t,4.ll4l4.oTViil r toitrivty. - -. LOCAL ITEArs. , (*MP Wrrn Oen Feasns.—Last Week: 'wei spent two days in Pittsburg:' one in little Pa." three days in Philadelphia undene•in NeW York. • - • 'Did you ever ride fiorn Pittsburg to little • • Washington, twenty-six' miles„ in an old rashioned Troy coach, ninehnnrs by. the chick, Including twenty minutes for breakfast, (for the coach Starts at 5 , A. M.,) always on a hill, unless when you are at the top or'bottom? - . -Wehave been and gone and done it, and like . (ho man who tried to make . his wife ,stop ending fault, don't intend to try' again. Washington, county is a great place for sheep: The hill-sides were dotted with wooly heads. The citizens therahave elegant opportunities for , tpulling the wool over each others' eyes " Me were informed by a grazier that-the an- Amals fattened for the butchers were invaria bly once a day on currant jelly for one •ramth before they were killed: Swill fight between two rams, which reminded me of the proverbial meekness. of the sheep. They know better here, Tor the mothers thus fen- Aar Dr. Watts to their children: rung delight. to ba and butt, It je their undurit to— Your heat% they•tvere not made • - To butt4nch other through." , We rode. outside with the driver on our Way OVO, audited a good view of the e Tolling country ; and felt that it must be a great, place for coasting in the winter:— ~Washington we foun,l-to ha aliveitawn, fall -c'af business and energy. Here we all know ' la the Bank that under the PreSideney of - old Mr. Rltun never suspended siivie pay . Picas until the government issuits legal tenders. Surely it should be called the Phoenix." On my return I had excellent company. from Cannonshurg, at - Which place .; spiting soldier, who had been won.nded, and had been spending a furlough at' home, And Was now on his way back to a Philadelphia hospital, got in the stage aceompatieci by three young lady friends. They were kind repo - ugh' to, make me one of tbei, and we had a: jolly time. We hope to meet them all - again " when this cruel war is over." In fact we'd like to see the Pa of one of the las -ties: Who knows what might happen! • We visited the works in Pittsburg where they.make the big cannon for,Unele Samuel, and were astonished-0d icithfounded. The Pen° cannot be des4ribed.rwittrout pictures. Let Harper send an nittst out there, and he wiltget up one of the most interesting mei cies ever prepared for that magazine. When we - see, in the papers the words "a fifteen inch cannon," we get no idea at all of, the enormous engine of death. The vast number of cannon in Various stages of completion, the huge .machinery, the furnaces, the re sistless lathes, the crowds of operatives, and the bewildering din are extremely trying on ano'S nerves. It would take more than. a single visit to +enable one to - ook upen - the. various processes from the.easting to 9spee fon with any degree of calmness. In New York we found evergbedy busy,, making 'all the money they could.. We heard no talk of the war, and on venturing to en quire of a friend what he thought of ' Burn sides' situation, received in answer : "Oh, *'w, I ca-an't tell—where is lie R" Sow TO CONINIOLCA.TE wrrif thuols Pais OVICRB IN RICA MoND:r—Letters should be written on tt half sheet of . note or letter pa-: per, and only on cite side. They should relate aolelito matters !purely dorueStic. Enclose ; 411e letter in an unsealed envelope, and pit in -flve cents for postage. Address it to the Or son_ for whom it is intended, giving his coin- Te,3lßent and the prison in which he ta i ga - dimwit at Richmond, ta. ' On-the left- • band corner mark " Via Flag of Trace, care - - itrßet. Gen. S. A. Meredith, 'United States 'Commissioner for. Exchange, Fortress Mon _ roe, Then eneloge it a sealed enve lope, addressed " Brig. Gen. S. - A. Mere dith, Fortress . Monroe, Va." Mondy should Ve sent in the same manner as letters. It Will - be taken in charge by the z4Jbel , authorities at the prisons, and given - little by little to the person for whom it is intended. Persians sending boxes will do well to ob . earve,carefully the following directions.— ~idark the • :Co —, Reg't Vols., Prison, 4 .13 y Flag of rruce:" Richmond, Va. ' Care of Brig.. Gen. S, A. Meredith, U. S. Commissioner for Exchange, Fortress Monroe, Virginia. • ' Pitt in an unsealed envelope, directed tothe party in the prison, an exact, invoice (marked freight paid) of the contents of the box, in, close this envelope, with the Express compa ny's-receipt and five cents for'postage, in an other envelope, sealed and directed to Gen, Meredith. Send this by mail. Send the box by oxprese, freight paid, to Fortress Monroe. • If there are more boxes than one, number each one, and mark opposite to this number in the invoice the contents of the box. ,C4rr. Drainy has, we learn ,unofficially, • made report to Gen. Couch of his operations tinder the order requiring 'him to adjudicate military claims. He examined every elaiin ~„-presented until the order was revoked and passed upon the following: 4issiiertificates of Quarter...... s l,96l,2 9 SAilniad VrattsPurtntinn, end claims cer . iilied ,by *triune officers on memorandum receipts. 31,348,85 '4l#4freleicas verbally proven 3,681,81 Total =He -estimates the' amount unadjusted at gout for which partial or complete prociffias been presented. • learn that Capt. ,Denny reports that he has found very little disposition on -the part of claimants to extortion ; but od the contrary, our people, as a. rule, seemed dig-, pored, to act liberally towards the govern tont. ' He reports also that the materials furnished by our citizens :to the troops,' On which these clainiie based , were at prices . twenty per cent cheaper, than .the, govern . . • ment could have proeured them through the regular channels. ' It is a cOmpilnient of rico common charac ter to Capt benny,-that while& has adjudi cated claims with a scrupulous regard to the interests of the ,governMent. he has given the highest measure - of satisfaction to the people by his marked integrity of purpcLge and his uniform courtesy. " • • OXE - are gratified to learn that the heavy mercantile firm of EysterW Brother, in this place, liave•adopted the . Ol ) TE PRICE s,yitem"andmein to adhere to it rig idly under all eirournstancei. , This is an im portant step in the 'right direction, -and --ine hope -soon to hear of all' our business den adopting it. While this system is but just to the public, it must prove eminently ed-: vantageous to reputable dealers such as EYs ter & Brother who enforce' it. AS long ins people will go from place to place and Niggle ahout_the price of goals,: and merchants ac commodate themselves to that system of deal ing, theyi,must ave "asking" prices which fair cus om pay, and'a lower schedulel of rates to which they can fall-when cOnfiOnted by the class who are never contented unless they purchase for a few pennies below what they deem the current price., ' The great advantage of the one price h.'s tem is that all customers are placed upon en tireequality—the jockey and the-just dealer pay the same, and customers can ever .'eel as safe in sending a child or servant to slick store,-as if he went nimself, for the price is uniform to lag. We are glad that a house enjoying the confidence of the people, as does, that of Eyster & Brother, has led off in this reform; and it-cannot fail to increase their already immense business. HOSPITAL DONATION:—Mrs. E. B. ennyL packer, Matron of the Franklin Hall Ilespi:- tal acknowledges the receipt of the follow,- ing articles for use of the ,patients, and in the name of the sick soldiers returns thanks to the donors : ' Mr- Stoufer. 1 bushel dried apples; :Mrs. Nixon, 63 doz. pickles athl 1 pock beets; RV/. Mrs.,Schneck!, front Sanitat y Commission and Ladies Aid 211 pairs woolen socks, 6 shirts, 4 pair drawers,: and rsadink mat ter; Mrs. Jedbries and tireenawalt, 2% bushels! pota toes, 1 bushel apples. 19 heads of cabbage, tits. 'tipplo butter, 1 b..ati plum butter, 1 pia. doz. rusk ; Mrs. Jeffries, 2 pies ; altss Tustin, 12 heads cabbage;; Mrs. Urcenaatalt, Fayetterill ,e lead Cabbage; bmhel potatoes ; Mr. J. Gelwicks, 2 bushel oysters ; Mrs. Fish. 2 piest Mrs. Schnuck, 6 pier, Mrs. h ixott,lB pies; !dm Eliza Doke. sausage, scrapple and 4 helms cabbage,; a r. Jaeob livka, 2 fruit cakes, nod /jelly c tke ; PeteSPyock and snow lull 6ociety, 1 vessel of apple butter. -In addition to the above, three Ladies came from Phoenixville, Chester Co.; 'vith a Thanksgiving dinner. They brought -j,- 1 buret cabbage, 1 barral,turnipit„.l barrel Pam:llml barrel beets, 1 peck apples. is barrel Onions. 201bs ern mge. 20 ibs scrapple, 4 p.tirs chickens. 11 lbs brit ter, 10 Ihs cheese. 2 large limns. 3 dna. eggo 2u qts. imphr butter dU pies, 5 doz. biscuit, 1 jar pick.e s 4 loaves or home made bread. , This is the fourth time the Lades Of the above named town have sent supplies.; AT HOME Acam.- - --o,ur friend' capt—A. J. Snyder, Co. Hy 16th Penna: -Cavalry, is now at hoine on leave of absence. Fie. con tributed no'little to the formation of his core : . mand and has been in nearly every engage ment in the cavalry encounters of the, army of the Potomac since he entered the 'service some eighteen months ago. Some titre prior to the battle of Gettysburg, he was tine in-the arm at Aldie,Na.,' but notwithstand ing, participated in e - le great battle, •egtir& less of his wounds. His wound subsequently proved to be of a serious character and it was only through the most careful treatment that his arm - was saved from amputation. The Captain is a true soldier and expects ere long to rejoin MS command. _ --in ~,, .Orr FUELOUGEt AND I{E-Eiktiasyp.e following named soldiers, of Co. to,, llth - Penna.. Cavalry- from this place will vicin ity, are now at home on thirty dnys fur lough: Sergeants S. A. Weldy, Jacob H. Miles, H. N. Scott, and J. A. Smith, and Privates James Shuman, T." N. T. Ayers, and David Shatzer. These gentlemen' have all re-enlisted for three years. We are glad td . no ice that though they have been performi4 the ar dtrous - duties of soldiers for more thati, two years, their physical appearancezdenotes the possession of excellent health. ' ' Holz. Jourr Baonou.—AmOng.lho, most conspicuous of the many distinguished visi tors in attendance at the Gettysburlm dedica tion ceremomes iA was the Hon. Jnor Brough, Governor el4ct Tf Ohio. He is a man of pon-, .de.rous physical 'proportions and of the most attr tctive sdcial qualities. Many tr our cit izens were introduced to him andwere high ly delighted with his jovial manners and generous heartedness. Veil on so short acquaintance it, is not difficult to Understar4 why his influence and success -in the, late Ohio campaign were so remarkable. TimmAs H. It'DowEra„ one of urcitizen prisoners now in Sali,bury, N. C. wrote his father on the 12th ult., saying-:-- , 1 We have been getting along very well so far, and I hope it may continue during , our' impris.on ment. The officers here appear to do, every thing for our Comfort that is consistent with their duty." All reports from Salsbury rep resent that prisoners fare better there than they do in. Richmoftd. We think that the day of -their deliverance is not faridistant. THE rebel Gen. Jenkins has been promo ted to' a Major Generalship, "on account of of his_darink operations in Pennsylvania," and now commands Hood's old divi4ion in Bran's Army, The Pilot suggests ( tbatlm 'boden should be made a Lieut. ' General as "he it the.greater thief of the twlr." $37,191,46 Goon likto3.—We can confidently recoru 7 triend'the gold pens adirertised by A. MorL ton ittlto-day's paper. Having tried them .we can. vouch .flir - their superidi qualities_ .Drcler s mayle sent by_inail, with 'entimoon; Ilene° that,titey will be glad, ihtineatly i and promptly. - • franittin ',ltepopitorni 0 3 t4 1 1141"-$4, 18. 3. in— vited to the_ lidc'ertiseliaeht of 'Jay Cooke, Esq., offeringthe Fire-twenty s bondsforstile. They are undoubtedly the safest and best se .curitylo invest surPlus funds in, and we con fidently conitn,end:them to the people of Franklin-county. They can be had ou ap plication to George. R. Messersmith, Esq:, at the Bank of Chambersbnrg. ANOTHER BA.'reit OF REB PRIEVERS II ,— . Capt. &lellihg of the Invalid Corps, started yesterday morning with - another butch of Re'b .prisoners for - Fort Delaware. This is• the third party forwarded to the Fort:within the last two weeks , from this-station. TiE 77th, Col. Stumbaugh's,old regiment; is now with Gen. Hooker.' It lost severely in the battle of 'Cliieltaifiauga: -and most of its officers were captured. It now numbers less than 200 effective men: EX - Eadrrlow.—Persons legally entitb , d to exemption from military service, can apply any time before the 20th of December— See notice of the Provost Marshal in our' adver. tising columns. ' • REv. DR. DOnsET, pastor of the Luthe ran congregation in-Waynesboro, died at the parsonage in that ylace on Thursday a wea l aged about sixty years. DIVIDEND.—The Hagerstotvn and Sharps burg Turnpike Company have declared a dividend of 18 per cent., besides retaining a sufficient sum to repair the roads. TECANXSGIVING.—Thanksgiving day was generally observed. All places of business -xere closed, and religious service was had in the churches which have regular pastors. APYEAA—Ta*payers should notice the advertisement of the Commissioners giving the days of appeals in the several districts. Two men named. Thomas, father-and son, of Horse Valley;' are in the Huntingdon jail for the robbery of Mr. Cree's store. - TUE Union Hotel in Shippensbnrg iias been sold to li. F. Keller, who intends to re fit it for stores and a private dwelling. Tn Hotel property of the late Geo. An ddrson, in. Quincy, was sold on Friday last to Daniel Logan for $5,600. J. McDowEt:L- SHARPE, Esq. has recov, ered from his late protracted illness, and re sumed the'dutie's of his profession. REV. J. Wianrntix bas been ordained as pastor ot the Piesbyterian Church of Green castle. IN these exciting war times, everybody Would avail themselves of the most reliable dailies con taitiing-the latest nformution by telegraph, and array correspondents. Plailadelphia inquirer and Harris burg Telegraph ern :acknowledged te be in advance of all other dailies in this respect, and sill be furnished reg ularly to subscribers on the milli - tor each mall. by Sot. A. Huber. Le:ivi3 your orders at Huber it. Tolbert' Hardware Store, Where single copies -can always be ob tained. .1 TILE "Rebel Scare" is over and the peolile breathe flee itgalti. So do the Iterchalits and Trades men, who have latie quantities of goods on hand. The colt • qttenee is that goods will M. cheap for a while just to E t them off hand, fir fear the Bebe might come. N .w . Is the time then to boy cheap. Gordon mye he will sell lire stock of Saddles, ilarnes4, Bridles, &u., just as cheap as they can be bought any where. It you don't believe him go gaff try. _ lIEYEER & CRE.4sLER. sell the best Kero sene in the minket. Also the best quality of Coal Oil Lamps at the 'Limn pi ices. ffeyser t Cresster ate eonstwaly adding, fresh Drnge to"th dr stock, and can always supply the best quality of goods in their line. JUST received, a lot of small Kerosene Lamps, convenient for carrying .nbout the. honse, very cheap: Also, the best CO.tl Oil at 20 cts.'n hurt at • 'llatsctt k CRISSLER'S Drug Store. WILEN,you have been every place and cant find what yen want, go to °swims' cheap Whale sale and Retail Store. Ile keeps everything. GELIVICSS keeps the largest assortment of Groceries and Hensel:o(l;4lg article 3 in town. Ile sells camp at Wholesale and Retail. BuY your Kerosene Oil from Gelwieks, he agent for one of the best Oil Companies in the State and always sells the best oil whoissale and retail. • READ Gelwicks' advertisement in this weeks paper. , . . LEGAL INTELLIGENCE 'COMMON PLEAS-WRITS ISSUED. 'There were no writs issued in the Com mon Pleas during last week. ORVILAN.4' COEIST—LETTERS GRANTED. The following _letters of administration and letters teitatnentary were issned during last week : - Estate of Geo. Lehman, late of Green township; let ters of Administration to Michael R. Wenger: • &tato of ?dial:to] Little, late of Wnshington township ; letters teetenitiatery to John iI. llerr. Estate of John Shollito, late of Gnilfird township; let• ten testamentary to Samuel Grossman. EStato of lisliry Gordon, late of Washin;;ton townslilp; letters of Sdininistration with will annexed to Catha• rine Gordon, , Estate ofJesse Bowen, late of Missouii; letteis of ad ministration to Daniel Ilawbecker. Estate of Samuel J. Crunkleton, late of Antrimtown skip ; letterslestamentary to James S. CGrunkletou and Jnlin Royer.' r - ACCOUNTS PILED The folloiiiinc , Executor's, Adininisfrator's and Guardian' Accounts were filed daring last week: AcCatint of Isfutcli: McCauley, A dmfrilitrator of tho rns McCauley. dee'd. ' Account of henry Miller, Guardian of Henry and Ma ry E. Stahl: „Account of q eo. W. Brewer, Adm'r or John S. Kerr. ADMINISTRATOR'S - NOTICE.- Notice is hereby given* that Letters of Adminis trat A DMINISTRATOR'S to the littate of Henry Gordon ' with the will annexed, late of Washington township.dec'd, have been granted to the undersigned, residing said township. All persons Indebted to the said Estate, are hereby re quested to netke immediate payment,and those laving olainis or: demands againsttlie &dated' said decedent, will make known the "same without delay. to dee:, CATHARINE GORDON, Adnerx. CRT[ age Steaiii, Engine of *aboitt twenty none power.- Also ataw Mill Ctrr age and gearing, Any. person, ;having Any of. the above ertletiii for sale will find t twarchaser by iddressing. . this Ofilet, r Deo. 2, IS-ti. • ; - ARMY OF THE POTOMAC FORWARD MOVEMENT COMMENCED. CROSSING THE' RAPIDAN RIVER. Very Brisk Skirmiihing in Progress. WAsnricaTor,. Nov. 27, 1863. M. ode's army moved yesterday morning, •• in th ee coluinhs, towards theßapidan. One column crossed. at Culpeper Mine Ford, be low Germania Ford ; another crossed at Ger mania, Ford, and third' , at JacObs' Mills bridge, a few.-miles above Germania. • A pontoon' bridge was laid . about noon at Germania Ford„' and a column crossed the river without opposition. 6 ' - Firing was ' inard . yesterday,..while the army Was' croising from - the direction of the lower ford, and which was suPpoied to be our advance encountering the enemy's outptists. The latest advices, up to six o'clock- this morning, from •Gbn. Wade, repOit, that the whole-army is across the river, with its trains encountering scarcely any opposition. The Army of the 'Potomac' moved at an early hour yesterday morning, totvards'the Rapidan: and General Meade and his staff followed at seven o'clock: The army advanced in three columns, to cross as many (Efferent fords.l TOE LATEST. INTELTAGENCE WASIIINGTOX, Nov. ,27..—Accounts receiv ed to-night froth the Army of the Potomac say that.our - troops broke camp yesterday morning, and marched toward the - R: ,'*an river - in three columns.* The right wing ; ' supported; - by the Sixth Corps, was ordered• to cross at Jacob's Ford; below' Raccoon Ford - ; the centre to cross at Germania Ford, and the Fith Corps,-support ed by the First; to cross at Culpeper Ford. which is situated between Germania and Ellis Ford. ' The centre column arrived at Germania about noon, at. which' time only a small force of the Georgia Cavalry were seen at the other side of the Rapidan. ' The latest relialble inteligence is that Lee's forces do not exceed. 50,Outf men. General Ewell, if not dead, is at least relieved from the, command of his corps, in consequence of disability occasioned by the stump of his lee having' broken out - afresh. He has been sac ceeded by Gen. Early. The Rebel cavalry is nominally 6000 strong but is, much less. Early's Corps is fdrtitied from a point near Rottman Run, south of the Rapidan, following the crest of hills westwardly, .where itconnects with General -Hill's Corps, : which covers ,`the Rapidan and and thence proceeding westwardly. • The enemy's right flank, near the moun tain, is protected - by' a line Of , works diverg ing -from the river. defenses,' running south and then southwest, resembling our own ipo sition at Gettysburg. n - • Our grossing_ points, .therefore, were all between the Rappahannock and the Rebel position. A portion of our' troops (reached the other side of the Rapidan yesterday, and the re mainder to day, together with the headquar ters, which moved at 9 o'clock this Morning. The enemy were diseovdred in force, but contracted their lines and_felltack from the river. No opposition was rnade toour cross ing except atono a the. upper fords. ihortly after nine olelock this morning heavy cannomidingommeoced and continu ed up to fire o'elocit this afternoon without intermission, brit no' particulars .of the en gagement have been received. at Washington. 'The firing was probably along both sides of the plank road in front Of - Orange- Court House, as this was;expected. to' be the battle-4 field: H I - THE .LATEST. Accounts of Meade's forward' movement. up to Saturday morning have come to Wash ington by special messenger. Gen. Gregg's cavalry on the left herd a severe fight with the rebel cavalry, and the hitter were driven 'back on their infantry. Gregg then fell back on the Fifth Corps, ; who in turn drove the rebel infantry back arid took position as the left wing of Meade's army. The,Second Corps. under Warren, drove the rebels be yond Robertson's tavern, Fund formed as the centre of our line. On Or right a division of the Third Corps fOught a heavy body of Ewell's Corps. The Third Division of the /mil Corps is said to hale lost five hundred men killed, wounded and prisoners. Gen. French reporrnaving captured 900 rebels. The troops on our Centre had no heavy fight ing. On, Saturday it wa6 found that the en emy -had retreated two miles. It is reported that Lee has prevented Kilpatrick frompas sing' the river up Racoon' Ford on our 'left. REPORT OF THE MARKETS PIIIL-4DELPHI..,J)I 4 .IRKL'TS PHILADEILPHiA., Nov.. 30, 1803 Pliant—Only some 400 bbls have been disposed of at $7 50e7 75 for western extrt family,, the latteefor choke Ohio ; the side: to the trade limited attss 75®6 25 tor super fine: $6 5067 for extra§; $7 2,5®8 for • extr: family, and $8 50 to $lO ef?. bbl for fanc3 brands; as in 'quality 4,yr. Ftana and Cox' •AIRAL are scarce and wanted at fully forme) rates, with smtril sales Of the former at $6 5• bbl. Win :Kr—Sales of about 10,000 ;bushels, al 16:5 168 c for reds—and small lots Kentucki white at 200e210c, is in quality. RYE better, and 15U0 bushels Delaware brought Cosh—Sales of old yellow at 12.1 - c, and new ilt 1.084110 C. o.krs are unchanged, and $OOO bushel's sold at 87d weight. PRODUCE kARKET. CORRECTED WEEKLY CHA3fBERSBURG,I3e,..I,IB63 2J WASHED WOOL 115 UNWASHED WOOL . 9 CLOVER SEED ' 8 Timontl.B . Bg9 4to 8 ?tax Sak9 . 12 Paitto Pi&otnta... 8 ThirpAßEDTEsotirs 1 50 DAUM o=3, Baran - Ecios LAap SOAP Bacot HANSA ..... BACON BIM BOLT Burrs • GatiMBE.RSB VIM POUR AND GRAIN MARKET. CORRECTED AT CiCA:4BEP.SBIJRO Floor—Red 'Wheal—Mate Wbeat—Red.... ' Oorn .... .. MEE OM POTATO: MARKET. - 45 Mercer, New Bint•&yetr:.:. lEEE e abbertioemento. tit OUSE AND LOT AT PRIVATE 1111 SALE.—I Will sell at Private Sale, untO the 20th of this month, the property of Mrs. Mary McKeehan, 'near the Siur Kill - of Shepler, Oath At , CO. Fissifeston given the let s of April next. JOSEPH CLAEXE, clec24t , - • Agentof Mrs. Mary McKeehan. • - Axon - auertiontwitto: -riLlyrn FOR LADIES CLOAKS , —A splendid Black Cloth, 2.7s—Tery low. at ; fIREAT BARGAINS IN FIIRS.I-- 131 Only $9 for &lull set of,L4dieentetE- 1 T' s NOW. 'IS THE TIME' TO - GET only 3 6D et' the cheap Hat; Cap and Fur Store of -J.l. DECITERT. PAPE OVER COATS FOR BOYS! j Cape Over Coats for Boyer! el V ery fur Boys!! Very low Ie low, kt A.. 1. WHITE'S. VARMERS' AND MECHANICS'. _uras . DANK, - Charabeilbterg, Peoembir lBtl3. o Annual Election for Directors will beheld on Sotu - .rtSe RA of December. between the hours of 1 awl 4 o'clock, P.M.. r JOHN ARMSTRONG, R. R. FISHER, President.. [dec23t( Veneerer. Hot 11i1TOTICE.--Left ht the el of' the undersigned. in Pletouint Mall. about the Ist or August lost, &BRINDLE STEER, rising two years old, with a white spot on bin forehead. The owner is request ed to prove Property; pay charges and fake him away, or he will be disposed of according toIAW. • - • dedr3t* ABRAHAM KEEFER. LOTHING 1 CLOTHING! I kj.seafBkin Coats! . Seal 81i4:1 Coats! Seal Skin Coats! Blistnessenatsl Balinese. Coats! Business Coats 1 it Sack Coats! Sack Cads 1 Sack Cancel Sack Coats! 'Bilys Sults! 'Boys Snits! Boys. Salts! Bays Suits! - Pants! Pants! Pants! Pants I Tanta! Pants! Pants, Vests! Vests Vestal 'Vesta! Vests! Vests!, Vests! • Call and Exatnlne 1 Call and txaminel.- at A.Z.W IIITE13 1 ! at A.T. WHITE'S tit A. 3. , it BITES! EL'2oN4i,' CO.;' • • COMMISST . ON • and Moslem in - LEATFIER,StatiC, Site4,P, - AND CALF SHIN, - N 0.434 North:Third Street, Philadelphia. Leather, Suntan . and Skins: bought or sold on Commis- Mon.. Advances made on Consignments. • [de& 3m] AI).MINISTRATOD,SNOTICE.---L. 'Notice is hereby given that Letters of Adminis .,ration on thaßstate of Jesse Bowen, late oft ho State of klissouri, dee'd, have been granted to the undersigned, re-riding in Montgomery township, Franklin CO., Par. ' Aii pefircina knowing themselves indebted to said ts • rte will please make immediate payment; and these tying claims will present hem properly nuthentlea tetl r r settlement. rdec2) BANIELITAWBBCKER. Adel t. IDMINISTRATORS'NOTICE.- - ivotici' is hereby given that Letters-of Administra- On to the Estate of flenry Unger, late of :Waynesboro, .e'd. have been granted to the undersigned, residing In dd Borough. Ail personsknowingthernselvesindebted tosaid Estate 111 please make immediate payment, and those having has p res ent theta proPerly th en Cleated [Ornettle ,eat. [dec2) SUSAN UNGER., Adin`rx. PUBLIC SALE.—The undersign ed, Administrator of George Lehman, late of Creep !.,,wnshlp, deed, will offer at Public Sale, at the'residence of said dec'd, about 2 miles north of Chambersbnrg. . n Friday, the 11th day of December. 1863, the following PrdPezty: to wit: • ""'. THREE 3IARBS, two of which are with foal; Ahead of Cattle, twoof 'winch are Cows with calf: 4 fat Bogs and 8 Shotei. Also, 1 NARROW-TREAD WAGON;"I Spring Wagon ; 1 Rockaway Buggy; 1 Sleigh; Plows and Harrows; I Windmill; Forks and Rakes; harness; and Bridles; 1 Saddle; Single and Double Treat ; HAY BY THE TUN; Corm by the barrel; Otain in the ground,; Potatoes by the bushel ; a lot -of Corn Fodder: also a general variety of Household and Kitchen FUR NITCRE. consisting in part, of-Beds, Bedsteads; Tables, int; Stoves and Pipe, Queens, Tin and Crockery Ware, .1111 many other articles. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock. when the terms-will he made known. 'MICHAEL It. WENGER.Aduer. dec2 C. Setnta, Anctiuner. LIST OF LETTERS ieinitinin'gin the Post Office at Chambersbnrg. Dec. 1, 1863: Albert J Fanolaivi Ann Montgomery Mrs Bremen Andrew:l FrenchNrsMaryE Margaret 2 Barns MrsAtma M Grove S A Miller Agwitris Butter Martha A Grove N P Powell Janie. , B Brown John B Garrott Min Hate RosenburgJolinW Brunyate Wm Diablo Jo , RobisintMierßebea. Barton N E Mies , Robinson Julin F. Champumn Mrs Margrirett entith Henry Prof Mary E ' Wayne JB. Dr Smith Emanuel -Cooper MreAdallnyardridge Mitts ribanck John S .01iristan Anna D -Mary C . Snyder John P Coleman John Jones Mrs gary Bleary Miss Mry 'Christ. Jacob Kelley Margret'. Wynehoop Jolin Duffield 'Jatnes Kaiser William' Wagr.erJes,e. _• Dooley M. 3,34 Mary Lockbaum Josep Wan;oil His Om Davis Wm H Lee Mrs Elizabeth Wright MIA Ettle Durtts F Little Mrs Sarah Wright Miss Nary E'versole Jacob F Levy John J . NVillsonMrs J Felton Mi,Emmie Sicairmick Mr Young Lient Rohl' Persons calling for the above Lettters will please ray that they have been advertised- J. W. DEAL, '. M. . . ÜBLIC SALB.—kanklin Hotel, ' - Greencastle, Pa.—The subscrilieri. - will - offer at %laic nale l on the premises. on Saturday, the 19th day i f ill of Dccember, 1803, the FRANKLIN HOTEL, and LOT OF GROUND, now occupied by Daniel Foreman, situated on Carlisle Street, near the Diamond. The House con tains two Parlors ,onion the drat and one on the second door : Dining.ll:Ocm, 14 Bed Rooms, Kitchen, Bar Rooth, !Lc. The YARD is large und well arranged for persons stopping with buggies and wagons. The, STABLE is in good condition, and capable of accommodating 40 to 5 - 0 horses. There is n good Cistern on the premises and a Well of excellent water near the kitchen door. There is anew pair of Root & Case's BAY AND STOCK SCALES in the yard. The yard is well adapted for weighing stock, being large and entirely • enclosed with a gdod fence. Ferson4 desirons of viewing the property will please call on the present occupant. who will show the same. Nimes ton and_good title will be given on the la day of 1864. Sale to commence at I o'clock ; when terms will be made known by ~ . C.C. FOLTZ. - d ec 2.3t I - 2ND. F. CROFT. ORPHANS' 'COURT* SALE OF REAL ESTATE.—Tho subscribers, Administra tors of the Estate of Matthew 011ian, late of the Bor. 'ugh of Chambersbnrg, deed, will sell under an or lerof the Orphans' , Coort of Franklin County. on- Tues. biy, the 2.2 d ey Ilecemher,-1863;at l'o'clock. P. M.. a LOI 111t0END, late the property of said deed. situate or Nest Market Street in the -Borough of Charn , . ersburg 'minded by Market Street on the north, lot at Altman I! ler Fritz on the west, 1111 Alley on the south and lot o ... 4 tobert E. Tolbert on the east, having thereon erected : i . hres etdrY BRICK *FRONT BUILDING and . 2 two-stor' 4 trick litck Buildings. The Front Building, beside th, A loan Img Housecoat:Wm a good Store Room and a !erg , :ad commodious Saddle and Harness Maker Shop, with : iurge run of custom being an old Established Stand. Ii he 'nick. yardthere..is a. CisturmAnd-an.excellent Wet if Water. There is also erected on the lot. a large Brie', gable and ether- improvements. • ThO buildings are alt iew, having been built bat nfetryears.- - A good oppot trinity Manse offered to persons seeking. alms tin en to hIl• Real- Estate. Terms rondo known o» day of Salt , by' CATHARINE O. GILLAN, Admyrx, 1 . 110.11A8 Adm'r. dec2-te ORPHANS' - COURT SALE OF REAL ESTATE.—The snbscribers, Administra• tots of the Estate of George Lehmastee. tate of the Bor.: ough of Chambereburg. decd, will sell under au eider. of the Orphant eenft of Fsankbit County; at Public Sale,on'the premises, on iVecintelay, theMd of Demn her 1563: at 1 o'clock. the following -suitable Real Estate, late the property of slid deed : Purport let- Consisting of , half LOP OF GROUND. situate on Main Street in the Boibegh. o:Thambersburg. bonndedmest by Main Street, senthby lot of Carrie .t Susan !let rick, east by a sixteen feet alley. and on the mirth by lot of Angtotas .Rineman,, with a two story BRIOIC DWELLING HOUSE, and Back Building there , on erected. Also, ' 1 At the nine time and place, a TRACI' OF MOUNTAIN 43 i LAND, situate in St. Thomas towtuship, Franklin co, Pa., 0,,,! bounded by lands of Ephriam'Yondg, 4eo.Roller, John 230 Crones's heirs end' belie of James Campbell, dee'd, con . 3 25 I twining 16 ACRES and 59 PERCHES neat Measure. The 3 0a„ above mentioned Land is well covered with toting and' i ho Thrifty Timber.' Perscnswishing to view the premises 0,1 3 1 before the day of sale. can do so by calling on - the under signed. Terms made known on the day of sale, by PHILIP LEMASTER,} JOHN A. LEISIASTER. Aaron:Cm dec2 puBLIc SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE.—The undersigned.'Executors of ernes Eennedy, late of Gnißoni township, dec'd.'; win G&W itt Public Sale, on the premises, ink Saturday. the.l9lA day of Deccrsher, 1863, the following described RealtEstate,towit. - All that ' , minable GRIST suLti, Situate about halt mile South.west of t hatnhersbtrg, on the Conococheague Creek. The MILL is two story, part Frani., and part Brick, kiss three ran-of Stone, and has lately been thoroughly repaired. There are attached to said pro perty', II ACRES and 10 PERCHES' of Land. part of which is exeellent Meadow land a one and a halt titer} Roughcast DWELI.JNG HOUSE,, and Stable.- The Ma has a lar,e town and country custom. Also, At the same timeand place,s, TRACT OF TIMBER LAND. sitaateln R.unUton township, tibout 814 miles from Chatribersburg, and, abOut half "mile from the Warm Spring read, bounded by landed James Andrews. John Shaffer,Charies Lightner and others, coati:inlet: SO ACRES and 13S;PERCIIESineatt, measure. This tract Is wellcovered,Wlth Pine,llickory and Oak timber, and if desired at the sale, will be subdivided in small tracts &u n to tdke place etthe at 3 o'clock, P ., 3i , of said day, wh'eu terms 'wlR be made known by dad E Y,l T. J.. B . : "EriN E D DY ' I etecutors. S 7-06 650 1 60 • 14 1 .t.... 100 ~~ TrAY.—Wattited. - 50Tpns of-GOOD i j 11 Tntarnyrey. fir *bleb - tholiicheat Wl* to aid,. will be paid ntl &livery. [il,e6•24t} P. W. g.2.EBEI.ILT. .VXECITTORS' NOTICE:--Notice Is hereby given I hat Letters Testmnentary to the latati of Samuel .1. errinkleton,lato ot Antrim town. deed. have been granted to the andta fug' in said township. - • . - -.• • - - All personeindelded tothesaid Estate.areherebyree quested tomake immed late navel rindthose having • claims or demands against the Estate of said decedent . will ma k e known the same withogi delan.to - JOliN J AMPS CIttI:NES„,,ETON,-}'Ex!rii de `.M MYERS & BRA.NP.—FFitiaI Notice. —AA pert ma owing the firm on Book account er ote. are urgently requested to mall at the Store :tulips."' op before the Ist of -Jatutary,l464,as it is linpossible for me to. call in person on 600 pervons ; - tunny of whoPr would say call again. , One visit from each mill slISWer, many of whom have hid a credit Irani a: menthe to' Gears; have nettle. time nor inclination to gobear Imp. er with those who have abased thecredlt. system. These who feel it a duty to colt and pay will have my thank., and those who don't call may rest asstifed.thit, snit" witt be brodght without respect to persons. 4 4 wordito 014 wise Is sufficient. Come along lam waitin g t o 'MO. • dec2-5t 'SAMUEL MILLER & HENSIIET, iTvsrs, • - S T,ORE 0 N THE 'DIAM D Have just rsteivrd n large and fresh Stock of - ierf4:lflcALs, AND SPICES, • - nu:chased frimirrelisbis Mises' in'inerEUstS.rn and offered to the' nnblie as strictly pure. having a Spice Mflt, upon - which is ground all the .• - .• - • CIIINAMON;CPVItS. - , .. SWEET llAAJfilitfic., , . sold by Thew- Spires. arejlw,sys ,fresh and prim • Rimember this •as the butchering geaaon POT here, and tonialso good puddings and,ssustqes you must MIN a good Spicea. tORCITRI NG BEEF AND POliK. —Don't tt)rget to Cnli at MILLER k. REEBREY'q en get the prelevatlol they_ make for This iiiirpuBe,4f yon: would have xtre,t Mame and geed corned Vett; • AIifILY,DY,E,COLORS.--A new jarticle and font whet ie needed in every wally, at !HILLER TVOILET 'ARTICLES, ~STERLINWS AMBROgA,,COOO.&I2U; lIAIR,DYES,YOSIADES. - . • ' EXTRACTS OP _ Alit KINDS, - • =MIMS, COMM, 'OOTII BR:eseEk and atoll aesattment of every thingl, in the Toilet line, can be had at ' MILLER & IIENt31111”. pATENT onharill a complete at .ckrif all the molar latent 'Medicine; of the day. at ISELI.EIII, kll InSUET'S. - yrEROSENTI OIL,I ' 'ltEllo3'n't PT: LAWS; Cr[ritNEYS AND IVItIfl." ALCOHOL. FLUID AND A toll assortment of such articles ustinily fails] inn Drug. Eton), can Ive Mit at 3IILLEIi d 111isinlIRY'S TERItS CABIL" , • rtlec 2.1 fitr..A:K I; It CITY Wal 11(1 7 !:13-1z r T.r.G E, N. E. Cbrrter ippt 1I i' II j. A, VrtDER - TTIE :44SVICIIIril• nr L. P A:I BA N S . A tar the - lain four years Prinelpal toodneen • iturnagerof Bryant a littrattdn'sComoiettial College. A MODEL BBSINESS COLL.EIIE, Conducted on a new system of Acttml I .thsinmo. Training - through the establishMent of legit tle.lo tali eta and Counti r eirAteuse,sepytawetirgdifltt de) at ltriMta . it Trade and 'Commerce. and it regular &wiz'. qf Dcposit and Issue,tgtviog the student all the -otGlter...es tdactu, al ptsictlce, and qi,i4ving Idea in tliO sh.ielest time and moat effecti* manner for the vatlum duties and employments of buslneof life. • The Celine of haat rrt tion in the Theoretical Depart meet embaces Book-7: erping. Commercial Clilculationg,, Leetureton thisincss A f fairs, Penn - ant/4, C.ostmerciad Cam, Porno, Cbrretpontience, In the - BUSINESS DEPARTMENT the student enters upon the Gruduatlng Pt:atria, which .includes a continuation in the above studies. With their practical application in their detail!, fie in , turn fill the position of Accountant and Proprietor in the various DepArtments lcif no/emit and Betel/ Trade, ' Forwarding, Jobbing, and Chmmission Business, Rank ing, Manufacturing, .Mining, ,Steamboating, de. and finally will act as Cashier, Book•keeperand Teller in 'the :Bank, in such of which positions his previous knowledge 'will be put to the fullest practi^al test. - This Institution often to young men numerator ad ' vantages not posiesied by any ether coinmercial 'College :in the State. It Is complete in . ail, its appointmenta. It 'is the only Institution in the State conducted on actual business principles. The course of instructien is no i amassed, and may bendmpletel in ationt one half the Uwe usually spent in other instittitiLns, In consequence of an entirely new arrangement, and the adoption of . . thenewpractical system. . , ~j )fploteite awardelkaira the, completion of the Coin ratatial Course, which — embraces all lex Tpt the 'higher seta of Manofodurikrg. Rstitnadittg. dec2l7 Send tar a Circular.' • t S.: -;5-20'S-. 7 --The :Secretwf:of he Treater - 3; has not yet given notice oi ,aily In. to withdraw this popntar Loan from S ilesat - Par, and until, tea days notice - is given, the undersigued, as ' •PENERAL SUBSCRIPTION AGENT,' will continue . 4> supply the public:, „ The whole amount of the Loan authoriztd it FPO; tiundred Millions of Dollars. NEARLY FOUR RUN. JRED MILLIONS RAVE BERN ALREADY isUBSCRI- J3ISD EGII. AND PAID INTO 'TAN TREASURY,mostIy within the last tevenmonths. The large cocoa from ibroad,and the mi Idly inereashighome demand for Ulla OS he hasisfor circulationby Nat ional.Baril.ing Assoolations how organizing in ell parts of the country, will, in a , very oho-period, absorb the balance. Sates, !aye Late ly. ranged from ten to fifteen millions weekly, frequent ly exceeding three millbins daily, sodas It la well known that the Secretaryof the Treasury has ample and un failing retourcefi In the Duties on imports' and Internal Rovenees. and in,the issue of.. the Interest hearing.Legal "Temier Treasury Notes, it is almost a certaltitythat he Will not find it netessary, for a long" time to alitle, to seek a market for any other long or permanent .lanna, TUE INTERE4T AND PRINCIPAL OR MUCH ABB PAYABLE IN GOLD., - Prudence and self interest must force the, a:dug of those contemplating the formation of National Banking . Associations;, as well as the minds of all :' , .ytho have lan volley on that hands„to the prompt conclusion that they should lose no' time in subscribing to this most popular Linn. It will soon be beyond their• reach, and advance to handsome premiere, es Was the. retitilt With the "Seven ,Thirte! Loan, whim it Iva* 01 sold add Mild no longer.tie aubscribetfibi" at par: IT IS A SIX „PER CENT, LOAN, THE' INTEREST AND PRINCIPAL PAYAIILE IN COIN, THUS YIELD ING OYER NINE PER CENT. PER ANNUM 'atithe present rats of ptentium on coin.. - The Government requires all dales on imports to be paid in Coin; these duties' have for a long time pest amounted to over a quarter of a Million of Dollars dallY a sum nearly three times griater than that 'required in the. payment of - the inttiest on a.I the 5.2t1e and - tither I perthanent Loans. So that it, Is hoped that the surplus Can in thetteasury, at, so Ali tent day, will enable the United States to mama+, specie payments , upon ltil Ur Wittiest' , The Loan I, celled 5.20 from' the fact that whilst the Bonds may run lox 20 yearn yet the Government has • right to pay them of in Geld at par, at any 'time after le years.- , THE INTEREST IS PAID 'RALF-YEARLY, via: olt thefirst day of NoVembest and May. :Subscribers can havegoapon Donde, which are Pays , bleto bearer, and are $50,11100,5500 hod $lOOO, or istered Bonds of. Game denominations, and In addition, O, oo ° and Sld,tloo. For 'Banking purposes and fat in vestments of Trust-moulaa the Re gistered Bonds are preferable. - -• . These 5.20's cannot be taxed by States, Cities, towns, ar colintiWand - tfil GoVerritient Mr on theM is 'only 'onoand.a.half, per cent., orrthe =punt of Income, ashen the Income of the holder exceeds Six Hundred, dellara per Anna= all other investments, each as ititotrifrom Mortgages Railroad Stock and Bonds, etc., must "pay from three to five per sent: tax on the Banks and Bankers thtmighout the Country Will .w6e , tinge to dispose of the Braids and all orders by : mitil or otherwise, promptly attended to. The Inconvenience of a few days' delay In ihedellvery of the Bonds is unavoidable, the dernsiatt f heinpo great; butes leterest cinturionces frith the day of ailiserip tion, . no Meets occasioned, and every effort is =Vs * cli O inieh the delay i•nb-saArlYptiorrAgauts'. 114 !oath, Third Street,PhiladelpWa. i1ec2 , 3% ~; Mal OMNI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers