatiarnattlit in every - instance guaranteed. - • REPAIRING of all kinds In his line Of ,b;:dtato , -- - - ~. p romptly attended to at moderatOPr. , mb ' • , 'llNDERTAKlNG.—Linving.pardiased the nears° of Mr. Wm.Ft.critf i dee'd, hole able teattend funerals and, .niaanfacture Cathie at the shortest petit etofCloth,Wal" , , nut or Cherry. A Layer-ont trill be inn t t endance. ' -, n0t,4'63 , 4y , '. - 4 ;- . : Josual B.OcRiorP,FD, TO VRE,C — fr4 X'TS.'IL-Tho.:*xv 'to ecoituss is to Almamas rte tiwurrmi'ar.ro'srtor.r, 1 2 , I Ml', 0 R TERS - --. --. OF ' - , ' -, Vr INE& A N:D "I Qv.° R S -,LA //lAN, SILL ADB i t 00. z - , -, -- N01.,: . :123 SOUTH NI . II EiTkiVET. - ' ' (units tt cars•rNtrr eitn'itrazttri,) - , , ' ' PliliktELPM:A GEO. AT. LAUNIANI -: -^", - :- A. If.:44ALLA.DE,. ..,. _ J... 1) 131.,T112(G. .., . SUPERIOR COGNAC BRANDY, Vga r tIGR,QP 1•8 34 I', • - MOH BOTTLRaRALED WITLECUPEN WAX, wrrrt TUE I.ISTRIALS OF-TILV FIRM.. - • -• 1711.013.TRVIIT;; . LA . TULA 0 ()* Tinned and • - Japanned, , - 80.)04k! !Undies, EESPIS NVAItPLEit,' Chambersblag, Pa Looking Glaggee varni Rolls 'Syringe and Axles Boot:Trees Slunnnaket h it Saddlers Tools " . Trinnainp !Coffin Trimmings 'Grind Stones Cedar Wire Blasting. Powilts !hot and Lend Pocket liniims al inducements of ' AND & FLACK. ' Aftlutno.', ENE dARDIE4i,i - 0013 ,517P*12j'OR OLD AI:ADAIR-4 ,‘WIPTR. 7 FINII:SHERRY, CLATIOt AND t ' ' • ,rtogs. - WINES, •,; • AND , A2f ASSORTNIMT Pr InAll /2"44 H CH A•G-N • ..„. osnoii.Nn - yzkY iIIstEINDD.ELIOATE OLD P 0 Ea' WINE.F NI . • SACD DOW!! 'TUTU YE/,W W4X, wiTri THE IIiiTIALS OB iLIR FIFM . • • - ,—IXPOIITED DT LA sti-I,'sAL'hAt)l & CO.; 0.126 SOillilSLiT4 STREET, , PHJLADELPI!LI OLD EYE WIIISKEY, 013 i WHEAT 'WHISKEY, WARRANTED: OLD JAMA iCA: SPIRITS, OBERVOLTZ WIIISKEY, • . ROUST ; WHISKEY, WERTZ'S WHISKEY,. TAFFETS AND - 'BEADING, WINES, - • LA*3I . A.N, SALL - ADE 128 SOUTH NINTI4. STIEEt, ' no,. I,I3ILADELPETA M-ORE_POISOISS PR,OCE,S•SES Yon TEL PIMPATI4I : I9I4, DIPII.O I IEXENT, AND 17 , 11TATIO11. OP ' LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS, INCLUDING BRANDIES, WI - ICES, WHISKIES, GISB, RUMS, PORTER, ALE, CIDER,. ' . CORDIALS, BITTERS,-Era - Every dealer in Briers has long known and felt it to be a the highest importance to the profitable conduc tion of his business that he slionld be in possession of certain itiffirMatieq which has hitherto been strictly confined to wholeotle houses. This information is now for, the first time, placed Within the reach. and adapted to the suacesenil and Most profitable uee, of sx.t.dealars. Particulars will be mailed. free of charge, to those send ing address to EVE At COOKE, P. 0. Bern 7, Washirik ton. D. C. N. 8.---No others but dealers need apply - tis no infot mation will be sent to any one who does not accompany his address with the pledge that he is a dealer in liquor. nor2s 4t Illatnego, QADDL.V.AY ! .SADDL' ERY dies. Bfidiirs. harness, Collars, Trunks, Valiies, Sign of the HORSE COLLAR.. - JERE:HUH, OYSTER respect fully re turnahla thanks tp his patrons fat' the liberal encouragement received trom them heretofore. and he would invite them andthe communitygenerally, who may need any thing in his line, to give him a call at his OLD STAN D,'on the Emit side of Main Street, Chambersburg, five done - a South,ot Huber & Tolbert's Hardware Store, where he keeps con— etantly on hand every Variety - of SA D DVE It Y AND lIARNF.S:i of his own Nlanufactu re, and he it, preps red to sell the same at terms that defy competition. Every artic:e offered for sale is warranted to be rivzile of the best material and by competent woikMen, whichwill be 'fully demonstrated on nn examination thereof. , TRUNISS AND VALISES.—He would also call the nttention of persons wanting a good. vent; cheap and littbstaohil Trunk or Val ise, to his assortment.. June 17,'63. QADDLE AND HARNESS . 4AN UFACTORY.—The under Signed would respectfaliy announce to his friends and .the public generally, that ho has taken the SADDLE AND HARNESS SHOD for merly carried on by Matthew Galan, clec'd, , gn WEST MARKETR E ET. near the Conococlicaor Creek, in the Borough of Chamberoburg. where he manufactures Saddleg,Dridlesand Harnees.andltas constantly nil hand an excellent assortment of Collars, Whips; &E.... lie employs none but the best of Workmen. and con structg ail work from the best material. , TRllEStithd VALISES constantl ymn hand, all of which will be sold hi cheap R 9 the cheapest. A continuance of the former pa tronage of the shop is most respeetfully solicited. June 17, 63 , JAMES B. MILAN, WHIPS' *WHIPS. WHIPS ',!-,- WILLIAM SHILLiTO ct SON, corner of Main and Washington Street's, Chambersbnrg. Pa., manntanturers of all kinds of WHIPS, such as Wagon, Corsi:4 , e and Riding Whips of various sizas and of superior‘ quality. which they offer to the panic, either by Wholesale or Retail, at very moderate prices. LASHES of all lengths kept constantly on hand and fornalohy, the dozen. very cheap. They alsomannfiacturo superior HORSE. DOL LARS. to which they invitO 'attention.' Orders from a distoncosolicifedand promptly attend-, ea. to June 17,'1)3. BROAD GEARS,COLLARS,IIAL- Tins, tlnd iinsthing in the beathere line bolenging to Use Saddler's business,idwa,ys on baud and rnade to or der, ind on reasonable terms. at GORDON'S, opposite she Indian (Veen Hole!, Main st.• G ICYRI) osuccetlsoi to C• ThElLt.b..Gortnox—gltdo notico tintiniers aati others, that he is still at the OLD STAND, opp?site the Indian Qneett Hotel, Main stre'et,Phiunbereburg; f.iORDON HAS A SUPERIOR J lot'of SADDLtB;IIMINESB, BitlDtES 4 STIR• MPS. SPURS, which lie will :sell cheap for cash or good trade. iftEPAIRING DONE Al! SHORT , notice, on reasonable terms, by 0: ii: 001130020 e invitee his frionds to cone to see Inn. , - • - *tello. , f ODRETH'S' • . . ILA . • AcauctrvrtritAt -:MPLEMPATB - L - AND -SEED WAREAOUSE; • 1 2:l.and 23 South. Sixth street, Phiindelpiiia. ;Thirin Latina : ran & Strr Propriotors of Blom:nadale, *hick contains near four ilrindred• rcrea, In high tan, • :booted to the , production of GARDEN SUPS,. am. now oropared to supply Country Alerchant, Druggists and ill others Who dearth Seed*, uritivlarge sistaWqrian•t• titles,by the pound or bushel, end also in papers made ready for retailing. -. - TbeiEstablielunent represented-by DwridEandreth &, Son,bas been founded nearly %of a century. , The *lde - spread poputaritY, and the demand•Acreatw ingfrom year to-year, for. - •lA:NDRETII'S 7ABAENTED • • 4•A a MEN -• 8 E :ED S • evidence of the high value entertained to them, by Ile public. oi Lardretb'eGardenSeeila are not only favorably, re.', 'eyed throughout the Union; bUt eke° shipped" really foretnnoits. Indeed, it maybe stated :with _national uride thatthey come intoactive competition Aitti ish Seed on British Soil. ' David' Landreth & Son invil kall who are not already ,ourchasers of their Garden Seeds, to"Anake a trial el ,hem-.„,keenrecithat they 4111.1ie found fully equal to tbeirhigli'rernitaMn • • ' - Landreth'slturalliegiater and Almanac containtng • , atalcignotif Garden Seed's' withinstructioni,lnrillabed ;retie. Aleo—Cataldgue of Agrienitural.:lnlitlonieuts. DAVID LANDRETH - & SON, andllisoithethSt.,Philidelphla. „ .„ , • --. • T -0B• PRINTING-;. in every' style; V done ett the office of th• FRANKLIN SKTOBITCM,T Inetitat - •: - - - ELMBOLD'S GENUI - I%.iE PRIA. p A noioNs.—COMPOUND. FLUID EXTRACT bilk-HU, a Pcsaleohna Specific RetucitlY ier inseams' et theltheler, Kitlney‘Oravel. and Dropsical Swellings. This Medicine indteses the powec of Digestiew . ani cite the Alisorbi3nts into healthy mei". by' Which tits • Watery Calcareous ileipteiltions nuil, ail Unilateral Babrgemenis ere - reduced,. as WOO as lqiin and .Inflain: 11.111411BOLD'S . EXTAACT, pqr Weiknessess nrisinglront Excesses, ilabltb et DV, stpotion, Early lutliseretton of Abuse, otte'etted isithAts Welting symptenst— Indisposition to raertiou. • Lose or, Por, Lois of Memory Difflctati of Itreitblits. :Weak Nertes, Tioniblf44 .horror of Dispose, Wakefutn. 'Dimness of Vision. Pain . _ -.• Uniternal.Lusitude of the Illukcninr System, , • - s . Hot thud., - Flushing-of titt. ilt4".. D'rynoterof;the Elkin, - 'F --t options 111) the late. tetlild Countennno. ?Davie igsnptons, it allowed to tio on, which this *OB P. clue invariably yen:kw-es, soon follow -0 . + , „ •, , Jmpetenco, Minily, .keiteprie Fad, , It, ono or which the Patient may expire. Who eat{ sity that they are not frequently felloweelly thou) "llirrful Dierit,es." ; "DDS - AMITY C0N513;4171 . 0 ' 1%." • - Platy itre tivettre of thecae.% of their }lniTetiikg, Aigt 31pm . ! cosrgso, Tay. 81:CCI8D5, OP 12,18.." upgait A.971.137:5 '.:Atorifclancholy-beoths b 1 thttaumption bOat , atttihr witness to t,hlTruth of the nosertion, - - The Consfitittioh oit6o elected with "Organic - Weuktibir reyzires the cad ut *Hotel* Strmgtilutt rand ,Iroria -9rltte the Syelein. - Waft& 1413S2OLIVa EXT:IACI' Buontr iitvib.ratisidevut. ATrial wilreoneinee the owe, F:EXALES-L-FEt'ALES - -L.PEMALEA •a" , ,In many A f fe ctions peCuliar to Femaks,the Exilrlo2 Bucituisunotittalecl , ,hy arty ()O'er remedy. as iuCtir rests or Retonteon,,lrreuuterity, I",thath (dose, •or Ertp pressiere of 'customary Reuentiorot,, Otecratoe or,t4cirr hone state of the tterus, Loud:ler-ram, or White*, Sterilitp,And tor :•11 , complaint's hmiderd to the'etx, whether etleing from indisgration Habits of nisatputkai, orju the • ,„ -DEOLINE OR CiIAXGE OF LIVR. --e ; _Take 130 zor4',P alum: 212.-rcury, or unpicasant Vlis for unpleasant and dangr.Yous diz.turts: ' E: EXTRACT, RUCTIU AND 131P7.410211 ROSE WASH _CURES SECEET DISEASES. 3nalltheirStn os, At little Esivei4s. -Littleor nu change in 'Diet.. - No incenvenietes. And no Exposure. - 'lt Unuies itfreqn cat desire end gives - etreligGl tocthi ;nate, thereby... Removing Obetructlone, Ilieventing 'Arid Caking Strict - mesa the Urethra. allaying Pain mil In. flamation, en frequent In the clues of dise.ses, 'and 'ix ratillisonous: Diseatedund wor.nout naattcr. • .TllOO3/009171 , 011 THOE/ANDS IMO DAVE DEEP TaE TIMe 01 , QUACK, and who have- paid heavy - /ea to be . cured in a ehort time,have found' they were tleoeivpd, and that the 'POISON" has, , by the use of "rev;Tairx. ARITDL'ItiESZ9:" been dried np in the system, tobleiik-but in an aggravated fam,and perhaps offer Marriage. ExraseT •It renu for all affect/dui and diseascanf the URINARY ORGANS, whether existing. • in - HALE or FEDI A.LE. from whatever cause originating and no - Matter or ROW LONG - STANDING. ' - tfiseases of thCai Organs requires the aid ern DTURiIT IC. lIELMBOL,PS ENTRACT gl-ICHR IS VIII RRAT Oitritt i nc, and is co tain to h me the desirediffectin'al Disea.s4a for 'which it is Recommendfd. ..,; Evidence of the most reliable and s tesponaihip chn;An ter will accOmpanythe medicine. - -' : PRICESI.OO PER' BOTTLE, OR sTx ' Delivered to Any Address, oecurely parked' tibia obsins tion. • Describe Syilptons in andl6onan. CURED GEAR(NTEED! Addresilettera for information to- It B. lI,ELBBOLD, Chino 101 South Tenth st.,hol. Chet-finkPAM BEIMBOLD'S Medical Dap -• • ." • i yEinsotays Drug owl Chemical Warahonwk. Broadiray, New Curt BEWARE (it COUNTERFEITS - D "13NPRItittl PLED DLALERP who endeavor to cllapoqo "of Mormon'', iiirrl"othir" article's on Dior-qua - a/ion infanta/ Ay • • ' Genuine Preparatio4;" "• " Extr.tct Bncha Ist " Sara/iAlln& t , " Improved HoseWn4,.) - LIMES - ALL' DRuGGIATS EvEßrWri - 40: - ASK Ron - ITELMEIOLD'S TAKE lio•f7Tf Mi. Catgut the Advertisement antigen() for • ; AND AVOID lIINISIZIONAIVD-4POSITIVI o E T T BR' S CELEBRATED - 0 3!fl AC H I T A . pure and po*erful Tuck, corrective :mil 'ait i eritlire ui wonderful effieney in dlneaees'ol the STOMACH, LIVES. AND DOWELS. Cuss Dyspepsia, LlTer-Complaint, Ileadanhe, aeneral Debility; Slervonsnesh, Depicilinn of kfiriisc, ' :- • .Cofistilmeion, Curia, Ititstnittont' FO- ernmps and Sistinit, add'' • ail Cattiplitints of *Aber Sia, - Itriefirg • - ftbm Iknifij• Weakness scbetiter inht:tent in Til.e.s-Tsrzar. OR PRODUCRD BY SPITiAL 04.110 gt. Nosnrso tbiit is not isifokspe,-gettiari:ndirthitira , Use in its nature enters r, con. +=TEM STOMACH' liITTHRS:\ TINE poralite lirf paration-contaitin ho mineral of any 4nd. no eleadly):q. tanical element ; no fiery ex , itaitt; blitit is Acputbi ntition of the extracts of rare bafiviii :4 - 045 'anti pints ;with ;with tho ptirest and 'mildest of zill'diflinits , s etiinnlaists: - - • - It is well to bo forearmed again - fit dtserumotrui;irwler as the Inimansystent can Le p:otected by brlnAttnsnearts againetmaladies engendered by an nuteholesnme steers. phere.irtiptire water and other external ettiiie!: OM= lETTEIVB ilrrreirs may be rolled onits n saretiOt. InAlialrfots•infet4eil with RE VTR AND tau been found infallible, as a preventive and Irreadatibleits a remedy, and tirouartnda who resort to it undeCappreben eion of en atteek, escape' the scourge; arid thousands who itegterC•to iivail thetnaolves. of its proteetteirtinitli tieala advance, are cured bye very brief course Of ibis marvelous' tripdicine. Fever Ind Ague patialta. after being ptioctwith quinine fur mouths in vain, until &kV saturated with that dangerous oltft,loid,are-wotlinfre quently restored to health rt ithin a few)da,yri bJ spa Imo of 110STETT:131VS urrrEß:s - Thenreak stomach is rophil¢ invigPlied and the slit petite restored . by this ag,reenble 10'4, and-Wee ft *prks wonders in cases ofPlgrryg.A. and ,in less confirmed fornis of INDIGESTIOiti. and tainless apperidot. as well vs upon the Byer, It ids* intrariablrratielres the CtINSTIPATI6N snperinitrocti. t:l,4tr . egnlar action of the digestivettutlsecretivo organs: Person of feeble habit, littbb;to NPAVOUtt ATTACES LOWNESS Off:fPtltlTS and FITS 'OP idiNOrpit, ilud, prompt and perniazent' zeliet from tii,ilattertn.-- toittlineny on this print is moat o:lntlitsiVet ntie from both sexoit The agony of BILOUS C01,,1C la immediatOy Nam ged n,aingle,dose 9f the stirnalem; end- by, Area sionally resorting to it, "the return 'of thU may he prevented. As a Orberol"ronle 'l2oSTSlTifi'S'BlTiltith pro- Atiee•nfrentewhlch must 'be exPerfeneed thbolirsed before: 10Y tan be in,l l faPPrecintad- -In easoa-cer9ON• KNESS, PItZIIATURP, ;MCAT and D EBILITY and D'ECHSPITUDS arising fimo - OLD • .AGE,It - Viereisels theolectrie" influence. - 'lre 0 re ' leseent stages of all disease; it operates asqedsligNifol ineigorant. Where the provers of , ]nature are retried, It operates to're-orrforee and re.e.Atabllsb Last, but not least,it la 711$ ONLY 5AP4470 1 5- LANTibeing manufactured 'fiom soitid and innocuous materlals, and entirolyfree from the acid eleMents pre sent morenr lose in all the ordinary tattles and tOrnub . • 19310,111447;,. - • No fatally medicine-has been so r may, be truly added, deservedly peril:ler-10th act Intel itgent periloul'Or the coniennnity, as qostirtvuol urmuts. Prepared by HOSTETTER , A , •• Pittibori, • Sold by ill Druggists, Oroserail:id Btoreksepstitetier: Niturt*);:i Air 11041,4_7 =FM Aikvsz oßrrii =EN =I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers